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Anisotropic cerebral vascular architecture causes orientation dependency in cerebral blood flow and volume measured with spin echo dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging
Jonathan Doucette1,2, Luxi Wei1,3, Christian Kames1,2, Enedino Hernández-Torres1,4, Rasmus Aamand5, Torben E. Lund5, Brian Hansen5, and Alexander Rauscher1,4

1UBC MRI Research Centre, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Engineering Physics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 4Pediatrics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 5Center of Functionally Integrative Neuroscience (CFIN) and MINDLab, Department of Clinical Medicine, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark


Cerebral white matter tissue perfusion measured with gradient echo dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging exhibits a strong dependency on the angle between white matter fibres and the main magnetic field. Here, we investigate how spin echo DSC depends on the orientation of white matter and explain orientation effects by a model of diffusion within a magnetically inhomogenous environment created by a vascular bed with isotropic and anisotropic components. We found that the change in R2 value for the SE DSC is 20% larger in WM fibres perpendicular to B0 than for those parallel, compared with 100% larger in GRE DSC.


Cerebral white matter tissue perfusion measured with gradient echo dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging exhibits a strong dependency on the angle between white matter fibres and B0[1]. This effect is due to large vessels running parallel with the fibre tracts, resulting in orientation dependent field inhomogeneities on top of the orientation independent effects from the capillary bed. Therefore, the change in T2* induced by the contrast agent depends on fibre orientation. In spin echo DSC the dephasing due to static field inhomogeneities is reversed. However, spins still lose coherence because they diffuse in a magnetic inhomogeneous environment, resulting in an irreversible loss of coherence, that increases with increased contrast agent concentration, i.e. increased paramagnetism of the vessels.

Here, we investigate how spin echo DSC depends on the orientation of white matter, and explain orientation effects by a model of diffusion within a magnetically inhomogenous environment created by a vascular bed with isotropic and anisotropic components.


Data from 13 healthy subjects were acquired at 3T. DSC was acquired with spin echo EPI (TE=60ms, voxel volume=3x3x3mm3). Fibre orientation was calculated from a diffusion tensor scan as described in[2]. The DSC signal in each WM voxel was sorted into bins according the local angle α with respect to B0, with α ranging from 2.5° to 87.5° in 5° increments. The data was then averaged across all voxels in each bin for all subjects and ΔR2=1TEln(SS0) was calculated, where S0 is the signal before the arrival of the CA, and S is the signal at the time corresponding to CAPEAK.

The magnetization within a 3D voxel was simulated for TE=60ms. Inside this voxel we place an isotropic vascular bed of small vessels with mean radii of 13.7mm and a standard deviation of 2.1mm[3] , as well as a variable number of large anisotropic vessels parallel to the containing WM along the ˆz-direction. The total blood volume fraction BVF determines the total number of vessels present, with a relative blood fraction iRBVF in the isotropic vasculature, and the remaining blood fraction aRBVF=1iRBVF in the anisotropic vasculature. The simulation is performed both with and without CA in order to calculate S0 and S for each α.

The Bloch-Torrey equation dMdt=DΔMΓ(r)M is solved numerically for the complex transverse magnetization M using a discrete time-stepping method with step size ΔTE=2ms and D=3.037mm2/s[4]. The magnetization is computed at time TE=60ms, with the complex conjugate taken at TE/2 to represent the inversion pulse. The complex decay rate Γ is given by Γ(r)=R2(r)+iδω(r); δω(r)=γB0Gα(r,θ)δχ(r) is the local frequency shift. These frequency shifts δω encode the WM fibre orientation dependency.

The simulation parameters BVF, iRBVF, and CAPEAK are determined through a gradient descent based L2-norm minimization algorithm using MATLAB's lsqcurvefit to match the simulated ΔR2 vs. α curve with the observed curve. This process is repeated for differing numbers of large anisotropic vessels. An example voxel geometry and corresponding frequency shift map are shown in Figures 1 and 2.


ΔR2 was found to be 20% larger for fibres perpendicular to the main magnetic field compated to parallel fibres. The resulting ΔR2 vs. α curve and fitted simulation parameters are shown in Figure 3 for N = 5 anisotropic blood vessels.

Discussion and Conclusion

ΔR2 shows a 20% difference between parallel and perpendicular fibres, compared to 100% in ΔR2 presented earlier[1]. It is important to emphasize that T2 shortening of the signal via direct interaction between spins and the local fields created by the CA molecules within vessels is not sufficient for the observed signal reduction. Rather, it is the fact that the field inhomogeneities occupy a much larger volume than the blood vessels that create these inhomogeneities, thereby affecting a large fraction of the signal originating from an imaging voxel and also creating an orientation dependency. Despite the substantial increase of R2 within the blood vessels, it is actually the diffusion outside the blood vessels that creates most of the signal loss observed in the presence of a CA.

We found an anisotropic vessel volume fraction of 35%, compared to 50% for gradient echo EPI experiment[1]. One explanation may be that the spatial frequencies of field inhomogeneities created by large vessels are locally low and diffusion happens within a locally more homogeneous environment. Signal attenuation is therefore small and large vessels become less visible to the spin echo experiment. In gradient echo DSC, however, most of the signal loss is due to static dephasing where the size of the vessel plays no role, as long as it much smaller than the voxel.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Hernández-Torres E, Kassner N, Forkert ND, Wei L, Wiggermann V, Daemen M, Machan L, Traboulsee A, Li D, Rauscher A. Anisotropic cerebral vascular architecture causes orientation dependency in cerebral blood flow and volume measured with dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2016

2. Hernandez-Torres E, Wiggermann V, Hametner S, et al. Orientation dependent MR signal decay differentiates between people with MS, their asymptomatic siblings and unrelated healthy controls. PLoS One 2015; 10: e014095

3. Jochimsen TH, Ivanov D, Ott DV, et al. Whole-brain mapping of venous vessel size in humans using the hypercapnia-induced BOLD effect. NeuroImage 2010; 51: 765–774.

4. Holz, Manfred and Heil, Stefan R. and Sacco, Antonio.Temperature-dependent self-diffusion coefficients of water and six selected molecular liquids for calibration in accurate 1H NMR PFG measurements. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2000; 2:20 4740-4742.


Example simulated voxel geometry. The 3x3x3mm3 voxel is populated with an isotropic vascular bed and N = 4 anisotropic large vessels in the ˆz-direction. The total volume occupied by the blood vessels is determined by the blood volume fraction BVF. The relative fraction of this blood contained in the isotropic vascular bed is determined by the isotropic relative blood volume fraction iRBVF, and the amount of blood contained in the anisotropic vessels then determined by aRBVF=1iRBVF.

Example cross-section of the frequency shift map δω for α = 12.5°, 45°, and 72.5°. Observe the high spatial frequency shifts about the small isotropic vasculature, and correspondingly low spatial frequency shifts about the large anisotropic vessels. Note also the increase in strength and range of inhomogeneities about the large anisotropic vessels as α increases, introducing the dependance of dephasing on the angle α to the problem.

Resulting ΔR2 vs. α fitted simulation curve for N = 5 anisotropic blood vessels. ΔR2 was 20% larger for fibres perpendicular to the main magnetic field compated to parallel fibres. The resulting parameters found are CAPEAK=6.23mM, BVF=3.49%, and iRBVF=65.9%, corresponding to 2.30% BVF in isotropic vasculature and 1.19% BVF in anisotropic vasculature. It should be noted that >97% of data points have an angle with B0 greater than 15° and that the upward trend for small angles may be a result of a small sample size in this area. This trend was not observed in the gradient echo EPI experiment[1].

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 25 (2017)