Negative BOLD responses (NBRs) have been associated with changes in neuronal activity, but are challenging to detect due to a lower contrast-to-noise ratio compared to positive BOLD responses (PBRs). In this work, the high sensitivity available at 7T was explored with accelerated fMRI acquisition, vein segmentation and ICA denoising techniques, to map PBRs and NBRs to visual stimulation in various brain regions beyond the visual cortex. Multiple regions with significant PBRs and NBRs could be detected, and their dependence on stimulus duration was found to differ significantly across regions, suggesting the presence of dynamic, stimulus-dependent interactions across the brain.
Data acquisition: Ten healthy volunteers were scanned on a 7T MRI system (Siemens) with a 32-channel head coil (Nova Medical). Functional data were acquired using a simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) GE-EPI sequence, with TR/TE=2000/25ms, α=71°, 1.5mm isotropic resolution, 74 axial slices (2× SMS acceleration, ½ field-of-view CAIPI shift3), 2× GRAPPA acceleration and 7/8 partial Fourier. The imaging slab covered the whole brain excluding part of the cerebellum. An additional EPI volume was acquired with reversed PE direction, for subsequent EPI-distortion correction. T1-weighted anatomical data were acquired with an MP2RAGE sequence (TR/TI1/TI2/TE=5500/750/2350/1.87ms, 1mm isotropic resolution).
Paradigm: Paradigm blocks consisted of a visual stimulation period (8Hz-reversing checkerboards) followed by a fixation period. Subjects focused on a red cross shown at the center of the field-of-view at all times, and reported changes in its color via a button press. Each subject underwent a functional localizer paradigm (FLoc), for visual response mapping, and a duration-varying paradigm (FDur), for response characterization. FLoc comprised 10 blocks of 10s stimulation and 30s fixation. FDur used stimulus durations of 4,10,16,22,30 or 40s, followed by 30s fixation; each duration was employed 5 times, in randomized order.
Data analysis: Functional data underwent motion correction, brain extraction, slice-timing adjustment, spatial smoothing (2mm FWHM) and general linear model (GLM) analysis. The GLM analyses included visual paradigm regressors (boxcars convolved with HRF and temporal derivative), slow drift, motion, and additional confounds obtained with ICA (ex: physiological noise, additional motion sources). Cortical visual response mapping was performed on an average cortical surface space created with Freesurfer. First, the anatomical images were used for cortical segmentation. The FLoc β-maps were then B0-unwarped with FSL-TOPUP, coregistered to the respective anatomical space, and sampled along the cortical surface. The aligned surface β-maps of all subjects were jointly analyzed using cluster-wise inference (|Z|>1.6, cluster p<0.01, FWE-corrected with Monte Carlo simulations4), and the identified clusters were projected back to subject space. Sub-cortical ROIs were also identified, by visual inspection of cluster-thresholded FWE-corrected individual T-maps, selecting clusters that were found consistently across subjects. Finally, both cortical and sub-cortical clusters were co-registered to FDur and used as ROIs for response averaging. Venous contributions were reduced by segmenting5 and excluding vein voxels from the ROIs.
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