We propose a robust reconstruction model for dynamic perfusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from undersampled k-space data. Our method is based on a joint penalization of the pixel-wise incoherence on temporal differences and patch-wise dissimilarities between spatio-temporal neighborhoods of perfusion image series. We evaluate our method on dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC)–MRI brain perfusion datasets and demonstrate that the proposed reconstruction model can achieve up to 8-fold acceleration by yielding improved spatial reconstructions and providing highly accurate matching of perfusion time-intensity curves, thus leading to more precise quantification of clinically relevant perfusion parameters over two existing reconstruction methods.
Our reconstruction model integrates two different data-driven constraints for the reconstruction of PWI: (i) the pixel-wise sparsity constraint on the temporal differences of the image series, limiting the overall dynamic of the perfusion time series, (ii) the patch-wise similarity constraint on the spatio-temporal neighborhoods of the whole data, providing smooth image regions with less temporal blurring when there are high inter-frame intensity changes. The proposed model can be formulated as, ˆX=argmin where X denotes the perfusion image series to be reconstructed, Y represents undersampled k-space data, \lambda_1 and \lambda_2 are the regularization parameters. The first regularizer here penalizes the sum of pixel-wise differences on the temporal difference images based on a reference, and defined as, \mathcal{G}_1(X)=\sum\limits_{t\in\mathbb{T}}\sum\limits_{n=1}^{M\times N}\sqrt{\left(\nabla_x\left(x_t-\bar{x}\right)_n\right)^2+\left(\nabla_y\left(x_t-\bar{x}\right)_n\right)^2}where \bar{x} is a reference image calculated by averaging all temporal frames, \nabla_x and \nabla_y are the finite-difference operators along x and y dimensions, respectively. This regularizer is better adjusted to the variation in time. The second regularizer penalizes the weighted sum of \ell_2 norm distances between spatio-temporal (3D) patches of the image series, and this term is specified by,\mathcal{G}_2(X)=\sum_{(\mathrm{p}_x,\mathrm{p}_y,\mathrm{p}_t)\in\mathrm{\Omega}}\sum_{(\mathrm{q}_x,\mathrm{q}_y,\mathrm{q}_t)\in\mathcal{N}_{\mathrm{p}}}w(\mathrm{p},\mathrm{q})\|P_{\mathrm{p}}(\mathrm{X}^{3D})-P_{\mathrm{q}}(\mathrm{X}^{3D})\|_2^2 where P_{\mathrm{p}}(\mathrm{X}^{3D}) is a 3D patch centered at voxel \mathrm{p}, \mathcal{N}_{\mathrm{p}} is a 3D search window around \mathrm{p}. The weights w(\mathrm{p},\mathrm{q}) are determined using exponentially weighted \ell_2 norm distance. This regularizer can exploit similarities between patch pairs and enforce smooth solutions by averaging distance-wise close patches.
To efficiently solve the optimization, we adopt an accelerated iterative algorithm based on a generalized forward-backward splitting framework5. We evaluate our method using five DSC image series acquired within a PET/MR study on brain tumor hypoxia. Data were acquired using a 3T Siemens mMR Biograph scanner with a 2D dynamic single-shot gradient-echo EPI sequence (TR/TE=1500/30 ms, flip angle=70^{\circ}, voxel size=1.8\times1.8\times4 mm^3, 60 dynamics). A bolus of 15 ml Gd-DTPA (Magnevist, 0.5 mmol/ml) was injected 3 minutes after an initial bolus of 7.5 ml with 4 ml/s injection rate. We compare our method with two reconstruction methods: SparseSENSE with multiple constraints6 and k-t RPCA7. For fair comparison, we empirically fine-tuned the optimal regularization parameters for each method. Undersampling was retrospectively done via variable density Poisson-disc sampling8. Concordance correlation coefficients (CCCs) are used to quantitatively compare the perfusion maps.
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