A Method for a Wireless Marker Using a Monopole Antenna for Endovascular Catheter Navigation
Caroline D. Jordan1, Steven W. Hetts1, and Xiaoliang Zhang1

1Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States


Inductively coupled RF coils have been used as markers for MR guidance of endovascular catheters using lumped elements, and a monopole antenna could be used as a marker that is more compact and easy to build. We built three prototypes for 3T, acquired GRE sequences and B1+ maps in two orientations, and modeled electromagnetic fields using low and high permittivity dielectric coating on the monopole. Measured Q-factors were 7.6–11.7, scaled experimental B1+ of marker signal were 198–272%, and modeled electric fields were reduced. This work demonstrates feasibility of a monopole antenna as a wireless marker for interventional MRI.


Wireless resonant circuits (wRCs), or inductively coupled RF coils, have previously been used as markers for MR guidance of endovascular catheters using lumped elements with a variety of inductor geometries (1–5). Depending on the coil geometry, the signal amplification changes with orientation, and lumped elements both increase the size and decrease the flexibility of the catheter, making them less practical for neurointerventional use. The monopole antenna has previously been used for imaging and has the advantage of a compact and practical structure (6,7). The monopole antenna could be used as a marker, and could be more compact and has a more practical structure since it does not need lumped elements to support the resonance, while also providing good signal. New flexible high dielectric materials (HDM) have been developed for MR imaging coils (8), which could be applied to a monopole antenna marker to reduce its electric fields. Simulations of resonant markers in B1 fields have previously been performed to predict and optimize the design and performance of wRCs (1,9,10). The purpose of this work is to demonstrate proof of principle of a monopole antenna as a wireless marker for interventional MRI, to investigate its B1+ behavior at 3T, and to study the effect of dielectric materials on the electric and magnetic fields of a monopole antenna marker.


Hardware: We built two prototypes by using 50Ω coaxial cable (G_01130_HT-03, HUBER+SUHNER) with outer diameter (OD) 2.8 mm (m1 and m2), as well as a third prototype (m3) with an ultra-miniature coaxial cable with OD 0.81mm (D08101T5GT, Wellshow Technology) (Table 1). We removed the outer shielding and jacket, leaving a quarter wavelength, 6.5 cm in water at 3T (11), with total length about 30.5 cm (Fig. 1A). We measured the resonant frequency using an E5061A network analyzer (Agilent Technologies) and calculated the Q-factor of a least-squares polynomial fit curve using MATLAB (MathWorks, Natick, MA).

Image Acquisition: We acquired the following scans parallel and perpendicular to the B0 field in water doped with CuSO4 on a 3T MR750w scanner (GE Healthcare) using the following parameters: α = 5°, gradient echo (GRE) sequence with TE = 3.7 ms, TR = 100ms, matrix 256 × 256, FOV 30–36 cm, and 5 mm slice thickness, as well as gradient echo Bloch-Siegert B1+ maps (12,13) with α = 5°, TE = 14ms, TR = 48 ms, matrix 128 × 128, 30–36 cm, and 5 mm slice thickness. The B1+ maps were scaled to a selected ROI in the background of the water.

Simulations: Using finite element method software (COMSOL 5.2a, Burlington, MA), we modeled the 2.8mm OD monopole antenna marker in a cylinder of water, using a 8-rung birdcage coil with a 48cm diameter and 30cm height to provide transmit RF excitation for inductive coupling to the marker. A parametric sweep was performed to determine the optimal capacitance of the coil capacitors for magnetic field homogeneity. Next, we modeled the electromagnetic fields of monopole antenna marker (Fig. 1B) with the following properties. For the low dielectric material polyethylene, we used a relative permittivity εr = 2.1, relative permeability μr = 1, and electrical conductivity σ = 0.6 S/m. For the HDM, we used the properties from a prior study reporting properties of sintered high-permittivity ceramic (BaTiO3) beads in deuterated water (8): εr = 515 and σ = 0.35 S/m, and μr = 1.


We tuned the monopole antenna marker to the Larmor frequency and measured approximate Q-factors of 11.7, 11.1, and 7.6 for m1, m2, and m3, respectively (Fig. 1C). The monopole antenna marker demonstrated good signal in both orientations for the GRE sequence (Fig. 2A-B) and mean scaled B1+ map of the three prototypes were 272%, 252%, and 198% respectively in the parallel orientation (Fig. 2C-D). The simulations of the magnetic flux density norm (Fig. 3A) demonstrated a similar signal pattern to that in the experimental B1+ maps (Fig. 3B). Comparing the simulations of the monopole antenna marker coated with HDM to LDM, there was a 1.6 factor reduction of the electric fields using the high permittivity dielectric coating (Fig. 3C) at the midpoint (Fig. 3D).

Discussion and Conclusion

Design of resonant markers using monopole antenna technology for localizing the catheter was proposed and investigated, demonstrating good signal. The electric field distributions suggest that using high permittivity dielectric materials might be a possible approach to reducing the potential tissue heating during the imaging procedure. The monopole antenna marker was compact and easy to build, indicating its feasibility for interventional MR guidance.


This work is supported by NIH grant UL1 TR001872-01.


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Table 1. The dimensions of the small and ultra-miniature coaxial cables used to build prototypes of the monopole antenna marker are listed.

Figure 1. A) We built three prototypes of monopole antenna marker and B) the modeled components of the 2.8 mm OD coaxial cable are shown. C) We tuned them to the Larmor frequency, resulting in approximate Q-factors of 11.7, 11.1, and 7.6 for m1, m2, and m3, respectively.

Figure 2. The monopole antenna marker demonstrated good signal A) parallel and B) perpendicular to B0 in a 5° GRE sequence. Gradient echo Bloch-Siegert B1+ maps were acquired in the C) parallel and D) perpendicular orientations, resulting in an average scaled B1+ 272%, 252%, and 198% of m1, m2, and m3, respectively, in the parallel orientation.

Figure 3. A) The set-up for the finite element method simulation is shown, demonstrating inductive coupling between the transmit RF from the birdcage coil and the monopole antenna marker. B) The simulations of the magnetic flux density norm demonstrated a similar pattern to that in the experimental B1+ maps. Comparing the simulations of C) the electric fields of the monopole antenna marker with HDM vs. LDM, there was a D) reduction of the electric fields of a theoretical factor of 1.6 using the HDM.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)