Pancreatic beta cells secrete insulin to maintain normal blood glucose levels, and the integrity and function of pancreatic beta cells have been found to be compromised in Type-1 and Type-2 diabetes. Therefore, non-invasive beta cell function measurements may provide valuable information for improving diabetes diagnostics and disease management. Currently available diabetes assays lack functional information and spatial identification of properly functioning beta cells. In this work, we introduce a new assay to assess the function and identify functional beta cells in vivo in the non-human primate pancreas non-invasively with MRI using a Gd-based zinc sensor as contrast agent.
Adult, healthy male and female (n = 2 each) rhesus macaques underwent a contrast-enhanced exam at 3T using a four-channel body coil using an altered Graded Glucose Injection (GGI) paradigm (Fig. 1) to challenge the pancreas to produce insulin. CP027 was administered during Study 1, and gadofosveset trisodium, a comparator agent with similar albumin binding and relaxivity, was administered 3 weeks later using the identical paradigm during Study 2. Blood samples were acquired every 4 minutes for whole blood glucose, plasma insulin, and C-peptide levels. Breath-held MRI of the pancreas was acquired using a T1W 3D gradient echo sequence on the anesthetized animals with simultaneous blood sampling.
“Hotspots”, or small, focal areas of signal enhancement identified on the CP027 exams, which were predominantly found in the pancreas tail region, were measured (n ≥ 4), averaged, and matched as best as possible to the same pancreas anatomy for the gadofosveset exams; the pancreas routinely moved within and between studies. Similarly sized ROIs on the same imaging slice adjacent to the identified hotspots were also measured for both studies to compare with the hotspots (“within-slice comparator ROIs”). All ROIs were normalized to the muscle signal to account for the continuous infusion of contrast agent. Normalized percent signal enhancement over time from 0 min for each agent was then compared to dynamic glucose, insulin, and C-peptide levels.
Figure 2 displays a CP027 hotspot in one animal at 60 min, demonstrating increasing intensity throughout the dextrose infusion, alongside its within-slice comparator ROI showing less enhancement. Less enhancement in the anatomically matched ROI at Study 2 using gadofosveset and its within-slice comparator ROI are seen. Furthermore, Table 1 displays the percent change for each 20 min interval for all hotspots and within-slice comparator ROIs across all animals. Of note, the signal intensity in the hotspots approximately doubles between 20-40 min and 40-60 min, an expected pattern due to the doubled dextrose infusion. This pattern cannot be identified when using gadofosveset or in the comparator ROIs. Thus, enhancement in the presence of CP027 was seen in the hotspots are consistent with the focal nature of insulin release3.
Figure 3 compares the behavior of CP027 and gadofosveset across all animals on Day 1 and 2, respectively, alongside C-peptide and insulin levels. While the production of insulin and C-peptide was greater on Day 1 than Day 2 (Day 1 at 60 min showed +80% and +46%, resp., compared to Day 2 at 60 min), the hotspot enhancement surpassed this difference (+212% compared to Day 2 at 60 min) demonstrating that gadofosveset does not offer functional beta cell information, assuming the same relationship between insulin and C-peptide changes and signal enhancement for both contrast agents.
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5. American Diabetes Association. Standards of medical care in diabetes—2011. Diabetes Care. 2011, 34(Supp 1):S11–S61