Francisco J. Fritz1, Desmond H Y Tse1, Shubarthi Sengupta1, Tim K. Loderhose1, Bram Kraaijeveld1, Svenja Caspers2, Benedikt A. Poser1, and Alard Roebroeck1
1Cognitive Neuroscience Department, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Institut für Neurowissenschaften und Medizin (INM-1), Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, Germany
The investigation of entire human brains post
mortem with diffusion MRI is an important research tool. However, the
achievable resolutions and contrast are limited by gradient performance,
RF-field inhomogeneity and strongly reduced T2 and diffusivity. Here, a diffusion-weighted STEAM
sequence was modified to enable the use of kT-points B1+ homogenization
and 3D segmented EPI readout. The resulting kT-dSTEAM sequence allows for high
resolution (1000μm, 500μm and 400μm isotropic) diffusion-weighted imaging the entire
human brain with homogenous contrast at 9.4T.
Ex vivo diffusion MRI (dMRI) is an important research tool in the human
brain for neuroanatomical investigations1-3 and the validation of in
vivo diffusion MRI techniques. For instance ex vivo dMRI studies of the human
brain have focussed on validation of white matter orientation estimates, the
atlasing and mapping of large subcortical structures and the delineation of
layered grey matter structure4-5. All of these applications benefit from mesoscale (< 1mm isotropic) dMRI resolution over large fields of view, which is difficult to
achieve primarily because of the the strongly reduced T2 and
diffusivity of fixed tissue. In addition, the investigation of entire human brains post
mortem in ultra-high field (UHF) large bore systems6-8, in contrast to small samples
studied in small-bore preclinical systems, can provide the crucial context of
the complete human brain. However, the achievable resolutions and contrast are
limited, compared to small sample studies, by gradient performance,
non-optimized RF-coils, and RF-field inhomogeneity over the brain at UHF. Here we
introduce kT-dSTEAM with the aim of tackling these challenges and acquiring high resolution (1000μm, 500μm and 0.4μm isotropic)
diffusion-weighted images of the entire human brain post-mortem.Methods
A diffusion-weighted STEAM sequence10 was modified to enable the use of kT-points, leading to the sequence proposed here: kT-dSTEAM. It consists of a set of globally non-selective composite pulses for excitation (with 8 sub-pulses), storing (with 16 sub-pulses) and recalling (with 8 sub-pulses) magnetization for B1+ homogeneity, and a 3D segmented EPI readout acquisition (Figure 1). For the kT-points pulse design a
B0 map11 and transmit profile (B1+) map for each of the
transmit channels were acquired with transmit phase-encoded12, T2
and T2* compensated version of DREAM13. kT-points sub-pulse spacing
was set to 180μs and pulses were calculated using the MLS approach14.
For reference, 400μm rectangular pulses with the transmit coil's default static
phase setting was used. The kT-dSTEAM sequence takes advantage (compared to pulsed
gradient spin echo (PGSE) sequences) of the fact that the mixing time (TM)
increases diffusion time (Δ), and hence the b-value, during T1-decay while allowing to keep the echo time (TE) short15. One human post-mortem brainfrom a subject without neurological or psychiatric disease was used for the present study. The sample was enclosed in a 3D conformal container and inserted into a specialized 9.4T 8Ch parallel transmit (pTx), 24Ch receive RF-coil9. Experiments were performed on a 9.4T 82cm bore human MR system (Magnetom 9.4T, Siemens Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany) with a maximum gradient amplitude of 80mT/m and 16 transmit channels. High resolution diffusion-weighted
images (at 1000μm, 500μm and 400µm isotropic) were acquired using the
parameters specified in table 1. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis was
performed using FSL v5.0 software16. Results and discussion
Figure 2A shows that whole brain diffusion-weighted data at 9.4T is highly
affected by B1+ inhomogeneity using the static phase RF pulse. Using kT-points
excitation alone is not enough to prevent dropout in the stimulated echo signal
(Figure 2B), which instead requires the use of composite pulses int storing and
recalling (Figure 2C)17. At high resolution (1000µm isotropic)
diffusion contrast-to-noise is appreciable up to high b-values of 8072 s/mm2
(Figure 3). Very high resolution diffusion data (500μm and 400μm isotropic)
could be achieved at moderate b-values (Figure 4), where adjustment of sequence
parameters (TR, TE, TM, RO-bandwidth and EPI factor) allows a trade-off between
spatial resolution and diffusion weighting contrast. T1 relaxometry could be also be performed at 400μm by varying TM (Figure 5). The 400µm isotropic data
provides DTI orientation estimates in white matter and across the depth of the
cortex showing clear radial diffusion (Figure 6).Conclusion
The kT-dSTEAM sequence allows for high
resolution diffusion-weighted imaging the entire human brain with homogenous
contrast at 9.4T due to the B1+ homogeneity achieved with the kT-points pulses.
T1 relaxometry could also be performed a high resolution, showing potential for
quantitative T1 mapping. Acquisition time could be shortened in the future by
application of accelerated sampling schemes in the EPI readout. With these
further developments kT-dSTEAM can play an important role in mesoscale human
connectomics and microstructure studies.Acknowledgements
The authors thank Katrin Amunts for making available the human brain
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