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Microscopic susceptibility anisotropy mapping
Enrico Kaden1, Irina Y. Barskaya2, Nathaniel D. Kelm2, Kathryn L. West2, Mark D. Does2, and Daniel C. Alexander1

1Centre for Medical Image Computing, Department of Computer Science, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Institute of Imaging Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, United States


The gradient-echo signal in brain white matter does not only depend on microscopic tissue features such as myelination, but also on the axon orientation distribution with respect to the external magnetic field. Therefore, to map microscopic susceptibility, we need to factor out the confounding effects of fibre crossings and orientation dispersion. This work adapts the Spherical Mean Technique (SMT), recently introduced in diffusion MRI, to estimate the microscopic susceptibility anisotropy in directionally heterogeneous tissue. Moreover, we show that, in combination with diffusion measurements, the proposed technique may be viable in the clinic.


Fibre crossings and orientation dispersion are ubiquitous in the brain. It is well known that the directional tissue structure influences the magnitude and phase of the gradient-echo MR signal1–3. The aim here is to disentangle the two principal effects contributing to the macroscopic anisotropy seen in gradient-echo measurements, namely microscopic susceptibility anisotropy, which is mainly attributed to the myelin microstructure4–6, and the fibre orientation distribution.


Microscopic susceptibility anisotropy. The gradient-echo signal is produced by a large population of microdomains, i.e. (myelinated) axon segments in white matter, which may have a complex orientation distribution. In the following we assume that a single microdomain with orientation ωS2 gives rise to the microscopic frequency anisotropy


fA quantifies the frequency shift when the axon is oriented perpendicular to the magnetic field direction ˆB0S27–9. The microscopic gradient-echo signal then takes the form


where t is the echo time, i the imaginary unit, f0 the orientation-independent frequency shift, ϕ0 a phase offset and T2 the orientation-independent relaxation time.

Spherical Mean Technique. The axon orientation distribution p(ω) is antipodally symmetric, non-negative and normalised with one. The spherical convolution with the microscopic signal (2) yields the macroscopic gradient-echo signal


measured on the voxel scale, where E0 denotes the proton density. The key insight of the Spherical Mean Technique (SMT)10,11 is that the average ˉe(t) over the magnetic field directions, with the other sequence parameters fixed, does not depend on the orientation distribution and hence is only a function of the microscopic gradient-echo signal


We may either estimate the microscopic frequency anisotropy fA without knowledge of the fibre orientation distribution using Equation (4), which requires a dense sampling of the magnetic field directions. Alternatively, with the orientation distribution recovered from diffusion MRI10,11, fA can be estimated using Equation (3), which then requires only few magnetic field directions.

Materials and Experiment. We conducted an ex-vivo study with a brain sample from a female adult owl monkey, which was perfusion fixed and placed in PFA with 10% sucrose until washing with PBS before scanning. The sample was measured in a bespoke BuckyBall holder (Figure 1) filled with Fomblin on a 15.2 T Bruker BioSpec scanner. A 3D gradient-echo experiment with 16 echoes (flip angle 45°, TE1 = 1.837 ms, ESP = 3 ms, TR = 100 ms) was performed at 50 uniformly distributed orientations with respect to the external magnetic field. In addition, we ran a 3D diffusion FSE scan with 60 unique gradient directions evenly distributed over two b-shells of 3000 and 6000 s/mm² as well as a 3D CPMG sequence with 40 echoes (TE1 = 4.5 ms, TR = 3000 ms, 4 averages). The image resolution of all scans was 250 μm isotropic.


Figure 2 shows the mean magnitude and phase of the gradient-echo signal after frequency difference mapping12, background field removal, normalisation with respect to grey matter and SMT processing. Figure 3 (first row) plots the microscopic frequency anisotropy fA unconfounded by the axon orientation distribution and magnetic field direction. These maps were obtained without knowledge of the directional tissue structure, but using a dense sampling of the magnetic field directions. In Figure 4 we demonstrate the estimation of the microscopic susceptibility anisotropy from only few magnetic field directions and the diffusion-based axon orientation distribution. Our results suggest that the proposed technique is capable of recovering the overall contrast, thereby factoring out the effects due to the dependence of the gradient-echo measurements on the magnetic field direction to a large extent.


We have introduced a new technique enabling the recovery of microscopic susceptibility anisotropy in the presence of directional tissue heterogeneity. This was carried out by adapting the Spherical Mean Technique (SMT), a method recently proposed in diffusion MRI10,11, to gradient-echo measurements. To demonstrate the general idea, we used a simple phenomenological model of microscopic frequency anisotropy, which can be extended to more complex models. A special feature of this study is the BuckyBall holder, which allowed for the highest angular resolution of magnetic field directions achieved so far. In addition, we demonstrated in principle the clinical viability of microscopic susceptiblity anisotropy mapping. The technique requires only few magnetic field directions if used with diffusion scans.


The authors thank the Jon Kaas lab and Kurt Schilling (Vanderbilt University) for providing the brain sample. This work was supported by grants EPSRC EP/M020533/1, EPSRC EP/N018702/1, H2020 634541-2 and NIH/NIBIB EB019980. The software is available online at https://ekaden.github.io and http://www.vuiis.vanderbilt.edu/~doesmd/MERA/MERA_Toolbox.html.


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Figure 1. The custom-designed BuckyBall holder enables scanning of the sample at different rotations with respect to the external magnetic field in a reproducible manner. The O-ring seals the holder and sticks the two halves together.

Figure 2. Mean magnitude and phase of the gradient-echo signal, shown at various echo times. The key insight is that the mean signal is invariant with respect to the axon orientation distribution10,11. Moreover, frequency difference mapping12 eliminates time-independent frequency shifts as well as non-local susceptibility effects to a large extent. The magnitude signal is normalised with respect to the first echo.

Figure 3. Microscopic frequency anisotropy (first row), reflecting the anisotropy in the microscopic susceptibility distribution unconfounded by fibre crossings and orientation dispersion. For comparison (from second to fourth row), DTI principal direction, showing the directional heterogeneity in white matter, intra-axonal volume fraction11, which is with respect to the voxel volume largely excluding the myelin compartment, and myelin water fraction, defined as the relative signal content in the interval T2(1,17)ms.

Figure 4. Estimation of the microscopic susceptibility anisotropy from only few magnetic field directions in combination with diffusion-based information on the fibre orientation distribution. Note that for one magnetic field direction the problem is ill-posed even with full knowledge of the directional tissue structure, since axons running parallel to the external magnetic field do not contribute to the observable signal anisotropy. For comparison, the bottom row shows the microscopic frequency anisotropy obtained from a dense sampling of the magnetic field directions.

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)