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Stochastic Primal-Dual Optimization for Locally Low-Rank MRI Reconstruction: A Stable Alternative to Cycle Spinning
Joshua D. Trzasko1

1Radiology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States


Locally low rank (LLR) reconstruction is an effective strategy that has found application across a range of MRI applications. In lieu of processing all overlapping image blocks each iteration, most LLR implementations employ “cycle spinning”, where only a random subset of blocks is processed. Cycle spinning improves efficiency, but may compromise reconstruction convergence and introduce artifacts. We propose a primal-dual algorithm for LLR reconstruction and show that stochastically updating the dual variable provides similar computational advantage as cycle spinning but avoids its primary disadvantages. Reconstruction performance benefits are demonstrated on both a numerical phantom and in vivo.


Locally low rank (LLR) reconstruction1,2 is an effective strategy that has proven useful in several MRI applications. Although LLR reconstructions ideally enforce low-rankedness within every overlapping image block per-iteration, that is computationally prohibitive. Thus, most implementations – typically based on parallel proximal gradient3-4 (PPG) iteration – employ “cycle spinning”5,6, wherein only a subset of non-overlapping blocks is processed each iteration. This significantly reduces computational cost, but can cause image intensities to visually oscillate between iterations7, and manifest artifacts at block boundaries. We propose a novel stochastic primal-dual optimization (SPD) strategy for LLR reconstruction that offers the computational advantage of cycle spinning but avoids its instability and artifact issues. After presenting our approach, we demonstrate its performance advantages for calibrationless parallel MRI8,9.


MRI k-space data is commonly modeled as G=A{F}+N [EQ1] where F is the target image series, A is the forward operator, and N is zero-mean Gaussian noise. LLR reconstruction comprises solving the following convex optimization problem:


where \Omega denotes the set of all image blocks, R_{b} is a block selection operator, \|\cdot\|_{*} and \|\cdot\|_{F} are the nuclear and Frobenius norms, and \lambda is a regularization parameter. EQ1 is generally solved via PPG iteration:


where P_{LLR}\{\gamma\}\{t\}\left(\cdot\right) is a pseudo-proximal mapping of the LLR penalty, e.g., the blockwise singular value thresholding (SVT)2 operator


and \Delta_{t} is the blockset considered at iteration t. Although employing \Lambda_{t}=\Omega is mathematically preferred, in practice \Lambda_{t} is often defined as a non-overlapping subset of \Omega that is randomly shifted each t. Cycle spinning offers computational advantage but, as aforementioned, suffers certain limitations. To overcome those, we recast LLR optimization in a manner that stably enables use of stochastic acceleration. To start, recall the nuclear norm dual identity


where \|\cdot\|_{2} denotes the spectral norm. EQ3 can thus be equivalently stated as a primal-dual optimization:

X_{LLR}=\arg\min_{X}\max_{\forall{b}\in\Omega,\|Y_{b}\|_{2}\leq{\lambda/2}}\left\{ \sum_{b\in\Omega}2\Re\left\{\mathrm{Tr}\left\{Y_{b}^{*}R_{b}X\right\}\right\}+\|A\{X\}-G\|_{F}^{2}\right\}~[EQ6]

where Y_{b} are dual variables. Such problems can be solved using -- amongst other strategies -- Chambolle-Pock iteration10:



where \tau and \sigma_{b} are step sizes, and P_{\|\cdot\|_{2}\leq{\gamma}}\{\cdot\} is the singular value clipping operator11. Unlike PPG, EQ7 exactly solves EQ1; yet, when all Y_{b} are updated each iteration, it offers no computational advantage over it. However, analogous to cycle spinning, a random subset (i.e., “mini-batch”) of the dual variables can be updated per-iteration; specifically, EQ7 can be replaced by


where \eta_{b,t} are Bernoulli random variable. Noting the correspondence between dual variables and blocks, assigning a single \eta to a set of non-overlapping blocks, with probability reciprocal to set count, is recommended. By casting randomization into the dual domain, this SPD12 strategy for LLR reconstruction is anticipated to exhibit superior convergence behavior and artifact mitigation relative to PPG with cycle spinning.


An 8-channel numerical brain phantomREF (128x128) was retrospectively 3x undersampled (variable-density Poisson Disk13), and LLR reconstructed (5x5x8 blocks) using: 1) PPG with fully-overlapping blockset; 2) PPG with randomly shifted non-overlapping blockset (PPG+RS); 3) PD with fully-overlapping blockset; and 4) PD with randomly updated dual variables (SPD). For SPD, updating was performed on dual variable subsets corresponding to non-overlapping blocksets. Each algorithms was executed for 500 iterations, and the primal cost (J(X)) and mean-square-error (MSE) were recorded, as was the inter-iteration image difference Frobenius norm. A healthy volunteer was also scanned at 1.5T (GE Signa, v16) with a 3D-SPGR sequence (FA=20o, TR/TE=15/5ms, FOV=24cm, BW=±31.25kHz, 256x256) and 8-channel head coil. One axial slice of this dataset was retrospectively 3x-undersampled. The same algorithm comparison as above was performed albeit for 100 iterations. All reconstructions were performed in Matlab on a MacBook Pro (2.6GHz Intel Core i7; 16GB memory).


Figures 1 and 3 show convergence plots of various metrics for the numerical phantom and volunteer data. Figures 2 and 4 show both coil combined and individual coil image reconstructions at the second-to-last and last iterations, as well as inter-iteration differences scaled up by different amounts.


Both PPG and PD demonstrated fast per-iteration but slow per-unit-time convergence. PPGs slight cost underperformance relative to PD can be attributed to its inexact construction4. PPG+RS, as expected, demonstrates low per-iteration cost but poor and unstable convergence, and fails to achieve the same cost reduction as its deterministic counterpart. The high amplitude and structure inter-iteration residuals of PPG+RS are apparent in Figures 2 and 4. Comparatively, SPD exhibits suppressed and non-structured inter-iteration differences, no visually apparent artifact, and computational efficiency mirroring PPG+RS. SPD additionally demonstrates asymptotic cost convergence to PD, highlighting consistency between the optimization models.


Stochastic primal-dual optimization is a stable and computationally efficient alternative to proximal gradient iteration with cycle spinning for LLR reconstruction.


This work was supported in part by NSF CCF:CIF:Small:1318347 and the Mayo Clinic Discovery Translation Program.


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[4] Kamilov. Parallel proximal methods for total variation minimization. Proc. ICASSP 2016;4697-4701.

[5] Coifman and Donoho. Translation invariant denoising. Wavelets and Statistics, Springer Lecture Notes, 103, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.

[6] Figueiredo and Nowak. An EM algorithm for wavelet-based image restoration. IEEE Trans Imag Proc. 2003;12:906-16.

[7] Guerquin-Kern et al. A fast wavelet-based reconstruction method for magnetic resonance imaging. IEEE Trans Med Imag 2011;30:1649-60.

[8] Shin et al. Calibrationless parallel imaging reconstruction based on structured low-rank matrix completion. MRM 2014;72:959-70.

[9] Trzasko and Manduca. CLEAR: Calibration-free parallel imaging using locally low-rank encouraging reconstruction. Proc. ISMRM 2012;517.

[10] Chambolle and Pock. A first-order primal-dual algorithm for convex problems with applications to imaging. J Math Imag Vis 2011;40:120-45.

[11] Cai and Osher. Fast Singular Value Thresholding without Singular Value Decomposition. Methods and Applications of Analysis 2013;20:335-352

[12] Zhang and Xiao. Stochastic primal-dual coordinate method for regularized empirical risk minimization. Proc. ICML 2015;951:2015.

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Fig. 1: Convergence behavior under various metrics for LLR reconstruction of 3x randomly undersampled numerical brain phantom from [REF], for: parallel proximal gradient (PPG) iteration, PPG with block set random shifting (RS), primal dual (PD) iteration, and the proposed stochastic primal dual (SPD) optimization. Observed that SPD provides similar computational efficiency to PPG+RS albeit without the persistant oscillation.

Fig. 2: Last two coil combined and individual channel images generated during test reconstruction sequence, along with magnitude/norm difference images. Note that PPG+RS exhibits both higher amplitude and more structured inter-iteration residual. The source of this residual structure, due to instantaneous use of disjoint block sets, is especially apparent within the individual PPG+RS coil images in the lower section.

Fig. 3: Convergence behavior under various metrics for LLR reconstruction of 3x randomly undersampled T1-weighted image of a healthy volunteer. Similar relative behavior to the numerical phantom results is seen between the algorithms. Note that MSE is not shown due to absence of ground truth here.

Fig. 4: Last two coil combined and individual channel images generated during healthy volunteer data reconstruction sequence, along with magnitude/norm difference images. Note that PPG+RS exhibits both higher amplitude and more structured inter-iteration residual. The source of this residual structure, due to instantaneous use of disjoint block sets, is especially apparent within the individual PPG+RS coil images in the lower section (highlighted with green arrows).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)