Hypoxic brain injury due to perinatal oxygen deprivation is one of the leading reasons of neonatal death and long-term disabilities. In this study, we evaluated the predictive values of cerebral blood flow (CBF), oxygen extraction fraction (OEF), cerebral oxygen metabolism (CMRO2), and brain volume as biomarkers in the assessment of hypoxic brain injuries in neonatal patients. Our results showed that among these biomarkers, only CMRO2 was significantly associated with Apgar score, which is the standard clinical score indicating the risks of prenatal and perinatal brain injuries. CBF and brain volume increase with age, but have no relationship with Apgar score.
Subjects: We studied 53 consecutive neonates who had MRI due to clinical indication of hypoxic brain injury (38 males, age at birth 34.2±3.7 gestational weeks, age at scan 36.4±2.9 gestational weeks). Apgar scores, which is the standard assessment of the clinical status of newborns immediately after delivery, were collected. MRI data were collected on a 3T Philips system. All data were used upon institutional ethics committee approval. Clinical diagnosis was based on the standard T1 and T2 images following standard practice.
OEF was measured using a T2-relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging(TRUST) sequence which was recently adapted to neonates (2). The TRUST MRI measured global venous oxygenation (Yv) non-invasively at superior sagittal sinus (Figure 1a). OEF was then calculated by OEF=(Ya-Yv)/Ya, where arterial oxygenation (Ya) was measured by pulse oximetry.
CBF was measured by phase-contrast MRI that was optimized previously (3)(Figure 1b). Whole-brain CBF was quantified (in ml/100g/min) by normalizing the total blood flux that enters the brain to brain volume acquired from anatomic T2 images.
CMRO2 was then calculated (in umol/100g/min) using the Fick principle, i.e., CMRO2=CBFx(Ya-Yv)xCa, where Ca is the amount of oxygen that a unit volume of blood can carry (8.97μmol O2/100ml blood).
Statistical analysis: Regression analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between the MRI measures (OEF, CBF, CMRO2 and brain volume) and clinical assessment (1-min Apgar and 5-min Apgar), with age and gender as covariates. We considered both the age at scan, and the age at birth with time after birth. Multiple comparison-corrected p<0.05 is considered significant.
In the 53 neonates scanned, 22 had normal anatomic appearance. 17 had punctate while matter lesion (PWML), 4 had primary subarachnoid hemorrhage, and 10 had neonatal encephalopathy. 1-min and 5-min Apgar scores were 7.8±2.4 and 8.7±2.1, respectively. The Apgar scores showed no correlation with age at birth and gender. OEF, CBF, CMRO2 and brain volume of the group were 29.2±10.0%, 16.3±9.3ml/100g/min, 34.0±14.7μmol/100g/min, and 310.1±63.8mm3, respectively. These values are within the range from previous literature using other imaging methods (4-6).
Using age at scan, gender and Apgar score (1-min or 5-min) as independent variables, regression analysis showed that CMRO2 showed significant positive correlations with age (p<0.001) and Apgar scores (p=0.009 for 1-min Apgar, p=0.027 for 5-min Apgar)(Figure. 2a). Both CBF and brain volume showed a significant positive correlation with age (Figure 2b and c, p<0.001 for both) but not with the Apgar scores(p>0.32). The age-dependence of CMRO2, CBF and brain volume is also in agreement with literature (2,5,6). OEF showed no dependence on age and the Apgar scores. Moreover, none of these parameters showed a significant gender-dependence. These relationships remained significant when we used age at birth and time after birth to replace age at scan in the regression analysis.
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