The purpose of this study was to investigate the association of cerebral blood flow alternation with cerebral amyloid deposition in autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease. Cross-subject negative correlation between cerebral blood flow and amyloid deposition was observed, indicating brain regions with high amyloid deposition may be associated with hypoperfusion. Our finding suggests cerebral hypoperfusion may contribute to the onset and progression of AD.
Subjects: Persons known to have PSEN1, PSEN2, or APP mutations in the family were recruited at UCLA as part of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network (DIAN). Twenty-two ADAD subjects with 20 mutation carriers (age 38±11 years) participated in this study. Persons with significant medical or psychiatric illnesses with the potential to significantly affect cognition in themselves were excluded.
MRI Protocol: All participants underwent MRI scans on a 3T Siemens TIM Trio scanner using the standard 12-channel head coil. Pseudo-continuous arterial spin labeling (pCASL) with 3D background suppressed GRASE sequence was performed for resting CBF measurements with the imaging parameters: FOV=220x220mm2, matrix size=64x64, TE/TR=23/4000ms, PLD=1500ms. Thirty 5-mm slices were acquired to cover the whole brain with 60 repetitions.
PET Protocol: All the participants received C11-PIB PET/CT. Dynamic C11-PIB PET/CT scans were acquired on each subject in list-mode for 70 mins. Raw PiB PET data were rebinned into 6x30 s, 4x180 s, and 11x300 s, and were reconstructed using ordered subset expectation maximization algorithm (6 iterations, 16 subsets) with a post-reconstruction 3D Gaussian smoothing (FWHM: 3 mmx3 mmx3 mm). A retrospective image-based movement correction procedure was applied to correct for possible misalignment between CT and PET scans and between PET image frames.
Data Processing: Quantitative CBF maps were calculated from the 3D GRASE pCASL data based on a single compartment model. Both CBF and PiB PET images of each subject were co-registered to the subject’s MPRAGE images, and further warped to MNI single-subject brain template using the symmetric image normalization method implemented in ANTs4. Using the combined transformation from template to PET space, tissue time-activity curve was generated for cerebellar gray matter (reference region), and parametric image of distribution volume ratio (DVR), which is used for the assessment of amyloid deposition, was constructed by Logan graphical method5 from each subject. To specify regional correlations, the CBF and DVR images were compared within 9 representative regions of interest (ROIs) from the Automated Anatomic Labeling (AAL) template in SPM including the frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes, amygdala, caudate, cingulum, hippocampus, and insula. The association between the mean DVR in gray matter as the independent variables and CBF at the voxel level was also assessed using a univariate regression analysis.
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