Pediatric cancer patients who receive cranial radiation therapy (CRT) exhibit cognitive deficits later in life. These deficits are often accompanied by brain structure abnormalities, especially prevalent in the white matter and hippocampus. The objective of this study was to explore the potential of physical exercise to mitigate some of the deleterious effects of CRT on the brain, using a mouse model and high-resolution MRI as a measure of brain structure. We found that irradiated mice housed in cages with access to running wheels showed a remarkable recovery of a number of CRT-induced brain volume deficits, most notably in the hippocampus.
A recent study10 in children investigated the benefits of exercise to long-term pediatric brain tumor survivors. Their findings showed increases in hippocampal volume and improved MR metrics related to white matter health after completing a 3-month long exercise training program. In our mouse study, running also increased hippocampal volume in both irradiated and non-irradiated runners, in addition to decreased CRT-induced volume losses in a number of other regions. These results further strengthen the evidence for an important role of exercise in fostering recovery of structural deficits caused by CRT. In the next steps, MRI and measures of exercise “dose” will be combined to evaluate the relationship between running patterns and anatomical outcomes. In addition, transgenic mice will be used to further investigate mechanisms by which exercise exerts its beneficial effect on the irradiated brain.
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