Dynamic changes of metabolite concentrations have been presented in human visual cortex in response to stimulus that induce a positive BOLD response (PBR). The present study compares the metabolic profile of the positive and the negative bold response (NBR). The application of different fMRS block designs showed a significant increase in Glutamate (+7.3%) during the PBR stimulation paradigm in agreement with previous studies and a decrease (-6.6%) during the NBR, which provides new information about its underlaying mechanisms.
9 healthy volunteers (4 women, age 23-31 years) participated in the fMRS study. Scans were performed on a 7T system (Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) using a 32-channel head coil. The PBR and NBR stimuli consisted of a full-field radial 25.5% grey/black flickering checkerboard8 and a centered small circle flickering checkerboard9, respectively (Figure 1). An additional colored fixation point was changing randomly to track the attention of the volunteers via a response button press. A block design (5 repetitions) with alternation of 30 sec of rest and 30 sec of stimulus during gradient-echo EPI scanning (TE 30 ms, TR 2 sec) was used as a functional localizer. A standard SPM12 processing scheme was employed to obtain BOLD activation maps. Localization of a single 8ml voxel for fMRS was done by co-registration of the thresholded BOLD activation/deactivation map to an MP-RAGE anatomical image (Figure 1).
A semi-LASER sequence (TE=40ms, TR=4sec, 16-step phase cycle) was used for fMRS (320 repetitions, 22:22 min). For each of the two voxel positions (PBR and NBR) first- and second-order shims were adjusted using FAST(EST)MAP,10,11 and a water-unsuppressed spectrum (64 repetitions, 4:46 min) was acquired while presenting the same paradigm to study the BOLD effect on the water resonance as an additional verification of a correct voxel positioning. The OFF/ON block lengths employed for fMRS were 32 sec (“short-blocks”) and 5.3 min (“long-blocks”) for the PBR and 5.3 min for the NBR. Metabolite quantification was performed with LCModel,12 (Figure 2) employing water as internal reference as well as ratios relative to creatine to avoid potential bias from variation of the linewidth due to the BOLD effect. Raw spectra were channel combined with a singular value decomposition (SVD) method13 and phase and Eddy-current corrected implemented in Matlab. Spectra were then averaged in REST vs. STIM blocks (i.e., 160 averages per condition) for each of the 3 paradigms. Additionally, a moving average of 64 repetitions shifted in steps of 6 repetitions was applied to the “long-blocks” paradigm to generate smooth time courses consisting of 64 points (Figure 3).
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