Generating high-accuracy VOP sets for safety assessment is hampered by long computation times. We present modifications to the generalized VOP algorithm, significantly increasing its compression capabilities and speed. The novel algorithm is validated and benchmarked on SAR and temperature matrices from nine different coil arrays.
Virtual Observation Points (VOPs) have become the de-facto standard for addressing SAR and temperature constraints appearing in parallel transmission (pTx) pulse design, as well as enabling real-time patient safety monitoring during pTx experiments.1,2,3.
To accurately capture SAR variations for broad range of patient anatomies and coil positions, it is imperative to generate VOPs from joint input datasets derived from multiple EMF simulations (using different voxel models), leading to large numbers of input voxels. A low overestimation boundary is desired to minimize unnecessary additional overestimations on top of already applied safety factors. Finally, the number of generated VOPs should not exceed ≈1000 matrices to enable fast pulse calculation and realtime supervision, allowing VOPs to be used in clinical applications of parallel transmission.
This requirement inspired the development of a generalized approach2, which improves upon the original1 in terms of compression, yet suffers from long computation times for large problems and low overestimation bounds, significantly hampering its application for practically sized simulation datasets.
The purpose of this work was to address these shortcomings and enable large scale safety model creation within acceptable timeframes. We investigated the bottlenecks of the existing algorithms and propose massively accelerated VOP compression while concurrently reducing the computational burden. The improved algorithm was evaluated and validated for SAR and temperature matrix datasets for a broad palette of real-world RF coils supporting parallel transmission as well as virtual RF antenna array configurations.
Our modifications to the compression algorithm yield a substantial gain in compression and speed. Compression is gained by exactly solving the linear matrix inequality at the heart of the convex combination problem instead of relying on an iterative approach which is not proven to find a solution if one exists. Speed is gained by additionally testing all matrices against the superpositions previously found by the semidefinite solver.
In the application tests, the algorithm showed remarkably improved compression capabilities across all arrays investigated, with computation times reduced by an order of magnitude compared to previously published results2. Temperature matrices were found to be more compressible than SAR datasets for the same model.
Differences in compressibility between the different coil types can be explained by the strength of E-field correlations inside the different body regions. In a smaller sample, it is possible for higher-order interactions between coil elements since they all cover a large common fraction of the whole volume. In larger samples, such as the torso, the field overlap is comparatively weaker and there are fewer correlations to be captured by individual VOPs. The relatively small eye coil behaves more like two independent 3-channel arrays, explaining the strong compressibility and low computational time.
The fast computation times and low achievable overestimations also enable VOPs to be used in hyperthermia optimizations, where slow speed and overestimation errors often hamper practical use5. The VOP datasets for the two bowtie arrays (Fig.2 h&i) were used for a theoretical performance comparisons in hyperthermia applications6.
In conclusion, our approach enables the large-scale safety model creation required for next generation parallel transmit coils to live up to their full potential.
This work was funded (in part, A. K., T.N.) by the EUROSTARS program (heaRT_4_EU, E!9340) and the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research,Germany, FKZ 01QE1501B).
This work was funded (in part, H.W., T.N.) by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany) FKZ 13GW0102.
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