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(Free)Surfing ANTs: A Comparative Study
[18F]-DCFPyL Standard Uptake Values Correlate with Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Choline Measurements on a 3T PET-MRI in Prostate Cancer
[2-13C]dihydroxyacetone as a Real-Time, in Vivo Sensor of Acute Hepatic and Renal Metabolic Response After a Fructose and Glucose Challenge
‘Pulse-Acquire’ Method for Obtaining the Guidewire Coupling Modes of a PTx Transmit Array
10 Second Temporal Resolution of Early Enhancement Visualization: Framework for Fast Breast MRI Screening
A 10-Element Receive-Only RF Coil Array for Imaging the Brain of Awake Marmosets
10-Fold Spatial-Only Acceleration for High-Resolution Myocardial Perfusion Using Multi-Band Imaging and Multi-Band Outer Volume Suppression
13C Metabolic Fluxes, Not Hyperpolarized
13C NMR Metabolic Flux Analysis of Mantle Cell Lymphoma Cells to Bruton Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors
13C/31P MRS Biomarkers of Disease Progression and Response to Gene Therapy in a Mouse Model of Pompe Disease
13C-MR Hyperpolarization of Lactate Using ParaHydrogen and Metabolic Transformation in Vitro.
A 16 Channel Head-Only PTX Array Using High Efficiency In-Bore RFPAs at 3T
A 16 Element Bow-Tie Slot Array Coil for Parallel Transmit MRI/MRS
19F Imaging with Physiologic Motion Using UTE Sequence with Randomized Spokes Ordering
19F MR-Imaging of Acute Thrombi Using a Clinically Relevant Perfluorocarbon Nanoemulsion
19F-Based MRI Cell Tracking Shows That the Density of Tumour Associated Macrophages in Breast Tumours Corresponds to Tumour Aggressiveness and Metastatic Potential
19F-Perfluorocarbon-Labeled Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells Can Be Detected in Vivo Using Clinical MRI Parameters in a Therapeutic Cell Setting
1D Partial Fourier Parallel MR Imaging with Deep Convolutional Neural Network
1H and 13C NMR Evaluation of PH-Dependent Structural Characteristics of Lonidamine
1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Lungs Using Propane as an Inhalation Agent
1H NMR Based Metabolomics Study of Serum in Parkinson’s Patients
1H-NMR of Carnosine Combined with 31P-NMRS to Better Characterize Skeletal Muscle PH Dysregulation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
1H-NMR of Carnosine Combined with 31P-NMRS to Better Characterize Skeletal Muscle PH Dysregulation in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
1-Year Follow-Up of T1? for Assessing Radiocarpal Cartilage Matrix Changes After Anti-TNF Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Preliminary Results
1-Year Follow-Up of T1? for Assessing Radiocarpal Cartilage Matrix Changes After Anti-TNF Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis: Preliminary Results
23Na-MRI Demonstrates a Sodium Gradient Within Gliomas as a Biomarker of Tumor Heterogeneity
29-Channel Receive-Only Dense Dipole Head Array for 7T MRI
2D Acquisition Mode for T1 and T2 Estimation Using an Ellipse-Fitting Approach on Phase Cycled BSSFP Data
2D Adiabatic UTE T1rho Imaging: Reduced Sensitivity to the Magic Angle Effect
2D CAIPIRINHA Improves Accelerated 3D GRASE ASL
A 2D Combined Myocardium T1 and T2 Mapping
2D Heteronuclear Single-Quantum Coherence MR Spectroscopy for in Vivo Detection of 13C-Labeling in Rat Brain During Simultaneous Infusion of 13C-Labeled Substrates
2D Multi-Spectral Thermometry for Monitoring Focused-Ultrasound Sonications Near Metallic Hardware
2D Multi-Spectral Thermometry for Monitoring Focused-Ultrasound Sonications Near Metallic Hardware
2D Outer Volume Suppression with T2-Preparation and Fat Saturation for Coronary Angiography
2D UTE-Based MR Thermometry of Frozen Tissue: Feasibility During in Vivo MRI-Guided Cryoablation
2D Zero TE Imaging Implemented with Gradient-Extended 2D Spiral-In Excitation and Spiral-Out Acquisition (GRESS-ZTE)
2-Deoxy-D-Glucose-Conjugated Magnetonanoparticles (2DG-MNP) Uptake as a Measure of Metabolic Activity in Glioblastoma Murine Model
2-Deoxyglucose-Weighted MR Imaging in Rodent Brain Using Inverse Z-Spectrum Analytic Scheme
2D-Turbo Spin-Echo Sequence with Incremental Trigger Delay Time for Monitoring Vascular Signal Suppression in Peripheral Pulse Gated Black-Blood Lung MR Imaging
2D-UTE Based Pantomography with Half-Pulse Excitation
3 Dimensional Image Reconstruction – Innovation Improves Diagnosis in Pediatric MRI
3 Nm Iron Oxide Nanoparticles as Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time Enhancing Contrast Agents.
31-Channel Brain Array for Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging at 3T
31P MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Brain at 7T
31P MR Spectroscopy of Peripheral Artery Occlusive Disease Patients with and Without Diabetes
31P Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Brain at 3T: Effect of NOE and 1H-Decoupling
32-Channel In-Vivo Parallel Transmit Body Imaging at 7 Tesla
A 32-Channel Loop-Dipole Transceiver Array for Body Imaging at 7.0 Tesla
A 32-Channel Transmit System Add-On for 7 Tesla Body Imaging
34 µm Isotropic Resolution MRI of Rat Brain Using 55K Cryo-Probe
A 35Cl ToRo Resonator System for Preclinical MRI/MRS at 9.4T
3D Black Blood T2 Mapping of the Carotid Artery Wall with Compressed Sensing and Data-Driven Parallel Imaging
3D Black-Blood DCE-MRI Using Radial Stack-Of-Stars Acquisition and CS Reconstruction: Application in Carotid and Femoral Arteries
3D CMRO2 Mapping in Human Brain with Direct 17O-MRI: Comparison of Methods for Image Reconstruction and Partial Volume Correction
3D Contrast Enhanced High Definition, Free-Breathing Dixon Imaging Using Radial stack of Stars and Respiratory Gating and Tracking: Clinical Comparison to State of the Art Breath Hold Dixon Imaging
3D DB/dt Measuring Bench Design and Building for Safety Assessment
3D DCE-MR Imaging Shows Compromised Brain Waste Transport in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
3D Dual-Echo Dixon Turbo Spin Echo Imaging of the Spine Using Compressed Sensing
A 3D Electron Microscopy Segmentation Pipeline for Hyper-Realistic Diffusion Simulations
A 3D Electron Microscopy Segmentation Pipeline for Hyper-Realistic Diffusion Simulations
3D FLAIR at 7T Using Direct Signal Control
3D GagCEST of Articular Cartilage in the Knee at 7 T Correlates with Clinical Findings
3D Golden-Angle Spiral Sparse Parallel-Imaging for Lumen Area Measurements of the Entire Proximal and Mid-Segments of the Coronary Arteries in a Breath-Hold
3D High Frequency Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography Quantitatively Differentiates Myocardial Stiffness in Patients with HFPEF and Healthy Volunteers
3D High Resolution Imaging of Human Hearts for Visualization of the Cardiac Structure
3D Hyperpolarized C-13 EPI with Calibrationless Parallel Imaging
3D IR-UTE-Cones for High Contrast MR Imaging of Lamellar Bone
3D Left Atrial Strain Imaging Based on Multi-Slice Radial Cine and Feature Tracking
3D Linear Regression Analysis Reveals Relationships of 4D Flow MRI-Derived Aortic Dimensions with Age, Gender and Wall Shear Stress in Patients with Aortopathy
3D Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at 7 Tesla of Patients with Medically Refractory Focal Epilepsy with Non-Lesional or Inconclusive Clinical MRIs: First Results
3D Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging at 7 Tesla of Patients with Medically Refractory Focal Epilepsy with Non-Lesional or Inconclusive Clinical MRIs: First Results
3D Mapping of Alveolar Oxygen Partial Pressure with Hyperpolarized 129Xe.
3D Mapping of Whole Lung Morphometry with 129Xe Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Compressed Sensing: Comparison with 3He
3D Modeling of Cartilage Surfaces at the Knee Using Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
3D Motion Estimation of Head Using Three Orthogonal Navigator Echoes and Coil Sensitivity Profiles
3D Motion Quantification Based on the Temporal Evolution of the Noise Covariance Matrix of a Receive Array
3D MR Black-Blood Thrombus Imaging for the Diagnosis of Acute Deep Vein Thrombosis at 1.5 T: A Feasibility Study
3D MR Elastograpy in Prediction of Tumor Capsule Formation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection
3D MR Elastograpy in Prediction of Tumor Capsule Formation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection
3D MRI of Knee in Pediatric Patients with CAIPIRINHA SPACE: Diagnostic Performance Assessment with Arthroscopic Correlation
3D MSVAT-SPACE-STIR or 2D SEMAC-STIR for High Resolution Dental MRI?
3D Multi-Band Interleaved DW-EPI with 3D Phase Correction
3D Multi-Band, Multi-Slab, and Multi-Shot High-Resolution Diffusion MRI
3D Multi-Echo Radial Imaging of $$$^{23}$$$Na (3D-MERINA) for Time-Efficient Multi-Parameter Mapping
3D Pancreatic Perfusion MRI Using Through-Time Spiral GRAPPA Acceleration
3D Parametric Histogram Analysis of Extravascular Extracellular Space for Identifying Subpopulations of Glioblastoma Related to Survival
3D Pituitary Dynamic MR Imaging Using the TWIST and Iterative Reconstruction TWIST
3D Printed Breast DCE-MRI Phantom to Mimic Structure and Pharmacokinetics
3D Printed Breast DCE-MRI Phantom to Mimic Structure and Pharmacokinetics
A 3D Printed Perfusion Phantom for Quality Controlled Measurement of Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion
3D Printed Phantom for PETMR Attenuation Correction
3D Quantitative CEST MRI of the Human Brain at 9.4T
3D Radial UTE MRI Outperforms 3D Cartesian Conventional Echo Time MRI for Evaluation of Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease
3D Segmentation of the Pulmonary Arteries on Magnetic Resonance Angiography
3D Stack-Of-Stars Cardiac Cine MRI: Free-Breathing Vs. Respiratory Gated Reconstruction
3D T2-Weighted Fast Spin Echo (FSE) with Outer Volume Suppression Versus 2D FSE in the Prostate: Comparison of Lesion Detection in the Transition Zone and Image Quality
3D True Polarity Recovery with Independent Phase Estimation Using Multi-Layer Stacks Based Region-Growing (3D-TRIPS)
3D UTE Cones for High Resolution MR Lung Imaging and Lung Density Visualisation
3D UTE-T2* Analysis of Diseased Achilles Tendons and the Correlation with Clinical Score
3D Variable Flip Angle Fast Spin Echo Imaging of the Cervical Spine : Improved Image Quality and Decreased Scan Time with Outer Volume Suppression
3D Virtual Reality Models Created from MRI Data for Pre-Operative Evaluation of Renal Cancer
3D Visualization of Vascular Cell Adhesion Molecule-1 (VCAM-1) Specific Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (USPIO) Nanoparticles in the Atherosclerotic Mouse with Accelerated Self-Navigated Radial 4D-MRI.
3D Volumetric Noncompressive Breast MR Elastography
3D Whole-Brain Mapping of Cerebral Blood Flow Using Velocity-Selective Pulse Trains: Evaluating Various Strategies for Background Suppression
3D Whole-Heart Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery (PSIR) for Simultaneous Bright Blood Coronary Angiography and Black Blood Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE)
3D-CEST Imaging of a Mouse Model of Polycystic Kidney Disease
3D-Cine Whole-Heart Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using a Novel Prospective Respiratory Self-Gating Technique
3D-EPI-CAIPI and 2D-Multiband-EPI: Which Is Best for FMRI at 3T?
3-Dimensional Cerebral Blood Flow and Transit Time Mouse Brain Mapping Using Dynamic Arterial Spin Labeling (DASL)
3T 1H PRESS (TE 68 Ms) Reveals Elevated Cerebral Glucose in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Which Is Associated with Fasting Blood Glucose
3T 1H PRESS (TE 68 Ms) Reveals Elevated Cerebral Glucose in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type 2, Which Is Associated with Fasting Blood Glucose
3T DCE-MRI Performance in Prostate Cancer Detection: Correlation of Different Kinetic Parameters in the Transition and Peripheral Zone Stratified by Gleason Score and Scanner B1+ field Heterogeneity
3T Full Breast Diffusion Imaging at Sub-Millimeter Resolution with High Immunity to Artifacts
3T Restriction Spectrum Imaging Association with Prostate Cancer Gleason Score, PI-RADS V2 Score and Tumor Diameter on Whole Mount 3D-Mold-Sectioned Histopathology
4D and 2D Phase-Contrast MRI for the Evaluation of Pulmonary Artery Hemodynamics in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension and Healthy Volunteers
4D Cine Strategy for Assessment of Mouse Cardiac Function and Infarct Size in a Single Acquisition Optimized for a Clinical 3T MR System
4D Combined Angiography and Perfusion Using Radial Imaging and Arterial Spin Labeling
4D Ferumoxytol Enhanced MUSIC: Value-Based MRI in Neonates and Infants with Congenital Heart Disease
4D Flow Assessment of Ophthalmic Artery Flow in Patients with Atherosclerotic Internal Carotid Artery Stenotic Disease
4D Flow MR Measurements for Functional Assessment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Comparison Between Patients and Healthy Volunteers
4D Flow MRI Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow Before and After EC-IC Bypass Surgery
4D Flow MRI and Lumped Parameter Modelling for Subject-Specific Assessment of Cardiovascular Function
4D Flow MRI Based Aortic Wall Shear Stress Analysis Using Two Different Software Tools and Datasets from MRI Scanners of Two Different Appliance Brands
4D Flow MRI Based Quantification of Regional Stiffness in the Thoracic Aorta in Stroke Patients Compared to Transesophageal Echocardiography
4D Flow MRI During Exercise in Prematurely Born Adults and Children
4D Flow MRI for Assessment of Venous Pressure in Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
4D Flow MRI in the Post-Myocardial Infarction Left Ventricle
4D Flow MRI in the Rhesus Macaque Fetus
4D Flow MRI Measurements in Ex Vivo Beating Pig Hearts as a Testing Platform for Transcathether Aortic Valve Implantation
4D Flow MRI of Liver Hemodynamics: Influence of Velocity Encoding, Different Field Strength and Contrast Application on Visualization and Quantification of Blood Flow
4D Flow MRI of Liver Hemodynamics: Influence of Velocity Encoding, Different Field Strength and Contrast Application on Visualization and Quantification of Blood Flow
4D Flow MRI, Cardiac Function, and Myocardial T1-Mapping: Ventricular-Arterial Coupling in Patients with Bicuspid Aortic Valve (BAV)
4D Flow MRI: Technical
4D Flow: Clinical
4D MR Angiography with Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling Combined with CENTRA-Keyhole (4D-PACK): Visualization of Distal Cerebral Arteries in Moyamoya Disease
4D-Flow Enables Depictions and Quantitative Analysis of the Characteristic Flow Fluctuations in the Infrarenal Aorta and Diastolic Suction Flow in Renal Arteries
4D-Flow-MRI in Patients with Fontan Circulation for Evaluation of Pulmonary Artery Blood Distribution
4-Dimensional Phase-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Left Atrial Stasis in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: A Comparative Study of Patients Pre- And Post-Ablation
4-Dimensional Spin Echo for Prostate 1H MRSI at 7T Using a Multi-Transmit System
4D-MRI with 3D Radial Sampling and Self-Gating-Based K-Space Sorting: Image Quality Improvement by Slab-Selective Excitation
4D-T2 Weighted MRI for Lung Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
5 Minute Comprehensive Knee MRI with 3D Double-Echo Steady-State (DESS)
5D MRI for Late Enhancement Dynamics in Lung Fibrosis
5D MRI for Late Enhancement Dynamics in Lung Fibrosis
A 64 Channel 3T Array Coil for Highly Accelerated Fetal Imaging at 22 Weeks of Pregnancy
64-Channel Double-Octagon Tx Head Coil for 7T Imaging
68Ga-PSMA Dose Reduction for Imaging the Pelvic Region with Simultaneous PET/MR
7 Tesla 1H MR Spectroscopy of the Motor Cortex Following Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
7 Tesla Imaging of Microstructural Brainstem Changes in REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
7.0 T Diffusion Tensor Imaging Evaluation of Rabbit Sciatic Nerve Microstructure with Histologic Correlation
7T Brain MRS in HIV Infection: Effects of Cognitive Impairment
7T Diffusion Tensor Imaging of High Mechanical Stress Achilles Tendon-To-Bone Interface
7T MRSI Identifies Neuronal and Axonal Injury in a Limbic Network in MRI Negative Veterans with MTBI and PTSD
7T Quantitative Magnetization Transfer (QMT) of Cortical Gray Matter in Multiple Sclerosis Correlates with Cognitive Disability
7T Quantitative Magnetization Transfer (QMT) of Cortical Gray Matter in Multiple Sclerosis Correlates with Cognitive Disability
7T TOF-MRA Shows Different Patterns of Perforating Artery in Patients with Intracranial Atherosclerosis Disease (ICAD) and Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
7T TOF-MRA Shows Different Patterns of Perforating Artery in Patients with Intracranial Atherosclerosis Disease (ICAD) and Cerebral Autosomal-Dominant Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL)
7T-FMRI: Faster Temporal Resolution Increases BOLD Sensitivity and FMRI-Based Decoding Performance Specifically at High-Spatial Resolution
7T-Like MR Images Synthesis from 3T MRI Using Auto-Context Convolutional Neural Network
An 8/15-Channel Tx/Rx Head Neck RF Coil Combination with Semi-Dynamic B1 Shimming for Improved FMRI of the Cerebellum at 7 T
A 8-Channel PTx Transceive Coil for Hip Imaging at 7 T
An 8Tx/8Rx Coil Validation Workflow Toward Virtual Observation Points-Based Parallel Transmission Cervical Spinal Cord in Vivo Imaging at 7T
9.4 Tesla in Vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Detects Thalamic Calcium Influx Associated with Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
A High Density 24 Channel Array Coil Extendable to 48 Channels for Human Cortical MRI at 7T.
A Geometrically Adjustable Loop-Dipole (LD) Head Array for 10.5T
Abbreviated Breast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) for Extent of Disease Evaluation in Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer
Abdominal Cancer
Abdominal Fast Advanced Spin Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Abdominal Imaging with Heterogeneous Radiofrequency Fields at 7 Tesla
Abdominal Organ Tracking on a Hybrid MR-Linac System Using a Particle Filter Based Algorithm
Aberrant Fronto-Limbic Effective Connectivity During Repeated Fearful Face Stimuli in Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Anorexia Nervosa
Aberrant Striatal Anatomy and Gray Matter Connectivity Networks in Mice Lacking Autism-Associated Gene CNTNAP2.
The Ability of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy to Measure Metabolite Changes in Response to Ketamine in Major Depression at 7T
Ability of MAVRIC MRI to Predict Component Loosening in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Ability of MAVRIC MRI to Predict Component Loosening in Total Hip Arthroplasty
Abnormal Brain Functional Connectivity Strength in the Absence of the Corpus Callosum: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Abnormal Brain White Matter Connectivity in Diabetic Neuropathy: A Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study.
Abnormal Developmental Trajectories of Brain Metabolites Contributed to Abnormal Muscle Tone Development in Infants with Prenatal Methamphetamine and Tobacco-Exposure
Abnormal Heschl’s Gyrus Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Presbycusis
Abnormal Local Functional Connectivity Density in Major Depressive Disorder Patients with Suicidal Behavior
Abnormal Resting-Sate Functional Connectivity of Thalamus in Patients with Paroxysmal Kinesigenic Dyskinesia
Abnormal Thalamic Metabolism in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome
Abnormal White Matter Integrity in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Cognitive Impairment Revealed by Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
Abnormally Functional Connectivity Density and Network Pattern in Lifelong Premature Ejaculation Patient: A Resting-State FMRI Study
About the Complementarity of GluCEST and 1H-MRS for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Animal Models
About the Complementarity of GluCEST and 1H-MRS for the Study of Neurodegenerative Diseases Using Animal Models
Absence of Oxygen Enhanced Changes in T2* Within Head and Neck Cancer Metastatic Cervical Lymph Nodes Is Associated with Local Disease Recurrence Within 2-Years Following Chemoradiotherapy
Absolute B1- Estimation Without a Homogeneous Receive Coil
Absolute MR Thermometry from Multi-Echo GRE with B0-Correction
Absolute Quantification of Brain Metabolites at 3T: Methods and Pitfalls
Absolute Quantification of Brain Metabolites by 1H-MRSI Using Gradient Echo Imaging of ~2s as a Concentration Reference: Initial Findings
Absolute Quantification of Brain Perfusion Using Golden Angle Compressed Sensing DCE-MRI
An Abstraction Layer for Simpler EPIC Pulse Programming on GE MR Systems in a Clinical Environment
Accelerate Multi-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Low Rank Tensor and Hankel Structures
Accelerated $$$B_{0}$$$ Mapping Using "X" Sampling in $$$k$$$-TE Space
Accelerated 2D Cine MRI Featuring Compressed Sensing and ECG-Triggered Retro-Gating
Accelerated 3D Arterial Spin Labeling Using Cartesian Acquisition with Spiral Reordering and Compressed Sensing
Accelerated 3D BSSFP Imaging for Treatment Planning on an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System
Accelerated 3D BSSFP Imaging for Treatment Planning on an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System
Accelerated 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of HIV: Metabolite Changes Correlation with CD4 Count and Number of Years of Treatment
Accelerated 3D GRASE for T2 and PD Weighted High Resolution Images
Accelerated 3D Multispectral MRI with Robust Principal Component Analysis for Separation of on and Off-Resonance Signals
Accelerated 3D Multispectral MRI with Robust Principal Component Analysis for Separation of on and Off-Resonance Signals
Accelerated Adaptive Quasi-Random Single-Point Imaging for in Vivo Artefact Reduction
Accelerated Body NCPMG SS-FSE Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Accelerated Cardiac Cine “Watermark” MRI Provides Cardiac Function Via Magnitude Cine and 2D Myocardial Strain Via Spatially Modulated Phase
Accelerated Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using a Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraint
Accelerated Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using a Joint Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraint
Accelerated Cardiac Perfusion MRI with Radial K-Space Sampling, Compressed Sensing, and KWIC Filtering to Enable Qualitative and Quantitative Analyses of Perfusion.
Accelerated CEST Imaging with Parallel Blind Compressed Sensing
Accelerated Cine Imaging of The Heart using Blipped Multiband SSFP
Accelerated Diffusion-Sensitized MR Imaging of the Eye and Orbit at 3.0 T and 7.0 T Free of Geometric Distortions Using a Combined RARE-EPI Acquisition Technique
Accelerated Diffusion-Sensitized MR Imaging of the Eye and Orbit at 3.0 T and 7.0 T Free of Geometric Distortions Using a Combined RARE-EPI Acquisition Technique
Accelerated Diffusion-Weighted 129Xe MRI Morphometry of Emphysema in COPD and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Patients
Accelerated HASTE-Based Fetal MRI with Low-Rank Modeling
Accelerated High Resolution EPI DTI Using Model-Based Reconstruction
Accelerated Imaging of Metallic Implants Using a Double-Peak-Model Constraint
Accelerated Intermittent Theta Burst Stimulation, Applied to the Left DLPFC, Influences Dynamics in Depression Related Networks
Accelerated Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging Using Compressed Sensing
Accelerated J-Resolved MRSI Using Joint Subspace and Sparsity Constraints
Accelerated Knee Imaging Using a Deep Learning Based Reconstruction
Accelerated Knee Imaging Using a Deep Learning Based Reconstruction
Accelerated K-Q Diffusion MRI Reconstruction Using Gaussian Processes
Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Reconstruction Using Majorization-Minimization
Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Soft-Weighted Key-Hole (MRF-SOHO)
Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Soft-Weighted Key-Hole (MRF-SOHO)
Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Using Readout Segmentation (ASPIRES)
Accelerated Motion Compensated 3D Isotropic Coronary MRA Using Variable Density Cartesian Sampling
Accelerated MR Cardiac Cine Using TSPIRiT with Generalized Data Fidelity
Accelerated MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Partial Fourier Compressed Sensing
Accelerated MR Parameter Mapping Exploiting Model-Based Simultaneous Multi-Slice Reconstruction with Hankel Subspace Learning: Application to T1 Quantification
Accelerated Multi-Contrast High Isotropic Resolution 3D Intracranial Vessel Wall MRI Using a Tailored K-Space Undersampling and Partially Parallel Reconstruction Strategy.
Accelerated Multicontrast Volumetric Imaging Using Compressed Sensing Parallel Imaging Reconstruction with Low Rank and Spatially Varying Edge-Preserving Constraints: In-Vivo Preclinical Validation for High-Resolution Myocardial Infarction Characterization
Accelerated Multi-UTE MRI for Direct Myelin Measurements at 7T
Accelerated Musculoskeletal MRI Using Region of Interest Compressed Sensing
Accelerated Parameter Mapping with Compressed Sensing: An Alternative to MR Fingerprinting
Accelerated Projection Reconstruction MR Imaging Using Deep Residual Learning
Accelerated Rank-Constrained FMRI Data Reconstruction Informed by External Temporal Measures
Accelerated Regularized Image Reconstruction in Spatiotemporal MRI
Accelerated Segmented Diffusion-Weighted Prostate Imaging for Higher Resolution, Higher Geometric Fidelity, and Multi-B Perfusion Quantification
Accelerated Segmented Diffusion-Weighted Prostate Imaging for Higher Resolution, Higher Geometric Fidelity, and Multi-B Perfusion Quantification
Accelerated Stack-Of-Spirals Breath-Hold UTE Lung Imaging
Accelerated Time Resolved Phase Contrast Cerebral MRA to Evaluate Pulse Wave Velocity
Accelerated Z-Spectrum Imaging
Accelerating 3D Head-And-Neck MR Imaging Using Compressed Sensing with Structure-Guided Total Variation for MR-Guided Multi-Fractional Radiotherapy
Accelerating CEST Imaging with Experimental Undersampling and Compressed Sensing
Accelerating Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Using Model Based Denoising
Accelerating Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using a Parametric Manifold Model
Accelerating High Resolution Hyperpolarized 13C T2 Mapping Using a Local Low Rank Plus Sparse Reconstruction
Accelerating High-Resolution Whole-Heart 3D T2 Mapping
Accelerating Multi-Contrast Imaging in Neuro-Exam with Sharable Information
Accelerating T2* Mapping with Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Parallel Imaging (PI)
Acceleration and Artifact Suppression in Selective TOF MRA with Sampling Reduction
Acceleration Methods: Clinical Applications
Acceleration Methods: Technical Aspects
Acceleration Methods: Technical Aspects
Acceleration-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling (AccASL) MR Angiography of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation
Accounting for Serial Correlation in GLM Residuals During Resting State FMRI Nuisance Regression
Accumulated Thermal Dose in MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for the Treatment of Essential Tremor
Accumulation of Prefrontal Lactate Levels in Chronic Schizophrenia
Accuracy and Reproducibility of an Automated Lesion Segmentation Tool-Lesionquant
Accuracy and Reproducibility of Iron Quantification Using Ultra-Short TE Imaging at 1.5T and 3.0T
Accuracy of ADC Measurements with an Ultrashort Echo Time Diffusion Weighted Stimulated Echo 3D Cones Sequence (DW-STEAM 3D Cones UTE)
Accuracy of Age Estimation Based on Undersampled MR Images of the Hand
Accuracy of Magnetic Resonance Based Susceptibility Measurements
Accuracy of Multi-Expert Algorithm for Segmenting the Breast
Accurate and Reliable Fat-Water MRI Breast Density Measurements
Accurate Determination of Cerebral Lactate and Glutamate Concentration Changes During a Long Visual Stimulus
Accurate Dynamic Magnetic Field Monitoring and Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction Using Uncorrelated Local Field Measurements
Accurate Estimation of Intra-Axonal Diffusivity and Anisotropy of NAA in Humans at 7T
Accurate Estimation of Intra-Axonal Diffusivity and Anisotropy of NAA in Humans at 7T
Accurate Flow MRI: The Importance of Velocity Distribution Asymmetry
Accurate Hepatic MRI Proton Density Fat Fraction Assessment Can Be Achieved with Four Regions-Of-Interest
Accurate High-Speed 3D-Registration of EPI VNavs for Head Motion Correction
Accurate Myocardial T1-Mapping in Arrhythmia Using Saturation-Recovery During Systole at 3T
Accurate Tissue Oxygen Level-Dependent MRI with True T1-Weighted Signal
Accurate, Rank-Adaptive Reconstruction of Undersampled Dynamic MRI Data Using Bayesian Information Criterion
Acetate Metabolism Towards Fatty Acids Is Down-Regulated in IDH1 Mutant Glioma as Shown by 13C MRS
Acetate Metabolism Towards Fatty Acids Is Down-Regulated in IDH1 Mutant Glioma as Shown by 13C MRS
Acousto-Optic Based Active MRI Marker for Interventional MRI Devices
Acousto-Optic Based Active MRI Marker for Interventional MRI Devices
Acquisition at Maximum Blood Velocity Overcomes the Problem of the Ill-Posedness of the IVIM Model: A Demonstration with Renal Diffusion MRI
Acquisition at Maximum Blood Velocity Overcomes the Problem of the Ill-Posedness of the IVIM Model: A Demonstration with Renal Diffusion MRI
Acquisition Issues
Acquisition of Sensorimotor FMRI Under General Anaesthesia in Neurosurgical Patients: Evaluation of the Effect of Anaesthesia on the BOLD Response.
Acquisition: Novel Gradient Waveforms
Activation Induced Changes in GABA: Functional MRS at 7T with MEGA-SLASER
Active and Passive FMRI for Preoperative Localization of Motor Function Areas in Brain Tumor Patients
Active Catheter Tracking for Cardiac MR Thermometry During Radiofrequency Ablation
Active Catheter Tracking for MR-Guided Percutaneous Coronary Intervention at 3T: Initial Results in a Pig Model
Active Shape Models Based Motion Correction for Myocardial T1 Mapping
Active-Marker Motion Detection with Real-Time Field Tracking in the Laboratory Frame
Acupoint-Specific Effect of Acupuncture in Alzheimer’s Disease: A Functional MRI Study
Acute Afterload-Imposed Change in Porcine Cardiac Metabolism Imaged by Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate
The Acute Pharmacological MRI Response to a Citalopram Challenge Is Modulated by Earlier Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor Exposure in an Age Dependent Manner
Acute Renal Metabolic Effect of Metformin Treatment Assessed with Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Acute White Matter Abnormalities in Sport-Related Concussion: A DTI Study
Acute effects of alcohol on brain perfusion monitored with 3D pseudo continuous arterial spin labeling(3D PCASL)
Adaptive Combine Reconstruction of Sodium MRI Data of Breast and Knee at 7 T: Optimization and Comparison to Sum-Of-Square Reconstruction.
The Adaptive Learning Processing of Establishing a Research Imaging Core Lab
Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Image Signal Enhancement Using Squared Eigenfunctions of the Schrodinger Operator
An Adaptive Non-Local Denoising Method for Real-Time MR-Thermometry
Adaptive SAR Mass-Averaging Compared Against Thermal Simulations in the Presence of a Titanium Hip Prosthesis in 7T PTx MRI
Adaptive Weighted Polynomial Fitting in Phase-Based Electrical Property Tomography
ADC and D from Diffusion-Weighted MRI Correlate with Histopathological Assessment of Nuclear-To-Stromal Ratio, and Histology Confirms Dixon Fat Fraction in Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
ADC and Kurtosis Parameters Show Early Response to Anti-Angiogenic Therapy in Patients with Liver Metastases
The ADC Characteristics of the Bone Marrow Within Different Anatomical Parts: A DWI MR Based Study
ADC-Map Based Computer Aided Radiological Diagnostics (CARD) for the Initial Differential Diagnosis of Medulloblastoma Versus Pilocytic Astrocytoma – a Reproducibility Study.
ADCtotal Ratio and D Ratio Derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Early After TACE Were Independent Predictors for Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Addressing Metabolic Heterogeneity in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Addressing Metabolic Heterogeneity in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Addressing Tumor Heterogeneity by Multi-Parametric MRI
Adipose Tissue and Ectopic Fat Responses to an Extended Fast in Healthy Male Adults
An Adjustable 8-Channel Receive Coil for Population Studies of Marmosets
An Adjustable Field-Of-View Rung Element for 7T Transmit Array Coils Using Forced Current Excitation
Adnexal Masses
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective
Adoption & Commercialization of the Novel Techniques: Vendors' Perspective
ADRIMO: Anatomy-DRIven MOdelling of Spatial Correlation to Improve Analysis of Arterial Spin Labelling Data
Advanced 3D Simultaneous Conductivity and Susceptibility Imaging with Mitigation of Nonlinear Phase Evolution Effect.
Advanced MR Techniques for Characterization of MS Pathology in Brain & Spine
Advanced Passive Tracking and Visualization of MR-Compatible Diagnostic Electrophysiology Catheter
Advanced Platform-Independent MR Prototyping: From EPI to Arterial Spin Labeling Without Code Compilation
Advanced Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI with Compressed Sensing VIBE
Advances in Angle Sensitive MRI: Towards in Vivo Analysis of Collagen Fibre Tracts in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Advances in Imaging the Human Brain with Inhaled Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI at 1.5 T
Advances in White Matter Imaging
Advancing Quantitative Brain Injury Lesion Imaging Using Total Field Inversion QSM
a-F SPARSE: Radial Extension to K-T SPARSE
An Affordable Phantom for ADC/FA; a Device for Multi-Site Studies
Age Estimation of Soft Tissue Hematomas Using 3.0 T MRI: A Feasible Approach
Age Estimation Using MR Imaging of the Third Molar Teeth and the Medial Clavicular Epiphysis: Validation of a Multifactorial Approach
Age Related Differences in Shear Strain in Medial Gastrocnemius: Implications for Lateral Transmission of Force
Age Related Differences in Shear Strain in Medial Gastrocnemius: Implications for Lateral Transmission of Force
Age Related Differences in the GeomT2 Relaxation Assessed Using Multi-Echo T2 Imaging
Age Related Diffusion and Tractography Changes in Typically Developing Pediatric Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Cord
Age-Related Change of the Whole Brain T1 Relaxation Time: Voxel-Wise Study with MP2RAGE
Age-Related Changes in Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Their Relationship to Cognition and Vascular Risk: A Four-Year Longitudinal Study
Age-Related Changes in Healthy Thigh Musculature: Multi-Parametric MR Imaging Analysis
Age-Related Differences in Quantitative Muscular Contraction Parameters Measured by Synchronous Dynamic MRI of Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Age-Related Effect on White Matter Changes and Lexical Retrieval
Age-Related MRI Changes in the Connective Tissues of the Eye
Age-Related Neuropathologies Associated with White Matter Hyperintensities Burden: A Study of a Community Cohort of Older Adults.
Age-Stratified Normal Left Atrial Deformation Assessed by Novel Longitudinal Strain Parameters on a 3T MR Scanner
Aging Effects on Kurtosis Measures of Limbic and Association White Matter Tracts
An Algorithm for Refocusing of T2* Effects in BSSFP-MRF with Relaxation Corrections
Algorithm for Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Hip Acetabular Cartilage Applied to Patients with Femoroacetabular Impingement
Alias-Reduced Multicoil Single-Shot Spatial Temporally Encoded MRI with Referenceless Sensitivity Encoding
All at Once - Finger- & Footprints
Allosteric Activation of MGluR4 Receptor Reversing Social Behavior Deficits Modifies the Reward-Related Resting State Networks in Mu Opioid Receptor Knock-Out Mice
Alteration of Intrinsic Brain Activity in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Revealed by Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Alteration of Mechanical Tissue Parameters During Progressive Formalin Fixation Measured by Broadband Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using a Compact and Portable Tabletop Scanner
Alterations in Brain Functional Connectivity and Global Cerebral Blood Flow in Collegiate Football Athletes Over a Single Football Season
Alterations in Brain Structural Connectivity in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients
Alterations of White Matter Integrity and Hippocampal Functional Connectivity in Type 2 Diabetes Without Cognitive Impairment
Altered Amygdala Function in Nicotine-Dependent Individuals
Altered BOLD Fluctuations in Gliomas and Clinical Possibilities
Altered Brain Gray Matter Volume and Cerebral Blood Flow in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Altered Causal Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Altered Cerebral Blood Flow and Cerebrovascular Function After Voluntary Exercise in Adult Mice
Altered Default Mode Network Organization and Functional Connectivity in Mice Lacking Autism-Associated Gene Shank3
Altered Diffusion Tensor Anisotropy Rather Than Morphology in the Corpus Callosum After Lower Limb Amputation
Altered Dynamic Functional Connectivity State Patterns of Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease
Altered Effective Connectivity of Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Granger Causality Analysis with Resting-State FMRI
Altered Functional Connectivity Density in Subtypes of Parkinson’s Disease: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Altered Functional Connectivity in Essential Tremor Patients Immediately Following Thalamotomy Using MRI Guided Focused Ultrasound
Altered Functional Network Topology in Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease Is Associated with Reduced Regional Cerebral Perfusion and Cognitive Outcomes
Altered Gray Matter Cerebral Blood Flow and Its Connectivity Indicate a Potential Cognitive Dysfunction of Chronic Subcortical Stroke Patients
Altered Grey Matter Volume in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Altered Hemodynamic Response in Visual Cortex Observed in High-School American Football Players
Altered Hippocampal Functional Connectivity with PCC in SCI, MCI and AD
Altered Hippocampus Microstructure in Schizophrenia: A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging Study
Altered Intrinsic Neuronal Activity Correlates with GABA Levels in the Auditory Region of Patients with Presbycusis
Altered Microstructural Integrity in Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Revealed by Whole-Brain Tract-Specific Analysis
Altered Microstructural Integrity of White Matter Tracts in Children with Aromatic L-Amino Acid Decarboxylase Deficiency
Altered Network Topology in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors After Fractionated Radiotherapy
Altered Nigrostriatal System in the MPTP Squirrel Monkey Model Revealed by Diffusion MRI at 11.7T.
Altered Regional Brain Activities in Children with Nonsyndromic Cleft Lip And/or Palate (CL/P): A Resting-State Functional MRI Study
Altered Resting State Functional Connectivity by Autogenic Training
Altered Spontaneous Brain Activity in Children with Type 1 Gaucher Disease: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Altered Structural Connectivity Networks in Young Adults Perinatally-Infected with HIV
Altered Structure and Function Reflect Chronic Pain in Patients with Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia
Altered Structure and Functional Connectivity of the Post-Insular in Uremic Restless Legs Syndrome Patients
Altered Topological Properties of Structural Connectome in Early-Stage, Drug-Naive PD Revealed by Graph Theoretical Analysis
Altered Variability in Functional Connectivity of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Patients with Refractory and Nonrefractory Major Depressive Disorders
Altered White Matter Microarchitecture in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis:a Voxel-Based Meta-Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Altered White Matter Microstructure in Middle-Aged Type 2 Diabetic Patients: A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study Based on Two-Compartment White Matter Model
Altered Whole Brain Connectivity Related to Time of Drug usage in Methamphetamine abusers
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Diffusion Basis Functions (DBF)
Alternative Approach for Modeling a Geometrically Complex RF Coil for Evaluation in Simulation.
An Alternative T1 Estimation Algorithm with a Higher Flip Angle Improves T1 Mapping Accuracy and Precision of the MOLLI Sequence
An Alternative to Phase Image-Based Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) Using K-Space Data Processing
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Neonatal Brain Injury: A Preliminary Study
Amide Proton Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Uterine Endometrial Cancer: Association with Histologic Grade
Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MRI Signal as a Surrogate Biomarker to Assess MGMT Promoter Methylation Status in Glioblastoma
AMoCo, a Software Package for Prospective Motion Correction
Amplitude-Probability Sorting for Single-Pass, Retrospective 4D-MRI Using 2D BSSFP MRI with Interleaved Cylindrical Navigators
Analyses of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Spleen with Liver Disease
Analysis Issues
Analysis of 4D Flow Hemodynamics Parameters in BAV Patients Using a Finite Element Method
Analysis of 4D Flow Hemodynamics Parameters in BAV Patients Using a Finite Element Method
Analysis of Abdominal Movement with Phase Optical Flow: Application to Diffusion Imaging.
Analysis of Abdominal Movement with Phase Optical Flow: Application to Diffusion Imaging.
Analysis of Capillary Permeability Index and Stiffness Variation During Ischemic Stroke: A First Step Towards Evaluation of Compressibility and Neurodegenerative Changes in Brain MRE
Analysis of Cerebrovascular Watershed Areas in Patients with High-Grade Carotid Artery Stenosis Using DSC-Based Time-To-Peak Maps
Analysis of Coronary Contrast Agent Transport in Bolus Based Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion MRI Measurements with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations in High Performance Computing (HPC) Environments
Analysis of Error in Fat-Water Quantifications Originated from Models
Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Effects in Current Injection Induced Magnetic Flux Density Images at Very High Magnetic Fields
Analysis of Magnetohydrodynamic Effects in Current Injection Induced Magnetic Flux Density Images at Very High Magnetic Fields
Analysis of Motility in Apparently Normal Small Bowel – Relationship to Crohn’s Symptoms
Analysis of MRI Gradient Induced Voltage on Deep Brain Stimulator Lead Using High Resolution Anatomical Models
An Analysis of Radial Sequence Parameters in Myocardial First-Pass Perfusion for Optimised Imaging
Analysis of Regional Lung Function Detected by Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI in Subjects with Interstitial Lung Diseases
Analysis of T2 Relaxation Times in Vastus Lateralis Muscle After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
Analysis of the Feasibility in Using the SPICE Technique for Hyperpolarized 13C
Analysis of the Network Properties of Structural Brain Network of Elderly People with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Analysis of the Substantia Nigra from Parkinson’s Disease Patients and Control Subjects Using Co-Registered DTI and QSM Data
Analysis of WSS Variability Subjected to Changes of 4D Flow Parameters Using a Realistic Aortic Phantom.
Analysis: Tissue & Signal Models
Analytic Description of the Magnetisation Phase During Excitation
An Analytic Expression for the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR in a Uniform Sphere
Analytic Validation of a Computational Model of Magnetic Force in Linear Magnetic Materials
Analytical G-Factor Calculation for Slice-GRAPPA with Dual “Even-Odd” Kernels (SG-DK)
Analytical Rf Coils Decoupling: A Theoretical Approach for Parallel Transmission
Analytical Solution for Electric Field Induced Inside Ellipsoidal Conductor by Time-Varying Magnetic Fields in MRI
Analytical Solution for Restricted Diffusion in Multilayered Cylinders Using the Extended Multiple Correlation Function Approach.
Analytical Solutions of Bloch NMR Flow Equations: Emerging and Future Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Analytically-Derived Parameter Scouting for Dark-Blood Late Gadolinium Enhancement (DB-LGE) Imaging
Analyzing Reaction Dynamics with Hyperpolarized 13C-NMR
Analyzing the Bayesian Approach to Partial Volume in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Anatomical and Diffusion MRI Fetal Brain Templates for the Rhesus Macaque at Gestation Days 85, 110, and 135
Anatomical and Functional Deficits of the Placenta Identified by MRI in a Rat Model of Preeclampsia
Anatomical and Functional Deficits of the Placenta Identified by MRI in a Rat Model of Preeclampsia
Anatomical Sites’ Dependency of 3.0 T Whole-Body MRI’s Signal Fat Fraction and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Multiple Myeloma Focal Lesions
Anatomically Constrained Tractography and Structural Connectome of the Neonatal Brain
Anesthesia-Dependent Effects on BOLD Onset and Amplitude Assessed by Line Scanning FMRI with 50 Ms Temporal Resolution
An Animal Model Of comorbid Cerebral Hypoperfusion and Metabolic Syndrome
Animal Models for MRI in TBI
Anisotropic Cerebral Vascular Architecture Causes Orientation Dependency in Cerebral Blood Flow and Volume Measured with Spin Echo Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Anisotropic Shear Modulus Estimation in Ex Vivo White Matter of the Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Finite Element Modeling
Anisotropy of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) in White Matter
Anomalous Diffusion in Cerebral Gliomas Assessed Using a Fractional Motion Model
Anomalous Diffusion ? Metrics Detects Physiological and Microstructural Changes in Brain Normal Aging
The Anomalous Diffusion ?-Parameter Depends on Local Magnetic Susceptibility Differences When Quantified in Human Brain Tissue by MRI
Anterior Tibial Translation Following ACL Reconstruction Is Associated with Postsurgical Cartilage Matrix Changes.
Anterior Tibial Translation Following ACL Reconstruction Is Associated with Postsurgical Cartilage Matrix Changes.
Anterograde Manganese Transport in Donor Optic Nerve Following Whole Eye Transplantation
Anthropomorphic Spinal Cord Phantom with Induced Field Inhomogeneity
Anticorrelated Networks Dysfunction in Patients with Brain Tumor in Frontal Lobe
Anti-FGFR1/KLB Treatment Reduces Hepatic Fat Fraction in a Murine Model of NAFLD
Aortic Endothelial Injury Modifies Plaque Composition at a Distally Located Site Through Increased Monocyte Extravasation
Aortic Vessel Wall Imaging Using 3D Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery in Children and Young Adults
Aortic Wall MR Imaging for Assessing Rosuvastatin Therapy in Atherosclerotic Animal Model
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Shape Analysis for Monitoring Early Response in Patients with Advanced Cervical Cancers Undergoing Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Hepatocellular Carcinomas on Diffusion-Weighted Imaging: Correlation with Histopathologic Tumor Grade Versus Arterial Vascularity During the Dynamic MRI
Apparent Diffusion Coefficients of the Five Major Metabolites in the Human Brain at 3 T
Apparent Short Transverse Relaxation Time of Inorganic Phosphate in Breast Cancer Tissue at 7 Tesla.
Apparent Short Transverse Relaxation Time of Inorganic Phosphate in Breast Cancer Tissue at 7 Tesla.
Appearance of Changes from Focal Therapy on Multiparametric Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Applicability of Lead Electromagnetic Model for an External Wire with Skin Contact
Application of 3D SPACE MRI on Intracranial Aneurysm: A Preliminary Study
Application of a Flow-Sensitive Black Blood (FSBB) T2* Sequence to Cranial Nerve System Contrast-Enhanced Imaging
Application of Cardio-Respiratory Gated High Resolution 3D Balanced SSFP to Liver Tumour Imaging in the Mouse
Application of Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging in Characterization of Renal Cell Carcinomas with Different Pathological Types and Grades
Application of Diffusion MRI in Animal Models
Application of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Lung Lesions
Application of Electrical Properties Mapping
The Application of Enhanced MRI with 3D-STIR-SPACE for Brachial Plexus Lesions
Application of Fast SE-EPI-Based T2 Mapping in Prostate, with Comparison to Conventional CPMG-Based T2 Mapping
Application of High B-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Defining High-Grade Glioma Infiltration Regions
An Application of Histogram Analysis for Multiparameters from Multimodal MRI Combining DCE, IVIM-DWI and 3D-Asl in Predicating the Glioma Grading and Survival
Application of Iterative Reconstruction for MR Digital Subtraction Angiography: Toward Better Visualization of Small Vessels and Reduction of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Media.
Application of Lower Extremity Oxygenation Imaging in Animal Model of Microsphere-Induced Femoral Artery Embolization
Application of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting to Evaluate Degradation of Magnetic Resonance Imaging System
Application of Monoexponential, Biexponential and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging for Differentiating Between Minimal Fat Angiomyolipoma (MFAML) and Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma (PRCC).
Application of MR-Based Truncation Correction (HUGE) in Whole-Body PET/MR Hybrid Imaging
Application of Multiphase Pseudo-Continuous ASL for Quantitative Blood Flow Measurement in Rat Brain Metastasis
Application of Optimized TPAT Technique in Evaluating Arrythmia Patients' Cardiac Function
Application of QSM in the Body
Application of QSM in the Brain: Neurodegenerative
Application of QSM in the Brain: Neurovasculature
Application of Quantitative Microstructural MR Imaging with Atlas-Based Analysis for Spinal Cord in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy.
Application of Random Forest Regression for Fast and Robust MRF Dictionary Matching
Application of Retrospective Motion Correction to Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Application of Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE in High-Resolution Hand and Foot Imaging
Application of Texture Analysis to Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Images of the Normal Human Placenta
Application of Time-Optimal Simultaneous Multi-Slice Refocusing to TSE/RARE
Application of Weighted Diffusion Subtraction (WDS) to Synovial Sarcomas: Possibility of Visualising Tumor Cellularity
The Application of Whole Lesion IVIM Analysis Using IZOOM DWI in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Tumor
The Application of Whole Lesion IVIM Analysis Using IZOOM DWI in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Tumor
Application of Whole-Lesion Histogram Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Breast Lesions with CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE Technique
Applications of Cerebrovascular Reserve: Vascular Disease, Tumor, FMRI, Etc.
Applications of Low Rank Modeling to Fast 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Applications of Low Rank Modeling to Fast 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Applied Gradient Nonlinearity Correction for Quantitative Diffusion MRI
Applied Research of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Traumatic Tibial Nerve Injury
An Approach for Accurate Quantification of Hepatic Metastatic Burden During MRI-Guided Laser Ablation: Impact on Management Decisions in 41 Patients
Approaching Free Intracellular Diffusion by Diffusion-Weighted MRS at Ultra-Short Time Scales: Initial Results in the Rodent Brain Using a 1.5 T/m Gradient
Approaching Free Intracellular Diffusion by Diffusion-Weighted MRS at Ultra-Short Time Scales: Initial Results in the Rodent Brain Using a 1.5 T/m Gradient
Approaching the Limits of Imaging Brain Tissue with Ultra Short T2
APT-Weighted MRI of Cancer & Ischemia
Are MT and NOE (At -3.5 Ppm) in Z-Spectroscopy Coupled in the Brain?
Are Radiation-Induced Perfusion Changes in Normal Appearing Brain Tissue a Confounding Factor in Tumour Response Evaluation with DSC-MRI?
Arterial Input Function Selection in DSC-MRI of Brain Tumors Using Differential Evaluation Clustering Method
Arterial Spin Labeling Evaluation of Severity of Hypoperfusion in Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis
Arterial Spin Labeling FMRI in White Matter at 7 Tesla
Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging for Evaluation of Renal Changes in Remaining and Donated Kidneys Early After Living Renal Allograft Transplantation
Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging of Kidney After Administration of 2 Types of Iodinated Contrast Medium: A Time Course Study in CIN Animal Models
Arterial Spin Labelling Measurements of Cortical Perfusion in Multiple Sclerosis Show Widespread Reduced Cortical Metabolism
Arterial Transit Time Measured by Multi-Delay ASL Perfusion for Evaluating Major Cerebral Artery Stenosis/occlusive Disease: Correlation with 15O-H2O and 15O2 Gas PET-CBF and OEF
Artifact Correction in Accelerated-Segmented EPI Data Via Dual-Polarity GRAPPA
Artifact to Information Using Structured Low Rank Matrix Completion
Artifact-Reduced Imaging of Biopsy Needles with 2D Multi-Spectral Imaging
Artifacts to Artefacts: Causes & Cures from Clinical Perspective
Artificial Neural Network for Suppression of Banding Artifacts in Balanced Steady-State Free Precession MRI
An Artificial Neural Network Framework for Early Prediction of Cognitive Deficits in Very Preterm Infants
As Easy as Echo: Interactive Fetal Cardiac MR Imaging
As Easy as Echo: Interactive Fetal Cardiac MR Imaging
ASL - Data Acquisition
ASL- Post-Processing
ASL with Multiple Inversion & Echo Times
ASL-MRICloud: Towards a Comprehensive Online Tool for ASL Data Analysis
ASPECTS Based Reperfusion Status on Arterial Spin Labeling Is Associated with Clinical Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients
Assessing a Radial Multi-Spin-Echo Sequence for Robustness to Motion Artefacts in Quantitative NMR Imaging
Assessing Changes in MRI Measurands Incurred in a Scanner Upgrade: Is My Study Comprised?
Assessing Changes Within the Lumbosacral Spinal Cord in Neurological Disease: Preliminary Results of a Pilot in Vivo MRI Study
Assessing Functional and Structural Connectivity in Ex-Professional Athletes
Assessing Gas Exchange Via Co-Administration of Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate and 13C-Bicarbonate
Assessing Intrinsic Velum Height in Vowels Using Time-Resolved MRI
Assessing Local Brain Morphology Changes with Diffusion Tensor-Driven Tensor Based Morphometry (D-TBM): Application to a Genetic Model of Dysgenesis
Assessing Metabolic Intervention in Acute Myeloid Leukemia with a Glutaminase Inhibitor by Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance
Assessing Placenta Injury with Anatomical and IVIM-Diffusion MRI in a Mouse Model of Intrauterine Inflammation
Assessing Reliability of 3D Cones UTE-T2* Sequence for Detecting Subsurface Changes in Cartilage and Meniscus
Assessing Response Heterogeneity Following Radium 223 Administration Using Whole Body Diffusion Weighted MRI
Assessing the Accuracy of T2 and B1+ Maps Estimated from Multi-Echo Spin Echo MRI Sequences Using Extended Phase Graph Signal Predictions
Assessing the Cellular Distribution of Iron in Deep Gray Matter Based on R2* and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) - Application to Healthy Controls and Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Assessing the Effect of Head-Motion on Tissue Volume Estimates
Assessing the Effect of Head-Motion on Tissue Volume Estimates
Assessing the Effect of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion on Diffusion Parameters in the Brain
Assessing the Repeatability of Absolute CMRO2 Measurements from Calibrated FMRI
Assessing Tumor Mechanical Nonlinearity by MR Elastography at Different Strain Levels
Assessing White Matter Tract Development in Formula Fed Versus Breastfed Infants at 1 Month and 3 Months
Assessment and Detection of Left Ventricular Thrombus in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Cardiac MR (ADVENT Study)
Assessment of Acinar Destruction in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis with Hyperpolarised 3He Gas Diffusion-Weighted MRI: Reproducibility of ADC Metrics and Correlation with Physiological Parameters of Disease Severity.
Assessment of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease
Assessment of Brain Volume and Shape Abnormalities in Chemotherapy-Treated Breast Cancer Survivors Using Voxel-Based Morphometry and Vertex-Wise Shape Analysis
Assessment of Carotid Atherosclerotic Disease Using 3D Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and Intraplaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) Imaging: Comparison with Digital Subtraction Angiography
Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion Autoregulation Impairment – an Experimental Setup to Quantify Regional Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) in Normal and Head Down Tilt Position
Assessment of Cerebral Perfusion Changes in Asymptomatic Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis Using Multi-Parametric Arterial Spin-Labeling MRI
Assessment of Cerebral Vascular Abnormalities in Huntington’s Disease at 7Tesla
Assessment of Cerebral Vascular Abnormalities in Huntington’s Disease at 7Tesla
Assessment of Chemotherapy-Induced Brain Structural Alterations in Breast Cancer Patients Using GQI and Its Correlation with Cognitive Performance
Assessment of Cystic Fibrosis Disease Using UTE Imaging with XD-GRASP Reconstruction: A Comparison with CT
Assessment of Early Stage of Liver Fibrosis Using MRI T1rho
The Assessment of Gallstones Using Three Dimensional Ultra-Short Echo Time in Vivo
Assessment of Geometric Distortion in EPI with a SPAMM Tagged Acquisition
Assessment of Global Cerebral Flow: Comparing 2D and 4D Flow Strategies
Assessment of Hepatic Glycogen Metabolism Ex Vivo and in Vivo in Mice Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI
Assessment of Hepatic Iron Content by an Automatic Vessel Exclusion Technique in Patients with Iron Overload
Assessment of Histological Differentiation in Gastric Cancers Using Whole-Volume Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps
Assessment of Hydrodynamics and T2 Alterations in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rat Under Short-Term Hyperhydration
Assessment of Image Qualities of Multi Planar Reformatted Images Depending on Imaging Planes of a Variable Refocus Flip Angle 3D FSE Sequence (Cube) in Cervical Spine MRI
Assessment of Inherent Variation in Diffusion Tensor Measurements with Multi-Band EPI in Rhesus Monkeys
An Assessment of Interdependent Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Signals from Metabolites with Overlapping Chemical Shift Frequencies and Proton Exchange Rates
Assessment of Interplatform Reproducibility of T1 Quantification Methods Used for DCE-MRI: Results from a Multicenter Phantom Study
Assessment of Interrater Agreement and Reliability for Characterization of Respiratory Motion Related Artifacts at Gadoxetate Disodium-Enhanced Liver MRI
An Assessment of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging in Detection of Acute Kidney Injury in Rodents
An Assessment of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging in Detection of Acute Kidney Injury in Rodents
Assessment of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in Solitary Pulmonary Nodules : Comparison and Correlation with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging.
Assessment of Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity in Renal Cell Carcinomas Using Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate MR
Assessment of Lipid Order in Model Myelin Membrane Systems with MT and IhMT
Assessment of Liver Function of HBV-Induced Cirrhosis Using T1 Mapping on Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI
Assessment of Liver Function Using an Uptake Ratio Based on Multiple-Time Points hepatocyte Mapping
Assessment of Liver Function Using an Uptake Ratio Based on Multiple-Time Points hepatocyte Mapping
Assessment of Local Pulse-Wave-Velocity Distribution in Mice Using K-T BLAST MRI with Semi-Automatic Area Segmentation
Assessment of Lung Inflation State on the Repeatability of Hyperpolarized Gas Ventilation MRI
Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Markers in the Event of Drug Induced Liver Toxicity
Assessment of Melanin Content and Its Influence on Susceptibility Contrast in Melanoma Metastases
Assessment of Metabolism in Early Renal Ischemia/reperfusion Injury Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate.
Assessment of Myocardial Inflammation in Cardiac Sarcoidosis Using Early Gadolinium Enhancement
Assessment of Neurochemical Changes in HIV Adults Using Accelerated MR Spectroscopic Imaging and Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Assessment of Neuronal Dysfunction in Benign Multiple Sclerosis: A Sodium MRI Study
Assessment of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Activity Score (NAS) with MR Elastography (MRE)
Assessment of Renal Fibrosis in Murine Diabetic Nephropathy Using Quantitative Magnetization Transfer MRI
Assessment of Repeatability of Disease Burden and ADC Estimates in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Assessment of Response to Radiation Therapy Using High-Resolution Proton MRSI in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Patients
Assessment of Resting State Perfusion and Coherent Large-Scale Brain Networks in Healthy Aging Using Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI
Assessment of Specific Absorption Rate and Energy Deposition in Over 14,000 Clinical MRI Examination at 1.5 and 3 Tesla Scanners
Assessment of Specific Absorption Rate and Temperature Increase Induced by Artificial Hip Joints During MRI Scans
Assessment of Spontaneous Mechanical Activities in Musculature by Simultaneous Multi-Slice Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Fiber-Tractography Data Validation
Assessment of Subcortical White Matter Myelination Progression Based on T2WI Visual Evaluation During the Age of 6-48 Months: A DTI-Based Validation Study
Assessment of the Hepatocyte Fraction for Estimation of Liver Function Based on a Simple Pharmacokinetic Model
Assessment of the Myotendinous Junction After Injury in Elite Athletes Using 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging and Modeling
Assessment of Therapeutic Response in Glioma with Spillover-, MT- And T1-Corrected Amide Proton Transfer MR Imaging
Assessment of Uterine Artery Hemodynamics in Normal Pregnancy with 4D Flow MRI
Assessment of unilateral Renal Infarction with VTE-ASL in Comparison with DCE-MRI
Association Between Age of Intraplaque Hemorrhage and Fibrous Cap Rupture in Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis: A High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Association Between Age of Intraplaque Hemorrhage and Fibrous Cap Rupture in Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis: A High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Association Between Cardiac Iron Clereance and Hepatic Siderosis by T2* MRI in Thalassemia Major Patients
Association Between Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Calcification and Intraplaque Hemorrhage: A High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Association Between Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Calcification and Intraplaque Hemorrhage: A High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Association Between Major Depressive Disorder and the Functional Val158Met Polymorphism in Catechol-O-Methyltransferase as Assessed by Diffusion MRI
Association Between Occluded Extra-Cranial Carotid Artery Disease and Arterial Wall Edema in Ipsilateral Petrous Internal Carotid Artery: A 3D MR Vessel Wall Imaging Study
Association Between Whole Brain Functional Connectivity and Cortical Thickness Throughout Healthy Aging
Association of Atherosclerotic Plaque Characteristics Between Intracranial and Extracranial Carotid Arteries in Symptomatic Patients: A 3D Multicontrast MR Vessel Wall Imaging Study
Association of Breastfeeding Duration with Abdominal Fat Distribution and Adipose Tissue Hydration at 4.5 Years
Association of Cerebral Blood Flow and Amyloid Burden in Autosomal Dominant Alzheimer’s Disease
The Association of MRI-Detected Brain Volume Change with Prenatal Exposure to Perfluoroalkyl Substances in Teenage
Association of NAA Resonance Frequency with Axonal Orientation
Association of Preoperative MR Imaging Features with Positive Resection Margins in Breast Conservation Surgery
Association of Vascular Risk Factors with Cerebral Metabolic Rate
Associations Between Clinical Risk Factors, Neurocognitive Performance and Brain Activity in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated on a Chemotherapy-Only Protocol
Associations Between White Matter Lesions, Age, and 4D Flow MRI Hemodynamics in 69 Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Associative Areas and Cerebellum Show Non-Linear Modulation of FMRI Signal When Using the Non-Dominant Hand
Asthma Ventilation Abnormalities Measured Using Fourier-Decomposition Free-Breathing Pulmonary 1H MRI
Asymmetries of the Balanced SSFP Profile Allow to Probe Microstructure Anisotropy at 9.4 Tesla
Asymmetries of the Balanced SSFP Profile Allow to Probe Microstructure Anisotropy at 9.4 Tesla
Asynchronous Local Analysis of Simultaneous BOLD ASL Multislice Acquisition (ALABAMA): Toward Whole-Brain Noninvasive Estimation of Resting-State Neuronal-Vascular Coupling
Asynchronous Local Analysis of Simultaneous BOLD ASL Multislice Acquisition (ALABAMA): Toward Whole-Brain Noninvasive Estimation of Resting-State Neuronal-Vascular Coupling
Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaque Composition Using In-Vivo 3T, Ex-Vivo 7T MRI and Histology
Atlas Construction in Diffusion MRI Via Angular Patch Matching
Atlas-Based Analysis – from Talairach to Adaptive
Atlas-Based Generation of Synthesized Transmission Images for Brain PETMR Attenuation Correction Using MPRAGE
Attentional Modulation on the FMRI Signal at Human Visual Cortex Revealed by Fine Timing Characteristics But Not Amplitudes
Attenuated Excitatory Metabolism in the Prefrontal Cortex of Single Prolonged Stress Model: In Vivo and Ex Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Attenuated Low Frequency Oscillations in Focal Cortical Dysplasia
Attenuation of RF-Induced Currents Within Neuro-Stimulation Leads Using a Helical Conductor Design
Atypical Maturation of Short-Range Fibers Connecting Higher-Order Brain Regions in Children with Autism Aged 2-7 Years
Audio-Motor Interactions During Musical Playing with an External Timing Reference
Automated 4D Flow Conservation Utilizing Adjacency Matrices
Automated Assessment of Paraspinal Muscles Fat Composition Based on the Segmentation of Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water/fat-Separated Images
Automated Brain Tissue and Myelin Volumetry Based on Quantitative MR Imaging with Variable In-Plane Resolutions
Automated Cardiac Resting Phase Detection in 2D Cine MR Images for Acquisition Window Selection in High-Resolution Coronary MRI
Automated Coronary Artery Ostia Detection in Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Automated Detection of White-Matter and Cortical Lesions in Mp2Rage at Ultra-High Field Using a Single Scan
Automated Evaluation of Deep Gray Matter Neuronal Damage in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Automated Fiber Quantification Identifies the Extent of White Matter Integrity Loss Concurrent to Hippocampal Atrophy
Automated Heartbeat Detection for Self-Gated Fetal Cardiac MRI
Automated Identification of Hypoxia-Related Regional Variations in Tumour Microenvironment Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Oxygen-Enhanced MRI
Automated Kinetic Modeling of Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolism in Human Brain Tumors
Automated Lateral Ventricle Segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis – Assessing Reliability and Clinical Impact in a 5-Years Follow-Up Cohort Study
Automated Left Ventricular Volumetric Quantitation from Short-Axis CMR Images with Machine Learning Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network
Automated Localization of 55Mn Fiducial Markers for Coil Array Placement in Hyperpolarized 13C MRI: Dependence on Number of Acquired Projections
Automated MRI Fat Quantification in Obese Patients – Impact of Reader Experience and Degree of Obesity on Time Exposure
An Automated Phantom QA Procedure for the Rhineland Study
Automated Pre-Processing Pipeline and Quality Control for Neonatal Diffusion MRI in the Developing Human Connectome Project (DHCP)
Automated Quality Control of MR Images Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
Automated Quality Evaluation Index for 2D ASL CBF Maps
Automated Reference-Free Assessment of MR Image Quality Using an Active Learning Approach: Comparison of Support Vector Machine Versus Deep Neural Network Classification.
Automated Renal Motion Correction Using Fat-Images Derived from Dixon Reconstruction of DCE MRI
Automated Scan Prescription for an Oblique Plane Through the Aortic Arch for Bolus Tracking in DCE-MRI
Automated Segmentation of Intramuscular Connective Tissue (IMCT) from Skeletal Muscle in Presence of Artifacts: Application to Changes in IMCT in an Unilateral Limb Suspension Induced Acute Atrophy Model in the Plantarflexors
Automated Segmentation of Knee Cartilage from MR Images Using Sequential Multi-Atlas Registration and Shape-Constrained Locally-Weighted Voting for Quantitative Knee Joint Assessment
Automated T2 Relaxometry of the Hippocampus
Automated Versus Manual Analysis of DTI and Blood Flow in Adolescents with Chronic Post-Concussive Symptoms
Automated Volumetry-Based Morphometry in Postural Instability Gait Disorder
Automated Voxel Placement: A Linux-Based Suite of Tools for Accurate and Reliable Single Voxel Coregistration
Automatic Breast Tumor Segmentation Methods for Mass and Non-Mass Lesions for Quantitative Morphology and Texture Analysis
Automatic Detection of Corrupted Frames in Cardiac DTI with Machine Learning
Automatic Detection of Volumes Affected by Subvolume Movement
Automatic Extraction of Cardiac and Respiratory Motion Via Self-Refocused Rosette Navigators and Independent Component Analysis
An Automatic Method to Estimate 3D Pulse Wave Velocity from 4D-Flow MRI Data
Automatic Nonlinear Transformation of 7T MRI Brain Image to Talairach Stereotaxic Space
Automatic Physiological Noise Estimator with PESTICA in HCP Resting State FMRI Data
Automatic Planning for Fast and Robust Flow Territory Mapping
Automatic Quantification of Haematoma and Surrounding Oedema in MRI of Acute Spontaneous Intracerebral Haemorrhage: Preliminary Results for the TICH-2 MRI Sub-Study
Automatic Reference-Free Detection and Quantification of MR Image Artifacts in Human Examinations Due to Motion
Automatic Registration of MRI and Transcranial Ultrasound for the Analysis of Neurological Disorders
Automatic Removal of Water Bath Artifacts from MR Temperature Maps in Focused Ultrasound Neurosurgery
Automatic Segmentation and Tracking of Tumor Associated Vasculature Using High-Temporal Resolution Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast: Preliminary Results
Automatic Segmentation of Human Brain MRI Using Sliding Window and Random Forests
Automatic Segmentation of MR Images of the Proximal Femur Using Deep Learning
Automatic Tissue-Type Classification of 1H-MRSI Spectra in Patients with Glioblastoma
Automatic Tissue-Type Classification of 1H-MRSI Spectra in Patients with Glioblastoma
Automatic Truncation of the Principal Component Analysis for Improved Image Quality in Radial Cardiac Real-Time Imaging
Automatic Venous Vessel Segmentation in High Field, Multi-Echo SWI Using Random Forests
Automatically Identify Plaque Components in Carotid Artery Using Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) Imaging
Autosomal Dominant Cerebellar Ataxia: The Search for Imaging Biomarkers
AWESOME-Based De-Noising of Complex-Valued FMRI Time Series
Axon Development Revealed by Directional Diffusivities in Intra-Axonal and Extra-Axonal Compartments
Axon Diameter Mapping Using Diffusion MR Microscopy Embedded in a Monte-Carlo Based Fingerprint Approach
Aza-BODIPY Derivative for Gadolinium-Enhanced MR and Near-Infrared Fluorescence Dual Imaging
B0 and B1 Field Inhomogeneity Consideration in Pseudo-Continuous ASL Due to the Presence of Carotid Artery Stenting
B0 Field Inhomogeneity Corrected Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
B0 Mapping of Highly Inhomogeneous Fields Using Missing-Pulse Steady-State Free Precession (MP-SSFP)
B0 Shimming in a Small Volume at 9.4T – Irregular Coil Geometry Setup Vs. Loop Coil Setup
B1 Mapping for Breast Sodium MRI at 7T- A Comparison Between Double Angle and Phase-Sensitive Method
B1+ Inhomogeneity Mitigation in CEST Using Parallel Transmission: PTxCEST
B1+ Maps in Adults and Children Heads at 7.0T: Selection of the Generic Human Head Model and Maximum Local SAR Evaluation
B1+ Maps Intersubject Variability Study for Universal Pulses Applications in Parallel Transmission MRI
Background Field Removal Technique Using Non-Regularized Variable Kernels Sophisticated Harmonic Artifact Reduction for Phase Data for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Baseline DTI Discriminates and Predicts MS from ADEM
Baseline of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging for Brain
Basic Concepts in Calculations of Sample Size & Statistical Power
Basic MR Safety (Magnetic Fields, Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Etc)
Basic MR Safety: SAR to Temperature, Power Deposition/Monitoring, Effects of RF Coils & Field Strength
Basic Principles of MRS (Chemical Shift, J-Coupling, Spectral Resolution, Field Strength Effects)
Basics of Transmission Lines & Power Transfer
Basis Set Optimization for Quantification of Semi-LASER at 9.4T Under Consideration of CP Effect and Relaxation
Battery-Powered Integrated Parallel Reception, Excitation, and Shimming (IPRES) Head Coil Array for Plug-And-Play Localized B0 Shimming
A Bayesian Approach for Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
A Bayesian Approach to Enable Single Breath-Hold 4D Flow MRI
Bayesian Experimental Design for Multi-Parametric T1/T2 Relaxometry and Diffusion
Bayesian Inference of Brain Oxygenation and Deoxygenated Blood Volume in Acute Stroke Using Streamlined Quantitative BOLD
Bayesian Model Selection of Time Encoded Arterial Spin Labelling: Effect of T1 and Dispersion
Bayesian Prediction for Insufficient Liver Enhancement in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging
Bayesian Spatio-Temporal Model for Brain Resting State Connectivity
Behavioral and Image Evidence for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats with the Skull Helmet
A Behavioural and MRI Structural Study of Early Stage 6-OHDA Parkinson’s Disease Rat Model
Benefits of Flow, Eddy Current and Concomitant Field Compensation in Diffusion Weighted MRI
Benefits of High-Resolution QSM Acquisition Protocol for DBS Surgery Planning
Benign Diseases of the Uterus & Ovaries
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia After Prostatic Arterial Embolization in a Canine Model: a 3T Multi-Parametric MR imaging and Whole-Mount Step-Section Pathology Correlated Longitudinal Study
A Bent Dipole Antenna and 4-Channel Loop Array for 1H/31P Brain Application at 3 T MRI
Beyond Low-Rank and Sparsity: A Manifold Driven Framework for Highly Accelerated Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Beyond Proton MRI: 19F MRI & More
Beyond the Biological Resolution Limit: Prospectively Motion Corrected Time of Flight Angiography at 7T
Beyond the Biological Resolution Limit: Prospectively Motion Corrected Time of Flight Angiography at 7T
Bias and SNR of $$$T_1$$$ Estimates Derived from Joint Fitting of Actual Flip-Angle and FLASH Imaging Data with Variable Flip Angles
Bias Field Correction and Intensity Normalisation for Quantitative Analysis of Apparent Fibre Density
Bias in Aqueductal Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Quantification Obtained Using 2D PC-MRI
Bias in the Apparent Exchange Rate Measurements: Insight from Numerical Simulations
Bias in the Apparent Exchange Rate Measurements: Insight from Numerical Simulations
Biased Fuzzy C Means Based Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction for Segmentation of Abdominal Fat in DIXON MR Images
Bi-Component Ultra-Short Echo-Time T2* Analysis in Patients with Patellar Tendinopathy
Bi-Exponential T2* Mapping of Peripheral Nerve from In-Vivo Human Scans with a 3D UTE Cones Sequence.
Bilateral Breast Phantoms for Fusion to Human Voxel Models for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Simulations
A Biodegradable Macromolecular MRI Contrast Agent for Enhanced Liver Metastasis
Bio-Inspired Optimization of Technical Fiber-Reinforced Ramifications Using High-Resolution MRI of Dracaena Marginata Branchings as Concept Generators
Biological Underpinnings of Different MR Contrasts in the Human Midbrain Using Quantitative Structural MR Imaging at 9.4T: Validation with 14T Ex-Vivo Measurements and PLI
Biomarkers for Fiber Density: Comparing Stejskal-Tanner Diffusion Encoding Metrics with Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy from Double-Diffusion Encoding Imaging
Biomechanical Properties of Bovine Knee Cartilage Under Compressive Loading: A Study at High Field MRI (9.4T) Using T1, T2 and T1rho Relaxometry Combined with DENSE-FID.
Biomechanical T2-Mapping in Osteoarthritis with 3D-TESS at 7T MRI
A Biomimetic Tumour Tissue Phantom for Validating Diffusion-Weighted MRI Measurements
Biopsy-Based Calibration of T2* Magnetic Resonance for Estimation of Liver Iron Concentration
Bioreactor for in Vitro Optical Fluorescence and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Bioreactor for in Vitro Optical Fluorescence and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Black Blood T2-Weighted Turbo Spin-Echo Imaging of the Liver with DANTE Preparation Module
A Blind Deconvolution Approach to Fast MR T2 Mapping
Blipped Stack of Spirals for Fast Volumetric Functional MRI
Bloch Equations & Typical MRI Contrast
Bloch-Siegert Phase-Encoded MRI with a Single RF Coil and Frequency-Swept Pulses
Blood Flow Characterization in Sigmoid-Sinus Using 4D-Flow MR Among Patients with Pulsatile Tinnitus
Blood Flow Imaging
Blood Flow Velocity and Pulsatility Measurement of Lenticulostriate Arteries with 3T 2D Qflow MRI
Blood Saturation Modeling in Multiband Multislab Time-Of-Flight Brain MRI
Body Applications of Diffusion MRI
Body Composition Analysis Combined with Individual Muscle Measurements Using Dixon-MRI
A BOLD Analysis of the Olfactory Perception System in the Mouse Whole Brain, Using Independent Component Analysis
BOLD Data Acquisition Considerations
BOLD Effect of Oxygen-Inhalation T2-Star MRI Surrogates Systemic and Myocardial Oxygen Consumption in Heart Failure and Myocardial Infarction
BOLD Imaging of Kidney After Administration of 2 Types of Iodinated Contrast Medium: A Time Course Study in CIN Animal Models
BOLD MR Imaging of Placenta in Congenital Heart Disease
BOLD MRI of Activated Human Pancreas
BOLD Signal Changes in Spinal Cord with Hypercapnia
BOLD Signal/Physiology
BOLD-FMRI Evaluation of Analgesic Effects on Allodynia-Specific Pain Using Fibromyalgia Model Rats
Bone Imaging Using MR: Inversion Recovery Vs Tissue Segmentation
Bone Marrow Iron Assessment Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Iron Overload Rabbit Model
Boosting SNR And/or Resolution of Arterial Spin Label (ASL) Imaging Using Multi-Contrast Approaches with Multi-Lateral Guided Filter and Deep Networks
Bootstrapped Estimates of Velocity Uncertainty for 4D Flow PC-MRI
Both Rostral and Dorsal Anterior Cingulate Cortices Exhibit Age-Related Metabolic Changes
Boundary Shift Integral to Compute Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord Longitudinal Volume Changes Using the Same 3DT1w Volumetric Scans in Multiple Sclerosis
Bounded Rate Constant Estimation in Hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate Experiments by a Delayed-Rejection Adaptive Metropolis Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (DAM-MCMC) Method
Brain Abscess Due to Odontogenic Infection: Insights from Dental CT for Differential Diagnosis.
Brain Activity Alteration During the Training Period of the Hybrid Assistive Limb® (HAL) for Chronic Spinal Cord Injuries: A Task-Based FMRI Case Report
Brain Correlates of Apathy in Kleine Levin Syndrome: A Mean Apparent Propagator Study
Brain Cortical Thickness in Adolescents from Multiplex Alcohol Dependence Families
Brain Gray Matter Changes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Meta-Analysis of Whole-Brain Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Brain Inflammation in Trauma – MRI, MRS & New Radioligands
brain Iron Accumulation in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis - a Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Study
Brain Iron Accumulation in Wilson Disease Measured by QSM and MR Relaxometry
Brain Iron Load, as Measured by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, Promotes Beta-Amyloid Associated Functional Brain Change in Elderly Subjects But Not in Super-Agers
Brain Metabolic Rate, But Not Perfusion or Brain Volume, Predicts Clinical Scores in Newborns at Risk for Brain Injury
Brain Metabolism and Temperature Assessment in Traumatic Brain Injury Subjects Using 3D Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
The Brain Metabolite Change of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Evaluating He Rehabilitation Therapy Effect of Intra-Cerebral Hemorrhage Rat Animal Model
Brain Metabolite Changes During Motor Task: A 3T Functional MRS Study
Brain Metabolite Level Estimation at Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Fibromyalgia Using Advanced MRS
Brain Morphological Alterations and Functional Changes During Visually Stimulated Sexual Arousal in Menopausal Women
Brain MR Fingerprinting: Brain MR for the Masses?
Brain MR Image Intensity Normalization in the Presence of Pathology
Brain Network Atlas Estimation Using Centered Graph Shrinkage with Application to Developing and Aging Brains
Brain Parenchyma Pulsatility Assessed with Ferumoxytol Enhanced T2* MRI.
Brain Parenchymal Volume Changes After Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Brain Redox Imaging Using Blood-Brain-Barrier Nitroxides by Digital EPR Imaging System
Brain Regions Associated with Reward Induced by Optogenetic Stimulation at the Medial Prefrontal Cortex
“Brain Rust” in Schizophrenia Revealed by in Vivo Redox (NAD+/NADH) Measurement
Brain Sodium Concentrations in Healthy Subjects Are Constant Over Time: A 3-Year Longitudinal 23Na MRI Study at 3T
Brain Structural Alterations in Obese Adults with Impulsive Personality Traits: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Brain Structural MRI and Perfusion Signature of ALS Patients with Different Levels of Cognitive Deficits
Brain Structural Network of Working Memory and Processing Speed for ALL Survivors
Brain Tumors Disrupt the Resting-State Connectome
Brain Volume Loss in Glioblastoma Patients Following Photon and Proton Radiochemotherapy
Brain-Structure-Specific Metabolite Quantification of MEGA-LASER 3D MRSI Data
BrainVis: A Cloud-Connected 3D Exploration and Visualization Tool for Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data
Brain-Wide Functional Connectivity Changes Following Self-Administration of Cocaine and a Period of Abstinence
Brain-Wide Interaction of Low Frequency Hippocampal Activity with Layer-Specific Cortical and Subcortical Regions: An Optogenetic Manganese-Enhanced MRI Study
Breast Background Parenchymal Enhancement as a Marker of Breast Cancer Recurrence Risk
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer and Body Adiposity by Breast MRI
Breast Imaging of Targeted Agents
Breath-Hold and Free-Breathing Single-Shot Radial Quiescent-Interval Slice-Selective (QISS) MRA for Evaluation of the Pulmonary Arteries
A Bright Contrast Labelling Approach for Non-Invasive MR Imaging of Biomaterials
bSSFP Elliptical Signal Model with GRAPPA Parallel Imaging for Musculoskeletal Applications
Building an MRI Safety Program
Calcification and Iron Deposition in Basal Ganglia Structures: Reversible and Irreversible Transverse Relaxation Rates at 7T
Calculation of Large MRF Dictionaries with Low Memory Overhead Using Randomized SVD
A Calibrated Perfusion Phantom for Quality Assurance of Quantitative Arterial Spin Labelling.
Calibrationless Parallel Imaging in Multi Echo/Contrast Data
Calibrationless Parallel Imaging in Multi Echo/Contrast Data
Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Using Hankel Tensor Completion (HTC)
Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Reconstruction Using Hankel Tensor Completion (HTC)
Can Diaphragm Motion Function as a Surrogate for Motion of Esophageal Tumors During Treatment?
Can DTI Predict the MRI Level of Injury in Pediatric Spinal Cord Injury Subjects?
Can Eddy Currents and Concomitant Fields Be Compensated at the Same Time in Flow-Compensated Diffusion MRI?
Can EPVS Reflect Cerebral Blood Flow and Cognitive State in MCI and AD Patients?
Can Fast Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Be Quantitative in the Brain?
Can Measuring Hippocampal Atrophy Over a 3 Year Interval with a Fully Automatic Method Be Substantially Less Noisy Than Manual?
Can Mice Outrun the Deleterious Impacts of Radiation to the Brain?
Can MR Quantitative Fat Fraction Technique Evaluates Bone Marrow Toxicity During Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy?
Can Non-Contrast Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI) Provide Sufficient Pretreatment Information of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)?
Can Q-Space Imaging Differentiate Meningioma from Cranial Nerve Schwannoma?
Can Replacement Sagittal Diffusion Images Increase MR Value of Spinal Imaging in Patients with Suspected Malignant Disease?
Can Thoracic MRI Add Value to Your Practice?
Can We Detect the Effect of Spines, Leaflets and Beads on the Diffusion of Brain Intracellular Metabolites? a Confrontation Between High B-Values and High-Frequencies Diffusion-Weighted MRS in the Mouse Brain in Vivo.
Can We Detect the Effect of Spines, Leaflets and Beads on the Diffusion of Brain Intracellular Metabolites? a Confrontation Between High B-Values and High-Frequencies Diffusion-Weighted MRS in the Mouse Brain in Vivo.
Can We Predict the Chemotherapy Outcomes and Efficacy - Metabolomics Approach for Predicting Response to Anticancer Drugs: In Vitro 1H MRS of Living Human Melanoma and Bladder Carcinoma at 9.4T
Can We Trust Structural Connectivity?
Can We Trust TRUST Venous Oximetry in Sickle Cell Disease?
Cantilever System to Reduce Phase Noise Caused by Vibrations in 11.1T
Carbon Fiber Electrodes for Single-Unit Recording Combined with Artifact-Free MRI
Cardiac 4D Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4 T Using Self-Gated Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) Imaging
Cardiac ASL Using Single-Shot EPI at 3T
Cardiac CEST MRI with Dual-Echo Readout for B0 Correction: A Preliminary Reproducibility Study for Assessment of Metabolic Activity in the Heart
Cardiac Cine MRI with BSSFP-EPI at 0.35T
Cardiac Devices: Safety Aspects & Challenges in Cardiac MR
Cardiac Diffusion
Cardiac FMRI - A Novel Approach for Reliably Detecting Myocardial Oxygenation Changes with Precise Modulation of Arterial CO2
Cardiac FMRI - A Novel Approach for Reliably Detecting Myocardial Oxygenation Changes with Precise Modulation of Arterial CO2
Cardiac Function Relation to Preload Variation Based on Free Breathing Motion
Cardiac Image Acquisition by SENSE combined compressed Sensing With three Dimensional quantification
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Quantitative Assessment of Elevated Myocardial Stiffness in Cardiac Amyloidosis
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Quantitative Assessment of Elevated Myocardial Stiffness in Cardiac Amyloidosis
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for Characterizing a Spontaneous Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Mouse Model
Cardiac Manifestations of Diffuse Lung Disease: A Pictorial Review of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings
Cardiac Mechanics
Cardiac MR Derived Extracellular Volume Measurements Using Different Contrast Agents
Cardiac MRI Measurement of Right Ventricular Strain Using Feature Tracking in a Model of Embolic Pulmonary Hypertension.
Cardiac Spectroscopy
A Cardiac Stationary Phase Based ECG Trigger (CaspECG) of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion MR in Left Liver Lobe.
Cardiac Synchronization at Ultra-High Field Using a 3-Lead ECG Trigger Device
Cardiac Synchronization at Ultra-High Field Using a 3-Lead ECG Trigger Device
Cardiac T1 Mapping Using True Hybrid Inversion and Saturation Recovery
Cardiac-Induced Liver Deformation as a Measure of Liver Stiffness: Normal Volunteer Reproducibility and Post-Prandial Stress Studies
Cardiac-Induced Pulsatility of Blood Flow Resolved in Sub-Millimeter Cerebral Veins Using Phase Contrast MRI at 7 Tesla
Cardiomyopathy in Later-Onset Fabry Disease: A Correlative Study of T1 Mapping on MR and Histology
Cardiopulmonary MRI as a Diagnostic Tool in Pulmonary Hypertension
Cardio-Respiratory Motion Estimation for Compressed Sensing Reconstruction of Free-Breathing 2D Cine Mri
Cardiorespiratory Noise Correction Improves the ASL Signal
Cardiovascular Event Prediction by Machine Learning: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (CMR) Imaging Quanti?cation of Right and Left Ventricular Strain in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot: Preliminary Results in 10 Patients and 10 Normal Volunteers
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Right Ventricular Efficiency in Health and Disease: State of the Art
Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Cerebral Blood Flow, and Cognitive Functions: Preliminary Results in a Community Based Study in Chinese Elders
Cartesian & Non-Cartesian Sampling Schemes - Advantages & Disadvantages
Cartesian MR Fingerprinting at 7T for Rapid Quantification of Relaxation Times in the Eye
Cartesian UTE with Echo Time Below 0.5 Millisecond
Cartilage Mapping in Asymptomatic Hips with Cam-Type FAI: Does the MRI T1? Profile Change Over Time?
Cartilage T2 Relaxation Times in Both Knees of Healthy Individuals
Cascaded Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for Reconstruction of Undersampled Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images
Case Study: FOCUS
Case Study: Skope
A Case-Based Approach to MR Imaging Patterns of Cholangiocarcinoma and Post-Intervention Features
Cause of Death or Caused by Death: Differentiation of Thromboemboli and Post-Mortem Clots Using Quantitative MRI
cBEaST: Cerebellar Brain Extraction Based on Nonlocal Segmentation Technique – a Comparison with State-Of-The-Art Methods
cBEaST: Cerebellar Brain Extraction Based on Nonlocal Segmentation Technique – a Comparison with State-Of-The-Art Methods
Cell Nuclear Size and Shape Are Associated with ADC, Cellularity, and Histological Class in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Prostate Cancer
Cell Tracking & Molecular Contrast
Cerebellar Connectivity Influences Brain Network Topology
Cerebellar Tractography Study on Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
The Cerebello-Thalamic Tract as a Neural Correlate for Tremor in MS
The Cerebellum and Brainstem Together Increase Classification Accuracy for Autism Spectrum Disorder Over the Whole Brain
Cerebellum Tissue Segmentation with Ensemble Sparse Learning
Cerebellum Tissue Segmentation with Ensemble Sparse Learning
Cerebral Arteries Hemodynamics in Alzheimer's Disease Assessed by Phase-Contrast Velocity Mapping
Cerebral Blood Flow and Bolus Arriving Time Changes in Patients with Diabetes Detected by Multi-TI ASL
Cerebral Blood Flow as a Marker for Cortical Parcellation
Cerebral Blood Flow as a Marker for Cortical Parcellation
Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements in Patients with Depression and Comorbid Hypertension in Depression Using 3D Arterial Spin Labeling
Cerebral Blood Flow of CASL Perfusion Imaging to Predict Neurobehavioral Outcome in a Murine Model of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) Normalization for Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) MRI in Glioblastoma Patients
Cerebral Metabolic and Physiological Evidence Supporting a Shift Toward Glycolysis in a Mouse Model with Congenital Anemia.
Cerebral Metabolite Changes and Cognitive Clinical Correlates in Perinatally HIV-Infected Young Adults
Cerebral Oxygen Extraction Fraction Measurement Using an Asymmetric Spin Echo EPI Approach
Cerebral Perfusion and Reactivity in Impaired Glucose Tolerance and Type-2 Diabetes Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Cerebral Perfusion Characteristics Show Differences in Younger Vs. Older Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia: Results from a Multiple Inflow-Time Arterial Spin Labelling Study
Cerebral Perfusion Correlates of MAPT and COMT Genotypes For Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease at 3T
Cerebral Perfusion in Schizophrenia: An Arterial Spin Labeling Study
Cerebral Sodium (23Na) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Migraine
Cerebral Sodium (23Na) Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Migraine
Cerebra-QSM: An Application for Exploring Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Algorithms
Cerebrovascular Reserve Imaging
Cervical Spinal Cord and Brain MRS Alterations in Normal Appearing White Matter of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients at 3T
Cervical Spinal Cord and Brain MRS Alterations in Normal Appearing White Matter of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients at 3T
CEST and Binding Water MT Separation in Brain Tumor by Multi Pool Model CEST Peak Extraction Method
CEST and NOE Signals in Ischemic Stroke at 9.4T Evaluated Using a Lorentzian Multi-Pool Analysis: A Drop, an Increase or No Change?
CEST Fingerprinting: A Novel Approach for Exchange Rate Quantification
CEST FMRI at Ultra-High Magnetic Field
CEST FMRI at Ultra-High Magnetic Field
CEST Imaging of an Unlabelled Chemotherapy Agent (Gemcitabine) 30 Minutes After Administration in a Mouse Model of Colorectal Cancer
CEST MRI of PSMA Expression Using Natural Dextran-Based Contrast Agents
CEST MRI Using Sugar Alcohol, Maltitol, to Detect Cancer: Study on Rat Glioma Model
CEST Signals of Lipids
CEST Theory, Exchange, T1p, T2 Relationship
CEST, Basic Principles, Contributions to Z-Spectrum
CEST-Weighted MRI at 21.1 T: Application to Glioma and Ischemic Rat Model
CEST-Weighted MRI at 21.1 T: Application to Glioma and Ischemic Rat Model
The Challenge of Phase Offset Correction for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at Ultra-High Field
Challenges-MRAC & Motion Correction
The Challenging Role & Approaches to Cardiac MR in Arrhythmia
Changes in Brain Iron Concentration After Exposure to High Altitude Hypoxia by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Default Mode Network Connectivity Following MTBI Observed with Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling
Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Default Mode Network Connectivity Following MTBI Observed with Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling
Changes in Collagen and Proteoglycan in Cartilage with OA Severity
Changes in Fat Distribution and Composition During Ketogenic Diet Investigated by MRI and MRS.
Changes in FMRI Activation Pattern During Different Levels of Sacral Nerve Stimulation for Overactive Bladder
Changes in Hippocampal Subfield Volumes, Diffusivity and Brain Metabolism After Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Pilot PET/MR Study
Changes in Muscle Morphometry, Composition and Performance in Patients with Sporadic Inclusion Body Myositis
Changes in Myelination and Cortical Thickness with Advancing Age
Changes in Structural Network Connectivity in Early-Stage Multiple Sclerosis Are Associated with Cortical Demyelination
Changes in Structural Network Connectivity in Early-Stage Multiple Sclerosis Are Associated with Cortical Demyelination
Changes in Susceptibility-Weighted MRI Contrast Reflect Differences in Cortical Spreading of Pathology in Early-Onset and Late-Onset Alzheimer Patients
Changes in Tracer Kinetics in the Endplates of Degenerating Intervertebral Discs
Changes in White Matter Integrity in MS Under Fingolimod Treatment for Two Years Revealed by HARDI
Changes of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Based Parameters in Patients Undergoing Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPS) Creation – an Initial Analysis
Changes of Metabolite Levels with Low SNR in Brain Tumours Measured by Hybrid FET PET and 3D MRSI
Changes of Non-Gaussian Diffusion MRI Parameters at Different Diffusion Times in a Human Breast Carcinoma Xenograft Model
Characterisation of Cerebellar Microstructure with Two-Compartment Spherical Mean Technique
Characterisation of In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging Scalar Measures of Cardiac Microstructure in Healthy Swine
Characterising and Correcting for MR Signal Drift in Dynamic SPGR Oxygen-Enhanced MRI Acquisitions
Characterising White Matter Tracts of the Limbic System and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children Born Very Preterm
Characteristic Analysis of in Vivo and Ex Vivo Rat Brains by 7.0 T DTI MR
Characteristic Changes of Volume and Shape of Subcortical Structures in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Characteristic Changes of Volume and Shape of Subcortical Structures in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Characteristics of Brain Spontaneous Neuronal Activity in Chronic Alcoholics Using Different Resting-State FMRI Algorithm
Characteristics of Cortical and Subcortical Abnormalities in Pediatric Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Patients
Characteristics of Fat in Orbits of Patients with Early-Stage Hyperthyroidism
Characteristics of Morphology, Compositions and Distribution of Carotid Artery Atherosclerotic Plaques in Asymptomatic Elderly Population: A Three-Dimensional, Multicontrast Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging Study
Characterization and Flip Angle Calibration of 13C Surface Coils for Hyperpolarization Studies
Characterization of a Matrix Gradient System Using a Magnetic Field Probe
Characterization of a Murine High Altitude Exposure Model
Characterization of a New Ultra-Flexible, Low Profile RF Receive Coil Technology.
Characterization of a New Ultra-Flexible, Low Profile RF Receive Coil Technology.
Characterization of B0 Shim-Induced Bias in Diffusion Weighting Gradients
Characterization of Benign and Malignant Soft Tissue Tumors Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Characterization of Brown and White Adipose Tissue in 7-Year Old Children
Characterization of Extensive Microstructural Variations Associated with Punctate White Matter Lesions in Preterm Neonates
Characterization of Gadolinium Deposition in the Brain Manifest as T2-Hypointensity and T1-Hyperintensity Associated with Repeat Monthly Triple-Dose Gadopentetate Dimeglumine Administration for 2 Years in the BECOME Trial
Characterization of Gd-DOTA-APC, a Novel Cancer-Targeting MRI Contrast Agent
Characterization of Gd-DOTA-APC, a Novel Cancer-Targeting MRI Contrast Agent
Characterization of Gradient-Induced Vibration: Can Optical Displacement Sensors Be Replaced by Miniature Accelerometers?
Characterization of in Vivo Chemical Exchange Parameters Using Chemical Exchange-Sensitive MRI at 9.4 T and 15.2 T
Characterization of Inflammation Induced by Exposure to Primary Blast Waves in Rats Using 19F MRI
Characterization of Intratumoral Heterogeneity Based on BOLD Effect: A Study in 13762NF Breast Tumor
Characterization of K-Space Trajectory Error Using Time Delay Correction for EPI
Characterization of Laminar Profiles in Human Auditory Cortex Using a Dense 24-Channel Temporal Lobe Array at 3T
Characterization of Lymph Nodes in Colorectal Cancer Using Non-Exponential Modeling of T2* Decay
Characterization of Primary Liver Cancers with DWI Histogram Analysis
Characterization of Registration Errors to Screen Aberrant Subject Results Prior to Voxel-Wise Whole Brain Analysis
Characterization of Renal Parenchyma Impairment in Partial Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction in Mice with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging
Characterization of Renal Tumors: Integrating Biomechanical, Functional and Morphological Assessment Using 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Characterization of Spinal Cord DTI Metrics in Clinically Asymptomatic Pediatric Subjects with Incidental Congenital Lesions
Characterization of Structural and Functional Connectivity in Epilepsy by Integrating Diffusion and Functional Tensor Imaging
Characterization of the Brainstem Connectivity and Its Microstructure Using Diffusion MR Microscopy at Ultra-High Field (UHF) with Strong Gradients
Characterization of the Four Pool Model in Formalin-Fixed Sheep's Brain Using NMR Spectroscopy
Characterization of the Gray Matter Hemodynamic Response Function with High-Resolution Functional MRI
Characterization of the Placental Vascular Tree Using MRI: An Ex-Vivo Study
Characterization of the Power Dependency Regimes of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT)
Characterization of the Ulnar Nerve Using Multislice DTI Using a Multiband Factor of 1, 2, and 3
Characterization of Through-Plane and In-Plane Artifacts Using a 3D-Printed Grid Phantom with an Embedded Metal Hip Implant
Characterization of Water Compartment Exchange in Ex-Vivo Human Cartilage Using Two-Dimensional Relaxometry
Characterization of White Matter Tortuosity Using High-Resolution GSlider-SMS Diffusion Imaging
Characterization of White Matter Tortuosity Using High-Resolution GSlider-SMS Diffusion Imaging
Characterize the Effect of Regional Variations in Venule Vasculature Related to Temporal Variability of Hemodynamic Responses Latency at the Human Primary Visual Cortex
Characterizing Brain Iron Deposition in Patients with Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: A Potential Biomarker
Characterizing Brain Microstructural Changes in Childhood Arterial Ischemic Stroke Using Multi-Shell Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Characterizing CRT-Induced Vascular Injury in the Developing Brain
Characterizing Diffusion MRI Based Structural Connectome of the Human Brain in Parkinson’s Disease
Characterizing Diffusion Weighted Images Using Clustering Analysis of Spherical Harmonics (CASH)
Characterizing the Cardiac Phase Dependence of Motion Compensated CODE CDTI
Characterizing the Effect of Age on Measures of White Matter Integrity in the Optic Radiations of Children with and Without Neurofibromatosis Type 1
Characterizing the Evolving Property of De-And Re-Myelination in a Mouse Model Using NODDI and MRI Texture
Characterizing the Tumor Microenvironment
Characterizing White Matter Microstructural Changes After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Based on Diffusion White Matter Tract Integrity and Shannon Entropy
Charatization of Peritumoral Regions of Cerebral Tumor with Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI)
Chemical Exchange Rotation Transfer (CERT) of Human Brain at 3 T
Chemical Exchange Rotation Transfer (CERT) Using Adiabatic Hyperbolic Secant Pulses
Chemical Exchange Rotation Transfer Imaging of CEST Signal at 2ppm
The Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) and Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) Effects Observed in Human Blood at 7 T Under Different Physiological Conditions.
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) with a Multiple Gradient Echo Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI) Sequence
Chemical Exchange-Sensitive MRI at 9.4 T Versus 15.2 T: Effect on Sensitivity and Background Signals
Chemical Shift Displacement and Recovery-Based Simultaneous Water and Lipid Imaging for Quantitative Multiparametric MRI
Chemical Shift Effect Predicting Lymph Node Status in Rectal Cancer Using High-Resolution MR Imaging with Node-For-Node Matched Histopathological Validation
Chemical Shift Encoded (CSE) Image Reconstruction for Spectral Selection in Fluorine-19 MRI
Chemical Shift Imaging of PH with Hyperpolarized [2-13C,D10] Diethylmalonic Acid
Chemical Shift T1 Quantification with Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Imaging and IDEAL (3D UTE-Cones-IDEAL) Processing
A Chemical Warfare Nerve Agent Causes Regional Changes in Brain T2—Consistent with Localized Edema
Chemo-FMRI: A DREADD-Based Approach to Unravel the Brainwide Substrates of Neuromodulation
Chemogenetic FMRI and 18F-FDG PET Reveal Functional Projections of Hoxb1-Derived Noradrenargic Neurons
Chest & Abdominal
Chicken Embryo: An Excellent Platform for Monitoring Zika Virus Induced Microcephaly and Tracking Stem Cells
Chitin and Dibutyrylchitin Nanoparticles as Imaging Enabled Vaccine Nanocarriers
Chronic Exposure to Air Pollutants Alters the Functional Network and Spatiotemporal Dynamics of the Resting Brain: Graph Theory and Dynamic Functional Connectivity Analysis.
A Chronic in Situ Coil System Adapted for Intracerebral Stimulation During MRI in Rats
Chronic Liver Disease in Developing Brain: An in Vivo Longitudinal and Multiparametric Study Using 31P MRS, 31P Magnetization Transfer and 1H MRS
Chronic Pain-Related Sexual Dimorphism in Gray Matter Density: A Whole-Brain Voxel-Based Morphometric Study on Osteoarthritis Patients
Chronically Elevated Taurine in the Putative Seizure Onset Zone During Posttraumatic Epileptogenesis Identifies Epilepsy-Prone Rats
Cine T1 Mapping: Look-Locker Inversion Recovery for Phase Resolved T1-Mapping with B1+ Correction at 3T
Circumferential and Radial Variations in T2, T2* and T1rho in the Osteoarthritic Meniscus
Classification of Head Movements Inside an MRI Scanner Using a Single Marker and Neural Networks
Classification of Pediatric Brain Tumours Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient – a Multi-Centre Study
Classification of Pediatric Brain Tumours Using Apparent Diffusion Coefficient – a Multi-Centre Study
Classification of White and Brown Adipose Tissue Using a Support Vector Machine
Clinical Application of 3D VIBECAIPI-DIXON for Enhanced Imaging of the Small Intestine
Clinical Application of Half Fourier Acquisition Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo (HASTE) Imaging with Multiband (MB) Excitation and PINS Refocusing Pulses
Clinical Application of Synthetic MRI: Benefits and Pitfalls
Clinical Applications of Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Imaging with High-Angular-Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI) : A Comparative Study of Brain Tumor Pre-Operative Evaluation with and Without SMS
Clinical Applications of UTE/ZTE
Clinical Evaluation of a Simple Approach for Improving Shear Wave Illumination in Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Prostate
Clinical Evaluation of Automatic Localization of Prostate Gold Fiducial Markers for MR-Only Radiotherapy
Clinical Evaluation of the Early Renal Hypoxia in Type 2 Diabetes Based on BOLD-MRI
Clinical Evaluation of the Fat Deposition of Patients with Sacroiliitis by Using MDIXON Quant Technique
Clinical Evaluation of Whole-Heart Quantitative Adenosine Stress CMR with Motion-Compensated L1-SPIRIT
Clinical Impact of Reduced Spectral Acquisitions in Calibrated 3D Multi-Spectral Imaging Near Metal Implants
Clinical Interpretation of Asymptomatic Medial Collateral Ligament Injury Observed on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Adolescent Baseball Players
Clinical Mapping of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Using MRI: A Framework for Reaching Consensus
Clinical Needs & Applications
Clinical Needs & Applications: Myocardial Tissue Relaxometry
Clinical Needs of Imaging in Heart Failure: Impact on Patient Management
Clinical Needs: Ischemic Heart Disease
Clinical Outcome of Globus Pallidus Internus or Subthalamic Nucleus Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson's Disease Using MRI-Guided Localization and Verify with Microelectrode
Clinical Outcomes After Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Compared to Computed Tomographic Angiography (CTA) for Pulmonary Embolism Evaluation
The Clinical Relevance of Correcting Susceptibility-Related Distortions in Presurgical FMRI at 7 T
Clinical Robustness of Accelerated and Optimized Abdominal Diffusion Weighted Imaging
The Clinical Significance of Accompanying NME on Preoperative MR Imaging in Breast Cancer Patients
Clinical Translation of Tumor Acidosis Measurements with AcidoCEST MRI
Clinical Utility of a Novel Ultrafast T2 Weighted Sequence for Spine Imaging
Clinical Utility of the Pulmonary Artery to Ascending Aortic Ratio by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension.
The Clinical evaluation of Combining DWIBS with Whole Body T1w Imaging for Diagnosing Bone Marrow Involvement in Lymphoma patients: A Comparison with PET/CT
The Clinical evaluation of Combining DWIBS with Whole Body T1w Imaging for Diagnosing Bone Marrow Involvement in Lymphoma patients: A Comparison with PET/CT
Clinically Feasible Optic Nerve Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging at 3T
Clinically Feasible Relaxation-Diffusion Correlation MRI Using MADCO
Clinically Relevant Gradient and RF Field Exposure Levels for General Neuro MRI Protocols at 3.0 T
Clinically Viable FAST-T2 Based Whole Brain Myelin Water Content Mapping: T1 Validation and Initial MS Lesion Study
A Clinically-Validated, Fast and Semi-Automated MR Workflow for Liver Evaluation
Cluster Analysis of Cartilage T2 and T1rho Relaxation Times: Can the Contralateral Knee Be Used as a Control in the ACL-Injured Population?
CM101: An Optimized MR Probe Targeting Type I Collagen for Detection of Liver Fibrosis
CM101: An Optimized MR Probe Targeting Type I Collagen for Detection of Liver Fibrosis
CMR Demonstrates Structure-Function Relationship in Patients After Heart Transplantation
CMR-Derived Regional T2, T1/ECV, Myocardial Velocities, and Dyssynchrony Influenced by Donor and Recipient Characteristics After Heart Transplantation
CMRO2 Quantification in Human Brain with Direct 17O-MRI: Profile Likelihood Analysis for Optimization of Temporal Resolution
CMRO2 Quantification in Human Brain with Direct 17O-MRI: Profile Likelihood Analysis for Optimization of Temporal Resolution
Co-Activation Pattern Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease
Cocaine Applied in a “binge Paradigm” Induces a Region-Specific and Persistent Brain Circuitry Modulation.
Coherence Enhancement in QSM Via Anisotropic Weighting in Morphology-Enabled Dipole Inversion
Coil Losses Significantly Alter the Electromagnetic Fields of a 64 MHz Quadrature Driven Birdcage Coil
Collagen Fiber to Magnetic Field Angle Dependence in Human Meniscus – a Preliminary T2* MR-Microscopy Study at 7T
Co-Localization of Individual Neuroanatomical Structures and Intracranial Electrodes to Assist Brain Mapping for Pre-Surgical Evaluation of Epilepsy
Column-Specific Demyelination in Spinal Cord Normal Appearing White Matter Occurring in Multiple Sclerosis: A Preliminary Study Using Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer and DTI
Combination of Integrated Dynamic Shimming and Readout-Segmented Echo Planar Imaging for Diffusion-Weighted MRI of the Head and Neck Region at 3 Tesla.
Combination of MT and R2* Measurements to Distinguish Between Contributions of Semisolids and Iron to R1
Combination of Variable and Constant Flip Angles for Hyperpolarized 129Xe Multi-B Diffusion MRI in a Single Breath-Hold
The Combine Analysis of Improved Multi-Parametric MR for Identifying the Different Subtypes and Immunohistochemical expression of Breast Cancer
Combined 3D Cine/4D Flow Accelerated Cardiac Imaging with Cloud Computing. Toward Streamlined and Fast Comprehensive Cardiac MRI Exam
Combined 3D Perfusion and Diffusion MRI to Phenotype the Mouse Brain: Evaluation and Application to a Model of Schizophrenia
A Combined 7 Tesla MRI/NMR Probe Head for Photochemical Applications.
A Combined 7 Tesla MRI/NMR Probe Head for Photochemical Applications.
Combined Analysis of Ten DW-MRI Studies Demonstrates Excellent Repeatability of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Estimates in Extra-Cranial Soft-Tissue Tumours
Combined Application of GRAPPA and POCS for Fast MR Image Reconstruction
Combined DCE-MRI and Immunohistochemical Analyses of Cervical Cancer Xenografts Reveal Differences in the Physiological Background of Prognostic Image Parameters Derived from the Tofts and Brix Model
Combined DTI-Derived Metrics Capture Acute Structural Alterations in Sports-Related Mild TBI (MTBI)
Combined Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Evaluate the Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NACT) Effect in Patients with Cervical Cancer
Combined Flip Angle and Echo Scaling Modulation for Optimal Fast Spin Echo
Combined FMRI-MRS Measures Simultaneous Glutamate and BOLD-FMRI Signals in the Human Brain at 7T
Combined Hyperpolarized Pyruvate and Lactate as a Proxy for Hyperpolarized Urea to Measure Tissue Perfusion
Combined Imaging and Shimming with the Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique
A Combined Intravascular MRI Endoscope and Intravascular Ultrasound (IVUS) Transducer for High-Resolution Image-Guided Ablation
Combined Late Gadolinium Enhancement (LGE) and 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) Uptake in a Hybrid PET/MR System to Diagnose Active Cardiac Sarcoidosis
Combined Multi-Band Z-Shimming Using a Novel Auto-Calibration Routine
Combined Tract-Based Analysis of Diffusion Fractional Anisotropy and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: A Joint Assessment of Axonal and Myelin Microstructural Changes in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Combined Transmit Array and 8-Channel Receive Coil Array for 19F/1H for Human Lung Imaging at 1.5 T Utilizing MEMS Transmit-Receive Detuning
Combining DW- And DCE-MRI for Treatment Response Assessment in Patients with Esophageal Cancer Undergoing Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy
Combining Inhomogenous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) with Multi-Point Dixon (MDixon) for Myelin Imaging with Efficient Fat Suppression
Combining Loops and Dipoles at 7 T and 10.5 T: A Simulation Study
Combining Multi Gradient Echo Acquisitions with Inversion Recovery: Estimating the Residence Time of Myelin Water from Transient MT Effects.
Combining Phase Information from Phased Array Coils Without Phase Unwrapping in Phase Contrast Imaging
Combining QSM and MWF in Multiple Sclerosis: A Marker for the Inflammatory State of MS Lesions?
Community Detection in Resting State Functional Connectivity Networks Beyond the Resolution Limit
A Compact Affordable Three-Bore Cryogen-Free Superconducting Magnet for Extremity Imaging
A Compact Handheld MR Spectrometer System for Mobile MR Applications
Compact IPRES Coil Assembly for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Compact IPRES Coil Assembly for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Compact NMR Spectrometer for 129Xe Polarization Monitoring with Java Based Signal Processing and User Interface
A Compact Planar Triple-Nuclear Coil for Small Animal 1H, 13C, and 31P Metabolic MR Imaging at 14.1 T
Compact Representation of the Diffusion Signal for Multi-Shell HARDI
Comparable Intrinsic Spatial Profiles of BOLD Signals and Local Field Potentials After Stimulation and in Resting-State Within Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Comparaison of in Vivo and Ex Vivo High Resolution Imaging of the Mouse Brain at 11.7T
Comparative Analysis of Image in Changing Breath Hold Method of B1 Calibration at 3.0T Abdomen MRI
Comparative Myelin Imaging and Multi-Shot Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Cervical Spinal Cord
Comparative Study of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Perfusion Imaging
Comparative Study of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Perfusion Imaging
A Comparative Study of Coil Winding Techniques of a Full Body 1.5 T MgB2 Based MRI Magnets.
The Comparative Study of MR Renography Versus 99mTc-DTPA Renal Scintigraphy for Determining Split Renal Function of the Transplanted Kidney
Comparative Study of Zero TE ASL MRA and 3D-TOF MRA in Diagnostic Value of Cerebral Arteriovenous Malformations at 1.5T
Comparative T2 and T1? Mapping of Patellofemoral Cartilage Under in Situ Mechanical Loading with Prospective Motion Correction
Comparing in Vivo MR G-Ratio Mapping Methods: Accuracy and Precision at the Group Level
Comparing Liver Fat Quantification Obtained with Complex Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI and Conventional Method in an Oncologic Population Sample.
Comparing the Diagnosis Efficiency of Different Parameters of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Model in Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions
Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Luminal Water Imaging with Diffusion-Weighted and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Evaluation of Prostate Cancer.
Comparing the Diagnostic Accuracy of Luminal Water Imaging with Diffusion-Weighted and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Evaluation of Prostate Cancer.
Comparing the Invasive Depth of Esophageal Carcinoma in 3.0 T Ex Vivo T2-Mapping MR Imaging with Histopathological Findings
Comparing the LPCA and MPPCA Denoising Approaches for Diffusion MRI Using Simulated Human Data
Comparing the Value of MRI Ultra-High-B-Value DWI and Standard DWI in Grading Cerebral Astrocytomas and Their Association with Aquaporin-4
Comparing Transfer Functions in Different Tissues with a Spinal Cord Stimulation System for Estimation of RF Heating During MRI Scans
Comparison Between IVIM Combined with Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm and IVIM Combined with Bayesian Method in the Thyroid Cancer
Comparison Diffusion Behavior of Metabolites in Brains of Congenital Portal Systemic Shunt and Healthy Mice in Vivo at 14.1T
Comparison of (K,t) Sampling Schemes for DCE MRI Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation
Comparison of 18F-FDG PET/MRI and MRI Alone for Pretherapeutic Tumor Staging of Patients with Primary Cancer of the Uterine Cervix.
Comparison of 2D and 3D Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) Wave-Image Quality Across a Range of Body Mass Indices
Comparison of 2D and 3D MR Liver Elastography in 600 Patients
Comparison of 2D and 3D MR Liver Elastography in 600 Patients
Comparison of 4D Flow MRI and Tomographic Particle Image Velocimetry
Comparison of a 32-Channel Remote Body Coil for 7 Tesla with Local and Remote 8- And 16-Channel Transmit Coil Arrays
Comparison of Acceleration Algorithms in Whole-Heart 4D Flow MRI for Aortic and Mitral Valve Flow Assessment
Comparison of Acceleration Algorithms in Whole-Heart 4D Flow MRI for Aortic and Mitral Valve Flow Assessment
Comparison of Acceleration Methods for Brain MRSI at 7T
Comparison of Between-Subject and Single-Subject Between-Session Variability in In Vivo DKI Brain Studies
Comparison of BH CVR and Resting State FMRI to “gold Standard” Task-Based FMRI for Assessment of Brain Tumor-Induced Neurovascular Uncoupling
Comparison of Black-Blood T2 Mapping Sequences in Carotid Artery at 3T
Comparison of BOLD and CBV Impulse-Response to Visual Stimulation in Humans in the Presence of Ferumoxytol
A Comparison of BOLD Signal Amplitude and Electrical Activity During Task Performance in MS and Healthy Control Subjects: Evidence of Neurovascular Decoupling
Comparison of BOLD-Contrast Imaging and DW Imaging for Early Prediction of Renal Damage After Microemboli-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Animal Model
Comparison of Brain Atrophy Measures for Clinical Use in Multiple Sclerosis
Comparison of Breast Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Fat-Water and Water Only Images
Comparison of Carotid Arterial Signal Automatically Extracted from FMRI Data and Pulse Oximetry
Comparison of Compressed Sensing Accelerated TOF MRA of the Neck with Conventional TOF MRA and Ultrasound in Clinical Cases
Comparison of CSF Flow Imaging Methods
Comparison of Different Acceleration Methods for High-Resolution Metabolite Mapping Using 1H FID MRSI at 9.4T
Comparison of Different RF Coil Designs for Short T2* Samples
The Comparison of Different Strategies for Transmit Field Inhomogeneity Correction of Amide-CEST and NOE Effects at 7T
Comparison of Differentiation Capability Among CEST Imaging, DWI and FDG-PET/CT in Patients with Pulmonary Lesions
Comparison of Diffusion Imaging Microstructure Models of the Human Placenta at 3T
Comparison of Diffusion Propagator Imaging Metrics for Accurate Microstructure Characterization in Clinically Acceptable Scan Times
Comparison of Direct 13C and Indirect 1H-[13C] MR Detection Methods for the Study of Dynamic Metabolic Turnover in the Human Brain
Comparison of Doppler Echocardiography Mean Transvalvular Aortic Pressure Gradient to 4D Flow MRI
Comparison of Double Diffusion Encoding and NODDI
Comparison of Ferumoxytol Based Cerebral Blood Volume Estimates Using Multi-Echo T2* and Ultrashort Echo Time T1 Imaging
Comparison of FMRI Analysis Methods for Heterogeneous BOLD Responses in Block Design Studies
Comparison of FMRI and MEG Language Localization Tasks—a Prospective Study of Noninvasive Presurgical Functional Mapping
The Comparison of Full FOV and Reduced-FOV IVIM Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Spinal Bone Marrow
Comparison of Gadoterate Meglumine and Gadobutrol in MRI Diagnosis of Brain Tumors: A Double-Blind Randomized Intra-Individually Controlled in Cross-Over Study (The REMIND study)
Comparison of Gd-DTPA-BMA Versus Gd-DOTA of Gadolinium Retention in Human Bone Tissue with Renal Function
Comparison of High Pass and Low Pass Radio-Frequency Coils in 1.5 T MRI Safety Assessments of Active Implantable Medical Devices
Comparison of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer Imaging with Myelin Water Imaging (MWI) and Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Comparison of In-Vivo Lung Morphometry Models from 3D Multiple B-Value 3He Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Comparison of In-Vivo Lung Morphometry Models from 3D Multiple B-Value 3He Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Comparison of Laser Doppler Vibrometer and Accelerometer Measurements of MRI Gradient Field Induced Vibration in Conductive Materials
Comparison of Measurement of Abdominal Visceral Adipose Tissue in Men and Women by MRI Vs. DXA
Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Porcine Brain Tissue in Vivo and Ex Vivo Using MR Elastography
Comparison of Metabolic Adaptations Between Endurance- And Sprint-Trained Athletes in Two Different Muscles Using a 31P Spectroscopic Multi-Slice Sequence
Comparison of Methods for High Spatial-Resolution Breast Diffusion Imaging
Comparison of Methods for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Balanced SSFP Imaging
Comparison of MP2RAGE-Based Morphometry Methods for Anorexia Nervosa
Comparison of MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings Between Different MAPT and COMT Genotypes of Cognitively Normal or Mild Cognitively Impaired Parkinson’s Disease Patients at 3T
Comparison of MRI and Optical CT Measurements of Murine Kidney Blood Volume.
Comparison of MRI Techniques for Hepatic Fat and Iron Quantification in the UK Biobank Study
Comparison of Multishot Readout-Segmented EPI and Interleaved-EPI for Motion Correction
Comparison of MUSSELS Vs MUSE for Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging
Comparison of Myelin Water Fractions from Multi-Echo Spin-Echo and Multi-Gradient Echo Techniques
Comparison of Native Longitudinal Relaxation Rate, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Extravascular Extracellular Volume Fraction in Vestibular Schwannoma in Type 2 Neuro?bromatosis Before and After Antiangiogenic Therapy
Comparison of NODDI and WMTI Microstructural Parameters in Typical Development
Comparison of Non-Gaussian Diffusion Parameters Using Different Diffusion Times in Head and Neck Tumors
A Comparison of Optimised Single-Shot MR Fingerprinting Pulse Sequence Designs.
Comparison of Pacemaker Lead Tip Heating at 1.5 T and 3T
Comparison of PCASL and FAIR for Measuring Renal Blood Flow (RBF) of Mouse Kidney at 9.4T
Comparison of Postnatal Trajectory of Neonatal White Matter Development Between Preterm and Term Neonates During the Neonatal Stage
A Comparison of Prospective Motion Correction with 19F NMR Field Probes and an Optical Camera
Comparison of Quantitative Algorithms for Calculating VDP from Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI – Testing Reproducibility of a Biomarker of Airway Obstruction
Comparison of Quantitative Specific Ventilation Imaging in the Lung with Oxygen Enhanced 1H and 3He Multibreath MRI
Comparison of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Algorithms Based on Numerical and in Vivo 3T Data
Comparison of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Methods for Evaluating Cerebral Microbleeds at 3T and 7T
Comparison of R2* and B0 Field in 2D and 3D Ferumoxytol-Enhanced Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI of the Healthy Rhesus Placenta
Comparison of Radial and Cartesian Acquisitions in Breast MRI for Improved Visualization of the Axilla
Comparison of Radiologist Perception of Image Quality of Advanced Diffusion Vs. RESOLVE Diffusion
A Comparison of Readout Segmented EPI and Interleaved EPI in High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Comparison of Renal Blood Flow Measurements Obtained Using ASL-MRI and CT Perfusion
Comparison of Renal R2* Analysis Methods
Comparison of Rotenone-Induced Rat Model and 6-OHDA-Induced Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease: FA and T2* Values Analysis
Comparison of SASHA and MOLLI Sequences for Iron Quantification in the Myocardium.
Comparison of SENSE, GRAPPA, SPIRiT and ESPIRiT for Accelerated 4D Flow MRI Imaging
Comparison of Sequential and Joint Methods for Spiral Water-Fat Separation and Deblurring
Comparison of Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) and 3D Time of Flight (TOF) for Non-Contrast Intracranial MR Angiography (MRA)
Comparison of Spin-Echo Echoplanar Imaging and Gradient Recalled Echo Magnetic Resonance Elastography Pulse Sequences Among Patients with Hepatic Iron Overload at 3.0 T
A Comparison of STEAM and Spin Echo Diffusion Tensor CMR in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Patients
Comparison of Susceptibility Weighted Imaging MRI Implementations Across Vendors: Implications for Multi-Centre Studies
Comparison of T1? Quantification, SNR, and Reproducibility in 3D Magnetization-Prepared Angle-Modulated Partitioned K-Space Spoiled Gradient Echo Snapshots (3D MAPSS) and 3D Fast Spin Echo (CubeQuant) Techniques.
Comparison of T2 and T1rho Mapping of Ankle Cartilage Between Young Healthy Females and Dancers
A Comparison of T2 Measurement Changes on MRI and Clinical Correlation in a Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Meniscal Allograft Transplantation to Physiotherapy
Comparison of Temperature Mapping Methods Using Proton Resonance Frequency Shift and T1 in 3-T and 7-T MRI
Comparison of the Arterial Transit Artifact of PcASL Between Stroke Patients with Cerebral Artery Stenosis and Normal Controls
Comparison of the Capability for Quantitative Distinguishing Malignant from Benign Pulmonary Nodules Among Dynamic First-Pass CE-Perfusion ADCT and MRI and FDG-PET/CT
Comparison of Two Different Implementations for the Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and Intraplaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) Sequence
Comparison of Two Different Measurement Methods in Evaluating Basilar Atherosclerotic Plaque Using High Resolution MRI 3 T
Comparison of USPIO and MPIO for Molecular MRI Across Different Field Strengths
Comparison of UTE-Based Attenuation Correction Methods for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging of the Children's Brain
Comparison of Whole Tumor and Single Slice ROIs for Measuring ADC in Breast Cancer
Comparison of Whole-Body Morphologic and Functional MRI with Automated "bone Subtraction" CT-Image Analysis for Monitoring of Longitudinal Spine Involvement in Patients with Multiple Myeloma
Comparison Of R1? Dispersion in Human Brain Between 3T and 7T
A Comparison Study Between the 2D Breath-Holding and 3D Free-Breathing Approaches to in Vivo Cardiac Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Compensating for Eddy Current Effects in Motion-Compensated Diffusion-Prepared TSE Sequences
Compensation for Distribution of Receiving Sensitivity in Body Coil
Complementary Value of Contralateral Parenchymal Enhancement on DCE-MRI to Conventional Prognostic Models and Molecular Assays of Breast Cancer
Complex Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI to Estimate Fat in Livers with Elevated Iron Content
Comprehensive Analysis of MR Geometric Distortion of Multiple Pulses Sequence for Radiotherapy Applications
Comprehensive Analysis of the Predictors of Microvessel Invasion in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) Combined with Radiological and Clinical Factors.
A Comprehensive Assessment of Methods for Combining Phase Data from Array Radio-Frequency Coils at 7 T
Comprehensive Assessment of White Matter Alterations in Tourette Syndrome Using Automatic Whole-Brain Tract-Specific Analysis
Comprehensive Cardiac Structure-Function MRI in Heart Transplant Recipients: Influence of Acute Cardiac Allograft Rejection
Comprehensive Correction of Motion and Nyquist Ghost Artifacts for Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging
Comprehensive Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced 3D MR Imaging of the Breast with Fat/water Separation and High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using Dixon Radial Volumetric Encoding (Dixon-RAVE)
Comprehensive Hemodynamics of Living Donor Liver Transplantion Using MRI-Based In-Vitro Experiments and Computational Simulation
Comprehensive Metabolic Profiling of Urosepsis with Positive and Negative Controls
Comprehensive Noninvasive Hemodynamics Using High Temporal Resolution Phase Contrast MR Imaging
A Comprehensive Study of Machine-Assisted Classifiers for Predicting Prostate Cancer Gleason Grade
Comprehensive T1-Weighted Dynamic Liver MRI During Free-Breathing Using Fat/water Separation, Radial Sampling, Compressed Sensing, Parallel Imaging, and Motion-Weighted Reconstruction
Compressed Sensing 3D GRASE for Faster PD-Weighted Knee Imaging
Compressed Sensing 3D GRASE with Group-Sparse Reconstruction for Brain Myelin Water Imaging
Compressed Sensing Accelerated 4D Flow MRI Using a Pseudo Spiral Cartesian Sampling Technique with Random Undersampling in Time
Compressed Sensing Accelerated Time-Resolved 3D Phase Contrast MRI of the Lower Leg Muscles During Active Dorsi- And Plantarflexion
Compressed Sensing and Parallel MRI using Deep Residual Learning
Compressed Sensing Based Simultaneous Black- And Gray-Blood Carotid Vessel Wall MR Imaging
Compressed Sensing Based Simultaneous Black- And Gray-Blood Carotid Vessel Wall MR Imaging
Compressed Sensing Black Blood SPACE for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysmal Vessel Wall Imaging
Compressed Sensing Diffusion Spectrum Imaging as a Forward-Looking Alternative to Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI in Population Imaging
Compressed Sensing Microscopic MRI in Articular Cartilage at 7T: Quantitative Determination of GAG Concentration Using DGEMRIC Method
Compressed Sensing MRI Using Bunched Phase Encoding
Compressed Sensing SEMAC MRI of Total Knee Arthroplasty Implants: Intra-Subject Comparison at 1.5 and 3 Tesla
Compressed Sensing to Accelerate Connectomic Histology in the Mouse Brain
Compressed Sensing with Signal Averaging Reduces Motion Artifacts in Fluorine-19 MRI
Compressive T2 Mapping with Non-Local Clustering and Subspace Constraints
Compulsivity as a Transdiagnostic Trait in Humans and Animal Models
Computational Fluid Dynamics of Pulmonary Circulation Before and After Induced Pulmonary Hypertension: 2D Flow Versus 4D Flow MRI-Based Boundary Conditions
Computational Modeling of Arterial Wall Strain in a Rabbit Model of Atherosclerosis Using an Elastin-Specific MR Contrast Agent
Computed Diffusion-Weighted Image for Abdominal MRI
A Computer Aid Diagnosis of Diabetic Nephropathy Based on the Combination of IVIM and BOLD Imaging
Computer Aided Diagnosis
A Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Scoring Tool: Prostate Cancer Risk Evaluation with PI-RADS V2 Guidelines
A Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) Scoring Tool: Prostate Cancer Risk Evaluation with PI-RADS V2 Guidelines
Computer Analysis of Linear-Array Resolution Insert
Computer Assisted Diagnosis
Computer-Aided Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer on Multiparametric MRI: The Application for Cancer Localization
Concurrent TMS with Neuroimaging - Human Applications
Concurrent Use of 4 Gradient Axis Enables Eddy Current Compensation of an Unshielded Gradient Insert Coil
Conductivity Imaging for Assessing the Treatment Outcome of MR-HIFU Ablation of Uterine Fibroids
Conductivity Measurements at 21.1 T Using MR Electrical Property Tomography
Conductivity of Different Malignancy Grades of Invasive Ductal Carcinomas and Fibroadenomas
Conductivity of Different Malignancy Grades of Invasive Ductal Carcinomas and Fibroadenomas
Confound Suppression in Resting State FMRI Using Sliding Windows and Running Mean
Connectivity Domain Analysis of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multi-Center Study to Extract Robust Imaging Biomarkers
Connectivity of the Default Mode Network – Prior and Post an Oddball Paradigm
Connectome Based Predictive Modeling: Relating Social Measures to Functional Brain Organization
Connectome-Wide Exploration of Altered Resting-State Connectivity in Combat Veterans with and Without PTSD and Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback Training Effect on Abnormal Connectivity
Connectomics Primer
Consistency of Inter-Database Cortical Thinning with Age
Constant Decline in Alzheimer's Disease: A Brain Morphometry Study.
COnstrained Data Extrapolation (CODE): A New Approach for High Resolution MR Angiographic Image Reconstruction.
A Constrained Least Squares Approach to MR Image Fusion
Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Has the Potential to Better Characterize Neuronal Structure in Cerebral Palsy Before and After Therapy.
Construction of Rx Arrays
Construction of Rx Arrays
Contact- Free Diaphragm Navigation Using the Scatter of a Parallel Transmit Coil at 7T
Contact-Free Cardiac Motion Estimation Using the Scatter of a Parallel Transmit Coil at 7T MRI
Continuous Cryogen-Free Up-Concentration of Hyperpolarized $$$^{129}$$$Xe Gas
Continuous Domain Compressed Sensing (CD-CS): Application to Accelerated Dynamic MRI
Continuous SWIFT: Analog Leakage Compensation Utilizing an Embedded System
Contrary Effect of Stressful Vs. Non-Stressful Striped Patterns on Human Visual Cortical Functional Connectivity
Contrast Agent Methods - Post -Processing
Contrast Agent Methods: Data Acquisition & Image Reconstruction
Contrast Agent-Induced High Signal Intensity in Dentate Nucleus on Unenhanced T1-Weighted Images: Comparison of Gadodiamide and Gadoxetic Acid
Contrast Agents
Contrast Agents
Contrast Agents & Their Applications
Contrast and Resolution Mixing for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
CONtrast Conformed Electrical Properties Tomography (CONCEPT) Based on Multi-Channel Transmission
Contrast Deposition Within the Dentate Nucleus After Repetitive Administration: Comparison of Linear Versus Macrocyclic Gadolinium Contrast Agents
Contrast Enhanced MRI of the MSK System: How & When?
Contrast Matching of Ultra-High Resolution Minimum Deformation Averaged MRI Models to Facilitate Computation of a Multi-Modal Model of the Human Brain
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) MR of the Chest to Evaluate for Metastatic Nodules in Pediatric Patients with Malignancy Undergoing Abdomen MR Staging and Surveillance: A High-Value Alternative or Adjunct to CT
Contribution of DKI and IVIM to Liver T1rho Imaging in the Prediction of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Liver Fibrosis
Contribution of Radiomics Features from DCE-MRI and DWI in Differentiating Benign from Malignant Lesions in Suspicious Breast (MRI BI-RADS Category 4) Findings
Control of an MRI-Guided Magnetically-Actuated Steerable Catheter System
Control Study of Arterial Spin Labeling and Multi-Phase enhancement Technique in Evaluation of Renal Blood Flow in Different Age Population
Controlled E-Peak Field Gradient Coil
Controlling Brain Infusion Distributions: Moving from Surgical Planning to Real-Time MR Guidance
Controlling the MR Subsystems: Pulse Sequence Control, Waveform Generation & Real-Time Control
Controlling the MR Subsystems: Pulse Sequence Control, Waveform Generation & Real-Time Control
Controversies in TBI
Controversies in TBI
Conventional Imagin: T1, T2 Bright Signal
Conventional MRI: What We Are Missing
Conversion of Brain Tissue Volumes by MR Images Form 1.5 to 3.0 Tesla Scanners for Multiple Sclerosis Patients
A Convertible Magnet Array and Solenoid Coil for a Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System
Convolutional Neural Networks for Identifying Preterm Infants at High Risk of Developmental Disorders
Co-Registration of Breast MRI and CT Using Gravity Unloading
Co-Registration of Multi-Parametric MRI and Histology to Study Breast Cancer Habitats in a Preclinical Model.
Coronal View Renal Perfusion FAIR-ASL Measurements in Mice
Coronary Artery Disease Is Not Related to Pathologic Epicardial Fat Volumes, Left Ventricular Strain or T1-Relaxation Times in Hypertensive Patients
Coronary Flow Velocity Reserve by 3T-MRI fast Velocity-Encoded Cine Can Detect Patients with High-Risk Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary MRI Allows Assessment and Monitoring of Coronary Patency and Blood Flow Velocity Quantification in Patients Treated with Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds
Coronary Plaque Hyper-Intensity on Dark-Blood T1-Weighted MRI Helps Identify Lesion-Specific Ischemia: Insights from the Comparison Study with Invasive Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR)
Coronary Relaxation Mapping for Multi-Fold Amplification in Myocardial BOLD Sensitivity
Coronary, Aorta & Peripheral Vessel Wall MR Imaging
Correct Shaking Artifact in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Using Estimated Maximum Likelihood
Correcting a Slice Distortion Artifact in the Multiband Diffusion Images
Correcting Diffusion Data for Off-Resonace Effects, Movement-Induced Signal Loss and Intra-Volume Movement.
Correcting for Imperfect Spin Echo Refocusing in Gas-Free FMRI Calibration
Correcting Motion-Affected Gradient Artifacts in EEG-FMRI: A Modeling Approach
Correction of Dynamic Off-Resonance in Spiral 2D Real-Time MRI of Speech
Correction of EPI Geometric Distortion in Slice Direction Using Reversed Slice-Select Gradients and Topup
Correction of Fat Artifacts for Unbiased CEST-MRI of the Human Breast at 7 T
Correction of Fixation Effects in Post-Mortem T2 Measurements Using a Kinetic Tensor Model
Correction of Ghosting Due to Respiration-Induced B0 Variation in Double Echo Steady State (DESS) Breast Imaging: Initial Validation
Correction of Gradient Artefacts in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI from Rotating Gradient Trajectories
Correction of Gradient Induced Clock Phase Modulation for In-Bore Sampling Receivers
Correction of Image Distortion and Gradient Nonlinearity in DTI of Breast Cancer
Correction of Nonuniform Diffusion Weighting in DWI Using Vendor-Provided Gradient Characteristics
Correction of Off-Resonance for T1 and T2 Mapping Using Phase-Cycled Inversion-Recovery Balanced Steady State Free Precession
Correction of R2* Effects in Arterial Input Function of Fast Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Accurate Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement
Correction of Susceptibility-Related Image Distortion Based on an Analytic Point-Spread Function
Correlated Quantitative Assessment of Glioblastoma-Angiogenesis by T2-Mapping and in Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy
Correlating Clinical Outcome with Voxel-Based Quantitative Multiparametric MRI Analysis in Chronic Ischemic Stroke
Correlating MRI and Histological Parameters in GRMD Muscles: A Comparison Between 3T and 4.7T Acquisitions
Correlating ZTE MRI Signal to Bone Density to Derive a Patient-Specific Attenuation Correction Map in Brain PET/MR
Correlation Between Bone Marrow Fatty Deposition Under Vertebral Endplates with Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
The Correlation Between Brain Iron Overload and Microstructure Change in Gray Matter Nucleus in Parkinson' S Disease
Correlation Between Breast Cancer Molecular Subtypes and Parameters of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) MRI and Intravoxal Incoherent Motion (IVIM): Implication for Breast Cancer Anti-Angiogenesis Treatment Guidance
Correlation Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Whole Brain Perfusion in Children Undergoing Deep Sedation.
Correlation Between Dynamic Changes of Glutamate Metabolism and Microcirculatory Perfusion in Basal Ganglia After Hypoxic–ischemic Brain Damage
Correlation Between Incidental Fat Deposition in the Liver and Pancreas in Asymptomatic Patients
Correlation Between Thalamic Volume and Cognitive Impairment in Patients with MS Using a High-Efficiency Semi-Manual Segmentation Approach
Correlation of 7T GagCEST MRI with Electromechanical and Biochemical Properties of Femoral Articular Cartilage
Correlation of 7T GagCEST MRI with Electromechanical and Biochemical Properties of Femoral Articular Cartilage
Correlation of Cerebrovascular Reserve Assessed by Acetazolamide-Stress SPECT with Collaterals on Arterial Spin-Labeling MRI in Patients with Carotid Occlusive Disease
The Correlation of Clinical and Image of Acromegaly Patients Based on 3.0T Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Quantitative Analysis of Myocardial T1 and Extracellular Volume
Correlation of Dedicated Breast PET and Dynamic Contrast MRI: Appearance of Breast Background Parenchyma and Breast Cancers
Correlation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Echo Planar Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging of Breast Cancer in 3T
Correlation of Fetal MRI with Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Fetuses with Ventriculomegaly
Correlation of Humanpapilloma Virus Status with Quantitative Perfusion/diffusion MRI Parameters and Metabolic 18F-FDG-PET Parameters in Oral Cavity and Oropharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma : Comparison Between Primary Tumor Lesions and Metastatic Lymph Nodes
Correlation of Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) MRI for High and Low Grade Gliomas
Correlation of Microstructure Differences in Diffusion MRI Scans with Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scores in Stroke Subjects
The Correlation of Olfactory Dysfunctions and Hippocampal Atrophy in Patients with Cognitive Impairment: A Potential Clinical Marker for Alzheimer’s Disease
Correlation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters with Prognostic Factors of Breast Cancers: a Retrospective Study in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI with CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE Technique
Correlation of Striatal Remodeling with Changes in Song Performance: A Longitudinal Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of Adult Male Zebra Finches
Correlation Time Mapping of Articular Cartilage Degeneration in Equine Model
Correlation Time Mapping of Articular Cartilage: Correlation with Tissue Composition and Structure
Correlation Time Mapping of Articular Cartilage: Correlation with Tissue Composition and Structure
Correlations and Differences of Myocardial Blood Flow with Simultaneous Measurements of MRI and PET
Correlations Between R2* Value And liver Fibrosis in Radiation-Treated Rats at Early Stage
Correlations of Beta-Amyloid and Brain Iron Load (QSM): Preliminary Results of Simultaneous Assessment in a Large Sample
Correlations of SWI, QSM, and R2* Map with Neuromelanin and Iron Distributions from Post-Mortem Human Substantia Nigra Samples.
Cortical Depth-Dependent FMRI: Heterogeneity Across Tasks, Across Participants, Across Days and Along the Cortical Ribbon
Cortical Depth-Dependent FMRI: Heterogeneity Across Tasks, Across Participants, Across Days and Along the Cortical Ribbon
Cortical Depth-Dependent Physiological Noise Cleaning in High-Resolution VASO Imaging
Cortical Diffusion Analysis of Human Connectome Project Data Identifies Granular Cortices
Cortical Recruitment of Motor Imagery in Timed Up and Go Task
Cortical Surface Magnetization Transfer Ratio Decreases in Multiple Sclerosis Are Age and Region Dependent
Cortical Thickness and Morphometric Volumes Derived from Multi-Echo MPRAGE Scans Acquired with Different Head Coils
Cortical Thickness in Relation to M.3243A>G Mutation Load in MELAS Syndrome
Corticolimbic Hyperresponse to Emotion and Glutamatergic Function in People with High Schizotypy: A Multimodal FMRI-MRS Study
The Cortico-Medullary ADC Difference Reduces Inter-System Variability in Renal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Corticosteroid Treatment Fails to Prevent Long-Term Axonal Loss Assessed by Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging
COSI Transmit: Open Source Soft- And Hardware Transmission System for Traditional and Rotating MR
Cost Effective 3D Printed Brain Phantom for Diffusion MRI
A Cost-Effective 3D Printed Cardiac MR Phantom
Cost-Effective RF Signal Transmit-Receive Chain at 9.5mT
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Mascara for Eye-Blink Detection in Ultra-High Field MRI
Cost-Efficient Hyperpolarization of Long-Lived Nuclear Spin States on Carbon-13 Spin Pairs
Cost-Utility Analysis of Ultrasound, Computed Tomography, Abbreviated and Standard MRI for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Surveillance
Could ASL Separate MCS from VS in Patients with DOC?
Coupling of the Glutamate-Glutamine Cycle Rate with Both Glial and Neuronal Oxidative Metabolism in the Visual Cortex of the Tupaia Belangeri
Covariance Five Dimensional Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging
Crossing Muscle Fibres in the Tongue Resolved Using Constrained Spherical Deconvolution
Cross-Modality MR Image Reconstruction: CT-Constrained Anisotropic Diffusion to Preserve Edge Information in MRI of an Ancient Mummified Hand
Crossover Intra-Individual Comparison Study of Non-Ionic and Ionic Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents in the Quantitative Evaluation of C6 Glioma with DCE-MRI
Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Cerebral Blood Flow Changes in the Progression from Normal Cognition to Alzheimer’s Disease Measured with Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (CASL)
Cross-Sectional Assessment of Diffusion Parameters in Specific Brain Tracts Correlated with Cortical Thinning Throughout Healthy Aging
Cross-Validation of $$$T_2$$$-Prepared BSSFP Blood Oximetry $$$in$$$ $$$vivo$$$
Crystal Deposition Disease
Cue-Induced Reactivity of Brain in Abstinence and Methadone Maintenance Treatment for Heroin Addiction: An Event-Related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Current Clinical Applications & Future Translation Potential
Current Concepts on MR Neurography
Current Density Imaging Using Novel Carbon Electrodes Proposed for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)
Current Density Measurements in the Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography in Healthy Volunteers
Cyclic Changes of the Boundary Sharpness of Uterine Zonal Structures Visualized by High-Resolution T2-Weighted Images in Young and Middle-Aged Females During the Menstrual Cycle
Cyclodextrin-Based Pseudo-Rotaxanes as Conjugatable Molecular Imaging Biosensors for Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI
The Cytoarchitectonic Anterior-Posterior Subdivision of BA4 Reveals Different Resting State Networks Suggestive of Maladaptive Mechanisms in MS
D2O Perfusion MRI of Brain Tumor on a Mouse Model: A Preliminary Study
Dark-Blood Late Gadolinium Enhanced MRI: A Novel Method Without Additional Magnetization Preparation for Improved Myocardial Scar Detection
Data Acquired Using DCE-MRI Are Unsuitable for Measuring Water Exchange
Data Driven & Exploratory Analyses
Data-Driven Background Phase Correction and Combination to Improve the Accuracy of MR-EPT with Multi-Channel Receivers
Day 1 of MRI and NMR Education: Interactive Visualization of MR Basics
DCE Time-Series Characterization with Supervised Deep Learning: Alternative to PK Model Approaches
DCE/DSC with Multiple Echoes: Blurring the Boundaries
DCE-MRI Assessment of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Early Prediction of Response and Evaluation of Residual Disease
DCE-MRI Is Enriched by Water Exchange
DDC and a Estimates from the Stretched Exponential Model Are More Robust to Variations in B-Value Selection Than ADC Estimates, in a Cohort of 42 Cervical Tumours
Deactivation Responses Induced by Acupuncture Are Associated with Changes in GABA Concentrations: A BOLD FMRI and MEGA-PRESS 1H-MRS Study
DECIDE: Diffusion-RElaxation Combined Imaging for Detailed Placental Evaluation
Decipher the Hippocampal Neurovascular Coupling with Simultaneous FMRI and GCaMP-Mediated Calcium Recording
Deciphering the Functional Projections of the Lateral Hypothalamus with Optogenetic FMRI
Deconvolution Based Approaches for the Simultaneous Quantification of IVIM, Free Water and Non-Gaussian Behavior in Diffusion MRI.
A Deconvolution Method for Improved CBF Quantification in 3D-GRASE ASL
Decoupling and Integration of Electric Dipoles Into RF Arrays
Decoupling Controller Design for Real-Time Feedback of B0 Shim Systems
Decreased Apparent Fibre Density in an Experimental Model of Traumatic Brain Injury
Decreased Axial Diffusivity in Early Parkinson’s Disease Subjects: Insights from Parkinson’s Progressive Markers Initiative (PPMI) Dataset
Decreased Borderzone Perfusion Is Related to Brain Parenchymal Volume Loss After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Decreased Brain Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD) Levels in Adolescent Bipolar Disorder
Decreased TNAA Concentration in Female College Basketball Players with Mild Depression/anxiety Symptoms
Decreasing Magnetic Susceptibility (QSM) of Thalamic Nuclei in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – the Thalamus as a Target of Projected Inflammation?
A Dedicated Measurement Probe for Quantitative Common Mode Measurements and Balun Efficiency.
Deep Boltzmann Machines-Driven Method for In-Treatment Heart Motion Tracking Using Cine MRI
Deep Brain Stimulation & Chemogenetic FMRI
A Deep Cascade of Convolutional Neural Networks for MR Image Reconstruction
Deep Convolutional Auto-Encoder and 3D Deformable Approach for Tissue Segmentation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Acceleration of Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA)
Deep Cross-Modal Feature Learning and Fusion for Early Dementia Diagnosis
Deep Grey Matter Brain Alkalosis in Neonatal Encephalopathy Measured Using 31P ISIS Is Associated with Seizure Burden and Poor Outcomes
Deep Grey Matter T2 Relaxometry at 3T in Huntington’s Disease
Deep Learning Based Pseudo-CT Estimation Using ZTE and Dixon MR Images for PET Attenuation Correction
Deep Learning Feature Classification for Predicting Treatment Decision: A Preliminary Study on Prostate Cancer Patients
Deep Learning for Fast MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction
Deep Learning to Improve Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Deep Learning to Improve Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Deep Learning: Utilizing the Potential in Data Bases to Predict Individual Outcome in Acute Stroke
Deep Mapping: Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks to Estimate Quantitative T1 Maps Trained on a 7 T Minimum Deformation Average Model
Deep Network Training Based Sparsity Model for Reconstruction
Deep-Neural-Network Based Image Diagnosis: Comparing Various Image Preprocessing Strategies to Achieve Higher Accuracy and Understanding of the Decision
Deep-Neural-Network Based Image Diagnosis: Comparing Various Image Preprocessing Strategies to Achieve Higher Accuracy and Understanding of the Decision
DeepVentricle: A Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Automating Functional Measurements in Cardiac MR
Default Mode Sub-Network in Brain Tumor: A Resting State FMRI Study
Defining the Challenges in Awake Rat FMRI
Defining the Optimal Post-Labeling Delay for PCASL Using Patient Specific Estimates of Blood Velocity in the Carotid Artery
Deformable Registration of in Vivo Human Spine Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) Algorithm
Degeneracy Between Apolipoprotein E e3 and e4 Alleles Predicts Elderly Episodic Memory Variation: A Longitudinal Study with Independent Validation
Degree of RF MRI Coil Detuning and SAR Variations Over an Anatomically Realistic Respiratory Cycle Modeled with the Finite Element Method
Demonstrating the Clinical Feasibility of a Rapid Non-Contrast MRI Protocol for Detection and Quantification of Hepatic Steatosis and Iron Overload
Demonstrating the Randle Cycle in Vivo: Assessment of Physiological Alterations in Human Cardiac Metabolism Using Hyperpolarised 13C MR Spectroscopy
Demonstration of Abnormal Cortical Layers in Alzheimer's Disease Using Subtracted Tissue Attenuated Inversion Recovery (STAIR) Pulse Sequences
Demyelination in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Demyelination of the Corpus Callosum in a Mouse Model of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I
Demystifying Dielectrics
A Denoising Method for Arterial Spin Labeling Data Based on Total Generalized Variation (TGV) with a Spatial Varying Regularization Parameter
Density Optimized Low-Discrepancy K-Space Trajectory for Accelerated Single-Point Imaging
Density Weighted Concentric Circle Trajectories for Brain MRSI at 7T
Density Weighted Concentric Rings K-Space Trajectory for 1H MRSI with Gradient Offset Independent Adiabatic Pulses at 7T
Density-Adapted K-Space Sampling Technique for Fast Relaxing Chlorine-35 Nuclei at 9.4 T
Density-Adapted UTE for SF6 Visualisation in Small Animal Lung Imaging
Density-Based Non-Rigid Registration of Diffusion-Weighted Images
Dependence of Degree of Motor Impairment on the Association Between Motor Performance and Sensorimotor GABA Level in Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Dependence of RF-Induced Heating Pattern During MRI of a Single Wire on Its Mode of Entry in a Dielectric Medium
Dependence of T2* Relaxation Time of Cardiac Cryo and RF Lesions on Time After Ablation: A New Approach to Non-Contrast MRI of Cardiac Ablation Lesions
Dependence of the Precision of Myocardial Late Gadolinium Enhancement Quantification on Inversion Time Selection Simulated Using Synthetic Inversion Recovery MR Imaging
Dependency of the Activations Detected in Resting State Networks on the History of Physical Exercise Activities in Community Dwelling Older Adults
Deregulation, Disease & Damage Recorded by MRS
Derivation and Validation of Synthetic Hematocrit Calculation from Blood Pool T1 Values at Multiple Different Cardiac Blood Pools, in Both High and Low Flow States on 3T MRI
Design and Characterization of an RF Shield for a 400 MHz Birdcage Coil in a Retrofitted PET Camera for Preclinical PET-MRI
Design and Construction of a Novel Double-Tuned 1H/19F Coil Using PIN-Diode Switches at 9.4T
Design and Construction of Shielded Enclosures for MRI
The Design and Implementation of a 64 Channel Arbitrary Gradient Waveform Controller
Design of 5-Channel On-Coil Shimming Coil for Rat Brain MRI Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: A Preliminary Study
Design of a 24-Channel Array for Imaging Intracranial Vascular Wall at 3T
Design of a Locally Incoherent Sampling Scheme for Improved Joint K-Q Reconstruction of Diffusion MRI
Design of an MRI Gradient Field Exposure System for Medical Device Testing
Design of Elliptical Birdcage Coil with Constant Ring-Capacitor Value
Design of Self-Resonance Modes (SRM) of Monolithic Ultra-High Dielectric Constant (UHDC) Materials and RF Coils for B1 Field Enhancement
Designing ParaCEST Agents (BASIC, Responsive)
Designing Studies of Diagnostic Imaging
Detailed T1-Weighted Laminar Profiles from the Human Cortex Measured in Vivo at 3T and Validated at 7T
Detailing and Enhancing Respiratory Motion Induced Myocardial B0 Field Dispersion at 7.0 T: Implications for Cardiac Imaging and Spectroscopy at Ultrahigh Magnetic Field Strengths
Detailing Radio Frequency Heating Induced Release of a Fluorescent Model Drug Attached to a Thermoresponsive Polymer Carrier: A 7.0 T Thermal MR Study
Detailing the Origin of BOLD FMRI in Mice: Somatosensory Stimulation Versus Pharmacologically Induced Blood Pressure Alterations
Detectability and Anatomical Location Identification of Cholesteatoma with Thin-Slice Non-Echo Planar Imaging Diffusion-Weighted Image (NEPID) Using Fused NEPID and CT(NEPID-CT)
The Detectability of Mammary Lesions Dependent on the Patients’ Arm Position and Breathing Style During a Liver Study
Detectability of Oxygen Saturation in Renal Blood Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging
Detecting Differences in Parenchymal and Vascular Oxygenation in the Lungs with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Detecting DISC1 Related Microstructural Abnormalities Using Non-Gaussian Diffusion (DKI & NODDI) and QSM: With Histological Validation
Detecting Gamma Frequency Neural Activity Using Simultaneous Multiband EEG-FMRI
Detecting in Vivo Urokinase Plasminogen Activator Activity with a CatalyCEST MRI Contrast Agent
Detecting Neuronal Activity in Rat Model of Dementia with Lewy Bodies by Using MEMRI
Detecting Orientation Selective Deep Brain Stimulation Using BOLD FMRI
Detecting Perfusion Deficit in AD and MCI by Resting-State Functional MRI
Detecting Perfusion Deficits in Concussive Blast Subjects Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Detecting Regional Changes in Brain Tissue Quantitative T1 Values Due to Hydration Status
Detecting Regional Changes in Brain Tissue Quantitative T1 Values Due to Hydration Status
Detecting Treatment Response of a Novel Immune Stimulator in an Animal Model of Glioblastoma with Conventional and Cell Tracking MRI
Detection 2-Hydroxyglutarate in IDH-Mutant Gliomas Using TE-Averaged PRESS at 3T
Detection and Measurement of Neuroendocrine Tumors Liver Metastases Using Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MRI: Comparison Between Multiple Arterial Phases, Hepatobiliary Phase, and DWI
Detection and Measurement of Neuroendocrine Tumors Liver Metastases Using Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MRI: Comparison Between Multiple Arterial Phases, Hepatobiliary Phase, and DWI
Detection and Morphology of Breast Lesions with Very Early Phase of Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Using Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Detection of Abnormal Brain Neural Circuits in Draxin Knockout Mice Using DTI-MRI
Detection of Acetaminophen-Induced Liver Damage Using Contrast-Enhanced Dynamic MRI and T1 Maps
Detection of Advanced Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis Using MR Elastography Compared to Liver Surface Nodularity Measurement, EOB-DTPA Uptake and Blood Tests
Detection of Advanced Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis Using MR Elastography Compared to Liver Surface Nodularity Measurement, EOB-DTPA Uptake and Blood Tests
Detection of Bacteria-Specific Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate
Detection of Bacteria-Specific Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate
Detection of Brown Adipose Tissue: Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI Vs Xenon Enhanced CT
Detection of Carbonic Anhydrase Activity in Human Brain in Vivo
Detection of Cerebral Microvascular Lesions Using 7 T MRI in Patients with Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Detection of Changes in the Creatine Kinase Cycle Rate in the Human Visual Cortex During Visual Stimulation with Filter Exchange 1H MR Spectroscopy (FEXSY) at 7T
Detection of Distinct Tract-Specific Axon Diameter and Density Estimates in the in Vivo Human Brain Using TractCaliber MRI
Detection of Dynamic Substrate Binding Using MRI
Detection of Functional Activity in Somatosensory Pathways Using Tactile Stimulations
Detection of in Vivo Biomarkers in Fungal Brain Infection Models and Potential Determination of Cell Viability.
Detection of in Vivo Biomarkers in Fungal Brain Infection Models and Potential Determination of Cell Viability.
Detection of Internal Tissue Disruptions Within the Intervertebral Disc Via Magnetic Resonance Elastography: A Feasibility Study
Detection of Intracranial Vessel Wall Lesions Using 7T MRI: Patients with Posterior Circulation Ischemia Versus Healthy Controls
Detection of Intracranial Vessel Wall Lesions Using 7T MRI: Patients with Posterior Circulation Ischemia Versus Healthy Controls
Detection of Metastasis-Associated Macrophages in the Lung, Lymph Nodes and Brain Using Fluorine-19 Based MRI Cell Tracking
Detection of MM Using Metabolite-Nulled MEGA-LASER at 3T – a Possible Effect on GABA+ Signal
Detection of Pulmonary Perfusion Deficits in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis by Means of Self-Gated Non–Contrast-Enhanced Functional Lung (SENCEFUL) MRI
Detection of Recurrent Prostate Cancer with 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI
Detection of Subtle White Matter Alterations in Migraine Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Detection of Sulfatase Enzyme Activity with a CatalyCEST MRI Contrast Agent
Detection of Temperature Induced Viscoelasticity Changes Using MR Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging
Detection of Tumor Hypoxic Region Using PH-Activatable Nanoparticles Containing Manganese Contrast Agent
Detection of Tumor Spheroid Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Detection of Peripheral zone prostate Cancer using Diffusion-Weighted Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging
Determinants of Symptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Enhancement on 3D DANTE T1-SPACE Vessel Wall MRI and Relationship to Recurrent Stroke or TIA
Determinants of the Presence and Intensity of Hyperintense Vessels on Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Imaging in Intracranial Atherosclerotic Stenosis or Occlusion
Determination of Droplet Size Distribution in Brown Adipose Tissues by Diffusion NMR Spectroscopy
Determination of Oxygenation Extraction Fraction for People with Sickle Cell Anemia Using Calibration Model Specific to SCA Blood
Determination of RF and Acquisition Properties for Optimal Scan Performance in 19F-MRI of Inhaled Perfluoropropane
Determination of the Optimal Set of B-Values for ADC Mapping Under a Rician Noise Assumption
Determination of the Optimum Pattern Length of MRF Sequences
Determining How Varying the Number of Gradients Measurements Affects Fitted Surface to Volume Ratios in Tube Samples Using Oscillating Spin Echo Gradients
Determining Prolate Spheroidal Modes of Cardiac Deformation Directly from Tagged Heart Images
Determining Surface to Volume Ratios in Capillary Tube Samples Using Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Sequences
Determining the T1 of the Water in the Liver by Modelling the Effects of Fat, Iron and Off-Resonance Frequencies on MOLLI T1 Measurements
Determining the Time Efficiency of Quantitative MRI Methods Using Bloch Simulations
Developing an Automated MRI Decision Support System: MIROR a Non-Region Specific Modular Analysis Toolbox
Developing Pre-Biopsy Multiparameteric MRI Based Risk Calculator for Predicting Prostate Cancer in Men with PSA 4-10 Ng/ml
Development and Clinical Implementation of Very Light Weight and Highly Flexible AIR Technology Arrays
Development and Clinical Implementation of Very Light Weight and Highly Flexible AIR Technology Arrays
Development and Comparison of 19F and Hyperpolarized 129Xe Lung MRI for Preclinical Application in Mice
Development and Performance Evaluation of the Second Prototype of a RF-Coil Integrated PET Insert for Existing 3T MRI Systems
Development and Performance Evaluation of the Second Prototype of a RF-Coil Integrated PET Insert for Existing 3T MRI Systems
The Development and Prognostication of Magnetic Resonance Elastography Thresholds in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Development and Systematic Analysis of 2D and 3D GRE Myelin Water Imaging
Development and Validation of a MRI-Based Radiomics Prognostic Classifier in Patients with Primary Glioblastoma Multiforme
Development and Validation of Spin-Echo Planar Imaging (SE-EPI) Based MR Elastography on 3T: A Phantom and Volunteer Study
Development of 3D UTE Reconstruction Software Using Python Language
Development of a Clinically Useful Cerebrovascular Stress Test Using CO2 and BOLD-MRI
Development of a Lesion-Wise Metric for Evaluation of Predictive Models of Prostate Cancer on Multiparametric MRI
Development of a Noninvasive Beta Cell Functional Assay Using a Novel Zinc-Sensitive MRI Contrast Agent in Non-Human Primates
Development of a Noninvasive Beta Cell Functional Assay Using a Novel Zinc-Sensitive MRI Contrast Agent in Non-Human Primates
Development of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Automatically Assign MR Abdomen/pelvis Protocols from Free-Text Clinical Indications.
Development of an MR-Compatible Ergometer for Use in Quantifying Human Skeletal Muscle Bioenergetics During Supine Dynamic Contractions of the Knee Extensors
The Development of Automatic 3D Fetal Brain MRI Analysis Methods for Depicting Growth Trajectories of Fetal Brain Tissues
Development of Contrast Agents for Simultaneous PET/MRI of Murine Tumor Models
Development of Glutamate-Sensitive CEST at Clinical Field Strength for in Vivo Application
Development of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) Combined with FISP and Multi-Echo SPGR Acquisition for Proton Density, T1, T2, T2* and Field Mapping.
Development of Nanometer Size Silicon Nanoparticles for Hyperpolarized MRI
Development of Robust Texture Parameters for Characterizing Normal Breast Parenchymal Patterns
Development of the Oligomeric Amyloid-Beta Targeted MRI Contrast Agents to Diagnose the Early Stage of Alzheimer’s Disease
Developmental Assay with Magnetization Transfer Ratio in Non-Human Primate
Developmental Morphometry of the Marmoset Brain from Infancy to Adulthood
Developmental Susceptibility Changes from Neonate to Early Childhood Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Dexmedetomidine-Induced CBF Changes Measured with Arterial Spin Labeling
Diabetic Arthropathy
DIACEST Exogenous
DiaCEST Probes (Reporter Genes, Ion Detection, PH Etc)
Diagnosing Lung Nodules on Various MRI Imaging: Comparison of T1-Weighted-3D VIBE-Dixon Sequence and T1-Weighted 3D Star Vibe Sequence
Diagnosis of Liver Cirrhosis Using Morphological Score with Magnetic Resonance Laparoscopy
Diagnostic Accuracy of 3D Head and Neck Joint Black-Blood Vessel Wall Imaging in Patients with Carotid Artery StenosisComparison with DSA
Diagnostic Accuracy of 3-T Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Star VIBE: Versus Computer Tomography in Pulmonary Nodules
The Diagnostic Accuracy of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Differential Diagnosis Between the Left Ventricular Non-Compaction and the Negative Heart Remodeling in Thalassemia Intermedia Patients
Diagnostic Accuracy of Zero Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Grading of Cervical Spine Neural Foraminal Stenosis
Diagnostic Decision Support in Alzheimer’s Disease: Predicting Typical and Mixed Forms from Combined Routine Brain Volumetry and Cognitive Assessment
Diagnostic Performance in MR-Visible Prostate Cancer: Can a Quantitative Computer-Aided Diagnosis System Be Superior to the Qualitative PI-RADS V2 Guideline?
Diagnostic Performance of an Abbreviated Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced-MRI (AMRI) Vs. Ultrasound for Detection of Small HCC: Pilot Study.
The Diagnostic Performance of DCE-MRI in Differentiating High-From Low-Grade Gliomas: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Diagnostic Performance of LI-RADS Major Features, Ancillary Features, and Categories on MRI for Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Diagnostic Performance of LI-RADS Major Features, Ancillary Features, and Categories on MRI for Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Diagnostic Performance of Texture Analysis on MRI in Differentiated Degree of Head and Neck Carcinoma
Diagnostic Real-Time MRI
Diagnostic Value of Calculated High B Value DWI for Prostate Cancer Detection
The Diagnostic Value of Sampling Perfection Application with Contrast Optimized Using Variable Flip Angle Evolutions (SPACE MR) in Evaluating Lower Extremity Deep Venous Thrombus
Diagnostic Value of Using SSFP and UTE Subtraction MRI for the Management of Critical Limb Ischemia Patients
Diamagnetic Imaging Agents with a Modular Chemical Design for Quantitative Detection of ß-Galactosidase and ß-Glucuronidase Activities with CatalyCEST MRI
Diaphragm Displacement During ABC Controlled Breath Holding: Is There an Optimal Inspiratory Threshold?
Dictionary & Model-Based Methods
Dictionary Approach to Partial Volume Estimation with MR Fingerprinting: Validation and Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation
Dictionary Approach to Partial Volume Estimation with MR Fingerprinting: Validation and Application to Brain Tumor Segmentation
Dictionary-Based Electric Properties Tomography
Dictionary-Based Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Myocardial T1 Mapping
Dictionary-Based Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Myocardial T1 Mapping
Dictionary-Free MR Fingerprinting with Low-Pass Balanced-GRE Sequences.
Dielectric Materials & Resonators
Dielectric Materials & Resonators
Dielectric Resonator Antenna Receive Array at 7 Tesla Using Detunable Ceramic Resonators
Dielectric Resonator Antenna Receive Array at 7 Tesla Using Detunable Ceramic Resonators
Dietary Fat Results in Increased Tumor Burden in a Mouse Model of Human Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Based on Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Histology
Difference Image Ultra-Short Echo Time T2* Mapping Using a 3D Cones Trajectory
Difference Optimization: Automatic Correction of Relative Frequency and Phase for 1H MEGA-PRESS Spectra
Differences in Parameter Sensitivities of GESFIDE MR Signals Generated on Realistic Angiograms and on Idealized Cylinders
Different Activated Calf Muscle Groups Measured Simultaneously During Plantar Flexion Exercise with Multiple Knee Angles Using Multivoxel 31P-MRS.
Different Patterns of Cortical Matter Changes in First Episode Bipolar Manic Adolescents: A Surface-Based Structural MRI Study with Cluster Analysis
Differential Changes in Functional Connectivity of Fronto-Striatal and Motor-Striatal Circuits in Early and Premanifest Huntington’s Disease Measured by Ultra-High Field (7T) Resting State BOLD FMRI
Differential Diagnosis of Hepatic Metabolites between Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis and Simple Steatosis in Humans and a Murine Model Using a 1H MR Spectroscopy Study with Long TE
Differential Diagnosis of Hepatic Metabolites between Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis and Simple Steatosis in Humans and a Murine Model Using a 1H MR Spectroscopy Study with Long TE
Differential Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Hepatic Metastases Using Radiomics Features from Quantitative DCE-MRI
Differential Diagnosis of Myeloma, Lymphoma, and Metastatic Cancer in the Spine Using DCE-MRI Kinetic Parameters
Differential Diagnosis of Ocular Adnexal Lymphoma and Idiopathic Orbital Inflammation:radiomics Imaging Features and Their Predictive Performance
Differential Diagnosis of Ovarian Tumor and Degenerated Subserous Leiomyoma Using Diffusion-Tensor Imaging
Differential Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Corticobasal Syndromes Using Machine Learning and MRI
Differential Domain Analysis for 3D Cartesian Sampling
Differential Domain Analysis for 3D Cartesian Sampling
Differential Effects of Anesthetics on Mouse Brain Connectivity and Function as Probed by Resting-State FMRI and [18]FDG-PET
Differential Modulation of Arterial and Venous Oxygenation Through Inhalation of Carbogen (95%O2/5%CO2) Vs. 100% O2.
Differential Reduction of Repertoire of Functional Patterns in Sensory and Cognitive Neuronal Systems in Propofol Anesthesia
Differentiated Maturation of White Matter Tracts in Early Developing Brain Aged 0-3 Years
Differentiating Contributions to Diffusional Kurtosis in the Brain with Symmetrized Double-PFG MRI
Differentiating Glioma Histologic Grade Preoperatively by Two Functional Modalities: Amide Proton Transfer (APT) and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MR Imaging
Differentiating Metastatic from Nonmetastatic Lymph Nodes by Using Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Cervical Cancer Patients
Differentiating Recurrent Glioma from Treatment Effects Using Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MRI
Differentiating Subtypes of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Sodium MR Imaging
Differentiating Subtypes of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Sodium MR Imaging
Differentiation of Brain Infections from Necrotic Glioblastomas Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Differentiation of Deep Gray Matters in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) and Parkinson’s Disease Dementia (PDD) Using T1 Weighted Images and Quantitative Susceptibility Maps (QSM)
Differentiation of Fat-Poor Renal Angiomyolipoma from Other Renal Tumors with Low Signal Intensities on T2-Weighted MR Image
Differentiation of Functional Activity Within the Thalamus During Rest and Visual Task
Differentiation of Glioblastoma and Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma by Using MR Image-Based Texture Features
Differentiation of Intracerebral Hemorrhage from Ischemic Stroke at Early Stage Using a Novel Scheme of Length and Offset VARied Saturation (LOVARS) MRI
Differentiation of Low- And High- Grade Hepatocellular Carcinomas with Texture Features and a Machine Learning Model in Arterial Phase of Contrast-Enhanced MR
Differentiation of Radiation Necrosis from Tumour Progression Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST)
Differentiation of Thymic Hyperplasia from Thymic Tumors with MR Quantitative Fat Fraction Technique in Adulthood
Diffusion - Electrophysiology Correlates
Diffusion - Histology Correlates
Diffusion - Tensor Based Morphometry (DTBM) of Normal Human Brain Development from Infancy to Adulthood
Diffusion & Perfusion Imaging Protocols for Gliomas
Diffusion & Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Diffusion and Perfusion Parameters Extracted by Bi-Exponential Model Are Markers of Healthy human Placenta Development.
Diffusion and T2 Characterizations in Hindbrain and Spinal Cord in SOD1 Mouse Model of ALS
Diffusion Anisotropy in Breast Cancer Tissue Corresponds to Spatial Patterns of Collagen Alignment from Structure Tensor Analysis of Histology
Diffusion Anisotropy in Breast Cancer Tissue Corresponds to Spatial Patterns of Collagen Alignment from Structure Tensor Analysis of Histology
Diffusion as a Biomarker for Brain Disease
Diffusion Compartment Imaging Reveals Microstructural Injuries in a Mouse Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Diffusion Diffraction Inside Out
Diffusion Discriminant for Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
Diffusion Effects on NMR Transverse Relaxation Around Randomly Distributed Capillaries
Diffusion Effects on T2 Relaxometry with Triple Echo Steady-State Free Precession Sequence
Diffusion Entropy of Fractional Anisotropy Values in White Matter in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Diffusion FMRI of Mouse Optic Nerve with Antidromic Electrical Stimulation
Diffusion Functional MRI (DfMRI) Yields Highly Defined Tonotopic Representation in the in Vivo Mouse
Diffusion Imaging Detects Differences in Disease Trajectory Between Two Mouse Models of Pancreatic Cancer
Diffusion Imaging in Aging
Diffusion Imaging in Grade II and III Gliomas Depends Upon New Vs Recurrent Status and Enhancing Vs Nonenhancing Status.
Diffusion Imaging in Neurodevelopment
Diffusion Imaging Reveals White Matter Damage in Ice Hockey Players for Up to Two Months Post-Concussion
Diffusion Imaging with Intra Volume Interleaving of B Values
Diffusion Kurtosis as an in Vivo Imaging Marker for Characterizing Breast Carcinoma: Correlation with Cellular Proliferation
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Can Stratify Differentiation of Colorectal Cancers: A Preliminary Study
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Evaluating Epithelial–mesenchymal Transition in Colorectal Carcinoma Xenografts Model: Initial Experience
The Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Findings of Preoperative Glioma-Related Epilepsy
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Differentiating Tumor KRAS Mutation Status in Rectal Cancer
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Mild TBI Patients – a Longitudinal Study
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging with Readout-Segmented SE-EPI for Breast Lesions: Comparison with Single-Shot SE-EPI at 3T
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging with the Breath Hold Method for Staging of Hepatic Fibrosis: Potential as Additional Sequence in a Clinical Routine
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging with Tract-Based Spatial Statistics Reveals White Matter Alterations in Children with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: A Novel Tool to Evaluate Survival of Glioma Patients
Diffusion Kurtosis Metrics as Sensitive Biomarkers of Ageing
Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Predicting Changes in the Severity Of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
Diffusion Microstructural Imaging of Reversible and Irreversible Changes Within the Corticospinal Tract in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Diffusion Modeling and Microstructure Probing
Diffusion MRI and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveal Microstructural and Functional Alteration in Chronic Mild Stress Exposed Rat Brains: A CMS Recovery Study
Diffusion MRI Can Provide Non-Invasive Early Biomarkers of the Outcome of Irreversible Electroporation Tumor Treatment in a Mouse Model.
Diffusion MRI Differentiated Acute Inflammation from Axonal Injury But Missed Axonal Loss
Diffusion MRI Differentiated Acute Inflammation from Axonal Injury But Missed Axonal Loss
Diffusion MRI of Axonal Degeneration in Areas of Fiber Crossing: Histological Correspondence.
Diffusion MRI of Axonal Degeneration in Areas of Fiber Crossing: Histological Correspondence.
Diffusion MRI of the Entire Postmortem Human Spinal Cord at Microscopic Resolution
Diffusion MRI Quantifies Hippocampal CA1 Dendritic Loss and Inflammation in TMEV-Induced Epilepsy
Diffusion Radiomics Analysis in Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Murine Prostate Cancer Following Radiotherapy: Pixel-Wise Correlation with Histology
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Tractography of the Human Tongue
Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Tractography of the Human Tongue
Diffusion Tensor and Restriction Spectrum Imaging Reflect Different Aspects of Neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s Disease
Diffusion Tensor Distribution Imaging
Diffusion Tensor Imaging & Applications
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in the Differential Diagnosis of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma (CcRCC) and Infiltrative Transitional Cell Carcinoma (TCC)
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Assessment for the Spinal Cord Injury Using 9.4 Tesla
Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Injuries of the Levator Ani Muscle in Female Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Human Muscle at Ultra-High-Field (7T) MR.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Reveals Persistent Effects on White Matter Microstructure in High School Football Players with History of Sports-Related Concussion
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study of White Matter Microstructure Concerning Suicidal Ideation in Major Depressive Disorder
Diffusion Time Dependence of Kurtosis Reveals Microstructural Changes After Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia
Diffusion Tractography Reveals Pervasive Asymmetry of Cerebral White Matter Tracts in the Bottlenose Dolphin
Diffusion Weighted Fast Spin Echo for Tumor Delineation in Head-And-Neck Radiotherapy: A Comparison with FDG-PET
Diffusion Weighted Imaging & Applications
Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Thyroid Nodule: Comparison of Readout-Segmented EPI and Single-Shot EPI Techniques
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Cerebello-Thalamic Pathway After MR Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) Thalamotomy
Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using a Dixon Based Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo
Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging–derived Histogram Metrics for Quantitative Assessment of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Local Advanced Rectal Cancer: Initial Experience and Comparison Between Single-Section and Volumetric Analyses
Diffusion-Kurtosis Imaging Predicts Tumor Upgrading in Biopsy-Proven Gleason Score = 6 Prostate Cancers
Diffusion-Tensor-Imaging MR-Neurography for the Detection of Polyneuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Diffusion-Tensor-Imaging MR-Neurography for the Detection of Polyneuropathy in Type 1 Diabetes
Diffusion-Weighted Echo Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging
Diffusion-Weighted Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain at 3T
Diffusion-Weighted Images Super Resolution Via External and Internal Patch-Based Regularization
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping in Progression Assessment of Liver Fibrosis Caused by Hepatitis B Virus Infection: A Longitudinal Study
Diffusion-Weighted Liver MRI in Forensic Medicine: A New Radiological Approach
Diffusion-Weighted MR Enterography Imaging of the Ileocecal Segment: Optimizing B-Value for Visually Differentiating Inflammatory and Neoplastic Lesions
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of Kidney After Administration of 2 Types of Iodinated Contrast Medium: A Time Course Study in CIN Animal Model
Diffusion-Weighted MR Signal Sparsity Indicates Impaired White Matter Organization in Lissencephaly
Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Coherent Flow in the Kidney
Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Coherent Flow in the Kidney
Diffusion-Weighted MRI Identifies Viable Tissue in Wilms Tumour: Application for Subtype Analysis and Response to Chemotherapy
Diffusion-Weighted MRI Identifies Viable Tissue in Wilms Tumour: Application for Subtype Analysis and Response to Chemotherapy
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Evaluation of Posttherapeutic Residual Masses in Lymphoma
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Evaluation of Posttherapeutic Residual Masses in Lymphoma
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Node Tissue: Correlation of Mean Diffusivities and Cellularity.
Diffusion-Weighted MRI of Rectal Cancer: Baseline Tumour Perfusion Fraction Predicts Chemoradiotherapy Response and Survival
Diffusion-Weighted Split-Echo RARE Imaging Free of Geometric Distortion for Renal MRI at Ultrahigh Fields
The Direct and Indirect Findings of Pulmonary Embolism Found on Contrast Enhanced Pulmonary Magnetic Resonance Angiography Exams: A pictorial Essay Approach for the Imager Based on the Real World Findings Found in Over 600 Patients
Direct and Indirect Findings of Pulmonary Embolism Using Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (CE-MRA)
Direct Assessment of Magnetization Transfer Effects with T1 QMRI
DIrect EStimation of 17O MR ImageS (DIESIS) for CMRO2 Quantification in the Human Brain with Partial Volume Correction
Direct Hyperpolarization of Micro- And Nanodiamonds for Bioimaging Applications – Considerations on Particle Size, Functionalization and Polarization Loss
Direct Localization Human Pedunculopontine Nucleus Using 7T, Coordinate and Fiber Tracking Validation
Direct Partial Volume Corrected CMRO2 Determination: Simulation Assisted Dynamic 17O-MRI
Direct Pseudo-CT Image Synthesis Using Deep Learning for Pelvis PET/MR Attenuation Correction
Direct Quantitative 13C-Filtered 1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of PEGylated Biomacromolecules in Vivo
Direct Quantitative 13C-Filtered 1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of PEGylated Biomacromolecules in Vivo
Direct Relaxation Measurement from Clinical Sequences
Directional Sensitivity of Anomalous Diffusion Assessed Using a Tensorial Fractional Motion Model
Discrete frequency Shift Signatures Explain GRE-MRI Signal Compartments
Discrimination of Malignant Versus Benign Mediastinal Lymph Nodes Using Diffusion MRI with an IVIM Analysis
Discrimination of Malignant Versus Benign Mediastinal Lymph Nodes Using Diffusion MRI with an IVIM Analysis
Discrimination of Patients with First Episode Schizophrenia Via Quantitative Cortical Morphology Features and Machine Learning Methods
Discrimination of Volumes with Positive and Negative Functional QSM Activation Within FMRI-Positive Volumes in High-Resolution, High-Field Task-Based and Resting-State Data
Discriminatory Ability of MRSI and DW-MRI in Prostatic Diseases in Biopsy Naïve Men with PSA 4-10 Ng/ml
Disease Progression in Skeletal Muscles of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 Evaluated Using Quantitative MRI
Disentangling in Two Dimensions in the Living Human Brain: Feasbilty of Relaxometry-Diffusometry Using Ultra-Strong Gradients
Disentangling Myelination and Axonal Density Using NODDI and McDESPOT – a Multimodal Microstructure Imaging Approach
Disrupted Brain Connectivity Networks In Alzheimer's Disease
Disrupted Brain Connectivity Patterns in Patients with Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder
Disrupted Brain Network Topology in Pediatric Tourette Syndrome: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Disrupted Cortical Modulation of Hypothalamus Functioning for Visceral Homeostasis in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Disrupted Integrity of Frontal White Matter and Neurocognitive Correlates in Patients Treated for Pediatric Medulloblastoma
Disrupted Topological Brain Organizations in Large-Scale Cortical Networks Between Impaired and Nonimpaired Active Fighters
Disrupted Topological Organization of Brain Networks in Early Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Subjects: Insights from Parkinson’s Progressive Markers Initiative (PPMI) Dataset
Disruption of Functional Connectivity in Neonates with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy at Term
Disruptions in T1-Weighted MRI Signal Trajectories Over Age in Bipolar Disorder Type-1
Dissociation of Structural and Functional Dysconnectivity in First-Episode Drug-Naive Schizophrenia
Dissolved Phase Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Pulmonary Imaging in the Presence of Gaseous Xenon Signal
Distinct and Common Gray Matter Volume and Cortical Thickness Abnormalities Between Non-Comorbid Medication-Naive Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder
Distinct Patterns of Network-Wise Functional Connectivity Impairment Discriminate Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis with Different Disease Duration
Distinct Structural Backbone-Network in Early Parkinson’s Disease (PD) Subjects: Insights from Parkinson’s Progressive Markers Initiative (PPMI) Dataset
Distortion Correction in Readout-Segmented EPI Using View Angle Tilting Combined with Phase Modulated RF Pulse
Distortion Free Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using a Self-Adaptive Post Deformation Algorithm
Distortion-Free Diffusion MRI Using an MRI-Guided Tri-Cobalt 60 Radiotherapy System: Sequence Validation and Preliminary Clinical Experience
Distortion-Free FMRI Using Multi-Slice 2D-BSSFP at 7 Tesla
Distortionless Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Prostate Using a Multi-Shot Turbo Split Spin Echo BLADE Sequence with Bipolar Diffusion Gradients
Distortions in Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Distributed and Overlapping Cortical Networks Represent Visual Categories
Distributed RCBF Changes Caused by High Frequency RTMS on Lateral Prefrontal Cortex
Distributed Receivers with Hardware-Accelerated Signal Processing: Synchronous Acquisition of Image Data and K-Space Trajectories
Distribution and Burden of Atherosclerosis in Patients with Anterior Circulation Cerebral Ischemic Events: Characterization Using Combined Extracranial and Intracranial Vessel Wall MRI
Distribution of 4D Flow MRI-Derived Wall Shear Stress and Oscillatory Shear Index and Its Relation with the Ascending Aorta Dilation in Bicuspid Valve Patients.
Distribution Of Intraluminal Thrombus Composition in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by Diameter: A High Resolution MRI Study
Distribution Of Intraluminal Thrombus Composition in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms by Diameter: A High Resolution MRI Study
The Disturbed Subcortical Local Intrinsic Activity Synchronism in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Its Association with Spatial Navigation Ability: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Diurnal Changes of Acetylcarnitine in Human Vastus Lateralis Muscle and Response to Exercise: A 7T 1H MRS Study
Diurnal Effects on Brain MRI Volume and 1D MR Neurospectroscopy
Diurnal Variability of Cerebral Metabolites with 2D L-COSY
Divergent Trajectory of Age-Related Cerebellar Volume Change in Children with Ataxia Telangiectasia
Do Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents Alter 23Na T1 Relaxivity in Glioma?
Does Artifact Correction in Spinal Cord DTI Improve Sensitivity at the Group Level?
Does Free Water T1 Differ in Different Regions of Human Cortical Bone? a Clinical Quantification Approach
Does MR of the Neck Improve the Credibility of Victims After Manual Strangulation?
Does PROPELLER Acquisition Improve Bladder Imaging by Substantially Reducing Motion Artifacts?
Does Right Ventricular Myocardial Kinetic Energy Correlate with Pressure Overload in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients?
Does T1 Mapping Provide Additional Information in the Context of Hepatic Iron Overload?
Does Total Iron Content in Deep Brain Nuclei Really Increase in Healthy Aging? a Study Based on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping.
Does TWIST with Iterative Reconstruction Improve Diagnostics of AVM of the Hand?
Dominant PH-Sensitive Amide Proton Transfer Effect During Acute Ischemic Stroke - Quantification of Multi-Pool Contribution to Commonly Used MTRasym Analysis in a Rat Model of Acute Stroke
Dose-Dependent Effects of Citalopram on Serotonergic Function Assessed with SPECT and Pharmacological MRI
Dose-Dependent Effects of Prolonged Isoflurane Administration on Resting Cerebral Blood Flow and Functional Connectivity: A Preliminary Study in Rhesus Monkeys
Double Diffusion Encoding Vs Single Diffusion Encoding in Parameter Estimation of Biophysical Models in Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Double Tracer Gas Single Breath Washout (SBW) Lung Imaging with Hyperpolarized Xe-129 and He-3
Double-Row 16-Element Tight-Fit Transceiver Phased Array with High Transmit Performance for Whole Human Brain Imaging at 9.4T.
Double-Row 16-Element Tight-Fit Transceiver Phased Array with High Transmit Performance for Whole Human Brain Imaging at 9.4T.
Double-Spoke Slab-Selective Ramp Pulse Design for UHF TOF MR Angiography
DREAM-Based B1-Shimming for Cardiac Imaging at 7 T
DTI Abnormalities in the Midbrain in Pediatric-Onset Multiple Sclerosis.
DTI Measurements with Exceptional Resilience to Field Heterogeneities in Challenging Brain Regions
DTI of the Sciatic Nerve in Patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Diseases
DTI Reveals Crucial White Matter Lesions in Bilateral Spastic Cerebral Palsy in Infants with Non-Cystic Periventricular Leukomalacia
DTI imaging Application of Vastus Medialis Oblique Muscle in Recurrent Patellar Dislocation
DTI-Based Connectome Analysis to Predict Outcome of Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) in Young Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Dual Echo Trajectory : Comparison to Partial Fourier Acquisition and Sequence Optimization
Dual Identity of the Interventricular Septum with in Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Dual Region-Selective Spiral PTX Excitation for Digit Mapping FMRI in Motor Cortex and Cerebellum
Dual Spectral Analysis for Metabolite Quantification in the Presence of Lipids and Macromolecules
Dual Voxel Diffusion Weighted MR-Spectroscopy
Dual-Calibrated FMRI Measurement of Resting Capillary and Venous Blood Volumes
Dual-CEST: A Novel 3D-CEST Sequence Exploiting Simultaneous Transverse and Longitudinal CEST Signal Encoding.
Dual-Echo Cardiac Gating Spiral Sequence for Cervical Spine FMRI
Dual-Layered Multi-Channel B0 and RF Coil Setup for an Improved Shimming Performance at 9.4 Tesla
Dual-Mode Cellular Imaging for Immunotherapy & Cancer Vaccine Development
Dual-Phase Whole-Heart Imaging Using Image Navigation in Congenital Heart Disease
Dual-Tuned RF Coil System for Parallel Imaging of Human Lungs Using Perfluorinated Gases
Ductal Carcinoma in Situ of the Breast: Investigation of Quantitative MRI Features of Lesion and Normal Tissue to Predict Recurrence After Treatment
Dura Mater Imaging with UTE T2* Mapping
DWI of Prostate Cancer Beyond ADC: Correlation with Histopathology
Dynamic 31P MR Spectroscopy of Fatigue in Triceps Surae Muscles on Post-Poliomyelitis Patients Versus Healthy Age-Matched Volunteers at 3T
Dynamic 31P Spectroscopy During Superimposed Electrical Muscle Stimulation and Volitional Contraction for Enhanced Metabolic Response in the Skeletal Muscle
Dynamic ADC Change During Cardiac Cycle in Human Brain in Sleep State
Dynamic Anti-Aliasing Image Reconstruction for Localized Thermal Therapies
Dynamic B0 Shim Controller for Digital Pre-Emphasis with Sub-Millisecond Update Rate
Dynamic Blood Volume Assessment in Extracranial Tissues Using Gadofosveset
Dynamic Cardiac MR Image Reconstruction Models Using Machine Learning on Large Training Data Sets
Dynamic Changes of Functional Connectivity Within and Between Resting State Networks in Intractable Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Dynamic Changes of Glutamate Detected by Functional MR Spectroscopy in Human Visual Cortex in Regions with Positive and Negative BOLD Response
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Imaging - Heuristic Versus Quantitative
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced 3D T1WI at Upper Abdomen Using Combination of Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing on a Wide-Bore 3T Unit: Comparison of Effects with Gd-DTPA and Gd-EOB-DTPA
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging for Therapeutic Response Assessment After Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Patient with Local Advanced Rectal Cancer
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of Hepatopancreatobiliary Lesions in Combined Use of Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of Hepatopancreatobiliary Lesions in Combined Use of Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI Using a Chemically Fat-Suppressed View-Sharing Technique
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging of the Rectum Using Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MRI (GRASP): Initial Experience and Comparison to a Conventional Approach Using Time-Resolved Angiography with Interleaved Stochastic Trajectories (TWIST).
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Discriminating Invasive Ductal Carcinoma and Fibroadenoma: 2D Maximum Diameter Versus 3D Whole-Tumor
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Parameters in Metastatic Bone Lesions of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Comparison Between Lesions with and Without Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) Mutation in Primary Cancer
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Pre-Clinical Approach to Detect and Monitor Diabetes
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Uterine Cervical Cancer: Correlations with Clinical Staging and Pathologic Types
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Renal Tumors: Common Subtype Differentiation Using Pharmacokinetics
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Predicts Short-Term Control of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Within 5 Fractions Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Using Spatial Prior Knowledge
Dynamic Diffusion MRI Signal Changes Accompany Electrical Activity in Myelinated Axons
Dynamic Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Normal and Compartment Syndrome Calf Muscle with MEDITI
Dynamic FcMRI: Approaches
Dynamic FcMRI: Mechanisms & Applications
Dynamic Functional Connectivity
Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Event-Related FMRI and Its Implications in Epilepsy
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Using Multi-Band Multi-Echo EPI (M2-EPI) Imaging for Resting-State FMRI
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Within the Default Mode Network Is Associated with the Complexity of Its Network Nodes
Dynamic Gadoxetate Enhanced MRI Measurement of Segmental Liver Function – a Novel Imaging Biomarker for Predicting Post-Hepatectomy Liver Failure
Dynamic Glucose Enhanced Imaging at 3T: First Human Data
Dynamic Glucose Enhanced MRI - A Prospective Study in Healthy Volunteers and Glioblastoma Patients
Dynamic Glucose Enhanced MRI - A Prospective Study in Healthy Volunteers and Glioblastoma Patients
Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging of Patients with Brain Tumors
Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging of Patients with Brain Tumors
Dynamic Imaging of Eye and Optic Nerve with Golden Angle Radial MRI.
Dynamic Interleaved NMR Measurements of Perfusion, Deoxymyoglobin and Phosphorylated Metabolites During Ischemic and Exercise Paradigms in the Calf and Thigh Muscles
Dynamic Knee Imaging Using 4D Self-Gated MRI with Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Dynamic Longitudinal DTI Metric Changes of Hippocampus in Developing Non-Human Primate
Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Vaginal and Rectal Contrast for the Observation of Vaginal Vault and Rectocele
Dynamic Monitoring of Brown Adipose Tissue Activation and White Adipose Tissue Beiging
Dynamic Morphometric Changes in Degenerative Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: A Pilot Study of Standing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dynamic MRI for Bowel Motility Imaging – How Fast and How Long?
Dynamic Nitroxide-Enhanced MRI Detects Oxidative Stress in the Hearts of Mice Subject to Angiotensin II Infusion
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization Across the Barrier: A Focused Ultrasound Approach
Dynamic Oxygen-17 MR Imaging with Golden-Ratio-Based Radial Sampling and K-Space-Weighted Image Reconstruction
Dynamic Parcellation of Cortical Functional Networks in Developing Preterm Brains
Dynamic PCr and PH Imaging of the Human Lower Leg Muscle During Exercise at 3T
Dynamic Permanent Magnet Array for Ultra-Low Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Dynamic PET/MR Imaging of Glucose Utilization and Contractile Function Under Hypoxic Stress
Dynamic Quantitative Imaging of Sodium During Migraine Onset and Propagation at 21.1 T
Dynamic Resting State FMRI in Mice: Detection of Quasi-Periodic Patterns
Dynamic Shimming for Multi-Slice Hyperpolarized Metabolic Imaging of the Rat Heart at 9.4T
Dynamic Spectroscopy of Dissolved-Phase Xenon-129 in the Human Kidney
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI at 7T: Tail Scaling Analysis and Inferences About Field Strength Dependence
Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MR Imaging in Distinguishing Malignant from Benign Soft Tissue Tumors in Limbs: A Pilot Study
Dynamic Uptake of Manganese in the Developing Mouse Brain
Dynamically Modified BHT Model Enhanced PRF Shift Thermometry for Monitoring Microwave Ablation
Dynamically Phase-Cycled BSSFP Cardiac Cine in a Single Breathhold with Phase-Cycle Consistency Regularization
Dynamics of Lactate Levels measured by Functional Proton Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Rat Somatosensory Cortex Upon Increasing Electrical Hindpaw Stimuli.
Dyslexia Therapy Customization Based on Dorsal-Ventral Pathway Representation
Earlier Detection of Breast Cancer by Abbreviated MRI Screening Using Color Intensity Projections (CIP) Applied to High Spatiotemporal Resolution Imaging
Early Cancer Detection Using Paramagnetic Liposome by a Novel Contrast Mechanism with Active-Feedback Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Early Cancer Detection Using Paramagnetic Liposome by a Novel Contrast Mechanism with Active-Feedback Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Early Changes of Irradiated Parotid Glands Evaluated by T1rho-Weighted Imaging: A Pilot Study
Early Detection of Acute Pancreatitis (AP) Using MR Elastography (MRE) with Multislice Spin-Echo Echo-Planar Imaging
Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease Using a Combined Index of Gray Matter Texture
Early Detection of Glioblastoma Multiforme by the Magnetic Susceptibility Effect from Deoxyhemoglobin
Early Enhancement Heterogeneity and Density on Ultrafast Bilateral DCE-MRI May Differentiate Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions
Early Enhancement in Breast DCE-MRI Is Sparse and Can Be Imaged with a Reduced FOV to Increase Temporal Resolution
Early Evaluation of Liver Fibrosis in Radiation-Induced Liver Fibrosis Rat Models Using Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion Theory
The Early Global Function Connectivity Stability in Infants During the Neonatal Period
Early Gradual Assessment of Tissue Injury and Functional Outcome After Myocardial Infarction by Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance T1 Mapping
Early Life Predictors of Brain Development at Term-Equivalent Age in Infants Born Across the Gestational Ages.
Early NAA Reductions Predict Neuropsychological Outcomes After Pediatric TBI
Early Prediction of Chronic Infarct Size by Acute Strain: A Cardiac MRI Study of Myocardial Infarction in Pigs
Early Prediction of Cognitive Deficits in Very Preterm Infants Using Machine Learning Algorithms
Early Screening of Pancreatic Iron Overload in Thalassemia Major with MRI T2*
Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of Hyperpolarized 13C in a Clinical System with Reduced Chemical Shift Artifacts
Echo-Planar Imaging with the Dynamic Multi-Coil Technique (DYNAMITE-EPI)
Echo-Planar Imaging with Wave-CAIPI Acquisition and Reconstruction
Echo-Time Optimization in Spin Echo EPI FMRI Using BOLD-Sensitivity Models and Hypercapnic Manipulation at 3T
Eddy Current Artifact Reduction in Diffusion-Weighted Single-Refocused Spin-Echo EPI
Eddy Currents & Interactions: Calibration, Compensation, & Pre-Emphasis
Edge Preserving Upsampling of Image Resolution in MRI
Edge Preserving Upsampling of Image Resolution in MRI
Editing of GABA at Variable TEs with Antiphase J-Difference Editing Approach
Editing, 2D & UHF - Detection a Comprehensive Neurochemical Profile
Effect of Administration Time of Hydrogen Sulfide on Neuroprotective Effects in the Cerebral Ischemia/reperfusion Injury Model
Effect of Alfaxalone Anesthesia on Brain Functional Connectivity in Rhesus Monkeys
The Effect of Amantadine on Persistent Vegetative State Patients: An FMRI Pilot Study
Effect of B0 Inhomogeneity on the Quantification of Hyperpolarized Metabolic Data of the Heart at 9.4T
Effect of Coil Proximity on Parallel Spectroscopic Data Collection with Phased Array Coils
Effect of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction Parameter on Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI
Effect of Concomitant Field in Fast Spin Echo Acquisition on an Asymmetric MRI Gradient System
Effect of DBS Stimulation Intervals on Brain Activity and Dopamine Release
Effect of Dietary Intervention on Liver Fat Content During the Day. a Pilot MR Study
Effect of Different Seeding Strategies on Tractometry Reproducibility
Effect of Diffusion Weighting Due to Spoiler Gradients in MR Fingerprinting
The Effect of Fat Saturation on Calculated T2 and T2* Relaxation Times in Articular Cartilage
Effect of Field Strength and Spatial Resolution on Quantifying Intracranial Hemodynamics with PEAK-GRAPPA Accelerated Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI
Effect of Fitting Model on the Accuracy of T2 and T2* Magnetic Resonance Based Liver Iron Concentration
Effect of Gadolinium Contrast Agent on IVIM Derived Parameters of Abdominal Organs
The Effect of Gaussian Filtering in ZTE Based Attenuation Correction of PET/MR
Effect of Head Motion on B0 Shimming Based on Magnetic Field Probes
The Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training on Brain Lactate Levels During Subsequent Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes
Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygenation on Human Brain Phosphate Metabolites at 3 Tesla. in Vivo 31P MRS Study
Effect of Hyperglycemia On deep Nucleus microstructure and Iron Deposition in People with Type 2 Diabetes: A DKI and SWI Study
Effect of Lesion Contaminated Nuisance Regressors on Resting-State FMRI Connectivity in Patients with Brain Tumors
Effect of Lesion-Related Signal Variation in Proton Density Reference Image on Blood Flow Quantification with Arterial Spin Labeling MRI for Differentiating Pseudo-Progression from True Progression in Gliomas
Effect of Liver Transplantation on Muscle Metabolism and the Abdomen Adipose Tissue Volume in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients
The Effect of Loading on T2* and MT Ratio in Tendons: A Feasibility Study
The Effect of Loading on Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging and Modelling Parameters in Human Articular Cartilage: A Feasibility Study
The Effect of Low-Level Carbon Monoxide Exposure on BOLD FMRI
The Effect of Malonate, Succinate, Oxaloacetate and 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose on Boar Sperm Metabolism Using 13C MRS
Effect of Menstrual Cycle on Background Parenchymal Enhancement and the Detectability of Breast Cancer by Contrast-Enhanced Breast MRI: A Multicenter Study of an Asian Population
Effect of Mismatching on the Transmit and Receive Performance of a Human Head 9.4T Tight-Fit Transceiver Phased Array.
The Effect of Mixing Time on Diffusion Spectrum Imaging of the Ex-Vivo Porcine Heart
The Effect of Motion and Nuisance Regression on Resting-State FMRI Using Highly Accelerated SMS- Or 3D-EPI
The Effect of MR Noise and Resolution on Textural Features in Simulated and Real Textures: Implications for Clinical Practice.
Effect of Osmolality on Dynamic Glucose Enhanced(DGE) MRI
The Effect of Patient Orientation on Pacemaker Lead-Tip Heating at 1.5T
Effect of Poisson Kernel Parameters on Background Field Removal Accuracy for QSM
The Effect of Post-Labeling Delay on Multiband PCASL Based Functional Connectivity
Effect of Psychotherapeutic Approaches on Cortical and Striatal Neurochemical Profile in a Juvenile Rat Model of ADHD: An in Vivo 1H MRS Study @ 11.7T
Effect of Realistic Timing Parameters on a Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy Measure
Effect of Repeated Injection of Iodixanol on Rrenal Function in Healthy Wistar Rats by Using Functional MRI
The Effect of RF Exposure Duration in RF Pulse Design Using Temperature Constraints
The Effect of Sex on Neurochemical Profile Quantified from the Human Brain at 7T
Effect of T1 on Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Based Myelin Water Fraction
The Effect of the Dopamine D4 Receptor -616 C/G Polymorphism on Gray Matter Volume and Functional Connectivity in Pediatric Primary Nocturnal Enuresis Patients
Effect of the Transceive Phase on MR Thermometry in Aqueous Mediums
The Effect of Variable Amniotic Fluid Conductivity and Fetal Tissues Properties on B1+ and Local SAR for Fetal Imaging at 3T
Effect of Velocity-Compensated Diffusion Preparation for Spinal Cord Diffusion Imaging
Effect of Vendor Specific Formalin Composition and Concentration on Post-Mortem MRI of Human Brain Tissue
The Effect of White Matter Fiber Orientation in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 7T
Effective Collateral Circulation May Related with Better Perfusion Restoration After Carotid Endarterectomy (CEA): A Pilot Territory ASL (TASL) Study
Effective Connectivity Network of Emotion Regulation in Soldiers with Trauma
The Effects of 2D Navigator Distortion and Noise Level on Interleaved EPI DWI Reconstruction: A Simulation Study
Effects of 3-MPA on in Vivo Hepatic Metabolism of Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Effects of 5 Alpha-Reductase Inhibitors on Detection of Prostate Cancer on MRI
The Effects of a 2 Week Hyperenergetic High Carbohydrate or High Fat Diet on Subcutaneous, Visceral Fat and Metabolism
Effects of a Gadolinium Based Contrast Agent on the Myocardial R2* Relaxation Rate in Patients with Chronic Myocardial Infarction
The Effects of a Western-Type Diet on the Cerebrovascular Response to Hypercapnia in a Double Transgenic Mouse Model for Alzheimer's Disease
The Effects of AIF Quantification Variations on DCE-MRI Prediction of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Response to Preoperative Therapy: A Preliminary Multicenter Study
Effects of AIF Quantification Variations on Shutter-Speed Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Prostate DCE-MRI Data: A Multicenter Data Analysis Challenge, Part II
Effects of Anesthesia on BOLD, Electrophysiology, and PO2 Signals in the Whisker Barrel Cortex
Effects of Astrocytic Nrf2 activation on Recently-Identified 13C and 1H MRS Flux-Based Biomarkers of Mitochondrial Energetics and Neurotransmitter Cycling in Huntington's Disease
Effects of B1 Correction on the Accuracy of T1, T2 and ADC Values Measured with a Diffusion-Weighted Dual-Echo Steady-State (DW-DESS) Sequence
The Effects of B1+ Correction of MP2RAGE on Estimating Cortical Thickness and T1 at 7T
The Effects of B1+ Correction of MP2RAGE on Estimating Cortical Thickness and T1 at 7T
The Effects of Breastfeeding Versus Formula-Feeding on Cerebral Cortex Maturation in Infant Rhesus Macaques
Effects of Coil Combination Algorithms on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Effects of Cumulative Non-Concussive Head Impact Exposure Associated with Youth Football on MRI Measures of Gray Matter Structure
Effects of Echo Time on Diffusion Quantification of Prostate
Effects of Fat Saturation on T2* Quantification
Effects of First-Trimester Alcohol Exposure on Fetal Brain Development Characterized by in Utero Diffusion MR
The Effects of Intra-Voxel Contrast Agent Diffusion on the Analysis of DCE-MRI Data in Realistic Tissue Domains
Effects of Iron Content on J-Edited 1H MRS Measures of Cortical Glutathione Investigated in Vivo with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Effects of Lithium on Resting-State FMRI in HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder
Effects of Load Induced Metabolic Changes of a Single Muscle on Whole Body Physiology
The Effects of Long-Term Physical Intervention for Active Ageing on the White Matter Hyperintensities in Older Adults
Effects of Motor Dysfunction on Functional Connectivity and Network Topology in Parkinson’s Disease
Effects of Myelin Changes in Parkinson's Disease on Motor Performance
Effects of RF Pulse Profile and Within-Slice Phase Dispersion on Accuracy of MR Fingerprinting with Balanced SSFP Readout
Effects of SHH Signaling Pathway in Post-Stroke Recovery Assessed by MRI
Effects of Spatial Resolution on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
The Effects of Sprint Interval Training on Visceral, Subcutaneous and Hepatic Fat Stores: An MRI and 1H-MRS Study of Lipid Content and Composition
Effects of Taurine on Resting-State FMRI Activity in Rat Model of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Effects of TCDS to VmPFC Functional Connectivity After 36 Hours Total Sleep Deprivation: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Effects of Transactive Response DNA-Binding Protein 43 (TDP43) Pathology on Amygdala Volume and Shape, in a Community Cohort of Older Adults
Effects of Ultrasound Transducer Ground Plane Configuration on SNR in MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Therapies
Effects of Working Memory Training on Microstructural Brain Changes in HIV-Positive and Seronegative Subjects
An Efficacy Analysis of Whole-Body Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis and Follow-Up of Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
Efficacy of Double Inversion Recovery MR Imaging in Evaluation of the Synovium Without Contrast Enhancement
The Efficacy of Existing K-Space Correction Methods for 2D Golden Angle Radial Sampling on Clinical 1.5T and 3T Systems
Efficacy of GelrinC in the Treatment of Chondral and Osteochondral Lesions: MRI Results Based on Semi-Quantitative MOCART Scoring and T2 Mapping
Efficiency Improvement in Multi-Point MR Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Imaging
Efficient Analysis of Dielectric Materials in Coupled RF Coil Configurations
Efficient IVIM of the Liver Using Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding Waveforms with Variable Flow Encoding Strengths
An Efficient Minimum-Time VERSE Algorithm
Eigentumors of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images of the Breast for Prediction of Treatment Failure
Eigenvector Centrality Mapping Evaluating Disease Progression in Parkinson Disease :a Longitudinal Study
Eigenvector Centrality Mapping in Detecting Parkinson’s Disease
eIRIS — an Eigen-Analysis Motivated Approach for More Robust Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
EKG-Based Detection of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for FMRI Studies
Electric Field and Current Density Mapping During Reversible Electroporation
Electric Properties Tomography in a Rodent Model of Ischemic Stroke: Results of a Combined Ex-Vivo and In-Vivo Pilot Study.
Elegant Method to Quantify Chemical Exchange Processes for PH CEST Imaging
Elevated Glycine and Glutamate Metabolite Levels in Patients with First-Episode Psychotic Disorders Measured by TE-Averaged PRESS at 4 T
Elliptically-Shaped 1Tx4Rx Coil for 23Na Body MRI at 7T
Elucidation of Male Urethral Sphincter Complex Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) Based Fiber-Tracking
EM-Circuit Co-Simulation Experience with a 7T 16-Ch Array: Challenge, Errors, Speeding Factor, and Simulation Protocol Towards Simulation Automation
Empirical Mode Decomposition and Amplitude Characteristics of Resting-State Networks in Parkinson’s Disease
Empirical Mode Decomposition and Frequency Characteristics of the Default Mode Network on Group FMRI Resting-State Data
Empirical Model Decomposition Removes Non-Stationary EEG Noise in Simultaneous FMRI-EEG Acquisition
Empirical Reproducibility of Clinically Feasible Ensemble Average Propagator Imaging
Enabling High Resolution MRE Images of the Breast
The Encoder as Leading Part of Detecting Torque on Implants for a Fully Automated Test Method in Accordance to ASTM F 2213 Standard to Improve MR-Safety
Encoding and Decoding Semantic Information of Natural Movies from 7T Human Brain Activity Provided by the Human Connectome Project
Encoding of Inductively Measured K-Space Trajectories in MR Raw Data
Endogenous Assessment of Hippocampus Degeneration in End-Stage Renal Disease with T1rho Mapping and Its Comparison to Voxel Based Measurement
Endothelial Permeability in the Aortic Root of Atherosclerotic Mice: Quantification Using 3 Dimensional, Black Blood, Self-Gated T1 Mapping
End-Systolic Myocardial T1 Mapping Using a Spoiled Steady-State Approach: Towards Reducing the Confounding Effect of Intra-Myocardial Blood on Native T1
Energy-Loss in Fontan Circulation Develops Heterogeneous Pulmonary Perfusion: Hybrid Analysis of 2D Vortex Flow Map and 4D Flow MRI
Engineered Protein-Iron Oxide Hybrid Biomaterial for MRI-Monitoring of Drug Delivery
Enhanced Detection of Cerebral Arterial System with USPIO-Enhanced MRI
Enhanced Detection of Weak Metabolites with Short Initial Echo Time 2D L-COSY
Enhanced Neuroplasticity by Physical Exercise for Hypoxic Ischemic Injured Rat Brain Monitored by BOLD-FMRI
Enhanced Quality of Myelin Water Fraction Mapping from GRASE Imaging Data of Human Brain Using a New Nonlocal Estimation of Multi-Spectral Magnitudes (NESMA) Filter
Enhanced Striatum Connectivity Is Irrelevant to Baseline Perfusion in Major Depressive Disorder Following Sertraline Treatment
Enhanced Visualization of Lesions in Focal Cortical Dysplasia Using the Fluid and White-Matter Suppression (FLAWS) Sequence
Enhancement of Lesion Detection Through Feature Projection and Classification of Perfusion Parameters
Enhancement of Signal Intensity Using a Wireless Coil for FT-EPR Oximetry Study, Implanted in an Animal Body
Enhancing Metabolic Imaging of Energy Metabolism in Traumatic Brain Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and Dichloroacetate
Enhancing Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Using Gradient L2 Regularization with Morphological Priors
Enhancing Resolution in Single-Shot MRI by SUper-Resolved SPEN with SENSE (SUSPENSE)
ENLIVE: A Non-Linear Calibrationless Method for Parallel Imaging Using a Low-Rank Constraint
Environmental Enrichment Changes Neuroanatomy More Than Exercise and Does Not Require CREB
Environmental Paraquat Exposure and HFE Genetics as Factors in the Development of Parkinson’s Disease
EPI Acquisition Strategies
Epidemiology and Spatial Heterogeneity of Hepatic Fat and Iron Deposition: An MRI-Based Analysis
Epidemiology and Spatial Heterogeneity of Hepatic Fat and Iron Deposition: An MRI-Based Analysis
Epilepsy Surgery Followup: Resected Tissue Analysis and Classification
Epiphyseal Bone Marrow Perfusion Imaging in the Distal Femur Using Arterial Spin Labeling: Feasibility and Challenges
EPI-Signal Fluctuations at the Cardiac Frequency: A Tissue-Specific Quantification of Inflow, Displacement and Potential Oxygenation Effects Over the Cardiac Cycle.
EPI-Signal Fluctuations at the Cardiac Frequency: A Tissue-Specific Quantification of Inflow, Displacement and Potential Oxygenation Effects Over the Cardiac Cycle.
Estimating Acetate Extracellular Fraction in the Rat Brain Using Diffusion-Weighted MRS and Modeling of Tissue Microstructure
Estimating Acoustic Velocity of Human Skull Bone with CT and MRI
Estimating and Eliminating Excitation Errors in Bipolar Gradient Composite Excitations Caused by RF-Gradient Delay: Example of Bipolar Spokes Pulses in Parallel Transmission
Estimating B0 Inhomogeneities with Projection FID Navigator Readouts
Estimating Breast Tumor Blood Flow and Blood Volume Using MRI: DCE Vs IVIM
Estimating Breast Tumor Blood Flow and Blood Volume Using MRI: DCE Vs IVIM
Estimating Extraction Fraction and Blood Flow by Combining First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion and T1 Mapping Results
Estimating Liver Function in Chronic Liver Disease Patients Using DCE-MRI and Whole-Body Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Estimating Liver Function in Chronic Liver Disease Patients Using DCE-MRI and Whole-Body Pharmacokinetic Modeling
Estimating the Bias Associated with Image Registration in MRI
Estimating breast Tumor Blood Flow During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Interleaved High Temporal and High Spatial Resolution MRI
Estimation of a Novel Set of Intra and Extracellular Diffusivity Parameters from Modern DW-MRI
Estimation of Arterial Blood T1 During Hyperoxic Gas-Mixture Breathing
Estimation of Cerebral Blood Flow and Arterial Transit Time Using Partial Volume Corrected Multi-TI Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging
Estimation of Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen from Measured Hemodynamic Response Function and Cerebral Blood Flow Using Arterial Spin Labeling
Estimation of Circulating Blood Volume Using Ferumoxytol
Estimation of Contributions to Z-Spectra from CEST and Magnetization Transfer Contrast from Active and Necrotic/Apoptotic Regions of MDA Tumour Xenografts
Estimation of Focused-Ultrasound Induced CNS Molecular Delivery Via Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic-Resonance Imaging
Estimation of Lobar Liver Function Using Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging: Comparison with 99mTc-GSA SPECT Imaging
Estimation of Microstructure Measures in Stroke Subjects with a Rapid DSI Acquisition
Estimation of Motion-Corrupted Data Using Parallel Imaging for Carotid Artery Vessel Wall Imaging
Estimation of the Sensitivity Characteristics and Detection Capability of Diffusion-Weighted MR Sequences in Imaging Spontaneous Mechanical Activity in Musculature
Ethnic Variation in Body Composition of Men with Type 2 Diabetes from Automated Analysis of Dixon MRI
Etomidate Anaesthesia for FMRI in Mice Revisited: Subcutaneous Administration Facilitates Experimental Procedures
Evaluate Right Ventricle-Pulmonary Artery Interaction in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot by 4D Flow-Derived Kinetic Energy
Evaluate Systolic and Diastolic Wall Shear Stress of Aorta for Marfan Syndrome by 4D Flow MRI
Evaluating Brain Tissue Oxygen Extraction Fraction Changes Following Transfusion Therapy Using TRUST MRI in Adults with Sickle Cell Anemia
Evaluating Circle of Willis Using Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP)
Evaluating Effect of B1 Field Inhomogeneity on DCE-MRI Data Analysis of Brain Tumor Patients at 3T
Evaluating Glymphatic System by Diffusion Images: Alzheimer's Disease Cases Analyzed by Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis Along Perivascular Space (DTI-ALPS)
Evaluating NODDI’s a Priori Fixed Parameters by Combining NODDI and McDESPOT
Evaluating the Accuracy of Susceptibility Maps Calculated from Single-Echo Versus Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo Acquisitions
Evaluating the Clinical Outcomes of Patients with Occlusion of the Middle Cerebral Artery Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Evaluating the Extraocular Muscle Changes in Thyroid Associated Ophthalmopathy Using T1??A Preliminary Study
Evaluating the Impact of SNR, Sampling Interval and Number of Samples on Functional Sensitivity Using the General Linear Model Framework
Evaluating the Influence of B1-Shimming on Contact-Free Cardiac Gating Using Scatter of a Parallel Transmit Coil at 7T MRI
Evaluating White Matter Changes in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis from T1-Weighted MRI Using 3-D Texture Analysis
Evaluation of 129Xe-RBC Signal Dynamics and Chemical Shift in the Cardiopulmonary Circuit Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe NMR
Evaluation of 3D GRASE and 2D MB-EPI for Multi-Delay PCASL Imaging
Evaluation of 4D-T2w MRI Methods for Lung Radiotherapy Treatment Planning with Application to an MR-Linac
Evaluation of 50mm Vs. 100mm Landmark Step Size for Pacemaker RF MRI Safety Evaluation
Evaluation of a High Permittivity Helmet for Use as a Coil Former for an 8ch Transmit/receive Array with Dodecahedral Symmetry.
Evaluation of a Metasurface Resonator for in Vivo Imaging at 1.5T
Evaluation of a Thermal Dose Based Safety Concept for 7T PTx Coils
Evaluation of Abnormal Structural Changes in Major Depressive Disorder with Self-Harm Using Generalized Q-Sampling MRI
Evaluation of Accelerated Preclinical 4D-Flow Imaging with UNFOLD
Evaluation of Accuracy of MR Phase and R2* for Susceptibility Quantification
Evaluation of Aging Effects on Cerebral Hemodynamics by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluation of Air/bone Segmentation Using Susceptibility-Based Imaging Methods
Evaluation of an Anthropomorphic Phantom with In-Vivo Using Quantitative MRI
Evaluation of Aortic Hemodynamics in Patients with Sievers Type II BAV
Evaluation of Approximation Method for B1+ Correction Using Digital Reference Object in Prostate DCE-MRI
Evaluation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Thermometry in Patients
Evaluation of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Thermometry in Patients
Evaluation of Cervical Carotid Plaque Volume Using 3D T1 Black-Blood MRI : Comparison of Manual Measurement and Automated Measurement by the Software.
Evaluation of Collaterals: Comparison Between Cerebral Perfusion Using 3D TASL and FVH in Unilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
Evaluation of Compressed Sensing for 3D T1-Weighted Fat-Suppressed Breast MRI
Evaluation of Convex Programming for Super-Resolution MRI Reconstruction Using Shifted Slice Acquisitions
Evaluation of CSF Suppression Techniques for Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging
Evaluation of DCE-MRI Exam with High-Temporal Resolution for Breast Cancer Diagnosis in a Biopsy Cohort
Evaluation of Different Diffusion Models and Different B-Value Ranges in the Detection of Peripheral Zone Prostate Cancer Using B-Values Up to 4500 S/mm2
Evaluation of Diffusion Directions Vs Averages for Accurate and Reproducible Cardiac DTI
Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI), Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) and Q-Space Imaging (QSI) for Profiling Whole Human Breast Tumour Tissue Microstructure
Evaluation of Dual-Echo EPI for In-Vivo Current Mapping in Individual Subjects During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Evaluation of Fast Radial T1 Mapping for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Characterization
Evaluation of Four Injection Strategies for High Spatial Resolution Gadobenate Dimeglumine-Enhanced MR Angiography
Evaluation of Gravity Effect on Portal Venous Flow Using Multi-Posture MRI
Evaluation of HCC Response to Loco-Regional Therapy: Validation of Response Criteria with MRI Using Explant as a Reference
Evaluation of Hemodynamic Impairments in Healthy Elderly Participants and Patients with High-Grade Unilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis
Evaluation of Image Quality of Compressed Sensing MRI with Natural Image Quality Evaluator
Evaluation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Pituitary Adenoma Using Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Evaluation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion with Different B Values in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Evaluation of Left Ventricular (LV) Geometric Models for Estimating LV Volumes in 980 Children Using Cardiac Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluation of Motion-Compensated Spatially-Constrained IVIM (MC-SCIM) Model of Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Assessment of Fibrosis in Crohn’s Disease Using Surgical Histopathology Scores
Evaluation of Multispectral Segmentation of Gray Matter Based on 3D T1-, T2 and T2-Weighted FLAIR Images for Gray Matter Segmentation
Evaluation of Myelin Damage in Diffuse Traumatic Brain Injury Using ViSTa-MWI
Evaluation of Neuromelanin-MRI Parameters and Volumetric Changes with Parkinson’s Disease Progression
Evaluation of PET and MR Datasets in Integrated 18F-FDG PET/MRI: A Comparison of Different MR Sequences for Whole-Body Restaging of Breast Cancer Patients.
Evaluation of Phase-Cycled BSSFP for QMT Mapping in the Brain in Off-Resonance Conditions
Evaluation of Placenta Motion Throughout Gestation
Evaluation of Portal Vein System Hemodynamics with Magnetic Resonance Angiographic Inflow-Sensitive Inversion Recovery
Evaluation of Portal Vein System in Patients After Liver Transplantation by Unenhanced MR Angiography Using Spatial Labeling with Multiple Inversion Pulses Sequence and by CT Portography
Evaluation of Portal Vein System in Patients After Liver Transplantation by Unenhanced MR Angiography Using Spatial Labeling with Multiple Inversion Pulses Sequence and by CT Portography
Evaluation of Prospective and Retrospective Motion Correction Exploiting the Slice-Based Acquisition of FMRI
Evaluation of PROspective MOtion Correction on High-Resolution 3D-FLAIR Acquisitions in Epilepsy Patients
Evaluation of Prostate Cancer on Diffusion Weighted Imaging; Can FOCUS and Synthetic Diffusion Weighted Imaging with FOCUS Contribute to the Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS) Version 2.0?
Evaluation of Prostate Imaging Reporting and Data System Version 2 (PI-RADS V2) in Predicting Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer: A Whole-Mount Step-Section Analysis
Evaluation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for the Visualization of the Globus Pallidus Internus and Subthalamic Nucleus at 3T and 7T
Evaluation of Rapid Radial Imaging Methods for Assessment of First Pass Myocardial Perfusion
Evaluation of Regional Lung Function in Interstitial Lung Disease with Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Lung 3D SB-CSI
Evaluation of Renal Allograft Function After Transplantation Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Evaluation of Renal Hemodynamics and Oxygenation with BOLD, Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) and ASL Techniques in Animal Model of Diabetic Nephropathy
Evaluation of Renal Oxygenation Change by Functional MRI with Administration of Furosemide in Diabetic Nephropathy Model
An Evaluation of RF Coil Materials for 1H/31P for Use in a Hybrid MR-PET Scanner at 3T
Evaluation of Self-Navigated Golden-Angle Ordered Conical Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) MRI of the Abdomen on Pediatric Patients in Multiple Sedation States
Evaluation of SMS Sequence on the AIMD MRI Model Validation
Evaluation of T1 Parametric Mapping Using Inversion Recovery Fast Spoiled Gradient Echo: Application for Pre- And Post-Contrast Liver MRI
Evaluation of T1/T2 Ratios in a Pilot Study as a Potential Biomarker of Biopsy - Proven Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions in Correlation with Histopathological Disease Stage.
Evaluation of T1p Time in the Quadriceps Muscle After an Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: Relationship to Muscle Strength and Injury Recovery
Evaluation of the Amygdala and the Anterior Cingulate Cortex by Single Voxel Proton MR Spectroscopy in Patients with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder After Earthquake
Evaluation of the Applicability of Territorial Arterial Spin Labelling in Meningiomas for Presurgical Assessments Compared with 3-Dimensional Time-Of-Flight Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Evaluation of the Impact of Blood Inflow on Free-Breathing 2D Dynamic Oxygen-Enhanced MRI
Evaluation of the Impact of Strain Correction on the Secondary Eigenvector of Diffusion with in Vivo and Ex Vivo Porcine Hearts
Evaluation of the in Vivo On-Target Effect of a Newly Developed LDH Inhibitor Using Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
Evaluation of the Quality of Eddy-Currents and EPI Distortion Correction for Diffusion MRI: A Dataset for Benchmarking
Evaluation of the Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion Weighted Imaging for Staging of Endometrial Adenocarcinoma
Evaluation of the Vascular Perfusion in Activated Brown Adipose Tissue by Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging
Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Flow Characteristics Behind the Prosthetic Mechanical Valve Under Subvalvular Pannus Formation; In-Vitro 4D Flow MRI
Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Autopsied Human Heart Specimens for Computational Modeling of Congenital Heart Diseases
Evaluation of Tumor Oxygenation Following Radiation and PS-Targeting Antibody Therapy in an Orthotopic Lung Cancer Model
Evaluation of Two Novel MRI Techniques for the Assessment of Intracranial Pulsatility
Evaluation of Unilateral Obstructive Uropathy Using Co-Polarized 13C-Pyruvate and 13C-Urea
Evaluation of Upper Airway Neuromuscular Reflex and Passive Collapsibility Using Real-Time Multi-Slice MRI During CPAP
Evaluation of Velocity Selective ASL Tagging Efficiency Utilizing Accelerated 3D Angiography
Evaluation of Ventilation Changes in Lung Transplant Recipients with Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MR Imaging: Comparison with Pulmonary Function Tests
Evaluation of Water Permeability for Ischemic Lesion in the Brain Using DW-ASL
Evaluation of Whole Brain and ZOOMit T1-Weighted Turbo-Spin Echo (TSE) for Visualization of Human Lenticulostriate Arteries at 3.0 T: A Preliminary Study
Evaluation of Compressed Sensing Reconstructions of 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Using TV, Wavelet-$$$\ell_{1}$$$, and TV+Wavelet-$$$\ell_{1}$$$ Based Regularization.
Evaluation of Pediatric Tracheobronchial Anomalies with Congenital Heart Disease Using Three-Dimensional Turbo Field Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sequence
Evidence for Cross-Term Effects in Double Diffusion Encoding Experiments of Human Cortical Gray Matter
Evidence of a Link Between Brain Structure and Function and Gut Permeability: A Combined RS-FMRI and DTI Investigation of the Brain-Gut Axis in Healthy Women
Evidence of Arteriovenous Shunting in Arterial Spin Labeling MRI in Adults with Sickle Cell Anemia
Evidence of Modulation of Laminar Profiles by Contextual Modulation in V1 Using High-Resolution FMRI
The Evolution of Cortical and Sub-Cortical Lesion Size and Number Correlates with Changes in Cognition in Early-Stage Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Evolving Functional Connectivity in Rats Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Ex Vivo MRI Evaluation of Prostate Cancer: Localization and Margin Status Prediction of Prostate Cancer in Fresh Radical Prostatectomy Specimens
Ex Vivo MRI Evaluation of Vulvar Cancer to Predict Resection Margins in Fresh Wide Local Excision Specimens: A Pilot Study
Ex Vivo whole-Blood $$$T_2$$$ Versus $$$HbO_2$$$ Calibration for $$$T_2$$$-Prepared Balanced Steady-State Free Precession (BSSFP) at 1.5T
Exaggeration of Tau Pathology by Amyloid-ß Production in PS2APPxTauP301L Transgenic Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Examination of the Hyperpolarizability of Fluorinated Nicotinic Acids and Further Pyridine Carboxylic Acids Using SABRE
Excitation & Parallel Transmission
Excitatory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (RTMS) Induces Contralesional Cortex-Cerebellar Pathways to Facilitate Motor Recovery After Acute Ischemic Stroke
Exenatide Decreases Ectopic Fat Accumulation But Have No Impact on Myocardial Function and Perfusion in Patients with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes
Exogenous NAD+ Enhances Energy Metabolism in Healthy Rat Brains
Expanding the Role of the Rapid Sequence MRI in Pediatric Neuroimaging
An Experimental and Computational Study of Magnetic Nanoparticle Movement in Response to an External Magnetic Force
Experimental and Simulated Distribution of the RF Electrical Field Inside a Birdcage Coil
Experimental Realization of a Novel Dual-Nuclei Coil for Small Animal Imaging at 7 Tesla Based on Periodic Structures of Metal Strips
Experimental Setup for Direct Observation of Hippocampal Glycolysis in Rat Brain as a Marker of Cellular Health
Experimental Study for Efficient RF-Penetration Through Electrically-Floating PET Insert for MRI Systems
Exploiting Radiogenomics Data for Personalised Prediction of Glioblastoma
Exploiting Radiogenomics Data for Personalised Prediction of Glioblastoma
Exploration for Novel Markers of Left Atrial Disease and Thrombo-Embolic Risk in Patients with Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Using 4D Flow MRI
An Exploration of Quantitative Physiological Multi-Modal In-Vivo Imaging of the Human Placenta
Exploring Complementarity in Multi-Modal Imaging of Cortex Microstructure: A Diffusion and Relaxometry Study
Exploring Cortical Fiber Crossings in Mice Using Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Exploring Ex Vivo Brainstem Complex Pathways with Diffusion Microstructure at 11.7T
Exploring Flow Effects on BOLD MRI with Oxygen Challenge in Orthotopic Lung Tumor Model
Exploring Local White Matter Geometric Structure in Diffusion MRI Using Director Field Analysis
Exploring Lung Inflation Mechanisms with 3D 3He and 129Xe Whole Lung Morphometry Mapping
Exploring New Possibilities in Array Design Using Partially Orthogonal RF Resonators (Parti-Coils): A Numerical Simulation Study at 3 Tesla
Exploring Subvoxel Structures in Brain Tumors Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Exploring the Distribution Of inflow and Outflow Bloodstream Type in Pituitary Adenoma by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Exploring the Potentials and Limitations of Improved Free-Water Elimination DTI Techniques
Exploring the Sensitivity of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting to Different Types of Motion and Possible Correction Mechanisms
Exploring the Utility of Temporal Phase Correction in Multi-Echo T2 Relaxation at 3T
Exploring Various Radial Trajectories for Optimal Relative Phase Correction in Dual-Echo Subtraction ZTE MRI
Exponential Decay Law for the Structural Brain Network of Maltreated Children
Extended Hybrid-SENSE: Off-Resonance and Eddy Corrected Joint Blip Up/down Reconstruction with Reduced G-Factor Penalty
Extended RF Shimming: Sequence Level Parallel Transmission Optimization Applied to Steady State Free Precession MRI of the Heart
Extensive Cortical Involvement in Patients with Huntington’s Disease as Measured from Diffusion MRI
Extracellular-Extravascular Accumulation of Non-Caloric Sweetener (Sucralose) Provides CEST Contrast for Cancer Detection
Extracting Oxygen-Enhancing Components from OE-MRI Using ICA
Extraction of Both Dynamic Functional and Structural Connectivity from Resting-State FMRI for MCI Classification
Extraction of Dentatorubrothalamic Fiber Tracts in Human Brain Using Probabilistic Fiber Tracking and Unsupervised Clustering Algorithm
Extraction of NMR Signal from a Portable Single-Sided Magnet System in a Noisy Environment
Extreme ASL: Challenges and Solutions to Improve Perfusion Imaging in Patients with Markedly Prolonged Arterial Transit Delays
Extrinsic MRI Contrast Agents Based on Nuclear Quadrupole Enhanced Relaxation: Principle, Requirements and Characterization of Promising Compounds
Ex-Vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Human Brain Hemispheres
Ex-Vivo Visualization of the Human Trigeminal Pathways Using 11.7T Diffusion MRI and Unique Microscopy Data
Eye Tracking System for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis Using Multi-Parametric MRI
Facile and Novel Synthesis of MR/NIR Dual Modal Contrast Agent for in Vivo Non-Invasive Molecular Imaging
Factors Influencing Data Quality in a Multi-Center Breast MR Spectroscopy Trial (ACRIN 6657 Extension)
Factors Influencing the Detection of Age-Dependent Variations of Cortical Myelin by MP2RAGE at 9.4T.
Factors Related to the Failure of MR Elastography of the Liver: Multivariate Analysis
Fast 3D Design of High-Permittivity Pads for Dielectric Shimming Using Model Order Reduction and Nonlinear Optimization
Fast 3D Variable-FOV Reconstruction for Parallel Imaging with Localized Sensitivities
Fast 4D MRI Reconstruction Analytics Using Low-Rank Tensor Imputation
A Fast Adaptive Multispectral Nonlocal Denoising Filter
A Fast Algorithm for Nonlinear QSM Reconstruction
Fast Analytical Solution for Extreme Unaliasing of MR Fingerprinting Image Series
Fast and Robust Detection of Fetal Brain in MRI Using Transfer Learning Based FCN
Fast And robust Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Cartesian Sampling Using Random RF and Gradient Spoilers to Reset the Longitudinal and Transverse Magnetization
Fast Bloch-Torrey Simulation of 3D RF Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequences Using a Number of Subvoxels and Molecular Diffusion Effect
Fast Delineation of Calf Muscles for Quantitative MRI Applications
Fast Dynamic Lung Ventilation MRI of Hyperpolarized 129-Xenon Using Spiral K-Space Sampling
Fast Field-Cycling NMR of Human Glioma Resections: Characterization of Heterogeneity
Fast Fitting Method for Simultaneously Quantifying Multiple MR Parameters Using Local Optimization Method with Predetermined Initial Values
Fast High-Resolution Diffusion MRI Using GSlider-SMS, Interlaced Subsampling, and SNR-Enhancing Joint Reconstruction
A Fast Interleaved Bipolar Imaging Method for Fat Quantification
Fast Interrupted Steady-State (FISS) Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Fast Linear Fitting of Bi-Exponential Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Models
Fast Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping Validated in the Murine Model of Cuprizone Induced Demyelination
Fast Magnetic Resonance Elastography Using a DENSE Approach with Multi Phase Offset Readout
Fast Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting of Mouse Brain Using a Spiral Trajectory
Fast Method to Get an Upper Bound of the Maximum $$$SAR_{10g}$$$ for Body Coil Arrays
Fast Motion Robust Abdominal Stack of Stars Imaging Using Coil Compression and Soft Gating
A Fast Multi-Contrast Knee Imaging Method Using a Hybrid BSSFP Pulse Sequence
Fast Multi-Contrast MRI Super-Resolution with Similar Anatomical Structure
Fast Multi-Slice B1 and B0 Mapping (B01TIAMO) for 32-Channel PTx Body MRI at 7 Tesla
Fast Multivariate Relaxometry Can Differentiate Neurodegenerative Disease Processes and Phenotypes
Fast Non-Iterative Image Reconstruction for O-Space Imaging
Fast Non-Water Suppressed Metabolite Cycled 1H FID MRSI at Both 3T and 9.4T
Fast Quantitative 31P MRI Using Prior Information from 1H MRI
Fast Self-Gated 4D Flow Measurements in the Murine Aortic Arch with Retrospective Radial Sampling
Fast Self-Navigated PC-MRI for Human Cardiac Flow Measurements Using Retrospective Radial Sampling
Fast T1 Correction for Fat Quantification Using a Dual-TR Chemical Shift Encoded MRI Acquisition
Fast T1 Mapping with Temperature Correction Via DWI Thermometry, and It Application to Vitreous Oxygen Measurement
Fast Temperature Estimation Using Golden Angle Radial from Undersampled K-Space for MR Guided Microwave Ablation
Fast, Motion-Robust T1-Weighted Body Imaging with Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo Via Centric Partial Fourier Encoding and Variable Refocusing Flip Angle
Fast, Non-Local Temporally Regularized Elastic Group-Wise Motion Correction for Improved Fidelity of Liver DCE-MRI
Fast, Reliable 3D Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Brain Tumors at 3T with Variably-Accelerated Sensitivity Encoding (VSENSE)
Fast, Robust and SimulTaneous (FRoST) Relaxometry at Polarizing Field
Fast, Volumetric and Silent Multi-Contrast Zero Echo Time Imaging
Faster and More Accurate Staging of Rectal Cancer Through a Two-Sequence MR Protocol Based on High-Resolution T1-Weighted Post-Contrast 3D SPGR Imaging
Faster Diffusion-Relaxation Correlation Spectroscopic Imaging (DR-CSI) Using Optimized Experiment Design
Faster Than Mulitband ... Advanced Pseudo Fourier Imaging's (API) Response to the Current State of the Art
Fat Fraction and Muscular Volume of Entire Supraspinatus Muscle With/without Tendon Tear Using IDEAL-IQ Sequence
Fat Fraction and R2* as Measures of Bone Marrow Composition and Structure: Validation in Fat-Water-Bone Phantoms
Fat Fraction Histogram Analysis: Insights Into the Biology of Lipomatous Tumors
Fat Signal Fraction Determination Using MR Fingerprinting
Fat Signal Fraction Determination Using MR Fingerprinting
Fat Suppressed Highly Accelerated Dynamic Imaging Utilizing View Sharing, Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging
Fat Tissue Mimics for Validation of Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
Fat Water Separation: Applications in MSK Imaging
Fat/Water Classification Using a Supervised Neural Network
The Fate of Auditory-Visual Cross Modal Plasticity After Vision Restoration Through Retinal Gene Therapy: Does Auditory Activity Leave the Visual Cortex Once Vision Returns?
Fatty Acid Composition with Metabolic Changes of Livers from High Fat Diet-Fed Mice Using in Vivo and in Vitro Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
FDTD Simulation of Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound for Detection of RF Tip Heating
Feasibility and Evaluation of Free-Breathing and Self-Gated Cartesian-Sampled T1-Weighted 4D MRI with Compressed Sensing Resulting in Combined Diagnostic Image Quality and Perfusion Analysis
Feasibility and Grading Performance of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Hepatic Iron Quantification
Feasibility and Reproducibility of Neurochemical Profiling in the Human Hippocampus at 7T
Feasibility and Value of Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MR Imaging in the Evaluation of Lymphoma and Inflammatory Pseudotumor in the Orbit
Feasibility and Value of View-Shared Compressed Sensing Combined Fast DCE-MRI in Quantitative Evaluation of Unilateral Renal Embolism in Rabbits
Feasibility and Value of VTE-ASL in Quantitative Evaluation of Unilateral Renal Embolism in Rabbits
Feasibility of 1H-MRS Brain Temperature Map to Detect Hemodynamic Abnormality in Patients with Unilateral Chronic Major Cerebral Artery Steno-Occlusive Disease
Feasibility of 4D-Flow Imaging of Uterine Blood Flow in the Pregnant Rhesus Macaque
The Feasibility of Absolute Quantification for 31P MRS at 7T
Feasibility of Accelerated Simultaneous Multi-Slice Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Prostate
Feasibility of Bone Mineral and Water Quantification in Vivo by Solid-State 31P and 1H MRI at 3T
Feasibility of Cardiac BSSFP Cine MRI at 0.35T: A Comparison with 1.5T
Feasibility of Computed Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging for Visualization of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma: Comparison with Acquired Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
The Feasibility of Correcting for Through-Plane Heart Motion on Phase Contrast Aortic Blood Flow Measurements Using Feature Tracking Cine-MRI
Feasibility of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging as a Tool for Differentiation Between Benign and Malignant Uterine Lesions
Feasibility of Estimating Placental Oxygen Metabolism in Pregnant Women $$$in$$$ $$$vivo$$$: Initial Experience
Feasibility of Estimating Placental Oxygen Metabolism in Pregnant Women $$$in$$$ $$$vivo$$$: Initial Experience
Feasibility of Glucose CEST in the Human Placenta
Feasibility of GRASP DCE-MRI in Children with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
Feasibility of Grey Matter and White Matter Segmentation of the Conus Medullaris: A Pilot in Vivo Investigation in the Neurologically Intact Spinal Cord
Feasibility of Highly Accelerated Parallel Imaging of Whole Brain and Neck Vessel Wall Using a High SNR 32-Channel Coil on 3T
Feasibility of Localized, 1H Decoupled Natural Abundance 13C-MRS of Human Brain at 7T Using Double Tuned Array Coils and Polarization Transfer
Feasibility of Magnetic Resonance Colonography for an Immune Check-Point Inhibitor in Orthotopic Colorectal Rechallenge Tumor Models
Feasibility of Magnetic Resonance Colonography for an Immune Check-Point Inhibitor in Orthotopic Colorectal Rechallenge Tumor Models
Feasibility of Measuring the T1 Relaxation Times Before and After Gd-EOB-DTPA Administration for Characterization of Liver Tumors
Feasibility of Multi-Contrast MR Imaging Via Deep Learning
Feasibility of Non-Contrast-Enhanced Cardiovascular 4D Flow MRI Using a Balanced SSFP Approach
Feasibility of Performing Dynamic and Delayed Enhancement and Magnetization Transfer Ratios in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Clinically-Indicated MRE: Pilot Study to Assess Image Quality for Quantitative Evaluation
Feasibility of Quantifying Bone Metabolism in the Femoral Neck in Human Subjects Using Multi-Modality Imaging
Feasibility of Simultaneous Bilateral Knee Imaging with a Dual-Coil Setup
Feasibility of Synthetic MRI in Knee in Routine Practice: Image Quality and Diagnostic Accuracy
Feasibility of Synthetic MRI of the Spine – Fast and Quantitative Imaging
Feasibility of Using Active Contrast Encoding (ACE)-MRI for Assessment of Tumor Treatment Response
The Feasibility of Using Whole-Brain 3D High-Resolution MRI to Evaluate the Therapeutic Efficacy of Medical Therapy on Symptomatic Atherosclerotic Plaques in the Middle Cerebral Artery
Feasibility of Very High B-Value Diffusion Imaging Using a Clinical Scanner.
Feasibility of Zero TE MR Based Radiation Therapy Planning for Head and Neck Application
Feasibility Study for Implementing Low-Field MRI with SPIO Nanoparticles for Endovascular Interventions – an Alternative to X-Ray Guided Techniques
Feasibility Study of a Dialyzer as a Multi-Compartment Perfusion Phantom for Microvascular Tracer Kinetic Modelling
Feasibility Study of Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging for the Differentiation of Musculoskeletal Benign and Malignant Tumors
Feasibility Study of Gradient Echo Recalled Readout Segmented EPI with VB-EPI for Ultra-Silent FMRI
Feasibility Study of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration Assessment Using Phase Imaging
Feasibility Study of Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Bone Tumors
A Feasibility Study of MR T2-Mapping for Evaluating Birth-Related Levator Ani Muscle Injury
A Feasibility Study of Using Noninvasive Renal Oxygenation Imaging to Delineate Different Severities of Renal Ischemia in Atheroembolic Renal Disease Model
A Feasibility Study on Bilateral Monopole Antenna with Two Common Grounds for 7T MRI
Feasibility Study: 2-D Self-Navigation Using Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Respiratory Gating in Free-Breathing 3-D CINE Imaging
FEAST Based Arterial Transit Time Measurement Using Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Feature Refinement Scheme for Improved STEP Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
Feature Tracking Myocardial Strain Analysis in Acute Myocarditis: Diagnostic Value and Association with Myocardial Inflammation and Edema
Feature-Tracking for Volume and Strain with Subtly Tagged SSFP
Feature-Tracking Regional Myocardial Strain: Effects of Tag Strength and Flip Angle
A Feedback System for Molecular Imaging of 19F FDG
Female Pelvis - Uterus
Ferumoxytol as a Blood-Pool T2 Relaxation Agent for 7T Phosphorus Spectroscopy
Ferumoxytol as an Alternative to Gadolinium-Based MRI Applications in Patients with and Without Renal Impairment: Acute and Short-Term Safety Experience
Ferumoxytol Enhanced Cardiac Cine MRI in Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
Ferumoxytol Iron Nanoparticle Enhanced MR Imaging Is a Noninvasive Biomarker of Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Mutational Status in Recurrent Glioblastoma and Pseudoprogression
Ferumoxytol MRA in the Pregnant Rhesus Macaque
Ferumoxytol-Enhanced Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Rhesus Placenta
Fetal Cardiac Volume Reconstruction from Motion-Corrected Multi-Slice Dynamic MRI
Fetal MRI
Fiber Connection Density Differences Detected in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Fiber Tractography for Practical Neurosurgical Application
Fibre Orientation Dispersion in the Corpus Callosum Relates to Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity
Fibre-Specific White Matter Changes in Alzheimer's Disease: Novel Insights from Fixel-Based Analysis
Fibrosis in a Renal Allograft: The Role of Magnetic Resonance Elastography as a Non- Invasive Measurement Tool
Field Drift-Correction of PRFS Temperature Mapping Using Interleaved Non Selective Free Induction Decay (FID) Readouts
Field Map Combination Method for Multiple-Acquisition BSSFP
Field Map Combination Method for Multiple-Acquisition BSSFP
Field Mapping Using BSSFP Elliptical Signal Model
Field-Map Correction in Read-Out Segmented Echo Planar Imaging for Reduced Spatial Distortion in Prostate DWI – a Phantom Study
Field-Of-View Packing and K-Space Fast Sampling
Fifteen-Channel Receive Coil for High Acceleration Rates in UHF Marmoset Imaging
Fine-Tuned Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Detection of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer with Multi-Parametric MRI
A Fingerprinting Approach to Identifying Fiber Directions in Orientation Distribution Functions for Higher Order Diffusion MRI
First Application of 7T Structural, Vascular, and Diffusion Imaging to Trigeminal Neuralgia: Preliminary Results in Patients
First Results from an MRI Compatible Small Animal PET Insert Operating in a Clinical 3T PET/MRI
The First Two Years of Whole Brain Functional Development Can Be Separated Into Three Distinct Time Periods
The First Two Years of Whole Brain Functional Development Can Be Separated Into Three Distinct Time Periods
The First observation of 17O MRI in Normal Rats at 21.1 T
First-Pass Nitroxide-Enhanced MRI for Imaging Myocardial Perfusion Without Gadolinium
First-Pass Nitroxide-Enhanced MRI for Imaging Myocardial Perfusion Without Gadolinium
Fitting Comparison for 9.4T 1D Semi-LASER and 2D-J-Resolved Semi-LASER Data
Fixel-Based Analysis of Alzheimer's Disease Using Multi-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution of Multi-Shell Diffusion MRI
Fixel-Based Morphometry Detects Alterations in Specific Fibres in Association with Preterm Birth: A Proof-Of-Concept Study.
Flexibility and Robustness of Cones UTE for Pediatric Abdominal and Chest Imaging
Flexible and Compact Hybrid Metasurfaces for Enhanced Ultra High Field in Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Flexible and Efficient 2D Radial TSE T2 Mapping with Tiered Echo Sharing and with “Pseudo” Golden Angle Ratio Reordering
Flexible Convex Optimization with Non-Smooth Regularizations for Accelerated MRI Reconstructions
Flexible General-Purpose Embedded System for Real-Time Feedback and Dynamic B0 Shimming
Flexible Prospective Compressed Sensing Acceleration of Prostate DCE-MRI with Quantized CIRCUS
Flexible Spin Echo Triple Echo Dixon (Flexible STED) for Fat Suppressed T1-Weighted Imaging
A Flexible Technique for Flow-Sensitive Fat-Suppressed High-Resolution Peripheral Nerve Imaging
Flip Angle Optimization for Spin-Echo Based Sequences (RARE/TRAPS) for Hyperpolarized Nuclei
Flow Enhanced (FEED) Arterial Spin Labeling Angiography with Segmented Zero Echo Time Readout
Flow Imaging Techniques
Fluctuations of the EEG-FMRI Correlation Reflect Intrinsic Strength of Functional Connectivity in Default Mode Network
Fluid and White Matter Suppression (FLAWS) with MP2RAGE Sequence at 7T.
Fluorine-19 NMR Cytometry to Quantify Human Transgenic CAR T Cell Biodistribution in Murine Studies of Glioblastoma Immunotherapy
FMRI - Ecog Correlates
fMRI Activation Optimization in the Setting of Brain Tumor-Induced Neurovascular Uncoupling Using Resting State BOLD ALFF
fMRI and Spectroscopic Characterization of Sensory and Pain Processing in “pain-Free” Mice
fMRI as a Biomarker for Brain Disease
fMRI Detection of Neuromodulation Induced Neuroplasticity After Spinal Cord Injury
fMRI in Parkinson's Disease: Post STN-DBS Implant.
An FMRI Investigation of the Neural Efficiency of Abstract Reasoning as a Function of Trait Anxiety
fMRI of Visual Stimuli in a Tau Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
fMRI-Based Brain Responses to Bitter and Sucrose Gustatory Stimulation for Nutrition Research in the Minipig Model
An FMRI-Based Neurologic Signature of Lower Back Pain
Focus Correction in MR Thermography for Precise Targeting in Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor
FOCUS Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Prostate Cancer at High B-Values: An Analysis of Image Quality, Diagnostic Accuracy and Observer Agreement.
Focus or Spread? an Investigation of the Effects of B-Value Acquisition Strategies on the Stability and Bias of Prostate Diffusion Imaging Results
Folded Four-Ring Double-Tuned Birdcage Coil Design
A Form-Fitted 1H/13C Transceive Coil Array for MR Spectroscopy in the Human Calf Muscles at 7 T: Initial Results
Four Chamber Endocardial Surface Reconstruction from Cardiac MRI Data
A Fourier Approach to BSSFP Debanding with 3 Phase-Cycled Acquisitions
Fractional Anisotropy Spatial Covariance Analysis in Parkinson’s Disease Suggests a Disease Related Degeneration Pattern
Fractional Anisotropy Values of Pyramidal Tract and Motor Functional Recovery: Intracerebral Hemorrhage Patients Study
A Fractional Motion Diffusion Model for a Twice-Refocused Spin Echo Pulse Sequence: Analytical Expression and in Vivo Demonstration
Fractional Motion Related Diffusion MRI in the Detection of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Fracture Risk Assessment Using Deep Learning and Hip Microarchitecture MRI
Free Breathing & Ungated Cardiac Cine MRI Using Joint Smoothness Regularization on Image and Patch Manifolds (J-STORM)
Free Breathing Motion-Robust Cardiac B1+ Mapping at 3.0T Based on DREAM
Free Breathing Myocardial MOLLI T1 Mapping Using Real-Time Slice Tracking and Non-Rigid Image Registration
Free Breathing Prospectively Navigated Renal BOLD for Improved SNR and T2* Accuracy
Free Breathing Regional Alveolar Ventilation Quantification - Comparison to Fractional Ventilation Derived by Fourier Decomposition Lung MRI
Free Breathing T2* Mapping of the Liver Using a Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Free Breathing T2* Mapping of the Liver Using a Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Free Water Estimation Improves in Vivo Diffusion MRI Remote from the Lesion Site in Rat Spinal Cord Injury
Free-Breathing 3D Body Diffusion Imaging at 3T Using M1-Compensated Diffusion Preparation and Stack-Of-Stars Readout
Free-Breathing 3D Whole-Heart Stress Myocardial Perfusion Using Compressed Sensing
Free-Breathing and Ungated Cardiac Imaging Using Calibrationless Manifold Smoothness Regularization
Free-Breathing Black-Blood Prepared Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Free-Breathing Black-Blood Prepared Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Free-Breathing Cardiovascular Imaging: Comparing Central K-Space Amplitude Vs. Phase Based Self-Gating Approaches
Free-Breathing Fat Quantification in the Liver Using a Multiecho 3D Stack-Of-Radial Technique: Investigation of Motion Compensation and Quantification Accuracy
Free-Breathing Hepatobiliary Phase Imaging: Comparison of Five Free-Breathing Scans with Conventional Breath Hold Scan
Free-Breathing Multi-Slice Ultra-Fast SSFP Acquisitions for Multi-Volumetric Morphological and Functional Lung Imaging
Free-Breathing Native Cardiac T1 and T2 Mapping with Flexible Elastic Image Registration: Preliminary Clinical Result
Free-Breathing Navigator 3D Cardiac Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM): Initial Experience at 1.5T and 3T.
Free-Breathing Non-Contrast 3D Radial Respiratory Motion-Resolved Versus Motion-Corrected Whole-Heart Coronary MRA at 3T
Free-Breathing Pediatric Chest MRI: Utility of Self-Navigated Golden-Angle Ordered Conical Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Acquisition
Free-Breathing R2* Characterization of the Placenta During Normal Early Gestation Using a Multiecho 3D Stack-Of-Radial Technique
Free-Breathing R2* Characterization of the Placenta During Normal Early Gestation Using a Multiecho 3D Stack-Of-Radial Technique
Free-Breathing Self-Navigated Isotropic 3-D CINE Imaging of the Whole Heart Using Adaptive Triggering and Retrospective Gating
Free-Breathing T2-Weighted Abdominal Examination Using Radial 3D Fast Spin-Echo Imaging
Free-Breathing Volumetric Fat/water Separation by Combining Radial Sampling, Compressed Sensing, and Parallel Imaging
Free-Breathing Volumetric Fat/water Separation by Combining Radial Sampling, Compressed Sensing, and Parallel Imaging
Free-Breathing, Non-ECG-Gated, Continuous Myocardial T1 Mapping and ECV Quantification with Multitasking
Free-Water Elimination in Diffusion MRI: Pushing the Limits Towards Clinical Applications
Frequency Characteristics of Resting-State FMRI Functional Networks
Frequency Difference Mapping as a Marker of Microstructural Integrity of White Matter in Multiple Sclerosis at 7T
Frequency Offset Correction for Accelerated 3D-EPI with Segmented Reference Data
Frequency Signature of Cortical Laminar FMRI
Frequency-Dependent Hemodynamic Response to Somatosensory Stimulation in Ketamine-Anesthetized Mice
From Brain Tumor Angiogensis to MRI Biomarker
From Hand-Eye Calibration of Optical Tracking Cameras to Motion Correction
From in Situ to Ex Vivo: The Effect of Autolysis and Fixation on Quantitative MRI Markers for Myelin
From Medulla to Lower Cervical Levels, a Multi-Parametric Quantitative MR Investigation Dedicated to the Diffuse Alterations of the Spinal Cord at 7T: First Insights Into Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
From Visualization to Quantification: Calibrating Motion Magnification by Amplified Magnetic Resonance Imaging
From Visualization to Quantification: Calibrating Motion Magnification by Amplified Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Fronto-Parietal Brain Metabolites Changes Following Traumatic Brain Injury
Full 3D High-Resolution BOLD Imaging of the Human Placenta with Prospective Navigation and 2D Spatially Selective Excitation
Full Brain Vasculature Analysis Using Gradient/Spin-Echo Multi-Band EPIK: Tumour Evaluation with MR-PET
Full Density Matrix Simulation of Spatially Localized Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Full Digital Cancellation-Based NMR with Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition Using a Lock-In Amplifier
Full-Field of View GM and WM Spectroscopy in Vivo Using Spatial Lipid Pattern Estimation and BASE-SLIM Localization
Full-FOV, Whole-Brain, Half-Millimetre In-Plane Readout-Segmented EPIK for High-Resolution FMRI Studies
Fully Automated Learning Based Method for Resting State FMRI Connectomics Analysis
Fully Automated Learning Based Method for Resting State FMRI Connectomics Analysis
Fully Automated Left Ventricle Scar Quantification with Deep Learning
Fully Automated Morphometric Brain Volume Extraction Vs FreeSurfer
Fully Automatic Bullseye Analysis on Short-Axis MOLLI Mapping: LV Segmentation and AHA 17 Parcellation
Fully Automatic Myocardial ECV Mapping: Deformable Image Registration, LV Segmentation and a Cloud Computing Pipeline
A Fully Automatic Prostate Segmentation Method for Both DWI and T2WI
Fully Automatic Segmentation of Spinal Cord Gray Matter on Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
A Fully Electronically Steered Phased Array with 4096 Elements for Ultrasound Treatments Under MRI Guidance
Fully-Integrated 3D High-Resolution Multi-Contrast Abdominal PET-MR with High Scan Efficiency
Fumarate to Malate Conversion in Infarcted Porcine Heart – a Pilot Study
Function Versus Occupancy in the Human Brain: PET/fMRI During Infusion of D2 Antagonist
Functional and Metabolic Connectivity of the Awake and Anesthetized Brain
Functional and Structural Connectivity of the Cingulate Bundle Related to Future Cognitive Performance in MS
Functional and Structural Ex Vivo “MRI Staining” Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI), Gd-DTPA and Mn-Gd Mixture
Functional Assessment of Brown Adipose Tissue by T2 Mapping
Functional Assessment of Lumbar Nerve Roots Using Direct Coronal Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion Tensor Imaging - Application to Patients with Bilateral Spinal Canal Stenosis Showing Unilateral Neurological Symptom -
Functional Bold and Functional T1rho Decoupled in Bipolar Disorder
Functional Brain Imaging with High Spectral and Spatial Resolution MRI at 3T
Functional Connection Between Brain and Right Upper-Arm: A Rs-FMRI Study
Functional Connectivity Depending on Duration of Parkinsonism Before Diagnosis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson Disease: Focusing on the Substantia Innominata.
Functional Connectivity Disturbances in Prodromal Huntington’s Disease Predict Future Cognitive Decline
Functional Connectivity Disturbances of the Ascending Reticular Activating System in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Functional Connectivity Is Globally Altered by Schizophrenia-Linked Genes
Functional Connectivity Is Globally Altered by Schizophrenia-Linked Genes
Functional Connectivity Mapping Using 3D GRASE Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Functional Connectivity of DLPFC Circuits Predicts Cocaine Relapse
Functional Lung MRI Using Matrix Pencil Decomposition and N2 Multiple-Breath Washout Measurements in Cystic Fibrosis
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Shows Network Activation from a Non-Visual Light Stimulus of Deep Brain Photoreceptors in Songbirds
Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (FMRS) Using Metabolite Cycled Semi-LASER at 9.4T: A Pilot Study
Functional MRI Detects a Novel Cerebral Venous Haemodynamic Signal That Is Disrupted in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Functional MRI Evaluation of a Novel Approach to Neuromodulation: Targeted Delivery of GABA Via Focused Ultrasound-Mediated Disruption of the Blood-Brain Barrier
Functional MRI of Brain's White Matter in Alzheimer's Disease
Functional MRI of the Auditory Cortex: Maintaining the Steady-State in EPI for Silent Inter-Volume Delays with Different Durations
Functional MRS in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: Three-Year Longitudinal Study
Functional Network Remapping of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson's Disease
Functional Neuroimaging in the Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Functional Neuroimaging in the Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Functional Neuroimaging Using Dynamic Radial 3D UTE Pulse Sequences
Functional Response of Corpus Callosum to Electrical Stimulation of S1 Cortex in Mice
Functionally Informed Fiber Tracking Using Combination of Diffusion and Functional MRI
Future MR Magnets - Beyond NbTi
Future of MR Systems & Applications - Ultra High Field
A Fuzzy Markov Random Field Approach for the Unsupervised Segmentation of Hyperpolarized 13C MRI Data
GABA and Glutamate in Children with Tourette Syndrome: A 7T 1H-MRS Study
GABA and Glutamate in Children with Tourette Syndrome: A 7T 1H-MRS Study
GABA Concentration Measurements in Infants Without Sedation
GABA Editing with Reduced Sensitivity to B1 Inhomogeneity and Improved Detectability at 7T Using MEGA-LASER
The GABA Level in DMN Modulate the Brain Network Centrality
GABA Promotes Beta-Amyloid Related Changes in Dynamic Network Expression of Elderly Subjects at Risk for Alzheimer's Disease
GABA MRS Combined with Resting State Functional Connectivity to Explore Decoding and Fluency Skills of Typical and Struggling Readers
GABA-Edited Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (EPSI) with MEGA-SLASER at 7T
Gadobutrol- Vs. Gadoterate Meglumine-Enhanced Multi-Phase 3D-MRA and 4D-MRA at 1.5T and 3T: An Intra-Individual Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of Macrocyclic Contrast Agents in Minipigs
Gadolinium Calculator for Safe Dosing of Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents
Gadolinium Containing Metabolites in Brain Tissue. a Study in Rats
Gadolinium in MSK Imaging: Technical Aspects
Gadolinium Presence in the Brain: Detection and Quantification of Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents in the Cerebrospinal Fluid in Rats
Gadolinium Safety & Deposition: Past, Present, & Future
Gadolinium-Enhanced High-Flip-Angle R2* Mapping Enables Estimation of a Greater Range of R2* Values
Gadoxetate Disodium (Gd-EOB-DTPA) DCE-MRI of the Liver for the Assessment of Parenchymal Alterations in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Gadoxetate-Disodium-Enhanced T1-Weighted R2* Mapping Improves Visualization of Biliary Anatomy in Liver Donor Candidates
Gadoxetic Acid Disodium-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Staging of Liver Fibrosis: A Meta-Analysis
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging of the Liver: The Effect on Hepatic Fat Quantification in Hepatobiliary Phase Using mDXION-Quant
Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI Findings as a Risk of Multicentric Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Hepatectomy
Gaining Insights Into Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Characteristics from Brain Tissue Microstructure Information: A Multi-Compartment T2 Relaxometry Approach
Gannet 3.0: Developing Post-Processing Tools for Accelerated J-Difference Editing
Gating PET Data for Cardiac Imaging with Radial MRI Data
Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Diffusion Models for Differential Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer with in Bore Transrectal MR-Guided Biopsy as a Pathological Reference
Gd Complex of DO3A-Benzothiazole Conjugate for Neutron Capture Therapy
Gd Safety & Deposition: Impact on Practice, European Perspective
Gender Dimorphism in Cerebral White Matter Architecture: Insights from Diffusion Spectrum Imaging and Whole Brain Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
Gender-Based Optimization of Cardiac Follow Up in Thalassemia Major Patients
A Gene Reporter Detected Using MRI Measurements of Reporter-Mediated Increases in Transmembrane Water Exchange
A General Approach to Interfacing Multi-Nuclear RF Coils
General Linear Model Analysis of Task Based FMRI Data
General Phase Regularized Reconstruction with Phase Cycling
A Generalized Formulation for Parameter Estimation in MR Signals of Multiple Chemical Species
A Generalized Prospective Motion Correction Framework for Improved Spectroscopy, Structural and Angiographic Imaging
Generalized Recurrent Neural Network Accommodating Dynamic Causal Modelling for Functional MRI Analysis
Genetic Rescue of Brain Morphometry in a Mouse Model of Neurodevelopmental Disorder
A Genetically Engineered Mouse Model Recapitulates Radiological Features of Human Adamantinomatous Craniopharyngioma
GenSeT: Reconstruction of K-Space Under-Sampled DCE-MRI Data Using High-Order Generalized Series and Temporal Constraint
Geometric Distortion Correction of Diffusion-Weighted MRI and Its Effect on Quantitative ADC Analysis
Geometric Distortion Due to B0 Inhomogeneity in Liver MR Imaging Under Inhalation and Exhalation Breath-Hold
Ghostbusters for MRS: Automatic Detection of Ghosting Artifacts Using Deep Learning
Glial Activation Measured by [11C]-PBR28 PET Correlates with 1H-MRS Brain Metabolites in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Global and Dynamic Shimming with the Scanner’s Inbuilt Shim System and a Custom-Made Multi-Coil Setup at 9.4 T
Global and Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities Detected Using Strain-Encoded MRI in Comparison with Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Patients with Sarcoidosis
Global Change of Intrinsic Functional Networks as an Imaging Biomarker of Alzheimer’s Disease
Global Circumferential Strain Derived from Feature Tracking Imaging Can Detect Early Subclinical Myocardial Disorders in Patients with Heart Failure Preserved Ejection Fraction: Comparison with Tagged Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Global Resting-State FMRI Signal Is Associated with Opposite Changes at Subcortical Structures Regulating Arousal.
The Global Resting-State FMRI Signal Is Associated with Opposite Changes at Subcortical Structures Regulating Arousal.
Global Signal Regression Acts as a Temporal Downweighting Process in Resting-State FMRI
Global Signal Regression Alters the Correlation Between Resting-State BOLD Fluctuations and EEG Vigilance Measures
Global Signal Regression Alters the Correlation Between Resting-State BOLD Fluctuations and EEG Vigilance Measures
Global Tractography
Global Tractography
Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimation in Vivo Using 3D Radial MRI and a Novel Multiresolution Reconstruction Technique
GlucoCEST MRI and Brain Blood Barrier Permeability in the Mouse Brain
Glucose Tolerance Test in the Human Brain: 1H MRS Study at 7 Tesla
Glutamate Diffusion at High B-Values in the Rat Brain in Vivo Under Light and Deep Anesthesia Conditions
Glutamate Diffusion at High B-Values in the Rat Brain in Vivo Under Light and Deep Anesthesia Conditions
Glutamate Modulation During Working Memory Task Performance: a Functional Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study in Healthy Adult Volunteers
Glutamate-Sensitive CEST in Cortical Gray Matter: Application to Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis
Glycine, a Marker of Survival in Paediatric Brain Tumours Measured with Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Five-Year Survival Analysis.
Glycine, a Marker of Survival in Paediatric Brain Tumours Measured with Non-Invasive Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: A Five-Year Survival Analysis.
GlycoCEST, GlucoCEST, PH Agents, Translation to Humans
GlycoCEST, GlucoCEST, PH Agents, Translation to Humans
A "Glycolytic Index" for Quantifying Abnormal Metabolism in Human Gliomas Using Multi-Echo Amine Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Spin-And-Gradient Echo Echoplanar Imaging (ME-ACEST-SAGE-EPI) at 3T
A "Glycolytic Index" for Quantifying Abnormal Metabolism in Human Gliomas Using Multi-Echo Amine Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Spin-And-Gradient Echo Echoplanar Imaging (ME-ACEST-SAGE-EPI) at 3T
Golden Step, Golden Angle, Spiral-Cartesian Imaging for Flexible Gated Three-Dimensional Angiography
Golden Step, Golden Angle, Spiral-Cartesian Imaging for Flexible Gated Three-Dimensional Angiography
Golden-Angle Sparse Liver Imaging: Radial or Cartesian Sampling?
Golden-Angle Spiral Sparse Parallel Phase-Ccontrast MR Acquisition with an On-Line Fast GPU Based Reconstruction for High Resolution Real-Time Cardiovascular Assessments
Golden-Ratio Rotated Stack-Of-Stars Acquisition for Improved Volumetric MRI
GPR88 Signatures on the Reward Resting State Brain Networks After Alcohol Exposure in Mice
GPU Optimized Fast Bloch Simulator for Arbitrary MRI Pulse Sequences
Gradient and Spin Echo (GRASE) as an Alternative to Multi Echo Spin Echo (MESE) Acquisition for Myelin Water Fraction Imaging
Gradient Coil Design Considerations, Manufacturing & Limitations
Gradient Echo Derived Multi-Contrast Imaging for Carotid Atherosclerosis Assessment
Gradient Echo Imaging
Gradient Echo Vs. Spin Echo MRI to Determine Liver Iron Concentration
Gradient Field Design for RF Excitation in Simultaneous Multi-Slice and Simultaneous Multi-Slab Imaging by Using a Z-Gradient Array
Gradient First Moment Dependence of ADC in Liver Diffusion Weighting Imaging.
Gradient Heating of Bulk Metallic Implants
Gradient Moment Dependent T2 Accuracy in FISP Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) at 7T
Gradient Non-Linearity Effects on Upper Cervical Cord Area Measurement from MPRAGE Brain MRI Acquisitions
Gradient Tracing for Segmentation of Low Resolution, Low T1-Weighted Breast MR Images
Graph Theoretical Analysis of the Modular Organization of Resting State Functional Connectivity in the Rat
Graph Theoretical Measures Predict Volumetric Changes in Multiple Sclerosis
Graph-Based Analysis of Brain Structural MRI Data in Multiple System Atrophy
Graph-Based Network Analysis of Multi-Echo Resting-State FMRI Data in People with High Schizotypy
Graphene for MRI Applications at 7T: Opportunities for SAR Reduction
A Graphical Programming Environment for Creating and Executing Adaptive MRI Protocols
GRAPPA Reconstructed Wave-CAIPI MPRAGE at 7 Tesla
GRAPPATINI Put to Use: How MSK Applications Benefit from Highly Undersampled T2 Mapping and Synthetic Contrasts
GRASP with Motion Compensation for DCE-MRI of the Abdomen
Gray Matter Cellular Volume Fraction Imaging and Alzheimer’s Disease
Gray Matter Reduction Is Associated with Poor Treatment Response in Patients with Schizophrenia: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study with a Strict Control of Multiple Clinical Variables
Greater Connectivity Between Cerebellar Vermis and Insular Attention Resting Network in HIV Patients
Greater Relaxivity in Brain Regions Indicates Tissue Iron Deposition in Adolescence to Adulthood
Grey Matter Atrophy Measured In-Vivo with 9.4T MRI in the Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
The Grey Matter Density of the Thalamus Correlates with the Cirrhotic Indexes and Child-Pugh Score in Cirrhotic Patients: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study.
Group Differences in Default Mode Network Connectivity Not Just Anti-Correlation Depend on Choice of Nuisance Regressor Model
A Group Level Analysis to Compare Characteristics of Balanced SSFP FMRI with Non-Balanced Techniques
Group Level Property of Functional Correlation Tensor Can Reveal Default Mode Network
Growing Apart or Growing Together: A Novel “Developing Triple Network” Hypothesis for Baby Connectome Study
Gulf War Illness Patients Exhibit Impaired Connectivity in Multiple Brain Function Networks Consistent with Chronic Multi-Symptom Illness: A Resting State FMRI Study
The Gut-Brain-Axis: From Gut Feelings to Gut Memory
Gym Craze
Gynecologic MRI: Prognostication, Treatment Planning & Treatment Response
Gynecologic MRI: Prognostication, Treatment Planning & Treatment Response
Gynecological Tumours - Imaging Therapy Response
Hadamard Encoding for Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Hadamard-Encoded Multi-Delay PCASL: Should the Bolus Durations Be T1-Adjusted?
Haemodynamic and Metabolic MR Biomarkers of Disease Progression in an Animal Model of Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Half-Wave Cavity Resonator for MR Coils Cable Assembly Testing
HARDI and Oscillating Gradient Diffusion MRI Reveal Disrupted Embryonic Cortical Microstructure
Hardware & Software for Rapid Image Reconstruction
Harmonization for Cortical Thickness Across Sites in Multi-Center MRI Study
Harmonization for DTI Measurements Mapping Across Sites in Multi-Center MRI Study
Harmonization for Fractional Anisotropy Measurement at 3T in Healthy Subjects
HCC Detection in Pre-Transplant Patients: A Comparative Retrospective Study Between Multiphasic CT, Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI and Extracellular Gadolinium Based Contrast-Enhanced MRI
HCC Treated with 90Yttrium Radioembolization: Can Pre-Treatment and 6week Post-Treatment Volumetric ADC Histogram Measurements Predict Subsequent Tumor Response?
A Head Motion Model for Fusion of Patient Pose Measurements from Different Sensing Modalities.
Head-To-Head Comparison of Ferumoxytol and Gadolinium-Enhanced Intracranial MRA at 7T Vs. Non-Contrast TOF
Healthy Aging of the Left Ventricle in Relationship to Cardiovascular Risk Factors: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Heart-Rate Independent T2 Mapping for Overcoming Loss of BOLD Sensitivity in Conventional Cardiac T2 MRI Acquired Under Vasodilator Stress
Hemispheric Asymmetries and Grey Matter Projections of the Arcuate Fasciculus: An Along-Tract Study of Diffusion and Localization Properties with Deterministic and Probabalistic Tractography
Hemodynamic and Neuronal Response in Rat Under Isoflurane-Supplemented Medetomidine Sedation Assessed by Simultaneous BOLD FMRI and Ca2+ Recordings
Hemodynamic Assessments of Hepatic Vasculatures Using 4D-PCA and MRFD
Hemodynamic Response to Respiratory Challenge Evaluated by Dynamic R2’ Imaging: Application for Acute Renal Ischemia Caused by Microsphere-Induced Renal Artery Embolism
Hemorrhage Events During MR Guided DBS Implantations
Hepatic Fat Quantification Using Automated Six-Point Dixon Methods: Comparison with Conventional Chemical Shift Based Gradient-Echo Sequences and Computed Tomography.
Hepatic MR Elastography (MRE) System Longitudinal Quality Assurance (QA) Protocol
Hepatic MRI-PDFF Is Positively Correlated with R2* Across a Range of Fat Spectral Models
Hepatic MRI-PDFF Is Positively Correlated with R2* Across a Range of Fat Spectral Models
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Screening with Contrast-Enhanced Liver MRI: View-Sharing Artifact Reduction with Retrospective Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Capsule Appearance in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Images : Correlation with Dynamic CT and Pathologic Fibrous Capsule
Hepatocyte Fraction: Correlation with Non-Invasive Liver Functional Biomarkers
The Hepatologist's Perspective of MRI in the Management of Liver Diseases
Heterogeneity of Quadriceps Muscle Activation During Isometric Contractions as Revealed by Velocity Encoded Phase Contrast (VE-PC) Imaging.
Heterogeneous Increases of Cortical Mean Kurtosis Across Brain Regions During Infancy
HFE Mutations Alter White Matter Diffusion and Relaxation Parametrics in Alzheimer’s Disease
Hierarchical Organization of Functional Networks in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
High and Ultra-High Field Proton MR Spectroscopy in Early Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
High and Ultra-High Field Proton MR Spectroscopy in Early Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
High B-Value Diffusion-Weighted MRI for Detection of Interscapular Brown Adipose Tissue in Rodent Model
High Dielectric Constant (HDC) Disk Dipoles for 10.5T Imaging
High Field Imaging
High Field MRI In-Vivo Setup for Observing Brain Plasticity in Eastern Fenced Lizards
High Frame Rate Vocal Tract MRI Using Compressed Sensing on Randomly Sampled Cartesian Spoiled Fast Gradient Echo
High Power TRASE PIN Diode Control System
High Resolution 3D GRE Brain MR Elastography Is Feasible with a High Performance Compact 3T Scanner
High Resolution 3D MRI Reconstruction Using 3DMDTV Regularization
High Resolution 7 T Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Glioma in the Brain
High Resolution Breast Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using 2-D Navigated Multishot SENSE EPI with Image Reconstruction Using Image-Space Sampling Function (IRIS) at 3 T
High Resolution Cardiac DTI - Fiber Tractography Statistics of the Ex Vivo Pig Heart
High Resolution Cervical Spine Single-Shot DTI with Distortion Correction Using Modified Field-Mapping Method
High Resolution Cortical Spectroscopy at 7T Using Lipid Signal Crushing and a High Density Receive Array.
High Resolution Diffusion Imaging of the Human Hippocampus
High Resolution Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Liver Using Readout Segmented EPI on 3T
High Resolution Dual-Echo Subtraction ZTE Imaging at 7T with TE Estimation Based on Multiple Scaled Trajectories
High Resolution Dynamic 31P-MRSI of Ischemia-Reperfusion in Rat Hindlimb at 9.4T Using SPICE
High Resolution Facial Nerve Tractography in Patient with Vestibular Schwannoma
High Resolution Free Breathing Abdominal Imaging
High Resolution Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI Acquired by Applying SPICE in Mouse Kidney
High Resolution Imaging by Phase Encoded XSPEN MRI
High Resolution Imaging of the Optic Chiasm at 7T MRI Improves Lesion Detection and Tumour Delineation Compared to 3T
High Resolution Imaging of the Optic Chiasm at 7T MRI Improves Lesion Detection and Tumour Delineation Compared to 3T
High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Histology of the Human Brain Temporal Lobe
High Resolution Maps of Individual Macromolecule Components in the Human Brain at 9.4T
High Resolution MEMRI Reveals the Purkinje Cell Layer as the Source of Contrast in the Mouse Cerebellum
High Resolution MRF-FISP with Radial Acquisition for MSK Imaging
High Resolution MRSI Using Compartmental Low Rank Algorithm: Demonstration Using Undersampled EPSI
High Resolution Multifrequency MR Elastography of Hepatic Tumors for Measurement of Stiffness and Mechanical Heterogeneity
High Resolution Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging at 7T Without Navigators
High Resolution PET Insert for High Field Preclinical MRI: Evaluation of Single Ring System Using 7T Field Strength
High Resolution Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (PCASL) of Mouse Brain at 9.4 Tesla
High Resolution Resting-State Functional MRI at 7 Tesla Using RF Parallel Transmission
High Resolution Steady State Diffusion and Magnetization Transfer Imaging of the Spinal Cord
High Resolution Volume of Interest Acquisition with 3D Gradient Echo Sequence Using Reduced FOV 2D-RF Excitation Pulse.
High Resolution Volumetric 3D-SoS MPRAGE Detection of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage
High Resolution Whole Brain Diffusion MRI at 7 Tesla Using RF Parallel Transmission
High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS) NMR Characterization of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) Responsive Samples
High Resolution, Single-Shot LGE MRI with Compressed Sensing and Radial K-Space Sampling
High Spatial Resolution Mapping of Trans-Capillary Water Exchange in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
High Spatial Resolution MRI-Based Three Dimensional Pathologic Myopia Eyes: A First Step Towards Image-Guided Posterior Sclera Reinforcement
High Spatial Resolution White Matter Fibrography (WMF): Technique Optimization
High Spatiotemporal Resolution 4D-MRI for Evaluation of Spatially Resolved Pulmonary Function
High Spatiotemporal Resolution BSSFP Imaging of Hyperpolarized 13C Lactate and Pyruvate Using Spectral Suppression of Alanine and Pyruvate-Hydrate at 3T
A High Throughput, MEMRI-Based Imaging Pipeline to Study Mouse Models of Sporadic Human Cancer
A High Throughput, MEMRI-Based Imaging Pipeline to Study Mouse Models of Sporadic Human Cancer
High-Dynamic-Range High-SNR B1+ Mapping Using Multiple Cyclic MR Signals
Higher Is Better: High Peak and High Average RF Power Transmit/receive Switch for an Integrated RF Heating Applicator Operating at 297 MHz (7.0 Tesla)
Higher Thalamocortical Connectivity May Reduce Efficacy of Temporal Resection
Higher-Order Statistics of 3D Spin Displacement Probability Distributions Measured with MAP MRI
High-Fat Diet Feeding in Mice May Partially Protect the Heart from Pressure Overload Induced Heart Failure - A Longitudinal Study of Cardiac Metabolism and Function
High-Fat Diet Feeding in Mice May Partially Protect the Heart from Pressure Overload Induced Heart Failure - A Longitudinal Study of Cardiac Metabolism and Function
Highly Accelerated 31P MRSI of Human Calf Muscles Combining Flyback Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (EPSI) and Compressed Sensing
Highly Accelerated Cartesian MR Thermometry Without Parallel Imaging Using Undersampled Partial Fourier Acquisition and K-Space Hybrid Reconstruction
Highly Accelerated Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging by Combining Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing at 3T
Highly Accelerated DCE Imaging with Integrated T1 Mapping
Highly Accelerated DCE Imaging with Integrated T1 Mapping
Highly Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Elastography Via Bayesian Modeling
Highly Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Elastography Via Bayesian Modeling
Highly Accelerated Multi-Directional Velocity Encoding 4D Flow MRI: Feasibility and Preliminary Results
Highly Accelerated Quantitative MRI with ICTGV Regularized Reconstruction
Highly Efficient Bi-Component T2* Mapping of the Knee Using Ultra-Short Echo Ramped Hybrid Encoding
Highly Efficient Respiratory Motion Corrected Dual-Phase Coronary MR Angiography in a 3T PET-MR System
Highly Resolved 1H Decoupled Spectroscopy with a Shorter Constant Time Delay Using the 2D CT-PRESS with J Refocusing
Highly Sensitive Magnetic Nanoprobe for Detection of ErbB2-Expressing Cancer
Highly Sensitive PH Mapping During Ischemia Using Total Fast-Exchanging Protons (TFP) Imaging
A High-Relaxivity Extradomain-B Fibronectin Targeting Gadolinium Metallofullerene for Cancer Detection and Differential Diagnosis in Molecular MRI
High-Resolution 1H MRS Human Plasma Profiling of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
High-Resolution 3D Lung 1H-MRI in Rodents at 9.4T with an Optimized Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Sequence
High-Resolution 3D T2 Mapping of the Brain Using T2-Prepared Cartesian Spiral Phyllotaxis FLASH and Compressed Sensing
High-Resolution 3D T2 Mapping Using a Stack-Of-Stars Radial FSE Pulse Sequence
High-Resolution 4D Real-Time Phase-Contrast Flow MRI with Sparse Sampling
High-Resolution Diffusion Imaging of Post-Mortem Monkey Brain: Comparison of 3D Spin Echo and 3D Segmented EPI Sequence at 11.7T
High-Resolution DTI and Volumetric Analysis in a Mouse Model of Mild-To Moderate TBI
High-Resolution DWI Using Multishot Variable Density Spiral with SPIRiT-Based Reconstruction
High-Resolution FMRI of the Visual System at 3T Using Zoomed Excitation Via Tx-SENSE
High-Resolution Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) with Generalized SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution Simultaneous MultiSlice (GSlider-SMS): Effect on CSF Partial Volume Contamination
High-Resolution In-Vivo Mapping of the Proteoglycan-Bound Water Fraction in Articular Cartilage of the Human Knee Joint
High-resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Basilar Artery with Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetric and Least-Squares Estimation(IDEAL): A Feasibility Study
High-Resolution MR Vessel Wall Imaging After Intra-Arterial Treatment for Acute Ischemic Stroke
High-Resolution MRI of Dental Ceramic Implants in Vivo
High-Resolution MRS Characterization of Malignant Ascites in Two Different Models of Ovarian Cancer
High-Resolution Phase Correction in Overdiscrete Spectroscopic Imaging Reconstruction Using Piecewise Polynomial Interpolation
High-Resolution Semi-Adiabatic Spin-Echo FMRI at 7T.
High-Resolution Spinal DTI Imaging Using RESOLVE Sequence in Multiple Sclerosis and Clinical Isolated Syndrome
High-Resolution Spiral FMRI at 7T
High-Resolution, Echo Planar Imaging on a Compact MRI Scanner: Applications in Stroke and Neuroimaging
High-Throughput Diffusion Imaging Using Multiple Coils for Mouse Brain Connectomics
Hippocampal Atrophy Is Correlated to Cerebrospinal Fluid Levels of Ceruloplasmin, Neuroinflammation and Total Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease
Hippocampal Stiffness in Mesial Temporal Sclerosis Epilepsy Measured by MR Elastography: Initial Results
Hippocampal T1-Weighted and FLAIR Contrast Is Associated with CSF Biomarkers in Asymptomatic Individuals with Parental History of Alzheimer’s Disease
Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Peritumoral Edema for Distinguishing Between Central Nervous System Lymphoma and Other Brain Tumors
Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging–Related Parameters in Brain Glioma Grading: A Comparison Between 2D and 3D Methods
Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in Predicting Chemoradiotherapy Response in Cervical Cancer
Histogram Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters in Assessing Tumour Diffusion and Perfusion Heterogeneity in Cervical Cancer Before and After Chemoradiotherapy
Histogram Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Parameters of DCE-MRI: Differentiating Malignant from Benign Solitary Pulmonary Nodules
The Histogram Analysis of Quantitative Dynamic Enhanced and Diffusion-Weighted Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for pathologic Gleason Grading of Prostate Cancer
The Histological Validation Analysis of Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging with a Cleared Mouse Brain.
Histological Validation of Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging Using Autopsied Multiple Sclerosis Brain Specimens
Histological Validation of Loading Lag of Heart Iron with Respect to Liver Iron in a Rabbit Model
Histological Validation of Microstructural Measures Derived from the PICASO Model
Histological Validation of Orientation Dispersion and Fiber Orientation
Histology-Derived Pseudo-ADC Correlates with Measured ADC and Extranuclear Space in a Transgenic Model of Prostate Cancer, Identifying Contribution of Luminal Space to Measured ADC.
Historical Perspective
Holographic Visualization of Brain MRI with Real-Time Alignment to a Human Subject
Homogeneous High-Flip-Angle 3D Localization by Parallel Transmission at 9.4T
Homomorphic Determination of Noise Variance and Denoising Using a Non-Local Means Filter for Assessing the Accuracy of Automated Segmentation
Homonuclear Spectral Editing to Measure Ectopic Lipid Composition in Vivo with 1H-MRS
Homozygous Loss of Autism-Risk Gene CNTNAP2 Results in Reduced Local and Long-Range Prefrontal Connectivity
Hope and the Brain: Trait Hope Mediates the Protective Role of the Medial Orbitofrontal Cortex Spontaneous Activity Against Anxiety
Hough-Transform Based Detection of Vascular Structures Applied to Automate and Accelerate Planning of Super-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
How Accurately Can Fat Be Quantified? a Bayesian View
How Does Acute Hypertensive Crisis Affect Brain Volume? a Structural MRI Study
How Does Blindness Onset Impact on the Structure of the Optic Radiation?
How Does Chronic Neuroinflammation Affect resting State Functional Connectivity?
How Does Gd Enter the Brain, When the BBB Is Intact?
How Helpful Is Neurochemical Characterization
How Quick Is Our “Quick DWI” for Stroke?
How Strictly Are Traumatic Microbleeds Related to the Actual Diffuse Axonal Injury?
How to Correct Block Design Task-Induced Coherent Head Motion; Evaluation of Retrospective Motion Correction Methods in HCP FMRI
How to Spend Your Time? Using Multi-Echo Acquisition Versus Increasing Sampling Rate in Resting-State FMRI
Human Brain Imaging at 7T with On-Coil Transceivers
Human Brain Tissue Equivalent MRI Phantom for Well Defined T1 and T2 Times at 3 and 7 Tesla
Human Cardiac Creatine by CrCEST: Potential Improved Fitting Methods
Human Connectome Project (HCP) Lifespan Pilot: Age-Course of Structural, Microstructural and Functional Parameters in the Hubs of the Default Mode Network
Human Hyperpolarized C-13 MRI Using a Novel Echo-Planar Imaging (EPI) Approach
Human in Vivo 25Mg Spectroscopy and Imaging at 7T
Human In-Vivo MR Current Density Imaging (MRCDI) Based on Optimized Multi-Echo Spin Echo (MESE)
Human Lung Morphometry Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe Multi-B Diffusion MRI with Compressed Sensing
A Hybrid ECG/Self-Navigation Technique
Hybrid EEG and FMRI Platform for Multi-Modal Neurofeedback
Hybrid High-Order Resting-State Functional Connectivity Networks for Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis
A Hybrid Model for Calculation of Radio Frequency Heating at the Electrodes of an Implanted Neuro-Stimulator.
Hybrid MRI-Ultrasound Acquisitions, and Scannerless Real-Time Imaging
Hybrid MRI-Ultrasound Acquisitions, and Scannerless Real-Time Imaging
Hybrid MR-PET of Brain Tumours with Amino Acid-PET and Amide Proton Transfer MRI
Hybrid MR-Ultrasound Acquisition for Multi-Baseline Thermometry
Hybrid ZTE/Dixon MR-Based Attenuation Correction for Knee PET/MR Sodium Fluoride Studies
Hybrid Modeling for Perfusion Quantification Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI
Hydration Imaging of Skeletal Muscle Tissue Based on Fat Referenced Water-Fat Separated MRI
Hydrostatically Actuated MRI-Compatible Motion Platform for Dynamic MRI Research
Hyper Network Analysis on Paired Images
Hyper-Connectivity of the Seizure Onset Zone: A Potential Epilepsy Biomarker at 7T
Hyperpolarised 3He Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Mild Cystic Fibrosis Children and Age-Matched Healthy Controls
Hyperpolarization - Clinical Potential & Relevance
Hyperpolarization - Description, Overview & Method
Hyperpolarization of [4-13C]5-Aminolevulinic Acid
Hyperpolarization of 2-Keto[1-13C]isocaproate for in Vivo Studies with Photo-Induced Radicals
Hyperpolarized [1,4-13C2]Fumarate Is a Probe of Necrosis in Myocardial Infarction
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-MRI in an Ectothermic Reptile
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate MRI Identifies Metabolic Differences Pertaining to the Fasted and Fed State in Porcine Cardiac Metabolism
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate Reveals Increase of Hepatic LDH Activity Following a Glucose Challenge in Pigs
Hyperpolarized [6-13C,6-15N3]-Arginine as a Novel Probe to Interrogate Arginase Activity
Hyperpolarized 13C Dynamic Breath-Held Molecular Imaging to Detect Targeted Therapy Response in Patients with Liver Metastases
Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Evaluation of Renal Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in a Murine Model
A Hyperpolarized 13C MRI Approach for Calculating Glomerular Filtration Rate
Hyperpolarized 13C MRS of the Human Heart
Hyperpolarized 13C MRS of the Human Heart
Hyperpolarized 13C: New Kind on the Block
Hyperpolarized 13C-MRI of DMPO and NAC for Evaluating Oxidative Stress in Living Animal
Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MRI of the Liver and Kidneys in Rodent Models of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Hyperpolarized 3He Gas MRI in Infant Lungs: Investigating Alveolar-Airspace Size with Restricted Gas Diffusion
Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI Insights Into Subtypes of Emphysema in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Hyperpolarized Imaging of Lithium-Induced Modulation of [1-13C]Pyruvate Metabolism in the Heart
Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Silicon Microparticles Functionalized with Mucin Antibody: Towards Molecular Targeting of Colorectal Cancer
Hyperpolarized Micro-NMR for Metabolic Flux Analysis in Cancer Stem Cells and Rapid Assessment of Therapeutic Response
Hyperpolarized MRI & MRS Tracers
Hyperpolarized Nuclear Spin Singlets. Opportunities for Polarization Storage. What Limits Their Lifetimes?
Hyperpolarized Water Perfusion in the Porcine Brain – a Pilot Study
Hyperpolarized Xenon by D-DNP Using the Clinical GE SpinLab Polarizer System
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Dysregulation Alters Resting State Functional Connectivity in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’S Disease
Hypoxia Imaging of Head and Neck Carcinoma: Correlation Between DWI Parameters and FAZA-PET Activity
The IASLC/ ITMIG Thymic Epithelial Tumor Staging: Comparison of Staging Capability Among Whole-Body PET/MRI, MRI Including DWI, PET/CT and Conventional Radiological Examination
ICA Based Filtering of IVIM-DWI Data to Improve Fidelity of Parametric Diffusion Maps in Breast Cancer Patients
ICA-Based Overt Speech Artifact Removal Leads to Improved Estimation of Deconvolution-Based Hemodynamic Response Function in Aphasics
The Ideal MR Scanner - An Engineer's Perspective
IDEAL-IQ MR Imaging at 3 T for the Quantification of Fat: A Phantom Study
Identification and in Vivo Quantification of Fatty Acid Metabolism in Liver of a Lipogenic Methionine-Choline-Deficient Diet-Fed Animal Model by Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 9.4 T
Identification and Measurement of Anatomical Landmarks Using Fetal Cardiac Cine MRI in Comparison with the Clinical Gold Standard Echocardiography
Identification of BOLD and Non-BOLD Components Using Multi-Echo ICA Analysis: Is Native Space Better Than MNI Space?
Identification of Carotid Lipid-Rich Necrotic Core by Three-Dimensional Magnetization-Prepared Rapid Acquisition Gradient-Echo Imaging
Identification of Intrapalque Hemorrhage in Carotid Artery by Simultaneous Non-Contrast Angiography and IntraPlaque Hemorrhage (SNAP) Imaging: A Comparison Study with MP-RAGE
Identification of Potential Biomarkers for Parkinson’s Disease by 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Identification of Prostate Cancer with MR Spectroscopic Imaging and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 3 Tesla
Identify the Neural Basis of Vascular Dynamic Network Connectivity with High-Field FMRI
Identifying Cerebral Endophenotypes with Associated Clinical Risk Factors in Preterm Neonates
Identifying Immune-Related Metabolic Properties of Pancreatic Cancer Via Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Spectroscopic Imaging and NMR Metabolomics
Identifying Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Genotype in Low-Grade Glioma Non-Invasively Using Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted (APTW) Imaging
Identifying Perfusion Deficit Patterns in Unilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis Patients Using Multi-Inversion Time Arterial Spin Labeling
Identifying Potential Sites of Brain Injury in an Individual Concussed Football Player Using a Normative Database Based on Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Identifying Tissue Changes of “normal-Appearing” Myocardium in Pediatric Myocarditis Patients Using Quantitative T1 and T2 Mapping Techniques
IDH1 Mutation Down-Regulates Choline and Ethanolamine Metabolism in Gliomas
IIT Human Brain Atlas: Enhancement of T1-Weighted Template, Tissue Probability Maps and Gray Matter Atlas
Image Analysis
Image Contrast at Sub-Millisecond Echo Times
Image Quality
Image Quality Assessment for Free-Breathing Dynamic Liver Examination Using a Self-Navigated Cartesian Acquisition with Iterative Reconstruction
Image Quality Comparison of High Resolution PC-MRA (4D-Flow) with Time of Flight in Healthy Volunteers
Image Quality Impact of Randomized Sampling Trajectories: Implications for Compressed Sensing
Image Quality Improvement by Applying Retrospective Motion Correction on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and R2*
Image Quality of Silicone-Specific STIR Cube-FLEX MRI for Breast Implant Imaging
Image Reconstruction Algorithm for Motion Insensitive Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Image Reconstruction with Integrated Gradient-Nonlinearity Correction and Constrained Spatial Support
Image Registration with Structuralized Mutual Information: Application to CEST
An Image Simulation Tool for 3D TSE Including Flow Effects
Image-Based Background Phase Error Correction in 4D Flow MRI
Image-Based Non-Rigid Motion Correction for Free-Breathing 3D Abdominal MRI
Image-Registered Whole Mount Histology Technique for Validation of MRgFUS Therapies
Imaging and Quantification of Grafted Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Rat Knee Joint
Imaging Applications of Ferumoxytol for MRI: Focusing on the Vasculature & Inflammation
Imaging Applications of Ferumoxytol for MRI: Focusing on the Vasculature & Inflammation
Imaging Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism in Glioma Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Alpha-Ketoisocaproate
Imaging Cerebral Arteries and Veins Using Susceptibility Weighted Imaging with Ferumoxytol
Imaging Changes in Cardiorespiratory Pulsation Amplitude of the Brain During Breathold - An MREG-Study.
Imaging Characteristics According to the IDH Mutation and 1p19q Codeletion Status of Lower Grade Gliomas
Imaging C-Myc: Identification of Metabolic Phenotypes Using MRSI of Hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate to [1-13C]lactate Flux in Glioblastoma Patient-Derived Orthotopic Xenografts.
Imaging Collagenase-Induced Changes in the Mechanical Phenotype of Orthotopic BT474 Breast Cancer Xenografts Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Imaging Energy Landscapes
Imaging Features of Myoepithelial Carcinoma in the Nasopharynx and Paranasal Sinus
Imaging Findings in Patients with Pulsatile Tinnitus Using Black-Blood MRI: A Retrospective Study
Imaging Genomics of Young Children with Global Developmental Delay: Preliminary DTI Connectome Study Correlated with Allen Brain Atlas Gene Expression Level
Imaging Impairment of the Glymphatic System After Diabetes
Imaging Inferior Alveolar Neurovascular Bundle Using Zero Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Imaging Left-Ventricular Mechanical Activation in Heart Failure Patients Using Cine DENSE MRI: Validation and Implications for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Imaging Left-Ventricular Mechanical Activation in Heart Failure Patients Using Cine DENSE MRI: Validation and Implications for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Imaging Mimics of Brain Tumors: Radiologic-Histopathologic Correlation
Imaging Non-Enlarged Abdominal Lymph Nodes and Measuring Their Diffusion Coefficient
Imaging of Glutamate Alterations in a Mouse Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Imaging of Neuronal Compartment Using GluCEST Method
Imaging of Non-Proton Nuclei: Methodology & Applications in Clinical Research
Imaging of Thalamic Calcium Deposits Due to Sports-Related Concussion Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Imaging of the Brachial Plexus Using a 3D Dixon-TSE Pulse Sequence with Blood Vessel and CSF Signal Suppression: Preliminary Experience in Children
Imaging of the Brachial Plexus Using a 3D Dixon-TSE Pulse Sequence with Blood Vessel and CSF Signal Suppression: Preliminary Experience in Children
Imaging of the Tumor Type-Specific Microenvironment in Preclinical Cancer Models of Varying Malignancy
Imaging on the Earth's Magnetic Field
Imaging Plasticity Associated with Hippocampal Kindling Using Simultaneous LFP-OfMRI
An Imaging Progression Marker for Parkinson’s Disease: A 4-Year Multicenter Longitudinal Study of Substantia Nigra Free-Water
Imaging Seminiferous Tubules in a Mouse Model at 9.4 T – Feasibility for in Vivo Fertility Research
Imaging Techniques: Current & Future
ImFEATbox: An MR Image Processing Toolbox for Extracting and Analyzing Features
Immediate Reactions to Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents: A Meta-Analysis
Impact of Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging on DNA Double Strand-Breaks in Human Blood Lymphocytes
Impact of Acquisition Strategies and Spherical Deconvolution Algorithms on Brain Connectivity Mapping in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Impact of an Additional Endorectal Imaging Coil on MR Image Quality and Cancer Detection in the Prostate
Impact of Denoising in Diffusion-Weighted Data on Spherical Deconvolution Modelling
Impact of Eddy-Currents and Cardiac Motion in DTI of the In-Vivo Heart - A Comparison of Second-Order Motion Compensated SE Versus STEAM
The Impact of Edema and Crossing Fibers on Diffusion MRI: ODF Vs. DBSI
Impact of FLASH Based Autocalibration Scans on High-Resolution GRAPPA Accelerated EPI at 7T
The Impact of Geometric Distortion Correction on Multisite Rs-FMRI Data
Impact of Helium-Oxygen Inhalation on Aerosol Deposition in Asthmatic Rats Using UTE-MRI
The Impact of Heterogeneity on Regurgitation Classification for Pulmonary Artery After Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
The Impact of High-Q and High-K on Complex Fiber Structures in the Human Brain
Impact of Image Registration on Renal T1 Mapping in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease
The Impact of Inflammation on Grey Matter Metabolism, Quantified Using a Novel NIRS/MRI System
The Impact of Kinetic Isotope Effects in Using Deuterated Glucose for Metabolic Experiments
Impact of Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy at 3 T and 7 T on T2*-Based Myelin Water Fraction Imaging
Impact of MR-Based Motion Correction on Clinical PET/MR Data of Patients with Thoracic Pathologies
Impact of New Attenuation Correction Methods on Whole-Body PET/MR
Impact of Physiological Noise on Serial Correlations in Fast Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) EPI at 7T
Impact of Previous Episodes of Hepatic Encephalopathy on Post-Transplantation Brain Function Recovery
Impact of Prior Distribution and Central Tendency Measure on Bayesian IVIM Model Fitting
Impact of Prospective Motion Correction in 7T FMRI Studies
Impact of Reference Time Curve Determination on the Correction of Contrast Agent Extravasation in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
Impact of Renal Impairment on T1-Weighted Signal Increase and Gadolinium Presence in the Rat Brain After Multiple Administrations of Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents
Impact of Temporal Resolution on Quantitative DCE-DISCO Measurements in Prostate Cancer
Impact of Temporal Resolution on Quantitative Renal Perfusion MRI: Assessment Using a Single Contrast Injection and a Continuous Golden-Angle Radial Sampling Technique with Iterative Reconstruction.
Impact of the Topology of Brain Microbleeds on the Structural Brain Network
Impact of Time Sample Selection and Model Function Design on the Quantification of Fatty Acid Composition: In Vitro and in Vivo Studies.
Impact of White-Matter Hyperintensities on Tractography
Impacting Cancer Cells Via Mechanical Waves: Can We Change Cellular Behaviour?
Impaired Interactions of Large-Scale Networks Predict Relapse Behavior in Heroin-Dependent Individuals
Implant Safety at Ultra-High Field
Implant Safety at Ultra-High Field
Implementation and Optimization of an Automatic K-Space Trajectory Correction for Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging
Implementation of a 2.4 GHz Wireless Sensing Platform for Transmission of Motion Data from Within a Head Coil at 3T.
Implementation of a 2.4 GHz Wireless Sensing Platform for Transmission of Motion Data from Within a Head Coil at 3T.
Implementation of a Dual Parameter Segmentation Tool for Identification of Brown Adipose Tissue on Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Implementation of a Gradient Pre-Emphasis Based on the Gradient Impulse Response Function
Implementation of Pulseq in GPI Lab
Implementation Of a parallel Processing pipeline of Multi-Channel Phase Data
Implications of B0 and B1 Inhomogeneity for BSSFP Imaging of Hyperpolarized Media
Implications of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen
The Importance of Correcting for Through-Plane Heart Motion in the Assessment of Aortic Regurgitation Using PC-MRI as Estimated by Feature Tracking Cine-MRI
Importance of Reference in QSM and a New Differential ROI Reference Method
Important New Insights for the Reduction of False Positives in Tractograms Emerge from Streamline-Based Registration and Pruning.
Improved 23Na MRI Quantification of the Human Brain at 3T Using Partial Volume Correction Techniques
Improved 2D Navigated Multishot DTI of the Optic Nerve with Triggered Eye Fixation.
Improved 3D Phase Contrast MR Angiogram Calculation Using 3D CINE BSSFP and 4D Flow MRI
Improved Accelerated Model-Based Parameter Quantification with Total-Generalized-Variation Regularization.
Improved Accuracy of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Quantification: Evaluation in Prostate Diffusion Imaging Without Using Endorectal Coils
Improved Algorithm for Navigator-Based Free Breathing Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Improved Anaplerotic Metabolism Following Sodium Pyruvate, Ethyl Pyruvate or Glucose Supplementation After Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury
Improved Arterial Input Function Measurements Using Phase-Versus-Time and Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery: Phantom Validation Study
Improved Blood Flow Velocity Measurement in Superficial Perforating Arteries of the White Matter at 7 Tesla MRI
Improved CAIPIRINHA for Simultaneous Multislice Imaging Using Total Variation Regularization
Improved Calculation of Arterial Blood Equilibrium Magnetization in Arterial Spin Labeling
Improved Characterization of Contrast Uptake in Human Pancreatic Cancer
Improved Clinical Workflow for Simultaneous Whole-Body PET/MRI Using High-Resolution CAIPIRINHA-Accelerated MR-Based Attenuation Correction
Improved Decoupling for 13C Coil Arrays Using Non-Conventional Matching and Preamplifier Impedance
Improved Delineation of Air-Bone Interface in In-Vivo High-Resolution Bright Bone ZTE MRI at 3T
Improved Denoising of Dynamic Arterial Spin Labeling with Infimal Convolution of Total Generalized Variation Functionals (ICTGV)
Improved Detection of Grey Matter Atrophy in Parkinson's Disease in a Chinese Population Using the Chinese2020 Template
Improved Detection of Right Ventricular Myocardial Infarction Using 3D Navigator-Gated Free Breathing Delayed Enhancement Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Improved Detection of Spinal Cord Injury in Rats with Reduced Field of View (RFOV) and Orthogonal Filter-Probe (OFP) Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI)
Improved Differentiation of Low- And High-Grade Gliomas by APT Contrast Fitted from Z-Spectrum
Improved Differentiation of Low- And High-Grade Gliomas by APT Contrast Fitted from Z-Spectrum
Improved Functional Connectivity Between the Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex and Amygdala with Multi-Echo EPI: A Resting State Analysis
Improved Golden-Angle Stack-Of-Stars Non-Contrast Enhanced 4D Dynamic MR Angiography Using Parallel Imaging and Compressed Sensing
Improved Image Quality and Decreased Power Deposition in the Spine at 3T Using Extremely High Permittivity Materials
Improved Image Texture Features by Gaussian Mixture Models of Grey-Level Co-Occurrence Matrices
An Improved Image-Based Method for Field Inhomogeneity Map in Distorted Brain EPI Image
Improved Image-Based Navigators (INAVs) for Free-Breathing Cine DENSE Using Principle Component Analysis to Separate the Stimulated Echo and T1 Relaxation Signals
Improved Infant MRI Brain Extraction Utilizing Clustering and Morphological Approaches
Improved Labeling Efficiency in Super-Selective Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Improved Local Sensitivity in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3 T Using a New Flexible and Compact Metasurface
Improved Localisation of DBS Electrodes Using Pseudo-Positive Contrast from a Zero-Echo-Time Acquisition
Improved Lymph Node Staging Using MRI MDixon Fat Fraction Measurements in Patients with Intermediate and High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Improved Mapping of Epileptic Networks Based on the Correlation of BOLD-FMRI Dynamic Functional Connectivity Components with Simultaneous EEG
Improved Measurement Precision for AACID CEST MRI of Brain PH Using the 2 Ppm Amine Resonance
Improved Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Using Prior Information
Improved Multi-Echo Water-Fat Separation Using Deep Learning
Improved Muscle Microstructure Analysis with Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Advanced Tissue Modeling
Improved Myocardial T1 Mapping Using a Novel Motion-Insensitive Reconstruction
Improved Navigator-Free Multi-Shot DTI Reconstruction with Inter-Image Correlation Constraint
Improved Off-Resonance Robustness for Spectral-Spatial Excitation and Echo-Planar Imaging of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate and Metabolites
Improved Parallel Imaging with Resilience to Gradient Errors
Improved Planning of MR-HIFU Therapy for Breast Cancer Using Image Registration of Pre- And Per- Treatment MDixon MRI
Improved Prediction of Meningioma-Brain Adhesion with Normalized Octahedral Shear Strain Using Slip Interface Imaging Based on MR-Elastography
An Improved Probabilistic Atlas of the Dentate Nucleus Derived with QSM
Improved Pulmonary Artery Non-Contrast Balanced Steady State Free Precession MR Imaging Using Golden Angle Radial Versus Cartesian Sampling
Improved Quantification of SPIO in Peripheral Tumor Xenografts Using QSM
Improved Reconstruction for IDEAL Spiral CSI
Improved Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Accelerated Interleaved EPI DWI
Improved Reconstruction of Free Breathing Abdominal Imaging Using Non-Cartesian Iterative Reconstruction and Elastic Image Registration
Improved Reproducibility of Longitudinal Renal ASL Perfusion Measurements in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease Using Retrospective Motion Correction
Improved Sensitivity for Rectal Cancer Differentiation by T2*-Correction in DCE-MRI
Improved Short-T2* Estimation with Bloch Equation-Modeled Concurrent Excitation and Relaxation
Improved Short-T2* Estimation with Bloch Equation-Modeled Concurrent Excitation and Relaxation
Improved Signal Uniformity for Balanced Steady-State Free Precession by Employing Direct Signal Control Parallel Transmission
Improved Simultaneous Multislice Pulse Design Directly Constraining Peak RF Amplitude
Improved Spatial Encoding for Vessel-Selective PCASL: Improving Efficiency, Minimising Mis-Labeling, and Shortening Scan-Time for Artery Specific MRA
Improved Specificity of High-Resolution FMRI with Surface-Based Cortical Ribbon Smoothing
Improved Spiral Trajectory Correction Using the Gradient Impulse Response Function (GIRF) with Application to MR Fingerprinting
Improved SPIRiT Operator for Joint Reconstruction of Multiple T2-Weighted Images
Improved T2-Weighted 3D FLAIR from a Compact, Lightweight 3T Scanner with High-Performance Gradients
Improved Time Efficiency and Workflow for Fully Self-Gated Non-Contrast 5D Imaging of the Heart
Improved Tracking and Quantification of SPIO-Labeled Cells Using BSSFP with Compressed Sensing TurboSPI
Improved Tractography-Based Segmentation of the Human Thalamus
Improved Traveling Wave Efficiency in 7T Human MRI Using Wireless Local Loop and Dipole Arrays
Improved Triple-Refocusing 1H MRS at 3T for Detection of GABA and Glutamate in Human Brain in Vivo
Improved Unbiased Multi-Slice T1 Measurement with Compressed-Sensing Assisted Variable-Repetition-Delay Turbo-Spin Echo Acquisition for Ultra-High Field Preclinical Applications
Improved Uniformity of the Spatial PSF for Portable MRI Using an Optimized Rotating Magnet
Improved Visualization and Measurement of Intracranial Aneurysmal Walls: Comparison Between 7T and 3T Black-Blood MRI.
Improved Visualization of Common Iliac Artery 3D-Cine Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Selective Water Excitation
Improved Visualization of Diffusion-Prepared MR neurography (SHINKEI) in the Pelvis Using High-Intensity Reduction (HIRE) Technique
Improved Visualization of the Spinal Cord Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Using MP2RAGE at 3T
Improved Whole-Heart Coronary MR Angiography Using a 3D Cones Phyllotaxis Sequence
Improvement in 31P CSI Voxel Tissue Segmentation
Improvement in Diagnostic Accuracy and Reliability of Pharmacokinetic Parameters from DCE MR Imaging by Using Arterial Input Function Obtained from DSC MR Imaging: Differentiation of High Grade Glioma from Low Grade Glioma.
Improvement in Visualization of Brachial Plexus by 3D TSE MR Neurography Using Combination of STIR with SPIR at 3.0T
Improvement of 3D Diffusion-Prepared MR Neurography in the Extremities Using Improved Diffusion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (IDSDE) with Phase-Cycling Turbo Field Echo Sequence
Improvement of Dynamic Improved Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium Steady-State Free Precession (Dynamic IMSDE SSFP) to Visualize the Irregular Motion of Cerebrospinal Fluid
Improvement of Fat Separation for Simultaneous Carotid and Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging by Dual-Echo Fat-Water Imaging
Improvement of Magnetic Field Uniformity of 19F Imaging Using the Inductive Coupling at 7.0T
Improvement of Tof-Mra Image Reconstruction from Undersampled Data by Heuristic Modification
Improvements in Cardiac MR Elastography Using Reduced FOV Techniques
Improvements in Simultaneous Multislice Imaging Through the Use of SPIRiT and Virtual Conjugate Coils
Improving Accuracy in MR Fingerprinting by Off-Resonance Deblurring
Improving Amide Proton Transfer (APT) MRI Quantification in Acute Human Stroke Patients: Achieving More Pure APT Signals and Higher Detection Sensitivity
Improving Angular Resolution in Multi-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion Imaging Using Rotating Single-Shot Acquisition (RoSA)
Improving Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Accuracy on a Compact 3T MRI Scanner Using Gradient Non-Linearity Correction
Improving Arterial Spin Labeling Acquisition to Reduce the Effect of Delayed Arrival Time
Improving Attention Through Network-Based Neurofeedback Training
Improving B1 Field Efficiency and Reducing Noise for in Vivo 31P MRSI with Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant Material
Improving Image Quality by Adjusting Relative Phases of Channels with a Two-Element Rotating Coil Array at 9.4T
Improving Left Ventricular 4D Flow MRI Analysis Using Intensity Based Image Registration with Cine-BSSFP Images
Improving Multiband EPI PCASL Imaging with Dynamic Frequency Feedback
Improving Non-Contrast 4D Flow MRI Using Multiple-Thin-Slab Dual-Venc Acquisition
Improving Precision of Arrhythmia-Insensitive Rapid Cardiac T1 Maps Using a Non-Local Means Filter
Improving Precision of Myocardial T1 Mapping with 3-Parameter Fit Model Using Tissue Characteristic-Based Denoising
Improving QBOLD Based Measures of Brain Oxygenation Using Hyperoxia BOLD Derived Measures of Blood Volume
Improving Shear Wave Signal-To-Noise Ratio in 3D High Frequency Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography with Subjects in Prone Position
Improving Simultaneous T1 and T2* Measurements for Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI Using a 3D Distributed Spirals Sequence
Improving Sodium Concentration Measurements Using Sub-Sampled Non-Cartesian Trajectories and Non-Linear Iterative Reconstruction Algorithm
Improving the Detection of Scalar-Coupled Resonances at Short and Moderate Echo Times for in Vivo Rat MRS at 9.4 T
Improving the Noise Propagation Behavior of Different Fatty Acid Quantification Techniques Using Spectral Denoising
Improving the PI+CS Reconstruction for Highly Undersampled Multi-Contrast MRI Using Local Deep Network
Improving the Quality of DW Spectra in the Supraclavicular Fossa with a Navigator-Gated and Cardiac-Triggered Flow-Compensated Diffusion-Weighted STEAM MRS Acquisition
Improving the Reproducibility of Quantitative Imaging Metrics for Multicentre Multiparametric Prostate MRI Trials
Improving Visualization of 4D Flow MRI with Four-Dimensional Angiographic Data
Improving Visualization of Cardiac QFlow by Acquiring BSSFP Cine Images Within the Same Breath Hold
Improving White Matter Lesion Conspicuity in Multiple Sclerosis Using Patient-Specific Optimization of 3D FLAIR
In Vitro and in Vivo Detection of Treatment-Induced Apoptosis Using Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide (USPIO)-Conjugated Annexin V: A Pilot Study
In Vivo 19F MRI for Non-Invasively Investigating the Effects of Perfluorocarbon Nanoemulsion on High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Tumor Ablation
In Vivo 31P Spectroscopy of ATP Levels During a Fructose Challenge in the Liver at 7T
In Vivo 3D Metabolic Correlation Mapping Using 1H Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging in IDH-Mutant Gliomas at 3T
In Vivo 3D Single-Shot Echo-Planar DWI at 7T for Mapping Tissue Microstructure Using Mean Apparent Propagator (MAP) MRI
In Vivo 3T Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging with a Biologically Specific Contrast Agent in Prostate Cancer: A Nude Mouse Model
In Vivo 7 Tesla Probabilistic Neuroimaging Structural Atlas of Human Pedunculotegmental, Oral Pontine Reticular and Paramedian-Raphe Nuclei
An in Vivo Analysis of Cerebral Cortex Organization Using a New Partial Volume Method Applied to 7T MP2RAGE
In Vivo Assessment of Cardiomyocyte Performance Using Combined Cardiac DENSE and CDTI
In Vivo Assessment of Trabecular Bone in the Proximal Femur
In Vivo Assessment of Tumour Invasion of the Visual Pathway in Optic Pathway Glioma Patients Using Multi-Shell Diffusion Tensor MRI
In Vivo Assessment of Tumour Invasion of the Visual Pathway in Optic Pathway Glioma Patients Using Multi-Shell Diffusion Tensor MRI
In Vivo Biochemical and Histological Validation of Proton Density Fat Fraction as a Quantitative Biomarker of Hepatic Steatosis
In Vivo Biochemical and Histological Validation of Proton Density Fat Fraction as a Quantitative Biomarker of Hepatic Steatosis
In Vivo Brain Redox Status and Blood-Brain Barrier Function in Diethylmaleate-Treated Mice by EPR Imaging and ME-MRI
In Vivo Cerebral MR Elastography in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: Preliminary Results
In Vivo CEST MRI of Specific Activated T-Cells Population Using the Natural Nucleoside Cytidine
In Vivo Characterization of an Ultrashort-T2 Component in the Brain Reveals a Chemical Shift
In Vivo Characterization of an Ultrashort-T2 Component in the Brain Reveals a Chemical Shift
In Vivo Current Density Distribution of Brain During Electrical Stimulation
In Vivo Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species Using MRI with Endogenous Contrast
in Vivo Detection of Tumor Response to Radiotherapy Using Imaging Micro-Structural Parameters Using Limited Spectrally Edited Diffsuion
In Vivo Deuterium Labeling and Detection Of Organs Containing Rapidly Dividing Cells
In Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Unravel the Contribution of Thyroid Hormones in Seasonal Neuroplasticity in European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris)
In Vivo Double Quantum Filtered 23Na Imaging of Human Skeletal Muscle
In Vivo Evaluation of a Multi-Echo Pseudo-Golden Angle Stack of Stars Thermometry Method
In Vivo Evidence of Negative FMRI Response Without Decrease in Neuronal Activity: A Combined Optogenetic FMRI and Electrophysiology Study
In Vivo Follow-Up of Colorectal Cancer on Mice Model Using Endoluminal MRI
In Vivo Follow-Up of Low-Grade Femoral Cartilage Defects Using Sodium MRI at 7T
In Vivo Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [18F]-FDG PET/CT Studies of Prostate Cancer Metastasis Xenografts in Mice
In Vivo Hyperpolarized MRS Study Showing Improved Cardiac Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetes with Daily L-Carnitine Treatment.
In Vivo Hyperpolarized MRS Study Showing Improved Cardiac Metabolism in Type 1 Diabetes with Daily L-Carnitine Treatment.
In Vivo Imaging of Human Locus Coeruleus at 3 and 7 Tesla
In Vivo Imaging of Mean Cell Size and Density of Human Breast Tumors
In Vivo Imaging of Mean Cell Size and Density of Human Breast Tumors
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in a Porcine Model
In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Marmoset Spinal Cord at 7T
In Vivo Mapping of Liver Tissue Damage Using MR-Based Conductivity Imaging Method
In Vivo Measurement of G-Ratio in the Corpus Callosum Using the Macromolecular Tissue Volume: Evaluating Changes as a Function of Callosal Subregions, Age and Sex.
In Vivo Measurement of Metabolic Changes Associated with Chick Embryo Development Using 1H-NMR Spectroscopy at 14.1 Tesla
In Vivo Measurement of Water Exchange at the Human Blood-Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier
In Vivo Measurements of Gadolinium Accumulation in Bone of Healthy Individuals Following Administration of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents: A Pilot Study
In Vivo Metabolic Imaging of Neuroinflammation Following Traumatic Brain Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
In Vivo Metabolic Imaging of Neuroinflammation Following Traumatic Brain Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
In Vivo MR Blood Oximetry Based on $$$T_2$$$-Prepared BSSFP
In Vivo MRI with Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition Using Dynamic Analog Cancellation with Real-Time Feedback
In Vivo Multicomponent T1? and T2 Relaxation Mapping of Human Knee Cartilage
In Vivo Multifrequency MR Elastography for the Assessment of Renal Stiffness in Patients with IgA Nephropathy
In Vivo Observation and Interpretation of Time Dependent Diffusion in Human Gray Matter
In Vivo OE-MRI Quantification and Mapping of Response to Hypoxia Modifying Drugs Banoxantrone and Atovaquone in Calu6 Xenografts
In Vivo PH Imaging Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Labelled Zymonic Acid
In Vivo PH Imaging Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Labelled Zymonic Acid
In Vivo Quantification of Glutathione T2 in the Human Brain at 7 Tesla Using Echo Time Extension with Variable Refocusing Selectivity and Symmetry
In Vivo Quantification of IONP-Labeled PAR T-Cells Using Positive Contrast MRI
In Vivo Quantification of IONP-Labeled PAR T-Cells Using Positive Contrast MRI
An in Vivo Study of BOLD Laminar Responses as a Function of Echo Time and Magnetic Field
In Vivo Study of the Human Ear Canal Using Contrast-Enhanced MRI
In Vivo T1 and T2 Mapping Using Single-Shot EPI Fingerprinting
In Vivo Targeting Accuracy Assessment of a MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound Device (MRgFUS) Equipped with Tracking Coils
In Vivo Tracking of Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Degradation Using Temporal Evolution of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Signal in a Mouse Subcutaneous Injection Model
In Vivo Tracking of Iron Oxide Labeled T-Cells Infiltrating Preclinical Tumor Models
In Vivo Visualization of Orbital Immune Cell Infiltration During Early Development of Graves’ Disease by 19F MRI
In Vivo Whole-Blood $$$T_2$$$ Versus $$$HbO_2$$$ Calibration by Modulating Blood Oxygenation Level in the Femoral Vein Through Intermittent Cuff Occlusion
In Vivo Whole-Blood $$$T_2$$$ Versus $$$HbO_2$$$ Calibration by Modulating Blood Oxygenation Level in the Femoral Vein Through Intermittent Cuff Occlusion
In-Bore High Efficiency Current Driver
In-Bore MRI-Guided and Monitored Laser Ablation for Renal Malignancy: Outcome Data from 46 Treated Tumors with 24-Month Median Follow-Up
Incorporating Macroscale Susceptibility in QSM Reconstruction with 3D Spiral Acquisition.
Increased Anisotropy as Possible Compensatory Plasticity of Ventral Thalamic Nuclei to Gait Disturbance in Patients with Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Increased Aortic Wall Shear Stress and Wall Shear Stress Gradient in Patients with an Anatomically Shaped Sinus Prosthesis Using 4D Flow MRI
Increased BOLD Activation with High Degree Spherical Harmonic Shimming at 7T
Increased Cerebral Level of GABA- In the Acute Phase of Children’s Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Increased Global Functional Connectivity in Hormonal Maturation Girls: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study
Increased Inter-Hemispheric Functional Connectivity in Restless Legs Syndrome Using Voxel-Mirrored Homotopic Connectivity
Increased Muscle BOLD Following Exercise Training in Older Adults
Increased Regional Cerebral Venous Oxygen Saturation in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Is Correlated with Neurophysiological Function: A Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping Study
Increased Resting-State Functional Connectivity Within Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex Network Reveals the Neural Substrate of Emotion Regulation Following Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training
Increasing Value of MRI in Evaluation of Gynecologic Malignancies by Decreasing Scan Time and Reducing Artifacts Through the Replacement of Fast Spin Echo (FSE) with Variable Refocusing Flip Angle Single-Shot FSE (VrfSSFSE)
Independent Band-Specific Correction for B0 and B1 Inhomogeneities in Multiband 2D RF Pulses
Independent Component-Based Denoising for Mapping Cerebrovascular Reactivity with Resting-State Fluctuation of BOLD Signal Amplitude in Patients with Gliomas
Independent Phantom Validation of Metric Optimized Gating for Fetal Cardiovascular Phase-Contrast Flow Imaging and Application in a Second Center
Individual Evaluation System Development Concept Research for Personalized Brain Aging Process Using Machine Learning
Individual Identification Using Brain Functional Fingerprint Detected by Recurrent Neural Network
Individual Mapping of Neuronal Damage in Early Relapsing-Remitting MS Using [11C]Flumazenil PET
Individual Metabolic Differences in Murine Nucleus Accumbens (NAc) Measured by 1H-MRS at 14.1 Tesla Is Associated with Trait-Anxiety Levels
Individualized Functional Parcellation of Human Amygdala Using a Semi-Supervised Clustering Method Based on 7T Resting State FMRI Data
Individualized Prediction of Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on Patterns of Altered Tract Integrity Over the Whole Brain Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Individualized Tractography-Based Parcellation of the Globus Pallidus Pars Interna Using 7T MRI in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Prior to DBS Surgery
Individualized Tractography-Based Parcellation of the Globus Pallidus Pars Interna Using 7T MRI in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Prior to DBS Surgery
Inducibility of Ventricular Arrhythmia Correlates with the Indices of Myocardial Viability Using Manganese Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) in a Porcine Ischemia Reperfusion Model
Inducibility of Ventricular Arrhythmia Correlates with the Indices of Myocardial Viability Using Manganese Enhanced MRI (MEMRI) in a Porcine Ischemia Reperfusion Model
Inductively Coupled Coils Enable Dental MRI with 350 Um Isotropic Resolution in 2 Min
An Inexpensive, Modular, DSP-Based SAR Monitor for Multichannel Transmit Systems
Inferior Fronto-Occipital Fasciculus Tractography —— a Comparison of Reconstruction Methods
Inferring Cell Morphology in the Heart with a Compartment Model of Diffusion MRI
Inflammatory Activity of Crohn's Disease: Evaluation by MR T2*mapping Without Intravenous Enhancement
Inflammatory Arthritis
Inflated False Positive Rates in FMRI Depend on the Voxel Size of Normalized Images
The Influence of Acquisition Parameters on CBF and BOLD Sensitivity in 3 and 7 Tesla ASL FMRI
Influence of Age-Specific Macromolecular Pattern on MRS Quantification
Influence of Broader Spectral Linewidths Generated in Vivo on Metabolite Quantification
Influence of Hip Position on Oxygenation and Perfusion of Renal Allografts Using BOLD, DWI and ASL MRI
Influence of Isoflurane Anesthesia on Assessment of Cardiac Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Influence of K-Space Trajectory Corrections on the Proton Density Mapping Precision with Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging.
Influence of Leakage Correction on DSC-Based CBV Values Acquired Without and with Prebolus in Human High-Grade Glioma
The Influence of Mild Hypercapnia on Brain Intracellular PH, Phosphate Metabolites and Cerebral Blood Flow a Multinuclear (1H/31P) MR Study at 7T
The Influence of Mild Hypercapnia on Brain Intracellular PH, Phosphate Metabolites and Cerebral Blood Flow a Multinuclear (1H/31P) MR Study at 7T.
Influence of Muscle Fiber Tension on 31P MRS Recovery Parameter After Intense Exercise
Influence of Parameter Initial Values on DCE Parameter Estimates in Pharmacokinetic Modeling: A Simulation Study
Influence of Post-Processing Method on the Repeatability of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Parameters in Healthy Brain
Influence of Preload and Post-Processing Methods on the Consistency of Cerebral Blood Volume Values from Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
The Influence of Rat Strain on Multi-Parametric White Matter Metrics – a Tractometry study
Influence of Signal-To-Noise, Spectral Filtering, and Cramér–Rao Lower Bounds for the Optimal Use of in Vivo 2HG MRS to Determine Glioma IDH Mutation Status
Influence of Temporal Filtering and Global Signal Regression on Resting State Networks in the Rat Brain
Influence of Temporal Resolution on Liver Perfusion Using Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MRI
Influence of the Gradient Delay Correction on Self-Navigated Motion Resolved Reconstruction with Golden Angle Stack-Of-Stars Acquisition
Influence of the K-T Principal Component Analysis Acceleration Factor on the Accuracy of Flow Measurement in 4D PC-MRI
Influences of MRI Proton Contrast Agent on Sodium MRI at Clinical 3T Field Strengths
Ingredients for Balanced SSFP Microimaging
Inhibitory Motor Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease Subtypes
Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) in Normal-Appearing Tissue Correlates with Clinical EDSS Score of MS Patients.
The Inhomogeneous MT (IhMT) Technique: Achievements and Perspectives
Initial Experience of MAGiC of the Knee at 3T MRI: Comparison with Conventional T1-Weighted Image and T2 Mapping
Initial Experience of MR Elastography Using Spatially Selective Excitation for the Pancreas.
Initial Experience with Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse Elastography in Renal Transplant Patients
Initial Experiences with a Fully-Removable Whole-Body Birdcage Transmit Coil and 16-Element Receive Array for Cardiac 31P-MRS at 7T
Initial Implementation of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting on a Preclinical 14.1 T Scanner
Initial Results of Combined 1H and 31P Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate at 7 Tesla
Initial Results of Combined 1H and 31P Spectroscopic Imaging of the Prostate at 7 Tesla
Initial Tests of a 4-Channel Building Block for a Local 32-Channel Rx-Only Body Coil at 7T
Inline Adaptive Spiral Off-Resonance Correction for MRI-Guided Interventions
An Insert Gradient for Zero-Echo-Time Imaging with 200 MT/m at Full Duty Cycle
Insights from a Combined Study: Linking Two Modalities – Total Water Content Distribution and Isotropic Water Fraction.
Insights from Comprehensive Fetal Cardiovascular MRI Assessment Using 3D Motion-Correction and Metric-Optimised Gated Phase Contrast in Cases of Suspected Coarctation of the Aorta
Insulinoma Localization with Cross-Sectional Imaging: Head-To-Head Comparison of Contrast-Enhanced CT, Volume Perfusion CT and Multi-Parametric MR
An Integrated 32ch RF-Shim Array Coil for Improved B0 Shimming of the Brain at 7 Tesla
An Integrated 32-Channel Transmit and 64-Channel Receive 7 Tesla MRI System
Integrated Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in the Assessment of Pre- & Post-Treatment Gliomas
Integrated Analysis of Cardiac Genetic and Structural Alterations in Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Using the Supertoroidal Model
Integrated Setup and Characterization of an MRI-Compatible PET Camera for Preclinical Ultra-High Field Imaging
Integrated Slice-Specific Shimming (IShim) Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Liver: The Value of Differential Diagnosis Between Benign and Malignant Hepatic Tumors
Integrated Slice-Specific Shimming (IShim) Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in the Liver: The Value of Differential Diagnosis Between Benign and Malignant Hepatic Tumors
Integrated T2 Preparation and Inversion Recovery Pulse (T2IR) for Combined Myocardium T1 and T2 Mapping
Integrated T2 Preparation and Inversion Recovery Pulse (T2IR) for Combined Myocardium T1 and T2 Mapping
Integrated Volumetric Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging and HPV Genotyping in Outcome Prediction for Stage IB-IV Cervical Cancer Patients Following Chemoradiation Therapy
Integration of Local & Global Tractography
Integration of MR Elastography and Fat/Water Separation Imaging
Integration of Water Referencing with Water Suppression for Absolute Quantification of High-Speed MR Spectroscopic Imaging
Integrative Analysis of GABA-Edited MRS Data Acquired at 19 Research Sites
Intensity Inhomogeneity Correction of Whole Body Fat-Water Images Using Fat and Water Fraction Information on a 3T PET/MR Scanner
Inter- And Intra-Reviewer Agreement of Region-Of-Interest-Based Quantification of Liver R2* in Patients with Iron Overload
Inter and Intra-Subject Repeatability Study of GABA Editing Using MEGA-PRESS and ImSpecial Sequence
Interaction Between Trajectory Deviations and B0 Field Inhomogeneity in Readout-Segmented EPI and Spiral Imaging
Interaction of Electromagnetic Fields with Tissue
Interaction of Pulmonary Regurgitation Flow and Myocardial Motion Velocity in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot
Inter-Center Reproducibility of Left Ventricular Circumferential Strain Analysis with Spatial Modulation of Magnetization Imaging Analysis in Healthy and Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients
Inter-Ethnic Variation and SCD1 Polymorphism Predict Risk for Intramyocellular Lipid Accumulation in Early Childhood
Interhemispheric Differences of the U-Shape Fibre System in the Human Brain
Inter-Individual Variability in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Is Associated with Brain White Matter Structure
Interleaved 31P-MR Spectroscopy and Cine 1H-MR Imaging of the Human Heart at 3 Tesla
Interleaved B0-Mapping During Dynamic Creatine-CEST for Correction of Temporarily Fluctuating B0 Inhomogeneities During Plantar Flexion Exercise at 7T
Interleaved Pulse Sequence for Calibrated BOLD Based on MRI Measurement of Venous Oxygen Saturation
An Interleaved Sequence for Simultaneous MRA, SWI and QSM
Interobserver Agreement and Diagnostic Performance of LI-RADS V2014 on Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Non-HCC Malignancies.
Interobserver Agreement and Diagnostic Performance of LI-RADS V2014 on Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Non-HCC Malignancies.
Interobserver Reproducibility of Blood Flow Measurements with an Abdominal 4D Flow MRI Sequence with Spiral Sampling and Compressed Sensing
Interpreting Age-Related Changes Based on the Mean Signal Diffusion Kurtosis
Inter-Rater Reliability and Translational Implications of MR-Based Polycystic Kidney Volume Measurements by Stereology at Early and Late Stage Disease
Interregional Associations Between GABA+, Glx and BOLD Contrast Changes During Acute Pain Perception in the Human Brain – a Combined 1H FMRS and FMRI Study
Interrogating Liver Metabolic Stress Due to Cancer-Induced Cachexia
Interrogating Neurotransmitter Systems Using Resting-State FMRI
Inter-Scanner T1 and T2 Measurement Variability Evaluation on Two 3T Scanners with Identical Hardware and Software Configuration
Interventional Image Guidance
Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Carotid Embolectomy Using a Novel MRI-Conditional Resonant Catheter: Demonstration of Preclinical Feasibility
Interventional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Carotid Embolectomy Using a Novel MRI-Conditional Resonant Catheter: Demonstration of Preclinical Feasibility
Interventional MRI at 3T: Compressed Sensing SEMAC for Improved Needle Visualization
Intervertebral Disc Heterogeneity Decoded with MRI Histogram Analysis
Intra- And Extra-Axonal Axial Diffusivities in the White Matter: Which One Is Faster?
Intracranial Artery Vessel Wall Reconstruction Via Feature Refinement
Intracranial Plaque Imaging Using Reduced Field of View 3D Fast Spin Echo
Intracranial Vessel Analysis (IVA): A Toolkit for Semi-Automatic Morphological Quantification of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque
Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging in Suspected Cerebral Vasculitis: Evaluation of Diagnostic Value and Treatment Effects Using 3T and 7T MRI
Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging in Suspected Cerebral Vasculitis: Evaluation of Diagnostic Value and Treatment Effects Using 3T and 7T MRI
Intramural Hematoma Detection by Susceptibility-Weighted Angiography (SWAN) in Intracranial Vertebral Artery Dissection
Intraoperative Arterial Spin Labeling – Feasibility and First Results
Intra-Scan Center Frequency Drift Correction for 3D Spiral Exams
Intraspinal Bronchogenic Cyst: Series of Case Reports and Literature Review
Intratissue Strains Increase in a Full Thickness and Critical Sized Ovine Cartilage Defect Model
Intratumoral Vessel Evaluation Using Magnetic Resonance Micro-Angiography with a Vascular Pool Gd-DOTA-Dendron Liposomal Contrast Agent
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) for Differential Diagnosing Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) from Hepatic Hemangioma (HHA).
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Response Evaluation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Resin- And Glass-Based Radioembolization
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Analysis for Perfusion Using Portal Vein Embolization Pig Model
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Discriminating the Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Discriminating the Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Hepatic Warm Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in a Rabbit Model
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Liver: Influence of Combined Respiratory-Cardiac Triggering Method on Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Repeatability of Quantitative Parameters
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MRI During Chemoradiation Therapy to Monitor Treatment Response in Human Papillomavirus Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Model in the Heart of Patients Under Adenosine Induced Stress
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for Staging Liver Fibrosis and Monitoring Anti-Fibrotic Response to Losartan: An Experimental Study in Rat Model
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for Staging Liver Fibrosis and Monitoring Anti-Fibrotic Response to Losartan: An Experimental Study in Rat Model
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Study of Rabbit Liver Fibrosis Model
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Evaluation of Orbital Masses
Intravoxel Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Breast: Comparison of Perfusion-Related Parameters
Intra-Voxel Spatial Resolution Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Intra-Voxel Spatial Resolution Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
The Intrinsic Functional Mechanism for Olfactory-Visual Association in the Human Brain as Quantified by FMRI
Intrinsic Susceptibility MRI Detects Phenotypic Alteration Induced by a Potent Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase Inhibitor in a Transgenic Model of Neuroblastoma
Intrinsic Susceptibility MRI Predicts Response to the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitor Cediranib in the Th-MYCN Model of Neuroblastoma
Introducing Axonal Myelination in Connectomics: A Preliminary Analysis of G-Ratio Distribution in Healthy Subjects
Introduction by Discussion Leaders
Introduction by Discussion Leaders
Introduction of IVPD-MRE: Quantitative Assessment of Shear Stiffness Without Spatial Derivative Operators
Introduction to Brain Cancer Imaging (Incl. RANO Criteria)
Introduction to Cerebrovascular Reserve & Its Measurements
Introduction to CEST & Quantification
Introduction to Diffusion MRI
Introduction to IVIM
Introduction to MRI Safety
Introduction to Resting State Functional Connectivity
In-Utero Non-Contrast MR Angiography of the Fetal Vasculature Using a Double-Echo Radial Sampling Scheme
Inverse Laplace Transform Analysis Using a Fast Multi-Echo TSE Sequence for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Inversion Parameters Based on Convergence and Error Metrics for Nonlinear Inversion MR Elastography
Inversion Quality Independent Robust $$$T_1$$$-Quantification of MOLLI Sequence Data
Inversion Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging of Short T2 Tissue Components in Ovine Brain: A Sequential D2O Exchange Study
Inversion Recovery with SMS PROPELLER
Inversion-Non-Recovery (InoR) Method for Long-T2 Suppression in a Steady-State 3D-UTE Sequence for Short-T2 Imaging
Inversion-Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging with Bi-Component T2* Analysis of White Matter Signals in Native and Deuterated Ovine Brain Specimens
Investigating Altered Brain Functional Network in Alzheimer’s Disease Using a Joint Framework of Graph Theoretical Analysis and Machine Learning
Investigating Early Brain-Behaviour Relationships in Infants Born Preterm Using Whole Brain, Multimodal Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Investigating Metabolic Alterations in a Depressive-Like Rat Model of Chronic Forced Swimming Stress Using in Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7T
Investigating Microstructural Signatures for Low-Grade Gliomas Using Linear Multi-Scale Modeling of Diffusion MRI Data
Investigating Regional Pulmonary Structure-Function Relationships Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI and Ultra-Short Echo-Time MRI
Investigating Structural Brain Change with Heart Failure Using Voxel-Based Morphometry
Investigating the Adverse Effect of Gradient Nonuniformities on Diffusion MRI Measures: Do We Need to Worry?
Investigating the Compensatory Mechanisms of the Ageing Brain in Response to a Sub-Maximal Exercise Task
Investigating the Effect of a Tight Necktie on Arterial Cerebral Blood Flow and Venous Flow Velocity
Investigating the Effect of Phase Cycling Schemes on GABA-Edited Spectroscopy Using MEGA-PRESS
Investigating the Effects of Concurrent Magnetic Field Monitoring on High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging: Application to Cortical Parcellation
Investigating the Feasibility of Classifying Independent Components in Resting State BOLD FMRI with Sparse Paradigm Free Mapping
Investigating the Relation Between Electrical Conduction and Tissue Composition with Proton and Sodium MRI
Investigating the Sensitivity to Partial Volume Estimates of Partial Volume Correction for Single Postlabeling Delay Pseudo-Continuous ASL
Investigating the Use of Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion as a Substitute to DCE-MRI in Primary Tumor Perfusion of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Investigating Trauma-Induced Microstructural Changes at the Lumbosacral Enlargement After Spinal Cord Injury
Investigating Brain Connectomic Alterations in PTSD and PCS Using the Reproducibility of Independent Components Obtained from Resting-State Functional MRI Data
Investigating the role of DCE-MRI, Over T2 and DWI, in accurate PIRADS-V2 Assessment of Clinically Significant peripheral Zone Prostate lesions, as Defined at Radical Prostatectomy
Investigation & Evaluation of Immunotherapies with Molecular Imaging
Investigation & Evaluation of Immunotherapies with Molecular Imaging
Investigation Into the Origin of the APT MRI Signal in Ischemic Stroke
Investigation of Advanced Diffusion Models in the Spinal Cord: Comparison of NODDI and SMT in MS Patients
Investigation of Brain Tissue Fixation on Iron Concentration, Magnetic Susceptibility and Effective Transverse Relaxation Rate
Investigation of Diffusion Tensor Indices by ROI Analysis and TBSS of Patients with Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly with Dementia
Investigation of Diffusion Tensor Indices by TBSS Analysis and of Patients with Symptoms of Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Investigation of Lithium Distribution in the Rat Brain Ex Vivo Using Lithium-7 Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 17 Tesla
Investigation of Liver Cirrhosis Using 31P-MRS at 7T
Investigation of Long-Term Effect of a High-Fat Diet Using Quantitative MRI and 1H MRS for Assessing Body and Liver Fat, and Muscle Mass
Investigation of Machine Learning Techniques in Preoperative Glioma Grading Based on Multi-Parametric MRI Data
Investigation of Magnitude and Phase CEST Effects in Fixed Whole Brains and Tissue Samples: A Combined 3T and 9.4T Study
Investigation of Metabolic Changes During Watching Movie Using FMRS at 3T System
Investigation of Neural Mechanism Underlying Ipsi- And Contra-Lateral Acupuncture Analgesia in the Capsaicin-Induced Pain Model
Investigation of Neuroinflammation and Cognitive Dysfunction Following a Major Burn Injury and Critical Care Admission Using Advanced MR Imaging
Investigation of Outer and Inner Cerebellar MTR Abnormalities in Different MS Clinical Subtypes
Investigation of Phase-Only Cross Correlation (POCC) for Passive Marker Tracking with a Limited Number of Projections
Investigation of RF-Induced Heating of Distal Radius Implant System
Investigation of Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging Utilized for Respiratory Gating: A Golden Angle Radial CAIPI Free-Breathing Cine Method
An Investigation of Skin/skin Contact RF Burns
Investigation of Strophanthin Induced Na-/K-ATPase Blockage by Means of 23Na Multi Quantum Spectroscopy in a High Density Cell Culture on Chip
Investigation of the Brain Energy Metabolism by Simultaneous Detection of Lactate and ß-Hydroxybutyrate Using MEGA-SLASER
Investigation of the Relationship Between Metabolic Basis of Thalamus and Brain Spontaneous Activity Revealed by a Study Combined FMRI and MRS
The Investigation of the Relationship Between Obstetrical Risk Factors and Pelvic Floor Injuries: A MRI-Based Study
Investigation of the Role of the Venous System and the Glymphatic System in Brain Waste Clearance
Investigation of Zero TE ASL MRA in the Follow-Up After Endovascular Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysm at 1.5T
Investigation on Optic Neuritis with DTI and Understanding Its Underlying Pathology Using Monte Carlo Simulation.
In-Vivo (8x4) 32-Ch Tx-Only Body Array for UHF MRI.
In-Vivo 3D T1rho Mapping of the Whole Brain: Multi-Component Analysis
In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo R2* and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Alzheimer’s Disease at Ultra-High Magnetic Field Compared to Histology
In-Vivo Bundle-Specific Axon Diameter Distributions Estimation Across the Corpus Callosum
An In-Vivo Comparison of STEAM and 2nd Order Motion Compensated Spin-Echo Imaging in Multi-Phase Cardiac DTI at 3T
In-Vivo Comparison of STEAM EPI and STEAM Spiral Diffusion-Weighted Sequences
In-Vivo Detection of Acute Intracellular Acidification in Glioblastoma Multiforme by AACID CEST MRI Following a Single Dose of Cariporide and Quercetin
In-Vivo Detection of Remote Neurodegeneration Within Thalamic Nuclei After Stroke Using Iron Quantification with R2* Mapping
In-Vivo Evaluation of PCASL Labeling Scheme and Position
In-Vivo Fat Water Separation with Multiple-Acquisition BSSFP
In-Vivo Imaging of Ablation Lesions During MRI-Guided Epicardial Ventricular Ablation in Swine
In-Vivo Imaging of Glutamine Metabolism to the Oncometabolite 2-Hydroxyglutarate in IDH1/2 Mutant Tumors
In-Vivo Phase Imaging of Growing Epiphyseal Human Cartilage at 7 T.
In-Vivo Regional Detection of Gly in Human Brain: Implications in Glioma Patients at 3T
In-Vivo Regional Detection of Gly in Human Brain: Implications in Glioma Patients at 3T
In-Vivo Reproducibility of Quantitative Diffusion MRI in the Prostate Using Reduced Field-Of-View and Multi-Shot Acquisitions
In-Vivo Segmentation of Carotid Plaque MRI with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
In-Vivo Semi-LASER Renal Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS): Pilot Study in Healthy Volunteers
In-Vivo Targeting and Imaging of Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Particles to Subcutaneous Tumour Models
In-Vivo Testing of Automatic Voxel Prescription for High Inter-Subject Reproducibility in Single-Voxel MR Spectroscopy
In-Vivo Validation of MR-STAT: Simultaneous Signal Localization and Quantification of Tissue Parameters on a 3T Clinical MR-System
In-Vivo Whole-Brain Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging at Sub-Millimeter Scale Using GSlider-SMS
Iron Is a Biomarker for Differentiating Multiple Sclerosis Lesions from Ischemic Demyelinating Lesions
Iron Loss Occurs in the Deep Gray Matter of Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Irradiated Brain Parenchyma Promotes Virulent Proliferation of Naive Glioma Cells: Mouse Model of Recurrent Glioblastoma
Irregular Spiral Acquisition for Compressive Sensing in Mrsi
IR-TSE MRF: Rapid and Accurate Parametric Mapping Using Inversion-Recovery Turbo Spin Echo and MR Fingerprinting
Is ADC Heterogeneity Helpful in Characterizing Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) at 3.0T Breast MRI
Is Iron Concentration Linked to Structural Connectivity in the Subthalamic Nucleus? Implications for Planning of Deep Brain Stimulation
Is Resting-State FMRI Guided Brain Target Localization for TMS Reliable and Reproducible?
Is Sevoflurane a Viable Alternative Anaesthetic for Functional MRI in Mice?
Is the Length of the White Matter Fiber Bundles Underlying the Thalamo-Cortical Loop Associated with Sleep Spindles? – a Preliminary Study
Is Voxel-Wise ADC Histogram Repeatable?
Ischemic Brain Lesions and Cognition in Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
isoAPTR* - A Novel Method to Measure Tumour PHi Using CEST MRI
Isotropic Diffusion Relaxometry Imaging (IDRI)
Isotropic Diffusion Weighted MRI (IDWI) – a Novel, Efficient Clinical Method for Quantifying Orientationally-Averaged Features of Water Diffusion in Tissues
Isotropic Diffusion Weighted MRI (IDWI) – a Novel, Efficient Clinical Method for Quantifying Orientationally-Averaged Features of Water Diffusion in Tissues
Isotropic High Spatial Resolution FMRI Using Accelerated Variable Density Spiral and SLIDER
Iterative Background Phase Correction: Recovering Data for QSM
Iterative Denoising of Undersampled PROPELLER Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Near Metal Implants
An Iterative Gradient Delay Correction Method for 3D UTE Imaging
Iterative Reconstruction of Highly Undersampled Multi-Echo EPI – a Novel Dynamic Contrast Approach to Tackle Distortions
Iterative SENSE with Integrated EPI Nyquist Ghost and Distortion Corrections
It's All About the Money: FMRI Reward Anticipation in Prodromal Psychotic Disorder.
IVIM in the Body
IVIM in the Brain
IVIM Virtual MR Elastography of the Liver
IVIM-Derived Parameters in Evaluating the Pathological Features and Hypoxia of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Xenografts
A Janus Chelator Enables Biochemically Responsive MRI Contrast with Exceptional Dynamic Range
J-Difference Editing of Creatine in the Human Brain
J-Difference Semi-LASER for GABA Editing
Joint DCE- And DSC-MRI Processing Using the Gradient Correction Model
Joint Estimation of Arterial Input Function and Tracer Kinetic Parameters from Under-Sampled DCE-MRI
Joint Estimation of Arterial Input Function and Tracer Kinetic Parameters from Under-Sampled DCE-MRI
Joint Estimation of Free Water and Perfusion Fraction in Human Brain
Joint Native Myocardial Fat Fraction, Off-Resonance and R2*/T2* Mapping in Ischemic Cardiomyopathies
Joint Non-Local Means Reconstruction for Correction of Phase-Induced Errors in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Joint Non-Rigid Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction Via Sparse Blind Deconvolution
Joint Reconstruction of Multi-Contrast Images: Compressive Sensing Reconstruction Using Both Joint and Individual Regularization Functions
Joint Reconstruction of Phase-Cycled Balanced SSFP with Constrained Parallel Imaging
Joint Reconstruction of Phase-Cycled Balanced SSFP with Constrained Parallel Imaging
Joint Reconstruction of Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging with Motion Correction Using a B-Spline Motion Model
Kidney Cancer Subtypes, Identified by Two Dimensional Mr Spectroscopy, May Eventually Allow Treament of Clinically Distinct Diseases.
Kidney Tumor Characterization with Diffusion-MRI: Diffusion-Tensor and Tri-Exponential Modeling
Kinetic Energy and Vorticity in the Pulmonary Artery in Pediatric Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Using 4D Flow MRI
Kitchen Safe T1 and T2 Phantom Creation
Knee Cartilage T2 Mapping with T2-Prepared Isotropic 3D GRE Has Equivalent Precision and Higher Accuracy Compared to Multi-Slice TSE in Volunteers and Patients at 3T
Knee DGEMRIC at 7 T: Validation Against 1.5 T and Comparison of T1 Mapping Methods
Knee-To-Coil Automatic Distance Detection for Misalignment Alert System During MRI Acquisition
k-Space Based Restoration of Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI
k-T Accelerated Aortic 4D Flow MRI in Under 2 Minutes: Feasibility and Impact of Resolution, K-Space Sampling Patterns, and Respiratory Navigator Gating on Hemodynamic Measurements
k-T Accelerated Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI for Improved Flow Visualization in Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
k-T Rank Separation Reconstruction for Non-Cartesian Parallel FMRI
Kt-DSTEAM: High Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Ex Vivo Human Brain Using B1+ Homogenized STEAM at 9.4T
L2 or Not L2: Impact of Loss Function Design for Deep Learning MRI Reconstruction
Label-Free CEST MRI Detection of Albumin and Albumin-Based Nanoparticles
Lactate and Lipid Provide Identifying Biomarkers for Good Quality Sperm by 1H MRS
Lactate Is Associated with Tumour Grading in Breast Cancer – an Ex Vivo Study on Whole Breast Tumours Using Multiple Quantum Coherence (MQC) MRS
Ladder and Overlapped Phased Array Coil Comparison for Neck Imaging at 3 Tesla
Laminar Microstructure and Subfield Connectivity of the Human Hippocampus Revealed with Ultra-High Field Diffusion MRI at 11.7T
Large-Scale Production of Highly-Polarized 129Xe
Larmor Frequency Shift in Anisotropic Heterogeneous Media
Lateral Dependence of Brainstem Structural Abnormalities in Parkinson’s Disease as Revealed by High-Resolution Non-Gaussian Diffusion MR Imaging
Lauterbur Lecture: MRI as a Window Into Cardiac Function
Layer-Specific Analysis of Cortical Microstructure Using In-Vivo 7T Diffusion MRI
Learning How to See the Invisible - Using Machine Learning to Find Underlying Abnormality Patterns in Reportedly Normal MR Brain Images from Patients with Epilepsy
Learning Subnetwork Biomarkers Via Hypergraph for Classification of Autism Disease
Learning-Based Segmentation for Monkey Brain MRI
A Least Squares Optimal Density Compensation Function for Gridding
Left Atrial Enlargement and Systolic Failure Measured by Cardiac MRI in Severe Isolated Mitral Regurgitation with Preserved Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction
Left Ventricle Circumferential Strain from Radially Tagged Images Through CIRCOME Combined by SinMod
Left Ventricle Remodeling in Bicuspid Aortic Valve Evaluated by ECG, Echocardiography, and Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Left Ventricle Strain Estimation Using Flow MRI
Left Ventricular-Arterial Coupling and Mechanical Efficiency Assessed by Pressure-Volume Loop in Pulmonary Artery Hypertension Patients
LEI-ALOHA – Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Tropical Island Setting
Less May Be Better: Comparison of Multi-Echo-ICA De-Noising for Three and Four Echo EPI Acquisitions in Studies of Seed-Based Functional Connectivity
Lessons for MRI Recruitment in Movement Disorder: Clinical Presentation Is Not Related to Motion Artefacts in Arterial Spin Labelling MRI
Leucine Deprivation Causes Hypothalamic Neuronal Inhibition Accompanied by Systemic Metabolic Changes.
Leveraging the Potential of Neural Networks for Image Reconstruction
Lighter Is Better: A Flexible Lightweight Eight Channel Slot Antenna Array for Cardiac MRI at 7.0 Tesla
A Lightweight Gradient Insert Coil for High Resolution Brain Imaging
Lightweight Size Optimized Printed Pediatric Receive Array
The Limitation in Predicting Lymph Nodes Stage by Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging on the Criterion of Size with Histopathological Analysis as Reference
Limitations of NMR Field Cameras for B0 Field Monitoring
Limited MRI Protocol for Ischemic Stroke
Linear and Non-Linear BOLD Effects in Grip Force Execution Are Reproduced in Observation
Linear Discriminant and Principle Component Analysis of MR Spectroscopy Data in Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (PmTBI)
Linearity, Bias, and Precision of Proton-Density Fat Fraction for Liver Fat Quantification: A Meta-Analysis
Linking a Multi-Compartment T2 Model to Diffusion Microstructure in Prostate Cancer
Lipid Fractions as a Marker for Myelin Maturation in the Developing Brain
Lipid Suppression Around Metal Implants Using a B1-Optimized Adiabatic Inversion Pulse
Lipid Suppression in 3D Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging
Lipo2-DG-CEST: A New Theranostic Agent for Simultaneous Tumour Imaging and Chemotherapy
LipoCEST, Basic Principles & Applications
Liver and Muscle Energy Metabolism in Patients with Organic Acidemias Using 31P and 1H MR Spectroscopy
Liver Biopsy Analysis to Determine Fat Droplet Distribution
Liver DWI
Liver Fat Reduction Following Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Is Greater in the Right Lobe of the Liver
Liver Fat Reduction Following Bariatric Weight Loss Surgery Is Greater in the Right Lobe of the Liver
Liver Fibrosis
Liver Function Estimation Using Hepatocyte Fraction Map at Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced Liver MRI in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease
Liver Iron Concentration Determined by Gradient Echo MRI Using Signal Intensity Ratios: Impact of Acquisition Parameters and Image Quality
Liver Iron Concentration Determined with Gradient Echo MRI by Signal Intensity Ratio: Effects of Patient Characteristics
Liver Quantification with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI for Evaluation in Hepatic Function and Staging of Post-Hepatitic Liver Cirrhosis
Liver R2 Quantification at 3 Tesla in Patients with Iron Overload - Interim Validation Result
Liver T1rho Detects Liver Fibrosis Without Impact of Fatty Liver in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: A Prospective Study
Liver T1rho Distribution Across Eight Functionally Independent Segments
Local B0 Temporal Instability Detected Using a Modified Multi-Echo GRE-EPI Sequence with Flipped-Blips (MEPI-FB): Application to FMRI with Visual Presentation of Faces
Local Metabolites of Healthy Human Brain Measured with Whole Brain Spectroscopic Imaging and with Single Voxel Spectroscopy - A Study to Compare Different 1H-MRS Data Acquisitions and Data Analyses
Local SAR Minimization of Turbo Spin-Echo Sequences by Dynamic RF Shimming
Localization (Sequences: SemiLASER, PRESS, STEAM, Chemical Shift Displacement)
Localization of Neural Activity Using DANTE-Prepared Multi-Slice EPI (DANTE-EPI) for BOLD Detection
Localization of Subcortical Structures with the Presence of Lesions in Clinical Brain MRI
Localization of the Epileptogenic Neural Network by the Resting State FMRI in Patients with the Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Localization of the Implanted Brachytherapy Titanium Seeds in Presence of Calcification on MR Images Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) and 3D K-Means Clustering
Localized Connectivity in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: An Insight from Univariate and Multivariate Pattern Analyses
Localized Spectroscopy of Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Dissolved in the Human Head with a Dedicated Receiver Array
Localized, Indirect 1H-[13C] MRS Measurement of Glutamate and Glutamine 13C-Labeling in Frontal Cortex of Human Brain at 4 Tesla.
Locally Altered Lipid Profiles: A Hallmark of Breast Cancer Metabolism?
Long Term Changes in White Matter Following Sport-Related Concussion Measured by Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Imaging: 6 Months Follow Up
Long Term Effects of Pulsed Focused Ultrasound and Microbubbles Detected by Multivariate Imaging Modalities
Longitudinal 7T MRI and MRS in a Sheep Model of Tay-Sachs Disease and the Effect of AAV Gene Therapy.
Longitudinal Analysis of Rhesus Monkey Brain Development Using Tensor-Based Structural Morphometry
Longitudinal Analysis of Vascular Inflammation and Intraluminal Thrombus Composition Using High Resolution MRI in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms
Longitudinal Assessment of Cervical Cord Atrophy Across MS Clinical Phenotypes: A Multicenter Study
Longitudinal Assessment of Large-Scale Brain Functional Networks in Patients with Ms: Relationship with Clinical Disability and Cognitive Impairment
Longitudinal Assessment of Tumor Volume and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Patients on Active Surveillance: A Good Way of Monitoring Disease Progression?
Longitudinal Assessment of Visceral and Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in Obese Patients Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery
Longitudinal Atlas Construction for Normative Human Brain Development and Aging Over the Lifespan Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Longitudinal Cerebrovascular Analysis of the Aging Mouse Brain Using Contrast Enhanced-MRA
Longitudinal Changes in Cortical Thickness in Collegiate High Contact Sports
Longitudinal Changes in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Over 96 Weeks in Relapsing MS Treated with Ocrelizumab Versus Interferon Beta-1a
Longitudinal Changes of Cerebral Perfusion in Patients with Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
Longitudinal Changes of Metabolites Measured by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Their Correlations with Behavioral Outcomes in a Rat Model of Kainic Acid Induced Spinal Cord Injury
Longitudinal Changes of Neurovascular Responses to Breathhold Challenge in Patients with Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
Longitudinal Characterization of Deformation-Induced Skeletal Muscle Damage by T2-Mapping, DWI and MRE
Longitudinal Characterization of Deformation-Induced Skeletal Muscle Damage by T2-Mapping, DWI and MRE
Longitudinal Characterization of Liver Regeneration and Portal Hemodynamics in Living Donor Liver Transplant
Longitudinal Characterization of Liver Regeneration and Portal Hemodynamics in Living Donor Liver Transplant
Longitudinal Diffusion MRI for Treatment Assessment of Sarcoma Patients with Pre-Operative Radiation Therapy
A Longitudinal Diffusion-Weighted Infant Brain Atlas with Spatio-Temporal Consistency
Longitudinal Evaluation of Neurochemical Modulation Induced by Quadripulse Stimulation (QPS) Using Ultra-Short TE STEAM MRS
A Longitudinal Follow-Up Study of Levator Ani Muscle Injury During Vaginal Delivery Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Longitudinal Hypergraph Learning: A Consistent Segmentation Method for Measuring the Growth Trajectory of Infant Hippocampus from Brain MR Images
Longitudinal in Vivo 19F MR Imaging by ZTE of 19F Labeled Calcium Phosphate Cement Implanted in Bone Defects in the Rat
Longitudinal Investigation of the Metabolome of Developing 3D Aggregating Brain Cell Cultures at Different Maturation Stages by 1H HR-MAS NMR
Longitudinal Metabolic Evolution of Rat Cortex Upon Global Ischemia: An Ultra-Short Echo Time 1H MRS Study
Longitudinal Monitoring of Disease Progression in Children with Mild Cystic Fibrosis Using Hyperpolarised Gas Mri and Lung Clearance Index
Longitudinal Monitoring of MR Image Distortion of a Dedicated MR-Simulator for Radiotherapy Over a 6-Month Period
Longitudinal MR Imaging Study of Standard Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and NODDI in Ischemic Stroke: Evolution of NODDI Metrics and Correlation with Clinical Outcome
Longitudinal MRS Study Following Treatment of Early-Phase Psychosis with N-Acetylcysteine
Longitudinal MRS, MRI and DTI of the Spinal Cord in Friedreich’s Ataxia
Longitudinal Opto-Pharmaco-FMRI of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibition
Longitudinal Outer and Inner Cortical MTR Abnormalities in Different MS Clinical Phenotypes
Longitudinal Progression of White Matter Deficits in Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease and Its Syndromic Variants Using NODDI
Longitudinal Quantitative Susceptibility Changes After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
A Longitudinal Study of Brain Tumors in the Course of Radiotherapy Using Protein CEST MRI at 7T
Longitudinal Study of MS Lesions Using Multi-Contrast Ultra-High Field (7Tesla) MRI
Longitudinal Study of Myocardial T1 and T2 Relaxation Times in Aortic Stenosis Patients: Before, and 3- And 12 Months After Aortic Valve Replacement
A Longitudinal Study of Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
A Longitudinal Study of the Effect of Multiple Sclerosis on Surrounding White Matter Using Z-Spectrum Imaging at 7T
Longitudinal Tissue Changes in Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesion Associated with the Administration of Disease Modifying Drugs: A Free Water Diffusion MRI Study.
Longitudinal Volume Change of Hippocampal Subfields and Cognitive Decline in Parkinson's Disease
Longitudinally Consistent Infant Cortical Surface Atlases and Parcellations from Birth to 6 Years of Age
Long-Lasting, Liquid-State 13C Hyperpolarization > 20 % Generated in an MRI System Within Seconds Enables Fast 13C Imaging
Long-T2 Suppression Based on Saturation and Diffusion in a Steady-State 3D-UTE Sequence
Long-Term Cerebrovascular Dysfunction Following Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Long-Term Cerebrovascular Dysfunction Following Repeated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Long-Term Effects of Recurrent Neonatal Hyperglycemia on the Hippocampal Neurochemical Profile of Rats.
Long-Term Prognostic Value of Whole-Body MRI Fat Fraction Signal Changes Following Initial Bortezomib Treatment of Patients with Multiple Myeloma
Looping Star
Loopoles Vs. Conventional MR Loops Under Safety Considerations
Lorentzian Probabilistic Sum Based Z-Spectrum Fitting Approach for Computing CEST and NOE Contrast and Its Comparison with Lorentzian Sum and Asymmetry Analysis
Loss of Lateral Asymmetry in the Brain of Mouse Models of Autism
Low Field MR - System Design & Imaging Aspects
Low Frequency Activity from Somatosensory Thalamus Propagates Brain-Wide and Modulates Top-Down Visual Processing
Low Frequency Hippocampal-Cortical Activity Contributes to Brain-Wide Connectivity as Measured by Resting-State FMRI
Low Heating B1 Mapping in Parallel Transmit for Deep Brain Stimulators
Low IF Passive Mixer Topologies for Low Power MRI Front Ends
Low Rank Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Reconstruction for MR Fingerprinting
Low Rank Approximation of High Resolution MRF Through Dictionary Fitting
Low Rank Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for More Precise Cardiac MRF Measurements
Low Rank Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for More Precise Cardiac MRF Measurements
A Low Rank Hankel Matrix Reconstruction Approach to Recover Hybrid Time and Frequency Data in Non-Uniformly Sampled Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Low Rank Plus Sparse Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for PRF Temperature Imaging
Low Rank Plus Sparse Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for PRF Temperature Imaging
Low Rank Plus Sparse Decomposition of ODF Distributions: Whole Brain Statistical Analysis of Higher Order Diffusion Datasets
Low-Attenuation RF Surface Coils for Linac-MR Hybrids: Compromise Between Radiation Dose to the Skin and SNR
Low-Dose Radiation Disrupts Functional Brain Connectivity During Nociceptive Heat Stimulation in a Mouse Model
Lower Normalised T2 Signal Intensity Is Associated with Higher Intratumoural Heterogeneity: A Radiogenomic Study in High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Lower Resting Cerebral Blood Flow But Greater Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Young Adults with Higher Aerobic Fitness
Low-Field Cardiac MRI for Cardiac Radiosurgery Using an Integrated MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System
Low-Frequency Visual Entrainment Enhances Bilateral Resting-State FMRI Connectivity in Primary Sensory Cortices
Low-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Reconstruction for High-Dimensional Cardiac MRI
Low-Rank TGV Reconstruction of High-Resolution 1H-FID-MRSI of Whole Brain Slices
Low-To-High B-Value DWI Ratio Image in Multiparametric MRI of the Prostate: Feasibility, Optimal Combination of B-Values, and Comparison with ADC Maps for the Detection of Prostate Cancer
The Maastricht Diffusion Toolbox (MDT): Modular, GPU Accelerated, DMRI Microstructure Modeling
Machine Learning & Opportunities in MRI
Machine Learning Analysis of Multi-Parametric MRI Helps to Improve the Predictive Performance in Prostate Cancer
A Machine Learning Based Approach for Fast T1 Estimation with Improved Accuracy
Machine Learning Based Diagnosis of Early Parkinson's Disease Using QSM
Machine Learning Based Diagnosis of Early Parkinson's Disease Using QSM
Machine Learning for Intelligent Detection and Quantification of Transplanted Cells in MRI
Machine Learning on Resting State FMRI Classifies the Prevalent Underlying Disease in Subjects with Mixed Dementia
Machine Learning to Identify Sarcomatoid De-Differentiation in Renal Cell Carcinoma by Multiparametric MRI
Machine-Learning Classification of ADHD with Biomarkers of Cerebral Cortical Thickness: Parcellation Schemes, Gender Effects and Feature Selection
Machine-Learning-Based Treatment Response Stratification for Trans-Arterial Chemoembolization in HCC Patients.
Macromolecule Mapping with Ultrashort-TE Acquisition and Metabolite Spectral Prior
Macrovascular Contributions to High-Resolution Balanced SSFP- And GE-EPI-Based FMRI at 9.4T Evaluated Using Surface-Based Cortical Depth Analyses in Human Visual Cortex
The Magic Angle Effect Can (Partially) Explain Load-Induced Increases in Meniscal T2 and T1?
Magnetic and RF Shielding of a Novel Compact 6MeV Linac for MRI Guided Radiation Therapy System
Magnetic Field Monitoring of Spiral Echo Train Imaging
Magnetic Flux Density Comparisons Between In-Vivo TACS Human Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography Measurements and MRI-Derived Human Computational Models
Magnetic Nanoparticle Theranostics for Brain Tumors
Magnetic Particle Imaging
Magnetic Particle Imaging - The Future of Acute Stroke Imaging and Treatment?
Magnetic Properties of Skeletal Muscle at 7T
Magnetic Resonance Angiography Shows Increased Arterial Blood Supply Associated with Murine Mammary Cancer
Magnetic Resonance Biomarkers for Cachexia in a Mouse Model of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma.
Magnetic Resonance Elastography Based on Finite Deformation Imaging and Topology Optimization
Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Uterine Fibroids
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of Emphysematous Rat Lung in Vivo
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Prostate: Impact of Driver Size on Image Quality
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprint Compression with Multiple Channel Transmission
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprint Compression with Multiple Channel Transmission
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting - Evaluation of Brain Gliomas in Comparison to a Conventional Advanced Tumor Protocol - Preliminary Study
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting - Evaluation of Brain Gliomas in Comparison to a Conventional Advanced Tumor Protocol - Preliminary Study
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for T1 and T2* Quantification with Cartesian Readout
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Phase Cycling BSSFP (Phc-MRF) in Presence of B0 Inhomogeneity.
Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Quadratic RF Phase for Simultaneous Measurement of df, T1, T2, and T2*
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Discriminates Organizing from Non-Organizing Area in Deep Vein Thrombus.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Estimates of Intermuscular Fat Density in the Thigh in Sarcopenia Population: Correlation with Physical Performances
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of Immunoglobulin G4 Related Kidney Disease
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Collateral Networks in Moyamoya Angiopathy at 7 Tesla
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Myelin Water: Principles and Applications
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Functional Anatomy of the Oblique Muscles in Patients with Primary Oblique Overaction
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Zone of Calcified Cartilage (ZCC) in the Knee Joint Using 3D UTE Cones Sequences
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals Elevated Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity in Overweight Adolescents
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of a Testosterone and Estrogen-Supplemented Experimental Mouse Model of Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Under Highly Inhomogeneous B0 Fields Using Missing-Pulse Steady-State Free Precession (MP-SSFP)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Solid Pseudopapillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas, Mimics and Histopathological Correlation
Magnetic Resonance Methods for Quantitative Evaluation of Intramuscular Adipose Tissue
Magnetic Resonance Neurography (MRN) in the Abdomen: The Feasibility of Imaging the Celiac Plexus with Motion-Compensated 3D SHINKEI
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Early Predictors of 2-Year Progression Free Survival in IDH Mutated WHO II and III Gliomas
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Demonstrates Decreased Glutamate in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Testis Under Ischemic Condition
Magnetic Susceptibility Anisotropy of Collagen Fibrils in the Articular Cartilage
Magnetically Induced Torque Assessment Per ASTM F2213 of Active Implantable Medical Device Lead Materials
Magnetisation Transfer MRI Facilitates Non-Invasive Identification of Fibrosis in Chemically-Induced Rat Mammary Carcinomas Imaged on a 1.5T Clinical Platform
Magnetization Exchange Between Water and Downfield Metabolites in Human Brain at 9.4T
Magnetization Transfer MRI for Evaluating Bowel Fibrosis and Inflammation in Patients with Stricturing Crohn’s Disease
Magnetization Transfer MRI Noninvasively Detects Renal Fibrosis Swine Atherosclerotic Renal Artery Stenosis at 3.0 T
Magnetization Transfer: Applications in MSK Imaging
Magnetization Transfer-Weighted Cardiac MRI in End Stage Renal Disease Quantifies Fibrosis and Identifies Biochemical Markers of Fibrosis Without Gadolinium
Magneto-Caloric Materials as Tunable and Switchable Labels for MRI
Magneto-Caloric Materials as Tunable and Switchable Labels for MRI
Magnets: Design, Manufacturing, Installation, Present & Future Technology
The Magnitude of Static Phantom Corrections for Velocity Encoded Phase Contrast Cine MRI and Clinical Importance
Making Myelin Water Imaging Mainstream: Multi-Site and Multi-Vendor Reproducibility
Malformations of Cortical Development: MRI Evaluation
Malignant Diseases of the Uterus & Ovaries
Management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) with [18F]FTC-146 PET/MRI
A Manganese-Based Alternative to Gadolinium: Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography at 3T and in Vivo Stability
Manifold Valued Statistical Models for Longitudinal Analysis of MRI Data
Mapping Abdominal Inflammatory Response Using Manganese-Enhanced MRI (MEMRI)
Mapping and Characterization of Positive and Negative BOLD Responses to Visual Stimulation in Multiple Regions Across the Brain at 7T
Mapping and Modulation of Down Syndrome Specific Functional Network in Dp(16)1yey Mouse Model
Mapping Brain Functional Alterations in Chemotherapy-Treated Breast Cancer Women Using Resting-State FMRI
Mapping Brain Macromolecules in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis Using 1H-MRSI at 7T
Mapping Cell Shape and Cell Density by Diffusion Variance Decomposition (DIVIDE): Towards Rapid Non-Invasive Diagnostic and Prognostic Assessment of Tumors
Mapping of Abnormal Aortic Hemodynamics in 515 Patients with Aortopathy
Mapping of Cerebral Cortical Microstructure Characterized by Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion in Aging
Mapping of Endogenous Glucose Content on the Detection of Hypometabolic Syndrome in Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury by GlucoCEST
Mapping of Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Foot Muscle
Mapping Prostatic Microscopic Anisotropy Using Linear and Spherical B-Tensor Encoding: A Preliminary Study
Mapping the Exchange Kinetics of High-Energy Phosphates in the Human Calf Muscle by Direct 31P MRSI at 7T
Mapping the Neurological Effect of Soman, a Chemical Warfare Nerve Agent, Using 9.4T MRI
Mapping the Task-Related and Resting-State Vascular Dynamic Network Connectivity in Rats and Humans
Mapping TMS Immediate Effects by Concurrent TMS/fMRI Using a Dedicated High-Sensitivity Coil Array
Mapping Vascular Behaviour in Lung Perfusion of Two-Year Old Children After Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Using Tissue Similarity Maps
Mapping Veins on the Surface of the Human Cerebral Cortex
Markerless Optical Tracking for Motion Correction in MR and PET/MR Imaging of the Brain
Mary Had a Little Lamb: Scanner-Recorded Speech During MRI Without Gradient-Induced Sound
MASE-SLASER, a Short TE Matched Chemical Shift Displacement Error Sequence for Single Voxel Spectroscopy at Ultrahigh Field
Massively Accelerated VOP Compression for Population-Scale RF Safety Models
Maternal and Fetal Glucose Uptake Followed by Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging (GlucoCEST) on Pregnant Mice at 21.1T
Maternal-Fetal Exchange and Metabolism Followed in Real-Time by Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging on Pregnant Rats
Mathematical Modeling for Evaluating Gustatory Stimulation of Parotid Gland by Proton Density MRI
A Matlab-Based Graphical User Interface for Processing Dynamic CEST-MRI Data
A MatLab-Based Simulation Program (TcaSIM2) for Predicting NMR Spectra and MS Data for 13C Tracer Experiments
A Maximum Likelihood Approach to Simultaneous Multislice Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
MB-SWIFT Functional MRI During Deep Brain Stimulation in Rats
mcDESPOT-Derived Tissue Parameters in the Brainstem and Corpus Callosum of MS and NMOSD Patients with Cervical Cord Lesions
Mean Kurtosis Discriminates Between Low- And High-Risk Prostate Cancer Better Than Mean Diffusivity Does
Measure Cerebral Microstructure Changes in Brain Small Vessel Disease Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Measurement and Correction for the Magnetic Susceptibility Effects of Fat in Venous Oximetry: Application in the Quantification of Muscle Oxygen Consumption (VO2) with Plantar Flexion Exercise
Measurement of Blood Flow in Normal Parotid Glands Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling: Comparison Between 2D Echo-Planar and 3D Turbo Spin-Echo Sequences.
Measurement of Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Reduced Scan Time
Measurement of Brown Adipose Tissue Activity in Response to Thermal Challenges Using Dixon MRI
Measurement of Cerebral Venous Blood Oxygen Saturation Via T2* Fitting with Velocity Encoded Phase Imaging
Measurement of CMRO2 in Conscious Rat with in Vivo 17O MRS at 16.4T
Measurement of High Frequency Band Signals by Ultra-High Temporal Resolution Imaging in Task-Based FMRI
Measurement of Human Brain, Scalp, and Skull Motion in Vivo Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Triaxial Accelerometers
Measurement of Human Cardiac Intracellular PH in Vivo Using Long TR 31P-MRS with Adiabatic Excitation at 7T
Measurement of Lung Perfusion Using Optimized Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling of Pulmonary Arteries and Fast True-FISP Imaging at 3 Tesla
Measurement of Mean Transit Time Changes in Response to Acetozalomide Challenge in Patients with Cerebral Steno-Occlusive Disease: A Study Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MR Perfusion Imaging.
Measurement of Metabolic Changes in Acute Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Mice Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Measurement of Murine Single-Kidney Glomerular Filtration Rate Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Measurement of Phosphocreatine and BOLD Kinetics in the Lower Extremity Muscles Using a Dual-Frequency Coil Array
Measurement of Placental Oxygenation in a Guinea Pig Model of Intrauterine Growth Restriction
Measurement of R2 Dispersion Profiles Using Fast Field Cycling MRI
Measurement of Small-Tip RF Pulses Using Gradient Reversal
Measurement of Spleen Fat on MRI-Proton Density Fat Fraction Arises from Reconstruction of Noise
Measurement of T1, T2, and Flip Angle with Double-Angle Inversion-Recovery Balanced Steady State Free Precession with Application to Imaging the Eye
Measurement of the Diffusion-Selective T2 Value in the Human Brain Using Diffusion-Weighted T2 Map
A Measurement Weighting Scheme for Optimal Powder Average Estimation
Measurements of Cardiac Related Pulsatile Volumetric Strain in Grey and White Matter Brain Tissue with High Resolution DENSE at 7T
Measurements of Microstructural Changes After Sildenafil Treatment of Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Measurements of Oxygen Delivery and Consumption Using Hematocrit Derived from Blood T1 Quantification
Measurements of Oxygen Delivery and Consumption Using Hematocrit Derived from Blood T1 Quantification
Measurements of the Flow Component of the Hemodynamic Response Function in Human Cerebral Cortex
Measures of Tissue Coherency in T2-Weighted MRI for Myelin and Axonal Pathology: A MRI-Histology Correlative Study in Multiple Sclerosis
Measuring Alanine in Schizophrenia Using 2D Correlation Spectroscopy
Measuring and Minimizing Effects of Eddy Currents on Selective Spectral Editing Experiments at 3T
Measuring APT Contrast in the Lung Using CEST FT-Phase MRI and a Retrospective Gating Technique
Measuring Blood Oxygenation and Hematocrit with a Combined T2 and T1 Approach: Initial Experience in Humans
Measuring Blood Oxygenation and Hematocrit with a Combined T2 and T1 Approach: Initial Experience in Humans
Measuring Cerebral Glucose Metabolism in Vivo Using Hyperpolarized 13C Labelled Glucose
Measuring Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Terms of Resistance
Measuring Connectivity with Diffusion MRI
Measuring Connectivity with RSFMRI
Measuring Exercise-Induced Cerebrovascular Changes in Huntington's Disease Using Arterial Spin Labelling (ASL) FMRI
Measuring Fat Unsaturation and Polyunsaturation in Vertebral Bone Marrow Using Dynamic Inversion-Recovery Single-Voxel Spectroscopy
Measuring Human Placental Blood Flow with Multi-Delay 3D GRASE Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling at 3 Tesla
Measuring Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity with Proton Detected 13C Hyperpolarization
Measuring Local Pulse Wave Velocity in the Carotid Arteries Using a Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for High Temporal Resolution (4 Ms) 2D PC CINE MRI
Measuring of Whole Brain Perfusion in the Awake Marmoset Using Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Measuring Perfusion in a Renal Ischemic/reperfusion Rat Model Using Hyperpolarized a-Trideuteromethyl[15N]glutamine.
Measuring Slice Profiles Across the Industry with the ACR Phantom
Measuring T1 and T2 of the Small Bowel Wall at 3T
Measuring Temperature in Brown Adipose Tissue Using the Proton Chemical Shift
Measuring Temperature in Brown Adipose Tissue Using the Proton Chemical Shift
Measuring the Accuracy of Prospective Motion Correction Through Retroactive Application of Estimates
Measuring Transcortical Vasculature with Ultra-High Field (7T) MRI
Measuring Transmembrane Water Exchange in Rat Brain Cortical Cells in Normal and Pathological Conditions
Measuring Tumor Boundary Variability to Improve Automated Segmentation of Brain Tumors Using Multimodal MRI.
Measuring White Matter Structure in Solid Tumor Survivors: A Fixel-Based Versus Voxel-Based Approach
Mechanical Stiffness of Human Brain Tissue Is Inversely Correlated with FA and MTR
The Mediating Effects of Functional Disconnection on the Association Between Structural Disconnection and Cognitive Impairment in Symptomatic Carotid Artery Disease
Medulloblastomas in Adults: An MRI Radiogenomic Approach to an Extremely Rare Disease
MEGA-PRESS for Simultaneous Aspartate and Glutamate Quantification at 3T.
MEGA-PRIAM: Dual-Volume Excitation and Parallel Reconstruction for J-Difference-Edited MR Spectroscopy
Memory Recall Accuracy Is Associated with Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in the Right Hippocampus
MEMRI Atlas-Based Assessment of Brain Volumes in Adult NSG Mice Irradiated at Birth
Meniscus T2 Relaxation Time in Patients with Varying Degrees of Knee Joint Degeneration
Mental Training Effects on Adolescent Brain Networks
Mesh-Based Anatomically-Constrained Tractography for Effective Tracking Termination and Structural Connectome Construction
Metabolic and Functional MR Imaging Probe Early Response in Glioblastoma Patients Treated with Combination Antiangiogenic-Chemoradiation Therapy
Metabolic Assessment of a Migraine Model Using Relaxation-Enhanced 1H Spectroscopy at Ultra-High Field
Metabolic Changes in the Heart Precede Functional Changes in a Rat Model of Doxorubicin-Induced Cardiotoxicity
Metabolic Characterization of Rat Lung Transplantation Using HP [1-13C]-Pyruvate MRI
Metabolic Counterparts of Sodium Accumulation in Multiple Sclerosis: A Whole Brain 1H-MRSI and 23Na-MRI Study
Metabolic Differences Between Asymptomatic C9orf72 Carriers and Non-Carriers Assessed by Brain 7T MRSI.
Metabolic Differences Between Asymptomatic C9orf72 Carriers and Non-Carriers Assessed by Brain 7T MRSI.
Metabolic Differences in Patients with Overt and Potential Celiac Disease Studied by In-Vitro Proton NMR
Metabolic Imaging of Aging Adipose Tissues
Metabolic Imaging of Brown Adipose Tissue Activation by Exercise in Control and High Fat Diet Fed Rats
Metabolic Imaging of Dynamic Fat Mobilization in Activated Brown Adipose Tissue
Metabolic Imaging of Neuroinflammation in the Cuprizone Mouse Model for Multiple Sclerosis Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Metabolic Imaging of ß3-Adrenoreceptor Activated BAT and Its Systemic Effect on Abdominal Fat in Diet Induced Obese Model
Metabolic Imaging with Gallium-68 Citrate PET and 3D MRSI in Patients with Glioma
Metabolic Reprogramming in a Relevant IDH1-Mutated Human Glioma Xenograft Model
The Metabolic Secretome of Cachexia Inducing Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
A Metabolic Study of Hypoxic Ischemia During Mouse Brain Development Using Hyperpolarized 13C
Metabolic Subtypes of Atypical Teratoid Rhabdoid Tumors
Metabolic Variability in a Brief Status Epilepticus Model
Metabolic Variability in a Brief Status Epilepticus Model
Metabolism of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate Detects Knockout of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase
Metabolite Cycled Semi-LASER and STEAM at 9.4T. Comparison and in Vivo Results.
Metabolite Levels in Hippocampus and Temporal Lobe Using Long TE Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging for Epilepsy Diagnostics
Metabolite-Cycling Short-Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging Using a Concentric Ring K-Space Trajectory
Metabolomic Analysis by HRMAS-MRS: Preliminary Study for Tumor Diagnosis
Metabolomic Analysis of Dendritic Cell Vaccination
Metabolomic, Tissue
Metabolomical NMR Measurements of Cell Cultures: Increasing the Metabolic Stability of Lysed Cells by Additional Heating Due to Enzymatic Inactivation.
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI Around Cobalt-Chromium Arthroplasty Implants: The Negative Effect of Long Echo Trains on Implant-Related Artifact
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI for the Assessment of the Rotational Alignment Knee Arthroplasty Implants: Compressed Sensing SEMAC TSE Versus High-Bandwidth TSE
Metal Artifact Reduction MRI for the Assessment of the Rotational Alignment Knee Arthroplasty Implants: Compressed Sensing SEMAC TSE Versus High-Bandwidth TSE
Metallic Taste Perception at 7 Tesla: Influences of Jaw Position and Ionic Composition of Saliva
Metamaterial Double-Loop RF Head Coil for UHF MRI: A Numerical Evaluation and Experimental Verification at 7T
Metastatic Liver Cancer Targeted Liposomal Theranostic Prodrug for in Vivo Diagnosis and Therapy
A Method for a Wireless Marker Using a Monopole Antenna for Endovascular Catheter Navigation
A Method for Identifying and Fixing Faulty Navigator Corrections in System-Reconstructed Multi-Shot 3D Diffusion Weighted Images
A Method for Near-Realtime Automated Segmentation of Thalamic Nuclei
A Method for Quantification of T1 in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
A Method for Quantitative Cerebrovascular Reserve
A Method for Quantitative Cerebrovascular Reserve
Method of Choice to Increase the Motion-Robustness for Free-Breathing Applications: Self-Gating, Motion-Weighting, or Extra-Dimensional Reconstruction
A Method of Fat Saturation with Better Transmit Field Inhomogeneity Immunity
A Method to Experimentally Assess “coil Loss” of a Dipole Antenna for Ultra-High-Field (UHF) MRI
A Method to Reduce Specific Absorption Rate for DBS Patients at 7 T MRI
A Methodology for Deriving Thermal Dose Model Parameters from Perioperative MR Data
Methods for Single Subject Brain Analysis
Micro- And Macro-Structural Development of the Cortex in Preterm Infants
Microenvironmental Changes in Prostatic Tissues in Relation to Tumor Growth in Low Risk Prostate Cancer
Microscopic Anisotropy in Gray Matter Is Evidence of Myelinated Axons But Not Dendrites? an in Vivo Study Using Diffusion MRI with Variable Shape of the B-Tensor.
Microscopic Anisotropy with Spectrally Modulated Q-Space Trajectory Encoding
Microscopic Anisotropy with Spectrally Modulated Q-Space Trajectory Encoding
Microscopic Susceptibility Anisotropy Mapping
Microstrip Resonator for High Field MRI with Capacitor-Segmented Strip and Ground Plane
Microstructural Alteration of Amygdala-Hippocampus-Nucleus Accumbens Circuit in Methamphetamine Users : An in Vivo Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
Microstructural Alterations in Patients After Liver Transplantation and Treated with Calcineurin Inhibitors – a Quantitative MRI Study
Microstructural Assessment of the Cervical Spinal Cord Using High-Resolution, 1 Dimensional MRI
Microstructural Diffusion-Weighted (VERDICT) MRI Metrics Are Repeatable and Show Potential at Characterising Gleason 7 Prostate Cancer Non-Invasively
Microstructural Dynamic Changes in Ischemic Stroke in Humans Measured with Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3 T
Microstructural Effect on Susceptibility
Microstructural Heterogeneity of Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus (SLF-II) Predicts Impulsivity in Healthy Young Girls
Microstructural Information from Modeling of the SDE and DDE MRI Signals in the Spinal Cord
Microstructure Alterations of Earthquake Survivors: A Longitudinal MR Diffusion Study
Microstructure Imaging from a Dictionary of Monte Carlo Signals: Assessment on a Rat Model of Wallerian Degeneration
Microstructure-Informed Tractography of the Human Optic Radiation in Vivo
Microstural Investigation Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Microvascular Tissue Characterization with Cardiac PET/MRI: Quantitative Comparison of Myocardial DCE-MRI Perfusion Flow with 18F-FDG Viability PET and Coronary Angiography
Minimizing the Confounding Effect of Gadolinium Contrast on Subsequent Ferumoxytol MRI in the Brain
Minimizing the Error in Finding Peak Orientations of Fiber ODF in Diffusion MRI Using Nelder-Mead Simplex Method
Minimum Current Ripple in the Gradient Array System by Applying Optimum-Phase Pulse-Width Modulation Pattern
Minimum Peak Power root-Flipped GSlider-SMS RF Pulses for High-Resolution in Vivo Diffusion imaging
Minimum-Duration Parallel Transmit Pulses for Simultaneous Multislice Imaging
A Minimum-Phase Shinnar-Le Roux Spectral-Spatial Excitation RF Pulse for Water and Lipid Suppression in 1H MRSI of Body Extremities
Mitigating the Effect of Magnetization Transfer in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Mitigation of BSSFP Flow Artifacts Using Partial Dephasing
Mitigation of Spiral Undersampling Artifacts in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) by Adapted Interleave Reordering
Mitigation of Spiral Undersampling Artifacts in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) by Adapted Interleave Reordering
Mixed Dipole and Loop Coil for Macaque Brain Imaging at 7T: A Simulation Study
Mixed Performance of PIRADS V2: A Validation Study
Mn2+ Uptake Mechanisms in Organotypic Rat Hippocampal Slice Cultures
Mn-Complex of DO2A-Benzothiazole Chelate as a New Hepatobiliary MRI Contrast Agent
Modality Specific Thalamic Activations in Rat Brain by FMRI
Model-Based Analysis of Partial Z-Spectra for Rapid Quantification of Amide Proton Transfer MRI
Model-Based and Non-Model-Based Perfusion-Related Predictors of Response to Chemotherapy in Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
Model-Based Gradient Impulse Response Harvesting
Model-Based Joint Reconstruction for Multi B-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Model-Based Reconstruction for Undersampled High Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging Combined with Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisitions
Model-Based Super-Resolution Reconstruction of T2 Maps
A Model-Based Velocity Mapping of Blood Flow Using MR Fingerprinting
Model-Enhanced ZTE Rendering of Musculoskeletal Structures
Model-Free Fourier Reconstruction of the Diffusion Propagator from Multi-B-Shell Diffusion Data
Modeling of Peripheral Nervous Stimulation Thresholds in Realistic Body Models
Modeling of Peripheral Nervous Stimulation Thresholds in Realistic Body Models
Modeling Serial Correlations in FMRI Time Series Collected by Faster TRs
Modeling the Hemodynamic Response Function in Rat FMRI Study
Modeling the Increased Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) Signal from High Amplitude, Low Duty Cycle Irradiation
Modification of Tumour Hypoxia with Atovaquone Measured by CEST MRI
Modified 3D T2W DRIVE Sequence for High Resolution Inner Ear Imaging at 7T
Modified Dispersion Model in Prostate Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Modified FCE Transmit Coil for Bilateral Breast Imaging at 7T with Array Coil Inserts
A Modified Tri-Exponential Model for Multi-B-Value Diffusion-Weighted Imaging to Detect the Strictly Diffusion-Limited Compartment and Its Initial Application in Grading and Differential Diagnosis of Gliomas
Modular Organization of Functional Connectivity in Schizophrenia Patients Beyond the Resolution Limit
A Modular RF Coil Platform for Ex-Vivo Imaging of Brain Slices at 9.4T
A Modular, Scaleable, and Customizable Phased Array Structure Suitable for Ultra-High Channel Phased Arrays
Modulated the Physiological Response Delay to Prevent Overestimating the Disruption of Default Mode Network in Alzheimer’s Disease
Modulation of Expectation on Sound-To-Meaning Mapping During Speech Processing: An FMRI Study
Modulation of Resting State Networks After Slow and Periodic Visual Stimulation in Humans
Modulation of Saslience Network Activation After 4 Weeks Verbal Training in Older Adults
Modulation of Structural and Functional Networks in the Ischemic Mouse Brain by Stem Cell Therapy
Modulation of the Peri-Infarct Neurovascular Function by Beta-Hydroxybutyrate
Molecular Imaging of in Vivo Gene Expression & Intracellular Messengers
Molecular Detection of Inflammation in a Macrophage Cell Model Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate
Molecular Effects of Various Chemotherapeutic Agents on Choline Phospholipid Metabolism of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells
Molecular FMRI: Imaging Probes for Brain Functions & Circuits
Molecular Imaging of Inflammation and Extracellular Matrix Remodeling in a Murine Model of Myocardial Infarction
Molecular Imaging of Pediatric Cerebellar Tumors Using Endogenous Protein-Based Amide Proton Transfer MR Imaging at 3 Tesla
Molecular Imaging of the Effects of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 (MCP-1) on Extracellular Matrix Remodeling Following Myocardial Infarction
Molecular Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Vascular Myeloperoxidase Activity for the Identification of Unstable Atherosclerotic Plaque
Molecular MR Imaging of Pulmonary Fibrogenesis Using the Novel Probe GdOA
Molecular MR Imaging of Renal Fibrogenesis in a Mouse Model
Monitoring Cryoablation Using Short Inversion Recovery Ultrashort Echo Time (STIR-UTE) MRI
Monitoring Disease Progression in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalitis using VDMP-CEST MRI
Monitoring Glioblastoma Progression in Mouse Brain with Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Monitoring Glioma Heterogeneity During Tumor Growth Using Clustering Analysis of Multiparametric MRI Data
Monitoring Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients Using CEST and 31P-MRS at 7 Tesla
Monitoring of Cell Proliferation by 19F-MRS Via Quantitation of 3'-Deoxy-3'-Fluorothymidine (FLT) and Its Monophosphate Metabolite (FLT-MP) in Invivo
Monitoring of Microbubbles Stable Cavitation in a Flowing Phantom by Using MRI
Monitoring Resolution of Fatty Liver Disease with MRI Following Bariatric Surgery: A Prospective, Multi-Center Study
Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Models: Quantitative Biomarkers for Differentiating Renal Clear Cell Carcinoma and Minimal Fat Angiomyolipoma
Monolithic Transmit Line Resonator as a Combined B1/B0-Shim Coil Element
Monopole Antenna Array for UHF Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Monte-Carlo Analysis of Quantitative Diffusion Measurements Using Motion-Compensated Diffusion Weighting Waveforms
A More Accurate Account of the Effect of K-Space Sampling and Signal Decay on the Effective Spatial Resolution in Functional MRI
More and Faster: Multi-Timepoint ASL at 150ms Time-Resolution with Whole Brain Coverage by Combining Time-Encoding, Look-Locker, Multi-Band and Flip-Angle Sweep
More Than Meets the Eye: Quantitative Evaluation of Prospective Motion Correction at 7T
More Than Simply Iron: How the Mesoscopic and Cellular Distribution of Iron Impacts the MR Contrast
Morphing and Posing of Computational Anatomical Models: Enhanced Patient-Specific MRI RF Exposure Prediction
Morphological and Functional Research in Parkinson Disease by Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Morphological Classification of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: New Insights of the Imaging Analysis to Facilitate Treatment Planning
Morphological Growth Patterns in Common Marmoset Developing Brain
Morphometric Analyses of Visual Cortex in Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa
Motion Artifacts Reduction by Parallel Acquisition with Non-Prolonged Deghosting Algorithm (PANDA)
Motion Compensation: Pulse Sequence & Reconstruction Strategies
Motion Corrected High Resolution Time-Of-Flight Angiography at 7T Using Segmented FatNavs
Motion Corrected High Resolution Time-Of-Flight Angiography at 7T Using Segmented FatNavs
Motion Corrected Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Soft-Weighted Key-Hole (MRF-McSOHO)
Motion Corrected T1 Mapping of the Pediatric Human Brain
Motion Correction for 1H-MRSI of the Brain Using Unsuppressed Water Signals
Motion Correction for 3D Free-Breathing Renal DCE-MRI Using Tracer Kinetic Model-Driven Registration
Motion Correction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting by Using Sliding-Window Reconstruction and Image Registration
Motion Correction in Volumetric Brain Imaging Based on DISORDER: Distributed and Incoherent Sample Orders for Reconstruction Disentanglement Using Encoding Redundancy
Motion Correction of Multi-B-Value Diffusion-Weighted Images in the Kidney by Pyramidal Lucas-Kanade Registration
Motion Correction on a Human PET/MR Scanner: Clinical Feasibility of a Motion Correction System in Patients – an Update Report
Motion Correction on a Human PET/MR Scanner: Clinical Feasibility of a Motion Correction System in Patients – an Update Report
Motion Detection in Spectroscopy Using FID Navigators
Motion Insensitive 3D Multiple Echo Inversion Recovery Stack of Star(ME IR SOS) Technique for Measurement of T2* in Intraplaque Hemorrhage(IPH)
Motion Sensitization: PC Imaging Etc
Motion Simulation and Correction Validation Using MR Tagging
Motion Tracking in Cardiac MRI: Cine Watermark Tracking of Myocardial Strain
Motion-Compensated Reconstruction of Fetal Cardiac MRI Using a Golden-Angle Radial Acquisition, Retrospective Gating, and Compressed Sensing
Motion-Compensated Reconstruction of Fetal Cardiac MRI Using a Golden-Angle Radial Acquisition, Retrospective Gating, and Compressed Sensing
Motion-Corrected High-Resolution Intra-Cardiac Imaging Using MR-Tracking Coils: Reducing the Effect of Noise on Motion Estimation
Motion-Corrected Image Reconstruction of Abdominal DCE-MRI Images
Motion-Correction Testing with an Anthropomorphic Brain Phantom
Motion-Free MR Imaging of Brachial Plexus Using the PROPELLER Technique Combined with Low-Refocus Flip Angle FSE
Motion-Induced Magnetic Field Changes Inside the Brain
Motion-Resolved 5D Imaging of the Heart: Time to Get Rid of the Ecg?
Motion-Robust Fetal Brain Imaging Using Inner Echo Volumar Imaging
Motion-Robustness Evaluation and Motion Correction of Wave-Encoding
Motion-Sensitized Driven-Inversion (MSDI) for Improvement of Diffusion-Prepared MR Neurography (SHINKEI) in the Brachial Plexus
Motion-Tolerance Single-Scan Diffusion Mapping
Motor Cortex Hypointensity on SWI Is Associated with APOE Status in Cognitive Impaired Patients
Motor-Task Based FMRI of the Spinal Cord Reveals Neural Activity in Gray Matter Horns
Mouse BOLD FMRI Imaging During Operant Learning at Ultra-High Field (14 T)
Mouse Somatosensory FMRI at 9.4T Using a Single-Shot Variable Refocusing Flip Angle 3D GRASE
An MpMRI Derived Logistic Regression Model for Gleason 4 Pattern Prediction in Peripheral Zone Prostate Cancer
MR- And Optical-Based Multimodal and Multiscale Protocol for Mice Colorectal Diseases Diagnosis
MR Angiography
MR Arthrography of the Hip Using 3D Isotropic SPGR Reconstructed with ESPIRiT Compressed Sensing Reconstruction and Two-Point Dixon Fat-Water Separation
MR ARTS-GROWL: A Non-Iterative Motion-Resistant Technique for High Spatiotemporal Liver DCE Imaging
An MR Compatible Kidney Perfusion System to Assess Kidney Function and Organ Preservation.
MR Contrast Effects of Intrinsically Gd-Chelated Melanin Nanoparticles at 1.5 and 11.7 Tesla
MR Elastography and Perfusion MRI for the Early Assessment of Treatment Response in Soft Tissue Sarcomas
MR Elastography and Perfusion MRI for the Early Assessment of Treatment Response in Soft Tissue Sarcomas
MR Elastography in Cancer
MR Elastography Vs. Diffusion-Weighted MRI in Characterization of Anterior Mediastinal Solid Tumours
MR Enterography
MR Fingerprinting
MR Fingerprinting
MR Fingerprinting ASL: Multi-Slice Acquisition, Sequence Optimization, and Validation with DSC
MR Fingerprinting in Paediatric Neuroradiology: Our Initial Experience
MR Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Treating Painful Bone Metastases: Relating Intra-Procedural ADC Changes and Thermal Dose to Volume of Ablated Tissue
MR Image Analysis to Identify Habitats Through Comparison with Histology and Immunohistochemistry in Breast Cancer
MR Imaging & Spectroscopy in a Non-Human Primate Model of Ebola Makona Aerosol Exposure
MR Imaging Around Metal: Clinical Applications
MR Imaging Around Metal: Technical Aspects
MR Imaging Characteristics of Benign and Malignant Biliary Strictures
MR Imaging in the Prediction of Aggressive Histological Features in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
MR Imaging of Brachial Plexus
MR Imaging of Magnetic Ink Patterns Via Off-Resonance Sensitivity
MR Imaging of Nanoparticle Uptake and 3D Intra-Tumoral Distribution in Orthotopic Xenograft Mouse Models of Neuroblastoma
MR Imaging of the Cervical Spinal Cord in Patients with Spinal Muscular Atrophy and Healthy Controls
MR Imaging of Tissue Near Aneurysm Clips Using Short- And Zero Echo Time MR Sequences
MR Imaging of Vasa Vasorum During Lipid-Lowering Therapy to Carotid Unstable Plaque: A Prospective Study in Chinese Patients
MR Microscopy of Aplysia Californica at 17.2T Suggests That the Diffusion FMRI Signal Originates from Neural Swelling
MR Microscopy of Early Changes in Osteoarthritis – Ex-Vivo Study of the Osteochondral Degenerative Process at 7T
MR Molecular Imaging of Extradomain-B Fibronectin for Characterizing Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
MR Non-Gaussian Diffusion Model of Female Cervix: A Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Study
MR of Finger Injuries
MR R2* and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Variability in Normal Subjects Across the Adult Lifespan
MR Relaxation Properties in MR Coagulation for Vascular Repair
MR Relaxometry in the Heart
MR Renography Shows That Serum-Clearance Methods Overestimate GFR in Patients with Ascites
MR Spectroscopy - New Metabolites
MR Spectroscopy Shows That High Fat Diet Changes Composition and Distribution of Mammary Gland Fat in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Breast Cancer
MR Spectroscopy: Clinical Applications
MR Spectroscopy: Technical Aspects
MR Systems Overview
MR Thermometry-Guided Ultrasound Hyperthermia of User-Defined Regions Using the ExAblate Prostate Ablation Array
MR Urography
MR US Fusion Guided Intervention for Pain Syndromes
MR Versus CT Imaging for Identifying the Etiology of Abdominal Pain in Emergency Department Patients
MR/optical Image-Guided Liposomal Drug Delivery System for Triple Negative Breast Cancer
MR/PET – Clinical Applications
MR-Based Machine Learning Analysis Can Help to Predict Pathological Outcome of Biopsy-Proven Gleason Score 3+3 Prostate Cancer
MR-Based Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Corrected 18F-FDG-PET/MR in Cardiac Sarcoidosis
MRE Derived Stiffness of the Gluteus Maximus Muscle: Reproducibility and Correlation to T2 and Fat-Fraction
MRE Technology
MR-Elastography of the Breast
MR-Embedded Respiratory Motion Tracking in ZTE Lung Imaging for PET-MRI
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound in the Brain - Description, Overview & Method
MR-Guided Mixed-Reality for Surgical Planning: Set-Up and Perceptual Accuracy
MR-Guided Radiotherapy
MR-HIFU Mild Hyperthermia for Recurrent Rectal Cancer: Updated Results from a Phase I Clinical Trial
MRI & Manifolds
MRI Assessment of Spatial Distribution of Hypoxia in Pre-Clinical Xenograft Models of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Via GdDO3NI: A Novel Hypoxia-Binding T1 Contrast Agent
MRI Assessment of the Effect of Low-Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation on Postmenopausal Bone Loss
MRI Based Early Monitoring and Quantitative Assessment of Macrophages Infiltration After Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Mice
An MRI Based High-Resolution Geometrical Framework to Quantify Left Ventricular Remodeling in Murine Model of Myocardial Infarction
MRI Based RF Safety Characterization of Implants Using the Implant Response Matrix: A Simulation Study.
MRI Based RF Safety Characterization of Implants Using the Implant Response Matrix: A Simulation Study.
MRI Biomarkers for PEGPH20-Enhanced Treatment of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
MRI Biosensors
MRI Can Assess Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema Tissue Composition and Guide Management Strategy
MRI Characteristics Predicts Clinical Outcomes in Severe Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease:analysis of 412 Children in China
MRI Characterization of Cerebellar Atrophy in a Non-Human Primate Model of Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
MRI Characterization of Lung Lesions from Pulmonary Tuberculosis
A MRI Compatible Class-EF Power Amplifier Designed to Drive a Wireless Power Transfer System
MRI Compatible Set Up for Optogenetic Stimulation of Living Brain Slices
MRI Connectivity Predictors of Post-Surgical Seizure Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
MRI Connectivity Predictors of Post-Surgical Seizure Outcome in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
MRI Detection of Extramural Venous Invasion in Rectal Cancer: Correlation with Histopathology Utilizing Elastin Stain
MRI Efficacy Evaluation of AvastinTM in Combination Temozolomide Therapy Using GL261 Tumor Bearing Mice
MRI Evaluation of Suspected Appendicitis in Pediatric Patients
MRI Feature Tracking Strain Provides Incremental Prognostic Information Over Serum Biomarkers in AL Amyloidosis
MRI for Surgical Planning/Intraoperative MRI
MRI Guided Biopsy in Patients with Positive TRUS-Biopsy: Necessity or Overkill?
MRI in the Cirrhotic Liver
MRI Measurement of Cerebrovascular Reactivity: Clinical Implementation
MRI Monitoring of the in Vivo Permeability Increase of Brain Tumor Vessels Induced by Synchrotron Microbeam Radiation Therapy
MRI of Focal Lesions in the Non-Cirrhotic Liver
MRI of Intra-Tumoral Iron-Oxide Labeled Clostridium Novyi-NT Injections During Bacteriolytic Therapy in Solid Tumors
MRI of Liver Cysts in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease: Effect of Genotype
MRI of Longterm Changes in Vascularization and Functional Connectivity in a Mouse Model of Vascular Cognitive Impairment
MRI of Non-Obstetric Acute Pelvic Pain in Pregnant Patients
An MRI Phantom Study to Assess the Effects of Localized Stiffness on Aortic Hemodynamics
MRI Pulse Sequence Development Using Graphical User Interface Modules
MRI Quantification of Diffusion and Perfusion in Epiphysis of Femoral Heads After Close Reduction of Children with DDH By Intravoxel Incoherent Movement
MRI Quantification of Liver Proton Density Fat Fraction During Free Breathing Using a Motion-Insensitive Single-Shot 2D Technique
MRI Signal Enhancement in Early-Stage GBM Detection by Nonlinear Spin Dynamics Using Active Feedback Fields
The MRI Signature of Glial Activation: A PET-MRI Study Using PBR28 Radioligand and MR Relaxometry
MRI Study of the Changes of Perfusion and Fat Content in Radiation-Induced Bone Marrow Injury in Rats
MRI Submerging Into the Big Blue: A Comparative 3D-PCASL and IVIM-MRI Brain Perfusion Study to Elucidate Circulatory Adaptation During Prolonged Freediving
MRI Technique and Interpretation in the Evaluation of Hepatic Steatosis
MRI to Evaluate the Response of the Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer to CCRT: MRS(Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy), DWI(Diffusion Weighted Image), and T2WI
MRI to Monitor the Impact of Positional Changes in the Airway of Sleep Apnea Patients – a Phase I Methodology Demonstration at 3T
MRI Tracking and Quantitative Analyzing Natural Killer Cell Infusion for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treatment in a Rodent Model
MRI Vessel Slice Tool Visualization with an Interactive 3-D Display
MRI Visualization of Brain-Like Tissue Formation Following Implantation of Neural Precursors Into in Cerebrospinal Fluid
MRI Vs. X-Ray Scattering: Comparative Study of Myelin Distribution, Fiber Direction and White Matter Tracts in Mouse Brain
MRI/PET of Myocardial Extracellular Volume in a Canine Model of Chemotherapy
MRI/S Assessment of Skeletal Muscle Morphology and Energetics in Mdx Muscle Injured Mouse as a Model for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
MRI: A Systems Overview
MRI: The Classical Description
An MRI-Based Assessment of the Correlation Between Cerebral White Matter Changes, Muscle Structure, and Muscle Function in Myotonic Dystrophy
MRI-Based Fluid Structure Interaction Simulation of the Bicuspid Aortic Valve Using Native Non-Linear Valve Properties
MRI-Based Myocardial Ablation Lesion Extent Relates to Area of Voltage Reduction in MR-Guided Electroanatomical Voltage Maps
MRI-Based Synthetic CT for Radiation Treatment of Lung Cancer
MRI-Compatible Voltage Device Tracking (VDT) Navigation: Simultaneous Tracking and Imaging with High-Gradient-Duty-Cycle Sequences Via Complete Removal of Gradient Induced Voltages. Initial Results.
MRI-Guided Needle Biopsy Using Augmented Reality
MRI-Guided Robotic Arm (MgRA) to Target Deep Brain Nuclei in Vivo
MRI-Monitored Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery: Observation of Intra-Procedural Nerve Decompression During Surgery
MRI-Monitored Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF) Surgery: Observation of Intra-Procedural Nerve Decompression During Surgery
MRI-Perfusion Derived Fractional Tumor Burden (FTB) Is Predictive of Overall and Progression Free Survival in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Following Concomitant Chemoradiotherapy
MRI-Perfusion Derived Fractional Tumor Burden (FTB) Stratifies Survival in Recurrent Glioblastoma Following Treatment with Bevacizumab
MRIQC: Automated Assessment and Quality Reporting of MRI Scans
MR-NODDI Evaluating Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Tract Based Spatial Statistics Analysis
MRS as a Biomarker for Brain Disease
MRS in Hepatic Disease
MRS Measurements of [2-13C] Glycine Conversion to Glutathione in the Liver: A New Method of Measuring Hepatic Oxidative Stress Defences in Vivo
An Mr-Safe Metal-Braided Catheter Design for Interventional Cmr
MRS-Based Classification of Spinocerebellar Ataxias 1, 2, 3, and 6 at 7T: A Distance-Weighted Discrimination Approach
MS Lesions Demonstrating a QSM Hyperintense-Rim Have More Myelin Loss Compared to Those Without a QSM Hyperintense-Rim
MSK Applications of Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Technical Aspects
Mu Opioid Receptor Activation Signatures on Brain Activity and Connectivity by FMRI in Mice
Mulitplexed OxFlow for Rapid Estimation of Whole-Brain Oxygen Consumption at Rest and During Apneic Challenge
Multi Compartment Deconvolution with L2 Regularization and Priors Improves Repeatability of MD Estimation Through Free Water and IVIM Elimination.
Multi Echo ICA (MICA)
Multi Scroll Coil Setup for Simultaneous Acquisition of MR Microscopy Data of 3D Printed Cells
Multi Slice MRSI-Based Generation of Nosological Images of Therapy Response Using a Semi-Supervised Source Extraction Approach in Preclinical Glioblastoma.
Multi-Agent Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI to Assess Vascular Changes Induced by Prolonged VEGFR2 Inhibition in Oesophageal Cancer
Multiband Echo-SHift EPI (MESH-EPI): Applications at 3T
Multi-Band Enhanced Magnetization Transfer Contrast (MBE-MTC) Preparation
Multiband IRIS: A Framework for Diffusion-Weighted Image Reconstruction Integrating Multiband, Multishot, SENSE and 2D Navigated Motion Correction
A Multiband Multi-Echo Simultaneous ASL/BOLD Acquisition for Resting State Functional Connectivity
A Multiband Multi-Echo Simultaneous ASL/BOLD Acquisition for Resting State Functional Connectivity
A Multicenter in Vivo Study to Evaluate Gadoxetate DCE-MRI as a Preclinical Biomarker of Liver Function
Multicenter Study of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Metrics in Breast Cancer with Software Comparison.
Multicentre Repeatability of ADC Estimates from Diffusion Weighted (DW) MRI in Lung Cancer: Influence of Segmentation Methodology and Statistical Descriptor
Multi-Channel FMRI Denoising Based on Tensor Decomposition
A Multi-Compartment Cerebral Perfusion Phantom to Test Territory Selection Using Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin Labelling
Multi-Compartment Microscopic Diffusion Imaging with Oscillating Gradients: Simulation Validation and Application in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Multi-Compartment MR Fingerprinting Via Reweighted-L1-Norm Regularization
Multi-Compartment T2 Relaxometry Model Using Gamma Distribution Representations: A Framework for Quantitative Estimation of Brain Tissue Microstructures.
Multicomponent 3D-T1? and T2 Relaxation Mapping of Skeletal Muscle: In-Vivo Feasibility
Multi-Contrast Acquisition in a Single Scan (MASS) for Three-Dimensional Quantitative T1 Mapping of Carotid Atherosclerosis
Multi-Contrast Diffeomorphic Non-Linear Registration of Orientation Density Functions
Multi-Contrast EPI for Use as a Neuro MR Scout and Screening
Multi-Contrast Image Guided Graph Representation and Its Application in Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
A Multi-Directional Methodology for Discriminating Benign from Malignant Lesions on DWI for Women with Dense Breasts
Multi-Echo Balanced Steady State Imaging of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate at 9.4T
Multi-Echo Chemical Shift Encoding (MECSE) for Sensitive Fluorine-19 MRI of Complex Spectra
Multi-Echo EPI Improves Olfaction-Related Brain Activation
Multi-Echo Sliding Interleaved Projection Reconstruction (SLIPR) Imaging of the Carotid Artery
Multifrequency MR Elastography of the Human Prostate by Multiple Surface-Based Compressed-Air Drivers: Reproducibility and First Patient Results
Multifunctional Magnetic Nanocomposites for T1/T2 Dual-Mode MRI and PH-Responsive Drug Delivery
Multi-Modal and Multi-Scale Measurement of Metabolism in Vivo in a Breast Cancer Model
Multi-Modal and Multi-Scale Measurement of Metabolism in Vivo in a Breast Cancer Model
Multi-Modal Characterization of White Matter for Studying Language and Hand Motor Function
Multimodal Functional Imaging Using Modified FMRI-Weighted Minimum-Norm Estimation
Multimodal Imaging of Vascularity and Drug Delivery in GBM Patients Treated with Anti-Angiogenesis Inhibitor
Multimodal Imaging: MR-Compatible, Gradient Artifact Free, Wireless Recording System Integrated with MR-Scanner for Simultaneous EEG and FMRI Acquisition
Multimodal Imaging: MR-Compatible, Gradient Artifact Free, Wireless Recording System Integrated with MR-Scanner for Simultaneous EEG and FMRI Acquisition
Multi-Modal Isointense Infant Brain Image Segmentation with Deep Learning Based Methods
Multimodal Meta-Analysis of Neural Correlates in First-Episode Drug-Naïve Major Depressive Disorder
Multimodal MR Investigation of Brain and Behavioral Changes in Patients with HIV-Infections
Multimodal MRI Biomarker Study of Substantia Nigra Damage in Idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
Multimodal Multiparametric 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI Improves Computer-Assisted Detection of Primary Prostate Cancer
A Multi-Modal Study of the Neural Mechanisms Behind the Beneficial Effects of Repetitive TMS Over the Precuneus of MCI Patients
Multimodal Study of Treated Brain Tumours Combining Non-Gaussian Diffusion MRI and 18F-FET-PET
Multimodal Thalamocortical Connectivity Patterns in Early Brain Development
Multi-Modality Imaging in an MRI Scanner: Simultaneous Imaging & Therapy - Making the Systems Compatible
Multinuclear in Vivo MR Spectroscopy at 7T Reveals Differences in Liver and Muscle Metabolism in NAFLD Patients and Healthy Controls
Multiparameter MRI Predictors of Extreme Survival in Glioblastoma Multiforme
Multiparameter MRI Predictors of Extreme Survival in Glioblastoma Multiforme
Multi-Parametric 11C-Methionine-PET/MRI for Brain Tumor Imaging Utilizing MR Fingerprinting.
Multiparametric Assessment of Acute Kidney Injury
Multiparametric Assessment of Patients with Aortic Stenosis Using Multipoint 4D Flow MRI - Correlation with Cardiac Biomarkers
Multi-Parametric Brain Morphometry Using a Big Data Approach
Multi-Parametric Cardiac MRI for T1 Mapping and Cine Imaging Using Iterative Model-Based Image Reconstruction
Multi-Parametric Cervical Spinal Cord MRI Provides an Accurate Diagnostic Tool for Detecting Clinical Myelopathy
Multi-Parametric Characterization of Highly Fat Infiltrated Muscular Dystrophy Patients: Results of a Multi-Variate Analysis.
Multiparametric Characterization of Myocardial Tissue by Contrast-Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Subjects with Prediabetes, Diabetes and Controls from a Western General Population – Results of the KORA-MRI-Study
Multiparametric CMR Protocol and Analysis Methods for the Detection of Early Cardiotoxicity Remodelling in the Mini-Swine.
Multiparametric Comparison of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, R2*, and 89Zr-PET for Quantification of Targeted Magnetic Drug Therapy Biodistribution
Multi-Parametric Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Models: Useful Tools for Diagnosis and Prognosis in Breast Cancer?
Multi-Parametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Differentiating Benign from Malignant Orbital Lymphoproliferative Disorders
Multiparametric MR Characterisation of a High-Fat, High-Cholesterol Diet Rodent Model of Liver Disease
Multiparametric MR for Assessment of Tissue Characteristics of Small Intestine Neuroendocrine Tumour Evaluated by Histological Correlations
Multiparametric MRI Assessment of Tumor Physiological Changes During Hypofractionated SABR
Multi-Parametric MRI Assessment of Tumor Progression in a Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer
Multiparametric MRI Assessment Reveals Early Cartilage Degeneration at 2 and 8 Weeks After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Transection in a Rabbit Model
Multi-Parametric MRI at 7 T Enables Differentiation of MS and Age-Related White Matter Lesions
Multi-Parametric MRI at 7 T Enables Differentiation of MS and Age-Related White Matter Lesions
Multiparametric MRI for Optimal Prostate Cancer Detection in TRAMP Mice
Multiparametric MRI for Tumor Therapy Response
Multi-Parametric MRI of Glioblastoma Invasion Quantitative Evaluation Using Histological Stacks
Multi-Parametric MRI of Murine Unilateral Ureter Obstruction
Multiparametric MRI of Renal Transplant: Preliminary Results and Repeatability Study in Patients with Stable Renal Function.
Multi-Parametric MRI Radiomics for Pre-Treatment Prediction of the Progression-Free Survival in Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Multi-Parametric MRI Radiomics for Pre-Treatment Prediction of the Progression-Free Survival in Advanced Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Multiparametric MRI with Spatiotemporal Evaluation Reveals Potential Therapy Response Biomarkers for 177Lu-Octreotate Therapy of Mice with Human Neuroendocrine Tumor
A Multi-Parametric MRI-Based Radiomics Approach to Predict the High Level of Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer
Multiparametric MRI-Defined Prostate Cancer Includes Heterogeneous Pathologies
Multi-Parametric Response Map Using Hyperpolarized Gas MR Imaging to Retain Regionality: Making Hyperpolarized Gas Imaging Great Again
Multi-Parametric Spinal Cord MRI Detects Subclinical Tissue Injury in Asymptomatic Cervical Spinal Cord Compression
Multiparametric T2* MR Fingerprinting
Multiparametric Tumor Characterization Using Simultaneous 1H-MRI, [18F]FDG PET and Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate MRSI
Multi-Parametric/-Nuclear 1H/23Na Clinical Protocol of the Prostate at 3T Using a Double Resonant Coil
Multi-Phase Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Respiratory Gating in Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma
Multiphase Pseudo-Continuous ASL to Image Cerebral Blood Flow in Mice at 9.4T
Multiple Instantaneous Switchable Scans Interleaving T2W and DWI for Prostate Biparametric MRI
Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Are Softer Than Surrounding White Matter: An MR Elastography Study
Multiple-Mouse Magnetic Resonance Imaging with CryoProbes
Multiple-TR Neuronal Resonance-MRI (NR-MRI) for Detection of Weak Oscillating Magnetic Field
Multi-Region Semi-Adiabatic Spectral-Spatial Spectroscopic Imaging (SASSI) Sequence for Accelerated MRSI at 7T
Multi-Scale Peak Detection Method for an Automatic Cardioballistic Artifact Period Determination Directly from EEG-FMRI Data
Multi-Shell Multi-Band Diffusion Imaging (MSMBDI) Is More Predictive of Executive Deficits in Preadolescents with Complex Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) Compared to Standard Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Multi-Shell Neonatal Brain HARDI Template
Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging Using 1D Navigator Acquisition with Parallel Imaging and Iterative Reconstruction
Multi-Site Concordance of DSC-MRI Analysis for Brain Tumors: Results of a NCI Quantitative Imaging Network DSC-MRI Collaborative Project
Multi-Site Concordance of DSC-MRI Analysis for Brain Tumors: Results of a NCI Quantitative Imaging Network DSC-MRI Collaborative Project
Multi-Site Concordance of DWI Metrics: Results of the NCI Quantitative Imaging Network ADC Mapping Collaborative Project
Multi-Slice Balanced SSFP Is an Excellent Alternative to GE-EPI for Rodent FMRI at Ultra-High Field
Multi-Slice Extension of IVASO for Absolute Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping Using a 3D GRASE Readout
Multi-Slice GRE-MOLLI at 3T Using Denoising with Low-Rank and Sparsity Constraints
Multi-Slice Metabolite Mapping with Very-High Degree Dynamic B0 Shim Updating at 9.4T Using Accelerated 1H FID MRSI
Multi-Spherical Diffusion MRI: An In-Vivo Test-Retest Study of Time-Dependent Q-Space Indices
Multi-Tensor Filtering Based on Expectation-Maximization Framework
Multi-Transmit Proton MRI Combined with High Power Body Transmit and Receive Array for 7 Tesla Phosphorus Imaging
Multi-Tuned Coils
A Multivariate Machine Learning Framework for Psychosis: Integrating Diffusion and Structural MRI
A Multi-Variate Regional Study of Acute Lung Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Multi-Year 4D Flow MRI Follow-Up Study of Bicuspid and Tricuspid Aortic Valve Patients and Association Between Wall Shear Stress and Aortic Diametric Growth
Muscarinic Receptor Agonism Prevents the Functional Connectivity Aberrancies Produced by the Psychotogenic Drug Phencyclidine (PCP)
Muscle Change Associated with Time in Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
MUSCLE: MUlti SliCe Localized Excitation 31P-MRS
Muscular Fat Fraction Using High-Resolution Imaging – Comparison of Three T2-Based Methods and Chemical Shift-Encoded Imaging
Muscular Glycogen Detection with CEST Imaging in Living Rat at 14.1T
Musculoskeletal Imaging of the Extremities with a Compact 3T MRI with High-Performance Gradients
MuSHER: Multi-Shell Spherical Harmonic Error Rejection
Music Training Enhances Functional Connectivity in Preterm Newborns
Mutant Huntingtin Dosage Effect on Incidence of High Striatal Glutamine in a Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease – a Symptom of Liver Pathophysiology?
Myelin and Cortical Bone Short-T2 Quantification Using Saturation and Diffusion-Based Long-T2 Suppression in a Steady-State 3D-UTE Sequence
Myelin Degeneration in Cynomolgus Macaques with Advanced Age Using Quantitative Myelin Imaging
Myelin Density Measurement by ZTE in the D2O-Exchanged Spinal Cord Is Unaffected by Tissue Fixation
Myelin Water Atlas for Cervical Spinal Cord: A Template for Spinal Cord Pathway Myelin Microstructure
Myelin Water Fraction Estimation from Optimized Steady-State Sequences using Kernel Ridge Regression
Myelin Water Imaging Provides Evidence of Long-Term Remyelination and Neuroprotection in Alemtuzumab Treated Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Myelin Water Imaging Using T2-Relaxation in the Spinal Cord; Comparison of Multi-Echo GRASE and McDESPOT
Myelin-Related MRI Metrics Demonstrate Longitudinal Differences for Relapsing MS Patients Treated with Ocrelizumab or Inteferon Beta-1a Over 96 Weeks
Myelin-Water-Imaging in Hypomyelinating Leukodystrophies
Myocardial Edema Imaging Using Single-Shot T2STIR Prepared BSSFP
Myocardial Extracellular Volume Expansion Precedes Functional Myocardial Alterations During the Evolution of Systemic Sclerosis
Myocardial Fat Quantification of Normal Subjects Via 7-Peaks MDixon Model
The Myocardial Feature Tracking of LA, LV and RV: Age-Related in Normal Chinese
Myocardial Fibrosis Is a Predictor of Adverse Outcomes in Thalassemia Intermedia Patients
Myocardial Motion Velocity in Patients with Cirrhotic Cardiomyopathy
Myocardial Strain Imaging with Feature Tracking MRI in Patients with Cardiac Amyloidosis: Comparison with Normal Control Subjects
Myocardial T1 Imaging Techniques
Myocardial T2 & T2* & T1 Rho Mapping Techniques
Myocardial T2 & T2* & T1 Rho Mapping Techniques
Myocardial T2* Changes Periodically Across the Cardiac Cycle and Is Prolonged in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A 7.0 Tesla MRI Patient Study
Myocardium Tissue DTI with Stimulated Echo at Large Susceptibility Induced B0 Gradients: Examination of the Shimming Strategies Efficiency and Errors.
Myometrial Invasion in Endometrial Cancer: Comparison of Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation Elevates Human Brain Glutathione in Vivo: A Proof-Of-Concept Study Using J-Edited 1H MRS
Nanodiamond Imaging with Hyperpolarized 13C MRI
Nanoparticulate Agents for Imaging in Diabetes
Navigating the Brachial Plexus: An MRI Visual Primer
Navigator-Free EPI Ghost Correction Using Low-Rank Matrix Modeling: Theoretical Insights and Practical Improvements
Navigator-Free EPI Ghost Correction Using Low-Rank Matrix Modeling: Theoretical Insights and Practical Improvements
Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy for Lung Cancer in a Transgenic Mouse Model Evaluated by MRI
Negentropy: Non-Gaussian Characterization for Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
The Neonatal DTI Fiber Atlas for Studies of Brain Development at Birth
Neonatal MRI Rotational Motion Correction Using a Wireless Accelerometer (WiMoCo)
Neonatal Whole Brain Volume and Microstructure in Infants Born Preterm and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 Years of Age
Nested Tracer-Kinetic Model-Based DCE-MRI Reconstruction from Under-Sampled Data
Network Analysis
Network Analysis Revealed Two Distinct Neuronal Circuits Involved in Nociceptive Processing Within the Rat Brain After Ablation of TRPV1-Expressing Peripheral Neurons
Network-Dependent Changes in Functional Connectivity at 7 Tesla in Young Adults with Down Syndrome
Neural and Physiological Responses to Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Rats
Neural Correlates of Cognitive Load on Working Memory in Organic-Solvent Exposed Brain Using FMRI
Neural Mechanism of Acupoint Specificity Underlying the Antiemetic Efficacy: An FMRI Study.
Neural Network MR Image Reconstruction with AUTOMAP: Automated Transform by Manifold Approximation
Neuro 2D Correlated Spectroscopy Identifies Neuro Deregulation in Soldiers Exposed to Blast Prior To Discernible Changes by Conventional Imaging
Neuro Applications of Diffusion MRI
Neuroanatomical Substrates That Account for Worsening Performance in the Clock-Drawing Test in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Neurochemical Alterations and Behavioral Impairments in Late Stage Alcoholic Liver Fibrosis in Mice
Neurochemical Alterations in the Hippocampus Induced by High-Fat Diet: In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Neurochemical Basis of the BOLD Change in Attention Control - A Combined Task-Based FMRI and 1H-MRS
Neurodegeneration and Its Interaction with Motor Impairment in Sub-Acute SCI Revealed by Quantitative MRI
Neurofunctional Topography of the Human Hippocampus: Converging Data from a Series of Studies
Neuroimaging in Concussion: A Magnetic Resonance Elastography Pilot Study
Neurological MRI Protocols for Patients with DBS Equipment in Situ Consistent with New B1+RMS -Limited MR Conditional Product Label
Neuromelanin and Volumetric Evaluation in Parkinson’s Disease Patients Carrying LRRK2 or GBA Mutations
Neuromelanin-Weighted MRI in Revealing Human Development and Age-Related Changes in Locus Coeruleus and Substantial Nigra
Neurovascular Consequences of Traumatic Brain Injury
The Neurovascular Fingerprint of BOLD BSSFP: The Impact of Vessel Size, Orientation and Intravascular Contribution
New Approach to Improve the Reliability of IVIM Parameters Using Computed DWI Based on Stretched Exponential Model
A New Background Field Removal Method Using Region Adaptive Kernel for Human Brain MRI
A New Combined Perfusion and Diffusion MRI Biomarker to Distinguish Pediatric High-Grade Glioma from Pilocytic Astrocytoma
A New Combined Perfusion and Diffusion MRI Biomarker to Distinguish Pediatric High-Grade Glioma from Pilocytic Astrocytoma
A New COPD Phenotype Characterized by Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI
New Design of Flexible Surface Coil with Variodes and Remote Detuning
New Enhancing and Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Measured on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
A New Fiber Orientation Distribution Function
A New Highly Stable Macrocyclic Gadolinium Complex as a Liver Targeting MRI Contrast Agent
A New Human-Scale Fast Field-Cycling MRI System for Clinical Applications
New Insights Into the Predilection Sites of Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
New Insights Into the Predilection Sites of Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
A New Iterative GPU Algorithm to Segment MS Lesions in Multi-Spectral MRI Datasets
A New Method for Measuring T$$$_{1\rho}$$$ of Hyperpolarized Radioactive Isotopes Using Gamma Rays
A New Method for Measuring T$$$_{1\rho}$$$ of Hyperpolarized Radioactive Isotopes Using Gamma Rays
A New Method for Optimizing Performances of Gradient Coils Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Genetic Algorithm
A New Method for the Image Reconstruction of Multi-Shot Navigator-Free DWI
A New Method of HRF Estimation Containing High Frequency Content
New Method to Characterize and Correct with Sub-µs Precision Gradient Delays in Bipolar Multi-Spoke RF Pulses
A New MR Elastography Parameter for Diagnosing Hepatic Fibrosis and Inflammation: Shear Attenuation
A New Multi-Atlas Selection Strategy for Zone Segmentation of the Prostate
A New Pattern for Autocalibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction for GRASE: APIR4GRASE
A New Phase Unwrapping Method Based on Wraps Identification and Local Surface Fitting for Water-Fat Separation
A New Pulse Sequence for Single-Voxel 1H MRS Measurement of Cerebral Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) in Humans at 7T Using 32-Channel Volume Coil
New Resonator Geometries for ICE Decoupling of Loop Arrays
A New RF Coil for Foot and Ankle Imaging at 7T MRI
A New System to Spatially Align in Vivo MRI, Ex Vivo MRI, and Whole-Mount Histopathology Slides for Integrated Prostate Cancer Research
A New Technique of SPIO-Enhanced MRI: Delayed Recovery of T2*-Weighted Signal Intensity as a Novel Diagnostic Marker for Visualization of Irradiated Liver Parenchyma.
A New Ultrafast 3D Gradient-Echo Magnetic Resonance Imaging Method: RASE-I
A New Ultrafast 3D Gradient-Echo-Based Imaging Method: RASE-II
Newly Designed Miniaturized Patch Antenna with High Dielectric Material Plugs
NIBIB New Horizons Lecture
NMR and MRS Studies of the Neurotoxic Oligomer of a-Synuclein Toward Investigating Its in Vivo Structure
NMR Based Metabolomics of Human Filtered-Serum: An Appraisal of Chronic Stable Angina and Myocardial Infarction
NMR Phytometabolomics for Evaluation of Non-Polar Chemosensory Signatures
NMR-Based Metabolomics and Metabolic Pathway Networks from Patient-Matched Colorectal Cancers, Adjacent Non-Cancerous Tissues and Fecal Extracts
No Evidence of Increased Iron Accumulation in the Deep Gray Matter of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
No Significant Increase of Magnetic Susceptibility Found in Subcortical Gray Matter of Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
NODDI Revealed the Brain Microstructural Damage in Patients with Moyamoya Disease
Noise and Artifact Reduction in 3D Abdominal and Thoracic Imaging Using CAIPIRINHA
Noise Properties of Proton Density Fat Fraction Estimated Using Chemical Shift Encoded MRI
Noise Reduction with TGV, Gaussian and Wiener Filtering Methods in FLAIR² Images
Non-Central Chi to Gaussian Transformation of Diffusion MRI Signals Improves Estimation of Fiber ODFs
Non-Contrast Assessment of Vasodilator Response Using Native Myocardial T1 and T2 Mapping and Arterial Spin Labeled CMR
Non-Contrast Assessment of Vasodilator Response Using Native Myocardial T1 and T2 Mapping and Arterial Spin Labeled CMR
Non-Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography of Lower Extremity in Patients with Diabetes: Initial Experience of Using TRANCE Technique at 3.0 T
Non-Contrast Enhanced MR Imaging of the Body
Non-Contrast Free Breathing and Motion Corrected 3D Whole Heart Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging for Assessment of Myocardial Fibrosis
Non-Contrast T1 Mapping Can Detect Myocardial Fibrosis in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Without Gadolinium. Is Native T1 a Superior Alternative to Late Gadolinium Enhancement?
Non-Contrast Vascular Compliance Mapping Using Time-Resolved VASO CBV Imaging
Non-Contrast Vascular Compliance Mapping Using Time-Resolved VASO CBV Imaging
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Imaging of RF Ablation Lesions in the Heart
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA for Hepatic Vasculature Imaging Using Off-Resonance-Robust Velocity-Selective Pulse Train
Non-ECG First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion T1 Mapping with Low-Rank Tensor Cardiovascular MR Multitasking
Non-ECG First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion T1 Mapping with Low-Rank Tensor Cardiovascular MR Multitasking
Non-ECG, Free-Breathing Joint T1-T2 Mapping in the Myocardium with CMR Multitasking
Non-Gadolinium-Contrast Relaxation-Enhanced MR Angiography in Children with an Inversion Recovery and T2-Prepared 3D MDIXON Gradient-Echo Technique: Preliminary Experience
Non-Gadolinium-Contrast Relaxation-Enhanced MR Angiography in Children with an Inversion Recovery and T2-Prepared 3D MDIXON Gradient-Echo Technique: Preliminary Experience
Non-Gaussian Diffusion of Human Skeletal Muscle Water and Metabolites Observed Using Proton Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy
Non-Gaussian IVIM Imaging Biomarkers Can Non-Invasively Predict the Aggressiveness of Small papillary Thyroid Cancers
Non-Gaussian Water Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and T2* Mapping of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration at 3T MR
Non-Invasive 3T Lymphangiography Using 3D Velocity-Suppressed T2-Weighted MRI
Non-Invasive Assessment of Vascular Water Permeability in the Mouse Brain Using Multi-TE ASL
Non-Invasive Cerebrovascular Pulsatility Measurement Via Cardiac Sorting of BOLD Data: An Investigative Study Using Exercise-Induced Hypotension in Adolescents
Non-Invasive Evaluation of Functional and Structural Connectome Changes in the Mouse Brain Related to Drug-Induced Neuro-Modulation
Noninvasive Functional Evaluation of Coronary Stenosis Using MR Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio (MR-IFR): Pilot Patient Study Using Invasive Fractional Flow Reserve as a Reference
Noninvasive Functional Evaluation of Coronary Stenosis Using MR Instantaneous Wave-Free Ratio (MR-IFR): Pilot Patient Study Using Invasive Fractional Flow Reserve as a Reference
Non-Invasive Imaging of Macrophage Accumulation in Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm by 19F MRI
Noninvasive Measurement of Calf Muscle Perfusion Immediately After Plantar Flexion Exercise in Elderly Patients with Heart Failure and Preserved Ejection Fraction
A Non-Invasive Method for Quantifying Cerebral Blood Flow by Hybrid PET/MR
Non-Invasive MR Thermometry in a Non-Human Primate Model of Acute Ischemic Stroke
Noninvasive MRI Biomarkers for Muscular Dystrophy Progression in Young Muscle
Non-Invasive Placental Perfusion Imaging in Pregnancies Complicated by Fetal Heart Disease Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Noninvasive Quantification of Prostate Cancer Using IVIM:evaluation of IVIM Perfusion-Related Parameters by Comparing to Quantitative DCE-MRI
Non-Invasive, Contrast-Exempt (NICE) Assessment of Glioblastoma (GBM) Using Multi-Slice ASL and IVASO Imaging
Non-Iterative Model for Synthetic Image-Based Registration of MOLLI Cardiac T1 Mapping Images
Non-Linear Realignment Using Minimum Deformation Averaging for Single-Subject FMRI at Ultra-High Field
Nonlinear SPIRiT Using a Second Order Virtual Coil for Improved Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation Reveals Developmental Trajectories of Structural Subnetworks
Non-Rigid Groupwise Image Registration for Myocardial Strain Quantification from High-Resolution 3D Tagging
Non-Rigid Groupwise Registration for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging of the Heart
Normalization of Inter-Site Structural Connectivity Data for Regression Analysis
Normalized STEAM-Based DTI Parameters Allow Robust Assessment of Muscle Tears in Football Players.
Novel 3D Yarn-Ball K-Space Acquisition for Fast High-Resolution T1-Weighted Brain Imaging
A Novel 4D Semi-Automatic Segmentation Algorithm for Whole-Heart 3D Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Novel Anatomy-Based Constrained Global Tractography
A Novel and Robust Reconstruction Method for Free-Breathing Cine DENSE by Minimizing K-Space Entropy
Novel Annihilation Filter Framework for Accelerated Parameter Mapping
A Novel Application of Quantitative Sodium MRI for Distinguishing Lipedema from Obesity
Novel Application of the Reversed Gradient Method in Diffusion Weighted-MRI for Tumor Response Assessment in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patient Undergoing Radiation Therapy.
Novel Approach for Simultaneous in Vivo 31P MRS Measurements in Frontal and Occipital Lobes of Human Brain with Dynamic Shimming
A Novel Approach to Measure Tibial Component Migration by Low Field Markerless Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Novel Approach to Measuring Cerebral Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Vascular Reserve Using MRI
A Novel Approach to Measuring Cerebral Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Vascular Reserve Using MRI
A Novel Approach to Prospective Motion Correction Using Multi-Slice-To-Volume Registration
Novel ASL-Based Flow Imaging for Cardiovascular Hemodynamics and Valvular Function Visualization: Comparison with a Feasibility Study
A Novel Compressed Sensing Inspired Approach for Flow Reconstruction
A Novel Cryogenic Radio-Frequency Probe for High Spatial Resolution Fluorine-19 MRI of Brain Inflammation
Novel Design of a 3D-Printed Anthropomorphic Brain Phantom for Segmentation Validation in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Novel Diffusion Compartment Imaging (DCI) Model That Captures the Asymmetry of WM Microstructure Heterogeneity
A Novel DTI Derived Heterogeneity Index Discriminating Liver Metastasis from Normal Appearing Liver Tissue: A PET-MRI Study
A Novel Expectation Maximization Based Multi Voxel Spatial Regularization Algorithm with Stimulated Echo Contribution (MVSR-STE) for Multi Component Analysis of the Quantitative T2 Relaxometry
A Novel Fat and Iron Quantification Technique with Non-Rigid Motion-Corrected Averaging Based on Non-Local Means
A Novel Framework for Simulating the In-Vivo Diffusion MRI Signal in Solid Tumours, Based on High-Resolution Optical Imaging Data from Real-World Tumours.
Novel Functional Brain Development Patterns During Infancy Revealed Through the Application of Functionally Derived Brain Parcellations
A Novel Head Coil System with Integrated Transmission Source for Accurate Attenuation Correction in PET/MR Scans
A Novel Hybrid Total Variation Minimization Method to MRI Reconstruction from Highly Undersampled Data
Novel Informatics Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metrics for Characterizing Prostate Lesions with Pathology Correlation.
Novel Informatics Modeling of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Metrics for Characterizing Prostate Lesions with Pathology Correlation.
A Novel Method for Absolute Metabolite Quantification of 1H Spectroscopic Imaging in the Human Brain Based on Water Measurement with Ultrashort TE
A Novel Method for Assessing Myelination with TE Dependence of DTI-Derived Parameters
A Novel Method for Background Suppression in Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (CASL) Angiography
A Novel Method for Extracting Hierarchical Subnetworks Based on a Multi-Subject Spectral Clustering Approach
A Novel Method for Performing Percutaneous Transluminal Renal Angioplasty with the Guide of Non-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography Overlaid on Fluoroscopy Images
A Novel Method for Rapid 3D Fat and Water Decomposition Using a GlObally Optimal Multi-Surface Estimation (R-GOOSE)
A Novel Method to Increase SNR of GRAPPA Reconstruction
A Novel Method to Maintain PET Detector Performance in the Presence of MR Gradient Induced Heating
A Novel MR Elastography Transducer Concept Based on a Rotational Eccentric Mass: The Gravitational Transducer
A Novel MR-Based Framework for Subject-Specific Guidance of TMS Treatments
A Novel Multiband Multi-Echo Simultaneous ASL/BOLD Sequence for Task-Based FMRI
A Novel Multi-Center Classification Method for ASD Diagnosis Via Sparse Multi-Modality Multi-Task Learning
A Novel Multimodal Mannan-Based Polymer System Suitable for Tumor and Metastasis Diagnosis
Novel Nanogel-Based MRI Contrast Agents
Novel NMR Biomarkers Characterizing Human Knee Synovial Fluid After ACL-Injuries: Correlation with Immunoassay and Longitudinal Cartilage MR T1? and T2 Imaging
A Novel Optimization Method for the Design of Permanent Magnet Array and Its Application to a Portable Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) System
A Novel Platform to Study Hemodynamics and Morphology in an Ex Vivo Carotid Artery Model Under Pulsatile Flow Conditions
Novel Polymer and Peptide REACTION-Based Theranostics for MRI.
A Novel Portable Perfusion Phantom for Quantitative DCE-MRI of the Abdomen
A Novel Position and Orientation Sensor for MRI
A Novel Retrospective Sorting Strategy Utilizing Both Respiratory Profile and Internal Surrogate Position for Generating Free-Breathing Abdominal 4D-MRI
A Novel Role of Intrinsic Astrocytic Calcium Spikes to Mediate Brain States Through Central/dorsal Thalamic Nuclei
A Novel Technique for 4D Time-Of-Flight MR Angiography Using Double Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Pulses
A Novel Theranostic Termoresponsive 19F Probe for Tumor Imaging
A Novel Tracer for Non-Invasive Atherosclerotic Plaque Phenotyping by PET/MR Imaging
Novel Ultrasound Real-Time Feedback Slice Tracking with Spatially Resolved MR-Compatible Ultrasound for Cardio-Vascular MRI
A Novel Yeast Cells- And Microcapillaries-Based Phantom for Validation of Diffusion MRI Models
Nuclear Susceptibility Shift
NUFFT: Fast Auto-Tuned GPU-Based Library
The Nulling Signal Produced by Inversion Recovery for Gray Matter Is Related to Neuronal Density in the Thalamic Subnuclei: A 7T MRI Study
The Numerical Limitation of Multi-Coil Shim and Orthogonal RF-Shim Coil
Numerical Model of Bi-Exponential T2 Decay-Based Magnetic Resonance Oximetry Imaging (MOXI).
Numerical Simulation of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Induced in the Head as a Function of EEG Lead Conductivity During 256-Channel DEEG/fMRI at 3T.
Objective Measurement of Carotid Lumen Using Non-Contrast SNAP MRA
Observing the Evolution of MS Plaques Using SWI and DCS-PWI
Obtaining Accurate and Fast Unwrapped Phase Images
Occipital-Parietal Coil with Variable-Density Element Distribution for 7T Functional Imaging
Occupational Manganese Exposure: Reversibility of Increased GABA Levels and Brain Mn Accumulation
Occupational Manganese Exposure: Reversibility of Increased GABA Levels and Brain Mn Accumulation
OEDIPUS: Towards Optimal Deterministic K-Space Sampling for Sparsity-Constrained MRI
Of Active Catheters and Guidewires: How Do Guidewires Affect the Tracking Signal Intensity?
Off-Resonance Correction for MR Fingerprinting Using Multiple Frequency Interpolation
Off-Resonance Correction in Myocardial T1-Mapping Using Bloch Simulations of the MOLLI Sequence
Offset-Saturation-Induced (Osi-) Variations in Multiexponential T2 at 16.4T: A New Dimension for Probing White Matter Contrast
Offset-Saturation-Induced (Osi-) Variations in Multiexponential T2 at 16.4T: A New Dimension for Probing White Matter Contrast
Olfactory Suggestion Capacity of Colors: A Functional MRI Study
Omitting the Control Condition Using Self-Control Super-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling to Reduce Total Scan Time for Flow Territory Mapping
On- And Off-Target Circuit Effects of High Frequency Electrical Deep Brain Stimulation at the Subthalamic Nucleus
On Molecular Aspects of Ktrans and Angiogenesis: Cerebral Gliomas
On Optimizations of MRF Patterns Based on Generalized MRI Sequence Schemes
On Partial Fourier Acquisition in 4D Flow MRI of Mean Velocities and Turbulent Kinetic Energy
On Quantitatively Comparing Tractography Algorithms
On the Boost Effect of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT)
On the Decay of SSFP Configurations
On the Decay of SSFP Configurations
On the Deviation of Actual Isocenter Slice Position in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
On the Feasibility of Estimating Functional Connectivity from Hypercapnia BOLD MRI Data
On the Feasibility of Synthetic Sodium MRI Based on Tissue Conductivity
On the Impact of Real-Time Motion and B0 Correction During 3D-MRSI Measurements in Parkinson’s, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Young/elderly Controls
On the Importance of Skin Color Phase Variations for Video Measurement of Cardiac Activity in MRI
On the Influence of Intra-Voxel Dephasing in FISP-MRF with Variable Repetition Time
On the Influence of Sampling Pattern Design on Deep Learning-Based MRI Reconstruction
On the Influence of Susceptibility-Related Field Inhomogeneities Caused by Intestinal Gases on the Distortion in Prostate and Cervix
On the Link Between Cardiac Action and Magnetic Field Dynamics Observed with NMR Sensors
On the Potential of DWI with Extrapolated High and Negative B-Values for Contrast Enhancement and Image Segmentation
On the Precision of Myelin Imaging: Characterizing Ex Vivo Dog Spinal Cord with MRI and Histology
On the Profile Ordering of Golden Angle Radial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
On the Relation Between Global Signal Normalization, Global Signal Subtraction, and Global Signal Regression in Resting-State FMRI
On the Relationship Between Tissue Damage in Cervical Spinal Cord and Brain in Multiple Sclerosis.
On the SAR Load of Typical Head Protocols at 7T
On the Source of MRI Off-Resonance Observables in Arthroplasty-Induced Metallosis
On the Use of Gadolinium-Staining for High Resolution Ex Vivo NODDI Measurements at 11.7T
One Minute Free-Breathing 3D Cardiac Cine Imaging with Adaptive Respiratory Self-Gating Efficiencies
One Shot 3D Flow Sensitive Cine MR Imaging Using Improved Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium(IMSDE)
One-Dimensional Phase Navigation of Diffusion-Weighted 3D TSE for High Resolution Musculoskeletal Diffusion Imaging
One-Pot Microwave Synthesis of Fluorinated Silicon Nanoparticles for Dual 19F-MRI and Fluorescence Imaging
One-Sided Hypoperfusion Is Associated with Contralateral Attention Deficits in Asymptomatic High-Grade Carotid Stenosis Patients.
A One-Step Biomarker Quantification Methodology for DCE-MRI of Complex Ovarian Masses: Capturing Kinetic Pattern from Early to Late Enhancement
One-Year Aerobic Exercise Increases Regional Cerebral Blood Flow in Anterior Cingulate Cortex: A Blinded, Randomized Trial in Patients with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment
An Online Cloud-ORiented Engine for Advanced MRI Simulations (CoreMRI)
Online Quantification of Lactate Concentration in Microdialysate During Cerebral Activation Using 1H-MRS and Sensitive NMR Microcoil
An Open 8-Channel PTx Coil for 7-Tesla MRI of the Knee and Ankle Joints at Multiple Postures
Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²) – Update and Roadmap
An Open Source PXIe Platform for MRI Instrumentation Development
An Open Source Waveform Generator Based on PulSeq for Matrix Coils
Open-Source Acquisition-Speed Slice-By-Slice Controller for 32 Coil B0 Shimming.
An Open-Source Hardware and Software System for Video-Gated MRI
An Open-Source Hardware and Software System for Video-Gated MRI
Operator Controlled Illumination of Active Catheter Tips Using a Variable Attenuator
Optical Control of Blood Flow in Naive Animals
Optical Motion Monitoring for Abdominal and Lung Imaging
Optical-Based Probe for Real Time Assessment of RF Electrical Field During MRI Exam
Optical-Based Probe for Real Time Assessment of RF Electrical Field During MRI Exam
Optically Controlled Four-Channel Transceiver for 7T Imaging with RF Monitoring Feedback
Optically Controlled Four-Channel Transceiver for 7T Imaging with RF Monitoring Feedback
Optimal Array Configuration for Cerebral Cortex MRI at 7T: Six Center-Fed Dipoles with Two Loops RF Coil Array
Optimal Contrast Enhancement of Blockface Images for MRI Guided Reconstruction of Mouse Brain Volumes
Optimal Control B1-Robust T2 Preparation
Optimal Control Pulse Design for Contrast in MRI: In Vivo Applications
An Optimal Design for 32 Channel Head-Neck Coil
Optimal Design of Motion-Compensated Diffusion Gradient Waveforms
Optimal Echo Time for In-Vivo Glutamate Detection at 7T Using Semi-LASER 1H-MRS
Optimal Excitation Location for Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Supraspinatus Muscle
Optimal Framework for Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of Small Structures
Optimal MRI Pulse Sequence to Quantify Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles at High Concentration
Optimal MRI Sequences for 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/MRI in Evaluation of Biochemically Recurrent Prostate Cancer
Optimal Quantitative Mapping of Cerabral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) by Combining Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)-Based Method and Quantitative BOLD (QBOLD)
Optimal Quantitative Mapping of Cerabral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) by Combining Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)-Based Method and Quantitative BOLD (QBOLD)
Optimal Resolution for Searchlight Classification of BOLD FMRI Data.
Optimal Spatial Resolution for Accuracy and Precision in Simulated and Experimental Micro-MRE at 11.7 T
Optimal Strategy for Measuring Intraventricular Temperature Using Second-Order Motion Compensation DWI
The Optimality Principle for MR Signal Excitation and Reception: New Physical Insights Into Ideal RF Coil Design
The Optimality Principle for MR Signal Excitation and Reception: New Physical Insights Into Ideal RF Coil Design
Optimisation for Pulmonary R2* Quantification and Repeatability Evaluation
Optimisation of Fast Field-Cycling MRI Pulse Sequences by Numerical Simulation.
An Optimised 2D MPRAGE Sequence for T1 Contrast in the Fetal Brain: Application to Slice to Volume Reconstruction and Multiband Acceleration
Optimization of 2D Registration Using Minctracc on Myelin Stained Brain Slices
Optimization of 3D Black-Blood Multi-Echo T2* Weighted Sequence in Carotid Artery
Optimization of Acquisition and Analysis Methods for Clinical Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) MRI Using a Validated Digital Reference Object
Optimization of Acquisition and Modelling Parameters for Accurate and Precise Estimation of Tumor Vascular Permeability Using Modified K-CNR
Optimization of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging Experimental Parameters for Brain Tumors: Does RF Saturation Length Always Increase APT Contrast?
Optimization of Brain Extraction Increases Global Cortical Thickness Accuracy
Optimization of B-Values in IShim Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Thyroid Gland: To Improve the Visualization of Malignant Thyroid Nodules and the Accuracy in Differentiating Malignant from Benign Thyroid Nodules
Optimization of Echo Times for CBV Measurements in the Arterial Input Function, Brain, and High-Grade Tumor Tissue Using Error Analysis for DSC-MRI
Optimization of Flip Angle Design for Reduced T2 Blurring of 3D Arterial Spin Labeling
Optimization of Free Breathing Radial DCE-MRI Protocol for Quantitative Clinical Evaluation of Pleural Malignancies
Optimization of High B Values for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging of Rectal Cancer : A Pilot Study
Optimization of Inversion-Time Sampling for Precise Estimation of Renal Perfusion with ASL
Optimization of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Volume Determination at 3T and 7T
Optimization of MOLLI Reconstruction for Free-Breathing Myocardial T1 Imaging
Optimization of MpMRI Protocol in Differentiating Muscle-Invasive from Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer: Is There Room for Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)?
Optimization of Multiple Orientation QSM for Building a Clinically Feasible Protocol
Optimization of Neurite Orientation Density and Dispersion Imaging (NODDI) for in Situ Imaging
Optimization of Preconditioned Total Field Inversion for Whole Head QSM and Cardiac QSM
Optimization of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging for Accurate PSR Estimation in the Spinal Cord
Optimization of Reconstruction Parameters of Compressed Sensing STIR SEMAC for Metal Artifact Reduction MRI of Hip, Knee and Ankle Arthroplasty Implants: How Many Iterations and How Much Regularization Is Needed?
Optimization of Redox-State Assessment in Rat Liver Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]alanine
Optimization of Regularization Parameters of Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Fast Phosphorus MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Human Brain.
Optimization of Remote RF Transmit Coil Elements and Arrays for 7T UHF Body MRI
Optimization of Signal-To-Noise Ratio and Signal Contrast in Time-Resolved Single-Echo Dixon Imaging
Optimization of the Order and Spacing of the Sequences to Reduce the Maximum SAR-Induced Temperature Reached During an MRI Examination
Optimization of the Receive Performance of a Tight-Fit Transceiver Phased Array for Human Brain Imaging at 9.4T.
Optimization of White Matter FMRI Analysis Using Physiologically Derived Hemodynamic Response Functions
Optimization of Whole-Brain Intracranial Arterial Wall Imaging Sequence Using Bloch Equation Simulation
Optimization Via Ultra-High Permittivity Materials of Pad Effects in Dielectric Shimming at 7 Tesla MRI
Optimization of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Measurement in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Breast Cancer
Optimized 2D Radial CAIPIRINHA for Cardiac Perfusion MRI
Optimized 2D-PACE for Aorta Blood Flow Gating and Its Application in T1W Morphological CMRI
Optimized 3D Ultrashort Echo-Time Lung Imaging of Young Children Without Sedation
Optimized Fast High-Resolution Whole-Body Imaging Protocols for Clincial Oncologic PET/MRI
Optimized PC-MRA Using a New Processing Workflow for 4D Flow MRI Data
Optimized ROI Size on ADC Measurements of Normal Pancreas, Pancreatic Cancer and Mass-Forming Chronic Pancreatitis
Optimized Single Pre/Post Contrast Protocol for MOLLI T1 Mapping with Inversion Group (IG) Fitting
An Optimized Slice-GRAPPA Reconstruction Method to Reduce Leakage Artifacts in Small-Animal Multiband Imaging
Optimized Trajectory Dual-Echo Fat and Water Separation
Optimizing Data Efficiency in SENCEFUL-Based Lung Perfusion Studies
Optimizing MRI for Focal Liver Lesions: Are All Our Sequences Really Necessary?
Optimizing Pediatric Leptomeningeal Metastasis Detection: Technical Considerations
Optimizing Statistical Texture Model to Improve the Classification Accuracy of Tumor Grade in Glioma Patients with Machine Learning Based on Multimodality MR Images
Optimizing the Precision and Accuracy of Sampling Schemes for T2* Quantification of the Fast Biexponential Decay of Sodium MRI
Optimizing the Signal Model for Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Optogenetic FMRI Application: Dissecting Brain Networks & Properties
Optogenetic Resting-State FMRI Reveals Thalamic Modulation of Long-Range Sensory Networks
Optogenetic Resting-State FMRI Reveals Thalamic Modulation of Long-Range Sensory Networks
Optogenetically-Evoked Somatosensory Inputs Enhance sound Processing in the Auditory System
Organization and Hierarchy of the Human Brain Functional Network at Rest Lead to a Chain-Like Core.
Orientation Anisotropy of Quantitative MRI Relaxation Parameters in Articular Cartilage
Orientation-Independent Z-Shimmed Temperature Mapping Near Ablation Probes
Orientation-Invariant and Non-Parametric Axon Diameter Distribution Mapping Using PGSE and Regularized Discrete Linear Modeling
Origin of Diffusion Anisotropy in Human Kidney: A Combined DTI and IVM Study
Origin of Dipolar Effects - Achilles Tendon at 3T and 11.7T.
Origin of the Time Dependence of the Diffusion-Weighted Signal in Spinal Cord White Matter
Origins of BOLD - Neuroscience Perspectives
The Origins of CEST Contrast in Ischemic Tissue: Effects of Hypotonic Stress on the Nervous System of Aplysia Californica
Oscillating Gradient Improves the Sensitivity of Diffusion Functional MRI
Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Corpus Callosum with Typical Aging
Other Endogenous CEST Studies: GagCEST, GluCEST, Cr, Etc.
Other Methods: DSC, BOLD, ASL, MRS
Outer Spinal Cord Rim Visualization Using Magnetization-Prepared 3D T1w TFE at 3T: Application to Multiple Sclerosis.
An Outlier Rejection Scheme to Improve Background Phase Correction in PC-MRI
Oval Gradient Coils for a Vertical Magnetic Field MRI
Overcoming Limitations of Virtual Observation Points in PTx Using IMPULSE
Overcoming Limitations of Virtual Observation Points in PTx Using IMPULSE
Overdiscrete Reconstruction for Signal Enhancement in Hyperpolarized 13C Spectroscopic Imaging
Overdiscrete Reconstruction for Signal Enhancement in Single Voxel Spectroscopy
Overlap-Resolved Cest (OrCEST) MRI: Imaging Gaba and Glutamate at 16.4T
Overview & History
Overview of CE & NCMRA Methods
Overview of Cutting Edge Neurotechniques
Oxygen Extraction Fraction Imaging of Kidney After Administration of 2 Types of Iodinated Contrast Medium: A Time Course Study in CIN Animal Models
Oxygen-Enhanced Pulmonary Relaxometry Using Ultra-Fast Steady-State Free Precession Imaging
Oxytocin Influences the Directed Connectivity Between the Precuneus and the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex
Paediatric Brain Lesion Classification Using 3T MRS: Comparison of Different Pattern Recognition Techniques, a Multi-Centre Study.
The Pain of Pre-Clinical FMRI
PAM50: Multimodal Template of the Brainstem and Spinal Cord Compatible with the ICBM152 Space
Pancreatic Changes in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis and Diabetes: A 3-T MRI Evaluation
Pancreatic Exocrine Function Estimated by Cine Dynamic MRCP with a Spatially Selective IR Pulse: Correlation with T1 Mapping of the Pancreatic Parenchyma
Pancreatic MRI Associated with Pancreatic Fibrosis and Postoperative Fistula: Comparison Between Pancreatic Cancer and Non-Pancreatic Cancer Tissues
Panning for Salt: One Millimeter Resolution in Vivo Sodium MRI of the Human Eye at 7.0 Tesla Using a Six Channel Transceiver Array
Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma with Hobnail Pattern: Unique MRI Features and Correlated with the Histopathologic Findings
A Paradoxical Systemic Bias in Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced T1 Relaxometry of the Liver: A Comparison of SMART1Map and MOLLI.
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction from Randomly Undersampled Data with K-Space Variant Sparsity Constraints
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction with Compressed Sensing Calibration for Real-Time Neonatal Chest MRI
Parallel Processes of Neuro-Vascular and Neuro-Cellular Coupling
Parallel Transmission (PTx) on an In-Vivo Human Brain at 7T: A New Approach Using Global B1 Coefficient Template
Parallel Transmission for Heating Reduction in Realistic Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Trajectories
Paramagnetic Ions Quantification Using QSM and EPR in Human Brain
Parameter Estimation in a Mathematical Model of Murine Glioma from MR Imaging
Parameter Optimization for Non-Contrast-Enhanced Renal MR Angiography and Its Age-Dependent Preliminary Study
Parameter-Free Profile Encoding Reconstruction for Multiple-Acquisition BSSFP Imaging
Parameters Derived from Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Parameters from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Are Biomarkers Predicting Response After Radiation to Brain Metastases
Parametric Mapping of Oxygen Activity in Human Placenta Across Gestation Using in Utero BOLD Imaging
Parametric Mapping with Spatial Registration of Abdominal MRI Is Feasible and May Inform Upon the Spatial Distribution of Fibrosis in Intestinal Lesions of Patients with Crohn’s Disease
Paraspinal Muscle Changes with Chronic Low Back Pain by Using 3.0T MR Diffusion Tensor Imaging Technology
Partial Fourier Shells Trajectory with Non-Iterative Homodyne Reconstruction
Partial Fourier Techniques in Single-Shot Cross-Term Spatiotemporal Encoding (XSPEN) MRI
Partial Volume Correction and Transit Time Correction Effect in Absolute Perfusion Quantification with 3D Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling.
Partial Volume Effect Correction for Surface-Based Cortical Mapping
Partial Volume Effects in Arterial Spin Labelling: Something to Live with or Correct For?
Partial Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
Partial Volume Estimation in Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation
Passive Tracking Sequence with Positive Contrast Using Partial Saturation for MR-Guided Cardiac Catheterisation
A Patch-Based Method for Lesion In-Painting in the Spinal Cord
Patch-Based Super-Resolution for Arterial Spin Labeling MRI
Patch-Based Super-Resolution of MRSI Data in Multiple Sclerosis Patients at 7 T
Patch-Based Super-Resolution of MRSI Data in Multiple Sclerosis Patients at 7 T
Pathological Issue (E.g. Metal Implants, Neurovascular Decoupling)
Pathology of Multiple Sclerosis
Patient Specific Modeling of Deep Brain Stimulation Patients for MRI Safety Studies
Patient Specific Modeling of Deep Brain Stimulation Patients for MRI Safety Studies
Patient-Specific 3D Printable Anatomical Brain Models from a Web App
Patlak Analysis of Dynamic Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging Is an Effective And Simpler Alternative to Compartmental Pharmacokinetic Modelling for Assessing Liver Function
Patterns of Microstructural Correlations in the White Matter of the Neonatal Brain
Patterns of Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Prodromal Phase of Alzheimer’s Disease: Insights from a Tauopathy Mouse Model (Thy-Tau22)
Patterns of the Whole Brain Default Mode Network for Alcohol Addiction Among the Alcohol Preferring Rats
Pc-Mri of Cerebral Blood and Csf Flow Versus Intracranial Pressure Monitoring in Hydrocephalus Patients
Peak RF Optimization for Baseline Enhancement (PROBE) for CEST/NOE with In-Vitro Application at 7T
Peak Ventricular Transit Time with First Pass Perfusion on Cardiac MRI Is a New Marker of Right Ventricular Dysfunction and Pulmonary Hypertension
Peculiarities of Brain Activation During Dominant Hand Tactile Perception in Lateralized Parkinson Disease
Pediatric Brain Functional Parcellation from Birth to 2-Years-Old
Pelvic Floor Structural Alterations of Primipara with Stress Urinary Incontinence After Vaginal Delivery:A MRI Study
Penta-Contrast Imaging: A Novel Pulse Sequence for Simultaneous Acquisition of Proton Density, T1, T2, T2* and FLAIR Images
Penumbra Imaging
Percutaneous MRI-Guided Cryoablation of Regional Nodal Metastases in Prostate Cancer: Initial Experience
Percutaneous MRI-Guided Focal Cryoablation of Recurrent Prostate Cancer: How We Do It
Performance Assessment of EPI-Distortion Correction of Brain Images; Which Plane and Phase Encoding Direction Should Be Chosen?
Performance Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Deep Learning Algorithms for Respiratory Motion Prediction in Pseudocontinuous Arterial Spin Labeling of the Abdomen
Performance of Complex Tasks of Working Memory Related to Brain Microstructure in Healthy Adults: A Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Study
Perfusion and Fat Content of Lumbar Vertebral Body: Global and Regional Analysis
Perfusion Decrease During Radiochemotherapy Is Not Fully Explained by Volumetric Gray Matter Changes
Perfusion Imaging of Brain Gliomas Using Arterial Spin Labeling: Correlation with Histopathological Vascular Density in MRI-Guided Biopsies
Perfusion MRI of the Placenta: Preliminary Results Using ASL FAIR and Ferumoxytol DCE MRI in the Rhesus Macaque
Perfusion of Spinal Cord in Postoperative Patient with Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy Using MR DSC Technique
Perfusion Parameters at Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Breast MR Imaging Are Associated with Disease-Specific Survival in Patients with Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Perfusion-Supervoxels for DCE-MRI Based Tumor Subregion Assessment
Perfusion-Supervoxels for DCE-MRI Based Tumor Subregion Assessment
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation in MRI: Insights from a Three Level Analysis and Coupled EM-Electrophysiological Simulations in Neuro-Functionalized Human Models
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Permeability of the Blood-Brain Barrier May Differentiate Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder from Multiple Sclerosis
A Personalised SAR Model for Subject-Specific RF Safety
Personalized Map to Assess Diffuse and Focal Brain Damage
Perturbed Development of Rhesus Macaque Fetal Cerebral Cortex and White Matter in an IUGR Pregnancy, Secondary to Placental Insufficiency, Characterized by in Utero Diffusion MRI
Perturbed Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Sarcopenia
PET Motion Correction by Co-Registering Multiple MR Contrasts in Simultaneous Brain MR-PET
PET/MR Imaging of Metabolic Bone Activity in Osteoarthritis
PET/MR Imaging of Metabolic Bone Activity in Osteoarthritis
PET/MR in Pancreatic Cancer: Correlation Between Overall Survival and Functional Imaging Biomarkers from DCE-MRI, DWI, MR Spectroscopy and PET
PET/MRI for Rectal Cancer Staging: Longer PET Acquisition Times Result in Increased Identification of Nodal Metastatic Disease.
PET-MR Motion Correction of Entire Listmode Data Sets Using Pilot Tone Navigation
PET-MRI in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation of DCE-MRI Perfusion Quantification Using Shutter-Speed Model with FDG Uptake
pH Measurement of Intervertebral Disc in the Process of Disc Degeneration Using Quantitative Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (QCEST)
Phantom Validation of Diffusion-Relaxation Correlation Spectroscopic Imaging (DR-CSI)
Pharmacological Arterial Spin Labeling Reveals Distinct Mesocorticolimbic Blood Flow in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with Compulsive Reward-Driven Behaviors
Pharmacological Inactivation of Dorsal Hippocampus Enhances Responses and Induces Adaptation to Sound in Midbrain
Pharmacological Inhibition of ERK Pathway Rescues Morpho-Anatomical Aberrancies Associated with 16p11.2 Chromosomal Deletion
Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession Sequence and Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse: Measuring Left Gastric Vein Flow Velocity to Predict Esophageal Varices Development and Rupture
Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using Balanced Steady-State Free-Precession Sequence and Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse: Measuring Left Gastric Vein Flow Velocity to Predict Esophageal Varices Development and Rupture
Phase Contrast MRI with Automatic Inline Second Order Background Phase Correction
Phase Encoding with Bloch-Siegert Effect Using Parallel Transmit
Phase II Clinical Hyperpolarized 13C 3D-Dynamic Metabolic Imaging of Prostate Cancer Using a B1-Insensitive Variable Flip Angle Design
Phase Imaging of Axonal Integrity of Cranial Corticospinal Tract in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury at 9.4T
Phase Processing for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Regions with Large Susceptibility and Lack of Signal
Phase Retrieval from Q-Space Imaging for Diffusion Pore Imaging
Phase-Based Motion Detection for Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Phase-Contrast MRI with Hybrid One- And Two-Sided Flow-Encoding and Velocity SPectrum SepAration (HOTSPA)
Phase-Contrast MRI with Hybrid One- And Two-Sided Flow-Encoding and Velocity SPectrum SepAration (HOTSPA)
Phase-Contrast MRI with Hybrid One- And Two-Sided Flow-Encodings and Velocity Spectrum De-Aliasing (HOTDEAL) Using Low Spatial Resolution Reference Four-Point Phase-Contrast MRI
Phase-Offset Multiplanar Echo-Planar Imaging (POMP-EPI) to Accelerate FMRI Acquisition Without Parallel Imaging
Phase-Rotation Acquisition to Study Imperfections of PRESS
Phenformin Induces Profound Metabolic Changes in Lung Cancer Cells
Phenotyping Assay of Neuropathic Pain Models Using Resting State Functional Connectivity MRI and Graph Theoretical Analysis
Phenotyping of Transgenic Huntington’s Disease Minipigs by MR Spectroscopy
Phosphocreatine T1 in Human Gastrocnemius Muscle at 7T Increases During Exercise, Measured by Localized 31P MRS with Progressive Saturation
Phosphodiester-Levels in Muscle Assessed Using 31P MRS Are an Early Marker for Disease Activity in DMD
Phosphorescence Lifetime Imaging to Validate BOLD MRI Derived Blood PO2
Phosphorus MRSI Reveals Subtle Changes in Metabolic Profile of Hepatic Tissue in Insulin Resistant Population.
photo-CIDNP for 19F MR Amino Acid-Protein Interaction Studies in Physiological Solvents
Physiological Noise Correction Improves Sensitivity, Specificity, and Reproducibility of Resting-State Functional Connectivity in a Reading Model
Physiologically Synchronized Multi-Module Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeled (SymPASL) MRI
Physiologically-Constrained Multiagent DCE-MRI for Pancreatic Cancer Imaging
The Physiology of Perfusion & Permeability
Pile Up Correction for 3D-Multi Spectral Imaging Using Gaussian Spectral Modeling and Bin Expansion
Pile Up Correction for 3D-Multi Spectral Imaging Using Gaussian Spectral Modeling and Bin Expansion
Pile-Up and Ripple Artifact Correction Near Metallic Implants by Alternating Gradients
A Pilot Study of Lateral Ventricle Volume from in Utero Foetal Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
PIN-Diode Switched Dual-Tuned RF Coils
Pinpointing Differences in Diffusion Characteristics of Metabolites Determined in Human Gray Matter Using Simultaneous Spectral and Diffusion Modeling
Pipeline for Longitudinal Assessment of Patient-Derived Mouse Xenografts Using 3D Magnetization Transfer-Weighted MRI
Pipeline for Longitudinal Assessment of Patient-Derived Mouse Xenografts Using 3D Magnetization Transfer-Weighted MRI
A Pipeline for Quantifying 129Xe Gas Exchange MRI Across Pulmonary Disorders
PI-RADS Version 2: Preoperative Role in the Detection of Normal-Sized Pelvic Lymph Node Metastasis in Prostate Cancer
Pi-Rads: No!
The Pitfalls of MR Fiber G-Ratio Mapping in Neurological Disease Patients.
Plasma Antennas in MRI: A Four-Channel Transmit-Receive Plasma Array at 3T
Platform for Hyperpolarized 13C MRI of Breast Cancer
Point-Resolved Spectroscopy with Self-Navigation for Precise Reversible Transverse Relaxation Quantification in Pulmonary Tissue Robust to Breathing State Variation at 1.5 and 3 Tesla
Poloxamer: A New Means to Recover Functional Network Information in the Rodent’s Deep Brain Structures
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Is Associated with Tumour Grading – an Ex Vivo Study on Whole Breast Tumours Using Multiple Quantum Coherence (MQC) MRS
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid (PUFA) Is Associated with Tumour Grading – an Ex Vivo Study on Whole Breast Tumours Using Multiple Quantum Coherence (MQC) MRS
Poor Enhancement of Colorectal Liver Metastases on Delayed Phase Gadobutrol Enhanced MRI May Be Related to Increased Number of APC Mutations
Population Averaged Ferret Brain Templates for In-Vivo and Ex-Vivo Anatomical and Diffusion Tensor MRI
Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Somatosensory Cortex at 7 T
Population Receptive Field Mapping of Human Somatosensory Cortex at 7 T
A Population-Based Digital Reference Object (DRO) for Optimizing Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) MRI Methods for Clinical Trials
Pore Size Estimation Using the Mixing Time Dependence of a Double Diffusion Encoding Experiment: Experimental Validation on a Clinical MR System
A Portable Constant-Volume Ventilator for Rodent Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Positional Variation of Parotid Glands in the Treatment Position of Head and Neck Radiotherapy with Immobilization: A Pilot Study on Healthy Volunteers Using High Spatial Resolution 3D MRI at 1.5T
Positive Visualization of MR Compatible Nitinol Stent Using a Susceptibility-Based Imaging Method
Post-Contrast Black-Blood HASTE: Initial Results with Ferumoxytol
Post-Contrast Signal Enhancement in Dentate Nucleus on Unenhanced T1 Weighted MRI in Rodents
Posterior Cingulate Gyrus Metabolism Differs in Parkinson’s Disease Patients with and Without Cognitive Impairment
Post-Mortem and in Vivo Thalamic Nuclei Identification at 7T with Comparison to Histology
Post-Mortem Cardiac and Skeletal Muscle 19F MRI of PFCE-Labeled and FuGENE-Transfected Cardiac Progenitor Stem Cells in the C57BL/6 Mouse
Postprocessing & Quality Assurance
Post-Surgical Changes in Aortic Wall Shear Stress Patterns in Patients with Aortopathy: A Follow-Up 4D Flow MRI Study
A Potential Biomarker of Alzheimer's Disease: T1sat of the Thalamus
Potential Changes of Cerebral Perfusion Alterations in Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Potential for Estimation of Perfusion from MR Thermometry – a Simulation Study
The Potential of a 256-Channel Receive-Only Array Coil for Accelerated Cardiac Imaging at 3T
Potential of High Resolution Isotropic Microstructural MRI of the Proximal Femur
The Potential of MRI as a Biomarker in Elderly Patients with Asymptomatic Unilateral Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis
Potential of Parallel Transmission for Fetal Imaging in Reducing SAR and Mitigating Flip Angle Inhomogeneities: A Simulation Study at 3T
Potential of Stimulated Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging as Disease Marker in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
A Potential Pathophysiological Link Between Generalized and Localized Muscle Fat Infiltration in Chronic Whiplash Patients
Potential Value of Turbo-Spin Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Nasopharynx: Primary Study for Differential Diagnosis Between Recurrent Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Post-Chemoradiation Fibrosis
Power Law Exponent Analysis of the Resting State BOLD Signal as a Potential Measure of Excitatory-Inhibitory Balance in Alzheimer’s Disease
Practical Aspects of Preamplifier Designs for 13C Imaging.
Practical Considerations of Quantitative KPL Estimation in Hyperpolarized-13C Imaging in Response to Pulse Sequence Design and Parameters
A Practical Imaging Scheme for a Rotating RF Coil (RRFC) at 9.4T by Applying Dynamic Sensitivity Averaging
Precise Longitudinal MRI Tracking of Systemically Infused Dual Labelled Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Their Regenerative Potential in Traumatic Brain Injury Mice
Precise Mapping of the Developing Somatosensory Homunculus in the Preterm Human Brain with FMRI and Robotic Tools
Precision and Reproducibility of Cardiac Phase Resolved Ventricular Volumetry Using 4D MUSIC MRI in Congenital Heart Disease
Precision and Sensitivity of Radial MOLLI Sequence for Fast Myocardial T1 Mapping
Preclinical Detection of Leptomeningeal Inflammation Using Contrast-Enhanced FLAIR at 9.4T in the EAE-MOG Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis
A Preclinical MRI Study Investigating the Impact of the Local Microenvironment on the Progression of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma in Patient-Derived Xenografts
A Preclinical MRI Study Investigating the Impact of the Local Microenvironment on the Progression of Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma in Patient-Derived Xenografts
Preclinical Neural MRI for Basic Neuroscience
Predicting Diffusion Tensors from Resting-State Functional MRI
Predicting Functional and Histological Outcomes in Spinal Cord Injury: Comparing Double Diffusion Encoding and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Rat
Predicting MGMT Expression Levels in Glioma Patients Using Multi-Inversion-Time PASL
Predicting Osteoarthritis Radiographic Incidence by Coupling Quantitative Compositional MRI and Deep Learning
Predicting Patient Survival in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) from Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DW-MRI) Data Using Neural Networks
Predicting Pre-Surgical Language Lateralization Using Resting State FMRI in Patients with Neuropathologies
Predicting Procedure Successful Rate After Endovascular Recanalization for Chronic Carotid Artery Occlusion by 3D Vessel Wall Imaging
Predicting Visual Function Clinical Outcome in MS: A MRI and OCT Metrics Study.
Predicting WHO Grade of Brain Glioma Using Inflow-Based Vascular-Space-Occupancy MR Imaging at 3 Tesla
Prediction of Breathing Related B0-Field Fluctuations Via Artificial Neural Networks Trained on Magnetic Field Monitoring Data
Prediction of Early Stage of AD Based on Functional Connectivity Network Characteristics: An FMRI-Based Study
Prediction of IDH Mutation Status of Diffuse-Gliomas Based on Short-Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 3T
Prediction of Individual Breast Tumor Therapeutic Response
Prediction of Low-Risk Breast Cancer Using Quantitative DCE-MRI and Its Pathological Basis
Prediction of Motion Induced Image Degradation Using a Markerless Motion Tracker
Prediction of Outcome in Bilateral Common Carotid Artery Occlusion (BCCAO) Rats by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Analysis at 11.7 Tesla
Prediction of Radiotherapy Response in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Patients Using Diffusion-Kurtosis Imaging
Prediction of the Cognitive Performance Among Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients: A Multivariable Pattern Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data
Prediction of Treatment Response Using Baseline Structural and Functional MRI in First-Episode Antipsychotic-Naive Schizophrenia
Prediction Vision Recovery of Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders (NMOSDs) with Multivariate Pattern Analysis: A DTI Study
Predictive Cytological Topography (PiCT): A Radiopathomics Approach to Mapping Prostate Cancer Cellularity
Predictive Cytological Topography (PiCT): A Radiopathomics Approach to Mapping Prostate Cancer Cellularity
Predictive Cytological Topography Highlights Regions of Pathologically Confirmed Non-Enhancing Hypercellular Tumor in Glioblastoma Patients
Predictive Cytological Topography Highlights Regions of Pathologically Confirmed Non-Enhancing Hypercellular Tumor in Glioblastoma Patients
Predictive Markers for Parkinson’s Disease: A DTI Based Pattern Classification Study
Predictive Modelling for Sacral Nerve Stimulation Lead Heating - Pathway Factors and Their Effect on MRI RF-Induced Stimulation Lead Heating
The Predictive Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging on Radiation-Induced Liver Injury of Hepatic Malignancies
The Predictive Value of Preoperative Examination in Differenciating High and Low Gleason Score of Radical Prostatectomy Specimens
Predictive Value of T2 Mapping for Untreated Patellar Cartilage Defects
Predominance of Odor-Related Functional Decline in the Primary Olfactory Cortex of Early-Stage Parkinson’s Disease
Preliminary Analysis of Longitudinal Functional MRI Data in Diabetic Nephropathy and Healthy Controls
Preliminary Analysis of Micro-Structural Changes in Different Locations of Brain Tissue Affected by Acute Ischemic Stroke Using Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging
Preliminary Analysis of Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging in Grading of Gliomas
A Preliminary Application of Porosity Index Measured by UTE MRI Sequence in the Femoral Neck
Preliminary Application Of magnetization Transfer imaging and Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Prostate Cancer at 3.0 Tesla
Preliminary Clinical Experience with FDG-PET/MRI in Plasma Cell Dyscrasias
Preliminary Experience Using Motion-Robust Dynamic MRI to Visualize Fetal Congenital Heart Disease: Comparison to Static MRI
Preliminary Findings of Elevated Iron Deposition in the Substantia Nigra in Patients with Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease Using a High Iron Content Evaluation of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
A Preliminary Framework for Validation of HP MRI Using Mass Spectrometry
Preliminary Investigation on NODDI for Studying Spinal Cord Microstructure of Postoperative CSM Patients
Preliminary Investigation: Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Measurements of Water Diffusion in Diagnostic Differentiation of Focal Lesions of Malignant Spinal Bone Tumors
Preliminary Metamaterial Design and Fabrication for MRI at 3T
A Preliminary Report on Time-Resolved Coronary Vessel Wall MRI in Heart Transplant Recipients
A Preliminary Report on Time-Resolved Coronary Vessel Wall MRI in Heart Transplant Recipients
Preliminary Study for the Quantification of Fatty Composition and Relation to Metabolic Syndrome Using Modified Dixon Method.
Preliminary Study of High B-Value Diffusion MRI for Characterizing White Matter Damage in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Preliminary Study of Hypoxic Exposure Effect on Pilots Using the Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Preliminary Study of In-Vivo Visualization of Oxide Oxide Enhancement in Focal Inflammatory Lesion of Lung Parenchyma Using a 3D Radial Gradient-Echo-Based UTE Sequence (CODE)
A Preliminary Study of the Clinical Value of FM Model in Malignant Tumor of Liver
A Preliminary Study on Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MR Imaging in Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
A Preliminary Study on the Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations in CADASIL
A Preliminary Study: The Values of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in CIS and MS in Children
Prenatal Exposure to Phthalate Esters and Later Brain Structure Change Revealed by Generalized Q-Sampling MRI
Prenatal Maternal Depression and Anxiety Alter Hippocampal Development in Fetuses
Preoperative Assessment of Tumor Stiffness and Tumor-Brain Adhesion in Patients with Vestibular Schwannoma Using MR Elastography-Based Method
Preoperative Breast MR Imaging in Patients with Primary Breast Cancer Has the Potential to Decrease the Rate of Repeated Surgeries
Preoperative MRI of Uterine Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumors Versus Endometrial Carcinomas with Emphasis on Dynamic Enhancement Characteristics
Pre-Operative MRI Quantification of Hepatic Fat and Its Correlation with Histology, BMI and Length of Peri-Operative Stay Following Resection of Liver Metastases
Preoperative T Staging of Potentially Resectable Esophageal Cancer: 3T MRI Based on T2-TSE-BLADE and Contrast-Enhanced Free-Breathing Radial VIBE (StarVIBE) Vs Endoscopic Ultrasound
Pre-Scan Adjustments (B0 Shimming, F0, PO, Water Suppression)
Pre-Scan Adjustments (B0 Shimming, F0, PO, Water Suppression)
Pre-Scan Adjustments (B0 Shimming, F0, PO, Water Suppression)
Prescan Consistency of ZTE-Based Attenuation Map Generation
The Presence of Newly Defined Classical Features of Intraneural Perineurioma May Obviate the Need for Fascicular Biopsy and Pathologic Diagnosis
PRESTO: An Alternative to EPI for Functional-MRI in Rodents
Pretreatment Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Predicting the Response of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy
Pretreatment PET and MRI Imaging Markers of Lithium Treatment Response/nonresponse in Patients with Bipolar Depression
Prevalence and Clinical Relevance of Intraplaque Haemorrhage in Stenotic and Non-Stenotic Basilar Artery Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque
Prevalence of Diffusely Abnormal White Matter in Individuals with Clinically Isolated Syndromes Suggestive of Multiple Sclerosis
PRF Temperature and Velocity Mapping of Complex Fluid Flow Inside a Pin Fin Array Heat Exchanger
PRF Thermometry Accuracy at 7.0T for Thermal MR Applications with and Without the Presence of Fat
Primal-Dual Implementation for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Primary Neurotransmitter Variations Upon Forepaw Stimulation Revealed by Functional Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Rat
A Primer on AI Today: How Neural Networks & Deep Learning Are Already Changing Everything Around Us
Principle of Electrical Properties Mapping
Principle of QSM: Physics & Contrast Mechanism
The Principle of Reciprocity
The Principle of Reciprocity
Prior Knowledge Oriented Independent Component Analysis (PICA) for Component Identification in Functional MRI
Prior-Knowledge Quantitation of Glutamate, Glutamine, GABA, and Glutathione Using Covariance J-Resolved Spectroscopy
Probabilistic Analysis of the SAR Intersubject Variability Safety Factor in Parallel Transmission MRI
A Probabilistic Approach to Automated Classification of Distinct Pathological Regions in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Using Diffusion and T2 Relaxation
Probing Alterations of Cellular Metabolism and Structure in CNTF-Induced Mouse Model of Astrocytic Activation Using in Vivo MRS and Diffusion-Weighted MRS
Probing Bone Marrow Adipocyte Cell Size in Vivo at a Clinical 3 T Scanner Using High B-Value DW-MRS at Long Diffusion Times
Probing in Vivo Metabolite Relaxation by Linear Quantification of RF Driven Steady States
Probing Infiltration of the Normal Brain by Glioblastoma Using Magnetic Resonance Perfusion and Permeability Techniques
Probing Metabolic Alterations in Lung Injury During Protective and Non-Protective Ventilation Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Probing Microstructure of Brain Tumor: A NODDI Study
Probing the BOLD-CVR Response to Progressive Hypercapnia in Patients with Uni-Lateral Carotid Artery Occlusions
Probing Tumor Metabolism Using Dynamic Lactate Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI
Probing Tumor Oxygenation Response to Hypoxic Gas Breathing
Production of Highly Polarized Acetate by Rapid Decarboxylation of Pyruvate – Application to Hyperpolarized Cardiac Spectroscopy
The Profile Pattern of White Matter Hyperintensities (WMH) Has a Primary Role on Discriminating the Cognitive Function.
Prognostic Characterization of Prostate Cancer from Benign Tissue MRS
The Prognostic Power of Early and Late Phase DCE-MRI Parameters in Locally Advanced Cervix Cancer.
The Prognostic Role of Hypertrabeculation by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance in Thalassemia Intermedia Patients
Prognostic Role of Liver Stiffness Measurement Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Patients with Compensated Chronic Liver Disease
Prognostic Role of Liver Stiffness Measurement Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Patients with Compensated Chronic Liver Disease
Prognostic Utility of Cervicovaginal Fluid Acetate-Glutamate Ratio for Risk of Preterm Delivery Within Two Weeks of Presentation with Symptoms of Threatened Preterm Labour
Prognostic Value of Cardiac MR Imaging for End-Stage Phase of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy patients with or Without Adverse Ventricular Remodeling
Prognostic Value of Hepatobiliary Phase MRI in Patients with Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis – Assessment of Clinical Outcome and Evaluation of Surrogate Parameters
Prognostic Value of Pretreatment Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based Texture in Concurrent Chemo-Radiotherapy of Esophageal Squamous Cell Cancer
Prognostic Value of the Pretreatment Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) for Outcome Prediction of Chemorefractory Colorectal Liver Metastases Undergoing 90-Yttrium Radioembolization
Progress in Adapting SWIFT to a Clinical Scanner
Progressive Iron Accumulation in Multiple Sclerosis Phenotypes Revealed by Sparse Classification of Deep Gray Matter
Progressive Ventricles Enlargement and CSF Volume Increases as a Marker of Neurodegeneration in SCI Patients: A Longitudinal MRI Study
A Promising Endogenous, Non-Radioactive Method to Quantify Neuroinflammation in Alzheimer Disease
Proof of Concept for the Separation of Free and Bound Sodium in Human Brain Through Two-TE Acquisitions at 3T
Propagation Patterns of Cardiac-Driven and Respiratory-Driven Cerebrospinal Fluid Velocity Waves Characterized by Correlation Mapping in Conjunction with Asynchronous 2-Dimensional Phase Contrast Technique
Propagation Patterns of Cardiac-Driven and Respiratory-Driven Cerebrospinal Fluid Velocity Waves Characterized by Correlation Mapping in Conjunction with Asynchronous 2-Dimensional Phase Contrast Technique
Properties of Localization by Adiabatic SElective Refocusing (LASER) Sequence
Proposed Thresholds for Parametric Response Mapping Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion Weighted Imaging (IVIM-DWI) for the Assessment of Brain Tumor Treatment Response
PRO-QUEST: A Fast Method for Exchange Rate Quantification Based on PROgressive Saturation for Quantifying Exchange Using Saturation Times in Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST)
Prospective Frequency Correction Using Outer Volume Suppression-Localized Navigator for MR Spectroscopic Imaging
Prospective Longitudinal Evaluation of Patients with Low-Grade Cartilage Injury Using GagCEST at 7T
Prospective Motion Correction for 3D GRASE PCASL with Volumetric Navigators
Prospective Motion Correction of MR-Thermometry Using an Optical Tracking System
Prospective Motion Correction of Multi-Band Multi-Echo FMRI During Overt Speech to Localize the Language Network
Prospective Motion Correction on Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Improving Data Quality with Four Radio Frequency and Gradient Pulses Updates.
Prospective Motion Correction on Diffusion Weighted Imaging: Improving Data Quality with Four Radio Frequency and Gradient Pulses Updates.
A Prospective Natural History Study on Cartilage Composition Changes in Patients with Low-Grade Cartilage Injury
Prospective Self-Gating for Cardio-Respiratory Synchronised Imaging in the Mouse.
Prospective Study of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) MRI of Bladder as a Biomarker for Prediction of Bladder Cancer Aggressiveness
A Prospective, Longitudinal Assessment of Adverse Local Tissue Reactions in Resurfacing Hip Arthroplasty Versus Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
Prostate Cancer Detection with Multiparametric MRI Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Which Sequence Is the Dominant Technique
Prostate Cancer Diffusion Signal Analysis: Combination of Multiple Fit Parameters Improves Tissue Discrimination
Prostate Cancer: Differentiation of Transition Zone Cancer from Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia by Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging, Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Ultra-High B-Value Apparent Diffusion Coef?cient Techniques
Prostate Cancer: Proton & Beyond
Prostate DWI
Prostate MRI Image Interpretation
Prostate Shapes between Prostate Cancer Patients with and Without Biochemical Recurrence Post-Treatment Are Different : Preliminary Study
Protocol for Investigating in Vivo Glucose Metabolism in Human Breast Cancer by 13C MRS at 7T
Proton Density and R2* Estimation of Neonatal Lung Parenchyma During Free Breathing with UTE MRI
Proton Density Fat Fraction Estimation Accuracy of High-Flip-Angle, Contrast-Enhanced, Magnitude-Based Multi-Gradient-Echo MR Imaging at 3T
Proton Density Fat Fraction Estimation Accuracy of High-Flip-Angle, Contrast-Enhanced, Magnitude-Based Multi-Gradient-Echo MR Imaging at 3T
Proton Density Mapping and Receiver Bias Correction for Absolute Quantification with MR Fingerprinting
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Military
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Lipid Metabolic Response of a Murine Tumor Model to Radiation Therapy
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study of Amygdala, Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Thalamus in Pediatric Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Patients
Proton MR Spectroscopy Detection of High Lipid Levels Without Central Necrosis and High Intensity on DWI Is Characteristics of Germinoma
Proton Nmr Metabolic Profiling of Csf Reveals Distinct Differentiation of Meningitis with Negative Controls
Proton Spectroscopic Imaging of Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis in the MS-SMART Trial
Prototype Hardware of FPGA Controlled Multi-Channel All-Digital RF Transmitter for Parallel Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Providing Ground Truth Quantification of Anisotropic Diffusion MRI Imaging with a Hollow Textile Phantom
Providing Improved Reliability of Plasma Volume Fraction Estimates for Monitoring Anti-Angiogenic Effects in Liver Metastases with DCE-MRI
Proximal Femur Marrow Adipose Tissue Assessment Using 3T Multi-Parametric Chemical Shift Encoded MRI: Preliminary Results in Osteoporotic Patients
Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Quantification Considerations in Hyperemic Cerebral Blood Flow
Pseudo-Bootstrap Network Analysis - An Application in Functional Connectivity Fingerprinting
Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Considerations in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia
Pseudo-Fat in the Fetal Liver with Two-Point Dixon Water-Fat Separation
Pseudo-Inverse Constrained (PICO) Reconstruction Reduces Colored Noise of PROPELLER and Improves the Gray-White Matter Differentiation
A Pseudo-Longitudinal Study of the Lifespan Neuroanatomical Changes Based on a Large-Scale Imaging Data
Pseudo-SSFP Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) at 9.4T
Pubertal Contributions to White Matter Apparent Fibre Density in Late Childhood: A Fixel-Based Analysis
Pulmonary MRI Ventilation Defects in Asthma: Stochastic or Deterministic?
Pulse Sequence Check: Reality Vs. Ideal
Pulsed Exchange Transfer Technologies
"Push-Button" PET/MRI Using a Continuous Scan 3D Quantitative T2 MRI Sequence
Pushing Sodium Imaging Into Clinical Use - A Technical Feasiblity Study
Pushing the Boundaries of Low-Venc PC-MRI Acquisition Strategies with a Weighted, Regularized Optimization Reconstruction
Pushing the Limits of Synthetic MRI in the Evaluation of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: How Much Can the Acquisition Time Be Reduced?
Pushing the Limits of Ultra-High Field MRSI: Benefits and Limitations of 9.4T for Metabolite Mapping of the Human Brain
PyMRT and DCMPI: Two New Python Packages for MRI Data Analysis
QEMDIM : Quality Evaluation Using Multi-DIrectional Filter for No-Reference MR Image
QISS FISS (Quiescent-Interval Slice-Selective Fast Interrupted Steady-State): a Best-Of-Both-Worlds Solution to Nonenhanced MR Angiography at 3 Tesla
QSM and R2* Texture Analysis in the Aging Brain
QSM Meets MRS: The Influence of Subcortical Iron on Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in a Movement Disorder Population
QSM Software Demo
QSM Software Demo
QSM Software Demo
QSM0 - QSM with Automatic Uniform CSF Zero Reference
Q-Space Imaging Is a Novel Technique to Evaluate Intervertebral Disc Degeneration.
q-Space: What Is It?
Quadrature Head Coil for Brain Imaging at 6.5 MT
Quadrature Motion Encoding (QuME): A Novel Motion Encoding Scheme for MR Elastography
Quadrupolar Jump-And-Return Sequence for Sodium Knee MRI at 7 Tesla
Quadrupolar Jump-And-Return Sequence for Sodium Knee MRI at 7 Tesla
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MR Images at 3 Tesla of Adult Gliomas
Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MR Images at 3 Tesla of Adult Gliomas
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Arteriovenous Malformation Architecture at 7 Tesla
Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Parameters in Hypoxic Tumor of a Mouse to Find a Relationship with 18F- Misonidazole PET Imaging
Qualitative and Quantitative Comparison of 2D Gradient Recalled Echo and Rapid 2D Gradient Recalled Echo Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Qualitative Comparison Between in Vivo J-Resolved Semi-LASER at 3 T and 9.4 T
Quality Assessment in the Multicenter MR Imaging Study of the German National Cohort (NAKO)
Quality Assurance of Neuro-MRI Within Multicenter Clinical Trials
Quality Assurance Phantoms and Procedures for UHF MRI ? the German Ultrahigh Field Imaging (GUFI) Approach
Quality Control for Human Brain Advanced Diffusion Imaging for Assessment of Concussion
Quality Control of MRSI Data Using Efficient Data Labelling
Quality Factors for Efficient and Precise MRF Imaging
Quantification and Impact of Lead Coupling on RF-Induced Heating in MRI.
Quantification of Abdominal Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat by Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Proton at 3T: Application to an Overfeeding Protocol.
Quantification of Acoustic Radiation Force Induced Flow Velocity Changes by Phase-Contrast MRI
Quantification of Blood Flow in the Great Veins and Right Heart Using 4D Flow MRI in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Pilot Study in the MESA COPD Study
Quantification of Brain Metabolites in Alcohol Dependent Patients Using MRS with Experimental Basis Sets at 3T
Quantification of Cerebral Metabolic Rates of 17O-Labeled Glucose in Mouse Brain with Dynamic 17O-MRS
Quantification of Cerebral Venous Oxygenation Using a Two-Compartment Model of Local Phase Evolution
Quantification of Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Through the Cerebral Aqueduct Using 7T MRI
Quantification of Cerebrovascular Tortuosity of the SCD Patients Using Angiography
Quantification of Contrast Agent-Induced Enhancement of Brain Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Quantification of Dendronized Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Rat Liver Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Quantification of Flow by Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Quantification of Flow by Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Quantification of Helical Flow and Aortic Tortuosity Using 4D Flow MRI
Quantification of Hepatic Fat Fraction and Liver/Spleen R2* in a Healthy Cohort at 3 Tesla
Quantification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Heterogeneity with Multiparametric MRI
Quantification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Tumor Heterogeneity with Multiparametric MRI
Quantification of Increased Myocardial Stiffness in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using 3D High Frequency Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Quantification of Iron Liver with Clinical MRI Protocols
Quantification of Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony and Action Time in Patients with Fabry Disease by Magnetic Resonance Tissue Phase Mapping
Quantification of Liver Fat After Gd-EOB-DTPA Injection: A IDEAL-IQ Feasibility Study
Quantification of Mouse Renal Perfusion Using Arterial Spin Labeled MRI at 1 Tesla
Quantification of Multi-Pool Contribution to Endogeneous CEST Effects in Global Ischemia
Quantification of Myelin in Children Using Multi-Parametric Quantitative MRI
Quantification of Navigator Requirements for Multi-Shot Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Quantification of Neural Energetic Changes During Visuomotor Learning Using Arterial Spin Labelling FMRI
Quantification of Perfusion in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Using 3D Contrast Agent Flow Simulation
Quantification of Pore Size Distributions using Double Diffusion Encoding: Assessment of the Feasibility on a Clinical System
Quantification of Regional Lung Ventilation in COPD Patients: Validation of Ventilation-Weighted Fourier Decomposition-MRI with Dynamic Fluorinated Gas MRI and Lung Function Testing.
Quantification of Short-T2* Signal Components in the Liver Using Radial 3D UTE Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI
Quantification of Short-T2* Signal Components in the Liver Using Radial 3D UTE Chemical Shift-Encoded MRI
Quantification of Tracer Kinetic and Hemodynamic Parameters of Human Breast Tumor and Fibro-Glandular Tissue Using DCE-MRI Data
Quantification of Trans-Endothelial Water Exchange and Vessel Geometry Using Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Alterations in a Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Quantification of Trans-Endothelial Water Exchange and Vessel Geometry Using Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Alterations in a Transgenic Rat Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Quantification of Vascular Water Transport Using Time-Resolved Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling MRI at 9.4 T
Quantification, Analysis, and Correction of Nonrigid Motion in Free-Breathing, Non-Contrast-Enhanced Renal Angiography Using 3D Image-Based Navigators
Quantify Pulmonary Gas-Exchange Function with Hyperpolarized 129Xe CEST MRI
Quantifying Changes in Time-Resolved Hyperpolarized 129Xe Spectroscopy Among Healthy and IPF Subjects
Quantifying Fat Mass and Energy Content in Brown Adipose Tissue
Quantifying Fibroglandular Tissue Volume Using Chemical-Shift Encoded MRI: Validation in a Phantom
Quantifying Microstructure Changes in a Mouse Brain Tumour Model Following Temozolomide Therapy with VERDICT MRI
Quantifying Microstructure in Low and High-Grade Brain Tumours Using VERDICT MRI
Quantifying Neuronal Microstructure Integrity with TE Dependent Diffusion Imaging (TEdDI)
Quantifying Nigral Alterations in Parkinson's Disease Using Neuromelanin and Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Quantifying PO2-Driven Longitudinal Relaxation of Water 1H Spins in the Presence of Magnetization Transfer: Cross-Linked BSA as a Tissue Mimic
Quantifying Reconstruction Uncertainty with Image Quality Transfer
Quantifying the Dynamics of Cerebral Blood Flow, Oxygen Metabolism, and Deoxygenated Blood Volume with a Combined Normoxia/hyperoxia Method
Quantifying the Effectiveness of Prospective Motion Correction Using a Visual FMRI Task
Quantifying the Influence of Respiration and Cardiac Pulsations on the Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Using Real-Time Phase-Contrast MRI
Quantifying the Influence of Respiration and Cardiac Pulsations on the Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics Using Real-Time Phase-Contrast MRI
Quantifying Tidal Volume and Pulmonary Fibrosis in a TGF-a Transgenic Mouse Model with Retrospective Self-Gating UTE MRI
Quantitation of DTI Changes Associated with Muscle Injury Using a 3D Printed Phantom
Quantitative 3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Imaging of Carotid Vessel Wall by Fast T1 Mapping
Quantitative 3D Myocardial Perfusion at Systole and Diastole with a Dual Echo Arterial Input Function
Quantitative 3D T1 Mapping Technique in Rat Brain Using VFA-FLASH at 9.4T
Quantitative ADC as an Early Imaging Biomarker of Response to Chemoradiation in Esophageal Cancer
Quantitative Analysis of Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head Using the Multi-Echo 3D Dixon MR Sequence
Quantitative Analysis of Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Whole Breast on MRI: Influence of Menstrual Cycle and Comparison with Qualitative Analysis
Quantitative Analysis of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate Metabolic Kinetics Using Bayesian Inference Algorithms
Quantitative Analysis of in Vivo MEGA-PRESS Spectra in Mice at 9.4T
Quantitative Analysis of MR Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Differential Diagnosis of Cerebral Alveolar Echinococcosis and Brain Metastases
Quantitative Analysis of Shape of Eyes with High Myopia by High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
A Quantitative Analysis Using Susceptibility Mapping of Unilateral Middle Cerebral Artery Thrombosis in Patients with Acute Cerebral Infarction
Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of "Flexible PET/MRI" Images in Brain
Quantitative and Qualitative Evaluation of Bias Field Correction Methods
Quantitative Assessement of MRI Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Comparison with Qualitative Assessment – Can It Predict Breast Cancer?
Quantitative Assessment of Cerebral Venous Oxygenation in Mouse Using T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST) MRI at 11.7T
Quantitative Assessment of Hepatic Function with Hepatocyte Fraction
Quantitative Assessment of Limbic System Damage in Multiple Sclerosis
Quantitative Assessment of Liver Fibrosis Using MR-Phase Information
Quantitative Assessment of Markers of Oxidative Stress in Mice Model of Renal Artery Stenosis
Quantitative Assessment of Susceptibility Artefact Correction Techniques for Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Quantitative Assessment of the Fetal Brain Myelination in Vivo Using Fast Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping
Quantitative Assessment of Water Diffusivity in Bladder Tumors: Can Response Be Predicted Prior to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy?
Quantitative BOLD MRI and T1 Mapping in Acute Kidney Injury Patients: A Preliminary Study
Quantitative BOLD with Interleaved Acquisitions for Estimation of Extravascular $$$R_2’$$$ and Intravascular $$$R_2$$$ with Phase-Sensitive CSF Suppression
Quantitative Brain Oxygenation Measurements Made Using Streamlined-QBOLD in Acute Stroke Patients: Further Investigation Using a Detailed Voxel-Wise Analysis of Tissue Outcome
Quantitative Breast MRI Background Parenchymal Enhancement for Predicting Response to Chemotherapy
Quantitative Cardiac B0, Fat Fraction, and R2* Mapping Using Pre-Channel-Combination Phase Processing
Quantitative Cerebral Arteriolar Vasomotor Function Mapping by Spectral Analysis of Time Series MR Signal Fluctuations
Quantitative CEST MRI Using Image Downsampling Expedited Adaptive Least-Squares (IDEAL) Fitting
Quantitative Characterization of Brain Tumor Heterogeneity Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging with Extended Isotropic Spectrum (DBSI_EIS)
Quantitative Characterization of Calcified and Lipid-Laden Blood Clot in Vitro at 3T
Quantitative Characterization of Disease Progression in a Mouse Model of Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Using Molecular MR and Non-Contrast MR Imaging
Quantitative Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging with Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Quantitative Comparison of Time-SLIP and Triple Inversion Recovery (TIR) Non-Contrast Enhanced MRI for Renal Angiography
Quantitative Data-Driven Analysis for Resting-State FMRI Data Reveals Functional Connectivity Differences in Epilepsy Patients
Quantitative DCE-MRI Accuracy Evaluation Using Dynamic Physical Vs. Digital Phantom: A Cross-Validation
Quantitative DCE-MRI Analysis Using a Reference Tissue and AIF Tail
Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Prospective Self-Control Study Between Single and Dual Input Arterial Function
Quantitative Dynamic MRI in the Phase Domain: Characterization of Coronary Arterial Morphology Using a Simple Fourier Method to Accurately Estimate Bolus Arrival Times in DCE-MRI Perfusion Imaging
Quantitative Estimation of IVIM Parameters and Response Evaluation After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Osteosarcoma
Quantitative Estimation of Liver Function Using Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MR Imaging: In Vitro and in Vivo Comparison Between R1 and R2* Relaxometry
Quantitative Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in a Large Multi-Unit Institution Using QIBA Diffusion Phantom
Quantitative Evaluation of Brain Volume Change After Phthalate Esters Exposure Using Voxel-Based Morphometry
Quantitative Evaluation of Micro-Vessel Blood Flow in Subcortical Nuclei with High-Resolution TOF-MRA at 7T
Quantitative Evaluation of PROPELLER DWI Using QIBA Diffusion Phantom
Quantitative Evaluation of Prospective Motion Correction for Structural Imaging at 7T
Quantitative Evaluation of RECS-3D MERGE MR Imaging for Carotid Plaque Assessment
Quantitative Evaluation of Supraspinatus Fatty Infiltration and Its Relationship with Tendon Tear Severity by Using MDIXON-Quant Technique
Quantitative Evaluation of T2 Signal Intensity for the Assessment of Muscle Denervation
Quantitative Evaluation of Temporal Sparse Regularizers for Compressed Sensing Breast DCE-MRI
Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect of Temporal Resolution and Acquisition Duration on the Accuracy of DCE-MRI Measurements in a Prostate Phantom
Quantitative Evaluation of Thermochemical Ablation Injections in Bovine Liver Phantoms Using ²³Na MRI
Quantitative Evaluation of Treatment Response to Early Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy with Multi-Parametric MRI in Esophageal Cancer
Quantitative Evaluation of Ultra-Fast Real Time Imaging Compared to Cine at 1.5 T and Demonstration of Clinical Value in Atrial Fibrillation
Quantitative Four-Dimensional Motility Tracking of Individual Immune Cells in Living Mouse Brain
Quantitative Free-Breathing Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Gd-EOB-DTPA:Correlations with Ki67 Proliferation Status and Histological Grades
Quantitative Free-Breathing Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Gd-EOB-DTPA:Correlations with Ki67 Proliferation Status and Histological Grades
Quantitative Gated and Non-Gated Rat Phase Contrast MRI: Optimized Analysis of Blood Flow and Wall Shear Stress.
Quantitative Image Analysis of Real-Time Golden Angle Radial ISSFP for Interventional MRI
Quantitative Imaging for Radiotherapy on an MR-Linac Scanner
Quantitative Imaging for Radiotherapy on an MR-Linac Scanner
Quantitative Inversion Time Prescription for Late Gadolinium Enhancement Using T1-Based Synthetic Inversion Recovery Imaging – Eliminating the Subjective Estimation of Inversion Time
Quantitative IVIM-DWI and DCE-MRI for Assessment of Bowel Inflammation in Crohn’s Disease
Quantitative Liver Fat Measurements in Obese Adolescents: Comparison Between Using MR Spectroscopy and Chemical-Shift Water-Fat Fat-Fraction Techniques
Quantitative Lower Limb Perfusion Territory Imaging with Vessel Encoded Arterial Spin Labeling
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson’s Disease
Quantitative Mapping of Cerebrovascular Reactivity Using Resting-State BOLD FMRI: A Validation in Healthy Adults
Quantitative Mapping of the Ischemic Femoral Head in a Piglet Model of Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease
Quantitative Measurement of Cerebral Blood Volume Across 173 Brain Regions in Anethesia and Response to CO2
Quantitative Measurement of Myelin in Distinct Pathways of the Spinal Cord: Implications for Assessing Neuropathic Pain After Spinal Cord Injury
Quantitative Measurements of Perivascular Spaces at 7T, Using a Semi-Automatic Tracking Method
Quantitative Measures of Arteriole Flow in Human Perivascular Spaces
Quantitative Modeling of Exchange in BSSFPX
Quantitative Modeling of Exchange in BSSFPX
Quantitative MR Imaging: Clinical Applications
Quantitative MR Imaging: Technical Aspects
Quantitative MRI Measurement of the Interplay Between Myocardial Function, Perfusion, Structure and Metabolism During Acute and Chronic Remodeling in a Porcine Model of Myocardial Infarction
Quantitative MRI Method, a Multi-Pathway Multi-Echo Approach
Quantitative MRI of Extra-Ocular Muscles in the Clinical Evaluation of Systemic Diseases
Quantitative MRI of in Vivo Water and Lipid Concentrations with the ERETIC Method
Quantitative MRI Parameters for Adipose Tissue Characterization in Obese Patients
A Quantitative MRI Study of APOE-Dependent Microstructural Differences in Young Healthy Volunteers Using NODDI, QMT and G-Ratio
Quantitative Multi-Contrast Atherosclerosis Characterization (QMATCH): Comprehensive Quantitative Evaluation of Atherosclerosis in a Single-Scan
Quantitative Multi-Model PET/MR Imaging in Oncology
Quantitative Multiparametric Imaging in Oncology
Quantitative Multiparametric Relaxation Time Mapping of Experimental Model of Osteoarthritis in the Equine
Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion
Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion
Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion
Quantitative NMR Imaging of Short and Long T2 Components in the SKM Tissue by 1H T2- Relaxometry Study
Quantitative Noise Analysis for Increased Homogeneity in Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Perfusion Imaging in Brain
Quantitative Non-Gaussian Diffusion and IVIM MRI: Correlation Between Synthetic Parameters and Breast Cancer Biomarkers
Quantitative Off Resonance Saturation 3D UTE Imaging
Quantitative Perfusion Imaging in Rectal Cancer – Choice and Influence of the Arterial Input Function to Perfusion Parameters
A Quantitative Relationship Between R2* and Deoxyhemoglobin Levels in Calf Muscle
Quantitative Relaxation Time Mapping of Axillary Lymph Nodes and Recommended Parameters for 3T Lymphatic Node Substructure Imaging
Quantitative Sodium MRI of the Human Kidney at 3T
Quantitative Study of Longitudinal Distribution of Fat Fraction in the Lumbar Spine
Quantitative Susceptibility Map Reconstruction from MR Phase Data Using Morphology-Adaptive Total Variation
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) as a Biomarker for Evaluating White Matter Alterations in Parkinson’s Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Overcomes R2* Confounding Factors for Measuring Liver Iron
The Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and Non-Motor Symptoms of Patients with Early Parkinson Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping from Unsuppressed Water Signals in 1H-MRSI Data
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Neonatal Brain with Congenital Heart Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Articular Cartilage at Different Orientations to Investigate Susceptibility Anisotropy
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Hockey Players After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Intracranial Hemorrhage: Time Evolution and Comparison to CT
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic Substances at 3T-MR, 1.5T-MR and CT.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping to Characterise Hepatic Hyperoxia in Mice
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using 2D Simultaneous Multi-Slice Gradient-Echo Imaging at 7T
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with Separate Calculation in Water and Fat Regions
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping: Phase Images and Microstructure
Quantitative T1 and T2 Measurements of Pancreas at 7 Tesla Using a Multi-Transmit System
Quantitative T1 and T2* Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque Imaging Using 3D Multi-Echo Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Sequence: A Feasibility Study
Quantitative T1 Mapping and Somatotopic Organization of the Cerebellum at 7T : Is There a Link?
Quantitative Texture Feature to Predict Microscopic Portal Vein Invasion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Contrast-Enhanced MR Images
Quantitative Texture Feature to Predict Microscopic Portal Vein Invasion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma with Contrast-Enhanced MR Images
Quantitative Tissue Characterization by Magnetization Transfer-Weighted Cardiac MRI Detects Fibrosis Progression Without Gadolinium in Patients with End Stage Renal Disease
Quantitative Ultra-Short Time-To-Echo Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (QUTE-CE MRI) Technique Use Ferumoxytol as a Positive-Contrast Agent to Delineate Nanoparticle Accumulation in Tumors
Quantitative Validation of Spin Echo and Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Derived Proton Density Using the QMRI Phantom
Quantitative Ventilation-Perfusion Imaging Using Co-Registered Hyperpolarized Gas and Contrast Enhanced 1H Perfusion MRI
Quantitative Volumetric Histogram Analysis of Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging: An Initial Experience of Solid Renal Cell Carcinoma with Different Prognosis
Quantitative, Semiautomatic Comparison of Ferumoxytol and Gadoteridol Enhancement in Treated Glioma Patients
Quantitatively Differentiating Multiple Co-Existing Pathologies in High-Grade Glioma
Quantitatively Differentiating Prostate Cancer, Prostatitis and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) by Diffusion MRI Histology (D-Histo)
Quantitatively Evaluate the Chemical Exchange Effect in Off-Resonance Spin Lock Using Perturbation of Longitudinal Relaxation Rate in Rotating Frame (PLRF) Analysis
Quasi Black Blood T1-Mapping Using Slice-Selective TRASSI for Improved Visualization of the Myocardium
Quasi MR-Imaging Artefact Free ECoG and Intracortical Electrodes
Quiet Motion-Robust Technique for 4D T1-Weighted Fat-Suppressed Abdominal Imaging
R2* Relaxation Affects Pharmacokinetic Analysis of DCE-MRI at High Field Strength
RACE-GRASP: Respiratory-Weighted and Aortic Contrast Enhancement-Guided GRASP MRI
RACE-GRASP: Respiratory-Weighted and Aortic Contrast Enhancement-Guided GRASP MRI
Racial Differences in Cerebral Microcirculatory Function and Cognitive Function
Racquet Sports
Radial MRI and Model-Based Iterative Reconstruction for Motion Robust Quantification of the Water Content in the Brain at 3 Tesla
Radial Segmented Echo-Planar Readout for Fast Fetal Angiography – Feasibility Test
Radial-SWI in Human Fetal Imaging
Radiation-Induced Brain Abnormalities: Plasticity, Progression and Outcome Prediction
Radiation-Induced Changes in Normal-Appearing Brain in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: A MR T1? Imaging Study
Radiofrequency Applicator Concepts for Simultaneous MR Imaging and Hyperthermia Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme: A 7.0 T (298 MHz) Study
Radiogenomic Analysis of Distinct Tumor Sub-Compartments on T2 and FLAIR Predict Distinct Molecular Subtypes in Lower Grade Gliomas
Radiogenomics in Neurooncology
Radiogenomics of 201 WHO Grade 2 and 3 Gliomas
Radiogenomics of 201 WHO Grade 2 and 3 Gliomas
Radiographic Atlas of Tumor Growth Pattern in Glioblastoma
Radiological Comparisons of 3D and 2D-Cell Culture Derived Tumours in an Orthotopic Mouse Xenograft Model of Paediatric Glioblastoma
Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation and MR Analysis of Hepatocellular Adenoma Subtypes.
Radiologist Vs. Computer: Panel Discussion
Radiologist Vs. Computer: Panel Discussion
Radiologist Vs. Computer: Panel Discussion
Radiomic Analysis Differentiates Between True Progression and Pseudo-Progression in Glioblastoma Patients: A Large Scale Multi-Institutional Study
Radiomic Features Extracted from T2w MRI Differentiates KRAS Mutational Status in Rectal Cancers: A Pilot Study
Radiomic Texture Features from MR Perfusion Images Predicts Pseudoprogression from True Progression in Glioblastoma Patients: A Multi-Institutional Study
Radiomics Features Extracted from MRI as Biomarkers for Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder and Multiple Sclerosis Differentiation
Radiomics Model for Preoperative Prediction of Lymph Node Metastasis in Rectal Cancer after Neoadjuvant Chemoradiatherapy Therapy
Radiomics of Musculoskeletal Masses Using T2-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Images
RAFF, T1? and T2? Mapping of Human Gliomas: Association with IDH Mutation, 1p19q Co-Deletion and Ki67
Randomizing Simultaneously Excited Slice Groups in SMS to Reduce Slice Leakage Artifacts in Diffusion MRI
A Ranking of Pipelines for Optimal Co-Registration of Anatomical and Diffusion Weighted Images of the Cervical Spinal Cord
A Ranking of Pipelines for Optimal Co-Registration of Anatomical and Diffusion Weighted Images of the Cervical Spinal Cord
Rapid 3D CEST Using Volumetric Reduced Field of View Imaging
Rapid 3D Imaging with Multiplanar Spirals
Rapid Acquisition of Co-Registered 3D Xenon-129 and Proton Images of the Human Lung in a Single Breath-Hold Using Compressed Sensing
Rapid and Quantitative Parametric Mapping for Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Using MR Fingerprinting
Rapid Background Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity Correction in MR-Based Oxygen Imaging
Rapid Cerebrovascular Reactivity Mapping: Comparison of a Sinusoid Protocol with the Conventional Block Protocol
Rapid Continuous Acquisition
Rapid Continuous Multiarterial MRI of the Hepatic Arterial Dominant Phase During Free-Breathing.
Rapid Diffusion Tensor MR Spectroscopy (DTS) of Metabolites in Human Brain
Rapid Dual Echo UTE MR-Based Attenuation Correction
Rapid High-Resolution 3D T1 Mapping Using a Highly Accelerated Radial Inversion-Recovery FLASH Technique
A Rapid Hybrid Spiral Spin-Echo Technique for Simultaneous Multi-Contrast Fat-Water Imaging
Rapid Knee MRI Using TSE Sequences Accelerated with a Combination of Simultaneous Multislice, Multicoil Compressed Sensing and Elongated Echo Trains
Rapid Measurement of Perfusion Fraction in Clinical Neuroimaging
Rapid MR Pancreatic and Ovarian Screening Imaging for Patients with BRCA Mutation Undergoing Screening Breast MRI – Pilot Study
Rapid Non-Cartesian Regularized SENSE Reconstruction Using a Point Spread Function Model
Rapid Registration of EPI to High-Resolution Structural Images
Rapid Spinal Cord Imaging
Rapid Two-Step 2D Filtered Backprojection for 3D Radial-Data Reconstruction: Comparison of Computatonal Times with Conventional Methods
Rapid, High-Resolution Imaging of the Central Veins in Multiple Sclerosis at 1.5T, 3T, and 7T
A Rapid, Whole-Brain Look-Locker Method for T1 Mapping Using Inversion Recovery EPIK
A Raspberry Pi® Based Portable Exposure Monitoring System for Magnetic Fields Up to 7T.
Rat Brain Development Assessed by High-Field Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging
Ratio-Adjustable Power Splitters for Array-Compressed Parallel Transmission and RF Shimming
Readout-Segmented EPI with 2D-PACE for the Abdominal Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Real Time Gain Stabilization for PET Detectors in PET/MR
Real Time MRI-Guided Convection-Enhanced Delivery in Porcine Brain to Model Multiple Sclerosis by Focal Demyelination
Realistic 4D Abdominal Phantom for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Realistic Simulation of 23Na Brain Data: Understanding the Influence of Acquisition Parameters on the Accuracy of 23Na Concentration Measurement
Real-Time 3D Cardiac MRI Using Through-Time Radial GRAPPA and GPU-Enabled Reconstruction Pipelines in the Gadgetron Framework
Real-Time 3D Cardiac MRI Using Through-Time Radial GRAPPA and GPU-Enabled Reconstruction Pipelines in the Gadgetron Framework
Real-Time B0 Concomitant Field Compensation for a Compact 3T MR Scanner with Asymmetric Transverse Gradients
Real-Time Cardiac Cine Based on a Radial BSSFP Sequence and Compressed Sensing: Initial Experience on the Evaluation of Left Ventricular Function in Patients
Real-Time Cardiac Functional Imaging Using an Arrhythmia-Robust Radial Imaging Sequence
Real-Time Dynamic Image Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing and Principal Component Analysis (CS-PCA)
Real-Time FMRI Functional Connectivity Self-Regulation and Motor Performance
Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback of the Amygdala Enhances Amygdala-Orbitofrontal Connectivity and Lateralized EEG Coherence in Veterans with Combat-Related PTSD
Real-Time Frequency and Motion Corrected Hadamard Encoded Spectral Editing (CHASE)
Real-Time Large-Scale Anatomical Landmark Detection with Limited Medical Images
Real-Time Lesion Targeting During MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy Using an IPad: Feasibility and Initial Clinical Evaluation
Real-Time Measuring of Active Medical Devices Malfunction, Rectification and Induced Gradient Voltages During MRI Exam: Low-Frequency Voltage Sensor for MRI Safety Test.
Real-Time Monitoring of Exercise Stress Using Spiral Flow MRI
Real-Time Motion Prediction for Feedback Control of MRI-Guided Interventions
Real-Time MRI Technology
Real-Time MRI-Guided Targeted Needle Placement During Motion Using Rolling-Diaphragm Hydrostatic Actuators
Real-Time Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty with Traveling Wave Magnetic Particle Imaging
Real-Time Prospective Bulk Motion Exclusion for Robust 3D Free-Breathing Abdominal Imaging
Real-Time Shimming of the Human Spinal Cord Using a 24-Channel Shim Array Coil
Receive Coil Array Considerations for Simultaneous Multislice Imaging in Cardiac MRI
Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Fat Fraction Reveals No Universal Cut-Off to Reliably Identify in Vivo Brown Adipose Tissue in Adult Humans
Receiver Operating Characteristic Analysis of Fat-Fraction Is Effective in Differentiating Identifying an Optimal Threshold to Differentiate Between Brown and White Adipose Tissue Ex Vivo and in Situ in Rats Using 3-Point IDEAL MRI
Reconstructing Inherent Stiffness in a Deforming Heart Phantom Using MR Elastography
Reconstruction & Raw Data
Reconstruction of DCE Tracer Kinetic Parameters from Under-Sampled Data with a Flexible Model Consistency Constraint
Reconstruction of Fetal Diffusion MRI Using a Spherical Harmonic Model
Reconstruction of Highly Accelerated Free-Breathing 3D Abdominal MRI Using Stacked Convolutional Auto-Encoder Network
Reconstruction Using Deep Learning Networks
Rectal Adenocarcinoma: Diagnostic Accuracy of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging (DKI) and Its Correlation with Prognostic Factors
Rectal CA Staging
Rectal Cancer-Shifting Paradigms-Predicting Complete Pathologic Response & Facilitating Non-Operative Management
Rectal Perfusion Parameters Normalized to Tumour Free Rectal Wall Can Predict Complete Pathological Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy.
Recurrent Neural Network on DCE-MRI in Prostate Cancer
Recurrent Neural Network on DCE-MRI in Prostate Cancer
Red Degeneration of Uterine Leiomyoma: Clinical Utility of Susceptibility-Weighted MR Imaging
Reduced BOLD Connectivity Is Related to Hypoperfusion in Alzheimer’s Disease
Reduced Brain Glutamine in Female Varsity Rugby Athletes After Concussion
Reduced Cortical Thickness in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease and a High Pain Burden: Baseline Results from the Prevention of Morbidity in Sickle Cell Anaemia Trial
Reduced Distortion in Diffusion Tensor MRI with Eddy Current Nulled Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (EN-CODE)
Reduced Fibre Density in the Visual Pathways of Multiple Sclerosis Patients with Optic Neuritis
Reduced FOV with Multi-Shot IRIS Provides Improved Diffusion Tensor Imaging in the Cervical Spinal Cord
Reduced FOV, Reference Scans, Gradient Pre-Emphasis
Reduced Functional Network Segregation Is Associated with Reduced Structural Network Integration and Cost Pre-Operatively in Neonates with Complex Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Reduced GABA Levels Correlate with Cognitive Impairment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Reduced GABA Levels Correlate with Cognitive Impairment in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Reducing Acquisition Time While Maintaining Spatial Resolution with Extended Readouts and R2* Modeling
Reducing Complexity of Functional Imaging: Free-Breathing Imaging Based ADC and IVIM Measurements Are as Accurate as Breath-Hold Measurements in Renal Cell Carcinoma
Reducing Computation Time for Registration in Breast DCE-MRI: Effects Of percent Sampling on Kinetic Analysis Model Parameters, Uncertainties, And goodness of Fit
Reducing Distortion in DWI Acquisitions of Prostate Scans
Reducing Magnetization-Transfer-Induced T1 Estimation Error in Myocardial T1 Mapping for the MOLLI Sequence: Simulation, Phantom and in Vivo Studies
Reducing Specific Energy Deposition in Free Breathing Balanced Steady-State Free Precession (BSSFP) Cine Imaging Using Cardio-Respiratory Synchronization
Reducing the Effects of Under-Sampling in Images Acquired with a 3D Radial Sequence for the Purposes of Real-Time Navigation.
Reducing the Screening During Transmission Using Non-Linear Properties of High Sensitivity Superconductor Radiofrequency Coils for Magnetic Resonance Micro Imaging
Reduction of Partial Volume Effects Using Diffusion-Kurtosis-Informed Template Improves the Atlas-Based Between-Group Comparison in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Reduction of Ringing Artifacts for High Resolution 3D RARE Imaging at High Magnetic Field Strengths
Reduction of Scanner’s Noise in Recorded Voice Responses Using an Inline Reference Scanner’s Noise for Automated Measurement of Voice Response Time in Overt Speech FMRI
Reduction of Susceptibility-Induced Field Gradients in Multi-Fibre Diffusion Phantoms Via Susceptibility Matching
Reduction of the Variation in Parameter Estimation from Atypical Signal Intensity Decay or Its Variation Near Tumor in Low B Factors Using a ROI-Based Analysis Method in IVIM Model for Prostate Diffusion Imaging
Reference-Free Distortion Correction with Segmented Partial Fourier Acquisitions for High Resolution DTI at 7T
A Referenceless Workflow for Hyperpolarized 13C EPI
Region-Adaptive Deformable Registration for MRI/CT Pelvic Images Via Bi-Directional Image Synthesis
Regional Analysis of Gas-Uptake Parameters in the Lung Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe Chemical Shift Saturation Recovery Spectroscopy and Dissolved-Phase Imaging: A Reproducibility Study
Regional Analysis of Hyperpolarized Lactate-To-Pyruvate Ratio Can Improve Sensitivity to Monitor Progression of Acute Pulmonary Inflammation
Regional and Structural Integrity of the Whole Cervical Spinal Cord Using 3D-T1 MP2RAGE and Multi-Slice Multi Angle DTI and IhMT Sequences at 3T: Preliminary Investigations on Age-Related Changes.
Regional Brain Myelin Changes in Patients with Heart Failure
Regional Brain Volume Changes in Alcohol-Dependent Individuals During Short-Term and Long-Term Abstinence
Regional Detection of Lung Injury Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Mapping of Blood Hematocrit in a Rat Model Involving Partial-Lung Irradiation
Regional GABA Concentration Comparison in the Human Brain with the Interleaved Short TE SLASER and MEGA-SLASER Sequence at 7T
Regional GABA Concentrations Modulate Inter-Network Resting-State Functional Connectivity
Regional Heterogeneity in Moyamoya Disease: Discovering Local Arterial Transit Time Information from Single-Delay Arterial Spin Labeling
Regional Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Migraine with and Without Aura in the Interictal State: A Pilot FMRI Study
Regional Variations in Cerebral Venous Contrast Using Susceptibility-Based MRI
Regionally Dependent T2* Values of the Patellar Tendon in Collegiate Basketball Players
Regionally Differentiated Cerebral Blood Flow Increases During Infancy Measured with PCASL MRI
Regionally Differentiated Cerebral Blood Flow Increases During Infancy Measured with PCASL MRI
Region-Of-Interest Size of Hepatic 2D MR Elastography Decreases with Increasing R2* for Gradient-Echo But Not Spin-Echo Techniques
Region-Of-Interest Size of Hepatic 2D MR Elastography Decreases with Increasing R2* for Gradient-Echo But Not Spin-Echo Techniques
Regions of Spared Hypertrophy in Pressure Overloaded Hearts Promote Severe Systolic Dysfunction as Assessed by Comprehensive Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
Region-Specific Damage in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Studied Using Multimodal Quantitative MRI
Region-Specific Effects of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase on the Neurochemical Profiles of the Hippocampus and Midbrain in Mice
Region-Specific Effects of AMP-Activated Protein Kinase on the Neurochemical Profiles of the Hippocampus and Midbrain in Mice
Region-Specific Modeling of Heart Rate and Respiratory Volume Signal Contributions in Whole-Brain High-Spatial Resolution Resting-State FMRI at 7 Tesla
A Registration Framework for Prostate MpMRI Via Combining Intensity and Shape Information
Registration-Free Analysis of Diffusion MRI Tractography Data Across Subjects Through the Human Lifespan
Regularized Curve Fitting Improves T1 Bias in Cardiac T2 Mapping
Regularly Incremented Phase Encoding Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (RIPE-MRF) for Enhanced Motion Suppression in Cartesian MRF
Relating External Magnetic Field Changes to Head Movement Using Motion and Field Cameras
Relating the Evolution of RT-Induced Vascular Injury to Surrounding White Matter Microstructure in Adult Glioma Patients
Relation Between Brain Temperature and Cerebral Perfusion and Metabolism in Human Brain
Relationship Between BOLD FMRI and Functional MRS the Medial Temporal Lobe
The Relationship Between Brain White Matter Hyperintensities Burden and Age-Related Neuropathologies Is Location Dependent
Relationship Between Cell Swelling, Functional Neuronal Status and Water Diffusion in the Rat Brain
Relationship Between Cerebral Blood Flow and Water Diffusion in the Brain of Misery Perfusion Model Mice
Relationship Between Cortical Grey Matter Quantitative Magnetization Transfer and Corresponding Sub-Cortical White Matter in Healthy Adults
The Relationship Between Cortical Myeloarchitecture and Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
The Relationship Between Cortical Myeloarchitecture and Functional Connectivity in the Human Brain
Relationship Between Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and RSI: Application to Prostate Cancer
The Relationship Between Diffusivity and Electrical Conductivity: Initial Results of an in Vivo Assessment by MRI
Relationship Between DTI of the Brainstem Auditory Pathway and Latency of the Auditory M100 Response Is Altered in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Relationship Between GABA and Glutamate and Inter- And Intra-Regional Intrinsic Connectivity as Measured by Resting-State FMRI
Relationship Between Hepatic Blood Flow and Segmental Liver Hypertrophy After Portal Vein Embolization Using 4D Flow MRI
Relationship Between Hepatic Blood Flow and Segmental Liver Hypertrophy After Portal Vein Embolization Using 4D Flow MRI
Relationship Between Nicotine Dependence and the Structural Changes in the Brain of Young and Middle-Aged Male Smokers: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Relationship Between Prefrontal GABA Levels and Hippocampal Resting Activity in Subjects at Ultra High Risk of Psychosis: A Combined MRS-PCASL Study
Relationship Between Static and Dynamic Brain Functional Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Relationship Between Surface Area, Cortical Thickness and Folding in Infants
Relationship Between Venous Congestion and Susceptibility of Collecting Veins: An In-Vivo QSM Study with Developmental Venous Anomaly
Relationship of Seed-Based Connectivity and Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Resting-State Functional MRI
Relationships Among Cortical Glutathione Levels, Brain Amyloidosis, and Memory in Normal Older Adults Investigated in Vivo with 1H MRS and PiB PET
Relative Latency and Temporal Variability of BOLD FMRI Signal in the Ventral Visual Pathway
Relaxation in Polar Coordinates: Analysis and Optimization of MR-Fingerprinting
Relaxation in Polar Coordinates: Analysis and Optimization of MR-Fingerprinting
Relaxation in Simultaneously Acquired Single and Triple Quantum Filtered Sodium Imaging
Relaxation Time Shortening by Oxygen Molecules: Strong Enhancement in a Viscous Solution with Cellular Viscosity
Relaxation Times and Magnetic Susceptibility of Human Umbilical Cord Blood at 3 Tesla
Relaxometry Via Steady-State Ring-Locked Trajectories
Reliability of in Vivo Glx Measurements from GABA-Edited MRS at 3T
Reliability of Single- And Multi-TI ASL Measurements with a Clinical Product Sequence
Reliable Determination of Bile Acids from Human Gallbladder by 1H MRS - Protocol Optimization and Estimation of Reproducibility
Reliable Estimation of Kidney Filtration Rate with DCE-MRI Using Motion-Robust High Spatiotemporal Resolution Radial VIBE
Remitted and Non-Remitted Patients with Schizophrenia Show Distinct Patterns of White Matter Tract Alterations
Remodeling of Resting State Functional Connectivity Following Thyromimetic Induced Remyelination in the Mouse Brain
Removing the Estimation Bias Due to the Noise Floor in Multi-Parameter Maps
Renal Arterial Spin Labeling in Diabetes Mellitus
REnal Flow and Microstructure AnisotroPy (REFMAP) MRI in Normal and Peritumoral Renal Tissue
REnal Flow and Microstructure AnisotroPy (REFMAP) MRI in Normal and Peritumoral Renal Tissue
Renal Perfusion Is Decreased in Kidneys with Multiple Renal Arteries as Demonstrated by Renal DCE MRI
Reorganisation of Cerebellar and Dentate Nucleus Activity in Multiple Sclerosis Subjects Performing a Complex Visuomotor Task: An Event-Related FMRI Study
Reorganization of Brain Connectivity in the Speech and Language Network in the Non-Fluent Variant of PPA
Reorganization of Rodent Resting-State Functional Networks After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Repeatability and Motion-Invariance of Zero Echo Time Bone Maps
Repeatability and Reproducibility of Spinal Cord Atrophy Measurements in a Multiple Sclerosis Population Using the Spinal Cord Toolbox
Repeatability and User Variability of Myocardial Tissue Phase Mapping in Mice
Repeatability of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters at 3.0 Tesla in Orbital Masses.
Repeatability of Global Percent Enhancement and Regional Defect Quantification in Oxygen-Enhanced 3D Radial Ultrashort Echo Time MRI
Repeatability of Ktrans Derived from DCE-MRI in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Across Multiple Baseline Images and Processing Methods.
Repeatability of Myocardial Creatine and Triglyceride Concentration Measurements with 1H-MRS
Repeatability of Perfusion Parameters in Free-Breathing Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Malignant Hepatic Tumors
Repeatability of Quantitative Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI Measures of Renal Metabolism: Impact of Flow-Sensitive Gradients
Repeatability of Quantitative Muscle Strain and Strain Rate Measurements by Means of Synchronous Dynamic Muscle MRI During Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Repeatability of Regional Lung Ventilation Quantification Using 19F Fluorinated Gas Washout Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Free Breathing
Repeatability Study of APT CEST Quantification Techniques for Identification of Ischaemic Penumbra in Stroke
Repeated Binge Alcohol Intoxication Leads to Lower Choline-Containing Compound Signals in Rat Brain: An in Vivo Marker of Alcohol-Induced Neurobiological Abnormalities
Reperfusion Hemorrhage Following Prolonged Myocardial Ischemia Leads to Fatty Degeneration of Myocardial Infarctions Via Iron-Mediated, Self-Perpetuating Loop of Foam Cell and Ceroid Accumulation
Repetition Effects in Early Blind Adults Revealed by FMRI Adaptation
Repetitive Head Impact Exposure and Later-Life Neurochemistry: A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Investigation in Symptomatic Former NFL Players
A Repetitive Traumatic Brain Injury Model Characterized with Diffusion Tensor and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging with Neuropathological Correlation
Representation of Taxonomic and Thematic Knowledge of the Human Brain
Reproducibility and Accuracy of 4D Flow Valve Tracking for Assessment of Mitral Regurgitation
Reproducibility and Age Dependence of GluCEST Contrast in Healthy Adults
Reproducibility and Methodological Considerations for Dissolved-Phase 129Xe Spectroscopy in Patients with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Reproducibility for MRS-Based Relaxometry and Identification of Influential Parameters
Reproducibility of 3D Short TE MRSI in Patients with High-Grade Glioma
The Reproducibility of Absolute ASL-CBF: Assessing the Stability of Absolute CBF, M0 and Calibration Images
Reproducibility of ADC Measures by Breast DWI: Results of the ACRIN 6698 Trial
Reproducibility of Brain Network Metrics in People with Multiple Sclerosis
Reproducibility of DTI Metrics and the Influence of SNR on DTI Metrics in a Longitudinal Multicenter Clinical Trial
Reproducibility of Functional Connectivity Measures Acquired at Different Times of Day
Reproducibility of Graph Metrics Estimated from Alternative Strategies of Network Weighting:Evidences from Repeat Mri Scans
Reproducibility of Graphical Measures and Dynamic Network Features in Resting State FMRI
Reproducibility of Human Habenula Characterization with High-Resolution Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 3T
Reproducibility of Quantitative DW-MRI and DCE-MRI of the Breast in the Community Setting: Preliminary Results
Reproducibility of Semi-Automatic Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage Quantification Using SNAP MRI
Reproducibility of SMT-Based Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy Imaging on a Clinical MRI System
Reproducibility Study of Direct and Non-Linear Inversion High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) of the Hippocampus
Reproducibilty of Multiparametric Assessment of Chronic Kidney Disease
Reproducible Detection of Nigral Iron Deposition in Parkinson’s Disease: Validation in Two Cohorts
Reproducible Fast T1 Mapping of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord in Vivo
Reproduciblity of Advanced MR Metrics in a Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor Study of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Reproduciblity of Advanced MR Metrics in a Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor Study of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Residual Tumour Detection in Post-Treatment Granulation Tissue by Using Multiple Diffusion Models in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients
Resistance and Susceptibility to Diabetes - Characterising the ‘Thin on the Outside Fat on the Inside’ (TOFI) Profile Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Pilot Study in Asian and Caucasian Women
Resolution and Coverage for Accurate Susceptibility Maps: Comparing Brain Images with Simulations
Resolution Enhanced Accelerated Four Dimensional Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging: Application in Prostate Cancer
Resolution Enhanced Accelerated Four Dimensional Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging: Application in Prostate Cancer
Resolution Enhancement in Ultra-High Field 3D Echo-Planar Imaging Using a Planes-On-A-Paddlewheel with Asymmetric Readout Train (POP-ART) Trajectory
Resolving Local SAR in Vitro from RF-Field Induced Heating of a 5.0 Cm Long Titanium Rod at 64 MHz and 128 MHz
Resolving Spin-Spin Couplings in Hyperpolarized in Vivo Metabolic 13C Spectroscopy at Low Magnetic Field Following Murine Tail-Vein Injection
Resonance Frequency Detection of a Stretchable RF Receiver Coil for MRI
Resonance Frequency Detection of a Stretchable RF Receiver Coil for MRI
Respiratory $$$\alpha$$$-Mapping of Cystic Fibrosis at 1.5T
Respiratory $$$\alpha$$$-Mapping of Cystic Fibrosis at 1.5T
Respiratory Changes in Pulmonary Flow Distribution in Fontan Circulation Using “5-D” Flow MRI
Respiratory Controlled Adaptive K-Space Reordering (ReCAR) Improves 4D Flow Image Quality
Respiratory Motion Compensation in the Liver Using Fat-Only Self Gated Signal
Respiratory Motion-Corrected Simultaneous Cardiac PET and Coronary MR Angiography Using a Hybrid 3T PET-MR
Respiratory Motion-Corrected Simultaneous Cardiac PET and Coronary MR Angiography Using a Hybrid 3T PET-MR
Respiratory Motion-Field Reconstruction Using Low-Rank Plus Sparse (L+S) Approach for Dynamic MRI of the Lungs
Respiratory Motion-Resolved MRI of the Lung and Liver for Evaluation of Cystic Fibrosis
Respiratory Phase-Matched MR-Based Attenuation Correction (MRAC) for Four-Dimensional (4D) PET in PET/MRI: A Feasibility Study
Respiratory Phase-Matched MR-Based Attenuation Correction (MRAC) for Four-Dimensional (4D) PET in PET/MRI: A Feasibility Study
Respiratory Resolved, Self-Gated, 4-Dimensional MRI Using Rotating Cartesian K-Space (ROCK): Technical Validation and Initial Clinical Experience on An MRI-Guided Radiation Therapy System
Respiratory Self-Gated Golden-Angle Spiral 4D Flow MRI
Respiratory Self-Gating and Estimation of Gas/proton Fractions in SF6 and Proton Lung Imaging in Free-Breathing Mice
Respiratory Self-Gating Using Principal Component Analysis in 2D Golden Angle Radial Free Breathing Cine Imaging
Respiratory Variation in Left Ventricular Cardiac Function with 3D Double-Golden-Angle Whole-Heart Cine Imaging
Resting Functional Connectivity and Anatomical Basis in Patients with Hepatic Myelopathy After Transjugular Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt
Resting State Brain Networks in Perinatally HIV-Infected Adult Youths
Resting State Connectivity Analysis for Normal and Abnormal Physiology Conditions During FMRI Data Acquisition
Resting State FMRI in Migraine
Resting State FMRI in Patients Infected with Hepatitis C Virus
The Resting State FMRI Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) Metrics KCC-ReHo & Cohe-ReHo Are Valid Indicators of Tumor-Related Neurovascular Uncoupling
Resting State Network Dynamics Using Sliding-Window Detrending and Meta-Statistics: A New Approach for Real-Time FMRI
Resting-State FMRI: Which Index Is Really Useful?
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Abnormalities Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Stress: A Graph-Based Analysis
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Reveals Deep Brain Stimulation and 5-HT Treated Alteration in Autism Rat
Resting-State Functional Network Connectivity Pattern as a Cognitive Marker for Task Performance
Resting-State Network Patterns in Extremely Preterm Born Young Adults
Restriction Spectrum Imaging in Breast Cancer: Improved Evaluation of Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
A Retrospective Cardiac Gating Method Using Simultaneously Acquired Navigator
Retrospective Image Sorting for Phase REsolved Lung Perfusion Imaging (PRELP)
Retrospective Independent Component Estimation of Respiratory and Cardiac Artefact Residuals (RICERCAR) in BOLD-FMRI.
Retrospective Motion Correction of Head Rotations in 2D RARE Brain Images Using TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER)
Retrospective Reconstruction of Hepatic Arterial Phases in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Liver MR Using Continuous Golden-Angle Radial Sequence
A Retrospective Study of Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Revealing the High Frequency Brain Networks with Multiband Multi-Echo FMRI Data
Revealing the Nature of Microstructural Correlations Along Axons in Human Brain White Matter with Time-Dependent Diffusion
Reversible Changes in Cardiac Function and Metabolism in an Inducible Mouse Model of Type 1 Diabetes
The Review of Age-Related White Matter Changes in Alzheimer’s Disease Trials
Review of Algorithms of QSM
A Review of the Magnetic Resonance Findings in Abnormal Placental Implantation.
Revisiting the Experimental Base of Compositional Biomarkers: A Meta-Analysis Study
An RF Birdcage Coil Designed for an Insert Gradient Coil Dedicated to Short-T2 MRI
RF Coil Performances in Compact Hybrid MR/PET Scanner Design Using an Integrated Shielding
RF Heating Studies on Anesthetized Swine Using Fractionated Dipole Antennas at 10.5 T
RF Modelling
RF Power Considerations for Simultaneous Multi-Nuclear MRI/MRS
RF Pulse Design - Based Parallel Transmit Array Design
RF Pulse Design by Optimal Control with Physical Constraints
RF Receivers: Signal Detection Chain, Digitization, System Noise Figures - From MRI Signal to Bits
RF Safety Assessment of a 32-Channel Integrated Body Coil for 7 Tesla: Thermal Dose Evaluation at High SAR Level
RF Safety of an Implanted Port Catheter in Direct Vicinity of a 7T Transmit Head Coil
RF Slice Shimming at 7T with Power Control on a Commercial 8-Channel Transmit Coil
RF Transmit: Power Delivery, Decoupling, & Duty Cycle
RF-Sensing for Trigger-Based Synchronization of Auxiliary Devices, and Pulse-Sequence Debugging
Right Ventricular Deformation by CMR Feature Tracking in Patients with Volume-Overload and Pressure-Overload Congenital Heart Diseases
Right Ventricular Myocardial Strain in Rats
Rigid Motion Correction in MRSI Using Wireless Active Markers
Robust 2D Nyquist Ghost Correction for Simultaneous Multislice (SMS) EPI Using Phase Error Correction SENSE and Virtual Coil SAKE
Robust 3D PCASL Perfusion Imaging Using a Cartesian Acquisition with Spiral Reordering (CASPR)
A Robust 3D Phase Unwrapping Method with Application to Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Robust Accelerated Reconstruction for Bloch-Siegert B1-Mapping
Robust Agreement Between MRI and MRS Hepatic Proton Density Fat Fraction Despite Biologically Plausible Variability in Fat Spectra in Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Robust and Automatic Spinal Cord Detection on Multiple MRI Contrasts Using Machine Learning
Robust and Efficient Dictionary Matching in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Neural Networks
Robust and Efficient Perfusion Parameter Estimation for DCE-MRI of the Prostate Utilizing the Variable Projection (VARPRO) Method
Robust and Fast Phase Unwrapping Strategy to Improve SWI Quality
Robust Arterial Input Functions by Fitting the Complex DCE-MRI Signal: A Test-Retest Study in Prostate Cancer
Robust B1 Mapping with Phase-Sensitive Orthogonal Excitation RF Pulses
Robust Bias Correction and Segmentation of 7 Tesla Structural Brain Images with an Iterative Bias-Corrected Fuzzy C-Means and N4 Bias Correction (IBCFCM+N4)
Robust Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate at 7T High Field with a Fully Adiabatic LASER Sequence
Robust EEG-FMRI Using Optical Motion Tracking: Retrospective EEG Motion Educated Gradient Artefact Suppression REEG-MEGAS
Robust Estimation and In-Vivo Validation of the Axon Bundle Diffusivity Profiles
Robust Fat Suppressed Direct Thrombus? Imaging (MPRAGE) Sequence With a Large Field-Of-View at 3T
Robust GRASP: A Novel Approach Using the Huber Norm in Projection Space for Robust Data Consistency in Undersampled Radial MRI
Robust High-throughput Cardiac MR Featuring Compressed Sensing
Robust Identification of Rich-Club Organization in Weighted and Dense Structural Connectomes
Robust Image Registration in CEST-Acquisitions by Exploiting a Low-Rank Plus Sparse Decomposition of the Z-Spectrum
Robust K-Space Trajectory Mapping with Data Readout Concatenation and Automated Phase Unwrapping Reference Point Identification
Robust Mapping of Diffusion Parameters of the Combined IVIM-Kurtosis-Model Using Artificial Neural Networks in the Human Brain
Robust Method for Detection of Small Variations in Relaxation Parameters and Free Water Content in Substantia Nigra of Parkinson's Disease Patients.
Robust MR Elastography Stiffness Quantification Using a Localized Divergence Free Finite Element Reconstruction
Robust MR Lymphangiography Using DARC-MRL: Evaluation of Venous Suppression and Strategies for More Efficient Clinical Examinations
A Robust Non-Balanced SSFP FMRI Technique for High Field: Comparison with SE-EPI and BSSFP Techniques at 7 Tesla
Robust On- And Off-Resonance Constant Amplitude Spin-Lock at the Presence of B1 RF and B0 Field Inhomogeneity
Robust Pore Water Suppression in Cortical Bone with Multiple Adiabatic Inversion Recovery
A Robust Reconstruction Method for Quantitative Perfusion MRI: Application to Brain Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast (DSC) Imaging
Robust Reference-Region DCE-MRI Analysis with a Vascular Component and Two-Fit Analysis
Robust VFA Relaxometry by Continuous Saturation of Magnetization Transfer (CSMT) Effects with Non-Selective Multi-Band Pulses.
Robust Visualization of MCA Main Trunk by Improved Acceleration-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling (IAccASL) for Intracranial MR Angiography
Robust Visualization of MCA Main Trunk by Improved Acceleration-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling (IAccASL) for Intracranial MR Angiography
Robustness of Kurtosis Acquisition Via Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI: A Test-Retest in Children
Robustness of Local Connectome Fingerprint Explored: Using a Multi-Center and Multi-Vendor Study
ROI-Based Evaluation of Diffusion Tensor Metric of Skeleton Muscles
The Role of ADC Histogram Analysis in Discriminating Between Benign and Malignant Tumours in Children
Role of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Distinguishing Thoracoabdominal Neuroblastic Tumors of Various Histological Types and Differentiation Grades
Role of DWI in Guiding MRI-TRUS Fusion Biopsy in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Prospective Cohort Study
Role of Free-Breathing Motion-Corrected Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery (MOCO-PSIR) Imaging Technique for the Assessment of Late Gadolinium Enhancement
The Role of In-Bore MR-Guided Prostate Biopsies in Patients with Discrepancy Between MRI Findings and TRUS Biopsies
The Role of Microvascular Blood Motion in BOLD FMRI
Role of MR in MS Diagnosis & Management
The Role of Multiparametric Prostate MRI in the Detection, Biopsy, and Staging of Prostate Cancer.
The Role of Node Strength in Investigating Pathology
The Role of Perfusion MRI in Predicting Magnetic Resonance-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Treatment Outcome in Uterine Fibroids
The Role of Serotonin in Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygen Metabolism in Migraine
The Role of the Human Visual Cortex in Assessment of the Long-Term Durability of Retinal Gene Therapy in Follow-On RPE65 Clinical Trial Patients
The Role of the L-Type Calcium Channel Cav1.2 in MEMRI
Role of Visual Cortex During After and Before Critical Developmental Period in Early Blind and Late Blind: An FMRI Study
Root-Flipped Multiband Pulses with Inherently Aligned Echoes
ROS Imaging by Endogenous Contrast MRI: Specificity and Translational Premises
Rotating Single-Shot Acquisition (RoSA) Combined with Parallel Imaging for Fast High-Resolution Diffusion Imaging
Rotationally Invariant Mapping of Microstructural and Orientational Neuronal Tissue Parameters in Human Brain
Rotationally Invariant Mapping of Microstructural and Orientational Neuronal Tissue Parameters in Human Brain
Rotator Cuff Tendon Assessment Using Magic-Angle Insensitive 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Magnetization Transfer (UTE-Cones-MT) Imaging and Modeling
RSFMRI - Correlation with Optical Imaging in Neonates
Saccular Intracranial Aneurysm Wall Permeability and Shear Stress Distribution: A Further Insight Into Rupture Pathogenesis
Safety and Function of Programmable Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt Valves: An in Vitro 7 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Safety of 3T MRI Scan for Pregnant Women: Effect of Maternal Size, Maternal Position and Twin Pregnancy
Safety of Intracranial EEG Recordings at 1.5T MR: Electromagnetic Field Simulation on a Human Body Model
Safety of MRI on Patients with Abandoned/retained Cardiac Leads: Patient-Derived Simulation Studies at 64MHz and 127MHz
SAR-Aware Parallel Transmit Channel Compression
Sarcoma Imaging
SAR-Constrained kT-Points Pulse Design Applied To B1 Inhomogeneity Mitigation in the Human Abdomen at 3T
SAR-Efficient RF Shim Prediction Via Machine Learning
Saturated Fatty Acid Fraction in Breast Adipose Tissue Is Higher in Patients with Cancer Than in Those with Benign Lesions
A Scalable Composite Through-Time Radial GRAPPA Method
A Scalable, MR Compatible Temperature Measurement and Control System
Scan Time Reduction in DWI of the Pancreas Using Simultaneous Multislice Technique with Different Acceleration Factors: How Fast Can We Go?
Scan-Rescan of AxCaliber, Macromolecular Tissue Volume and G-Ratio in the Spinal Cord
Scheme Optimization for Inflow and Outflow Visualization in Non-Contrast Enhanced Dynamic MRA Based on Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
SCITH Approach Reveals Stable Functional Connectivity
See It, Slice It, Learn It: Combined Ultra High Field MRI and High-Resolution CT for an Open Source Virtual Anatomy Resource
A Seed Point Discontinuity-Based Level Set Method for Accurate Substantia Nigra and Red Nucleus Segmetation in QSM Images
Segment and Sexual Variation of Myocardium in T1 Mapping and Extracellular Volume Fraction with Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance in Healthy Volunteers
Segment Deep Gray Matter Nucleus from MR Images: An Automatic Computational Tool for Early Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease
Segmentation of Bone Marrow of Pelvis in Multi-Parametric MRI (T1-W/ADC-Map) of Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
Segmentation of CMF Bones from MRI With A Cascade Deep Learning Framework
Segmentation of the Human Nucleus Accumbens Using High-Resolution Diffusion Tractography
Segmented EPI Readout Variable Flip-Angle Magnetization Transfer (EP-VfMT) Imaging for 7 T Quantitative MT (QMT) Imaging
Segmented EPI Reconstruction Based on Physiological Information for FMRI Studies
Selecting Parcellation Schemes for Regional Cortical Thickness Estimations Using a Machine Learning Approach
Selection of Node-Based Graph Metrics to Predict Symptom Severity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI) Using Recursive Feature Elimination
Selective Acidification and De-Energization of Melanoma Xenografts and Sensitization to Temozolomide
Selective Channel Combination of 3D Phase Offset Corrected 7T MRI Phase Images
Selective Excitation Using Multix and Active ContouR Technique
Self Resonated Clip for In-Utero Mouse Embryonic MRI
Self-Calibrated Non-Cartesian Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging
Self-Calibrating Multi-Coil Phase Combination Using the Localized Singular Value Decomposition
Self-Decoupled RF Coils
Self-Decoupled RF Coils
Self-Gated 23Na-MRI of Human Lung with Separate Reconstruction of Two Respiratory States at 7T
Self-Gated 4D-MRI of the Liver: Initial Clinical Results of Comprehensive Real-Time Imaging of Hepatic Enhancement
Self-Gated Golden Angle Spiral CINE MRI for Endothelial Function Assessment
Self-Gated Non–Contrast-Enhanced Functional Lung (SENCEFUL) MRI for Evaluation of Endoscopic Lung Volume Reduction in Patients with Lung Emphysema
Self-Gated Ultra-Short Echo Time Lung MRI for Quantitative Ventilation Assessment
SEMAC-VAT MR Imaging Increases Clinical Detection Rates of Local Lesions in Patients with Titanium Screws at 3T
semi-Adiabatic SPECIAL-Based 1H MRSI at 9.4T: Implementation and Preliminary Validation in a Rat Brain
Semi-Automated Analysis of Diaphragmatic Motion with Cine MRI in Controls and Non-Ambulant Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Patients
Semi-Automated Assessment for Distinguishing Glioblastoma and Solitary Brain Metastasis: A Machine Learning Approach
Semi-Automated Identification of Substantia Nigra in Healthy Controls and Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Feasibility Study Using MP2RAGE
Semi-Automated Segmentation of Hip Cartilage in Physiological Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Fast, Accurate, and Clinically Viable Methodology
Semi-Automatic Analysis of Carotid Plaque Composition from Multicontrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Semiautomatic Determination of Arterial Input Function in Breath-Hold DCE-MRI of the Abdomen
Semi-Automatic Ejection Fraction Calculation from Cardiac Low-Rank Tensor Images Based on Unsupervised Machine Learning
A Semi-Automatic Method to Segment Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Flair Magnetic Resonance Images
Semi-Quantitative Parametric Evaluation of Parotid Gland Function Using Proton Density Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Sense of Agency Is a Biological Function Sustained by a Somatosensory-Premotor Network
Sensitive Imaging of Vascular Walls with an Endo-Esophageal Wireless Amplified NMR Detector (WAND)
Sensitivity of STEAM Diffusion MRI to Permeability in White Matter Tissue: A Simulation Study
Sensitivity of the Transfer Function on the Dielectric Properties of the Surrounding Media: A Case Study
Sensitivity to Pathological Normal Appearing White Matter Damage in Multiples Sclerosis – a Comparison of DTI and DKI
The Sensorimotor Network Dysfunction in Migraineurs WithoutAura: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Separating Out Fast and Slow Chemical Exchange Using Off-Resonance Variable Delay Multiple Pulse (VDMP)
Separating Positive and Negative Susceptibility Sources in QSM
Sequence Design by Signal Inversion Using Extended Phase Graphs
Sequences & Simulations
Serial MRI of Lateral Ventricular Enlargement to Measure Rate of Brain Atrophy in Patients with Ischemic Stroke
Serial Quantitative BPE Measures on MRI: Correlation with 18F-FDG PET SUV Measures in Normal Breast Tissue of Patients Undergoing Breast Cancer Therapy
S-ESPIRiT: Estimation of Coil Sensitivity Maps from MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data Using ESPIRiT
Sex and Ethnic Differences in Abdominal Fat Partitioning and Adipose Tissue Hydration in 4.5-Year-Old Asian Children
Shall We Use Denoising in the Preprocessing of Diffusion Weighted Imaging?
SHANK-3 Gene Mutation Results in Comprehensive White Matter Damage in Children: A DTI-TBSS Study
Shape-Optimization of Electric Dipoles for Human Head Imaging at 7 Tesla
Shared and Specific Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Patterns in Unmedicated Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder
Sheared 2DRF Excitation for Improved Off-Resonance Robustness in Reduced FOV Imaging
Shimming for BOLD Sensitivity in the Brain
Shimming: Superconducting & Passive Shims; Higher Order Shims, Shim Arrays & Dynamic Shimming
Short 15-Min Surveillance-Protocol Multiphasic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Detection in Cirrhosis
A Short Protocol for Determining Apparent Kurtosis Validated in a Hybrid MR-PET Clinical Environment
Short TE PRESS-Based Proton Observed Carbon Edited (POCE) 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with a Volumetric 1H Transmitter for in Vivo Rat Brain Imaging at 7T
Shortening Acquisition Time and Increasing Resolution to (1 Mm)³ Isotropic in 7T Diffusion MRI (DMRI) Still Allows Resolving Fiber Orientations and Fiber Crossings: A Step Towards Clinical Applications?
The Short-Range Association Fibers Underlie Brain Network Reconfiguration in Typically and Atypically Developing Children
Shuffled Magnetization Prepared Multi-Contrast Rapid Gradient Echo Imaging at 7T
Sickle Hemoglobin Vs. Normal Hemoglobin: Any Changes in Susceptibility?
Signal & Noise in MRI
Signal Behavior of Ultra-High-B Radial DWI (UHb-RDWI) Signal in Different Tract of the Cervical Spinal Cord
Signal Coding for SNR Multiplying Effect and Scan Acceleration Flexibility
Signal Compartments Modelled from 7T Multi-Echo GE Data Showed Variation Across the Corpus Callosum
Signal-Model-Based Water-Fat Separation in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI
Signal-Model-Based Water-Fat Separation in Zero Echo Time (ZTE) MRI
The Signal-To-Noise Behavior of 3D SPIRiT Image Reconstruction
The Significance of Joint Clinical Application of Digital Mammary Gland 3D Tomosynthesis with Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
Silent Navigator-Triggered Silent-MRI in Abdomen
Silent Sentence Completion Paradigm Shows Superiority in Localization of Wernicke’s Area and Changes in Functional Activation in the Distinct Language Paradigms Correlate with Key Genomic Markers: A Prospective Study
Silent, Multi-Echo T2* Looping Star FMRI
Simple and General Automatic Quality Control of 3D 1H MRSI Data of the Prostate Using Intrinsic Spectral Properties
Simple Approach to Improve Time Series FMRI Stability: STAbility-Weighted Rf-Coil Combination (STARC)
A Simple Data Driven Predictive Dynamical Model of Whole Brain Resting State FMRI Signal Behavior
A Simple Frequency Selectable Method Controlled by PIN Diode in the Double Layered Multi-Nuclei RF Coil at 7T
A Simple Head-Sized Phantom for Realistic System Characterization at 7T
Simple Modification of Arms Position Improves B1+ and Signal Homogeneity in the Thoracolumbar Spine at 3T
A Simple Optimization Approach to Making Time Efficient VERSE-Multiband Pulses Feasible on Non-Ideal Gradients
A Simple Partial Volume Correction Method for Magnetization Transfer Ratio Images
A Simple Phase Imaging REconstruction Method (ASPIRE)
Simple Quantification Using the Myocardium-To-Lumen Signal Ratio in Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis of Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies: Correlation with T1 Mapping Derived ECV
A Simple Setup to Measure the Noise Figure of MRI Preamplifiers
Simple, Cost-Efficient, and Highly Sensitive Molecular Imaging with Hyperpolarized MilliTesla MRI
Simplified Approach to Quantification for Hand Synovitis in Rheumatoid Arthritis Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI: Pixel-By-Pixel Time Intensity Curve Shape Analysis
Simulated Reorientational Correlation Times of Collagen-Associated Water
Simulating Measurements of Diffusion Across the Cell Membrane with DEXSY and FEXSY
Simulation of B1 Efficiency in 64-Channel Phased Head Arrays at 7T and 10.5T.
Simulation of Hyperpolarized Perfusion MRI with a Segmented Snapshot Acquisition
Simulation of Sound Pressure Level of MRI Scan Considering Eddy Currents
Simulation Reveals Evidence for Bias in Parameter Estimates for Compressed Sensing of Temporally Dynamic Systems
Simulation Study for the Evaluation of DWI Data with the IVIM-Kurtosis Model Based on Artificial Neural Networks
Simultaneous Acquisition of MR Angiography and Diagnostic Images on Contrast-Enhanced View-Sharing Multi-Arterial Phases
Simultaneous Acquisition of Multiple Z-Spectra Using Sinc-Modulated RF Pulse Trains in Gradient Encoded CEST MRI
Simultaneous Acquisition of Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Cerebral Blood Flow During Brain Activation
Simultaneous Acquisition of Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Cerebral Blood Flow During Brain Activation
Simultaneous Acquisition of T1rho and T2 Map of Liver with Black Blood Effect in a Single Breathhold
Simultaneous Assessment of Total CBV, ACBV and BOLD Measures at 7 Tesla in Motor and Somatosensory Cortices
Simultaneous Brain and Spinal Cord FMRI Using Slice-Based Dynamic Shimming
Simultaneous Bright and Black Blood Whole Heart Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery (PSIR) for Non Contrast Enhanced Coronary Lumen and Plaque Characterization
Simultaneous Cardiac and Renal Oblique-Slice T1-Mapping Differentiates Contrast Agent Activity in Normal and Doxorubicin-Treated Rats
Simultaneous Cerebral Blood Flow and Bold Oxygen Level Dependent Signal Assessments Using Multi-Band Multi-Echo Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (M2-PCASL)
Simultaneous Cerebral Blood Flow and Bold Oxygen Level Dependent Signal Assessments Using Multi-Band Multi-Echo Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling (M2-PCASL)
Simultaneous Detection of Glucose and Glutamate by CEST MRI: A Preliminary Study for Experimental Brain Injury
Simultaneous Estimation of ADC, T2-Relaxation, Perfusion and 11C-Acetate PET Uptake in Prostate Cancer
Simultaneous FMRI with GCaMP6-Mediated Neuronal and Astrocytic Calcium Signal Recording
Simultaneous GCaMP6 Based Fiber Photometry and FMRI in Rats
Simultaneous GCaMP6 Based Fiber Photometry and FMRI in Rats
Simultaneous Hadamard Editing of GABA and Glutathione
Simultaneous Imaging of Drug Delivery with SPIO-Based MRI and Drug Therapy with PHe Readout from BIRDS
Simultaneous Imaging of Myocardial Fat and Scar Using Dark Blood Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Simultaneous Imaging of Tumor Size with Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Response to Therapy with Extracellular PH Readout from BIRDS
Simultaneous Interleaved Blip Up/down Readout for Dynamic Off-Resonance Correction in Functional EPI
Simultaneous Iron and Fat Quantification Using an Auto Regressive Moving Average Model at 1.5T and 3T
Simultaneous Liver and Spleen 2D MRE and 3D MRE Acquisitions: Preliminary Results
Simultaneous Mapping of Brain Metabolites, Macromolecules and Tissue Susceptibility Using SPICE
Simultaneous Measurement of Aspartate, NAA, and NAAG Using HERMES Spectral Editing at 3 Tesla
Simultaneous Measurement of Metabolic Rates of Oxygen Via 17O NMR Imaging in Brain and Muscle Tissue of Rat at 16.4T
Simultaneous Measurement of Muscle Transverse Relaxation Rates of R2, R2' and R2*: Application in Unilateral Femoral Artery Embolization
Simultaneous Measurement of Regional Cerebral Perfusion and Glucose Metabolism in Frontotemporal Dementia.
Simultaneous Measurement of T1 and T2 Relaxation Times of Glutamate in the Frontal Cortex at 7T
Simultaneous Measurements of Myocardium T1, T2 Map, Cine and Synthetic LGE Using Inversion Recovery Tiny Golden Angle Radial Balanced-SSFP Within 6 Second
Simultaneous Motion and B0 Correction Using FID-SNAVS
Simultaneous MR Imaging and Control of an MR Compatible Afterloader: Feasibility of Real-Time HDR Brachytherapy Source Tracking
Simultaneous Multi Slice Imaging Using Matrix Gradient Coils
Simultaneous Multi-Contrast Imaging with Readout-Segmented EPI
Simultaneous Multi-Parametric and Quantitative Estimation of 23Na Physical Properties at 7 Tesla Using QuICS
Simultaneous MultiSlab 4D Flow MRI for Quantification of Hemodynamics in the Carotid Bifurcation at 7 Tesla
Simultaneous Multislice
Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Echo Planar Imaging (EPI); Which Combination of Parameters Is Clinically Most Efficient?
Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) Imaging Technique for Radial Trajectory Using Inter-Slice Shifting Gradient.
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Accelerated High Resolution MRI of the Knee: Comparison with In-Plane Parallel Imaging Acceleration
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Accelerated High Resolution MRI of the Knee: Comparison with In-Plane Parallel Imaging Acceleration
Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition for Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Simultaneous Multislice Acquisition Without Trajectory Modification for Hyperpolarized 13C Experiments
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Cardiac ASL
Simultaneous Multislice Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Whole-Body PET/MRI for Accelerated Multiparametric Staging of Oncologic Patients.
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Double Diffusion Encoding Imaging
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging for Whole Heart Myocardial T1 Mapping in a Single Breath-Hold
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Methods
Simultaneous Multislice MRF with Hadamard RF-Encoding
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Phase Contrast Imaging for Pulse Wave Velocity Measurement in the Vessel
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Radial Phase Contrast MRI
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Real-Time Imaging with Radial Multi-Band FLASH and Nonlinear Inverse Reconstruction
Simultaneous Multislice Refocusing by Time-Optimal Control
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Triple-Echo Steady-State (SMS-TESS) T1, T2, PD, and B0 Mapping in the Human Brain
Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE for Clinical MR Imaging of Lesions in the Knee
Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE for Clinical MR Imaging of Lesions in the Knee
Simultaneous Multi-Slice TSE Imaging of the Hip Joint: Acquisition Time Reduction and Imaging Quality.
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Whole-Brain VASO-BOLD, ToF, and SWI at 3T to Investigate the Vascular Contributions in Resting-State Networks
Simultaneous Multi-VENC Imaging
Simultaneous Multi-Volume 4D Phase Contrast Flow MRI
Simultaneous Perfusion Imaging with Consecutive Echoes (SPICE)
Simultaneous Prospective Motion Correction and Feedback Field Control: T2* Weighted Imaging at High Field
Simultaneous Quantification of Fat Fraction and R2* as Measures of Bone Oedema/Adiposity and Structure in Spondyloarthritis
Simultaneous R2* and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Trabecularized Yellow Bone Marrow: Initial Results in the Calcaneus
Simultaneous Slice Excitation for Accelerated Passive Marker Tracking Via Phase-Only Cross Correlation (POCC) in MR-Guided Needle Interventions
Simultaneous T1 and T2 Mapping of the Myocardium in Normal Volunteers Using Cardiac MR Fingerprinting
Simultaneous T1, T2 and Diffusion Quantification Using Multiple Contrast Prepared Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Simultaneous T1/T2 Measurements in Combination with PCA-SENSE Reconstruction (T1* Shuffling) and Multicomponent Analysis
Simultaneous T1/T2 Measurements in Combination with PCA-SENSE Reconstruction (T1* Shuffling) and Multicomponent Analysis
Simultaneous T2 Relaxometry and Morphometry of Cartilage and Meniscus with Double-Echo in Steady-State in Five Minutes
Simultaneous T2 Relaxometry and Morphometry of Cartilage and Meniscus with Double-Echo in Steady-State in Five Minutes
Simultaneous Trimodal MR-Flumazenil-PET-EEG Imaging in a Rest-Task-Rest Design in Humans
Simultaneous Variable-Slab Dual-Echo TOF MR Angiography and Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Simultaneous Visualization of Hyperpolarized Fluorinated Amino Acids by Multi Chemical Shift Selective 19F MRI
Simultaneous Water and Lipid Suppression for Brain 1H MR Spectroscopy at 7T Using Multiple RF Pulses with Spoiling Phases
Simultanous-Multi-Slice and Alternating Multi-Echo Measurement Sequence (SAME) for Perfusion Imaging
Single Breath CSSR-DWI: A New Method to Simultaneously and Quantitatively Assess the Changes of Respiratory Membrane and Pulmonary Microstructure in Human
Single Breath-Hold Abdominal T1 Mapping Using 3-D Cartesian Sampling and Spatiotemporally Constrained Reconstruction
Single Breath-Hold Measurement of T2 Corrected Myocardial Proton Density Fat Fraction in Humans at 3T
Single Shot High Resolution 3D Arterial Spin Labeling Using 2D CAIPI and ESPIRiT Reconstruction
Single Slice Vs. Volumetric Analysis of Multiparametric Prostate MRI Metrics
A Single-Channel Universal SPINS Pulse for Calibration-Free Homogeneous Excitation Without PTX
Single-Scan GRE Myelin Water Imaging with Macroscopic Field Inhomogeneity Compensation
Single-Scan, Whole-Brain Functional Network Mapping Using Optogenetic FMRI with CBV
Single-Shot Coronary QISS MRA in Children Using Radial K-Space Sampling and Compressed Sensing
Single-Shot Spiral Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Enabled by Concurrent Field Monitoring
A Singular Value Decomposition Approach to Quantitative Magnetization Transfer
Six-Month Follow-Up of the Patients with the Low-Grade Femoral Cartilage Lesions Using T2 Mapping at 3 and 7 Tesla
A Sixteen-Channel Array Coil for Carbon-13 Spectroscopy of the Breast at 7T
Size-Adaptable 13-Channel Receive Array for Brain Imaging in Human Neonates at 3 T
Skin Enhancement With Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents
Sleep Deprivation Affects White Matter Integrity in Cognitively Vulnerable Individuals
Sleep-Disordered Breathing Severity in Elderly Is Associated with Decreased GABA in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex: A J-Edited 1H MRS and Polysomnography Study
Slice Realignment for Motion-Corrupted Stacks of Short-Axis Cine Cardiac MR Images Based on 3D Probabilistic Edge Maps
Slice Selective Adiabatic Refocusing Pulses for High Field, Pre-Clinical Hyperpolarized C-13 Imaging
Slice-Accelerated Single-Shot Variable-Flip-Angle Fast Spin Echo with Very Long Echo Trains
Slice-GRAPPA Calibration Using Pre-Scan Data and Application to Simultaneous Multi-Slice PROPELLER
Slice-Wise First-Order Shimming of the Human Spinal Cord at 7T
Sliding Slice 2D Spiral Time of Flight MRA
Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis Causes Early Cartilage Degeneration in Young Adults – an 11 Year Follow-Up Study with DGEMRIC
Slower Information Processing Speed Is Related to White-Matter Integrity in Sickle Cell Disease
Small Vessel Specific Cerebrovascular Reactivity with 7 Tesla 2D Qflow MRI.
Smaller Is Better: Averaging Mass Considerations for the Assessment of RF Power Deposition and MR Safety of Small Implants
SMART1Map: Accuracy and Influencing Imaging Parameters for Cardiac T1 Mapping.
snapCEST – a Single-Shot 3D CEST Sequence for Motion Corrected CEST MRI
Snapshot Whole-Brain T1 Mapping Using 2D Multi-Slice Variable Flip Angle Spiral Imaging with Steady-State Preparation
SNR Analysis and Sequence Parameter Optimization for T1 and T2 Mapping Using an Ellipse Fitting Approach of Phase Cycled BSSFP Data
An SNR Analysis of DENSE at 7T Vs 3T for the Measurement of Whole Brain Tissue Pulsatility
SNR and Volume Characterization of RF Coils: A Simple Procedure and an Automatic Post-Processing Tool for a Straightforward Comparison
SNR Efficiency in Multi-Parameter Mapping (PD, T1 & T2*) at 3T: Comparison of MP2RAGE and VFA-FLASH
SNR Efficiency of Combined Bipolar Gradient Echoes: Theoretical Expressions and Experimental Verification
An SNR Optimized Quadrature Reception Posterior Array for Prostate Imaging at 3 Tesla
SNR-Weighted Regularization of ADC Estimates Using Double-Echo in Steady-State
Social Isolation in Rats as a Model for Schizophrenia - A Functional Connectivity Approach
Socioeconomic Status Influences Early Longitudinal Cortical and Subcortical Development
Sodium Accumulation in Primary Motor Areas, an Early Feature of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients
Sodium MRI in the Clinic: What You Can Learn from a 10 Min Scan
Sodium MRI of the Thyroid Gland at 7 Tesla
Sodium Short and Long T2* Components in the Normal Human Brain: A Multi-TE 23Na MRI Study at 7T
Soft Tissue Tumors: Use of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for Assessment of Diffusion and Perfusion for the Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Tumors
Soft Tissue Tumors: Use of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for Assessment of Diffusion and Perfusion for the Differentiation of Benign from Malignant Tumors
Software Synchronization of Independent Receivers by Transmit Phase Tracking
Solution for Cluster Failure: Simple Method to Obtain Spatially Smooth Residuals with Nearly Gaussian Auto-Correlation Functions
Solving the Dark-Sides of Multiband-ASL: A Framework to Correct for Increased Motion Artefacts in MB-ASL Due to Sharp Transitions in the Level of Background Suppression
Solving the Free Water Elimination Estimation Problem by Incorporating T2 Relaxation Properties
SomatoMotor Mapping in MEG
SOMS: Simultaneous Orthogonal Multi-Slice Imaging
SPAMM Based Dual Current Injection to Accelerate Data Acquisition in Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography
SPARKLING: Novel Non-Cartesian Sampling Schemes for Accelerated 2D Anatomical Imaging at 7T Using Compressed Sensing
Sparse Network Analysis of Individual Resting-State BOLD-FMRI
Sparse Prostate Cancers on Whole-Mount Histopathology and Multiparametric MRI
Sparsity & Compressed Sensing
Spatial Adaptive Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis
Spatial Analysis of Acoustic Noise Transfer Function: Is the Noise Level Increased by the Presence of a Patient Inside the Imager Bore During MRI?
Spatial and Contrast Resolution of Phase Based MREPT
Spatial and Temporal Relationship Between Microstructural and Morphological Abnormalities of Alzheimer’s Disease: Evidence in Cortical and Deep Gray Matter
Spatial Biases in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Parameter Maps Arising from Undersampling Patterns
A Spatial Comparison of CT-Based Surrogates of Ventilation with Hyperpolarized Helium-3 & Xenon-129 MRI
Spatial Distribution of Myelin Concentration in Healthy Volunteers Measured in GRE Myelin Water Imaging, ViSTa Myelin Water Imaging, Quantitative MT and DTI
Spatial Hadamard Encoding of J-Edited Spectroscopy Using Slice-Selective Editing Pulses
Spatial Mapping Using Radio Frequencies: A Non-Linear Approach to Silent MRI
Spatial Patterns of Intersubject CBF Variability in the CARDIA Study
Spatial Registration of FMRI Data Using Functional Correlation Tensors
Spatial Resolution Analysis Comparing Density-Adapted and Conventional Projection Reconstruction in Chlorine-35 MRI at 9.4 T
Spatial Resolution Properties of QSM Images Using MEDI Algorithm
Spatial Tagging to Assess Regional Ventilation of Lung Parenchyma with Endogenous Contrast
The Spatial Vs. Angular Resolution Trade-Off in Diffusion MRI Explored Ex Vivo at 9.4T
Spatially Localised Measurements of Oxygen Extraction Fraction Using Modified T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (SL-TRUST)
Spatially-Sensitive Model for Detection of Prostate Cancer on Multiparametric MRI
Spatiotemporal Analysis of Breathing-Induced Fields in the Cervical Spinal Cord at 7T
A Spatio-Temporal Denoising Approach Based on Total Variation Regularization for Arterial Spin Labeling
Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Inter-Subject Magnetic Susceptibility Variations in the Human Brain
Spatio-Temporal Extent of Spontaneous and Sensory Evoked Neural Network Activity.
Spatiotemporal Magnetic Field Monitoring with Hall Effect Sensors
Spatiotemporal Quantification of Reporter Gene Expression in the Mouse Heart Using the Lysine Rich Protein and Cardiac Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
Spatio-Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Using Kinetic Models
Specific Absorption Rate, DB/dt, and Device Parameters Following MRI of Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
A Specific MRI Contrast Agent for Glioma: Targeted Quadruple Mutant IL-13 (TQM-13) Conjugated Liposomes Encapsulated with Magnevist@
Spectral Diffusion IVIM Analysis of Enlarged Perivascular Spaces in Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
Spectral Fitting & Absolute Quantification
Spectral Quality: Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain at 3T
Spectral-Dephasing Based Non-Local Means for Spatially Adaptive Denoising in 3D-MRSI
Spectrally Selective Spin-Lock for Fat-Water Imaging and Simultaneous T1rho Quantification
Spectral-Model Based Undersampling of Multi-Phase MSI: Application to Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Near Metal
Spectroscopic Imaging-Based Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate (2HG) in IDH1 Mutant Human Gliomas on 3T Clinical
Spectroscopy-Based R2 Relaxometry for Liver Iron Quantification at 1.5T and 3.0T
Spherical Deconvolution of Non-Spherically Sampled Diffusion MRI Data
Spherical Wavelets Based Study of Multi-Scale Cortical Folding in Infants
Spherical-Surface Poisson Disc Point Selection for Radial-Trajectory MRI
SPID Compressed Sensing for Parallel MRI: Flexible Sampling and Rapid Reconstruction
Spin Densities and Relaxation Parameters of the Spectral Components of Brown Fat and Subcutaneous Fat with Localized 1H-MRS at 3T.
Spin Echo and Gradient Echo BOLD FMRI at Ultrahigh Magnetic Field of 15.2T
Spin Echo Imaging
Spin Gymnastics 1 & 2
Spinal Cord MRI Water Diffusion Alterations Are Linked to Early Axonal Degeneration in the YFP, G93A-SOD1 Mice.
Spinal Cord Sodium and Axonal Loss in Multiple Sclerosis
Spinal DTI Parametric Changes Following Traumatic Injury in Monkeys
Spin-Lock Imaging of Exogenous Exchange-Based Contrast Agents to Assess Tissue PH
Spin-Lock Imaging of Exogenous Exchange-Based Contrast Agents to Assess Tissue PH
Spiral Fingerprinting of Articular Knee Cartilage and Bone
Spiral Keyhole Imaging for MR Fingerprinting
Spiral MPRAGE Acquisition and Segmentation
Spiral SENSE MP-RAGE Using Long Readouts and an Expanded Signal Model
Spiral Simultaneous Multi-Slice First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Imaging
Spiral-Accelerated Short-TE MRSI with B1-Insensitive 1D-SemiLASER Localization and Real-Time Motion Correction at 7T
Spiral-Out and -In Double Echoes (SOIDE) Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with Improved T2 Mapping
Splenic MR Elastography in Prediction of Hepatic Fibrosis Stage
Spm-Based Segmentation of Air in the Human Head for Improved Pet Attenuation Correction in Simultaneous Pet/Mr
Spontaneous Activity Patterns Reveal Non-Retinotopic Functional Parcellation and Organization of Human Visual Cortex
A Spontaneous Type 2 Diabetic Rhesus Monkey Model for Cardiac MR Study
Sporadic Jakob-Creutzfeld Disease Quantitative Diffusion Profiles and Resting State Functional Correlates
SQUASHER: Slice Quadratic Phase with HSn Encoding and Reconstruction
Squeezed Variable Density Spiral Trajectory for SAR Reduction in Parallel Transmission 2D RF Design
SQUID-Based Ultralow Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Using the Para-H2 Based Hyperpolarization Technique SABRE
Stability Metrics for Optic Radiation Tractography: Towards Damage Prediction After Resective Surgery
Stability of Co-Electrospun Brain-Mimicking Fibers for Diffusion MRI
A Stabilized Convection-Reaction Magnetic Resonance Electrical Property Tomography (CrMREPT) Using Viscosity-Type Regularization
Stable CBF Fluctuation in 4-Day Follow Up After Carotid Artery Stenting Compared with Carotid Endarterectomy Revealed by 3D PCASL
Stacked Frequency Wave Inversion (SFWI): Heterogeneous and Edge-Preserving Direct Inversion for Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE)
Standard DICOM Structured Reports as a Vehicle for Multi-Modal Region-Of-Interest MR Analysis Results for Clinical Workflows and Radiomic Studies for Brain Tumor Patients
State of the Art - Depression
State of the Art - Epilepsy
State of the Art - Parkinson's Disease
State of the Art Stroke Imaging
State of the Art: Acquisition & Processing
State of the Art: Viability Sequences
Static Magnetic Field (B0) Gradient Evaluation of a Compact 3T MR Scanner
Statistical Combinations of T1, MTR, MTsat and Macromolecular Tissue Volume to Improve Myelin Content Estimation in the Human Spinal Cord at 3T
Statistical Harmonization of Multi-Site Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data with ComBat
Statistical Paradigm for Composite MR Angiography Generated from Multi-Contrast MRI
Statistical Power and Confounds for Diffusion MRI Microstructure Modeling
Steady-State Free Precession for Improved Signal to Noise in Lung Ventilation Imaging with 19F Perfluoropropane at 1.5 T
STEAM-CPMG: A Method for Localized Pulsed-Field-Gradient-Stimulated-Echo CPMG Acquisitions
Steatohepatitic Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Distinctive MR Imaging Features with Pathologic and OPTN Correlation
Stepwise Optogenetic Activation of the Rat Thalamic Nuclei with MRI-Guided Robotic Arm (MgRA)
Stimulated Echo DTI in Skeletal Muscle of Patients with Becker Muscular Dystrophy
Stimulus-Evoked FMRI Activations Are a Subset of Resting-State FMRI Networks in the Rat Olfactory Bulb
Stochastic Primal-Dual Optimization for Locally Low-Rank MRI Reconstruction: A Stable Alternative to Cycle Spinning
Stochastic Primal-Dual Optimization for Locally Low-Rank MRI Reconstruction: A Stable Alternative to Cycle Spinning
Strain Analysis Methods from CMR More Sensitive Than Echocardiographic Methods to Small Differences in Cardiotoxicity Remodeling Between Risk Groups of Cancer Survivors.
Strategies for Building a Morphologically Faithful Average Brain Template from Population Diffusion MRI Data
Strategies for Compensating for Missing K-Space Data in a Novel Half-Fourier Reconstruction
Streamlet Tractography
StreST: Myocardial Creatine Kinase Rate in Both Rest and Stress.
Stretched-Exponential Model DWI as a Non-Invasive Biomarker in Grading Gliomas and Predicting of EGFR Status
Striatal 7T 1H-MRS in Two Huntington's Disease Mouse Models (ZQ175 and YAC128)
Striatal Glutathione Deficit in Parkinson’s Disease Measured in Vivo with J-Edited 1H MRS Directly Implicates Oxidative Stress in Disorder Pathophysiology
Strong Enhancement of Relaxivity of Gadolinium Contrast Agent in Solution with Intracellular Viscosity: Quantitative Estimation of the Deposited Contrast Agent in the Brain
Structural Abnormalities in Frontal Lobe Pathways in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Structural Alterations in Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder-I: A Meta-Analysis of Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Structural and Functional MRI Characterization of Trial Spinal Cord Stimulation Responders in Failed Back Surgery Syndrome
Structural and Functional Mri Predictors of Disability and Cognitive Impairment Accrual in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Structural Basis of Functional Networks: A FMRI/DTI Fusion Approach in Network Level
Structural Brain Changes After Electroconvulsive Therapy Are Broadly Distributed.
Structural Connectivity Abnormalities Underlying Cognitive Impairment in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis
Structural Connectivity Within Neural Ganglia: A Default Small-World Network
Structural Thalamocortical Connectivity in the Developing Infant Brain
Structure Adjustment of Surface Dipole Antenna Elements for Body Imaging at 7 Tesla MRI
Structure Tensor Informed Fibre Tractography at 3T
Structured Brain “Chronnectome” Reveals New Brain Dynamic Patterns for Early Detection of Alzheimer’s Disease
The Study of Brain Iron by SWI and T2 * Imaging in Parkinson’s Disease
Study of Correlation Between Multifidus Muscles Atrophy and Degenerative Diseases of Lumbar Spine in Patients with Low Back Pain Using MRI
Study of Functional Connectivity of Default Mode Network and Frontoparietal network In neuromyelitis Optica
A Study of Identifying Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease Based on Resting-State FMRI
Study of MR Characteristics of Anti-Psychotic Drugs Using Fluorine (19F) MR Spectroscopy at 9.4 T
Study of RF Coupling and Heating in Multi-Wire SEEG Electrodes.
A Study of Simulated Training Data for Image Reconstruction from Subsampled MR Data Using Artificial Neural Network
Study of the Associations Between [18F]-NaF PET Bone Remodeling, MRI Trabecular Bone Structure and Patient Reported Outcomes in Subjects with Osteoarthritis
Study of the PSF Distortion Correction for Ultra-High Field BOLD FMRI
Study of the Tetracycline-Controlled Transcriptional Activation of C-Myc in Burkitt Lymphoma B-Cell Line P493-6 Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Study on Regularization Paremeter Tuning in Compressed Sensing Using No-Reference Image Quality Assessment
A Study on the Alteration of Gray Matter Structure and the Abnormality of Iron Metabolism in the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Study on the Brains of Perinatally HIV Infected Asymptomatic Adolescents by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Study on the Correlation Between Carotid Bifurcation Anatomy and Atherosclerotic Plaque by High Resolution MR
A Study on Total-Variation Regularization for Model-Based Reconstruction in DTI
Studying Value in MRI: A US Perspective
Sub-Clinical Trait Anxiety Relates to Cerebral Blood Flow in Brain Regions Related to Autonomic Arousal
Subcortical Nuclei Iron Deposition of Alzheimer's Patients On MRI-QSM: Maybe a Diagnostic Indicator
The Subjective Intensity of Pain in Healthy Subjects Is Inversely Correlate with Posterior Insular GABA Levels
Subject-Specific 3D Modeling of Macaque Brain Via Automatic Tissue Registration Based on in Vivo MR Images Acquired at 7T
Submillimeter 9.4 T FMRI of the Human Auditory Cortex with Tones, Ripples, and Real Life Sounds
Sub-Millimeter BSSFP Isotropic T2 Weighted Breast Imaging - Results of a Prospective Clinical Study to Determine If Specificity of Breast MRI Can Be Improved.
Sub-Millimeter Cortical Imaging at 7T Using a High-Density Motor-Cortex 32-Channel Array Coil
Subregional Variation in Proximal Femoral Bone Marrow Fat Composition Assessed at 3T
A Subspace Approach to Spectral Quantification
Substantial Error in MD Estimation Introduced by Trace Imaging
Substructural Volumes of the Thalamus in Alcoholism
Subthalamic Nucleus Activation Under Audio-Motor Transformation in Lateralized Parkinson’s Disease
Subtype Differentiation of Small (< 4 Cm) Solid Renal Mass Using Histogram Analysis of Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion Weighted MRI at 3-T
Subtypes Differentiation of Renal Cell Carcinoma (<4cm) Using Whole-Volume Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps
Subtypes Evaluation of Motor Dysfunction in Parkinson’s Disease Using Neuromelanin-Sensitive Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Suitability of Right Angle Pathway for Testing RF-Induced Spinal Cord Stimulation Lead Heating in an MRI
Super Resolution Motion Correction (SUPREMO) Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI Based FMRI
Super Resolution Reconstruction in MRI by Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
SUPER: A Novel Acquisition and Reconstruction Strategy for Improved Efficiency and Resolution in Parameter Mapping
Superior Sagittal Sinus Venous Oxygen Saturation Based on Fully Automated MR Susceptometry : Effects of Slice Dependent Even-Odd Echo Discrepancy and Vascular Angle Correction
Super-Resolution Intracranial Quiescent-Interval Slice-Selective Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Images Using a Residual Convolutional Neural Network
A Supervised Automated Segmentation Strategy for Renal DCE-MR Images
Supervised Machine-Learning Enables Segmentation and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Post-Treatment Changes in Multi-Parametric MRI of Soft-Tissue Sarcoma
Support Vector Machine for Breast Cancer Classification Using DWI Histogram Features: Preliminary Study
Support Vector Machine for Breast Cancer Classification Using DWI Histogram Features: Preliminary Study
Suppression of CSF-Flow-Artifacts for T1-W Spin-Echo Spine Imaging
Supra-Aortic & Intracranial Vascular Disease
Supraclavicular and Gluteal Adipose Tissue PDFF Is Associated to Volumes of VAT and SAT and to Anthropometric Obesity Markers in Healthy Adults
Susceptibility & Quantitative Mapping - Clinical Potential & Relevance
Susceptibility & Quantitative Mapping - Description, Overview & Method
Susceptibility Artifact Correction for DBS-FMRI Using a PSF Mapping-Based Reversed Gradient Approach
Susceptibility Based Characterization of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Susceptibility Mapping in Brain Diseases: Iron, Myelin & More
Susceptibility Mapping of the Dural Sinuses and Other Major Veins in the Brain
Susceptibility Mapping Reveals Inter-Hemispheric Differences in Venous Density in Patients with Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Susceptibility-Induced Local ?B0 Variations Are Essential for Predicting EPI Distortions in the Breast
Susceptibility-Related Phase Contrast Associated with the Alterations of Myelo-Architecture in Adult-Onset Leukoencephalopathy with Neuroaxonal Spheroids and Pigmented Glia
Suspicious Component Segmentation for Identifying Hippocampal Sclerosis Using Regularized Tissue-Fraction MR Fingerprinting
Suspicious Component Segmentation for Identifying Hippocampal Sclerosis Using Regularized Tissue-Fraction MR Fingerprinting
SUstainable RF-Coil for Breast or Other Applications in Research and Development (SURFBOARD)
SUstainable RF-Coil for Breast or Other Applications in Research and Development (SURFBOARD)
SWIFT Imaging for Hyperpolarized Xenon in Ultra-Low Field MRI
Symptom-Related Alterations of Thalamocortical Connectivity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: An FMRI Connectome Study
The Synchronization of Brain Activity in Real-Time Human Interaction Revealed by FMRI Hyperscanning
Synergistic Effect of ß-Amyloid and Microvascular Abnormality on Longitudinal Cognitive Decline in Elderly Subjects at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Synthesis of Amplifiable Probe Gd-5-HT-DOTAGA and Application to Molecular Imaging of Pulmonary Inflammation
Synthesis of Hepatocyte-Specific Manganese Complex with High Kinetic Stability and MR Contrast Characteristic for Liver Cancer Imaging
Synthetic Contrast Optimization of Bone Metastases
Synthetic MRI of the Spine Using Outer Volume Suppression and Virtual Coil Concepts to Further Increase Scan Productivity
Synthetic MRI with Prospective Motion Correction
System for Delayed Intervention in MRI
Systematic Differences in High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging at Baseline in a Multicenter Longitudinal Clinical Trial
Systematically Mapping Anatomical Connectivity in the Macaque Using Combined Electrical Microstimulation and FMRI
T1 and T2 Mapping Using Highly Accelerated Radial Data Acquisition and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
T1 Black Hole in Multiple Sclerosis: A Reassessment of the Specificity at 7T
T1 Errors from Off-Resonance Effects for MOLLI at 3T: Experience in a Clinical Study
T1 Mapping from Variable Flip Angle SPGR and IR-SPGR Data Using DESPOT1-HIFI
T1 Mapping of NIST Phantom at 7T
T1 Mapping with Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Inhibition Detects Impaired Coronary Endothelial Function in Mice Fed a High Fat Diet
T1- MRI Assessment of Hepatobiliary Fibrosis in Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Significance for Chronic Liver Diseases
T1 Shortening in the Globus Pallidus After Macrocyclic Gadolinium Contrast Agent Administration Assessed with Multi-Dynamic, Multi-Echo (MDME) Sequence
The T1-Dispersion Curve as a Biomarker of Colorectal Cancer
The T1-Dispersion Curve as a Biomarker of Colorectal Cancer
T1-Induced Apparent Time Dependence of Diffusion Coefficient Measured with Stimulated Echo Due to Exchange with Myelin Water
T1rho Imaging Quantification of Early Intervertebral Disc Degeneration in Pilots on 3.0T Magnetic Resonance
T1-Signal Increases as a Marker of Gd-Deposition in Pediatric Brain: Findings After Multiple Exposures to Gadobenate Dimeglumine
T1-T2 Shuffling: Multi-Contrast 3D Fast Spin-Echo with T1 and T2 Sensitivity
T1-T2 Shuffling: Multi-Contrast 3D Fast Spin-Echo with T1 and T2 Sensitivity
T1-Weighted Two-Point Fat/water Separated PROPELLER Acquired with Dual Bandwidths
T1? Acquired at Higher Spin Lock Frequency and Composite R2 - R1? Are Better Predictors of Patient-Reported Outcome in Osteoarthritis
T1? and Dynamic BOLD MR Imaging to Evaluate the Change of Skeletal Muscles of Lower Extremity in Diabetes Patients
T1? and T2 of Articular Cartilage in the Thumb Carpometacarpal Joint
T1? Assessment of Cartilage in a Large Animal Model of Traumatic Joint Injury
T1?-Weighted Dynamic Glucose Enhanced MRI
T2 -Mapping and DGEMRIC of the Patellar Cartilage - Long Term Follow-Up After Patellar Stabilizing Surgery in Childhood
T2 Relaxation Rates of the Fast and Slow Bi-Exponential Diffusion Components in the in Vivo Corpus Callosum
T2 Relaxation Times of Breast Fibroglandular Tissue Measured from High Resolution, Non-Fat Saturated MR Imaging
T2 Relaxation Times of Metabolites Measured with LASER and PRESS at 3 T
A T2 Template Map from a Healthy Cohort to Identify Localized Anomalies in Single Subjects
T2* Mapping for Breast Tumor Categorizing
T2* Measurements in Liver at 1.5, 3 and 7T
T2* Quantification of the Lung Using 3D Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Sequences
T2*-Weighted Echo-Planar Imaging of the Spinal Cord: Full Vs. Inner Fields-Of-View
T2*-Weighted Imaging of the Mouse Neurovasculature Without Contrast Agent
T2-Mapping Evaluation of Talar Cartilage for Chronic Lateral Ankle Instability (LAI) with Isolated Anterior Talofibular Ligament (ATFL) Tear, and Combined ATFL and Calcaneofibular Ligament (CFL) Tear
T2-Mapping Relaxation Time Correlates with Histopathological Degree of Degeneration in Meniscal Tissue
T2-Relaxation-Under-Spin-Tagging (TRUST) and Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Elucidate Discrepant Hemo-Metabolic Mechanisms Underlying Elevated Oxygen Extraction Fraction (OEF) in Moyamoya and Sickle Cell Anemia (SCA) Patients
T2-Weighted Dixon TSE for Accelerated Simultaneous Grading of Whole Body Skeletal Muscle Fat Infiltration and Edema in Patients with Neuromuscular Diseases
Tagging Distance Dependent Z-Spectrum (TADDZ) for ASL MRI Free from B0-Inhomogeneity Induced Errors
Tailored 3D RF Pulses for G-Factor Reduction in Phase-Constrained Simultaneous Multislice Imaging
Target Performance of MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Guided Prostate Biopsy in a Cohort of Patients Suspicious for Prostate Cancer
Targeted Delivery of Stem Cells to the Brain Using Real Time Interventional MRI
Targeted FMRI Using Radial Acquisition and Polar Reconstruction
Targeted Modulation of Retinoid Signaling Using Polymeric Nanoparticles in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Targeted Rapid Knee MRI Exam Using T2 Shuffling
Targeted-FOV DWI Can Better Depict the Microemboli-Induced Renal Lesions Comparing to Conventional Full-FOV DWI
Task-Based Optimization of Regularization in Highly Accelerated Speech RT-MRI
TBI Patients with Cerebral Microhemorrhage Exhibit Increased Magnetic Susceptibility in the Cerebral Hemispheres, But Reduced Magnetic Susceptibility in the Basal Ganglia
A Technique to Compensate Signal Loss in an RF Switch Matrix System in MRI
Telomerase Expression Enhances Pentose Phosphate Pathway Flux Resulting in an MR-Detectable Increase in Reduced Glutathione Levels in Mutant IDH1 Glioma Cells
The TEM Horn: A New Array Element for High-Field Imaging
Temperature Calibration and Errors Assessed by Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Temperature Mapping of Fluorinated (19F) Gas in a Cool Down Experiment
Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy in the Heart with Oscillating Gradients
Temporal Evolution of Effective Connectivity Analysis in Anaesthetised Mice
Temporal Variation of Cerebrovascular Transit Time Measured by BOLD-Based Time Lag Mapping
Temporal-Autoencoding Neural Network Revealed the Underlying Functional Dynamics of FMRI Data: Evaluation Using the Human Connectome Project Data
Temporally-Resolved Volumetric Imaging (4DMRI) of the Lungs
Territorial Arterial Spin Labeling by Using Asymmetrically RF-Shimmed Labeling Pulse with 4-Channel RF Transmit at 3T
Test Field Diversification Method for the Safety Assessment of RF-Induced Heating of AIMDs During 1.5-T MRI
Test Medium Derivation for the Safety Assessment of RF-Induced Heating of Leaded Cardio Implants During 1.5-T MRI
A Test-Retest Analysis of Brain Volume Measurement Techniques
Test-Retest Evaluation Spontaneous FMRI Signal: HCP 7T Reliability
Test-Retest Reliability of in Bore MRI Guided Prostate Biopsy: A Pilot Study to Optimize the Current Repeated Biopsy Paradigm in Patients on Active Surveillance?
Test-Retest Repeatability of Human Speech Biomarkers from Static and Real-Time Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Test-Retest Repeatability of MR Elastography (MRE) Stiffness Measurements of Liver Phantoms
Textural Analysis Based Segmentation of Bone Tumours Using Diffusion Weighted MR Image
Textural Analysis Tool for Grading of Astrocytoma on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Texture Analyses of Quantitative Susceptibility Maps to Differentiate Patients with Parkinson’s Disease from Healthy Controls
Texture Analysis Based on Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging for the Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Bone Tumors
Texture Analysis for Evaluating Image Registration
Texture Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Imaging for the Evaluation of Tumor Heterogeneity Based on Different Regions of Interest
Texture Analysis of MR Images in Pediatric Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Texture Analysis of Native T1 Mapping in Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Texture Analysis of Prostate MRI by Using the Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM) for the Characterization of Prostate Cancer, Normal Prostatic Peripheral Zone, and Transition Zone
Texture Analysis on Diffusion Weighted MRI in Osteosarcoma
Texture Characteristics of Articular Cartilage of Patients with Articular Cartilage Osteoarthritis Based on MR T2 Mapping Images
Texture analysis of Quantitative ADC Maps to Differentiate low from High Grade Glioma
Thalamic Atrophy Following MTBI Is Associated with Persistent Post-Concussive Symptoms and Cognitive Fatigue
Thalamic Functional Connectivity in Multiple Sclerosis: The Role of Temporal Thalamic Sub-Region in Maladaptation
Thalamic Involvement in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder: Multicomponent Relaxometry Parameters and Relationship with Cognition
Thalamocortical Neural Responses to Whole Body Heat Exposure: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study
The diagnostic Utility of High-Resolution 3D T1-Weighted SPACE Imaging in Patients with Intracranial Vertebrobasilar Dissecting Aneurysms.
Theory, Validation and Application of Blind Source Separation to Diffusion MRI for Tissue Characterisation and Partial Volume Correction
Theranostic MRI in Inflammation & Arthritis
Theranostic MRI in Oncology
Therapeutic Effect of Bone Marrow Stromal Cells on Vascular Permeability and Hemodynamic Alteration in Traumatic Injured Brain: A Long-Term MRI Study
Thermal Variation and Temperature-Based Prediction of Gradient Response
Three-Dimensional 31P Radial Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging in Vivo at 7T
Three-Dimensional Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Prepared Ultrashort Echo Time Cones (3D IR-UTE-Cones) Imaging of Cortical Bone in the Hip
Three-Dimensional Bi-Ventricular Myocardial Feature Tracking for Congenital Heart Disease Using Standard Cardiac Cine MRI with Interpolation Technique Based on Moving Gradients
Three-Dimensional Black-Blood Multi-Contrast Protocol for Carotid Imaging Using Compressed Sensing: A Repeatability Study
Three-Dimensional Fracture Visualization with Zero Echo Time MRI
Three-Dimensional Holographic Visualization of High-Resolution Myocardial Scar on HoloLens
Three-Dimensional Holographic Visualization of High-Resolution Myocardial Scar on HoloLens
Three-Dimensional Model-Based Conductivity Mapping with Regularization and a Non-Negativity Constraint
Three-Dimensional Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding and Reconstruction (3D-MUSER): 3D Phase Correction for 3D Multi-Shot DWI
Three-Dimensional Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding and Reconstruction (3D-MUSER): 3D Phase Correction for 3D Multi-Shot DWI
Three-Dimensional Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling(3D-PcASL) in Differentiating Tumor Progression from Treated Effects in Glioma
A Three-Dimensional Spiral-In/Out Turbo-Spin-Echo Technique with Long Readout Echo Train and Concomitant Phase Compensation
Three-Dimensional T1-Weighted Black-Blood Turbo Spin-Echo with Navigator Respiratory Gating for the Vessel Wall Imaging: A Novel Approach to Evaluate Plaque in the Aortic Arch
Three-Dimensional T1-Weighted Spiral Imaging of the Spine
A Three-Dimensional Target Tracking Technique for MRgHIFU Using an Image Matching Method with Liver Deformation Volumes Obtained Via Time-Resolved Volume Acquisitions
Three-Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Imaging with Magnetization Transfer Modeling (3D UTE-Cones-MT): Simulation, Specimen and Volunteer Studies of the Knee Joint
Threonine Manganese Chelate-A New Gastrointestinal Contrast Agent for MRI
Thyroxine Treatment in Preterms with Grade III/IV Hemorrhage and Microstructural White Matter Assessment with Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Pilot Study
Tikhonov Regularization Aided Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Whole Brain Without Background Field Removal
Time Delay Processing of BOLD Cerebrovascular Reactivity Data in Patients with Moyamoya Pre- And Post-Surgical Revascularization Reveals a Potential New Indicator of Vascular Compliance
Time Dependence of Microscopic Anisotropy in the Mouse Brain Measured with Double Oscillating Diffusion Encoding (DODE) MRI
Time Dependence of White Matter Biomarkers from Axially Symmetric Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
A Time Domain Signal Equation for Multi-Echo Spin-Echo Sequences with Arbitrary Exciation and Refocusing Angle and Phase
A Time Efficient, High Resolution 3D Vessel Wall MRI (VwMRI) of the Head and Neck Vessels in a Single Scan
Time Resolved in Vivo Myofiber Orientations from Combined Cardiac DENSE and CDTI
Time-Resolved Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography with Single-Echo Dixon Background Suppression
Tinnitus Distress Is Linked to Enhanced Resting-State Functional Connectivity from the Limbic System to the Auditory Cortex
Tissue and Device Visualization Using Parallel Transmission for Interventional MRI
Tissue Relaxometry Defined (TRD) Pseudo-CT Imaging Based on a Single Multi-Gradient-Echo MRI Scan
Tissue Type Mapping of Gliomas Using Multimodal MRI
Tissue-Type Dependence of in Vivo Chemical Shifts of Metabolites ?
To Accelerate or Not: An Investigation on the Impact of Fast Diffusion Imaging with High Angular Resolution on Diffusion Measures in Fiber Tracts
To Quantitatively Investigate the Contrast Ratio of Prostate Cancer of Computed High Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (DWI) from DWIs Acquired from Lower B-Values and Correlation to Tumour Aggressiveness
Tomoelastography of the Abdominal Aorta and Inferior Vena Cava in Different Hydration States
Tonotopic Mapping in the in Vivo Mouse Via High Resolution FMRI
Top-Down Modulation in a Directed Sensory Attention Task
Top-Down Modulation in the Visual Cortex Negatively Correlates with Duration of Blindness and Reaction Time During Sensory Substitution
Top-Hat Dipole RF Coil with Large Field of View for 7 T Brain MR Imaging
Top-Hat Dipole RF Coil with Large Field of View for 7 T Brain MR Imaging
Topographic Mapping of Resting State FMRI Data
Topography of the Acoustic Radiation as Revealed by Ex-Vivo Fiber Dissections and In-Vivo Diffusion-Based Tractography
Topography Preserving Tractography for Mapping Human Brain Pathways
Topological Networks Reorganization in Two Profile of High Potential Children: A Resting State FMRI Study.
Topologically Reorganized Functional Connectivity in Children with Abacus Training
TORTOISE V3: Improvements and New Features of the NIH Diffusion MRI Processing Pipeline
Total Generalized Variation as a Temporal Regularizer in Compressed Sensing MRI
Toward 3D Printed, Anatomy-Mimicking, Quantitative MRI Phantoms
Toward a Standardized Quantitative Imaging Protocol for Multiple Sclerosis: A Multisite Study of Magnetization Transfer and Quantitative T1 Imaging Techniques
Toward an Optimized Dictionary for Pattern Matching in Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Toward Analytic Computation of Fiber-Radial Diffusional Kurtosis by Q-Space Data Representation with Radial Basis Functions
Toward Clinical Translation of Quantitative Spinal Cord MRI: Serial Monitoring to Identify Disease Progression in Patients with Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy
Toward Dynamic 3D Cardiac Perfusion Imaging Using BSSFP and Hyperpolarized Tert-Butanol
Toward Dynamic 3D Cardiac Perfusion Imaging Using BSSFP and Hyperpolarized Tert-Butanol
Toward Hybrid MR Thermometry in Aqueous and Adipose Tissue Using Simultaneous Dual Contrast Weighting with Double Echo RARE Imaging
Toward Individualized Specific Absorption Rates: Building a Surface-Based Human Head Model
Toward Individualized Specific Absorption Rates: Building a Surface-Based Human Head Model
Toward Interrogating Relationships Between Grey and White Matter Measures Using Fixel Track-Weighted Imaging and Fixel-Based Analysis
Toward Real Time Estimation and Quality Assurance for Myelin Water Mapping in the Human CNS
Toward Real-Time Head Motion Corrections in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI: Convolutional Neural Network Classification of EEG-Derived Motion Independent Components.
Towards a Connectome Atlas of the C57Bl6 Mouse Brain Using Ex Vivo Ultra-High Field Diffusion MRI
Towards a Flexible Transceiver Array for 7 T Cardiac MRI: Evaluation of Decoupling Ring Effects
Towards a Non-Contrast Assessment of Blood-Brain-Barrier Permeability
Towards a Practical Protocol for Accurate and Reliable MR-Derived Diffusion Changes of the Optic Nerve in Optic Neuritis
Towards a Prospective Motion Correction for the Clinic: Increasing the Accuracy and Robustness of Collapsed FatNav
Towards Achieving the Optimal SNR Efficiency for 3D Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted Echo-Planar Imaging
Towards Addressing Unmet Needs in MR-Only Radiotherapy Treatment Planning: The Feasibility of Estimating Electron Density from Quantitative Water/Fat Imaging
Towards an Early Detection of Prostate Cancer Using Zinc-Sensitive ICEST MRI
Towards Automated MP2RAGE-Based Hippocampal Volumetry for Routine Clinical Practice
Towards Development of Tools for Quantitative Body DWI
Towards Eliminating Magnetization Transfer (MT) Effect on CEST Quantification Using MR Fingerprinting: Simulations
Towards Fast Quantitative CEST: A New Model for Quantifying the CEST Effect in the Presence of MT
Towards Glioma Grading Using Non-Gaussian Diffusion Imaging with a Continuous-Time Random Walk Model and a Quantile Histogram Analysis
Towards High Success Rate in Vivo Cardiac DTI on a Clinical 3T Scanner: Considerations on Heart Rate, Body-To-Mass Index, and Free Breathing
Towards Homogeneous 7T Neuro Imaging: Findings and Comparisons Between 7T TTT and NOVA RF Coil Systems
Towards Imaging the Glycolytic and Glutaminolytic Differences in Prostate Cancer Cell Lines That Affects Outcome of Glutaminase Inhibition
Towards in Vivo Neurochemical Profiling of Multiple Sclerosis with MR Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla: Cross-Sectional Assessment of Frontal-Cortex Glutathione, GABA, and Glutamate in Individuals with Relapsing-Remitting and Progressive Multiple Sclerosis
Towards in Vivo Spinal Cord Cyto- And Myelo-Architecture Deciphering Using Multi-Modal MRI Parcellation at 7T
Towards in Vivo Spinal Cord Cyto- And Myelo-Architecture Deciphering Using Multi-Modal MRI Parcellation at 7T
Towards Interpretation of 3-Tissue Constrained Spherical Deconvolution Results in Pathology
Towards Massively Parallel Multi-Transmit for Body Imaging at 7 T
Towards Opto-FMRS: Ultra High Field MRS Measurement of T2* Changes Due to Optogenetic Stimulation
Towards Opto-FMRS: Ultra High Field MRS Measurement of T2* Changes Due to Optogenetic Stimulation
Towards Quantitative Cardiac First-Pass Perfusion Imaging Using Hyperpolarized [13]-Urea
Towards Routine Body Imaging at 7T Using a Hybrid Dipole and Birdcage Coil Array
Towards Self-Calibrated Functional Connectivity Mapping
Towards Single-Shot 3D MR Elastography: Application to Intrinsically Activated Motion Fields in the Human Brain.
Towards Specific Biomarkers of Chronic Pain: Modelling Behavior Readouts of Developing Pain to Resting-State Functional Connectivity Using a Developmental Trajectory in a Mouse Model of Chronic Pain from Bone Cancer
Towards Ultimate Air-Core Magnetometer Sensitivity for Ultra-Low Field MRI: A Design Method
Towards Validation and Non-Invasive Interrogation of the Hypoxia-Driven Insulin Resistance Hypothesis
Towards Validation and Non-Invasive Interrogation of the Hypoxia-Driven Insulin Resistance Hypothesis
Tracer-Kinetic Analysis
Track & Field
Tracking Fiber Structures
Tracking Head Movement Inside an MR Scanner Using Voltages Induced in Coils by Time-Varying Gradients
Tract Based Whole Brain White Matter Analysis Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis
Tract Covariance Networks in Expert Dancers and Pianists
A Tract-Based Diffusion Analysis in Early and Late Blind Subjects in the Optic Nerve and Optic Radiation
Tradeoffs in Pushing the Spatial Resolution of FMRI for the 7 T Human Connectome Project
Traffic-Related Air Pollution Associated with Activation in a Functional MRI Verb Generation Task of a Longitudinally Studied, Pediatric Cohort
Traffic-Related Air Pollution Associated with Reduced Cortical Thickness and Altered White Matter Organization in a Longitudinally Studied, Pediatric Cohort
Training an Artificial Neural Network by Diffusion-Weighted MRI Data to Differentiate Between Prostate Cancer with High and with Low Gleason Score
Trait Specificity of Regional Cerebral Blood Flow Between Different Resting-State Conditions
Trajectory Correction of Radial Data Using MUSSELS
Transcranial Direct Current-Induced Modulation of GABA Levels and Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Older Subjects
Transfer Learning and Convolutional Neural Net Fusion for Motion Artefact Detection
A Transgenic Method to Enhance Intracellular Retention of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles and Prolong MRI Tracking
Transient Reduction in Auditory Midbrain Responses Following Acute Noise Exposure
Translating AxCaliber on a Clinical System : 600mT/m Versus Optimized 80mT/m Protocol
Translational CEST
Translocation of Water Molecules in Tissue
Transluminal Attenuation Gradient in Non-Contrast Whole Heart Magnetic Resonance Coronary Angiography (MRA TAG) – Noninvasive Methods for Assessment of Coronary Flow: A Comparison with Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography TAG
Transmit Arrays & Circuitry
Transpedal MR-Lymphangiography - A New Imaging Tool for Pre-Interventional Planning of Lymphatic Interventions in Patients with Chylous Effusions
Transport Across the Blood-Brain-Barrier May Be Limiting for Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate Neuro-Oncology Studies
Transport of Hyperpolarized Nanodiamonds
A Transverse External RF Surface Coil for Prostate MR Imaging at 3T
Transverse Relaxation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Depends on Glucose Concentration
Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Induces Cortical Diffusion MRI Changes
Treating Male Infertility: Can Spectroscopy Supplant Biopsy in the Search for Sperm?
Treatment for Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: First Experience with MRI Guided Percutaneous Blood Patch and Fibrin Injection.
The Treatment Outcome of Magnetic Resonance Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Uterine Fibroids Through the Transverse and Longitudinal Scars
Treatment Response of Hepatic and Renal Stiffness in Patients with Chronic HCV Infection Monitored by Multifrequency MR Elastography
Treatment Response of Target Tumors and Its Impact on Local Control in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma After Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy: Serial Changes of MRI Measurements
Treatments in Chronic Liver Disease Induced Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Longitudinal in Vivo 1H MRS Study of Brain Metabolism Using Rifaximin
Tridimensional Axial and Circumferential WSS from 4D Flow Data Using a Finite Element Method and a Laplacian Approach
Tri-Fast Spin Echo: A Minimalistic Cross-Platform Multi-Spectral QMRI Pulse Sequence for Routine Clinical Use
Triple Magnetic Resonance Angiography (Triple-MRA) for Confirmation of Obliteration Following Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Arterial-Venous Malformations of the Brain
Triple Magnetic Resonance Angiography (Triple-MRA) for Planning of Gamma Knife Radiosurgery of Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Triple Quantum Filtering in Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Strongly Modulated Pulses
True Progression Versus Radiation Necrosis in Glioma: A Comparative Study of Arterial Spin Labelling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Imaging
True Temporal Resolution TWIST Imaging Using Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Wrap Around Hankel Matrix
TRUS Biopsy Has a Lower Cancer Detection Rate in Large Prostate Volumes: Can In-Bore MRI-Guided Biopsy Do Better?
Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure and Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates by DCE-MRI in a Rat Model of Cerebral Tumor
Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure and Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates by DCE-MRI in a Rat Model of Cerebral Tumor
Tumor Progression Monitoring with Hyperpolarized 13C Exchange Spectroscopy in Transgenic Adenocarcinoma of Mouse Prostate Treated with Androgen Deprivation Therapy
Tumor Progression Prediction in High Grade Glioma Using Multimodal Image Analysis and Random Forest Machine Learning
Tumor Vasculature Differs Between Cell and Fragment Derived Murine Orthotopic Models of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Tumor-Targeted Alkylphosphocholine Chelates for Dual-Modality PET/MR Imaging
Tunable Electropermanent System for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Magnetic Particle Propulsion
Turf Toe & Less Metatarsal Joints
The Twisted Solenoid RF Phase Gradient Transmit Coil for TRASE Imaging
Two Compartmental Diffusion Model of Skeletal Muscle: Application to Aging and Chronic Limb Suspension Induced DTI Changes in the Medial Gastrocnemius
Two Novel Low-Cost 3D-Printed Mechanical Actuators for MR Elastography Using Exact End-To-End Motion and Centripetal Force
Two Subgroups of Mild TBI Patients Revealed by Diffusion TensorImaging and Cluster Analysis
Two-Dimensional Phase-Conrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging as Tool to Determine Hepatic Hemodynamics in Rats With a Healthy, Fibrotic or Cirrhotic Liver
A Two-Dimensional Spiral Turbo-Spin-Echo Technique with T2-Delay Correction and Concomitant Phase Compensation
Two-Dimensional Susceptibility-Weighted MRI at 1.5T: Preliminary Utility in the Assessment of the Fetal Osseous Spine
A Two-Region Approach to Assess Brain Iron Changes as a Function of Age in Basal Ganglia, Midbrain and Dentate Nuclei of Healthy Subjects Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Type 1 Diabetic Hearts Show Unexpected Biphasic Metabolic and Functional Progression as Evaluated with Hyperpolarised [1-13C]Pyruvate and CINE MR.
Type 2 Diabetes Alters Bone Marrow Fat Content and Marrow Blood Flow as Seen by IDEAL-IQ and DCE MRI
The Type and Prevalence of Incidental Findings on Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Low Risk Term Born Neonatal Brain.
The Uesfulness of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Predicting the Prognosis of Patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia
UHF Coil & Array Design
Ultimate Intrinsic SNR Based on Expansion Coefficient Optimization for Realistic 3D Macaque Head Model
The Ultimate Intrinsic SNR in a Spherical Phantom with Regard to an Open-Pole Surface Current Distribution at 9.4T
The Ultimate Local SAR in Realistic Body Models: Preliminary Convergence Results
Ultra High Field Regional Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Patients with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study
Ultra High Resolution MR Histology Using ROI-Extraction and SNR Efficient Gradient Echo Imaging
Ultra-Early ADC (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient) Footprint Successfully Detects Tumor Irradiation and Predicts Radiotherapy Outcome
Ultrafast 2D MRI Method Based on Multi-Slice Spatiotemporal Encoding with Simultaneous Image Refocusing
Ultra-Fast Abdominal Imaging with High Parallel-Imaging Factors: Comparative Study of a 60-Channel Receiver Coil with the Standard Coil Set-Up
Ultra-Fast Balanced SSFP Signal Enhancement Ratio Mapping of the Human Lung Parenchyma at 1.5T
Ultrafast Cardiac Balanced Inversion Recovery with Interleaved Acquisition (UF-CABIRIA) for Improved Simultaneous T1 and T2 Quantification of the Heart at 3T.
Ultrafast Compartmental Relaxation Time Mapping with Linear Algebraic Modeling
Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI of the Breast Using Compressed Sensing: A Novel Technique for Separate Visualization of Breast Arteries and Veins in Very Early Phase
Ultrafast T2 Mapping Using Echo-Split GRASE Acquisition and Parametric POCSMUSE Reconstruction
Ultra-High B Diffusion Imaging of Cervical Spinal Cord in Multiple Sclerosis
Ultra-High Field RF Coils with Adjustable Longitudinal Coverage: Traveling-Wave Meets Standing-Wave
Ultra-High Resolution Blood Volume FMRI and BOLD FMRI in Humans at 9.4 T: Capabilities and Challenges
Ultra-High Resolution in Vivo Multi-Parameter Mapping of the Human Brain
Ultra-High Spatial Resolution Imaging in Vivo of Human Retina at 3T
Ultra-High Spatiotemporal Resolution 4D Flow for Valve and Coronary Arterial Delineation
Ultra-High Spatiotemporal Resolution 4D Flow for Valve and Coronary Arterial Delineation
Ultra-High-Bandwidth, High-Resolution MRI of Fast Relaxing Spins
Ultra-High-Field CAIPIRINHA Modulated Parallel Transmit Excitation for Homogenous Image Reconstruction Without RF Shimming
Ultra-Short Echo STEAM with TE of 3 Ms Improves 1H-MRS Based Lipid Quantification and Allows Fast Localization of 31P Metabolite Signals in the Liver at 7T
Ultrashort Echo Time Chemical Shift Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (UTE-CS-QSM) for Hemosiderin Assessment in Hemophilic Arthropathy
Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging at 1.5 T Using an Insertable Unshielded Gradient Coil and Cone Trajectories
Ultra-Short Echo Time MRI Quantification of Airspace Enlargement in Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia and Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency: Parenchyma Destruction, Air Trapping or Both?
Ultrashort Echo Time Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (UTE-QSM): Limitations in Quantifying High Iron Concentration
Ultrashort Echo-Time Imaging Based Skull Density Ratio Assessment for Transcranial MR Guided Focused Ultrasound
Ultra-Short Echo-Time MRI Lung Segmentation Using High-Dimensional Features and Continuous Max-Flow
Ultrasound Monitoring of a Respiratory Phantom for the Development AndValidation of Segmented EPI Reconstruction Methods
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound Neuromodulation with MRI for Brain Cirtcuitry in Non-Human Primates
Ultrasound-Based Cardiac Gating for MRI
Unbiased Diffusional Kurtosis Measurements in the Pelvis at Low Signal-To-Noise Ratio: A New Approach for Noise-Level Estimations
Undersampling Trajectory Design for Fast MRI with Super-Resolution Convolutional Neural Network
Understanding Concomitant Effects Between CEST and ASL Contrast.
Understanding Reciprocity
Understanding the Relationship Between R2* and R1 MRI Biomarkers of Hypoxia: Insights from 786-0 Renal Cancer Xenografts and Patients with Renal Carcinoma
Understanding White Matter Pathology in ALS Using a Multimodal Approach
Unenhanced Peripheral MRA with Robust Background Suppression Using Chemical-Shift-Encoded Single-Slab 3D GRASE: Decomposition of Angiogram and Fatty Backgrounds
Unfolded Hippocampal Coordinate System for Quantitative Mapping and Subfield Segmentation
UNFOLDed Spiral SPiRIT Phase Contrast Velocity Mapping for Scan Time Reduction of Coronary Blood Flow Measurements
UNFOLDed Spiral SPiRIT TPM Enables High Spatio-Temporal Resolution Analysis of Cardiac Function
Ungated Free-Breathing Late Gadolinium Enhancement Imaging with a Radial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition
Ungated Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with Complete Left Ventricular Coverage Using Radial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Ungated Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with Complete Left Ventricular Coverage Using Radial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Unified Coils (UNIC) for Simultaneous RF Reception and Targeted Local B0 Shimming
A Unified Framework for Upsampling and Denoising of Diffusion MRI Data
Unified Proton and Fluorine Imaging of Small and Low Spin Density Samples at a Human Whole-Body 7 T MRI
Unified Rigid Motion Compensation Using Wireless MR Active Markers for Simultaneous PET/MR Imaging of the Brain
A Unified Signal Readout for Reproducible Multimodal Characterisation of Brain Microstructure
Uniform Flip Angle 3D Tailored Excitation for MR Breast Imaging at 3T
Uniform Spatiotemporal Excitation Despite Extreme B0 Inhomogeneity Using Dynamically-Driven Multi-Coil Arrays
Unilateral Linear Halbach Magnets for Single Sided Magnetic Resonance: Generalized Design Framework and Experimental Validation
A Unique ´Cargo Internalization Receptor (CIR)´ System for in Vivo Tracking of Individual Cell Populations by 19F MRI
A Unique ´Cargo Internalization Receptor (CIR)´ System for in Vivo Tracking of Individual Cell Populations by 19F MRI
Unique Methodological Challenges in Pediatric Neuroimaging
Unique Molecular Signatures to Distinguish Immunotherapy Responding and Resistant Cell Lines in Melanoma by NMR Spectroscopy and MR Hyperpolarization
Universal Power-Law Scaling of Water Diffusion in Human Brain Defines What We See with Diffusion MRI
Universal Size-Optimized 48-Channel Phased-Array Receive Head Coil for 3T Clinical FMRI/Silent Imaging Application
Unraveling Osteosarcoma Tumor Heterogeneity Using MRI-Defined Tumor Habitats
Unseen Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer on 3T Multiparametric MRI Challenging Screening and Focal Therapy: An In-Bore MRI-Guided Biopsy Study of MRI Negative Areas
Unstreaking: Radial MRI with Automatic Streaking Artifact Reduction
Update on MRI Imaging of Low Back Pain
An Update on Pulse Sequences & Hardware for Body MRI
Urine Metabolic profiling of Patients with Colorectal Cancer Based on NMR and Pattern Recognition
The Use of 3D FSE in Place of 2D T2-FSE, 2D T2*-GRE in the Diagnosis of Cervical Spinal Non-Neoplastic Lesion
The Use of Arterial Spin Labeling to Evaluate Posterior Circulation Ischemia in the Elderly Group (>80 Years)
The Use of DCE MRI in Predicting Early Chemo-Radiotherapy Treatment Response for Larynx and hypopharynx carcinoma
The Use of Flip Angle Modulation in Zero TE ASL MRA for Improved Angiogram Quality
Use of Gadofosveset-Enhanced Lung MRI to Assess Ongoing Lung Injury in Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease.
Use of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Derived Texture Parameters in Prediction of Microvascular Invasion of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection
The Use of MEGA-SLASER with J-Refocusing Echo Time Extension to Measure the Proton T2 of Lactate in Healthy Human Brain at 7 T
Use of MR Spectroscopy in Clinical Trials
The Use of MRI in the Diagnosis of Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
The Use of Novel Validation Methods to Investigate Optimal ROI Location and Probabilistic Thresholds in Tractography for Presurgical Planning in Brain Tumour Patients.
Use of Padding to Eliminate Low Convective Field Artifact in Conductivity Maps Obtained by Cr-MREPT
Use of Pharmacological MRI (PhMRI) to Understand the Mechanisms Leading to Convergent Procognitive Effects of 5-HT6 Serotonergic Receptors Agonist (EMD-386088) and Antagonist (SB-271046).
Use of Population-Specific Atlases for Brain Morphometry: Benefits in Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnosis Decision Support for Chinese Patients
The Use of Quantitative Perfusion Metrics in Evaluating the Relationship Between Perfusion Level and Intervertebral Disc Degeneration
Use of Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging to Assess Dynamic Connectivity During a Self-Paced Finger Tap Task
The Use of SPIRIT to reject and replace motion-Corrupted data
Use of Texture Analysis of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Evaluating the Expression of Ki67 of Hepatitis B Virus-Related Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
The Use of Weighted Averaging in Spectroscopy Studies Improves Statistical Power
Usefulness of Subtracted Images from 4 Minutes to 1 Minute in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) Magnetic Resonance (MR) Imaging for Prostate Cancer; Pilot Study
Using 2D-PACE to Trigger Scan and Supervise Motion on Breath-Hold Imaging
Using 31P-MRI of Hydroxyapatite for Bone Attenuation Correction in PET-MRI: Proof of Concept in the Rodent Brain
Using 3D MEGA-LASER MRSI to Study the Role of Basal Ganglia GABA and Glx in Response Selection in Manganese Neurotoxicology
Using a General Model or Measuring the Intramuscular Lipid Spectrum: Impact on the Fat Infiltration Quantification in Skeletal Muscle
Using a Novel Multiband Multi-Echo Simultaneous ASL/BOLD Sequence to Measure Cerebrovascular Reactivity
Using Broadband Refocusing Pulses for Increased Sensitivity for 2HG Detection to Determine Glioma IDH Mutation Status
Using Calibrated Proton Density Imaging to Measure Blood-Brain Partition Coefficient in Aging and Alzheimer's Disease Mice
Using Cardiorenal MRI to Assess Fluid Balance
Using Diffusion MRI and Tractography to Identify Macaque Vertical Occipital Fasciculus
Using Dynamic MRI to Create Moving Boundary Conditions for CFD: Determining the Causes of Upper Airway Motion in Sleep Apnea
Using Hippocampus Volume to Predict Treatment Outcome in Major Depressive Disorder
Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe in Human Participants to Perform Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (FMRI)
Using Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI to Detect Impaired Cerebral Perfusion in Human Brain with Alzheimer’s Disease
Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Method to Evaluate the Effect of Butylphthalide in Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Rat Model
Using Machine Learning with Dynamic Exam Block Lengths to Decrease Patient Wait Time and Optimize MRI Schedule Fill Rate.
Using Machine Learning to Study Knee Osteoarthritis: The Path Towards OA Precision Medicine
Using MRI to Assess Alterations in Liver Blood Flow and Oxygenation in Response to Physiological Stress Tests: Meal Challenge, Hypercapnia and Hyperoxia.
Using MRI to Investigate the Impact of Radiation-Induced Damage on Promoting Tumor Growth in a Mouse Model of Brain Metastasis
Using Multi-Inversion Time ASL to Explore Gray Matter Perfusion in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Repeatability and Relationship to Disease Characteristics
Using Multi-Stack Simultaneous Multi-Slice BSSFP for Improved Motion Characterization During MR-Guided Radiotherapy
Using Myelin Water and Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging to Differentiate Demyelination, Inflammation, Oedema and Axonal Damage in Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis
Using Natural Language Processing to Explore the Correlation of Breast MR Findings and BI-RADS Classification
Using Natural Language Processing to Explore the Correlation of Prostate MR Findings and Prostate Biopsy
Using Ngram-Based Features to Explore the Correlation of Prostate MR Findings and PI-RADS Classification
Using Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) in Evaluating Preoperative Facial Artery of Vacularized Submental Lymph Node Flap: Compared to Conventional Contrast-Enhanced MRA
Using Non-Linear Tissue Biomechanics to Infer Static Forces Within Tissue: Towards Quantifying IFP
Using Pre-Calculated Direct Signal Control Solutions for 7T 3D FLAIR Brain Imaging
Using Preoperative MRI to Prevent Unnecessary Lymphadenectomies in Patients with Grade 1 Endometrial Cancer Decreases Operating Room Times and Post-Operative Complications.
Using Simultaneous PET-MRI to Investigate the Mechanisms of Neurodegeneration in Frontotemporal Dementia
Using the Inflow Effect to Determine Velocity in the Carotid Artery: Comparison with Phase Contrast Velocity Mapping
Using Time-Encoded PCASL to Study Vascular Function in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
Using Transient Intrinsic Torsional Shear Wave Propagation to Measure Left Ventricular Myocardial Stiffness with a 2D Pencil Beam Navigator at 0.5ms Temporal Resolution: Initial Results from Phantom Studies and Volunteers
USPIO-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosourea- Induced Endogenous Rat Gliomas: Contribution of USPIO-Related Iron-Loaded Microglia to Signal Changes
USPIOs for Metastatic Lymph Node Detection in Prostate Cancer: Back on the Block
UTE & ZTE Imaging Techniques
UTE-MT Imaging Can Reliably Evaluate Macromolecules in MSK Tissues: A Sequential Collagenase Enzymatic Treatment Study
UTE-T2* Profile Analyses Correlate to Patient Reported Outcomes 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction
UTE-T2* Profile Analyses Correlate with Walking Mechanics 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction
The Utility of DTI and NODDI for Assessment of Disease Severity and in Predicting Postoperative Neuronal Recovery: An Atlas-Based Tract Specific Study
The Utility of Fetal MRI Using Real-Time Cine Imaging for the Functional Assessment of Congenital Cardiovascular Abnormality
Utility of MRI for the Evaluation of Acute Pulmonary Embolism
Utility of MR-Spectroscopy in Early Drug Discovery: Characterization of Psychiatric Dysfunctions & Psycho-Active Drug Effects
Utility of Radial Reformation of Three-Dimensional Fat-Suppressed Multi-Echo Gradient-Recalled-Echo Imaging in the Evaluation of Acetabular Labral Injuries and Femoroacetabular Impingement
The Utilization of DDC Value in Detecting the Status of LVI in Rectal Cancer Patients at 3.0T MRI
Utilization of MR Elastography for Selective Boost to Dominant Intraprostatic Lesions
Utilization of Phase Data to Improve Image Contrast in UTE MRI at 3T
Utilization of Slotted Antennas for Capturing Ideal Current Patterns at Ultra High Field
Utilization of T1?MR Imaging in Sjögren’s Syndrome with Normal Appearing Parotid Glands: Initial Findings
Utilizing Correlations Between Ktrans and Plasma Volume Fraction Estimates Improves Extended Kety Modelling of DCE-MRI Data
Utilizing Hyperpolarized MRI in Prostate Cancer to Assess Metabolic Dynamics and Histopathologic Grade
Utilizing Quantitative Measurements of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage Can Improve on Presence Alone in Classifying Patients with and Without Acute Cerebral Infarcts
Utilizing Quantitative Measurements of Carotid Intraplaque Hemorrhage Can Improve on Presence Alone in Classifying Patients with and Without Acute Cerebral Infarcts
Validating Particle Dynamics in Monte Carlo Diffusion Simulation Using the Finite Element Method
Validating the Accuracy and Effectiveness of Prospective Motion Correction on RsfMRI
Validation and Error Quantification of Pulmonary Artery 4D Flow-MRI in a Digital Broadband 3T MR Setup
Validation of an ASL Processing Pipeline Accounting for Low SNR and the Presence of an EPI Artifact, Using Simulated and Real Data.
Validation of an Efficient and Robust MRI-Guided Radiotherapy Planning Approach for Targeting Abdominal Organs and Tumours in the Mouse.
Validation of an Image Derived Input Function Method for PET/MR Brain Scans
Validation of Axon Diameter and Density Estimates by TractCaliber MRI in a Biomimetic Brain Phantom
Validation of Cardiac Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Transparent Tissue Preparation (CLARITY) with 3D Optical Microscopy
Validation of Cardiac Diffusion Tensor MRI Using Transparent Tissue Preparation (CLARITY) with 3D Optical Microscopy
Validation of Contralateral Parenchymal Enhancement on DCE-MRI as a Biomarker of Survival in Patients with ER-Positive/HER2-Negative Breast Cancer
Validation of Contrast Enhanced Cine Steady-State Free Precession and T2-Weigthed CMR for Assessment of Ischemic Myocardial Area-At-Risk
Validation of CSF Based Calibration for Accurate and Robust Quantification of Water Content.
Validation of DMRI-Derived Fiber Orientations Using PLI in Human Fetal Hearts
Validation of DTI-Based Parcellation of the Thalamus in the Squirrel Monkey
Validation of Feasibility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging for the Measurement of Depth of Tumor Invasion in Distal Bile Duct Cancer
Validation of Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) as a Myelin Biomarker
Validation of Motion Correction with Multiband SLOMOCO Using Multiband SimPACE
Validation of MRE Measurements of Shear Modulus in Both Annulus Fibrosus and Nucleus Pulposus Within in Two Animal Species
Validation of Quantitative Pre-Clinical Pseudo-Continuous ASL in Rat Brain
Validation of RF-Induced Temperature Increase in a Phantom: Comparison of Numerical Simulations, MR Thermometry and Measurements from Temperature Sensors.
Validation of Sensitivity of Fast Kurtosis Measurements to Tissue Microstructural Changes
Validation of the Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Model in the Healthy Human Heart using Black-Blood Preparation
Validation of the Two-Pool Diffusion Model in Post-Mortem White Matter Using the CLARITY Method
Validation of the Universal Pulse Concept at 7 Tesla on the Nova 8Tx/32Rx Head Coil with Parallel Transmit KT-Point RF Pulses
Validation of VERDICT MRI Using Fresh and Fixed Prostate Specimens with Aligned Histological Slices
Validation of VERDICT MRI Using Fresh and Fixed Prostate Specimens with Aligned Histological Slices
Validation Study T2 and T1rho Mapping of the Ankle Cartilage Using Healthy Volunteers
Validation and Initial Results from Dynamic 23Na fMRI
Validity of Estimating Subcutaneous and Visceral Fat Volume from Single MRI Slice in Older Adults with Sarcopenia and Sarcopenic Obesity
Validity of Skeletal Muscle Fiber Type Distinguished Using Q-Space Imaging
The Value of 3T Contrast-Enhanced Whole-Heart Coronary MRA in a Integrated assessment of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Protocol for Detection of Suspected or Known Coronary Artery Disease
The Value of 7T in the Clinical Evaluation of Epileptic Patients with Focal Cortical Dysplasia
The Value of 7T in the Clinical Evaluation of Epileptic Patients with Focal Cortical Dysplasia
The Value of 7T in the Clinical Evaluation of Epileptic Patients with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
The Value of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Map Based on PI-RADS V2 in Predicting Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer
The Value of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Assessing Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Rectal Cancer: A Comparison with Conventional Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
The Value of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in Assessing Pathological Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy in Rectal Cancer: A Comparison with Conventional Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Value of DWI and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Differentially Diagnosing Stage-?a Endometrial Carcinomas and Endometrial Polyps
The Value of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Quantitative Parameters in Evaluating the Efficacy of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Osteosarcoma
Value of Frequency Domain Resting State FMRI Metrics ALFF & FALFF in the Assessment of Brain Tumor Induced Neurovascular Uncoupling
The Value of High Resolution Gadoextic Acid-Enhanced MR Cholangiography for Evaluating Biliary Anatomy of Living Liver Donor: Comparison with T2 Weighted (T2W) MR Cholangiography and Conventional Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced MR Cholangiography
The Value of High Resolution Gadoextic Acid-Enhanced MR Cholangiography for Evaluating Biliary Anatomy of Living Liver Donor: Comparison with T2 Weighted (T2W) MR Cholangiography and Conventional Gadoxetic Acid Enhanced MR Cholangiography
The Value of High-Resolution MRI and Perfusion Weighted Imaging in the Middle Cerebral Artery Atherosclerotic Stenosis
The Value of Magnetic Resonance Elastography in Differential Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma
The Value of Multiparametric MR Imaging in Predicting the Volume of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer: A Whole-Mount Step-Section Analysis
Value of Noncontrast MR Imaging with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Detection of Primary Small (= 20mm) Solid Pancreatic Tumors and Prediction of Pancreas Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Value of Quantitative T2 Mapping in Detecting Early Joint Changes in Children with Haemophilia
Value of the Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in Pretreatment Predicting and Monitoring the Early Response to Chemoradiotherapy in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Value of Tumor Stiffness Measured with MR Elastography for Assessment of Response of Hepatocellular Carcinoma to Locoregional Therapy
The Value of Ultrashort-Echo-Time (UTE) MR in Depiction of the Eustachian Tube at 3 Tesla
The Value of Vessel Size Imaging in Grading Oligodendroglioma
Value of MR DWI with different mathmatical models in the differential diagnosis liver neoplasms
The Vanishing Shutter-Speed Limit
Variability and Reproducibility of Multicenter Human Diffusion Measurements with Track-Density Imaging Analysis
Variable Density CAIPIRINHA for Highly Accelerated Volumetric Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging of Liver
Variable Density Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo with Auto-Calibrated Wave Encoding
Variable Flip Angle Pipeline for in Vivo Sodium Concentration Measurements (VaSCo)
Variable Flip Angle Radial Turbo Spin Echo Technique for Abdominal T2 Mapping
Variable Projection SENSE for Reference-Free EPI Nyquist Ghost Correction
Variable Refocusing Flip Angle Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo Imaging of Liver Lesions: Improved Lesion Contrast and Speed
Variable-Blipped-EPI (VB-EPI) for Lower Acoustic Noise and Higher Efficiency with Non-Cartesian Iterative Reconstruction
Variation of B1+ Homogeneity and SNR Efficiency in Select Water Bolus Designs for Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Variation of Regions of Interest (ROIs) Using Different Tools for Automatic ROI Generation: The Impact on Reported Magnetic Susceptibility Values in QSM
Variation of RF Heating Around Deep Brain Stimulation Leads During 3.0 T MRI in Fourteen Patient-Derived Realistic Lead Models: The Role of Extracranial Lead Management
Vascular Access Mapping with Ferumoxytol MRA for TAVR Planning in Patients with Renal Impairment: A Step Closer Towards Patient-Specific Care
Vascular Input Function Correction with Inflow Relative Enhancement Quantification in Liver DCE-MRI
Vascular-Metabolic and GABAergic Inhibitory Modulation of Neural Variability. a Combined FMRI and PET Study
Vastly Accelerated Linear Least Squares Fitting with Numerical Optimization for Dual Delay Compensated Quantitative Liver Perfusion Mapping
Vector Field Perfusion Imaging
Velocity Encoded and Compensated Multi-Spoke RF Pulses for Flow Quantification at Ultra-High Fields
Velocity-Selective Unenhanced Peripheral MR Angiography: Initial Clinical Testing Compared with Digital Subtraction Angiography
A Vendor-Agnostic MRSI Acquisition and Reconstruction XML Descriptor Format
Venous Imaging
Ventilation Defect Percent in Helium-3 MRI Is Associated with Severe Outcomes in Asthma
Ventilation Heterogeneity of Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Accessed Via Lung Clearance Index and Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI
Ventral and Dorsal Horn Grey Matter Neurodegeneration Remote from Stenosis in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
The Verification of the T2 Distributed Relaxation Model (DRM) for a Polydisperse Nanoparticle System
A Versatile MOLLI-Based Inversion Time (TI) Scout Sequence for Myocardial Nulling Determination in Emerging Late Gadolinium Enhanced CMR Variants: A Phantom Study
Vertebral Strength Prediction in Diabetic Patients: Quantification of Bone Marrow Fat Content Obtained by IDEAL-IQ
Very Low Field MRI Setup for Brain Imaging
A Very Low-Cost EPR Spectrometer Using 3D Design and Manufacturing
Very Short Echo Time MRS for Single Voxel Spectroscopy in Small Voxels
Virtual Reality to Read MR Angiography
Visibility of the Draining Location of the Thoracic Duct to the Venous System on Balanced Turbo Field Echo with Extended K-Space Sampling
Visions of the BRAIN Initiative
Visualization of Atrial Septal Defects and Shunt Quantification at Multiple Locations Using 4D Flow MRI in a Multicenter Pilot Study
Visualization of Cardiac and Respiratory Pressure Gradient of Cerebrospinal Fluid Based on Asynchronous Two-Dimensional Phase Contrast Imaging
Visualization of Carotid Plaque: T1-SPACE Vs. Compressed Sensing T1-SPACE
Visualization of CSF Flow Using Multi Spin Echo Acquisition Cine Imaging (MUSACI)
Visualization of Intracranial Aneurysms Treated with Low-Profile Visualized Intraluminal Support (LVIS Jr. Stent) Using Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Visualization of Post Stroke Revascularization on a Rat Model Using Dual R1- And Compressed Sensing Assisted R2*-MRAs
Visualization of the VIM Thalamic Nucleus Using Synthesized MPRAGE Images
Visualizing Axonal Damage in Multiple Sclerosis Using Double Diffusion Encoding MRI in a Clinical Setting
Visualizing Axonal Damage in Multiple Sclerosis Using Double Diffusion Encoding MRI in a Clinical Setting
Visualizing Local Mechanical Properties of Agar Phantoms and Meningioma Patients Using Magnetic Resonance Rheology
Visualizing Local Mechanical Properties of Agar Phantoms and Meningioma Patients Using Magnetic Resonance Rheology
Visualizing the Role of Ideal Current Patterns in Minimizing Sample Noise Using Dark Mode Current Patterns for a Spherical Sample
Visualizing White Matter Fiber Tracts of the Human Brain in Augmented Reality: Initial Experience with the Microsoft HoloLens
Volatility Analysis for Asymmetry-Based CEST/NOE Evaluation Methods in the Presence of Multi-Pool Background Systems with MT – Application to Creatine CEST
Volume & Surface Coils
Volumetric 3D Analysis of High Grade Glioma at Pre- And Post-Radiation Therapy by Magnetic Resonance Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging
Volumetric Blood Flow Measurement with Territorial Segmentation of Time-Resolved Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Brain
Volumetric Brain Findings in Children with Seizures
Volumetric MR Analysis of Brain Areas Identifies SCA 1, 2 and 3 by Applying Random Forest Classifier
Volumetric Reconstruction of Tissue Electrical Properties from B1+ and MR Signals Using Global Maxwell Tomography: Theory and Simulation Results.
Volumetric Segmentation-Free Method for Quantitative Visualization of Cardiovascular Wall Shear Stress Using 4D Flow MRI
Volumetric T2-Weighted and FLAIR Imaging of Spine with Uniform Fat Suppression in a Single Acquisition
Voxel Based Alterations in White Matter Volume Following Lipophilic Iron Treatment
Voxel Based Transmit Gain Calibration Using Bloch-Siegert Semi-LASER at 7T
Voxel-Based Analysis of Grey and White Matter Degeneration Above the Level of Injury in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
Voxel-Based Lesion Mapping of Cardiogenic Cerebral Embolism
Voxel-Based Multiparametric Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data for Differentiating Recurrent Glioblastoma from Delayed Radiation Necrosis
Voxel-By-Voxel 4D Flow Based Assessment of Retrograde Flow in the Aorta
Voxel-Level Comparison of Regional Neural Activity in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Voxel-Wise Comparison of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Weighted Image and Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)-PET in Brain Tumors with a PET/MR System
Voxel-Wise Meta-Analysis of Resting-State Functional Activity in Type 2 Diabetes
Water & Lipid Suppression - VAPOR, WET, OVS, IR, Novel Approaches (MC, Crushers)
Water and Fat Based Partial Volume Correction for PET/MRI
Water and Fat Separation Using a Gauss-Newton Trust-Region Based Algorithm
Water Content, Diffusion Measures (DTI/DKI) and FET-PET in Brain Tumours: Investigating Similarities and Differences
Water Diffusion Heterogeneity in Cytoxic Edema
Water Diffusion MRI as a Biomarker of Fetal Lung Development
Water Diffusivity Changes in the Brain Following Exposure to Low Levels of Focused Ultrasound Energy
Water Diffusivity Changes in the Brain Following Exposure to Low Levels of Focused Ultrasound Energy
Water Exchange in a White Matter Tissue Phantom Measured Using Clinically Feasible Diffusion Exchange Spectroscopy (DEXSY) MRI
Water Lineshape Fitting Method to Overcome B0 Field Inhomogeneity for NMR Spectroscopy
Water-Fat MRI Demonstrates Seasonal Proliferation of Brown Adipose Tissue Near the Eyes of Juvenile Hibernators: An Additive Effect of Cold Exposure
Water-Fat Separated T1 Mapping in the Liver and Correlation to Hepatic Fat Fraction
Water-Only Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (WOLLI) T1 Mapping
Water-Only Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (WOLLI) T1 Mapping
Wave-CAIPI for Highly Accelerated MP-RAGE Imaging
Wave-CAIPI for Highly Accelerated MP-RAGE Imaging
Wave-CAIPI ViSTa: Accelerated Mapping for Direct Visualization of Myelin Water
Waveguide Effects in Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography: A Finite Element Study
Wavelet Based Texture Analysis of Liver Fibrosis in Delayed Phase Gadolinium-Enhanced T1-Weighted in Vivo Images
Wave-LORAKS for Faster Wave-CAIPI MRI
A Web-Based Searchable System to Confirm MRI Compatibility for Medical Implants in Japan
Weighted K-T SPIRiT with Golden Angle Radial Sampling for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Liver Imaging
Weighted Total Least Squares for Parameter Estimation with the Two Compartment Exchange Model
What Causes Streaking Artifacts in QSM and How to Efficiently Suppress Them?
What Correlates with Your Connectome?
What Happens to the Hippocampus 12-Months After Training? a Longitudinal Linear Mixed Effects Model Analysis of Mild Cognitive Impairment in the SMART Trial
What Is the Ground Truth - Calibration & Standards
What Is the Neurophysiological Bases of Resting State Functional Connectivity?
What Is the Neurophysiological Bases of Resting State Functional Connectivity?
When Does a Volume of a Bundle Achieve Saturation? a Microstructure Informed Tractography Study
Where Is Physiological Noise Lurking in $$$k$$$-Space?
Which FMRI Contrast Is Most Specific for High Resolution Layer-Dependent FMRI? Comparison Study of GE-BOLD, SE-BOLD, T2-Prep BOLD and Blood Volume FMRI?
Which One Is a Better Marker for the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease: T1 MRI or DTI
White Matter Abnormalities in Congenital Heart Disease Assessed Using Advanced Diffusion Imaging
White Matter Abnormalities of Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord in Hepatic Myelopathy Patients: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
White Matter Biomarkers from Fast Protocols Using Axially Symmetric Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
White Matter Brain Asymmetries in Preterm and at Term Newborns
White Matter Cerebral Blood Flow in a Large Healthy Cohort from the CARDIA Study
White Matter Changes and Correlations with Cognitive Functions in Semi-Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI): A Hybrid Diffusion Imaging Study
White Matter Diffusion Properties at Term Equivalent Age Are Associated with Subsequent Motor Performance in Infants Born Preterm
White Matter Fiber Tractography with Fiber Ball Imaging
White Matter Hyperintensities Segmentation and Stereological Bias Correction on Clinical MRIs
White Matter Hyperintensity Burden Assessed Ante-Mortem and Post-Mortem on the Same Older Adults
White Matter Microstructural Changes in Healthy Aging: The Impact of Free Water Elimination on DTI Metrics
White Matter Microstructural Changes in Rett Syndrome: A Whole Brain Tract-Specific Analysis
White Matter Microstructural Properties Are Related to Inter-Individual Differences in Cognitive Instability After Sleep Deprivation
White Matter Microstructure in Adolescent Female Soccer Athletes: Diffusion MRI Relations with Years of High-School Experience, Concussion History, and Cognitive Measurements.
White Matter Resting-State FMRI with Hypercapnic Respiratory Challenge
White Matter Structural Differences Among Subjects with Obstructive Sleep Apnea After Persistent CPAP-Treatment: A Non-Gaussian Diffusion MR Study with TBSS
White Matter Structure Asymmetry of Drug-Naïve First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients Under Different Genetic Load
White Matter Volume Change of Carbon Monoxide Intoxication: A 9-Month Follow-Up Study
Whole Body FDG PET/MRI for Assessment of Facet Joint Osteoarthritis: Direct Comparison of FDG Uptake with MRI and CT Features
Whole Body Functional and Anatomical MRI: Accuracy in Staging of Childhood and Adolescent Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Compared to Conventional Multimodality Imaging
Whole Body Rapid T2 Quantification Using Dual Echo Fast Spin Echo
Whole Body T1 Mapping of Small Animals Using Prospective Gating and Variable Flip Angle Imaging
Whole Body, High Throughput Mouse Embryo 3D phenotyping Using Multi Gradient Echo and Ultra Short Echo time with computed Tomography validation.
Whole Brain Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Study of Blood-Brain Barrier Disruption in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients: Implications on the Choice of Tracer Kinetic Model
Whole Brain Inversion Recovery Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Slice-Shuffled Acquisition
Whole Tumor Volume Based Histogram Analysis of ADC for Differentitating Between WHO Grade II and III Glioma
Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at 1.5T for Assessment of Treatment Response in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
Whole-Body Morphological and Functional Atlas Using an Integrated PET-MRI System and Fat-Water Registration
Whole-Body MRI for Initial Assessment of Plasma Cell Disorders Including Multiple Myeloma
Whole-Body MRI in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy: Preliminary Results
Whole-Body, Zero TE Based Pseudo CT Conversion
Whole-Brain Arteriography and Venography Using an Improved Velocity-Selective Saturation (VSS) Pulse Trains
Whole-Brain Arteriography and Venography Using an Improved Velocity-Selective Saturation (VSS) Pulse Trains
Whole-Brain Diffusional Variance Decomposition (DIVIDE) in 8 Minutes: Technical Feasibility at 1.5, 3, and 7 T
Whole-Brain Multi-Slice Multi-Spoke Parallel Transmit RF Pulse Design in the Large Flip Angle Regime at 7 Tesla
Whole-Brain Vessel Wall Imaging Within 5 Minutes Using Compressed Sensing Accelerated IR-SPACE
Whole-Brain Vessel Wall MR Imaging Using Inversion-Recovery Prepared SPACE: Reproducibility and Accuracy of Intracranial Artery Morphology
Whole-Brain Vessel Wall MR Imaging Using Inversion-Recovery Prepared SPACE: Reproducibility and Accuracy of Intracranial Artery Morphology
Whole-Brain Visualization of Manganese Deposition in Welders
Whole-Heart T1 Mapping Using a 2D Fat Image Navigator with 100% Scan Efficiency
Whole-Tumor Quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Analysis in Differentiating Intrahepatic Mass-Forming Cholangiocarcinoma from Poorly Differentiated Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Whole-Tumor Quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram and Texture Analysis to Differentiation of Minimal Fat Angiomyolipoma from Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Why Is the Peripheral Zone of the Normal Human Prostate High in ADC Value and T2-Weighted Signal Intensity?
WiFi-Enabled RF Coil for Simultaneous MR Image Acquisition and Wireless Communication
Wired Minds: The Neural Underpinning of the Entrepreneurial Brain
Wireless Clock Transfer for MRI Phase Correction
Wireless Coil Based on Meta-Technologies for MRI Implementations
Wireless Coil Based on Meta-Technologies for MRI Implementations
Wireless Q-Spoiling of Receive Coils at 1.5T MRI
A Within-Subject Comparison of Anatomical and Diffusion Scans from Siemens TimTrio and Prisma Scanners
Workflow Improvement with a Cardiac MRI Positioning Assist Function
Working Memory Improved by Abacus Training in Chinese Children: An FMRI Study Utilizing a Spatial N-Back Task
Wrist Coil for Low Field MRI
Zero Echo Time MRI: Osseous Shoulder Imaging
Zero-Echo-Time PET/MRI Attenuation Correction Shows Good Correlation Between 15O-Water PET and Simultaneously Acquired ASL in Standard Regional Flow Territories
Zero-TE Computed Diffusion Weighted Imaging Technique for the Abdomen
Zonal Differences of T1rho and T2 Relaxation Times of the Meniscus: Comparison Study Between Normal and Osteoarthritis Knees
Z-Score Approach to the Detection of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Z-Spectrum Acquisition and Interpretation in the Presence of Fat: Influence of Imaging Parameters
ß-alanine Loaded Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanospheres: A Potential Contrast Agent for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging of Brain Glioma
?R1?, a Potential Indication for Myelin Concentration in White Matter?
A. Baburamani, Ana
A. G. Teixeira, Rui Pedro
A. Papanicolaou, Dimitris
A.G.Teixeira, Rui Pedro
Aakil, Adam
Aamand, Rasmus
Abaci Turk, Esra
Abad, Nastaren
Abadi-Korek, Ifat
Abaei, Alireza
Abaei, Maryam
Abarca-Quinones, Jorge
Abbas, Anzar
Abbas, Zaheer
Abbasi-rad, Shahrokh
Abdeddaim, Redha
Abdesselam, Ines
Abdinejad, Maryam
Abdollahi, Amir
Abdujiliah, Amir
Abdulmalik, Osheiza
Abdurrachim, Desiree
Abe, Hiroyuki
Abe, Kayoko
Abe, Osamu
Abe, Yoshifumi
Abela, George
Abercrombie, Curtis
Abernethy, Laurence
Abernethy, Laurence J
Abgral, Ronan
Abidin, Badrul
Abiko, Kagari
Abisambra, Jose
Abjean, Laurene
Abo Seada, Samy
Aboian, Mariam
Abou-Khalil, Bassel
Aboulwafa, Mohammad
Abraham, Christopher
Abramson, Richard
Abramson, Steven
Abramson, Vandana
Abreu, Daisy
Abreu, Marcelo
Abreu, Rodolfo
Abrol, Srishti
Absil, Julie
Abudu, Boya
Abuelhaija, Ashraf
Acfalle, Jasmine
Acharya, Seetharama
Achten, Eric
Acikel, Volkan
Ackerman, Jerome
Ackerman, Joseph
Ackerstaff, Ellen
Ackley, Elena
Acosta-Cabronero, Julio
Adachi, Yasuo
Adalid Lopez, Victor
Adalsteinsson, Elfar
Adam, Gerhard
Adamiak, Zbigniew
Adams, Ayodeji
Adams, Conner
Adams, Dennis
Adamson, Erin
Adamson, Maheen
Adany, Peter
Adanyeguh, Isaac
Addae, Gifty
Addy, N
Addy, Nii
Addy, Okai
Adeberg, Sebastian
Adedigba, Joseph
Adeleke, Sola
Adeli, Ehsan
Adenot-Engelvin, Anne-Lise
Ades-Aron, Benjamin
Adesanya, Oludolapo
Adibi, Jennifer
Adluru, Ganesh
Adluru, Nagesh
Adriany, G.
Adriany, Gregor
Adunka, MD, Oliver
Advani, Ranjana
Aedo-Jury, Felipe
Afacan, Onur
Afridi, Muhammad Jamal
Afzal, Aneela
Afzali, Maryam
AG Teixeira, Rui Pedro
Aganj, Iman
Agarwal, Nivedita
Agarwal, Shruti
Agarwal, Shubhangi
Agarwal, Sumeet
Agazaryan, Nzhde
Aggarwal, Manisha
Aggarwal, Niti
Aggarwal, Rahul
Aghaeifar, Ali
Aghighi, Maryam
Agiobu-Alafun, Ruth
Agliardi, Giulia
Agni, Rashmi
Agostini, Andrea
Agrawal, Harsh
Aguilar, Albert
Ahad, James
Ahlawat, Shivani
Ahlawat, Sunita
Ahlgren, André
Ahlman, Mark
Ahlström, Håkan
Ahmad, Rizwan
Ahmaddy, Freba
Ahmadi, Emad
Ahmadi, Seyed-Ahmad
Ahmadian, Rouzbeh
Ahmed, Firas
Ahmed, Hashim
Ahmed, Shaheen
Ahmed, Zaki
Ahn, Chang-Beom
Ahn, Kook-Jin
Ahn, Kyung-Sik
Ahn, Sangtae
Ahn, Sinyeob
Ahn, Sung Soo
Ahrens, Eric
Ahuja, Preeti
Ai, Hua
Ai, Tao
Ai, Zhu
Aigner, Christoph
Aikawa, Tadao
Aime, Silvio
Airriess, Chris
Aissani, Sarra
Aissiou, Mohamed
Aithal, Guruprasad
Aizenstein, Howard
Aja-Fernández, Santiago
Akamine, Hiroshi
Akamine, Yuta
Akarca, Ayse
Akasaka, Thai
Akazawa, Kentaro
Akbar, Nadine
Akbari, Atena
Akcakaya, Mehmet
Akçakaya, Mehmet
Akhadov, Tolibjon
Akhtari, Massoud
Akin, Burak
Akin, Oguz
Akinyi, Teckla
Akisue, Toshihiro
Akiyama, Taro
Akiyama, Yuji
Akkus, Ozan
Akram, Md Shahadat Hossain
Aksenov, Daniil
Aksiuto, Anna
Aksman, Leon
Aksnessæther, Bjørg
Aksoy, Murat
Akulov, Andrey
Akutsu, Hiroyoshi
Al Adel, Fouad
Al Haj Zen, Ayman
Al Mukaddam, Mona
Al-Hindawi, Ahmed
Al-iedani, Oun
Al-Mashat, Mariam
Al-Mubarak, Haitham
Al-Niaimi, Ahmed
Alabastro, Chris
Alahmadi, Adnan
Alahmadi, Adnan AS
Alameda, Luis
Alamo, Leonor
Alampally, Jayendra
Alamri, Saied
Alavi, Abass
Albatany, Mohammed
Albaugh, Daniel
Alberola-López, Carlos
Albers, Franziska
Albert, M.
Albert, Mitchell
Albino-Kroesing, Nicholas
Alborahal, Cezar
Albrecht, Brandon
Albrecht, Daniel
Albright, Julia
Albuquerque, Miguel
Alcantar, Miguel
Aldag, Ina
Aldenkamp, Albert
Aldhamen, Yasser
AlDosary, Abdullah
Aldusary, Njoud
Alecci, Marcello
Alecxih, Austin
Alessandrino, Francesco
Aletras, Anthony
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, Daniel
Alexander, Lauren
Alexander, Matthew
Alfaro-Almagro, Fidel
Alfaro-Munoz, Kristin
Alghamdi, Areej
Alhamud, A
AlHarbi, Mohammed
Alho, Ana Tereza
Alhrishy, Mazen
Ali, Liza
Ali, Meser
Ali, Mobeen
Ali, Morium
Alicata, Daniel
Alink, Arjen
Aliotta, Eric
Alipoor, Mohammad
Alison, Marianne
Aliyari Ghasabeh, Mounes
Alizadeh, Mahdi
Aljabar, Paul
Alkandari, Dheyaa
Allemang-Grand, Rylan
Allen, Alina
Allen, Bradley
Allen, Clare
Allen, Danny
Allen, Jack
Allen, Jason
Allen, Paul
Allen, Philip
Allen, William
Alley, Marcus
Alley, Stephanie
Allievi, Alessandro
Allò, Massimo
Allouche-Arnon, Hyla
Allsop, Joanna
Allu, Prasanna
Almeida-Correa, Suellen
Almonte, Casandra
Almujayyaz, Salam
Alnasser, Mohammed
Alnnasouri, Rada
Alon, Leeor
Alonso Ortiz, Eva
Alonzo, Todd
Alosco, Michael
Alper, Judy
Alpert, Nathaniel
Alqam, Nabil
Alsagri, Mazen
Alshikho, Mohamad
Alshuft, Hamza
Alsop, David
Altaye, Mekibib
Altbach, Maria
Altbach, Maria I
Altermatt, Anna
Altes, Talissa
Altes, Tallisa
Altmann, Daniel
Alukal, Joseph
Alvares, Rohan
Alvez Leon, Soniza
Amabebe, Emmanuel
Amadon, Alexis
Amaki, Makoto
Amalfitano, Andrea
Aman, Joshua
Amann, Michael
Amano, Keiko
Amano, Tomoyasu
Amano, Yasuo
Amaral, Robert
Amaro, Edson
Amato, Maria Pia
Ambady, Prakash
Ambale Venkatesh, Bharath
Ambale-Venkatesh, Bharath
Amemiya, Tomoki
Amemiya, Yutaka
Amin, Abdullah
Amin, Akram
Amin, Manish
Amin, Raouf
Amiri, Houshang
Amita Shukla-Dava, Amita
Amouzandeh, Ghoncheh
Amrami, Kimberly
Amrein, Philipp
Amthor, Thomas
An, Hedi
An, Hongyu
An, Jing
An, Li
An, Ningyu
An, Yingying
An, ZhongXu
Anaby, Debbie
Anand, Chaitali
Anand Sadananthan, Suresh
Ananth, Mala
Ananthakrishnan, Lakshmi
Ananthraj, Rengaraj
Anastasio, Mark
Anazodo, Udunna
Anblagan, Devasuda
Ancel, Patricia
Andelfinger, Gregor
Andelovic, Kristina
Anderies, Barrett
Anders, Jens
Andersen, Anders
Andersen, Henning
Andersen, Mads
Anderson, Aaron
Anderson, Adam
Anderson, Allen
Anderson, Brian
Anderson, Casey
Anderson, Christian
Anderson, Kevan
Anderson, Peter
Anderson, Robert
Anderson, Robert J.
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, Stephan
Anderson, Valerie
Anderson III, Ashley
Andersson, Jesper
Andersson, Jonathan
Andia, Marcelo
Andia Kohnenkampf, Marcelo
Andica, Christina
Andoh, Takahiro
Andre, Beatrice
Andre, Jalal
Andreisek, Gustav
Andres, Kristin
Andrews, Melissa
Andreychenko, Anna
Andronesi, Ovidiu
Angelini, Paolo
Angelone, Leonardo
Ankeeta, A
Ann*, Chu Ning
Annapragada, Ananth
Ansari, Sameer
Ansorge, Olaf
Antic, Tatjana
Antoine, Dan
Antonacci, Michael
Antonelli, Amanda
Antonelli, Michela
Antonenko, Daria
Antoni, Gunnar
Antony, Jacob
Antunes, Jacob
Anumba, Dilly
Anwander, Alfred
Anzai, Yoshimi
Anzalone, Nicoletta
AO, Ya-wen
Aoike, Suzuko
Aoike, Takuya
Aoki, Ichio
Aoki, Shigeki
Aoki, Takatoshi
Aoki, Toshitaka
Aoki, Yasuchika
Aoyagi, Kota
Aphiwatthanasumet, Kingkarn
Appaya, Mrishta
Appayya, Mrishta
Appel, Lieuwe
Appelbaum, Evan
Appleby, Ian
Apprich, Sebastian
Apps, John
Apte, Aditya
Apte, Chirag
Aquino, Kevin
Arai, Andrew
Arai, Hajime
Arai, Ken
Arai, Manabu
Arai, Nobuyuki
Arai, Tatsuya
Arakawa, Akihiko
Araki, Miki
Araki, Rikita
Aramburu Nuñez, David
Aramburu Nunez, David
Arango, Nicolas
Arango-White, Maria
Arani, Arvin
Aranovitch, Alexander
Araoz, Philip
Arase, Yasuji
Arasu, Vignesh
Aravand, Puya
Arbabi, Aidin
Arcak, Murat
Arcaro, Michael
Archer, Derek
Archipovas, Saulius
Ardekani, Siamak
Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan
Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan H.
Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan Henrik
Arefin, Tanzil
Arefin, Tanzil Mahmud
Arendt, Thomas
Arfanakis, Konstantinos
Argentieri, Erin
Argiriadi, Pamela
Arheden, Håkan
Arias, Ana
Arias, Ana Clauda
Arias-Ramos, Nuria
Arichi, Tomoki
Aristizabal, Orlando
Aristophanous, Michalis
Aristova, Maria
Arita, Hideyuki
Ariturk, Gokhan
Ariza de Schellenberger, Angela
Arizono, Shigeki
Arlinghaus, Lori
Arm, Jameen
Armbruster, Marco
Armspach, Jean-Paul
Armstrong, Regina
Armstrong, Tess
Arnaldi, Dario
Arnaud, Alexis
Arnaud, Laureline
Arndt, Felix
Arndt, Nancy
Arnold, Douglas
Arnow, Sam
Arnulf, Isabelle
Aronen, Hannu
Aronowitz, Eric
Aronsen, Jan Magnus
Aroor, Karthik Rao
Arora, Gunisha
Arpinar, Volkan
Arrieta, Cristobal
Arrigoni, Filippo
Arrington, John
Arrubla, Jorge
Arsava, Ethem
Arsenault, John
Arshad, Muzamil
Arslan, Dilek
Arteaga de Castro, Catalina
Artemov, Dmitri
Arthurs, Owen
Artis, Amanda
Artrip, Cristah
Artz, Nathan
Artzi, Moran
Arulkumaran, Sophie
Arumugam, Sathya
Arunachalam, Shiv
Arunachalam, Shivaram
Arús, Carles
Arvanitis, Theodoros
Arvold, Nils
Aryal, Madhava
Asada, Yujiro
Asano, Kenji
Asayama, Yoshiki
Asbach, Patrick
Asghar, Michael
Ashcroft, Frances
Ashe, Jeffrey
Ashmore, Jonathan
Ashok Kumar, Neeta
Ashraf, Azhaar
Ashtari, Manzar
Ashton, Thomas
Ashwal, Stephen
Asiri, Abdullah
Asllani, Iris
Aso, Toshihiko
Assarzadegan, Naziheh
Asselman, Marino
Asselot, Rachel
Assennato, Pasquale
Assif, Benny
Asslaender, Jakob
Assländer, Jakob
Asvadi, Nazanin
Asvadi, Naznin
Atalar, Ergin
Atassi, Nazem
Atefi, Seyed Reza
Atkinson, D.
Atkinson, David
Atsumi, Tatsuya
Attard, Gert
Attarian, Shahram
Attariwala, Raj
Attenberger, Ulrike
Au, Wing Lok
Audoin, Bertrand
Auer, Dorothee
Auerbach, E.
Auerbach, Edward
Augath, Mark
Auger, Daniel
Augustyn, Robyn
Aung, Wint (Arthur)
Auría, Anna
Aussenhofer, Sebastian
Austin, Matthew
Auweter, Sigrid
Avdievich, Nikolai
Avdievitch, Nikolai
Avena-Koenigsberger, Andrea
Avery, Sarah
Avogliero, Francesco
Avram, Alexandru
Avula, Shivaram
Avventi, Enrico
Awai, Kazuo
Awojoyogbe, Bamidele
Axel, Leon
Axerio-Cilies, John
Ayad, Ihab
Ayalon, Gai
Ayaz, Muhammad
Ayde, Reina
Aydin, Semiha
Aydogan, Dogu Baran
Azad, Abul
Azeredo Gomes Teixeira, Rui
Azhari, Haim
Azimbagirad, Mehran
Azis, Matilda
Azzabou, Noura
Babadi, Behtash
Babaria, Nishant
Babb, James
Babek, Natan
Babourina-Brooks, Ben
Babu-Narayan, Sonya
Babur, Muhammad
Babyn, Paul
Bach Cuadra, Meritxell
Bachert, Peter
Bachl, Norbert
Bachratá, Beáta
Back, Christoph
Back, Seungnam
Backer, Joseph
Backer, Marina
Backes, Walter
Backes, Walter H.
Backhaus, Hendrik
Bacus, Richard
Badachhape, Andrew
Badar, Farid
Bade, Aditya
Badea, Alexandra
Bader, Michael
Badji, Atef
Badve, Chaitra
Bae, Jonghyun
Bae, Jung Hwa
Bae, Min Sun
Baecke, Sebastian
Baek, Ah Rum
Baek, Au Reum
Baek, Hyeon-Man
Baek, Hyun-Man
Baek, Ji-Won
Baek, Sun-Yong
Baeken, Chris
Baeshen, Arwa
Baete, Steven
Baetscher, Eric
Báez-Yánez, Mario
Baffa Filho, Oswaldo
Baffour, Francis
Bagadiya, Neeti
Bagci, Ulas
Bagga, Deepika
Bagga, Puneet
Bagher-Ebadian, Hassan
Bagnato, Francesca
Bagshaw, Andy
Bahadir, Cagla
Bahl, Monika
bahrami, khosro
Bahrami, Naeim
Bai, Feng
Bai, Hong
Bai, Jie
Bai, Lijun
Bai, Ruiliang
Bai, Wenjia
Bai, Xiaoxiao
Bai, Xien
Bai, Yan
Bai, Zhengjian
Baiao Boto, José
Baidya Kayal, Esha
Baig, Tanvir
Bailey, April
Bailey, Colleen
Bailey, Mary
Bailey, Simon
Bailey, Smita
Bailey, Stephen
Bainbridge, Alan
Bainbridge, Hannah
Bains, Lauren
Bairey Merz, Noel
Bajaj, Naveen
Bak, Yunjin
Baker, Amanda
Baker, Eric
Baker, Jennifer
Baker, Keeley
Baker, Michael
Baker, Nicholas
Bakermans, Adrianus
Bakhshi, Sameer
Bakhshinyan, David
Bakke, Kine
Bakshi, Rohit
Balachandrasekaran, Arvind
Balardy, Laurent
Balasubramanian, Mukund
Balážová, Zuzana
Balbas, Jorge
Balchandani, Priti
Baldew, Zelonna
Baldi, Pierre
Baldini, Lisa
Baldissera, Marilisa
Baldisserotto, Matteo
Baldoli, Cristina
Baldwin, Andrew
Baldwin, Andy
Baledent, Olivier
Balédent, Olivier
Bali, Maria
Baligand, Celine
Ball, Gareth
Ball, Iain
Ball, Vicky
Balla, Dávid
Balla, David
Ballabh, Praveen
Ballweber, Megan
Balm, Alfons
Balosetti, Clémence
Balschi, James
Balte, Pallavi
Balter, James
Baltusis, Laima
Baltzer, Pascal
Balu, Niranjan
Bamber, Jeffrey
Bamberg, Fabian
Bammer, Roland
Banan, Guita
Bancroft, Leah
Bandettini, Peter
Bandettini, W.
Bane, Octavia
Banerjee, Jineta
Banerjee, Suchandrima
Banerji, Subhasis
Bang, Kihun
Bangari, Dinesh
Bangerter, Neal
Banks, Laura
Banks, Sarah
Bankson, James
Bannier, Elise
Bano, Wajiha
Banwell, Brenda
Bao, Cui
Bao, Lijun
Baoqing, Li
Bar, Leah
Bar-Shir, Amnom
Bar-Shir, Amnon
Barajas, Ramon
Barajas Jr, Ramon
Barakovic, Muhamed
Baran, Jakub
Baran, Natalia
Baran, Paul
Barazany, Daniel
Barbagallo, Gaetano
Barbara, Holshouser
Barbara, Thomas
Barber, Thomas
Barbic, Mladen
Barbier, Emmaneul
Barbier, Emmanuel
Barbier, Thérèse
Barbieri, Sebastiano
Barbone, Paul
Barbosa, Jeam
Barbosa Junior, Fernando
Barbour, Tracy
Barchetti, Giovanni
Barck, Kai
Barclay, Lucy
Bardia, Aditya
Bardinet, Eric
Bardo, Dianna
Barendregt, Anouk
Barentsz, Jelle
Barg-Hock, Hannelore
Bargon, Joachim
Barillot, Christian
Barison, Andrea
Barker, Alex
Barker, Gareth
Barker, Peter
Barker, Roger
Barker*, Alex
Barkhausen, Joerg
Barkhausen, Jörg
Barkhof, Frederik
Barkovich, A
Barlow, Laura
Barmet, Christoph
Barmet, Christopher
Barnes, Anna
Barnes, Craig
Barnes, David
Barnes, Eleanor
Barnes, Samuel
Barnes, Stephanie
Barnett, Madeleine
Barnett, Madeline
Barnett, Michael
Barnhill, Eric
Baron, Corey
Baron, P.
Baron, Paul
Baron, Ralf
Barr, Graham
Barr, R. Graham
Barratt, Eleanor
Barreira, Christy
Barrett, Rachel
Barrick, Thomas
Barrière, David
Barry, Dave
Barry, Jennifer
Barry, Robert
Barskaya, Irina
Barta, Radim
Bartell, Paul
Bartels, Lambertus
Bartels, Lambertus W.
Bartels, Ronald
Barth, Markus
Bartha, Robert
Barthur, Ashita
Bartlett, Elizabeth
Bartlett, Miles
Bartnik Olson, Brenda
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda
Barton, Gregory
Bartoš, Michal
Bartsch, Hauke
Basar, Burcu
Basha, Tamer
Bashir, Mustafa
Bashyam, Ashvin
Basner, Mathias
Basser, Peter
Bassez, Guillaume
Bastiaansen, Jessica
Bastiaansen, Jessica A.M.
Bastiaansen, Yvonne
Bastianello, Stefano
Bastiani, Matteo
Bastida, Antonio
Bastin, Mark
Bastkowski, Rene
Batalle, Dafnis
Batchelor, Tracy
Bates, Alister
Batesole, Joshua
Bath, Philip
Bathen, Tone
Batie, Matthew
Batt, Himanshu
Battaglini, Marco
Battal, Ceren
Battiston, Marco
Batuure, Andrew
Batzakis, Alex
Baudin, Pierre-Yves
Bauer, Melanie
Bauer, Samantha
Bauer, Thomas
Bauer, Wolfgang
Baum, Eduardo
Baum, Thomas
Bauman, Glenn
Bauman, Grzegorz
Baumann, Michael
Baumann, Philipp S
Baumann, Pia
Baumeister, Tobias
Baumgaertner, Ulf
Baumstark, Manfred
Baune, Bernhard
Bause, Jonas
Bawden, S.
Bawden, Stephen
Baxan, Nicoleta
Baxter, Leslie
Bayly, Philip
Bayram, Ali
Bayram, Ersin
Bazarian, Jeffrey
Bazin, Pierre-Louis
Bazzigaluppi, Paolo
Beadnall, Heidi
Beall, Erik
Beare, Richard
Beaujoin, Justine
Beaulé, Paul
Beaulieu, Chris
Beaulieu, Christian
Beck, Gabriele
Beck, Gabrielle
Beck, Michael
Beck, Thomas
Beck Hansen, Rie
Becker, James
Becker, James T.
Becker, Jennifer
Becker, Kirsten
Becker, Robert
Beckett, Alexander
Beckett, Tina
Beckman, Joshua
Beckmann, Christian
Beckmann, Joanne
Beckwith, Travis
Becton, J. Thomas
Bedair, Reem
Bedenk, Benedikt
Bedke, Jens
Bednarik, Petr
Bednarska, Olga
Bednarz, Haley
Beduhn, Benjamin
Bedwani, Stéphane
Beebe, Kristin
Beech, John
Beeman, Scott
Beenakker, Jan-Willem
Beenakker, Jan-Willem M.
Beer, Meinrad
Beers, Andrew
Begdouri, Hadi
Behar, Kevin
Behdad, Nader
Behen, Michael
Behl, Nicolas
Behr, Spencer
Behr, Volker
Behrens, Eva
Behzadnezhad, Bahareh
Beig, Niha
Beigelman, Catherine
Beisteiner, Roland
Bekku, Mitsuhiro
Beld, Ellis
Beldoch, Michael
Bell, Emily
Bell, Laura
Bell, Laura C
Bellec, Pierre
Bellenberg, Barbara
Bellivier, Frank
Belloy, Michaël
Belloy, Michael
Belov, Pavel
Belov, Pavel A.
Beltrachini, Leandro
Belzberg, Allan
Belzile, Olivier
Bem, Robert
Ben Bashat, Dafna
Ben Hamida, Sami
Ben Hassen, Wadie
Ben Sira, Liat
Ben-Sira, Liat
Ben-Zur, Livnat
Bencardino, Jenny
Bendel, Peter
Bendell, Caroline
Bender, Benjamin
Bendszus, Martin
Benedetta Pizzini, Francesca
Benegal, Vivek
Bengtsson, Niclas
Bengtsson Moström, Eva
Benitez, Andreana
Benito, Alberto
Benjamin, Arnold Julian Vinoj
Benjamin, Michelle
Benjamin, Philip
Benjamini, Dan
Benkert, Thomas
Benlloch, Jose
Bennani-Baiti, Barbara
Benner, Eric
Bennett, David
Bennett, Jean
Bennett, Landman
Bennett, Oscar
Benni, Monica
Benoist, David
Benrath, Justus
Bensamoun, Sabine
Bensler, Susanne
Benson, Donald
Benveniste, Helene
Benzinger, Tammie
Beppu, Takaaki
Beqiri, Arian
Bequé, Dirk
Beque, Dirk
Bera, Géraldine
Berchier, Gregoire
Berchner-Pfannschmidt, Utta
Berg, Andreas
Berg, Leonard H.
Bergamaschi, Samuel
Bergen, Robert
Berger, Evelin
Berger, Francois
Berger, Sara
Bergeron, Catherine
Bergeron, Christopher
Berglund, Ivanka
Berglund, Johan
Bergman, Stefan
Bergmann, Ørjan
Bergsland, Niels
Berin, Emilia
Berkowitz, Bruce A.
Berkowitz, Jennifer
Berlin, Clara
Berman, Avery
Berman, Daniel
Berman, Jeffrey
Berman, Karen
Berman, Shai
Bernal-Casas, David
Bernard, Jérémy
Bernard, Monique
Bernardes da Silva Filho, Silvio
Bernarding, Johannes
Bernardo, Marcelino
Bernas, Antoine
Berneking, Arne
Berner, Stephan
Bernick, Charles
Bernier, Michaël
Bernier, Sueva
Bernstein, Adam
Bernstein, Matt
Bernstein, Matthew
Bernstine, Hanna
Berntsen, Erik
Bernus, Olivier
Berrington, Adam
Berron, David
Berry, David
Bertelsen, Lotte
Berthelot, Christian
Berthelot, Johann
Berthold, Kiefer
Bertilsson, Helena
Bertleff, Marco
Bertoldo, Alessandra
Bertolino, Nicola
Bérubé, Joshua
Berwick, Jason
Berzl, Martin
Besa, Cecilia
Besch, Lisa
Beshish, Arij
Besret, Laurent
Besseling, René
Besseling, Rene
Besson, Pierre
Beste, Christian
Bettoni, Jérémie
Betts, Matthew
Beucher, Natasha
Beuf, Olivier
Beuthien-Baumann, Bettina
Beutner, Frank
Bevan, Carolyn
Beyea, Steven
Beyeler, Morin
Beyer, Thomas
Beyers, Ronald
Beyh, Ahmad
Beyrau, Andreas
Bez, Maxim
Bhakoo, Kishore
Bhalla, Anurag
Bharath, Rose
Bhargava, Valmiki
Bharti, Santosh
Bharti, Santosh K
Bhat, Himanshu
Bhatt, Shashank
Bhatta, Rajesh
Bhattacharji, Priya
Bhattacharya, Ipshita
Bhattacharya, Pratip
Bhattacharyya, Pallab
Bhave, Sampada
Bhayana, Saakshi
Bheemreddy, Alekya
Bhogal, Alex
Bhosale, Priya
Bhuiyan, E.
Bhujwalla, Zaver
Bhujwalla, Zaver M
Bhumkar, Ashish
Bhusal, Bhumi
Bhushan, Chitresh
Bi, Xiaoming
Bi, Yanchao
Bi, Yongmin
Biagi, Laura
Bian, Tong
Bian, Wei
Bian, Yitong
Bian, Yunpeng
Biancardi, Alberto
Bianchi, Stephen
Bianchini, Claudio
Bianciardi, Marta
Biasiolli, Luca
Bibic, Adnan
Bichot, Narcisse
Bickelhaupt, Sebastian
Bidesi, Anup
Bidhult, Sebastian
Biederer, Thomas
Biemond, Bart
Bienert, Thomas
Bier, Elianna
Bieri, Oliver
Biernaski, Heather
Bierwagen, Alessandra
Biessels, Geert Jan
Bifone, Angelo
Bigler, Erin
Bigourdan, Antoine
Bijlsma, Maarten
Bikson, Marom
Bilchick, Kenneth
Bilgic, Basar
Bilgic, Berkin
Bilgin, Ali
Biller, Heike
Billett, Henny
Billiard, Jean-Sébastien
Billiet, Thibo
Billings, Jacob
Bilston, Lynne
Bin, Zhao
Binder, Jeffrey
Binder, Wolfhard
Bindl, Jakob
Bing, Wu
Binkert, Christoph Andreas
Binkley, Michael
Binter, Christian
Biondetti, Emma
Birch, Joanna
Birch, Sharla
Bird, Christopher
Bird, Ian
Bird, Luke
Bird, Mark
Birkbak, Nicolai
Birkfellner, Wolfgang
Birkl, Christoph
Birn, Rasmus
Birnbaum, Anne
Bischof, Antje
Bischof, John
Bischoff, Laura
Bisecco, Alvino
Bishop, Courtney
Bishop, Jonathan
Bismeijer, Tycho
Biswal, Bharat
Biswal, Sandip
Biswas, Labonny
Bito, Yoshitaka
Bittman, Mark
Bittšanský, Michal
Bitz, Andreas
Biyyam, Deepa
Bjarnason, Thorarin
Bjarnegård, Niclas
Bjørnerud, Atle
Blaber, Justin
Black, Marianne
Black, Peter
Blackledge, Matthew
Blackman, Burchelle
Blackney, Kevin
Blahova, Tereza
Blaimer, Martin
Blair, Sarah
Blaisdell, Julie
Blakeley, Paul
Blamire, Andrew
Blanc, Frédéric
Blanc, Jordy
Blanco Fernandez, Barbara
Blanco-Fernandez, Barbara
Blank, Ulrich
Blanken, Carmen
Blankenagel, Sonja
Blankestijn, Peter
Blasberg, Ronald G.
Blaskey, Lisa
Blate, Michelle
Blazejewska, Anna
Blazhenets, Ganna
Blecha, Joseph
Blechert, Birgit
Blenkin, Nicole
Blesa, Manuel
Blevins, Gregg
Bley, Thorsten
Blezer, Erwin
Bliesener, Yannick
Block, Kai
Block, Kai Tobias
Block, Tobias
Block, Walter
Block, Wolfgang
Blockley, Nicholas
Blomqvist, Lennart
Blot, Lydia
Blu, Thierry
Bluemke, David
Blumenfeld, Jon
Blumhagen, Jan Ole
Bluml, Stefan
Blunck, Yasmin
Blücher, Christian
Blüher, Matthias
Blüml, Stefan
Blümler, Peter
Bo, Binshi
Boada, Fernando
Boardman, James
Boas, David
Bobb, Chad
Bobillier, Eric
Bock, Michael
Bock, Nicholas
Bockhorst, Kurt
Bode, Christoph
Bode, Julia
Bodelle, Boris
Bodini, Benedetta
Bodurka, Jerzy
Boehm-Sturm, Philipp
Boekholdt, S.
Boele, Thomas
Boer, Vincent
Boerman, Otto
Boernert, Peter
Boers, Frank
Boesch, Chris
Boettcher, Carissa
Boffa, Michael
Bofinger, Robin
Bogdan, Dzyubak
Bogdanov, Jr, Alexei
Bogner, Peter
Bogner, Thomas
Bogner, Wolfgang
Bohannon, Jordan
Bohm, Florian
Bohndorf, Klaus
Bohnert, Sara
Bohon, Cara
Boido, Davide
Boillat, Yohan
Boisson, Frédéric
Boissonade, Fiona
Bok, Robert
Bokii, Vlada
Bolan, Patrick
Boland, Elaine
Boland, Markus
Bolbos, Radu
Bolding, Mark
Boldsen, Jens
Boldt, Brian
Bolger, Ann
Bollache, Emilie
Bollmann, Saskia
Bollmann, Steffen
Bolster, Bradley
Bolster, Jr. , Bradley
Bolster, Jr., Bradley
Bolster Jr., Bradley
Bomanji, Jamshed
Bomers, Joyce
Bommerich, Ute
Bonanno, Gabriele
Bonavia, Grant
Bond, Michael
Bondarenko, Viktorya
Bonekamp, David
Bonet-Carne, Elisenda
Bongers, Andre
Bonmassar, Giorgio
Bonnì, Sonia
Bonnier, Guillaume
Bonny, Jean-Marie
Bonoldi, Ilaria
Bonvento, Gilles
Boodaghians, Lillian
Booij, Jan
Boon, Mariëtte
Boon, Paul
Boonstra, Frederique
Bora, Girdhar
Boraste, Paresh
Borbath, Tamas
Borbáth, Tamás
Borden, Zach
Borden, Zachary
Bordier, Cecile
Borga, Magnus
Borggreve, Alicia
Borgheresi, Alessandra
Borgo, Martino
Borin, James
Borisch, Eric
Borlaug, Barry
Borman, Pim
Borman, Pim T.S.
Borowiak, Robert
Borowski, Bret
Borra, Ronald
Borrello, Joseph
Borri, Marco
Borsodi, Florian
Borthakur, Ari
Borzage, Matthew
Bos, Clemens
Bosco, Paolo
Boscolo Galazzo, Ilaria
Boshra, Rober
Boska, Michael
Bosomtwi, Asamoah
Boss, Michael
Bosshard, John
Bossong, Matthijs
Botnar, René
Botnar, Rene
Botnar, Rene M.
Bottauscio, Oriano
Bottlaender, Michel
Bottomley, Paul
Bou Ayache, Jad
Bouchard, Louis-Olivier
Boucher, Taryn
Bouchet, Audrey
Boucneau, Tanguy
Boudabbous, Sana
Boudes, Elodie
Boudreau, Mathieu
Boudzinskaia, Maia
Bouet, Valentine
Bouhrara, Mustapha
Bouka, Mbaiaourer
Boulant, Nicolas
Bouldi, Mélina
Boult, Jessica
Boumezbeur, Fawzi
Bour, Pierre
Bouraoud, Nadia
Bourassa-Moreau, Benoit
Bourdette, Dennis
Bourne, Matthew
Bourne, Roger
Bourque, Alexandra
Bousvaros, Athos
Boutillier, Anne-Laurence
Boutin, Hervé
Bouvain, Pascal
Bouvy, WH
Bouyagoub, Samira
Bouyssi-Kobar, Marine
Bouzier-Sore, Anne-Karine
Bove, Pierluigi
Bovendeert, Frans
Bowen, Chris
Bowser, Robert
Bowtell, R.
Bowtell, Richard
Box, Bailey
Boxerman, Jerrold L
Boyd, Lara
Boyd, Roslyn
Boyer, Cyrille
Boyer, Julie
Boyes, Aaron
Bozhko, Olga
Bozzali, Marco
Bracken, Rebecca
Brackstone, Muriel
Bradley, Chris
Bradley, Jeffrey
Brady, Martin
Brady, Matthew
Brady, Michael
Brady, Scott
Brady, Sir J Michael
Braeuer, Miriam
Bragg, Damian
Braig, Moritz
Braissant, Olivier
Brambilla, Riccardo
Branca, Rosa Tamara
Branch, Craig
Brand, Janko
Brand, Jonathan
Brand, Robert
Brandeis, Daniel
Brandlhuber, Martina
Brandner, Sebastian
Brandon, J
Branzoli, Francesca
Braren, Rickmer
Brasse, David
Brau, Anja
Braun, Jürgen
Braun, Marc
Braunersreuther, Vincent
Braxton, Vaughn
Bray, Tim
Bray, Timothy
Braškute, Ieva
Bream, Tim
Breckwoldt, Michael
Bredella, Miriam
Bredies, Kristian
Breen-Norris, James
Breier, Alan
Breighner, Ryan
Breiter, Hans
Breithaupt, Mathies
Breitling, Johannes
Breitner, John
Brekken, Rolf
Brem, Steven
Bremerich, Jens
Brender, Jeffery
Brendza, Robert
Brenner, Daniel
Breteler, Monique
breton, Elodie
Breuer, Felix
Breutigam, Nora-Josefin
Brewer, Kimberly
Brey, William
Briatico, Javier
Brice, Alexis
Bridge, Holly
Briggs, Samuel
Bright, Molly
Briller, Noah
Brindle, Kevin
Brindley, Melinda
Brink, Wyger
Brinkhof, Sander
Brisby, Helena
Brisset, Jean-Christophe
Bristow, Michael
Brittenham, Gary M
Brix, Maiken
Broad, Rebecca
Broadbent, David
Broadhouse, Kathryn
Broche, Lionel
Brodaty, Henry
Brodsky, Ethan
Brodtmann, Amy
Brody, David
Broman, Aimee
Brommer, Harold
Brookes, Matthew
Brooks, William
Brosjö, Otte
Brouillet, Emmanuel
Brousseau, David
Brouwer, Kim
Brouwer, Rachel
Brown, Arthur
Brown, Brenda
Brown, Colin
Brown, Emery
Brown, Jesse
Brown, Mark
Brown, Matthew
Brown, Peter
Brown, Robert
Brown, Ryan
Brown, Stephen
Brown, Timothy
Browne, Jacinta
Brubaker, Peter
Bruce, Iain
Bruchhage, Muriel
Brugarolas, James
Brugières, Pierre
Bruha, Radan
Bruijnen, Tom
Brujic, Djordje
Brulon, Vincent
Brunengraber, Daniel
Brunheim, Sascha
Brunner, David
Brunner, Kevin
Brunnquell, Christina
Brunnquell, Christinna
Bruno, Mary
Bruns, Andreas
Bruns, Christian
Bruschewski, Martin
Brussen, Bas
Bryan, Nick
Bryan, R. Nick
Brychta, Robert
Brüggeman, Roger
Brühl, Rüdiger
Brynolfsson, Patrik
Bryskhe, Karin
Bräuer-Krisch, Elke
Bu, Chunxiao
Bu, Xuan
Bublitz, Sarah
Buch, Sagar
Buchan, Alastair
Buchanan, Charlotte
Buchenberg, Waltraud
Bucher, Andreas
Buchthal, Steven
Buck, A.
Buck, Alfred
Buck, Jessica
Buck, Mareike
Buckenmaier, Kai
Buckley, Craig
Buckley, David
Buckner, Randy
Bucknor, Matthew
Budday, Silvia
Budde, Matthew
Budin, François
Budjan, Johannes
Budtarad, Nuttakarn
Budzevich, Mikalai
Buechert, Martin
Buecker, Arno
Buehlmann, David
Bueno-Conde, Jose
Buerger, Christian
Buether, Florian
Buhler, Philip
Bui, Alex
Bui, Francis
Buist, Richard
Buitelaar, Jan
Buker, Seda
Bukhari, Qasim
Buki, Andras
Bulk, Marjolein
Bull, Russell
Bullmore, E
Bulte, Daniel
Bulte, Jeff
Bunk, Oliver
Buntkowsky, Gerd
Bunzel, Michelle
Buonicontri, Guido
Buonincontri, Guido
Burakiewicz, Jedrzej
Burant, Alex
Burciu, Roxana
Burd, Irina
Burdet, Etienne
Burdett, Jane
Burdette, Everette
Burge, Alissa
Burger, Irene
Burgess, Shawn
Burghardt, Andrew
Burke, Christopher
Burke, Colin
Burke, Darlene
Burkhardt, Barbara
Burns, Brian
Burton, Philip
Burton, Tina
Busch, Julia
Buschle, Lukas
Bush, Adam
Bushara, Khalaf
Busler, Jessica
Busse, Harald
Busse, Monica
Bustamante, Constanza
Bustamante, Mariana
Butcher, Kenneth
Butler, James
Butler, John
Butler, Jordan
Butman, John
Butterworth, Andrew
Butts Pauly, Kim
Butz, Kent
Butzkueven, Helmut
Buur, Pieter
Buvat, Irène
Buxbaum, Nataliya
Buxton, Richard
Buzan, Maria Teodora
Buzatu, Dan
By, Samantha
Büchert, Martin
Bydder, Graeme
Bydder, Mark
Bühlmann, David
Byl, Nancy
Bylund, Mikael
Byrd, Richard
Bürge, Michaela
Byrne, Barry
Byrne, Lauren
Byrne, Nycholas
Byron, Kelly
Båth, Magnus
Bär, Peter
Bär, Sebastien
Bäumer, Philipp
Böckers, Tobias M.
Bödenler, Markus
Böhm, Ruwen
Böning, Georg
Börnert, Peter
Bøtker, Hans Erik
Caballero, Jose
Caballero-Gaudes, Cesar
Cabana, Jean-François
Cabello, Jorge
Cabral, Carlos
Cabral, Glauber
Cabral, Horacio
Cadavid, Diego
Cadeddu, Jeffrey
Cadman, Robert
Cadotte, David W.
Cahill, Lindsay
Cahoon, Ashley
Cahova, Monika
Cai, Bin
Cai, Congbo
Cai, Hua song
Cai, Jiang-Feng
Cai, Jianming
Cai, Jiarui
Cai, Kejia
Cai, Ling
Cai, Luyao
Cai, San-Jun
Cai, Shuhui
Cai, Xiaoying
Cai, Ying
Cai, Yue
Cakir, Ahmet
Calabrese, Evan
Calabresi, Peter
Calac, Alec
Calamante, Fernando
Calandra-Buonaura, Giovanna
Calcagno, Claudia
Caldarelli, Guido
Caldas, Eriky
Caldas de Almeida Araujo, Ericky
Calhoun, Vince
Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia
Callaghan, Martina
Callahan, Michael
Callot, Virginie
Caltagirone, Carlo
Calvert, Sarah
Calzado, Alfonso
Camacho, Juan
Camarasu-Pop, Sorina
Camargo, Ana Paula
Cameron, Donnie
Cameron, Ian
Campbell, Brandon
Campbell, Bruce
Campbell, James
Campbell, Jon
Campbell, Matthew
Campbell, Michael
Campbell-Washburn, Adrienne
Campeau, Norbert
Campo, Camilo
Campos, Guilherme
Campos, Jorge
Campos Cardoso, Luis
Camprodon, Joan
Can, Emine
can, huang
Can, Yigit
Canapicchi, Raffaello
Canaple, Laurence
Canary, James
Candiota, Ana
Canella, Carola
Cannatà, Vittorio
Cano-Garcia, Helena
Cansiz, Gokhan
Cantow, Kathleen
Cantrell, Charles
Cantu, Robert
Cao, Dongyuan
Cao, Guanmei
Cao, Jian
Cao, Jiayue
Cao, Jie
Cao, Jin
Cao, Jun
Cao, Minsong
Cao, Peng
Cao, Qi
Cao, Tuoyu
Cao, Wen
Cao, Xiangyu
Cao, Xiaohuan
Cao, Xiaozhi
Cao, Xuefeng
Cao, Xueming
Cao, Yue
Cao, Yukun
Cao, Zhipeng
Capaldi, Dante
Capener, David
Capilnasiu, Adela
Caporale, Alessandra
Capra, Ruggero
Capuani, Silvia
Carano, Davide
Carano, Richard
Caravan, Peter
Carbonaro, Luca
Carbonaro, Luca A.
Carbone, Federico
Carcaboso, Angel
Cardenas, Carlos
Cardenas-Blanco, Arturo
Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Julio
Cardoso, M
Cardoso, M. Jorge
Cardoso, Manuel
Cardoso, Manuel Jorge
Carducci, Chiara
Carelli, Regina
Cario, Holger
Carl, Michael
Carlen, Peter
Carlhäll, Carl-Johan
Carlier, Pierre
Carlier, Pierre G.
Carlos, Ruth
Carlson, Cathy
Carlson, Markus
Carlsson, Marcus
Carlston, Kristi
Carluccio, Giuseppe
Carmichael, David
Carmichael, David W.
Carney, Olivia
Carnicer, Ricardo
Carnicka, Slavka
Carone, Davide
Carr, Carolyn
Carr, James
Carr-White, Gerald
Carradus, Andrew
Carreno, Gabriela
Carrera, Carla
Carretero Benignos, Jorge
Carrier, Jean-François
Carrier, Julie
Carrino, John
Carroll, Ian
Carroll, Peter
Carroll, Timothy
Carruthers, Clarisa
Carruthers, Clarissa
Carruthers, Robert
Carson, Daniel
Carter, Anthony
Carter, Brett
Carter, James
Cartmell, Samuel
Carvajal, Lucas
Carvalho, Miguel
Carvalho, Victor
Casas, Belen
Casaulta, Carmen
Cash, David
Cash, Lisa
Cashen, Ty
Casiraghi, Letizia
Caskey, Charles
Caspari, Daria
Caspers, Svenja
Cassani, Joanne
Cassara', Antonino
Casteels, Cindy
Castel, Hélène
Castellani, Gastone
Castellano, Kevin
Castellaro, Marco
Castellazzi, Gloria
Castro, Valeria
Casula, Elias
Casula, Victor
Catalano, Carlo
Catana, Ciprian
Catani, Marco
Caterini, Jessica
Cates, Gordon
Cates Jr., Gordon
Cathcart, Paul
Catheline, Gwénaëlle
Cattin, Philippe
Cauley, Stephen
Cauteren, Marc
Cavallari, Eleonora
Cavallo, Francesca
Cavazos, Jose
Caverzasi, Eduardo
Cavusoglu, Murat
Cavusoglu, Mustafa
Cawley, Niamh
Cayre, Myriam
Cearlock, Sydney
Cecil, Kim
Cedersund, Gunnar
Celicanin, Zarko
Celik, Hasan
Celik, Haydar
Cellitti, Elena
Celnik, Pablo
Cengiz, Sevim
Cercignani, Mara
Cereda, Cristina
Cereda, Maurizio
Ceritoglu, Can
Cerjanic, Alex
Cermakova, Helena
Cernasov, Paul
Cerny, Milena
Cervantes, Barbara
Cesarovic, Nikola
Ceschin, Rafael
Ceton, Ricki
Ceuster, Marc
Ceyzeriat, Kelly
Cha, Eun Ju
Cha, Hyunsil
Cha, Jang Gyu
Cha, Soonmee
Chabert, Steren
Chachra, Parul
Chacon-Caldera, Jorge
Chad, Jordan
Chae, Sun Young
Chahal, Harjit
Chahal, Simrun
Chahid, Abderrazak
Chahil, Abigail
Chai, Chao
Chai, Jyh-Wen
Chai, Wen Yen
Chai, Yaqiong
Chaibi, Yasmina
Chaimow, Denis
Chaisson, Christine
Chakaroun, Rima
Chakraborty, Santanu
Chakravarthy, A.
Chakravarty, M Mallar
Chakravarty, Shatadru
Chalasani, Pavani
Chalian, Majid
Challacombe, Benjamin
Chalmers, Anthony
Chamber, Amy
Chamberlain, Jeffrey
Chambers, Setsuko
Chan, Chun-Chung
Chan, Deva
Chan, Frandics
Chan, Helen Hei Lun
Chan, Ho-Fung
Chan, Hui Shan
Chan, Jillian
Chan, Ka Fat John
Chan, Kannie
Chan, Kannie W.Y.
Chan, Kannie WY
Chan, Kevin
Chan, Kevin C.
Chan, Kimberly
Chan, Kwok-shing
Chan, Ling Ling
Chan, Micaela
Chan, Queenie
Chan, Rachel
Chan, Raymond
Chan, Russell
Chan, Russell W.
Chan, Siwa
Chan, Suk-tak
Chan, Wing Chi
Chan, Wing P.
Chand, Ganesh
Chandarana, Hersh
Chandra, Ashish
Chandramohan, Dharshan
Chandramouli, Gadisetti
Chandran, Siddharthan
Chandran, Vimal
Chanet, Nicolas
Chang, Catie
Chang, Chen
Chang, Chia-Ling
Chang, Chun-Yuan
Chang, Claire Hui-Chuan
Chang, Da
Chang, Douglas
Chang, Eileen
Chang, Eric
Chang, Eric Y
Chang, Fu-Pang
Chang, Gene-Yuan
Chang, Gregory
Chang, Hing-Chiu
Chang, Hui-Chuan
Chang, Hyuk-Jae
Chang, Ian
Chang, KaiMing
Chang, Linda
Chang, Meng-Chu
Chang, Miko
Chang, Ming-Chu
Chang, Ni-Jung
Chang, Paul
Chang, Silvia
Chang, Stephanie
Chang, Susan
Chang, Warren
Chang, Won
Chang, Yongmin
Chang, Yu-Ling
Chang, Yulin
Chang, Zi-Xuan
Changchun, Ma
Chanlaw, Teresa
Chao, Kun-I
Chao, Tzu Cheng
Chao, Tzu-Cheng
Chao, Wu
Chao, Yi-Ping
Chapelin, Fanny
Chaplin, Vandiver
Chappell, Francesca
Chappell, Karyn
Chappell, Michael
Chaptinel, Jerome
Chaptinel, Jérôme
Charalambous, Thalis
Charalampopoulos, Athanasios
Chard, Declan
charest-morin, Raphaële
Charles, Hal
Charles-Edwards, Geoff
Charleux, Fabrice
Charpak, Serge
Charroud, Céline
Chataway, Jeremy
Chatnuntawech, Itthi
Chatterjee, Aritrick
Chatterjee, Sudhanya
Chatterji, Manjil
Chatterji, Tanushri
Chaturvedi, Pakhi
Chatzi, Vasiliki
Chau, Ian
Chaudhari, Akshay
Chaudry, Oliver
Chauffert, Nicolas
Chauhan, Munish
Chauhan, Nabeel
Chaumeil, Myriam
Chavarrias, Cristina
Chavez, Sofia
Chazel, Edouard
Che, Yingyu
Chebib, Ivan
Chebrolu, Venkata
Chechik, Victor
Chee, Carolyn
Chekmenev, Eduard
Chelimsky, Gisela
Chelu, Raluca
Chen, Ai-Chi
Chen, Albert
Chen, Anliang
Chen, Bang-Bin
Chen, Bin
Chen, Bingyao
Chen, Bixia
Chen, Bozhu
Chen, Chang-Le
Chen, Chen
Chen, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Chenyang
Chen, Chi-Jen
Chen, Chia-Min
Chen, Chiao-Chi
Chen, Chiao-Ning
Chen, Chiung-Mei
Chen, Christopher
Chen, Clayton Chi-Chang
Chen, David
Chen, David Yen-Ting
Chen, Fei
Chen, Feiyan
Chen, Feiyu
Chen, Felix
Chen, Feng
Chen, Fuqin
Chen, Gang
Chen, Geng
Chen, Guan-Qun
Chen, Guangxiang
Chen, Guangyu
Chen, Hanwei
Chen, Hao
Chen, He
Chen, Henry
Chen, Howard
Chen, Hsin Chia
Chen, Hsin-Yu
Chen, Huai-Lu
Chen, Hui
Chen, Huijun
Chen, Huiying
Chen, Iris
Chen, J.
Chen, Jean
Chen, Jen-I
Chen, Jeon-Hor
Chen, Jiajie
Chen, Jian
Chen, Jian-Ling
Chen, Jiawei
Chen, Jie
Chen, Jieshen
Chen, Jingbiao
Chen, Jingyuan
Chen, John
Chen, Jun
Chen, Jyh-Horng
Chen, Ke-Neng
Chen, Kong
Chen, Kun
Chen, Lars
Chen, Li
Chen, Li Min
Chen, Li-Fen
Chen, Liang-Wei
Chen, lihua
Chen, Lin
Chen, Liyong
Chen, Luguang
Chen, Lyon
Chen, Maodong
Chen, Marcus
Chen, Mark
Chen, Min
Chen, Nan
Chen, Nan-kuei
Chen, Nelson
Chen, Pin-Chen
Chen, Pin-Yu
Chen, Ran-Chou
Chen, Rong-Rong
Chen, Ruiying
Chen, Shaochen
Chen, Shen
Chen, Shengli
Chen, Shiyang
Chen, Shiyue
Chen, Shizhen
Chen, Shuang
Chen, Shubin
Chen, Shuo
Chen, Ting-Hsu
Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung
Chen, Wei
Chen, Wei-Ta
Chen, Weibo
Chen, Weidao
Chen, Weitian
Chen, Weiwei
Chen, Weiyi
Chen, Wen Chang
Chen, Wen-Shiang
Chen, Wengjing
Chen, Willis
Chen, Wubiao
Chen, Wufan
Chen, Xi
Chen, Xi Lin
Chen, Xian
Chen, Xiao
Chen, Xiao Wei
Chen, Xiao-liang
Chen, Xiaobo
Chen, Xiaodong
Chen, Xiaofeng
Chen, Xiaoyi
Chen, Xijian
Chen, Xin
Chen, Xinyi
Chen, Xuming
Chen, Ya-Fang
Chen, Yalun
Chen, Yan
Chen, Yansheng
Chen, Yasheng
Chen, Yen-Lin
Chen, Yi
Chen, Yicheng
Chen, Yifan
Chen, Ying
Chen, Yinsheng
Chen, Yinyin
Chen, Yiran
Chen, Yiyang
Chen, Yiyi
Chen, Yong
Chen, Yongsheng
Chen, You-Yin
Chen, Yu
Chen, Yu-Chen
Chen, Yu-Jen
Chen, Yu-Wei
Chen, Yuan
Chen, Yuanyuan
Chen, Yucheng
Chen, Yukun
Chen, Yun
Chen, Yunbin
Chen, Yung-Chieh
Chen, Yunyun
Chen, Zhaolin
Chen, Zhensen
Chen, Zhifeng
Chen, Zhong
Chen, Zhongping
Chen, Zhongwei
Chen, Zhongzhou
Chen, Zipan
Chen, Ziqi
Chenevert, Thomas
Cheng, Bochao
Cheng, Bowen
Cheng, Cheng-Chieh
Cheng, Chou-Ming
Cheng, Chuanli
Cheng, David
Cheng, Fang
Cheng, Fengyan
Cheng, Hai-Ling
Cheng, Hewei
Cheng, Hu
Cheng, Hua
Cheng, Jack
Cheng, Jian
Cheng, Jin
Cheng, Jing
Cheng, Jing-Liang
Cheng, Jingliang
Cheng, Joseph
Cheng, Junying
Cheng, Kang
Cheng, Lan
Cheng, Leo
Cheng, Lin
Cheng, Lishui
Cheng, Lude
Cheng, Mei-Fang
Cheng, Menglin
Cheng, Qihua
Cheng, Ruida
Cheng, Saiming
Cheng, Sainan
Cheng, Shi
Cheng, Shu
Cheng, Xiao
Cheng, Xiaoguang
Cheng, Xin
Cheng, Yabao
Cheng, Yu
Cheng, Yu-Chia
cheng, yue
Cheng, Ziliang
Chennagiri, Padma
Cheong, Benjamin
Cheong, Dennis
Cheong, Ian
Cheong, Jeanie
Cheriet, Farida
Cherix, Antoine
Cherny, Mathew
Cherrington, Alan
Cherubini, Andrea
Cherukara, Matthew
Cherukuri, Murali
Cheshkov, Sergey
Chesler, Louis
Chesler, Naomi
Chess, Mitchell
Chettle, David
Cheung, Angela
Cheung, Helen
Cheung, Jerry
Cheung, Kin Yin
Cheung, Polly Suk Yee
Cheung, Sai Man
Cheung, Sue
Cheung, Susan
Chevillard, Lucie
Chew, Andrew
Chhabra, Avneesh
Chi, Andrew
Chia, Jonathan
Chiampi, Mario
Chiang, Chi-Shiun
Chiang, Chia-Wen
Chiang, Chih-Miang
Chiang, Gloria
Chiang, Shih-Wei
Chiang, Wen-Yang
Chiappino, Dante
Chieh, Seng-Wei
Chien, Aichi
Chiew, Mark
Chih-Chien, Tsai
Chikhalkar, Shrikant
Chikop, Shivaprasad
Childers, Michael
Chin, Chih-Liang
Chin, Frederick
Chin, Joseph
Chin-Song, Lu
China, GE healthcare
Chioffi, Franco
Chiou, Jr-yuan
Chirayath, Daniel
Chirayil, Sarah
Chiribiri, Amedeo
Chiti, Arturo
Chitiboi, Teodora
Chitta, Krishna Kanth
Chiu, Feng Mao
Chiu, Fengmao
Chiu, George
Chiu, Hsin-Hui
Chiu, Hui-Chu
Chiu, Ming-Jang
Chiu, Pui Wai
Chiu, Pui-Wai
Chiu, Shao-Chieh
Chiu, Su-Chin
Chiu, Ta-Wei
Chiusole, Maurizia
Chmelík, Marek
Chmiel, James
Chmielewski, Tom
Cho, Andrew
Cho, Eun-Suk
Cho, Gene
Cho, Gyunggoo
Cho, HyungJoon
Cho, Ig-Jun
Cho, Jaejin
Cho, Jee-Hyun
Cho, Jeong Yeon
Cho, Judy
Cho, Junghun
Cho, Kuan-Hung
Cho, Kyunghyun
Cho, Mi Young
Cho, Shinho
Cho, Soo Hyun
Cho, Soojeong
Cho, Sung Bum
Cho, Youngdae
Cho, Zang-Hee
Choe, Bo-Young
Choi, Bup Kyung
Choi, Byoung Wook
Choi, Byoung-Wook
Choi, Chang-Hoon
Choi, Changho
Choi, Eun-Hyuk
Choi, Garam
Choi, Hyejeong
Choi, Hyo Jin
Choi, Hyun Seok
Choi, In-Young
Choi, Jae Kyu
Choi, Jeongin
Choi, Jin Wook
Choi, Jinhyeok
Choi, Joon Yul
Choi, Jung-Ah
Choi, JunYeol
Choi, Seung Hong
Choi, Soyoung
Choi, Sun Il
Choi, Wonmin
Choi, Woo Suk
Choi, Yeonjin
Choi, Yoon Seok
Choi, YoonSeok
Choi, Young-suk
Chokshi, Chirayu
Cholewa, Marian
Chong, Catherine
Chong, Cher-Rin
Chong, Mei Sian
Chong, Shin Tai
Chong, Yap Seng
Chopp, Michael
Chou, Austin
Chou, Chen-Te
Chou, Chia-Chu
Chou, Hong-Chun
Chou, Ming-Chung
Chouhan, Manil
Chow, Bernard
Chow, Gabriel
Chow, Jeanne
Chow, Kelvin
Chowdhury, Abeed
Chowdhury, Golam
Chowdhury, Sagar
Choy, ManKin
Choyke, Peter
Christ, Patrick
Christen, Thomas
Christensen, Gary
Christensen, Jon
Christiaens, Daan
Christiansen, Spencer
Christodoulou, Anthony
Christoforidis, Greg
Christoforidis, Gregory
Christoph, Müller
Chronik, Blaine
Chrysochou, Constantina
Chu, Andrew
Chu, Constance
Chu, Jian-ping
Chu, Kenneth
Chu, Kung-Te
Chu, Leung Wing
Chu, Mei-Lan
Chu, Po Chun
Chu, Sung-Yu
Chu, William
Chu, Winnie
CHU, Winnie CW
Chu, Ying-Hua
Chu, Zhi-qiang
Chua, Alicia
Chuang, Bo-Yan
Chuang, David
Chuang, Kai-Hsiang
Chuang, Tzu-Chao
Chuapoco, Miguel
Chubb, Henry
Chugani, Harry
Chui, Stephen
Chun, Marvin
Chun, Se Young
Chun, ZENG
Chung, Caroline
Chung, Eugene
Chung, Hsiao-Wen
Chung, I-Ling
Chung, Jae Joon
Chung, Julius
Chung, Jun-Young
Chung, Moo
Chung, Sohae
Chung, Yiu-Cho
Chung, Yong Hyun
Ciarrusta, Judit
Ciccarelli, Olga
Cicchetti, Francesca
Ciceri, Elisa
Cima, Michael
Ciobanu, Luisa
Ciporen, Jeremy
Cipriano, Peter
Ciris, Pelin
Ciuciu, Philippe
Ciullo, Valentina
Civale, John
Claassen, Daniel
Clancy, John
Clancy, Olivia
Clare, Stuart
Clark, Chris
Clark, Chris A.
Clark, Christopher
Clark, Kristi
Clark, Paul
Clark, Zachary
Clarke, Charlotte
Clarke, Kieran
Clarke, Sharon
Clarke, William
Clarysse, Patrick
Claussen, Claus
Clavijo-Jordan, Veronica
Clayden, Jonathan
Clayton, David
Cleary, Jon
Clemence, Matthew
Clément, Jérémie
Clemente, Joey
Cleppien, Dirk
Clerc, Anne-Catherine
Clerk-Lamalice, Olivier
Cleve, Marianne
Cleveland, Zackary
Clifford, Bryan
Cloos, Martijn
Cloughesy, Timothy
Coalson, Timothy
Coates, James
Coates, Thomas
Cobbold, Jeremy
Coburn, Natalie
Cobzas, Dana
Cochet, Hubert
Cochlin, Lowri
Cochran, Elizabeth
Cockcroft, G
Coelho, Santiago
Coello, Eduardo
Cofer, Gary
Coffey, Aaron
Coffey, Michael
Cogswell, Petrice
Cohen, Alexander
Cohen, Bruce
Cohen, Mark
Cohen, Ouri
Cohen, Yoram
Cohen-Adad, Julien
Cohen-Gilbert, Julia
Coimbra, PhD, Alexandre
Cokic, Ivan
Colafati, Giovanna Stefania
Colditz, Paul
Cole, Elodia
Colell, Johannes
Coleman, Kristy
Colen, Rivka
Colgan, Timothy
Colgin, Lois
Collier, Guilhem
Collier, Quinten
Collignon, Olivier
Collins, Chris
Collins, Christopher
Collins, D. Louis
Collins, David
Collins, Emily
Collins, Jeremy
Collisson, Eric
Collomb, Nora
Collorone, Sara
Coloigner, Julie
Colombel, Jean-Frederic
Colombi, Annalisa
Colombo, Bruno
Colon-Perez, Luis
Colotti, Roberto
Coman, Daniel
Combes, Anna
Comerford, Andrew
Comi, Giancarlo
Comiskey, Liam
Comment, Arnaud
Commowick, Olivier
Comtat, Claude
Conarello, Stacey
Concha, Luis
Condliffe, Robin
Condne, Ka Man
Condon, Barrie
Confort-Gouny, Sylviane
Cong, Fei
Cong, Xinying
Conklin, Chris
Conklin, Heather
Conklin, John
Conlin, Christopher
Connell, Ian
Connell, John
Connelly, Alan
Connelly, Jennifer
Connelly, Kim
Connick, Peter
Connolly, Colm
Connolly, John
Connor, James
Connor, James R.
Conrad, Benjamin
Consortium, EU TACTICS
Consortium, MRC AIMS
Constable, R
Constable, R. Todd
Constable, Todd
Constantin, Marion
Constantinescu, Cris
Constantinides, Christakis
Constantinou, Pamela
Conti, Bettina
Contreras, Johanna
Conus, Philippe
Conzen, Suzanne
Cook, Gary
Cook, Stuart
Cooke, Daniel
Coolen, Bram
Cooley, Clarissa
Cooper, Andrew
Cooper, Annette
Cooper, Jessica
Cooper, Malcolm
Cooper, Scott
Copeland, Natalie
Copen, William
Copetti, Massimiliano
Coppa, Bertrand
Coppo, Simone
Coquery, Nicolas
Corazzini, Rubina
Corbett, Dale
Corbetta, Maurizio
Corbin, Ian
Corbin, Nadège
Corcuera, Idoia
Corcuera-Solano, Idoia
Cordano, Christian
Cordeo-Grande, Lucilio
Cordero-Grande, Lucilio
Cordes, Cristoffer
Cordes, Dietmar
Cordon, Sally
Corea, Joseph
Coristine, Andrew
Cornejo, Patricia
Cornnell, Heather
Coronado-Leija, Ricardo
Corrado, Philip
Correa, Fabian
Correa, Ramon
Correcher, Carlos
Correia, Joao
Correia, Marta
Correia, Teresa
Cortelli, Pietro
Cortés, Felipe
Cosgrove, Garth
Cosottini, Mirco
Costa, Alberto
Costa, Antonella
Costa, Daniel
Costa, Matthew
Costa Lima, Nereida
Costagli, Mauro
Coste, Arthur
Costello, James
Costelloe, Colleen
Cote, Andre
Cottam, William
Coum, Amandine
Counsell, Serena
Courot, Adèle
Courtemanche, Matthew
Cousineau, Martin
Covarrubias, Yesenia
Cover, Keith S
Cowan, Brett
Cowin, Gary
Cox, Benjamin
Cox, Eleanor
Coyle, Joseph
Cozzini, Cristina
Crain, Jana
Cramer, Nathan
Crane, Jason
Craven, Alexander
Crawford, E.
Crawford, Robert
Crawley, Adrian
Créange, Alain
Cree, Bruce
Crémillieux, Yannick
Crescenzi, Rachelle
Cressman, Erik
Cressmann, Erik
Crijns, Sjoerd
Criminisi, Antonio
Cristobal-Huerta, Alexandra
Croal, Paula
Croft, Grace
Croisille, Pierre
Cron, Greg
Cron, Gregory
Cronin, Matthew
Crooks, Dan
Cross, Anne
Cross, Justin
Crosson, Bruce
Crouch, Colleen
Crowe, Lindsey
Crozier, Stuart
Cruz, Dianne
Cruz, Gastao
Cruz, Josepheen
Cryns, Vincent
Csapo, Robert
Csete, Marie
Cuadra, Anai
Cuculich, Philip
Cudalbu, Cristina
Cudemus-Deseda, Gaston
Cuenod, Charles
Cui, Bo
Cui, Chen
Cui, Di
Cui, Guang-Bin
Cui, Guangbin
Cui, Jennifer
Cui, Jiaming
Cui, Jianfei
Cui, Jianling
Cui, Jiufa
Cui, Li-ying
Cui, Long-Biao
Cui, Lumeng
Cui, Min Hui
Cui, Sophia
Cui, Xinwei
Cui, Yadong
Cui, Yanfen
Cui, Yuanyuan
Cui, Yue
Çukur, Tolga
Cukur, Tolga
Culea, Valeriu
Cull, Tom
Cullen, Kathryn
Cullum, Munro
Cummings, Craig
Cummings, Kristopher
Cunnane, Stephen
Cunningham, Charles
Cunningham, David
Cunnington, Ross
Curiel, Laura
Curnier, Daniel
Curran, Michael
Curran, Tim
Curt, Armin
Curta, Adrian
Curtin, Catherine
Curtis, Mary
Curucundhi, Rohit
Cuscaden, Claire
Cuthbertson, Jonathan
Cutkosky, Mark
Cutting, Laurie
Cuypers, Koen
Cypess, Aaron
Czarnota, Gregory
Czekalla, Bjoern
Czekalla, Björn
Czerner, Christoph
Czisch, Michael
Czosnyka, Zofia
D'Alonzo, Chiara
D'Ambrosio, Alessandro
D'Anastasi, Melvin
D'Angelo, Egidio
D'Angelo, Maria Grazia
D'Aquilla, Kevin
d'Arco, Felice
D'Arcy, James
D'Arcy, Ryan
D'Costa, Zenobia
D'Errico, Luigia
D'Esposito, Angela
D'Santos, Paula
Da, Xiao
Da Silva, Analina
da Silva, Nuno
da Silva, Nuno Andre
Daar, Eric
Dabaghyan, Mikayel
Dabaghyan, Mike
Dabir, Darius
Dacko, Michael
Dada, Michael
Dadachanji, Shiroy
Daducci, Alessandro
Daemen, Madeleine
Daga, Pankaj
Dager, Stephen
Dahdah, Nagib
Dahdouh, Sonia
Dahiya, Sonika
Dahl, Jeremy
Dahlgren, Jovanna
Dahlke, Jerry
Dahlqvist Leinhard, Olof
Dahlqvist-Leinhard, Olof
Dahlström, Nils
Dai, Erpeng
Dai, Jiying
dai, tian
Dai, Weiying
Dai, Yakang
Dai, Yutian
Dal-Bianco, Assunta
Daldrup-Link, Heike
Dale, Anders
Dale, Brian
Dall, Barbara
Dall'Orso, Sofia
Dalla-Pozza, Robert
Dalrymple-Alford, John
Damangi, Soheil
Damaraju, Eswar
Damen, Frederick
Damen, Mariska
Damian, Daniel
Damji, Karim
Dammann, Philipp
Dammers, Jürgen
Damodaran, Shivashankar
Damoiseaux, Jessica
Damon, Bruce
Dang, Yuxue
Dangmurenjiapu, Geng
Daniel, Bruce
Daniel, Luca
Daniel, Nalini
Daniel, Thomas
Daniels, Charlie
Danielson, Laura
Dankbaar, Jan-Willem
Danková, Marie
Danti, Flora
Danylaité Karrenbauer, Virginija
Daoust, Alexia
Darçot, Emeline
Darcq, Emmanuel
Dardzinski, Bernard
Darkner, Sune
Darnell, Dean
Darras, Veerle
Darrasse, Luc
Darwin, Benjamin
Das, Chandan
Das, Devashish
Das, Dhritiman
Das, Indra
Das, Manasmita
Das, Payel
Das, Prasenjit
Das, Rupam
Das, Tilak
Dasgupta, Biplab
Dashnaw, Stephen
Dasnoy-Sumell, Damien
Dastmalchi, Farhad
Dastmalchian, Sara
Datta, Anjali
Datta, Ritobrato
DattaGupta, S
Dauphin, François
Davagnanam, Indran
Davenport, Elizabeth
David, Anna
David, Gergely
Davidow, Juliet
Davids, Mathias
Davidson, Alison
Davidson, Cynthia
Davidson, Richard
Davidson Ward, Sally
Davies, Andrew
Davies, Gareth
Davies, James
Davies, Mike
Davies, Nathan
Davies, Nigel
Davies, Paul
Davies-Venn, Cynthia
Davis, Bradley
Davis, Christa
Davis, Jennifer
Davis, Larry
Davis, Simon
Davis, Taylor
Davoodi-Bojd, Esmaeil
Daw, Stephen
Dawe, Robert
Daye, Dania
Dazai, Jun
De, Ashmita
de Abreu Vieira, Gustavo
de Arcos, Jose
De Benedictis, Alessandro
de Bever, Joshua
de Blank, Peter
de Boer, Anneloes
de Boer, Hans
de Bono, Johann
de Bruin, Paul
De Cecco, Carlo
de Celis Alonso, Benito
de Coo, Irenaeus
De Crespigny, PhD, Alex
De Feyter, Henk
de Galan, Bastiaan
de Galiza, Felipe
de Graaf, Larry
de Graaf, Pim
de Graaf, Robin
De Groof, Geert
de Guzman, Elizabeth
de Havenon, Adam
de Heer, Paul
de Jonge, C.S.
de Jonge, Nicky
de Kleijn, Dominique
de la Mora, Daniela
de Lanerolle, Nihal
de Lange, Frank
De Leener, Benjamin
de Leeuw, Frank-Erik
De Luca, Alberto
De Marchi, Daniele
De Martino, Federico
de Marvao, Antonio
de Mathelin, Michel
de Meel, Robert
De Melo, Thiago Marques
De Meo, Ermelinda
De Nigris, Dante
De Perrot, Thomas
de Rochefort, Ludovic
De Santiago Requejo, Francisco
De Seigneux, Sophie
de Silva, Ranil
De Simoni, Sara
De Smet, Eline
De Somma, Elisea
De Stefano, Nicola
De Toledo, Joan
De Vis, Jill
De Visschere, Pieter
De Vita, Enrico
de Vrijer, Barbra
de Weger, Arend
de Wit, Julian
De Zanche, Nicola
de Zwart, Jacco
De-Felice, Milena
de-Souza, Nandita
Dean III, Douglas
Deardorff, Rachael
Deasy, Joseph O
Deasy, Joseph O.
Debbins, Josef
Debeir, Olivier
Deberardinis, Ralph
Debernard, Laëtitia
Debnath, Ayan
DeBoef, Brenton
DeBrosse, Catherine
Debruhl, Nanette
Debus, Charlotte
Debus, Jürgen
DeCant, Brian
Decelle, Emily
Dechent, Peter
Decker, Beth
Decker, Kyle
Deckers, Roel
Decloedt, Eric H.
Decot, Heather
Deelchand, Dinesh
Deelchand, Dinesh K
Deepak, Kishore
Dees, Debra
Deevband, Mohammad Reza
DeFeo, Elita
Degertekin, Levent
Degiorgis, Laetitia
Degnan, Andrew
Degrauwe, Sophie
deGroot, John
Deh, Kofi
Dehaes, Mathieu
DeHavenon, Adam
Dehdashti, Farrokh
Dehghani, Hamid
Dehghani, Masoumeh
Dehkharghani, Seena
Dehkordy, Soudabeh
Deib, Gerard
Deibert, Peter
Deichmann, Ralf
Deissler, Robert
Deistung, Andreas
Dekaban, Gregory
deKemp, Robert
DeKraker, Jordan
Del Bosque, Romina
Del Grande, Filippo
Del Guerra, Alberto
Del Monte, Maurizio
del Olmo Claudio, Jose Luis
Del Re, Elisabetta
Del Vecchio, Sharon
Del-Alamo, Marta
Dela Haije, Tom
DelaBarre, Lance
Delacerda, Jorge
Delacoste, Jean
Delattre, Bénédicte
DelBello, Melissa
Delcroix, Nicolas
Deldar, Benyamin
Delgado-Alvarado, Manuel
Deligianni, Xeni
Delisle, Michelle
Dell'Acqua, Flavio
Dell'Italia, Louis
Della Grotta, Lynn
Della Latta, Daniele
Della Rosa, Pasquale
Deller, Timothy
Delli Castelli, Daniela
Dell’Italia, Louis
Delman, Bradley
Delon-Martin, Chantal
DeLorenzo, Christine
DeLos Santos, Justin
Deloulme, Jean-Christophe
Delso, Gaspar
DeMar, James
DeMarco, J. Kevin
Demberg, Kerstin
Demesmaeker, Robin
Demetriou, Eleni
Demiralp, Tamer
Démonet, Jean-François
Dempsey, James
den Dekker, Arnold
Denecke, Timm
Deng, He
Deng, Jiahui
Deng, Jie
Deng, Kexin
Deng, Shengwen
Deng, Wei
Deng, Xiaotao
Deng, Xijia
Deng, Zixin
Denis de Senneville, Baudouin
Deniz, Cem
Denlinger, Loren
Denney, Douglas
Denney, Rebecca
Denney, Thomas
DeNoble, Phillip
Dentro, Stephan
Deoni, Sean
Deprest, Jan
Deprez, Sabine
Der, Eric
Derfuss, Tobias
Deriche, Rachid
Derlien, Steffen
Deroose, Christophe
Desai, Arati
Desai, Roshni
Deschauer, Marcus
Descoteaux, Maxime
Deshmane, Anagha
Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Deshpande, Vibhas
Desimone, Robert
Deslauriers-Gauthier, Samuel
DesLos Santos, Justin
Desmond, Kimberly
Desmond, Patricia
deSouza, Nandita
Destefano, Katherine
Destrade, Matthieu
Destrieux, Christophe
Destruel, Aurelien
Detante, Olivier
Detre, John
Deux, Jean-Francois
Devasahayam, Nallathamby
Devaskar, Sherin
Devaskar, Sherin U.
Devenyi, Gabriel
Devereux, Michael
DeVience, Stephen
Deville, Jaime
Devine, William
DeVito, Timothy
Devor, Anna
Devor, Dr.
Dewdney, Andrew
Dey, Damini
Dezortova, Monika
Dhal, Pradeep
Dharmadhikari, Shalmali
Dharmakumar, Rohan
Dhayal, Ishwar
Dhillon, Jasreman
Dhital, Bibek
Dhollander, Thijs
Di, Cui
Di, Ningning
Di, Wei
Di Censo, Davide
Di Gialleonardo, Valentina
Di Gregorio, Enza
di Sopra, Lorenzo
Di Trani, Maria Giovanna
Dia, Aliou
Dialani, Vandana
Dias, Afonso
Diaz, Andrew
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Díaz-Fernández, Bélen
DiazdeLeon, Alberto
Dibb, Russell
DiBella, Edward
DiCamillo, Paul
Dickerson, Darryl
Dickie, Ben
Dickie, David
Dickson, Patricia
Didier, Ryne
Dieckmeyer, Michael
Diedenhofen, Michael
Diederich, Chris
Diefenbach, Maximilian
Dieleman, Nikki
Dies-Suarez, Pilar
Dietrich, Arne
Dietrich, Benjamin
Dietrich, Jorg
Dietrich, Olaf
Dietrich, Philip
Dietz, Bryson
Diffie, Elise
Digumarthy, Subba
Dijkhuizen, Rick
Dikaios, Nikolaos
Dilharreguy, Bixente
Dilley, Neil
Dillman, Jonathan
Dillon, William
Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia
Dimitrov, Ivan
Dimitrova, Rali
Dimov, Alexey
Dimov, Alexey V.
Dincer, Alp
Dineen, Rob
Dineen, Robert
Ding, Ding
Ding, Dun
Ding, Guangliang
Ding, Haiyan
Ding, Jie
Ding, Lian
Ding, Mingzhou
Ding, Ning
Ding, Qiuping
Ding, Weina
Ding, Xiao-Qi
Ding, Yanhui
Ding, Yao
Ding, Ying
Ding, Yingying
Ding, Yu
Ding, Zhaohua
Dinges, David
Dinh, Jean
Dinkel, Julien
Dipper, Nora
Dirnagl, Ulrich
Diserens, Gaelle
Dispenzieri, Angela
Distler, Oliver
Dittmann, Florian
Diwoky, Clemens
Dixit, Neerav
Dixon, Emma
Dixon, Peter
Diyabalanage, Himashinie
DJ Sinclair, Christopher
Djemaï, Boucif
Djonov, Valentin
Djoukhadar, Ibrahim
Do, Hung
Do, Huy
Do, Kim Q
Do, Minh
Do, Quyen
Do, Richard
Do, Richard (Kinh Gian)
Do, Richard K.G.
Do, Won-Joon
Doai, Mariko
Dobrota, Dušan
Doczi, Tamas
Dodd, Michael
Dodd, Stephen
Dodd, Steven
Doering, Andre
Doerner, Jonas
Does, Mark
Dogan, Aclan
Dogan, Aylin
Dogan, Secil
Doganay, Ozkan
Dogra, P
Doherty, Tim
Dokpuang, Dech
Dokumaci, Ayse
Dokumaci, Ayse Sila
Dolan, Ryan
Dolui, Sudipto
Domachevsky, Liran
Domingues, Roberto
Domingues, Romeu
Dominguez, Sara
Dominguez-Viqueira, William
Dominik, Ludwig
Dominik, Nickel Marcel
Dommaschk, Marcel
Domsch, Sebastian
Donadieu, Maxime
Donahue, Manus
Donahue, MJ
Donahue, Paula
Donatelli, Graziella
Donati, Guillaume
Doneva, Mariya
Dong, Celia
Dong, Celia M.
Dong, Di
Dong, Enqing
Dong, Fang
Dong, Fei
Dong, Haibo
Dong, Hongli
Dong, Jian
Dong, Jianxin
Dong, Jiyang
Dong, Junyi
Dong, Li
Dong, Pei
Dong, Yang
Dong, Yuxi
dong, zhengchao
Dong, Zijing
Dong MS, Huiming
Donnola, Shannon
Donofrio, Mary
Doolittle, Derrick
Doorenweerd, Nathalie
Doran, E.
Doran, Simon
Dore-Savard, Louis
Dorez, Hugo
Doring, Thomas
Dorr, Adrienne
Dortch, Richard
dos Santos, Antonio
dos Santos, Antônio
Dos Santos Gomes, Ana
Dost, Anna
Dou, Weiqiang
Doucette, Jonathan
Doud, Aaron
Douet, Vanessa
Dougherty, Darin
Dougherty, Lawrence
Dougherty, Robert
Doughty, Mitchell
Douglas, David
Douiri, Amin
Dounavi, Maria-Eleni
Dousset, Vincent
Dowe, David
Dowell, Nicholas
Dowell, Nick
Doyle, Eamon
Doyle, Lex
Drabek, Marianne
Drachman, Nicholas
Draganova, Rossitza
Dragomir-Daescu, Dan
Dragonu, Iulius
Drangova, Maria
Dražanová, Eva
Dregely, Isabel
Dreha-Kulaczewski, Steffi
Dresler, Thomas
Dresselaers, Tom
Dretsch, Michael
Drews, Michelle
Drexl, Johann
Driehuys, Bastiaan
Drießle, Toni
Drinkwater, Owen
Driver, Ian
Drizdal, T.
Drobnjak, Ivana
Drobny, Miloslav
Droemann, Daniel
Drossman, Debra
Drottar, Marie
Drouin-Ouellet, Janelle
Drozd, John
Drumm, Mitchell
Drygalski, Annette
Dsouza, Belinda
Dsouza, Dany
Du, Dan
Du, Fang
Du, Fei
Du, Hongwen
Du, Jiang
Du, Lei
du, mingshan
Du, Ran
Du, Sheng
Du, Shu
Du, Yongxing
Du, Yuliang
Du Pasquier, Renaud
Du*, Xiaoxia
Duan, Chong
Duan, Dingna
Duan, Qi
Duan, Qing
Duan, Shi-jun
Duan, Wenna
Duan, Xiaomin
Duan, Xueyou
Duan, Yiran
Duarte, João M.N.
Dubes, Virginie
Dubowitz, David
Dubuisson, Rose-Marie
DUC, Nguyen
Duchene, Gaetan
Duchin, Yuval
Duckett, Simon
Ducore, Rebecca
Duda, Dan
Dudsdeemaytha, Noranon
Dueck, Andrew
Dueland, Svein
Duerst, Yolanda
Duewel, Stephan
Duffin, James
Duffy, Ben
DuFort, Christopher
Duggal, Neil
Duguay, Taylor
Duhamel, Guillaume
Duishanbai, Sailike
Duits, Remco
Dula, Adrienne
Dula, Courtney
Dumont, Erik
Dumont, Ursule
Dumont Walter, Rebecca
Dumoulin, Charles
Dun, WangHuan
Duncan, Burris
Duncan, Ian
Duncan, James
Duncan, John
Duncan, Niall
Duncan, Niall W
Dunger, David
Dunkel, Andreas
Dunmore-Buyze, Joy
Dunn, Alexander
Dunn, Jeff
Dunn, Jeff F.
Dunne, Ruth
Duong, Timothy
Dupont, Sara
Duprat, Romain
Duprez, Thierry
Duque Moreno, Arantxa
Durazzo, Timothy
Durbec, Pascale
Durgerian, Sally
Durr, Alexandra
Durston, Sarah
Dury, Richard
Dusek, Petr
Dutour, Anne
Dutta, Prasanta
Dutta, Prosenjit
Duttenhöfer, Fabian
Duval, Tanguy
Duvillaret, Lionel
Duvivier, Katya M
Dux-Santoy, Lydia
Duyn, Jeff
Dvoráková, Lenka
Dweck, Marc
Dwivedi, Alok
Dwivedi, Durgesh
Dwivedi, SN
Dwork, Nicholas
Dwyer, Michael
Dydak, Ulrike
Dyer, Adrian
Dyke, Jonathan
Dykstra, Robin
Dymerska, Barbara
Dyrby, Tim
Dyrby, Tim B.
Düring, Klaus
Düring, Markus
Dürr, Michael
Dyverfeldt, Petter
Dyvorne, Hadrien
Düzel, Emrah
Dzieciol, Krzysztof
Dzyubak, Bogdan
Döbrössy, Máté
D’Amore, Francesco
Easley, Ty
Eastham, James
ebbers, tino
Eberhart, Charles
Eberly, Lynn
Ebersole, Christopher
Ebrahimi, Behzad
Eckstein, Anja
Eckstein, Korbinian
Edalati, Masoud
Edden, Richard
Eddy, Rachel
Edelman, Robert
Ederle, Jeorg
Edgar, J
Edgar, J.
Edginton, Trudi
Edlow, Brian
Edmondson, David
Edmonson, Heidi
Edward, Angela
Edwards, A David
Edwards, A.
Edwards, A. David
Edwards, David
Edwards, Luke
Edwards, Thomas
Eeles, Abbey
Egan, Gary
Egan, Josephine
Egan, Shannon
Egbert, Emily
Egerton, Alice
Egger, Karl
Eggers, Holger
Egnell, Liv
Egol, Kenneth
Ehammer, Thomas
Ehman, Richard
Ehses, Philip
Ehses, Philipp
Eichhorn, Lars
Eichler, April
Eickel, Klaus
Eidner, Ines
Eijgenraam, Susanne
Eisele, Judith
Eisele, Philipp
Eisenbeiss, Anne-Kathrin
Eisenmenger, Laura
Ejskjaer, Niels
Ekstedt, Mattias
Ekström, Simon
El Fakhri, Georges
El Ghoneimi, Alaa
El Salek, Kamel
El-Ali, Alexander
El-Koussy, Marwan
El-Rewaidy, Hossam
El-Saden, Suzie
El-Sharkawy, Ahmed
Elakkad, Ahmed
Eldeniz, Cihat
Eldirdiri, Abubakr
Eldridge, Marlowe
Elfatairy, Kareem
Elgeti, Thomas
Elias, Saba
Eliceiri, Kevin
Elie, Benjamin
Eliott, Charlie
Elizondo Riojas, Guillermo
Elkady, Ahmed
Elkhaled, Adam
Ellegood, Jacob
Ellens, Nicholas
Ellerbrock, Isabel
Ellermann, Jutta
Ellingson, Benjamin
Elliott, James
Elliott, Mark
Ellis, Jane
Ellis, Lauren
Ellor, Susan
Elmghirbi, Rasha
Eloundou, Solange
Els, Antje
Elsaid, Nahla
Elsayed, Hassaan
Elschot, Mattijs
Elsenbruch, Sigrid
Elshafeey, Nabil
Elumalai, Malathy
Elumogo, Comfort
Elvendahl, Wendy
Emberton, Mark
Emblem, Kyrre
Emborg, Marina
Emery, Derek
Emidio, Rafael
Emir, Uzay
Emmerich, Julian
Emmons, Kirsten
Emoto, Miho
Ende, Gabriele
Endmayr, Verena
Endo, Yoshimi
Endre, Ruby
Eng, Clara
Engel, Maria
Engelbach, John
Engelborghs, Sebastiaan
Engelke, Klaus
Engelmann, Joern
Engle, Elizabeth
Englot, Dario
Englund, Elisabet
Englund, Erin
Engstrom, Craig
Engström, Maria
Engström, Mathias
Engvall, Jan
Enkirch, Jonas
Ennis, Daniel
Enoch, Stefan
Enomoto, Ayano
Enriquez-Navas, Pedro
Ensenauer, Regina
Enzinger, Christian
Enzmann, Dieter
Eo, Taejoon
Epperson, Neill
Epstein, Frederick
Erb, Michael
Erbil, Bulent
Ercan, Ece
Erchinger, Vera
Erdevig, Hannah
Erdman Jr., John
Erdmenger, Julio
Erdogdu, Emel
Eresen, Aydin
Erhardt, Johannes
Erickson, Bradley
Erickson-Bhatt, Sarah
Erik Goa, Pal
Ermert, Johannes
Ernst, Matthias
Ernst, Sabine
Ernst, Thomas
Ersland, Lars
Ersoz, Ali
Ertan, Koray
Ertl, Georg
Erturk, Arcan
Erturk, M. Arcan
Ertürk, M.
Erus, Guray
Ervin, John
Eryaman, Yigitcan
Escartin, Carole
Eschelbach, Martin
Eskandari, Roozbeh
Eskreis-Winkler, Sarah
Eslinger, Paul
Esmaeili, Morteza
Esparza, Daniela
Espe, Emil
Espeland, Mark
Espinoza, Sophie
Essbaiheen, Fahad
Esserman, Laura
Esteban, Oscar
Estkowski, Lloyd
Estournet, Delphine
Estrada, Marvin
Ethofer, Thomas
Etkin, Amit
Ettinger, Kate
Ettlinger, Florian
Etzel, Robin
Euceda, Leslie
Euchner, Frederike
Eufracio, Odin
Evangelista, Arturo
Evangelisti, Stefania
Evangelou, Nikos
Evans, Andrew
Evans, Jennifer
Evans, Karleyton
Evans, Laura
Evans, Marissa
Evans, Michael
Evans, Nathan
Evans, RB Matt
Evans, Simon
Evelhoch, Jeff
Evelhoch, Jeffrey
Everling, Stefan
Evia, Arnold
Ewa, Kubiak
Ewenczyk, Claire
Ewing, James
Eyüboglu, B. Murat
Ezama, Oihane
Fabbri, Margherita
Faber, Cornelius
Fabian, Yap
Fabiilli, Mario
Fabry, Ben
Fabry, Mary
Factor, Rachel
Fagan, Andrew
Fageeh, Musa
Fages, Anne
Fahlström, Markus
Fahmy, Ahmed
Fain, Sean
Fair, Merlin
Fairney, James
Falahpour, Maryam
Falangola, Fatima
Falconer, Shona
Falfan-Melgoza, Claudia
Falini, Andrea
Falk, Darin
Falkovskiy, Pavel
Falkowskiy, Pavel
Fallgatter, Andreas
Fallone, B
Fallone, B. Gino
Fallone, Gino
Fan, Audrey
Fan, Bowen
Fan, Boyan
Fan, Hongli
Fan, Jia
Fan, Linlin
Fan, Mingdong
Fan, Pi-Chuan
Fan, Shu-Juan
Fan, Shujuan
Fan, Weixiong
Fan, Wenwen
Fan, Xiaobing
Fan, Xiaoying
Fan, Xin
Fan, Yang
Fan, Yong
Fan, Yui-Ping
Fan, Zhan ming
Fan, Zhanming
Fan, Zhaoyang
Fang, Fang
Fang, Jiliang
Fang, Jing
Fang, Jinsheng
Fang, Mengjie
Fang, Penny
Fang, Shih-Chin
Fang, Wenxing
Fang, Xiaojing
Fang, Yan
Fang, Yuan
Fang, Zhi
Fang, Zhongnan
Fang, Zhuang nian
Fang, Zhuangnian
Fang, Zhuo
Fang, Zihang
Fang*, Eric
Fantasia, Marco
Fantazzini, Paola
Fanton, Laurent
Faraco, Carlos
Faraday, Nauder
Faraji, Farshid
Faranesh, Anthony
Faria, Andreia
Farid, Nikdokht
Faro, Scott
Farooq, Zerwa
Farquharson, Shawna
Farr, Navid
Farr, Tracy
Farrar, Christian
Farrell, Peter
Farrher, Ezequiel
Fartaria, Mario
Fartaria, Mário João
Farthing, Don
Farzad, Shayan
Fasano, Fabrizio
Fatakdawala, Hussain
Fathi Kazerooni, Anahita
Fatovic, Robin
Fawaz, Miller
Fay, Francois
Fayad, Hadi
Fayad, Laura
Fayad, Zahi
Fayad, Zahi Adel
Fazal, Zahra
Fazekas, Franz
Fazeli Dehkordy, Soudabeh
Fazio, Michael
Featherstone, Adam
Fedak, Paul
Federau, Christian
Fedorov, Andrey
Fedorov, Andriy
Fehlings, Michael
Fehlings, Michael G.
Fehr, Jean-Luc
Fehrenbach, Uli
Fei, Gao
Fei, Ning-Bo
Feinberg, David
Feinstein, Justin
Feiweier, Thorsten
Fekete, Eva
Felblinger, Jacques
Feld, Jordan
Felder, Anthony
Felder, Jörg
Feldman, Adam
Feldman, Matthew
Feldman, Michael
Feldman, Rebecca
Feldner, Matthew
Felker, Ely
Fellah, Slim
Fellman, Bryan
Fellner, Claudia
Felmlee, Joel
Felton, Erin
Fenchel, Matthias
Feng, Caizhen
Feng, Feng
Feng, Jie
Feng, Li
Feng, Qianjin
Feng, Shi
Feng, Shi ting
Feng, Shiting
Feng, Xiang
Feng, Xiu-Long
Feng, Yan
Feng, Yanqiu
Feng, Yesu
Feng, Yusen
Feng, Zhaoyan
Fennessy, Fiona
Fenster, Aaron
Feragen, Aasa
Ferguson, Adam
Ferguson, Bart
Ferguson, Betsy
Ferguson, Christopher
Ferguson, Marina
Ferguson, Michael
Ferizi, Uran
Ferko, Kayla
Fermon, Claude
Fernandes, Carolina
Fernandez, Brice
Fernandez, Luis
Fernandez, Sully
Fernández-Cuervo, Gabriela
Fernandez-Granda, Carlos
Fernández-Seara, María
Fernandez-Seara, Maria
Fernando, Archana
Fernando, Ashvin
Fernando, Sujan
Fernquest, Scott
Fernström, Anders
Ferradal, Silvina
Ferrand, Guillaume
Ferrari, Carina
Ferraris Araneta, Maria
Ferrazzi, Giulio
Ferreira, Diego
Ferreira, Hugo
Ferreira, Joaquim
Ferreira, Pedro
Ferreira, Teresa
Ferrer, Cyril
Ferriero, Donna
Ferriolli, Eduardo
Ferris, Craig
Ferris, Nicholas
Ferrone, Marcus
Ferrucci, Luigi
Ferry, Pauline
Fessler, Jeffrey
Festy, Frederic
Fetzer, David
Feuerecker, Benedikt
Feusner, Jamie
Fiatarone Singh, Maria
Fichtner, Nicole
Fick, Rutger
Fidler, Florian
Fido, Dean
Fiedler, Georg
Fiedler, Thomas
Fiedorowicz, Jess
Fiehler, Jens
Fiel, M. Isabel
Fielden, Samuel
Fielding, Joanne
Fields, Madeline
Fields, Melanie
Fieremans, Els
Figini, Matteo
Figl, Michael
Figley, Chase
Figueiredo, Eduardo
Figueiredo, Patricia
Figueiredo, Patrícia
Figueroa, C. Alberto
Fijnvandraat, Karin
Filci, Filiz
Filippi, Massimo
Filippini, Nicola
Fillmer, Ariane
Filograna, Laura
Filson, Christopher
Filss, Christian
Fimmers, Rolf
Findeklee, Christian
Finegan, Katherine
Finger, Elizabeth
Finger, René
Fink, Corby
Fink, Katharina
Fink, Sarah
Finke, Carsten
Finke, Kathrin
Finn, Emily
Finn, J. Paul
Finn, Paul
Finnbogason, Thröstur
Finnegan, Mary
Finnerty, Eoin
Finni, Taija
Finnilä, Mikko
Finsterbusch, Jürgen
Fiorino, Agnese
Fiorito, Marco
Firkins, Jenny
Firmin, David
Firth, Anton
Fischer, Alexander
Fischer, Andre
Fischer, André
Fischer, Dirk
Fischer, Jens
Fischer, Johannes
Fischer, Lisa
Fischer, Roland
Fischer, Sandra
Fischer, Stefan
Fischer, Thomas
Fischetti, Anthony
Fischi-Gomez, Elda
Fischl, Bruce
Fish, Jennifer
Fishbein, Kenneth
Fisher, Corinne
Fisher, Joseph
Fisher, Joshua
Fisher, Katherine
Fisher, Kristen
Fisher, Michael
Fisher, Stephen
Fiskum, Gary
Fissell, Catherine
Fitzgerald, Liam
Fiveland, Eric
Fjøsne, Hans
Fladby, Tormod
Flament, Julien
Flanagan, Steven
Flandin, Guillaume
Flashman, Laura
Flask, Chris
Flassbeck, Sebastian
Flatmark, Kjersti
Flatt, Emmanuelle
Flavell, Robert
Fleck, Robert
Fleischer, Candace
Fleischmann, Dominik
Flemming, Bert
Fletcher, Julie
Fleysher, Roman
Floca, Ralf
Florack, Luc
Florescu, Grace
Florio, Tiziana Marilena
Flors, Lucia
Floss, Doreen
Flouri, Dimitra
Floyd, Thomas
Flueck, Christa E.
Fluerenbrock, Fabian
Flügge, Tabea
Flynn, Trevor
Flöel, Agnes
Flögel, Uli
Flögel, Ulrich
Flöser, Martina
Focke, Niels
Foddis, Marco
Foehr, Peter
Foerster, Bernd
Fofana, Mariama
Fogle, Robert
Foias, Alexandru
Fokas, Emmanouil
Foley, Cara
Foley, Lesley
Folkert, Michael
Follante, Clyve
Fonarow, Gregg
Fong, Winky Wing Ki
Fonnesbeck, Chris
Fonov, Vladimir
Fontana, Nunzia
Fontius, Ulrich
Fontyn, Yoann
Foo, Farng-Yang
Foo, Sin Yee
Foo, Thomas
Forbes, Florence
Forbes, Kirsten
Ford, Andria
Ford, Matthew
Foreman, Oded
Forghanian-Arani, Arvin
Forkert, Nils
Forkert, Nils D.
Forman, Christoph
Formisano, Elia
Fornito, Alex
Foroni, Roberto
Foroudi Ghasemabadi, Arash
Foroughi, Nasmin
Forsgren, Mikael
Forssell-Aronsson, Eva
Forstenpointner, Julia
Forster, Martin
Forsting, Michael
Fortier, Marielle
Fortier, Véronique
Fortin, Jean-Philippe
Fortin, Tara
Fortuin, Ansje
Foster, Catherine
Foster, John
Foster, Katharine
Foster, Paula
Fotso, Kevin
Fought, Gerald
Fouladi, Danial
Foulkes, Alexander
Fouquet, Jérémie
Fourneret, Pierre
Fournier, Laure
Fovargue, Dan
Fovargue, Daniel
Fowkes, Mary
Fowler, Kathryn
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Nick
Fox, Robert
Foxley, Sean
Fraass, Benedick
Fracasso, Alessio
Frahm, Jens
Frakes, David
Franc, Benjamin
Francel, Thea
Francesca, Bagnato
Francis, Jane
Francis, Joseph
Francis, Michael
Francis, S.
Francis, Susan
Franco, Alexandre
Francois, Chris
François, Christopher
Francois, Christopher
Frangi, Alejandro
Frank, Joseph
Frank, Lawrence
Frank, Steffen
Frankel, Samuel
Frankland, Paul
Franklin, Robin
Franklin, Suzanne
Franko, Balint
Franson, Dominique
Frantz, Ivan
Frantzén, Janek
Franz, Daniela
Fraser, Douglas
Frass-Kriegl, Roberta
Fraum, Tyler
Frayne, Richard
Freches, Guilherme
Frederick, Blaise
Fredericks, Douglas
Fredriksson, Alexandru
Freedman, Joshua
Freeman, Alex
Freeman, Alexander
Freeman, Carolyn
Freeman, Léorah
Freiherr, Jessica
Freiman, Moti
Freise, Julia
Freisfeld, Frauke
Freitag, Friedemann
Freitag, Martin
Freiwald, Winrich
French, Brent
Frenzel, Thomas
Frerk, Eileen
Freund, Patrick
Frey, Benicio
Frey, Urs
Frias, Antonio
Frick, Matt
Frick, Matthew
Friedberger, Andreas
Friedeck, Wade
Friedli, Iris
Friedrich, Matthias
Fries, Mark
Fries, Pascal
Friesen, Alexander
Friesen-Waldner, Lanette
Friesen-Waldner, Lannete
Frigo, Louis
Frijns, Catharina
Fripp, Jurgen
Frisch, Stefan
Friske, Joachim
Frisoni, Giovanni B
Friston, Karl
Friston, Karl J
Fritchie, Karen
Fritsch, Michael
Fritschi, Simone
Fritz, Benjamin
Fritz, Francisco
Fritz, Jan
Froehlich, Johannes
Froeling, Martijn
Froemming, Adam
Frohwein, Lynn
Froidevaux, Romain
Frollo, Ivan
Frost, Robert
Frowd, Nadia
Fruhwirth, Gilbert
Frydman, Lucio
Frydrychowicz, Alex
Fryer, Bridget
Fu, Cai xia
Fu, Cai-xia
Fu, caixia
Fu, Chuan
Fu, Fanrui
Fu, Kuang
Fu, Pingfu
Fu, Rongwei
Fu, Wangxing
fu, ying
Fu, Zhiyang
Fuchs, Bryan
Fuentes, David
Fuetterer, Maximilian
Fuh, Jong-Ling
Fujii, Hirofumi
Fujii, Hirotada
Fujii, Masahiko
Fujii, Masami
Fujima, Noriyuki
Fujimaki, Takuya
Fujimoto, Keita
Fujimoto, Kyoko
Fujinaga, Yasunari
Fujinami, Robert
Fujio, Shingo
Fujioka, Hitoshi
Fujita, Hiroyuki
Fujita, Nobuhiro
Fujita, Nobuyuki
Fujita, Sachie
Fujiwara, Masanori
Fujiwara, Shunro
Fujiwara, Shunrou
Fujiwara, Taro
Fujiwara, Yasuhiro
Fujiyoshi, Kanehiro
Fukai, Junya
Fukamatsu, Masahiro
Fukuba, Takashi
Fukuda, Tetsuya
Fukukura, Yoshihiko
Fukuma, Yukiko
Fukumi, Auxeisu
Fukunaga, Issei
Fukunaga, Masaki
Fukunaga, Takashi
Fukunaga, Takeshi
Fukushima, Kenji
Fukushima, Sachi
Fukushima, Yoshimitsu
Fukuyama, Hidenao
Fulbright, Robert
Fulci, Giulia
Fulkerson, Michael
Fuller, Clifton
Fulton, Nicholas
Funaki, Ayumu
Funatsu, Hirotsugu
Funayama, Satoshi
Fung, Maggie
Fung, Winky Wing Ki
Funk, Alexander
Funk, Luke
Furby, Hannah
Furenlid, Lars
Furman-Haran, Edna
Furness, Andrew
Furst, Ansgar
Furukawa, Akira
Furuta, Akihiro
Furuta, Toshihiro
Fusco, Matthew
Fushimi, Yasutaka
Fuss, Taylor
Fuster, Andrea
Fuster, Valentin
Futterer, Jurgen
Fyrdahl, Alexander
Fütterer, Jurgen
Föll, Daniela
G. Hanna, Michael
Gaa, Tanja
Gabata, Toshifumi
Gabel, Matt
Gaborit, Benedicte
Gaborit, Gwenaël
Gabr, Refaat
Gabrani-Juma, Hanif
Gabrielli, Andrea
Gabrielson, Edward
Gach, H Michael
Gach, H. Michael
Gach, Michael
Gaebel, Torsten
Gaede, Stewart
Gaertner, Matti
Gaetano, Laura
Gagiyev, Mussa
Gagnon, Louis
Gagnon, Therese
Gagoski, Borjan
Gagoski, Borjan A.
Gahm, Jin Kyu
Gahramanov, Seymur
Gai, Neville
Gaillard, Sophie
Gajamange, Sanuji
Gajawelli, Niharika
Gajdošík, Martin
Gajjar, Amar
Galante, Angelo
Galbusera, Alberto
Galdzicki, Zygmunt
Gale, Eric
Galiana, Gigi
Galiano, Alvaro
Galisova, Andrea
Gallagher, Ferdia
Gallagher, Lindsay
Gallagher, Rebecca
Gallardo-Pujol, David
Gallea, Cecile
Gallego, Estefania
Gallichan, Daniel
Gallo, Antonio
Galloway, Graham
Galons, Jean-Philippe
Gambarota, Giulio
Gamble, Paul
Gamst, Anthony
Gan, Julian
Gandham, Vineela
Gandhi, Dheeraj
Gandhi, Harsh
Gandhi, Parina
Gandini Wheeler-Kignshott, Claudia
Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia AM
Gandji, Navid
Ganepola, Tara
Ganesh, Tameshwar
Gang, Qiangqiang
Gang, Zhu
Gangenahalli, Gurudutta
Gangi, Anmol
Ganguly, Jayashree
Ganji, Sandeep
Ganter, Carl
Gantert, Liza
Ganzer, Roman
GAO, Ankang
Gao, Bao-xiang
gao, bingbing
Gao, Chang
Gao, Dawei
Gao, Fabao
Gao, Fei
Gao, Feifei
Gao, Ge
Gao, Guimin
Gao, Haifeng
Gao, Jia-Hong
Gao, Jiahong
Gao, Jiayin
Gao, Jie
Gao, Jin
Gao, Kunxiu
Gao, Na
Gao, Peiyi
Gao, Song
Gao, Wei
Gao, Xiao
Gao, Yang
Gao, Yaozong
Gao, Yi
GAO, YingZi
Gao, Yu
Gao, Yue
Gao, Yulong
Gao, Yurui
Gao, Zirui
Garbow, Joel
Garcia, Julio
Garcia, Meritxell
García de Eulate, Reyes
García-Fernández, Ángel
García-Fernández, Nuria
Garcia-Polo, Pablo
García-Polo, Pablo
García-Rodríguez, Sylvana
Gardberg, Maria
Gardumi, Anna
Gareis, Daniel
Garello, Francesca
Gareth, Gareth
Garg, Kavita
Garg, Pankaj
Gargouri, Fatma
Garmire, David
Garnell, Joanne
Garnotel, Simon
Garnov, Nikita
Garpebring, Anders
Garren, Hideki
Garrett, Brendan
Garrison, Liam
Garteiser, Philippe
Garwood, Elisabeth
Garwood, Michael
Garwood, Mike
Gary, Sam
Garyfallidis, Eleftherios
Garza, Sandra
Gaspar, Andreia
Gasparetto, Emerson
Gass, Achim
Gass, Peter
Gasser, Rodolfo
Gast, Lena
Gatehouse, Peter
Gatenby, Robert
Gates, Nicola
Gati, Joseph
Gatidis, Sergios
Gatto, Rodolfo
Gatzoulis, Michael
Gaudet, Jeffrey
Gaudreault, Pierre-Olivier
Gaughan, John
Gaur, Pooja
Gaurav, Rahul
Gauthier, Claudine
Gauthier, Isabel
Gauthier, Susan
Gawlitza, Josephin
Gazdzinski, Lisa
Gazinska, Patrycja
Gazit, Dan
Gazit, Zulma
Gazzola, Matteo
Gdaniec, Nadine
Ge, Jianqiao
Ge, Mingmei
Ge, Yinghui
Ge, Yulin
Geades, Nicholas
Geades, Nick
Geades, Nicolas
Geahel, Michel
Gebhardt, Matthias
Gedroyc, Wladyslaw
Gee, James
Geelkerken, Robert
Geerlings, MI
Geerlings, Mirjam
Geertsen, Poul
Geesaman, Elizabeth
Geethanath, Sairam
Geiger, Julia
Geissberger, Nicole
Gelderen, Peter
Gelfand, Jeffrey
Gellci, Klaramari
Geller, Rachel
Gelman, Neil
Gemert, Jeroen
Genc, Sila
Gendelman, Howard
Genders, Stijn
Geng, Daoying
Geng, Haiyang
Gennaro, Lucas
Gensler, Daniel
Georgakis, Ioannis
George, Ajit
George, Joanne
George, Sharad
Georget, Elodie
Georgi, Jakob
Georgiadis, John
Georgiadis, Marios
Georgios, Gkinis
Georgiou, Leonidas
Geraghty, Benjamin
Gerard, Ian
Gérard, Maxime
Gerardi, Calogera
Geras, Krzysztof
Gerberich, Jeni
Gerges, Luke
Gerhalter, Teresa
Geri, Oren
Gerig, Guido
Gerlinger, Marco
Gerloff, Christian
Germani, Giancarlo
Germuska, Michael
Gersch, Malte
Gerson, Rosalind
Gerst, Scott
Gerstner, Elizabeth
Geschwind, Michael
Gettle, Lori Mankowski
Geurts, Lennart
Geurts, LJ
Geut, Hanneke
Gevaert, Olivier
Gevers, Sanna
Ghadjar, Pirus
Ghafourian, Kambiz
Ghaghada, Ketan
Ghanouni, Pejman
Gharagouzloo, Codi
Gharib, Ahmed
Ghasebeh, Mounes
Ghasemiesfe, Ahmadreza
Ghassaban, Kiarash
Ghatan, Saadi
Ghavim, Sima
Ghedin, Piero
Gherib, Soraya
Ghezzi, Angelo
Ghila, Andrei
Gho, Sung-Min
Gholipour, Ali
Ghose, Soumya
Ghosh, Arundhati
Ghosh, Aurobrata
Ghosh-Hajra, Sujoy
Ghossein, Ronald A
Ghugre, Nilesh
Giachetti, Isabella
Giacino, Joseph
Giacomini, Eric
Giaconi, Joseph
Giannakidis, Archontis
Giannini, Giulia
Giapitzakis, Ioannis
Giapitzakis, Ioannis Angelos
Giapitzakis, Ioannis-Angelos
Giaquinto, Randy
Giard, Jeanne-Marie
Gibbons, Eric
Gibbs, Jessica
Gibbs, Wende
Gieling, Roben
Giertmühlen, Janne
Giese, Daniel
Gieseke, Juergen
Gieseke, Jürgen
Giesel, Frederik
Gietl, A. F.
Gietl, Anton
Giger, Alina
Gil, Rita
Gilad, Assaf
Gilbert, Erin
Gilbert, Fiona
Gilbert, Guillaume
Gilbert, Kathleen
Gilbert, Kyle
Gilbert, Stephen
Gilchrist, Stuart
Giles, Lucia
Giles, Sharon
Gilhuijs, Kenneth
Gili, Tommaso
Gill, Bradley
Gill, Ritu
Gill, Simrandip
Gillan, Derrick
Gillard, Jonathan
Gillen, Kelly
Gillett, Emily
Gilliam, Christopher
Gillies, Robert
Gillman, Andrea
Gilmanov*, Anvar
Gilmore, John
Gilmore, John H
Gilmore, Katherine
Gilmore, Samuel
Gilmour, Lesley
Gilson, Wesley
Gimenez, Emilio
Ginami, Giulia
Gindville, Melissa
Ginefri, Jean-Christophe
Giniebra Camejo, Dunia
Ginsberg, Howard
Ginty, Fiona
Giorgi, Andrea
Giovannoni, Gavin
Giove, Federico
Giraldo, Diana
Giraldo-Chica, Monica
Girard, Gabriel
Girard, Olivier
Giraudo, Chiara
Giri, Shivraman
Giuliano, Pietro
Giulietti, Giovanni
Giunta, Nicola
Giza, Stephanie
Gjesdal, Kjell-Inge
Glaeser, Tilo
Glaser, Kevin
Glaser, Steffen
Glass, John
Glasser, Matthew
Glazacheva, Valentina
Glazer, Daniel
Gleason, Catherine
Gleeson, Fergus
Glenn, G
Glenn, G.
Glenn, George
Glenn, Orit
Glennon, Jeffrey
Glickson, Jerry
Glmour, Lesley
Glockner, James
Glover, Gary
Glover, P.
Glover, Paul
Gluch, Laurence
Gluckman, Peter
Glueer, Claus-Christian
Glunde, Kristine
Glybovski, Stanislav B.
Glyn-Jones, Siôn
Gnahm, Christine
Gnalian, John
Gnjatic, Sacha
Goa, Pål
Gobbi, Claudio
Gobbi, David
Gobe, Glenda
Gochberg, Daniel
Gocheva, Vanya
Gocmen, Rahsan
Godenschweger, Frank
Godfrey, Keith
Godinez, Felipe
Goding, Julian
Godley, Keith
Goebel, Rainer
Goede, Lukas
Goel, Namni
Goense, Lucas
Goerke, Steffen
Goertzen, Andrew
Goettler, Jens
Goetz, Jessica
Goff, Louise
Goggins, Michael
Goh, Gerald
Goh, Vicky
Golay, Xavier
Golby, Alexandra
Gold, Garry
Goldberg, Natalia
Golden, Daniel
Goldenberg, Joshua
Goldenberg, S. Larry
Goldfarb, James
Goldhaber, David
Goldhahn, Joerg
Goldman, Debra
Goldman, Howard
Goldman, Jennifer
Goldsmith, Christian
Goldsmith, H
Goldsmith, Jeffrey
Goldstein, Benjamin
Golestani, Ali
Golestanirad, Laleh
Golland, Polina
Gollifer, R.M.
Gollifer, Ruaridh
Gollub, Marc
Golos, Ted
Golos, Thaddeus
Golubczyk, Dominika
Goluch, Sigrun
Gomes, Ana
Gomes, Antoinette
Gomez, Christopher
Gomez, E Daniel
Gomez, Pedro
Gómez, Pedro
Gommlich, Andreas
Gomolka, Richard
Gomolka, Ryszard
Gonçalves, Miguel
Gonen, Mithat
Gonen, Oded
Gong, Enhao
Gong, Gaolang
Gong, Honghan
Gong, Nan-Jie
Gong, Nanjie
Gong, Qianwen
Gong, Qiyong
Gong, Tao
Gong, Ting
Gong, Wei
Gong, Xiaomao
Goñi, Irene
Gonzales-Castillo, Javier
Gonzalez, Antonio
Gonzalez, Jorge
Gonzalez, Nestor
Gonzalez, R.Gilberto
Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier
Gonzalez-Zacarias, Clio
Goo, Jin Mo
Goodfellow, Forrest
Goodgame, Boone
Goodpaster, Bret
Gopalakrishnan, Maithili
Gopalan, Karthik
Gopalan, Venkatesh
Gopinath, Kaundinya
Goranson, Eric
Gorantla, Santhi
Gordic, Sonja
Gordon, Andrew
Gordon, Isky
Gordon, Jeremy
Gordon, Jermey
Gordon, Kristiana
Gordon-Weeks, Alex
Gore, John
Gorgolewski, Krzysztof
Gorman, Robert
Gorman III, Joseph
Gorno-Tempini, Maria
Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa
Gorny, Krzysztof
Gorodezky, Margarita
Goryawala, Mohammed
Goshima, Satoshi
Goss, Kara
Gosselink, Mark
Gothgen, Christoffer
Goto, Takao
Goto, Yasuhiro
Gotschy, Alexander
Gottlieb, Sophia
Gottwald, Eric
Gottwald, Lukas
Goubran, Maged
Goud Lingala, Sajan
Gould, Elaine
Govaerts, Kristof
Govind, Varan
Govindarajan, Koushik
Gowland, P.
Gowland, Penny
Goyal, Aman
Goyal, Vinay
Gozzi, Alessandro
Grabher, Patrick
Grabner, Günther
Grabowski, Thomas
Grabuschnigg, Peter
Gracco, Vincent
Grace, Merin
Graedel, Nadine
Graf, Carina
Graf, Jonathan
Grafendorfer, Thomas
Graff, Jonathan
Graham, Mark
Graham, Simon
Gralla, Jan
Gramegna, Laura
Grammatopoulos, George
Granados Aparici, Sofia
Granberg, Karl
Granberg, Tobias
Grandjean, Didier
Grandjean, Joanes
Grandoch, Maria
Granlund, Kristin
Grant, Aaron
Grant, Andrea
Grant, Ellen
Grant, Gerald
Grant, Kathleen
Grant, P. Ellen
Grant, Patricia
Grant, Samuel
Granziera, Cristina
Grapentin, Christoph
Grapperon, Aude-Marie
Gras, Vincent
Gratton, Alain
Gratz, Marcel
Gravelle, Kayla
Graves, Martin
Graves, Stephen
Gray, Calum
Gray, Erin
Gray-Edwards, Heather
Grech-Fonk, Lorna
Grech-Sollars, Matthew
Greco, Leonardo
Greeb, Thorsten
Green, Ari
Green, Claudia
Green, Olga
Green, Simone
Greenberg, Daphne
Greenberg, Jacob
Greene, Kirsten
Greenhaff, Paul
Greenhalgh, Mark
Greenhouse, Ian
Greenstein, David
Greenwald, Richard
Greer, David
Greer, Joshua
Greer, Mary-Louise
Gregory, Sarah
Greil, Gerald
Greiser, Andreas
Grenier, Denis
Grenier, Justin
Gress, Ronald
Gretsch, Frédéric
Greve, Joan
Grice, Dillon
Griese, Vanessa
Grieve, Joan
Griffin, Jay
Griffith, David
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, Paul
Grill, Warren
Grimes, David
Grimm, Alexandra
Grimm, Robert
Grimm, Roger
Grinberg, Farida
Grinstead, John
Grippo, Paul
Grisan, Enrico
Grisot, Giorgia
Grissom, Will
Grissom, William
Grist, James
Grist, Thomas
Griswold, Mark
Gritti, Marta
Grittner, Ulrike
Grodd, Wolfgang
Grodd, Wolgang
Grodzki, David
Groebner, Jens
Groenen, Hannah
Grogan, Martha
Grogan, Tristan
Grompone, Marcello
Gros, Charley
Grosenick, Dirk
Groshar, David
Gross, Amanda
Gross, Donald
Gross, Simon
Gross, William
Grouiller, Frédéric
Gruber, Bernhard
Gruber, Laura
Gruber, Stephan
Gruell, Holger
Grueneisen, Johannes
Gruetter, Rolf
Grundmann, Sven
Grundy, Richard
Gruss, Michelle
Grussu, Francesco
Gruwel, Marco
Grün, Felix
Gräfe, James
Gröhn, Olli
Grøholt, Krystyna
Grøvik, Endre
Gsell, Willy
Gu, Hong
Gu, Hua
Gu, Lihua
Gu, Meng
Gu, Quanquan
Gu, Yiping
Gu, Yuantao
Gu, Yuning
Guala, Andrea
Guallar, Eliseo
Guan, Jijing
Guan, Xiaojun
Guan, Xiaolei
Guan, Yuzhou
Guangbin, Wang
Gubellini, Riccardo
Gudino, Natalia
Gudwani, Sunita
Guedes, Leonor
Guehl, Nicolas
Gueli, Calogero
Guenoun, Jamal
Guenthner, Christian
Guérin, Bastien
Guerin, Bastien
Guerra, Alberto
Guerreri, Michele
Guerrero, Mario
Guerrini, Renzo
Guertler, Charlotte
Guglielmetti, Caroline
Guha, Aditi
Guha, I
Guidi, Maria
Guidon, Arnaud
Guidon, Manuel
Guillermier, Martine
Guilliams, Kristin
Guillot, Geneviève
Guimaraes, Alexander
Guimaraes, Tiago
Guizar-Sicairos, Manuel
Gujar, Sachin
Gulaka, Praveen
Gulani, Vikas
Gullapalli, Rao
Gulotta, Lawrence
Gulsun, Mehmet
Gumbrecht, Rene
Gunamony, Shajan
Gunasekaran, Suvai
Guneseelan, Samuel
Gungor, Alper
Guniganti, Preethi
Gunn, Martin
Gunter, Geoffrey
Gunter, Jeff
Guo, Aitao
Guo, Chao-Yu
Guo, Chunxiao
Guo, Di
Guo, Fumin
Guo, Gang
Guo, Haiwei Henry
Guo, Hong
Guo, Hua
Guo, Hui
Guo, Jia
Guo, Jianxin
Guo, Jinbang
Guo, Jing
Guo, Jinsong
Guo, Junyu
Guo, Lanting
Guo, Li
Guo, Limei
Guo, Linying
Guo, Liping
guo, qiyong
Guo, Rui
Guo, Shunlin
Guo, Sijia
Guo, Sizhe
Guo, Tan
Guo, Tian
Guo, Wei
Guo, Wenhui
Guo, Xiaodong
Guo, Xiaopeng
Guo, Xirang
Guo, Yan
Guo, Yanrong
Guo, YanWei
Guo, Yi
Guo, Yihao
Guo, Yong
Guo, Youmin
Guo, Yu
Gupta, Aditya
Gupta, Amar
Gupta, Ashish
Gupta, Himanshu
Gupta, Lalit
Gupta, Pradeep
Gupta, Rajiv
Gupta, Rishabh
Gupta, Sandeep
Gupta, Shubham
Gupta, Siddhartha
Gupta, Varsha
Gupta, Vikas
Gur, Raquel
Gur, Ruben
Gurney-Champion, Oliver
Guruprasad, Aithal
Gurvit, Hakan
Gussew, Alexander
Gustafsson, Filippa
Gustafsson, Oscar
Gutberlet, Marcel
Guthrie, Ashley
Guthrie, Scott
Gutierrez, Alexander
Gutjahr, Fabian
Gutmann, Laurie
Gutte, Henrik
Guttman, Michael
Guven, H.
Guy, Joseph
Guye, Maxime
Guys, Nicholas
Guzman, Gloria
Guzman, Jorge
Gweon, Hye Mi
Güden-Silber, Tuba
Gülban, Omer Faruk
Gylling, Micael
Güllmar, Daniel
Gyngell, Michael
Günster, Stephan
Günther, Felix
Günther, Matthias
Gärtner, Jutta
Göksu, Cihan
Görke, Steffen
Görling, Benjamin
Görtz, Wolfgang
Gösweiner, Christian
Göttler, Jens
H Y Tse, Desmond
Ha, Alice
Ha, Christopher
Ha, Hojin
Ha, YongHyun
Haacke, E Mark
Haacke, E.
Haacke, E. Mark
Haacke, Ewart
Haacke, Mark
Haakma, Wieke
Haarburger, Christoph
Haas, Carola
Haas, Helge
Haas, Sergej
Haas, Tanja
Haase, Axel
Haast, Roy
Habara, Hideta
Habas, Christophe
Haber, Harry
Haber, Margalit
Haberkorn, Sebastian
Haberkorn, Uwe
Habertheuer, Andreas
Habtieson, Abeba
Hachulla, Anne-Lise
Hacker, Carl
Hacknkey, David
Hadas, Ron
Haddad, Dana
Hadizadeh, Dariusch
Hadjiabadi, Darian
Hadjiali, Sara
Hadjicharalambous, Myrianthi
Hadjipanayis, Constantinos
Hadley, J
Hadley, J Rock
Hadley, J. Rock
Hadley, Rock
Haeberlin, Maximilian
Haefeli, Jenny
Haemer, Gillian
Hafalir, Fatih
Hafner, Patricia
Hafyane, Tarik
Hagberg, Gisela
Hagemeier, Jesper
Hager, Benedikt
Haghighat Khah, Hamidreza
Hagiwara, Akifumi
Hagiwara, Shigeo
Hagler, Donald
Hagmann, Patric
Hagspiel, Klaus
Hahn, Andrew
Hahn, Artur
Hahn, Stephan
Haider, Masoom
Haider, Thomas
Hailemariam, Seife
Hailes, Helen
Haimburger, Evelin
Haimerl, Michael
Haines, George
Haissaguerre, Michel
Haist, Frank
Haiyun, Qi
Hajek, Milan
Haji-Valizadeh, Hassan
Hajjar, Ihab
Hajnal, Jo
Hajnal, Joseph
Hajnal, Joseph V.
Hakamada, Hiroto
Hakimian, Behrooz
Haldar, Justin
Haldipur, Anshul
Hale, Andrew
Hales, Patrick
Haley, Robert
Hall, Andrew
Hall, Mary
Hall, Matt
Hall, William
Hall-Craggs, Margaret
Hallak, Jaime
Hallett, Mark
Hallis, Brian
Hallyburton, Spencer
Halperin, Henry
Halpern, Casey
Halpern, Elkan
Ham, Su Jeong
Hamada, Yuhki
Hamaguchi, Takashi
Hamaide, Julie
Hamasaki, Nozomi
Hamed, Mohamed
Hamedani, Hooman
Hametner, Simon
Hamilton, A. Max
Hamilton, Amanda
Hamilton, Bronwyn
Hamilton, Craig
Hamilton, Gavin
Hamilton, Jesse
Hamilton, Neil
Hamilton-Craig, Christian
Hammar, Mats
Hammen, Lucien
Hammernik, Kerstin
Hammerschmitt, Annika
Hammerstingl, Renate
Hammerton, Charlotte
Hammoud, Dima
Hamoda, Hesham
Hampshire, Thomas
Hamtaei, Ehsan
Han, Bong Soo
Han, Bong-Soo
Han, Chun
Han, Dongyeob
Han, Fei
han, guang
Han, Guo-Hong
Han, Guocan
Han, Guohong
Han, Haopeng
Han, Jiwon
Han, Joon Koo
Han, Kuan
Han, Liang
Han, May
HAN, Miran
Han, Misung
Han, Na Yeon
Han, Paul
Han, Pei
Han, Sang-Doc
Han, Sanghoon
Han, Seol-Heui
Han, SoHyun
HAN, TongLi
Han, Xiao
Han, Xu
Han, Yeji
Han, Yeqing
Han, Ying
Han, Yiying
Han, Yo Seob
Han, Yu
Han, Yuxin
Han, Zheng
Hanagasi, Hasmet
Hanak, Anne-Sophie
Hancu, Ileana
Hand, Jeffrey
Handler, William
Handtke, Sarah
Handwerker, Daniel
Handwerker, Jonas
Hane, Francis
Haneder, Stefan
Haney, Chad
Hang, Marie-France
Hangel, Gilbert
Hanineva, Aneliya
Hankins, Jane
Hankov, Georges
Hanna, Brian
Hanna, Mike
Hanni, Matti
Hannoun, Salem
Hansen, Adam
Hansen, Brian
Hansen, Esben
Hansen, Kasper
Hansen, Michael
Hansen, Mikkel
Hansen, Rasmus Hvass
Hansen, Rie
Hansford, Rozann
Hanslmayr, Simon
Hansmann, Jan
Hanson, Christian
Hanson, Jamie
Hanson, Lars
Hanspach, Jannis
Hanstock, Chris
Hao, Hui
Hao, Kexin
Hao, Qiang
Hao, Yonghong
Hapuarachchige, Sudath
Haque, Muhammad
Hara, Amy
Hara, Hitomi
Hara, Shoko
Hara, Takeshi
Hara, Yuki
Harada, Kuniaki
Harada, Masafumi
Harada, Rintaro
Haraguchi, Ryo
Haraikawa, Mayuko
Haraldsdottir, Kristin
Haraldsson, Henrik
Harder, Nathalie
Hardie, William
Harding, Joseph
Hardy, Christopher
Hardy, Peter
Hardy, Todd
Harel, Noam
Harel, Shaul
Harezlak, Jaroslaw
Hargrave, Darren
Hargreaves, Brian
Hariharan, Hari
Haris, Mohammad
Harisinghani, Mukesh
Harkin, James
Harkins, Kevin
Harland, Robert C.
Harloff, Andreas
Harms, Christoph
Harms, Robbert
Harnish, Roy
Haroon, Ebrahim
Harper, Nicholas
Harper, Ronald
Harreld, Julie
Harri, Peter
Harrigan, Robert
Harringa, John
Harrington, Deborah
Harrington, Michael
Harris, Ashley
Harris, Kathleen
Harris, MD, Michael
Harris, Mitchel
Harris, Neil
Harris, Raymond
Harris, Robert
Harris, Samuel
Harris, Sion
Harris, Tim
Harrison, Ian
Harrison, James
Harrison, Neil
Harry, Haber
Harsan, Laura
Harsan, Laura-Adela
Harston, George
Hart, Corey
Hart, Kerry
Hart, Lori
Harteveld, Anita
Hartley, Randy
Hartwig, Axel
Hartz, Anika
Harvey, Hugh
Has, Arzu
Hasan, Khader
Hasan, Usama
Hashemi, Masoud
Hashemi, Sassan
Hashemizadeh, Kazem
Hashim, Jumana
Hashimoto, Naoya
Haskell, Melissa
Hassan, Ahmed
Hassan, Ayman
Hassan, Islam
Hassan, Sonia
Hassanpour, Mahlega
Hassanzadeh, Elmira
Hasse, Adam
Hasselwander, Christopher
Hassler, Eva
Hata, Junichi
Hata, Yutaka
Hatakenaka, Masamitsu
Hatay, Gokce Hale
Hatcher, Stacy
Hatsukami, Thomas
Hattangadi-Gluth, Jona
Hattingen, Elke
Hatton, Matthew
Hattori, Naoya
Hatzoglou, Vaios
Hau, Peter
Hauner, Hans
Haupt, Jarvis
Hauser, Stephen
Hausmann, Daniel
Hawkes, David
Hawkins, Clive
Hawsawi, Hassan
Haxton, Robert
Hayama, Sara
Hayashi, Fuyu
Hayashi, Hiroaki
Hayashi, Maho
Hayashi, Yuki
Hayashibara, Hayato
Hayashida, Minoru
Hayashida, Yoshiko
Haybaeck, Johannes
Hayek, Dayana
HAYES, Carmel
Hayes, David
Hayes, Jenny
Hayes, Stanley
Haykowsky, Mark
Hays, Allison
Hazell, Philip
Hazle, John
He, Andrea
He, Bin
He, Bingjun
He, Dianning
He, Genxia
He, Hongjian
He, Huiguang
He, Jiabao
He, Jian
He, Jianghong
He, Lan
He, Le
He, Lili
He, Lin
He, Ling
He, Mengqi
He, Mu
He, Naying
He, Qingyuan
He, Qun
He, Renjie
He, Rui
He, Ruobing
He, Taiping
He, Weiheng
He, Xiang
He, Xiaowei
He, Xueping
He, Yi
He, Yong
He, Yong-Lan
He, Zhuonan
He, Zihao
Heacock, Laura
Hearshen, David
Heather, Lisa
Heaton, Kristin
Heavey, Susan
Heba, Stefanie
Hebel, John
Hebelka, Hanna
Hebestreit, Helge
Heckelsmiller, David
Heckova, Eva
Hectors, Stefanie
Hedden, Trey
Hedderich, Dennis
Hedehus, Maj
Hedjazi Moghari, Mehdi
Hedström, Erik
Heemskerk, Anneriet
Heerschap, Arend
Heethuis, Sophie
Hefti, Marco
Hegeman, Ingrid
Hehn, Nicolas
Heiberg, Einar
Heidemann, Robin
Heidkamp, Jan
Heidt, Timo
Heijmink, Stijn
Heil, Alexander
Heiland, Sabine
Heilmeier, Ursula
Heindl, Andreas
Heinemann, Axel
Heitmann, Gernot
Hejlova, Irena
Helle, Michael
Hellenbrand, Ron
Heller, Samantha
Hellmers, Natalie
Helme, Daniel
Helms, Gunther
Helpern, Joseph
Helsper, Shannon
Hemetner, Simon
Hemke, Robert
Hemming, Alan
Hemmy, Laura
Henchcliffe, Claire
Hendriks, Arjan
Hendriks, Jack
Hendriks, Mariska
Hendrikse, J
Hendrikse, Jeroen
Henin, Bassem
Henje Blom, Eva
Henkelman, Mark
Hennel, Franciszek
Hennemuth, Anja
Hennessy, Jay
Hennig, Juergen
Hennig, Jürgen
Henning, Anke
Henning, Jürgen
Henningsson, Erik
Henningsson, Markus
Henriksen, Otto
Henry, Christiani Jeyakumar
Henry, Pierre-Gilles
Henry, Roland
Hensel, Bernhard
Hensen, Bennet
Hensley, Lisa
Henson, Richard
Henssen, Dylan
Henze Bancroft, Leah
Heo, Dan
Heo, Hye-Young
Heo, Hyo-Im
Heo, Phil
Héon, Hélène
Herault, Yann
Herbert, Cornelia
Herbst, Michael
Herbst, Michel
Hergenrother, Robert
Herges, Rainer
Herigstad, Mari
Herman, Benjamin
Herman, Gabor
Herman, Michael
Herman, Peter
Hermann, Emilia
Hernández, Frida
Hernandez, Michael
Hernandez, Reinier
Hernandez Gazon, Edwin
Hernandez Tamames, J.A.
Hernandez-Andrade, Edgar
Hernandez-Garcia, Luis
Hernandez-Garzon, Edwin
Hernández-Tamames, Juan
Hernandez-Tamames, Juan
Hernández-Tamames, Juan Antonio
Hernández-Torres, Enedino
Hernandez-Torres, Enedino
Hernando, Diego
Herold, Volker
Herranz, Elena
Herrera, Diego
Herrera, Juan
Herrera, Sheryl
Herrero, Javier
Herreros, Quentin
Herrington, Todd
Herrmann, Evelyn
Herrmann, Karin
Herrmann, Karl-Heinz
Herrmann, Ken
Herrmann, Max
Herrmann, Tim
Herscovitch, Peter
Herskovits, Edward
Hersman, F.
Hersman, F.William
Hertig, Damian
Herynek, Vit
Herz, Stefan
Herzka, Daniel
Herzog, Hans
Herzog, Raimund
Herzog, Walter
Heshmatzadeh Behzadi, Ashkan
Heskamp, Linda
Heskamp, Sandra
Hesketh, Richard
Heslinga, Friso
Hess, Aaron
Hess, Andreas
Hess, Christopher
Hesse, Linnea
Hetherington, Hoby
Hetterich, Holger
Hetts, Steven
Heule, Rahel
Heussel, Claus Peter
Heußer, Thorsten
Heverhagen, Johannes
Hey, Matthew
Heydari, Bobby
Heys, Steven
Hezel, Fabian
Hicks, Robert
Hidalgo, Ernest
Hidalgo, Milagros
Hidalgo Tobon, Silvia
Higano, Nara
Higashi, Tatsuya
Higashimura, Kyoji
Higashino, Yoshifumi
Higgins, David
Higgins, Geoff
Higgins, Geoffrey
Higuma, Tatsuya
Hikishima, Keigo
Hilal, Saima
Hilaman, Ryan
Hilario T., Alexander B.
Hilbert, Fabian
Hilbert, Tom
Hilborne, Sarah
Hiley, Crispin
Hilgenfeld, Tim
Hill, Andrea
Hill, Austin
Hill, Deborah
Hill, Derek L.G.
Hill, Lindsay
Hill, Mark
Hillen, Amy
Hillenbrand, Claudia
Hillestad, Tiril
Himmelbach, Marc
Himmelreich, Uwe
Hindman, Nicole
Hinds, Oliver
Hines, Catherine
Hingerl, Lukas
Hingorani, Sunil
Hinkin, Charles
Hinoda, Takuya
Hinrichs, Jan
Hippe, Daniel
Hipwell, Ben
Hipwell, John
Hirai, Toshinori
Hirai, Yuki
Hiraka, Toshitada
Hirakane, Makoto
Hiramatsu, Yuki
Hirasawa, Eri
Hirata, Keiya
Hirose, Yasujiro
Hirsch, Jochen
Hirsch, Sebastian
Hirschler, Lydiane
Hirschmann, Anna
Hirumi, Genki
Hisatsune, Tatsuhiro
Hiscox, Lucy
Hitchens, T
Hiwatashi, Akio
Hix, Jeremy
Hjoernevik, Trine
Hlavata, Hana
Hlawitschka, Mario
Hnilicova, Petra
Hnilicová, Petra
Ho, Cheng-Tao
Ho, Jamie
Ho, Kung-Chu
Ho, Leon
Ho, Leon C.
Ho, Mai Lan
Ho, Tiffany
Ho, Woody
Ho, Ying-Jui
Hoad, Caroline
Hoang, Dung
Hoang, Dung Minh
Hobbs, Brian
Hochhegger, Bruno
Hochwartner, Thomas
Hocini, Mélèze
Hock, Andreas
Hock, C.
Hock, Christoph
Hockings, Paul
Hodel, Jérome
Hodge, Russ
Hodge, Thomas
Hodgson, Kyler
Hodgson, Richard
Hodson, Leanne
Hoehn, Mathias
Hoelzl, Marlies
Hoelzl, Stefan
Hoenecke, Heinz
Hoerr, Verena
Hoff, Benjamin
Hoff, Michael
Hoffman, Carson
Hoffman, Eric
Hoffmann, André
Hoffmann, Malte
Hoffmann, Thomas
Hoffmann, Victoria
Hoffmann, Werner
Hofheinz, Frank
Hofman, Mark BM
Hofman, Paul
Hofman, Paul A.M.
Hofmann, Thomas
Hofstetter, Christoph
Hofstetter, Lorne
Hoge, W.
Hoge, W. Scott
Hoge, William Scott
Hoh, Tobias
Hohenwalter, Mark
Hohlfeld, Jens
Hohmann, Joachim
Hoinkiss, Daniel
Hok, Pavel
Holak, Piotr
Holdsworth, David
Holdsworth, Samantha
Hole, Knut
Holla, Bharath
Holland, Catharina
Holland, Dominic
Holland, Eric
Holler, Martin
Holleran, Laurena
Holley, Dawn
Hollingsworth, Neal
Hollinshead, Marisa
Holm, Anna-Clara Spetz
Holme, H. Christian M.
Holmedal, Stein
Holmes, Holly
Holmes, James
Holmes, Jeffrey
Holmes, William
Holmgren, Jostein
Holodny, Andrei
Holshouser, Barbara
Holst, Karen
Holt, Daphne
Holtackers, Robert
Holtorf, Megan
Holtrop, Joseph
Holzapfel, Christina
Holzapfel, Gerhard
Holzer, Peter
Homma, Akihiro
Hompland, Tord
Homsi, Rami
Honda, Hiroshi
Honda, Masatoshi
Honda, Yukiko
Honey, Isabel
Honeyfield, Lesley
Hong, Alex
Hong, Bo
Hong, Cheng
Hong, Donghyun
Hong, Gregory
Hong, Helen
Hong, Jisu
Hong, Kwan Soo
Hong, KyungPyo
Hong, Seong-Dae
Hong, Suk-Joo
Hong, Suk-Min
Hong, Sungtak
Hong, Taehwa
Hong, Tzu-Yi
Hong, Xin
Honglu, Shi
Honig, Stephen
Honko, Anna
Honnedevasthana Arun, Arush
Honroth, Thorsten
Hoogduin, Hans
Hoogenboom, Martijn
Hooijmans, Melissa
Hooker, Catherine
Hooker, Jacob
Hooker, Jonathan
Hope, Andrew
Hope, Michael
Hope, Thomas
Hope, Tuva
Horder, Jamie
Horgan, Santiago
Horger, Marius
Horger, Wilhelm
Hori, Hiroki
Hori, Masaaki
Hori, Masatoshi
Horie, Tomohiko
Horino, Yukari
Horiuchi, Saya
Hormuth II, David
Horn, Felix
Horn, Lars-Christian
Horn, Mitchell
Horng, Debra
Horovitz, Silvina
Horowitz, Michael
Horsley, Alex
Hort, Jakub
Horvat, Natally
Horváth, Andrea
Horvath, Andrea
Hoshida, Yujin
Hoshina, Yuri
Hoshito, Haruyoshi
Hosoya, Takaaki
Hosseini, Akram
Hosseini, Zahra
Hosseini-Nik, Hooman
Hosseinnezhadian, Sajad
Hossu, Gabriela
Hou, Bo
Hou, Ping
Hou, Qiao-Ru
Hou, Xirui
Houde, Jean-Christophe
Houlden, Henry
Houston, Parul
Howard, Jonathan
Howarth, Andrew
Howe, B. Matthew
Howe, Franklyn
Howe, Matthew
Howell, Leonard
Howison, Christine
Hoxworth, Joseph
Hoy, Andrew
Hoyt, Anne
Hricak, Hedvig
Hrovat, Alan
Hrovat, Mirko
Hruby, Martin
Hsiao, Albert
Hsiao, Jung-Sen
Hsieh, Bao-Yu
Hsieh, Eugene
Hsieh, Jen-Chuen
Hsieh, Li-Chun
Hsieh, Wen-Jin
Hsin, Yue-Loong
Hsu, Chao-Hsiung
Hsu, Chaohsiung
Hsu, Charles
Hsu, Edward
Hsu, Fei-Ting
Hsu, Hsian-He
Hsu, Jung-Jiin
Hsu, Jung-Yu
Hsu, Kang
Hsu, Li-Yueh
Hsu, Ming-Yi
Hsu, Po-Hung
Hsu, Ting-Rong
Hsu, Tun-Wei
Hsu, William
Hsu, Yen-Ning
Hsu, Yi-Cheng
Hsu, Yun-Chin
Hsu, Yung-Chin
Hsu-Lei, Lee
Hu, Bin
Hu, Bob
Hu, Chenxi
Hu, Daoyu
Hu, De-en
Hu, Di
Hu, Fei-Xiang
Hu, Harry
Hu, Hongjie
Hu, Houchun
Hu, Jiani
Hu, Jing
Hu, Jingzhe
HU, Lei
Hu, Leland
Hu, Li-Wei
Hu, Lingzhi
Hu, Ming Chang
Hu, Peng
Hu, Ruomin
Hu, Shaoyong
Hu, Shuang
Hu, Sile
Hu, Tom
Hu, Wei
Hu, Xi
Hu, Xiaofei
Hu, Xiaoping
Hu, Xiaoqing
Hu, Xiaoxiao
Hu, Xinyu
HU, Xixing
Hu, Yanle
Hu, Yao
Hu, Yi-Wen
Hu, Yiqi
Hu, Yiwen
Hu, Yu-Chuan
Hu, Yuchuan
Hu, Yue
Hu, Yuxin
Hu, Yuzheng
Hu, Zeping
Hu, Zhangxuan
Hu*, Jiani
Hua, Jia
Hua, Jun
Hua, Ning
Hua, Ting
Hua, Yinghui
huan, ma
Huang, Chen-You
Huang, Chenchan
Huang, Chien-Feng
Huang, Chiun-Wei
Huang, Chuan
Huang, Chun-Yu
Huang, Chunfeng
Huang, Chung-Huan
Huang, Deihui
Huang, Dong-jie
Huang, Dongya
Huang, Fanheng
Huang, Feng
Huang, Guofu
Huang, Haiqing
Huang, Hao
Huang, Ho-Fang
Huang, Hsiao-Hui
Huang, Hung-Chieh
Huang, Jiaoti
Huang, Jiayi
Huang, Jie
Huang, Jing-Ying
Huang, Jingwen
Huang, Juan
Huang, Li
Huang, Mingming
Huang, Mingqian
Huang, Mingzhu
Huang, Ning
Huang, Ningbo
Huang, Pei
Huang, Peiyu
Huang, Qiang
Huang, Qiuting
Huang, Raymond
Huang, Ruiwang
Huang, Shao Ying
Huang, Sheng-Min
Huang, Shu-Ling
Huang, Shu-Yu
Huang, Shuning
Huang, Si yun
Huang, Siyun
Huang, Sung-Cheng
Huang, Suning
Huang, Susie
Huang, Susie Y.
Huang, Teng-Yi
Huang, Wei
Huang, Weiyuan
Huang, Wenjian
Huang, William
Huang, Xi
Huang, Xiaoke
Huang, Xiaomei
Huang, Xiaoqi
Huang, Xin
Huang, Yang
Huang, Yanqi
Huang, Yao
Huang, Yu-Fen
Huang, Yuegao
Huang, Yuexi
Huang, Zhen-guo
Huang, Zirui
Hubbard, Elizabeth
Hubbard Cristinacce, Penny
Huber, Eveline
Huber, Laurentius
Huber, Lukas
Hucker, Patrick
Huda, Amir
Huddleston, Daniel
Hudetz, Anthony
Huebel, Karen
Huellner, Martin
Huelnhagen, Till
Huenges-Wajer, Irene
Huesman, Graham
Huettner, Andrew
Hugger, Thimo
Hughes, Abbey
Hughes, David
Hughes, Emer
Hughes, Emlyn
Hughes, Joshua
Hughes, Julie
Hughes, Paul
Huh, Gi Yeong
Huh, Hyung Kyu
Hui, Edward
Hui, Edward S.
Hui, Ferdinand
Hui, Francis
Hui, Lin
Hui, Steve
Huicochea Castellanos, Sandra
Huihui, Wang
Huijbers, Willem
Huijing, Erik
Huis in't Veld, Rianne
Huishu, Yuan
Hullin, Roger
Hulsbergen-van de Kaa, Christina
Hulsey, Keith
Hulshoff Pol, Hilleke
Humblet, Valerie
Hummer, Allan
Hummer, Tom
Humphries, Paul
Hundley, W. Gregory
Hundshammer, Christian
Hung, Chien-Fu
Hung, Michelle
Hung, Sheng-Che
Hung, Yi Hui
Hunold, Peter
Hunot, Stéphane
Hunt, Benjamin
Huo, Eugene
Hurd, Ralph
Hurley, David
Hurley, Samuel
Hurrell, Sarah
Hurshkainen, Anna A.
Hurtado, Daniel
Hurtado, Daniel E.
Hurtado Rúa, Sandra
Husain, Ehab
Hussain, Adnan
Hussain, MD, PhD, FACR, Shahid
Hussain, Tarique
Hussein, Farah
Hussey, Natalie
Huston, Alan
Huston, John
Huston, John III
Huston III, John
Hutcheson, Nathan
Hutchinson, Charles
Hutchinson, Ciaran
Hutchinson, Elizabeth
Hutchinson, Tessa
Hutter, Diane
Hutter, Jana
Hutton, Chloe
Huyck, Heidie
Huzella, Louis
Hwang, Byungjae
Hwang, Dosik
Hwang, Eo-Jin
Hwang, Jinwoo
Hwang, Jong-Hee
Hwang, Joo-Ha
Hwang, Ken-pin
Hwang, Moon Jung
Hwang, Moonjung
Hwang, Scott
Hwang, TaeHyun
Hwang, Tzung-Jeng
Hwang, Yoon Ho
Hwu, Hai-Gwo
Hwu, Wuh-Liang
Hwuang, Eileen
Hyare, Harpreet
Hübner, Neele
Hyder, Fahmeed
Hyeon, Taeghwan
Hüllebrand, Markus
Hylton, Nola
Hüning, Britta
Hynynen, Kullervo
Hüppi, Petra
Hüppi, Petra S.
Hütel, Michael
Hyun, Byung-Hwa
Hyun, Hye Ran
Hyun, Jung
Hyun, JungWon
Hänninen, Nina
Höpfel, Dieter
Hövener, Jan-Bernd
Højrup Johansen, Daniel
Iacono, Maria
Iagaru, Andrei
Ianni, Julianna
Ianu?, Andrada
Ianus, Andrada
Ibanez, Porfirio
Ibrahim, El-Sayed
Ibrahim, PhD, Tamer
Ibrahim, Tamer
Ibrahim, Wael
Icenhour, Adriane
Ichijo, Katsutoshi
Ichikawa, Kazuhiro
Ichikawa, Shintaro
Ichikawa, Shota
Ichimura, Koichi
Iczkowski, Kenneth
Ide, Tomomi
Ideguchi, Reiko
Ider, Yusuf
Idiyatullin, Djaudat
Idris, Tagwa
Ielacqua, Giovanna
Ielacqua, Giovanna Diletta
Igarashi, Ikumi
Igarashi, Saya
Iglesias, Juan
Ihlenfeld, Albrecht
Ihsani, Alvin
Iima, Mami
Iiyama, Toshitake
Ikebe, Yohei
Ikeda, Debra
Ikemitsu, Natsuki
Ikemoto, Satoshi
Ikeno, Hiroyasu
Ikoma, Yoko
Ikonomidou, Vasiliki
Ikram, Mohammad
Iliakis, Georg
Ilicak, Efe
Illerstam, Fredrik
Illman, Jeffery
Im, Geun Ho
Im, Geun-Ho
Imai, Hirohiko
Imai, Hiroshi
Imai, Yutaka
Imaizumi, Akiko
Imamine, Rinpei
Imamura, Takuroh
Imamura, Yoshiki
Imboden, John
Immonen, Riikka
In, Myung-Ho
Inai, Kei
Inaoka, Tsutomu
Inati, Souheil
Indahlastari, Aprinda
Indrebø, Gunnar
Indurkar, Shreyas
Ingalhalikar, Madhura
Inge, Landon
Ingle, R. Reeve
Ingle, Reeve
Inglis, Ben
Ingo, Carson
Ingrisch, Michael
Inman, David
Inman, Justin
Ino, Kenji
Inoue, Junko
Inoue, Kaiji
Inoue, Katsuhiro
Inoue, Takashi
Inta, Dragos
Inubushi, Masayuki
Ioanas, Horea-Ioan
Ioannou, Yiannis
Iordanishvili, Elene
Ip, Betina
Ip, Issac
Ipek, Özlem
Ippolito, Joseph
Iqbal, Zohaib
Iraji, Armin
Irarrazaval, Pablo
Irarrázaval, Pablo
Ireland, Christopher
Ireland, Rob
Irfanoglu, M
Irfanoglu, Mustafa
Irfanoglu, Okan
Irie, Ryusuke
Irlam, Joely
Irving, Benjamin
Isaac, Gamaliel
Isaacson, Richard
Ishaque, Abdullah
Ishibashi, Kenichi
Ishigaki, Daiya
Ishigame, Keiichi
Ishigami, Kousei
Ishihara, Daichi
Ishihara, Makiko
Ishihara, Ryosuke
Ishikawa, Eiichi
Ishikawa, Tatsuya
Ishimaru, Hideki
Ishimatsu, Keisuke
Ishimura, Rieko
Ishizaka, Kinya
Ishizaki, Umiko
Islam, Haisam
Islam, Kazi
Islam, Md. Kamrul
Ismail, Nurul
Ismail, Nurul Fadhlina
Ismail, Ozama
Ismail, Tevfik
Isoda, Hiroyoshi
Isoshima, Shiho
Isozaki, Makoto
Israel, Bas
Issa, Bashar
Itagaki, Hiroyuki
Ith, Michael
Ito, Daiki
Ito, Hiroshi
Ito, Katsuyoshi
Ito, Kosuke
ITO, Ryuta
Ito, Yohei
Ito, Yoshio
Itoh, Yohei
Ittermann, Bernd
Ivanishev, Alexander
Ivanov, Dimo
Ivy, Percy
Iwabuchi, Sarina
Iwadate, Yuji
Iwama, Yuki
Iwanaga, Takashi
Iyer, Aditi
Izadpanah, Kaywan
Izquierdo-Garcia, Jose
Izumoto, Shuichi
Izygon, Jonathan
J. Fritz, Francisco
J. Malik, Shaihan
Ja Ryong, Cho
Jaber, Youssef
Jablonska, Anna
Jaboin, Jerry
Jack, Clifford
Jack, Jr., Clifford
Jackowski, Marcel
Jackson, Alan
Jackson, Christy
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Kenneth
Jackson, Russell
Jackson, Stephen
Jacob, Mathews
Jacobs, Heidi IL
Jacobs, Igor
Jacobs, Jr., David
Jacobs, Jules
Jacobs, Laura
Jacobs, Michael
Jacobs, Monica
Jacobsen, Garth
Jacobsen, Nina
Jacobsohn, Kenneth
Jacobson, Stephen
Jacobson, Steve
Jacoby, Christoph
Jacola, Lisa
Jacquier, Alexis
Jacquot, Muriel
Jaeger, Jasmin
Jaeschke, Sven
Jafari, Ramin
Jafari, Sahar
Jafari-Khouzani, Kourosh
Jafarian, Neda
Jagadeesan, Bharathi Dasan
Jagannathan, Naranamangalam
Jager, Martine
Jahng, Geon-Ho
Jahng, GeonHo
Jahns, Karsten
Jahrling, Peter
Jaillard, Assia
Jaime, Saul
Jaimes Cobos, Camilo
Jain, Pranav
Jain, Rakesh
Jain, Saurabh
Jaïs, Pierre
Jaiswal, Ashvin
Jajamovich, Guido
Jakary, Angela
Jakimovski, Dejan
Jakob, Peter
Jakubowski, Marcin
Jakubowski, Norbert
Jalan, Rajiv
Jalbert, Llewellyn
Jamadar, Sharna
Jambawalikar, Sachin
Jambor, Ivan
James, Judy
James, Sarah
Jamin, Yann
Jamison, Keith
Jan, Ning-Jiun
Jan, Sébastien
Jan, Tz-Yun
Janarv, Per-Mats
Jang, Albert
Jang, Hanbyeol
Jang, Hyungseok
Jang, Ikbeom
Jang, Jihye
Jang, Jinhee
Jang, Jinseong
Jang, Kyung Eun
Jang, Kyung Mi
Jang, Moon-Sun
Jang, Sang-Hun
Jangraw, David
Jani, Jalpan
Jani, Prashant
Janich, Martin
Janiczek, Robert
Janik, Rafal
Janke, Andrew
Jankuhn, Steffen
Jann, Kay
Janowski, Miroslaw
Jansen, Floris
Jansen, Jacobus
Jansen, Jacobus F.A.
Jansen, Mariëlle
Jansen, Olav
Janssen, Dennis
Janssen, Harry
Janssen, Laura
Janssen Daalen, Jules
Januzzi, James
Janve, Vaibhav
Janvier, Régis
Janz, Philipp
Janzen, Carla
Jao, Terrence
Jara, Hernan
Jardim-Perassi, Bruna
Jarjour, Nizar
Jarnagin, Johnny
Jarnagin, William
Jarosz, Jozef
Jarrard, David
Jarrett, Michael
Jarvis, Deborah
Jarvis, Kelly
Jaryal, Ashok
Jasanoff, Alan
Jaspan, Tim
Jaubert, Olivier
Jauffret, Celine
Jaumain, Emilie
Javed, Adil
Javed, Ahsan
Javinal, Vincent
Jayadev, Nutandev
Jayasundar, Rama
Jayatilake, Mohan
Jbabdi, Saad
Jedd, Anthony
Jee, Kyung-Wook
Jeevarajan, Jerome
Jefferies, Ryan
Jeffers, Matthew
Jefferson, Angela
Jeffery, Justin
Jeffrey, Mark
Jego, Pierrick
Jeha, Sima
Jelescu, Ileana
Jeljeli, Sami
Jella, Pavan
Jelveh, Salomeh
Jen, Mu-Lan
Jenderka, Marika
Jeneson, Jeroen
Jenison, Rick
Jenkins, Jeffrey
Jenkins, Lucas
Jenni, Raoul
Jenniskens, Sjoerd
Jensen, Henrik
Jensen, Jens
Jensen, Patricia
Jensen-Kondering, Ulf
Jeon, Eun-Young
Jeon, Eunyoung
Jeon, Soyeon
Jeon, Tina
Jeon, Yeong-Jae
Jeong, Chang-Won
Jeong, Daniel
Jeong, Eun-Kee
Jeong, Gwang-Woo
Jeong, Ha-Kyu
Jeong, Hongbae
Jeong, Jeong-Won
Jeong, Jinhee
Jeong, Jun Young
Jeong, Kyle
Jeong, Sangmoo
Jeong, Woochul
Jeong, Yong
Jeong, You-Jin
Jerban, Saeed
Jerome, Neil
Jerschow, Alexej
Jespersen, Sune
Jessen, Niels
Jeurissen, Ben
Jezzard, Peter
Jhaveri, Kartik
Ji, Jim
Ji, Jingran
Ji, Qian
Ji, Qing
Ji, Shengzhang
Ji, xiaodong
Ji, Xiaoqing
Ji, Yang
Ji, Yiyi
Jia, Feng
Jia, Guang
Jia, Rui
Jia, Sen
Jia, Yan
Jia, Yanbin
Jia, Zhiyun
Jiahao, Liang
Jian, Guo
Jian, Yiqiang
Jian, Zhijie
Jiang, Biao
Jiang, Caroline
Jiang, Chunhui
Jiang, Chunxiu
Jiang, Guangyao
Jiang, Hangyi
Jiang, Haoxiang
Jiang, Hong
Jiang, Jian
Jiang, Jifeng
Jiang, Jing
Jiang, Jingjing
Jiang, Kai
Jiang, Lee
Jiang, Lei
Jiang, Li
Jiang, Lin
Jiang, Meng jie
Jiang, Mengjie
Jiang, Qingjun
Jiang, Quan
Jiang, Rifeng
Jiang, Shanshan
Jiang, Tao
Jiang, Wen
Jiang, Wenwen
Jiang, Xiaoyu
Jiang, Xingyue
Jiang, Xinqing
Jiang, Xu
Jiang, Yuan
Jiang, Yuchao
Jiang, Yuexin
Jiang, Yun
Jianming, Cai
Jiao, Huajie
Jiao, Rihua
Jiao, Sheng
Jiao, Yun
Jiao, Zhi-yun
jie, liu
Jie, Tian
Jihad, Teeba
Jikaria, Neekita
Jimenez, Jorge
Jin, Aiguo
Jin, Chao
Jin, Guohong
Jin, Haiyan
Jin, Hang
Jin, Jin
Jin, Jing
Jin, Kyong Hwan
Jin, Moonsoo
Jin, Ning
Jin, Tao
Jin, Wook
Jin, Yan
Jin, Yanfang
Jin, Yongming
Jin, Zheng yu
Jin, Zheng-yu
Jin, Zhengyu
Jing, Bin
jing, jing
Jingjie, WANG
Jingliang, Cheng
Jinguo, Cui
Jinzaki, Masahiro
Jirak, Daniel
Jiratova, Marketa
Jirík, Radovan
Jiru, Filip
Jiun-Jie, Wang
Jiyuan, Li
Jo, Hang Joon
Jo, Young-Seung
Joe, Bonnie
Joe, Eunhae
Joel, Suresh
Joers, James
Jog, Mayank
Johannes, Stegbauer
Johannesen, Helle
Johannesen, Helle Hjorth
Johansen, Daniel Højrup
Johansen, Håkon
Johansson, Adam
Johansson, Alexander
Johansson, Edvin
Johansson, Lars
Johansson, Magnus
John, Sam
Johncola, Alyssa
Johns, Christopher
Johnson, Brian
Johnson, Casey
Johnson, Casey P
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Courtney
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, Eileanoir
Johnson, Emily
Johnson, Errin
Johnson, Ethan
Johnson, G Allan
Johnson, G.
Johnson, G. Allan
Johnson, Geoffrey
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Jason
Johnson, Jeffrey
Johnson, Jennifer
Johnson, Johnson
Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Matthew
Johnson, Patricia
Johnson, Ross
Johnson, Sara
Johnson, Sterling
Johnson, Thomas
Johnsson, Åse
Johnston, Brian
Johnston, Edward
Johnston, Leigh
Johnston, Megan
Johst, Sören
Joines, Melissa
Jokerst, Clinton
Jokinen, Pekka
Jomura, Naohiro
Jonathan, Sumeeth
Jonckers, Elisabeth
Jones, Chloe
Jones, Chris
Jones, Derek
Jones, Edward
Jones, Ella
Jones, Helen
Jones, Kyle
Jones, Lawrence
Jones, Melissa
Jones, Randall
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Terence
Jones, Timothy
Jong Bin, Park
Jonkers, Ilse
Jonsson, Joakim
Joo, Ijin
Jordan, Caroline
Jordan, Lori
Jordan, Suzanna
Jorge, João
Jorge, Joao
Jorgensen, Scott
Josan, Sonal
Joseph BS, Matthew
Josephs, Oliver
Joshi, Dharmdev
Joshi, Nandita
Joska, John A.
Josselyn, Sheena
Jost, Gregor
Jothy, Serge
Jouda, Mazin
Jouk, Pierre-Simon
Jovicich, Jorge
Joyce, William
Joyner, Alexandra
Ju, Shenghong
Ju, Ye
Juan, Chun-Jung
Juchem, Christoph
Jucker, Beat
Judé, Sébastien
Jugé, Lauriane
Julea, Felicia
Julià-Sapé, Margarida
Juliano, Sharon
Jun, Hong Young
Jun, Suhnyoung
Jun, Yohan
Junfang, Xian
Jung, Bend
Jung, Bernd
Jung, Dae Chul
Jung, Joon-Yong
Jung, Ki-Hye
Jung, Kwan-Jin
Jung, Seokwon
Jung, Seung Eun
Jung, So-Lyung
Jung, Sungmi
Jung, Won Beom
Jung, Won Beum
Jung, Won-Beom
Jung, WonBeom
Jung, Youngkoo
Jung, Youngkyoo
Junge, Sven
Juras, Vladimir
Jurong, Yang
Just, Nathalie
Jutras, Jean-David
Juttukonda, Meher
Jäderling, Fredrik
Jäger, Carsten
Jäger, Hans Rolf
Jäger, Rolf
Jønsson, Søren
Jørgensen, Hans
K, Devasenathipathy
K Focke, Niels
K N, Bhanu Prakash
K. Oguz, Kader
K.N, Bhanu Prakash
Kaas, Amanda L
Kabasawa, Hiroyuki
Kabil, Julie
Kabile, Julie
Kabus, Sven
Kachelrieß, Marc
Kacher, Daniel
Kaczmarowski, Amy
Kaczmarz, Stephan
Kadamangudi, Shrinath
Kaden, Enrico
Kadlecek, Stephen
Kadoya, Masumi
Kadoya, Yoshisuke
Kaegebein, Urte
Kafali, Sevgi
Kaga, Yuki
Kaggie, Josh
Kaggie, Joshua
Kahn, Rene
Kahn, Thomas
Kaichi, Yoko
Kaine, Joshua
Kainz, Bernard
Kainz, Wolfgang
Kaireit, Till
Kaiser, Lana
Kaissis, Georgios
Kajabi, Abdul Wahed
Kajihara, Nao
Kajita, Kimihiro
Kajta, Kimihiro
Kakkad, Samata
Kalasthry, Jagadish
Kalavar, Meghana
Kalb, Bobby
Kalbasi, Anusha
Kalber, Tammy
Kalechofsky, Neal
Kaleem, Muhammad
Kali, Avinash
Kalimeri, Maria
Kalis, Inge
Kalkowski, Lukasz
Kallistis, Nikolaos
Kalloch, Benjamin
Kallos, Efthymios
Kalmoe, Ryan
Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree
Kalpin, Scott
Kalra, Philip
Kalra, Prateek
Kalra, Sanjay
Kalra MS, Prateek
Kaltenbach, Benjamin
Kalus, Sarah
Kamada, Yasuhiro
Kamagata, Koji
Kamei, Ryotaro
Kamel, Ihab
Kamel, Ihab R
Kamel, Ihab R.
Kames, Christian
Kamimura, Kiyohisa
Kamishima, Tamotsu
Kamitani, Takeshi
Kamiya, Kouhei
Kammerman, Jeff
Kampa, Nick
Kampani, Vishal
Kampf, Thomas
Kamrava, Mitchell
Kan, Hermien
Kan, Hirohito
Kan, Xiaojing
Kana, Rajesh
Kanaan, Ahmad
Kanaan, Ahmad Seif
Kanahori, Tetsuya
Kanamoto, Masayuki
Kanao, Shotaro
Kanazawa, Hitoshi
Kanazawa, Yuki
Kanbara, Yoshiyuki
Kanber, Baris
Kandasamy, Devasenathipathy
Kaneko, Jun
Kaneko, Toshimitsu
Kaneko, Yasuhito
Kanemaki, Yoshihide
Kanemura, Yonehiro
Kang, Byung Chul
Kang, Chang Ho
Kang, Chang-Ki
Kang, Daehun
Kang, Doo Kyoung
Kang, Guoxin
Kang, Hakmook
Kang, Huiying
Kang, Hyo-Jin
Kang, Hyunkoo
Kang, Jeeheon
Kang, Jinkyu
Kang, Joo Hyun
Kang, Koung Mi
Kang, Kyung Jun
Kang, Liyi
Kang, Martin
Kang, Min-Kyoung
Kang, MungSoo
Kang, Shih-Tsung
kang, Yan
Kang, Yu
Kang, Yuanyuan
Kang, Zhuang
Kangas, Johanna
Kanki, Akihiko
Kannengiesse, Stephan
Kannengießer, Stephan
Kanoto, Masafumi
Kantor, Idan
Kao, Evan
Kao, Hong-Wen
Kao, Hung-Wen
Kao, Joseph
Kao, KuoJang
Kao, Te-Wei
Kao, Yu-Chieh
Kao, Yu-Chieh Jill
Kaplan, Alexey
Kapoor, Aditya
Kappelle, L.
Kappos, Ludwig
Kaprealian, Tania
Kapse, Kushal
Kapur, Payal
Kapusta, Katarzyna
Kara, Danielle
Karaban, Irina
Karachi, Carine
Karageorgis, Anastassia
Karakatsanis, Nicolas
Karaman, M. Muge
Karaman, Muge
Karampinos, Dimitrios
Karanicolas, Paul
Karatas, Meltem
Karcher, Rainer
Karczmar, Gregory
Kargar, Soudabeh
Karis, John
Karjalainen, Jouni
Karkouri, Jabrane
Karl, Barb
Karlas, Thomas
Karlo, Colleen
Karlsson, Anette
Karlsson, Magnus
Karlsson, Markus
Karlsson, Matts
Karmacharya, Sarina
Karmarkar, Parag
Karnani, Neerja
Karner, Manuela
Karotki, Alex
Karow, David
Karpilow, Alex
Karr, Robin
Karsa, Anita
Karssemeijer, Nico
Karunamuni, Roshan
Karunanayaka, Prasanna
Karvonen, Toni
Kasai, Harumasa
Kashani, Rojano
Kashkoush, Jasmine
kashyap, Shiridhar
Kasinadhuni, Aditya
Kasinadhuni, Aditya Kumar
Kaso, Artan
Kasper, Lars
Kassai, Yoshimori
Kassam, Zahra
Kassegne, Sam
Katada, Kazuhiro
Katagiri, Daisuke
Katahira, Kazuhiro
Kataoka, Kazunori
Kataoka, Masako
Katayama, Motoyuki
Katemann, Christoph
Kates, Lance
Kato, Naoki
Kato, Roberta
Kato, Ryoichi
Kato, Yoshinori
Katoch, Nitish
Katscher, Ulrich
Katz, Bradley
Katz, Brittany
Katz, Jeffrey
Kauczor, Hans-Ulrich
Kaufman, Marc
Kaufmann, Jörn
Kaufmann, Timothy
Kaula, Norbert
Kaur, Jaskanwaljeet
Kaur, Ramneek
Kaura, Deepak
Kausar, A S M Zahid
Kaushal, Rohit
Kaushik, S
Kaushik, S. Shivram
Kaushik, Sandeep
Kaushik, Suryanarayanan
Kaveh, Mostafa
Kaviani, Mehri
Kawada, Hiroshi
Kawadler, Jamie
Kawaguchi, Hirokazu
Kawai, Hisashi
Kawai, Makiko
Kawai, Nobuyuki
Kawaji, Keigo
Kawakubo, Masateru
Kawamoto, Hiroaki
Kawanami, Satoshi
Kawashima, Akira
Kawashima, Masahiro
Kawel-Boehm, Nadine
Kawohl, Wolfram
Kawrakow, Iwan
Kayal, Esha
Kaye, Elena
Kaye, Jeffrey
Kayvanrad, Mohammad
Kaza, Evangelia
Kazama, Toshiki
Kazeminejad, Amirali
Kazimierski-Hentschel, Kamil
Ke, Zan
Keane, Theresa
Kearney, Hugh
Keating, Brian
Kechagias, Argyrios
Kechagias, Stergios
Kecskemeti, Steven
Keder, David
Kedziorek, Dorota
Kee, Youngwook
Keegan, Jennifer
Keelara, Darshan
Keely, Patricia
Keenan, Kathryn
Keenan, Kelly
Keerthisavan, Mahesh
Keerthivasan, Mahesh
Keerthivasan, Mahesh Bharath
Kehler, Daniel
Keil, Boris
Keil, Vera
Keilberg, Petra
Keilholz, Shella
Keinänen, Tuija
Keisker, Birgit
Keita, Åsa
Kelcz, Frederick
Keliris, Georgios
Kellenberger, Christian
Keller, Eric
Keller, Margaret
Keller, Sarah
Keller, Ulrich
Kelley, Douglas
Kelley, Monique
Kellihan, Heidi
Kellman, Peter
Kellner, Elias
Kelly, Caitlin
Kelly, Christopher
Kelly, Claire
Kelly, Kevin
Kelly, Teresa
Kelm, Malte
Kelm, Nathaniel
Kelz, Max
Kemeny, Nancy
Kemmer, Kathleen
Kemmler, Wolfgang
Kemp, Graham
Kemp, Wybe
Kempe, Christian
Kemper, Valentin
Kempf, Julia
Kempt, Doty
Kendall, Giles
Kenkhuis, Boyd
Kennan, Richard
Kennedy, Erin
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, Matthew
Kennedy, Paul
Kennerley, Aneurin
Kent, Jane
Keraudren, Kevin
Kerby, Susie
Kercher, Eric
Kerever, Aurelien
Kerkmeijer, Linda
Kern, Agilo
Kern, Mark
Kerr, Adam
Kersemans, Veerle
Kershaw, Jeff
Kerwin, William
Keselman, Paul
Keserci, Bilgin
Keshari, Kayvan
Keshavan, Anisha
Kesler, Shelli
Kessler, Robert
Kessler, Ute
Kestler, Christian
Ketola, Juuso
Kettinger, Ádám
Keupp, Jochen
Kevin, King
Keysers, Christian
Keyvanfard, Farzaneh
Khaim, Rafael
Khajehim, Mahdi
Khalifé, Maya
Khalighi, Mehdi
Khalighi, Mohammad Mehdi
Khalil, Michael
Khalique, Zohya
Khalsa, Sahib
Khan, Ahmad
Khan, Ali
Khan, Jaffar
Khan, Khurum
Khan, Monika
Khan, Safdar
Khanuja, Paul
Kharas, Michael
Khare, Kedar
Kharuzhyk, Siarhei
Khatib, Dalal
Khatibi, Ali
Khatri, Gaurav
Khattri, Ram
Khegai, Oleksandr
Khemtong, Chalermchai
Khlebnikov, Vitaliy
Kho, Eun-Young
Khodanovich, Marina
Khokhar, Kashif
Kholmovski, Eugene
Khoo, Michael
Khoshnoodi, Pooria
Khoshpouri, Pegah
Khosravan, Naji
Khrapichev, Alexandr
Khrapitchev, Alexandr
Khrapitchev, Alexandre
Khurana, Kiranpreet
Khushnood, Abbas
Khushu, Subash
Kiçik, Ani
Kicik, Ani
Kida, Ikuhiro
Kidney, Rebecca
Kido, Aki
Kiefer, Berthold
Kieffer, Brigitte
Kiely, David
Kienbacher, Christian
Kiernan, Matthew
Kievel, Michael
Kihara, Yasushi
Kijowski, Richard
Kikuchi, Akihiro
Kikuchi, Kazufumi
Kikuchi, Yasuka
Kikuta, Kenichiro
Kilbourne, Sarah
Kilian, Scott
Kilian, Wolfgang
Kilic, Toygan
Kilinc, Ozden
Kilner, Philip
Kilpatrick, Trevor
Kim, Adrienne
Kim, Albert
Kim, Baek Hyun
Kim, Bohyun
Kim, Bum-soo
Kim, Byungjai
Kim, Chang
Kim, Chang Soo
Kim, Chul Hoon
Kim, Daehong
Kim, Daeseung
Kim, Daeun
Kim, Dahan
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Dong Eun
Kim, Dong Youn
Kim, Dong-Hyun
Kim, Dongchan
Kim, Donghyuk
Kim, Donghyun
Kim, Edward
Kim, Eugene
Kim, Eui Jong
Kim, Eun-Joo
Kim, Eun-Ju
Kim, Eun-jung
Kim, Eun-Kyung
Kim, Eung Yeop
Kim, Eunhee
Kim, Eunji
Kim, Eunju
Kim, Gwang-Won
Kim, Hahnsung
Kim, Han-Joong
Kim, Harrison
Kim, Harry
Kim, Hee-Kyung
Kim, Heekyung
Kim, Heesoog
Kim, Heisoog
Kim, Ho Sung
Kim, Ho-jin
Kim, Hosung
Kim, Hyeonjin
Kim, Hyeonwoo
Kim, Hyug-Gi
Kim, Hyun Gi
Kim, Hyun Min
Kim, Hyun Su
Kim, Hyung Joong
Kim, Hyunwoo
Kim, In Seong
Kim, Injoong
Kim, Jae Myung
Kim, Jae Seung
Kim, Jae-Hun
Kim, Jaeil
Kim, Jana
Kim, Jeehun
Kim, Jeong Kon
Kim, Jeong-Hee
Kim, Jeongchul
Kim, Ji-hoon
Kim, Jin Kyu
Kim, Jin Woong
Kim, Jin-Soo
Kim, Jinil
Kim, Jiwon
Kim, Jong Seung
kim, Jong-Min
Kim, Joo Hee
Kim, Joo-won
Kim, Joo-Young
Kim, Joong
Kim, Joong-Seok
Kim, Jun-Hyeong
Kim, Jung Hwan
Kim, Jung Young
Kim, Jung-Hwan
Kim, Jung-Hyun
Kim, Jung-Sun
Kim, Jung-Young
Kim, Junghoon
Kim, JungHwan
Kim, Junmo
Kim, Ki
Kim, Ki Hwan
Kim, Ki Woong
Kim, Kou Gyeom
Kim, Kyoung-Nam
Kim, Kyung won
Kim, Min Ju
Kim, Min Jung
Kim, Min-Jeong
Kim, Mina
Kim, Minjeong
Kim, Minkyeong
Kim, Nambeom
Kim, Namhee
Kim, Namkug
Kim, Pan-ki
Kim, Panki
Kim, Paul
Kim, Richard
Kim, Sang Joon
Kim, Sang Tae
Kim, Sang Youn
Kim, Sang-Tae
Kim, Sang-Woo
Kim, Sang-Young
Kim, SangJoon
Kim, Sangwoo
Kim, Sekeun
Kim, Seong-Eun
Kim, Seong-Gi
Kim, Seoung-Eun
Kim, Seung Hyup
Kim, Soyeon
Kim, Sugil
Kim, Sun
Kim, Sungheon
Kim, Sungheon Gene
Kim, Tae
Kim, Tae Hee
Kim, Tae Hyung
Kim, Tae-Hoon
Kim, Tae-Jeong
Kim, Taeseong
Kim, Won Yong
Kim, Yee Eun
Kim, Yoon-Chul
Kim, Young
Kim, Young Bae
Kim, Young Kon
Kim, Young-Jin
Kim, Young-Sun
Kim, Yun-Hee
Kimberly, W.
Kimbrell, Vera
Kimura, Hirohiko
Kinahan, Paul
Kinchesh, Paul
Kinder, Kai
King, Helen
King, James
King, Kevin
King, Michael
King, Sarah
King, Scott
Kinger, Nikhar
Kingsley, Charles
Kinnea, Nigel
Kinner, Sonja
Kino, Aya
Kinoshita, Manabu
Kinoshita, Yasuyuki
Kipar, Anja
Kiraly, Atilla
Kirby, Miranda
Kirchner, Julian
Kirchner, Thomas
Kirilina, Evgeniya
Kirk, Thomas
Kirkbride, Rachael
Kirkham, Amy
Kirkham, Fenella
Kirkish, Gina
Kirpalani, Anish
Kirsch, John
Kirsch, Rainer
Kirsch, Richard
Kirschke, Jan
Kirshner, Howard
Kisch, Shawn
Kiselev, Valerij
Kishida, Yuji
Kishimoto, Ayami
Kishimoto, Riwa
Kishimoto, Shun
Kishimoto, Yo
Kister, Ilya
Kitajima, Hiroumi
Kitajima, Kazuhiro
Kitama, Masataka
Kitamoto, Yuri
Kitamura, Morimasa
Kitchen, Neil
Kitchin, Douglas
Kitoh, Yoshihiro
Kitsch, Averi
Kittelson, Emily
Kitzer, Simone
Kitzler, Hagen
Kitzman, Dalane
Kiviniemi, Aida
Kiviniemi, Vesa
Kivshar, Yuri
Kiyama, Sachiko
Kjaer, Andreas
Kjellberg, Emma
Kjærgaard, Uffe
Klaassen, Remy
Klaren, Rachel
Klarenbach, Scott
Klasinc, Isabella
Klassen, L
Klassen, Martyn
Klatt, Dieter
Klauser, Antoine
Klawer, Edzo
Klawiter, Eric
Klazen, Caroline
Kleban, Elena
Klee, Rebecca
Kleijn, Dominique
Kleim, Kirsten
Klein, Jonathan
Klein, Michael
Klein, Ran
Klein, Robert
Klein, S.
Klein, Stefan
Kleinberg, Lawrence
Kleiner, Reinhold
Kleinfeld, David
Kleinnijenhuis, Michiel
Klempnauer, Jürgen
Klenk, Christopher
Klepochová, Radka
Klimas, Michael
Klimes, Filip
Klimeš, Filip
Kline, Mitchell
Klomp, Dennis
Klomp, Dennis W.J.
Klooster, Debby
Klopries, Kerstin
Kloth, Christopher
Kluge, Anne
Kluge, Thomas
Klupp, Elisabeth
Klussmann, Thomas
KN, Bhanu Prakash
Knapp, Cheryl
Knecht, Stephan
Knecht, Urspeter
Knight, Silvin
Knobel, Heidi
Knoll, Florian
Knoll, Maximilian
Knopp, Michael
Knopp, Tobias
Knowles, Benjamin
Knutsson, Hans
Knutsson, Linda
Ko, Cheng-Wen
Ko, Inok
Ko, Yun-Kyoung
Koay, Eugene
Kobala, Nino
Kobalia, Nino
Kobashi, Syoji
Kobashigawa, Jon
Kobayashi, Hisataka
Kobayashi, Kouji
Kobayashi, Masakazu
Kobayashi, Naoharu
Kobayashi, Satoshi
Kobayashi, Tetsuo
Kobayashi, Yuta
Kobayashi, Yuto
Kobe, Elizabeth
Kober, Frank
Kober, Tobias
Kobus, Thiele
Kocaturk, Ozgur
Kocevar, Gabriel
Koch, Giacomo
Koch, Kevin
Koch, Martin A.
Koch, Palle
Koch, Stefan
Koch, William
Kochanek, Patrick
Kodama, Yoshinori
Kodibagkar, Vikram
Kodiweera, Chandana
Koehler, Christina
Koehler, Raymond
Koelle, Dieter
Koeller, Kristen
Koenig, Katherine
Koers, Alexander
Koerzdoerfer, Gregor
Koetsveld, Folkert
Kofahl, Anna-Lisa
Koff, Matthew
Kogan, Feliks
Kogelman, Bauke
Koh, Angela Su-Mei
Koh, Dow
Koh, Dow-Mu
Koh, Myeong Ju
Kohal, Ralf
Kohama, Steven
Kohashi, Ryutaro
Kohe, Sarah
Kohli, Anirudh
Kohn, Orly
Kohno, Shigeshi
Koizumi, Mitsuru
Koizumi, Yumi
Kok, Lisanne
Koken, Peter
Kokkinos, Chris
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
Kokuryo, Daisuke
Kolakshyapati, Manish
Kolandaivelu, Aravindan
Kolb, Manuel
Kolbe, Scott
Kolbitsch, Christoph
Kolehmainen, Ville
Koletar, Margaret
Kolind, Shannon
Kolipaka, Arunark
Kolipaka, PhD, Arunark
Kolipaka PhD, Arunark
Kollasch, Peter
Kollias, Spyridon
Kollias, Spyros
Komaki, Yuji
Komatsu, Chiaki
Komlosh, Michal
Konar, Amaresh
Konar, Amaresha
Kondapavulur, Sravani
Kondo, Atsushi
Kondo, Douglas
Kondraganti, Shakuntala
Kong, Hanjing
Kong, Qingle
Kong, Xiangchuang
Kong, Xiangxing
Konin, Gabrielle
Konishi, Yoshiyuki
Konno, Yoshihiro
Kono, Atsushi
Kono, Kenji
Kono, Michihito
kono, Yasunari
Kono, Yuko
Konopleva, Marina
Konowicz, Paul
Konrad, Kerstin
Konrad, Peter
Konrad, Schlick
Konstan, Michael
Konstandin, Simon
Koo, Chi Wan
Koo, Minseok
Kooijman, Hendrick
Kooijman, Hendrik
Kooijman-Kurfuerst, Hendrik
Koolstra, Kirsten
Koopmans, Peter
Koopmeiners, Joseph
Kopanoglu, Emre
Kopanski, Ashlyn
Kopell, Brian
Kopka, Klaus
Korchak, Sergey
Kording, Fabian
Kordzadeh, Atefeh
Korell, Monica
Korenchan, David
Koretsky, Alan
Korfiatis, Panagiotis
Korhonen, Rami
Korhonen, Vesa
Kornak, John
Kornecki, Anat
Kornegay, Joe
Kornyei, Balint
Korogi, Yukunori
Korosec, Frank
Koroshetz, Walter
Korostyshevskaya, Alexandra
Korotcov, Alexandru
Korte, James
Korvink, Jan
Korvink, Jan Gerrit
Korzowski, Andreas
Koschnitzke, Melissa
Koschutnig, Karl
Kose, Katsumi
Kose, Ryoichi
Koshkina, Olga
Kostelich, Eric
Kostis, William
Kotackova, Lenka
Kotari, Vikas
Kotelawala, Lakmal
Kotetishvili, Ketevan
Kotrotsou, Aikaterini
Kou, Zhifeng
Kouda, Wataru
Koulagi, Girish
Koulman, Albert
Koundinyan, Srivathsan
Koush, Yury
Koutcher, Jason A.
Koutsouleris, Nikolaos
Koutsoupidou, Maria
Kovacic, Jason
Kovácová, Milada
Kovacs, Andrea
Kovacs, Iringo
Kovacs, Noemi
Kovacs, Zoltan
Kovacs, Zsofia
Kovanlikaya, Ilhami
Kovar, Jan
Kowalik, Grzegorz
Kowall, Neil
Koyama, Naomi
Koyasu, Hiromi
Koyasu, Sho
Koyn, Brian
Kozawa, Eito
Kozerke, Sebastian
Kozicz, Tamas
Kozlov, Mikhail
Kozlowski, Piotr
Kraaijeveld, Bram
Kraemer, Markus
Kraff, Oliver
Krafft, Axel
Kraft, Robert
Krahn, Philippa
Krainik, Alexandre
Kraitchman, Dara
Krajinovic, Maja
Kramer, Christopher
Kramer, Fritz
Kramer, Harald
Kramer, John
Kramer, Michael
Krasnokutsky Samuels, Svetlana
Krátká, Lucie
Kraus, Virginia
Krause, Mechthild
Krebs, Michael
Krebs, Simone
Kreis, Felix
Kreis, Roland
Kreisel, Wolfgang
Kreitz, Silke
kremenchutzky, Marcelo
Kretzler, Madison
Kreutner, Jakob
Krieger, Ana
Kriegeskorte, Nikolaus
Krier, James
Krikken, Erwin
Krisa, Laura
Krishan, Sonal
Krishna, Murali
Krishna, Vibhor
Krishnamachary, Balaji
Krishnamurthy, Lisa
Krishnamurthy, Narayanan
Krishnamurthy, Uday
Krishnamurthy, Venkatagiri
Krishnan, Balu
Krishnan, Kannan
Krishnan, Michelle
Krishnan, Vijai
Kristensen, Annemarie
Kristensen, Gunnar
Kroboth, Stefan
Kroeker, Randall
Kroell, Dino
Kroenke, Christopher
Kronenbuerger, Martin
Kronfeld, Andrea
Kronnerwetter, Claudia
Kruchevsky, Natalia
Krueger, Frank
Krueger, Gunnar
Krug, Roland
Kruger, Gunnar
Kruger, Marlena
Kruger, Stanley
Kruk, Danuta
Krukowski, Karen
Kruseman, Anna
Krüger-Stokke, Brage
Krämer, Martin
Krššák, Martin
Ku, Eric
Ku, Min-Chi
Kuang, Weihong
Kuang, Yang
Kubala, Eugen
Kubiak, Ewa
Kubicky, Charlotte
Kubikova, Lubica
Kubo, Hitoshi
Kubo, Kazuhiro
Kuceyeski, Amy
Kuchan, Matthew
Kucharczyk, Walter
Kuchcinski, Grégory
Kuchinsky, Kyle
Kuchling, Joseph
Kucuk, Omer
Kuder, Tristan
Kudielka, Guido
Kudo, Kohsuke
Kuehn, Bernd
Kuehne, Andre
Kuehne, André
Kuestner, Thomas
Kuetting, Daniel
Kugel, Harald
Kugel, Jennifer
Kuhl, Christiane
Kuhl, Ellen
Kuhle, Jens
Kuhn, Jens-Peter
Kui, Ying
Kuijer, Joost PA
Kuijf, HJ
Kuijf, Hugo
Kujawa, Aaron
Kuklisova, Maria
Kuklisova Murgasova, Maria
Kuklisova-Murgasova, Maria
Kukuk, Guido
Kukuk, Markus
Kulkarni, Arman
Kulkarni, Paraveen
Kulkarni, Praveen
Kullack, Max
Kullberg, Joel
Kumagae, Yuichi
Kumamaru, Kanako
Kumamoto, Etsuko
Kumar, Ashok
Kumar, Deepak
Kumar, Dushyant
Kumar, Jyothika
Kumar, Manoj
Kumar, Mukesh
Kumar, Neil
Kumar, Rajeev
Kumar, Rajesh
Kumar, Suchit
Kumar, Sudeep
Kumar, Vinod
kumar, Yogesh
Kumar Gupta, Pradeep
Kumar Gupta, Rakesh
Kumaragamage, Chathura
Kumaran, S. Senthil
Kumaran, Senthil
Kumarapperuma, Sidath
Kumari, Sadhana
Kumari, Veena
Kumashiro, Masayuki
Kumazawa, Seiji
Kumita, Shin-ichiro
Kumlien, Eva
Kumnoor, Ashwini
kun, li
Kundu, Prantik
Kunimatsu, Akira
Kunimatsu, Natsuko
Kunisch, Karl
Kunkel, Laura
Kuntz, Lara
Kunz, Andreas
Kunz, Nicolas
Kunze, Karl
Kuo, John
Kuo, Li-Wei
Kuo, Michael
Kuo, Phillip
Kuo, Tai-Hsin
Kuo, Wen-Jui
Kuo, Yen-Shu
Kuoy, Edward
Kuperman, Joshua
Kuratani, Atsushi
Kurhanewicz, John
Kuribayashi, Hideto
Kurien, Thomas
Kurihara, Yasuyuki
Kurisu, Kaoru
Kurita, Toshiharu
Kurland, Jacquie
Kurniawan, Nyoman
Kuroda, Kagayaki
Kuroda, Ryosuke
Kuroda, Tatsunori
Kuroiwa, Yasuyoshi
Kurokawa, Shinji
Kurpad, Shekar
Kurt, Elif
Kurt, Erkan
Kurth, Johannes
Kurtzberg, Joanne
Kurugol, Sila
Kuruvilla, Sibu
Kurz, Felix
Kurzhunov, Dmitry
Kusahara, Hiroshi
Kusanagi, Shunsuke
Kuschner, Emily
Kushner, David
Kuster, Niels
Kutsche, Lisa
Kuzu, Yasutaka
Kvernby, Sofia
Kwack, Kyu-Sung
Kwan, Joseph Shiu-Kwong
Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz
Kwok, Wingchi
Kwon, Dongjin
Kwon, Jae Im
Kwon, Kinam
Kwon, Oh In
Kwong, Kenneth
Kwong, Raymond
Kyathanahally, Sreenath P
Kühne, Andre
Kyme, Andre
Kündel, Matthias
Künnecke, Basil
Kyotani, Katsusuke
Küstner, Thomas
Kütting, Daniel
Kyuna, Yoshifusa
Kyyriäinen, Jenni
Köhler, Stefan
Köhn, Alexander
Kölsche, Christian
Körting, Clara
Körzdörfer, Gregor
Köstler, Herbert
L. Poulsen, Per
Laack, Nadia
Labadie, Christian
Labrousse, Louis
Lacava, Salvatore
Lacerda, Luis
Lacey, Simon
Lacey, Tony
Lachaine, Jean
Lackemeyer, Matthew
Lad, Nandan
LaDage, Lara
Ladd, Mark
Ladefoged, Claes
Ladner, Joshua
Laffrat, Elodie
Lafontaine, Marisa
Laforest, Richard
Lagendijk, Jan
Lagendijk, Jan .J.W.
Lagerstrand, Kerstin
Lagore, Russell
Lagrou, Katrien
Lahey, Benjamin
Lahrech, Hana
Lai, Albert
Lai, Chyong-Huey
Lai, Hollie
Lai, Hsin Yi
Lai, Hsin-Yi
Lai, Peng
Lai, Ping-Hong
Lai, Shenghan
Lai, Stephen
Lai, Yongchuan
Lai, Zhi-chao
Lai, Zongying
Laissue, Jean
Laistler, Elmar
Lake, David
Lake, Evelyn
Lake, Spencer
Lakhman, Yuliya
Lakner, Peter
Lakshmanan, Karthik
Lala, Anarahda
Laleg-Kirati, Taous-Meriem
Lally, Niall
Lally, Peter
Lalwani, Neeraj
Lam, Fan
Lam, Pak Lun
Lam, Tsz-ping
Lam, Wilfred
Lamacie, Mariana
Lamas Constantino, Carolina
Lamb, James
Lambert, Simon
Lamberton, Franck
Lammentausta, Eveliina
LaMontagne, Pamela
Lampinen, Björn
Lamy, Julien
Lan, Patricia
Lan, Wenjing
Lan, Zhang
Lanagan, Michael
Lanagan, Michalel
Lancaster, Melissa
Lancia, Samantha
Lancione, Marta
Landau, Klara
Landes, Vanessa
Landi, Sofia
Landini, Luigi
Landman, Bennett
Landreth, Gary
Lane, John
Lane, Nancy
Lane, Timothy
Lanfermann, Heinrich
Lang, Donna
Lang, Markus
Lang, Ning
Langbeen, An
Lange, Gudrun
Lange, Stefan F.
Lange, Thomas
Langen, Karl-Josef
Langenhuijsen, Hans
Langford, Bruce
Langham, Michael
Langkammer, Christian
Langkilde, Fredrik
Langley, Jason
Langlois, Jean-Baptiste
Langner, Soenke
Langs, Georg
Langseth, Karina
Langørgen, Sverre
Lanham, Diane
Lanier, Matthew
Lants, Katie
Lants, Sarah
Lantz, Jonas
Lanz, Bernard
Lanz, Titus
Lao, Cuijin
Lapointe, Emmanuelle
Laprie, Yves
Lardinois, Didier
Larkin, James
LaRoche, Ashley
Larocque, Matthew
Larrat, Benoit
Larrieu, Thomas
Larriva-Sahd, Jorge
Larsen, Bart
Larsen, Majbrit
Larsen, Naomi
Larsen, Ryan
Larson, Andrew
Larson, Paul
Larson, Peder
Larsson, Elna-Marie
Lascialfari, Alessandro
Lascola, Chris
Lashmett, Hilary
Lasic, Samo
Laske, Christoph
Lassmann, Hans
Laterra, John
Latifoltojar, Arash
Latourette, Matthew
Latta, Peter
Lattanzi, Riccardo
Latzin, Philipp
Lau, Angus
Lau, Condon
Lau, Hok Kan
Lau, Jonathan
Lau, Justin
Lau, Kui-Kai
Laub, Gerhard
Laudone, Vincent
Lauer, Kathryn
Laughlin, Barbara
Laule, Cornelia
Laun, Frederik
Laurent, Brodier
Laurent, Didier
Lauriers, Nathalie
Laustsen, Christoffer
Lauze, Francois
Lauzon, M
Lauzon, M Louis
Laverdière, Caroline
Laville, Martine
Lavin, Begoña
Lavin Plaza, Begona
Lavini, Cristina
LaViolette, Peter
Lavreysen, Hilde
Law, Calvin
Law, Christine
Law, Max W.K.
Law, Meng
Law, Zhe
Lawler, Sean
Lawless, Richard
Lawrence, Katherine
Lawrence-Dewar, Jane
Lawrenz, Marco
Lawson, Parker
Lay, Yu-An Evan
Layec, Gwenael
Layer, Guenter
Laymon, Charles
Layton, Kelvin
Lazaga, Francisco
Lazar, Mariana
Lazaro, Adhara
Lazarus, Carole
Lazeyras, François
Lazeyras, Francois
Lazeyras, Franc¸ois
Lazovic, Jelena
Le, Matthieu
Le, Steven
Le, Yuan
Le Bihan, Denis
Le Brusquet, Laurent
Le Fur, Yann
Le Garrec, Morgane
Le Troter, Arnaud
Le-Petross, Huong
Leach, Joseph
Leach, Martin
Leal, Alberto
Leal, Joana
Leao Barbosa, Flavia
Leather, Thomas
Leavitt, Blair
Leb, Jay
Lebel, C.
Lebel, Marc
Lebel, R
Lebel, R Marc
Lebel, R.
Lebel, R. Marc
Lebel, Réjean
Lebel, Robert
Lebon, Vincent
Lechea, Nazim
Lechene, Balthazar
Lecher, Bernd
Lechner-Scott, Jeannette
Lecler, Augustin
Lécuyer, Anatole
Leddy, John
Lederman, Robert
Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste
Ledwig, Michael
Lee, Adrienne
Lee, Amie
Lee, Byeong-Yeul
Lee, Byongsop
Lee, Chang Kyung
Lee, Chanhee
Lee, Chi-Wei
Lee, Chu-Yu
Lee, Chulhyun
Lee, Chung-Wei
Lee, Daniel
Lee, Do-Wan
Lee, Dong Ho
Lee, Dong-Hoon
Lee, Donghoon
Lee, DongKyu
Lee, Dongwook
Lee, Doohee
Lee, Elaine
Lee, Gangchea
Lee, Gilbert Aaron
Lee, H. Sean
Lee, Hakho
Lee, Han Lim
Lee, Han Sang
Lee, Hansang
Lee, Hansol
Lee, Hedok
Lee, Ho-Joon
Lee, Hong-Hsi
Lee, Hongpyo
Lee, Hsin-Ju
Lee, Hsu Lei
Lee, Hsu-Lei
Lee, Hyeong-Hun
Lee, Hyo
Lee, Hyun
Lee, Hyunna
Lee, Hyunseung
Lee, Hyunyeol
Lee, In-Young
Lee, Insun
Lee, Jack
Lee, Jae Seung
Lee, Jae-Hyeok
Lee, Jaehyuk
Lee, Jarone
Lee, Jee-Young
Lee, Jei Hee
Lee, Jeong Min
Lee, Jeong-Min
Lee, JeongTaek
Lee, Jimmy
Lee, Jin
Lee, Jin Hyung
Lee, Jin-Moo
Lee, Jingu
Lee, Jo
Lee, Jong-Hwan
Lee, Jongho
Lee, Joon-sung
Lee, Joonsung
Lee, Jung Hee
Lee, Jungryun
Lee, Kendall
Lee, Kevin
Lee, Kuan
Lee, Kuan Jin
Lee, Kyo Chul
Lee, Kyung Mi
Lee, Kyung-Jin
Lee, Lisa
Lee, Lisa Eunyoung
Lee, Meng-Hsin
Lee, Min Young
Lee, Min-Hee
Lee, Min-Young
Lee, Namgyun
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Percy
Lee, Phil
Lee, Phil Hyu
Lee, Philip
Lee, Richard
Lee, Rushyuan
Lee, Sang Joon
Lee, Sang-Eun
Lee, Seon
Lee, Seul
Lee, Seul I
Lee, Seung Ku
Lee, Seung Soo
Lee, Seung-Cheol
Lee, Seung-Koo
Lee, Seung-Kyun
Lee, Si-Chen
Lee, Song
Lee, Su Jin
Lee, Subin
Lee, Suh-Young
Lee, Sung Ho
Lee, Sung-Ho
Lee, SungHo
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Ting-Yim
Lee, Vince
Lee, Vincent
Lee, Vivian
Lee, Wang-Tso
Lee, Weiling
Lee, Yeong-Bae
Lee, Yeonju
Lee, Yi-Hsiung
Lee, Yong Jin
Lee, Yong Seok
Lee, Yoojin
Lee, Yoonmee
Lee, You Jung
Lee, YouJung
Lee, Young Ju
Lee, Youngbok
Lee, Yu-Hsiu
Lee, Yung Seng
Lee Diaz, Jorge
Lee*, Jae-Jun
Lee-Felker, Stephanie
Lee-McMullen, Brittany
Leeder, J.
Leeman, Jonathan
Leemans, Alexander
Leenders, William
Leeper, Dennis
Lefeuvre, Jennifer
Lefkimmiatis, Stamatios
Legeza, Balazs
Leh, Sandra
Lehéricy, Stéphane
Lehericy, Stephane
Lehman, Constance
Lehmann, Stefanie
Lehner, Anja
Lehner, Sean
Lehto, Lauri
Lei, Bingzhen
Lei, Du
Lei, Hongxia
Lei, Jun
Lei, Junqiang
Lei, Xinwei
Lei, Zihan
Leibfritz, Dieter
Leigh, Nigel
Leigh, Richard
Leighton, Leah
Leiner, Tim
Leinhard, Olof Dahlqvist
Leinroth, Abby
Leinwand, Sarah
Leitner, Brooks
Leiva, Brian
LeKaye, H. Carl
Lemasson, Benjamin
LeMasters, Grace
Lemberskiy, Gregory
Lemiere, Jurgen
Lemieux, Louis
Lemonis, Christos
Lemos, Marcelo
Lenchik, Leon
Leng, Ethan
Leng, Shuang
Lenglet, Christophe
Lenhard, Diana
Lenhard, Stephen
Lenich, Tobias
Lenkinski, Robert
Lenting, Krissie
Lentz, Margaret
Lenzen, Henrike
Leong, Alex
Leong, Alex T. L.
Leong, Alex T.L.
Leong, Bao Ru
Leong, Taylor
Leoni, Marlene
Leoni, Renata
Leopaldi, Alberto
Leopold, David
Leow, Melvin
Lepage, Claude
Lepage, Martin
Lepanto, Luigi
Lepetit-Coiffé, Matthieu
Lepore, Mario
Lepore, Natasha
Leporq, Benjamin
Lepping, Rebecca
Lepsien, Jöran
Lerch, Jason
Lerche, Christoph
Lerche, Mathilde
Lerman, Cécile
Lerman, Lilach
Leroi, Lisa
Lerondel, Stéphanie
LeRoux, Patrick
Lesage, Frederic
Lesch, Andreas
Leschke, James
Lesnic, Daniel
Lessard, Eric
Leto, Filippo
Létourneau-Guillon, Laurent
Leu, Kevin
Leu-Semenescu, Smaranda
Leuchs, Laura
Leung, Doris
Leung, General
Leung, Hoi-Chung
Leung, Katherine
Leung, Lam-Ming
Leung, Steve
Leung, Steven
Leupold, Jochen
Leurgans, Sue
Leussler, Christoph
Leuthardt, Eric
Leutmezer, Fritz
Leuze, Christoph
Lev, Michael
LeVan, Pierre
Levenston, Marc
Levesque, Ives
Levesque, Victoria
Levi, Daniel
Levick, Christina
Levin, Craig
Levine, Evan
Levy, Shir
Lévy, Simon
Lew, Sean
Lewandowski, Adam
LeWinn, Kaja
Lewis, Andrew
Lewis, Anne
Lewis, Jason
Lewis, Laura
Lewis, Matthew
Lewis, Melinda
Lewis, Sara
Leyden, Kelly
Leynes, Andrew
Lhim, Jung Hyo
Li, Alan
Li, Alex
Li, Angie
Li, Anqin
Li, Ao
Li, Baosheng
Li, Basen
Li, Bian
Li, Bo
Li, Changyou
Li, Chen
Li, Cheng
Li, Cheng-He
Li, Chenxia
Li, Chia-Wei
Li, Chun-Xia
Li, Chunmei
Li, Chunxia
Li, David
Li, Debiao
Li, Dongye
Li, Dongyun
Li, Elizabeth
Li, Fei
li, fei ping
Li, Feiyu
Li, Feng
Li, Gaiying
Li, Gang
Li, Gang-Feng
Li, Guijin
Li, Guobin
Li, Guobing
Li, Haidong
Li, Hailiang
Li, Hailong
Li, Haining
Li, Haiyun
Li, Hao
Li, Haojie
Li, Hongbin
Li, Hongsheng
Li, Hongxiang
Li, Hongyu
Li, Hua
Li, Huihua
Li, Huixia
Li, Jianfu
Li, Jianjun
Li, Jianqi
Li, Jie-Yuan
Li, Jiianjun
Li, Jin
Li, Jing
Li, Jingao
li, jingjing
Li, Jingling
Li, Jinning
Li, Jinpeng
Li, Jun
Li, Ka-Loh
Li, Kaiming
Li, Kang-An
Li, Kangan
Li, Ke
Li, Kimberly
Li, Kuncheng
Li, Lei
Li, Li
Li, Lian
Li, Liang
Li, Limin
Li, Lin
Li, Linqing
Li, Lu
Li, Lu-Ping
Li, Lyu
Li, Mabel
Li, Matthew
Li, Meiling
Li, Miaoling
Li, Min
Li, Mingge
Li, Mingli
Li, Mingmei
Li, Mingyan
Li, Mingyi
Li, Nan
Li, Nannan
Li, Ning
Li, Ningzhi
Li, Peng
Li, Qi
Li, Qiang
Li, Qing
Li, Qingbo
Li, Qingjiang
Li, Robin
Li, Rui
Li, Ruo-kun
Li, Ruokun
Li, Sha
Li, Shaowu
Li, Shi-Jiang
Li, Shizhe
Li, Shu
Li, Shuai
Li, Shujian
Li, Songbai
Li, Ssu-Ju
Li, Tao
Li, Tianran
Li, Tianzhe
Li, Tie-Qiang
Li, Ting
Li, Tsung-Yuan
Li, Wei
Li, Wei-Chi
Li, Weigo
Li, Weiguo
Li, Weiping
Li, Wen
Li, Wenbin
Li, Wenbo
Li, Wenfei
Li, Wenfeng
Li, Wenming
Li, Xia
Li, Xiang
Li, Xianjun
Li, Xiao
Li, Xiao-lu
Li, Xiao-Ting
Li, Xiaobao
Li, Xiaojiao
Li, Xiaojuan
Li, Xiaona
Li, Xiaoting
Li, Xin
Li, Xingfeng
Li, Xinzhou
Li, Xiufeng
Li, Xu
Li, Xue hua
Li, Xuehua
Li, Xuesong
Li, Ya-guang
Li, Yadi
Li, Yan
Li, Yanan
Li, Yang
Li, Yanyan
Li, Ye
Li, Yi-Tien
Li, Yimei
Li, Ying
Li, Youxiang
Li, Yu
Li, Yuan
Li, Yucheng
Li, Yudu
Li, Yue
Li, Yuguo
Li, Yunduo
Li, Zhao
Li, Zhen
Li, Zhen Lan
Li, Zhengjun
Li, Zhenjiang
Li, Zhichao
Li, Zhiqiang
Li, Zhitao
Li, Zhuoqi
Li, Zi ping
Li, Ziping
Li, Zuofeng
Liachenko, Serguei
Lian, Zhouyang
Liang, Biling
Liang, Changhong
Liang, Changhu
liang, cheng
Liang, Dong
Liang, Fengli
Liang, Hongwei
Liang, Hua Jun
Liang, Jhih-Ling
Liang, Jiahao
Liang, Jianke
Liang, Lloyd
Liang, Lu
Liang, Min
Liang, Peipeng
Liang, Shuli
Liang, Ting
Liang, Wenjie
Liang, Xiao
Liang, Xiaoyun
Liang, Yan
Liang, Yu-Shiuan
Liang, Yuchao
Liang, Zhi-Pei
Liang, Zhifeng
Liao, Chengde
Liao, Congyu
Liao, Huijun
Liao, Hujun
Liao, Ronglih
Liao, Ruizhi
Liao, Shukun
Liao, Vicky
Liao, Yen-Peng
Liao, Yi
Liao, Yu Peng
Liau, Linda
Libbey, Jane
Liberman, Gilad
Licenik, Radim
Licht, Daniel
Lickert, Thomas
Lidbrink, Elisabet
Liebeskind, David
Liebgott, Annika
Liebi, Marianne
Liebig, Patrick
Liechti, Martina
Lieman-Sifry, Jesse
Ligneul, Clemence
Ligneul, Clémence
Liimatainen, Timo
Likhite, Devavrat
Lim, CC Tchoyoson
Lim, Eun Ji
Lim, Joo Won
Lim, May
Lim, Ruth
Lim, Sang Moo
Lim, Song-I
Lim, Soo Lee
Lim, Soo Mee
Lim, Wee Shiong
Lim, Winston
Lim, Woo-Taek
Lim, Yongwan
Lima, Joao
Lima Cardoso, Pedro
Limperopoulos, Catherine
Lin, Ai-Ling
Lin, Alexander
Lin, Chen-Pei
Lin, Chien-Hung
Lin, Chien-Mu
Lin, Chien-Yuan
Lin, Ching-Po
Lin, Chung Yin
Lin, Churong
Lin, Doris
Lin, Eugene
Lin, Fa-Hsuan
Lin, Fang-Chu
Lin, Fuchun
Lin, Gigin
Lin, Haixi
Lin, Hao
Lin, Hui
Lin, Hui-Ching
Lin, Hui-Hsien
Lin, Hui-min
Lin, Huimin
Lin, Jia-Ren
Lin, Jiahao
Lin, Jian
Lin, Jianzhong
Lin, Jin jiang
Lin, Jinjiang
Lin, Jo-Fu
Lin, Jo-Fu Lotus
Lin, Joshua
Lin, Jyh-Miin
Lin, Kai
Lin, Liangjie
lin, lin
Lin, Lu
Lin, Ma
Lin, Meng
Lin, Meng-Syuan
Lin, Michael
Lin, Min-Ling
Lin, Ming-Fun
Lin, Mu
Lin, Pan
Lin, Ruolan
Lin, Shih-Yen
Lin, Shu-An
Lin, Steven
Lin, Sue-Jin
Lin, Sung-han
Lin, Te-Ming
Lin, Tian-ye
Lin, Tiffany
Lin, Ting-Chun
Lin, Tsen-Hsuan
Lin, Tsen-Hsuan (Abby)
Lin, Weili
Lin, Weixun
Lin, Yan
Lin, Yanqin
Lin, Yen-Heng
Lin, Yi-Ru
Lin, Ying-Chia
Lin, Ying-Chih
Lin, Yu-Chun
Lin, Yuan
Lin, Yung-Ya
Lin, Zhiyong
Lin, Zixuan
Linares, Linares
Linch, Mark
Lincoln, John
Lind, Emelie
Lind, Kimberly
Lind, Lars
Lindblom, Hanna
Lindeboom, Lucas
Lindemann, Maike E.
Lindemeyer, Johannes
Lindenberger, Marcus
Lindenholz, Arjen
Linder, Nicolas
Lindhardt, Jakob
Lindholm, Christopher
Lindholm, Peter
Lindner, Thomas
Lindsay, Scott
Lindskog, Karolina
Linetsky, Mikhail
Ling, Chenhan
Ling, Huawei
Ling, Xiao
Lingala, Sajan
Lingala, Sajan Goud
Link, Daphna
Link, Katie
Link, Michael
Link, Thomas
Linn, Jennifer
Linnartz, Tim
Linsenmeier, Robert
Linton, Renee
Linville, M. Constance
Liossi, Christina
Liou, Jy-Kang
Lipiski, Miriam
Lipp, Ilona
Lipsman, Nir
Lipson, Jafi
Lipsø, Kasper
Lipton, Michael
Liptrot, Matthew
Liring, Jiing-Feng
Lirng, Jiing-Feng
Liska, Adam
Lisok, Ala
Lissemore, Emma
Litt, Jonathan
Littin, Sebastian
Little, Ross
Litwiller, Daniel
Liu, ailian
Liu, Alexander
Liu, Andrea
Liu, Biaoshui
Liu, Careesa
Liu, Chang
Liu, Chang-wei
Liu, Che Fu
Liu, Chen
Liu, Chia
Liu, Chia-Ying
Liu, Chih-Min
Liu, Chin-Wei
Liu, Chunlei
Liu, Chunxue
Liu, Collin
Liu, Congcong
Liu, Dapeng
Liu, David
Liu, Dexiang
Liu, Duan
Liu, Eulanca
Liu, Fang
Liu, Feng
Liu, Gaifen
Liu, Guan
Liu, Guanshu
Liu, Guiyong
Liu, Guo
Liu, Guoxiang
Liu, Haining
Liu, Haitian
Liu, Han
Liu, Hanlin
Liu, Hanwen
Liu, Hao
Liu, Hao Li
Liu, Hao-Li
Liu, Heng
Liu, Ho-Ling
Liu, Ho-Ling Anthony
Liu, Hsien-Tzu
Liu, Hua-Shan
Liu, Huafeng
Liu, Huanhuan
Liu, Hui
Liu, Jeremiah
Liu, Jia
Liu, Jiaen
Liu, Jiajin
Liu, Jian-Ren
Liu, Jianyu
Liu, Jieke
Liu, Jierong
Liu, Jin
Liu, Jing
Liu, Jingchun
Liu, Jinghong
Liu, Jinpeng
Liu, Julie
Liu, Junmin
Liu, Kai
liu, kan
Liu, Kang
Liu, Lan
Liu, LanXiang
Liu, Li
Liu, Lian
Liu, Lianhua
liu, lin
Liu, Lisi
Liu, Longqian
Liu, Lu
Liu, Lulu
Liu, Meng
Liu, Michael
Liu, Mingbo
Liu, Mingxia
Liu, Nan
Liu, Peijun
Liu, Peining
Liu, Peiying
Liu, Peng
Liu, Pengfei
Liu, Qi
Liu, Qingwei
Liu, Renyuan
Liu, Risheng
Liu, Saifeng
Liu, Shuai
Liu, Song
liu, songguo
Liu, Steven
Liu, Suyan
Liu, Taiyuan
Liu, Tao
Liu, Taoming
Liu, Taotao
Liu, Thomas
Liu, Tian
Liu, Tianyin
Liu, Ting-Ting
Liu, Wei
Liu, Wen
Liu, Wenjia
Liu, Wenyang
Liu, Xia
Liu, Xian
Liu, Xiao
Liu, Xiaoli
Liu, Xiaolin
Liu, Xiaosheng
Liu, Xiaoxi
Liu, Xiaoyang
Liu, Xiaoyun
Liu, Xin
Liu, Xinke
Liu, Yang
liu, yanqing
Liu, Yi
Liu, Yi-Jui
Liu, Yilong
liu, yin
Liu, Ying
Liu, Yingmin
Liu, Yong
liu, yuan
Liu, Yuanyuan
Liu, Yuchi
Liu, Yue
Liu, Yunsong
Liu, Yuqiu
Liu, Yutong
Liu, Zaiyi
Liu, Zhe
Liu, Zheng
Liu, Zhenyu
Liu, Zhi-Cheng
Liu, Zhicheng
Liu, Zhongming
Liu, Zhou
Liuyang, Yingqiu
Livingston-Thomas, Jessica
Livingstone, Margaret
Lizak, Martin
Lizhi, Xie
Ljungberg, Emil
Ljungberg, Maria
Ljunggren, Helena
Lloyd, Bryn
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Steven
Lloyd, Tom
Lo, Cecilia
Lo, Gladys
Lo, Gladys Goh
Lo, Grace
Lo, Jamie
Lo, Sherman
Lo, Wei-Ching
Lo, Yu-Chun
Lo Cascio, Christian
Lobo, Dileep
Lobos, Rodrigo
Lock, Christopher
Lock, Michael
Lockwood-Estrin, Georgia
Loderhose, Tim
Lodi, Raffaele
Lodygensky, Gregory
Loecher, Michael
Loeffler, Ralf
Loening, Andreas
Loew, Wolfgang
Logan, Jean
Loggia, Marco
Logothetis, Nikos
Loh, Wai Yen
Lohmann, Gabriele
Lohmann, Philipp
Lohr, David
Lohrke, Jessica
Lokossou, Armelle
Loktyushin, Alexander
Lombard Poirot, Nate
Lommen, Jonathan
Long, Dan
Long, Jeffrey
Long, Joseph
Long, Niamh
long, qian
Long, Xi
Long, Zhuqing
Longbotham, David
Longhi, Michele
Longo, Dario
Loo, Claudette
Loo, Rachelle
Looby, Kailyn
Loomba, Rohit
Lope-Piedrafita, Silvia
Lopes, Andre
Lopes, Joaquim
Lopes, Lucas
Lopes, Renaud
Lopes, Rute
Lopez, Alex
Lopez, Karina
Lopez, Oscar
Lopez, Oscar L.
Lopez Gonzalez, Rosario
Lopez Kolkovsky, Alfredo
López Medina, Antonio
Lopez Rios, Nibardo
López-Aranguren Blázquez, Blanca
Lorbeer, Roberto
Lord, Michelle
Lordier, Lara
Lorenz, Cristian
Lorenzi, Philip
Lorenzo-Garcia, Daniel
Lorrio, Silvia
Losey, Aaron
Loth, Francis
Lottner, Thomas
Lou, Mingwu
Lou, Xin
Louapre, Celine
Loucao*, Ricardo
Louie, Elizabeth
Loukas, Serafeim
Loureiro, Joana
Loureiro de Sousa, Paulo
Loveridge, Ben
Lovett, David
Low, Daniel
Low, Walter
Lowe, Mark
Lozano, Andres
Lozanski, Ashley
Loßnitzer, Dirk
Lu, Aiming
Lu, Chia-Feng
Lu, Chun-Qiang
Lu, David
Lu, H.
Lu, Haifeng
Lu, Haiying
Lu, Hanbing
Lu, Hanzhang
Lu, Hengfa
Lu, Huiqi
Lu, Jacky Tai-Yu
Lu, Jiaming
Lu, Jian
Lu, Jianfeng
Lu, Jianping
Lu, Jie
Lu, Jonathan
Lu, Jun
Lu, Kun-Han
Lu, Lan
Lu, Louise
Lu, Lu
Lu, MD, Timothy
Lu, Ming
Lu, Mingming
LU, Po-Jui
Lu, Qing
Lu, Wen
Lu, Xin
Lu, Xing
Lu, Xu
Lu, Yiping
Lu, Yonggang
Lu, Zheng-Rong
Lu, Zhou
Luan, Shihai
Lubberink, Mark
Lucassen, Paul
Lucci, Carlo
Luce, Sebastian
Luchow, Shiami
Lucht, Ben
Luchtmann, Michael
Luci, Jeffrey
Luciani, Alain
Luciano, Nicholas
Ludewig, Peter
Ludwig, Daniel
Ludwig, Dominik
Ludwig, Kai
Ludwig, Ute
Ludwing, Ute
Luechinger, Roger
Luedicke, Nadine
Luesebrink, Falk
Luetkens, Julian
Lugauer, Felix
Luger, Anton
Luh, Wen-Ming
Luh, Wenming
Lui, Allysa
Lui, Elaine
Lui, Su
Lui, Will
Lui, Yvonne
Luijten, Peter
Luijten, Peter R.
Luijten, PR
Luis-Garcia, Rodrigo de
Luk, Alex
Lukacova, Kristina
Lukas, Carsten
Lukas, Scott
Luks, Tracy
Luna, Beatriz
Luna-Fineman, Sandra
Lund, Kjersti
Lund, Torben
Lundberg, Peter
Lundell, Henrik
Lundman, Josef
Lundström, Elin
Luo, Agnes
Luo, Chao
Luo, Cheng
Luo, Dehong
Luo, Hai
Luo, Huiwen
Luo, Jian
Luo, Jianwen
Luo, Jie
Luo, Jieying
Luo, Jingqin
Luo, Liangping
Luo, Qiang
Luo, Qingfei
Luo, Tim
Luo, Wei
Luo, Weidong
Luo, Xiao
Luo, Yan
Luo, Yao
Luo, Zebin
Luo, Zhe
Luong, Michel
Lupo, Janine
Luque-Laguna, Pedro
Lurie, David
Lustig, Michael
Lustig, Micheal
Luthringer, Daniel
Lutterotti, Andreas
Luttje, Mariska
Lutz, Lisa
Luyten, Gregorius
Lv, Fangfang
Lv, Heng
Lv, Jinhao
Lv, Jun
Lv, Xing
Lv, Yue-lei
Ly, Sophia
Lyashchenko, Serge
Lübbing, Isabel
Lüddecke, Robin
Lydell, Carmen
Lygate, Craig
Lyla, Mourany
Lynch, Kirsten
Lynch, Sharon
Lyng, Heidi
Lynn, Jonathan
Lüsebrink, Falk
Lysiak, Darius
Lythgoe, David
Lythgoe, Mark
Lyttle, Bailey
Lützkendorf, Ralf
Lyu, Bingjiang
Lyu, Jingyuan
Lyu, Jinhao
Lyu, Mengye
Lyu, Tianchu
Lyu, Tianmeng
Lyu, Yuelei
Länne, Toste
Lätt, Jimmy
Löffler, Bettina
Löfstedt, Tommy
Lövblad, Karl-Olof
M, Chethan Kumar
M. Machado, Pedro
Ma, Benjamin
Ma, Changchun
Ma, Chao
Ma, Dan
Ma, Guolin
Ma, Heather
Ma, Hong
Ma, Jingfei
Ma, Juan
Ma, Jun
Ma, Kui
Ma, Lichao
Ma, Liliana
Ma, Lin
Ma, Lingceng
Ma, Liya
Ma, Lu
Ma, Lun
Ma, Ning
Ma, Rong
Ma, Ruoyun
Ma, Samantha
Ma, Sen
Ma, Shuai
Ma, Wenbin
Ma, Xiangyu
Ma, Xiaodong
Ma, Xiaohai
Ma, Xiaohong
Ma, Xiaoxian
Ma, Xiaoxiao
Ma, Xiaoyue
Ma, Xueying
Ma, Ya-Jun
Ma, Yajun
Ma, Yixin
Ma, Yuhan
Ma, Yuncong
Maarouf, Adil
Maas, Mario
Maas, Marnix
Maass-Moreno, Roberto
Maat, Arie
Maatta, Mikko
Mabbott, Donald
Macaione, Francesca
Macaluso, Emiliano
MacCannell, Amanda
MacDonald, Christine
MacDonald, Ian
Macdonald, Jacob
MacDonald, M Ethan
MacDonald, M. Ethan
MacDonald, Matthew
Macdonald, Peter
Macey, Paul
Macgowan, Christopher
Mach, Francois
Machan, Lindsay
Macícek, Ondrej
MacIntosh, Bradley
Mackay, Alan
MacKay, Alex
MacKay, Alexander
MacKay, James
Mackay, Mark
MacKenzie, John
MacKinley, Julia
MacKinnon, Martin
Maclaren, Julian
MacLellan, Christopher
MacMillan, Erin
MacNaughtan, Jane
MacPherson, Lesley
Macq, Benoît
Macura, Katarzyna
Macura, Slobodan
Madabhushi, Anant
Maddaloni, Giacomo
Maddox, Elizabeth
Madelin, Guillaume
Mader, Irina
Maderwald, Stefan
Madhankumar, A. B.
Madhavan, Radhika
Madhuranthakam, Ananth
Madore, Bruno
Madsen, Sarah
Madularu, Dan
Madörin, Philipp
Maeda, Masaji
Maeda, Masayuki
Maeda, Takaki
Maeda, Toshihiro
Maeder, Philippe
Maedler, Burkhard
Maehara, Kiyoshi
Maehara, Taketoshi
Maes, Celine
Maes, Frederik
Maffei, Chiara
Maffei, Silvia
Magalang, Ulysses
Magat, Julie
Magda, Sebastian
Magenes, Giovanni
Magerkurth, Joerg
Mageswaran, Prasath
Maggio, Aurelio
Maghzal, Ghassan
Magill, Arthur
Magill, Arthur W.
Magin, Richard
Maglakelidze, Natella
Magnain, Caroline
Magness, Ronald
Magnitsky, Sergey
Magnotta, Vincent
Magnus, Tim
Magnuson, David
Magnusson, Peter
Magon, Stefano
Magrath, Patrick
Maguire, Albert
Maguire, Mahon
Mahany, Helen
Maher, Elizabeth
Maheshwari, Mohit
Mahieu-Williame, laurent
Mahmod, Masliza
Mahmood, Asim
Mahmood, Faisal
Mahmoud, Huda
Mahmoudian, Mani
Mahnken, Andreas
Mahone, E
Mahr, Nina
Maidens, John
Maier, Andreas
Maier, Florian
Maier, Johannes
Maier, Karl
Maier, Oliver
Maier, Stephan
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Main, Keith
Mainero, Caterina
Maintz, David
Mair, Lamar
Mair, Richard
Mair, Ross
Maitra, Anirban
Maître, Xavier
Maixner, Wirginia
Majeed, Waqas
Majersik, Jennifer
Majoie, Charles
Major, Giles
Majtenyi, Nicholas
Majumdar, Sharmila
Majumdar, Shreyan
Mak, Henry
Mak, Henry Ka Fung
Mak, Henry Ka-Fung
Makanyanga, Jesica
Makarchuk, Mykola
Makarov, Sergey
Makela, Ashley
Makharia, Govind
Maki, Jeffery
Maki, Jeffrey
Maki, Satoshi
MAKKI, Malek
Makkinejad, Nazanin
Makris, Nikos
Makropoulos, Antonios
Maksymowicz, Wojciech
Malage, Rajeshree
Malaisrie, Chris
Malaisrie, S Chris
Malaisrie, S. Chris
Malaspina, Dolores
Malavé, Mario
Malcolm, Paul
Malda, Jos
Maldjian, Joseph
Malekian, Vahid
Maleschlijski, Stojan
Malesky, Kimberly
Malik, Nabeel
Malik, Shaihan
Malikova, Marina
Malis, Vadim
Mallejac, Nicolas
Mallett, Christiane
Mallia, Andrew
Mallien, Anne
Malloy, Craig
Malloy, Craig R.
Malm, Scott
Malmberg, Filip
Maloney, David
Maloney, Ezekiel
Maloney, Thomas
Malpas, Charles
Malyarenko, Dariya
Malyarenko, Dasha
Malycha, Peter
Malysz-Cymborska, Izabela
Malzacher, Matthias
Mamidipalli, Adrija
Manabe, Osamu
Manasseh, Gibran
Manavaki, Roie
Mancini, Christine
Mancini, Irina
Mancini, Irina A.D.
Mancini, Laura
Mancini, Matteo
Mandal, Ranajay
Mandava, Sagar
Mandelkow, Hendrik
Mandell, Daniel
Mandelli, Maria Luisa
Manders, Emmy
Mandeville, Joseph
Mandija, Stefano
Mandl, Rene
Manduca, Armando
Manenti, Guglielmo
Manganaro, Lucia
Mangat, Halinder
Mangeat, Gabriel
Mangia, Silvia
Mangin, Jean-François
Mani, Laila
Mani, Merry
Mani, Venkatesh
Manias, Karen
Manigbas, Elaine
Manka, Robert
Mankad, Kshitij
Mann, Ritse
Mannelli, Lorenzo
Mannem, Hannah
Mannem, Rajeev
Manners, David
Manning, Alan
Manning, Kathryn
Manning, Warren
Mannion, Elizabeth
Mannix, Rebekah
Manns, Michael
Mano, Marsel
Mansell, Peter
Mansoor, Sahar
Many, Ariel
Manzanedo, Eva
Manzhurtsev, Andrei
Mao, Deng
Mao, Fan
Mao, Hui
Mao, Jiaji
Mao, Shuai
Mao, Xiangling
Mao, Xianglun
Mar, Soe
Marafioti, Teresa
Maranzano, Josefina
Maravilla, Kenneth
Marcan, Marija
Marcelis, Machteld
Marchand, Patrice
Marcheschi, Barbara
Marchetta, Elisa
Marciani, Luca
Marcinek, David
Marco-Rius, Irene
Marcotrigiano, Michael
Marcuse, Lara
Mardani, Morteza
Mardon, Karine
Marecek, Zdenek
Marechal, Benedicte
Maréchal, Bénédicte
Mareci, Thomas
Marek, Daniel
Marenco, Stefano
Mareyam, Azma
Margevicius, Seunghee
Margolis, Daniel
Margulis, Vitaly
Mariager, Christian
Mariappan, Yogesh
Maric, Dragan
Marik, Wolfgang
Marina, Neyssa
Marincola, Francesco
Marinelli, Luca
Maring, Michael
Marion, Christina
Maritim, Samuel
Marjanovic, Josip
Marjanska, Malgorzata
Marjot, Thomas
Marjot, Tom
Mark, Clarisse
Markellos, Dimitrios
Markenroth Bloch, Karin
Markiewicz, Erica
Markl, Micahel
Markl, Michael
Markovic, Stefan
Marks, Leonard
Markuerkiaga, Irati
Markus, Schwaiger
Marlovits, Stefan
Marlow, Neil
Marner, Lisbeth
Maroules, Christopher
Marquand, Andre
Marquering, Henk
Marques, Helga
Marques, José
Marques, Jose
Marques, José P.
Marques De Melo, Thiago
Marras, William
Marrett, Sean
Marriott, Olliver
Marron, Marilyn
Marroquín, José Luis
Marroquin, Jose Luis
Marrouche, Nassir
Marsan, Elise
Marschner, Henrik
Marsden, Paul
Marshall, Helen
Marshall, Ian
Marshall, Kathleen
Marsman, Anouk
Marstal, Kasper
Marstaller, Lars
MARTEL, Dimitri
Martens, Johannes
Martens, Michael
Marticorena Garcia, Stephan
Martin, Alastair
Martin, Allan
Martin, Allan R.
Martin, Brett
Martin, Bryn
Martin, Christopher
Martin, David
Martin, Diego
Martin, Diego R
Martin, Douglas
Martin, Emily
Martin, Kelly R.
Martin, Laura
Martin, Melanie
Martin, Pascal
Martin, Pierre-Yves
Martin, Roland
Martin, Schlögl
Martin, Thomas
Martin-Fernandez, Marcos
Martinelli, Vittorio
Martinelli Boneschi, Filippo
Martinez, Brittany
Martinez, Gary
Martinez M, Jessica
Martinez-Barbera, Juan Pedro
Martínez-Fernández, Raul
Martínez-Maestro, Miguel
Martini, Nicola
Martins, Ana
Martinu, Kristina
Martire, Daniel
Martirosian, Peros
Martirosian, Petros
Marton, Adriana
Martorell, Jordi
Marty, Benjamin
Marushima, Aiki
Marussich, Lauren
Maruyama, Hirotoshi
Maruyama, Katusya
Marvos, Yorgi
Marx, Christian
Masamed, Rinat
Masannat, Yazan
Mascali, Daniele
Mascarinas, Emman
Masdeu, Joseph
Masia, Ricard
Maskarinec, Gertraud
Mason, Allister
Mason, Deborah
Mason, Ralph
Mason, Sarah
Maspero, Matteo
Massa, Antonella
Masselter, Tom
Massire, Aurélien
Massoumzadeh, Parinaz
Master, Viraj
Mastrandrea, Rossana
Mastrogiacomo, Simone
Masui, Takayuki
Masumoto, Tomohiko
Masutani, Evan
Masutani, Yoshitaka
Masuyama, Ken
Mata, Jaime
Matheis, Tamara
Mathews, Dana
Mathias, Nittka
Mathieu, Axel
Mathieu, Hervé
Mathis, Chantal
Mathlener, Menno
Matin, Tahreema
Mato, Virginia
Matoba, Tetsuya
Matos, Alana
Matos, Celso
Matsuayama, Takaaki
Matsuda, Masahide
Matsuda, Masaki
Matsuda, Masanori
Matsuda, Tetsuya
Matsumae, Mitsunori
matsumoto, ami
Matsumoto, Morio
Matsumoto, Takuya
Matsumoto, Yuki
Matsumura, Akira
Matsumura, Yoshio
Matsuo, Masayuki
Matsuo, Yuka
Matsuoka, Kiwamu
Matsuoka, Yuta
Matsushige, Toshinori
Matsushita, Akira
Matsushita, Tatsuhiko
Matsuzaki, Kenji
Matsuzawa, Koki
Matt, Eva
Matter, Jean-Marc
Mattern, Hendrik
Matthews, Julian
Matthews, Lucy
Matthews, Paul
Mattingly, Mark
Mattioni, Stefania
Mattison, Ryan
Matusinec, Jacob
Matwiy, Jarod
Matys, Tomasz
Mauch, Lukas
Mauconduit, Franck
Maudsley, Andrew
Mauler, Jörg
Maunder, Adam
Maurel, Pierre
Maurer, Britta
Maurer, Martin
Mauriello, Alessandro
Maurin, Anne
Maxeiner, Andreas
May, Markus
Maya, Marcel
Mayer, Dirk
Mayer, Emeran
Mayer, Hermann
Mayhew, Stephen
Mayo, Kelly
Mazaheri, Yousef
Mazerolle, Erin
Maziero, Danilo
Mazlan, Ibrahim
Mazuel, Leslie
Mazur, Thomas
Mazzoli, Valentina
McAdams, H. Page
McAllister, Thomas
McAlonan, Grainne
McAnulty, Gloria
McAuley, Erin
McAuliffe, Matthew
McBennett, Kimberly
McBride, Jodi
McCabe, Laura
McCallister, Andrew
McCamey, Dane
McCarley, Robert
McCarten, J
McCarthy, Patrick
McCarville, M. Beth
McCaskie, Andrew
McClean, Michael
McClymont, Darryl
McColl, Roderick
McComb, Gordon
McConathy, Jon
McConnell, Heather
McConnell, Keith
McConnell, Stephen
McCormack, David
McCoy, David
McCrea, Michael
McCrea, Micheal
McCreary, Cheryl
McCreedy, Evan
McCright, Brent
McCrindle, Brian
McCullough, Christopher
McCurdy, Christopher
McCurdy, Colin
McDaniel, Patrick
McDannold, Nathan
McDonald, Carrie
McDonald, Jeffrey
McDougal, Alan
McDougal, W.
McDougall, Mary
McElcheran, Clare
McElroy, Sarah
McErlean, Ciara
McEvoy, Andrew
McEwen, Bruce
McGann, Chris
McGarry, Matt
McGarry, Matthew
McGarry, Sean
McGee, Kiaran
McGee, Samuel
McGivney, Debra
McGlashan, Hannah
McGranahan, Nicholas
McGuffin, Merrylee
McGugin, Rankin
McGuire, Philip
McGuire, Sarah
McHargue, Cody
McHenry, James
Mchinda, Samira
McHugh, Christian
McHugh, Damien
McHugh, Stephen
McIntyre, Cameron
McIntyre, Richard
McIntyre, Scott
McKay, Jessica
McKee, Ann
McKeithan, Lydia
Mckenna, W
McKenzie, Charles
McKeown, Martin
McKinley, Richard
McKinney, Ron
McKinnon, Emilie
McKinnon, Graeme
McKinstry-Wu, Andrew
McKnight, Tracy
McKown, S Kristie
McLaughlin, Anna
McLaurin, JoAnne
McLean, D
McLean, Hailey
McLean, Mary
Mclean, Melany
McLin, Valérie
McMahon, Michael
McMains, Stephanie
McMillan, Alan
McMillan, Kathryn
McMullen, Katrina
McMullen-Klein, Giles
McNab, Jennifer
McNally, J Scott
McNally, J.
McNally, J. Scott
McNeal, Gary
McNeil, Eileen
McNeill, Fiona
McPhee, Kelly
McRobbie, Donald
McVeigh, Diana
McWalter, Emily
Mead, Simon
Meade, Thomas
Meadowcroft, Mark
Meakin, James
Meakin, Susan
Meaney, James
Meani, Alessandro
Mechling, Anna
Medero, Rafael
Medina, David
Medina, Juliana
Medved, Milica
Meerwaldt, Robert
Meesters, Stephan
Meeus, Emma
Mégarbane, Bruno
Mehdiyoun, Nikki
Mehina, Adam
Mehmann, Andreas
Mehmet, Ashley
Mehndiratta, Amit
Mehrabian, Hatef
Mehrad, Borna
Mehta, Bhairav
Mehta, Neil
Mei, Chang-Sheng
Mei, Yingjie
Meier, Anja
Meier, Joseph
Meier, Raphael
Meier, Shelby
Meier, Timothy
Meier-Schroers, Michael
Meijer, Frederick
Meijer, Gert
Meiklejohn, Jacinda
Meilandt, William
Meineke, Jakob
Meinerz, Kelsey
Meintjes, Ernesta
Meise, Florian
Meiselman, Herbert
Meissner, Jan-Eric
Mejia, Daniela
Mekete, Nehemia
Mekkaoui, Choukri
Mekle, Ralf
Mel'nikov, Ilia
Melbourne, Andrew
Melchakova, Irina
Melchakova, Irina V.
Melhem, Elias
Meliadò, Ettore
Melkus, Gerd
Mella, Hernán
Mellinghoff, Ingo
Melnikov, Il'ya
Meloni, Antonella
Meltzer, Sebastian
Melzer, Tracy
Men, Weiwei
Menard, Christian
Ménard, Cynthia
Ménard, Lucie
Mendelson, Alex F.
Mendes, Jason
Mendes, Ruheena
Mendes Pereira, Lenon
Mendoza, Michael
Mendoza, Sebastian
Menegaz, Gloria
Menezes, Leon
Menezes, Ravi
Meng, Dewen
Meng, Linghui
Meng, Xiang Hong
Meng, Xiaoyan
Meng, Yankai
Meng, Yin
Meng, Yu
Meng, Yuguang
Meng, Yun
Menias, Christine
Menini, Anne
Menke, Ricarda
Menon, Madhav
Menon, Rajiv
Menon, Ravi
Menshchikov, Petr
Menter, David
Menys, A.
Menys, Alex
Menza, Marius
Menze, Bjoern
Menzel, Marion
Mera Iglesias, Moises
Merad, Miriam
Merchant, Samer
Mercredi, Morgan
Merfort, Irmgard
Merhar, Stephanie
Merhof, Dorit
Merisaari, Harri
Merkens, Heiko
Merkitch, Douglas
Merkle, Hellmut
Merlin, Thibaut
Merola, Alberto
Merrill, Robb
Merrimen, Jennifer
Merritt, Matthew
Mertzanidou, Thomy
Mesri, Hamed
Messiou, Christina
Messner, Chris
Mester, James
Mesterhazy, Joseph
Mestre, Tiago
Metcalfe, Andy
Metcalfe, Arron
Metens, Thierry
Metere, Riccardo
Methot, Vincent
Metin Aksu, Nalan
Metkees, Mohamed
Metwally, Dina
Metz, Luanne
Metzger, Gregory
Meuffels, Duncan
Meuli, Reto
Meurée, Cédric
Meurice, Paul
Meyer, Carsten
Meyer, Cord
Meyer, Craig
Meyer, Dan
Meyer, Emma
Meyer, Heiko
Meyer, Mathias
Meyer, Matthew
Meyer, Rafeal
Meyer, Ronald
Meyerand, Elizabeth
Meyerhoff, Dieter
Meyers, Steven
Meyerspeer, Martin
Mezer, Aviv
Meßner, Nadja
Mi, Peng
Miah, Aisha
Miano, Roberto
Miao, Peifang
Miao, Xin
Miao, Xinyuan
Miao, Yanwei
Miao, Zhongrong
Micallef, Caroline
Michael, Navin
Michaeli, Shalom
Michal, Carl
Michalik, David
Michalik, Michael
Michalik, Sabine
Michalowicz, Gabrielle
Michel, Keith
Michel, Sophia
Michels, Lars
Michielse, Stijn
Micieli, Giuseppe
Mickevicius, Nikolai
Mickey, Bruce
Middione, Matthew
Middleton, Devon
Middleton, Michael
Midlash, Kevin
Miehm, Julia
Miette, Véronique
Migliarini, Sara
Miglioranza, Alberto
mihara, masahito
Mikaiel, Samantha
Mikheev, Artem
Miki, Seika
Miki, Yukio
Mikkelsen, Emmeli
Mikkelsen, Mark
Mikler, John
Mikulis, David
Mikulis, David J.
Miladi, Imen
Milanesi, Matteo
Milani, Bastien
Mildner, Toralf
Milewska, Kamila
Miller, Bruce
Miller, Corin
Miller, David
Miller, G
Miller, G.
Miller, G.Wilson
Miller, Grady
Miller, Jack
Miller, Jeffrey
Miller, Karla
Miller, Laura
Miller, Marc
Miller, Maxine
Miller, Michael
Miller, Patti
Miller, Zachary
Miller-Thomas, Michelle
Milligan, Natasha
Millioz, Fabien
Mills, Brittany
Mills, Samantha
Millward, Jason
Millward, Niki
Milner, Jaques
Milot, Laurent
Miloushev, Vesselin
Milovic, Carlos
Milrad, SAra
Milshteyn, Eugene
Min, Areum
Min, Catherine
Min, Changki
Min, Hoon-Ki
Min, Kyungtak
Min, Xiangde
Min, Xiaoyi
Minalga, Emilee
Minami, Manabu
Minami, Tetsuya
Minarikova, Lenka
Minassian, Anuka
Mingasson, Tom
Minh, Hung Le
Minhas, Atul
Minn, Heikki
Minqin, Ren
Mintun, Mark
Mintz, Akiva
Minuzzi, Luciano
Mio, Motohira
Mir, Danial
Mirecka, Jolanta
Mirfin, Christopher
Mirkes, Christian
Mironchik, Yelena
Mirowski, Elizabeth
Mirzaalian, Hengameh
Mirzaee, Hanieh
Misaki, Masaya
Misawa, Masaki
Misener, Sol
Miserocchi, Anna
Mishal, May
Mishkovsky, Mor
Mishra, Arabinda
Mishra, Prassana
Mishra, Sushanta
Mishra, Virendra
Mishra, Vishala
Missere, Massimiliano
Missoffe, Alexia
Misztal, Tomasz
Mitchell, J. Ross
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Lex
Mitchell, Peter
Mito, Remika
Mitra, Dipayan
Mitra, Jhimli
Mitra, Subhabrata
Mitra, Sunanda
Mitra Mustafi, Sourajit
Mitrea, Stefanita
Mitschang, Lorenz
Mitsche, Matthew
Mitsuda, Minoru
Mitsuharu, Miyoshi
Mitsumori, Fumiyuki
Mittal, Pardeep
Mitter, Richard
Mittra, Erik
Mittra, Raj
Miu, Phuong
Mivelaz, Yvan
Miyajima, Masakazu
Miyake, Kanae
Miyake, Kiyotaka
Miyakoshi, Makoto
Miyamoto, Nanako
Miyati, Toshiaki
Miyati, Tosiaki
Miyazaki, Keiko
Miyazaki, Mitsue
Miyazaki, Shigeo
Miyazaki, Tatsuhiko
Miyoshi, Mitsuharu
Mizuhara, Kazuyuki
Mizuki, Kenichi
Mladenov, Emil
Mlodzinski, Alexandra
Mlynarik, Vladimir
Mo, Xiao
Mo PhD, Xiaokui
Moccaldi, Melanie
Moche, Michael
Mochel, Fanny
mochizuki, hideki
Mocioiu, Victor
Modat, Marc
Modi, Shilpi
Modinos, Gemma
Mody, Swati
Moe, Orson
Moeckel, Claudius
Moeller, S.
Moeller, Steen
Moerland, Marinus A.
Moestue, Siver
Moffat, Brad
Moffat, Bradford
Moghaddam, Abbas
Mogi, Nozomi
Mohamed, Feroze
Mohamed, Mona
Mohammadi, Akram
Mohammadi, Elham
Mohammadi, Hamed
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Mohammadi-Nejad, Ali-Reza
Mohan, Bhageshwar
Mohan, Geetha
Mohan, Suyash
Mohanty, Vaibhav
Mohindra, Samir
Mohler, Emile
Mohseni, Mohammad
Moiola, Lucia
Mojahed, Ed
MOK, Vincent CT
Moléon, Santiago
Molina-Romero, Miguel
Molinari, Valeria
Molinaro, Annette
Molinos, Cesar
Molkentine, Jessica
Moll, Jens
Moll, Kevin
Molla, Mohammad
Mollink, Jeroen
Mollison, Daisy
Moloney, Brendan
Momose, Mitsuru
Monahan, Pamela
Mondragon-Gonzalez, Sirenia
Montagnese, Federica
Montalba, Cristian
Montalban, Xavier
Montclare, Jin
Montecucco, Fabrizo
Montelius, Mikael
Montemezzi, Stefania
Montesi, Sydney
Montillo, Albert
Monu, Uchechukwuka
Moodie, Craig
Moody, Teena
Mooiweer, Ronald
Mook, Stella
Mookerjee, Rajeshwar
Moon, Chung-Man
Moon, Hee Jung
Moon, Sung Kyoung
Moon, Won-Jin
Moon, Yeonsil
Moonen, Chrit
Moonen, Chrit T.W.
Moore, Anna
Moore, Caroline
Moore, G.R. Wayne
Moore, Ryan
Moore, Stephen
Moore, Teri
Moosavi, Shakeeb
Moosvi, Firas
Mora-Gutierrez, José
Morales-Medina, Naomi
Moran, Catherine
Moran, Gordon
Morawski, Markus
Moreira, Andre L
Moreno, Amy
Moreno, Courtney
Moreno-Dominguez, David
Morez, Jan
Morfini, Gerardo
Morgan, Alexandra
Morgan, Desiree
Morgan, Leah
Morgan, Patrick
Morgan, Paul
Morgan, Ryan
Morgan, Veronica
Morgan, Victoria
Mori, Harushi
Mori, Kanji
Mori, Naoko
Mori, Susumu
Mori, Yuki
Moriarty, John
Moriguti, Júlio
Morikawa, Minoru
MORIKAWA, Shigehiro
Morimoto, Noriyoshi
Morimoto, Syoichi
Morioka, Kazuhito
Morita, Kosuke
Morita, Naomi
Morita, Yoshiaki
Moritz, Manuel
Moritz, Raphael
Moriuchi, Shusuke
Moriya, Kazunori
Morley, William
Moron, Fanny
Moroz, Ekaterina
Morozov, Darya
Morrell, Glen
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, Elizabeth A.
Morris, Eric
Morris, H
Morris, John
Morris, Peter
Morris, Robin
Morrison, Courtney
Morrison, Melanie
Morrow, Jasper
Mortazavi, Amir
Mortensen, Darla
Mortensen, Kristian
Mortimer, Peter
Morton, Gerard
Morton, Kathryn
Moseley, Michael
Moser, Ewald
Moser, Philipp
Moskowitz, Chaya
Moss, Hunter
Mossa-Basha, Mahmud
Mostafavi, Leila
Motaal, Abdallah
Motai, Yuichi
Motl, Robert
Motosugi, Utaroh
Motovilova, Elizaveta
Mott, Bryan
Motyka, Stanislav
Mouawad, Matthew
Mougenot, Charles
Mougin, Olivier
Moulin, Kévin
Moulin, Kevin
Mounajjed, Taofic
Mountford, Carolyn
Mountz, James
Mouridsen, Kim
Mousa, Bakir
Mousa, Mina
Moussata, Driffa
Moy, Linda
Moye, Danielle
Mozes, Ferenc
Mrowczynski, Oliver
Msayib, Yunus
Mu, Ketao
Mu, Xin
Muccigrosso, David
Muckley, Matthew
Mueggler, Thomas
Muehe, Anne
Mueller, Jeffrey
Mueller, Karsten
Mueller, Lars
Mueller, Sabine
Mueller, Susanne
Mueller, Wade
Muelly, Michael
Muftuler, L.
Muftuler, L. Tugan
Mugler, III, John
Mugler, John
Mugler III, John
Muhlert, Nils
Muir, Eric
Muir, Keith
Mujkanovic, Alen
Mukai, Kanae
Mukherjee, Pratik
Mukherjee, Rahul
Mulcahey, MJ
Mulchrone, Ashley
Mulder, Willem
Mulders, Joost
Muldoon, Leslie
Mulkern, Robert
Mullen, Michael
Muller, Jennifer
Mullick, Rakesh
Mullin, James
Mullinger, Karen
Mummy, David
Mundiyanapurath, Sibu
Muniyappa, Ranganath
Munk, Julie
Muñoz, Camila
Munoz, Camila
Muñoz, Victor M
Muñoz Alvarez, Kim
Munsch, Fanny
Munsell, Brent
Munster, Pamela
Munting, Leon
Muntoni, Francesco
Munz, Eberhard
Mura, Joaquín
Mura, Joaquin
Mura, Joquín
Muradyan, Iga
Muragaki, Yoshihiro
Murai, Yasuo
Murakami, Ryuji
Murakami, Takamichi
Murakami, Takenobu
Murakami, Toshiyuki
Murakami, Youko
Murali Manohar, Saipavitra
Murasaki, Yuuichi
Murasawa, Akira
Murase, Takenori
Murata, Katsutoshi
MURATA, Kiyoshi
murata, okinori
Murata, Syo
Murayama, Kazuhiro
Murayama, Ryo
Murbach, Manuel
Murgasova, Maria
Murina, Elvis
Muriuki, Kevin
Muro, Isao
Muroi, Ai
Murphy, Declan
Murphy, Kevin
Murphy, Mary
Murphy, Matthew
Murphy, Rory
Murphy-Boesch, Joe
Murphy-Lavallée, Jessica
Murray, Andrea
Murray, Graeme
Murray, Scott
Murray, Simon
Murray, Tracey
Murta Jr., Luiz
Murta Junior, Luiz
Murta Junior, Luiz Otávio
Murtha, Nathan
Murthy, Manjari
Murugaverl, Emma
Musall, Benjamin
Muschel, Ruth
Mussard, Emilie
Mustafi, Devkumar
Mustafi, Sourajit
Mustafina, Lilia
Mutch, Christopher
Muthaiya, Monica
Muthana, Munitta
Muthupillai, Raja
Muthurangu, Vivek
Mutic, Sasa
Mutoh, Tatsushi
Mutoh, Tomoko
Mutsaerts, Henk
Mutsaerts, Henk-Jan
Mutsaerts, Henri
Muzi, Mark
Müller, Andreas
Müller, Angelina
Müller, Christoph
Müller, Larissa
Müller, Roland
Müller-Vahl, Kirsten
Mynderse, Lance
Mürtz, Petra
Månsson, Sven
Mårtensson, Johan
Mädler, Burkhard
Möhlenbruch, Markus
Möller, Harald
N. Price, Anthony
Nabavizadeh, Seyed
Nabavizadeh, Seyed Ali
Nabben, Miranda
Nabil, Mahnaz
Nacev, Alek
Nachum, Ilanit
Nadobny, Jacek
Naegelin, Yvonne
Naehle, Claas
Nael, Kambiz
Naeyaert, Maarten
Naganawa, Shinji
Nagano, Hitomi
Nagao, Michinobu
Nagaraj, Neesha
Nagarajan, Rajakumar
Nagasaka, Shinya
Nagasaka, Tatsuo
Nagata, Shoma
Nagatomo, Hideki
Nagaya, Tadanobu
Nagel, Armin
Nagel, Hannes
Nagelmann, Nina
Nagle, Scott
Nagura, Takeo
Nagy, Zoltan
Nahab, Fadi
Nahavandi, Payam
Nahimi, Adjmal
Nahon, Kimberly
Nai, Ying Hwey
Naidoo, Parmanand
Naik, Arpana
Nair, Govind
Nair, Vinay
Naish, Josephine
Naismith, Robert
Naito, Akira
Najac, Chloé
Najac, Chloe
Najdenovska, Elena
Naji, Ali
Naji, Joe
Naji, Nashwan
Najmi, Safa
Najmi Varzaneh, Farnaz
Nakagami, Koichi
Nakagawa, Kenichi
Nakagawa, Masataka
Nakagawa, Toshiaki
Nakai, Ryusuke
Nakai, Toshiaki
Nakai, Toshiharu
Nakajima, Madoka
Nakajima, Satoshi
Nakajo, Masanoari
Nakajo, Masanori
Nakamori, Shiro
Nakamoto, Ryusuke
Nakamoto, Yuji
Nakamura, Eriko
Nakamura, Katsumi
Nakamura, Kazuhiro
Nakamura, Masaya
Nakamura, Msanobu
Nakamura, Yasuhiko
Nakamura, Yoshitaka
Nakamura, Yuko
nakamura, yutaka
Nakane, Toshiki
Nakanishi, Mitsuhiro
Nakao, Kazutami
Nakao, Kouichi
Nakarmi, Ukash
Nakashima, Daisuke
Nakaura, Takeshi
Nakayama, Ryohei
Nakazawa, Misaki
NAKO MRI Study Investigators, the
Nalci, Alican
Nallapareddy, Naren
Nam, Kyungmin
Nam, Yoonho
Namati, Jacqueline
Namba, Takamasa
Namer, Izzie Jacques
Namimoto, Tomohiro
Nan, Hai-Yan
Nan, Haiyan
Nana, Roger
Nanga, Ravi
Nanga, Ravi Prakash Reddy
Nanz, Daniel
Napolitano, Antonio
Nara, Sanjeev
Narang, Akhil
Narayana, Ponnada
Narayanan, Shrikanth
Narayanan, Sridar
Nardo, Lorenzo
Naresh, Nivedita
Nariai, Tadashi
Narita, Yoshitaka
Narula, Jagat
Nasiraei Moghaddam, Abbas
Nasrallah, MacLean
Nasseef, Md
Nassenstein, Kai
Nassirpour, Sahar
Nasu, Hatsuko
Nataraj, Gopal
Natarajan, Shyam
Natelson, Benjamin
Nath, Kavindra
Nath, Vishwesh
Nathan, Dominic
Natkunarajah, Sharuja
Natsuaki, Yutaka
Natté, Remco
Nau, Amy
Nauen, David
Naulin, Jérôme
Nauman, Eric
Navarro, Miguel
Navarro de lara, Lucia
Navest, Robin
Nawabi, Danyal
Naya, Masanao
Nayak, Amritha
Nayak, Krishna
Nayate, Ameya
Nayfeh, Tariq
Nazaran, Amin
Nazari, Navid
Nazarian, Saman
Neal, Mary
Near, Jamie
Neckers, Leonard
Nedelska, Zuzana
Nedergaard, Maiken
Nederveen, A.J.
Nederveen, Aart
Nederveen, Aart J.
Neelavalli, Jaladhar
Neeman, Michal
Neff, Lisa
Neggers, Sebastian
Negi, Noriyuki
Negård, Anne
Nehmé, Léa
Neill, Evan
Nejadnik, Hossein
Neji, Radhouene
Nekolla, Stephan
Neligan, Peter
Nelissen, Jules
Nelissen, Jules L.
Nelles, Melanie
Nelson, Brandon
Nelson, David
Nelson, Evan
Nelson, Flavia
Nelson, Katja
Nelson, Kent
Nelson, Marvin
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Sarah
Nemati, Reza
Nemcova, Andrea
Nemec, Ursula
Nemeth, Angeline
Nemoto, Hitoshi
Nemtanu, Tatiana
Nenadlova, Klara
Nencka, Andrew
Neriman, Deena
Nery, Fabio
Nery, Pablo
NessAiver, Moriel
Nestor, Peter
Nestrasil, Igor
Neto Henriques, Rafael
Nett, Philipp
Netto, Cesar
Neu, Corey
Neubauer, Andreas
Neubauer, Henning
Neubauer, Stefan
Neuberger, Thomas
Neufeld, Esra
Neumaier, Bernd
Neumann, Jan
Neumann, Kiel
Neumann, Manuela
Neumann, Sarah
Neumann, Wiebke
Neumayer, Bernhard
Neuner, Irene
Neuringer, Martha
Neuwelt, Edward
Neves, Ana L.
Neves, Ana Luisa
Neves, André
Nevo, Erez
Newbould, Rexford
Newitt, David
Newman, Ben
Newman, Benjamin
Newman, Natali
Newman, Robert
Newman, Sharlene
Newton, Allen
Neylon, John
Nezafat, Maryam
Nezafat, Reza
Nezafati, Maysam
Nezzo, Marco
Ng, Amanda
Ng, Bobby
Ng, Chin
NG, HsiaoPiau
Ng, Johnny C
Ng, Keng
Ng, Thomas
Ng, Tony
Ng, TzyShyuan
Ng, Yee
Nghiem, Duyen
Nghiemphu, Phioanh
Ngo, Giang Chau
Ngo, Giang-Chau
Nguyen, Christopher
Nguyen, Damien
Nguyen, Dang
Nguyen, Hien
Nguyen, Huyen
Nguyen, Julia
Nguyen, Kim-Lien
Nguyen, Sydney
Nguyen, Thanh
Nguyen, Thy
Nguyen, Tra My
Ni, Wendy
Nichols, Joy
Nichols, Reid
Nicholson, Andrew
Nicholson, Duane
Nickel, Dominik
Nickel, Marcel
Nickel, Marcel Dominik
Nickerson, Joshua
Nico, van den Berg
Nicolato, Antonio
Nicolay, Klaas
Nicolini, Carlo
Nidam, Meital
Nie, Binbin
Nie, Dong
Nie, Hong-yan
Nielles-Vallespin, Sonia
Nielsen, Anne
Nielsen, Jared
Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik
Nielsen, Mads
Nielsen, Per
Nielsen-Saines, Karin
Nieman, Brian
Nieman, Koen
Niemann, Markus
Nieminen, Miika
Nieminen, Miika T.
Niendorf, Thoralf
Nies, Cordula
Niesporek, Sebastian
Niess, Fabian
Nieto, Íñigo
Niforatos-Andescavage, Nickie
Niitsu, Mamoru
Nikitichev, Daniil
Nikkinen, Juha
Nikles, Florence
Nikolaou, Konstantin
Nikolov, Robert
Nikolova, Simona
Nikolovski, Ines
Nikonova, Elena
Nikoubashman, Omid
Niks, Erik
Nikulin, Anton V.
Nill, Simeon
Nilsen, Agnes
Nilsen, Anja
Nilsson, Markus
Nilsson, Ola
Nimmo, Myra
Ning, Gang
Ning, Jia
Ning, Lipeng
Ning, Ming Ming
Ninomiya, Ayako
ninomiya, yukari
Niogi, Sumit
Niranjan, Arun
Nishi, Keigo
Nishie, Akihiro
Nishihara, Takashi
Nishii, Tatsuya
Nishijo, Hisao
Nishijyo, Hisao
Nishikido, Fumihiko
Nishimoto, Hideaki
Nishimura, Dwight
Nishino, Takayoshi
Nishio, Marin
Nishiyama, Kouya
Nishiyama, Nouhiro
Nishizaka, Yuri
Nisi, Robyn A.
Nissan, Noam
Nisser, Maria
Nissi, Mikko
Nissi, Mikko J
Nissi, Mikko J.
Nitert, Abram D.
Nitsch, R. M.
Nitsch, Roger
Nitta, Naotaka
Nitta, Nobuhiro
Nitta, Nohuhiro
Nitta, Shuhei
Nittka, Mathias
Nittka, Matthias
Niu, Chen
Niu, Dau-Ming
Niu, Gang
Niu, JinLiang
Niu, Xuan
Niu, Zhendong
Niwa, Tetsu
Nixon, Terence
Nizak, Razmara
Nketiah, Gabriel
Noah, Sean
Nobashi, Tomomi
Noble, Alison
Noda, Seiichiro
Noda, Yoshifumi
Noehren, Brian
Noël, Faustine
Noeske, Ralph
Nogami, Munenobu
Noguchi, Atsushi
Noguchi, Teruo
Noguez-Imm, Ramsés
Nohara, Satoshi
Nojiri, Ryuji
Noll, Douglas
Nomura, Takakiyo
Nonaka, Masahiro
Nopoulos, Peg
Norbeck, Ola
Norcia, Anthony
Nordbeck, Peter
Nordin, Naz
Nordio, Giovanna
Nordsletten, David
Norén, Bengt
Noreuil, Anna
Normandin, Marc
Norquay, Graham
Norris, David
Norris, David G.
Northington, Frances
Northoff, Georg
Norton, Patrick
Nosaka, Ryo
Nosarti, Chiara
Noseworthy, Michael
Nosrati, Reyhaneh
Notohamiprodjo, Mike
Notting, Irene
Nouls, John
Nour, Sherif
Noureddine, Yacine
Nouri, Aria
Novak, Jan
Novén, Mikael
Novikov, Dmitry
Novo, Salvatore
Nowicki, Michal
Noworolski, Susan
Nozaki, Atsushi
Nozaki, Taiki
Nugent, Allison
Numano, Tomokazu
Nummenmaa, Aapo
Nunes, Daniel
Nunes, Rita
Nunes, Sandro
Nunn, Tyson
Nunokawa, Yoshinobu
Nuoffer, Jean-Marc
Nusbaum, Fanny
Nussbaum, Jennifer
Nuttall, Rachel
Nwawka, Ogonna
Nyenhuis, John
Nyholm, Tufve
Nyilas, Sylvia
Nykänen, Olli
Nyman, Jeffry
Nyrén, Sven
Nystrom, Michelle
Nöth, Ulrike
Nørlinger, Thomas
Nørregaard, Rikke
O'Brien, Caitlin
O'Brien, Kieran
O'Brien, Terence
O'Brien, Tim
O'Brien-Moran, Zoe
O'Callaghan, James
O'Callaghan, Peter
O'Connor, Gregory
O'Connor, James
O'Daly, Owen
O'Dell, Walter
O'Donoghue, Gerry
O'Gorman, Ruth
O'Grady, Kristin
O'Halloran, Rafael
O'Hare, Patricia
O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan
O'Neill, Christopher
O'Neill, George
O'Neill, Louisa
O'Neill, Mark
O'neill, Michael
O'Regan, Declan
O'Sullivan, Finbarr
Obara, Makoto
Obara, Masahiko
Obaro-Best, Oghale
Obata, Takayuki
Obels, Jiri
Obenaus, Andre
Oberacker, Eva
Oberbach, Andreas
Obertino, Silvia
Obeso, José A.
Oborski, Matthew
Obregon, Manuel
Obruchkov, Sergei
Obuchowski, Nancy
Ocampo-Pineda, Mario
Ochi, Hisaaki
Ochoa, Jonathan
Ochoa, Laura
Oda, Toshiaki
Odéen, Henrik
Odeen, Henrik
Odille, Freddy
Oebel, Sabrina
Oechtering, Thekla
Oedegaard, Ketil
Oehmigen, Mark
Oei, Edwin
Oelfke, Uwe
Oeltzschner, Georg
Oerther, Thomas
Oezerdem, Celal
Ofori, Edward
Ogama, Noriko
Ogasawara, Kuniaki
Ogata, Fusa
Ogawa, Akira
Ogawa, Seiji
Ogawa, Shumpei
Ogg, Robert
Ogier, Stephen
Ogino, Tetsuo
Ogris, Kathrin
Oguro, Sota
Oh, Chang-Hyun
Oh, Jang-Hoon
Oh, Jin Kyoung
Oh, Jiwon
Oh, Jung
Oh, Karen
Oh, Se-Hong
Oh, Sehong
Oh, Sei Hwan
Oh, Young Taik
Ohashi, Akane
Ohel, Kitty
Ohene, Yolanda
Ohira, Hiroshi
Ohler, Zoe
Ohliger, Michael
Ohmoto-Sekine, Yuki
Ohnishi, Akihito
Ohno, Naoki
Ohno, Yoshiharu
Ohno Kishimoto, Ayami
Ohori, Kuniaki
Ohringer, Ned
Ohyu, Shigeharu
Ohzeki, Masayuki
Oida, Takenori
Oikawa, Yasuhiro
oikawa, yuka
Oikonomidis, L
Oishi, Hidenori
Oishi, Kenichi
Ojanen, Simo
Ojeda-Fournier, Haydee
Oka, Kuniharu
Okada, Hideho
Okada, Tomohisa
Okada, Tsutomu
Okada, Yosuke
Okamoto, Daisuke
Okamoto, Ruth
Okamoto, Yoshikazu
Okano, Hideyuki
Okano, Nanami
Okazawa, Hidehiko
Okazawa, Hitoshi
Okell, Thomas
Okigawa, Takashi
Okita, Yoshiko
Okonkwo, David
Oksuz, Ilkay
Oktay, Ozan
Oku, Tomokazu
Okuaki, Tomoyuki
Okubo, Gosuke
Okubo, Takumi
Okuchi, Sachi
Okuda, Shigeo
Okun, Michael
Okuyama, Go
Okuyama, Shuhei
Oladosu, Olayinka
Olbrich, Marc
Olesen, Oline
Olinger, Gene
Oliveira, Icaro
Oliveira, Ícaro
Oliver, Brittany
Oliver, Ruth
Oliver-Taylor, Aaron
Olivié, Damien
Oliviero, William
Ollinger, John
Olman, Cheryl
Olsen, Jonas
Olsen, Joy
Olsen, Miles
Olsen, Rasmus
Olson, Daniel
Olson, Elizabeth
Olson, Greg
Olson, Marram
Olsson, Emma
Olsson, Lars
Oltedal, Leif
Olumba, Franklin
Olumi, Aria
Oluniran, Gideon
Omatsu, Tokuhiko
Ombao, Hernando
Omelchenko, Oleksii
Omer, Hammad
Omiya, Yoshie
Omori, Kazuyoshi
Omoumi, Patrick
Oner Tamam, Muge
Ong, Frank
Ong, Melissa
Ongie, Greg
Ongur, Dost
Onishi, Hiromitsu
Onishi, Hiroshi
Onishi, Natsuko
Onishi, Takaaki
Ono, Ayako
Ono, Kojiro
Onodera, Koichi
Onodera, Maki
Ontaneda, Daniel
Ooi, Melvyn
Ooishi, Naoki
Ooji, Pim Van
Oomens, Cees W. J.
Oota, Takeshi
ootsu, akihiro
Operskalski, Eva
Oprea, Ioana
Ordidge, Roger
Ordovas, Karen
Ordway, Cora
Orije, Jasmien
Orita, Erika
Oriuchi, Noboru
Orlovskiy, Stepan
Oros-Peusquens, Ana-Maria
Oros-Peusquens*, Ana-Maria
Ortiga, Rachel
Ortiz, Nadia
Orton, Matthew
Orzada, Stephan
Os, Jim
Osawa, Iichiro
Osch, Matthias
Oshima, Nobu
Oshinski, John
Oshio, Koichi
Osmanski, Bruno-Félix
Osorio, Ignacio
Ossenblok, Pauly
Ostenson, Jason
Ostrem, Jill
Osunkoya, Adeboye
Ota, Hideki
Ota, Takashi
Otaduy, Maria
Otake, Yosuke
Otazo, Ricardo
Otazo, Rocardo
Othman, Ahmed
Oto, Aytek
Oto, Aytekin
Otoshi, Chad
Ou, Teresa
Ou, Weijun
Ou, Yangming
Oudeman, Jos
Ouellette, Russell
Ould Ismail, Abdol Aziz
Ouriadov, Alexei
Ourselin, Sebastian
Ourselin, Sébastien
Ourselin, Sebastien
Ourselin*, Sebastien
Ouwerkerk, Ronald
Ouyang, En
Ouyang, Han
Ouyang, Jinsong
Ouyang, Lou
Ouyang, Minhui
Overall, William
Overduin, Christiaan
Overweg, Johan
Owen, David
Owen, Julie
Owens, Erma
Oxley, Thomas
Oyama-Manabe, Noriko
Oyarzabal, Esteban
Oyoyo, Udo
Oz, Gulin
Oz, Orhan
Ozaki, Masanori
Ozbolat, Ibrahim
Ozcan, Alpay
Ozdemir, Safa
Ozduman, Koray
Ozenne, Valéry
Ozenne, Valery
Ozhinsky, Eugene
Ozmen, Laurence
Ozsoy, Cagla
Ozturk-Isik, Esin
O’Brien, Kieran
O’Callaghan, James
O’Halloran, Rafael
Pa, Judy
Pace, Danielle
Pacey, Allan
Pach, Gesine
Paddick, Ian
Padgett, Douglas
Padhani, Anwar
Padikkalakandy Cheriyath, Shesnia Salim
Padilla, Maria
Padma, Chennagiri
Padormo, Francesco
Paech, Daniel
Paek, Mun Young
Pafundi, Deanna
Pagani, Elisabetta
Pagani, Marco
Paganoni, Sabrina
Pagé, Gwenaël
Pagel, Mark
Pagel, Marty
Pagliaro, Timothy
Pahapill, Peter
Pahlavian, Soroush Heidari
Pahwa, Mrinal
Pahwa, Shivani
Pai, Shu-Chi
Pais-Roldán, Patricia
Paiva, Fernando
Pak, Linda
Pakvis, Dean
Pal, Pramod
Pal, Sunita
Palace, Jacqueline
Paladini, Maria Serena
Palaniyappan, Lena
Palaniyappan, Naveenthan
Palesi, Fulvia
Paley, Martyn
Palikaras, George
Pallai, Shillo
Pallebage-Gamarallage, Menuka
Palm, Fredrik
Palmas, Francesco
Palmer, Antony
Palmer, Suzanne
Palmer, Vanessa
Palomares, Jose
Palombit, Alessandro
Palombo, Marco
Palva, Matias
Pamir, M. Necmettin
Pampel, André
Pamplona, Gustavo
Pan, Edward
Pan, Hong
Pan, Jianji
Pan, Jingjing
Pan, Jonathan
Pan, Jullie
Pan, Lei
Pan, Li
pan, mingzhi
Pan, Wei
Pan, Wen-Ju
Pan, Xinlei
Pan, Yuchao
Pan, Zilai
Panagiotaki, Eleftheria
Panda, Anshuman
Panda, Rajanikanth
Panda, Swayamprava
Pandey, Abhishek
Pandy, Ankur
Pandy, Pallavi
Pandya, Bejal
Pandya, Sneha
Panebianco, Valeria
Panfilov, Ilia
Pang, Grantham
Pang, Haopeng
Pang, Jianing
Pang, Jun
Pang, Peipei
Pang, Wei Wei
Pang, Yuxi
Pang, Zachary
Panicker, Jalesh
Panigrahy, Ashok
Pankhurst, Quentin
Pannek, Kerstin
Pannicke, Enrico
Panse, Prasad
Pansini, Michele
Panych, Lawrence
Panzer, Sabine
Panzeri, Stefano
Paola, Piccini
Paoletti, Matteo
Papadaki, Annie
Papadakis, Georgios
Papademetris, Xenophon
Papaioannou, Antonios
Papas, Klearchos K.
Papavassiliu, Theano
Papinutto, Nico
Papoutsaki, M-V
Papoutsaki, Marianthi-Vasiliki
Papoutsi, Marina
Paquette, Lisa
Páramo, José
Parasoglou, Prodromos
Pardini, Matteo
Parekh, Ankit
Parekh, Mansi
Parekh, Vishwa
Parent, Ephraim
Parent, Maxime
Parent, Spencer
Parikh, Nehal
Parimal, Sarayu
Parivash, Sherveen
Parizel, Paul
Park, Beom Jin
Park, Bu
Park, Charlie
Park, Daniel
Park, Denise
Park, Eun-ah
Park, Eun-Joo
Park, Hae-Jin
Park, Hye Sun
Park, Hyun Jeong
Park, Hyunjin
Park, Hyunwook
Park, Ilwoo
Park, In Kyung
Park, In-Sam
Park, Jae Mo
Park, Jaeseok
Park, Jang-Yeon
Park, Jeong Seon
Park, Ji Eun
Park, Ji-Ae
Park, Ji-Yeon
Park, Jinho
Park, Jinil
Park, JinYong
Park, Joshua
Park, Kevin
Park, Key-Chung
Park, Larry
Park, Mina
Park, Seonyeong
Park, Suhyung
Park, Sun Mi
Park, Sun Won
Park, Sun Young
Park, Sun-Won
Park, Sung Yoon
Park, Sung-Hong
Park, Sunghoon
Park, Vivian
Park, Woo Ram
Park, Yae Won
Park, Young Woo
Park, Youngwoo
Parker, Andrew
Parker, Chris
Parker, Christopher
Parker, Dennis
Parker, Drew
Parker, Geoff
Parker, Geoffrey
Parker, Mark
Parkes, Laura
Parks, Kenneth
Parra, Lucas
Parra-Robles, Juan
Parraga, Grace
Parry, Blair
Parsey, Ramin
Parsons, Caron
Parsons, Kari
Partridge, Savannah
Parulji, Nripesh
Parvathaneni, Prasanna
Parvinian, Ahmad
Parwani, Purvi
Parys, Maciek
Pascal-Tenorio, Aurea
Paschke, Nadia
Paschoal, André
Paschoal, Andre
Paska, Jan
Pasqualetti, Massimo
Pasquariello, Rosa
Pasquier, Cédric
Pasquini, Lorenzo
Passman, Rod
Pasternak, Ofer
Patak, Michael
Patay, Zoltan
Pate, Kyle
Patel, Amit
Patel, Bhavika
Patel, Chandresh
Patel, Dhruv
Patel, Dominic
Patel, Karan
Patel, Mittun
Patel, Nayana
Patel, Ravi
Patel, Shivali
Patel, Vaishali
Patel, Vishal
Patel, Wahaj
Patel-Lippmann, Krupa
Paterson, Ross
Pathak, Arvind
Pathak, Sudhir
Patil, Kedar
Patil, Sunil
Patil, Uday
Patir, Rana
Patriat, Rémi
Patrick, Stephen
Patt, Debra
Patterson, Andrew
Patterson, Shannon
Patterson, Steve
Patz, Sam
Patz, Samuel
Patzig, Franz
Patzwahl, Rene
Paudyal, Ramesh
Paul, Friedemann
Paul, Jan
Paul, Jean-Francois
Paul, Katharina
Paulides, M.M.
Paulino, Patrícia
Paulsen, Jeffrey
Paulsen, Keith
Paulson, Eric
Paulson for the PREDICT-HD investigators of HSG, Jane
Paulus, Martin
Pauly, John
Pautler, Stephen
Pavert, Steven
Pavía-Jiménez, Andrea
Pavitt, Sue
Pavlides, Michael
Pavlosky, William
Pavlova, Marina
Pawate, Siddharama
Pawha, Shivani
Payer, Christian
Payne, Allison
Payne, Nicholas
Payne, Stephen
Payoux, Pierre
Paysen, Hendrik
Paška, Jan
Peal, Franklin
Pearce, David
Pearce, Patrice
Pecheva, Diliana
Pedersen, Claus
Pedersen, Douglas
Pedersen, Jan
Pedersen, Michael
Pedersen, Steen
Pedgaonkar, Apoorva
Pednekar, Amol
Pedoia, Valentina
Pedron, Frédéric
Pedrosa, Ivan
Pedrosa de Barros, Nuno
Pedrosa de Barros, Nuno Miguel
Peel, Sarah
Peereboom, Sophie
Peet, Andrew
Peeters, Frank
Peeters, Hans
Peeters, Ronald
Peeters, Tim
Peeters, Tom
Peeters, Tom H.
Pegoretti, Kelly
Pejovic-Milic, Ana
Pekar, James
Pektezel, Mehmet
Pelc, Norbert
Pelled, Gadi
Pelled, Galit
Pellegrin, Maxime
Pelletier, Daniel
Pelletier, Jean
Pellicciari, Maria Concetta
Pellicer, Ruben
Pellicer Guridi, Ruben
Pellicer-Guridi, Ruben
Pellizzari, Raiili
Pellot-Barakat, Claire
Peltenburg, Boris
Peña, Joaquin
Peña-Nogales, Óscar
Pendse, Mihir
Penet, Marie-France
Peng, Bin
Peng, Bo
peng, cao
Peng, Hsu-Hsia
Peng, Jialin
Peng, Junping
Peng, Li
Peng, Pan
Peng, Peng
Peng, Qinmu
Peng, Rong
Peng, Ruchen
Peng, Shin-Lei
Peng, Shinn-Forng
Peng, Syu-Jyun
Peng, Wei
Peng, Wei-Jun
Peng, Xi
Peng, Xingui
Peng, Xuehua
peng, yangzhi
Peng, Yun
Peng, Zhigang
Peng, Ziwen
Penn, Alan
Penn, Alexander
Pennell, Dudley
Penner, Iris-Katharina
Peolsson, Anneli
Pepe, Alessia
Peper, Eva
Pépés, Sophia
Pépin, Jérémy
Pepin, Kay
Pera, Maria
Percy, Zana
Peregrin, Jan
Pereira, Alberto
Pereira, Ana
Pereira, Lenon
Perez De Arce, Karen
Perez-Balderas, Francisco
Perez-Medina, Carlos
Perez-Rossello, Jeanette
Pérez-Torres, Carlos
Perie, Delphine
Periquito, Joao
Peritore, Giuseppe
Perkins, Becki
Perkins, Steffi
Perkins, Stephanie
Perks, William
Perl, Daniel
Perlbarg, Vincent
Perotti, Luigi
Perrault, Pierre
Perrier, Anne-Laure
Perrins, Michael
Perrins, Mike
Perronnet, Lorraine
Perry, Arie
Perry, Emily
Perucho, Jose
Peruzzo, Denis
Peshock, Ron
Pesola, Marko
Pestilli, Franco
Petchprapa, Catherine
Peter, Luijten
Peters, A.
Peters, Alan
Peters, Annette
Peters, Dana
Peters, Douglas
Peters, Robert
Petersen, Catharina
Petersen, Esben
Petersen, Kalen
Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Justin
Peterson, Lanell
Peterson, Pernilla
Peterson, Richard
Peterson, Sam
Peterzan, Mark
Peti, Steven
Petibon, Yoann
Petiet, Alexandra
Petr, Jan
Petridou, Natalia
Petropoulos, Labros
Petrov, Petar
Petrovic, Andreas
Pettersson, David
Petty, Chris
Petty, Christopher
Peuchmaur, Michel
Pfaffenberger, Asja
Pfaffenrot, Viktor
Pfannenberg, Christina
Pfefferbaum, Adolf
Pfeifer, Cory
Pfeil, Antoine
Pfeuffer, Josef
Pfister, Julian
Pfleger, Lorenz
Pflugrad, Henning
Pfrommer, Andreas
Ph.S. Fischmeister, Florian
Phal, Pramit
Pham, Dzung
Pham, Jenny
Pham, Michal
Pham, Mirko
Pham, Wellington
Philippens, Marielle
Philips, Bart
Phillips, Amy
Phillips, Joanna
Phillips, Micheal
Phillips, Raquel
Phinikaridou, Alkystis
Phipps, Kim
Phipps, Tony
Pi, Borui
Picazio, Silvia
Piccini, Davide
Piccirelli, Marco
Pichardo, Samuel
Pichler, Michael
Pichon, Claire
Pickel, James
Picker, Wayne
Pickhardt, Perry
Pickup, Stephen
Piekarski, Eve
Pieper, Claus
Pieper, Russell
Pierce, Iain
Pierpaoli, Carlo
Pierre, Eric
Pierre, Sandra
Pierzchala, Katarzyna
Pietsch, Hubertus
Pietsch, Max
Pietsch, Maximilian
Pietsch, Torsten
Pijnappel, Ruud
Pike, Bruce
Pike, G Bruce
Pike, G. Bruce
Pike, Martin
Pilbrow, Varsha
Pilitsis, Julie
Pilla, James
Pillai, Jay
Pilutti, Lara
Pinaud, Noël
Pinchuk, Anatoly
Pinder, Sarah
Pine, Kerrin
Pineda, Federico
Pineda-Pardo, José A.
Pinho, Marco
Pini, Lauriane
Pinto, Joana
Pinto, Maíra
Pinto, Shirly
Pipe, James
Pippolo, Lorena
Piras, Fabrizio
Piras, Federica
Pirasteh, Ali
Piretti, Valentina
Pirkl, Georg
Pirpamer, Lukas
Pirro, Fiammetta
Pisani, Laura
Pisano, Etta
Pistoia, Laura
Pitiot, Alain
Pitkänen, Asla
Pitt, David
Pivonka-Jones, Jamie
Pizarro-Berdichevsky, Javier
Pizer, Barry
Pizzini, Francesca
Planalp, Elizabeth
Plasencia, Jonathan
Plata, Jennifer
Platt, Tanja
Platzek, Ivan
Plaumann, Markus
Plein, Sven
Plenz, Dietmar
Pletnikov, Mikhail
Pletscher, Martin
Plocharski, Maciej
Ploegmakers, Marieke
Plotkin, Scott
Plotnick, Adam
Pluim, Josien
Po, Chrystelle
Poblador Rodriguez, Esau
Poch, Michael
Pock, Thomas
Poddar, Sunrita
Poelmans, Jennifer
Poetter, Christian
Pohar, Kamal
Pohl, Thomas
Pohlig, Ryan
Pohlmann, Andreas
Pohmann, Rolf
Poigai Arunachalam, Shivaram
Poirier, Judes
Poirier-Quinot, Marie
Poirion, Emilie
Poirot, Jordan
Pokharel, Sajal
Pokorney, Amber
Pol, Suyog
Polak, Daniel
Poldrack, Russell
Poleszczuk, Jan
Poli Mérol, Marie-Laurence
Polimeni, Jon
Polimeni, Jonathan
Polimeridis, Athanasios
Poljanc, Karin
Pollak, Seth
Pollmann, Steven
Polo, Ramiro
Poloniato, Antonella
Polzehl, Joerg
Pomper, Martin
Ponisio, Maria
Ponrartana, Skorn
Pons, Maguelonne
Ponsaerts, Peter
Ponsky, Lee
Pontes-Neto, Octavio
Pontesilli, Silvia
Ponzo, Viviana
Pooler, B. Dustin
Poon, David
Poon, Evon
Poon, TL
Poon, WL
Poorman, Megan
Poot, Alex
Poot, D.H.J.
Poot, Dirk
Pop, Mihaela
Popat, Rakesh
Pope, Whitney
Popov, Sergey
Popova, Bilyana
Poppitt, Sally
Poptani, Harish
Populin, Luis
Poranski, Madeline
Porcari, Paola
Port, Andreas
Port, John
Portelli, Tyler
Porter, David
Portnoy, Sharon
Porz, Nicole
Pos, Floris
Poser, Benedikt
Poser, Benedikt A
Positano, Vincenzo
Possanzini, Cecilia
Posse, Stefan
Post, Nicoline
Potdar, Sneha
Pote, Ines
Potez, Marine
Pothayee, Nikorn
Potter, Hollis
Potter, Lee
Potters, Wouter
Potthast, Andreas
Pottier, Géraldine
Poublanc, Julien
Poulet, Patrick
Pouletaut, Philippe
Pouliot, Philippe
Poulsen, Austin
Poulsen, Catherine
Poulsen, David
Poupon, Cyril
Poupon, Fabrice
Poupon, Joel
Pourfathi, Mehrdad
Pourmorteza, Amir
Pourrahimi, Nadder
Pourrahimi, Shahin
Pouwels, Petra
Povazan, Michal
Považan, Michal
Powell, Alex
Powell, Andrew
Powell, David
Powell, Elizabeth
Power, Carl
Power, Chanikarn
Powers, Alex
Powers, Katherine
Powley, Terry
Poynton, Clare
Pozo, Jose
Prabhakaran, Vivek
Prabhu, Sujit
Pracht, Eberhard
Pradhan, Subechhya
Prados, Ferran
Prager, Marcel
Prah, Melissa
Prasad, Manish
Prasad, Pottumarthi
Prasad, Raghu
Prasad, Raj
Prasad, Ramesh
Prasanna, Prateek
Prato, Frank
Pratt, Ron
Pratt, Rosalind
Prayer, Daniela
Prckovska, Vesna
Preda, Marilena
Preibisch, Christine
Preibsch, Heike
Preihs, Christian
Preiswerk, Frank
Prelack, Marisa
Presles, Benoit
Prestwich, Benjamin
Prete, Braedan
Preti, Maria Giulia
Preul, Mark
Preusser, Matthias
Prevedello, MD, Daniel
PREVENT-AD Research Group, The
Prevost, Valentin
Preziosa, Paolo
Preziosi, Paolo
Prezzi, Davide
Price, Anthony
Price, Catherine
Price, David
Price, Richard
Price, Stephen
Pridemore, Michael
Priebe, Waldemar
Priest, Andrew
Priester, Alan
Prieto, Claudia
Prihod'ko, Irina
Prihoda, Max
Primavera, Bryce
Prince, Jerry
Prince, Martin
Prince, Martin R
Prinsen, Hetty
Priovoulos, Nikos
Prisciandaro, James
Prisk, G.
Pritchard-Jones, Kathy
Probst, Clemens
Prochaska, Ivo
Procissi, Daniel
Procissi, Daniele
Proctor, Evelyn
Proctor, Julie
Proekt, Alexander
Profka, Harrilla
Prola Netto, Joao
Prola-Netto, Joao
Prompers, Jeanine
Pronger, Angela
Pronk, Valentijn
Prophet, Sarah
Prosser, R. Scott
Prost, Rémy
Prothmann, Marcel
Prouty, Devin
Provenzano, Paolo
Prsa, Milan
Pruessman, Klaas
Pruessmann, K. P.
Pruessmann, Klaas
Pruijm, Menno
Pruitt, Aaron
Prusik, Julia
Pruthi, Sumit
Pruzan, Alison
Pryce, Christopher
Pryhuber, Gloria
Prüssmann, Klaas
Pszczolkowski, Stefan
Puch, Santi
Pucilowska, Joanna
Puckett, Alexander
Pudakalakatti, Shivanand
Pui, Ching-Hon
Pui, Margaret H.
Pujol, Sonia
Pukropski, Anna
Puliyadi, Rathi
Pullens, Pim
Pung, Leland
Punwani, Shonit
Punwani*, Shonit
Purnell, Carson
Purushotham, Arnie
Purvis, Lucian
Purvis, William
Purysko, Andrei
Pushparajah, Kuberan
Pusterla, Orso
Putra, Juan
Puts, Nicolaas
Putt, Mary
Putten, Maaike
Puylaert, Carl
Pyatigorskaya, Nadya
Pye, Hayley
Pyka, Thomas
Qazi, Maleeha
Qi, Feng
Qi, Haikun
Qi, Haiyun
Qi, Hayuin
Qi, Li-Ping
Qi, Peng
Qi, Shun
Qi, Xiaoxiao
Qi, Ya-Fei
Qi, Yi
Qi, Ying
Qi, Zhigang
Qian, Chunqi
Qian, Junchao
Qian, Renee
Qian, Shaowen
Qian, Tian-yi
Qian, Tianyi
Qian, Wei
Qian, Xia
Qian, Ximei
Qian, Yongxian
Qian, Yue
Qiang, Jin-wei
Qiao, Huiyu
Qiao, Ju
Qiao, Yang
Qiao, Yangzi
Qiao, Ye
Qiao, Zhongwei
Qin, Hecong
Qin, Lei
Qin, Pengmin
Qin, Qin
qin, wei
Qin, Wen
QIN, Xiubo
Qing, Kun
Qing, Zhao
Qiu, Anqi
Qiu, Bensheng
Qiu, Deqiang
Qiu, Jianhua
Qiu, Lily
Qiu, Maolin
Qiu, Tianyu
Qiu, Yongrong
Qu, Changsheng
Qu, FeiFei
Qu, Haibo
Qu, Jian-xun
Qu, Jianxun
Qu, Jin
Qu, Jinrong
Qu, Xiaobo
Qu, Yangyang
Quadrelli, Scott
Quail, Michael
Quan, Guangnan
Quarles, C
Quarles, C Chad
Quarles, C.
Quarles, Christopher
Quarterman, Patrick
Quartuccio, Natale
Quasthoff, Stefan
Quattrone, Aldo
Quellec, Stéphane
Quesson, Bruno
Quest, Rebecca
Quevenco, Frances-Catherine
Quezada, Sergio
Quick, Harald
Quick, Harald H.
Quinn, Beverly
Quinn, Joseph
Quirk, James
Quist, Brady
Quistorff, Bjørn
Quon, Andrew
R. Levesque, Ives
Raaijmakers, Alexander
Raaymakers, Bas
Rabin, Neil
Rabrait-Lerman, Cécile
Rabyk, Maria
Rachid, Khalil
Rachinsky, Irina
Rackayova, Veronika
Rackley, Craig
Raczeck, Paul
Radbruch, Alexander
Radder, J. W.
Radder, Jerahmie
Radomski, Kryslaine
Radoul, Marina
Rae, Caroline
Raeside, Mitchell C.
Rafael-Patiño, Jonathan
Raffai, Robert
Raffelt, David
Ragan, Dustin
Raggi, Paolo
Raghavan, Prashant
Raghavan, Raghu
Raghunand, Natarajan
Ragot, Don Marcial
Ragunathan, Sudarshan
Rahbar, Habib
Rahim Zadeh, Hossein
Rahman, Maryam
Rahman, Ozair
Rahmouni, Alain
Rahsepar, Amir
Rahsepar, Amir Ali
Rai, Ganesha
Rainer, Gregor
Rainey, Robert
Rainville, Pierre
Raitamaa, Lauri
Raithel, Esther
Raja, Shanker
Rajagopalan, Sanjay
Rajagopalan, Vidya
Rajah, M
Rajah, M.
Rajah, Natasha
Rajala, Abigail
Rajan, Sunder
Rajapakse, Chamith
Rajasekaran, Mahadevan
Rajeswaran, Gajan
Rajkumar, Ravichandran
Rajmic, Pavel
Rajput, Alex
Rajput, Ali
Rakete, Thomas
Rakhra, Kawan
Rakic, Marina
Rakow-Penner, Rebecca
Rallapalli, Hari
Rallapalli, Harikrishna
Ralph, James
Ramadan, Saadallah
Ramamonjisoa, Nirilanto
Raman, Betty
Raman, Steve
Raman, Steven
Ramanan, Venkat
Ramanna, Sudhir
Ramasamy, Boominathan
Ramasamy, Deepa
Ramasawmy, Rajiv
Ramb, Rebecca
Rambo, Mary
Ramdoyal, Rohan
Ramesh, Ramesh
Ramesh, ThejasVishnu
Ramirez, Bryan
Ramírez, María
Ramírez-Manzanares, Alonso
Ramirez-Manzanares, Alonso
Ramkiran, Shukti
Ramos, Isabel
Ramos, Marc
Ramos Delgado, Paula
Ramos-Murguialday, Ander
Ramsay, Ian
Ran-Chou, Chen
Rana, Mohit
Rand, Scott
Randle, Ashley
Randtke, Edward
Rane, Swati
Rangaprakash, D
Rangghran, Parisa
Rangi, Prem
Ranieri, Brigida
Raniga, Parnesh
Ranjan, Sohan
Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe
Rank, Christopher
Ranner, Steven
Rao, Ganesh
Rao, Hengyi
Rao, Jyotsna
Rao, Madhwesha
Rao, Raghavendra
Rao, Rashmi
Rao, Rohan
rao, shengxiang
Rao, Stephen
Rapacchi, Stanislas
Rasche, Volker
Raschke, Felix
Rashid, Imran
Rashid, Shams
Raslan, Ahmed
Rasouli, Jonathan
Rastegar Jouybari, Fatemeh
Rastinehad, Ardeshir
Rata, Mihaela
Ratai, Eva
Ratai, Eva-Maria
Raterman, Brian
Rath, Joseph
Rathee, Satyapal
Rathi, Yogesh
Rathmann, Wolfgang
Rathouz, Paul
Ratihel, Esther
Ratiney, Hélène
Ratliff, Ben
Ratliff, Benjamin
Rauch, Maximilian
Raudner, Marcus
Rausch, Johannes
Rauschecker, Andreas
Rauscher, Alexander
Rautiainen, Jari
Raval, Shailesh
Ravdin, Lisa
Raven, Erika
Ravi, Harshan
Ravishankar, Hariharan
Raviteja, Kotikalapudi
Rawji, Kahlil
Ray, Kevin
Ray, Kimberly
Ray, Sayoni
Ray, Wilson
Ray Banerjee, Sangeeta
Raya, Jose
Raymaekers, Sander
Rayner, Jennifer
Raynor, William
Raz, Naftali
Razavi, Reza
Rea, Marc
Reading, David
Ream, Justin
Reber, Jonas
Rechberger, Albert
Recht, Michael
Recio, Miriam
Reckziegel, Diane
Redalen, Kathrine
Reddick, Wilbrun
Reddick, Wilburn
Reddy, Damodar
Reddy, Narendra
Reddy, Nimitha
Reddy, Ravinder
Redick, Thomas
Redlich, Tobias
Redolfi, Alberto
Ree, Anne
Reed, Galen
Reeder, Scott
Reemtsen, Brian
Rees, Jeremy
Reese, Timothy
Reetz, Kathrin
Rega, Marilena
Regan, Melanie
Regatte, Ravinder
Regnault, Timothy
Reh, Christina
Reich, Barry
Reich, Daniel
Reich, Daniel S.
Reichardt, Wilfried
Reichek, Nathaniel
Reichelt, Mike
Reichenbach, Jürgen
Reichert, Andreas
Reichert, Johanna
Reid, Benjamin
Reid, Chantelle
Reid, Meredith
Reid, Scott
Reid, William
Reigosa Montes, Silvia
Reijman, Max
Reilly, David
Reilmann, Ralf
Reiman, Henning
Reimann, Henning
Reimann, Katja
Reimão, Sofia
Reimer, Peter
Reiner, Thomas
Reineri, Francesca
Reinertsen, Ingerid
Reinsberg, Stefan
Reinwald, Jonathan
Reiser, Maximilian
Reisert, Marco
Reishofer, Gernot
Reiss, Simon
Reiss-Zimmermann, Martin
Reiter, David
Reiter, Robert
Reiter, Rolf
Reiter, Theresa
Rej, Ewa
Rekik, Islem
Rektorová, Irena
Remark, Romain
Remeniuk, Bethany
Remer, Justin
Remis, Rob
Remondini, Daniel
Rémy, Chantal
Ren, Clement
Ren, Cui-Ping
Ren, Cuiping
Ren, Fuxin
Ren, Jiechuan
Ren, Jimin
Ren, Junjie
Ren, Ke
Ren, Lijie
Ren, Lili
Ren, Tao
Ren, Wang
Ren, Yan
Ren, Zhi Hua
Ren, Zhihua
Reneman, Liesbeth
Rengaraj, Anantharaj
Renhua, Wu
Renne, Stefania
Renner, Andreas
Renner, Laurie
Rensen, Patrick
Renshaw, Perry
Renshaw, Stephen
Rensonnet, Gaëtan
Rensonnet, Gaetan
Renteria, Carlos
Repplinger, Michael
Research Network, Canadian Respiratory
Resinger, Christoph
Resnick, Susan
Ress, David
Restaino, Gennaro
Restivo, Matthew
Rétif, Stéphanie
Retschlag, Ulf
Rettenmeier, Christoph
Rettmann, Dan
Reutens, David
Reuter, Victor
Revol, Olivier
Reyes, Eliana
Reyes, Mauricio
Reyes Aguirre, Mauricio
Reykowski, Arne
Reynaud, Olivier
Reyngoudt, Harmen
Reynolds, Bryson
Reynolds, Steven
Reynolds, William
Rezaii, Paymon
Rezk, Mohamed
Reznik, Robert
Rhee, Hak Young
Riascos, Roy
Riaz, Nadeem
Riazy, Leili
Ribbens, Annemie
Ribble, David
Ribbons, Karen
Ricci, Antonio
Ricciardi, Antonio
Ricciardi, Giuseppe
Rice, Kelly
Rich, Adam
Rich, Jonathan
Rich, Keith
Richards, Lorie
Richardson, Simon
Ricotti, Valeria
Riddehough, Andrew
Ridder, Dominik
Rider, Oliver
Ridgway, Sam
Riedel, Marissa
Riederer, Isabelle
Riederer, Stephen
Riedy, Gerard
Rieger, Benedikt
Riegler, Johannes
Riek, Jonathan
Rieke, Lorena
Rieke, Viola
Rieken, Stefan
Riemenschneider, Bruno
Riemer, Frank
Rieppo, Lassi
Ries, Mario
Ries, Miriam
Rietsch, Stefan
Riffel, Philipp
Rigie, David
Rigsby, Cindy
Rigsby, Cynthia
Riis-Vestergaard, Mette
Riley, Colin
Rimola, MD PhD, Jordi
Rinaldi, Daisy
Rincón, Teresa
Ringe, Kristina
Ringgaard, Steffen
Ringleb, Rainer
Ringler, Ralf
Ringman, John
Rink, Kristian
Rinkel, Gabriel
Rinkel, Gabriël
Rios Piedra, Edgar
Rioux, James
Riparip, Lara-Kirstie
Ripley, Beth
Rischpler, Christoph
Risède, Patricia
Rismani, Ali
Rispoli, Joseph
Rittase, William
Rivaz, Hassan
Rivens, Ian
Rivera, Debra
Rivera, Mariano
Rivera Rivera, Leonardo
Riverol, Mario
Rizi, Rahim
Rizzitelli, Silvia
Rizzo, Francesca
Roach, David
Roach, Michael
Roalf, David
Robb, Fraser
Robbins, Jessica
Robert, Grimm
Roberts, A
Roberts, Christopher
Roberts, Drucilla
Roberts, Jodilyn
Roberts, John
Roberts, Nathan
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Thomas
Roberts, Timothy
Roberts, Tom
Robertson, Andrew
Robertson, Nicola
Robertson, Scott
Robertson, Trent
Robinson, Clifford
Robinson, Jennifer
Robinson, Joshua
Robinson, Meghan
Robinson, Simon
Robinson, Simon Daniel
Robison, Ryan
Robol, Camilla
Robson, Mathew
Robson, Matthew
Robson, Philip
Rocca, James
Rocca, Maria
Roche, Alexis
Rodegher, Mariaemma
Roden, Michael
Rodgers, Christopher
Rodgers, Oliver
Rodgers, Zachary
Rodham, Rachel
Rodrigue, Karen
Rodrigues, Filipe
Rodrigues, Paulo
Rodriguez, Alfonso
Rodriguez, Daniel
Rodriguez, Dima
Rodriguez Gutierrez, Daniel
Rodriguez-Justo, Manuel
Rodriguez-Oroz, Maria Cruz
Rodríguez-Palomares, Jose
Rodríguez-Palomares, José F.
Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Aurora
Rodríguez-Rojas, Rafael
Rodriguez-Ruiz, Alejandro
Rodriguez-Soto, Ana
Rodríguez-Soto, Ana
Roe, Anna
Roe, Denise
Roebroeck, Alard
Roehrich, Sebastian
Roelle, Sarah
Roemer, Peter
Roessler, Juergen
Rofstad, Einar
Rogers, Baxter
Rogers, Harriet
Rogers, James
Rogers, James A.
Rogers, Toby
Rognin, Nicolas
Rogozhyn, Volodymyr
Roh, Keuntak
Rohan, Michael
Rohani Rankouhi, Seyedmorteza
Rohm, Maria
Rohner, Chantal
Rohrer, Jonathan
Rohrer, Jonathan D.
Roifman, Idan
Roizen, Nancy
Rojas, Samantha
Rojas Villabona, Alvaro
Rojas-Vite, Gilberto
Rokem, Ariel
Roland, Fischer
Roldan, Alejandro
Roldan Alzate, Alejandro
Roldán-Alzate, Alejandro
Rolland, Anne-Sophie
Rollins, Nancy
Roman, Jeff
Roman, Jeffrey
Romano, Anthony
Romanzetti, Sandro
Romascano, David
Romashchenko, Alexandr
Romberg, Justin
Rome, Claire
Romero, Eduardo
Romero, Roberto
Romu, Thobias
Ron, Maria
Rondinoni, Carlo
Ronen, Itamar
Ronen, Sabrina
rong, xu
Rooijackers, Hanne
Rooney, William
Ropele, Stefan
Ropella, Kathleen
Roquet, Daniel
Ros, Susana
Rosa, Ilaria
Rosa-Neto, Pedro
Rose, John
Rose, Michael
Rose, Stephen
Rosen, Bruce
Rosen, Howard
Rosen, Mark
Rosen, Matthew
Rosenbaum, Daryl
Rosenberg, Jens
Rosenberg, Monica
Rosenberg, Oren
Rosenberger, John
Rosenkrantz, Andrew
Rosenthal, Eric
Rosenthal, Hailey
Rosenzweig, Sebastian
Rosi, Susanna
Rosianu, Flavia
Rosler, Manuela
Rosner, Ian
Ross, Arun
Ross, Brian
Ross, Christopher
Ross, Moira
Ross, Peter
Rosser, Anne
Rossi, Giorgio
Rossi, Peter
Rossman, Philip
Rossman, Phillip
Rossman, Timothy
Rosso, Charlotte
Rostamie, Mahsa
Rostrup, Egill
Roswall, Josefine
Rota Kops, Elena
Roth, Alison
Roth, Elizabeth
Roth, Jonathan
Rothe, Maik
Rothman, Douglas
Rotile, Nicholas
Rotärmel, Alexander
Roubenoff, Ronenn
Roujol, Sebastien
Roujol, Sébastien
Roumes, Hélène
Rousseau, François
Roussel, Tangi
Rovedo, Philipp
Rovira, Alex
Rowan, Andrew
Rowe, Christopher
Rowe, Ian
Rowe, James
Rowland, Benjamin
Rowley, Christopher
Rowley, Howard
Rowley, Joseph
Roy, Bhaswati
Roy, Christopher
Roy, Nicole
Roy, Raja
Roy, Rene
Roy, Snehashis
Roy, Trisha
Roys, Steven
Royuela-del-Val, Javier
Rozhkova, Zinayida
Rozman, Mitchell
Roztocil, Karel
Roßner, Steffen
Rua, Catarina
Ruan, Dan
Ruan, Su
Ruan, Weiwei
Ruan, Wen
Rubert, Nicholas
Ruberte, Esther
Rubin, Craig
Ruby, Jeannine
Rudie, Jeffrey
Rudin, Juri
Rudin, Markus
Rudko, David
Rudolph, Matthias
Rudrapatna, Umesh
Rueckert, Daniel
Rueda, Fernanda
Ruedrich, Stephen
Ruetten, Pascal
Ruff, Christer
Ruff, Jan
Ruh, Alexander
Ruhlmann, Verena
Ruhm, Loreen
Ruijsink, Bram
Ruitenberg, Marc
Ruiter, Kyle
Ruiz, Amparo
Ruiz, Epi
Ruiz, Epifanio
Ruiz, Sergio
Rummeny, Ernst
Rumpel, Helmut
Rund, Armin
Runge, Jurgen
Runge, Jurgen H.
Runge, Val
Rungta, Ravi
Ruparel, Kosha
Ruppert, Kai
Rupprecht, Sebastian
Ruschke, Stefan
Ruset, Iulian
Rusinek, Henry
Russek, Stephen
Russell, Colin
Russell, Jeff
Russell-Schulz, Bretta
Rusted, Jennifer
Rusu, Mirabela
Rutherford, Mary
Ruthotto, Lars
Rutkowski, David
Rutland, Jack
Rutt, Brian
Rutter, Erica
Ruurda, Jelle
Ruytenberg, Thomas
Ruyters, Gudrun
Ryan, Davinia
Ryan, Kayla
Ryan, Matthew
Ryan, Patrick
Rybak, Leon
Rybkin, Alex
Rückl, Martin
Rydén, Henric
Ryden, Henric
Rühli, Frank
Ryner, Lawrence
Rytky, Seppo
Ryu, Chang Woo
Ryu, JaeKyun
Ryu, Jong-Hyun
Ryu, Kang-Hyun
Ryu, Kyung Nam
Ryu, Yeunchul
Röhrich, Sebastian
Rönnerfalk, Mattias
Rösler, Manuela
S. Thornton, John
Sá, Rui
Saab, Bechara
Saad Eldine, Mothana
Saar, Christopher
Saar, Galit
Saarakkala, Simo
Saba, Shahryar
Sabatini, Umberto
Sabbioni, Mara
Sabet, Amir
Sablong, Raphaël
Saborowska, Alexandra
Sabouri, Shirin
Sabouroux, Pierre
Sabra, Karim
Sabri, Laith
Sacchet, Matthew
Sachdev, Perminder
Sachdev, Vandana
Sachivko, Nina
Sachleben, Joseph
Sack, Ingolf
Sack, Markus
Sacktor, Ned
Sadananthan, Suresh
Sadananthan, Suresh Anand
Sadato, Norihiro
Sadeghi, Neda
Sadinski, Meredith
Sadleir, Rosalind
Sado, Daniel
Sadoughi, Nima
Sadovnick, A
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Saeed, Maythem
Saeid, Seyed
Saga, Tsuneo
Sagar, Rajesh
Sagawa, Hajime
Sagebiel, Tara
Sagiyama, Koji
Sagolla, Meredith
Saha, Debabrata
Saha, Indrajit
Saha, Shimul
Sahai, Abhimanyu
Sahalan, Mariaulpa
Sahel, Jose-Alain
Sahgal, Arjun
Sahib, Ashish Kaul
Sahoo, Prativa
Saïb, Gaël
Saigal, Nidhi
Sail, Deepak
Sailasuta, Napapon
Saindane, Amit
Saini, Jitender
Saini, Jitendra
Saint-Jalmes, Hervé
Saint-Onge, Etienne
Sair, Haris
Saito, Asami
Saito, Keika
Saito, Keita
Saito, Taiichi
Saito, Toshiki
Saitou, Toshiki
Sajib, Saurav
Sajja, Balasrinivasa
Sakaguchi, Rena
Sakahara, Harumi
Sakai, Koji
Sakai, Osamu
Sakai, Shuji
Sakai, Takayuki
Sakai, Yu
Sakaie, Ken
Sakamoto, Ichiro
Sakamoto, Kyoko
Sakashita, Naotaka
Sakashita, Taro
Sakashita, Tomohiro
Sakemoto, Tsukasa
Sakie, Ken
Sakoglu, Unal
Saksena, Sona
Sakuma, Hajime
Sakurai, Keisuke
Sakurai, Takashi
Sala, Evis
Salamanca-Cardona, Lucia
Salamon, Noriko
Salat, David
Saleh, Muhammad
Salem, Ahmed
Salem, Fadi
Salerno, Michael
Salgaonkar, Vasant
Salibi, Nouha
Saligheh Rad, Hamidreza
Salim, G.
Salinger, Tim
Salisbury, Lisa
Sall, Sean
Salluzzi, Marina
Salmon, Carlos
Salomao, Marcela
Salomir, Rares
Salomon, Robert
Saloner, David
Salsac, Anne-Virginie
Salter, Amber
Salusky, Isidro
Salvado, Olivier
Salvador Gómez, Francisco
Salzillo, Travis
Salzman, Karen
Salzwedel, Andrew
Sam, Kevin
Samaratunga, Hemamali
Samber, Daniel
Samet, Jonathan
Sammartino, Francesco
Sammet, Christina
Sammi, Manoj
Samoyeau, Thomas
Sampath, Smita
Sampathkumar, Aparna
Samson, Carly
Samson, Rebecca
Samsonov, Alexey
San Juan Orta, Daniel
Sanacora, Gerard
Sanan, Prateek
Sánchez Heredia, Juan Diego
Sanchez Lopez, Hector
Sanchez Panchuelo, Rosa
Sanchez-Heredia, Juan D.
Sanchez-Panchuelo, Rosa
Sander, Christin
Sanders, Margreet
Sandfort, Veit
Sandi, Carmen
Sandino, Christopher
Sandoval, Zulma
Sandroff, Brian
Sandsmark, Elise
Sang, Fei
Sanganahalli, Basavaraju
Sanggaard, Simon
Sangill, Ryan
Saniour, Isabelle
Sankai, Yoshiyuki
Santagata, Sandro
Santarelli, Maria
Santelli, Rebecca
Santiago, Inês
Santin, Mathieu
Santini, Francesco
Santini, Tales
Santos, Antonio
Santos, Juan
Santos, Nuno
Santos Diaz, Alejandro
Santos Silva, João
Santos-Santos, Miguel
Santoso, Michelle
Santyr, Giles
Sanz, Javier
Saotome, Kousaku
Saouaf, Rola
Sapkota, Nabraj
Sappey-Marinier, Dominique
Sappo, Charlotte
Sapuan, Abdul
Saranathan, Manojkumar
Sargeant, Jack
Sarill, Kiera
Sarin, Jaakko
Sarin, Jaakko K.
Saris, Daniel
Saritas, Emine
Sarkar, Rajabrata
Sarkar, Susanta
Sarkar, Susobhan
Sarlls, Joelle
Sarma, Manoj
Sarmiento-Soto, Manuel
Sartori, Chiara
Sartorius, Alexander
Sarubbo, Silvio
Sasaki, Erika
Sasaki, Kazumasu
Sasaki, Koh
Sasaki, Makoto
Sasaki, Masako
sasaki, nobuhito
Sasaki, Toshiaki
Sasanuma, Jinichi
Sassi, Celeste
Sasso, Magalie
Sastre, Magdalena
Sastre-Garriga, Jaume
Sathian, Krish
Sathyanarayan, Priya
Sati, Pascal
Satir, Sarp
Sato, Chika
Sato, Hiroshi
Sato, Jiro
Sato, Kanako
Sato, Ryota
Sato, Tomohiro
Sato-Akaba, Hideo
Satou, Gary
Saucedo, Andres
Sauer, Stephanie
Saunders, Laura
Sauty, Alain
Savatovsky, Julien
Savdie, Richard
Savelov, Andrey
Saver, Jeffrey
Savic, Dragana
Savini, Giovanni
Savitskij, Dennis
Savitz, Sean
Sawada, Kazuhiko
Sawaya, Raymond
Sawiak, Stephen
Sawicki, Lino
Saxena, Mohit
Saxena, Rohit
Saybasili, Haris
Saykin, Andrew
Saykin, Andy
Sayre, James
Sbrizzi, Alessandro
Scadeng, Miriam
Scammell, Brigitte
Scantlen, Greg
Scarnati, Eugenio
Scattoni, Maria Luisa
Scearce-Levie, Kimberly
Sch?pf, Veronika
Schabel, Matthias
Schacht, David
Schad, Lothar
Schad, Lothar R.
Schaefer, Lena
Schaefer, Pamela
Schaefers, Gregor
Schaefers, Klaus
Schaeffer, David
Schaeffter, Tobias
Schaffhauser, Herve
Schaffner, Denise
Schaible, Thomas
Schakel, Tim
Schall, Jeffrey
Schallmo, Michael-Paul
Schar, Michael
Scharfetter, Hermann
Scharfschwerdt, Michael
Scharnowski, Frank
Schartner, Jill
Schaudinn, Alexander
Scheck, Adrienne
Scheef, Lukas
Scheenen, Tom
Scheenen, Tom W.J.
Scheer, Ianina
Schefflein, Javin
Scheffler, Klaus
Scheicher, Sylvia
Scheidegger, Olivier
Scheidemantel, Thomas
Scheinost, Dustin
Scheins, Jürgen
Schellenberg, Graham
Scheller, Jürgen
Schellingerhout, Dawid
Schenck, John
Schenker, Natalie
Schenker-Ahmed, Natalie
Schennach, Paul
Schepkin, Victor
Scherman Rydhög, Anna
Scherrer, Benoit
Scherrer, Benoît
Scheurer, Eva
Schexnailder, Patrick
Schicchi, Nicolò
Schick, Fritz
Schickardt, Zora
Schiebler, Mark
Schifitto, Giovanni
Schijns, Olaf
Schild, Hans
Schildknecht, Christoph
Schillak, Scott
Schilling, Franz
Schilling, Kurt
Schilling, Rebecca
Schillmaier, Mathias
Schimpf, Waldemar
Schindler, Matthew
Schirda, Claudiu
Schlaeger, Sarah
Schlamann, Marc
Schlecht, Sebastian
Schlein, Alexandra
Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter
Schlemper, Jo
Schlesinger-Irsch, Ulrike
Schlett, Christopher
Schloegl, Matthias
Schloss, Natalie
Schluep, Myriam
Schluesener, Jan
Schlumm, Torsten
Schluppeck, Denis
Schlüsener, Jan Kevin
Schlögl, Matthias
Schmahl, Christian
Schmainda, Kathleen
Schmainda, Michael
Schmalbrock, Petra
Schmeel, Frederic
Schmeel, Leonard
Schmickler, Christian
Schmid, Albrecht
Schmid, Florian
Schmid, Sophie
Schmid, Thomas
Schmidt, Alexander
Schmidt, Andreas
Schmidt, Ehud
Schmidt, Eric
Schmidt, Guenter
Schmidt, Holger
Schmidt, Johannes
Schmidt, John
Schmidt, Maria
Schmidt, Michaela
Schmidt, Rita
Schmidt, Silvio
Schmidt, Simon
Schmidt, Simone
Schmidt, Stefan
Schmidt, Tony
Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno
Schmit, Brian
Schmithorst, Vince
Schmithorst, Vincent
Schmitt, Benjamin
Schmitt, Franz
Schmitt, Joachim
Schmitter, Sebastian
Schmitz, Achim
Schmitz, Alexander
Schmitz, Birte
Schnabel, Julia
Schneider, Christine
Schneider, Guenther
Schneider, Julie
Schneider, Jurgen
Schneider, Jürgen
Schneider, Jürgen E.
Schneider, Manuel
Schneider, Moritz
Schneider, Rainer
Schneider, Till
Schneider, Torben
Schneider, Walter
Schnell, Susanne
Schoelkopf, Bernhard
Schoenberg, Stefan
Schoepf, U. Joseph
Schollenberger, Jonas
Scholz, Jan
Scholz, Stefan
Schomer, Donald
Schon, Lew
Schoormans, Jasper
Schoser, Benedikt
Schott, Jonathan
Schrader, Jürgen
Schram, Miranda
Schramke, Sarah
Schraml, Christina
Schramm, Christoph
Schrank, Geoff
Schrantee, Anouk
Schranz, Amy
Schranzer, René
Schrauben, Eric
Schreiber, Jane
Schreiber, Laura
Schreiber, Renate
Schreiner, Markus
Schreiner, S. J.
Schreiner, Simon
Schreyer, Andreas
Schroder, Femke
Schroder, Marie
Schroeder, Anja
Schroeder, Marie
Schroeter, Aileen
Schroeter, Matthias
Schröder, Leif
Schubert, Florian
Schubert, Julia
Schubert, Robin
Schubert, Tilman
Schuch, Christian
Schucht, Philippe
Schuenke, Patrick
Schuerlein, Sebastian
Schuh, Andreas
Schuite-Koops, Sanne
Schuldenzucker, Verena
Schuller, Karina
Schulte, Rolf
Schultz, Robert
Schultz, Thomas
Schultz, Victoria
Schulz, Jenni
Schulz, Volkmar
Schulz-Menger, Jeanette
Schulze, Jennifer
Schulze, Peter
Schuman, Joel S.
Schunke, Kathryn
Schurr, Roey
Schuth, Wout
Schuurman, Jeroen
Schwab, Richard
Schwaderlapp, Niels
Schwaiger, Markus
Schwalm, Miriam
Schwam, Dina
Schwarb, Hillary
Schwarcz, Attila
Schwark, Thorsten
Schwartz, Anna
Schwartz, Benjamin
Schwartz, Daniel
Schwartz, Dean
Schwartz, Martin
Schwartz, Michael
Schwartz, Nadav
Schwarz, Adam
Schwarz, Jolanda
Schwarz, Stefan
Schwarzkopf, Ran
Schweitzer, Jeff
Schweitzer, Mark
Schwenzer, Nina
Schwerin, Susan
Schwerter, Michael
Schweser, Ferdinand
Schwimmer, Jeffrey
Schüler, Dorothee
Schäfer, Andreas
Schäfers, Klaus
Schär, Michael
Schölkopf, Bernhard
Schönberg, Stefan
Schönfeld, Christian
Sciarra, Alessandro
Scifo, Paola
Scoffings, Daniel
Scoggins, Matthew
Scott, Allison
Scott, Andrew
Scott, Greig
Scott, Grieg
Scott, Ian
Scott, Quadrelli
Scott, Rebecca
Scott, Robert
Scotti, Alessandro
Scotti, Celeste
Scotti, Roberta
Scuppa, Giulia
Scurr, Erica
Seal, Marc
Sebastiani, Piero
Sébille, Sophie
Sebrié, Catherine
Sedelaar, Michiel
Sedivy, Petr
Sedlacek, Ondrej
Sedlacik, Jan
See, William
Seed, Mike
Seeley, William
Seeliger, Erdmann
Seemann, Reiner
Seethamraju, Ravi
Seethmaraju, Ravi
Seevinck, Peter
Seevinck, Peter R.
Segelmark, Mårten
Segerer, Florian
Segers, Patrick
Segrestin, Bérénice
Sehgal, Akansha
Sehmbi, Manpreet
Sehrawat, Parshant
Sehrawat, Snekha
Seiberlich, Nicole
Seibert, Tyler
Seidenberg, Peter
Seidlitz, Annekatrin
Seierstad, Therese
Seif, Maryam
Seifert, Alan
Seifert, Frank
Seifritz, Erich
Seiler, Stephen
Seith, Ferdinand
Sekar, Sakthivel
Seki, Chie
Seki, Fumiko
Seki, Shinichiro
Seki, Sinichiro
Sekiguchi, Maiko
Sekine, Tetsuro
Sekiya, Akiko
Selby, Nicholas
Selnes, Per
Selnæs, Kirsten
Selnæs, Kirsten Margrete
Selvam, Amrish
Selvarajah, Dinesh
Selwyn, Reed
Semaan, Edouard
Semaan, Sahar
Semedo, Carla
Semenova, Natalia
Seminowicz, David
Semmineh, Natenael
Semmineh, Natenael B
Semouchkina, Elena
Semple, Scott
Sen, Bulent
Sen, Manodeep
Sena-Esteves, Miguel
Senders, Max
Sénégas, Julien
Sengupta, Saikat
Sengupta, Shubarthi
Sengupta, Shubharthi
Senn, Nicholas
Senoo, Atsushi
Senra Filho, Antonio Carlos
Seo, Hyunseok
Seo, Jeehye
Seo, Jin Keun
Seo, Nieun
Seo, Youngho
Seo, Youngseob
Seoung Bong, Cho
Sepehrband, Farshid
Sepúlveda, Pradyumna
Sequeira, Ivana
Serafini, Giancarlo
Serag, Ahmed
Serai, Suraj
Seramani, Sankar
Serano, Peter
Serduc, Raphael
Serena, Counsell
Sereno, Martin
Seres, Peter
Serganova, Inna S.
Sergeeva, Victoria
Seroussi, Inbar
Serra, Laura
Serradas Duarte, Teresa
Serrai, Hacene
Serralles, Jose
Serres, Sebastien
Sessa, Dario
Seth, Arun
Seth, Raghav
Seth, Vikrum
Sethi, Sean
Sethi, Sean K
Sethi, Sweta
Sethi, Tavpritesh
Sethi, Varun
Setoi, Ayana
Setsompop, Kawin
Settecase, Fabio
Seunarine, Kiran
Seuwen, Aline
Severo, Frederico
Severs, Rachel
Sevinsky, Christopher
Sexton, Kyle
Seyssel, Kevin
Sforazzini, Francesco
Shaaban, Ahmed
Shabes, Polina
Shademan, Ashkan
Shaffer, Joseph
Shafiei Zargar, Banafshe
Shah, Abhay
Shah, Ajay
Shah, Apurva
Shah, Chandan
Shah, Dhaval
Shah, Dinesh
Shah, Disha
Shah, Furhawn
Shah, Hardik
Shah, Jon
Shah, Lubdha
Shah, N
Shah, N Jon
Shah, N.
Shah, N. Jon
Shah, Nadim
Shah, Nadim Jon
Shah, Parina
Shah, Simon
Shah, Tara
Shah, Vijay
Shah, Zarine
Shaha, Ashok R
Shahidi, Mahnaz
Shahim, Pashtun
Shahryari, Mehrgan
Shahzad, Hassan
Shaik, Imam
Shaik, Imam Ahmed
Shajan, G.
Shajan, gunamony
Shaker, Reza
Shakeri, Sepideh
Shan, Qungang
Shan, Yi
Shanahan, Camille
Shanbhag, Dattesh
Shanbhag, Sujata
Shanbhogue, Krishna
Shang, Jiannan
Shang, Jin
Shang, Ty
Shang, Xiaoke
Shankar, Ananth
Shankar, Sheila
Shankaranarayanan, Ajit
Shanmugabavan, Yaalini
Shanmugavelandy, Sriram
Shao, Guoliang
Shao, Jianbo
Shao, Jiaxin
Shao, Nannan
Shao, Qi
Shao, Tingting
Shao, Wei
Shao, Xiali
Shao, Xiaoning
Shao, Xingfeng
Shao, Yunwen
Shaoyu, Wang
Shapiro, Erik
Sharafi, Azadeh
Sharer, Kathryn
Sharif, Behzad
Sharma, Amit
Sharma, Amita
Sharma, Gaurav
Sharma, Maryanne
Sharma, Nisha
Sharma, Om
Sharma, Puneet
Sharma, Raju
Sharma, Samir
Sharma, Sanjay
Sharma, Shrushrita
Sharma, Uma
Sharp, David
Sharp, Jonathan
Sharp, Kelli
Sharrack, Basil
Shatillo, Artem
Shaughnessy, Gabe
Shaw, Greg
Shaw, Jaime
Shazeeb, Mohammed Salman
Shchelokova, Alena
Shchepin, Roman
Shcherbakova, Yulia
She, Huajun
Shea, Jill
Shea, Kevin
Sheerin, Fintan
Shehada, Ramez
Sheikh, Khadija
Shek, Lynette
Sheldon, R
Shelmerdine, Susan
Shelton, Annie
Shelton, John
Shemesh, Noam
Shemesh, Tal
Shen, Andrew
Shen, Bin
Shen, Chao-Yu
Shen, Daming
Shen, Dinggang
Shen, Dong-chao
Shen, Guiquan
Shen, Jun
Shen, Junkang
Shen, Nan
Shen, Qiang
Shen, Rui
shen, wen
Shen, Wu-Chung
Shen, Xilin
Shen, Xin
Shen, Ya-Wen
Shen, Yanguang
Shen, Yaqi
Shen, Yelong
shen, Yimin
Shen, Zhujing
Sheng, Jingwei
Sheng, Ke
Sheng, Min
Shenk, Trey
Shenoy, Chetan
Shenton, Martha
Shenton, Martha E.
Shepard, Abbie
Shepherd, Gordon
Shepherd, Timothy
Sheridan, Margaret
Sheriff, Sulaiman
Sheriff, Sulaimann
Sherry, A Dean
Sherry, A. Dean
Sherry, Dean
Sherry, Erica
Sherwood, Victoria
Shestov, Alex
Shetty, Teena
Sheyn, Dmitriy
Shi, Caiyun
Shi, Changzheng
Shi, Chuanying
Shi, Dapeng
Shi, Feina
Shi, Feng
Shi, Hai-Bin
Shi, Heshui
Shi, Jingjing
Shi, Junxing
Shi, Kai-ning
Shi, Kaining
Shi, Ligang
Shi, Qing-Lei
Shi, Qinglei
Shi, Shaojie
Shi, Songhai
Shi, Xian-Feng
Shi, Xinwei
Shi, Yahui
Shi, Yanjie
Shi, Yonggang
Shi, Yonghong
Shi, Yu
Shi, Yuan
Shi, Yuhang
shi, zhang
Shi, Zhaoyue
Shi, Zhuo
Shiba, Y
Shibamoto, Yuta
Shibata, Sayaka
Shibukawa, Shuhei
Shibukawa, Syuhei
Shie, Ren-Fu
Shields, Richard
Shih, Andy
Shih, Ching-Sen
Shih, Tiffany Ting-Fang
Shih, Yao-Chia
Shih, Yen Yu Ian
Shih, Yen-Yu Ian
Shiina, Yumi
Shijo, Katsunori
Shim, Hyun-Ji
Shim, Michael
Shim, Yun
Shimada, Yuko
Shimakawa, Ann
Shimizu, Keiji
Shimizu, Kie
Shimizu, Tatsuya
Shimoda, Takahide
Shimomiya, Yamato
Shimoyama, Shinsuke
Shimron, Efrat
Shin, Chae Won
Shin, Chol
Shin, David
Shin, Dongmyung
Shin, Ha Young
Shin, Hyeonggeol
Shin, Jaewook
Shin, Na-Young
Shin, Peter
Shin, Seitaro
Shin, Soo Hyun
Shin, Taehoon
Shin, Wanyong
Shinkawa, Norihiro
Shinmyo, Yohei
Shinn, Ann
Shinoda, Kensuke
Shinohara, Russell
Shinozaki, Takahiro
Shintani, Teppei
Shiobara, Aya
Shiozaki, Toshiki
Shipley, Rebecca
Shiradkar, Rakesh
Shirai, Toru
Shiraishi, Shinya
Shiran, Shelly
Shirato, Hiroki
Shirayama, Akira
Shizukuishi, Takashi
Shmuel, Amir
Shmueli, Karin
Shmuilovich, Olga
Shokeen, Monica
Shook, Cherie
Shooshtary, Samaneh
Shore, Richard
Short, Rebekah
Short, Sarah
Shortal, Brenna
Shou, Xingxian
Shregel, Katharina
Shrestha, Manoj
Shriram, Ks
Shrivastava, Raj
Shu, Hao
Shu, Liang
Shu, Yunhong
Shuaib, Haris
Shuboni-Mulligan, Dorela
Shukla, Dinesh
Shukla-Dave, Amita
Shultz, Sandy
Shum-Siu, Alice
Shungu, Dikoma
Shur, Joshua
Shvarts, Michael
Shvartsman, Shmaryu
Shymanskaya, Aliaksandra
Shyu, Liang-Yu
Sibon, Igor
Sibson, Nicola
Sica, Chris
Sica, Christopher
Sick, Beate
Sicotte, Nancy
Siddiq, Syed Saad
Siddiqui, Sarmad
Sidhu, Harbir
Sieberlich, Nicole
Siebert, Danielle
Siebes, Maria
Sieg, Juergen
Sieg, Jürgen
Siegmann-luz, Katja
Siemonsen, Susanne
Sieren, Malte
Siero, JCW
Siero, Jeroen
Sierra, Alejandra
Sievers, Hans-Hinrich
Sigal, Ian
Sigfridsson, Andreas
Sigmund, Eric
Sigrist, Hannes
Sigurdsson, Hilmar
Sijbers, Jan
Sijens, Paul
Sijtsema, Nienke
Silberbauer, John
Siless, Viviana
Silin, DU
Silk, Timothy
Silva, Afonso
Silva, Alvin
Silva, Annelise
Silva, Pedro Henrique
Silveira, Luis
Silver, Robert
Silveri, Marisa
Silverman, Alan
Silvers, Robert
Silvestri, Erica
Sim, Ki Choon
Sim, Sotcheadt
Sima, Diana
Simard, Manon
Simard, Nicholas
Simchick, Gregory
Simcock, Elizabeth
Simko, Jeffry
Simmons, W. Kyle
Simmross-Wattenberg, Federico
Simon, Birgit
Simon, Jack
Simonelli, James
Simonetti, Orlando
Simonis, Frank
Simonsen, Trude
Simozo, Fabrício
Simpson, Adrian
Simpson, John
Simpson, Liz
Simpson, Richard
Simsek, Fatma
Simsek, Kadir
Sinclair, Chris
Sinclair, Christopher
Sinclair, Kevin
Sinelnikov, Yegor
Sinforiani, Elena
Sing-Long, Carlos
Singanamalli, Asha
Singe, Jonas
Singer, Harvey
Singh, Aditya
Singh, Ajai
Singh, Amita
Singh, Aruna
Singh, Manu
Singh, Nalin
Singh, Samarth
Singh, Saurabh
Singh, Sheila
Singh, Sukhdeep
Singh, Suruchi
Singh, Vikas
Singhal, Aneesh
Singhal, Krishna
Singhal, Meenakshi
Single, Peter
Sinha, Shantanu
Sinha, Usha
Sinharay, Sanhita
Sinkus, Ralph
Sinnecker, Tim
Sinnett, Daniel
Sinyeob, Ahn
Siow, Bernard
Sippo, Dorothy
Sirianni, Rachael
Siriwardhana, Chathura
Sirlin, Claude
Sirrs, Sandra
Sishc, Brock
Sisk, Anthony
Sison, Shiloh
Sitaram, Ranganatha
Sitek, Arkadiusz
Sitoh, Yih Yian
Sitton, Clark
Siva Kumar, Shruti
Sizonenko, Stéphane
Sjaastad, Ivar
Sjöholm, Therese
Sjölund, Jens
Sjøbakk, Torill
SK, Venkatesh
Skanes, Allan
Skare, Stefan
Skarulis, Monica
Skedzielewski, Tinamarie
Skehan, Kate
Skinner, Jack
Skinner, Jason
Skinner, Nathan
Sklair-Levy, Miri
Skolasky, Richard
Skorpil, Mikael
Skranes, Jon
Skurk, Thomas
Slade, Jill
Slade, Joshua
Sladky, Ronald
Slagle-Webb, Becky
Slanetz, Priscilla
Slater, James
Slator, Paddy
Slattery, Catherine
Slavakis, Konstantinos
Slavens, Zachary
Slavin, Glenn
Slawig, Anne
Sled, John
Sleigh, Alison
Slesnick, Timothy
Sleurs, Charlotte
Slinger, Michelle
Sliwa, Julia
Sloan, Andrew
Sloane, Jacob
Slobounov, Semyon
Slobozhanyuk, Alexey
Slomka, Piotr
Slon, María
Slopsema, Julia
Slotboom, Johannes
Slotman, Ben J
Smacchia, Maria Paola
Smajiš, Sabina
Small, Eric
Small, Scott
Smart, Sean
Smeele, Ludi
Smeets, Dirk
Smeets, Hubert
Smekens, Céline
Smelianskaia, Olga
Smigla, Rose Marie
Smith, Alex
Smith, Andrew
Smith, Benjamin
Smith, Cheryl
Smith, Daniel
Smith, David
Smith, Gillian
Smith, Gordon
Smith, James
Smith, Kenneth
Smith, Laura
Smith, Laurie
Smith, Martin
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Michael
Smith, Nick
Smith, Paul
Smith, Robert
Smith, Seth
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Steve
Smith, Travis
Smith, Victoria
Smits, Marion
Sneag, Darryl
Snell, John
Snoussi, Karim
Snyder, Abraham
Snyder, Peter
Snyder, Sandy
So, Dr Po-Wah
So, Seohee
Sobczyk, Olivia
Sochen, Nir
Soder, Ricardo
Sodickson, Dan
Sodickson, Daniel
Soellradl, Martin
Sofue, Keitaro
Soher, Brian
Sohn, Chul-Ho
Sohn, Jae Ho
Sokoliuk, Rodika
Sokolska, Magdalena
Solaiyappan, Meiyappan
Solana, Ana
Solana, Ana Beatriz
Solana Sánchez, Ana Beatriz
Solanky, Bhavana
Solbach, Klaus
Solbach, Thomas
Solberg, Arne
Solecki, Gergely
Solheim, Ole
Soliman, Abraam
Soliman, Hany
Solin, Arno
Solleveld, Michelle
Solomon, Andrew
Solomon, Eddy
Solomon, Jeffrey
Solovey, Igor
Solty, Kilian
Soman, Salil
Somandepalli, Krishna
Somerville, Leah
Sommer, Gerhard
Sommer, Gregor
Sommer, Karsten
Sommer, Stefan
Son, Eun Ju
Son, Jeong Pyo
Son, Jong Bum
Son, YeNa
Son, Young-Don
Sondhi, Jasmine
Song, Allen
Song, Allison Tian-yue
Song, Bin
Song, Chengru
Song, Christopher
Song, Chunyu
Song, Guodong
Song, Hai
Song, Hao
Song, Hee Kwon
Song, Ho-Taek
Song, Huijin
Song, Hyunwoo
Song, In Chan
Song, Jae Eun
Song, Ji Soo
Song, Jinyu
Song, Kyu-Ho
Song, Li
Song, Liyuan
Song, Qi
Song, Qingwei
Song, Qiong
Song, Ruitian
Song, Sen
Song, Sheng
Song, Sheng-Kwei
Song, Shlee
Song, Tianbin
Song, William
Song, Xiaolei
Song, XiaoLi
Song, Xiaowei
Song, Xuhao
song, yan
Song, Yang
Sonnay, Sarah
Sonoda, Junichiro
Sonoda, Kenzo
Sonoda, Masaru
Sood, Manu
Sood, Surabhi
Soosman, Steffan
Sopacua, Chantal
Sorace, Anna
Sordia, Thea
Sorega, Alexandra
Sorensen, Gregory
Sorensen, Tanner
Sorg, Christian
Sorkness, Ronald
Sorokina, Irina
Sosa, Ramon
Sosna, Jacob
Sosnovik, David
Sotelo, Julio
Sotgiu, Antonello
Sotiriou, Ioannis
Sotiropoulos, Fotis
Sotiropoulos, Stamatios
Soto, Jorge
Sotozono, Hidemitsu
Soucek, Karel
Soulier, Elisabeth
Soulier, Theodore
Sourbron, Steven
Sours, Chandler
Sourty, Marion
Sousa, J.M.
Soussan, Michael
Soustelle, Lucas
Soutome, Yoshihisa
Souza, Roberto
Spadola, Vincenzo
Spadotto, Veronica
Spaeth, Andrea
Spain, Rebecca
Spalding, Tim
Spalletta, Gianfranco
Spann, Stefan
Spanò, Barbara
Sparrey, Carolyn
Sparrow, Sarah
Spatz, Mark
Spear, Tyler
Spears, Charis
Specht, Jennifer
Speck, Oliver
Speck, Thomas
Spees, Willaim
Spees, William
Speidel, Tobias
Spencer, G.
Spencer, Glyn
Spencer, Richard
Spencer Noakes, Leigh
Spengler, Nils
Sperl, Jonathan
Spetz, Johan
Spicher, Nicolai
Spielman, Daniel
Spijkerman, JM
Spilseth, Benjamin
Spincemaille, Pascal
Spinner, Georg
Spinner, Robert
Spirig, Yoko
Spirk, Stefan
Spittle, Alicia
Spitzer, Daniel
Spoormaker, Victor
Sporrer, Benjamin
Sposato, Luciano
Spottiswoode, Bruce
Sprague, Stuart
Sprenger, Christian
Sprenger, Tim
Sprengers, Andre
Sprigg, Nikola
Spring, Shoshana
Springer, Charles
Springer, Elisabeth
Springer, Jr., Charles
Sprinkart, Alois
Sprinkart, Martin
Spuhler, Karl
Sravan R, Keerthi
Sreekumari, Arathi
Sreenivasan, Karthik
Sreepada, Lasya
Sridhar, Arthi
Sridhar, Ashwin
Sridhar, Srinivas
Srinivas, Mangala
Srinivasan, Ashok
Srinivasan, Subashini
Sripad, Praveen
Sriram, Renuka
Sriranga, Kashyap
Srivastava, Achal
Ssali, Tracy
St Lawrence, Keith
St-Jean, Samuel
St-Onge, Etienne
St. Lawrence, Keith
Staals, Julie
Stachs, Oliver
Stadler, Eduard
Stadler, Jörg
Stafford, Graham
Stafford, Jason
Stafford, R
Stafford, R.
Stafford, R. Jason
Stager, John
Stagg, Charity
Stalder, Aurelien
Stallard, Nigel
Stam, Marloes
Stambuk, Hilda E
Stamile, Claudio
Stang, Pascal
Stange, Roland
Stanisz, Greg
Stankoff, Bruno
Stankovic, Zoran
Stanley, David
Stanley, Jeffrey
Stanley, Olivia
Staples, James
Stara, Riccardo
Starck, Göran
Starcuk, jr., Zenon
Starcuk, Zenon
Starcuk jr., Zenon
Stark, Adam
Stark, Craig
Stark, Shauna
Stark, Simon
Starke, Ludger
Starobinets, Olga
Starosolski, Zbigniew
Starr, John
Starr, Philip
Staruch, Robert
Stasko, Melissa
Steckner, Michael
Steeden, Jennifer
Steen, Per
Steensma, Bart
Stefanovic, Bojana
Steffen, Theodor
Stehlik, Kyle
Stehning, Christian
Stehouwer, Coen
Steidle, Guenter
Steiger, Katja
Stein, Deborah
Stein, Elliot
Steiner, Rachel
Steiner, Robert
Steinfeld, Robert
Steinhauser, Jonas
Steininger, S. C.
Steininger, Stephanie
Steinmann, Paul
Steins, Anne
Steinweg, Johannes
Steketee, Michael B.
Stelzeneder, David
Stelzer, Johannes
Stemkens, Bjorn
Stemmer, Alto
Stenger, V Andrew
Stenger, V. Andrew
Stenger, V.Andrew
Stensjøen, Anne Line
Stepanov, Pavel
Stephan, Klaas
Stephenson, Mary
Stepien, Tracy
Stepniewska, Iwona
Sterling, Robert
Stern, Dorit
Stern, Robert
Stern, Steven
Stern, Victoria
Stern, William
Sternisa, Jessica
Steum, Carol
Steve, Trevor
Stevens, Kathryn
Stevenson, William
Steventon, Jessica
Steward, Chris
Steward, Christopher
Stewart, Andrew
Stewart, Kurtis
Stewart, Neil
Stewart, Oliver
Stewart, Shelby
Stewart, William
Steyn, Leah
Stice, Steven
Stich, Manuel
Stickland, Rachael
Stickle, Yun-Jeong
Stieglitz, Thomas
Stieve, Bethany
Stikov, Nikola
Stilla, Randall
Stillson, Carol
Stimpel, Bernhard
Stinson, Eric
Stippich, Christoph
Stirling, James
Stirnberg, Rüdiger
Stirnimann, Guido
Stirrat, Elaine
Stitzel, Joel
Stobbe, Robert
Stock, Ann-Kathrin
Stocker, Roland
Stockerl-Goldstein, Keith
Stockmann, Jason
Stoddard, Paul
Stodkilde-Jorgensen, Hans
Stoeck, Christian
Stoecker, Tony
Stoffel, David
Stoffels, Gabriele
Stojadinovic, Strahinja
Stojanovski, Belinda
Stoker, J.
Stoker, Jaap
Stokes, Ashley
Stokes, Ashley M
Stokes, William
Stokke, Trond
Stolarski, Henryk
Stollberger, Rudolf
Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe
Stone, Alan
Stone, James
Stone, Lael
Stone, Maureen
Stopeck, Alison
Storelli, Loredana
Storer, Lindsey
Storey, Pippa
Stormont, Robert
Story, Harriet
Storz, Corinna
Storås, Tryggve
Stotesbury, Hanne
Stout, Jacques
Stoyanova, Radka S.
Strand, Robin
Strang, Amber
Stranzinger, Enno
Strasser, Bernhard
Strasser, Johannes
Straub, Sina
Strauss, Dirk
Straßburger, Klaus
Strecker, Ralph
Street, John
Strigel, Roberta
Strijkers, Gustav
Strijkers, Gustav J.
Strik, Myrte
Stringfield, Olya
Strittmatter, Stephen
Strobelt, Sandra
Strober, Michael
Stroeder, Jonas
Stroes, Erik
Stroh, Albrecht
Stromp, Tori
Strong, Christian
Stroszczynski, Christian
Strouse, John
Strupp, John
Struyfs, Hanne
Stuber, Garret
Stuber, Matthias
Stucht, Daniel
Studenski, Stephanie
Studholme, Colin
Stueber, Carsten
Stueck, Ashley
Stuelke, Satre
Stufflebeam, Steven
Stumpf, Kilian
Stumpp, Patrick
Stupic, Karl
Stupin, Igor
Sturm, Volker
Sturzenegger, Urs
Styner, Martin
Ståhlberg, Freddy
Stäb, Daniel
Stöcker, Tony
Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Hans
Størkersen, Øystein
Su, Edwin
Su, Fan
Su, Hsien-Te
Su, Jason
Su, Je
Su, Jingjing
Su, Li
Su, Lu
Su, Mao-Yuan
Su, Min-Ying
Su, Pan
Su, Shi
Su, Xiaorui
Su, Yi
Su, Yun
Su, Zhanliang
Su, Zihua
Su, Zihui
Subramanian, Preethi
Subramanian, Thyagarajan
Sucha, Dominika
Sudakova, Jelizaveta
Sudarski, Sonja
Sudyn, Michelle
Suehiro, Atsushi
Sueoka, Takahiro
Suever, Jonathan
Suga, Mikio
Sugai, Yasuhiro
Sugimori, Hiroyuki
Sugimoto, Koji
Sugimura, Kazuro
Sugiura, Takamasa
Sugiyama, Kazuhiko
Sugiyama, Masataka
Sugny, Dominique
Suh, Eul Hyun
Suh, Jin-Suck
Sui, Dan-Yang
Sui, Xueqing
Sui, Yi
Suidgeest, Ernst
Suiter, Christopher
Suksaranjit, Promporn
Sukstansky, Alexander
Sukumar, Subramaniam
Sulaiman, Shahida
Sule, Balint
Sullivan, Edith
Sultan, Yusra
Summers, Paul
Sun, Ai-min
Sun, Aiqi
Sun, Beibei
Sun, Can hui
Sun, Canhui
Sun, Chenhao
Sun, Chuanzhu
Sun, Gang
Sun, Hongfu
Sun, Hongliang
Sun, Hongqiang
Sun, Huaiqiang
Sun, Jessica
Sun, Jiayu
Sun, Jie
Sun, Jihong
Sun, Jinny
Sun, Joo
Sun, Kaibao
Sun, Li
Sun, meiyu
Sun, Mengtian
Sun, Peipei
Sun, Peng
Sun, Phillip
Sun, Qian
Sun, Qinli
Sun, Tao
Sun, Wei
Sun, Wenge
Sun, Wenli
Sun, Xianping
Sun, Xiaojun
Sun, Yanping
Sun, Yao
Sun, Yawen
Sun, Yi
Sun, Yi-Qun
Sun, Ying-Shi
Sun, Ying-Zhi
Sun, Yinghao
Sun, Yingjie
Sun, Yingshi
Sun, Yingxiang
Sun, Yingzhi
Sun, Yu
Sun, Zhao-yong
Sun, Zhipeng
Sunaert, Stefan
Sundar, Bharath
Sundaram, Senthil
Sundgren, Pia
Suneeta, Gollapudy
Sung, Bo Kyung
Sung, Deuk Jae
Sung, Kyung
Sung, Kyung Hyun
Sung, Kyunghyun
Sung, Suz-Chieh
Sung, Young-Hoon
Sung, Yul-Wan
Sung-Han, Lin
Sunohara, Saeko
Sunshine, Jeffrey
Suntharalingam, Saravanabavaan
Suo, Chao
Suo, Shiteng
Suo, Xueling
Suoza, Richard
Sup IV, Frank
Suprano, Ilaria
Suranyi, Pal
Sure, Ulrich
Suri, Asif
Surla, Jelena
Sussman, Marshall
Suster, Izabela
Sutherland, Brad
Sutton, Brad
Sutton, Bradley
Sutton, Elizabeth
Sutton, Elizabeth J.
Sutton, Olivia
Sutton, Richard
Suwa, Kenichiro
Suzui, Natsuko
Suzuka, Sandra
Suzuki, Atsunobu
Suzuki, Makoto
Suzuki, Masashi
Suzuki, Michimasa
Suzuki, Mizue
Suzuki, Shin-ichiro
Suzuki, Shuto
Suzuki, Yuhichi
Suzuki, Yuichi
Suzuki, Yuriko
Svatkova, Alena
Svedin, Bryant
Svehla, Pavel
Sveinsson, Bragi
Sveinsson, Michele
Svenningsen, Sarah
Svensson, Frida
Svensson, Jonas
Svensson, Pär-Arne
Swaab, Janie
Swader, Robert
Swanberg, Kelley
Swanson, Scott
Swanton, Charles
Swearingen, Brad
Sweeney, Paul
Swenson, Rolf
Swider, Edyta
Swienton, David
Swift, Andy
Swinburne, Nathaniel
Swinnen, Stephan
Swinscoe, James
Sy, Ethan
Sychrovsky, Vladimir
Syed, Mohammed
Syer, Tom
Sykes, Jane
Sylvia, Schachoff
Syme, Alasdair
Symms, Mark
Symons, Rolf
Sümser, Kemal
Synowitz, Michael
Süß, Dominik
Szallasi, Zoltan
Szczepankiewicz, Filip
Szeverenyi, Nikolaus
Szidonya, Laszlo
Szkolar Sienkiewicz, Laura
Szkup, Peter
Szocska Hansen, Esben Søvsø
Szomolanyi, Pavol
Szulc, Daniel
Szulc, Kamila
Szulczewski, Joseph
Sämann, Philipp
Särkkä, Simo
Söderholm, Johan
Sönnichsen, Frank
Taal, Maarten
Tabata, Ayumi
Tabbara, Rami
Tabelow, Karsten
Taber, Erin
Tabor, Alethea
Tabuchi, Takashi
Tachibana, Atsushi
Tachibana, Yasuhiko
Tachrount, Mohamed
Tack, Cees
Tada, Yuko
Tadayon, Ehsan
Tadenuma, Hitoshi
Tadros, Anthony
Taege, Yanis
Tagawa, Kazuhiko
Tager, Andrew
Tagge, Ian
Taghipour, Mehdi
Taglang, Celine
Taguchi, Masayuki
Tahayori, Bahman
Tahir, Bilal
Tai, Leon
Tain, Rong-Wen
Tain, Rongwen
Taira, Ricky
Takadama, Hiroaki
Takado, Yuhei
Takagaki, Masatoshi
Takagi, Ryo
Takahashi, Atsushi
takahashi, hiroto
Takahashi, Junji
Takahashi, Keiko
Takahashi, Kohske
Takahashi, Mamoru
Takahashi, Masamishi
Takahashi, Masaya
Takahashi, Satoru
Takahashi, Takamune
Takahashi, Tatsunori
Takahashi, Yuji
Takahata, Akiko
Takai, Hiroshi
Takai, Yuki
Takakura, Kyoko
Takalkar, Tejashree
Takamoto, Koichi
Takamura, Tomohiro
Takano, Nao
Takano, Susumu
Takao, Shoichiro
Takase, Shinichi
Takasu, Miyuki
Takasu, Yasuo
Takasugi, Junji
Takaya, Nobuhiro
Takayama, Yukihisa
Takayanagi, Yuki
Takayasu, Takeshi
Takeda, Kazuyuki
Takeda, Mitsuhiro
Takeguchi, Tomoyuki
Takehara, Yasuo
Takei, Naoyuki
Takemoto, Shuhei
Takemura, Atsushi
Takemura, Hiromasa
Takenoshita, Seiichi
Takeuchi, Kayo
Takeuchi, Mayumi
Takeyama, Mamoru
Takezawa, Kayu
Taki, Yasuyuki
Takizawa, Masahiro
Takmaz, Ayca
Takumi, Koji
Takuwa, Hiroyuki
Tal, Assaf
Talagala, S. Lalith
Talavage, Thomas
Talib, Jihan
Talishinsky, Aleksandr
Talozzi, Lia
Talwalkar, Jayant
Tam, Roger
Tamada, Daiki
Tamada, Tsutomu
Tamaki, Nagara
Tamang, Siddartha
Tamás, Eva
Tambalo, Stefano
Tamir, Jonathan
Tamm, Michael
Tampieri, Donatella
Tamrazi, Benita
Tamuli, Dibashree
Tamura, Chihiro
Tamura, Hajime
Tan, Andrew
Tan, Cher Heng
Tan, Ek
Tan, Ek Tsoon
Tan, Eng King
Tan, Huan
Tan, I-Li
Tan, Ju Le
Tan, Li Hai
Tan, Lin
Tan, Ru San
Tan, Sha
Tan, Shawn Yan Zhi
Tan, Sun Nee
Tan, Yan
Tanaka, Ayuko
Tanaka, Hideaki
tanaka, hisashi
Tanaka, Junji
Tanaka, Keiji
Tanaka, Kenta
Tanaka, Matthew
Tanaka, Toshiyuki
Tanaka, Utaru
Tanaka, Yoji
Tanaka, Yoshiya
Tandon, Animesh
Tandstad, Torgrim
Tanenbaum, Lawrence
Tang, An
Tang, Biqiu
Tang, Cheuk Ying
Tang, Da-Lun
Tang, Guangyu
Tang, Hao
Tang, Hsiang-Ling
Tang, Huamin
Tang, Hui
Tang, Jianbin
Tang, KW
Tang, Lemei
Tang, Ling
Tang, Lisa
Tang, Maxine
Tang, Min
Tang, Minghui
TANG, PhuaHwee
Tang, Richard
Tang, Rui
Tang, Shuyu
Tang, Sung-Chun
Tang, Sunli
Tang, Wei
Tang, Xiaolu
Tang, Zhenchao
Tani, Chihiro
Tani, Kazuki
Tani, Wakiko
Taniguchi, Cullen
Taniguchi, Yo
Tanimoto, Daigo
Tanimoto, Katsuyuki
Tanitame, Keizo
Tankaria, Harshal
Tankersley, Clarke
Tankisi, Hatice
Tannenbaum, Lee
Tanno, Ryutaro
Tanter, Mickael
Tao, Ashley
Tao, Bo
Tao, Hong-Yue
Tao, Hongyue
Tao, Shengzhen
Tao, Susumu
Tao, Yunlong
Tao-Cheng, Jung-Hwa
Taoka, Toshiaki
Taouli, Bachir
Taquet, Maxime
Taracila, Victor
Taraghinia, Soheil
Tarapacki, Christine
Tarasek, Matthew
Tarbox, Grayson
Tardieu, Marion
Tardif, Christine
Tarewaki, Hiroyuki
Tarokh, Vahid
Taron, Jana
Tarroni, Giacomo
Tarumi, Takashi
Tasaki, Atsushi
Tashakkor, Lingzi
Tashima, Hedeaki
Tashita, Atsuki
Tasi, Chih Hung
Tasi, Jeng-Dau
Taso, Manuel
Tatewaki, Yasuko
Tateya, Ichiro
Tauhid, Shahamat
Taunton, Jack
Taupitz, Matthias
Tavarekere, Nagaraja
Taviani, Valentina
Tawackoli, Wafa
Tawfik, Vivianne
Tax, Chantal
Taxt, Torfinn
Tay, Kevin
Tay, Laura
Tay, Sen Hee
Tay, Stacey
Tay, Yvonne
Tay Wei Zheng, Yvonne
Tayari, Nassim
Taylor, Amanda
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Angela
Taylor, Brian
Taylor, Chris
Taylor, David
Taylor, Hudson
Taylor, Kathryn
Taylor, Meredith
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, Reggie
Taylor, S.A.
Taylor, Stuart
Taylor, Valerie
Tazoe, Jun
Tee, Sui-Seng
Tee, Yee
Tee, Yee Kai
Teeter, Matthew
Teeuwisse, Wouter
Tefera, Getaneh
Tegenthoff, Martin
Teh, Irvin
Teigeler, Mario
Teillac, Achille
Teixeira, J.
Teixeira, Rui
Tejos, Cristian
Telford, Emma
Tellmann, Lutz
Temme, Sebastian
Tempany, Clare
ten Haken, Bennie
Tench, Christopher
Tendler, Benjamin
Teng, Gaojun
Teng, Zhongzhao
Tenley, Sarah
Teplitzky, Benjamin
ter Beek, Leon
ter Haar, Gail
ter Telgte, Annemieke
ter Voert, Edwin
Terada, Yasuhiko
Terakawa, Yuzo
Teramura, Yasuyo
Terasaka, Shunsuke
Terasaki, Kazunori
Terasawa, Hiroaki
Terekhov, Maxim
Teren, Andrej
Terhaard, Chris
Ternifi, Redouane
Terpstra, Melissa
Teruel, Jose
Teruel Antolin, Jose
Tervonen, Osmo
Tesch, Michael
Tesfai, Agazi
tesfaye, Solomon
Tesiram, Yasvir
Tessem, May-Britt
Tessier, Anthony
Tessyman, Victoria
Testa, Claudia
Testud, Frederik
Tetreault, Lindsay
Tétreault, Pascal
Tewari, Ashutosh
Tewarie, Prejaas
Tews, Björn
Tezcan, Kerem
Tha, Khin
Thacker, Jon
Thaiss, Wolfgang
Thakor, Nitish
Thakrar, Kiran
Thakur, Dushyant
Thakur, Sunitha
Thalman, Scott
Thankamony, Ajay
Thapa, Bijaya
Thapa-Chetry, Binod
Thapaliya, Kiran
Thawait, Gaurav
Thawani, Rajat
Thayyil, Sudhin
Thayyullathil, Hemanth
Theaud, Guillaume
Thedens, Dan
Thedens, Daniel
Theilenberg, Sebastian
Theilmann, Rebecca
Theis, Thomas
Theis, Tobias
Thelwall, Pete
Thelwall, Peter
Theruvath, Ashok
Theyers, Athena
Thiaucourt, Margot
Thiel, Friederike
Thiele, David
Thiele, Lukas
Thielen, Jan-Willem
Thielscher, Axel
Thiery, Joachim
Thiessen, Jonathan
Thipphavong, Seng
Thiran, Jean-Philippe
Thiruvenkadam, Sheshadri
Thobani, Alykhan
Thoeny, Harriet
Thomas, Albert
Thomas, Aline
Thomas, Binu
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, Dave
Thomas, David
Thomas, David L.
Thomas, Francis Tyson
Thomas, James
Thomas, Katja
Thomas, Lionel
Thomas, M. Albert
Thomas, Maria
Thomas, Michael
Thomas, Riya
Thomas, Vinoy
Thomen, Robert
Thompson, Alan
Thompson, Christian
Thompson, Craig
Thompson, Deanne
Thompson, Garth
Thompson, James
Thompson, Patricia
Thompson, Peter
Thompson, R. Terry
Thompson, Richard
Thompson, Stephanie
Thomson, Cynthia
Thorell, Sofia
Thorkelson, Marrit
Thornhill, Rebecca
Thornton, John
Thorsen, Frits
Thrippleton, Michael
Thulborn, Keith
Thulkar, Sanjay
Thung, Kim-Han
Thung, Swan
Thureau, Pierre
Thust, Steffi
Thway, Khin
Thyagaraj, Suraj
Thöny, Harriet
Thörmer, Gregor
Tian, Bing
Tian, Dan
Tian, Jie
Tian, Jinfeng
Tian, Qiyuan
Tian, Shifeng
Tian, Xia
Tian, Ya-Ru
Tian, Yanqing
Tian, Ye
Tian, Yuan
Tianyi, Qian
Tiberi, Gianluigi
Tibiletti, Marta
Tiderius, Carl
Tiderius, Carl Johan
Tien, Yu-Wen
Tijssen, Rob
Tik, Martin
Tilakaratne, Buddhi
Till, Christine
Timm, Kerstin
Timmann, Dagmar
Timmer, Jens
Timms, Liam
Tinaz, Sule
Ting, Wang
Ting, Yi-Cen
Tint, Mya Thway
Tipirneni-Sajja, Aaryani
Tiret, Brice
Tirschwell, David
Tisdall, Dylan
Tisdall, M. Dylan
Tisdall, Matthew
Titchenal, Matthew
Titze, Jens
Tiu, Chui-Mei
Tivarus, Madalina
Tiwari, Pallavi
Tkac, Ivan
Tkach, Jean
Tkacz, Jaroslaw
To, Anthea
Tobari, Maki
Tobia, Michael
Tobias, William
Tobisch, Alexandra
Todd, Gary
Todd, Nick
Todiras, Mihail
Toeglhofer, Anna
Toews, Matthew
Toga, Arthur
Togami, Yuki
Togao, Osamu
Togashi, Kaori
Toger, Johannes
Toi, Masakazu
Tokaya, Janot
Tokuda, Junichi
Tokunaga, Chiaki
Tokunaga, Koji
Tolar, Jakub
Tolstikhin, Iliya
Tolstikova, Tatyana
Tomanek, Boguslaw
Tomassini, Valentina
Tomczak, Isabelle
Tomi-Tricot, Raphaël
Tomida, Saeko
Tominaga, Teiji
Tomita, Akihiro
Tomiyama, Noriyuki
Tomko, Nicholas
Tomlinson, Samuel
Toms, Maria
Ton, Jimmy
Tonami, Hisao
Toncelli, Alessandra
Tonelli, Marcello
Tong, Frank
Tong, Karen
Tong, Qiqi
Tong, Tong
Tong, Yan
Tonietto, Matteo
Tonini, Raffaella
Tonnelet, Romain
Tonon, Caterina
Tonson, Anne
Toosy, Ahmed
Tooyama, Norihiro
Topcuoglu, Mehmet
Topfer, Ryan
Topgaard, Daniel
Topolski, Natasha
Torfs, Michaël
Torrado-Carvajal, Angel
Torrealdea, Francisco
Torres, Joana
Toschi, Nicola
Tosetti, Michela
Tosun, Duygu
Toth, Arnold
Toth, Ferenc
Toth, Gerda
Totman, John James
Totman, Teresa
Tougaard, Rasmus
Toupin, Solenn
Tourdias, Thomas
Tournier, J Donald
Tournier, J-Donald
Tournier, Jacques Donald
Tournier, Jacques-Donald
Toussaint, Nicolas
Toutios, Asterios
Toyama, Hiroshi
Toyoda, Hiroshi
Toyofuku, Tatsuo
Toyoguti, Yuuki
Toyomaru, Kanako
Toyonari, Nobuyuki
Toyota, Ichirou
Tozaki, Mitsuhiro
Traa, Willeke A.
Traboulsee, Anthony
Tracey, Irene
Tramm, B.
Tran, Andrew
Tran, Anh
Tran, Calvin
Tran, Thao
Trantzschel, Thomas
Trapp, Bruce
Trapp, Cameron
Trattnig, Siegfrid
Trattnig, Siegfried
Trattning, Siegfried
Trauner, Michael
Traxler, Hannes
Treaba, Constantina
Treece, Graham
Treiman, Gerald
Treit, Sarah
Tremblay, Luc
Tremblay, Marie-Laurence
Trew, Mark L
Treyer, Valerie
trialists, the MS-SMART
Trickey, Katie
Trifan, Anabela
Trinh, Lena
Triplett, William
Tripodis, Yorghos
Trivieri, Maria Giovanna
Troalen, Thomas
Troester, Gerhard
Tronarp, Filip
Troost, Esther
Tropp, James
Trouard, Theodore
Trout, Andrew
Troxell, Megan
True-Yasaki, Aisha
Truhn, Daniel
Trujillo, Paula
Trullo, Roger
Trumper, Claire
Trunecka, Pavel
Truong, Milton
Truong, Peter
Truong, Steven
Truong, Trong-Kha
Tryc, Anita
Tryggestad, Erik
Trzasko, Joshua
Träber, Frank
Tsaftaris, Sotirios
Tsai, Chih-Chien
Tsai, Kevin
Tsai, Kevin W.-K.
Tsai, Philbert
Tsai, Ping-Huei
Tsai, Shang-Yueh
Tsai, WanChen
Tsai, Yi-Fu
Tsao, Tsu-Chin
Tsapkini, Kyrana
Tschan, Harald
Tse, Desmond
Tse, Desmond H Y
Tseng, Benjamin
Tseng, Chih-Hsien
Tseng, Isaac Wen-Yih
Tseng, Wen-Yih
Tseng, Wen-Yih Isaac
Tseng, Ying-Chi
Tsien, Christina
Tsimikas, Sotirios
Tsiouris, A. John
Tsuchiya, Keiko
Tsuchiya, Mitsuteru
Tsui, Danny
Tsuji, Osahiko
Tsuji, Takehisa
Tsujino, Ichizo
Tsukamoto, Kei
Tsuneki, Takashi
Tsuritani, Mitsuhiro
Tsurugizawa, Tomokazu
Tsurusaki, Masakatsu
Tsurushima, Hideo
Tsuruta, Kouhei
Tsuyuguchi, Naohiro
Tu, Chuantao
Tu, Tsang-Wei
Tucker, Elizabeth
Tucker, Kirsten
Tudisca, Chiara
Tudorica, Alina
Tufekcioglu, Zeynep
Tuli, Richard
Tullis, Iain
Tully, Ellen
Tummala, Subhash
Tunariu, Nina
Tunc, Birkan
Tunç, Birkan
Tuncali, Kemal
Tung, Kelly
Tunnicliffe, Elizabeth
Tunón, Patrik
Tur, Carmen
Turcotte, Simon
Turk, Esra
Turk, Suna
Turkbey, Baris
Turley, Dallas
Turmezei, Tom
Turnbull, Daniel
Turner, Gregory
Turner, Martin
Turner, Robert
Turski, Patrick
Turuba, Roxanne
Turushima, Yasuaki
Tusor, Nora
Tustison, Nicholas
Tuttle, Michael
Tuzun, Erdem
Tuzzi, Elisa
Tweedle, Michael
Tweten, Dennis
Twickler, Diane
Twieg, Michael
Tyler, Damian
Tymofiyeva, Olga
Tzang, Bor-Show
Tzschätzsch, Heiko
Töger, Johannes
Töyräs, Juha
Uberti, Mariano
Uchiyama, Daiji
Udayakumar, Durga
Uder, Michael
Uecker, Martin
Ueda, Ryo
Ueda, Taisei
Ueda, Yu
Ueguchi, Takashi
Ueki, Wataru
Uematsu, Akiko
Ueno, Kenichi
Ueno, Mika
Ueno, Yoshiko
Uetani, Masataka
Ugander, Martin
Ugarte, Vincent
Ugawa, Yoshikazu
Ugurbil, K.
Ugurbil, Kamil
Ugurbil, Kâmil
Uhlin, Fredrik
Uji, Makoto
Ukropec, Jozef
Ulas, Cagdas
Ulasoglu-Yildiz, Cigdem
Uller, Wibke
Ulloa, Jose
Ulloa, Patricia
Ulmer, Stephan
Ulrich, Flögel
Uludag, Kamil
Uludag, Kâmil
Ulug, Aziz
Ulyanova, Anna
Umanodan, Aya
Umapathy, Lavanya
Umathum, Reiner
Umezawa, Eizou
Umino, Maki
Umutlu, Lale
Unberath, Mathias
Unezawa, Taishi
Ungersma, Sharon
Uno, Takashi
Unschuld, P. G.
Unschuld, Paul
Untenberger, Markus
Upadhyay, Deepti
Upendra Rao, Jyotsna
Uppman, Martin
Uppuganti, Sasidhar
Urago, Maika
Urata, Joji
Urayama, Shin-ichi
Urbach, Carsten
Urbain, Paul
Urban, Jillian
Urbina, Jesús
Urbina, Shannon
Uria-Avellanal, Cristina
Uribe, Carlo
Uribe, Sergio
Urquhart, Aaron
Urschler, Martin
Urushibata, Yuta
Urushihata, Takuya
Usami, Satoshi
Ushijima, Yasuhiro
Ushio, Takasuke
Usman, Ammara
Usman, Muhammad
Usman Abdulla, Shaeez
Usson, Yves
Usui, Satoshi
Uszynski, Ivy
Utecht, Lynn
Uwano, Ikuko
Uyttebroeck, Anne
V. Hajnal, Joseph
Vaclavu, Lena
Vaeggemose, Michael
Vahle, Thomas
Vaidya, Manushka
Vaidya, Vivek
Vaillancourt, David
Vaillant, Fanny
Vair, Cory
Vajuvalli, Nithin
Vajuvalli, Nithin V
Vakamudi, Kishore
Vakil, Parmede
Vakoc, Benjamin
Val-Laillet, David
Valabrègue, Romain
Valabregue, Romain
Valdés Cabrera, Diana
Valek, Rebecca
Valentine, Joseph
Valentinitsch, Alexander
Valenzuela, Michael
Valeri, Nicola
Valette, Julien
Valette, Pierre-Jean
Valizadeh, Hassan
Valkovic, Ladislav
Vallabhajosula, Shankar
Vallabhajosyula, Prashanth
Vallatos, Antoine
Vallée, Jean-Paul
Valsangiacomo, Emanuela
Valsasina, Paola
Valverde, Israel
Valverde, Matthias
Van, Anh
van Alst, Timo
van Amerom, Joshua
Van Assel, Camille
van Asten, Jack
van Baalen, Sophie
van Beek, Edwin
Van Beers, Bernard
van Bergen, J. M. G.
van Bergen, Jiri
van Buchem, Mark
van Bussel, Frank
van Buuren, Laurens
van Cappellen van Walsum, Anne-Marie
Van Cauteren, Marc
Van Criekinge, Mark
van de Looij, Yohan
Van de Moortele, P.-F.
van de Moortele, Pierre- Francois
Van de Moortele, Pierre-Francois
van De Ven, Anne
van de Ven, Kim
Van de Ville, Dimitri
van den Berg, Cornelis
van den Berg, Cornelis A.T.
van den Berg, Nico
van den Boogaard, Pieter
Van den Heuvel, Martijn
van den Hoff, Jörg
van den Wijngaard, Jeroen
van der Beek, Cornelis
van der Geest, Rob
van der Graaf, Linda
van der Graaf, Marinette
van der Heide, Oscar
van der Heide, Uulke
van der Heijden, Ferdi
van der Kemp, Wybe
van der Kemp, Wybe J.M.
van der Kleij, Lisa
van der Kolk, Anja
van der Kouwe, Andre
van der Kouwe, André
van der Kouwe, Andre Jan Willem
van der Land, Veronica
Van der Linden, Annemie
van der Linden, Janine
van der Merwe, Yolandi
van der Plas, Merlijn
van der Pol, Ludo
van der Schaaf, Irene
van der Veen, Jan Willem
van der Velden, Bas
van der Velden, Tijl
van der Velden, Tijl A.
Van Der Walt, Anneke
van der Weerd, Louise
van der Worp, Bart
van der Worp, H.
van der Zwaag, Wietske
van Dijk, Bob W
Van Dijk, Koene
van Dongen, Robert
Van Dyck, Pieter
Van Eede, Matthijs
van Engelen, Baziel
Van Engen-Van Grunsven, Ilse
van Furth, Wouter
van Gelderen, Peter
van Gemert, Jeroen
Van Gompel, Jamie
van Gorkum, Robbert
van Haren, Guido
Van Hecke, Wim
van Heeswijk, Ruud
van Heijster, Frits
van Hillegersberg, Richard
Van Horebeek, Johan
van Houdt, Petra
Van Houten, Elijah
Van Houten, Matthew
van Houtum, Quincy
Van Huffel, Sabine
van Kalleveen, Irene
van Laarhoven, Hanneke
van Laarhoven, Hanneke W.M.
van Leeuwen, Carel
van Leeuwen, Maarten
Van Leuven, Fred
van Lier, Astrid
Van Loon, Katherine
van Loon, Lars
Van Nguyen, Khieu
van Niekerk, Adam
van Nimwegen, Marlies
Van Obberghen, Elise
van Ooij, Pim
van Ooijen–van de Vondervoort, Ilse
van Oostenbrugge, Robert J.
van Osch, Matthias
van Osch, Matthias J.
Van Osch, Matthias JP
Van Pay, Andrew
Van Reeth, Eric
van Rijssel, Michael
van Rossum, Peter
van Schijndel, Ronald A
van Stralen, Marijn
van Tuijl, Sjoerd
van Uden, Mark
van Uden, Mark J.
van Valenberg, Willem
van Veenendaal, Tamar
van Vliet, Lucas
van Vught, Luc
van Weeren, René
van Westen, Danielle
van Wouwe, Nelleke
van Zandwijk, Jordy
van Zijl, P. C. M.
Van Zijl, Peter
vanBavel, Ed
VanBrocklin, Henry
VanCott, Anne
VanCriekinge, Mark
Vande Velde, Greetje
Vandenborne, Krista
Vander Tuin, Cheryl
VanderGriend, Donald
Vandergrift, Lindsey
Vandsburger, Moriel
Vanduffel, Wim
Vanherp, Liesbeth
Vanhevel, Floris
Vani, Kavita
Vannatta, Louis
Vannesjo, Johanna
Vannesjo, S
Vannesjo, S. Johanna
Vannesjo, Signe Johanna
Vappou, Jonathan
Varallyay, Csanad
Varallyay, Peter
Vardaan, Ajay
Varela-Mattatall, Gabriel
Varga, Matija
Varga-Szemes, Akos
Vargas, Hebert
Vargas, Hebert Alberto
Vargas, Maria
Vargas, Maria Isabel
Vargas, Patricia
Vargas, Sergio
Vargas Paris, Roberto
Varma, Gopal
Varma, Madhulika
Vasanawala, Shreyas
Vasanwala, Shreyas
Vasyukova, Olga
Vaughan, David
Vaughan, J.
Vaughan, J. Thomas
Vaughn, Christopher
Vaussy, Alexis
Vavasour, Irene
Vecchio, Daniela
Veggiotti, Pierangelo
Vegh, Viktor
Veit-Haibach, Patrick
Vela, Lydia
Velan, S Sendhil
Velan, S. Sendhil
Velan S, Sendhil
Velasco, Tonicarlo
Velasco Forte, Mari Nieves
Velden, Tijl
Veldhoen, Simon
Velez, Juliana
Velikina, Julia
Vellagoundar, Jaganathan
Veltien, Andor
Venigalla, Praveen
Venkatachari, Anand
Venkataraman, Arun
Venkatasubramanian, Ganesan
Venkatasubramanian, Palamadai
Venkatesan, Ramesh
Venkatesh, Bharath
Venkatesh, Sudhakar
Venkateshwaran Murali Manohar, Saipavitra
Venkatraghavan, Lashmi
Venkatrahavan, Lashmi
Venkatraman, Talaignair
Ventura, Joseph
Venugopal, Niranjan
Veraart, Jelle
Vercauteren, Tom
Verdaasdonk, Rudolf M
Verde, Audrey
Verdonk, Peter
Verdonschot, Nico
Vergouwen, Mervyn
Verhagen, Justus
Verhey, Frans
Verhoye, Marleen
Verloh, Niklas
Verly, Marjolein
Verma, Gaurav
Verma, Hema
Verma, Ragini
Verma, Sanjay
Verma, Sanjay K
Verma, Sanjay Kumar
Vermathen, Martina
Vermathen, Peter
Vermilyea, Mark
Vermilyea, Scott
Verneuil, Jeremy
Verschueren, Annie
Verschuren, Dorien
Verschuuren, Jan
Versteeg, Adriaan
Verstegen, Marco
Verstynen, Timothy
Verwer, Eline
Verwilst, Peter
Verzhbinsky, Ilya
Vezina, Gilbert
Vial, Yvan
Viallon, Magalie
Vicari, Marco
Victor, Suresh
Vidailhet, Marie
Vidarsson, Logi
Videnovic, Aleksandar
Vidic, Igor
Vidnyánszky, Zoltán
Vidorreta, Marta
Vieira, Bruno
Vieira Pereira, Diego
Vieni, Casey
Viergever, Max
Viergever, Max A.
Viessmann, Olivia
Vigen, Karl
Vignaud, Alexandre
Vigneault, Davis
Vigneron, Dan
Vigneron, Daniel
Vigneron, Seth
Vij, Ravi
Vijayakumar, Sathya
Vike, Nicole
Vilalta-Gil, Victoria
Vilanova, Anna
Vilaplana, Eduard
Villablanca, J. Pablo
Villalobos, Maria Adelita
Villani, Robert
Villanueva-Meyer, Javier
Villemagne, Victor
Villena, Jorge
Villeneuve, Maxime
Villien, Marjorie
Villoslada, Pablo
Villringer, Arno
Vincenti, Gabriella
Vinci, Maria
Vinci, Valentina
Vinckenbosch, Elise
Vinckers, Christiaan
Vink, Jord
Vinogradov, Elena
Viola, Federica
Vionnet, Laetitia
Viout, Patrick
Virasami, Alex
Virgincar, Rohan
Virostko, Jack
Visco, Andrew
Vishnevskiy, Valeriy
Vishnevskiy, Valery
Visser-Meily, Johanne
Viswanath, Pavithra
Viswanath, Satish
Viswanathan, Sowmya
Vitadello, Teresa
Vitali, Paolo
Vitek, Jerrold
Vithayathil, Joseph
Vizcaino Villalobos, Maria Adelita
Vizcaychipi, Marcela
Vlachos, Fotis
Vlosova, Roza
Voelker, Maximilian
Vogel, Michael
Vogel, Mika
Vogel, Patrick
Vogel, Stefanie
Vogel-Claussen, Jens
Voges, Inga
Vogl, Thomas
Vogl, Thomas J.
Vogt, Bruno
Vogt, Christian
Vohra, Ravneet
Voiculescu, Irina
Voit, Dirk
Vojnovic, Boris
Vojnovic, Borivoj
Volland, Lena
Vollenweider, Franz
Volotovskyy, Vyacheslav
Vomero, Maria
von der Brelie, Christian
von Deuster, Constantin
von Elverfeldt, Dominik
von Kienlin, Markus
von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, Florian
von Morze, Cornelius
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico
von zur Muhlen, Constantin
von zur Mühlen, Constantin
Voncken, Francine
VonMorze, Cornelius
Voogt, Ingmar
Vora, Parvez
Vora, Shivangi
Vorovich, Esther
Vos, Frans
Vos, Sjoerd
Vos, Sjoerd B.
Voskrebenzev, Andreas
Voskuilen, Luuk
Voss, Henning
Vossough, Arastoo
Votava-Smith, Jodie
Vousden, Dulcie
Voytek, Bradley
Vreemann, Suzan
Vrenken, Hugo
Vroling, Bart
Vu, An
Vu, Catherine
Vu, Chau
Vu, Diana
Vu, Thienkhai
Vuissoz, Pierre-André
Vuong, Manh-Tung
Vutescu, Emil
Völlm, Birgit
Waber, Deborah
Wachowicz, Keith
Wachsmuth, Lydia
Wacizies, Sonia
Wacker, Frank
Wada, Akihiko
Wada, Hirohumi
Wada, Tatsuhiro
Waddington, David
Wade, Abby
Wade, Trevor
Wadghiri, Youssef
Wage, Ricardo
Waggoner, R. Allen
Waghorn, Philip
Wagle, Shivali
Wagner, Ben
Wagner, Carston
Wagner, Gerd
Wagner, Jo
Wagner, Kathryn
Wagner, Louis
Wagner, Mathilde
Wahl, Hannes
Wahle, Klaus
Wahlstedt, Robert
Waiczies, Helmar
Waiczies, Sonia
Wakabayashi, Yuichi
Wakayama, Tetsuya
Wake, Nicole
Walb, Matthew
Walboomers, X. Frank
Walbridge, Stuart
Walczak, Piotr
Walczyk, Jerzy
Wald, Lawrence
Wald, Lawrence L
Waldenberg, Christian
Waldman, Adam
Waldman, Amy
Walheim, Jonas
Walhout, Renée
Walk, David
Walker, Christopher
Walker, Joy
Walker-Samuel, Simon
Walkup, Laura
Wallace, Anne
Wallace, Darren
Wallendorf, Michael
Waller, Laura
Walles, Heike
Wallington, Sheena
Walot, Irwin
Walsh, Jennifer
Walsh, John
Walsh, Ryan
Walsh, Ryan R
Walsh, Timothy
Walsh (co-first), Ryan R
Walter, Alexa
Walter, Benjamin
Walter, Glenn
Walter, Susanna
Walter, Sven
Walton, James
Walzer, Sonja
Wameling, Jacqueline
Wan, Jieqing
Wan, Yuqing
Wandell, Brian
Wang, Amy
Wang, Bao
Wang, Bin
Wang, Bo
Wang, Caihong
Wang, Changqing
Wang, Chao
Wang, Charlie
Wang, Cheng
Wang, Chengyan
Wang, Chenyu
Wang, Chi
Wang, Chun-Chieh
Wang, Chunhong
Wang, Chunhua
Wang, Chunjie
Wang, Chunyao
Wang, Cuiyan
Wang, Da
Wang, Daming
Wang, Dang
Wang, Danni
Wang, Danny
Wang, Danny JJ
Wang, David
Wang, Dengbin
Wang, Di
Wang, Dinghui
Wang, Dingxin
Wang, Dong
Wang, Ena
Wang, Enfeng
Wang, Fang
Wang, Fangfang
Wang, Fei
Wang, Fei Fei
Wang, Feng
Wang, Fu-Nien
Wang, Funan
Wang, Fuyixue
Wang, Gaoyan
Wang, Gongwei
Wang, Guangbin
Wang, Guangyi
Wang, Haichen
Wang, Haifeng
Wang, Haipeng
Wang, Haiyi
Wang, Hao
Wang, Haochen
Wang, Haonan
Wang, He
Wang, Hesheng
Wang, hong
Wang, Hongchen
Wang, HongWei
Wang, Hongxia
Wang, Hui
Wang, Hui-Yu
Wang, Huihui
Wang, Huiting
Wang, Jennifer
Wang, Jenny
Wang, JiaBei
Wang, Jian
Wang, Jianli
Wang, Jianmin
wang, jiao
Wang, Jiawei
Wang, Jiazheng
Wang, Jie
Wang, Jin
Wang, Jing
Wang, Jing-yan
Wang, Jiun-Jie
Wang, Jun
Wang, Junjing
Wang, Junli
Wang, Junyu
Wang, Kang
Wang, Ke
Wang, Kejiang
wang, kejun
Wang, Lan
Wang, Lanyun
Wang, Lei
Wang, Li
Wang, Liang
Wang, Lin
Wang, Liu-Xian
Wang, Liya
Wang, Lubin
Wang, Luke
Wang, Luning
Wang, Maode
Wang, Maosen
Wang, Meiyun
Wang, Mengxing
Wang, Miao
Wang, Miaomiao
Wang, Michael
Wang, Minjie
Wang, Nan
Wang, Natalie
Wang, Nian
Wang, Peiguo
Wang, Peng
Wang, Penghui
Wang, Ping
Wang, Ping Ni
Wang, Ping-Ni
Wang, Qian
Wang, Qing
Wang, Qingjun
Wang, Qiuhui
Wang, Qiyao
Wang, Ren-Horng
Wang, Rui
Wang, Sha
Wang, Shan
Wang, Shanshan
Wang, Shaoyu
Wang, Sheng
Wang, Shengpei
Wang, Shi tian
Wang, Shi-Yu
Wang, Shitong
Wang, Shixin
Wang, Shiyang
Wang, Shu-Li
Wang, Shuaiwen
Wang, Shuang
Wang, Shuangkun
Wang, Song
Wang, Sumei
Wang, Suwan
Wang, Ting
Wang, Tobias
Wang, Victoria
Wang, Wei
Wang, Weina
Wang, Weiwei
Wang, Wen
Wang, Wen-Tung
Wang, Wenhui
wang, wentao
Wang, Wu
Wang, Xianling
Wang, Xianlong
Wang, Xiaochun
Wang, Xiaocui
Wang, Xiaojie
Wang, Xiaojuan
Wang, Xiaoke
Wang, Xiaole
Wang, Xiaoling
Wang, Xiaoming
Wang, Xiaoqi
Wang, Xiaoxia
Wang, Xiaoxiong
Wang, Xiaoyi
Wang, Xiaoying
wang, Xifu
Wang, Xinxin
Wang, Xinzeng
Wang, Xiuyuan
Wang, Xuan
Wang, Xueyuan
Wang, Xunda
Wang, Yajie
Wang, Yak-Nam
Wang, Yan
wang, yanchun
Wang, Yang
Wang, Yanliang
Wang, Yanlu
Wang, Yanming
Wang, Yanyu
Wang, Yao
Wang, Yi
Wang, Yicheng
Wang, Yicun
Wang, Yimin
Wang, Yin-Shan
Wang, Ying
Wang, Ying-ying
Wang, Yingwei
Wang, Yining
Wang, Yinyan
Wang, Yishi
Wang, Yixiang
Wang, Yong
Wang, Yongfang
Wang, Yu
Wang, Yuan
Wang, Yue
Wang, Yun-Wen
Wang, Zan
Wang, Ze
Wang, Zhaoqi
Wang, Zhe
Wang, Zhen
Wang, Zhenchang
Wang, Zheng
Wang, Zhengge
Wang, Zhening
Wang, Zhenjia
Wang, Zhenxiong
Wang, Zhi
Wang, Zhiqun
Wang, Zhixing
Wang, Zhiyue
Wang, Zhuonan
wang, zi
Wang, Ziyi
Wang*, Rong
Wank, Isabel
Wanyan, Tingyi
Wapler, Matthias
Warbrick, Tracy
Ward, Aaron
Ward, B.
Ward, B. Douglas
Ward, BD
Ward, Eric
Ward, Matthew
Ward, Meghan
Ward, Phillip
Ward, Samuel
Warfield, Simon
Warfield, Simon K.
Warlick, Christopher
Warmuth-Metz, Monika
Warnaby, Catherine
Warner, John
Warnert, Esther
Warnking, Jan
Warnock, Geoffrey
Warntjes, Marcel
Warren, Warren
Washington, Kia M.
Wasik, Mariusz
Wasserman, Bruce
Wassermann, Demian
Wassermann, Florian
Wastling, Stephen
Watanabe, Atsuya
Watanabe, Hidehiro
Watanabe, Hirofumi
Watanabe, Kazuo
Watanabe, Takanori
Watanabe, Takashi
Watanabe, Tomoko
Watanabe, Yasushi
Watanabe, Yoshiaki
Watanabe, Yoshiyuki
Watanabe, Yuji
Watarai, Keisuke
Watari, Chihiro
Watase, Hiroko
Watchmaker, Jennifer
Waters, Emily
Waterton, JC
Waterton, John
Watkins, Amy
Watson, Christa
Watson, Devin
Watson, Edward
Watson, Geoffrey
Watson, Rao
Watson, Yvonne
Watts, Colin
Watts, Richard
Wawrzyn, Krzysztof
Wayte, Sarah
WEALE, Peter
Weatherley, Nicholas
Weathers, Shiao-Pei
Weaver, David
Weaver, Terri E.
Weavers, Paul
Webb, Andrew
Webb, Andrew G.
Webb, Bridgette
Webb, Jessica
Webb, Taylor
Weber, Alexander
Weber, Debra
Weber, Ewald
Weber, Frank
Weber, Hans
Weber, Michael
Weber, Nicolas
Weber, Wade
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Wech, Tobias
Wecker, Didier
Weder, Max
Wee, Chong-Yaw
Weerd, Louise
Weeren, René
Wefel, Jeffrey
Wehkamp, Niklas
Wehrli, Felix
Wehrum, Thomas
Wei, Chao-Jung
Wei, Feng
Wei, Hongjiang
WEI, Juan
Wei, Lai
Wei, Lan
Wei, Luxi
Wei, Qiang
Wei, Qingtao
Wei, Rong
Wei, Shufang
Wei, Sulan
Wei, Wei
Wei, Wenbo
Wei, Xiao-Cheng
Wei, Xiaocheng
Wei, Xing
Wei, Xinhong
Wei, Xinhua
Wei, Xuan
Wei, Yi
wei, yu
Wei, Zhiliang
Wei-Chou, Chang
Weichert, Jamey
Weidenhielm, Lars
Weidlich, Dominik
Weiduschat, Nora
Weigand, Pauline
Weigel, Casey
Weigel, Matthias
Weigelt, Isabel
Weiger, Markus
Weiland, Elisabeth
Weinberg, Irving
Weinberg, Jeffrey
Weinberger, Oliver
Weine, Jonathan
Weiner, Kevin
Weingärtner, Sebastian
Weinsaft, Jonathan
Weinsaft, Jonathan W.
Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca
Weir, Christopher
Weires, Rebecca
Weirich, Melanie
Weis, Meike
Weiskopf, Niklaus
Weiskopf, Nikolaus
Weiss, Jakob
Weiss, Kilian
Weiss, Markus
Weiss, Pierre
Weiss, Robert
Weissenborn, Karin
Weissleder, Ralph
Weitz, Andrew
Welander, Martin
Welch, Ariane
Welch, Babu
Welch, Brain
Welch, E
Welch, E. Brian
Welch, George
Weldon, Kimberly
Welikson, Tamara
Weller, Alex
Weller, Alexander
Weller, Daniel
Wells, Greg
Wells, Jack
Wells, Shane
Welt, Jonathan
Welte, Tobias
Welter, Marie-Laure
Welting, Dimitri
Welton, Thomas
Wemmie, John
Wen, Baohong
Wen, ChengLong
Wen, Haiguang
Wen, Hongwei
Wen, Jianbo
Wen, Jianhong
Wen, Jie
wen, liu
Wen, Patrick
Wen, Qiuting
wen, Ru
Wen, Tzung-Kuen
Wen, Wei
Wen, Xiaodong
Wen, Xixi
Wen, Yan
Wen, Yang
Wen, Zhibo
Wen-Yen, Huang
Weng, Andreas
Weng, Dehe
Weng, Jian
Weng, Jun-Cheng
Weng, Ken-Pen
Wenger, Doris
Wenger, Jerome
Wengler, Kenneth
Wenz, Daniel
Wenzel, Fabian
Werner, Beat
Werner, Sebastian
Werner, Tom
Wert, Susan
Wertheim, Betsy
Wespi, Patrick
Wessels, Lodewyk
West, Catherine
West, Janne
West, Justin
West, Kathryn
West, Noreen
West, Randy
Westenberg, Jos
Westeneng, Henk-Jan
Westin, Carl-Fredrik
Westlund, Per-Olof
Westphalen, Antonio
Wetscherek, Andreas
Wetter, Axel
Wetzl, Jens
Wey, Hsiao-Ying
Wey-Yil, Lin
Weygand, Joseph
Wezel, Joep
wHang, Stella
Wheeler, Amanda
Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
Whelan, Timothy
Whitaker, Hayley
Whitaker, John
Whitaker, Steven
Whitcher, Brandon
White, Darin
White, Jacob
White, James
White, Mark
White, Nathan
White, Owen
White, Rick
White MD, Richard
Whitehouse, William
Whiting, Nicholas
Whitlow, Christopher
Whitman, Mary
Whittingstall, Kevin
Whittington, Hannah
Whittington, Hannah J.
Wiborg, Ove
Wibulpolprasert, Pornphan
Wichmann, Tobias
Wichtmann, Barbara
Wick, Wolfgang
Wicklow, Karsten
Widek, Thomas
Widge, Alik
Widhalm, Georg
Wiebe, Natasha
Wieben, Oliver
Wiebking, Christine
Wiedermann, Dirk
Wiegers, Evita
Wielopolski, Piotr
Wielpütz, Mark
Wiens, Curtis
Wiese, Mark
Wiesinger, Benjamin
Wiesinger, Florian
Wiesner, Hannes
Wiest, Reiner
Wiest, Roland
Wiestler, Benedikt
Wig, Gagan
Wiggermann, Philipp
Wiggermann, Vanessa
Wiggers, Henrik
Wiggins, Christopher
Wiggins, Christopher J
Wiggins, Graham
Wight, Robert
Wijnen, Jannie
Wijnen, Jannie P.
Wikström, Johan
Wilcox, Jane
Wilcox, Matthew
Wild, Edward
Wild, James
Wild, Jim
Wilder, Donna
Wildes, Flonne
Wildes, Flonné
Wilke, Robin
Wilkes, John
Wilkinson, Iain
Willard, Scott
Willen, Elizabeth
Willer, Barry
Willett, Aimee
Willey, Devin
William, Cottam
William, John
Williams, Ashley
Williams, Brynne
Williams, Cathrine
Williams, Dominic
Williams, Emery
Williams, Hannah
Williams, Jessica
Williams, Kaye
Williams, Lisa
Williams, Rebecca
Williams, Robert
Williams, Steven
Williams, Sydney
Williams, Sylvain
Williamson, Richard
Willinek, Winfried
Willoquet, Georges
Wilm, Bertram
Wilman, Alan
Wilmes, Lisa
Wilson, Brent
Wilson, Daniel
Wilson, David
Wilson, Eugene
Wilson, Gregory
Wilson, Guy
Wilson, Jefferson R.
Wilson, John
Wilson, Mark
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, Neil
Wilson, Neill
Wilson, Ross
Wilson, Thomas
Wilton, Stephen
Wind, Jan
Windhager, Reinhard
Windischberger, Christian
Windle, C
Windschuh, Johannes
Winfield, Jessica
Wingerchuk, Dean
Wingrove, Jed
Winkler, Frank
Winkler, Nicole
Winkler, Simone
Winkler, Simone Angela
Winnard Jr., Paul T
Winston, Gavin
Winter, Lukas
Winter, Patrick
Winterdahl, Michael
Wintermark, Max
Winters, Kerryanne
Wintersperger, Bernd
Wirestam, Ronnie
Wirth, Clemes
Wise, Richard
Wiseman, Natalie
Wismans, Carrie
Wisnowski, Jessica
Wissmann, Lukas
Wissmann, Ralph
Witkamp, Theo
Witschey, Walter
Witt, Suzanne
Witte, Otto
Witte, Robert
Wittsack, Hans-Jörg
Witzel, Thomas
Witztum, Joseph
Wohlgemuth, Walter
Wojcinski, Alexandre
Wojna-Pelczar, Anna
Wojtkiewicz, Joanna
Wolansky, Leo
Woletz, Michael
Wolf, Alexander
Wolf, Casper
Wolf, Daniel
Wolf, Peter
Wolf, Ronald
Wolfe, Christopher
Wolfsberger, Stefan
Wolfson, Tanya
Wolinsky, Jerry
Wolk, David
Wollrab, Astrid
Wolz, Robin
Wolzt, Michael
Wolzt, Michale
Womack, Kyle
Wong, Chi Wah
Wong, Chun-Sing
Wong, Chung Ki
Wong, Chung-Ki
Wong, Dickson
Wong, Eddie
Wong, Edmund
Wong, Eric
Wong, Eugene
Wong, Gloria Hoi Yan
Wong, Ka-Ho
Wong, Koon-Pong
Wong, Oi Lei
Wong, Oilei
Wong, Sau May
Wong, Savio Wai Ho
Wong, Scott
Wong, Ting Ting
Wong, Vincent
Wong, Yien Ning
Woo, Chul-Woong
Woo, Dong-Cheol
Woo, Dong-Choel
Woo, Eung Je
Woo, Mary
Woo, Myung Kyun
Wood, Bradford
Wood, Jeff
Wood, John
Wood, John N.
Wood, Simon
Wood, Sossena
Wood, Tobias
Woodall, Ryan
Woodard, Pamela
Woodcock, Eric
Woodrum, David
Woods, Jason
Woodworth, Graeme
Woolf, Eric
Woollard, John
Wooten, Dustin
Wooten, William
Worthoff, Wieland
Wosik, Jarek
Wotjak, Carsten
Wrede, Karsten
Wright, Alan
Wright, Alexandra
Wright, Andrew
Wright, David
Wright, Graham
Wright, Katherine
Wright, Matthew
Wright, Steve
Wright, Steven
Wright, Tricia
Wszalek, Tracey
Wu, Bing
Wu, Can
Wu, Changwei
Wu, Che-Wei
Wu, Chen-Hua
Wu, Chen-Jiang
Wu, Cheng Yang
Wu, Chengyue
Wu, Chin-Lee
Wu, Chunying
Wu, Colin
Wu, Dan
Wu, Dengchang
Wu, Ed
Wu, Ed X.
Wu, Fei-Yun
Wu, Gang
Wu, Guangyao
Wu, Guorong
Wu, Haijun
Wu, Han-Fang
Wu, Holden
Wu, Holden H.
Wu, Hua
Wu, Jian
Wu, Jiangfen
Wu, Jihui
Wu, Jinchao
Wu, Jing
Wu, Jingsong
Wu, Ju-Chien
Wu, Junjie
Wu, Lifang
Wu, Ling
Wu, Mei-Han
Wu, Min
Wu, Ming-Chen
Wu, Ming-Long
Wu, Ming-Ting
Wu, Mingzhen
Wu, Ning
Wu, Ona
Wu, Pei-Hsin
Wu, Ping
Wu, Pu-Yeh
Wu, Qingxia
Wu, Renhua
Wu, Ruiqi
Wu, Samuel
Wu, Sheng-Yan
Wu, Shulin
Wu, Tao
Wu, TC
Wu, Tung-Lin
Wu, Wansha
Wu, Weining
Wu, Wen-Chau
Wu, Wenbo
Wu, Wenchuan
Wu, Xi
Wu, Xia
Wu, Xiaodong
Wu, Xiaohong
Wu, Xiaoping
Wu, Xinhuai
Wu, Yao
Wu, Yaotang
Wu, Yen-Chien
Wu, Yijen
Wu, Yik-Chung
Wu, Yin
Wu, Ying
Wu, Yu-Chien
Wu, Yuankui
Wu, Yun-Cheng
Wu, Zhe
Wu, Zhengwang
Wu, Zhiyi
Wu, Zi-Ying
Wu, Ziyue
Wuerfel, Jens
Wuerslin, Christian
Wunderlich, Arthur
Wundrak, Stefan
Wurfel, Brent
Wurie, Julia
Wust, Peter
Wyatt, Cory
Wülbern, Jan Hendrik
Wylie, Scott
Wynn, R. Max
Würslin, Christian
Wyrwicz, Alice
Wyss, Christine
Wyss, M
Wyss, Michael
Wyss, Patrik
Wyttenbach, Nicole
Xandry, Jael
Xanthis, Christos
Xi, Yi-Bin
xi, yibin
Xi, Yin
Xia, Chunchao
Xia, Ding
Xia, Ganlin
Xia, James
Xia, Jiadong
Xia, Li-ming
Xia, Liming
Xia, Ling
Xia, Mingrui
Xia, shuang
Xia, Shunren
Xia, Wenqing
Xia, Yang
Xia, Yihao
Xian, Junfang
Xianfeng, Tian
Xiang, Biao
Xiang, Qing-San
Xiang, Yuanyuan
Xiang, Zhiming
Xiao, Bohan
Xiao, Di
Xiao, Junhua
Xiao, Sa
Xiao, Taohui
Xiao, Wenbo
xiao, Xiang
Xiao, Yiming
Xiao, Yingyi
Xiao, Youping
Xiao, Yuan
Xiao Di, Su
Xiaohui, ZHANG
xiaoping, Yu
Xiaoying, Wang
Xie, Bin
xie, bing
Xie, Guoxi
Xie, Haibin
Xie, Hua
Xie, Jun
Xie, Junshuai
Xie, Li-zhi
Xie, Lizhi
Xie, Long
Xie, Luke
Xie, Shanshan
xie, shuangshuang
Xie, Tieming
Xie, Victor
Xie, Xiang-Wei
Xie, Ye
Xie, Yibin
Xin, Lijing
Xin, Lou
Xin, Yi
Xinbo, Xing
Xing, Bing
Xing, Dong
Xing, Haoyang
Xing, Lei
Xing, Shu
Xing, Wei
Xing, Xinbo
Xing, Xiu-Xia
Xing, Yue
Xingmu, Liu
Xiong, Ji
Xiong, Yuhui
Xu, Bin
Xu, Boyan
Xu, Chao
Xu, Dongxiang
Xu, Duan
Xu, Fangping
Xu, Fei
Xu, Feng
Xu, Fuqiang
Xu, Hongmin
Xu, Hui
Xu, Jia
Xu, Jiadi
Xu, Jian
Xu, Jianrong
Xu, Jing
Xu, Jingjing
Xu, Junqian
Xu, Junshen
Xu, Junzhong
Xu, Kai
Xu, Kaipin
Xu, Ke
Xu, Kening
Xu, Li
Xu, mingzhe
Xu, Qian
Xu, Qun
Xu, Rui
Xu, Shuang
Xu, Sihua
Xu, Su
Xu, Tai
Xu, Tianyong
Xu, Tingting
Xu, Wei
Xu, Xian
Xu, Xiang
Xu, Xiao
Xu, Xiao-Quan
Xu, Xiaojun
Xu, Xiaomin
Xu, Xiaona
Xu, Xiaopei
Xu, Xin
Xu, Xiu
Xu, Xiufen
Xu, Xuefeng
XU, Yajie
Xu, Yangwen
Xu, Yanyan
Xu, Yikai
Xu, Yilan
Xu, Yun
Xu, Zhan
Xu, Zhongbiao
Xu, Zhujin
xu, ziliang
Xuan, Min
Xue, Cindy
Xue, Hua dan
Xue, Hua-dan
Xue, Huadan
Xue, Hui
Xue, Kangkang
Xue, Rong
Xue, Wenzhe
Xue, Yunjing
Xuemei, Gao
Xv, Ke
Ya-Hui, Li
Yablonskiy, Dmitriy
Yabuki, Shoji
Yabuuchi, Hidetake
Yacoub, Adeeb
Yacoub, Essa
Yadav, Brijesh
Yadav, Garima
Yadav, Nirbhay
Yadav, Santosh
Yaghmai, Vahid
Yahia-Cherif, Lydia
Yahya, Atiyah
Yajun, Ma
Yak, Nicolas
Yakicier, Cengiz
Yakupov, Renat
Yalcin, Ipek
Yaldizli, Özgür
Yaligar, Jadegoud
Yama, Naoya
Yamada, Akira
Yamada, Chihoko
Yamada, Haruyasu
Yamada, Kei
Yamada, Ken-ichi
Yamada, Naoaki
Yamada, Takahiro
Yamaguchi, Masato
Yamaguchi, Masayuki
Yamaguchi, Seiji
Yamaguchi, Shigeru
Yamaguchi, Shinpei
Yamaguchi, Toshio
Yamahata, Tsunehiro
Yamamori, Ryoko
Yamamoto, Adam Kenji
Yamamoto, Akira
Yamamoto, Kazutoshi
Yamamoto, Munetaka
Yamamoto, Takayuki
Yamamoto, Tetsuya
Yamamoto, Tomohiko
Yamamoto, Toru
Yamamoto, Yukari
Yamamura, Jin
Yamamura, Kenichiro
Yamasaki, Fumiyuki
Yamasaki, Kazuma
Yamasaki, Yuzo
Yamashita, Atsushi
Yamashita, Cory
Yamashita, Koji
Yamashita, Rikiya
Yamashita, Shuhei
Yamashita, Yasuo
Yamashita, Yasuyuki
Yamato, Mayumi
yamauchi, kohei
Yamaya, Taiga
Yamazaki, Masashi
Yambe, Tomoyuki
Yan, Fu-hua
Yan, Fuhua
Yan, Hao
Yan, Jesse
Yan, Lin
Yan, Lin-Feng
Yan, Linfeng
Yan, Lirong
Yan, Qi
Yan, Ronghua
Yan, Shuang
Yan, Wan-Pu
Yan, Xinqiang
Yan, Xu
Yan, Zhihan
Yanagawa, Noriyuki
Yancy, Clyde
Yanez Lopez, Maria
Yang, Alice
Yang, An-Hung
Yang, Baolian
Yang, Baolin
Yang, Benson
Yang, Bin
Yang, Che-Ming
Yang, Chuang
Yang, Chuangbo
Yang, Cynthia
Yang, Dal Mo
Yang, Dan
Yang, Dewen
Yang, Di
Yang, Donghan
Yang, Donghyun
Yang, Esther
Yang, Fan
Yang, Fan-pei
Yang, Feng
Yang, Ge
Yang, George
Yang, Grant
Yang, Guang
Yang, Hao
Yang, Hongyi
Yang, Hongyu
Yang, Hou-Ting
yang, Hsin-Jung
Yang, Huimin
Yang, Hung Wei
Yang, Jaemoon
Yang, Jaewon
Yang, Jeffrey
Yang, Jiafei
Yang, Jian
Yang, Jian Ping
Yang, Jianhua
Yang, Jiung
Yang, Joseph
Yang, Jun
Yang, Kun
Yang, LI
Yang, Lixia
Yang, mi
Yang, Min
Yang, Min-xing
Yang, Ming
Yang, Mingrui
Yang, Moojin
Yang, Pai-Feng
Yang, Panpan
Yang, Phillip
Yang, Qi
Yang, Qihua
Yang, Qing
Yang, Qing X.
Yang, Qing.X
Yang, Qingsong
Yang, Qingyuan
Yang, Ruimeng
Yang, Runze
Yang, Shan
Yang, Shih-Hung
Yang, Shuangfeng
Yang, Shun-Chung
Yang, Tianhe
Yang, Tong
Yang, Tony
Yang, Wenchao
Yang, Wenhui
Yang, Wensha
Yang, Xi
Yang, Xiangyu
YANG, Xiaodong
Yang, Xiaoming
Yang, Xiaotang
Yang, Xiaoying
Yang, Xin
Yang, Xing
Yang, Xixi
Yang, Yanchun
Yang, Yang
Yang, Yanwu
Yang, Yee-Hong
Yang, Yi
Yang, Yihe
Yang, Yihong
Yang, Yingli
Yang, Yong
Yang, Young-joong
Yang, Yu Xin
Yang, Yuqing
Yang, Zhangyan
Yang, Zhanlong
Yang, Zheng
Yang, Zhengshi
Yang, Zhipeng
Yankeelov, Thomas
Yano, Keiichi
Yano, Ryutaro
Yao, Aiping
Yao, Chengjun
Yao, Huang
Yao, Li
Yao, Qian
Yao, Su
Yao, Wu
Yao, Xiaoqun
Yao, Yihang
Yao, Yihao
Yao, Zhenwei
Yap, Pew-Thian
Yap, Timothy
Yarach, Uten
Yaras, Yusuf
Yarnykh, Vasily
Yasmin, Amna
Yasokawa, Kazuya
Yassi, Nawaf
Yasuike, Masashi
Yasuno, Fumihiko
Yatsushiro, Satoshi
Yau, Kelvin Kai Wing
Ye, Chaohui
Ye, Eunbi
ye, feng
Ye, Frank
Ye, Huihui
Ye, Huiyi
Ye, Jin
Ye, Jong Chul
Ye, Mingzhou
Ye, Xia
Ye, Xujiong
Ye, Yingjiang
Ye, Yongquan
Ye, Yufeng
Ye, Ze-Zhong
Ye, Zhaoxiang
Yeang, Calvin
Yeatman, Jason
Yeh, Benjamin
Yeh, Chen-Haur
Yeh, Chi-Bin
Yeh, Chien-Lin
Yeh, Chih-Kuang
Yeh, Chun-Hung
Yeh, Dah-Cherng
Yeh, Fang-Cheng
Yeh, Ping-Hong
Yeh, Tzu-Chen
Yen, Cecil
Yen, Yi-Fen
Yendiki, Anastasia
Yengul, Sanjay
Yeo, Audrey
Yeo, Desmond
Yeo, Sin-Yuin
Yeom, Kristen
Yerby, Brittany
Yerly, Jerome
Yerly, Jérôme
Yesavage, Jerome
Yetisir, Filiz
Yeung, David
Yew, Suzanne
Yheskel, Matanel
Yi, Francesca
Yi, Huiling
Yi, Zhangbin
Yi-Hsin, Weng
Yi-Ming, Wu
Yiannakas, Marios
Yiannakas, Marios C
Yibanu, Abudureheman
Yildirim, Korel
Yildirim, Muhammed
Yildiz, Gulsah
Yildiz, Selda
Yin, Amelia
Yin, Bo
Yin, Gang
Yin, Hang
Yin, Hong
Yin, Meng
Yin, Weiyan
Yin, Xindao
Yin, Xuntao
Yin, Yayan
Yin, Ziying
Ying, Gui-shuang
Ying, Jiaxi
Ying, Kui
Ying, Leslie
Ying, Meng
Ying, Xiaoyou
Ying, Yu
Yingqiu, Liu
Yip, Eugene
Yip, Wilson
Yiu, Hao
Yiwen, Li
Yoder, James
Yokomachi, Kazushi
Yokoo, Takeshi
Yokosawa, Suguru
Yokota, Hajime
Yokota, Yusuke
Yolcu, Cem
Yolton, Kimberly
Yoneda, Tetsuya
Yoneyama, Koji
Yoneyama, Masami
Yong, Kwee
Yong, Stephanie
Yong, V. Wee
yong, zhang
Yongcong, Shao
Yongliang, Han
Yongmei, Li
Yoo, Chi-Hyeon
Yoo, Hyoungsuk
Yoo, Jaejun
Yoo, Peter
Yoo, Seulki
Yoon, Daehyun
Yoon, Jeong Hee
Yoon, Jong-Hyun
Yoon, Jongjin
Yoon, Jun-Sik
Yoon, Jung Hyun
Yoon, Kwon-Ha
Yoon, Min A
Yoon, Ra Gyoung
Yoon, Soon Ho
Yoon, Young Cheol
Yoshida, Eiji
Yoshida, Kenji
Yoshida, Koji
Yoshida, Morikatsu
Yoshida, Takashi
Yoshida, Takegawa
Yoshihara, Hikari
Yoshihara, Hikari A.I.
Yoshihara, Hisashi
Yoshikawa, Kyosan
Yoshikawa, Takeshi
Yoshimaru, Daisuke
Yoshimaru, Eriko
Yoshimatsu, Jun
Yoshimitsu, Kengo
Yoshimoto, Akio
Yoshinaga, Sosuke
Yoshioka, Hiroshi
Yoshioka, Yoshichika
Yoshise, Satoshi
Yoshiura, Takashi
Yoshizawa, Nobuko
Yoshizawa, Nobuyuki
You, Hongyuan
You, Hui
You, Shangting
You, Sung-Hye
You, Wonsang
Younes, Laurent
Young, Alistair
Young, Geoffrey
Young, Gloria
Young, Heather
Young, Liam
Young, Phil
Young, Phillip
Young, Robert
Youngers, Emily
Yousry, Tarek
Yousuf, Ambereen
Youyou, GUO
Yu, Alan
Yu, Ben
Yu, Bing
Yu, Chunshui
Yu, Chunxiu
Yu, Dandan
Yu, Ding
Yu, Elizabeth
Yu, Fengshan
Yu, Hao
Yu, Hon
Yu, Hsiao-Ching
Yu, Hui
Yu, Huijun
Yu, Jay
Yu, Jeong-Sik
Yu, Jin
Yu, Jingying
Yu, Junxiao
Yu, Meifang
Yu, Nan
Yu, Pei-Lun
Yu, Qinlin
Yu, Seung-Man
Yu, Shaoyu
Yu, Siu Ki
Yu, Songlin
Yu, Taihui
Yu, Tao
Yu, Wai Yung
Yu, Wei
Yu, Wenwei
Yu, Wenwen
Yu, Xiaoduo
Yu, Xiaoping
Yu, Xin
Yu, Xinfeng
Yu, Yang
Yu, Ying
Yu, Yong
Yu, Yun
Yu, Zidan
Yuan, Chun
Yuan, Hong
Yuan, Huishu
Yuan, Jianmin
Yuan, Jing
Yuan, Junliang
Yuan, Justin
Yuan, Lin
Yuan, Lisha
Yuan, Liya
Yuan, Qing
Yuan, Weihong
Yuan, Yaping
Yuan, Yinyin
Yuan, Yue
Yuan, Yun
Yue, Chunxian
Yue, Jin Long
Yue, Jinlong
Yue, Qiang
Yue, Qiuyuan
Yue, Yunlong
yue, zou
Yue Xing, Xingfeng Li
Yuen, Darren
Yuen, Nicole
Yui, Masao
Yuksel, Cagri
Yun, Chang-Ho
Yun, Hong
Yun, Jihyun
Yun, Seong Dae
Yun, Seong Jong
Yun, Tae Jin
Yunfei, Zha
Yung, Andrew
Yung, Joshua
Yunlong, Song
Yurgelun-Todd, Deborah
Yushmanov, Victor
Yuyu, Wang
Yuzuriha, Naoya
Yvernault, Ben
Zaaraoui, Wafaa
Zaccagna, Fulvio
Zachariah, Nishant
Zacharias Millward, Niki
Zachiu, Cornel
Zadicario, Eyal
Zadory, Matthias
Zagoria, Ronald
Zaharchuk, Greg
Zahneisen, Benjamin
Zahner, Alexandria
Zahorakova, Daniela
Zahr, Natalie
Zaim Wadghiri, Youssef
Zaiss, Moritz
Zaitsev, Maxim
Zakian, Kristen
Zakian, Kristen L.
Zalaudek, Martin
Zald, David
Zaldivar, Daniel
Zaltzman, Jeffrey
Zaman, Junaid
Zaman, Marjan
Zamora, Marta
Zampetoulas, Vasileios
Zampini, Jay
Zanato, Riccardo
Zanella, Claudia
Zanette, Brandon
Zanigni, Stefano
Zapp, Jascha
Zarate, Carlos
Zaretskaya, Natalia
Zarghami, Niloufar
Zarghampour, Manijeh
Zaric, Olgica
Zarinabad, Niloufar
Zastrow, Earl
Zauber, S.
Zavala-Solorio, Jose
Zaw-Thin, May
Zbyn, Sefan
Zbyn, Stefan
Zea, Ryan
Zecca, Chiara
Zechner, Rudolf
Zee, ChiShing
Zehbe, Ingeborg
Zeimpekis, Konstantinos
Zeineh, Michael
Zelaya, Fernando
Zellweger, Caroline
Zeman, Peter
Zemankova, Katerina
Zemskov, Aleksey
Zeng, David
Zeng, Feifei
Zeng, Haifeng
Zeng, Ling-Li
zeng, mengsu
Zeng, Qiang
Zeng, Qiaoling
Zeng, Xianchun
Zeng, Xiangzhu
Zenge, Michael
Zerbi, Valerio
Zerbib, Pierre
Zevenbergen, Willy
Zha, Leping
Zha, Wei
Zha, Yun fei
ZHA, Yun-fei
Zha, Yunfei
Zhai, Guoqiang
Zhai, Peng
Zhai, Renkuan
Zhai, Tianye
Zhan, Jie
Zhan, Qian
Zhan, Ying
Zhan, Zhifang
Zhang, Bei
Zhang, Bihui
Zhang, Bin
Zhang, Bing
Zhang, C. Eleana
Zhang, Caiyuan
Zhang, Changle
Zhang, Chao
Zhang, Chaoping
Zhang, Chaoyi
Zhang, Chencheng
Zhang, Chongda
Zhang, Chuanchen
Zhang, Chunlian
Zhang, Chunyan
Zhang, Cong
Zhang, Daoqiang
Zhang, Dong
Zhang, Fan
Zhang, Feifei
Zhang, Gangcheng
Zhang, Gary
Zhang, Ge
Zhang, Guangwen
Zhang, Gui-Xiang
Zhang, Han
Zhang, Hanpei
Zhang, Hoi Cheung
Zhang, Hong
zhang, hong mei
Zhang, Hongkai
Zhang, Honglin
Zhang, Hongmei
Zhang, Huan
Zhang, Huawei
zhang, huayong
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, Huiting
Zhang, Jeff
Zhang, Jeremy
Zhang, Jialu
Zhang, Jian
zhang, Jianfeng
Zhang, Jiangyang
Zhang, Jianmin
Zhang, Jiaxing
Zhang, Jiaxuan
Zhang, Jiaying
Zhang, Jilei
Zhang, Jiming
Zhang, Jin
Zhang, Jing
Zhang, Jingwei
Zhang, Jingxin
Zhang, Jinjin
Zhang, Jinsong
Zhang, Jishui
Zhang, Juan
Zhang, Jue
Zhang, Jun
Zhang, Ke
Zhang, Kun
Zhang, Lan
Zhang, Le
Zhang, Lei
Zhang, Li
Zhang, Liang
Zhang, Lianqing
Zhang, Lichi
Zhang, Lijia
Zhang, Lijuan
zhang, lijun
Zhang, Lili
Zhang, Lin
Zhang, Lina
Zhang, Meng chen
Zhang, Mengchen
Zhang, Miao
Zhang, Miaomiao
Zhang, Michelle
Zhang, Ming
Zhang, Ming-Rong
Zhang, Ming-Zhi
Zhang, Minming
Zhang, Mo
Zhang, Na
Zhang, Nan
Zhang, Nanyin
Zhang, Ningnannan
Zhang, Patrick
Zhang, Peigong
zhang, qi
Zhang, Qiang
Zhang, Qihao
Zhang, Qinwei
Zhang, Qiong
Zhang, Qiuli
Zhang, Ray
Zhang, Rong
Zhang, Rui
Zhang, Ruzhi
Zhang, Shan
Zhang, Shanrong
Zhang, Shelley
Zhang, Shengwei
Zhang, Shirong
Zhang, Shu
Zhang, Shui
Zhang, Shuixing
Zhang, Shuo
Zhang, Shuoyue
Zhang, Soo Chun
Zhang, Tao
Zhang, Tianhui
Zhang, Tianjing
Zhang, Tuo
Zhang, Wanshi
Zhang, Weiguo
Zhang, Weihong
Zhang, Weiting
Zhang, Wenjing
Zhang, Xianchang
Zhang, Xiao-an
Zhang, Xiaoan
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaoliang
Zhang, Xiaoling
Zhang, Xiaotong
Zhang, Xiaoxia
Zhang, Xiaoxiao
Zhang, Xiaoyan
Zhang, Xiaoyong
Zhang, Xin
Zhang, Xinlin
Zhang, Xiulan
Zhang, Xu
Zhang, Xuan-Ru
Zhang, Xuefeng
Zhang, Xueqin
Zhang, Xuewei
Zhang, Ya
Zhang, Yajing
Zhang, Yan
Zhang, Yang
Zhang, Yanqiu
Zhang, Yao
Zhang, Yaoyu
Zhang, Yi
Zhang, Yifan
Zhang, Yijie
Zhang, Yingzhuo
Zhang, Yong
Zhang, Yongzhi
zhang, yu
Zhang, Yu-Dong
Zhang, Yuchen
Zhang, Yudong
Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Yuelang
Zhang, Yun
Zhang, Yuning
Zhang, Yunting
Zhang, Yunyan
Zhang, Yuqing
Zhang, Yuxin
Zhang, Yuyao
Zhang, Yuzhong
Zhang, Zanxia
Zhang, Zengjun
Zhang, Zhang
Zhang, Zhaoqi
Zhang, Zhe
Zhang, Zhen
Zhang, Zheng
Zhang, Zhenggang
Zhang, Zhijun
Zhang, Zhiying
Zhang, Zhiyong
Zhang, Zhong Li
Zhang, Zhong wei
Zhang, Zhongping
Zhang, Zhongwei
Zhang, Zhuhua
Zhang, Zhuoli
Zhang, Zhuwei
Zhang, Zihao
Zhang, Zuoquan
Zhang*, Ming
Zhao, Baoqiong
Zhao, Bin
Zhao, Bo
Zhao, Chen
Zhao, Chenguang
Zhao, Chenying
Zhao, Cuihua
Zhao, Dadi
Zhao, Feng
Zhao, Gengyan
Zhao, Guojun
Zhao, Haitao
Zhao, Hui
Zhao, Huilin
Zhao, Jing
Zhao, Junyu
Zhao, Kai
Zhao, Kuangshi
Zhao, Lei
Zhao, LeLe
Zhao, Li
Zhao, Lin
Zhao, Lingyun
Zhao, Lu
zhao, ming
Zhao, Moss
Zhao, Nadan
Zhao, Qun
Zhao, Sha
Zhao, Shihua
Zhao, Tao
Zhao, Tiejun
Zhao, Wenlu
Zhao, Xia
Zhao, Xiance
Zhao, Xiang-An
Zhao, Xiaodan
Zhao, Xihai
Zhao, Xinming
Zhao, Xinxin
Zhao, Xinyu
Zhao, Xiuchao
Zhao, Xuna
Zhao, Yanfeng
Zhao, Yanping
Zhao, Yansong
Zhao, Yibo
Zhao, Yilin
Zhao, Yinghua
Zhao, Yingman
Zhao, Yingyu
Zhao, Yinxia
Zhao, Yiying
Zhao, Yize
Zhao, Youjin
Zhao, Yu
zhao, yujiao
Zhao, Yujuan
Zhao, Zhilian
Zhaohui, Qu
Zhavrid, Edward
Zhe Sun, Phillip
Zhen, John
Zhendre, Vanessa
Zheng, Chengcheng
Zheng, Dan
Zheng, Dan Dan
Zheng, Dandan
Zheng, Dechun
Zheng, Hairong
Zheng, Hong
Zheng, Huadong
Zheng, Jian
Zheng, Jie
Zheng, Junting
Zheng, Kang
Zheng, Li
Zheng, Linfeng
Zheng, Ning
Zheng, Tao
Zheng, Xiang
Zheng, Xiujue
Zheng, Yang
Zheng, Yuan
Zheng, Yuli
Zheng, Zeyu
Zheng, Zhuozhao
Zhening, Wang
Zhenyu, Liu
Zhibin, Pan
Zhong, Jianhui
Zhong, Jianping
Zhong, Jinglian
Zhong, Kai
Zhong, Liang
Zhong, Shuming
Zhong, Xiadong
Zhong, Xiaodong
Zhong, Xinran
Zhong, Yan
Zhong, Yu-min
Zhong, Zheng
zhongping, Zhang
Zhou, Chunwu
Zhou, Dong
Zhou, Fenglei
Zhou, Hailong
Zhou, Heling
Zhou, Hui
Zhou, Iris
Zhou, Jiazheng
zhou, jiliu
Zhou, Jinyuan
Zhou, Jun
Zhou, Ke
Zhou, Kun
Zhou, Liangdong
Zhou, Lisui
Zhou, Min
Zhou, Ming
Zhou, Minxiong
Zhou, Shibin
Zhou, Shuai
Zhou, Shuchang
Zhou, Shuqin
Zhou, Tao
Zhou, Wei
Zhou, Wenhua
Zhou, Wenshen
Zhou, Wu
Zhou, Xiang
Zhou, Xiaobo
Zhou, Xiaodong
Zhou, Xiaohong
Zhou, Xiaohong Joe
Zhou, Xiaopeng
Zhou, Xiaoxuan
Zhou, Xiaoyue
Zhou, Xiapeng
Zhou, Xin
Zhou, Yan
Zhou, Yang
Zhou, Yihang
Zhou, Yiming
Zhou, Yue
Zhou, Yujia
Zhou, Yuxiang
Zhou, Zechen
Zhou, Zhaoye
Zhou, Zhengwei
Zhou, Zhengyang
Zhou, Zhenyu
Zhou, Zijian
Zhou, Ziwu
Zhu, Alyssa
Zhu, Ante
Zhu, Bin
Zhu, Bing
Zhu, Bo
Zhu, Chengcheng
Zhu, Dan
Zhu, David
Zhu, Di
Zhu, Gaojie
Zhu, Haitao
Zhu, Haoqin
Zhu, Henry
Zhu, Hongfa
Zhu, Huici
Zhu, Jian
Zhu, Jianming
Zhu, Jiaojiao
Zhu, Jie
Zhu, Junqing
Zhu, Kai
Zhu, Kangrong
Zhu, Kongrong
Zhu, Lan
Zhu, Liang
Zhu, Lijing
Zhu, Liuhong
Zhu, Min
Zhu, Mingming
Zhu, Rongrong
Zhu, Shaocheng
Zhu, Wenjun
Zhu, Wenlian
Zhu, Wenzhen
Zhu, Xiangyang
Zhu, Xiao-Hong
Zhu, Xiaolei
Zhu, Xiaoping
Zhu, Xucheng
Zhu, Yanan
Zhu, Yanchun
Zhu, Yanjie
Zhu, Yasheng
Zhu, Yaxin
Zhu, Yi
Zhu, Yijiang
Zhu, Yingying
Zhu, Yonghua
Zhu, Yongjian
Zhu, Yuanli
zhu, yuanqiang
Zhu, Yudong
Zhu, YueMin
Zhu, Zihan
Zhuang, Jiancheng
Zhuang, Xiaowei
Zhuang, Yuchuan
Zhuang (co-first), Xiaowei
Zhun, Yanchun
Zhuo, Jiachen
Zhuo, Yan
Zhuo, Zhi-zheng
zhuo, zhizheng
Zhurbenko, Vitaliy
Zibetti, Marcelo
Ziegler, Gabriel
Ziegler, Magnus
Zielinski, Rafal
Ziemlewicz, Timothy
Ziemssen, Tjalf
Ziener, Christian
Zijl, Peter
Zijlstra, Frank
Zilberti, Luca
Zimmer, Claus
Zimmer, Fabian
Zimmermann, Ferdinand
Zimmermann, Markus
Zimmermann, Stefan
Zingariello, Dario
Zinke, Wolf
Zinn, Pascal
Zipunnikov, Vadim
Zivadinov, Robert
Zivkovic, Irena
Zlokovic, Berislav
Zoberi, Imran
Zollei, Lilla
Zong, Jinguang
Zong, Shenyan
Zong, Xiaopeng
Zormpas-Petridis, Konstantinos
Zotev, Vadim
Zou, Chao
Zou, Hua
Zou, Ping
Zou, Qihong
Zou, Tianyu
Zou, Xianlun
Zou, Xiaowei
Zou, Yukai
Zoupis Schoinas, Christos
Zrinzo, Ludvic
Zschaeck, Sebastian
Zu, Chen
Zu, Zhongliang
Zubieta, Jose Luis
Zuccari, Debora
Zucchelli, Mauro
Zucker, Evan
Zuffi, Andrea
Zukley, Linda
Zun, Zungho
Zun-Cheng, Tang
Zuo, Chao
Zuo, Chun
Zuo, Lili
Zuo, Long
Zuo, Pan-li
Zuo, Panli
Zuo, Xi-Nian
Zuo, Zhentao
Zurich, Marie-Gabrielle
Zusterzeel, Petra
Zwanenburg, Jaco
Zwanenburg, JJM
Zwart, Christine
Zwart, Nicholas
Zweig, Robert
Zwiers, Marcel
Zynger, Debra
Zürcher, Nicole
Zöllner, Frank
Zöllner, Helge
Åstrand, Lotta Lindh
Öngür, Dost
Örtegren, Jakob
Öz, Gülin
Özarslan, Evren
Özbay, Pinar
Özen, Ali
Öztürk, Eyyub
Štrbák, Oliver
Østergaard, Lasse
Østergaard, Leif
Østlie, Agnes
Author Last Name
Combined Educational & Scientific Session
Educational Course
Electronic Poster
Electronic Power Pitch Poster
Plenary Session
Power Pitch
Sunrise Session
Traditional Poster
Weekend Course
Session Type
Saturday, 22 April 2017
Sunday, 23 April 2017
Monday, 24 April 2017
Tuesday, 25 April 2017
Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Thursday, 27 April 2017
Session Date
Session Time
4D Flow MRI: Moving to Clinical Practice
Acquisition & Analysis of High Spatio-Temporal fMRI
Acquisition & Artifacts
Addressing Clinical Challenges in the Body with MRI
Advanced Imaging of Pain
Advanced Neuroimaging Methods
Advanced Techniques in Pediatric Neuroimaging
Agent Developments & Technical Advances in Moleular MR Imaging
Aging Brain & Dementia
All But Cartesian
All Things CEST/MT
Alzheimer's Disease
Application of Hyperpolarized 13C MRI/MRS
Applications of Molecular Imaging & Hyperpolarized MRI
Arterial Spin Labeling Applications
Arterial Spin Labeling: Making it More Robust & Informative
Arterial Spin Labeling: Methodology
Artifacts & Corrections
Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
Assessing Response to Immunotherapy
Atherosclerosis Imaging
B0 Systems & Shimming
The Basics of Perfusion & Permeability Imaging
The Bee's Knees
Being Vendor Agnostic
Biostatistics for Imaging Studies
Bleeding Edge of Brain Techniques: Beyond Conventional MRI
Bleeding Edge of Brain Techniques: Fingerprinting & Hyperpolarized C13
Body DWI
Body Imaging Novel Techniques & Indications
Body MRI: Optimize Your Clinical Practice: Approach to Setting Up a Body MRI Practice
Body MRI: Optimize Your Clinical Practice: Focal Liver Lesions
Body MRI: Optimize Your Clinical Practice: GI
Body MRI: Optimize Your Clinical Practice: Pelvis & GU
Body MRS: How & Why?
Body: Animal Studies
Body: Cancer
Body: Diffusion
Body: Emerging Techniques
Bone & Muscle
Bones: Ultrastructure in Health & Disease
Brain Anatomy: Techniques & Applications
Brain at Work: Understanding Neural Circuits Through Advancing Neuroimaging
Brain Cancer: from Diagnosis to Treatment
Brain Tumor Imaging
Brain Tumor: Diffusion, Perfusion, fMRI & Vascular Imaging
Brain Tumor: Molecular Imaging, Machine Learning & Emerging Techniques
Breast Cancer
Breast Imaging
Cancer Diffusion, Perfusion & Other
Cancer Treatment Response
Cancer Treatment Response & Preclinical
Cardiac Function
Cardiac MRI: Function, Perfusion & Viability
Cardiovascular MR: "More is Better": LV Structure & Mechanics
Cardiovascular MR: "More is Better": More Modalities
Cardiovascular MR: "More is Better": More Speed
Cardiovascular MR: "More is Better": Tissue Characterization
Cardiovascular MRI: Vascular
Cartilage, Meniscus, Tendon, Ligaments
Cases with the Aces: Female Pelvis
Cerebrovascular Disease
Cerebrovascular Disease: Intracranial & Extracranial
CEST from equations to cells to humans
CEST Imaging
CEST/MT/NOE: Animal Models & Human Translation
CEST: Acquisition, Quantification & Characterization
CEST: New Solutions & Old Problems
Clinical & Technical Perspectives on Trends in MR
Clinical & Translational Molecular/Metabolic Imaging
Clinical Applications of PET-MRI in Body Imaging
Combining fMRI with Advanced Neurotechniques
Combining Structural and Functional Brain Connectivity
Connectivity: Structure & Function
Contrast Mechanisms in MSK Imaging
Contrast Mechanisms: From A to ZTE
Contrast Mechanisms: Miscellaneous
CV Innovations: New Methods & Image Processing
Demystifying Dielectrics & Understanding Reciprocity
Diffusion Acquisition & Reconstruction
Diffusion MRI: Principles & Applications
Diffusion of the Changing Brain
Diffusion: Acquisition
Diffusion: Acquisition & Reconstruction
Diffusion: Analysis
Diffusion: Biophysical Modeling & Microstructure
Diffusion: Body
Diffusion: Microstructure
Diffusion: Multi-Site & Validation
Diffusion: Processing, Analysis & Visualization
Diffusion: Processing, Analysis, & Visualization
Diffusion: Time-Dependence & Relaxation
Diffusion: Tractography & Fiber Modeling
Diffusion: Validation
Dynamic Functional Connectivity MRI: Approaches & Mechanisms
Dynamic Real Time Imaging
Electric Property Imaging & Clinical QSM
Electric Property Imaging & Susceptibility Imaging
Emerging Technologies & Other Tissues
Evaluation of Tissue Properties in Cancer: Heterogeneity and Structure
Fat+Water Imaging
Female Pelvis, Fetal & Placenta
Female Pelvis, Fetal & Placental Imaging
Fetal & Pediatric Neuroimaging
Fingerprinting & Parameter Quantification
Flow & Velocity
fMRI Analysis
fMRI Aquisition & Analysis
fMRI Clinical & Neuroscience Applications
fMRI Connectivity
fMRI: Basic Neuroscience Applications: Connectivity Based
fMRI: Basic Neuroscience Applications: Non-Connectivity Based
fMRI: Best Practices & Cautionary Tales: Acquisition & Pathology
fMRI: Best Practices & Cautionary Tales: Analysis & Resting-State Indices
fMRI: Connectivity Methods
fMRI: Contrast Mechanisms
fMRI: Mechanisms & Physiology
fMRI: Multimodal
fMRI: Multimodal & Neuromodulation
fMRI: Neuroscience Applications
fMRI: Physiology
From Aging Brain to Alzheimer's Disease
Frontiers in Neuroscience: Preclinical MRI-X
Frontiers in Reconstruction
Functional & Diffusion MRS
Functional MRI: Miscellaneous
Gadolinium Deposition
Gadolinium in MSK Imaging
Gastrointestinal MRI
General Cancer Including Preclinical
GI, Diabetes, & Metabolism
Gradient, Shim & Magnet Technology
Gray Matter Diffusion Studies
Head, Neck, Spinal Cord
Head, Neck, Spine
Heart Failure & Arrhythmia
Highly Parallel RF Systems
High-Resolution Brain Anatomy
Hybrid & Novel Technology
Hyperpolarization & MR Applications
Hyperpolarized 13C Magnetic Resonance Imaging & Spectroscopy
Image Acquisition & Reconstruction
Image Processing
Imaging Biomarkers of Brain Disorders
Imaging in Joint Health & Disease
Imaging Tumor Response to Therapy
Individualized Brain MRI: Building a Neurosurgical Planning Toolbox
Individualized Brain MRI: Metabolic Imaging
Individualized Brain MRI: Single-Subject Analysis
Interventional Non-Thermal
Introduction into Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Introduction to fMRI: Task & Resting State fMRI Methods/Analysis
ISMRM-SMRT Joint Forum: Assessing Implant Safety: In The Clinic Now & as the Field Strength Rises
It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way: Extreme Fields & Gradients
It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way: Information & Diagnosis
It Doesn’t Have to Be That Way: Non-Traditional Acquisition
IVIM & Cerebrovascular Reserve
Junior Fellows Symposium: Machine Learning in Imaging
Late-Breaking Abstracts: Machine Learning
Lauterbur Lecture
Learning Image Reconstruction: Will Neural Networks Change Everything?
Liver MR Imaging: Quantitative Approaches to Liver Disease
Liver New Technique
Liver Quantitation
Local vs. Global Tractography
Low Field MR - Systems & Applications
Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Abdominal & Cardiac
Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Brain & Breast
Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Overview & Technology
The Many Faces of High Strength
The Matrix: Collagen Function & Microstructure
Metabolic Neuroimaging
Metabolism, Diabetes, Fat Imaging
Metabolomics & Metabolic Fluxes
Microstructure (Non-Diffusion)
Miscellaneous MSK
Molecular Imaging & Novel Contrast Agents
More Motion
Mostly Muscle
Motion Correction
Motion Correction: All Brain
Motion Correction: No Brainer
MR Angiography
MR Contrast & EM Safety
MR Imaging of Small Joints: Arthritis & Diabetic Arthropathy
MR Imaging of Small Joints: Fingers & Toes
MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians
MR Safety
MR Systems Engineering
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound in the Brain
MR-Guided Interventions
MRI Assessment in Monitoring Cancer Therapy
MRI, MRS & Molecular Imaging to Diagnose Disease & Assess Treatment
MRS Acquisition Methods
MRS Acquisition Techniques
MRS Applications
MRS Processing
MRS Processing & Quantitation
MRSI Acquisition & Reconstruction
MRSI Methods
MS: Cutting Edge Methods
MS: Longitudinal Studies
MS: Spinal Cord
Multi-Band Pulses & Simultaneous Multi-Slice
Multimodal & Multiparametric
Multimodal & Multiparametric Neuroimaging
Multiparametric Imaging in Cancer - How & Why
Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis: State of the Field in 2017
Muscle & Bone
Myocardial Ischemia Imaging
Myocardial Tissue Characterization
Myocardial Tissue Relaxometry
Myocardial Viability & Perfusion
Neuro Educational
Neuro Morphometry & Quantitative Analysis
Neuro: Animal Studies
Neuro: Animal Studies: Probing Disease
Neuro: Applications
Neuro: Processing & Analysis
Neuro: Techniques
Neurodegenerative Movement Disorders
Neuroimaging of High-Risk Pediatric Populations
Neurologic Disease: From A to Z
Neurovascular Methods
Neurovascular MRI: From Micro to Macro
New Methods
New Perspectives in DSC & DCE
NIBIB New Horizons Lecture
NMR & EPR Applications
NMR & ESR & Education
Non-Proprietary Software/Hardware/Analysis
Non-Proton MRI & MRS
Normal & Aging Brain
Novel & Mature MRI Contrast Agents
Novel Abdominal Applications & Developments
Novel Engineering & Technology
Novel MRS Methods & Applications
Novel Neuroimaging Techniques
Novel Probe & Pulse Sequence Design for Hyperpolarized 13C
Novel Pulse Sequences
Parallel Imaging
Parkinson's & ALS
Pediatric Brain Development
Pelvic MR Imaging
Perfusion & Diffusion in Cancer
Perfusion, Permeability & Diffusion in Cancer
Physics for Physicists
PI-RADS: Yes or No
Pitch: 7T Neuroimaging
Pitch: Best of Cardiovascular MR: Hemodynamics & Atherosclerosis
Pitch: Best of Cardiovascular MR: Myocardial Tissue Characterization
Pitch: Body MRI Quantitative
Pitch: Brain Physiology: Flow, Oxygen, Metabolism
Pitch: Breakthrough Methods & Applications in Cancer Imaging
Pitch: Cancer Imaging in the Body
Pitch: Contrast Mechanisms: New Horizons
Pitch: Cutting Edge Diffusion
Pitch: Cutting Edge fMRI
Pitch: Diffusion: Outside the Brain
Pitch: Emerging Neuroimaging Techniques
Pitch: Highlights of Multiparametric Acquisition & Reconstruction
Pitch: Interventional/Safety/Engineering
Pitch: Liver
Pitch: Marching on Musculoskeletal
Pitch: MRS/MRSI Applications
Pitch: New Molecular & Metabolic Imaging Approaches
Pitch: Post-Processing & Motion
Pitch: Quantitation, Prediction & Machine Learning in the Brain
Pitch: Reconstruction Highlights
Pitch: RF Arrays & Systems
Poster: 7T Neuroimaging
Poster: Best of Cardiovascular MR: Hemodynamics & Atherosclerosis
Poster: Best of Cardiovascular MR: Myocardial Tissue Characterization
Poster: Body MRI Quantitative
Poster: Brain Physiology: Flow, Oxygen, Metabolism
Poster: Breakthrough Methods & Applications in Cancer Imaging
Poster: Cancer Imaging in the Body
Poster: Contrast Mechanisms: New Horizons
Poster: Cutting Edge Diffusion
Poster: Cutting Edge fMRI
Poster: Diffusion: Outside the Brain
Poster: Emerging Neuroimaging Techniques
Poster: Highlights of Multiparametric Acquisition & Reconstruction
Poster: Interventional/Safety/Engineering
Poster: Liver
Poster: Marching on Musculoskeletal
Poster: MRS/MRSI Applications
Poster: New Molecular & Metabolic Imaging Approaches
Poster: Post-Processing & Motion
Poster: Quantitation, Prediction & Machine Learning in the Brain
Poster: Reconstruction Highlights
Poster: RF Arrays & Systems
Post-Processing & Analysis
Preclinical CV Imaging
Preclinical Imaging in Cancer
Preclinical Models of Neurologic Disease
Preclinical Molecular Imaging
Preclinical Tumor Microenvironment Imaging
Probing the Myocardial Tissue Composition
Prostate Cancer
Prototype to Product: Pathways to Commercialization
Psychiatric Neuroimaging
Pulse Sequences
Pushing the Envelope of fMRI Acquisition
QSM Technical Developments
Quantification of Microstructure
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping & Electrical Properties of Tissues
Recent Advances in Diffusion, Perfusion & fMRI
Reconstruction & Post-Processing
Relaxation Methods
Relaxation: Mechanisms & Applications
Relaxation: Methods & Others
Renal Imaging: Structure & Function
RF Coils & Systems
RF Engineering: Coils
RF Pulse Design
RF Simulation & Design Strategies
Simultaneous Multi-Slice
Sparse & Low-Rank Reconstruction
Special Session: Scientific Highlights of the 25th Annual Meeting
Spinal Cord Injury & Myelopathy
Spine, Tumors & Miscellaneous
Spinning Off Axis
Sports Related Injuries
Stroke & Vessel Wall Imaging
Structure & Function Imaging of the Heart
Studying the Value of MRI
Studying Value of MRI
Susceptibility & QSM : Applications & Techniques
Susceptibility Imaging as a New Window on Disease, Iron & Hypoxia
System Characterization & Corrections
System Imperfections: Measurement & Correction
Targeted Molecular & Cellular Imaging
TBI: Mechanisms & Therapies
Technical Developments in Hyperpolarized 13C MRI/MRS
Theranostic MRI in Precision Medicine
Thermometry & Focused Ultrasound
Thoracic MRI
Thoracic MRI: Functional & Oncological Imaging of the Chest
Thoracic MRI: Lung & Mediastinum
Thoracic MRI-2
Topics in Acquisition
Tractography & Fiber Modeling
Translational Musculoskeletal Imaging: From Qualitative to Quantitative
Traumatic Brain Imaging: Whom, How, When
UHF Applications & Technology
UHF Imaging & Spectroscopy
UTE & ZTE Imaging Techniques & Applications
Vascular Imaging: Lumen, Vessel Wall & Function
Velocity & Flow
Velocity & Flow Imaging: Clinical Research
Velocity & Flow Imaging: Novelty & Speed
Visual System
Water Exchange or Tracer Exchange: Which is the Limiting Factor in DCE-MRI?
White Matter & Connectivity in TBI
Young Investigator Awards
Program Number
Presentation Time
Exhibition Hall
Plenary Hall
Power Pitch Theater A - Exhibition Hall
Power Pitch Theater B - Exhibition Hall
Room 310
Room 311
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Room 313A
Room 313BC
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Room 316A
Room 316BC
Room 320
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ISSN# 1545-4428
Published date: 07 April, 2017