Accurate segmentation of cerebellum is important in studying the structural changes in brain and the alert in different neuro-developmental disorders. However,
Totally, 10 volunteers with the average age of 30 years were recruited for this study. All the participants were scanned at 3T Siemens Trio scanner with a 3D MP-RAGE sequence, including 144 sagittal slices using image parameters such as TR = 1900 ms, TE =2.16ms, flip angle =9° and resolution =0.8594 × 0.8594× 0.999 mm3 . Each image is resampled into the isotropic resolution. Furthermore, to obtain accurate ground truth for classifier learning, 7T MRI with high contrast was also scanned based on which manual labeling was performed. In particular, 7T T1-weighted MRI was acquired in a Siemens Magnetom 7T whole-body MR scanner with a 3D MP2-RAGE sequence of 192 sagittal slices using image parameters such as TR = 6000 ms, TE =2.95ms, flip angle =4° and resolution = 0.80× 0.80 × 0.80 mm3.
In our proposed method, the auto-context random forest is employed as the ensemble system, where each tree is a weak learner. To tackle the low contrast and the partial volume effects in cerebellum, both appearance features and context features are employed to train random forest. In this work, Haar features are considered as the appearance features of each patch. After the first round of training, the probability maps P can be predicted by the trained classifier, which are further used to extract context features for the next round of training. Finally, for the voxels with low classification confidence, spatial sparse learning is also employed to update the probability map, which can be expressed as follows:
where {\bf X} denotes the patches in a neighborhood and \bf D is the dictionary constructed by the patches in a window. \bf A is the coefficient matrix, in which each column is the sparse coefficient of a patch. \lambda is the regularization parameter. The \ell_{2,1} norm aims to enforce the patches to share the common pattern in sparse representation. \bf W is a weight matrix, which is used to indicate the similarity among the patches \bf X and the dictionary \bf D. \odot denotes the component-wise multiplication. After the sparse representation, the coefficient of the central patch \bf \alpha is extracted from \bf A and the probability belonging to the i-th class can be updated as
\begin{equation}{p_i} = \frac{{\bf w}^i \cdot {\bf \alpha }^i}{{\bf w} \cdot {\bf \alpha }},~~ i \in \{ {\rm{WM, GM, CSF}} \} \end{equation}
where \bf w is the similarity of the patch with the atoms in the dictionary \bf D. {\bf w}^i and {\bf \alpha}^i are the i-th segments of vectors \bf w and \bf \alpha corresponding to the atoms from the i-th class. The denominator is a constant for normalization.
In this work, the leave-one-out validation is employed, where 9 subjects are for training and the rest one is used for testing. In the training stage, 60000 patches are randomly selected from each subject, and 10000 Haar-like features are generated for each patch. The forest contains 20 decision trees, where the maximal depth of each tree is set as 100 and the minimal number of samples in each leaf node is set as 8.
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