Several quantitative MRI metrics have been proposed to quantify myelin in the central nervous system but each of them includes confounding factors that impair their sensitivity and specificity. Because these factors are different across metrics, data driven approaches developed for blind source separation problems to extract the common component between recordings of the same sources seem appropriate. This study compares linear and nonlinear methods to combine myelin-sensitive metrics: T1, MTR, MTsat, MTV (1 – PD). The repeatability of the resulting combined metrics as well as their sensitivity to different microstructural features are tested. A higher sensitivity is achieved with linear combinations.
Data acquisition & processing. The cohort and acquisition protocol are described in Fig.1, along with the methods used to produce original metrics maps5,6,14-18. Among the 33 scanned subjects, 16 underwent the protocol twice to assess repeatability. Using the Spinal Cord Toolbox19, each metric was registered to the MNI-Poly-AMU template20 and its WM atlas21 according to a semi-automatic multi-step process: the anatomic image was used to take into account the cord curvature, while the gray matter segmentation on the MT-weighted image was used to properly register the atlas to the cord internal structure.
Metric combination. Four methods were compared. For each one, the combining transformation was estimated on all subjects’ metrics value quantified in the main WM tracts by slice, using a Maximum A Posteriori estimator22 to minimize the effects of noise and movements during acquisition, compared to a voxel-wise analysis. This transformation was then applied to each subject individually based on the values quantified within each tract by slice. Finally, the resultant values were reassigned to each tract according to their fractional volumes. These four methods differ in the way the combining transformation was estimated:
- a linear Independent Component Analysis (ICA) based on the FastICA algorithm23,24, which consists in a linear separation of the data into statistically independent components by non-Gaussianity maximization,
- a linear Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which consists in linearly separating the data into orthogonal components by maximizing their variance25,
- a nonlinear ICA based on the MISEP method26, which still maximizes the components independence but also integrates nonlinear mixtures of the components through a neural network,
- a nonlinear PCA minimizing the mean square error to fit a linear set of hyperbolic tangent functions through a neural network27.
Assuming that the common component between these metrics is related to myelin, only the component explaining the most variance in the original space is retained.
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