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Assessment of Changes in Structural Connectivity of the Central Executive Network During Cranial Radiotherapy in Children Treated for Medulloblastoma

Author:Wilburn Reddick  John Glass  Elizabeth Duncan  Jung Won Hyun  Qing Ji  Yimei Li  Amar Gajjar  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2016  

Session:Human Brain Tumours 1: Diagnosis & Response to Therapy  

Program Number:4174   

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Computer 51   

Assessment of Global and Regional Cerebral White Matter Changes Induced by Cranial Radiotherapy in Childhood Brain Tumor Patients Using a Structural Connectivity Network Approach

Author:Qing Ji  John Glass  Elizabeth Duncan  Amar Gajjar  Willburn Reddick  

Session Type:Electronic Poster  

Session Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2016  

Session:Human Brain Tumours 1: Diagnosis & Response to Therapy  

Program Number:4188   

Presentation Time:17:00   

Room Number:Exhibition Hall   

Computer Number:Computer 65   

Disrupted Development and Integrity of Frontal White Matter in Patients Treated for Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors

Author:John Glass  Robert Ogg  Jung Hyun  Julie Harreld  Yimei Li  Amar Gajjar  Wilburn Reddick  

Session Type:Oral  

Session Date:Wednesday, May 11, 2016  

Session:Imaging of Pediatric Neuropathology  

Program Number:0739   

Presentation Time:17:48   

Room Number:Room 300-302   

Computer Number: