Preterm birth is closely associated with diffuse white matter injury which contributes to long term neurocognitive impairment among survivors. Fixel-based analysis (FBA) is the study of specific fibre populations within a voxel; it provides measures of fibre bundle morphology by combining information about fibre density with structure. In this work, we applied FBA to neonatal dMRI data and provide proof-of-concept that fibre density and fibre bundle cross section may be useful measures for evaluating alterations to brain development associated with preterm birth.
Participants: 10 healthy infants born at full term (mean PMA at birth 39+2 weeks, range 38+4–40+3 weeks) underwent brain MRI at mean age 41+2 weeks; MRI data were also acquired from 10 preterm infants (mean PMA at birth 28+1 weeks, range 26+2–31+3 weeks) at term equivalent age (mean PMA 41 weeks, range 39+1–42+5 weeks). Infants were examined in natural sleep with pulse oximetry, temperature and electrocardiography data monitoring. Ear protection was used for each infant, comprising earplugs placed in the external ear and neonatal earmuffs (MiniMuffs, Natus Medical Inc., CA).
MRI acquisition: A Siemens MAGNETOM Verio 3T MRI clinical scanner was used to acquire: 3D T1-weighted (T1w) MPRAGE data with voxel size = 1×1×1mm3; diffusion MRI (dMRI) data using a protocol consisting of 11 T2- and 64 diffusion-weighted (b = 750s/mm2) single-shot, spin-echo, EPI volumes with 2mm3 isotropic voxels.
Processing: sMRI: Brain masks were computed by removing non-brain tissues and skull using ALFA3 and were corrected for bias field4. dMRI: The first analysis step was to denoise the images5, 6 followed by up-sampling by a factor of 2. After this, eddy current correction was performed7. Then the mask was propagated from the T1w volume using non rigid registration8, 9. Each dMRI dataset was corrected for bias field distortions4, by first estimating a correction field from the B0 image, then applying the field to correct all volumes. To correct for EPI distortions, the T1w volume was co-registered to the B0 volume, then the B0 volume was non-rigidly registered to the T1w volume10, but restricting the deformation direction to only the phase encoding direction11; afterwards, the computed transformation was applied to the rest of the dMRI volumes. Global intensity normalisation across subjects was perform by dividing all volumes by the median b=0s/mm2 intensity within the white matter12, using the white matter mask of the ENA3313. The average response function was used to calculate all the fibre orientation distributions (FODs)12. Spatial normalisation: Spatial correspondence was obtained by registering all FOD images to a symmetrical study-specific FOD template2, 14, 15. Fixel-based analysis: We compared the FD, FC, and FDC in all white matter fixels across both groups using a general linear model. Connectivity-based smoothing and statistical inference were performed with Connectivity-based Fixel Enhancement using 2 million streamlines and default parameters1. Family-wise error corrected p-values were assigned to each fixel using non-parametric permutation testing with 5000 permutations. To visualize the results, the T2-weighted template of the ENA3313 was non-rigid registered to the FOD template8, 9.
In this proof of concept study, we found that FBA detects differences in fibre bundle morphology in preterm infants at term equivalent age compared with healthy term controls. The results are consistent with previous studies reporting differences in the major tract microstructure and topology in association with preterm birth16.
The difference in FD in the genu indicates a reduction in the intra-axonal compartment per unit volume of tissue in the preterm group, and the observation that FDC is reduced across most of the genu indicates that this is associated with decreased total intra-axonal volume.
The differences in the rest of the regions are due to the FC, meaning that in these tracts there is a reduced extra-axonal volume, suggesting a narrowing of the diameter of the tract in preterm infants.
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