Combining multiple, complementary contrasts into one analysis will yield deeper understanding of white matter physiology than using diffusion MRI (dMRI) alone. Varying TE in a PGSE sequence would allow for the exploration of D-T2 spectra in tissue. However, typical hardware and time constraints render the acquisition of such diffusion/relaxation spectra in the living human impractical. In this work, we explore how 300 mT/m gradients of a Connectom scanner could help in further investigating 1) the reported TE dependency of DTI parameters and 2) D-T2 spectra in the living human brain.
An emerging zeitgeist in microstructural imaging, as evidenced by discussion at the recent ISMRM diffusion workshop, is that combining multiple, complementary contrasts (e.g. axon and myelin metrics) into one analysis will yield deeper understanding of white matter physiology than using diffusion MRI (dMRI) alone. Where typically only gradient direction and strength are varied in microstructural dMRI experiments, resolving different tissue components is likely facilitated by studying the signal attenuation as a function of more experimental variables. Varying TE would allow for the exploration of D-T2 spectra in tissue1,2,3.
Recently, a TE-dependence of DTI parameters was observed in monkey brain, invoking explanations of compartment-specific T24. However, a similar pattern was not seen in the rat brain5 – bringing into question whether this is a global phenomenon of neural tissue, whether it would consistently be seen in the human brain6, and whether other mechanisms might be at play (e.g. SNR effects and water exchange). However, typical hardware and time constraints render the acquisition of such diffusion/relaxation spectra in the living human impractical: the long diffusion pulses limit the shortest TE and largest b-value that can be used while maintaining sufficient SNR. In this work, we explore how 300 mT/m gradients of a Connectom scanner could help in further investigating 1) the observed TE dependency of DTI parameters and 2) D-T2 spectra in the living human brain.
In vivo human data:
A dataset was acquired with 30 directions and one b0 image per shell (Delta=22ms, delta=8ms); b=[500,1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000]s/mm2 for the lowest TE possible (47ms with multiband=2) and b=[500,1000,3000,5000,7000]s/mm2 until maxTE=127ms in steps of 16ms. Additional b0 images were acquired with minTE=39ms (Fig.1).
1) Dependency of DTI on TE: To investigate whether TE dependency could be caused by noise, WM signal was simulated from an FA=0.7 tensor (b=[500,1000]s/mm2) and T2 =70ms. Rician noise was added with SNR defined on the b0 image with the shortest TE.
2) Feasibility of estimating D-T2 spectra: subsets of the b-TE space were simulated for a configuration mimicking the diffusion process perpendicular to fibers: non-exchanging compartments with T2=[80,80,15]ms, D=[0.08,0.9,0.1]μm2/ms, volume fraction=[0.35,0.45,0.2] representing intra-axonal, extra-axonal, and myelin components respectively6,7. Noise was added as in 1).
Real data were corrected for subject motion and distortions using FSL eddy8.
1) To investigate TE dependency, DTI was fitted for every TE using WLLS on the b=[500,1000]s/mm2 shells9.
2) To investigate the feasibility of reconstructing D-T2 spectra, the mean signal in the plane spanned by the second and third eigenvector (estimated from the fit in 1)) was extracted for each b-value in an ROI containing the posterior limb of internal capsule (PLIC). This mean signal can be written as Fredholm integral of the first kind:
with kernels K1(TE,T2)=exp(−TE/T2) and K2(b,D)=exp(−bD), discretized to M=KF where vector M contains the signal, K is the dictionary with 50 diffusivities and 50 T2-values and F is a vector representing the spectrum1,2,11. Elastic net regularization with positivity constraint was used to estimate F, i.e. minF>=00.5||M−KF||22+λ1||F||1+0.5λ2||F||2210.
Fig. 1 shows an overview of the acquisitions, there is still signal present at the highest b-value and TE.
Fig. 2a shows a dependency of estimated DTI features in the PLIC as function of TE in real data. A paired t-test was used to compare FA, AD, RD, and MD differences at minTE and maxTE revealing a highly significant effect of TE for the former three. (p<[10-23,10-12,10-13 respectively). For the simulations looking solely at noise (Fig. 2b) the trend is not evident and all differences are not significant (p>0.77).
Fig. 3 shows the mean relative error of D-T2 estimates for each compartment as function of the regularization parameters (100 noise iterations). Based on this we choose l1 regularization with λ1 = 0.003 for further analysis. While detecting the intra and extra axonal component seems feasible (spectra on the right), myelin is challenging.
Fig. 4 shows an estimated D-T2 spectrum in the PLIC perpendicular to the estimated fiber direction, revealing one compartment with [T2,D]≈[80ms,0μm2/ms] and one with [T2,D]≈[65ms,1μm2/ms], potentially corresponding to the two compartments also estimated in Fig. 3a.
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