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Larmor frequency shift in anisotropic heterogeneous media
Alexander Ruh1,2 and Valerij G. Kiselev1,2

1Dept. of Radiology, Medical Physics, Medical Center - University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany


The question about the precise value of the proton Larmor frequency in neuronal tissues is a major topic in current research. In this study we present a comprehensive answer for spins moving in magnetically heterogeneous media formed by impermeable susceptibility inclusions. We obtain an analytic result for the mean Larmor frequency in the limit of fast diffusing spins in the space external to the inclusions. This mean frequency explicitly depends on the correlation function of the inclusion. For anisotropic media this results in a nonzero frequency shift, which is confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations.


Recent progress in measurement technique1 revealed the question about the precise value of the proton Larmor frequency in neuronal tissues2-5. In a broader view, it is a question about the averaged Larmor frequency of an ensemble of spins, moving in a magnetically heterogeneous medium, in particular containing microscopic inclusions with an elevated magnetic susceptibility (biological cells in real life). In this study, we present a comprehensive answer to this question for the case of fast moving spins within a single connected compartment between impermeable susceptibility inclusions. The analytic result reveals a connection to the correlation function of the inclusions, which is validated by Monte Carlo simulations.


We consider media with impermeable inclusions with the magnetic susceptibility excess χ (Fig.1). The correlation length in the media is lc, which is close to the inclusion size for a dense packing. The inclusions create a local Larmor frequency shift Ω(r), which is the most straightforward to calculate in terms of the Fourier transformed quantities,


where v(k) is the Fourier transform of v(r), the indicator function that is unity inside and zero outside the susceptibility inclusions, na and mb are the unit vectors in the directions of the main field and the induced magnetization, respectively. In media with isotropic magnetic susceptibility mb=nb, and in more general case the product χmb should be replaced with χbcnc, where χbc is the susceptibility tensor arising on the molecular level6. Yab(k) is the elementary dipole field,


and Einstein's convention about summation over repeating indices is used.

In order to disentangle effects of the overall sample shape and the tissue microstructure, we decompose the sample's magnetic field in a far and a near region, where the latter encompasses the transition from the local spin environment to the far region as shown in Fig.2. In the following we consider the field inside a spherical near region, which is shown to be equivalent to cubic simulation media with periodic boundary conditions7.

Various media consisting of equally oriented oblate and prolate spheroids (axes radii a=bc) occupying a volume fraction of ζ=0.15 were generated using a random sequential addition algorithm (Fig.1). Monte Carlo simulations of spin diffusion outside of the impermeable inclusions were performed with the FID signal acquired as the sum of the spins' phase factors. The mean frequency in the near region, ¯Ω, was obtained as the maximum of the spectral line. Details on medium generation and MC simulations are described elsewhere7.


For fast motion each spin senses the effectively averaged field Ω(r) and the NMR signal from the near region (Fig.2B) is completely determined by the mean frequency, ¯Ω=Ω. For the averaging taking place only outside the impermeable inclusions, this quantity is shown to take the form:


Here Γ2(k) is the Fourier transform of the two-point correlation function of the susceptibility inclusions, which is considered in detail elsewhere8 and is illustrated in Fig.3,


where V is the sample volume. This revealed dependence on the medium structure is illustrated in Fig.4 in an excellent agreement with Monte Carlo simulations.

For the ideal case of infinitely long, parallel cylinders the above equation is tractable analytically resulting in ¯Ω/δΩ=ζ/6 for cylinders orthogonal and ¯Ω/δΩ=ζ/3 for cylinders parallel to the main field. The known zero field for the latter case comes upon addition of the field of the cylindrical far region with a cavity (Fig.2A).


The above result is comprehensive for bi-component media. It shows that the Larmor frequency is fully determined by the molecular susceptibility tensor and the inclusions' correlation function. This function is spherically symmetric in isotropic media (for randomly placed spherical and randomly oriented arbitrarily shaped inclusions). In such media the angular integration of the dipole field yields zero as within the classical Lorentz cavity. Anisotropic correlation functions result in a nonzero correction to the Larmor frequency. The anisotropy can arise due to the structural organization of the medium, even for isotropic susceptibility of inclusions' material.

Applied to biological tissues, the considered motional narrowing is a good approximation for the native magnetic susceptibility of cells with sizes of the order of a micrometer. A most probably overestimated upper limit on the controlling parameter of the motional narrowing, δΩl2c/D0.2, where D is the diffusivity, is sufficiently small to justify the approximation.

In biological tissues, the present result is applicable to the extracellular compartment with the most complicated diffusion motion. The intracellular signal should be added to describe the whole tissue9.


This work was supported by the German Research Foundation(DFG), grant KI 1089/6-1.


1. Duyn JH, van Gelderen P, Li TQ, de Zwart JA, Koretsky AP, Fukunaga M. High-field MRI of brain cortical substructure based on signal phase. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007; 104:11796–11801.

2. He X, Yablonskiy DA. Biophysical mechanisms of phase contrast in gradient echo MRI. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2009; 106:13558–13563.

3. Duyn JH, Barbara TM. Sphere of Lorentz and Demagnetization Factors in White Matter. Magn Reson Med. 2014; 72:1–3.

4. Yablonskiy DA, He X, Luo J, Sukstanskii AL. Lorentz Sphere Versus Generalized Lorentzian Approach: What Would Lorentz Say About It? Magn Reson Med. 2014; 72:4–7.

5. The original publications have triggered a broad discussion; we apologize for not citing all papers in the abstract format.

6. Liu C. Susceptibility Tensor Imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2010; 63:1471– 1477.

7. Ruh A. Mesoscopic structure through the prism of transverse relaxation. PhD thesis, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Freiburg. 2016; DOI: 10.6094/UNIFR/11274.

8. Novikov DS, Kiselev VG. Transverse NMR relaxation in magnetically heterogeneous media. J Magn Reson. 2008; 195:33–39.

9. Yablonskiy DA, Sukstanskii AL. Effects of biological tissue structural anisotropy and anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility on the gradient echo MRI signal phase: theoretical background. NMR Biomed. in press.


Fig.1.: Examples of simulated media consisting of oblate (axes ratio c/a=0.5) and prolate (c/a=2) spheroids with equal orientation, as well as spheres (all with the same length of the a-axis). The inclusions have the susceptibility difference χ to the surrounding space. The visualization shows only a quarter of the simulation box in each dimension.

Fig.2: A: Magnetic susceptibility inclusions (black dots) surrounding a reporting molecule (red arrow) within a fluid (light blue). The far region (dark blue) induces a magnetic field that depends on the sample shape. The spherical near region is the subject of the present study. B: Field calculation in the near region. The field averaged within the spherical near region is subtracted and added back. The first two terms, which are enclosed in brackets, describe the outcome of numerical calculation with a vanishing mean field. The bottom line explicitly indicates subtraction of the classical Lorentz cavity field on the molecular level.

Fig.3: Fourier transformed correlation functions, Γ2(k), for the media shown in Fig.1. Whereas the media are isotropic in any horizontal plane, for the spheroids there is apparent anisotropy in the direction of the c-axis, which leads to nonspherical correlation functions. The visualized vertical planes are zoomed 4-fold around the origin.

Fig.4: For different media, characterized by their axes ratios c/a, the normalized mean frequency ¯Ω/δΩ is obtained from the numerical integration of the correlation function (lines) as well as from MC simulations (circles) of fast diffusing spins (δΩl2c/D). Shown are results with the c-axis either parallel or orthogonal to the main field with both showing excellent agreement between theory and simulation. When the prolate spheroids get longer, the mean frequency values approach the theoretically calculable limits for infinitely long cylinders (dashed lines).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)