APT-weighted (APTw) imaging based on MTR asymmetry analysis has shown promise for identifying ischemic lesions, but suffers from low accuracy due to small APTw intensity changes, Quantitative APT, nuclear overhauser enhancement (NOE), perfusion and diffusion MRI were performed on acute stroke patients (n=30). The results showed that while APTw MRI for pH analysis based on MTRasym analysis was confounded by upfield NOE effects, NOE-free APT-MRI contrast between normal and ischemic lesions was substantially increased, nearly 3 times larger than that based on MTRasym analysis. Furthermore, noticeable NOE contrast was observed for lesions, explained in terms of a relayed-NOE transfer mechanism.
Results and Discussion
Fig. 1 shows MTRasym(3.5ppm), APT#, NOE#, and conventional MR images of an acute stroke patient, as well as an APT-MRI quantification comparison between MTR asymmetry and EMR. Both APT# and NOE# showed a strong hypointensity in the infarct core identified from the DWI, while MTRasym(3.5ppm) signal contrast between normal and acidic ischemic lesion was visible, but small. Fig. 2 shows serial multimodality MR images of an acute stroke patient with left MCA occlusion. Abnormal DWI showed local cytotoxic edema, generally leading to irreversible infarct. PWI showed a larger perfusion deficit than DWI and the spatial mismatch which is typically used for the identification of salvageable penumbra. APT# images showed clear pH deficits in the ischemic lesion, whereas MTRasym(3.5ppm) signals were isointense or slightly hypointense due to the upfield NOE contribution compensating the APT effect. Interestingly, hyperintense APT signals were observed in hemorrhage (white arrows in Fig. 2) due to abundant mobile protein and peptide in the blood, in line with previous investigations (12). Quantitatively, both APT# and NOE# signals of the ischemic lesion were significantly lower than those of the normal tissue, while the MTRasym(3.5ppm) signals showed a trend but no significant difference, as shown in Fig. 3. Correspondingly, the APT# image contrast (NOE free) of the ischemic lesion was also much larger than the MTRasym(3.5ppm) image contrast. Contrary to NOE effects as a positive confounding factor in tumor (11), it is shown here that NOE is a negative confounding factor in APT imaging of stroke. Thus, the absolute MTRasym(3.5ppm) signal intensity and image contrast of the ischemic lesion is reduced by the upfield NOE contribution. This is understandable in terms of the origin of the NOE signals being due to NOEs relayed via the exchangeable protons (13,14) and in line with recent studies reporting that the rNOE effect via exchangeable groups is pH dependent (15). Thus, the use of MTRasym(3.5ppm) can decrease the stroke APT-MRI sensitivity. Fig. 4 shows pH/diffusion and perfusion/pH scatterplots to investigate the spatial dynamics of ischemia progression in a representative acute stroke patient. The distributions of the diffusion deficits, pH-diffusion mismatch, and perfusion-pH mismatch suggest that the hypoperfused acidic ischemic lesion without an ADC abnormality identifies the ischemic acidosis penumbra, while the hypoperfused neural area classifies benign oligemia, in line with hypotheses previously suggested (7,10)1. Schlaug, G., Benfield, A., Baird, A.E., Siewert, B., Lovblad, K.O., Parker, R.A., Edelman, R.R., Warach, S. The ischemic penumbra - Operationally defined by diffusion and perfusion MRI. Neurology 53, 1528-1537 (1999).
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