In this prospective study we compared renal transplant stiffness measured with MRE and ARFI ultrasound in 9 patients. Repeatability of both modalities was determined through test-retest imaging in 5 patients. MRE stiffness was significantly lower than ARFI stiffness as expected. MRE test-retest repeatability was excellent with mean coefficient of variation (CV) of 6%, while ARFI had CV of 30%. In addition, ARFI measurements exhibited a high inter-quartile range in the majority of cases suggesting inconsistency in the measurements. Our results suggest MRE is a more robust choice for renal transplant measurement compared to ARFI.
9 renal transplant patients (5F/4M, mean age 57y,) were enrolled in this IRB-approved prospective study. All patients had been transplanted more than 1 year before imaging, with 8 classified as stable (estimated MDRD serum eGFR 48-84 ml/min/1.73 m2) and 1 chronically dysfunctional (eGFR 24.6).
All patients underwent MRE examination at 1.5T (Aera) and ARFI examination using an Accuson S3000 system (both manufactured by Siemens) under fasting conditions. Renal allograft location was determined via a coronal HASTE sequence. MRE imaging was carried out in the coronal plane using a modified spin-echo EPI sequence (TR/TE 1500/49 ms, 10 slices, slice thickness 3 mm, FOV 400x400 mm2, matrix 128x128 interpolated to 256x256, voxel size 1.57x1.57x3.00 mm3, GRAPPA x2, 4 phase offsets, vibration frequency 60 Hz and wave motion was encoded in the slice-select direction, acquisition time 17 s). Wave images, elastograms and 95% confidence maps were automatically generated from a 2D multi-model direct inversion algorithm. ROIs were drawn offline using ImageJ software (NIH, Maryland, USA). Care was taken to ensure all measured areas were within the renal cortex and fell inside the 95% confidence map. ARFI measurements were acquired using an abdominal curved transducer (4C1) at 4 MHz. 10 measurements were acquired in the upper, middle and lower pole of the kidney by a trained radiologist and median wave speed (m/s) was calculated, as well as an estimate of shear stiffness.
Interquartile-range (IQR) and success rate (percentage of valid measurements obtained) were calculated for MRE and ARFI (with IQR <30% and success rate >60% considered a homogeneous ARFI measurement1. 5 patients underwent test-retest to assess repeatability of the modalities (with average delay of 24 days between examinations). MRE and ARFI stiffness measurement were compared using Mann-Whitney U tests. The relationship between the measurements was tested using Spearman correlation. Repeatability was assessed through coefficient of variation (CV) and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests.
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