Quantitative first-pass myocardial perfusion imaging is a potentially powerful tool for diagnosing coronary artery disease. However, quantification is complicated by ECG misfires and the nonlinear response of signal intensity to contrast agent concentration. Here we propose a method overcoming the curse of dimensionality to simultaneously image cardiac motion, contrast dynamics, and T1 relaxation in 2D and 3D, using a low-rank tensor imaging framework for cardiovascular MR multitasking. This non-ECG, first-pass myocardial perfusion T1 mapping method accounts for the signal intensity nonlinearity, allowing direct quantification of contrast agent concentration at any cardiac phase in any cardiac cycle.
For ECG-free, time-resolved T1 mapping, the desired multidimensional image $$$I(\mathbf{x},c,\tau,t)$$$ is a function of spatial location $$$\mathbf{x}$$$, cardiac phase $$$c$$$, saturation recovery (SR) time $$$\tau$$$, and heartbeat index $$$t$$$. Representing this image as a 4-way tensor $$$\mathcal{A}$$$ with elements $$$A_{ijk\ell}=I(\mathbf{x}_i,c_j,\tau_k,t_\ell)$$$, signal correlation can be exploited by modeling $$$\mathcal{A}$$$ as low-rank4,5, i.e., as the outer product of a core tensor $$$\mathcal{C}$$$ and basis matrices6:$$\mathcal{A}=\mathcal{C}\times_1\mathbf{U_x}\times_2\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{c}\times_3\mathbf{U}_τ\times_4\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{t},\qquad(1)$$or in collapsed form,$$\mathbf{A}_{(1)}=\mathbf{U_xC}_{(1)}(\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{t}\otimes\mathbf{U}_τ\otimes\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{c})^T,\qquad(2)$$where each $$$\mathbf{U}$$$ contains a limited number of basis functions for the corresponding dimension. $$$\mathcal{A}$$$ can then be reconstructed by estimating $$$\mathbf{\Phi}=\mathbf{C}_{(1)}(\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{t}\otimes\mathbf{U}_τ\otimes\mathbf{U}_\mathrm{c})^T$$$ from subspace training data4,5 and then fitting $$$\mathbf{\Phi}$$$ to the remainder of the sparsely sampled data to recover $$$\mathbf{U_x}$$$:$$\hat{\mathbf{U}}_\mathbf{x}=\arg\min_\mathbf{U_x}\|\mathbf{d}-E(\mathbf{U_x\Phi})\|_2^2+R(\mathbf{U_x}),\qquad(3)$$where $$$\mathbf{d}$$$ is the measured data, $$$E(\cdot)$$$ describes multichannel MRI encoding and sampling, and $$$R(\cdot)$$$ is a regularization functional.
The proposed method employed an ECG-free continuous-acquisition SR-FLASH prototype pulse sequence with readouts collected throughout the entire SR period. For 2D, radial acquisition was performed using a golden-angle ordering scheme, interleaved with 0° radial spoke acquisition every other readout as subspace training data. For 3D, stack-of-stars acquisition was performed with golden-angle ordering for the polar coordinates and variable-density Gaussian random sampling for $$$k_z$$$, interleaved with 0° spoke acquisition at $$$k_z=0$$$ every other readout.
Explicit-subspace low-rank matrix imaging7 was first used to obtain an image $$$I(\mathbf{x},t')$$$ with a single “real-time” dimension $$$t'$$$. $$$I(\mathbf{x},t')$$$ depicts the overlapping effects of cardiac motion, T1 recovery, and contrast agent dynamics, allowing image-based cardiac phase identification. The matrix $$$\mathbf{\Phi}$$$ was estimated after LRT completion of the subspace training data4. $$$\hat{\mathbf{U}}_\mathbf{x}$$$ was reconstructed according to Eq. 3, using spatial total variation as the regularization functional $$$R(\cdot)$$$.
To assess repeatability of resting myocardial blood flow (MBF) measurements, n=8 healthy volunteers were imaged on a 3 T Siemens Verio. Pulse sequence parameters were FA=10°, TR/TE=3.6/1.6 ms, FOV=270$$$\times$$$270 mm2, matrix size=160$$$\times$$$160, spatial resolution=1.7$$$\times$$$1.7 mm2, and slice thickness=8 mm. Image reconstruction was performed for 15 cardiac bins and 42 saturation times. Two 0.1 mmol/kg doses of Gadovist were administered 20 to 30 minutes apart. Subjects were instructed to hold their breath for as much of the 45 s scan duration as possible, followed by shallow breathing. To demonstrate the feasibility of 3D imaging, the same process was performed for a healthy volunteer using FA=10°, TR/TE=5.9/2.7 ms, FOV=256$$$\times$$$256$$$\times$$$96 mm3, matrix size=128$$$\times$$$128$$$\times$$$12, spatial resolution=2.0$$$\times$$$2.0$$$\times$$$8.0 mm3.
For quantification, $$$T_1(t)$$$ was calculated for the left ventricular (LV) blood pool and six myocardial segments in the 2D images at end-diastole. Contrast agent concentration was calculated as$$Gd(t)={\Delta}R_1(t)/\gamma=\left(\tfrac{1}{T_1(t)}-\tfrac{1}{T_1(0)}\right)/\gamma,\qquad(4)$$where $$$\gamma$$$ is the T1 relaxivity of the contrast agent. Fermi deconvolution8 of each myocardial $$$Gd(t)$$$ by the LV $$$Gd(t)$$$ yielded MBF for each myocardial segment.
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