We demonstrate feasibility of using a supervised deep learning method with DCE time-series data to obtain consistent numerical cutoff for tumor regions. DL based characterization is robust to fluctuations in DCE data due to protocol and patient physiology differences, which typically hinders such a classification with PK maps in clinical practice.
Patient Data: DCE-MRI data was acquired from 14 brain tumor patients under IRB approved protocols on 1.5T GE Signa Genesis and 3.0T GE Signa HDx scanner.
DCE-MRI: Axial slices, 3D EFGRE with 8-channel brain coil, TE = 1.15-1.85 ms, TR = 4.9 -5.4 ms, FA = 10°-20°, slice thickness = 7mm, matrix size = 256 x 256 - 512 x 512, FOV = 240x240 mm2, 20 bolus volumes ~7s to 14s / volume.
DCE Data Analysis: DCE PK analysis was performed using automated in-house tool developed within ITK [7]. DCE time course data was converted from arbitrary signal units into contrast agent concentration units using baseline pre-contrast images and a fixed tissue T1 = 800 ms (1.5T) and 1200 ms (3T). AIF was determined automatically [10]. DCE concentration data was fit to two-parameter Toft’s model to obtain Ktrans and ve estimates [11].
DL algorithm: A variation of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)- Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) along with the ADAM optimizer (100 hidden units) and high dropout (60%) were used for experiments.
DL Data Preparation: A trained radiologist marked approximate tumor ROI and normal ROI in all 14 cases. Care was taken to mark blood vessels as normal tissue. For DL setup, 5 cases were randomly chosen for training purposes. In training set, only half of tumor and normal voxels were used for training DL model. Training was done at each voxel, with DCE concentration curve as input and tissue class (normal, tumor) as output label. Overall 118000 voxels from 5 cases were trained to obtain DCE DL model.
DL data analysis: Testing was performed on all the fourteen cases in a ROI which was obtained by dilating the tumor ROI with a circular structural element of radius 8. All regions in this ROI outside tumor ROI were labelled as normal tissue. During testing, DL model returned for each voxel a probability value of the voxel being tumor-like. For each case, we thresholded DL tumor probability map to determine a probability cut-off at which overlap dice coefficient is maximum between thresholded probability map and clinician marked tumor ROI. This was used to study shape of curves classified as “tumor-like” and “normal-appearing” by DL algorithm.
Correlation Analysis: 2D histogram analysis was performed between DL probability map and Ktrans / ve maps to their respective relationships.
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