NMR allows to investigate multiple aspects of physiological parameters like regional perfusion, blood and tissue oxygenation, intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate metabolism. In the past, interleaved multi-parametric multi-nuclear dynamic NMR imaging and spectroscopy of skeletal muscle was developed on prototype scanners. Here we developed an interleaved pulse sequence combining NMR acquisitions of a perfusion image, 1H deoxy-myoglobin and 31P spectra on a clinical system without any hardware modifications from the customer. We successfully evaluated this sequence in the ischemic calf muscle and exercising quadriceps muscle. Nevertheless, using a surface coil for pulsed-ASL measurements remains a limitation at this time.
NMR allows to investigate multiple aspects of physiological parameters in vivo such as regional perfusion, blood and tissue oxygenation, intracellular pH or high-energy phosphate metabolism. Classically, NMR acquisition schemes rarely explore more than a few biological parameters which are often measured in separate experimental sessions, adding experimental variability1 on biological processes which are already multifactorial2,3. Interleaving multinuclear dynamic NMR measurements have widely been practiced on prototype or user-modified scanners4-8. Recently, interleaved multi-nuclear NMR measurements were done in a commercial scanner without hardware modifications from the user9,10. Here, the interleaved approach was expanded to enable simultaneous measurements of perfusion, deoxygenated myoglobin (dMb) and phosphorylated metabolites. Ischemia-hyperemia and exercise paradigms were evaluated in the calf and the thigh, respectively.Methods
Experimental SetupResults
Multi-parametric time courses are shown for the calf ischemia-hyperemia and the thigh exercise, respectively in figures 1 and 2. The biochemical responses were in agreement with the literature for both calf13,14 and thigh15 muscles but peak perfusion values in the calf were lower here. In the ischemic muscle, the desaturation of myoglobin was clearly observed after 1 minute of the application of the cuff and the decrease of PCr/Pi ratio was observed upon complete myoglobin desaturation 3 mins after. Following cuff release, dMb, PCr and Pi rapidly returned to baseline levels. The increased perfusion during hyperemia showed a longer response in the gastrocnemius muscle with respect to the soleus. During the thigh muscle exercise, dMb was clearly detected during the 1-minute isometric contraction, as expected15. Notably, during this effort, splitting of the Pi resonance was observed, indicating a fast intracellular acidification during this period (figure 3).Discussion and Conclusion
A more comprehensive interleaved multi-nuclear pulse sequence was successfully implemented on a standard clinical scanner without hardware modifications. The work presented here demonstrates the feasibility of dynamic interleaved measurements with a high temporal resolution as it was previously performed in a prototype scanner7 and the possibility of adaptations to different experimental paradigms. An important limitation of this work is the reduced B1+ coverage inherent to surface coils, limiting the FOV of images and most importantly the length of the tagged bolus for perfusion measurements, inducing estimation errors16 in ASL (by the arrival of non-inverted blood into the tissue during the evolution time). To address this issue, future studies will employ a volume 1H excitation coil for an increased tagged bolus length combined with an adapted 31P transceiver.1. Carlier PG, Bertoldi D et al. NMR Biomed. 2006; 19:954-967.
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8. Meyerspeer M, Krssák E et al. MAGMA. 2005; 18(5): 257-262.
9. Lopez Kolkovsky AL, Marty B et al. ESMRM. 2016; 349.
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13. Duteil S, Bourrilhon C et al. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. 2004; 287: R 1441-1449.
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16. Lipton ML, Branch, CA et al. J Magn Reson Imag. 2001; 13 :207-214.