In this paper, we propose a deep CNN with skip connection for reconstruction of highly undersampled MRA images. According to the experiments, the proposed method could restore most of fine vessel structures manifested in full-sampled MRA images.
The proposed method is depicted in figure 1. The first layer of the proposed deep CNN is can be expressed as,G1=max(0,W1∗x+b1) where x is input, W1 and b1 are filters and biases. The size of W1 is k1×k1×m1. After convolution between W1 and x, rectified linear unit (ReLu, max(0,x)) is used for nonlinear activation. After the first layer, the nth (n≥2) layer is expressed as,Gn=max(0,Wn∗Gn−1+bn) where the size of Wn is kn×kn×mn. The Nth layer is expressed as,GN=WN−1∗GN−1+bNwhere the size of Wn is kN×kN×1. After Nth convolution layer, summation layer sums the output of the Nth convolution layer and the input. This summation layer makes the network to train the residual of the output and input image. To train the network, the l2 difference between the true high-resolution image and network output is used as the loss function. The loss function is defined as,l(Θ)=1MM∑i=1∥G(xi;Θ)−yi∥2where M is the number of data sets, y is the true image, G(x;Θ) is output image of the network, and Θ={(W1,b1),...,(Wn,bn),...,(WN,bN)}. In contrast to the conventional CNN-based methods, the original MR data in the k-space is used for reconstruction. When the network output image is acquired, the sampled part of its k-space is replaced with the originally acquired k-space data [5]. This can be described by,KR(kx,ky)={KO(kx,ky), if (kx,ky)∉SKN(kx,ky), if (kx,ky)∈Swhere KR denotes the k-space of the desired reconstructed image, KO is the original k-space, KN represents the k-space of the network output image, and S denotes the sampling location of the k-space. The reconstructed image is then acquired using inverse Fourier transform of KR. After passing through deep CNN, under-sampled magnetic resoance angiography (MRA) multi-slice images are reconstructed to the high-resolution images with fewer artifacts. Then, high-resolution final angiography image is acquired by maximum image projection of the reconstructed MRA multi-slice images.
We used 600 MRA images from Information eXtraction from Images sites (IXI) [6]. Among 600 images, 500 images were used for training data set and 100 images were used for test data set. In deep CNN, we used parameters as follows: patch size 61×61, number of layers N=25, kernel size kn=3, and number of filters for each convolution layer mn=64. Training required about 12 hours to complete using an Intel i7-4790 3.60 GHz CPU, GeForce GTX 1080, and 32 G memory.
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Fig.2 Reconsturcted MRA image with 2D Cartesian 5.5 acceleration factor (a) true image, (b) zero-padding image, (c) proposed image, (d) magnified image of (a), (e) magnified image of (b), (f) magnified image of (c), (g) 2D Cartesian sampling pattern, (h) difference image between (a) and (c)