Using electrical stimulation of the hind limb, Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) was used to observe localized changes in the complex shear modulus G=G’ + iG’’ of the mouse brain cortex. “Stimulation” and “no stimulation” paradigms were alternated every 10s to avoid habituation. An average increase of ~14% in G’ was observed whereas no significant change was seen for G’’. The effect was observed in six of seven mice studied. The mechanism responsible for this effect is hypothesized to be due to calcium influx into the neuronal cells.
A spin-echo MRE sequence3 was modified to allow interleaved paradigms: P1/P2 for stimulation/no stimulation. To avoid neuronal habituation, each paradigm lasts <10s. K-space acquisition was segmented with P1 and P2 applied sequentially before advancing to the next k-space segment. When switching paradigms, a dummy acquisition period of 1.8s allowed for re-establishment of hemodynamic equilibrium. Imaging parameters were: TR/TE=900/29ms; FOV=19.2mm; in-plane matrix 64x64; isotropic spatial resolution=0.3mm; 8 wave phases in x,y,z; 2 paradigms; and 9 slices; these account for 432 images with acquisition time=56min.
With IACUC approval, 7 wild type black mice were studied at 7T under isoflurane anesthesia. For stimulation, electric current was applied through two 30 gauge needles inserted in a hind limb: ~1mA, 3Hz, pulse width ~250ms. Two scans were serially acquired. For Scan 1, P1=stimulation and P2=no stimulation. For Scan 2, which is a control scan, P1=P2= no stimulation. The MRE apparatus, modified from an earlier version4, is described in Figure 1. Vibration frequency was 1kHz.
Two different inversions of the displacement fields to obtain elasticity maps were performed. The first method requires 3rd order derivatives. It uses the curl of the wave equation followed by algebraic inversion with a locally homogeneous approximation5. The second method assumes local stiffness homogeneity but uses a FEM to reduce the order of the derivatives taken of the noisy displacement field. FEM test functions are chosen to remove boundary conditions and the pressure term.
RARE images were also acquired and compared with a mouse atlas6. The shape and location of the ventricles allowed identification of anatomical regions on the RARE images that could be directly transferred to the MRE maps (Figure 2).
Figure 3 shows example elasticity maps. Scan 1, top row, shows a significant increase in |G| in a localized region (red arrow). Scan 2, bottom row, shows no significant difference between P1 and P2. Similar results were observed in 6 of 7 mice studied. In the 6 mice where an effect was observed, the elasticity maps were registered to a common base image and averaged (Figure 4). A 12 voxel ROI (Figure 5) was used to outline the area of increased G. Using “S” and “NS” to denote stimulation and no stimulation, the mean and SEM for the ROI in the registered images is as follows. Scan 1: interleaved S/NS: GS’=9.17 ± 0.22 kPa / GNS’=8.06 ± 0.20 kPa; GS’’=6.47 ± 0.22 kPa / GNS’’=6.55 ± 0.20 kPa corresponding to a mean difference of 13.7% in G’ and an insignificant difference in G’’. For the control Scan 2: interleaved NS/NS, GNS’=7.60 ± 0.16 kPa / GNS’=7.34 ± 0.14 kPa; GNS’’=5.30 ± 0.16 kPa / GNS’’=5.03 ± 0.14 kPa corresponding to insignificant differences for both storage and loss moduli.
Both the curl and FEM methods produced similar results showing a stiffening with stimulation. The statistics stated here used the FEM data, which produced slightly sharper images.
Our results show a strong, statistically significant, highly localized increase in cortical stiffness with hind limb stimulation. This suggests MR elastography may be an exquisitely sensitive tool for functional neuroimaging. Reduction of acquisition time, however, will be essential for fMRE to become a useful tool.
To explain our results, consider two mechanisms in the neuronal cascade, Ca++ influx and CBF increase. Regarding Ca++, AFM data shows activation of NMDA receptors in cortical neurons, which opens Ca++ channels and “caused an abrupt increase in G' due to elevated hydrostatic pressure inside neurons”.7 This is an effective repartitioning of intra-vs-extra-cellular water. Another study in kidney cells shows a large increase in stiffness due to acto-myosin activation after after opening Ca++ channels8. Both studies support Ca++ influx as a mechanism to increase neuronal stiffness. From the fMRI literature, increased CBF is known to occur with functional stimulation9. Recent ex vivo placenta data shows a marked stiffness increase after vasoconstrictor administration10. This has the opposite sign to explain an increase in stiffness with increased flow. We thus hypothesize Ca++ influx is the mechanism behind our observations. Future work will explore this mechanism.
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