We validate axon diameter and density estimates using a novel biomimetic brain phantom that emulates the microstructural features of white matter, consisting of hollow textile axons (“taxons”) on the micron scale with distinct intra- and extra-axonal compartments and crossing regions. Diffusion data acquired over a range of gradient strengths, directions and diffusion times were fitted with the TractCaliber approach. Taxon volume fractions were accurately estimated, and the diameters were slightly overestimated in areas with less densely packed fibers. Such phantoms may be useful for testing microstructural models of the diffusion signal, and for scanner and protocol calibration.
Phantom composition: The phantom used hollow multifilament polypropylene yarns produced by a melt-spinning extrusion technique to generate textile axons (“taxons”) with inner diameter of 12 µm and outer diameter of 34 µm (3) manufactured by Psychology Software Tools, Inc. (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). The taxons were arranged in parallel configuration within a 3D-printed modular phantom with a flat placeholder measuring 10 mm wide and of varying depth (10 to 25 mm) to achieve fiber packing densities of 40%, 50%, 60% and 80% (Fig. 1). Fiber crossings of 90º, 45º and 30º were created in separate areas of the phantom by interleaving the polypropylene filaments. The phantom was filled with distilled water by pressure filling.
Diffusion MRI experiments: All scans were performed on the dedicated high-gradient 3T CONNECTOM system with maximum gradient strength of 300 mT/m using a custom-made 64-channel head coil (4). A series of 2-mm isotropic resolution diffusion-weighted spin echo EPI images were acquired in the phantom using the following parameters: TR/TE = 4100/110 ms, diffusion gradient pulse duration δ = 8 ms, diffusion times Δ = 20, 26, 40, and 60 ms, and 256 non-collinear diffusion-encoding gradient directions with 20 interspersed b=0 images. The gradient strength was varied from 60 to 290 mT/m to produce b-values of 1000, 2000, 4000, 6000 and 9000 s/mm2 for each diffusion time. The total acquisition time was 9.5 hours.
Simulations: Synthetic MRI data with infinite SNR was generated using the Monte Carlo diffusion simulator of Camino for diffusion within impermeable, hexagonal-packed cylinders with a range of diameters (2-20μm) and intra-axonal volume fractions (0.1-0.7) using the experimental parameters described above.
Data analysis: The experimental data was preprocessed to correct for distortions due to gradient nonlinearity, susceptibility effects, B0 drift, and eddy currents (5, 6). Axon diameter and volume fractions were obtained by the TractCaliber method (7). Generalized q-sampling imaging was used to determine the principal fiber direction in each voxel. Spherical harmonics expansion with Laplace-Beltrami regularization was used to interpolate the data to determine the average signal perpendicular to the principal fiber direction. A three-compartment model of intra-axonal, extra-axonal, and free diffusion was fitted to the data to obtain estimates of axon diameter, restricted and free diffusion volume fractions, and hindered diffusivity through Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling.
In simulations, the TractCaliber method recovered estimates of axon diameter and intra-axonal volume fraction consistent with simulated diameters >5μm and restricted volume fractions of 0.1-0.7. In experiments, the TractCaliber method accurately estimated restricted volume fractions within taxons in the parallel fiber portions of the phantom and showed decreased volume fraction estimates at the fiber crossings (Fig. 2B). The TractCaliber method overestimated taxon diameters by approximately 15-25% for volume fractions less than 80% and achieved estimates close to the actual 12μm inner diameter for the highest volume fraction of 80% (Fig. 2A). The taxon diameter estimates were fairly uniform throughout the phantom, including at fiber crossings.1. Fieremans E, De Deene Y, Delputte S, Ozdemir MS, Achten E, Lemahieu I. The design of anisotropic diffusion phantoms for the validation of diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging. Phys Med Biol. 2008;53(19):5405-19.
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7. Huang SY, Witzel T, Fan Q, McNab JA, Wald LL, Nummenmaa A. TractCaliber: Axon diameter estimation across white matter tracts in the in vivo human brain using 300 mT/m gradients. Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the ISMRM., 2015. Toronto, Canada.
8. Pathak S, Fissell C, Okonkwo D, Schneider W. Providing Ground Truth Quantification of Anisotropic Diffusion MRI Imaging with a Hollow Textile Phantom, Proc ISMRM 2017 (submitted).