Michael Salerno1, Yang Yang1, Stephen McHugh1, Eric Holland1, Jonathan Pan2, Craig H Meyer2, Angela Taylor1, and Christopher M Kramer3
1Department of Medicine, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 3Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States
Adenosine stress CMR has potential advantages over
competing modalities for diagnosing coronary artery disease (CAD) including the
ability to quantify myocardial perfusion, however current CMR techniques have
limited spatial coverage. We perform a clinical assessment of the diagnostic performance of whole-heart spiral perfusion
imaging using motion compensated compressed sensing for detection of CAD and
demonstrate good image quality, minimal motion artifacts, and high
diagnostic accuracy for both visual and quantitative evaluation.
Adenosine stress CMR has potential advantages over competing modalities
for diagnosing coronary artery disease (CAD) including the ability to quantify
myocardial perfusion. Absolute quantification of myocardial perfusion detects a
greater burden of ischemia in multi-vessel CAD1, which is important
for determining the need for revascularization. Positron emission tomography
(PET) can provide whole-heart quantitative assessment of perfusion with high
diagnostic accuracy but requires a cyclotron and ionizing radiation exposure. Clinically available CMR perfusion techniques
are limited by dark-rim artifact, have limited
spatiotemporal resolution, and incomplete ventricular coverage. We have
recently demonstrated a variable density (VD) spiral pulse sequence with
an integrated arterial input function (AIF) which can acquire 8 short-axis
slices with 2mm in-plane resolution at heart rates up to 125 bpm providing
whole-heart quantitative assessment of perfusion.2,3 The purpose of
this study was to assess the clinical performance of this new technique to
detect obstructive CAD using both quantitative and visual analysis.Methods
CMR perfusion imaging was performed during adenosine
stress (140µg/kg-min) and at rest on a Siemens 1.5T Avanto scanner in 20 patients
with chest pain scheduled for coronary angiography (CA) and 8 normal
subjects. Images were acquired during
injection of 0.075 mmol/kg Gd-DTPA at 8 short-axis locations using a 2D
saturation recovery (SR) accelerated VD spiral pulse sequence. Sequence parameters included: 3
interleaves/slice, 5.12ms readout per interleaf, TE 1 ms, effective TR 14ms, FA
300, saturation time (SRT) 80ms, FOV 340mm2, in-plane resolution 2 mm2,
2 interleaved slices per saturation.(Fig 1)
AIF images were acquired during the SRT of the first perfusion image
with a 2x accelerated single-shot spiral acquisition using a 900 FA,
in-plane resolution 6.95mm2,
SRT 10ms. Proton-density (PD) weighted images were
acquired during the first 4 heart beats.
Images were reconstructed using rigid-motion compensated L1-SPIRIT.4,5
Prior to pixel-wise quantification of perfusion, images were aligned using
non-rigid registration. Signal intensity
was converted to [Gd] using Bloch simulation, and quantification was performed
using Fermi-function deconvolution. A significant stenosis was defined as
>50% by quantitative CA (QCA). Two blinded reviewers evaluated the
spiral perfusion images for the presence of adenosine-induced perfusion
abnormalities and assessed image quality using a 5 point scale (1-poor to
Patients had a mean age of 62±11, 80% were
male, 45% had a smoking history, 30% had diabetes, 60% had hypertension, and
85% had hyperlipidemia. 30% of the patients had known CAD. QCA
demonstrated obstructive CAD in 12 patients (60%). Figure 2 shows (a)
stress and (b) rest spiral perfusion images from a subject who had normal
cardiac function and no LGE. A visual
perfusion defect is seen in the inferior wall, corresponding to the occlusion
of the RCA on CA (Fig 2d). Notably, pixel-wise
quantification of perfusion (Fig 3) demonstrated reduced stress flow in all
territories in this subject consistent with 3 vessel disease, as seen in Fig
2c. Figure 4 shows (a) stress and (b)
rest spiral perfusion images from another subject who had normal cardiac function and
no LGE. Perfusion defects are seen in all territories consistent with 3
vessel disease at CA (Fig 4 c-d). Pixel-wise quantification of perfusion
(Fig 5) demonstrated reduced stress flow in all territories in this
subject. Mean stress perfusion was higher in the normal subjects as
compared to the patients without CAD (3.10±0.57 mL/g/min vs 2.51±0.41 mL/g/min
p<0.05) suggesting the possibility of microvascular disease in these
patients.6 Among the
patients there was a step-wise decrease in mean stress perfusion with severity
of CAD (no-obstruction, 1 vessel, 2 vessel, 3 vessel disease, 2.51±0.41,
1.89±0.48 mL/g/min,1.80±0.52 mL/g/min, and 1.49±0.29 mL/g/min, respectively
p<0.01). For the detection of a 50%
stenosis by QCA the average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the two
readers were 88%, 86%, and 87% respectively, with a positive predictive value
(PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 91% and 80% respectively. The
overall image quality score was 4.5±0.8. Global quantitative stress
perfusion performed similarly to visual analysis on a per-patient basis with a
sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of 83%, 86%, and 81%. PPV and NPV
were 91% and 75% respectively. Conclusions
Clinical assessment of the diagnostic performance of
whole-heart spiral perfusion imaging using motion compensated compressed sensing
for detection of CAD demonstrated good image quality, minimal motion
artifacts, and high diagnostic accuracy for both visual and quantitative
The authors would like to acknowledge Jayne Missel, RN for her excellent work as our study coordinator and procedure nurse.References
1. Patel AR, Antkowiak PF, Nandalur KR, West AM, Salerno M, Arora
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2. Yang Y, Kuruvilla S, Kramer C, Meyer C,
Salerno M. “Whole-Heart Quantification of Myocardial Perfusion with Spiral
Pulse Sequences” Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 21. 2013. (94)
3. Yang Y, Kramer CM, Shaw P, Meyer CH, Salerno M. First-pass
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4. Huang W, Yang Y, Chen X, Salerno M. “Simple motion
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Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance 18 (S1), 1-2.2016