Although about 30% of patients with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) suffer prolonged symptoms after injury1, conventional anatomic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has not proven useful in diagnosing or predicting outcomes after mTBI. In this work we evaluated a novel technique, diffusion compartment imaging (DCI), with a mouse model of mTBI that enables study of mTBI under controlled conditions. We compared DCI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) changes to histopathological observations in two injury conditions (with and without persistent functional deficits). Our results suggest that, unlike DTI, DCI detects specific evidence of traumatic axonal injury. Moreover, DCI detects changes only in mice with persistent functional deficits.
Mice underwent mTBI using the weight-drop model7 of mTBI and two injury conditions: 6 mice with TD mTBI and 6 mice with PD mTBI. In-vivo MRI was performed before and in the acute phase (<24h) after injury using a Bruker BioSpec 70/30 system. We acquired a T2 RARE anatomical scan (resolution= 0.08×0.08×0.5mm3, TE/TR=9ms/3s, RARE factor=8, 8 averages, <10min) and a multi-shell DW-MRI scan (5 shells at b=250,500,750,1000,2000s/mm2, multi-shot 2D EPI, 4 shots, resolution=0.16×0.16×0.5mm3, TE/TR=36ms/2500ms, 6 repetitions, <1h20). After acquisition the mice were sacrificed and the brains collected for histopathology. Immunostaining was performed for APP.
For each mice, pre- and post-injury DW scans were aligned to a common reference system defined by the pre-injury T2 scan. A template was created by manually segmenting the corpus callosum (CC) in one mouse. The CC was then automatically segmented in all scans by using non-rigid registration of the template to each mouse, and the mean of DTI and DCI parameters assessed in the corresponding region. DCI was achieved using the DIAMOND model.10 DIAMOND is a hybrid biophysical and statistical approach that characterizes each diffusive environment in each voxel using a continuous statistical distribution of diffusion tensors. It enables the assessment of compartment-specific diffusion characteristics (compartment FA, RD and MD, ie cFA,cRD,cMD) and of the intra-compartment microstructural heterogeneity (compartment heterogeneity index, cHEI). We considered a DIAMOND model with 1) one anisotropic compartment; 2) a free diffusion compartment (Dfree=3×10−3mm2/s); and 3) an isotropic restricted diffusion compartment (DisoR=1×10−3mm2/s). The fractions associated with the compartments were not constrained to sum to 1. Statistical significance testing was achieved using the Kruskal-Wallis test, correcting for multiple comparison to account for the number of tested parameters.
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