Perfusion weighted imaging (PWI) using dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging is a widely used technique in tumour imaging. The use of multi-echo DSC, gradient and spin echo (GESE), allows one to obtain vasculature information. However, trade-off between number of echoes, spatial resolution and brain coverage is required. In this work, the use of EPI with keyhole (EPIK) combined with multi-band is proposed to obtain a whole brain multi-echo GESE-DSC in clinically relevant acquisition times. The method was applied in a cohort of brain tumour patients in a MR-PET scanner enabling localisation of the tumour based on metabolic information from PET.
Data from five tumour patients were included in this study. MR acquisitions were performed on a 3T MR-BrainPET scanner (MAGNETOM Trio, Siemens Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany). DSC data were acquired without pre-bolus and using the EPIK scheme5-7 combined with the multi-band technique8. DSC protocol parameters were as follows: three echoes (TE1/TE2/TE3=SE =13/36/117 ms); TR = 1500 ms; iPAT = 2; SMS= 2; partial Fourier = 5/8; matrix-size = 128×128×20; pixel size 1.9×1.9×5 mm3. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was performed using three b-values (0, 500 and 1000 s/mm2) and one gradient direction, TE/TR = 96/4900 ms, matrix size 192×192×25 and pixel size 1.2×1.2×5 mm3. Pre/post contrast MPRAGE images were acquired. Simultaneously with the MR measurements, an [18F]-FET PET scan was carried out. PET data9 were reconstructed using OP-OSEM3D software with 4 subsets and 32 iterations and the images were normalized and corrected for attenuation, scatter, dead time and random, resulting in images with voxels of 1.25×1.25×1.25 mm3 and matrix size of 256×256×153. After data acquisition, GE and SE DSC data were converted to contrast tissue concentration (DR2GE, DR2SE) and corrected for T1 effects using the three-echo approach suggested in Ref. 10. DWI data were processed in order to calculate the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC). Vessel size images (VSI) were generated with the following formula11:
VSI = 0.867 (CBV ADC)1/2 ΔR2GE/(ΔR2SE3/2),
where CBV is the cerebral blood volume which was normalized to 3% in the normal apparent white matter. In order to perform a quantitative comparison, volumes-of-interest (VOIs) were placed in the grey matter, thalamus, white matter and tumour. Tumour volumes were defined in the PET summed image from 20 to 40 min p.i. by a 3D auto-contouring process using a tumour-to-brain ratio12 (TBR) of ≥ 1.6. All the processing was performed using developed in-house Matlab script.
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