Pieter Van Dyck1, Eline De Smet1, Martijn Froeling2, Peter Verdonk3, Michaël Torfs1, Pim Pullens1, Jan Sijbers4, Paul M Parizel1, and Ben Jeurissen4
1Dept. of Radiology, University Hospital Antwerp, Edegem, Belgium, 2Dept. of Radiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Dept. of Orthopedics, Monica Orthopedic Research (MoRe) Foundation, Monica Hospital, Belgium, 4Vision Lab, Dept. of Physics, University of Antwerp, Belgium
cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using a tendon graft remains the standard
of care for ACL injuries. Postoperatively, the graft undergoes a biologic
transition from tendinous to ligamentous in appearance. Despite substantial
research efforts, little is known about the human ACL graft ligamentization
process. Much of the current knowledge on graft ligamentization have been derived from
biopsy studies. However, biopsies are invasive and suffer from
sampling error. Our study demonstrates the feasibility and reliability of diffusion
tensor imaging (DTI) for visualization and quantification of the ACL graft and
supports its potential to serve as a biomarker to assess graft maturity.
cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using a free (hamstring) tendon graft is one of the most common surgeries in orthopedics. It is the
gold standard of care for ACL injuries, especially for young individuals and
athletes who aim to return to high-level sporting activities.1 Once placed
in the knee joint, the tendon graft undergoes a biologic transition from
tendinous to ligamentous in appearance, a process called 'ligamentization'.2 Despite substantial research efforts, relatively little is
known about the ligamentization process in the human knee. Much of the current knowledge on human graft ligamentization have been derived from biopsy studies. However, surgical biopsy procedures are invasive and may suffer from sampling error.2 Thus, a sensitive noninvasive method that can quantitatively monitor the healing process of the ACL graft is highly
needed to better guide the patient’s rehabilitation and determine the
appropriate timing to return to sport. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a potential
candidate for this purpose. It allows for noninvasive in vivo quantification of the diffusion of water molecules inside
biological tissues and assessment of its directional anisotropy, thereby providing
a proxy measure of microstructural integrity.3 The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility and reliability of DTI as a tool for the 3D delineation and quantification of the ACL graft. Materials and methods
Axial diffusion-weighted EPI sequence (b =
0, 400 and 800 s/mm2 in 1, 10, and 10 directions, respectively, repeated
16 times for a total of 336 diffusion weighted volumes; TR/TE: 1300/45 ms,
voxel size: 1.5×1.5×6.0 mm3, matrix: 128 × 128, TA: 7m25sec) of
the knee was performed at 3T (Magnetom PrismaFit, Siemens Medical Solutions) in
20 patients within 1 year after ACL reconstruction. Multiplanar turbo spin-echo (TSE) images were also acquired to serve as anatomical reference. Tractography was performed
by 2 independent radiologists to delineate the ACL graft using the following
parameters: step size, 0.15mm; maximum angle, 2°; and fractional anisotropy (FA) threshold, 0.1. To
isolate the ACL graft, a spherical region-of-interest (ROI) of 10mm diameter was
placed both at the femoral and at the tibial apertures of the bone tunnels on the anatomical images (Figs. 1-2). These ROIs were used
as both seed and target regions for the diffusion tensor tractography
algorithm. The resulting fiber tractogram was converted to a track density
image, which was
automatically thresholded to obtain a binary mask of the ACL graft.4 Within
this mask, the average FA, mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD) and radial diffusivity (RD) were extracted to obtain quantitative
diffusion metrics specifically for the ACL graft. All fiber tracking operations
were performed using MRtrix Interrater reliability was assessed
using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and the scan-rescan
reproducibility was evaluated based on the percentage coefficient of variance (%CV)
across 20 repetition bootknife samples.6 Results
In all subjects, fiber tractography of the ACL graft
was feasible with fibers of
the graft that could be followed from the femoral to the tibial bone tunnel showing normal course within the intercondylar notch as perceptible on
corresponding anatomical sequences (Figs. 3-4). Quantitative evaluation of the obtained fiber
tracks yielded the following mean ± SD
values across the population (averaged across raters): FA=0,224 ± 0,042;
MD=1,30± 0,125 x 10-3 mm2/s;
AD=1,60± 0,141 x 10-3 mm2/s
and RD=1,14± 0,125 x 10-3 mm2/s (Table 1). Interrater reliability was excellent (ICC for FA, MD, AD and RD of
0.981, 0.907, 0.911 and 0.915, respectively). Mean
number of voxels from which DTI parameters were measured was 174±141 (ICC
0.885). The scan-rescan reproducibility of ACL
graft DTI metrics was high. Mean CVs (%) across all subjects for FA, MD, AD and
RD were 4.6% (range 1.8%-8.7%), 4.0% (range 0.9%-11.1%), 3.6% (range
1.0%-10.4%) and 4.3% (range 1.2%-11.8%), respectively.
Our study demonstrates the feasibility of DTI
as a tool for the 3D delineation of
the ACL graft within a scan time feasible for routine clinical practice. The study also showed that the DTI derived quantitative metrics of the ACL graft are reliable and reproducible. These findings
support the potential of DTI to serve as an objective biomarker to better
characterize the ACL graft healing process.Acknowledgements
Pieter Van Dyck is a senior
clinical investigator of the Research Foundation Flanders Belgium (FWO:
1831217N). Ben Jeurissen is a
postdoctoral fellow of the Research Foundation Flanders Belgium (FWO:
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