Hua Li1,2, Lori R. Arlinghaus1,2, A. Bapsi Chakravarthy3, Vandana G. Abramson2, John C. Gore1,2, and Junzhong Xu1,2
1Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 2Department of Radiology and Radiological Sciences, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States, 3Department of Radiation Onology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States
We report a new MRI method termed IMPULSED (Imaging
Microstructural Parameters Using Limited Spectrally Edited Diffusion) to
quantitatively characterize mean cell size and density in solid tumors
simultaneously and the first application of this method in breast cancer
MRI has previously been used to evaluate tumor status and assess tumor early
therapeutic response prior to measurable tumor volume changes. The apparent
diffusion coefficient (ADC) is usually inversely correlated with tumor
cellularity. However, variations in ADC may be influenced by multiple factors
and the interpretation of imaging results is often unclear. Here we describe how
the MRI diffusion method termed IMPULSED (Imaging Microstructural Parameters
Using Limited Spectrally Edited Diffusion) may be used to quantitatively
characterize mean cell size and density in solid tumors simultaneously, and
report the first application of this method in breast cancer patients.Methods
Theory: Fig. 1 shows the pulse sequences used to
acquire diffusion data over a range of length scales. In addition to conventional
pulsed gradient spin echo (PGSE) acquisitions for probing long length scales,
the IMPULSED method also uses oscillating gradient spin echo (OGSE) acquisitions
to sample short length scales. This combination enables detection and
separation of restricted diffusion effects from sub- to supra-cellular length
scales, providing more comprehensive information on tissue microstructure than
single measurements of ADC. The diffusion weighted signals are modeled as S=vinSin+(1-vin)Sex, where vin is the water volume fraction of intracellular
space, and Sin and Sex are the signal
magnitudes per volume from the intra- and extracellular spaces, respectively.
We have derived and validated analytical
expressions of Sin by assuming spherical cancer cells, and the
extracellular hindered diffusion coefficient Dex= √1−vin Din for long
diffusion times and randomly packed spherical cells [1]. All signals were fit to analytical
equations pixel wise [2], so that parametric maps of mean cell size d, cell density ρ, and intracellular diffusion coefficient Din of tumors could be obtained.
IMPULSED imaging was performed on breast cancer patients prior to surgery using
a Philips Achieva 3T scanner with a 16-channel breast coil. TR/TE=4000/103ms;
FOV=192×192mm; reconstructed in-plane resolution = 1.3×1.3 mm; 10 slices; slice
thickness=5 mm; NEX=4; single shot EPI; SENSE factor=3; fat suppression with
SPAIR and other imaging parameters are provided in Table 1. Note that the maximum gradient strength used was < 60
mT/m, which is available on most clinical scanners. The total scan time ≈ 5
mins. In addition, ADC measurements
using PGSE acquisitions with Δ = 50 and 30 ms were performed to further
investigate the ADC dependence on diffusion times.
Fig. 2 shows the
dependence of ADC of breast tumors on diffusion times. It is evident that ADC
increases with decreasing diffusion time under 10 ms, but ADC does not vary
significantly in the Δ range of 30 to 70 ms. This suggests that PGSE
measurements with long diffusion times cannot distinguish structural
differences at small scale, while OGSE measurements with shorter diffusion
times are sensitive to the specific sizes of restricting distances (i.e., cell
size). Therefore, only PGSE measurements with Δ = 70 ms were used in the
fitting. Fig. 3 shows tumor ROI-based IMPULSED signals (markers) and fits
(solid lines). Note b = 0 was excluded
(dash lines) from data fittings to avoid possible IVIM effects. The fitted
overall averaged cell size = 15.32 ± 3.01 μm and cell density = 2.52 ± 1.04 ×
108 cells/cm3, consistent with previous reports of ~108
cells/cm3 for tumors of epithelial origin (such as breast tumors) [3]. Fig.
4 shows an example of IMPULSED-derived parametric maps of cancer cell size,
density, and intracellular diffusion coefficient of a human breast tumor
overlaid on a high resolution anatomical image.
Note the significant inhomogeneity of IMPULSED-derived metrics within
the tumor. All the values of cell sizes and densities are within reasonable
ranges. Histological validation is currently under development.Conclusion
novel and fast IMPULSED imaging method has been successfully developed on
clinical MRI scanners for in vivo imaging of cell size and density of solid
tumors in breast cancer patients. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
first clinical study that uses a non-invasive imaging method for spatially
mapping distributions of cancer cell size and density of heterogeneous human
breast tumors in vivo. Acknowledgements
R01CA109106, R01CA173593, and K25CA168936 for funding.References
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