One grand challenge in contemporary neuroscience is to achieve an integrated understanding of large-scale brain-wide networks. Resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) has helped reveal such brain-wide networks, yet, the neural
Animal Preparation: AAV5-CaMKIIα::ChR2(H134R)-mCherry was injected to VPM of adult rats (n=8, 200-250g, male, SD strain). Four weeks after injection, an opaqued optical fiber cannula (d=450μm) was implanted at the injection site. In a separate group of rats (n=10, 400-450g, male, SD strain), a glass capillary tube (d=300μm) was implanted in VPM. All experiments were performed under 1.0% isoflurane.
Optogenetic and Tetrodotoxin (TTX) rsfMRI Experiment: For optogenetic stimulation (OG-On), blue (473nm) light was presented continuously at 1Hz (10% duty cycle, 40mW/mm2; Figure 1A). RsfMRI scans were performed before (baseline), during (OG-On) and after (OG-Off) optogenetic stimulation. Typically, five baseline rsfMRI scans were acquired before five OG-On scans were interleaved with five OG-Off scans. For TTX infusion, 5μL (5ng/μL) was used. Typically, five rsfMRI scans were acquired before (baseline) TTX infusion and five after (Post). TTX is a neurotoxin that blocks neuronal action potentials.
rsfMRI Acquisition and Analysis: RsfMRI data was acquired at 7T using GE-EPI (FOV=32×32mm2, matrix=64×64, α=56°, TE/TR=20/750ms, 16 contiguous slices with 1mm thickness). Standard preprocessing followed by seed-based correlation analysis was applied to map and quantify interhemispheric/bilateral rsfMRI functional connectivity of primary somatosensory barrel field (S1BF), secondary somatosensory (S2), primary visual (V1) and auditory (A1) cortices. Interhemispheric rsfMRI connectivity spectra and intrahemispheric power spectra were then computed.
Figure 1 demonstrates that interhemispheric S1BF, S2, V1 and A1 functional connectivities were strengthened significantly during OG-On period, which remained elevated during OG-Off period.
Figure 2 shows the significant decreased interhemispheric S1BF, S2, V1 and A1 functional connectivities after pharmacological blockade of VPM thalamocortical neurons by TTX.
Figure 3 presents the interhemispheric rsfMRI connectivity spectrum of S1BF, S2, V1 and A1. Coherent bilateral infra-slow (<0.1Hz) rsfMRI BOLD activity were increased and remained elevated following 1Hz optogenetic VPM stimulation, and decreased after TTX infusion.
Figure 4 shows the increased local infra-slow (<0.1Hz) rsfMRI BOLD activity of S1BF, S2, V1 and A1, which remained elevated following 1Hz VPM stimulation. TTX infusion at VPM led to a decrease in such activity.
Figure 5 demonstrates the downstream propagation of low frequency neuronal activity as measured by LFP, initiated by optogenetic excitation of VPM thalamocortical excitatory neurons at 1Hz.
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