Using a recently developed joint intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)- diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) protocol for kidney evaluation, we present reproducibility analysis of its metrics in normal volunteers, as well as pilot assessments in several patients with renal masses prior to surgery. Reproducibility analysis indicates a subset of robust parameters, including structural and microcirculation markers in both cortex and medulla, for clinical application. Preliminary results in renal mass patients suggest multifactorial differences from controls, supporting the need for advanced diffusion characterization in assessing renal functional reserve.
Renal dysfunction occurring following a renal insult, such as surgical resection, is a complex interplay of microstructural and microvascular phenomena. Currently, the standard assessment of renal function is estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), which is calculated from serum creatinine levels. eGFR is an indirect global measure of kidney function and cannot assess lateral response (operated vs. contralateral kidney), differentiate between pathophysiologies, or predict recovery. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) techniques have attempted to tease apart complexities of renal tissue1. Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM)2, which distinguishes tubular/vascular flow from microstructure, is sensitive to renal allograft rejection3,4 and vascularity / cellularity of renal masses5-8. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)9 measures water diffusion anisotropy, which is decreased in diabetic nephropathy10, allograft dysfunction11,12, ischemia-reperfusion damage13 and chronic parenchymal disease14. We have recently demonstrated a joint IVIM-DTI approach which allows assessment of the directional anisotropy of both the fast pseudodiffusion (vascular / tubular flow) and the slow tissue diffusion (microstructure) components15, a topic which has gained recent attention for renal imaging16-18. We present reproducibility of joint IVIM-DTI in normal volunteers and pilot data in renal mass patients.1. Sigmund EE, Vivier PH, Sui D, Lamparello NA, Tantillo K, Mikheev A, Rusinek H, Babb JS, Storey P, Lee VS, Chandarana H. Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Diffusion-Tensor Imaging in Renal Tissue under Hydration and Furosemide Flow Challenges. Radiology 2012;263(3):758-769.
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