We compare the effects of motion and nuisance regression on highly accelerated resting-state fMRI of 10 subjects scanned at 3T using state-of-the-art simultaneous multi-slice EPI and segmented 3D-EPI with controlled aliasing. While both TR-matched protocols are per design fast enough to separate the cardiac frequency peak from BOLD signal, gray matter signal-to-noise ratio with the 3D-EPI protocol improves almost twice as much as compared to the SMS-EPI protocol. Template based rotation functional connectivity analysis on average shows greater statistical loadings for several known networks when using cleaned 3D-EPI data than when using cleaned SMS-EPI data.
State-of-the-art blipped-CAIPI SMS-EPI4,5 and segmented 3D-EPI with 2D-CAIPIRINHA6 undersampling7,8 have been applied to acquire ten minutes resting-state fMRI data at 3T (Siemens MAGNETOM Prisma, 64-channel head coil). Both sequences were accelerated so as to achieve a TR of only 530ms (Nyquist frequency = 0.94Hz) for whole-brain coverage at 2.4mm isotropic resolution. With otherwise matched parameters SMS-EPI required a multiband-factor of 8 (7 slice stack excitations/TR) while 3D-EPI required only 6-fold k-space undersampling (10 slab excitations/TR) thanks to two speed-up methods only available to 3D-EPI: semi-elliptical sampling (skip late EPI-echoes beyond the k-space ellipse that defines the nominal resolution)9 and time-efficient, low flip-angle binomial-11 water excitation10 combined with initial fat-selective inversion (spectral attenuated inversion recovery).
Ten subjects (5f, 24±3y) have been scanned using both sequences in a counterbalanced order across subjects. Cardiac and respiratory signals have been recorded using an MR compatible pulse oximeter and respiration belt for optional nuisance regression according to RETROICOR11 and RVHRCOR12 (k-space center acquisition times as supporting points for 3D-EPI3). Functional MRI pre-processing consisted of: 1.) removal of initial 10s of data, 2.) motion correction to the first retained volume, 3.) signal detrending using Butterworth high-pass filtering (0.01Hz), 4.) optional motion and nuisance GLM regression, 5.) computation of tSNR and mean whole-brain power spectrum density (PSD), 6.) MNI normalization of pre-processed time-series and tSNR maps. Finally, functional connectivity was estimated utilizing a template based rotation (TBR) method13. The 24 motion regressors used in step 4 were formed by the six motion parameters from step 2, their derivatives, and the square of these twelve regressors14. In addition to the 14 RETROICOR and RVHRCOR regressors three tissue-based regressors were extracted as the mean from eroded WM, CSF and whole brain atlas-based masks back-transformed to individual fMRI space, yielding 17 nuisance regressors in total. As recommended in Ref. 15 the high-pass filter used for detrending was applied to the regressors prior to GLM fitting.
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