Gliomas are the most common primary tumors of the central nervous system. As surgical biopsy may not be always feasible, an accurate noninvasive glioma grading is highly desirable for planning treatments. Recently, a number of non-Gaussian diffusion models were developed to characterize the anomalous diffusion behavior of the complex biological tissue. Among these, the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) model showed a great potential to probe the tissue heterogeneity and complexity that is elevated with tumor progression. In this study, we show that the CTRW parameters are capable of differentiating glioma grades, beyond simply separating low-grade and high-grade as in many diffusion MR studies on gliomas.
Gliomas are the most common primary brain tumors in adults, spanning from grade I to IV according to the 2016 WHO guidelines. Glioma grade is typically determined by invasive surgical biopsy followed by histopathology analysis. This approach, however, may not always be feasible due to considerable surgical risks. An accurate imaging-based noninvasive grading method is therefore needed. While many imaging methods have been proposed to differentiate between low- (I and II) and high-grade (III and IV) gliomas, these techniques have limited success in determining individual grades1. For example, apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) from the conventional mono-exponential model (i.e., a Gaussian model) has not been established as a tumor-grading marker, despite a large number of studies1. Recently, a number of non-Gaussian diffusion models were developed and showed great potential to probe tumor microstructures and microenvironment2-13. In this study, we demonstrate the feasibility of using a novel anomalous diffusion model, the continuous-time random walk (CTRW) model, combined with a quantile histogram analysis to differentiate Grade II (GrII), III (GrIII), and IV (GrIV) gliomas.
Patients: This study enrolled a total of 103 patients (45 females and 58 males; ages 10-75 years) with histopathologically proven gliomas, consisting of 2 patients with Grade I, 46 Grade II, 23 Grade III, and 32 Grade IV tumors according to the WHO guidelines. Grade I gliomas were excluded from the analysis because of an inadequate sample size.
Image acquisition: All patients were scanned on a 3T GE MR750 scanner with a 32-channel head coil. The MRI protocol included pre-/post-contrast T1, FSE T2, T2 FLAIR, and DWI with 17 b-values (0 to 4000 s/mm²). For DWI, the other acquisition parameters were: TR/TE=4700/100ms, slice thickness=5mm, Δ=38.6ms, δ=32.2ms, FOV=22cm×22cm, reconstruction matrix size=256×256, and total scan time~4 minutes. Trace-weighted images were obtained to minimize the effect of diffusion anisotropy.
Diffusion Analysis: The multi-b-value diffusion images were analyzed with the CTRW model11, S/S_0=E_α (-(bD_m )^β), where Dm is an anomalous diffusion coefficient, α and β are temporal and spatial diffusion heterogeneity parameters, respectively, and Eα is a Mittag-Leffler function. A least squares algorithm was used for nonlinear fitting.
Statistical Analysis: The contrast-enhancing ROIs were drawn by two neuroradiologists jointly on b=0 images guided by other MRI images. A quantile histogram analysis, using the means of the first quartile of Dm, α, or β within the ROIs, was employed to determine the test variables for each patient. A Mann-Whitney U-test was used for the group comparison, followed by a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis for differentiation among the grades. Figure 1 summarized the data analysis steps.
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