Tractography-based parcellation of the Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) was performed using high-resolution diffusion data from the Human Connectome Project. Analysis of clustering indicated the NAc was best separated into 2 subregions, consistent with anatomical and histological studies of animals. Output of the procedure gave qualitatively similar results across subjects, producing clusters that tended to occupy the ventromedial and dorsolateral portions of the NAc. The ventromedial subregion demonstrated increased task fMRI activation and displayed preferential connections to known biased projection areas such as medial orbitofrontal cortex. Finally, qualitatively similar results were obtained by performing the clustering procedure on a separate, lower-quality dataset.
Multimodal (diffusion, functional, structural) 3T MRI data from 38 subjects were obtained from the publicly available WashU-Minn Human Connectome Project dataset5. FreeSurfer’s automatic parcellation was used to identify cortical and subcortical gray matter ROIs on the T1-weighted (1mm isotropic) images6. After co-registering the ROIs to diffusion space, probabilistic tractography was performed on the 1.25mm isotropic diffusion data (TR/TE=5520/89.5 ms, b=1000, 2000, 3000, 90 diffusion directions each) using each voxel in the NAc mask as a seed and every cortical and subcortical ROI generated from Freesurfer as target7[A1] . Analyses were conducted separately for each hemisphere.
Tractography resulted in an m x n matrix for each subject for each hemisphere, where m is equal to the number of voxels in the NAc mask, and n is equal to the number of Freesurfer gray-matter ROI’s (42). The value of cell (i,j) thus is equal to the number of streamlines originating in voxel i and intersecting or terminating in the jth gray-matter ROI. A distance correction was implemented whereby the number of streamlines from seed to target was multiplied by the Euclidean distance between the seed voxel and centroid of the ROI. The number of streamlines was then converted to the proportion of the total number of streamlines originating from the seed voxel that reach each target. Subjects’ data were then concatenated into an (m x p) x n matrix, where p is the number of subjects. K-means clustering was performed for several values of k, and several parallel approaches were used to determine the appropriate number of clusters. The relative contribution of each ROI to the segmentation was then assessed by ‘leave-one-out’ k-means clustering, where each ROI’s column was removed from the tractography matrix, resulting in an (m x n) x (p – 1) matrix. The results of the ensuing clustering were then compared to the original assignments, and a percent change was calculated.
Masks in each subject’s diffusion space were created to reflect the cluster assignments and co-registered with the functional data to compare activity between clusters. To assess whether the segmentation procedure was robust across datasets, the same analysis was performed on a separate dataset containing 2 subjects with different acquisition parameters (TR/TE=8404/72.1; 2mm isotropic; b=1000, 60 directions; b=2500, 80 directions).
Different approaches to determining the appropriate number of clusters, including the Calinski-Harabasz criterion, Silhouette width, and ‘Elbow’ method gave convergent answers at an optimal k=2 (Figure 2).
The output of the clustering procedure gave qualitatively consistent results across subjects, delineating a ventromedial cluster with connections to the putamen, medial orbitofrontal cortex, and insula, as well as a dorsolateral cluster with connections to the frontal pole, thalamus, and markedly biased connections to the caudate. A ventromedial/dorsolateral organization was also present when the same procedure was applied to a different, lower-quality diffusion dataset (Figure 3).
While there is much overlap between each hemisphere’s clustering results, some differences are present. In particular, while reward-related activity measured by task fMRI differed between clusters in the left NAc, no such relationship was observed on the right (Figure 4). In addition, the right NAc-insula connection is notable for its magnitude and degree of bias as compared to the left (Figure 5).
Our tractography-based segmentation of the NAc demonstrates two distinct subregions that are consistent across subjects and datasets, and in agreement with prior histology and animal studies. The tractography-based segmentation also corresponds well to functional differences observed by task fMRI.
We also observe some heterogeneity between hemispheres in BOLD signal and structural connectivity profiles. This raises the possibility of subcortical lateralization of structural connections.
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