In the present study, we used multi-shell Hybrid Diffusion Imaging (HYDI) to study changes in white matter after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). From HYDI data, an array of diffusion metrics was computed including diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), neurite orientation distribution and density (NODDI), and return-to-origin (P0) of the q-space analysis. We study between group differences in diffusion metrics and within-group correlations with outcomes of cognitive functions. In addition, we tested the group effects (i.e., interaction or moderation) on the correlations between diffusion metrics and cognitive functions.
Traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is a significant public health problem with about 1.6 million injuries occurring each year in the US, the majority (~80%) of which are categorized as “mild”. Despite the name, mild, and often normal findings in conventional neuroimaging exams, individuals with mTBI may experience disabling symptoms including headache, difficulty thinking, memory problems, attention deficits, mood swings and frustration. These symptoms could have long-term consequences in 10-20% of the people with mTBI1,2. In this study, we use a versatile hybrid diffusion imaging (HYDI) technique to study the white matter changes in the semi-acute stage of mTBI. In particular, we investigate an array of diffusion metrics computed from the HYDI data using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), neurite orientation distribution and density (NODDI)3, and return-to-origin (P0) of the q-space analysis4,5. We study between group differences in diffusion metrics and within-group correlations with cognitive functions including: processing speed and cognitive flexibility, sustain attention, and memory. In addition, we test the group effects (i.e., interaction or moderation) on the correlations between diffusion metrics and cognitive functions.
DTI metrics included fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and mean diffusivity (MD); and NODDI metrics included axonal density index (Vic) and orientation distribution index (ODI). Among these diffusion metrics, only Vic had significant differences between groups suggesting decreased axonal density in the mTBI subjects (Figure 2). Three significant clusters were observed covering fiber tracts of the forceps minor, inferior frontal-occipital, and cingulum-cingulate gyrus. Figure 3 shows results of correlations between diffusion metrics and neuropsychological measures. Compared to DTI metrics, Vic (axonal density) and P0 (tissue restriction) are more sensitive to neuropsychological measures including attention, memory, and processing speed (Figure 3B). Vic had a widespread white matter distribution with positive correlation with processing speed, while had minor distributions in white matter with positive correlation with attention and negative correlation with memory (Figure 3C). Figure 4 shows results of significant group interactions where diffusion metrics in mTBI correlated with neuropsychological measures in different strength or direction compared to the control group. For example, in Figure 4A, Vic had positive correlation with LD (memory) in the control group, but had negative correlation in the mTBI group. Shown in the summary matrix in Figure 4B, unlike memory and processing speed, the attention measures did not show any group difference in correlation with any diffusion metric. In addition, similar to Figure 3, Vic and P0 were more sensitive to group interactions with more neuropsychological measures and in more white-matter voxels. Vic had approximately equal distributions across the white matter tracts that showed group difference in the correlation with memory and processing speed (Figure 4C).
The axonal density inferred by Vic demonstrates high sensitivities to semi-acute mTBI and correlations of the neuropsychological outcomes. While there is no significant difference of the neuropsychological measures between the groups (except DISRT), there are overwhelming group differences in the correlations between the diffusion metrics and neuropsychological outcomes.
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