Correlation time (τc) is a physical property of the tissue that describes the dynamics of water molecules in their microenvironment. In this study, τc and T2 maps were obtained from enzymatically digested bovine samples. To evaluate the relationship between τcand macromolecular components of cartilage, depth-wise τc profiles were correlated with quantitative histological measurements. The same comparison was performed for T2 data. Our results suggest that τc is sensitive to the laminar architecture of cartilage and to the proteoglycan content in the radial zone. τc provides complementary information to conventional T2 mapping.
Sample Preparation
Bovine osteochondral cylinders (d=25mm, N=6) were prepared from intact patellae, and cut to three sections.2 To induce a collagen and proteoglycan (PG) depletion, one section was digested in 30U/ml collagenase and the other in 0.1U/ml chondroitinase ABC, respectively. The remaining section was used as control. All sections were incubated at +37ºC for 44 hours and subsequently frozen. Finally, a smaller osteochondral cylinder-shaped (d= 7.2mm) sample was drilled from the center of each section for MR imaging.
Quantitative Histology
Polarized light microscopy (PLM) measurements were done on 5-μmm-thick unstained sections at multiple orientations of the crossed polarizers to determine the PI, a measure of collagen fibril anisotropy in the sample; and OR, the orientation of the collagen fibrils (Fig.1). 1/PI was calculated since the variations in its profile are similar to those in T2 profile. Digital densitometry was carried out to measure OD of the samples by staining 3-μmm-thick microscopic sections with Safranin-O, which binds to PGs. Thus the obtained OD is linearly proportional to the cartilage PG content.
MRI Measurements and Statistical Analysis
MRI was performed at 9.4 T with a 19-mm quadrature transceiver RF coil and a Varian DirectDrive console. Continuous wave T1rho dispersion measurements with four different spin-lock (SL) fields (125, 250, 500 and 1000 Hz) and a fast spin echo readout (TR/TE= 5000/5ms, 256×128 matrix size, slice thickness 1 mm, FOV of 16×16mm2, depth-wise resolution= 62.5μm) were recorded. For T2 map calculation, a series of spin echo images (TEs= 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128ms) was acquired.2 τc maps were calculated by fitting T1rho relaxation dispersion measurements of bovine cartilage specimens to following function3 1T1ρ=3Aτc1+4ω2SLτ2c+B In all τc and T2 maps (Fig.1), 1-mm wide regions of interest (ROI) from the center of the cartilage sample were used for analysis. The ROIs were averaged to depth-wise profiles (Fig.2) which were divided into four sections: superficial, transitional, radial and full-thickness (5%, 20%, 75% and 100% of the cartilage thickness, respectively). The mean τc and T2 profiles were calculated by taking the average of the individual profiles after down-sampling all profiles to the shortest profile. The histological profiles were down-sampled to match the size of the corresponding τc and T2 profiles (Fig.2). The association between τc, T2 and quantitative histological parameters was evaluated using Pearson’s correlation analysis of individual sample profiles and the mean profiles of all samples per group (Table 1, 2). Due to the small number of profile points in the superficial zone, the statistical analysis was carried out only for transitional, radial and full-thickness cartilage. Correlation coefficients (r) were defined as strong (|r|≥0.7), moderate (0.5≤|r|<0.7), weak (0.2≤|r|<0.5) and no correlation (|r|<0.2).
Jane and Aatos Erkko foundation is acknowledged for financial support.
Support from the Academy of Finland (grants #285909, #293970 and #297033) is gratefully acknowledged
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