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(Ultra-) High Field Imaging
[13C]-Tert-Butanol-2-ß-D-Galactose: A Potential New Hyperpolarized Imaging Agent for in Vivo Imaging of Senescent Cells
[18F]FDG PET/MRI of Patients with Chronic Pain Alters Management: Early Experience.
* Mapping of Degenerated Human Meniscal Specimens Compared to Histology
10 Fold Accelerated 4D Flow in the Carotid Arteries at High Spatiotemporal Resolution in 7 Minutes Using a Novel 15 Channel Coil
100% Efficient Motion Corrected Coronary MR Angiography Using a Gradient Echo Sequence in a 3T PET-MR System
Xe Pulmonary Gas Exchange Spectroscopy in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
13C Dynamic Nuclear Polarization NMR for Quantification of Metabolic Flux of Endothelial Progenitor Cells
C MRS in Human Calf Muscles at 7T Using a Double Tuned 4 Channel
C-4 Channel
H Transceiver Phased Array.
13C RF Coil Combination for Cardiac and Abdominal Human and Pig Studies
15N Heteronuclear Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer MRI Imaging
18F-Methylcholine PET/CT and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Imaging and Tissue Biomarkers of Cell Membrane Turnover in Primary Brain Gliomas – a Pilot Study
19F Ventilation Imaging of Cystic Fibrosis Patients
19F ZTE MR Imaging of 19F Labeled Calcium Phosphate Cement at 11.7T
H Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Gliomas at 7T
in Vivo
H MRS Can Detect and Quantify Acetylcarnitine in Different Human Skeletal Muscles at Rest at 7T.
1H MRS of Gray and White Matter in the Human Brain Using B0 Adjusted Sensitivity Encoded Spectral Localization by Imaging (BASE-SLIM)
1H NMR-Based Metabolomics Study of Saliva Samples in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
C]-NMR Investigation of Neuroprotective Action of Ayurvedic Formulation in AßPP-PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease
C]-NMR Study for Understanding Antidepressant Action of Lanicemine in Chronic Unpredictable Mild Stress Model of Depression
1H-13C Independently Tuned RF Surface Coil Applied for in Vivo Hyperpolarized MRI
1H-MRS of Human Liver at 3 T: Relaxation Times and Metabolite Concentrations
1H-MRS of the Myocardium at 3T Applying a 60-Channel Body Array Coil – Initial Experiences
H-MRS Ultra-Long Echo Time PRESS Detects Omega-3 Fatty Acids
in Vivo
at 7T
2D Constrained Point-Spread-Function in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging of Prostate
2D Localised Correlated Spectroscopy (L-COSY): A Potential Tool for Identifying Biochemical Changes in Multiple Sclerosis
2D MR Spectroscopic Imaging of the Pediatric Brain Using Compressed Sensing
2D Relaxometry and Diffusivity of Human Knee Synovial Fluid After ACL-Injuries Studied Using HR-MAS NMR
2D/4D Flow Quantification
2HG Optimized PRESS MRS for Metabolic Profiling of IDH-Mutant Gliomas in Patient-Derived Orthotropic Mouse Model of Human Brain Tumor
30-Second Bound- And Pore-Water Maps of Cortical Bone
31P and 1H MRS of Androgen-Independent and Androgen-Dependent Prostate Cancer Xenografts: Lonidamine Selectively Decreases Tumor Intracellular PH, Bioenergetics and Increases Lactate
31P Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Method for Efficient Measurement of Creatine Kinase Mediated High Energy Phosphate Metabolism
31P MR Imaging and Concentration Measurements
31P MR Imaging with Radial BSSFP Data Acquisition and 1H Constraint Iterative Reconstruction
31P MRS Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Human Brain at 3, 7, and 9.4 Tesla Using Dual Tuned Head RF Coils
31P MRS Study of Schizophrenia Induced Changes of Energy Metabolism in Activated Cerebral Cortex.
31P MRSI of Human Calf Muscles Using Flyback Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging (EPSI) Readout Gradients
31P Spectroscopic Imaging for Evaluation of Early Effects of Photodynamic Treatment on Tumor Metabolism
31P-MRI Using a Spectrally Selective 3D Non-Cartesian FLORET Sequence at 7 T
31P-MRS and MRI of Lower Leg Muscle Oxidative Metabolism in Heart Failure patients
A 32-Channel Integrated Body Coil for 7 Tesla Whole-Body Imaging
3D Amide-Proton-Transfer-Weighted (APTw) Image-Guided Stereotactic Biopsy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Gliomas
3D Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging with DANTE Preparation Pulse
3D Arterial Spin Labeling in Breast Cancer: A Case Study.
3D Black-Blood Thrombus Imaging (BTI) for the Diagnosis of Deep Vein Thrombosis: Initial Clinical Experience
3D Blood Flow Velocity Distribution in the Normal Aorta: Effect of Age and Gender Across 101 Subjects
3D Carotid Wall Imaging: Stack-Of-Stars Trajectory for Multi-Contrast Atherosclerosis Characterization (STAR-MATCH)
3D Clinical APTw MRI with Improved Contrast Homogeneity
Mapping in Human Brain with Direct
O-MRI and Proton-Constrained Iterative Reconstructions
3-D Cones UTE-T2* Maps Show Early Cartilage Degeneration 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction
3D Curvature of Medial Gastrocnemius (MG) Muscle Fibers Tracked from Diffusion Tensor Images (DTI): Age Related Differences in 3D Fiber Curvature.
3D Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MR Metabolic Imaging of Human Prostate Cancer
3D First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion Stack-Of-Stars Imaging Using Balanced Steady State Free Precession
3D FLASH Optimization with Improved Contrast Efficiency and Image Inhomogeneity Correction
3D Free Breathing Whole Heart T1 Mapping at 3 T
A 3D High Resolution Mri Atlas of the Sheep Brain
3D Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Maps Predicts Relief of Fibroid Symptoms After MR Imaging–guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation
3D Longitudinal MRI Studies on Novel Tissue-Engineered Bone Constructs in Living Rats : Volume & Perfusion Assessments
A 3D Loop-Loopole Receive Array for Spine Imaging at 3.0 T.
3D Lung Ventilation 1H Imaging Using a Respiratory Self-Navigated Stack-Of-Stars Sequence in Comparison to 2D Fourier Decomposition
3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting for Quantitative Breast Imaging
3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Microscopy Using a Vertical Wide Bore Superconducting Magnet
3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting with a Clustered Spatiotemporal Dictionary
3D Map of Perivascular Network in the Rat Brain
3D Metabolite and Neurotransmitter Mapping Using Multiple-TE Encoding with Sparse Sampling
3D Motion Corrected SENSE Reconstruction for Multishot Multislice MRI
3D MRI Breast Density Change in Women with Hormonal Positive Breast Cancer Following Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy
3D MRI with Non-Linear Gradient Field, 3D O-Space
3D Multi-Parametric Acquisition of 3He Lung Ventilation Images, Lung Diffusion Morphometry and T2* Maps with Compressed Sensing
A 3D Non-Rigid Registration Method for Liver in DCE MR Images
3D Printed Patient-Specific Model for in Vitro Hemodynamic Studies and Comparison with in Vivo Findings Using 4D Flow MRI
3D Printed Phantom for Optimization of Trabecular Bone Structure Imaging
3D Printed Renal Cancer Models Derived from MRI Data: Application in Pre-Surgical Planning
3D Quantification of Vorticity, Helicity, Kinetic Energy and Energy Loss in the Left Ventricle from 4D Flow Data Using a Finite Element Method
3D Resolved Human Cardiac Creatine Kinase Rate by 31P-MRS at 7T.
3D Stack-Of-Stars Dixon Fat-Only Signal for Respiratory Motion Detection
3D T1-Weighted Self-Gated Cardiac MRI for Assessing Myocardial Infarction in Mouse Models
3D Texture Analyses of Quantitative Susceptibility Maps to Differentiate Alzheimer’s Disease from Cognitive Normal and Mild Cognitive Impairment
3D Ultrashort Echo Time Cones Sequence with Diffusion Weighted Imaging (3D UTE-Cones-DWI): Evaluation of the Angular Dependence of Diffusion in the Achilles Tendon
3D UTE Cones-IDEAL Imaging of the Knee and Ankle Joints: Fast Volumetric Imaging with Robust Fat/water Separation
3D UTE MR Thermometry of Frozen Tissue: Feasibility and Accuracy During Cryoablation at 3T
3D Volumetric Parallel Excitation at 9.4T Using the Trajectory Container Concept
3D Water-Fat Turbo Spin Echo Imaging in the Knee Using CS-SENSE
3D Whole Liver Black Blood Imaging: A 3 Min Solution Consisting of Respiratory Triggering and Free Breathing Imaging Techniques
3D Whole-Heart Water Fat Coronary MRA at 3T with 100% Scan Efficiency
A 3-Dimensional Microvascular Phantom for Perfusion Imaging
3D-Printed RF Probeheads for Low-Cost, High-Throughput NMR
3T Coronary MRI in Patients Treated with Bioresorbable Vascular Scaffolds for the Assessment of Vascular Patency and Blood Flow Velocity Quantification
3T Longitudinal Relaxation of Human Blood with Hemoglobin S
4D Flow MR Imaging for Differentiation of Pulmonary Arterial Hemodynamics in Pre-Capillary Pulmonary Hypertension
4D Flow MRI Derived Energetic Biomarkers Are Abnormal in Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Patients and May Predict Deteriorating Hemodynamics
4D Flow MRI for Assessing Cerebral Venous Flow, a Potential Surrogate Marker for Capillary Pulsatility in Alzheimer’s Disease
4D Flow MRI for Assessing Flow Pulsatility Along the Carotid Siphon in Alzheimer’s Disease
4D Flow MRI for the Evaluation of Vasodilation in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
4D Flow MRI Improves Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis of Aortic Dissection
4D Flow MRI of the Cardiovascular System in Small Animals at 7T with an Ultrashort TE Sequence Combined with an Injection of Iron Nanoparticle
4D Flow MRI-Derived Hemodynamic Atlases of the Left Ventricle with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy Demonstrate Abnormally Elevated Blood Flow Velocities
4D Flow MRI-Derived Wall Shear Stress Correlates with Vessel Wall Thickness: Atlases of the Carotid Bifurcation
4D Radial Fat-Suppressed Alternating-TR BSSFP MRI with Compressed Sensing Reconstruction for Abdominal Imaging During Free Breathing.
4D Spiral Flow in MR Compatible Spinal Canal Phantom with and Without Occlusion
4D-PC MRI Pressure Mapping for Therapy Planning of Coarctation of the Aorta
A 4-Element Dual-Tuned
P Coil Array for MR Imaging and Spectroscopy of the Human Heart at 3 Tesla
55Mn Fiducial Markers for Automated Coil Localization and Sensitivity Determination for Use with Hyperpolarized 13C MRI
A 6 Channel Transmit-Receive Coil Array for 7T Cervical Spine Imaging
7 T MRS Investigation of the Glutamatergic System in Depression
7 Tesla Dual Element 31P TxRx/1H Rx Endorectal Coil Combined with an 8-Channel 1H-TxRx Body Coil
7 Tesla MRI in the Pre-Surgical Evaluation of 26 Patients with Focal Epilepsy
7 Tesla Quantitative Hip MRI: A Comparison Between TESS and CPMG for T2 Mapping
7T 8-Channel PTx Head Coil with High B1+ Efficiency Optimized for MRS
7T Allows Correct Measurement of PDE in the Human Liver Without Decoupling
7T Diffusion MRI of the Forearm Nerves
A 7T Head Coil with 16-Channel Dual-Row Transmit and 32-Channel Receive Array for PTx Applications and High SNR
A 7T Human Brain Microstructure Atlas by Minimum Deformation Averaging at 300µm
7T MR Spectroscopy Reflects Disease Severity in a Large Animal Model of Neurologic Disease and the Effects of Gene Therapy
7T MRI Detection of Epileptogenic Foci in Previously Non-Lesional Patients with Focal Epilepsy
7T Mrs and 18F Av45 Pet Neuronal Markers In Elderly Hiv+ Subjects: Effects of Serostatus and Cognitive Impairment
A 7T MRS Study of First Episode Psychosis: Glutamatergic Abnormalities and Correlations with Symptom Severity
7TAMIbrainT1w_30 : Whole-Brain Ultra-High Resolution Average T1-Weighted Template at 7 Tesla to Improve in Vivo Depiction of Small Brain Structures
A 7-Tesla Transmit with 32-Channel Receive-Only Array Head Coil for FMRI
H Transceiver Array for Lung Imaging at 7T (PTX)
An 8Tx/32Rx RF Coil for 7T UHF Body MRI
9.4 Tesla 1H-MRS of Glutamate and GABA in a 3.6 Cubic-Mm volume Using an Optimized UTE-STEAM Sequence
9.4T Animal Scanner for Translation Research with Binary Compatibility to Human Scanner and Clinical UI
A Cortical and Sub-Cortical Parcellation Clustering by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity
A Beating Heart Simulation for Sequence Optimization of Sodium MRI
AAV Serotype 9 Vector Transducing the Human Alpha-L-Iduronidase Gene Normalizes Hippocampal and Cerebellar Neurochemical Profiles in a Mouse Model of Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I
Abdominal and Body Imaging Using a 16 Channel Dipole RF Array at 7.0 T
Abdominal FASE-DWI
Abdominal Fat-Water Separation in Mice
Abdominal MRF at Ultra-High-Field Strengths
Aberrant Functional Connectivity of Resting State Networks in Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Aberrant Interhemispheric Structural and Functional Connectivity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Converging Evidences from DTI and Resting-State FMRI
Aberrant Salience Network and Its Functional Coupling with Default and Executive Networks in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Aberrant Structural and Functional Networks Associated with Comorbidity of Depression and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
The Ability to Detect Intracranial Arterial Calcifications: Evaluation of 3D TOF MRA and SNAP
Abnormal Brain Structure Is Associated with Depression and Anxiety in Obese Patients Using DTI
Abnormal Brain Volume and Shape Are Associated with Aspects of Inhibitory Control and Implicit Attitude Toward Betel Nut in Chewers
Abnormal Brain White Matter Skeleton in Patients with Disorders of Consciousness
Abnormal Grey Matter Arteriolar Cerebral Blood Volume and Its Association with the Presence of E4 Allele of the Apolipoprotein E (APOE) Gene in Elderly Subjects at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
About the Application of the ICNIRP Guidelines for Motion-Induced Electric Fields in MRI
About the Ultimate SNR for Cylindrical and Spherical RF Arrays in a Realistic Human Head Model
The Absence of Phase Information in the Signal-Deprived Image Background Is an Important Source of Error in Susceptibility Mapping
Absolute Metabolite Concentration of Creatine in the Deep Gray Matter Measured Using Short Echo 1H-MRS Predict Long-Term Prognosis of Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy as Excellent as NAA Concentration
Absolute Quantification of Stem Cell Transplant in MRI
Absolute Quantification of White Matter Lesion Iron and Myelin Using QSM and FAST-T2 at 3 Tesla
ACC GABA Levels Predict Activity and Connectivity in the Fronto-Striatal Network During Interference Inhibition in Borderline Personality Disorder
Accelerated 3D Acquisition for Susceptibility Weighted Imaging Using Spread Spectrum Encoding and Compressive Sensing
Accelerated 3D Black Blood Imaging Using Quadruple Inversion Recovery Technique
Accelerated 3D Coronary MRA Using Non-Rigid Motion Corrected Regularized Reconstruction
Accelerated 3D Coronary Vessel Wall MR Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing with a Novel Block-Weighted Total Variation Regularization
Accelerated 3D Self-Gated Cardiac Cine Imaging at 3T Using a Tiny Golden Angle and Compressed Sensing
Accelerated Brain DCE-MRI Using Contrast Agent Kinetic Models as Temporal Constraints
Accelerated Dynamic MRI Reconstruction with Sequential Low Rank Matrix Completion and Parallel Imaging
Accelerated Dynamic MRI Using Tensor Dictionaries Learning
Accelerated EPRI Using Partial Fourier Compressed Sensing Reconstruction with POCS Phase Map Estimation and Spherical Sampling
Accelerated Five-Dimensional Echo Planer J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging: Pilot Findings in Untreated and CPAP Treated Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Accelerated High-Resolution Multidimensional 1H-MRSI Using Low-Rank Tensors
Accelerated Imaging of Metallic Implants Using Model-Based Nonlinear Reconstruction
Accelerated Imaging of Sub-Volumes Using Region-Of-Interest Focused O-Space: Experimental Verification of ROi-Space
Accelerated Imaging of the Mouse Body Using K-Space Segmentation, Cardio-Respiratory Synchronisation and Short, Constant TR: Application to B-SSFP.
Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Accelerated MP2RAGE Imaging Using Sparse Iterative Reconstruction
Accelerated MR Elastography for Quantitative Measurement of Myocardial Stiffness
Accelerated MR Thermometry in the Presence of Uncertainties
Accelerated Multi Echo Based Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging of Calf Muscle in Three Spatial Dimensions
Accelerated Multi-Contrast Late Enhancement with Isotropic Spatial Resolution Using Compressed Sensing with Edge Preservation for Improved Characterization of Infarct Heterogeneity: Initial Clinical Experience
Accelerated Phase-Contrast MRI Using Hybrid One- And Two-Sided Flow-Encodings Only (HOTFEO)
Accelerated Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 7T Using 3D Planes-On-A-Paddlewheel (POP) EPI
Accelerated Segmented Diffusion-Weighted Prostate Imaging for Higher Resolution, Better Geometric Fidelity, and Multi-B Perfusion Quantification
Accelerated Simultaneous Multi-Slice (SMS) FMRI Using Spiral Acquisition and Low Rank Plus Sparse (L+S) Image Reconstruction
Accelerated Visualization of Individual Intracranial Arteries with Reduced Number of Control Acquisitions in Super-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Accelerating CEST Imaging with Spatial-Temporal Sparse Dictionary Learning
Accelerating Hyperpolarized Metabolic Imaging of the Rat Heart Using K-T PCA and K-T SPARSE
Accelerating Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging of the Brain Using K-B PCA
Accelerating MR Measurement of Liver Steatosis Using Combined Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging: Quantitative Evaluation for Clinical Trials
Accelerating Radial MRI Using GROG Followed by ESPIRiT
Accelerating Real-Time MRI of Speech Using Spiral Through-Time GRAPPA
Acceleration Motion Compensation DWI for Measuring Intraventricular Temperature
Acceleration of 3D UTE Imaging to Quantify Temperature-Dependent T1 Changes in Cortical Bone
Acceleration of Image Analysis for Liver Perfusion Quantification Using Parallel Computational Techniques
Acceleration of MR Fingerprinting with Low Rank and Sparsity Constraint
Acceleration of Temperature Mapping with an Ascending Threshold Low Rank Constraint (AscLR)
Acceleration-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling (AccASL) MR Angiography for Visualization of Distal Cerebral Arteries in Moyamoya Disease
Accounting for GABA Editing Efficiency and Macromolecule Co-Editing to Allow Inter-Vendor Comparisons of GABA+ Measurements
Accumulation of Atherosclerotic Plaque in Mouse Aortic Valves Determined by MRI
Accuracy & Reliability in Population Studies & Clinical Applications
Accuracy and Inter-Subject Reproducibility of Default Mode Networks Identified from ASL Data
Accuracy and Long-Term Stability Measurements of a Motion Estimation Sequence for Hybrid PET-MR Systems
Accuracy and Optimal Proton Density Fat Fraction Threshold of Magnitude- And Complex-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Diagnosis of Hepatic Steatosis in Obese Patients Using Histology as Reference
Accuracy Evaluation of Pulse Sequences Using Inversion Recovery Pulse for T1 measurement.
Accuracy of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance T1 Mapping for Detecting Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis: Comprehensive Comparison with the Pathology in Diabetic Rabbits
Accuracy of Functional Localization in Pre-Surgical Function MRI
Accuracy of PRFS Temperature Mapping Using Fast Interleaved Sequences for MR-HIFU Thermal Therapies
Accuracy of Relative Pressure Measurements from 3D PC-MR Data Using Realistic Aortic Coarctation Phantoms
Accurate and Precise Dynamic Contrast Enhanced (DCE) Measurements with Reduced Gadolinium Toxicity by Lengthening Pre-Injection Baseline
Accurate MR Thermometry by Hyperpolarized 129Xe
Accurate Synthetic FLAIR Images Using Partial Volume Corrected MR Fingerprinting
Accurate T1 and T2 Mapping by Direct Least-Squares Ellipse Fitting to Phase-Cycled BSSFP Data
Accurate T1 Mapping in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension and Age Matched Volunteers Using Synthetic Image Based Registration
Achieving High Spatiotemporal Resolution for 1H-MRSI of the Brain
Acquisition and Modeling Optimization for Quantitative Body DWI Applications
Acquisition of High Resolution Three-Dimensional Ocular Images at 7 Tesla to Generate Patient-Specific Eye-Models for Clinical Ray-Tracing
Acquisition Protocol Optimization for Axon Diameter Mapping at High-Performance Gradient Systems – a Simulation Study
ACRIN 6684: Multicenter, Phase II Assessment of Tumor Hypoxia in Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Action Observation Network in Children with Unilateral Cerebral Palsy: An FMRI Study.
Active & Passive Devices
An Active Learning Platform for Automatic MR Image Quality Assessment
An Active Quench Protection System for a 1.5 T MgB
Conduction-Cooled Magnet
Acupuncture Stimulation Changes DMN Functional Conectivity.
The Acute Effects of Caffeine on Brain Oxygen Metabolism: A Dual Calibrated FMRI Study
Acute Effects of Caffeine on Grey Matter Haemodynamics
Acute High Altitude Exposure Induces ADC Change in Rat Brain
Acute Pressure Changes in the Brain Are Measurable with MR Elastography: Initial Feasibility in an in Vivo Porcine Model
Acute Spinal Cord Injury (ASCI) Metabolomics Through 1H-NMR Spectroscopy: Metabolic Alterations with Time & Treatment
Acute White Matter Changes Within 24 Hours and at 8 Days Following Sport-Related Concussion: A Diffusion Tensor and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Study
Adaptive Background Phase Removal Using Knowledge-Based Region Detection for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Adaptive Integrated Parallel Reception, Excitation, and Shimming (IPRES) with Bipolar Junction Transistors.
Adaptive Tissue Cluster Tracking on Quantitative MRI for Fully Automatic Brain Segmentation on Young Children
Added Value of Phase-Contrast MRI Based Turbulent Kinetic Energy Quantification for the Assessment of Aortic Stenosis Severity
Addressing Clinical Challenges in the Body with MRI: Contrast Agents Hepatobiliary
Addressing Multi-Centre Image Registration of 3T Arterial Spin Labeling Images from the GENetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)
Adiabatic Excitation for
P Spectroscopy in the Human Heart at 7T
Adiabatic T2-Prepared 3D Fast Gradient Echo Imaging for Brain Tumor Studies at 7T
Adnexal Masses
Adrenal & Renal MRI
Adrenal Gland Iron Measurement Using MRI-R2* in Patients with Iron Overload: A Feasibility Study
Advanced Brain Quantitative Metrics - Clinical Potential & Relevance
Advanced Brain Quantitative Metrics -- Description, Overview & Method
Advanced Cartilage Imaging: Clinical Applications
Advanced Combinations of Dual-Echo FMRI Data Provide No Advantages Over the Simple Average at Group-Level Analyses
Advanced Diffusion Vs DTI Tractography for Surgical Planning
Advanced Fetal Brain Imaging
Advanced Multi-GPU-Based MR Simulations (MRISIMUL) on Realistic Human Anatomical Models (XCAT)
Advanced Multimodal MRI for Clinical Management of Brain Tumor Patients
Advanced Mutimodal Imaging of the Spine
Advanced Techniques for MRA
Advanced Techniques for Flow Imaging
Advanced Tumor Imaging: Pre-Operative Mapping
Advanced Tumor Tutorial: Intra-Operative Imaging
Advanced Tumor Tutorial: Post-Treatment Response Assessment
Advances in Model-Based Reconstruction of High Resolution T1 Maps
Advances in Prospective Motion Correction with Gradient Tones
Advantages & Disadvantages of Low Field MRI for Animal Molecular Imaging
The Advantages of Spectrally Calibrated 3D-MSI in Assessments of Symptomatic Spinal Fusion
a-F BLAST: A Non-Iterative Radial K-T BLAST Reconstruction in Radon Space
Age at Disease Onset Influences Gray Matter and White Matter Damage in Adult Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Age Related Fluctuation Energy and Variation of Dynamic Functional Connectivity
Age-Dependent Changes in the BOLD Cerebrovascular Reactivity Curve in Response to Progressive Hypercapnia
Age-Related Abnormalities of the Corpus Callosum in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study Using Template-Based Tract-Specific Analysis
Age-Related Alterations in Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in the Anterior and Posterior Cingulate Cortices
Age-Related Changes in Anterograde Transport, Axonal Integrity and Visuomotor Function in the DBA/2J Mouse Model of Chronic Glaucoma
Age-Related Changes in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Measures in Human Skeletal Muscle
Age-Related Changes of White Matter Diffusion Anisotropy Measures in Old Age Observed with Double Diffusion Encoding
Age-Related Loss of Bound Water in Human Trabecular Bone
Age-Related Magnetic Susceptibility in the Deep Gray Nuclei from 1 Month to 6 Years: Comparison Between Quantitative Susceptibility and R2* Mapping
Age-Related Variability of Functional Connectivity in the Basal Ganglia in Healthy Elderly subjects and Its Implications for Research in Parkinson’s Disease
Age-Related White Matter Changes on Phase Difference Enhanced Imaging in Children
Age-Specific Gray and White Matter DTI Atlas for Human Brain at 33 and 36 Postmenstrual Weeks
Aging Effect on Creatine Kinase Enzyme Activity in Resting Human Brain: An in Vivo 31P-MT Study at 7T
Aging Increases Markers of Inflammation and Alters Brain-Gut Interactions
Agreement Between MRE-Estimated Liver Stiffness Using 2D GRE and 2D SE-EPI Pulse Sequences at 3T
AIR-MRF: Accelerated Iterative Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
An Algorithm for Generating Uniform Random Parcellations
Alteration of White Matter Microstructure Within the Reward Circuit Revealed by Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI)
Alterations of Functional Connectivity in Resting-State Networks Following Medial Temporal Lobectomy in Patients with Unilateral Hippocampal Sclerosis
Alterations of Neural Correlates in Drug-Naïve First Episode Pediatric Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: An Optimized Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Alterations of Resting-State FMRI Measurements in Individuals with Cervical Dystonia
Altered Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuation and Functional Connectivity in High Myopia: A Resting-State FMRI Study
Altered Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations and Connectivities in Depressed SAPHO Syndrome
Altered Aortic Geometry in Pediatric Patients with Marfan Syndrome
Altered Baseline Cerebral Blood Flow and Neurotransmitter Levels in Episodic and Chronic Migraine
Altered Cortical and Subcortical Structures and Structural Connectivity in Perinatally HIV-Infected Children
Altered Default Mode Network in Developmental Stages of ADHD Rats
Altered Dynamic Functional Connectivity of Amygdala in Major Depressive Disorder
Altered Frontal Functional Networks in Adult Survivors of Pediatric Brain Tumors
Altered Gray Matter Volume, Cerebral Blood Flow and Functional Connectivity in Chronic Stroke Patients: A Multi-Modal MRI Study
Altered Hippocampal Microstructure in the Epileptogenic Rat Brain Revealed with Diffusion MRI Using Oscillating Field Gradients
Altered Intrinsic Brain Functional Connectivity in Suicidal Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Altered Lipid Metabolism on 1H NMR as Response Biomarkers in Prostate Cancer Cells and Tumors Following Radiotherapy
Altered Microstructural Integrity of the White Matter Tracts in Strabismus: A Systematic Tract-Specific Analysis Over the Whole Brain
Altered Neurochemical Profile in the Healthy Elderly Measured Via 7 T
Altered Small World Brain Function Network in Patients of Lower Back Pain
Altered Social Communication Network in Boys with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Altered Structural Network Connectivity in Non-Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Graph Theoretical Analysis
Altered Structural-Functional Connectome in Unilateral Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Altered Temporal Dynamics in BOLD Measurements of Vascular Reserve in Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Altered Whole Brain Functional Connectivity in Drug-Naive Patients with Obsessive–compulsive Disorder: A Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
Altered cortical thickness related to the SNPs on the major histocompatibility complex in never-Medicated schizophrenia
Alzheimer’s Disease Is Associated with Hypo-Brain Entropy
Alzheimer's Disease
Amide CEST at 7T: A Possible Biomarker for Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer
Amide Proton Signals as PH Indicator for in Vivo MRS and MRI of the Brain – Responses to Hypercapnia and Hypothermia
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging in Head and Neck Cancer: Preliminary Results
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Brain Tumors at 7T: The Role of Tissue Water T1-Relaxation Properties
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Brain Tumors Using 3D Fast Spin-Echo Dixon Method: Comparison with Separate B0 Mapping
Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging of Breast Cancer at 3T MRI: A Pilot Study
Amide Proton Transfer Imaging of Neonatal Brain Development and Brain Injury: A Preliminary Study
Amide Proton Transfer-Weighted MR Imaging Signal as Predictor of Non Thrombolysis Treatment Efficiency for Stroke
Amide-Proton-Transfer-Weighted (APTw) MRI as a Surrogate Biomarker to Detect Recurrent High-Grade Gliomas After Treatment with Chemoradiation: Validation by Image-Guided Stereotactic Biopsy
Amplified Magnetic Resonance Imaging (AMRI)
Amygdala Down-Regulation with FMRI Neurofeedback in Healthy Subjects and BPD Patients
Analysis and Correction of Eddy Current Induced Artifacts in Spiral Phase Contrast MRI Using Point RESolved Spectroscopy
Analysis and Prediction of Gradient Response Functions Under Thermal Load
Analysis Methods for Breath-Hold Based Cerebrovascular Reactivity in an Intraoperative Setup
Analysis of Bias with SNR in Multi-Echo Chemical Shift Encoded Fat Quantification
Analysis of Brain Volume in a 19 Year-Old Extremely-Preterm Born Cohort
Analysis of Eddy Currents for High Field RF Coil Design
Analysis of Estimation Error from System Imperfection in MRF
An Analysis of Fast and Slow Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Index (NODDI) Models
Analysis of Functional Connectivity Between Hippocampus Subfields and Perirhnial / Parahippocampal in Patient with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease
Analysis of Motion and Eddy Currents with 3D Cones Reordering for Whole-Heart Coronary MR Angiography
Analytical G-Factor for Cartesian Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Analytical Modeling of the Coupling Within a Human Head Surface Loop Transmit Phased Array at Ultra-High Fields
Analytical Theory, Circuit and Numerical Simulations to Design a Splittable Degenerate Birdcage for MSK Applications.
Analytical Three-Point Dixon Method Using a Global Graph Cut
Analyzing Data Using the General Linear Model
Analyzing Myelin Water Fraction Using McRISE
Analyzing the Texture of Suspicious Lesions in the Female Breast with ADC-Mapping in DWIBS and DWI
Anaplerotic Flux Into Citric Acid Cycle 4-Carbon Intermediates Is Phenotypically Increased in a Murine Model of Heart Failure
Anatomical and Hemodynamic Assessments of Hepatic Vasculatures Using 4D-PCA Technique: Initial Experience
Anatomically Adaptive Local Coils for MR Imaging - Evaluation of Stretchable Antennas at 1.5T
Anesthesia Increases Water Diffusion in Wakefulness/sleep Brain Regions in the Rat Brain
Angular Complexity and Fractional Displacement Probability: New Metrics for Diffusion Propagator Imaging
Animating Terabytes of Imaging Data from a One-Minute Scan: Interactive Reconstruction of Flexibly Acquired MRI Data
Anisotropic Fractional-Motion-Based Diffusion MRI in the Human Brain
Anisotropy Measure from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data Using Higher Order Diffusion Tensor Model
Ankle Impingement Syndromes
Anomalous Diffusion Parameters Are Sensible to Microstructural Variations in Brain Due to Aging
Anomalous Relaxation in the Human Brain Mapped Using Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Time-Fractional Bloch Equation
The Anterior Cingulate Cortex GABA Levels with Varied Tissue Composition Measured by in Vivo Single Voxel MRS
Antibody Therapy Against Tau Pathology Improves Neuronal Transport as Assessed in Vivo by Tract-Tracing Manganese-Enhanced MRI
Antioxidant Treatment Attenuates Renal Lactate Production in Diabetic Nephropathy
Aortic Centreline Tracking for PWV Measurements in Multiple MRI Sequences
Aortic Functional Measurement with Accelerated Non-Contrast-Enhanced 3D Aortic CINE MRI
Aortic Hemodynamics in Pediatric Marfan Patients Compared to Healthy Pediatric Subjects: Heterogeneity in the Marfan Population
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Correlates with Gamma Oscillation of Local Field Potentials
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Features Predict Response to Chemoradiation Treatment of Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Preoperative Grading of Gliomas: A Comparison Between Ultra-High and Conventional Mono-B Value Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Hyperpolarized Lactate Reports on Lactate Production and Efflux in Renal Cell Carcinomas
Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Ratio as a Potential Inter-Institutional Marker for Histological Grade of Bladder Cancer
Apparent Exchange Rate in Multi-Compartment Anisotropic Tissue
The Apparent Range of Spin Movement in Diffusion MRI Data
Apparent Relaxivity of Gd-BOPTA in a Mixture of Water, Gd-BOPTA and Fat
Application of a Combined IVIM-DTI Model in ECG-Triggered Imaging of the Human Kidney
Application of APT CEST in Cervical Spinal Cord Normal Appearing White Matter of MS Patients at 3T
Application of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for a Structural Differentiation of the Brain Metastasis and Primary Glioblastomas
Application of Generalized Phase Based Electrical Conductivity Imaging in the Subacute Stage of Hemorrhagic and Ischemic Strokes
Application of Gradient Reversal Fat Suppression Technology (LIPO) in Diffusion–weighted MR Imaging of Normal Pancreas at 3.0T
Application of High B-Value High-Resolution Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Differentiating Malignant from Benign Thyroid Nodules
Application of Histogram Analysis of Pharmacokinetic Parameters in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging of Breast Lesions with CAIPIRINHA-Dixon-TWIST-VIBE Technique
Application of Laplacian-Based Methods to Multi-Echo Phase Data for Accurate Susceptibility Mapping
Application of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) for Assessment of Rectal Cancer: A Feasibility Study
Application of Partial Least Squares Regression for Fast and Robust Dictionary Matching for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Application of Spin Echoes in the Regime of Weak Dephasing to Oxygen Enhanced T1-Quantification in the Lung
Application of the Inhomogeneous Variable Flip Angle (I-VFA) Scheme in Hyperpolarized 129Xe DWI
Application of the Mahalanobis Distance for Depicting the Neuroanatomical Variability Within Autism Spectrum Disorders
Application of Variable Refocusing Flip Angle SSFSE T2 for Improved MR Enterography in Pediatric Patients
Applications of 2D MRS: Brain & Body
Applications of Spectral Editing
Applications of Whole Organ MRSI - Brain & Body
Applying „Electric Properties Tomography“ to Low Frequency Conductivity Using Magnetic Particle Imaging
Applying Diffusion MRI in Population Studies
Applying Origami Coil Design for Deployable Intra-Cardiac MRI Catheter
Approach to Cystic Pancreatic Neoplasms Using MRI Phenotype
Approach to Intracranial Hemorrhage.
Approaching the Ultimate Intrinsic SNR with Dense Arrays of Electric Dipole Antennas
APT MRI of Intracranial Mass Lesions at 3T and Comparison with DCE Perfusion Parameters
Are Negative BOLD Responses Induced by Acupuncture Associated with Neural Inhibitive Effects? : An MRS & BOLD Functional MRI Study
Are Renal Lipids Increased in Overweight Diabetic Patients? a MR Spectroscopy and Dixon Fat/Water Imaging Study
Are Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Suitable to Gain Additional Information on Melanoma Metastasis of the Brain?
Array-Compressed Parallel Transmit Pulse Design with Optimized Coil-Channel Assignments and Coil Pruning for Simultaneous Multislice and 3D Reduced-Field-Of-View Excitations
Arterial Segmentation and Visual Stimulus-Induced Changes in Diameter Observed in the Human Brain
Arterial Spin Labeled Measurement of Renal Perfusion
Arterial Spin Labeling
Arterial Spin Labeling Can Detect Discreet Changes of Renal Perfusion After Oral Application of the Pain Medication Diclofenac in Healthy Subjects
Arterial Spin Labeling Measured Choroidal Blood Flow Is Reduced in Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Correlates with Severity Level
Arterial Spin Labeling MRI Evaluation of Cerebrovascular Reserve with Acetazolamide in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease
Arterial Spin Labelling Perfusion Measurements in Prion Disease: Relation with Restricted Diffusion
Arterial Transit Time (ATT) Heterogeneity in Calf Muscle: How DCE Studies Reveal a Critical Challenge for Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) Acquisition
Artery Imaging with Flexible Contrast in a Single Scan using 3D Golden Angle Radial Sampling: Feasibility Demonstration in Carotid Arteries
Artery Selective 3D TOF by Using Asymmetrically RF-Shimmed Pre-Saturation Pulse with 4-Channel RF Transmit at 3T
Articular Cartilage Assessment Using T1? Mapping in Early Osteoarthritis Patients with Knee Joint Pain
Artifact Identification & Elimination Game Show
Artifact Reduction in 3D Radial Imaging with Out-Of-Volume Saturation Pulses
Artifact Reduction of Dental Implants on High Resolution MR Imaging
Artifacts Affecting Derivative Of $$$B_1^+$$$ Maps for EPT Reconstructions
Artifacts in CMR
Artifacts in MRA
Artifacts to Artefacts: Causes & Cures from Clinical Perspective
Artificial Intelligence for High-Resolution Nuclear MRS Under Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Ascending Aortic Nomograms Derived From Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography: Preliminary Values for Sex, Body Surface Area and Age Related Variability
ASL - Data Acquisition
ASL Derived CBF Post Carotid Intervention Predicts Post-Operative Cognitive Impairment
ASL in the MriCloud: A Platform-Independent, Installation-Free Tool for Arterial-Spin-Labeling Analysis
ASL- Post-Processing
ASL, DCE, DSC and IVIM: A 4-Way Comparison of Perfusion Imaging in Brain Tumours
Assessing CNS Vasculature and Inflammation Using Dual GBCA and Ferumoxytol-Enhanced MRI
Assessing Fibrotic Damage to Renal Structure and Function with T2-Weighted and ASL MRI
Assessing Functional Changes in Lungs with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Using Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI
Assessing Liver Fibrosis in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B: Comparison of T1 Mapping with Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced 1.5T MRI, Aspartate Aminotransferase-To-Platelet Ratio Index and Fibrosis-4
Assessing Longitudinal Renal Blood Flow Changes in Children Following Renal Replacement Therapy Using Arterial Spin Labelling MRI
Assessing Metabolic and Structural Alterations of Brain Cells in the APP/PS1/tauP301L Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease Using MRS and Diffusion-Weighted MRS in Vivo
Assessing Micro- And Macro-Circulation of Graft Kidneys by Using IVIM-DWI and Non-Contrast MRA
Assessing Mucosal Inflammation in a DSS-Induced Colitis Mouse Model by MR Colonography
Assessing Myeloma Focal Lesion Conspicuity on Dixon Images
Assessing Neurodegeneration Across the Spinal Axis Using High-Resolution MRI
Assessing Non-Gaussian Diffusion in Cardiac Tissue
Assessing Response to Hyperoxic Respiratory Challenges with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Primary Malignant Brain Tumors
Assessing Structure and Function of Myelin in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Evidence of Focal Demyelination in the Dorsal Column
Assessing the (Ani)sotropic Component of R2 as a Mean of Studying White Matter Properties
Assessing the Effects of Methylphenidate on Human Brain Development Using Pharmacological Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Assessing the Effects of Pediatric Subject Motion on T2 Relaxation Under Spin Tagging (TRUST) Cerebral Oxygenation Measurements Using Volume Navigators (VNavs)
Assessing the Reliability of Estimated Correlation During the Evaluation of Dynamic Functional Connectivity
Assessing the Repeatability and Reproducibility of Contrast Time Courses from a Dynamic MRI Flow Phantom: Initial Results and Experiences
Assessing the Stability of Neurovascular Coupling: A Combined FMRI/MEG Approach
Assessing the Viscoelastic Properties of Abdominal Tumour Models in Vivo Using MRE
Assessment and Retrospective Correction of Rotation-Induced Signal Attenuation in Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy
Assessment of passive Muscle Elongation Using DTI: Correlation Between Fiber Length and Diffusion Coefficients
Assessment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Progression Using a Novel Tropoelastin-Specific MR Contrast Agent
Assessment of an Automated Method for AIF Voxel Selection for Renal Filtration Rate Estimation from DCE-MRI Data.
Assessment of Anti-Angiogenic Efficacy of Targeted ECO/siHIF-1a Nanoparticles with DCE-MRI and a Biodegradable Macromolecular Contrast Agent
Assessment of Anti-EGFRvIII Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T Cell Therapy for Patients with Glioblastomas Using Diffusion, Perfusion and MR Spectroscopy
Assessment of Atherosclerotic Burden Using a Novel Tropoelastin-Specific MR Contrast Agent
An Assessment of Bayesian IVIM Model Fitting
Assessment of Benefit to Use a Non-Cartesian Trajectory and Nonlinear Reconstruction Method Compared to a Cartesian Strategy for Fast 31P MRI
Assessment of Brain Cognitive Functions in Patients with Vitamin B12 Deficiency Using Resting State Functional MRI
Assessment of Brain Development in Children with Developmental Delay Using Amide Proton Transfer Weighted (APTw) MRI
Assessment of Brain Structural Abnormalities and the Correlation with Inhibitory Control in Betel Nut Chewers with DTI
Assessment of Brain Structural Network Alterations in Major Depressive Disorder Using Generalized Q-Sampling Imaging and Connectome Analysis
Assessment of Cerebral Response to Exercise: Effects of Ageing and Cardiorespiratory Fitness
Assessment of Cervical Cancer Using BOLD MR Imaging - R2* Texture Analysis
Assessment of Changes in Metabolic Profile of Small Intestinal Mucosal Biopsy of Celiac Disease Patients After Gluten-Free Diet: An In-Vitro Proton NMR Spectroscopy Study
Assessment of Changes in Structural Connectivity of the Central Executive Network During Cranial Radiotherapy in Children Treated for Medulloblastoma
Assessment of Chemotherapy-Induced Brain Volume and Shape Changes in Breast Cancer Patients Using Voxel-Based Morphometry and Vertex-Wise Shape Analysis
Assessment of CHSA-PEO (2000)16-Gd in Breast Cancer Xenografts on Chicken Chorioallantoic Membrane @ 11.7T
Assessment of Coil Arrays with Small Loop Diameter at 7T for Micron-Scale Resolution FMRI of Human Neocortex.
Assessment of Cortical Cerebrovascular Permeability Using 3-Dimension Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling and T1 Dynamic Contrast Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Moyamoya Disease
Assessment of Diffusion Time Dependence of Diffusion Kurtosis in Rat Spinal Cord
Assessment of Early Renal Fibrosis Induced in a Murine Model of Streptozotocin Induced Diabetes
Assessment of Early Treatment Response by IVIM DW-MRI and DCE-MRI in Patients with Brain Metastases Treated with Stereotactic Radiosurgery.
Assessment of Fat Accumulation and Mobilization During Obesity and Weight-Loss Interventions in Rodents
Assessment of Ferritin in the Multiple Sclerosis Brain Using Temperature Induced R2* Changes
Assessment of Fibrotic Liver Using T1rho Mapping: A Rat Model Study
Assessment of Flow in the Human Colon in Health and Constipation Using an MR Tagging Technique
Assessment of Fractional Anisotropy of Heart Using ECG Gating and Second Moment Nulling Pulse
Assessment of Geometric Distortion in Six Clinical Scanners Using a 3D-Printed Grid Phantom
Assessment of Global and Regional Cerebral White Matter Changes Induced by Cranial Radiotherapy in Childhood Brain Tumor Patients Using a Structural Connectivity Network Approach
Assessment of Grey Matter Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis Using High Resolution ASL at 7T
Assessment of Intracellular Lipids of Non-Adipose Pancreatic Cells
Assessment of Intrauterine Growth Restriction on Pup Rat Brain by DTI and NODDI at 9.4T
Assessment of Kurtosis Model for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging and T1 Relaxation Time in the Rotating Frame of Prostate Cancer
Assessment of Lipid Changes in Obese Calf Using Muti-Echo Echo-Planar Correlated Spectroscopic Imaging
Assessment of Liver Fibrosis by MRI Tagging of Cardiac-Induced Motion: Preliminary Results
Assessment of Longitudinal Reproducibility of Mice LV Functional Parameters @11.7T Derived from Self-Gated CINE MRI
Assessment of Meniscus with Adiabatic $$$T_{1\rho}$$$ and $$$T_{2\rho}$$$ in Asymptomatic Subjects and Patients with Early Osteoarthritis: Oulu Knee Osteoarthritis Study
Assessment of Metabolism in the Placenta by Hyperpolarized MRI
Assessment of Metabolism, Perfusion and Diffusion Changes in the Hippocampal Subfields of MCI and AD Using Simultaneous PET-MR
Assessment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Due to Blast Overpressure in Breachers: A 31P MRS Study.
Assessment of Moyamoya Disease by Using Vessel Wall Imaging with MSDE Technique: Feasibility and Implication
Assessment of Myocardial B0 Over the Cardiac Cycle at 7.0T: Implications for Susceptibility-Based CMR Techniques
Assessment of Necrosis in the Ischemic Heart Using Hyperpolarized [1,4-13C2]Fumarate
Assessment of Pharmacotherapy Effects on APP/PS1 Mice Brain by Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Assessment of Physiological Changes Associated with Renal Fibrosis in a Rat Model
Assessment of Pleural Effusion in Dengue Fever
Assessment of R1 Relaxation Rate Error in DCE-MRI Using Bookend Measurements
Assessment of Radiation Damaged Mouse Lungs Using Perfluorohexane Liquid MRI.
Assessment of Radio Frequency Induced Heating on or Near Implants During MRI – Some Open Issues
Assessment of Readout Performance in Arterial Spin Labeling Using Statistical 3D Mapping.
Assessment of Reproducibility of Noncontrast Renal 3D MRA Using Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse with Respiratory Triggering(Time-SLIP Renal MRA)in Clinical Setting
Assessment of RF Induced Heating of Intracranial Micro-Depth Electrodes During MRI
Assessment of Rotationally-Invariant Clustering Using Streamlet Tractography
Assessment of the Glutamatergic Activity Changes Induced by Schizophrenia on Rat Model: A in Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (¹H MRS) Study at 9.4 T
An Assessment of the Repeatability and Sensitivity of T2 Mapping in Low-Grade Cartilage Lesions at 3 and 7 Tesla
Assessment of Thrombus Stage by ‘Multicolor’ 19F MRI
Assessment of Tibial Nerve and Common Peroneal Nerve in Diabetic by Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Feasibility Study
Assessment of Trabecular Bone Quality of the Proximal Femur in Vivo: A Preliminary Study
Assessment of Tumor Perfusion, Oxygenation, and Metabolism Using DCE, BOLD, and Hyperpolarized 13C MRI in a Mouse Model of Breast Cancer
Assessment of Variation Induced by Physiological Motion in Multi-Slice Renal Diffusion-Weighted MRI at 3T
Assessment of Whole Brain Blood Flow Changes in Multiple Sclerosis: Phase Contrast MRI Versus ASL
Assessment Of serine quantification Reproducibility Using Advanced 1H-MRS in the Human Brain at 3T
Assessments of Flow Velocity Changes by Phase-Contrast MRI Near Acoustic Radiation Force Aggregated Bubbles
The Association Between Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Resting-State FMRI Connectivity in Healthy Adults
Association Between Cortical Demyelination and Structural Connectomics in Early Multiple Sclerosis
Association Between Structural and Functional Inter-Subject Variability of the Motor and Visual Networks
The Association Between Structural Brain Connectivity with Plasma APO-A1 Levels in Parkinson Disease: Connectometry Approach
Association of Alzheimer’s Disease GWAS Loci with Default Mode Network
Association of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient with PFS for Recurrent Astrocytoma and Generation of Maps to Aid in Defining Tumor Pathology
Association of Brain Iron Deposition in Parkinson’s Disease with Comorbidities of Visual Hallucinations: An ROI-Based Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Study
Association of Quadriceps Muscle Fat with Isometric Strength Measurements in Healthy Males Using Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat MRI
Association of Radiomics and Metabolic Tumor Volumes in Radiation Treatment of Glioblastoma Multiforme
Associations Between Brain Microstructural and Motor Severity of Parkinsonian Symptoms in Elderly Parkinson Diseases
Associations Between Inflammatory Markers and Global Systolic Function Measured by MRI: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Associations Between Quantitative MRI Biomarkers in the Lumbar Spine and Pain in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients with Disc Degeneration
Asymmetric Line Broadening in Lung Tissue
Asymmetrical Cerebral Response to Appetite in Mice
Asymmetries of the Dendrite Density in Cortical Areas Assessed by Diffusion MR Microscopy Using NODDI
An Atlas Pre-Selection Method for Multi-Atlas Based Brain Segmentation
Atrophy Computation in the Spinal Cord Using the Boundary Shift Integral
Attenuation & Motion Correction Strategies for PET Using PET/MRI
Auto-Calibrated Iterative SENSE Reconstruction with Rejection of Inconsistent Data
Auto-Calibrating Wave-CS for Motion-Robust Accelerated MRI
Autofocusing-Based Correction of B0 Fluctuation-Induced Ghosting
Automated Breast MRI Segmentation Method for Background Parenchymal Enhancement
Automated Extraction of Arterial and Venous Function from Time-Resolved Multiphasic MR Angiography
Automated Extraction of Glioblastoma Tumor Sub-Components Using Multi-Modal MRI
Automated Fibre Quantification of the Fornix Predicts Outcome After Surgery for Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Automated Measurements of Brain Morphometry Derived from T1-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fluctuate from Morning to Afternoon
Automated MR Scanner Workflow of Combined Chest, Abdomen and Pelvis Exams: First Clinical Experience
Automated Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Suspected Brown Adipose Tissue from Water-Fat MRI: Initial Evaluation
Automated Multi-Parametric Segmentation of Brain Veins from GRE Acquisition
An Automated Pipeline for Mouse Brain Morphometric MRI
Automated Rejection of Motion-Corrupted Slices and Optimised Retrospective Ghost Correction for Multi-Shot DTI
Automated Segmentation of Ewing’s Sarcoma Using Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Automated Segmentation of Soft Tissue Sarcoma Into Distinct Pathological Regions Using Diffusion and T2 Relaxation
Automated Slice Positioning for 2D MRA in Bolus Tracking of DCE-MRI
Automated Tissue Phase and QSM Estimation from Multichannel Data
Automatic Acquisition of Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast and Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Images Using a Single Contrast Dose
Automatic Adaption of ASL Labeling Parameters: Walsh-Sorted Time-Encoded PCASL with a Dynamic Feedback Algorithm
Automatic Assessment of Corpus Callosum Malformation from Structural MRI Images to Improve Diagnosis Reproducibility.
Automatic Classification and 3D Visualisation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms to Predict Aneurysm Expansion and Rupture
Automatic Classification of Brain Connectivity Matrices - A Toolbox for Supporting Neuropsychiatric Diagnosis
Automatic Coronary Centerline Tracking from Coronary MRI
Automatic DWI Denoising Using TGV with Local Dependent Noise Estimate
Automatic EEG-Assisted Retrospective FMRI Head Motions Correction Improves Rs-FMRI Connectivity Analysis
Automatic Ellipsoidal ROI Placement for Heart Localization
Automatic Extracellular Volume Fraction Mapping in the Myocardium: Multiple Initial T1 Values and Deformable Image Registration Combined with LV Segmentation
Automatic Gradient Predistortion Applied to Clinical 2D-UTE
Automatic Gray Matter Segmentation of the Spinal Cord in 2D Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Images
Automatic High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Position Verification of an HDR Brachytherapy Source Using Subpixel Localization and SENSE
Automatic in Vivo Detection of Transplanted Cells in MRI Using Transfer Learning Paradigm
An Automatic Machine Learning Approach for Multi-Parametric MR Based Brown Adipose Tissue Characterization and Segmentation in Mice and Rats
Automatic MR-Based Skull Segmentation Using Local Shape and Global Topology Priors
Automatic Multi-Layer Classification System of Brain Tumor Based on Multi-Modality MRI and Clinical Information
Automatic Normalization of DCE-MRI Derived Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV) May Improve Glioma Grading
Automatic Organ-Specific Localization and Quantification of Fat in Abdominal Chemical Shift Encoding-Based Water-Fat MRI: Application to Weight-Loss in Obesity
Automatic Pipeline for Regional Brain Analyses in Demyelinated Mice
Automatic Quality Assessment of Short and Long-TE Brain Tumour MRSI Data Using Novel Spectral Features
Automatic Renal Cortex Segmentation Using Machine Learning for MR Urography
Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Glioblastoma Using DCE-MRI
Automatic Segmentation for Volume Quantification of Quadriceps Muscle Head in Athletes During an Extreme Mountain Ultra-Marathon
Automatic Sodium Maps Reconstruction Using PatchMatch Algorithm for Phantom Detection
Automatic Temperature Control During MR Guided Catheter Based Radiofrequency Ablation of the Heart
Automatic Ventricular Function Measurement with Free-Breathing Self-Gated 4D Whole-Heart Cardiac MRI
Automation of Pattern Recognition Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Data to Assess the Tumor Microenvironment
Axial Diffusivity Is More Sensitive in Detecting White Matter Injury in Adult Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors: A DTI Study Using Tract-Based Spatial Statistics
Axon Diameter Distribution Influences Diffusion-Derived Axonal Density Estimation in the Human Spinal Cord: In Silico and in Vivo Evidence
Axon Loss as an Outcome Measure for Assessing Therapeutic Efficacy
Axon Loss Detected by Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI) in the Absence of Atrophy
B0 and B1 Insensitive Robust Fat Suppression Using Frequency Offset Corrected Inversion (FOCI)
B0 Eddy Current Correction for Spiral MRI
B0 Shimming at 9.4T Using a Multicoil Approach – Coil Design with Genetic Algorithm
B0 Shimming with Constraints for DWI with a Reduced FOV
B0-Atlas with Field-Probe Guidance: Application in Real-Time Field Control
B0-Calibrated and Motion-Registered Dynamic CEST MRI of Muscles Undergoing Exercise
B0-Robust Slice-Selective Excitations for Ultra-High Field with Flip-Angle Mitigation Using Parallel Transmission
B1+ Homogenization at 7T Using an Innovative Meta-Atom
B1+ Inhomogeneity Correction for Estimation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters Through an Approximation Approach
B1-Insensitive High-Resolution Isotropic T2 Mapping of the Lumbar Plexus with a T2-Prepared 3D TSE
B1-Insensitive Simultaneous Multi-Slice DWI at 7T Using SEAMS PINS
B1-Insensitive T2-Preparation Sequence with Outer Volume Suppression and Fat Saturation
B1-Sensitive Encoding for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
BA 4p BOLD Response Profile Distinguishes Low and High MS Morbidity
Background Phase Correction for Quantitative Phase-Contrast MRI
Balanced SSFP Pulmonary Signal Enhancement After Contrast Agent Injection
Banding Free BSSFP CINE Imaging Using a Multi-Frequency Reconstruction
Banding-Artifact Free BSSFP Cine Imaging Using a Geometric Solution Approach
The Baseline Study of Human Health and the Transition to Illness
Basic MR Safety (Magnetic Fields, Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Etc.)
Basic MR Safety, SAR & Power Deposition/Monitoring (Includes Effect of RF Coils & Ultra High Fields)
Basic MR Sequence Parameters Systematically Bias Automated Brain Volume Estimation
Basic Principles & Sequences for 2D MRS
Basic Principles & Sequences for Whole Organ MRSI - Brain & Body
Basic Principles and Sequences for Difference and Multiple Quantum Editing
Basics of an EPI Acquisition
Basics of Transmission Lines & Power Transfer
Bayesian Correction of Bias Field and Venetian Blind for High Resolution Ex Vivo MRI with Clinical Scanners
Bayesian Estimation of Microstructural Parameters in Glioma Patients and Comparison with Genetic Analysis
Bayesian Exponential Random Graph Modeling of Whole-Brain Structural Networks Across Lifespan
Bayesian Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging to Map Perfusion in the Human Heart
BBN-Assembled Gadolinium Oxide Nanoprobe for Targeted Bimodal Imaging in Vitro and in Vivo
Beachball: A Fast and Efficient 3D K-Space Trajectory with Time Optimal Gradients
Beat-To-Beat Blood Pressure Fluctuations Are Present in Time-Frequency Dynamics of Resting-State FMRI
Behavioral Response Time as Explained by a Fiber-Based Analysis of Generalized Fractional Anisotropy Measured Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Benefits of a Multimodal Approach
The Benefits of in Vivo 2-Hydroxyglutarate Detection Using Semi-LASER at 7T and 3T: A Comparative Study
The Best of Both Worlds: Combining the Strengths of TBSS and Tract-Specific Measurements for Group-Wise Comparison of White Matter Microstructure
Between-Session Variability of Diffusion Kurtosis Metrics in In Vivo Brains
Beyond FDG: New Tracers
Beyond High Resolution MPRAGE: In Vivo T1-Weighted Imaging at 7T with 250 µm Isotropic Resolution Using Prospective Motion Correction
Beyond the Tensor Model
Bézier Curve Deconvolution for Model-Free Quantification of Cerebral Perfusion
Bi-Directional Changes in Fractional Anisotropy Are Associated with Altered Fiber Tracts After Experimental TBI
Big Data: Human Connectome Project
Big Data: The Rhineland Study
Big Data: UK Biobank
Bilateral Amygdaloid Functional Connectivity in Chronic Alcoholics
Biochemical Characteristics in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Detected by 7T MR Spectroscopy
Biodegradable Glycoged-Based Nanoprobe as a Multimodal Tumor-Targeting Contrast Agent
Biodistribution of Ferumoxytol: A Longitudinal MRI Study
Biological Origin of Depression: Evidence from Infant Brain Imaging and Genetics
Bipolar Time-Interleaved Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Imaging for High-Resolution Water-Fat Imaging
Biventricular Cardiac Mechanics in Healthy Subjects Using 3D Spiral Cine DENSE and Mesh-Free Strain Analysis
Black- And Gray- Blood Dual Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing
Black-Blood T2* Mapping with Delay Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation
Blind Compressed Sensing-Based Ultrafast Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging
Bloch Equations & Typical MRI Contrast
Bloch-Siegert B1-Mapping Improves Accuracy and Precision of T1 Measurements in the Breast at 3T
Blood Brain Barrier Alterations Precede Ventriculomegaly in Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
Blood Flow Velocity and Pulsatility in Perforating Arteries of Cerebral White Matter During Hypercapnia
Blood T1 and CBF Quantification in ASL MRI
Blood Volume FMRI with 3D-EPI-VASO: Any Benefits Over SMS-VASO?
BMART: B0 Mapping Using Rewind Trajectories
Bo and SAR Calculation for a Full-Ring Human Head PET System Integrated with an 8-Element Birdcage Coil at 3T
Body Composition Analysis in Large Scale Population Studies Using Dixon Water-Fat Separated Imaging
Body Imaging at 7 Tesla with Much Lower SAR Levels: An Introduction of the Snake Antenna Array
BOLD FMRI Investigation of Auditory and Visual Interactions in the Inferior Colliculus
BOLD Hemodynamic Alteration in Brain Tumors
BOLD MRI of Human Placenta and Fetuses Under Maternal Hyperoxygenation in Growth Restricted Twin Pregnancies
BOLD-FMRI Signal Changes During Prolonged Heat Pain Stimulation
The BOLD-Sensitivity of Balanced SSFP at Very High Fields Is Similar to GE-EPI But More Selective to Small Vessels.
Bone Marrow Edema & Osteonecrosis
Bone Marrow Perfusion Study on Different BMD Groups in Elderly Female
Bone Metastasis of Prostate Cancer: Comparing Readout-Segmented EPI (RESOLVE) Whole-Body DWI with ECT
Bone Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Tissue Specific R2* and Multi-Peak Fat Spectrum to Model Ultra-Short TE Gradient Echo Signal
Both Hypnotic and Non-Hypnotic Suggestions Dramatically Alter Clinical and Experimental Pain Report. FMRI Indicates Stronger Hypnotic Responses and Different Mechanisms for Clinical Versus Experimental Pain
Bound- And Pore-Water MRI of Cortical Bone in Osteoporotic Patients
Brain Bioenergetics as Markers of Vigilance Failure in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea
Brain Catalogue and Its MRI of Extinct Species: The Example of Thylacinus Cynocephalus
Brain Connectivity Analysis of Parkinson's Disease and “Scans Without Evidence for Dopaminergic Deficit" Patients
Brain Connectivity Network Dynamics Are Correlated with Cognitive Performance in Multiple Sclerosis
Brain Connectivity of Glioblastoma Patients Using MR-PET and DTI Data
Brain Cortical Parcellation Based on the Anisotropy of Local Spatio-Temporal Correlation of Rs-FMRI at 7T
Brain Cortical Thickness Abnormalities in Untreated, First-Episode Adult Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Brain Glycogen Supercompensation: A Role in the Development of Hypoglycemia Unawareness?
Brain Grey Matter Volume Alterations in Treatment Resistant Depression -- Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Brain Iron Accumulation in Alzheimer’s Disease Evaluated Using Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Brain Iron Deficiency in Restless Legs Syndrome Measured by Quantitative Susceptibility and Its Relation to Clinical Features
Brain Lactate Concentration Falls in Response to Hypoglycemia in Type 1 Diabetes Patients with Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia
Brain Metabolite Differences in One-Year-Old Preterm Infants with Intrauterine Growth Restriction: Association with Structural Changes and Neurodevelopmental Outcome
Brain MR Elastography with Multiband Excitation and Nonlinear Motion-Induced Phase Error Correction
Brain Network Segregation and Integration Is Altered in Soldiers with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Brain Perfusion & Permeability Imaging
Brain Phospholipid and Energy Metabolism in Mild Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging: A 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
Brain Pulsatility Across the Cardiac Cycle Revealed by Cine 3D Integrated-SSFP
Brain Reorganization in Young Children with Epilepsy Surgery: Longitudinal Tractography-Based Connectome Study
A Brain Resting State Network Specific T2* Study in Neonatal Infants
Brain Sodium MRI Depicts Upper Motor Neuron Involvement in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients
Brain Structural Changes in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A DTI and VBM Study
Brain Structural Connectome Using PROPELLER Echo-Planar Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Probabilistic Tractography
Brain Tissue Clustering Based on Cross-Correlation of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Brain Tissue Pulsatility Measured at 7T with High Resolution and Whole Brain Coverage
Brain Volume Changes During Hypercapnia: Volume Reactivity
Brain White Matter Abnormalities in Alzheimer’s Disease with and Without Cerebrovascular Disease
Brain White Matter Plasticity and Functional Reorganization Underlying the Central Pathogenesis of Idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia
Branched-Chain a-Keto Acid Decarboxylation and Transamination Assessment in Mouse Liver and Kidney Using Hyperpolarized a-Keto[1-13C]isocaproate MRS
Breaking ß: Understanding the ß-Value in Calibrated Functional MRI
Breast Imaging
Breast Imaging Changes of Invasive Cancers on Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced and Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging: Correlation with Molecular Subtypes
Breast MRI for Early Prediction of Residual Disease Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: Optimization of Response Cut-Point by Tumor Subtype
Breast Tissue Lipid and Metabolite Deregulation Precedes Malignant Transformation in Women with BRCA Gene Mutations: A Longitudinal Study
Breast Tumor Metabolic Imaging Biomarker K
Correlates with Histopathology Residual Cancer Measures
Breath-Held Phase-Cycled Cardiac Cine MRI Using Slow Frequency Modulation
Breath-Hold Coronary MR Angiography: Comparison of Flow-Dependent QISS with Flow-Independent T2-Prepared 2D Balanced Steady-State Free Precession
Breath-Hold Real-Time Phase Contrast MRI Using Radial K-Space Sampling and Compressed Sensing
Breathing-Induced B0 Field Fluctuations in the Cervical Spinal Cord at 7T
A Brief History of Portable MRI
Broadband Frequency Mapping with Balanced SSFP
Broadband NOE for 7T 31-Phosphorous MRS of Human Brain
A Broadband Spectrometer for Simultaneous Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy
Butler Matrix Transmit Channel Compression in PTx: A SAR-Aware Study.
Buy One, Get Two for Free: Simultaneous Knee T2 Mapping and Morphological Analysis on Synthetic Images Using GRAPPATINI
Calcific Longus Colli Tendinitis: Emphasis on MRI Appearance with Variations in Anatomical Correlation
Calibrated BOLD FMRI
Calibrated BOLD FMRI with an Optimized ASL-BOLD Dual-Acquisition Sequence
Calibration, Validation, and Sensitivity Analysis of a 3D Method for the Mapping of Brain Venous Oxygenation
Calibration-Free EPI Trajectory Error Correction by K-Space Data Consistency
Calibration-Free Parallel Imaging Using Randomly Undersampled Multichannel Blind Deconvolution (MALBEC)
Can the Stretched Exponential Model of Gas Diffusion Provide Clinically -Relevant Parenchyma Measurements of Lung Disease?
Can Anti-VEGF Antibody Reverse Radiation Necrosis? a Preclinical Investigation
Can Cerebral Lymphomas and Glioblastomas Be Differentiated Based on Histogram Parameters on Contrast-Enhanced T1-Weighted Images?
Can CEST Be Used as Biomarker in Huntington’s Disease?
Can Cramer-Ráo Lower Bound Be Used to Find Optimal B-Values for IVIM?
Can Diffusion Weighted MRI Assess Early Response of Lymphadenopathy to Induction Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Cancer: A Heterogeneity Analysis Approach
Can Diffusion Weighted MRI Assess Early Response of Lymphadenopathy to Induction Chemotherapy in Nasopharyngeal Cancer: A Heterogeneity Analysis Approach
Can Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MR Perfusion Metrics Accurately Discriminate Different Grades of Gliomas?
Can FS-T2/ASL Fusion Image Be an Alternative to T1 Enhanced Imaging in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma?
Can Lack of Marked Restricted Diffusion Downgrade the PI-RADS Score?
Can Longitudinal Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Basal Ganglia Be Used as a Surrogate Marker in Preclinical Huntington’s Disease?
Can Multi-Slice Information Improve the Conditioning of In-Plane Acceleration?
Can Myelin Protons Be Directly Imaged with the Adiabatic Inversion Recovery Prepared Ultrashort Echo Time (IR-UTE) Sequence - A Validation Study Based on D2O Exchange in Sheep Brain Specimens
Can NODDI Provide a Better Characterisation of Microstructural Changes in ALS Than DTI?
Can Resting-State FMRI Distinguish Healthy Tissues from Perfusion and Diffusion Lesions in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease?
Can the Forced Oscillation Technique and a Computational Model of Respiratory System Mechanics Explain Asthma Ventilation Defects?
Can Zero TE Imaging Be a Viable Alternative to Micro CT in Dentistry Imaging : Application in Tooth Implanting and Extraction ?
Can Cerebral Functional Deficits Be Detected in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis?- A Cross-Sectional Study
Capturing Clinical MRI Complexity: A First Step Towards Realizing the Maximum Research Value of Neuroradiological MRI.
Cardiac 31P MRS in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy
Cardiac and Respiratory Motion-Resolved Free-Running Whole-Heart Coronary MRA of Patients Using 5D XD-GRASP Reconstruction.
Cardiac and Respiratory Self-Gated 4D Multi-Phase Steady-State Imaging with Ferumoxytol Contrast (MUSIC)
Cardiac in Vivo T1-Mapping with Novel Reactive Oxygen Species Sensing Agent Specifically Detects Cardiac Oxidative Stress in Doxorubicin-Treated Rats
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Detects an Association Between Aortic Stiffness and Epicardial Fat Volume in Patients with Increased Cardiovascular Risk
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Reveals Signs of Subclinical Myocardial Inflammation in Asymptomatic HIV-Infected Patients
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance T1 Mapping in Pulmonary Hypertension. Is Native T1 Mapping an Alternative to Late Gadolinium Enhancement?
Cardiac MR Assessment of Diastolic Function
Cardiac MRI
Cardiac PET/MRI
Cardiac Phase-Resolved B1 Mapping at 3T
Cardiac Spectroscopy at 7T
Cardiac Tissue Characterization in End Stage Renal Disease Patients with Non-Contrast MRI and Myocardial Mechanics
Cardiovascular Applications
A Caveat to Bayesian Estimation in Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Modelling
Caveats of Probabilistic Tractography for Assessing Fiber Connectivity Strength
CBF Correction in Vessel Selective ASL Perfusion Using Vessel Selective MRA as a Calibration
CEEMD-Based Multi-Spectrum Brain Networks for Identification of MCI
Cell Labeling & Tracking
Cell Tracking with Fluorine-19 MRI and Zirconium-89 PET - A Multi-Modal Approach
Cell Treatment Improves Recovery After Stroke in Type Two Diabetic Rats Measured by MRI
Cellulose-Triacetate Nanoparticles as Smart Contrast Agents for Single Cell Detection.
CE-MRV with Concordant 4D Flow MRI and Ultrasound Reveals No Internal Jugular Venous Outflow Obstruction in Multiple Sclerosis
Cerebellar Contribution to Motor and Cognitive Impairment in Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A Sub-Regional Structural MRI Analysis
Cerebellar Microstructural Abnormalities in Bipolar Depression and Unipolar Depression: A Diffusion Kurtosis and Perfusion Imaging Study
Cerebellar Surface Mapping Using T1 and T2* Relaxometry at Ultrahigh-Field MRI: From macroscale to Microscale?
Cerebellar-Cerebral Connections with the Default Mode Network Influence Working Memory Performance in MS
Cerebral Acetate Transport and Utilization in the Rat Brain in Vivo Using 1H MRS: Consequences of a Revised Acetate Volume of Distribution Value
Cerebral Arterial Inflow and Venous Outflow: Flow Discrepancy and Relation to Cardiac Outflow in Children and Adult Volunteers
Cerebral Blood Flow Measured by Arterial Spin Labeled MRI Predicts Longitudinal Hippocampal Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment
Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements Correlate Well in Paediatric Brain Tumour Patients Using ASL- And DSC-MRI
Cerebral Blood Volume MRI Elucidates the Impact of ERK1 on High Grade Glioma Growth and Invasion
Cerebral Cortex Parcellation by Fusion of Local and Global Functional Connectivity Feature
Cerebral Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Patients Shows Higher Diffusion in All Intra-Cellular Metabolites Compared to Controls
Cerebral Gray Matter Volume Changes Caused by Exposure to Hypobaric Environment: A Preliminary Study
Cerebral Tissue Characterization by Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Arterial Spin Labeling
Cerebral Vascular Reactivity and Baseline Cerebral Blood Volume Contributions to the Slow Fluctuating Baseline BOLD Signal.
Cerebral Venous Oxygenation as a Potential Marker to Differentiate Normal Aging from Neurodegeneration
Cerebrospinal Fluid Compression in Cerebellum on Treatment-Naïve MRI Might Be an Early Indicator of Poor Survival in Glioblastoma: A Preliminary Study
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Measured with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping and TRUST MRI Under Hypercapnia
The Cerebrovascular Response to a Single Session of Exercise
A Cervical Spine Array Coil with Volume Transmitter at 7 Tesla
Cervical Spondyloarthropathy Due to the Dialysis-Related Amyloidosis: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings
Cervicovaginal Fluid Acetate, a Marker for Preterm Birth in Symptomatic Pregnant Women
CEST Imaging of the Serotonin Pathway
CEST Imaging Targeted APT Vs. FDG-PET/CT: Capability for Differentiating Malignant from Benign Pulmonary Lesions
CEST Imaging Techniques & Challenges
CEST in Murine Tumours: Assessment of Tumour Progression and Treatment Efficacy of CA4P and Radiation
CEST Metrics for Assessing Early Response to Stereotactic Radiosurgery in Human Brain Metastases
CEST Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement Imaging of Protein Misfolding in Mice at Different Stages of Prion Disease
A CEST Signal Quantification Method for Non-Steady State
CEST-MDixon for Breast Lesion Characterization at 3T
Challenges & Limitations in Diffuse Fibrosis Imaging
Challenges & Limitations in Functional Imaging
Challenges & Limitations in Ischemia Imaging
Challenges in Solving the Two-Compartment Free-Water Diffusion MRI Model
The Change and Interrelation of Quantitative Hepatic MR Imaging Biomarkers in the Course of Chronic Hepatitis.
Changed Brain Connectivity in Elderly APOE e4 Carriers: A Whole-Brain Voxel-Wise Functional Connectivity Strength Analysis
Changes in Brain Connectivity and Its Correlation with Idiopathic Complex Partial Seizures Epilepsy Patients: Evidence from Resting-State FMRI
Changes in DTI and DSC Parameters as Markers for Assessing Treatment Response in Glioblastomas
The Changes in Vertebra Subchondral Bone and Cartilage Endplate Perfusion of Degenerated Intervertebral Disks :a Quantitative DCE-MRI Study
Changes in White Matter Structural Connectivity and Cortical Functional Connectivity Over the Healthy Adult Lifespan
Characterisation of Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Using Hyperpolarized MRS
Characterisation of Disease Heterogeneity in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma Using Mixture Modelling of ADC and R2
Characterising and Modelling Susceptibility Artifacts in the Mouse Brain at 9.4 T
Characterising Indeterminate Lesions (Likert 3/5) in the Peripheral Zone of the Prostate on Multi-Parametric MRI
Characterising Tumour Progression and Pseudoprogression on Preoperative Multimodal MRI Imaging
Characteristics of Apparent Relative Oxygen Extraction Fraction (ROEF) in Human High Grade Glioma
Characterization of a Breast Gradient Insert Coil at 7 Tesla with Field Cameras
Characterization of Acute Phencyclidine-Induced Dose-Dependent Schizophrenic Symptoms in Rat: Relationship Between Functional Connectivity, Hemodynamic Response, Behavior, and Neurotransmitter Levels
Characterization of Aortic Blood Flow After Aortic Valve Replacement by 4D Flow MRI
Characterization of Asymptomatic Intracranial Atherosclerosis Using 3D High Resolution Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Characterization of Atherosclerotic Carotid Plaque Using MATCH with Histopathologic Validation: Initial Clinical Experience
Characterization of Brain White Matter Tissue Structure with Double-Diffusion-Encoded MRI
Characterization of Brown Adipose Tissue Using Multi-Varying-Peak MR Spectroscopy (MVP-MRS)
Characterization of Carotid Plaque Using Sampling Perfection with Application-Optimized Contrast Using Different Flip Angle Evolution (SPACE) Sequence
Characterization of Compacted Myocardial Abnormalities by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance with Native T1 Mapping in Left Ventricular Non-Compaction Patients: A Comparison with Late Gadolinium Enhancement
Characterization of HPV Positive Oropharyngeal Tumors Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion DW-MRI Before and During Radiation Therapy
Characterization of Metastatic Cancer in the Spine by DCE-MRI: Comparison of Heuristic and Pharmacokinetic Parameters Analyzed from DCE Kinetics
Characterization of Myocardial Fiber Orientation to Assess Therapeutic Exosomes from Cardiosphere-Derived Cells (CDCs) in Myocardial Infarcted Porcine with in Vivo Diffusion-Tensor CMR on a Clinical Scanner
Characterization of Myxoid Soft Tissue Tumors as Benign or Malignant Using Texture Analysis of the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Characterization of Pediatric Brain Tumors and Treatment Effect Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting: Initial Experience
Characterization of Pulsatile Cerebrospinal Fluid Motion Among Young, Elderly and Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus by Correlation Mapping Technique
Characterization of Regional and Longitudinal Changes in Z-Spectra of Spinal Cord Injury
Characterization of Renal Tumors: Initial Experience Integrating Biomechanical and Morphological Assessment Using 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Elastography (MRE)
Characterization of the Macromolecular Baseline with a Metabolite-Cycled Double-Inversion Recovery Sequence in the Human Brain at 9.4T
Characterization of Tumors with DCE-MRI
Characterization of Ultra-High Resolution Gradient Echo and Spin Echo BOLD FMRI in the Human Visual Cortex at 7 Tesla
Characterization of White Matter Changes in a Mouse Model of Mild Blast Traumatic Brain Injury
Characterization of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: Correlation between Diffusion Kurtosis Parameters and Tumor Cellularity
Characterizing Breast Lesions by Using Mono-Exponential, Bi-Exponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging
Characterizing Cerebral Arterial Pulsatility and Flow Waveforms from the Proximal Internal Carotid Artery to Distal Middle Cerebral Artery in Adult Volunteers Using 4D Flow MRI
Characterizing Cross Session Coherence in the Resting-State Human Brain
Characterizing Diffusion Heterogeneity Changes After Acute Ischemic Stroke
Characterizing Iron Oxide NanoParticles Using 4D Spectroscopic SWIFT
Characterizing Metabolic Profiles in Non-Enhancing Gliomas Using 3D MRSI
Characterizing Microstructural Changes in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Using Advanced Diffusion MRI at 3T and 7T
Characterizing Microstructure and Shape of the Extremely Preterm 19 Year-Old Corpus Callosum
Characterizing Neurodegeneration in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Using VBM and SVM Classification
Characterizing the Cortical Terminations of the Arcuate Fasciculus with Diffusion Microstructure
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer
Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) and Relaxometry as Biomarkers for Assessing Response of Brain Metastases to Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Chemical Exchange-Sensitive Spin-Lock MRI of Glucose and Deoxyglucose in Brain Tumors
Chemical Shift Artifact of the Third Kind: Implications for Gradient-Echo Based Contrast Enhanced Imaging
Chemical Shift Based Fat-Water Separation Using a Variational Approach for B0-Field Correction
Chemosensory Analysis of Medicinal Plants by NMR Phytometabolomics
Chemotherapy Increases Anti-Correlation Between Default Mode and Attention Networks
Cholesterol Gallstones Can Be Depicted as Positive Signal Using Three Dimensional Ultra-Short Echo-Time at 3T MR Scanner
Choline Metabolism in Prostate Cancer: Relationship Between 1H-MRS Measured Concentrations and Uptake of 18F-Choline on PET-CT in the Dominant Tumor Nodule
Choline Metabolism Is Reprogrammed Differently in Mutant IDH1 Cells
Chondral Injury from ACL Injury: Monitoring Disease Progression
Chronic Mild Stress Induces Changes in Neurite Density in the Amygdala as Revealed by Diffusion MRI and Validated with Novel Histological Analyses
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: What Does MRI Offer Compared to CT?
Chronic Pain Related Alterations of Regional and Interregional Glutamate and GABA Associations in the Human Brain
Chronic RF-Coil and Electrode Implantation Approach for Long-Term EEG-FMRI Studies in Rodents
Chronological Evaluation of Cerebral Hemodynamics by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Indirect Bypass Surgery for Moyamoya Disease
Cine Phase Contrast Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging of Blood Flow and CSF Motion.
Cine Phase-Contrast MRI in Pediatric Patients Undergoing Sedation: A Comparative Study with Combined Ketamine-Propofol Vs Propofol.
A Circular Echo Planar Sequence for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Citrate Production in Prostate Cancer Metastasis Cell Lines LNCaP and VCaP
Classification of Signal Voids in Time-Series of Diffusion-Weighted Images of the Lower Leg by Simultaneous MRI and EMG Measurements: Initial Findings
Clinical Application of Quantitative DWI in the Pathological Grading of Lipid-Containing Small HCC
Clinical Application of Simultaneous Multi-Slice DWI: A Multi-Body-Part Comparison with Standard EPI DWI
Clinical Application of Susceptibility-Weighted MR Sequences in the Female Pelvis
Clinical Application of T1 Relaxation Time in the Rotating Frame in Gliomas Grading
Clinical Applications
Clinical Applications of 2D & 4D Flow
Clinical Applications of 3D-MSK Imaging
Clinical Applications of Functional Connectivity
Clinical Applications of MRA
Clinical Applicatons & Technical Challenges (Tendons, Ligaments, Menisci, Cartilage)
Clinical Evaluation of Simultaneous Multi-Slice Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Prostate
Clinical Evaluation of the Respiratory Mechanics Using Accelerated 3D Dynamic Free Breathing MRI Reconstruction
Clinical Evaluation of TOF-MRA with Sparse Undersampling and Iterative Reconstruction (Sparse TOF) for Cerebral Aneurysms.
Clinical Evaluation of Ultra High Field MRI for Three-Dimensional Visualization of Tumour Size in Uveal Melanoma Patients, with Direct Relevance to Treatment Planning.
Clinical Experience with Hyperpolarized MRI
Clinical Feasibility of Free-Breathing Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Liver MRI Using Incoherent Undersampling in Patients with Transient Dyspnea
Clinical Feasibility of Myelin Water Fraction (MWF) Imaging Based on 3D Non-Selective GRASE Sequence
Clinical Imaging at 7T: Initial Results in Epilepsy Patients
Clinical Performance of a Non-Contrast MR Angiography Protocol in the Pre-Transplant Evaluation of the Liver Vasculature
Clinical PET/MRI: Workflow Considerations
Clinical Translation of MR Molecular Imaging
Clinical Utility of MDIXON TSE and MDIXON FFE in Pediatric and Fetal, Neuro, Body, and Musculoskeletal MRI
Clinically Relevant Rapid 3D CEST Imaging with Hexagonal Spoiling Gradients, Optimised B1, and Symmetric Z-Spectrum Sampling
Clinically Viable Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Near Metal Using 2D-MSI PROPELLER DUO
Clinically-Acceptable Non-Contrast Thoracic MRA Using 3D Radial K-Space Sampling and Compressed Sensing
Clinically-Feasible Non-Contrast Abdominopelvic MRA Using 3D Radial Stack-Of-Stars K-Space Sampling and Compressed Sensing
Clinical-Scale, Stopped-Flow 129Xe Hyperpolarizer Development
Cluster Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Pharmacokinetic Parameters for Prostate Cancer Risk Stratification: A Step Towards Practical Translation
CMR Assessment of an Isoproterenol Infusion Mouse Model of Myocardial Hypertrophy and Fibrosis
CMR for Identification of Secondary Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
CMR in Genetic Disorders
CMR in Inflammatory Systemic Disorders
CMR in Metabolic Disorders
CNS Infections: Bacterial/Fungal
CNS Infections: Tropical
CNS Infections: Viral
COBRA - Continuously Ordered B0 Readout Acquisition
Cocaine and the Synthetic Cathinone MDPV Reduce Small World Brain Network Topology: A Rat Functional Connectivity Study
Co-Existing Atherosclerotic Plaques in Intra- And Extra-Cranial Arteries and Recurrent Stroke Risk: A 3D MR Vessel Wall Imaging Study
Cognitive Application of Multi-Phase Passband Balanced SSFP FMRI with 50ms Sampling Rate at 7 Tesla
Coil Compression for Improved Phase Image Signal-To-Noise Ratio in Electrical Property Tomography
Coil Design Considerations, Manufacturing & Limitations
Coils & Acceleration
Collagen & Stroma
Colloidal Nanoparticles For MRI Contrast Agents
Color Mapping in Medical Imaging - You're (Probably) Doing It Wrong
Color This! an Automatic Algorithm to Assign Visually Distinct Colors to White Matter Bundles
Combination of Individual Coil QSM at High Field Strength (7T)
A Combination of Radiomic Features from MRI and Ultrasound Appears to Better Predict Presence of Prostate Cancer: Validation Against Whole Mount Pathology
A Combinatorial Model Approach for Feature Selection from Multimodal MRI Data
Combined Anatomic and Functional Connectivity Metric for Tracking Disease Progression in MS
Combined Angiography and Perfusion Using Radial Imaging and Arterial Spin Labeling
Combined Assessment of Tumor Oxygen Metabolism and Angiogenesis in Glioma Patients
Combined Auditory and Optogenetic FMRI for Investigation of Visual Cortical Descending Modulation of Auditory Midbrain Processing
A Combined Compressed Sensing Super-Resolution Diffusion and GSlider-SMS Acquisition/reconstruction for Rapid Sub-Millimeter Whole-Brain Diffusion Imaging
Combined High Resolution, Four Dimensional, CE-MRA and DCE-MRI of Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque
Combined Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Evaluation Renal Changes in Diabetic Nephropathy
Combined Loop-Dipole Transceiver Array for Body Imaging at 7.0 Tesla
A Combined Microcoil and Microdialysis Approach to Measure Metabolic Response in Real-Time.
Combined MRI and Optical CT Imaging of Tumour Vasculature in a Preclinical Model of Neuroblastoma
A Combined Saturation and Imaging RF-Pulse for Fast and Continuous Black-Blood Preparation in Dynamic Imaging
Combined Spiroergometry and 31P MRS in Human Calf Muscle During High Intense Exercise
Combined Strategy of Histogram-Metrical DCE-MRI and DWI in Diagnosis of Breast Masses
Combined T2*-Weighted Measurements of the Human Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord with Partial Multi-Band Acceleration
Combing FMRI and Probabilistic DTI Tractography to Improve Corticospinal Tract Visualization in Patients with Brain Tumor
Combining B1 Mapping with TIAMO for Fast and Accurate Multi-Channel RF Shimming in 7 Tesla Body MRI
Combining Biomechanical Finite Element Analysis and Multi-Parametric MRI to Assess Mechanical and Structural Damage in Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy
Combining Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Model and Reduced FOV for Evaluation of Single Renal Diffusion and Perfusion
Combining Lesion Burden with Cortical Malformation Morphology Strongly Predicts Motor Outcomes in Children with Cerebral Palsy
Combining Multi-Channel MP2RAGE Images with Minimized Noise
Combining Multi-Therapy in Singlet Vehicle
Combining Phase Information from Multi-Channel Coils Using a Short TE Reference Scan (COMPOSER): Evaluation with a Range of Coils and Comparison with Other Approaches at 7T
Combining Resting-State FMRI and Perfusion Maps for Potential Pre-Surgical Planning
Combining TBSS and Atlas-Based Analysis May Reveal White Matter Abnormalities in Early Tourette Syndrome Children
Common Pattern of Gray Matter Changes in First Episode Schizophrenia Patients with and Without Antipsychotics: VBM Meta-Analyses Using Signed Differential Mapping
The Communicating Arteries Redistribute Blood Flow in the Circle of Willis with Hypoplastic Segments: Intracranial 4D Flow MRI at 7 Tesla
A Compact and Easy to Handle Set-Up for High Quality MR Elastography of the Breast.
Compact and Fully Automated 3D Multifrequency Tabletop MR Elastography for the Measurement of Viscoelastic Parameters in Small Tissue Samples
Comparable GlucoCEST and 2DG Autoradiography Measures of Glucose Metabolism in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Comparative Analysis by Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Extracellular Space Diffusion in the Young and Adult Rats
Comparative Analysis of Diffusion Models for Glioma Malignancy Grade Differentiation
Comparative Study of Modelling DW-MRI Data from High-Grade Serous Carcinomas and Clear Cell Carcinomas
Comparing Diffusion MRI with the Fiber Architecture and Tract Density of Gyral Blades
Comparing Magnitude Versus Complex Data Fitting in Liver R
* Relaxometry
Comparing MRI Texture Heterogeneity with MTR and Myelin Water Fraction as Measures of Myelin Integrity
Comparing RF Heating Simulations and Experimental Results in PTx Coils: An Evaluation of Three Simulation Methods
Comparing Single-Delay, Sequential Multi-Delay, and Hadamard Multi-Delay ASL for Measuring CBF and Arterial Transit Delay in Normal Subjects and Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease
Comparing the Breath-Hold, Respiratory-Triggered and Free-Breathing Techniques in the Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for the Evaluation of Focal Liver Lesions on a 3.0T System
Comparing the CEST Imaging of Cerebral Glioma Using APT and LOVARS
Comparing the Impact of Through-Plane Motion During the Cardiac Cycle on Steady State Signal Evolution in Cine 2D and 3D Balanced Steady State Free Precession
Comparing the Performance of 3D T1W-WATS Sequence with 2D T2* FFE Sequence in Cartilage Changes of Pediatric Hemophilic Joints
Comparing the Performances of Three Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor Estimation Algorithms Via a Ground Truth Diffusion Template Derived from HCP Data
Comparison Between Commercial RF Head Coils and a New Hybrid Transmit-Array Coil Based on 12 Transmit Elements and 22 Receive Elements for an 8-Channel Transmission System at 7 T
A Comparison Between Free-Breathing Radial VIBE in 3T MR and Endoscopic Ultrasound for Preoperative T Staging of Potentially Resectable Esophageal Cancer with Histopathological Correlation
Comparison Between Radial and Cartesian Sampling Patterns in Accelerated Real-Time Cardiac Cine MRI
Comparison Between Spin Echo and Stimulated Echo Diffusion Encoding for Diffusion-Weighted Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (DW-CMR) at 3T
A Comparison Between the UTE and PETRA Pulse Sequences for Fluorine-19 MRI at 3 Tesla
A Comparison of 19F NMR Field Probes and an Optical Camera System for Motion Tracking
Comparison of 3D CEST Acquisition Schemes: Steady State Versus Pseudo-Steady State
Comparison of 3D FSE Cube and 3D Fiesta-C Sequences for Image Contrasts of the Tissues on T2-Weighted Images in Cervical Spine MRI
Comparison of 3He and 129Xe MRI for Evaluation of Lung Microstructure and Ventilation in Healthy Volunteers and COPD Patients at 1.5 T
Comparison of 3T Whole Body Parallel Transmit Arrays Based on Measured Data from Full Scale Models
Comparison of a 30-Channel Head Array with a Birdcage for 23Na MRI at 7 Tesla
Comparison of a Novel, Motion-Robust MPRAGE Imaging Sequence with Conventional MPRAGE Imaging
Comparison of Abdominal Fat Volume and Fat Cell Hypertrophy in Ex-SGA and AGA Asian Preschoolers
Comparison of Automated and Hand-Drawn Tractography of the Optic Radiations in Children with NF1-Associated Optic Pathway Gliomas
Comparison of Bi-Exponential and Mono-Exponential Model of Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Evaluation of Pulmonary Nodules or Masses: Preliminary Experience
Comparison of Breath-Hold, Respiratory Navigated and Free-Breathing MR Elastography
Comparison of Capability for Postoperative Recurrence Evaluation in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among Whole-Body MRI with and Without DWI, MR/PET, PET/CT and Conventional Radiological Examinations
Comparison of Cardiac Perfusion and Cardiac Global Functional Parameters Between Healthy Volunteers and Cardiac Transplant Patients
Comparison of Cervical Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Between Healthy Controls and Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Participants Using Cine Phase Contrast MRI
Comparison of CEST and [18F]-FDG Imaging in Patients with Brain Tumor: A Hybrid PET/MR Study
Comparison of Conventional DCE-MRI and a Novel Golden-Angle Radial Compressed-Sensing and Parallel Imaging Method for the Evaluation of Breast Lesion Conspicuity and Morphology
Comparison of DCE-MRI Using Gd-EOB-DTPA and Gd-DTPA for Tumor Vascularity Evaluation for Hepatoma: Preclinical Study Using Rat Orthotopic Hepatoma Model.
A Comparison of Denoising Methods in Dynamic MRS
Comparison of DESS T2 Relaxation Times and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Articular Cartilage at 3T and 7T
Comparison of Different Mathematical Models for IVIM in Healthy Human Kidneys
Comparison of Different Population-Averaged Arterial-Input-Functions in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of the Prostate: Effects on Pharmacokinetic Parameters and Their Diagnostic Performance
Comparison of ECG and Novel Ultrasound Triggering with Spatially Resolved MR-Compatible Doppler for Cardio-Vascular MRI.
Comparison of Fast and Conventional Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging in an Anisotropic Synthetic Phantom
Comparison of Ferumoxytol and Gadolinium Enhancement Changes in Response to Avastin in High Grade Glioma Patients
Comparison of GagCEST and Sodium MRI in Evaluating Knee Cartilage in Vivo at 7 Tesla
Comparison of Gradient Echo MRI Water-Fat Separation and Single Voxel 1H MRS for Liver Fat Fraction Measurements in a Dietary Intervention Study at 3T
Comparison of HCC Tumor-Size Measured in MRI and Histopathology – Does the Sequence Matter?
Comparison of High-Resolution FID-MRSI in the Brain Between 3 and 7 Tesla
Comparison of in Vivo Potassium, Chloride and Sodium TQ Effects at 21.1 T
Comparison of IVIM and BOLD MR Imaging in Functional Evaluation of Diabetic Nephropathy
Comparison of IVIM and PCASL in the Brain
A Comparison of Lipid Suppression by Double Inversion Recovery, L1- And L2-Regularisation for High Resolution MRSI in the Brain at 7 T
A Comparison of M012 Compensated Spin-Echo and STEAM Cardiac DTI at Multiple Cardiac Phases
Comparison of Methods for Choosing Radial Spoke Directions in 3D UTE
Comparison of Multi-Component Restricted and Anisotropic Models of Diffusion in Glandular Breast Tissue
A Comparison of Multiple Acquisition Strategies to Overcome B1 Inhomogeneities in Diffusion Imaging of Post-Mortem Human Brain at 7T
Comparison of Multi-Transmit Microstrips and Loops for Electrical Properties Tomography (EPT) in the Breast at 3T
Comparison of Myocardial Perfusion and Permeability Estimates from Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI with Three Quantitative Analysis Methods
A Comparison of Optimization Algorithms for Localized In-Vivo B0 Shimming
Comparison of Performance of Quantitative ADC Versus PI-RADS V2 Assessment for Differentiating High-Grade from Low-Grade Prostate Cancer
Comparison of Perfusion Indices Derived from Intravoxel Incoherent Motion and Arterial Spin Labeling MRI: Results in Native and Transplanted Kidneys
Comparison of Perfusion Signal Acquired by ASL Prepared IVIM and Conventional IVIM to Unravel the Origin of the IVIM-Signal
Comparison of Physiological Noise in Multiband-EPI and Regular EPI FMRI
Comparison of PIRADS V1.0 and V2.0 for MRI Detection of Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Findings in Patients with Whole-Mount Histological Workup
Comparison of Preemphasis Based on a Broadband Filter Vs. a Standard Exponential Model for Higher-Order Dynamic Shimming
Comparison of Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with [15O]-Water PET at Baseline and After Diamox: A Simultaneous PET-MRI Study
Comparison of Pulmonary Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Free-Breathing Ultra Short Time to Echo (UTE) for the Comprehensive Evaluation of the Vascular and Non-Vascular Anatomy of the Chest
Comparison of R2* of Liver Water and Fat Using 1H MRS
A Comparison of Rapid Acquisition Sodium T1 Mapping Techniques at 3T
Comparison of Relative RF Power Deposition for Shoulder MRI at 3.0T and 7.0T Using 3D Dual Echo Steady State Imaging
Comparison of Respiratory Navigator-Gating Techniques in Two-Dimensional Spoiled Gradient-Recalled Echo Sequence
Comparison of Root-Flip and Quadratic-Phase RF Pulses for Outer Volume Suppression
Comparison of Signal Intensity Measures with Absolute T1 Value Quantification in Patients Undergoing Serial Follow Up Imaging in Patients with Neurocysticercosis
Comparison of Single-Shot ASE and Multi-Shot ASE Sequence for Measurement of Lower Extremity Muscle Oxygenation
Comparison of Six Different Diffusion Weighted MRI Models in Pancreatic Cancer Patients
Comparison of Strict Sparsity and Low-Rank Constraints for Accelerated FMRI Data Reconstruction
Comparison of T2-Prepared 3D TSE with Multi-Echo Spin-Echo Sequences for T2 Mapping of Thigh Muscles in Healthy Volunteers
Comparison of Thalamic GABA and Glx Levels in Patients with Essential Tremor and Parkinson's Disease
Comparison of the Hepatocyte Fraction and Conventional Image Based Methods for the Estimation of Liver Function
Comparison of Three Different DiffusionWeighted Imaging Acquisitions for Focal Liver Lesions
A Comparison of Time-Series SNR and Nyquist Ghosting with Different Parallel Imaging Autocalibration Acquisition Schemes in 7 T FMRI with a Chin Task
Comparison of TSE and EPI for Renal DTI
Comparison of Tumor Microstructure Derived NODDI and DTI Metrics to Histopathology in Different Grades of Brain Tumor
Comparison of Vertebral Bone Marrow Water ADC Between Young and Old Subjects: DW-MRS Versus DWI
A Comparison of Volumetric GRAPPA Algorithms for In-Vivo MRI
Comparison of Whole-Body MRI and PET-CT for Staging Adult Lymphoma: Preliminary Result at 3.0T
Comparison Study Between T2*, Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM), and Histology for Postmortem Human Substantia Nigra
Comparison of Image Quality and Apparent Diffusion Coef?cient Reproducibility with Water Exitation Using Binominal Scheme 11, 121, 1331, 14641 in iShim Sequence
Comparisons of Cortical Depth Dependence of Diffusion Properties Over the Whole Human Brain In-Vivo
Comparisons of Pre- And Post-Treatment Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) biomarkers to Clinical Response in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Treatment
Complete Partial Volume Solution for ASL Brain Perfusion Data Applied to Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Complex Congenital Heart Defects in Infants Produce Lasting Decreases in Functional Network Segregation
Complex-Valued Correlation Increases Sensitivity and Specificity in the Analysis of Low Contrast-To-Noise FMRI Time-Series
Composite Pulses for RF Phase Encoded MRI
Compositional Mapping Techniques
A Comprehensive Approach for Effective Motion Artifact Reduction in Dixon
A Comprehensive Assessment of Cervical Cord Lesions in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis on T1-MPRAGE at 3T: Relationship with Cord Atrophy and Disability
Comprehensive Assessments of Myocardial Tissue Kinetic Parameters of K1, K2, MBF, Lambda and ECV by Using a Synergistic Quantitative Analysis of First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion MRI and Pre-And Post-Contrast T1 Mapping in Patients with Myocardial Infarction.
Comprehensive CG-SENSE Reconstruction of SMS-EPI
Comprehensive Comparison of In- And Ex-Vivo Whole Heart Fiber Architecture: Similar Yet Different
Compressed Sensing 3D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of HIV Adults
Compressed Sensing Accelerated MR Spectroscopic Imaging of Lactate
Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging (CS-PI) Reconstruction of Prospectively Undersampled Dynamic MRI for Faster Imaging of Bowel Motility
Compressed Sensing Reconstruction
Compressive Parametric Manifold Recovery (PARMA) from Multi-Channel Acquisition for Fast Parameter Mapping
A Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation Study on the Influence of the Tortuosity of the Coronary Arteries on Contrast Agent Bolus Dispersion in Contrast-Enhanced Myocardial Perfusion MRI
Computed FLAIR-DWI Technique Combined with DWI, PDW, T2W and T1W Imagings
Concentration Time-Course Model-Based Angiogram SEparation (MASE) for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Concentration-Dependent Hepatic Metabolism in Vivo Using a Near Physiological Dose Range of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Concentrically Circular Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging at 3T and 7T with Partial Temporal Interleaving
Concept of an RF Penetrable Oval PET Insert for MRI System: Initial Study of the Shielding Effect
Concomitant and Seamless Saturation Bands for Suppressing Flow Artifacts in FSE Sequences
Concomitant Gradient Effects on Chemical Shift Encoded Imaging
Concurrent 32-Channel Electrophysiological Recording and FMRI in Bilateral Rat Striatum
Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition in Steady State: T1-Modulation Effects of Frequency Sweep
Concurrent FMRI and Intrinsic Optical Imaging Spectroscopy with High Resolution at Ultra High Field (14.1T)
Concurrent FMRI, [11C]raclopride-PET and Deep Brain Stimulation of the Ventral Tegmental Area
Condition Effects on Resting-State CBF Reproducibility and Reliability
Conductivity Determination of Deep Gray Matter Nuclei Utilizing Susceptibility-Based Delineation
Conformity Between Brain Structures and Neuropsychological Tests in Methamphetamine Abusers
Confounders to Iron Quantification in the Liver
Congenital Sensorineural Hearing Loss Affects the Development of Corpus Callosum
Conjoint Measure of 3D ASL and 3D APT in the Lesion Proximal Regions for Differentiating Metastasis Tumor from Glioblastom
Connectivity Domain Analysis of the Default Mode Network in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury at the Acute Stage
Connectivity Patterns of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subthalamic Nucleus in Parkinson’s Disease
Connectivity-Based Parcellation of Nucleus Accumbens Into Putative Core and Shell Guiding for Stereotactic Target Localization and Alterations in Each NAc Subdivision in MTLE Patients
Considerations of Cardiac Phase Can Improve ASL Quality in Multiple Settings
Consistent Detection of Age-Dependent Variations of the Longitudinal Relaxation Time in Cortical Brain Regions Investigated by MP2RAGE at 9.4T: Influence of Correcting for a Non-Uniform Transmit Field
Consistent T1 Quantification in a Multiscanner Setting Using Reference Region Variable Flip Angle B1+ Mapping
Conspicuity of Malignant Liver Tumors on STIR Low B Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Gadolinium Ethoxybenzyl Dethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid
A Constrained Slice-Dependent Background Suppression Scheme for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Construction of a Diffusion MRI Brain Template Using Human Connectome Project Database
Construction of Rx Arrays
Continuous SWIFT on a Whole-Body 7T System: Initial Phantom and in Vivo Images
Continuously Adjustable Fat Suppression Image Contrast with One MRI Acquisition
Contralateral Cerebro-Cerebellar White Matter Pathways for Verbal Working Memory: A Combined Diffusion Spectrum Imaging and FMRI Study
Contrast & Non-Contrast Enhanced Methods - Clinical Applications
Contrast & Non-Contrast Enhanced Methods - Technical Perspectives
Contrast Agent Methods - Data Acquisition
Contrast Agent Methods - Post-Processing
Contrast Agent Uptake Analysis at 3T for Pancreatic Cancer
Contrast Agents
Contrast Agents: Which One Should You Choose?
Contrast Based Perfusion Imaging
Contrast Enhanced MRI Reveals Perplexing T2 Effect of Aggregate Forming Compounds in the Murine Placenta
Contrast Enhanced Perfusion at Rest & Stress
Contrast Enhancement of Perivascular Spaces in the Basal Ganglia
Contrast Optimization Using Fast Field Cycling Techniques and Fast Low Angle Sequences
Contrast-Enhanced 4D Flow Imaging with Reduced Fat Signal
Contrast-Enhanced Perianal Fistula Imaging with Dixon-Based Fat Suppression
Contrast-Enhanced Susceptibility Weighted Imaging with Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Improves the Detection of Tumour Vascularity in a HCC-LM3 Nude Mouse Model
Contrast-Enhanced Synthetic MRI for the Detection of Brain Metastases: Comparison Between Synthetic T1-Weighted Inversion-Recovery Image, Synthetic T1-Weighted Image, and Conventional T1-Weighted Inversion-Recovery Fast Spin-Echo Image.
Contribution of Cortical Lesion Volume Detected with 7T MRI to Cortical Thinning, Thalamic and Callosal Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis
Control of Excited Modes in Ultra High Magnetic Field MRI with Electrically Hard Surfaces
Controlling the MR Subsystems: Pulse Sequence Control, Waveform Generation & Real-Time Control
Convex Optimization of MRI Exposure for RF-Heating Mitigation of Leaded Implants: Extended Coverage of Clinical Scenarios at 128 MHz
Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (CODE) for Improved SNR in Diffusion-Weighted Neuro MRI
Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (CODE) Gradient Waveforms for Bulk Motion Compensated Cardiac Diffusion Weighted MRI
Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (CODE) Gradient Waveforms for Minimum TE and Bulk Motion Compensated Diffusion Weighted MRI
A Convex Source Separation and Reconstruction Methodology for Filtering Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI Data
Convolutional Forward Modeling for Actual Slice Profile Estimation
Copper Plating of Conductive Silver Ink Coils for Improved SNR Performance
Co-Registration of Pre-Biopsy and Biopsy MRIs to Facilitate Lesion Localization for MR-Guided Breast Biopsies
Coronary Atherosclerosis T1-Weighed Characterization with Integrated Anatomical Reference (CATCH): Comparison with High-Risk Plaque Features on OCT
Corpus Callosum Morphology and Microstructure in Late-Life Depression
Correcting Diffusion Weighted MR Images for Signal Pile-Up and Distortions Near Gas Pockets
Correcting for the Effect of Motion Using Simultaneous Image Registration and Model Estimation (SIR-ME) in Abdominal DW-MRI
Correcting Geometric Distortion in B0 Mapping
Correcting Spatial Misalignment Between Fiber Bundles Segments for Along-Tract Group Analysis
Correction of Chemical-Shift Ghost Artifact in Blipped Controlled Aliasing Parallel Imaging
Correction of Phase Offset Induced from Eddy Current in MR Phase Contrast Cine Flow Measurement of Cerebrospinal Fluid in the Cervical Spine
Correlated MR Imaging and Ultramicroscopy (MR-UM) Is a Tool Kit to Assess the Dynamics of Glioma Angiogenesis
Correlation Between Apparent Diffusion Coefficients and HER2 Status in Gastric Cancers: Pilot Study
Correlation Between Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DCE-MRI) Parameters in Rectal Cancer
Correlation Between MRI-Derived Water Content and Conductivity in Tumour and Healthy Tissue: How Much Cell Water Is Active?
Correlation Between Sodium and T1? Dispersion in Human Calf Muscle
Correlation of 2-Year Longitudinal Structural Changes with Basal CSF Alzheimer's Disease Biomarkers in Elderly Cognitive Healthy Subjects
Correlation of ADC and T2 Measurements with Ki-67 Labeling Index in Peripheral Zone Prostate Cancer at 3.0 T
Correlation of Bone Pathology on MRI with 18F-Fluoride PET Uptake in Subchondral Bone
Correlation of Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging with the Prognosis of Locally Advanced Gastric Carcinoma to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
Correlation of Diffusion-Weighted MRI with Cellularity in Glandular Breast Tissue
Correlation of DTI Metrics to Spinal Cord Cross Sectional Area in Pediatric Subjects with Spinal Cord Injury
Correlation of Hyperpolarized 13C-Lactate Measurements and Ex Vivo NMR Using a [3-13C]Pyruvate Injection
Correlation of Mono-Exponential and Bi-Exponential UTE-T2* Analyses and Biomechanics in Human Achilles Tendons
Correlation of MRI Appearance of Total Hip Arthroplasty with Wear Metric and Histologic Evaluation
Correlation of Pre –Treatment Volumetric Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Analysis of Diffusion Weighted MRI in Rectal Cancer with Post ChemoRadiation Treatment Response and Clinical Outcomes.
Correlation of Transcallosal Motor Network Resting State Connectivity with Motor Performance After 12 Months of Fingolimod Treatment
Correlation of Vessel Abnormality Quantification from TOF MRA with Histologic and Gene Markers
A Correlation Study Between DCE-MRI Quantitative Parameters and Immunohistochemical Labeling Indices in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Correlation Time Diffusion Brain Mapping at 1.5T Vs. 3.0T
Correlation Time Mapping of Degenerated Human and Bovine Articular Cartilage Reveals Tissue Structure and Degenerative Changes
Correlations Between Cervicovaginal Fluid Metabolites and Gestational Age at Delivery
Cortical Bone Quality as a Biomarker for Diabetes Risk in Post-Menopausal Chinese-Singaporean Women: A Preliminary Study
Cortical Folding Patterns in Extremely Preterm Born Young Adults
Cortical GluCEST in Schizophrenia and Youth at Clinical High Risk for Psychosis
Cortical Glutathione Deficit in Patients with the “MELAS” A3243G Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Measured with 1H MRS Documents Oxidative Stress in the Disorder in Vivo
Cortical Laminar Resting-State Fluctuations Scale with Hypercapnic Response
Cortical Neurometabolic Alterations Induces Anxiety-Like Behavior in Rodent Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A 1H-MRS and Behavior Study
Cortical Thinning in Young Adolescents Born Preterm with Very Low Birth Weight
Cortico-Spinal Tract and Cerebellar Peduncles Probabilistic Tractography in Parkinsonian Syndromes
Corticospinal Tract Distribution in Motor Cortices of Adult Macaque Brains Revealed by High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Tractography
Cortico-Subcortical Motor Network Integrity Relates to Functional Recovery After Stroke
COSI Magnet: Halbach Magnet and Halbach Gradient Designs for Open Source Low Cost MRI
COSI Measure - Open Source Multipurpose Measurement System
Cosine-Modulated Acquisition Cleans Spectra for Better Respiratory Cine
Cost Effectiveness of MRI Before Prostate Biopsy
Cost-Efficient 7ch Rx Shoulder Array for 7T UHF MRI Featuring External Switchbox Detuning
Coupled Changes in Hippocampal Integrity and Cognitive Ability in Later Life
Coupled Fitting of T2 Relaxometry and Multi-Shell Diffusion Weighted Image Data
Cross Vendor Comparison of Gradient Recalled Echo (GRE) and Spin Echo-Echo Planar Imaging (SE-EPI) Based MR Elastography of the Liver at 3T.
Cross-Modal Plasticity Among Sensory Networks in Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders
Crosstalk Between Gradient Coils
Cross-Validation of a CSF MRI Sequence for Calculating Brain Volume by Comparison with Brain Segmentation Methods
Crusher Coil Lipid Suppression for Volumetric 1H Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging of the Human Brain at 7 Tesla
CSF Fraction Calculation for Single Voxel Spectroscopy: Comparison of Water Signal T2 Biexponential Fitting and Image Segmentation in a Pediatric Population
CSF Signal as a Complex-Valued RETROICOR Regressor Removes Unwanted Physiological Signal and Increases the Accuracy of Spatial Correlation in Complex-Valued FMRI
CSF-Free Imaging of the Lumbar Plexus Using Sub-Millimeter Resolutions with 3D TSE
Cumulative Mid-Life Framingham Stroke Risk Profile Predicts Reduced Structural Brain Integrity in Old Age
Cyclic Continuous Max-Flow: Phase Processing Using the Inherent Topology of Phase
Cytoarchitectonic Abnormalities Along White Matter Pathways in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Combining Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging and Automated Fiber Quantification
DANTE-EPI for CSF Suppression in Cervical Spinal Cord BOLD FMRI at 7T
Dark Blood Late Gadolinium Enhanced Imaging of Myocardial Scar Using First-Moment-Nulled Motion Sensitized Driven Equilibrium (M2MSDE)
Data Acquisition Considerations
Data Acquisition Strategies for Reducing Eddy-Current and Transient Oscillation Artifacts in Balanced Steady-State Free Precession
Data Analysis for 2D MRS: Spectral Fitting
Data Analysis for Spectral Editing
A Data Analysis Framework to Study Remodeling After Myocardial Infarction
Data and Cluster-Extent Based Thresholding to Analyze Statistical Parametric Maps in the Study of Knee Articular Cartilage Biochemical Composition.
Data Processing
Database Construction for Local SAR Prediction: Preliminary Assessment of the Intra and Inter Subject SAR Variability in Pelvic Region
Data-Driven Functional Sub-Division of the Sensory-Motor Network Using Hierarchical Clustering for Resting-State FMRI Data.
Data-Driven Model for Evaluation of Cerebrovascular-Reserve Measurement with Hypercapnia BOLD
DC Plasma Coils for MRI
DCE Derived Kinetic Perfusion Indices Predict Seizure Control in Single Calcified Neurocysticercosis
DCE-MRI at High Temporal Resolution Using Undersampled Radial FLASH: A Phantom Study
DCE-MRI Evidence of Biological Changes in Irradiated Healthy Muscle Following Chemoradiotherapy Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer
DCE-MRI High-Resolution Metabolic Prostate Imaging Is Insensitive to AIF Uncertainty
DCE-MRI Reveals More Extensive Vasa Vasorum in Patients with Cardiovascular Events
dcQSM: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping by Directly Fitting Complex Images
Deciphering the Functional Connectome of the External Globus Pallidus with Electrical and Optogenetic Deep Brain Stimulation-FMRI
Deciphering the Functional Role of Locus Coeruleus-Derived Norepinephrine Using Chemogenetic FMRI and 18FDG-PET
Deconvolving the Laminar Gradient Echo Activation Profiles with the Spatial PSF: An Approach to Revealing Underlying Activation Patterns
Decoupling a Prosthetic Hip Implant from a Parallel Transmit Array Using Different Numbers of Transmit Channels
Decoupling Between Coils in a Flexible Phased-Array Using Stacked Circumferential Shielding
Decoupling Flow Effects on Functional Connectivity Using R2* Resting-Sate FMRI
Decoupling Scheme for a Cryogenic Rx-Only RF Coil for 13C Imaging at 3T
Decrease in Myelin Water Fraction of Global White Matter and White Matter Tracts in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Decreased Cortical GABA in Youth with Tourette's Disorder
Decreased Fibre Density in Frontal Lobe Epilepsies Related to DEPDC5 Mutations
Dedicated High-Performance, Lightweight, Low-Cryogen Compact 3.0T MRI System for Advanced Brain Imaging
Dedicated Surface Coils for MR Studies in the Temporal and the Frontal Lobes of the Human Brain at 7T
Deep Brain Nuclei T1 Shortening After Gadolinium in Children: Influence of Radiation and Chemotherapy
Deep Learning of MR Imaging Patterns in Prostate Cancer
Deep Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Lipid Unsaturation Associates with Intramyocellular Lipid Content
Default-Mode Network Hypo-Connectivity In a Mouse Model of Human Chromosome 16p11.2 Microdeletion
Deferiprone Has a Dose-Dependent Effect on Liver Iron Concentration Assessed by MRI
Defining the Baseline Functional Imaging Characteristics of Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
Definition of Terms: Static & Dynamic CE-MRA & 2D/4D Flow
Deformation and Resolution Issues in Partial Volume Correction of 2D Arterial Spin Labeling Data
Deformation Based Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease
Deformation Based Morphometry Using Diffusion Tensor MRI (DTI) Data
Deformation-Based Morphometry Identifies Brain Structural Damages in 6 Month-Old Infants with Neonatal Encephalopathy and Predicts Their Developmental Outcome
Delayed Morphological Phenotype in R6/2 Mice Carrying Longer Fragments of the Human Huntington’s Disease Gene Shown by in Vivo MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
Demonstration of a Sliding-Window Diffusion Tensor Technique for Temporal Study of Post-Exercise Skeletal Muscle Dynamics
Demonstration of Brain Tumor-Induced Abnormalities on Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) Resting State FMRI Metrics KCC-ReHo & Cohe-ReHo
Demonstration of Brain Tumor-Related NVU in Both Task-Based FMRI and Resting State FMRI
Demonstration of Velocity Selective Myocardial Arterial Spin Labeling
Demyelination and Remyelination: Frequency Shift Assessment in Lysolecithin Rat Model
Denervation Muscle Syndromes
Denoised Diffusion Spectrum Imaging of White Matter Tracts in the Brainstem
Denoising Diffusion-Weighted Images Using X-Q Space Non-Local Means
De-Noising of Diffusion-Weighted MRI Data by Averaging of Inconsistent Input Data in Wavelet Space
Denoising of MR Spectroscopic Imaging Data Using Statistical Selection of Principal Components (SSPC)
Denoising of Diffusion MRI Data Using Random Matrix Theory
Dependence of Breast Pharmacokinetic Parameters on Pre-Contrast T1 and Flip Angle
Dependence of DTI Measures on SNR in a Multicenter Clinical Trial
Dependence of RF Lesion Visibility in Native T1-Weighted MRI on Time After RF Ablation
The Dependence of the BOLD Response Transients on Stimulus Type and Echo Time
Dephasing and Diffusion on the Alveolar Surface
Depiction of Deep Fascia, Epimysium and Periosteum in 3 Dimensional Ultrashort Echo Time MR Imaging (3D UTE) with Histologic Correlation in Porcine Model
Depth-Dependence of Visual Signals in the Human Superior Colliculus at 9.4T: Comparison with 3T
Design and Construction of a Triple-Tuned RF Probe for 23Na/31P/1H Using Traps
Design and Simulation of a Nested 4 Channel 1H and 3 Channel 13C Coil for Glycogen NMR Experiments in the Calf Muscle at 7 T
Design and Test of a Double-Nuclear RF Coil Array for 1H MRI and 13C MRS at 7T
Design and Validation of a Minimum Time Verse Pulse for 4D Flow MRI
Design of a 8-Channel Transceive Dipole Array with Up to 64 Receive-Only Loop Coils
Design of a Forward View Antenna for Prostate Imaging at 7 Tesla
Design of a K-Space Trajectory Allowing the Reconstruction of Both Standard and Accelerated Data in Fat-Suppressed DCE-MRI of Breast
A Design of a Mobile, Homogeneous and Efficient Electromagnet with a Large Field-Of-View for Neonatal Low Field MRI
Design of a Multimodal (1H MRI/23Na MRI/CT) Anthropomorphic Thorax Phantom: Initial Results at 3 T
Design of Quadrature-Compensated Double-Tuned RF Surface Coil Using Trap Circuits
Design of RF Coils Mixing Elements of Dissimilar Radiation Pattern
Designing 2D and 3D Selective Adiabatic Pulses
DESS T2 Mapping in Knee Cartilage at Supine and Standing Positions in an Upright MR Scanner
Detailing Local Multi-Channel RF Surface Coil Versus Body RF Coil Transmission for Cardiac MRI at 3 Tesla: Which Configuration Is Winning the Game?
Detailing the MR Safety of Intraocular Tantalum Markers Used for Treatment Planning of Proton Beam Therapy of Uveal Melanoma: A 7.0T Study
Detailing the Role of Systemic Blood Pressure in Somatosensory Mouse FMRI
Detecting BOLD Vasomotor Contrast in Healthy Breast Parenchyma and Breast Carcinoma
Detecting Diffuse Cardiac Fibrosis with T1? MRI
Detecting Disrupted-In-Schizophrenia-1 Gene Related Microstructural and Molecular Alterations Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Detecting Visual Evoked Responses in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI Using Reference Layer Artefact Subtraction (RLAS)
Detection and Analysis of Renal Cortical and Medullary T2* Heterogeneity with Minkowski Functionals
Detection and Modeling of 0.75 Hz Neural Oscillations Using Rapid FMRI at 7 Tesla
Detection of Aggressive Prostate Cancer Using Extradomain-B Fibronectin Targeted MRI Contrast Agent
Detection of Alterations in Intramyocellular Lipid and Creatine Diffusivities During Muscle Ischemia by Diffusion Weighted MRS
Detection of Early Emphysema by Quantifying Lung Terminal Airways with Hyperpolarized 129Xe Diffusion MRI
Detection of Epileptic Networks Using Wavelet Coherence Analysis of Dynamic Local FMRI Connectivity and Simultaneous Scalp EEG
Detection of Human Brown Adipose Tissue by MRI with Hyperpolarized Xe-129 Gas and Validation by FDG-PET/MRI
Detection of Inflammatory Cell Function Using 13C MRS of Hyperpolarized 13C-Labeled Arginine
Detection of Lymphocytes Fractions Using Temporal Diffusion Spectroscopy
Detection of Metabolic Brain Activation with High Spatiotemporal Resolution T1?-Weighted MRI Without Statistical Parametrization and Without Exogenous Tracer Administration
Detection of Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy in Human Brain Cortical Gray Matter in Vivo with Double Diffusion Encoding
Detection of Mr Signal During Rf Excitation Using Full Duplex Radio System
Detection of Myocardial Infarcts Without Contrast Agent Injection: Comparison of Spin-Lock with Magnetization Transfer MR Imaging
Detection of Neuronal Activities Concerning the Retrieval of the Conditioned Taste Aversion with Lipopolysaccharide
Detection of Prostate Cancer from Multi-Parametric Regional MRI Features
Detection of Reduction in Liver Stiffness as a Result of Weight Loss Surgery Using MR Elastography
Detection of Stellate Ganglion and Thoracic Sympathetic Chain Ganglia on Non-Contrast CISS MRI
Detection of the Meniscal Blood Supply Changes in Meniscal Problems with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging
Determination of Microvascular Parameters from Diffusion-Weighted Images
Determination of Parameters Variation in DTI, BOLD, and ASL MRI for Transplanted Kidneys
Determination of Relative B1+ Sensitivities Using Accelerated Simultaneous Excitation with Multiple Transmit Channels and Controlled Aliasing
Deterministic Estimation of Spatiotemporal Motifs in Resting-State FMRI
Developing a Free-Breathing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Scan for Lung Cancer Using Radial ‘stack-Of-Stars’ Technique
Developing a Rat Model of Brainstem Coma: Initial MRI and MRA Investigations of Basilar Artery Occlusion
Developing a Semi-Automatised Tool for Grading Brain Tumours with Susceptibility-Weighted MRI
Developing in Vivo Perfusion Imaging Methods for Spinal Cord Using Hyperpolarized [13C]t-Butanol and [13C, 15N2]Urea
Development and Aging of Superficial White Matter Myelin from Young Adulthood to Old Age: Mapping by Vertex-Based Surface Statistics (VBSS)
Development and Application of a 23Na Elliptical Body Coil for 7 Tesla
The Development and Evaluation of the Novel Brain Phantom for the PROPELLER with Motion Correction
Development and Implementation of a Matlab-Based Multi-Modal 3D Visualization, Co-Registration and Quantification Platform for Assessing Brain Tumor Physiology and Metabolism
Development and Multi-Center Validation of a Novel Water-Fat-Iron Phantom for Joint Fat and Iron Quantification
Development of a Dedicated Solenoidal Ring-Based RF Coil for MRI of the Larynx
Development of a Novel Phantom for Routine Quality Assurance of an MR Elastography System
Development of a Set Of Generic Numerical Birdcages for Comprehensive Evaluations of Induced Rf Fields for Implant Safety
Development of A new Prototype Body Holder for MR Examination in Unanesthetized Neonates
Development of an Automated Shape and Textural Software Model of the Paediatric Knee for Estimation of Skeletal Age.
Development of an Awake Mouse MRI Method Using Soft Immobilization for a Cryogenic Probe System
Development of an Evaluation System for Analgesic Drugs Targeted to Allodynia-Specific Pain Using BOLD FMRI
Development of Calibrationless Parallel Imaging Methods for Clinical Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Studies
Development of Carbon Nanotube Optrodes to Acquire LFP and BOLD Concurrently with Optogenetic Stimulation
Development of Facile Protocols for Stable Nanoparticle Formulations of 19F MR Molecular Imaging Probes
Development of Gadoxetate DCE-MRI to Evaluate Liver Transporter Function: Reproducibility of Established Technique and Application in OATP KO Rats
Development of Intravascular SPION with Tunable Pharmacokinetics and Relaxivity for Preclinical FMRI and Micro-MRA
Development of Nitroxide-Based Theranostics Probes for Brain Redox Research by MRI
Development of Relaxometry Methods and Hardware for Routine Determination of Volume Status: Dialysis Pilot Study
Development of Rotary Magnet MRI for Free Radical Imaging
Development of the Phantom to Measure the Image Distortion in the Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Verification of the Relationship Between Geometric Positions and the Image Distortion
The Development of Tissue Mimicking Gels
Development of Translational Simple Multinuclear MRI System for Ultra High-Field
Developmental Processes on the Neonatal Brain Revealed by White Matter Tract Integrity Metrics Derived from Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Developmental White Matter Alterations in Monkey Brains with Huntington’s Disease
Dexamethasone Effects on Brain Function in Normal Healthy Subjects: A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Approach
Diabetes Mellitus Alters Brain Iron Metabolism in Cognitive Impaired Patients: Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Study
Diagnosis of Chronic Hip Pain After Total Hip Arthroplasty Using SEMAC-VAT MR Imaging
Diagnosis of Parkinsonism Using Nigrosome 1 Imaging at 3T: Comparison of Interobserver Agreement Between GRE Magnitude Images (MEDIC) and Susceptibility Map-Weighted Images (SMWI)
Diagnostic Ability of Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Malignant Tumors Compared with PET-CT
Diagnostic Accuracy of MRS for Hereditary Neurodegeneration at 3T and 7T
Diagnostic Performance of Endovaginal Zoom EPI Images for Detecting Cervix Cancer After Distortion Correction Using Gradient Reversal
Diagnostic Performance of Maximum Slope as a Novel Kinetic Parameters in High Resolution Ultrafast Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Breast MRI Using KWIC
Diagnostic Performance of Susceptibility-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging (SWMRI) for the Assessment of Subacromial Spur Formation Causing Subacromial Impingement Syndrome (SAIS)
Diagnostic Value of 2-Hydroxyglutarate Detection by 1H MR Spectroscopy in Patients with Glioma
The Diagnostic Value of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Benign Breast Inflammatory Lesions
Diagnostic value of intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) for differentiating benign and malignant thyroid nodules
Diastolic Function
Dictionary Based Approach for Accelerated Determination of Pharmacokinetic Maps Using Partial Least Square Regression
Dielectric Materials & Resonators
Dietary Fat Content Modulates the Effect of Long-Term Exercise on Intramyocellular and Intrahepatic Lipids But Not on Weight or Insulin Sensitivity
Dietary Restriction Improved Memory and Neuronal Metabolism in AßPP-PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A
C]-NMR Study
Differences in Perfusion Fraction in Different Grade of Prostate Cancer Assessed by DWI
Differences in Slow Drift Among Echoes in Multiband Multiecho EPI Data Compromise TE-Dependent Analysis
Differences in the Structural Brain Network Analysis Between Internet Addicted Adolescents and Healthy Adolescents
Different Anti-Angiogenic Drugs Have Different Effects on the Relationship Between Vascular Structure and Function in a Patient-Derived Breast Cancer Model
A Differential Arterial Blood Volume Response During Lower Body Negative Pressure Measured Using Pulsed Arterial Spin Labelling with Multiple Short Inversion Times
Differential Diagnosis of Giant Cell Tumor and Chordoma in the Spine by Using Morphological Features and Pharmacokinetic Parameters Analyzed from DCE-MRI
Differential Diagnosis of Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma and Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Using Diffusion-Tensor Imaging
Differential Effects of Ketamine-Propofol Vs Propofol Anaesthesia on Cerebral Perfusion in Children
Differential Imaging Biomarker Response to Sunitinib Across Tumor Histologies in a Prospective Trial of Brain Metastases
Differential Metabolic Profiles in Rat Retrosplenial Cortex, Cingulate Cortex and Medial Prefrontal Cortex: Relationship with Cytoarchitecture and Functional Implications
Differential Metabolism of Glucose and Acetate in Mitochondria of Early Stage Breast Cancer in Vivo
Differential Metabolism of Patient-Derived Renal Tumor Tissues Using Clinically Translatable Hyperpolarized 13C Pyruvate
Differential Tumor Perfusion in Vivo on Arterial Spin Labeled MRI Correlates with Heterogeneity in the Molecular Phenotype of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Differentiating Contrast-Enhanced Glioma from Peritumoral Edema Using the Intravascular Fraction Derived from IVIM MRI - A Comparative Study with DSC MRI
Differentiating Contributions to Diffusional Kurtosis with Symmetrized Double-PFG MRI
Differentiating Early Stage and Later Stage Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Using Hyperpolarized
Xe Ventilation MRI
Differentiating Minimal Fat Angiomyolipoma from Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: Comparison of Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Differentiating Pancreatic Cancer from Mass-Forming Focal Pancreatitis with a Novel Inhomogeneity Index Based on ADC Map Analysis
Differentiating Radiation-Induced Brain Necrosis From Glioma Recurrence: Using 3-Dimensional Arterial Spin Labeling and Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Perfusion MR Imaging
Differentiation of Central Nervous System Lymphoma and Gliomas Using Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Differentiation of Glioblastoma from Brain Metastasis: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling MR Imaging
Differentiation of Glioblastoma Multiforme and Primary Cerebral Lymphoma with Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Differentiation of Glioblastoma Multiforme and Single Brain Metastasis by the Distribution Pattern of Intratumoral Susceptibility Sign Derived from Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging
Differentiation of Pancreatic Carcinoma and Mass-Forming Focal Pancreatitis: Assessment by Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI Combined with Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Differentiation of Prostate Cancer in Central Gland with Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Differentiation of Spinal Lesions Using Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Gamma Distribution Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging: Initial Clinical Results
Diffusion & Perfusion Weighted Imaging
Diffusion and Multi-Delay Arterial Spin Labeling Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow, Cerebrovascular Reserve, and Transit Time in Moyamoya Disease Before and After Acetazolamide Challenge
The Diffusion and Perfusion Characteristics of Placenta with Differential Fetal Growth Restriction Types Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging
Diffusion and Perfusion Coefficients of Prostate Cancer: Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Bi-Exponential Model
Diffusion and Perfusion MR Imaging Indicate Inflammation Followed by Fibrosis in a Hepatitis B Infected Humanized Mouse Liver Model
Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI) Reveals Axon Loss on Spinal Cord in RRMS and NMO
Diffusion Corrected Aneurysm Wall Permeability as a Measure of Rupture Risk
Diffusion Imaging: From the Oops to the Aha
Diffusion Kurtosis at Varying Diffusion Times in the Normal and Injured Mouse Brains
Diffusion Kurtosis Breast Imaging Model – Which Should Be the Highest B-Value?
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging and Tensor Imaging for Evaluation of Renal Changes in Diabetic Nephropathy: Preliminary Study
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Can Efficiently Assess the Glioma Grade, Cellular Proliferation and Survival
Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Preliminary Analysis of Micro-Structural Changes of Brain Tissue Affected by Acute Ischemic Stroke
Diffusion Kurtosis Metrics as Biomarker of Fibre Maturity
Diffusion Method to Image Normal Human Optic Nerve
Diffusion Microstructure Imaging with High-Performance Head-Only Gradient: Preliminary Results
Diffusion Microstructure in the Population: Variability and Effect Size of Biophysical Compartment Model Parameters Over 100 Subjects
Diffusion MRI in Forensic Medicine
Diffusion MRI Models for Cartilage: Beyond the Diffusion Tensor
Diffusion MRI of Aging & Neurodegeneration
Diffusion MRI of Brain Tumors
Diffusion MRI of Neurodevelopment
Diffusion MRI of Neuro-Plasticity Following Complex Motor Learning
Diffusion MRI of Psychiatric Disorders
Diffusion MRI of Stroke
Diffusion MRI of Tumors Outside the Brain
Diffusion MRI Tractography for Improved MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy Targeting for Essential Tremor
Diffusion MRI: Disentangling Micro- From Mesostructure and Bayesian Parameter Evaluation
Diffusion Parameter EStImation with Gibbs and NoisE Removal (DESIGNER)
Diffusion Parameters Derived from Multi B-Value DWI-Data as Surrogate Marker for Kidney Function
Diffusion Spectroscopy of White and Brown Adipose Tissues
Diffusion Tensor Imaging & Applications
Diffusion Tensor Imaging & Higher Order Methods
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of the Kidneys Incorporating Advanced Geometric Distortion Correction Using Reversed Phase Encoding Images.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) of the Myopathic and Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Analysis to Assess Stem Cell Therapy Efficacy in Traumatic Brain Injury
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Fiber Tractography in Evaluation of the Levator Ani Muscle Change in Pelvic Organ Prolapse Patients
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Histology of the Developing Myocardium
Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Neuropsychological Study: Pilot Findings in HIV Adults
Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Peripheral Nerves in the Upper Extremities Using Realtime B0 Correction & Image Based Distortion Correction: A Feasibility Study
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Human Achilles Tendon by Stimulated Echo RESOLVE (Ste-RESOLVE)
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Brachial Plexus as an Aid to the Diagnosis of Inflammatory Neuropathies: Preliminary Results.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Cervical and Thoracic Spinal Cord in Pediatric Subjects Using an Inner FOV 2D RF Pulse Sequence.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson’s Disease Revisited
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Predicts Outcome ASIA Motor Scores in Acute Traumatic C-Spinal Injury
Diffusion Tensor Imaging Sheds Light on Microstructural Brain Changes Related to the Process of Vocal Learning in Juvenile Zebra Finches.
Diffusion Tractography of the Entire Heart Using Free-Breathing Accelerated Simultaneous Multislice Imaging
Diffusion Tractography: Principles & Methods
Diffusion Weighted 3D UTE Imaging Using Stimulated Echoes: Technical Considerations
Diffusion Weighted 3D UTE in the Posterior Cruciate Ligament
Diffusion Weighted Imaging & Applications
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Lymphedema Post Breast Cancer Treatment
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Prostate Cancer Xenografts: Comparison of Bayesian Modeling and Independent Least Squares Fitting
Diffusion Weighted Imaging of Prostate Cancer: Mathematical Modeling of Signal Obtained Using Low B Values
Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging as an Early Predictor of Survival in Patients with Liver-Dominant Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Following 90-Yttrium-Microsphere Radioembolization
Diffusion Weighted MR Spectroscopy Without Water Suppression Allows to Use Water as Inherent Reference Signal to Correct for Motion-Related Signal Drop
Diffusion Weighted MRI of the Fibrous Structure of the Meniscus of the Knee: In Vitro Studies at 11.7T
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging for Differentiating Between High-Grade Glioma and Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging of Kidneys in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease: Initial Experience
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Patients, Before and After Shunt Placement Surgery Analysis
Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study of Parkinson Disease
A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study of the White Matter Abnormalities in Type-2 Diabetic Brain
Diffusional Kurtosis Tractography of Cervical Spinal Cord White Matter with Multi-Band EPI Technique
Diffusion-Relaxation Correlation Spectroscopic Imaging (DR-CSI): An Enhanced Approach to Imaging Microstructure
Diffusion-Weighted Hyperpolarized 13C-Urea in a Murine Model of Liver Fibrosis
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging (Dwi) as a Treatment Response Biomarker in Prostate Cancer Bone Metastases
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Multiple Diffusion Time to Assess Water-Exchange Between Restricted and Hindered Diffusion Components in Vivo
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging (DW-MRI) in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian and Primary Peritoneal Cancer: Anatomic Site-Specific Changes Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy for Detecting Residual Viable Tumor
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Reveal Brain Tissue Alterations Induced by Ionizing Radiation in the Mouse Brain
Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging Using a Gamma Distribution Model for Prediction of Insignificant Prostate Cancer
Diffusion-Weighted MRI Using Undersampled Radial STEAM with Iterative Image Reconstruction
Diffusivity of Intraorbital Lymphoma Vs. Inflammation: Comparison of Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo and Multishot Echo Planar Imaging Techniques
Digital RF Current Sources for Safer, Adjust-Free MRI Scanners
Dipole Array Design Considerations for Head MRI at 10.5T
Dipoles & Traveling Waves
Direct & Indirect MRI Methods to Detect Drug Delivery
Direct Arterial Injection of Hyperpolarized Compounds Into Tumor Tissue Enables Rapid Detection of Metabolism with Minimal Dilution
Direct CT Conversion from a Single Ultra-Short Echo Sequence
Direct IR-UTE Imaging of Myelin in Healthy Volunteers: the Effect of T1 Variation
Direct Mapping of Functional Connectivity with a Novel MR-Compatible High Resolution Brain Stimulation Array
Direct Optical Measurement of the RF Electrical Field for MRI
Direct Quantitative 13C-Filtered 1H Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pegylated Biomacromolecules in Vivo
Direct Reconstruction of Kinetic Parameter Maps in Accelerated Brain DCE-MRI Using the Extended-Tofts Model
Direct Visualization Human Pedunculopontine Nucleus: Validation and New Coordinate Establishing
Direct phase imaging of myelin: A validation study using ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequence and myelin phantoms
Directional Connectivity in Mouse FMRI Networks
Directional-Gradient Based Radiogenomic Descriptors on DCE-MRI Appear to Distinguish Different PAM50-Identified Subtypes of HER2+ Breast Cancer
Disadvantage of Social Sensitivity: Interaction of Oxytocin Receptor Genotype (OXTR Rs53576) and Childhood Maltreatment on Limbic Gray Matter
Discontinuity Preserving Registration Using Truncated L1 Regularization and Minimum Spanning Tree Based Motion Clustering
Discrimination of COPD Patients, Healthy Smokers and Age-Matched Normals with Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MR Spectroscopy
Discrimination of Hepatic Inflammation and Fibrosis with Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Disentangling Signal Propagation and Noise-Related Effects in the Presence of High Permittivity Materials Via Ideal Current Patterns
Disrupted Development and Integrity of Frontal White Matter in Patients Treated for Pediatric Posterior Fossa Tumors
Disrupted Functional Connectivity and Structure in the Striatum of a Mouse Model of Huntington’s Disease
Disrupted Resting State Connectivity in Term Neonates with Complex CHD
Disrupted Reward Circuits Is Associated with Cognitive Deficits, Depression Severity, and Trait Property in Unmedicated Major Depressive Disorder
Disruption of Functional Connectivity of M1 and Cerebellum in Multiple Sclerosis: A Long-Range Functional Dysconnection?
Disruption of the Relationship Between Default Mode Network Connectivity and Task-Related Deactivation in Patients with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Disruptions of Resting State Functional MRI Networks in Comatose Cardiac Arrest Patients
Dissecting the Role of Gender in Alzheimer's Disease: A
C]-NMR Study in APP-PS1 Mice
Dissociated Longitudinal Patterns of Neural Activation, Functional Connectivity and Structural Connectivity in a Mouse Model of De- And Re-Myelination
Distinct Atrophy of Subcortical Structures Demonstrates Gender-Specific Changes in ALS
Distinctive Microstructural Changes of Association White Matter Tracts During Preterm Human Brain Development
Distinguishing Between Different Aging-Related Cognitive Impairments Using GABA and Glx
Distinguishing Between Different Microstructural Changes Using Optimised Diffusion-Weighted Acquisitions
Distinguishing Pure Ductal Carcinoma in Situ Grade Using Quantitative DWI Biomarkers at 3 Tesla
Distinguishing the Chemical Signature of Different IDH Mutations in Brain Tumor Patients at 7 Tesla
Distortion Correction in Diffusion Weighted Imaging of the Brain: A Quantitative Comparison of Four Correction Approaches
Distortion Correction of Fetal EPI Using Registration of Orthogonal Stacks with Laplacian Constraint
Distortion Correction of Golden Angle Radial Images with GIRF-Predicted K-Space Trajectories Using the Gradient Waveform History
Distortion-Free BSSFP-Based Diffusion MRI: Preliminary Experience Using an MRI-Guided Radiotherapy System
Distortion-Matched T1-Maps and Bias-Corrected T1w-Images as Anatomical Reference for Submillimeter-Resolution FMRI
Distortions During Excitation and Acquisition in Zoomed DWI Combined with Parallel Transmission
Distributed T2 Relaxation Model for Polydisperse Nanoparticle Systems
Distribution and Metabolism of 89Zr-Labeled HDL Nanoparticles in Atherosclerotic Rabbits: In Vivo, Longitudinal Imaging with PET/MRI
Distribution of Brain Sodium After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Distribution of Principal Diffusion Direction Orientations: A Novel Method to Characterize Age-Related Changes in the Brain.
Diurnal Variation of Renal Blood Flow Using 4D Flow MRI
Dixon Fat-Water Imaging Based Variable Flip-Angle T1 Mapping Quantification for Breast Cancer
Dixon with View Angle Tilting for Improved Post-Contrast MRI of the Prostate
Do Human Cerebral Arteries Contain Fully Oxygenated Blood?
Do Try This at Home: The Role of CAIPIRINHA and Non-Cartesian Techniques for Increased Throughput and Aesthetic Enhancement in Baking (Or Vice Versa)
Doctor! an Artifact!
Does Cardiac Triggering Improve PCASL Signal Stability? Isolation of the Effect of the Last Labeled Spins by End-Of-Labeling Triggering and Extremely Long Labeling Durations
Does Intramuscular Glucagon for Prostate MRI Improve Image Quality?
Does Myelin Water Influence DWI?
Does N-Acetylcysteine Elevate Brain Glutathione Levels? : A Six-Months Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Study
Does Reduced FOV Diffusion Weighted Imaging Inherently Yield Lower ADC ?
Does Respiratory Motion Influence Tissue Phase Mapping Velocities?
Does Tau Pathology Play a Role in Abnormal Iron Deposition in Alzheimer’s Disease? a Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Study in the RTg4510 Mouse Model of Tauopathy
Does Tempol Enter the Brain with an Unpaired Electron?
Does the Initial Enhancement Ratio (IER) Predict Which Malignancies Are Biologically Significant on a Pre-Operative Breast MRI?
Does Trans-Membrane Stimulation Occur in Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: Why the SENN Does Not Fit the Data?
“Domino” Feed Board for Receive Coils
Dopaminergic Therapy Modulates Cortical Perfusion in Parkinson’s Disease with and Without Dementia According to ASL Perfusion MRI
Doppler Ultrasound Triggering for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging at 7 Tesla
A Double Acquisition Four-Contrast Imaging Approach to Delineate Human Brainstem Anatomy In-Vivo at 7 Tesla
Double-Gated Myocardial ASL Perfusion Imaging Provides Insensitivity to Heart Rate Variation
Double-Pulsed-Field Gradient MRI in the Long Evans Shaker Rats' Spinal Cords
Double-Tuned (1H/23Na) Vs. Clinically Used 1H Coil – Intraindividual Comparison of Image Quality
Downfield Spectra of Human Brain Obtained with and Without Water Suppression at 9.4T
DREAM Based Receive Sensitivity Correction
DRESS Localized FAST Technique at 7T Uncovers the Relation Between Mitochondrial Capacity and ATP Synthase Flux in Exercising Gastrocnemius Medialis Muscle
DR-TAMAS: Diffeomorphic Registration for Tensor Accurate AlignMent of Anatomical Structures
Drug Distribution Kinetics in the Eye Assessed by 1H-MRI and 19F-MRS
Drum Training Induces MR Visible Changes in the Cerebellum and Cortex
DTI Association with Working Memory and Speed in Cognitive Network Pathways
DTI Can Monitor Changes in Articular Cartilage After a Mechanically Induced Injury
DTI with Embedded PLACE: Geometric Distortion Correction with No Extra Scan Time and Reduced Motion Sensitivity
DTI-Based Connectome Analysis of Adolescent Depression Reveals Hypoconnectivity of the Right Caudate
Dual Active-Shape Modeling for Efficient Right Ventricular Segmentation from MRI Images
Dual Echo Trajectory for Novel Fast Acquisition
Dual Echo Z-Shimmed Sequence for PRF-Shift MR Thermometry Near Metallic Ablation Probes
Dual J-Difference Editing of Glutathione and Lactate at 3T
A Dual Loop T/R-Xenon Coil for Homogenous Excitation with Improved Comfort and Size
A Dual Spin-Echo Technique with Hybrid Spiral Readouts for Fast Simultaneous Proton Density- And T2-Weighted Fat-Water Imaging
Dual-Echo EPI Sequence for Integrated Distortion Correction in 3D Time-Resolved Hyperpolarized 13C MRI
Dual-Modal Cardiovascular in Vivo Assessment in Rats Using a Highly Integrated MPI-MRI Hybrid System – Initial Result
Dual-Parametric MR Imaging with Read-Out Segmented Diffusion-Weighted and High Temporal Resolution Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging Improves the Differentiation of Malignant and Benign Breast Lesions
Dual-Pathway Sequences for MR Thermometry: When and Where to Use Them
Dual-Phase Coronary MR Angiography Using Image Based Respiratory Navigation
DWI and DCE-MRI for Imaging Diagnosis on Vasculogenic Mimicry and Predicting Responses to Vascular-Disrupting Therapy on Primary Liver Cancers in Rats
DWI for Diagnosis of Breast Cancer
DWI^2: Exploring the MRI-Phase for Imaging Diffusion
DWIBS Improves the Detection of Extra-Hepatic Colorectal Cancer Metastases. a Prospective Study.
DW-MRI for Evaluating Lesions Classified as Responding and Non-Responding on RECIST Criteria in Patients with Relapsed Epithelial Ovarian and Primary Peritoneal Cancer Re-Challenged with Platinum-Based Chemotherapy
Dynamic 1H MRS Study of Water T2* and Water Concentration Contributions to Water Signal Intensity Changes in Premotor Cortex of the Norm and in Early Stage Schizophrenia During Hemodynamic Response to a Single Stimulus.
P MRSI with Spiral Readout for Quantification of Mitochondrial Capacity in Muscles of the Calf During Plantar Flexion Exercise at 7T
Dynamic Analysis of [18F]-Sodium Fluoride Uptake in Knee Osteoarthritis with PET-MRI
Dynamic Assessment of Atrioventricular Junction (AVJ) Based on Radial Long-Axis Cine Cardiac MR Imaging
Dynamic Changes of Amide Proton Transfer (APT) and Multi-Parametric MRI Signals in Transient Focal Ischemia in Rats
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI / MRA
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Perfusion MRI in Pediatric Brain Tumors
Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Measurements in Glioma: Comparison Between Two Models
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRA with Robust Background Suppression Exploiting Motion Subspace Learning and Sparsity Priors
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Primary Rectal Cancer: Correlation with Histologic Prognostic Factors
Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion MR Imaging at 3T System: Influence of Contrast Media Concentration to Capabilities of Pulmonary Perfusion Parameter and Functional Loss Evaluations as Compared with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion Area-Detector CT
Dynamic Functional Connectivity
Dynamic Multi-Echo MRI of Rectal Cancer: Quantitative Tumor R2* Analysis Predicts Lymph Node Status
Dynamic Nuclear Polarization of Biocompatible 13C-Enriched Carbonates for in Vivo PH Imaging
Dynamic PET and Cortical Thickness Comparison Between Healthy Controls and Epilepsy Patients Using Simultaneous PET/MR
Dynamic PH Quantification from Spectrally Selective 31P MRI in Exercising Skeletal Muscle
Dynamic Reconfiguration of Intrinsic Functional Connectivity: A Probabilistic Framework
Dynamic Reorganization of Intrinsic Functional Networks in the Mouse Brain
Dynamic Tagged Liver MRI Exploiting Tag-Constrained Sampling and Separation: Assessment of Liver Stiffness
Dynamic Whole-Brain Connectivity Underlying Abnormal Brain States in Late-Onset Depression
Dynamic, T2-Weighted, Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo with Variable Refocusing Flip Angle and Cylindrical Navigator for Retrospective Respiratory Compensation
DynamicDysfunctionof DMN in AD and MCI:a Time Point-Based Network Analysis
Dysfunction of the Cingulo-Opercular Network in First-Episode, Medication-Naive Patients with Major Depressive Disorder
Early Aging Effect on the Function of Human Central Olfactory System
Early Assessment of Antiangiogenic Effects of Sorafenib Using IVIM in Mouse Model with Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Early Assessment of MRgFUS Thalamotomy Using a Diffusion Weighted Steady State MRI Sequence in an In-Vivo Porcine Model
Early Brain Tumor Detection by Active-Feedback MRI
Early Cancer Signs Detected by GlucoCEST
Early Detection of Changes in Phospholipid Metabolism During Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Phosphorus Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Early Detection of Photoimmunotherapy-Induced Tumor Cell Death with Hyperpolarized [1,4-13C2]fumarate
Early Detection of Recurrent Prostate Cancer with 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI
Early Diabetic Kidney Maintains the Cortico-Medullary Urea and Sodium Gradient
Early Extravasation of the Experimental Contrast Agent GadoflurineM in Ischemic Stroke Predicts Infarct Severity
Early MRI Findings After Near Infrared Photoimmunotherapy in an Animal Model
Early Post-Treatment Changes of Multi-Parametric Whole-Body MRI Quantitative Parameters Following Bortezomib Induction in Multiple Myeloma; Preliminary Results at 3.0 T
Early Prediction and Evaluation of Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Using Quantitative DCE-MRI
Early Shifts of Brain Metabolism by Caloric Restriction Preserve White Matter Integrity and Long-Term Memory in Aging Mice
Ebola Alters Some, But Not All, Resting-State Intrinsic Functional Connectivity Networks in the Macaque Brain
ECG-Derived Respiratory Signal for Physiological Noise Correction in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI for Enhanced Mapping of Epileptic Activity
Echo Time Based Influences on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Echo-Planar Imaging for a 9.4 Tesla Vertical Standard Bore Superconducting Magnet Using an Unshielded Gradient Coil
Echo-Shift Wave-CAIPI with Simultaneous MultiSlice Imaging for Rapid Susceptibility Weighted FLASH
Echo-Time Optimization for J-Difference Editing of Glutathione at 3T
Echo-Time Optimization in Spin Echo EPI Using Hypercapnic Manipulation at 3T
Eddy Current Calibration, Compensation and Pre-Emphasis; and Gradient Non Linearity: Impact on Application
Edema-Correction Is Essential for Monitoring Brain Atrophy with BPF
EEG-FMRI at 7T Using Simultaneous Multislice 2D-EPI: Safety and Functional Sensitivity at the Single-Subject Level
EEG-FMRI Derived DMN-Microstate Quantifies Meditation Induced Altered Consciousness
Effect of a Low-Rank Denoising Algorithm on Quantitative MRI-Based Measures of Liver Fat and Iron
Effect of a Two Week Hyper Energetic Matched High Carbohydrate Vs High Fat Diet on Hepatic Fat Stores and Metabolic Blood Markers: A 1H MRS Study
The Effect of Alzheimer's Disease on the Viscoelasticity of the Mouse Brain Under the Influence of Enriched Environment.
The Effect of Axon Shape and Myelination on Diffusion Signals in a Realistic Monte Carlo Simulation Environment
Effect of Betaine on Intrahepatic Triglyceride Levels: Reproducibility and Preliminary Results
The Effect of Blood Brain Barrier Disruption on the Cerebral Blood Flow Measurement with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI: Comparison Study Between SPION and Gd-DOTA
The Effect of Brain Microbleeds on the Structural Brain Network After Stroke
Effect of Brain Tumours on the Default Mode Network
Effect of Choosing an In-Phase Vs. a Default Echo Time in 2D MR Elastography to Estimate Hepatic Stiffness
The Effect of Diffusion on Quantitative BOLD Parameter Estimates Acquired with the Asymmetric Spin Echo Technique
Effect of Dystrophin Levels on Brain Volumes in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Mouse Models
Effect of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle and Cardiac Function in Mouse Models of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Effect of Exposure in Hypoxia Environment Caused by High Altitude on Magnetic susceptibility in Human Brain Assessed By quantitative Susceptibility mapping
The Effect of Field Strength on Wire-Tip Heating: Simulation and Direct Measurements at 1.5T and 3T
The Effect of Flip-Angle on Body Composition Using Calibrated Water-Fat MRI.
Effect of Football Position Played on Brain Metabolite Concentrations in Retired NFL Players
Effect of Gabapentin Administration on GABA and BOLD Signal in Visual Cortex of Healthy Men and Women
Effect of Gadolinium-Induced Susceptibility on First-Pass Single-Echo Dixon CE-MRA and Methods for Correction
The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Healthy and Diabetic Rat Kidneys Measured with Hyperpolarised [1-13C]pyruvate
The Effect of Hypertrophy in CardioCEST Magnetization Transfer Contrast
Effect of Labeling Position on MT Effects and Bolus Arrival Time
The Effect of Large Slice Thickness and Spacing and Low Coverage on the Accuracy of Susceptibility Mapping
The Effect of Long Diffusion Time on the Diffusion Measurements of Fibrotic Human Liver
Effect of Measured Hematocrit Value on Glioma Grading Using Dynamic Contrast Enhanced derived MR Perfusion Parameter
The Effect of MR-Based Motion Correction on PET Kinetic Parameters Estimation
Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy on In-Vivo MRS Determined TCho and Membranous and Cytoplasmic B-Catenin Expression in Breast Cancer Patients
Effect of Parallel Imaging Reference Scan on FMRI Evaluated at 7T.
Effect of Patient Motion on the Visibility of Small Veins in T2*w Imaging: A Simulation Experiment with Implications for the Study of the Central-Vein-Sign (CVS) Theory in MS
The Effect of Physical Activity on 31P-MRS Bioenergetic Measurements and Assessment of Muscle Quality in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging
The Effect of Physical Exercise on Cerebral Blood Flow in Alzheimer’s Disease
The Effect of Plasma-Dissolved Oxygen on the Hyperoxic Calibrated BOLD Signal: A Simulation Study Using the Detailed BOLD Model
The Effect of Preterm Birth on the Thalamocortical Development During the Neonatal Stage: a Resting-State FMRI Study
The Effect of Primidone on Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Concentration in the Dentate Nucleus in Patients with Essential Tremor
The Effect of Prophylactic Cranial Irradiation on Brain Diffusion and Magnetization Transfer
Effect of Prostate Deformity Due to Endorectal Coil on Targeting Outcomes
Effect of Renal Function on T1 Signal Changes in Deep Brain Nuclei
Effect of Respiratory Suspension on the Computation of Left Ventricular (LV) Volume and Rate of Volume Change (DV/dt)-Based Diastolic Indices with Echocardiography as a Reference
The Effect of SNR Optimization on Cell Quantification Accuracy for Fluorine-19 MRI Sequences: BSSFP, FSE, and FLASH
The Effect of Sonication Duration on Ablation Depth During MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound of Bone: Acute Findings with MR in a Swine Model
The Effect of Subject Motion on Fractional Anisotropy Estimates: A Simulation Study of Angular Bias
Effect of Temporal Resolution and Serial Autocorrelations in Fast FMRI
Effect of Temporal Resolution on Diagnostic Performance of DCE-MRI of the Prostate
The Effect of the Medical Food Souvenaid on Brain Phospholipid Metabolism in Patients with Mild Alzheimer’s Disease: A Randomised Controlled 31P-MRS Study
Effect of the RF Shield on the Mutual Coupling Between Adjacent and Non-Adjacent Array Elements
The Effect of Through-Plane Gradients on 2D Gradient-Echo Acquisitions: Are Sinc-Term Corrections Appropriate for R2* Mapping?
Effect of Window Length on Quasi-Periodic Pattern Template Correlation with FMRI Data
Effective Connectivity Measured with Layer-Dependent Resting-State Blood Volume FMRI in Humans
An Effective Way of Overcoming TE Variation in Single-Refocusing Spatiotemporal-Encoding Imaging.
Effects of 3D-Printing Technology on Flow Measurements in Patient-Specific Models of Total Cavo-Pulmonary Connection
Effects of ACS Line Geometry in Volumetric GRAPPA: A Comparative Study
Effects of Ancillary Features of Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced MRI on the Categorization of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Validation of the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System V2014
Effects of Anesthesia on Functional Connectivity in Primary Somatosensory Cortex in Monkeys
Effects of Anesthesia on White Matter BOLD Signals in Monkeys
Effects of Breast Tissue Density, Size, and Positioning on SAR at 7T
Effects of Concomitant Gradients on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Effects of Cortical Regions of Interests on Tractography and Brain Connectivity Quantification
Effects of Fiber Orientation and Myelin Concentration on R2* (=1/T2*): A Fiber Orientation And/or Myelin Concentration Corrected R2* Map
Effects of High-Fat Diet on White Matter Integrity: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study in Wistar Rats.
Effects of Hyperglycemia and Hyperinsulinemia on Amplitude of Low Frequency Fluctuations in Medial Frontal and Posterior Cingulate Cortices in Healthy Non-Diabetic Subjects
Effects of Lifestyle Intervention on Liver Volume, Intrahepatic Fat and Body Weight: What Are the Metabolic Benefits?
Effects of Long-Duration Isoflurane Administration on Default Mode Network of Macaque Brains
Effects of Multiband Acceleration on High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging Data Collection, Processing, and Analysis.
The Effects of Navigator Distortion Level on Interleaved EPI DWI Reconstruction: A Comparison Between Image and K-Space Based Method
The Effects of Noise on Pharmacokinetic Analysis of the Apparent Conversion of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate
Effects of Pediatric HIV/antiretroviral Therapy on Basal Ganglia Metabolite-Volume Relationships
Effects of Storage Conditions on Transverse Relaxation in Bovine Articular Cartilage
Effects of Temporal Resolution on Quantitative DCE-MRI Prediction of Breast Cancer Therapy Response
Effects of the Acquisition Window Length on Articular Cartilage Sodium MR Image Quality
Effects of the Number of Diffusion Directions in Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging: A Structural Connectivity Study Using in Vivo Data
Effects of Variations in Gestational Age and Birth Anthropometric Indicators on Diffusion Metrics of Term Neonatal White Matter: A Cohort Study
Effects of Broad SPAIR Pulse, Continuous Fat Suppression Mode, Flow Compensation on Image Quality and Apparent Diffusion Coeffcient Reproducibility in iShim Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Abdomen at 3.0 T
The Efficiency of Multiparamatric MRI Using PI-RADS Version 2 in the Diagnosis of Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer
An Efficient 3D RF Simulation Tool for Dielectric Shimming Optimization
Efficient 5D Imaging of Thorax and Abdomen for MR-Guided PET Motion Correction
Efficient Algorithm for Maximum Likelihood Estimate and Confidence Intervals of $$$T_1$$$ from Multi-Flip, Multi-Echo FLASH
Efficient Macroscopic Motion Correction for Multi-Shot DTI
Efficient Quiet Multiband Accelerated HARDI Fetal Diffusion
Efficient Respiratory Navigator-Based 4D MRI
Efficient Volumetric Thermometry for MR-Guided FUS Brain Treatment Monitoring, Using Multiple-Echo Spirals and Mixed Update Rates
E-Field Comparison of 1.5T Transmit Head and Extremity Coils to 1.5T Body Coils – Implications for Implantable Cardiac Pacemaker and Defibrillator RF Heating and Unintended Stimulation
Electrical Conductivity Characteristics of Glioma: Noninvasive Assessment by MRI and Its Validity
Electric-LC Resonators Decoupling Approach for Monopole Antenna Arrays at 7T
Electrocorticography Grids Might Cause Excessive Heating During MR Imaging
Electrode Placement Positions for Vectorcardiography to Control T Waves and Obtain High R Waves in 3T CMR
Elevated Adiabatic $$$T_{1\rho}$$$ and $$$T_{2\rho}$$$ in Articular Cartilage Are Associated with Symptoms and Structural Changes in Early Osteoarthritis
Elevated Hemoglobin A1c(HbA1c) Is Independently Associated with Large Lipid-Rich Necrotic Cores in Hypertensive Patients with Symptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis: A 3.0T MRI Study
Elucidation of the Downfield Spectrum of Human Brain at 7T Using Multiple Inversion Recovery Delays and Echo Times
Emerging Applications of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in Primary Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Enabling Axial Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord at 7T
End-Loaded Dipole Array for 10.5T Head Imaging
End-Systolic Myocardial Perfusion MRI Using a Hybrid 2D/3D Steady-State Acquisition Scheme: Towards Reliable Detection of Subendocardial Ischemia in Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction
Energy Dysregulation and Neuro-Axonal Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis Measured In-Vivo with Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy
Energy Loss and Turbulent Formations Reveal the Pressure Loss in Coarctation Flows: A Novel 4D Flow MRI-Based Quantification Method Using a Finite Element Approach
Energy Metabolism in the Rat Cortex Under Thiopental Anaesthesia Measured in Vivo by 13C MRS at 14.1T
Enforcing a Physical Tissue Model for Partial Volume MR Fingerprinting
Enhanced Brain Labeling by Atlas Registration in Neuro-Oncology Using Virtual Tumor Shrinking
Enhanced Efficiency and Sensitivity in Detection of Acute Ischemic Brain Injury Using Fast Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Enhanced Sensitivity of Renal PH Measurement with MR-CEST Ratiometric Imaging of Iopamidol in a Normal Rodent Model at 4.7 T
Enhanced T2 Spectroscopic Imaging Using Backprojections (SI-WEB): A Simulation Study
Enhancement of Event-Related FMRI Studies of the Human Visual System Using Multi-Band EPI
Enhancement of Signal Intensity Using a Wireless Coil for FT-EPR Oximetry Study
Enhancing Creativity and Insight Using FMRI Neurofeedback
Entangled Compressed Sensing for Highly Accelerated 4D Flow MRI
Entrapment Neuropathies of the Pelvis Following Surgery
EPGspace: A Flexible Framework for Extended Phase Graphs of Periodic and Non-Periodic MRI Sequences
EPI Applications: What We Can See Using EPI as an Engine
EPI Artifacts and Correections
EPI-Based Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging of the Neck at 3 Tesla: Comparison of Sequence Technologies for the Reduction of Susceptibility-Related Artifacts.
Equivalence of EPG and Isochromat-Based Simulation of MR Signals
Esophageal Carcinoma: Ex Vivo High Resolution MR Imaging Study Compare with Histopathological Findings
The Essential Biology of Cancer Therapy
Estimate of Liver Functional Reserve Using T1 Mapping on Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI in HCC Patients
Estimating B1+ of the Breast at 7T Using a Generic Distribution
Estimating Damage to the Blood-Brain Barrier from Radiotherapy Treatment
Estimating Directed Functional Connectivity Through Autoregressive Models and Orthogonal Laguerre Basis Functions
Estimating Network Topology in Weighted and Dense Connectomes
Estimating Registration Variance Using Deformation Field Perturbations
Estimating Shared Relaxation and Susceptibility Tensor Eigenvectors Enhances STI Tractography in the Heart, Kidney, and Brain
Estimating the Axon Diameter from Intra-Axonal Water Diffusion with Arbitrary Gradient Waveforms: Resolution Limit in Parallel and Dispersed Fibers
Estimating Whole Brain Connectivity Dynamics Using Spectral Clustering
Estimation and Correction of Systematic Bias Inherent in Sparsely Undersampled Sodium Imaging of the Human Brain at High-Field
Estimation of in Vivo ?-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Levels in the Neonatal Brain
Estimation of Breast Tumour Tissue Diffusion Parameters from Histological Images and Monte-Carlo Simulations
Estimation of Error in Volume Measurement for 100 Intracranial Aneurysms Imaged Serially with CE-MRA at 1.5T and 3T
Estimation of Fiber Packing Correlation Length by Varying Diffusion Gradient Pulse Duration
Estimation of Oxygen Saturation in Renal Blood Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging by FLAIR DWI
Estimation of Pseudo-Diffusion Coefficient D* Using Different Settings of Low B-Values in Liver IVIM Imaging
Estimation of the Bound Proton Pool Involved in MT Using Spin and Stimulated Echoes
Estimation of the Evolution of Cerebral Ischemia by MRI with T1 Relaxation Time in Rotating Frame and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Estimation of the Macro-Molecular Proton
in Human Brain at 3 and 7 T
Estimation of Voxel-Wise Phase Offsets in a Phased Array Coil Using Multi-Echo GRE Data
Estimation of Water Exchange Across the Blood Brain Barrier Using Contrast-Enhanced ASL
Ethanolamine Kinase-1 as a Potential Therapeutic Biomarker in Pancreatic Cancer
Evaluate Relative Helicity of Aortic Flow for Marfan Syndrome by 4D Flow Phase Contrast MRI
Evaluate Right Ventricular Energy Propagation for Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot by Using Phase-Contrast MRI
Evaluating Mean Diffusivity and Mean Kurtosis Derived from Different Diffusion-Encoding Schemes and Signal-To-Noise Ratio
Evaluating Renal Allograft Function at an Early Stage After Transplantation Using Multiparametric MR Imaging
Evaluating the Performance of Four Reconstruction Algorithms for Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging
Evaluating the Variability of Multicenter and Longitudinal Hippocampal Volume Measurements.
Evaluating Tumor Biology of Lung Adenocarcinoma: Multimodality-Multiparametric Approach
Evaluation and Integration of a Dual-Tuned 13C/1H Headcoil Into PET/MR Hybrid Imaging
Evaluation in Brain Function and the Correlation with Depression and Anxiety of Obese Patients Using Resting-State FMRI
Evaluation of 3D T1-Weighted Imaging at 3 T Across Scanner Vendors and Models
Evaluation of 7T MRI for Endoscopic Surgical Planning and Guidance for Skull Base Tumors - Preliminary Experience
Evaluation of Acute Cerebral Infarction Using a Fast Kurtosis Diffusion Imaging Protocol
Evaluation of an Iterative Phase Replacement Method for Susceptibility Mapping in Regions with No MRI Signal
Evaluation of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability in Alzheimer’s Disease with DCE-MRI
Evaluation of Bone Metabolism & Remodeling with PET/MR
Evaluation of BSSFP for the Visualisation of Human Fetal Esophageal and Tracheal Obstruction and Swallowing
Evaluation of Cardiac Function in Type-1 Diabetes Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Evaluation of Cerebral Venous Oxygen Saturation in Patients with Long-Term Haemodialysis Using Susceptibility Mapping
Evaluation of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy: New Simultaneous T2 Mapping and Neurography Method with 3D Nerve-Sheath Signal Increased with Inked Rest-Tissue Rapid Acquisition of Relaxation Enhancement Imaging (SHINKEI Quant)
Evaluation of Common Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Based MR Thermometry Methods in the Pancreas
Evaluation of Cuff-Induced Skeletal Muscle Microvascular Perfusion of Lower Extremity by ASL and IVIM MRI Techniques
Evaluation of Different Fat Suppression Techniques for Clinical Knee MRI at 7.0 Tesla
Evaluation of Different High-Pass Filter on the Susceptibility in Patients Parkinson’s Disease and Controls
Evaluation of Dual Agent Relaxation Contrast MR Lymphangiography (DARC-MRL) for Pre-Surgical Identification of Lymphatic Channels
Evaluation of Endothelial Barrier Function in Atherosclerosis Induced Rabbits Using S-Nitroso Human Serum Albumin (S-NO-HSA) - Blood Pool Agent Compound and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE)-MRI
Evaluation of Esophageal Cancer: Comparison of MRI and CT
Evaluation of Feature-Driven Clustering of Dynamic Contrast Enhanced and Oxygen Enhanced MRI Data to Assess Tumour Microenvironment Heterogeneity
Evaluation of FLAIR Maps by PRM Provides for Glioma Response Assessment
Evaluation of Gray Matter Degeneration in Parkinson’s Disease by Using Neurite-Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging: Analysis by Gray Matter-Based Spatial Statistics
Evaluation of High Temporal and Spatial Resolution 17O-MRI
Evaluation of Highly Undersampled Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography (SPARSE CE-MRA) in Intracranial Applications
Evaluation of Infection Risk for MR Guided DBS Implantations in a Radiology Suite
Evaluation of IVIM Perfusion Parameters as Biomarkers for Paediatric Brain Tumours
Evaluation of Lower Extremity Arteries with Severe Wall Calcification in Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD); Comparison of Fresh Blood Imaging (FBI) with CT Angiography with Using a Commercially Available Calcification Removable Tool
Evaluation of Motion Patterns and Their Effect on Image Quality in Pediatric Populations
Evaluation of Multileaf Collimator Performance in High Magnetic Fringe Fields for MRI-Linac Development
Evaluation of Nearby Lymph Nodes in a Tumor Mouse Model by Longitudinal MRI Imaging at 11.7 Tesla.
Evaluation of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Combined with Bevacizumab in Breast Cancer Using MR Metabolomics
Evaluation of Pairwise and Groupwise Templates-Based Approaches for Automated Segmentation of Structures in Brain MR Images
Evaluation of Pathological Stage and Grade of Endometrial Carcinoma Using Sagittal DWI
Evaluation of PCASL Imaging and T2* Mapping for the Assessment of Cerebrovascular Reactivity in the Hippocampus
Evaluation of Perfusion and Hypoxia Parameters in Healthy Subjects and Patients with High-Grade Carotid Artery Stenosis
The Evaluation of Portal Hypertension Using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Mri)
Evaluation of Potential Improvements from High Permittivity Pads for Imaging Upper Extremities at 7 Tesla
An Evaluation of Radio Frequency Induced Power Deposition of Coaxial Leads with an Implant Model
Evaluation of Renal Blood Flow in Subjects with Diabetic Nephropathy Using ASL Perfusion MRI
Evaluation of Renal Oxygenation Using a Simultaneous Dynamic R2, R2' and R2* Quantification Approach – Under the Influence of Hyperoxic Challenge
Evaluation of Resting State Network by Pupil Diameter Monitoring During FMRI Measurements – the Relationship Between the Stability of the Pupil Diameter and the Activation in the Posterior Cingulate
Evaluation of Retained Products of Conception by Arterial Spin Labeling-MRI: Clinical Feasibility and Initial Results
Evaluation of Retrograde Embolization in Cryptogenic Stroke by Aortic 4D Flow MRI and 3D TOF MRA
Evaluation of RF Induced Lead Tip Heating at 1.5T and 3T in Cadavers with Cardiac Pacemakers or ICDs
Evaluation of SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution Simultaneous MultiSlice (SLIDER-SMS) for Human FMRI at 3T
Evaluation of Spiral Extended Monopole Antenna Array with Individual Whields (SEMAS) at 7T
Evaluation of T2W MRI-Derived Textural Entropy for Assessment of Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness
Evaluation of the Cross Flow for Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms Using 4D-Flow MRI
Evaluation of the Effect of Trajectory Correction with Radial Sampling on Temperature Imaging
Evaluation of the Levator Ani Muscle in Primiparas Six Weeks After Vaginal Delivery Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Fiber Tractography
Evaluation of the TCho and ß-Catenin Concentration with Different Molecular Biomarkers in Breast Cancer Patients
Evaluation of Thermal Ablation with a 230 KHz Transcranial MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound System in a Large Animal Model
Evaluation of Three Different VIBE Sequences for Pulmonary Lesions Detection in Patients with Lung Cancer
Evaluation of Through-Time Radial GRAPPA for Real-Time Cardiac MR Imaging at 7 Tesla
Evaluation of Time-Course of Diffusivity Changes and Inflammatory Response in Hippocampus Post Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
Evaluation of Time-Resolved Non-Contrast 4-D DMRA Technique Using Both Cartesian and 3D Stack-Of-Stars Golden-Angle Radial Samplings in Cerebrovascular Malformations: A Preliminary Study
Evaluation of Tractography Using Fiberfox for Whole Brain Connectome Analysis
Evaluation of Two Deformable Registration Algorithms for Assessment of Brown Adipose Tissue in Humans
Evaluation of Upper Airway Collapsibility Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Real-Time MRI
Evaluation of Vascular Permeability in Gliomas by Using Parameter K2 from Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Data-Sets and Histogram Analysis.
Evaluation of Whole-Body Iron Loading in Transfusion-Dependent Patients with Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging
Evaluation of ZTE Localization Accuracy for PET/MR Hardware Attenuation Correction
Evaluation the Cluster-Size Inference with Random Field and Permutation Methods for Group-Level MRI Analysis
Evaluation of Diffusion MRI Based Feature Sets for the Classification of Primary Motor and Somatosensory Cortical Areas.
Evaluation of Chemotherapeutic Effects in Patients with Lung Cancer using iShim-Integrated Whole-Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Evidence for Regional and Spectral Differences of Macromolecule Signals in Human Brain Using a Crusher Coil at 7 Tesla
Evidencing Different Neurochemical Profiles Between Thalamic Nuclei Using 2D-Semilaser 1H-MRSI at 7T
The Evolution of the Mammalian Connectome
Evolution-Time Encoded Single-Scan Cross Spatiotemporal Encoding Imaging Near Metal Implants
Ex Vivo MRI – Beyond Rodents
Examining Global White Matter Development Via the Sparse Coding Properties of Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Example Applications of FMRI in Basic & Clinical Neuroscience
Exciting and Relaxing Fish
Exercise Stress Cardiac MR Assessment of Diastolic Function in Healthy Volunteers and Pulmonary Hypertension
Experimental Detection of Imaginary Signals in Diffusion Pore Imaging Using Double Diffusion Encoding
Experimental Evaluation of Heating and SAR Reduction with a Dielectric Insert at 3T
Experimental Implementation of Array-Compressed Parallel Transmission at 7T
Experimental Study of MR Compatible RF Hyperthermia System
Experimental System for RF-Heating Characterization of Medical Implants During MRI
Experimental Validation of High Shear Wave Displacement at Mode Frequencies in MR Elastography
Experimentally Optimizing Labeling Position in Pseudo-Continuous ASL in the Presence of Carotid Artery Stenting
Exploiting Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Fast Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Explorations of Non-Magnetic Amplifiers for MRI Applications
Exploring Abnormal Arch Shape Patterns Using CMR-Based Hierarchical 3D Shape Clustering: Application to a Generic Imaging Population of Repaired Coarctation of the Aorta
Exploring Fibre Orientation Dispersion in the Corpus Callosum: Comparison of Diffusion MRI, Polarized Light Imaging and Histology
Exploring Intratumoral Heterogeneity of Lipid Metabolism in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma with Dixon-Based MRI
Exploring Other Vascular Dimensions: Comparison of 3-Dimensional and 2-Dimensional Vessel Wall Imaging Techniques for the Assessment of Large Artery Vasculopathies
Exploring Resting-State Functional Connectivity Invariants Across the Life Span Using a Novel Graph Model
Exploring Sodium MRI Contrast Beyond Concentration in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions
Exploring Sodium SSFP MRI in Phantoms at 3 Tesla
Exploring Structural, Diffusive and Thermodynamic Properties of Model Systems with Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Exploring the Impact of Common Sequence Variations on ADC Reliability of Lung Lesions Prior to Protocol Implementation in Multi-Centre Clinical Trials
Exploring the Relationship Between MR-Derived Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, Cellularity, and Extracellular Porosity: A Preliminary Animal Study in Prostate Cancer
Exploring Visual Network Connectivity in the Mouse Brain Using DCM FMRI
An Extended 3D Whole-Heart Myocardial First-Pass Perfusion Sequence: Alternate-Cycles Interchanging High-Resolution and Isotropic Imaging
An Extended Linear Reference Region Model That Accounts for Plasma Volume in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI
Extending the Sensitivity of a Head Coil Toward Simultaneous Head and Neck Imaging Using High Permittivity Materials at 7 T
Extension of the MR Field-Of-View with HUGE for MR-Based Attenuation Correction in Integrated PET/MR
Extensive White Matter Damage in Neuromyelitis Optica Assessed by Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging: A Tact-Based Spatial Statistics Study
External Sensors & Real-Time Compensation
Extracting Quantitative Information from MRI Bound- And Pore-Water Maps of Cortical Bone
Extraction of Tissue-Specific ADC Based on Multi-Exponential T2 Analysis
Extra-Hepatic Steatosis: New Opportunities and Challenges in Quantitative MR
Extremely Rapid Temperature Predictions Considering Numerous Physiological Phenomena
Ex-Vivo Diffusion Anisotropy of Human Brain Hemispheres
Ex-Vivo Quantitative Imaging and Qualitative Plaque Type Classification of Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Using High Resolution MRI
False Positive Bundles in Tractography
A Family-Constrained Local Canonical Correlation Model to Improve Activation Detection in FMRI
Fasciculation MR Imaging (FaMRI) of the Lower Leg
Fast 3D Acquisition for Quantitative Mapping and Synthetic Contrasts Using MIRACLE and TrueCISS
Fast 3D Filtered Back-Projection Reconstruction Combined with a New Radial-Acquisition Strategy.
Fast 3D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF) for Whole Brain Coverage in Less Than 3 Minutes
Fast 3D Quantitative 1H Ventilation Imaging of the Human Lung at 1.5T with SSFP
Fast and Accurate T2 Mapping from Multi Spin Echo Data Using Bloch-Simulation-Based Reconstruction: Investigation of Intra-Subject and Inter-Scan Stability and Reproducibility
A Fast and Effective Strategy for Artifact Identification and Signal Restoring with HARDI Data
Fast and Efficient Free Induction Decay MRSI at 9.4 T: Assessment of Neuronal Activation-Related Changes in the Human Brain Biochemistry
Fast and Flexible 3D-EPI Fat Navigators for High-Resolution Brain Imaging at 7 Tesla
Fast and Full Coverage Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI: Can Time-Averaged Acquisition Be Useful?
A Fast and Globally Optimal 3-D Graph Search Algorithm for Phase Unwrapping in MRI with Applications in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
Fast Automatic Voxel Positioning with Non-Rigid Registrations for Improved Between-Subject Consistency in MRS
Fast B0 First Order Inhomogeneity Estimation Using Radial Acquisition
Fast Calculation of Phase Accumulation Due to Pulsed Gradients for Arbitrary Rigid Body Motion
Fast Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging with Variably-Accelerated Sensitivity Encoding (VSENSE)
A Fast Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging Scheme Based on Spatiotemporal Encoding
Fast Dynamic Imaging Using Multi-Shell Sampling for Variable K-Space Density K-T Acquisitions
Fast Dynamic Measurement of Functional T1 and Grey Matter Thickness Changes During Brain Activation at 7T
Fast Dynamic MRI from Undersampled Acquisitions Using Weighted, Adaptive Model Consistency Reconstruction (WI-MOCCO)
Fast Field-Cycling NMR Relaxometry Extended in the Ultra-Low Field Region: Calibration Method and Acquisition of T1-Dispersion Curves That Reach 2.3 µT
Fast Fluid Suppressed T1? Imaging of the Human Brain
Fast Fourier Transform-Based Susceptibility-To-B0 Calculation Without Aliasing Artifacts
Fast Frequency–sweep Spectroscopic Imaging with an Ultra-Low Flip Angle
Fast Full-Wave Calculation of Electromagnetic Fields for MRI Applications Based on Weak-Form Volume Integral Equation (VIE)
Fast Generation of Pseudo-CT in the Head and Neck for MR Guided Radiotherapy: Comparison of Different UTE Readout Strategies
Fast Imaging Employing Steady-State Acquisition of Brain Metastasis: From Mouse to Woman
Fast Implementations of Contextual PDE’s for HARDI Data Processing in DIPY
Fast Liver FOV Localization for Improved Liver-MRI Workflow
Fast Measurement of Blood T1 in the Internal Carotid Artery at 3T
A Fast Method for Simultaneous ADC and T2 Mapping Using Spin Echo EPI Sequence
Fast Multichannel Transmit Array Calibration Using Coil Locators
Fast Myocardial Perfusion Mapping in Mice Using Heart Cycle Dependent Data Weighting
Fast PCr Imaging of Rat Calf Muscles Using Spiral-In/Out BSSFP
Fast Quantitative T2 Mapping Using Simultaneous-Multi-Slice and Model-Based Reconstruction
Fast Realistic MRI Simulations Based on Generalized Exchange Spin Model
Fast Reconstruction of T2 Maps with Indirect Echo Compensation Using Highly Undersampled Radial Fast Spin Echo Data
Fast Simulation of Off-Resonance Artifacts in MRI Using FORECAST (Fourier-Based Off-REsonanCe Artifact Simulation in the STeady-State)
Fast Single Sequence Comprehensive 4D pediatric knee MRI with T2 Shuffling
Fast T2 mapping for the Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer by Using 3.0T MRI
Fast Temperature Estimation from Undersampled K-Space with Fully Sampled Center for Real Time MR Guided Microwave Ablations
Fast Unwrapping Using Discrete Gradient Evaluation (FUDGE): An Analytical Correction to the Laplacian-Based Phase Unwrapping Technique for Discrete Data.
Fast Volumetric Mapping of Bound and Pore Water Content in Cortical Bone in Vivo Using 3D Cones Sequences
Fast Whole-Brain Spiral-CEST Encoding with Spectral and Spatial B0 Correction
Fast, Iterative Subsampled Spiral Reconstruction Via Circulant Majorizers
Faster Brain Atrophy Is Associated with Accelerated Cognitive Decline in Healthy Older Adults: The Singapore Longitudinal Ageing Brain Study
Fat Infiltration Is Non-Uniform Along the Proximodistal Muscle Axis in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Fat Quantification & Composition
Fat Residue Removal by SENSE in EPI and DW-EPI
Fat Signal Removal in LGE Using Phase-Sensitive ChEmical Selection (PiSCES)
Fat Suppression Using Water Excitation for Improved Spatial Resolution Compared with 2-Point Dixon at 3.0 T for DCE Breast MRI
Fat-Based Registration of Breast DCE Water Images
FDG-PET-MR Acquisition in Systemic Sclerosis for the Assessment of Gastrointestinal Involvement: A Pilot Study
Feasibility and Value of Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MR Imaging in Evaluation of Orbital Masses in Adults
Feasibility of 3D Multi-Sequence PET/MRI of Carotid Atherosclerosis
Feasibility of 4D MRI for Assessment of Regional Hepatic Blood Flow
Feasibility of 50µm in Vivo MR Microscopy (µMRI) of Mouse Brain at 9.4 Tesla
Feasibility of Abdominal K-T GRAPPA Accelerated Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI in the Setting of Portal Hypertension
Feasibility of Absolute Thermometry of Knee Joint Cartilage Using Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time
Feasibility of an Automated Tissue Segmentation Technique in a Longitudinal Weight Loss Study
Feasibility of Brachial Plexus Assessment Using 3D Fat Suppression T2-Weighted Cube Combined with Double Inversion Recovery at 3T
Feasibility of Breath-Hold Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping on Hepatic Iron Quantification
Feasibility of Combining Perforating Artery Imaging and Whole Brain Vessel Wall Imaging at 7T
Feasibility of Computed Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Optimization of B-Value in Cervical Cancer.
Feasibility of Crossed-Dipole Antenna to Excite a Circularly-Polarized Field for Human Brain Imaging at 7T, a Design Study
Feasibility of Fetal Fat Volume Assessment Using 3D Water-Fat MRI
Feasibility of Line Scanning BOLD FMRI on Human Subjects
Feasibility of Non-Gated Single 20-Second Breath-Hold Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography of Renal Artery with 3D BSSFP: Comparison with Respiratory Gated Time-Spatial Labeling Inversion Pulse (Time-SLIP)
Feasibility of Non-Invasive Proton-Density Fat Fraction Evaluation Using a Single-Sided MR Device
The Feasibility of Performing Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI for Esophageal Cancer and an Initial Comparison with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI
Feasibility of Probing Lactate Metabolism and Neuroprotection in a Mouse Model of Stroke Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Lactate
The Feasibility of Red Bone Marrow Segmentation Based on MR Dixon Only.
Feasibility of Sensing Small Molecule Thiols Using Hyperpolarized [
Feasibility of Subtractionless Three-Station First-Pass Peripheral MRA at 3 T
Feasibility of Time-Resolved Subtractionless Contrast Enhanced Dixon MRA of the Lower Legs on 1.5T
Feasibility of Utilizing Heterogeneity of Hepatic Stiffness in 3D MR Elastography to Improve Detection of Liver Fibrosis in Pediatric Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Feasibility of Vertebral Bone Diffusion Weighted MR Imaging (DWI) for Early Diagnosis of Hepatic Osteodystrophy in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis
Feasibility of Vessel Wall Imaging of the Superficial Palmar Arch Using 7T and 3T MRI
Feasibility Study of 3-T Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Prostate Transition Zone: Fractional Anisotropy Versus Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Feasibility Study of High Resolution Mapping for Myelin Water Fraction and Frequency Shift Using Tissue Susceptibility
The Feasibility Study of Imaging Lumbosacral Spinal Nerve Roots by IDEAL Sequence at 3.0T MR
Feasibility Study of Interleaved Multi-Nuclear Acquisitions on a 3 T Clinical NMR Scanner Without Hardware Modifications
A Feasibility Study to Perform Combined MR Elastography, IVIM and DCE-MRI in Pancreatic Cancer Patients.
Feasibility Study: Free-Breathing 3-D CINE Imaging with Respiratory Gating Based on Pilot Tone Navigation
Feasibility, Reproducibility, and Reliability for Cardiac Iron Quantification at 3T in Comparison with 1.5T
Feature Selection and Classification of AMCI Subjects Using Local FMRI Activation Patterns
Feature Tracking Imaging (FTI) for Right Ventricular Strain Assessment in Patients with Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension (CTEPH)
Features of Benign Mature Cystic Ovarian Teratomas
Ferumoxytol: Should We Be Using It in Clinical Practice?
Fetal Anomalies in the Body
Fetal Cardiac Cine Imaging from Motion-Corrected Super-Resolution Reconstruction of Highly-Accelerated Real-Time MRI
Fetal Cardiac MRI and Flow Measurement Using Optimized Doppler Ultrasound Sensor (DUS) Gating
Fetal Cardiac MRI with Self-Gated IGRASP
Fetal Cardiovascular MRI
Fibers Crossing the White/gray Matter Boundary: A Semi-Global, Histology-Informed DMRI Model
Fibre Directionality and Information Flow Through the White Matter: Preliminary Results on the Fusion of Diffusion MRI and EEG
Fibrosis: MRI Vs US Elastography
Filling the Deadtime Gap in Zero Echo Time MRI: Principles Compared
Filtered Serum Metabolomics of Myocardial Ischemia in Unstable Angina Patients
Filtered Serum-Based Metabolomics of Prostate Cancer Using 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Finding Biomarkers of Cognitive Decline in Active Professional Fighters with Multimodal MRI and Exploring the Longitudinal Relationship of These Biomarkers with Cognitive Decline
Finding Cancer in the Dense Breast: Ultrasound & MRI
Finite Element Digital Image Correlation for Cardiac Strain Analysis from 3D Whole-Heart Tagging
Finite-Element Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations Constrained by Phase-Contrast MRI Data
First Clinical Evaluation of Real-Time Cardiac MR Thermometry
The First Demonstration of Simultaneous Transmit and Receive MRI in Vivo
First Hyperpolarization of Quaternary Pyridinium Salts Using PHIP
First Proof of More Than Two-Fold Increase in Intrinsic SNR for Prostate Imaging at 7 Tesla in Comparison with 3 Tesla.
First Steps Towards Concurrent, High Rate Imaging and MR Tracking Using an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
First Trimester Alcohol Exposure Alters Placental Perfusion and Fetal Oxygen Transport in a Pregnant Non-Human Primate Model
First-In-Woman Study of in Vivo Breast Cancer Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate
Fisher Information Matrix for Optimizing the Acquisition Parameters in Multi-Parametric Mapping Based on Fast Steady-State Sequences
Five-Dimensional Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Compensation Based on Strongly Undersampled MR Data
Fixed Angle Single Rotation CEST (FASR-CEST) Sequence for Reducing Saturation Time
Fixed-Volume Particle Trace Emission for the Analysis of Left Atrial Blood Flow Using 4D Flow MRI
Flexible Flyback EPSI Waveform Generation Under the Constraint of Peripheral Nerve Stimulation
Flip Angle Optimization in Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acceleration
Flip-Angle and Dose Optimization in Ferumoxytol-Enhanced MRA: Preliminary Results Compared with Gadolinium-Enhanced MRA.
Flow and Structure with Simultaneous Visualization of Registered 4D Flow and Black Blood MRI
Flow Dynamics in a 3D Printed Brain Aneurysm Model Assessed by Magnetic Particle Imaging, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Dynamic Subtraction Angiography
Flow Related Changes in Oxygen Extraction Fraction Detected Using Streamlined-QBOLD
Flow Territory Instability May Provide a New Measure of Hemodynamic Reserve Capacity in Patients with Intracranial Stenosis
Flow-Based White Matter Supervoxel Parcellation Using Functional Bregman Divergence Between Orientation Distribution Functions
Flow-Diffusion Constrained Estimation of Oxygen Extraction Fraction and Tissue Oxygen Tension by Dual Calibrated FMRI
Flow-Induced Artifacts in Two-Point Dixon MRI: Incidence, Severity and Potential Diagnostic Pitfalls.
Flow-Related Artifacts and Pitfalls in Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Angiography in Neuroradiology
Fluctuations in Functional Connectivity Predict Shifts in Arousal State
Fluctuations in Ventricle Size During the Progression of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis
Fluorescence-Based Quantification of Gadolinium-Bound Liposomes Using Carbostyril 124-Sensitized DTPA
fMRI Activation Patterns During Successful Face-Name Recognition
fMRI Characterization of Pain Processing in NaV1.7 Wnt1 KO Mice
fMRI Indicates Central TRPV1 Modulation on Gouty Pain
fMRI of Lumbar Spinal Cord During Electrical Stimulation in Diabetic Patients
fMRI Reveals Plasticity Compensating for Early Dopaminergic Loss at Corticostriatal Synapse
fMRI Study of the Role of Glutamate NMDA Receptor in Olfactory Habituation of Olfactory Bulb and Higher Olfactory Structures in Rats
Focal Cerebellar Pathology in Early Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Patients: A MP2RAGE Study at 3T and 7T MRI
Follow-Up Analyses on the Effects of Long-Term Use of High Fat Diet on Hippocampal Volumes and Hippocampal Metabolite Concentrations in Wistar Rats: A Voxel Based Morphology and 1H MRS Approach
A Follow-Up Study of Hippocampal Subfield Atrophy in Mild Cognitive Impairment with Automatic Segment Method
Foot Oximetry Angiosomes with MRI
The Forgotten Planar Gradient Coil
Formation of Transient and Persistent Multiple Sclerosis Lesions: Serial Follow-Up with Quantitative MR Imaging and Spectroscopy
The Formulation of Hyperpolarized
C Pyruvate Solutions Influences the Labeling of Myocardial Metabolites in Vivo
Four-Dimensional Respiratory Motion-Resolved Sparse Lung MRI
Four-Dimensional, Multiphase, Steady-State Imaging with Contrast Enhancement (MUSIC) With Improved Functional Assessment
Fourier Decomposition MRI Using the SENCEFUL Approach for Non-Contrast-Enhanced Ventilation Imaging in Cystic Fibrosis Patients
A Four-Layer Boundary Element Model for MRI-Guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
An FPGA Based Real-Time Data Processing Structure – Application to Real-Time Array Coil Data Compression
Fractal Dimension as a Global Descriptor of the White Matter in Diffusion Mri Group Studies
Fractional Diffusion as a Probe of Microstructural Change in a Mouse Model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Fractional Enhancement Metric Improves SNR and Visualisation of Quantitative Two-Point Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Retroperitoneal Sarcoma
Fractional Motion Diffusion Model for Differentiation of Low- And High-Grade Pediatric Brain Tumors
The Framework and AnalytiCally Represented Oxygen-17 BrAin Tumor (ACROBAT) Phantom for Optimization of CMRO
Quantification Protocols in Dynamic
Free Breathing Multi-Parametric Quantitative Assessment of Mesothelioma with MRI
Free Breathing Self-Gated PC-MRI with Pseudo Random Sampled Kt-Sparse-Sense
Free Water Elimination Using a Bi-Tensor Model Improves Test-Retest Reproducibility of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Indices in the Brain: a Longitudinal Multisite Reliability Study of Healthy Elderly Subjects
Free-Breathing 2D Cine DENSE MRI Using Localized Signal Generation, Image-Based Navigators, Motion Compensation and Compressed Sensing
Free-Breathing 3D Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Navigators
Free-Breathing 3D Cine Whole-Heart Magnetic Resonance Imaging Using Compressed Sensing Parallel Image Reconstruction
Free-Breathing 3D Late Gadolinium Enhancement Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Using Outer Volume Suppressed Projection Navigators: Development and Clinical Validation
Free-Breathing 3D Liver Perfusion Quantification Using a Dual-Input Two-Compartment Model
Free-Breathing 3D Myocardial T2 Mapping Using Image-Based Respiratory Motion Correction
Free-Breathing Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the in Vivo Human Heart - Stimulated Echo Vs. Spin Echo Acquisition
Free-Breathing Dynamic MRI with Sliding Slice Distorted Simultaneous Multi-Slice
Free-Breathing Liver Fat Quantification Using an Undersampled Multi-Echo 3D Stack-Of-Radial Technique
Free-Breathing Non-Contrast Enhanced 3D Radial Respiratory-Motion Resolved Pancreatic MRI at 3T Using Sparse Iterative Reconstruction
Free-Breathing SASHA T1 Mapping Using High-Contrast Image Registration Has Greater Precision Than MOLLI T1 Mapping
Free-Breathing T1-Weigthed Gradient-Echo Imaging for Fetus Brain
Free-Breathing Volumetric Fat/water Separation by Combining Radial Sampling, Compressed Sensing, and Parallel Imaging
A Free-Breathing Water/fat Separation and T1, T2 Quantification Method Using Dual TR FISP in Abdomen
Free-Breathing, Self-Navigated Isotropic 3-D CINE Imaging of the Whole Heart Using Cartesian Sampling
Frequency Correction Based on Interleaved Water Acquisition Improves Spectral Quality in MM-Suppressed GABA Measurements in Vivo
Frequency Shift Imaging (FSI) for Characterization of Cells Labeled with Superparamagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticles
Frequency Shimming with Local Excitation Coils Improves Fat Suppression in Breast MRI at 7 T
Frequency Specificity of Functional Connectivity in Rat Brain Networks
Frequency Tensor Imaging (FTI) at a Single Orientation by Vector Projection
Frequency Translation for 1H Decoupled Multichannel 13C Spectroscopy
Frequency-Agnostic Inexpensive Modular FDM Receiver Design
From K-Space to Pasteur’s Quadrant: Your Research Can Make the World a Better Place
Frontal GABA Concentrations Predict Cognitive Function Beyond Age-Related Decline.
Frontal-Parietal Network Functional Connectivity Characterization in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease by Using Independent Component Analysis
Frontal-Parieto-Temporal White Matter Integrity in Chronic HIV Infection Reflects a Complex Combination of Education Level, Immune Recovery, Antiretroviral Brain Penetration and Current Neurocognitive Functioning
FSE-Based Non-Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Venography for Evaluation of the Upper Extremity Veins Compared with Contrast-Enhanced MRV and Ultrasound
Full Matrix Pre-Emphasis for Higher-Order Dynamic Shimming with 1 KHz Bandwidth
Fully Automated Data Management and Quality Assurance in Very Large Prospective Cohort MR Imaging Studies – the MR Imaging Study Within the German National Cohort
Fully Automated Grey and White Matter Segmentation of the Cervical Cord in Vivo
Fully Automatic In-Vivo Localization of LDR Brachytherapy Seeds for Post-Implant Dosimetry Using MR Simulations and Template Matching
Fully Automatic Left Atrium and Pulmonary Veins Segmentation for Late Gadolinium Enhanced MRI Combining Contrast Enhanced MRA
Fully Automatic Vessel Wall Contour Detection and Wall Thickness Assessment in Common Carotid and Descending Aorta
Fully Self-Gated Motion Compensated Cine Reconstruction from Free-Breathing Ungated 2D Radial Cardiac MRI Data
Fully-Integrated Framework for Registration of Spinal Cord White and Gray Matter
Fully-Integrated T1, T2, T2*, White and Gray Matter Atlases of the Spinal Cord
Functional Analysis
Functional Brain Changes in Breachers Following a Blast-Overpressure: An Acute Longitudinal Assessment with MRI
Functional Changes in Medial Gastrocnemius from Unilateral Limb Suspension Induced Acute Atrophy: A 2D Strain Rate Study During Isometric Contraction
Functional Cognitive Control Load in Multiple Sclerosis
Functional Connectivity and Neuroanatomical Differences in a Stress Susceptible and Resilient Mouse Model
Functional Connectivity Changes in Attention-Related Networks of Childhood Leukemia Survivors
Functional Connectivity in Spinal Cord for Clinical Translation
Functional Connectivity Self-Regulation of Cerebellum and Primary Motor Area with FMRI-Brain Computer Interfaces. Pilot Results.
Functional Connectome Architecture of Alzheimer’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Behavioral Variant of Frontotemporal Dementia: A Graph Analysis Study.
Functional Disconnectivity in Schizophrenia Patients with Auditory Hallucinations: A Dynamic Resting-State Functional MRI Study with a Multiband EPI Sequence
Functional Dysconnection Between Anterior Cingulate Cortex and Thalamus in Patients with Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Functional Dysconnectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder Revealed by Network-Based Statistics.
Functional Imaging of the Non-Human Primate Placenta with Endogenous BOLD Contrast
Functional Imaging with PET/MRI
Functional MRI Reveals Striatal–thalamic Connectivity in Cognitive Neural Behavior Altered by Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation
Functional MRS at 7T and Long TE
Functional Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 7-Tesla: Resolving Neuronal Activation Localized in Grey-Matter
Functional Reorganization of the Brain in Ischemic Stroke Patients After the Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A FMRI Study
Functional Resolution of Gradient Echo, Asymmetric Spin Echo, and Spin Echo in Functional MRI
Functional Response to a Complex Visuo-Motor Task Supports Local Compensatory Mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis
Functionalized Cryptophane-129Xe MRI Biosensor for Biothiols Detection Through Thiol-Addition Reaction
Fundamentals of Hyperpolarization
Future Directions in PET/MRI
GABA+ Levels in Postmenopausal Women with Mild-To-Moderate Depression: A Preliminary Study
A GABA-A Receptor a5 Subtype Specific FMRI Signature in the Rat Brain: Negative Versus Positive Allosteric Modulation Effects
Gadolinium Deposition in the Brain: Pre-Clinical Investigation of Differences in Concentration, Distribution and Histology in Animals After Repeated Administrations of Linear and Macrocyclic GBCAs
Gadolinium Deposition: Imaging Phenomenon or Should We Change Our Practice?
Gadolinium-DTPA-Enhanced MR Imaging of Brain Tumors: Comparison with T1-Cube and 3D Fast Spoiled Gradient Recall Acquisition in Steady State Sequences
gagCEST Imaging in Patients with Breast Tumors at 7 Tesla - Preliminary Results
Gamma Knife Radiosurgery Treatment of in Vivo Rabbit Model Aneurysms
Gauging the Effectiveness of Traumatic Brain Injury Treatment Using MR Phase Gradient Mapping
Gauging the Stability of Susceptibility and R2* Mapping Across Ten Sites
Gaussian Mixture Modelling of Combined Functional Imaging Parameters Provides New Insight Into Tumour Heterogeneity
Gd-Enhanced Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in Neonatal Rats
Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced MRI: Evaluation of Liver Function by Multiple Hepatocyte-Phase Images and T1 Mapping in Rats
Gender Based Analyses of Cortical Thickness and Structural Networks Connectivity in Parkinson’s Disease
Gender Differences in Sodium Deposition in Muscle and Skin
Gender Related Peculiarities of Amygdala Deactivation During Movements
Gender-Specific Attention System Subnetwork Vulnerability in Prematurely Born Children
A General Low-Rank Tensor Framework for High-Dimensional Cardiac Imaging: Application to Time-Resolved T1 Mapping
A General Solution for Transverse Signal Decay Under the Weak Field Approximation: Theory and Validation with Spherical Perturbers
Generalisability of Image Quality Transfer: Can We Approximate In-Vivo Human Brains from Dead Monkey Brains?
Generalized Phase Based Electrical Conductivity Imaging
Generalized SLIce Dithered Enhanced Resolution Simultaneous MultiSlice (GSlider-SMS) to Increase Volume Encoding, SNR and Partition Profile Fidelity in High-Resolution Diffusion Imaging.
Generating Unilateral Field Modulation for MRI Using a Pyrolytic-Graphite-Based Halbach Array
Generation of Hybrid Color Images from T1 and T2 Acquired Simultaneously with MRF
Generative Statistical Models of White Matter Microstructure for MRI Simulations in Virtual Tissue Blocks
A Generic Supervised Learning Framework for Fast Brain Extraction
Genetic Damage Investigations After Repeated Exposures to 7 T Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Geometric Solution to the Fully Balanced SSFP Signals
Geometry of Basal Ganglia Nuclei in QSM and Histology in Parkinson’s Disease Brains
Glioblastoma Growth and Invasion Kinetics Correlate with MRI ADC Metrics
Global and Regional Cortical Connectivity Maturation Index (CCMI) of Developmental Human Brain with Quantification of Short-Range Association Tracts
Global Maxwell Tomography: A Novel Technique for Electrical Properties Mapping Without Symmetry Assumptions or Edge Artifacts
Globally Applicable MR Safety Course for Medical Students
Globally Conditioned Multivariate Causal Influence Estimates in Whole-Brain Functional Connectivity
GluCEST Imaging of Spinal Cord in a Mouse Model of Friedreich Ataxia
GluCEST Imaging: A Relevant Biomarker of Huntington’s Disease.
GluCEST MRI: A Biomarker for Glutamine Metabolism in Cancer
GlucoCEST Matches 18F-FDG PET on a Pulse Focus Ultrasound Induced Traumatic Brain Injury
Glutamate Level Change in Anterior Cingulate Elicited by Alcohol Cues in Alcohol Use Disorder
Glutamatergic Metabolism and Disease Severity in Schizophrenia: A 7T MRS Study
Glutamatergic Metabolite Concentrations in the Superior Temporal Gyrus in Schizophrenia Are Increased and Glutamate Predicts Neuroticism
Glutamatergic Production of 2HG in IDH1-Mutant Tumor Cells Is Retained by Glutamate Import in Glutamine-Free Medium
Glutamate-Sensitive CEST and MEMRI as Novel Biomarkers for Studying ALS Pathophysiology
The Glutamine and Glutamate Complex Measured by Functional MRS Alters During a Face-Name Association Task in Patients with MCI and AD
Glutathione and Glutamate in Schizophrenia: A 7T MRS Study
Glycerophosphocholine (GPC) Phosphodiesterases GDPD5 and GDPD6 Are Essential for the Survival of Breast Cancer Cells
Glymphatic Clearance Impaired in a Mouse Model of Tauopathy: Captured Using Contrast-Enhanced MRI
A Golden-Angle Acquisition Coupled with K-T Sparse SENSE Reconstruction for Fetal Self Retro-Gated Cine Cardiac MRI: An in Vivo Feasibility Study
GPU Accelerated Dynamic Respiratory Motion Model Correction for MRI-Guided Cardiac Interventions
GPU Optimized Fast 3D MRI Simulator
Graded Hypercapnia-Calibrated BOLD: Beyond the Iso-Metabolic Hypercapnia Assumption
Gradient Amplifier Design with Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices and Simple Topology
Gradient Drivers: Amplifier Considerations, Power, Tuning & Cooling
Gradient Echo Imaging
Gradient Echo Signal Decay of Bone Material at High Field Requires a Gaussian Augmentation of the Mono-Exponential Model for T2* Determination
Gradient Free MRI with a Rotating Magnet and Receiver Fields
Gradient Input Optimization Based on the Measured System Frequency Response
Gradient Nonlinearity and B0-Induced Distortion Corrections of Prospective Motion Correction Data at 7T MRI
Gradient Optimization for Arbitrary K-Space Trajectories Using Active Contour (GO-Active)
Gradient Optimization Using Active Contour for Rapid Breast DCE-MRI
Gradient Pre-Emphasis Correction for First-Order Concomitant Field on Head-Only Asymmetric Gradient MRI System
Gradient Response Harvesting for Continuous System Characterization During MR Sequences
Gradient Unwarping: Reverse Engineering the Warpfield with Spherical Harmonics
Gradient-Heavy Sequences Degrade the Quality of Subsequent Spectroscopy Acquisitions
Graph Theoretical Analysis of Abnormal Structural Networks in Obese Patients Using DTI Tractography
Graph-Based Segmentation of Signal Voids in Time Series of Diffusion-Weighted Images of Musculature in the Human Lower Leg
Graph-Theoretical Analysis of BOLD-FMRI Using Nociceptive Stimuli Unravels Characteristics of Pain Chronification
G-Ratio Distribution Within the Healthy Population: The Effect of Age and Gender
Gray and White Matter Volume Changes and the Correlation with Depression and Anxiety in Obese Patients Revealed by Voxel-Based Morphometry
Gray Matter Alterations Using Voxel-Based Morphometry May Not Reflect Changes in Morphometry: A Study of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Gray Matter Atrophy in a Rat Model of Chronic Hypoperfusion and the Effects of Environmental Enrichment: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study
Gray Matter Networks in the Mouse Brain
Grey and White Matter Signal Separation in the Single Voxel NMR Spectroscopy at 7T
gr-MRI: GNU Radio Extensions for MRI Using Software-Defined Radios
GROG Based Sensitivity Map Estimation for Radial Data in MRI
Group NMF Analysis for Resting State FMRI
A Guideline Based Approach to the Incidental Pancreatic Cysts
Half Fourier Acquisition Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo (HASTE) Imaging Using Multiband (MB) Excitation and Power Independent of Number of Slices (PINS) Refocusing Pulses at 3 Tesla
HARDI Acquisition in Neonates And Children Using Modular Multiband Multi-Shell Sequence
Hardware, Patient Preparation, & Monitoring Considerations for Body MRI
Harmonic-Phase Versus Sine-Wave Modeling for Measuring Regional Cardiac Function from Tagged MRI Images
The Harmonized Human Connectome Protocol for Multi-Site Brain MRI Studies
Harmonizing Diffusion MRI Data from Multiple Scanners
HASTE Imaging with EPI Volumetric Navigators for Real-Time Fetal Head Motion detection
Head & Neck: The Radiologist's Perspective
Head & Neck: The Surgeon's Perspective
Head and Neck: MRI of Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Cancers
Head Motion Tracking and Correction Using Discrete Off-Resonance Markers (TrackDOTS) for High-Resolution Anatomical Imaging at 7T
Heat Equation Inversion (HEI) Algorithm Sensitivity Assessment for Computation of SAR from MR Thermometry Acquisitions
Heating of Lead Electrodes Disconnected from Sacral Stimulator During Routine Lumbar MRI at 3T with Receive-Only Coil
Heating Reduction in Unilateral and Bilateral Implanted Leads at 3T Using Parallel Radiofrequency Transmission in a Heterogeneous Head Model
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Late-Onset Krabbe Disease Halts Demyelination and Axonal Loss: A 4 Year Longitudinal Case Study
Hemodynamic Alterations in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Hemodynamic Changes in the Portal Circulation in Living Related Liver Donors, Assessed by 4D Flow MRI
Hemodynamic-Independent Fluctuation MRI Using Self-Correction in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus
Hepatic Lipid Alterations Monitored by
in Vivo
in the Ontogeny of Obesity-Related Metabolic Dysregulation.
Hepatic Lipid Metabolite Changes In high-Fat Diet Induced Liver Steatosis model by in Vivo 1H-MRS at 9.4T
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
The Heritability of Structural Brain Network
HERMES: Hadamard Encoding and Reconstruction of MEGA-Edited Spectroscopy
Heterogeneity of Hemodynamic Response Dynamics Across the Subcortical-Cortical Visual Pathway
Heterogeneity of IDH+ Glioma Metabolism Evaluated by CSI
Heterogeneous Gelatin-Based Head Phantom for Evaluating DBS Heating
Heteronuclear Cross- Relaxation and Polarization Transfer Effects Enable Spectroscopic Measurements of Enzymatic Activity by Hyperpolarized Proton NMR.
Heteronuclear Proton MRI - SNR, Temperature Effects and Frequency Separation of UTE Versus CSI Readout
The Hidden Heart Rate in the Slice-Wise BOLD-FMRI Global Signal.
HIgh B-Value and High Resolution Integrated Diffusion (HIBRID) Imaging
A High B-Value Diffusion Study of Brainstem Abnormality in Patients with Parkinson's Disease Using a CTRW Model
High Correlation of VasA and Vascular Reactivity M Supports Vascular Origin of VasA
High Efficiency Coronary MRA: Beyond the Quiescent Period
High Field DTI and NODDI Imaging to Assess the Effects of Systemic Inflammation on the Pup Rat Brain.
High Field Imaging of Large-Scale Neurotransmitter Networks: Concepts, Graph Theoretical Metrics, and Preliminary Results
High Field MR Demonstrates Effect of Glucocorticoids in a Novel Murine Model of VEGF-Induced Vasogenic Brain Edema
High Frequency Orientation Estimates for Fast Real-Time Motion Correction Using Vector Observations of Gravity and the Static Magnetic Field (B0).
High Grade Intracranial Gliomas Exhibit Widespread Impaired Cerebrovascular Reactivity
High Lesion-To-Wall Contrast Ratio in Intracranial Arterial Wall Imaging Using Whole-Brain IR-SPACE: A Potential Approach to Stroke Etiology Assessment Without the Need for MR Contrast Media
High Performance Volumetric 3T Breast Acquisition: A Foundation for Multi-Parametric Imaging
A High Power RF Gated Wireless Power Transfer System
High Powered GaN HEMT Devices for Low Powered Q-Spoiling at 3T MRI
High Quality Preclinical 4D-Flow Phase Contrast Imaging
High Resolution 1H NMR-Based Metabolomics Study of Serum in Parkinson’s Disease
High Resolution 3D Diffusion Imaging of Carotid Vessel Wall Using Stimulated Echo Based Diffusion Prepared Turbo Spin Echo Sequence
High Resolution 3D Steady-State Imaging for Peripheral Nerves at 7T
High Resolution Anatomical Imaging of the Human Occipital Lobe with a Large Ex-Vivo 9.4T RF Coil
High Resolution Blood Vessel Imaging with USPIOs in the Human Brain: T1 Vs T2* Contrast.
High Resolution CBV Assessment with PEAK-EPI and PS-SPIRiT-EPI
High Resolution Cervical Spine DTI in Axial View Using Non-Triggered Multi-Shot Acquisition and SYMPHONY Reconstruction
High Resolution Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: A Preliminary Follow-Up Study
High Resolution Diffusion Tensor Reconstruction from Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisitions in a Clinically Feasible Scan Time
High Resolution DWI with Readout-Segmented EPI and Computed DWI as a Potential Alternative of High Resolution Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI in Evaluating Breast Cancer
High Resolution FMRI with Constrained Evolution Reconstruction
High Resolution Gradient-Echo EPI Using a Shim Insert Coil at 7T: Implication for BOLD FMRI.
High Resolution Imaging of Ex-Vivo Humane Pancreas Specimen at High Field MRI
High Resolution Imaging of Pelvic Lymph Nodes at 7 Tesla
High Resolution IVIM in Brain Using Readout-Segmented EPI
High Resolution Macaque MRI at 3T Using an 8 Channel Receive Array with Shielded Birdcage Transmit Coil
High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Combined with Magnetization Transfer (MT) for the Visualization of the Cardiac Structure: An Ex Vivo Proof of Concept
High Resolution MR Elastography of the Hippocampus Reveals Differential Tissue Elasticity in Alzheimer's Disease – a Pilot Study
High Resolution MRI and DTI in a Genetic Mouse Model of Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Injury
High Resolution MRI for Characterization of Inflammation Within Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
High Resolution Quantitative T1 Mapping Under Graded Hyperoxia at 7T
High Resolution Simultaneous Multi-Slice GRE at 9.4T Using 16-Channel SMS-PTX Spokes Excitations for Slice-By-Slice Flip-Angle Homogenisation
High Resolution Tract Density Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Automating Fiber-Tract Quantification Analysis in Patients Suffering from Major Depressive Disorder
High Resolution Whole Brain Intracranial Vessel Wall Imaging at 3T and 7T
High Resolution Whole-Brain Diffusion MRI at 7 Tesla Using Parallel RF Transmission: How Fast Can We Go?
High Spatial and Temporal Resolution DCE-MRI of Intervertebral Disc Endplates Using GRAPPA Accelerated 3D-Linogram Acquisition
High Spatial Resolution Functional Imaging of Human Temporal Lobe Cortical Layers at 3T
High Spatiotemporal Resolution 3D Dynamic MRI Using Spiral Acquisition and Compressed Sensing with L0 Homotopic Minimization
High Speed, High Sensitivity MR-ARFI Using a Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Pulse Sequence
High Temporal Resolution DCE MRI of Breast Cancer Treated with Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy and Analyzed with Both Distributed Parameter and Modified Tofts Tracer Kinetics Models
High Temporal Resolution Retrospective Motion and $$$B_0$$$ Correction Using FIDNavs and Segmented FatNavs at 7T.
High Throughput: the 5 Minute MR Scan for Pediatric Imaging
High-Frequency and Other Pathological Network Hemodynamics Observed in Epilepsy Patients Imaged with Multi-Band Multi-Echo BOLD Functional MRI at 7T
Highly Accelerated 4D Flow MRI with CIRcular Cartesian UnderSampling (CIRCUS) in Patients with Intracranial Aneurysms
Highly Accelerated Bloch-Siegert B1+ Mapping Using Variational Modeling
Highly Accelerated Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) MRI Using Combination of Compressed Sensing and Sensitivity Encoding
Highly Accelerated Fat-Fraction Measurements for Clinical Trials in Muscular Dystrophy
Highly Accelerated Graph Theory Implementations Show Benefits of Finer Cortical Parcellations for Group Connectomic Analyses
Highly Accelerated T2 Mapping with a Simple Dictionary
Highly Accelerated, Intravascular T1, T2, and Proton Density Mapping with Linear Algebraic Modeling and Sensitivity Profile Correction at 3T
Highly Efficient Nonrigid Motion Corrected 3D Whole-Heart Coronary Vessel Lumen and Wall Imaging
Highly-Accelerated CEST Measurements in Three Dimensions with Linear Algebraic Modeling
Highly-Accelerated, Self-Calibrated Stack-Of-Spirals Arterial Spin Labeling Using 3D SPIRiT Reconstruction
Highly-Efficient Free Breathing Whole Heart CINE MRI with Self Gated 3D CASPR-TIGER Trajectory
High-Quality Flexible Printed MRI Receive Coils Towards Garment Integration
High-Quality MRS Detects Metabolic Changes in Mice at Different Stages of Prion Disease
High-Resolution 3D Ultra-Short Echo-Time Imaging of the Lung in Young Children at 3T Without Sedation
High-Resolution CMRO2 Mapping During a Unilateral Pinch-Force Task
High-Resolution Diffusion Imaging at 7T Using 3D Multi-Slab EPI
High-Resolution Distortion-Free Diffusion Imaging of the Prostate Using Stimulated Echo Based Turbo Spin Echo (DPsti-TSE) Sequence
High-Resolution DTI of Distal Peripheral Nerves Using Flow-Compensated Diffusion-Prepared 3D TSE
High-Resolution DTI-Based Cortical Connectome Reconstructions Match Incompletely with True Axonal Projections in Rat Brain
High-Resolution DWI of the Lumbar Plexus Using B1-Insensitive Velocity-Compensated Diffusion-Prepared 3D TSE
High-Resolution DWI Using Reduced FOV Multi-Shot EPI with IRIS Reconstruction
High-Resolution Dynamic 31P-MRSI Using High-Order Partially Separable Functions
High-Resolution Imaging of Muscular Fat Fraction - Comparison of Chemical Shift-Encoded Imaging and T2-Based Imaging
High-Resolution Intracranial Vessel Wall Magnetic Resonance Imaging in an Elderly Asymptomatic Population: Comparison of 3.0T and 7.0T
High-Resolution MR Imaging of Left-Ventricular Function in Newborn Mice
High-Resolution MRI to Assess Trabecular Bone Microstructure in the Proximal Femur of HIV-Infected Men
High-Resolution Multi-Station Diffusion Imaging Using Accelerated Multi-Shot Acquisition Mode.
High-Resolution Myelin Water Imaging Using Direct Visualization of Short Transverse Relaxation Time Component (ViSTa) at 7T
High-Resolution Myocardial Perfusion Imaging with Radial Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging and Constrained Reconstruction
High-Resolution Placental MR Angiography Using a Nanoparticle Contrast Agent
High-Resolution Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Human Cervical Spinal Cord at 7T
High-Resolution Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Free-Breathing Human Lung
High-Resolution Single-Point QMT of the Lumbar Cord
High-Resolution Susceptibility Weighted Images Derived from FMRI Images Using Super-Resolution Reconstruction
High-Resolution T1-Mapping Using Inversion-Recovery EPI and Application to Cortical Depth-Dependent FMRI at 7 Tesla
High-Resolution Whole-Brain Intracranial Vessel Wall MRI at 3T: Technical Considerations Toward a Clinically Practical Imaging Approach to Stroke Etiology Assessment
High-SNR Susceptibility Weighted Venography (SWV) for Multi-Echo Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images Based on Complex Signal Modeling
High-Speed Whole-Brain Oximetry with a Golden-Angle Radial Imaging Sequence
High-Speed, Contact-Free Measurement of the Photoplethysmography Waveform for MRI Triggering
A High-Speed, High Power T/R Switching Frontend
High-Throughput: The 5 Minute MR Scan: Musculoskeletal
Hindered Diffusion of Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents in Rat Brain Extracellular Micro-Environment After Ultrasound-Induced Delivery
Hippocampal Metabolic Abnormalities in Schizophrenia: A 3D Multi-Voxel MR Spectroscopic Imaging Study
Hippocampal Subfield Diffusivity Changes in Healthy Ageing
Hippocampal Subfields Segmentation Derived from Freesurfer 6.0: A Multisite 3T Reproducibility Study in Healthy Elderly
Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Correlation with Pathological Grade.
Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Characterizing Solid Pancreatic Masses
Histogram Analytics and Data Mining of Multiparametric FMRI (Perfusion, Diffusion) In Preoperative Histologic Prediction of Posterior Fossa Tumors.
Histogram Based Analysis of Lung Perfusion of Children After Congenital Diaphramatic Hernia Repair
Histogram-Metrical DCE-MRI Based Quantitative Discrimination of Breast Masses
Histological Correlates of MRI Contrast in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
Histological Validation of VERDICT Cellularity Map in a Prostatectomy Case
Hitchhikers Guide to Voxel Segmentation for Partial Volume Correction of In-Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Hormonal Effect on Time-Dependent Diffusion of the Breast Fibroglandular Tissue
How Accurately and Precisely Are We Measuring Coronary Endothelial Function with Radial MRI?
How Bold Is BOLD MRI of the Kidney: Detailing Renal Hypoxia with MRI, Electrochemical Physiological Methods and Optical Imaging
How Feedback, Verbal Instruction and Reward Influence Learning Brain Self-Regulation? a Real-Time FMRI Study.
How Much Microvascular Anatomy Is in T1-DCE MRI? – a Computerized Analysis of Meningioma Microvasculature Correlated to Kinetic Parameters Applying the Extended Tofts Model
How to Compare SHARP Parameters? New Definitions in Physical Rather Than Numerical Space
How to Make a Diagnosis and Differential Diagnoses for Superficial Soft-Tissue Solid Masses by Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Our Experiences and Initial Results
How to Map Pelvic Autonomic Nerves: Value of a 3D High-Resolution Mr Neurography Sequence
How to Minimize Motion-Induced Phase and Magnitude Modulation in Diffusion-Prepared Sequences?
Human Head Models from MRI for Head Impact Analysis
A Hybrid 8 Channel TR Dipole and 8 Channel Rx Birdcage Body Coil Array for 7T
Hybrid Diffusion Imaging to Detect Acute White Matter Injury After Mild TBI
Hybrid Interleaved Multi-Contrast Imaging (HIMI) for Simultaneous Brain and Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging
A Hybrid Model Integrated with Correction of Susceptibility Induced Phase Error in Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
Hybrid PET MRI of Brain Tumours: Spatial Relationship of Tumour Volume in FET PET and 3D MRSI
A Hybrid Premature Neonatal Segmentation Pipeline for Clinical Brain Imaging Acquired Without Dedicated Neonatal Coils.
A Hybrid RF Shielding for PET Inserts Using Carbon Fiber and Slotted Copper Layers
A Hybrid-Segmentation Atlas Method to Construct the Attenuation Correction Factor for Human Pelvic PET/MRI
Hyperemic Blood-Oxygen Level Dependent MRI of the Foot for Identifying Perfusion Defects in Those with Peripheral Arterial Disease
Hyperpolarisation - Clinical Potential & Relevance
Hyperpolarisation - Description, Overview & Method
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate and [1-13C]lactate Observed Using a Single Shot 3D Pulse Sequence in Vivo
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate Differentiates Distinctive Molecular Phenotypes in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Gliomas
Hyperpolarized 1-13C Pyruvate Imaging of Porcine Cardiac Metabolism Shift by GIK Intervention
Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI Ventilation in Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease: Safety and Sensitivity
Hyperpolarized 13C Metabolic Imaging of Neuroinflammation in Traumatic Brain Injury
Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI Can Detect Neuroinflammation in Vivo in a Multiple Sclerosis Murine Model
Hyperpolarized 13C-Labeled 5-5-Dimethyl-1-Pyrroline-N-Oxide for in Vivo Detection of Reactive Oxygen Species
Hyperpolarized 13C-Urea MRI for the Assessment of the Urea Gradient in the Porcine Kidney
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Ketoisocaproate Reveals Dysfunction in Branched-Chain Amino Acid Metabolism in Liver Cancer
Hyperpolarized Saline for Contrast-Enhanced MR at Ultra-Low Field
Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Lung 3D SB-CSI at 1.5 and 3 Tesla
Hypoglycemia-Induced Changes in Global and Regional Cerebral Blood Flow; Impact of Type 1 Diabetes and Impaired Awareness of Hypoglycemia
Identification of Microbleeds on Postmortem Brain of Normal Aging Elderly and Dementia Patients
Identification of Myocardial Anisotropic Material Properties Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography and the Finite Element Method
Identification of Novel Gene-Specific Bioimaging Markers in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Identification of the Nigrostriatal and Pallidothalamic Fiber Tracts by High-Resolution Probabilistic Diffusion Tractography in Squirel Monkey
Identification of the Origin for Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging Signals in Multiple Pathologies
Identifying Brain Connectomic Alterations Specific to Mild Cognitive Impairment and Depression Co-Morbid with Parkinson’s Disease
Identifying Carotid Plaque Inflammation Using High and Low Molecular Weight Contrast Agents
Identifying Foci of Brain Disorders from Effective Connectivity Networks
IDH-1 Mutation and Non-Enhancing Component of Glioblastoma
IHMT: Is It Misnamed? a Simple Theoretical Description of "inhomogeneous" MT.
An Illustrated Comparison of Background Field Elimination Methods for Phase MRI and QSM
Image Fusion of Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Regional Anesthesia of the Hip: The Influence of MRI Scanning Position for Fusion Accuracy and Post Anesthesia Visualization of Anatomical Distribution of Local Anesthetics
Image Inhomogeneity Correction Using Geometric Average of Channels in Sum-Of-Squares Multi-Channel MR Imaging
Image Intensity Corrections in ESPIRiT from Eigenvalue Based Spatially Variant Sensitivity Map Rescaling Modifications
Image Quality Transfer Benefits Tractography of Low-Resolution Data
Image Reconstruction System for Compressed Sensing Retrospective Motion Correction for the Application in Clinical Practice
Image Registration and Robust Fitting for Motion Insensitive Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Image Super-Resolution Restoration Based on Structure Feature in Fourier Domain for MR Images
Image-Based Estimation of Point Spread Function in Distorted EPI Images
Image-Based Non-Rigid Motion Correction for Free-Breathing 4D MR Angiography
Image-Based Phase Correction for Dual-Band EPI with Slice-GRAPPA Using Point-By-Point Procedures in K-Space
Imaging Angiogenesis Genotype of Glioblastoma by Radiomic Features of Multi-Modality MRI
Imaging Bio-Markers of Intervertebral Disc Degeneration by T2 Relaxometry and DTI a Prospective Study with Multi Parametric Imaging Correlation
Imaging Cartilage-Bone Interactions in Osteoarthritis Using Simultaneous 18F-NaF PET-MR Imaging– the “Bone-Cartilage Connectome”
Imaging Changes in Cross-Sectional Area of the Middle Cerebral Artery Through the Cardiac Cycle at 7 Tesla
Imaging Deep Inferior Epigastric Perforators with Phase Contrast Magnetic Resonance Angiography: A Feasibility Demonstration
Imaging Effects of Memantine Treatment in a Mouse Model of Huntington Disease Using Evoked and Resting-State FMRI
Imaging Energy Metabolism
Imaging Following Cartilage Repair
Imaging Following Shoulder Instability Surgery
Imaging in Vitro and in Vivo PH with Ioversol by CEST MRI
Imaging Lenticulostriate Arteries at 3 Tesla Using Flow-Sensitive Black-Blood Acquisition with Adaptive Flow-SensitiveGradient
Imaging Lung Cancer: MRI, PET or Both?
Imaging Membrane & Protein Metabolism
Imaging Myelin with Ultrashort-Echo Time (UTE) in a Multiple Sclerosis Model on a Clinical 7T System
Imaging Neurotransmission
Imaging of Bone in Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis
Imaging of Dermal White Adipose Tissue in Mice
Imaging of Lung Conductivity Using Ultrashort Echo-Time Imaging
Imaging of Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) in Vitro Using CEST
Imaging of Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement in Human Brain Tumor at 3 Tesla
Imaging of Oxygenation in the Brain
Imaging of Oxygenation in the Kidney
Imaging of Oxygenation in the Lung
Imaging of Oxygenation in Tumors
Imaging of Oxygenation Using MR
Imaging of Pulmonary Vascular Disease: Can MRI Replace CT?
Imaging of Tendon Injuries
Imaging of Thalamic Substructures: T1 Based Approach Using IR-EPI Sequence at 7T
Imaging Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) Using CEST MRI
Imaging Response to 90-Yttrium Radioembolization with Volumetric ADC DWI in Patients with Metastatic Liver Cancer
Imaging Restrictive Pore Geometry with Asymmetrical Chirped Pulses
Imaging Spermine Using LnDOTP5-Towards a Noninvasive Staging of Prostate Cancer
Imaging Subcortical White Matter by High Resolution 7 T MRI in Vivo: Towards Potential U-Fiber Density Mapping in Humans
Imaging Techniques & Challenges
Imaging the Brain Using Ultra-Low Field MRI with SQUIDs
Imaging Three Dimensional Temporal Diffusion Spectrum Dispersion Profiles in the Brain
Imaging Vascular Alterations in a Mouse Model of Down’s Syndrome Using Magnetic Resonance Angiography with Tensor-Based Morphometry
Imaging Whole Mouse Brain Cytoarchitecture by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping at 10-µm Resolution
Imaging with a High-Channel Matrix Gradient Coil
Imaging the pH by Means of CEST-Responsive Iopamidol: Normal and AKI Model Studies
Imbalanced Learning Techniques for Improved Classification of Paediatric Brain Tumours from Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Immune Co-Stimulatory Blockade Permits Human Glioblastoma Xenografting in Immunocompetent Mice: Model Validation with MRI and Bioluminescence Imaging
Impact of Acquisition Parameters on Cortical Thickness and Volume Derived from Multi-Echo MPRAGE Scans
The Impact of Arterial Input Function Determination Variation on Prostate Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pharmacokinetic Modeling: A Multicenter Data Analysis Challenge
Impact of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Fusion Phenotype and Valve Stenosis on Aortic 3D Hemodynamics: New Insights from a Large Cohort 4D Flow MRI Study in 312 Subjects
Impact of Calibration Method on the Reproducibility of CBF Mapping Using Multiple Post-Labeling-Delay PASL
The Impact of Data Analysis Method, Scanner Type and Scan Session on Volume Measurements of Brain Structures
The Impact of Ebselen Administration on Neurochemical Profiles: A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study at 7 Tesla
Impact of Exercise Intervention on Vascular Function in PAD
Impact of Field Strength and Image Resolution on MRE Stiffness Estimation
Impact of Fitting Strategy on DCE Parameter Estimates and Performance : A Simulation Study in Image Space
The Impact of HPG-Axis Activation to the Brain Morphometry: A Combined Surface-Based and Voxel-Based Study
Impact of Image Acquisition Systems on Alzheimer's Disease-Related Atrophy Detection
Impact of Inter-Lobular Fat on the Repeatability of Pancreatic Fat Fraction Measurement by MRI.
Impact of MR-Based PET Motion Correction on the Quantification of Myocardial Blood Flow: An In-Vivo Simultaneous MR/PET Study
Impact of Non-Rigid Registration and Retrospective Image Correction (RETROICOR) on Detecting BOLD FMRI Vasomotor Response in the Breast
The Impact of Polar Based Initialization and Frame Time Curve Selection on Left Ventricle Short Axis Perfusion MR Segmentation
Impact of Semi-Automatic Delineation of Hotspots of Contrast Enhancing Region in Predicting the Outcome of GBM Patients After Brain Surgery
Impact of Sequence Parameters on the Sensitivity of DDE and DODE Sequences to Microscopic Anisotropy
The Impact of Shimming on Fat Suppression in Head-And-Neck MRI: Current Practice Vs an Image Based Approach
Impact of Spatio-Temporal Resolution on MR-Based Cardiac Motion Correction PET-MR
Impact of T1 and B1 Correction on Quantitative DCE-MRI for Assessing Longitudinal Therapy Response in Breast Cancer
The Impact of Through-Slice Acceleration on the Optimum TE in BOLD-Based FMRI: A Simulation Study
Impact of Transcytolemmal Water Exchange on Quantitative Characterization of Tissue Microstructure Using Diffusion MRI
Impaired Hepatic Arterial Buffer Response in a Rodent Model of Chronic Liver Disease: Assessment Using Caval Subtraction Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T
Impaired Myocardial Resting Perfusion in Patients Undergo Chemo Therapy, a Quantitative MRI Perfusion Study
Impaired Small-World Structural Brain Network in Patients With neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Implementation of an 84 Channel Actively Shielded Matrix Gradient Coil
Implementing a Fast MR Screening Protocol for Pancreas in Patients with Mutations of BRCA1 and BRCA2: Preliminary Data on Diffusion-Weighted Images.
Implementing Single-Shot Quantitative CEST/T1? Measurements Using BSSFPX
Implications of Angiogenesis in Glioma Malignancies Using C6 Glioma Model in Wistar and Sprague-Dawley (SD) Rats
The Importance of B-Values Selection and the Precision of Diffusion Kurtosis Estimation by the Conventional Schemes
Improve the Detection of Cartilage Degradation by Dividing the Tissue Unequally – a Comparative Study of Two Methods
Improved Aliasing Suppression in Steady-State, Parallel Imaging Using Inner Volume Excitation Introduction
Improved Assessment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Function Using High-Temporal Cine-CMR
Improved Banding Removal for High Resolution BSSFP Imaging of the Inner Ear Using SENSE
Improved Characterization of Low-Frequency Fluctuations in Resting-State FMRI Using GLM Correction of Baseline and Physiological Noise
Improved Detection of Capsular Enhancement in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Multiphasic Hepatic Arterial Imaging and DIfferential Sub-Sampling with Cartesian Ordering (DISCO) in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Improved Detection of FMRI Activity in Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Using Multi-Echo EPI
Improved Detection of Recurrent Hepatocellular Carcinomas in Arterial Phase with Multiple Arterial-Phase Volume-Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination
Improved Field-Map Estimation and Deblurring for MAVRIC-SL
Improved Fitting of
Xe Spectroscopy Identifies Three Dissolved-Phase Resonances in the Human Lung
Improved Gradient Warping Correction for Large Field-Of-View Imaging and Application to Radiation Therapy Planning
Improved Gradient Waveforms for Small-Tip 3D Spatially Tailored Excitation Using Iterated Local Search
Improved Homogeneity of B1+ and Signal Intensity at 7T Using a Parallel Transmission on Human Volunteers
Improved Identification and Clinical Utility of Pseudo-Inverse with Constraints (PICO) Reconstruction for PROPELLER MRI
Improved Image Quality When Estimating Perfusion Parameters Using Bayesian Fitting Algorithm
Improved In-Plane SENSE PROPELLER with Multi-Step Joint-Blade Reconstruction
Improved IVIM MRI of Small Lesions in the Liver by Deformable Image Registration with Modality Independent Neighborhood Descriptor
Improved Magnetic Dipole Kernel for Reconstruction Methods in Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Improved Modeling of Glioblastoma Proliferation and Necrosis Using Growth Parameters Derived from MRI
Improved MR Neurography of the Brachial Plexus Using High Permittivity Pads
Improved Myocardial T1 Mapping Technique to Eliminate Device-Induced Image Artefacts for Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
Improved Nyquist Ghost Removal for Single-Shot Spatiotemporally Encoded (SPEN) MRI with Joint Rank Constraint
Improved Pseudo Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling Efficiency Robustness to Off Resonance and High Velocity
Improved Radial Sampling Using Wave-CAIPI
Improved Reproducibility in Subcortical Gray Matter Atrophy Measurement Using FIRST and FreeSurfer
Improved Robustness of Parallel Imaging in 3D Multi-Slab Diffusion Imaging Using an Adapted FLEET Approach
Improved Semi-LASER Sequence with Short Echo Time for Ultra-High Field Using Selective GOIA Refocusing Pulses
Improved Spiral Chemical Shift Imaging at 3 Tesla Using a 32-Channel Integrated RF-Shim Coil Array
Improved Stability of the Inverse Laplace Transform with Non-Negativity Constraints Through Extension Into a Second Dimension, with Applications to Magnetic Resonance Relaxometry of Tissue
Improved Temporal Resolution TWIST Reconstruction Using Annihilating Filter-Based Low-Rank Hankel Matrix
Improved Thermometry Based on a Fast Spin Echo Sequence
Improved Time Fidelity in Sparse ADMM Reconstruction Via Tempered Data Weighting
An Improved Tissue-Fraction MRF (TF-MRF) with Additional Fraction Regularization
An Improved Tracking Technique for Real-Time MR-Guided Beam Therapies in Moving Organs
Improved Tractography by Modelling Sub-Voxel Fibre Patterns Using Asymmetric Fibre Orientation Distributions
Improved Vascular Transport Function Characterization in DSC-MRI Via Deconvolution with Dispersion-Compliant Bases
Improvement in Alignment & Signal Uniformity Via Realtime B0 Correction and Image Registration in Multi-Station PET/MR Whole Body Diffusion Imaging
Improvement in Glioma Visualization Using Subtraction Maps Derived from Contrast-Enhanced T1- And T2-Weighted MR Images
Improvement of 2-Hydroxyglutarate Detectability Using Optimized Triple-Refocusing Difference Editing at 7T in Vivo
Improvement of B1+ Homogeneity Along Z-Direction Using Top-Hat Dipole-Antenna PTX Array for Body Imaging at 7 Tesla
Improvement of B1+ Homogeneity and Reduction of Transmit RF Power Using 4-Channel Regional RF Shimming in L-Spine Imaging at 3T
Improvement of in Vivo GlucoCEST Imaging in Rat Brain Using Inverse Z-Spectrum Analytical Scheme at 7.0 T
Improvement of Probabilistic Tractography of the Corticospinal Tract in Human Brain
Improvement of Quantification of 1H Cardiac MR Spectra Acquired at 3T by the Use of Prior Knowledge
Improvement of the Reproducibility of Parallel Transmission at 7T by Breath-Holding During the Calibration Scan
Improvement of Visualization of Intracranial Blood Vessel Uniformity on MR Angiography Using a Silent Scan
Improving ASL Perfusion MRI-Based Functional Connectivity Analysis with Robust Principal Component Analysis
Improving Chemical Shift-Encoded Water-Fat Separation Based on a Detailed Consideration of Magnetic Field Contributions
Improving EPI Phase Correction for Breast DWI
Improving Functional Imaging of the Fetal Brain Using Constrained Image-Based Shimming to Suppress Maternal Fat
Improving Liver Iron Estimates with a Muscle-Based Proton Density Estimate
Improving Parameter Mapping in MRI Relaxometry and Multi-Echo Dixon Using an Automated Spectral Denoising
Improving Peak Local SAR Prediction in Parallel Transmit Using In-Situ S-Matrix Measurements
Improving Quantitative Hyperpolarized
Xe Gas Exchange MRI in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Improving Respiratory Phase-Resolved 3D Body Imaging Using Iterative Motion Correction and Average (MoCoAve)
Improving Robustness in Automated Slice Positioning for Knee MR by Combining Landmark Detection and Image Processing
Improving SNR in Pulsed Arterial Spin Labeling Using Multiple Inversion Modules (MM-PASL)
Improving Temporal Resolution in FMRI Using 3D Spiral Acquisition and Low-Rank Plus Sparse Image Reconstruction
Improving the Accuracy of Renal Perfusion Measurements from ASL by Using Multiple TIs: Validation with DCE MRI
Improving the Efficiency of Integrated RF-Shim Arrays Using Hybrid Coil Designs and Channel Placement and Compression Via a Genetic Algorithm
Improving the Quality of Neonatal Brain Structural MRI with Shorter Acquisition Train Length
Improving the Quality of the Multi-B Diffusion Weighted Images Using the Intrinsic Multi-Exponential Pattern
Improving Time Efficiency for T2-Weighted Fat-Water Imaging by Using Multiband Simultaneous Multi-Slice Accelerated TSE Dixon
Improving Tissue Segmentation of Brain MRI Through Sparsity-Guided Super-Resolution Imaging
Improving Travelling Wave Efficiency at 7 T Using Dielectric Material Placed ”beyond” the Region of Interest
Improving Visualization of Superficial Temporal Artery Using Segmented TOF MR Angiography at 7T
IMPULSE-SMS: Local SAR and Peak Power Optimized PTx Pulse Design for Simultaneous Multislice Imaging at High Fields
In Situ PH Effects Within Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infected Mice Revealed by UTE-CEST MRI
In Vitro and in Vivo MR Measurement of Fetal Blood Oxygen Saturation
In Vitro Imaging of Alanine: Application of CEST MRI
In Vitro Oxygen-17 NMR Spectroscopy of Cellular Metabolism at Ultra High Field
In Vitro Validation of Cartesian 4D Flow Mapping Using Patient-Specific 3D Printed Total Cavo-Pulmonary Connection Models
In Vivo 19F Mri Quantification Using B1+/B1-Correction
In Vivo
H and
P MR Spectroscopy in Healthy Fibroglandular Breast Tissue at 7 Tesla.
In Vivo 1H MRS and MRI Longitudinal Assessment of GBM Mouse Xenografts Derived from Freshly Injected Human Cells
In Vivo 1H MRS Using 3 Tesla to Investigate the Metabolic Profiles of Joint Fluids in Different Types of Knee Diseases
In Vivo 31P 3D MRSI of the Hepatobiliary System with Improved Coverage Due to the 8 Channel Receive Array at 3T Enables Prospective Assessment of Phosphatidylcholine in the Gallbladder.
In Vivo 3D Mapping of Intracellular PH Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate in the Rodent Heart
In Vivo 7T Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Cortical Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
In Vivo Accelerated MR Parameter Mapping Using Annihilating Filter-Based Low Rank Hankel Matrix (ALOHA)
In Vivo Application of Lactate Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging: Human Exercise Study
In Vivo Assessment of Metabolic Derangements in Renal Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Using Carbon-13 HP-MRI
In Vivo Assessment of T2* in Menisci Under Loading Conditions at 3 Tesla: Preliminary Results
In Vivo Cardiac DTI on a 3T Clinical Scanner: An Optimized M2 Approach
In Vivo Characterisation of Mouse Brain Glioma Using VERDICT MRI and Validation with Histology
In Vivo Characterization of Brain Ultrashort-T2 Components
In Vivo Comparison of Quadrupole Splitting of Potassium Resonance with Dipole-Dipole Splitting of Total Creatine Resonance in Proton MR Spectroscopy of Human Calf Muscle
In Vivo Concurrent Excitation and Acquisition MRI with Self-Referenced Active Decoupling
In Vivo Conductivity Imaging of Rat Tumor Model Using MRI
In Vivo Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Low-Grade Glioma Patients
In Vivo Detection of Hypothalamic Glucose Metabolism in HFD and Regular Fed Mice
In Vivo Detection of Omega-3 Fatty Acids at 7 T with MEGA-SLASER
In Vivo Detection of Short T2* Lipid 1H in Mouse Brain with a ZTE/UTE Subtraction Method (ZUS)
In Vivo Enzyme Activity Measurements with Hyperpolarized C13 Pyruvate in a Transgenic Tumor Mouse Model
In Vivo Evaluation of Low-Grade Cartilage Defects in the Knee Using Sodium MRI at 7T
In Vivo Exploration of the Human Brainstem Complex Pathways at 3 Tesla with Track-Density Imaging: A Digital Three-Dimensional Microscope for Anatomists
In Vivo Feasibility of Multi-Parametric Mapping Based on Fast Steady-State Sequences
In Vivo Hypercest Detection of Cucurbit[6]Uril in Rat Abdomen
In Vivo
C Diffusion Weighted MRI Measures Lactate Efflux and Changes in MCT4 Expression in Prostate Cancer
In Vivo Imaging of Cell Fate Decisions in Cardiac Cell Therapy Using CardioCEST MRI.
In Vivo Imaging of Rapid Structural Brain Plasticity Following Environmental Enrichment in Mice
In Vivo Localization and Timing of Oxygen Delivery in Human Placenta Based on BOLD MRI
In Vivo Longitudinal
H MRS Comparison of Hippocampal and Cerebellar Changes Due to Chronic Hepatic Encephalopathy, a Rat Model Study
In Vivo Measurement of Metabolic Fluxes in Mouse Dorsal Hippocampus Using 1H-[13C] NMR Spectroscopy at 14.1 Tesla
In Vivo Measurement of Renal Redox Capacity in a Model of Chronic Kidney Disease Using by Hyperpolarized 13C Dehydroascorbate (DHA) MRS
In Vivo Measurement of Tumor T1 Relaxation Time Using a Whole Body Clinically Feasible multiple Flip Angle Method Can Predict Response to Chemotherapy
In Vivo Metabolite Quantification Using ERETIC with Corrections for Changes in the RF Transmission and Recepetion Field
In Vivo Monitoring of Percutaneous Thermal Ablation by Simultaneous MR Elastography and Thermometry
In Vivo Multifrequency MR Elastography of the Human Prostate Using a Surface-Based Compressed Air Driver Operated in the Lower Frequency Regime
In Vivo Parametric T
Imaging Correlation with Myelin Density and Microstructure Properties of Rat Corpus Callosum
In Vivo PH and Metabolite MR Imaging Using Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate
In Vivo Prostate Cancer Detection and Grading Using Restriction Spectrum Imaging
In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveals Metabolite Changes in a Rat Model of Kainic Acid Induced Spinal Cord Injury
In Vivo Quantification of Antimitotic-Treatment-Induced Microstructural Changes Using Temporal Diffusion
In Vivo Quantitative Magnetisation Transfer in the Cervical Spinal Cord Using Reduced Field-Of-View Imaging: A Feasibility Study
In Vivo Skeletal Muscle Fiber Length Measurements Using a Novel MRI Diffusion Tensor Imaging Approach: Reproducibility and Sensitivity to Passive Stretch.
In Vivo T1 Mapping of the Spinal Cord Using a Reduced Field-Of-View Inversion Recovery Sequence (IR-ZOOM-EPI)
In Vivo Visualization of Iron-Rich Amyloid Plaques in Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits Using Clinical Field-Strength Magnetic Resonance Imaging
In Vivo White Matter Development of Fmr1 Knockout Mice
In Vivo Whole-Brain T1-Rho Mapping in Evaluation of Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
In Vivo Optimized Fast MR Fingerprinting in the Human Brain
In Vivo Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Cardiac MRI
In Vivo, High-Frequency 3D Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Feasibility in Normal Volunteers
In-Bore MRI-Guided Transperineal Prostate Biopsy Using 4-DOF Needle-Guide Manipulator
Incident Electric Field on Implanted Lead Vs. Source Position and Field Polarization
Incidental Cystic Lesions: Kidney
Incorporation of Finite Pulse Correction for Improved MT-Corrected Multicomponent T2 Analysis of Cartilage
Incorporation of Labeling Efficiency Measurement Into a Normal PCASL Perfusion Scan Without SNR-Penalty
Incorporation of Nonzero Echo Times in the SPGR and BSSFP Signal Models Used in McDESPOT
Incorporation of Prior Knowledge of the Signal Behavior Into the Compressed Sensing Framework for Accelerated Acquisition in Hyperpolarized Gas Diffusion MRI
Incorporation Of Prior Knowledge of Main Field Inhomogeneity in Dixon Methods
Increase of Grey Matter Following Bifrontal RTMS in Drug Resistant Major Depressive Disorder Patients: A VBM Study
Increased Activation of Precuneus and Posterior Cingulate Cortex in Resting State FMRI in Patients with Functional Movement Disorders After Undergoing a Motor Retraining Program
Increased Apparent Diffusion Coefficient and Thickness in the Optic Nerve Is Associated with Visual Acuity Loss in Optic Pathway Glioma
Increased Coronary Vessel Wall Thickness in Hyper IgE Syndrome Patients; Depiction by Magnetic Resonance Vessel Wall Imaging and Pathological Correction
Increased Functional Connectivity Associates with the Improved Emotion Regulation After 8-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Training Using Resting-State FMRI Analysis
Increased Glutamate in Frontal Lobe of HIV Infected Patients with CNS Involvement: 3T MRS Study
Increased Heterogeneity in T2-Relaxation Times in the Dystrophic Soleus Muscle
Increased Measurement Precision for Fatty Acid Composition Mapping by Parameter Reduction
Increased Metabolites in Lower Quality Sperm Suggest Altered Metabolism and Increased Cytoplasm Compared to Higher Quality Sperm
Increased Pregenual Anterior Cingulate Glucose and Lactate Concentrations in Major Depressive Disorder
Increased Signal Intensity of Brain Structures on Unenhanced T1-Weighted Images Following 35 or More GBCA Administrations
Increased Slow Diffusion in Cortical Gray Matter Is Related with Cognitive Decline in Severe White Matter Hyperintensity
Increasing Temporal Resolultion of DSC-Perfusion MRI Using 3D Distributed Spirals and Through-Time GRAPPA
Increasing the Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) Signal in Vivo with High Amplitude, Low Duty Cycle Irradiation
Increasing the Spatial Resolution and Sensitivity of High-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography by Correcting for Subject Motion and Susceptibility-Induced Image Distortions
Increasing Transmit Coil Efficiency Without Local Transmit Coils: A Novel Device for Locally Concentrating B1
An Indenting Abdominal Array for 2-Fold SNR Improvement in Pancreatic MRI
Indication of Impaired Basal Cerebral Blood Flow and Reactive Capacity in Concussed Athletes Using Dual-Echo Pcasl
Indirectly-Detected and Spin-Amplified Heteronuclear MRS and MRI
Individual Measures of Network Efficiency in Patients with Epilepsy Based on Cortical Thickness
Individual Subject Functional Connectivity Parcellation with Group-Level Spatial and Connectivity Priors
Individualized Prediction of Schizophrenia Based on Patterns of Altered Tract Integrity Over the Whole Brain Using Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Induction of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE) in Cynomolgus Monkey: A Valuable Model of Auto-Immune Demyelinating Diseases
Infant Size-For-Gestational Age, Obesity and Ethnicity Are Associated with Intramyocellular Lipid Content in Asian Preschoolers
Inferring Axon Diameter from the Apparent Cylindrical Geocentric Diameter in the Longitudinal Plane
Inflammatory and Ischemic Myopathies
The Influence of Bolus Arrival Time in Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI of Breast Masses
The Influence of Cerebrovascular Disease on Structural Covariance Networks in Prodromal and Early Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease
Influence of Cognitive Impairment and Depression on Cortical Thinning in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Influence of Electrical Properties of Lead Insulation on Radio Frequency Induced Heating During MRI
Influence of Fat Suppression to Evaluate T1 Values in Breast Cancer: Assessing the Reliability of Pharmacokinetic Parameters
Influence of Gender and Age on the Metabolic Profile of Blood Plasma in Celiac Disease Using Proton NMR Spectroscopy
Influence of Linear and Non-Linear Conversions of T1-Weighted Signal Intensity to Gadolinium Concentration on Contrast Kinetic Model Parameters: A Simulation Study
The Influence of Multi-Band Acquisition on Multiscale Entropy Derived from Resting State BOLD
Influence of Multi-Compartment Effects on T2 Mapping Using Multiecho Steady State Imaging
The Influence of Node Assignment Strategies and Track Termination Criteria on Diffusion MRI-Based Structural Connectomics
The Influence of Parallel Imaging in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Slice Accelerated Multiband Sequence
The Influence of Pre-Load Contrast Agent Dosing Schemes on DSC-MRI Data
Influence of Pulse Length and Shape on Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping of the Human Brain
Influence of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Functional Connectivity and Hemodynamics in the Rat Brain
The Influence of Sampling Density and Randomness in Variable Density Poisson Disk Undersampling on Parallel Imaging Compressed Sensing
The Influence of T2 Relaxation in Measuring the Restricted Volume Fraction in Diffusion MRI
Influence of Tissue Integrity and External Field Strength on the Exchange-Relayed NOE-CEST Effect of Mobile Proteins
The Influence of Varenicline on Repeated Nicotine-Induced Rats: In Vivo Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 9.4T
Influences of 3.0 Tesla MRI Noise on Neonates and Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study
Ingestion of Carbohydrate Solutions of Glucose-Fructose Versus Glucose-Alone During a Prolonged Exercise in Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes
Inherent Correction of Both Geometric Distortion and Motion-Induced Aliasing Artifacts in Multi-Shot Diffusion-Weighted EPI
Inhibiting 2-Hydroxyglutarate Production Reverses Some, But Not All, of the MRS-Detectable Metabolic Markers of Mutant IDH1 in Glioma
Initial Experience in a Pilot Study of Blood-Brain Barrier Opening for Chemo-Drug Delivery to Brain Tumors by MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Initial Experiences of Simultaneous in Vivo Metabolic Imaging Using MRI, PET, and Hyperpolarized 13C MRSI from Rat Glioma Models
An Initial Experiment of "Flexible PET/MRI" for CNS Tumors
Initial Investigation of Glucose Metabolism in Mouse Brain Using Enriched
O-Glucose and Dynamic
Injectable Alginate Hydrogel for Supporting Neural Stem Cells and Imaging of Survival Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST)
Inline Morphometric Analysis of Temporal-Lobe Epilepsy Patients
Innovations in Cardiac Tissue Characterization
Insight Into the Quantitative Metrics of Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging
Insights in Dose Dependent Effects of Isoflurane by Analyzing Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Mice
Insula Cortex Parcellation with Q-Ball Residual Bootstrap Tractography Algorithm
Integrated Positron Emission Tomography/ Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Treatment of Cervical Cancer: Preliminary Results
Integrating Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Assessment in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
Integration of Miniaturized Ultrasound and Single-Sided, Low-Field MRI
Integration of MRI Biomarkers Into Radiology Practice
The Integrity and Atherosclerosis of Circle of Willis Detected by Bright-Blood and Black-Blood MRI Are Associated with Severity of Stroke
Interaction of Manganese and Iron in R1 Mapping in a Low Concentration Setting
Interactive Cardiac CINE-MRI Using an Intuitive 3D Navigation System
Interchangeable Patient-Specific Receive-Only Carotid Coils for Simultaneous Imaging with Radio Frequency Head Coils at 3 Tesla
Interhemispheric Functional Connectivity Modulated by Menstrual Cycle
Inter-Hemispheric Functional Dysconnectivity Mediates the Effect of Corpus Callosum Degeneration on Memory Impairment in AD and Amnestic MCI
Inter-Laboratory Study of a Computational Radiofrequency Coil Model at 64 MHz
Interleaved Acquisition of High Resolution 3D Susceptibility-Weighted and FLAIR MRI
Interleaved Measurements of BOLD Response and Energy Metabolism in Exercising Human Calf Muscle
An Interleaved Spherical Stack-Of-Spirals Trajectory for Fast Segmented Whole Brain FMRI
Interleaving SSFP Signal Acquisition
Inter-Modality Correlation of Prostatic Microenvironmental Tissue Stiffness and Water Diffusivity Using Quantitative Functional Imaging Techniques.
International, Multicenter Phase 3 Blinded Study of the Structural Visualization, Diagnostic Efficacy and Safety of Gadobutrol (Gadavist) Enhanced MRA of the Renal Arteries Compared to Time-Of-Flight MRA Using CTA as the Standard of Reference (SoR)
Interpreting FDG PET Images - A Crash Course
Interpreting Patterns of BOLD Responses to Carbon Dioxide Through Flow Resistance
Inter-Scanner Reproducibility of 4 Minute Whole Brain Myelin Mapping Using FAST-T2
Inter-Scanner Reproducibility of Parameters from Advanced Models of DW-MRI in a Multi-Centre Study
Interstudy Repeatability of Self-Gated Quantitative Myocardial Perfusion MRI
Interventional Device Visualisation Using the Coupling Mode of a PTx Transmit Array
Interventional MRI of Cancer
The Interventional MRI Suite
Intra- And Inter-Individual Association of FET-PET- And MR-Perfusion-Parameters in Untreated Glioma
Intra Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Brain Regions: A Repeatability and Aging Study
Intracellular Metabolites Exhibit Non-Gaussian Diffusion in the Healthy Human Brain Using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Intracellular Volume Fraction Estimation in Vivo in Single and Crossing Fibre Regions
Intracellular-Extracellular Water Exchange as a Biomarker of Tumor Response to Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Intracranial Aneurysm Wall Permeability: A Potential Risk Predictor for Rupture
Intracranial Dual-Venc 4D Flow MRI at 7T: Effect of Low Versus High Spatial Resolution in Combination with K-T GRAPPA Acceleration
Intracranial Vessel Wall and Cerebrovascular Reactivity Imaging Provides Evidence for Mechanistic Differences in Atherosclerotic and Non-Atherosclerotic Stenotic Disease
Intradialytic MRI for the Assessment of Cardiovascular Function
Intra-Hippocampal Diffusion Tensor Imaging Identifies Dendritic Abnormalities After Early-Life Stress
Intra-Individual Quantitative and Qualitative Comparison of 4D-MRA- And Dynamic CTA-Bolus-Time-Curves of Gadopentetate Dimeglumine and Gadobutrol in Minipigs
Intraoperative MRI Guided Resection for Glioblastoma Results in Increased Short-Term Survival Compared to Conventional Surgery
Intraperitoneal Substrate Administration for ¹³C Metabolic Imaging in a Mouse Model of Abdominal Metastasis
Intratumoral Agreement of HR-MAS MR Spectroscopic Profiles in the Metabolic Characterization of Breast Cancer
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging for Differential Diagnosing Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC), Hepatic Hemangioma and Hepatic Metastasis.
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Analysis of Renal Allograft Diffusion with Clinical and Histopathological Correlation in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Patients
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Is There a Correlation with Flow and Perfusion Metrics Obtained with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI?
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Monitoring the Early Response to ZD6474 from Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Nude Mouse
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion DWI and Aquaporins MR Imaging of Transplanted Kidneys at 3.0 T
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Normal Pituitary Gland: Initial Study with Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in a 3-Dimensional Microvascular Flow Phantom
Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MRI in Primary Rectal Cancer: Correlation with Histologic Prognostic Factors
Intravoxel incoherent motion diffusion weighted imaging in evaluating the radio-Sensitivity of nasopharyngeal carcinoma xenografts
Intrinsic Functional Connectivities of “Where” Visual Network in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment
Intrinsic Functional Connectivity in Patients with Presbycusis
Intrinsic MR Visualization of RF Lesions Using IR-SSFP After MR-Guided Ablation
Introducing a Structural Similarity Index and Map for Quality Control in Tractography Performed Using Multi-Band EPI
Introducing Steady State Blood Volume Mapping Using Ferumoxytol, a New MRI Tool to Assess the Intravascular Space in Brain Tumors and Other Intracranial Pathologies
Introduction to Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Introduction to Resting-State FMRI & Functional Connectivity
Invasive Pulmonary Fungal Infection: Assessment of Antifungal Treatment Response with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Inverse Design of Dielectric Pads Based on Contrast Source Inversion
Investigating Cerebrovascular Reactivity in MS with BOLD, ASL and EEG
Investigating in Vivo Cardiac Ketone Bodies Metabolism Using Hyperpolarized 13C Acetoacetate
Investigating Machine Learning Approaches for Quality Control of Brain Tumor Spectra
Investigating Pathology-Related Functional Connectivity in Cognitively Normal Super-Agers
Investigating Prostate Cancer Aggressiveness with Hyperpolarized 13C-Urea + 13C-Pyruvate Perfusion & Metabolic Imaging of Transgenic Primary and Metastatic Tumors
Investigating Regional Variations of Acetyl Carnitine in Thigh and Calf Muscles in Vivo Using PRESS Localized Long TE-Based MR Spectroscopy
Investigating Spectral Selectivity of the BSSFP Sequence for High Resolution 3D Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MRI at 3T Using C2-Pyruvate and Urea
Investigating the Correlation Between Alveolar Surface-To-Volume Ratio and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient with Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 MRI
Investigating the Correlation Between Cognitive Fatigue and Brain Iron Deposition in Basal Ganglia in Multiple Sclerosis
Investigating the Correspondence of Clinical Diagnostic Grouping with Underlying Neurobiological and Phenotypic Clusters Using Unsupervised Learning: An Application to the Alzheimer’s Spectrum
Investigating the Effects of 10.5T Static Field Exposure on Blood Pressure and Heart Rate in Anesthetized Pigs
Investigating the Effects of Decoupling on in Vivo 13C MRS to Optimize Acquisition in Glycogen Studies
Investigating the Effects of Intrinsic Diffusivity on Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI)
Investigating the Effects of Venous Vasculature on the BOLD Response: A Combined SWI and Multi-Band FMRI Approach
Investigating the Impact of Temporal Signal Fluctuations and Local Effective Echo Times on Indices of BOLD Sensitivity in Healthy Subjects and Tumor Patients at 7T.
Investigating the Magnetic Susceptibility of Skeletal Muscle at 7 T
Investigating the Neural Substrates of Verbal Working Memory in Children with Dyslexia: An Effective Connectivity Study
Investigating the Temporal Stability of Phase Offsets at 7T for Field Mapping and Multi-Channel Phase Combination.
Investigation and Reduction of the Effects of Gibbs Ringing in SSFP Phase Based MR-EPT
Investigation of 1H MRS Changes in the Brain of Osteoarthritis Patients in Relation to Perceived Pain
The Investigation of Cerebral Microstructure Changes of Pediatric Patients With Type ? Gaucher Disease Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
An Investigation of Coupling and Loading Effects for Adaptive Coil Design
Investigation of Diffusion Signal Behavior at Different Diffusion Times in a Human Hepatocellular Carcinoma Xenograft Model
Investigation of Functional Baseline Neuronal Specificity and Small-Scale Network in Human Primary Motor Cortex at 7T
Investigation of Functional Connectivity Changes in Alzheimer's Disease and Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Using Degree Centrality
Investigation of Glucose-Phosphates in Skeletal Muscle Biopsies by 1H HR-MAS NMR: Comparison Between Active and Sedentary Subjects
Investigation of Hypoxia Conditions Using Oxygenation Enhance (OE)-MRI Measurements in C6 Glioma Models
Investigation of Inter-Hemispheric Functional Connectivity in Parkinson's Disease with Asymmetric Onset Using Voxel-Mirrored Homotopic Connectivity
Investigation of Intrascanner Reproducibility of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) and R2* at 3T
Investigation of Intravoxel Fiber Configuration Complexity in the Human Heart
An Investigation of Lateral Geniculate Nucleus(LGN) Volume in Patients with Glaucoma Using 7T MRI
Investigation of Systematic Errors in NMR Field Probes
Investigation of Temperature Dependent Changes in Signal Intensity, T1 and T2* in Cortical Bone
Investigation of the Healthy Nigrosome-1 for the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Using Multiple Susceptibility Based MRI Techniques
Investigation of the Influence of the Extracellular Matrix on Water Diffusion in Brain and Cartilage
Investigation of the Mouse Colon Wall Using Endoscopic MRI and Confocal Endomicroscopy
Investigation of the Multiple T2* Compartments in Lung Parenchyma Using a 3D Multi-Echo Radial Sequence
Investigation of the Relationship Between Feature Detail and Stiffness Estimate in Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) Elastograms
Investigation of Varied Readout Sequences Impact on the Amide Proton Transfer Contrast
Investigational PC-Based Tool for Computer-Aided Evaluation of Multiparametric MRI Data of the Prostate
In-Vitro 1H-MRS of Living Human Melanoma Cells at 9.4T
In-Vivo Assessment of Lung Injury Using Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI in a Two-Hit Model of Acid Aspiration and VILI
In-Vivo Assessment of Myocardial Stiffness in a Pig with Induced Myocardial Infarction Using 3D Magnetic Resonance Elastography
In-Vivo Characterization of Grey Matter Microstructure at 3T from the Transverse Component of the MRI Signal
In-Vivo Characterization of Human Lumbar Intervertebral Discs by Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Diurnal Changes in Shear Stiffness and Relationship with Degeneration
In-Vivo Detection of Neuronal Current Using Spin-Lock Oscillatory Excitation at 7T
In-Vivo Detection of Oscillatory Magnetic Field with an Oscillatory-Selective Detection (OSD)
In-Vivo Echo-Navigated MR Thermometry for Real-Time Monitoring of Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation
In-Vivo Evaluation Of hypometabolism associated with Muscular Dystrophy Using Creatine CEST MRI
In-Vivo Measurement of a New Source of Tissue Contrast, the Dipolar Relaxation Time,
, Using a Modified IhMT Sequence
In-Vivo Quantification of Focal Vessel Wall Changes Following Vascular Injury in a Murine Model of Atherosclerosis
In-Vivo Quantification of Myocardial Stiffness in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography: Assessment in a Porcine Model
In-Vivo Simultaneous Brain 18F FDG PET Imaging and 13C MR Spectroscopy: Initial Experience
Iron & Susceptibility in Young & Old Brains
Iron Accumulation in Rat Brain with Frequent USPIO Administration
Iron Deposition in The globus Pallidus of Healthy Youth
Iron Measurements by Quantitative MRI-R2* at 3.0 and 1.5 T
Iron Overload Quantification Using UTE Imaging at 3T
Iron-Based T1 MRI Contrast Agent for MR-Guided Drug Delivery from Temperature Sensitive Liposomes
Is Fat a Confounding Factor for MOLLI T1 Measurements in the Liver at 3 Tesla?
Is Intravoxel Incoherent Motion(IVIM) More Helpful for Differentiating Benign from Malignant vertebral bone Marrow Lesions Comparing with the Conventional DWI?
Is It Well-Thought-Out to Scan the Preterm Neonates at Term-Equivalent Gestational Age?
Is the Local Functional Connectivity Anisotropy (LFCA) in White Matter Caused by Neuro-Electric Activity? an Examination of Potential Confounds for Orientation-Dependent LFCA in FMRI
Is There an Optimal Acquisition Delay for Postcontrast Quantitative MRI of Brain Metastasis?
Is Voxel-Based Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Reproducible?
Isotropic 3D Black Blood MRI of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm: Comparison with CT Anigography
Isotropic Three-Dimensional T
Mapping of Knee Cartilage with T
-Prepared Segmented Gradient Echo at 3T
Iterative Algorithm for the Temporal Decomposition of the Cerebrovascular Reactivity Dynamic Response in Neurovascular Patients.
Iterative Approach for Partial Volume Corrected T2* Determination in 17O-MRI
An Iterative Approach to Respiratory Self-Navigation Allows for Improved Image Quality and 100% Scan Efficiency in Contrast-Enhanced Inversion-Recovery Whole-Heart Coronary MRA at 3T; a First Patient Study
Iterative Progressive Length Conjugate Gradient Reconstruction in MR-PARSE
An Iterative Reconstruction Method for Dual-Band EPI in Small-Animal Studies
The IVIM Signal: A Combination of Two Vascular Pools
J-Difference Editing of 2-Hydroxyglutarate
The Joint Effects of APOE Genotype and Age on Functional Network in Non-Demented Old Adults
Joint Estimation of Attenuation and Activity Distributions for Clinical Non-TOF FDG Head Patient PET/MR Data Employing MR Prior Information
A Joint Image Denoising Approach for Improved Precision and Accuracy in Myocardial T1 Mapping
Joint K-Space Trajectory and Parallel Imaging Optimization for Auto-Calibrated Image Reconstruction
Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction Using Alternating Minimization
Joint Processing of Highly Accelerated Multi-Directional PC-MRI Data Using ReVEAL
Joint Reconstruction of High-SNR Multiple B-Values Diffusion-Weighted Images Using Projection Onto Convex Sets Based Multiplexed Sensitivity-Encoding (POCSMUSE)
Joint Reconstruction of PET and MRI with Attenuation Correction Incorporating TOF Information
Joint Water-Fat Separation and Deblurring with Single Spiral In-Out Spin-Echo Imaging
Kalman Filtered Bio Heat Transfer Model Based Self-Adaptive Hybrid Magnetic Resonance Thermometry
Kernelized Low-Rank: Improve Low-Rank with Adaptive Nonlinear Kernel for Dynamic MRI
Key Clinical Cardiac MRI Applications: Where CMR Makes a Difference & Why
Key Clinical Cardiac MRI Concepts: How We Do It
Kidney Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Based on Multi-Band Multi-Shot DW-EPI Acquisition and Multi-Band Multiplexed Sensitivity Encoding (MB-MUSE) Reconstruction
Kinetic Energy Distributions in Fontan Circulation - Evaluation of Respiration Effects
Kinetic Modelling of Hyperpolarized13C-Pyruvate Metabolism in Canines Using a Model-Based Input Function
Koosh Ball Whole-Heart Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography with Zoom Imaging Without a Navigator
A K-Space De-Noising Technique for RFI Mitigation and Zipper Artefact Elimination
K-T ARTS-GROWL: An Efficient Combination of Dynamic Artificial Sparsity and Parallel Imaging Method for DCE MRI Reconstruction
ESPIRiT: Efficient Auto-Calibrated Parallel Imaging Reconstruction by Exploiting
Space Correlations
ktv-ARC Reconstruction for 4D Flow MRI Using Correlations Between Velocity Encodings
Label-Free CEST MRI Detection of Self-Assembly Anticancer Drug-Peptide Nanofibers
Lactate Dehydrogenase Activity, a Novel Renal Cortical Imaging Bio-Marker of Tubular Injury.
Large Improvements of RF Field Transmission Efficiency and Detection Sensitivity for Ultrahigh-Field in Vivo 31P MRS Using Emerging Technology of Ultrahigh Dielectric Constant Material
Large Volume Distributed Temperature Measurements Using MRI-Compatible Raman Spectroscopy
A Larger Subject Field-Of-View and Denser Coil Arrays at UHF: What Do We Gain?
Large-Scale Brain Activation Upon Strong Low Frequency Visual Stimulation
Large-Scale Radiomic Profiling of Glioblastoma Identifies an Imaging Signature for Predicting and Stratifying Antiangiogenic Treatment Response.
Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Ischemic Heart Disease
Late Gadolinium Enhancement in Non-Ischemic Heart Disease
Latent Atrophy Factors in Alzheimer's Disease
Lauterbur Lecture - Label-Free Molecular Imaging: A Story of Lauterbur, Spins and Sparse Sampling
Learning a Variational Model for Compressed Sensing MRI Reconstruction
Learning-Based Reconstruction Using Artificial Neural Network for Higher Acceleration
LED Induced 19F-MR-Signal Enhancement at 7T
Left Ventricle Rotational Motion from Polar Tagging MRI Using Monogenic Signal Method
Left Ventricular (LV) Volume and Rate of Volume Change (DV/dt) During the Early and Late Filling Periods Evaluated from Respiratory Triggered, High Frame Rate Cine SSFP as Markers of LV Diastolic Function: Direct Correlation with Echocardiography
Lenz Lenses: RF Field Amplification and Increased Sensitivity Using Passive Inductive Elements
Lesion Distribution Probability in Japanese Macaque Encephalomyelitis: A Comparison to Human Demyelinating Diseases
The Lifespan Trajectory of White Matter Microstructure Detected by NODDI
Light Isoflurane Sedation: An Excellent Trade-Off Between Anesthesia and Awake Condition in Functional Connectivity Studies with Rats
Light-Driven Single-Vessel FMRI on the Rat Hippocampus
Light-Induced Activation of the Visual Network by Optogenetic FMRI (OfMRI)
Line Profile Measure as a Stopping Criterion in CG-SENSE Reconstruction
Line Scanning BOLD FMRI Upon Optogenetic Stimulation
Linear Acceleration of SADD Method for Three Compartments
Linear Gradient Characterization Using a Rapid Thin-Slice Measurement
Linear Models for Estimating Myelin and Iron Content in the Brain
Linear Multi-Scale Modeling of Diffusion MRI Data: A Framework for Characterization of Orientational Structures Across Length Scales
Liquid Metal Based Deformable Transmitter for MR Imaging: A Feasibility Study
Liver IVIM MR Imaging: Improved Reproducibility of Pseudo-Diffusion Coefficient D* Via Proper Signal Modeling
Liver Metastasis from Colorectal Cancer; a Comparison of Reproducibility of ADC Between Multiple Sites and Vendors, at 1.5 T and 3 T
Liver MR Imaging Using 3D Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery (PSIR) Sequence
Liver Parenchymal T1: Repeatability and Studies in a Rodent Model of Chronic Liver Disease at 9.4T
Liver Stiffness in Pediatric Subjects Is Lower Than in Adults, and Increases with Age: A Multifrequency MR Elastography Study
Loaded MRI – a Surrogate Measurement of in Vivo Knee Joint Contact Mechanics
Loading Significantly Influences the Zonal T1 of Medial Tibial Cartilage Topographically
Lobar Ventilation Heterogeneity in Asthma and Cystic Fibrosis Assessed with Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI and Computed Tomography
Lobule-Wise Quantitative T1 and T2* Analysis of Cerebellar Grey Matter in Multiple Sclerosis Patients at 7T MRI
Local Analysis of T1?, T2, and R2–R1? Compositional MR Imaging in Patients with ACL Injury Using Voxel-Based Relaxometry
Local Analysis of Track Density Imaging for the Detection of White Matter Alterations
Local and Distant Functional Connectivity Density Alteration in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma: A Resting-State Functional MRI Study
Local Peripheral Lung Tissue Microstructure Quantification Through CPMG Relaxation Rate Dispersion
Local Q-Matrix Computation for Parallel Transmit MRI Using Optimal Channel Combinations
Local SAR Increase in the Human Head Induced by High-Permittivity Pads at the Sodium (23Na) Resonance Frequency at 7 Tesla
Local Shape Analysis of the Thalamus in Extremely Preterm Born Young Adults
Localized 31P Magnetization Transfer in the Rat Brain to Measure ATP Synthesis Rate: Inorganic Phosphate Comes in Two Pools
Localized In-Phase One-Dimensional Proton MRS
Localized, Gradient-Reversed Ultrafast Z-Spectroscopy in Vivo at 7T
Logistic Regression Models May Predict Gleason Grade of Prostate Cancer in the Peripheral Zone But Not the Transition Zone
Logistics of Imaging Children
Long Term Effects of Single Vs. Repeated Low Intensity Pulsed Focused Ultrasound Treatment with Microbubbles
Long Term High Fat Diet Modifications of the Neurochemical Profile of the Mouse Hypothalamus
Longitudinal and Cross-Sectional Assessment of Proton Density Fat Fraction and Metabolic Syndrome in Obese Patients Undergoing Weight Loss Surgery
A Longitudinal Assessment of Brain Iron Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Over 2 Years
Longitudinal Assessment of Pulmonary Permeability in a Mouse Model of Lung Fibrosis
Longitudinal Assessment of Structural and Haemodynamic Parameters in Compensated Cirrhosis Using Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Longitudinal Automated Detection of White-Matter and Cortical Lesions in Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
Longitudinal Change of Pancreatic Proton Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) and Its Correlates During Weight Loss in Initially Obese Adults
Longitudinal Changes in Intrinsic Brain Activity in Cirrhotic Patients Before and One Month After Liver Transplantation
Longitudinal Characterization of the Theiler's Murine Encephalomyelitis Virus (TMEV) Mouse Model Using a Cryogenic Brain Coil at 9.4T
Longitudinal Comparison of Diffusion Imaging Modeling in Rat Spinal Cord Injury
Longitudinal Diffusion MRI for Treatment Response Assessment: Preliminary Experience Using an MRI-Guided Tri-Cobalt 60 Radiotherapy System
Longitudinal DTI Detects ApoE Isoforms Dependent Change in White Matter
Longitudinal Evaluation of Brown Adipose Tissues in Rats by Multi-Modal Imaging
Longitudinal Evaluation of Cartilage Component of Matrix-Associated Autologous Chondrocyte Transplants Using Biochemical MR Imaging
Longitudinal Follow-Up of Chronic Multiple Sclerosis Lesions with Quantitative MR Imaging and Partial Volume-Corrected Proton MR Spectroscopy
Longitudinal Imaging of Interscapular Brown Adipose Tissues in High Fat Diet Induced Obese Rats
Longitudinal McDESPOT Shows Contrasting Patterns of Change in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Cervical Cord
Longitudinal MEMRI Characterization of a Novel Mouse Medulloblastoma Model
Longitudinal Metabolite Trajectories in the Midfrontal Gray Matter in Normally Developing South African Children
Longitudinal MRI Characterizes the Impact of Prenatal Irradiation on Ageing
Longitudinal Observation of Individual Multiple Sclerosis White Matter Lesions Using Quantitative Myelin Imaging
Longitudinal Probing Infant Brain Connectomes Using Graph Theory
Longitudinal Relationship Between Cerebrovascular Reactivity and Processing Speed in Young and Elderly Individuals
Longitudinal Relaxation Time Editing for Acetylcarnitine Detection with 1H-MRS
Longitudinal Resting-State FMRI and 1H-MRS Characterization in the Mouse Brain During Development of a Chronic Pain State
Longitudinal Sodium MRI of Cartilage in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis: Baseline Vs. 16 Months Follow-Up
Longitudinal Stability of Astriction Cotton as an Anisotropic Diffusion Phantom
Longitudinal Study of Motor Recovery After Pontine Infarction with Resting-State FMRI:A Homotopic Connectivity Study
Longitudinal VBM of Downregulation in Mice with Striatum-Specific D2R Overexpression
Long-Term and Acute Cannabis Effects on Brain Networks
Long-Term Effect of Persistent Microvascular Obstruction on Adverse Post-Infarction Ventricular Remodeling Via Prolonged Iron-Driven Inflammatory Process: A Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Study with Ex-Vivo Validation
Long-Term Intensive Training Induced Cortical Thickness Alterations in World Class Gymnasts
The Long-Term Reproducibility of Stimulation and Resting State FMRI in the Mouse
Looping Star: A Novel, Self-Refocusing Zero TE Imaging Strategy
Loss of Functional Specificity in Basal Ganglia in Parkinson's Disease: A Rs-FMRI Study
Low Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values Correlate with Enhancing Mitosis and Cell Proliferation Expression in Glioblastoma Using Locus-Specific Radiogenomic Map
A Low Cost Cardiac Phantom for Evaluation of Motion and Thermometry
A Low Cost Home-Built Gradient Amplifier for Matrix Gradient Coils
Low Frequency Optogenetic Stimulation of Dentate Gyrus Enhances Brain Functional Connectivity Revealed by Resting-State FMRI
Low Frequency Oscillating Gradient Spin-Echo Sequences Improves Sensitivity to Axon Diameter – an Experimental Validation Study in Live Nerve Tissue
Low Rank and Sparsity on MR-Based PET Motion Correction Using Simultaneous PET/MRI: A Patient Study
Low Rank Matrix Completion-Based Reconstruction for Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Data
Low Rank Plus Sparse Decomposition of ODF Distributions for Improved Detection of Group Differences in Diffusion Spectrum Imaging
Low SAR RF-Pulse Design by Joint Optimization of RF and Gradient Shape with Physical Constraints
A Low-Cost MR Compatible Ergometer for Assessing Lower Leg Muscle Metabolism
Lower Wall Shear Stress and Abnormal Hemodynamics Within the Saccular Aneurysm in Contrast to Fusiform Aneurysm in the Abdominal Aorta.
Low-Field Permanent Magnet MR Systems in the Developing World: A Review of Clinical and Research Applications
Low-Rank Based Compartmentalized Reconstruction Algorithm for High Resolution MRSI Without Lipid Suppression Methods
Low-Rank O-Space Reconstruction
Luminal Water Imaging: A Novel MRI Method for Prostate Cancer Diagnosis
Lung Perfusion: MRI Vs SPECT for Screening in Suspected Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Lung Tumour Radiotherapy Treatment Response Assessment Using Active Breathing Coordinated (ABC) Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Machine Learning Approach to Classify Alzheimer Disease and Vascular Dementia Using MRI Quantitative Metrics
Macromolecular Proton Fraction as an Ultimate Source of Brain Tissue Contrast in Ultra-High Magnetic Fields
Macromolecule Suppressed GABA Editing Using MEGA-SPECIAL Sequence with Spectral-Spatial RF Pulse
Magnet Design, Manufacturing & Installation
Magnetic Displacement Force and Safety of Coronary Artery Stents at 7 Tesla.
Magnetic Field Stability and Homogeneity of High-Temperature Superconducting Magnet with REBCO Tapes Measured Using Dedicated Field Camera System
Magnetic Pebbles – Materials with Controllable Magnetism for Compact, Low-Power Shim Units
Magnetic Resonance Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging for Interventional Planning of HIFU Therapy in the Kidney
Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Pore Imaging on Preclinical 9.4T-Animal-Scanner
Magnetic Resonance Diffusion Tensor and Q-Space Imaging in an Animal Model of Chronic Kidney Disease.
Magnetic Resonance Elastography (MRE) for the Assessment of Renal Allograft Function
Magnetic Resonance Elastography Characterization of Skeletal Muscle Stiffness Changes Resulting from Pressure Ulcers
Magnetic Resonance Elastography of the Anterior Mediastinal Mass at 3T: A Preliminary Study
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers for Assessment of Vascular Pathologies in Gliomas
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Cross-Modality Synthesis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging De-Noising Using the Squared Eigenfunctions of the Schrödinger Operator: Application to Brain MRI Data.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Detection of Multiple Ischemic Injury Produced by a Mild Transient Cerebral Ischemia Preceded by an Experimental Minor Stroke
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Estimates of Muscle Volume and Inter-Muscular Fat in the Thigh in Sarcopenia Population: Correlation with Physical Performances
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Acetabular Morphology and Long-Term Prognosis in Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Childhood
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Features of Normal and Abnormal Fetal Ganglionic Eminence. a Pictorial Essay.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Low-Grade and High-Grade Gliomas at 7 Tesla
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Pancreas in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Pancreatic Carcinogenesis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging quantification of Venous Return in Pregnant Women: A Comparison Between Supine and Left Lateral Tilt Position.
Magnetic Resonance Lymphangiography in Breast Cancer Related Lymphoedema Shows Differences Between Affected and Unaffected Arms
Magnetic Resonance Myelin G-Ratio Mapping for the Brain and Cervical Spinal Cord: 10 Minutes Protocol for Clinical Application
Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Quantification Using QR-Based Deconvolution
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopic Imaging (MRSI) Metabolite Ratio to Predict Malignancy in Patients with Prostate Cancer Undergoing MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of Post-Traumatic Epileptogenesis
Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Reveals Oral Lactobacillus Promotion of Increases in Brain GABA, N-Acetyl Aspartate and Glutamate
Magnetic Resonance-Guided Focused Ultrasound Treatment of Extra-Abdominal Desmoid Tumors: A Retrospective Multicenter Study
Magnetic ROIs Enable Improved Tractography Accuracy Through Oriented Prior
Magnetic Saturation and Field Dependency on Magnetic Susceptibility of Ferumoxytol
Magnetic Susceptibility Artefact Correction of Spin-Echo and Gradient-Echo EPI Images
Magnetic Susceptibility in Primary Motor Cortex Correlates with Iron Concentration and Upper Motor Neuron Impairment in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of hippocampal subfield in a large sample of posttraumatic stress disorder
Magnetic/Upconversion Fluorescent Nanoparticle-Based Dual-Modal Molecular Probes for Imaging of Lymph Node Metastasis from Pancreatic Cancer in Vivo
Magnetically Induced Force Measurements Per ASTM F2052 of Active Implantable Medical Device Lead Materials
Magnetisation Transfer Ratio (MTR) Measurements in the Lumbar Cord: A Pilot Study Using ZOOM-EPI at 3T
Magnetization Transfer MRI Evaluation of Autologous Chondrocyte Membrane Transplantation in the Knee Joint
Maintaining Animal Physiology
Malformations of Cortical Development
Manganese-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Pancreatic Function in Mice
Mansfield Lecture -MR Imaging in Personalised Medicine
Mapping “phantom Taste” in Thermal Tasters
Mapping Axonal Injury Distribution in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury with Quantitative Proton MR Spectroscopy
Mapping Cerebral Oxidative Metabolism of Oxygen in Patients with Post-Stroke Apathy
Mapping Dynamic Myocardial Fibre Reorientation in Dilated Cardiomyopathy Using Dual-Phase In-Vivo Cardiac Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Mapping Dynamics of Epileptic Seizures in GAERS Using Simultaneous BOLD FMRI and Optical Ca2+ Recordings
Mapping Fibre Dispersion and Tract Specific Metrics in Multiple Fibre Orientation Using Multi Bingham Distributions
Mapping Glutamate Changes in the Brain: GluCEST as a Biomarker to Study Localized Glial Function Derangements
Mapping Higher Order Components of the GRE Signal Decay at 7T with Short TE Data Through Adaptive Smoothing
Mapping Longitudinal White Matter Changes in Extremely Preterm Born Infants
Mapping of Brain Tumor Oxygen Metabolism in Native MRI
Mapping of Magnetic Fields Due to Current Injection in the Human Brain Using MREIT: First Measurements.
Mapping of PH in the Human Calf Muscle at 7 T with 31P 3D Echo–planar Spectroscopic Imaging
Mapping of Sodium and Water Content Ratio in Vivo in the Human Calf
Mapping of Time and Space Spatial Preferences in the Hippocampus
Mapping Of ex-Vivo human Cervical Spinal Cord Using Magnetic Resonance Micro-Imaging
Mapping Orientation Dependent and Independent Components of R2star in the Human White Matter - An in Vivo Study
Mapping Resting State Networks in Epilepsy with Arterial Spin Labeling Connectivity Analysis
Mapping Temporal Order of Whole Brain Volumetric Changes Using Change Point Analysis in Premanifest Hungtington Disease
Mapping the Brain’s “Sheet Probability Index” (SPI) with Diffusion MRI: Sheet Happens?!
Mapping the Myelin G-Ratio: Promises and Pitfalls
A Marker for Hyperacute Ischemic Stroke at Ultra-Low Magnetic Field
Maternal Obesity Affects Offspring’s Brain Resting-State Functional Connectivity
Maternal-Fetal Exchanges Characterized by Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C Imaging on Pregnant Rats
A Mathematical Model and an Efficient Simulation Framework for Diffusion Cardiac Imaging: Application to Quantification of Cardiac Deformation on the Diffusion Signal
Matrix Pencil Decomposition of Time-Resolved Proton MRI for Robust and Improved Assessment of Lung Ventilation and Perfusion
Maximum B-Value Dependence of Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging Sensitivity in Detecting White Matter Microstructure
MCT Down-Regulation Contributes to Reduced Conversion of Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate to [1-13C]-Lactate in IDH1 Mutant Glioma Cells
Mean-Shift Clustering Technique for FMRI Activation Detection
Measurement and Compensation of Respiration-Induced B0 Variations for Bone Marrow Fat Quantification in Lumbar Spine
Measurement and Simulation of Susceptibility Artifacts in Variable-TE Radial MRI: Application in an MR-Safe Guidewire
Measurement of Liver Fat Fraction and T2 Relaxation Times in an Experimental Rat Model of Hepatocarcinogenesis at 9.4T
Measurement of Absolute Cerebral Blood Volume Using Velocity-Selective Pulse Trains
Measurement of Arteriolar Blood Volume in Brain Tumors Using MRI Without Exogenous Contrast Agent Administration at 7T
Measurement of ATP Synthesis in Human Brain by 31P Localized Band Inversion Transfer at 7T
Measurement of Bolus Arrival Time and Velocity in Circle of Willis Using Dynamic MR Angiography
Measurement of Brain Asymmetry on 3D Magnetic Resonance (MR) Images Obtained for 16 Subjects with Situs Inversus
Measurement of Bulk Liver Perfusion: Assessment of Agreement Between ASL and Caval Subtraction Phase-Contrast MRI at 9.4T
Measurement of Extracellular Volume Fraction and Blood Flow from Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Myocardial Perfusion Images Applied in Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
Measurement of Fast T2* of the ACL Using 3D UTE Imaging
Measurement of Liver Perfusion Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with Background Suppression: Approaches to Separate Portal-Venous and Arterial Perfusion
Measurement of Magnetic Susceptibility of Commonly Implanted Metals from Commercial Prostheses
Measurement of Plaque Burden Using 3D SNAP Vessel Wall MRI
Measurement of Proteoglycan Concentration in Intervertebral Discs Assessed by 1HMRS at 1.5T
Measurement of Restricted and Hindered Anisotropic Diffusion Tissue Compartments in a Rat Model of Wallerian Degeneration
Measurement of the Effect of Tissue Fixation on Tumour Microstructure Using VERDICT Diffusion-MRI
Measurement of the Resonance Frequency of Macromolecular Protons in Brain
Measurement Reproducibility of the Spiral Encoding GABA-Edited MEGA-LASER 3D-MRSI in the Brain at 3T
Measuring Blood Perfusion of Brown Adipose Tissue Through FAIR Imaging
Measuring Diffusion Time Dependence of Pseudo-Diffusion Using Flow Compensated Pulsed and Oscillating Gradient Sequences
Measuring Glycolysis Versus Oxidative Phosphorylation in Human Sperm by 13C MR Spectroscopy
Measuring Gradient-Induced Vibration of a Conductive Device Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry at 3T
Measuring Longitudinal Changes in Cerebral Blood Flow and Blood Volume in Neonates with the Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Method
Measuring Magnetic Field Inhomogeneity from Spatial Distortion of Echo Planar Images
Measuring Microvascular Flow Characteristics with Myocardial DCE-MRI Perfusion Data Using a Model-Independent, Multi-Resolution Spline Approach in Patients at Stress
Measuring Perfusion with a Hyperpolarised Ultra-Long T1 15N Glutamine Compound
Measuring Subtle Leakage in Patients with Cerebrovascular Disease Using Dual Temporal Resolution DCE-MRI: Is It Reproducible?
Measuring the Effect of CA-IX Inhibition on Tumor PH in Patient-Derived Xenografts (PDX) of Breast Cancer.
MEGAPRESS Reveals Lower ?-Aminobutyric Acid Ratios in the Striatum of Highly-Impulsive Rats
MEGA-PRESS Single-Voxel Spectroscopy for GABA J-Editing with Real-Time Frequency Adjustment
Memory and Learning: Visually-Evoked Olfactory FMRI Activation Patterns and Its Dynamics
MEMRI Detection of Neuronal Activity Following Acute and Chronic Nicotine Exposure in Rats
MEMRI Detects Neuronal Loss in MPTP-Intoxicated Mice.
A Meta-Analysis of Neuroimaging Studies of English and Chinese Semantic Processing
Metabolic Alterations in Chemotherapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity Revealed by in Vivo Hyperpolarized
Metabolic and Functional Connectivity of the Rat Brain During Resting State Assessed by Simultaneous [18F]FDG-PET/MR
Metabolic and Morphological Characterization of the Triple Transgene Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease: Effects of Palmitoylethanolamide on the Onset and Progression of the AD-Pathology
Metabolic Changes in the Activated Human Visual Cortex During Mild Hypoxia
Metabolic Changes Upon Supervised Aerobic Exercise in Old Adults Monitored with 1H MRSI.
Metabolic Dynamics of Hyperpolarized [1-13C] Pyruvate in Human Prostate Cancer
Metabolic Imaging Biomarker K
Discriminates Breast Tumor Therapy Time-Courses
Metabolic Imaging of Energy Metabolism in Traumatic Brain Injury Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]pyruvate
Metabolic Imaging with Spectroscopy
Metabolic Mapping of the Brain Using Ultra-High Resolution MRSI at 7 T
Metabolic Profiling of
in Vivo
Brain Rodent Models by Relaxation-Enhanced
H MRS of the Downfield Region at 21.1 T
Metabolic Profiling of Malignant Transformation and IDH-Mutation in Diffuse Infiltrating Gliomas
Metabolic Profiling of Normal Hepatocyte and Hepatocarcinoma Cell Lines Related to Metastasis Potentials by 1H NMR Spectroscopy and Chemometrics
Metabolic Profiling of the Tumor Interstitial Fluid Using NMR: Contribution of Breast Cancer Subtypes and VEGF Overexpression
Metabolic Ratios Can Increase or Decrease Sample Size Requirements and Statistical Significance in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Metabolism of Hyperpolarized 13C-Acetoacetate/ß-Hydroxybutyrate Reveals Mitochondrial Redox State in Perfused Rat Hearts
Metabolite Diffusion Up to Very High B in the Mouse Brain in Vivo: Revisiting the Correlation Between Relaxation and Diffusion Properties
Metabolomic Characterization of Ovarian Tumors by Ex Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Metabolomic Studies of Cancer Cells and Ascitic Fluid in Ovarian Cancer Models
Metal Implant Imaging Using Highly Undersampled Phase-Cycled 3D BSSFP
Metal Related Artifacts: Imaging Techniques and Challenges
A Method to Approximate Maximum Local SAR in Multi-Channel Transmit MR Systems Without Transmit Phase Information
A Method to Identify and Correct for Blurring Artifacts in Hyperpolarized Metabolic Imaging
A Method to Quantitatively Compare Bone and Cartilage Changes Post Knee Injury: Initial Results
Method to Simultaneously Calibrate Flip Angles and Measure T1 of Hyperpolarized Gas During a Single Breath-Hold
Methodological Considerations on Graph Theoretical Analysis of Structural Brain Networks
Methods & Applications of Hyperpolarized C-13
Methods & Applications of Hyperpolarized He-3
Methods & Applications of Hyperpolarized Xe-129
Metrics of Microscopic Anisotropy: A Comparison Study
Microscopic Anisotropy Imaging at 7T Using Asymmetrical Gradient Waveform Encoding
Microscopic Anisotropy of the Rat Spinal Cord in Vivo with DW PRESS
Microscopic DTI for Quantitative Tractography of MAP6-KO Mice: Validation by Fluorescent Microscopy on Cleared Brains
Microscopic Interpretation and Generalization of the Bloch-Torrey Equations for Diffusion MR
Microstructural Alterations Detected by DMRI in KO Mouse Model Showing Schizophrenic Like Phenotype
Microstructural Features Accessible from Diffusion MRI
Microstructural Organization of the Language Connectome in Typically Developing Left-Handed Children: A DTI Tractography Study
Microstructure Models for Diffusion MRI in Breast Cancer and Surrounding Stroma: An Ex Vivo Study
Microstructure Parameters in Acute Stroke: A Bayesian Approach to Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Microvascular Heterogeneity Assessed Using DCE-MRI Predicts Disease-Free Survival in Cancers of the Cervix, Bladder, and Head and Neck
Microvascular Obstruction and Hemorrhage Influence T1 and T2 Relaxation Parameters in the Detection of Edema in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Millitesla MRI: Brain and Beyond
Miniaturized MRI System for Diagnosis of Samples of Low Physical Dimensions Using Piezoelectric Receiver and Transmitter
Minimum Number of Diffusion Encoding Directions Required to Yield a Rotationally Invariant Powder Average Signal in Single and Double Diffusion Encoding
Minimum-Time VERSE Pulse Correction for Slice Selectivity Improvement in 2D-UTE Imaging
The MIPP Study: Monitoring Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Progression Using High Resolution MRI - Initial Results
Mis-Estimation and Bias of Hyperpolarized ADC Measurements Due to Slice Profile Effects
Mitochondrial Function as Measured by 31P Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Between Lean Chinese and Asian-Indian Males
A Mixed Dipole and Microstrip Transmit/Receive Array
Mixed ICA and Clustering Method Introduced to Study the Life Span Changes in the Within-Network Functional Connectivity of the Default Mode Network
MM-Suppressed GABA Measurements Are Highly Susceptible to B0 Field Instability
Mn Cell Uptake Mechanisms in Organotypic Rat Hippocampal Slice Cultures
Model Evolution Concept in Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI for Prediction of Tumor Interstitial Fluid Pressure
Model Predictive Filtering MR Thermometry Utilizing Ultrasound Beam Modeling SAR Predictions
A Model-Based Approach to Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Time Series Reconstruction
Model-Based Characterization of the Transpulmonary Circulation by DCE-MRI
Model-Based Direct Extraction of Z-Spectrum Asymmetry from Undersampled K-Space Using SYmmetric Basis (K-EASY)
Model-Based Estimation of Arterial Pulse Wave Velocity from MRI Velocity Data
Model-Based Extraction of Z-Spectrum Asymmetry Using SYmmetric Basis (EASY)
Model-Based Fitting of
in Vivo
Xe Spectra in Mice Reveals Five Robust Dissolved-Phase Peaks
Model-Based Rapid Field Map Prediction for Dynamic Shimming Applications
Model-Based Reconstruction for Real-Time Phase-Contrast Flow MRI - Improved Spatiotemporal Accuracy
Model-Based Spiral Trajectory Correction Using Scanner-Specific Gradient Calibration
Model-Free Global Tractography
Modeling Demyelination in White Matter: The Effect of Realistic Geometries on the Susceptibility-Weighted MR Signal.
Modeling Diffusion of Intracellular Metabolites in the Mouse Brain Up to Very High B: Diffusion in Long Fibers (Almost) Accounts for Non-Monoexponential Attenuation
Modeling Resting Cerebral Perfusion from BOLD Signal Dynamics During Hyperoxia
Modelling Intra-Voxel Dephasing in MR Simulations
Modelling of Diffusion in Cultured Epithelial Cell Spheroids
Modelling Radial and Tangential Fibres in the Neocortex
Modelling the RF Safety of Tattoo Pigment Ink for Subjects Undergoing 7 Tesla MRI
Modifications of Gray Matter Volume in Migraine Patients Over Four Years: A Tensor-Based Morphometry Study
Modified Class E Amplifiers Used for Two Channel Digital RF Transmit Array System with Integrated Coil
Modified Look-Locker Inversion Recovery (MOLLI) $$$T_1$$$ Mapping with High Precision Composite Inversion Group (IG) Fitting
Modified Single-Echo Dixon Imaging for Improved SNR and CNR in Contrast-Enhanced MRA
Modular 7 Tesla Transmit/receive Arrays Designed Using Thin Very High Permittivity Dielectric Resonator Antennas
Modular Changes in Functional Connectivity Associated with Clinical Symptoms in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
Modular Reorganization of Resting-State Brain Network in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Modulations of Cerebral TCA Cycle Activity Studied by Hyperpolarized Acetate 13C MRS
Molecular & Cellular Imaging of Diabetes
Molecular Effects of the Chemotherapeutic Drug Doxorubicin on Choline Phospholipid Metabolism of Breast Cancer Cells
Molecular Imaging and Targeting of Hypoxic Microenvironment
A Molecular Imaging Approach to Mercury Sensing Based on Hyperpolarized 129Xe Molecular Clamp Probe
Molecular Imaging of Inflammation and Extracellular Matrix Remodelling After Myocardial Infarction
Molecular Mechanism of Transverse Relaxation in Whole Blood with Plasma Contrast Reagent: Simulations of Bulk Magnetic Susceptibility and Water Exchange
Monitoring Breast Cancer Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy by Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Monitoring Changes of the Tumor Microenvironment Following Administration of a Novel Vascular Disrupting Agent OXi6197 Using Multi-Parametric MRI
Monitoring Longitudinal Functional Reorganization of a Capsular Infarct Rat Model Using Resting-State FMRI
Monitoring of RF Transmit Signal in On-Coil Current-Source Switch-Mode Amplification
Monitoring of Stable Cavitation of Microbubbles by Using MRI
Monitoring Progressive Kidney Disease in Folic Acid - Induced Nephropathy in Mice by MRI
Monitoring Temperature Changes in the Brain During High Flow Cold Air Cooling
Monitoring the Disease Progression and Aortic Hemodynamics of Pediatric Bicuspid Aortic Valve Patients Using Longitudinal 4D Flow MRI
Monitoring Therapeutic Response in Anatomy and Functions on Pulmonary Fibrosis by Ultra-Short Echo Time (UTE) MRI in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
Monitoring Therapeutic Response on Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma in Chemotherapy by Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging in an Orthotopic Mouse Model
Monitoring Tissue Damage During MRgHIFU of Bone Metastases: Relating Intra-Procedural DWI Changes to Post-Procedural Appearances
Monitoring Treatment Response to Gene Therapy in a Feline Model of Alpha-Mannosidosis Using 1H MRS
Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 (MCT1) Inhibition with AZD3965 Leads to MRS-Detectable MCT4-Dependent Blockade of Lactate Efflux and Pyruvate-Lactate Exchange in Human Cancer Cells Providing Potential for Non-Invasive Imaging
Monte Carlo Simulation for A-BOSS FMRI
A More Sensitive Paradigm for Direct MR Detection of Neuronal Currents: Simulation Results
More Than Meets the Eye: The Mixed Character of Electric Dipole Coils, and Implications for High-Field Performance
Morphological Component Analysis of Functional MRI Data Based on Sparse Representations and Dictionary Learning
Morphological, Compositional, and Fiber Architectural Changes in from Unilateral Limb Suspension Induced Acute Atrophy Model in the Medial Gastrocnemius Muscle.
Morphometric Analysis of Cerebrospinal Fluid Alterations by MRI for Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension Patients Before and After Treatments
Motion Averaged MR-Based Attenuation Correction for Coronary 18F-Fluoride Hybrid PET/MR
Motion Compensated Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Liver with Convex Optimized Diffusion Encoding (CODE)
Motion Compensated High Resolution MR Imaging of Vagus and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves with Novel Phase-Based Navigation Sequences
Motion Compensation Methods
Motion Compensation Using Principal Component Analysis and Projection Onto Dipole Fields For Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Thermometry During High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Motion Correcting Complete MR-PET Exams Via Plot Tone Navigators
Motion Correction for Abdominal Diffusion Weighted Images by Using Fitting Accuracy Guided Free-Form Deformation.
Motion Correction for Functional MRI with Hybrid Radial-Cartesian 3D EPI
Motion Correction in DCE-MRI by Tracer-Kinetic Model-Driven Registration: Beyond the Tofts Models
Motion Correction Using Orthogonal Images
Motion Detection and Correction for Carotid Artery Wall Imaging Using Structured Light
Motion Insensitive 3D Technique for Simultaneous Measurement of In-Vivo ADC and T2* in Atherosclerotic Plaque Using a 3D Multiple Echo Diffusion Weighted Driven Equilibrium Stack of Stars (3D ME-DW-DE SOS) Sequence.
Motion Insensitive High Resolution in Vivo DWI of Carotid Artery Wall Imaging Using 3D Diffusion Weighted Driven Equilibrium Stack of Stars (3D DW-DE SOS) Sequence
Motion Insensitive Quantification of Liver Proton Density Fat-Fraction Using a Single-Shot 2D Technique
Motion Range Grouping of Brain Regions Based on Displacement Measured with Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE)
Motion Tracking Using Nonlinear Gradient Fields: Experimental Verification and Oblique Slices
Motion-Corrected K-Space Reconstruction for High Resolution Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging
Motion-Correction Enabled Ultra-High Resolution In-Vivo Imaging of the Human Brain at 7T
Motion-Free Abdominal MRI Using Manifold Alignment
Motion-Resolved 3D Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Liver MRI
Motion-Resolved Golden-Angle Radial Sparse MRI Using Variable-Density Stack-Of-Stars Sampling
Motion-Robust Abdominal DCE-MRI Using Respiratory-Gated Golden-Angle Radial Sparse Parallel MRI
Motor Learning Induced Neuroplasticity, Revealed by FMRI-Guided Diffusion Imaging
Mouse Brain Microscopy with Loop Gap Resonator at 15T
MR and Proton MR Spectroscopy Findings of a Pediatric Case with Solitary Intracranial Rosai-Dorfman Disease in the Posterior Fossa
MR Angiography
MR Angiography of Congenital Portosystemic Shunts in Mice
MR Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Quantification Is an Imaging Biomarker Predicting Gleason Score Grade in Patients with Prostate Cancer Undergoing MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy
MR Appearance of Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma: As Prognostic Factors Influencing the Response to Clinical Treatment
MR Artifacts Removal Using Sparse + Low Rank Decomposition of Annihilating Filter Based Hankel Matrix
MR Based Body Composition Analysis Correlates Ayurvedic Phenotyping
MR Based Texture and Location Analysis of Lower Grade Gliomas Combined with Genetic Mutation Information
MR Elastography and DCE-MRI of the Liver and Spleen for Non-Invasive Prediction of Portal Pressure
MR Elastography Demonstrates Unique Regional Brain Stiffness Patterns in Dementias
MR Elastography of Intracranial Tumors: Initial Experience with High-Resolution Imaging and Nonlinear Inversion
MR Elastography of the Prostate with a Mode-Conversion Endourethral Driver: Feasibility at 3.0 T
MR Elastography Using SS-SE-EPI with Reduced FOV: Phantom Study and Preliminary Volunteer Study for the Pancreas
MR Enterography
MR Fingerprinting
MR Fingerprinting Reconstruction with Kalman Filter
MR Fingerprinting with Chemical Exchange (MRF-X) for in Vivo Multi-Compartment Relaxation and Exchange Rate Mapping
MR GluCEST Study of Neuroinflammation
MR Guided Focused Ultrasound Thalamotomy for Essential Tremor - Maryland Experience
MR Guided Microwave Thermal Ablation: Guidance and Monitoring for Extending the Physics of Thermal Therapy
MR Imaging After Rotator Cuff Repair
MR Imaging Biomarkers in Assessing Response to Therapy of Rectal Cancer
MR Imaging of Electromagnetic Field Distribution for Treatment Planning in Electrical Stimulation
MR Imaging of Liver Microstructure in Hepatic Fibrosis and Cirrhosis at 11.7 T
MR Imaging of Major Depressive Disorder: Effects of Sertraline Treatment
MR Imaging of Saline Flooded Lung – a Feasibility Study in a Large Animal Model
MR Imaging Patterns of Cholangiocarcinoma and Post-Intervention Features: A Case-Based Approach
MR Measurements of Luminal Water in Prostate Gland
MR Microscopic Phenotyping of the Pancreas in Mutant KRas Mouse Models of Pancreatic Cancer
MR Molecular Imaging Biomarkers in Pharmaceutical Applications
An MR Motion Correction Toolbox for Registration and Evaluation
MR NeuroAngiography: Simultaneous Acquisition of Brachial Plexus MR Neurography and Subclavian MR Angiography Using Phase-Cycling Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (PcMSDE)
MR of Bioenergetics in Metabolic Diseases: A Focus on the Asian Phenotype
MR of Hyperpolarized Xe-129 Dissolved in the Human Brain at 1.5 T and 3.0 T
MR of Lipids in Biological Processes & Disease States
MR Physics for Preclinical Imaging
MR Prediction of Tumor Burden in Patient-Derived Mouse Xenografts Model of Glioblastoma Using an Adaptive Model
MR Probe Design with On-Coil Digital Receiver
MR Properties of Cadaveric Achilles Tendon Enthesis with Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) Sequences and Correlate with Biomechanics
MR Relaxometry with an Interleaved SSFP Sequence
MR Safety Screening - Is It Really Worth the Time Investment?
MR Spectroscopy for 2HG Detection in MIDH Gliomas: Comparison of Sensitivity Improvement Using Different Refocusing RF Pulses with and Without Outer Volume Suppression
MR Spectroscopy in the Differentiation of Benign, Borderline and Malignant Cystic Epithelial Ovarian Tumors
MR Spectroscopy Predicts Injury in a Variable Rat Model of Epilepsy
MR Systems Overview
MR T1? Imaging Study on Normal-Appearing Brain in Patients with Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma After Radiotherapy
MR Texture Analysis of Subchondral Bone in Osteoarthritis
MR Thermometry-Guided Prostate Hyperthermia with Real-Time Ultrasound Beamforming and Power Control
MR Urography & Bladder CA Staging
MR Visible Localization Device for Ex Vivo Radiographic-Pathologic Correlation
MR-Based Brain Morphometry Improves Localization of Focal Cortical Dysplasia at Individual Level
MR-Based Current Density Imaging During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS)
An MR-Compatible Assistance System for MR-Guided Needle Interventions: Initial Phantom Evaluation
MR-Derived Indices for Identification of Quantity and Distribution of Adipose Tissue – Age- And Gender Related Differences in a Cohort at Increased Risk for Metabolic Diseases
MR-Guided Focal Laser Ablation as Primary Treatment for Prostate Cancer: Preliminary Results
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound for Antibody Delivery in a Brain Metastasis Model
MR-Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Mediated Hyperthermia for Targeted Drug Delivery to Treat Pancreatic Cancer
MR-HIFU Mild Hyperthermia for Sensitization of Radiation and Chemotherapy for Recurrent Rectal Cancer: First Phase I Clinical Trial Results.
MRI Acceleration Using Correlation Imaging with Tissue Boundary Sparsity
MRI Assessment of Acute Pathologic Process After Myocardial Infarction: Role of Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based MRI
MRI Assessment of Aortic Flow in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension in Response to Exercise
MRI Assessment of Changes in Tumor Oxygenation Post Hypoxia-Targeted Therapy
MRI Assessment of Coronary Endothelial Function Using Native T1 Mapping with Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS) Inhibition
MRI Biomarkers Associated with Guide Wire Puncture Forces Required to Cross Ex-Vivo Human Peripheral Arterial Chronic Total Occlusions
MRI Biomarkers for Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
MRI Biomarkers of Breast Cancer Complete Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy
MRI Characterisation of Iron Overload in a Humanised Mouse Model of ß-Thalassemia Major
MRI Characteristics of Primary Liver Malignancies: Common and Uncommon Mimics with Histopathological Correlation - A Practical Approach
MRI Charaterization of Lesions in the Cirrhotic Liver
MRI Detects the Effects of Demyelination and Remyelination on Hippocampal Structure and Function
MRI Evaluation of Acetaminophen Induced Liver Failure in Mice Using T1 Mapping and Stable Gadoxetate Disodium Administration
MRI Flow Quantification of Head and Neck Arteries
MRI for Noninvasive Characterization of Pancreatic Tumor in Three Mouse Models
MRI Guided Radiotherapy
MRI in Acute Appendicitis: The Emergency Physician Perspective
MRI in Assessing Response to Neoadjuvant Chemo-Radiation in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer Using DCE-MR and DWI Data Sets: Before, During and After the Treatment
MRI in Multiple Sclerosis: The Curiosity of Apparent Susceptibility Increases at Simultaneous Iron Loss
MRI in Predicting the Response of Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor to Targeted Therapy: A Patient-Based Multi-Parameter Study
MRI in Pregnancy: Practical Considerations & Indications
MRI Interpretation of Liver Nodules in Cirrhosis — a Standardized Approach Using LI-RADS
MRI Monitoring of Epileptogenesis with Direct Histological Validation
MRI of Brain Demyelination
MRI of Cuprizone Induced Demyelination in Rat Brain
MRI of Lesions in the Non-Cirrhotic Liver
MRI of Peripheral Nerve: MT of Short T2 Components, Susceptibility and Diffusion Weighting of Collagen Components
MRI of Peripheral Vascular Calcifications Using Stack-Of-Stars 3D FLASH
MRI of Spinal Cord Demyelination
MRI of Standard Large Animals
MRI of the Postoperative Elbow
MRI of the Thoracic Spinal Cord in Multiple Sclerosis at 7T
MRI of Traumatic Injuries of the Wrist
MRI of Unusual Animals
MRI Quantification of Uterine Blood Flow in Third Trimester Human Pregnancy and Relation to Birthweight
MRI Relaxation Parameters Predict Functional Outcome After Experimental Myocardial Infarction
MRI RF-Induced Pacemaker Lead Heating: Effect of Single Vs Dual-Lead Systems
MRI Signatures in the Brain of Patients with PD and IRBD
MRI Features of Placenta Percreta: Evaluation of the Features for 46 Patients Using Surgical and Histopathological Correlations
MRI/MRS Monitoring of Anti-Tumor Treatments in an in Vivo Orthotopic Model of a Mammary Tumor Cell Line Expressing the D16HER2 Variant
MRI/MRS–based Assessment of Lipid Metabolism: A New Tool for Better Detection and Characterization of Breast Tumors?
MRI: A Systems Overview
MRI: The Classical Description
MRI-Based Estimation of Liver Function by Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
MRI-Based Evaluation of Renal Oxygenation Under the Influence of Carbogen Breathing
MRI-Compatible Wireless Multi-Purpose Game Controller for Social Neuroscience FMRI Experiments
MRI-Guided and Tumor-Targeted Biopsy to Inform Focal Therapy in Prostate Cancer
MRI-Guided Laser Thermal Ablation for T1a Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): A 4-Year Experience with Longitudinal Follow-Up of Patients
MRI-Guided PET Image Denoising Using a Non-Local Means Filter
MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsies at 3 T – Clinical Experience with a Navigation Option
MRI-Guided Robotic Arm (MgRA) to Target Deep Brain Nuclei in Vitro
MRI-Guided Thermosensitive Liposomal Drug Delivery for Cancer Therapy
MRI-SPAMM Based Magnetic Resonance Electrical Impedance Tomography
MR-PET Simultaneous Acquisitions with Attenuation Correction Using LSO Background Radiation.
MRS - Response to Therapy
MRS and DTI Examination of Immature Rats Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
An MRS and PET Guided Biopsy Tool for Ultrasound-Based Intra-Operative Neuro-Navigational Systems.
MR-Shear Wave Elasticity Imaging (SWEI) with Bipolar Motion-Encoding Gradients
MSK Applications (Cartilage, Disc , Muscle)
mTBI Symptom Severity Is Associated with Functional Connectivity of Specific Networks
Multi Atlas-Based Attenuation Correction for Brain FDG-PET Imaging Using a TOF-PET/MR Scanner– Comparison with Clinical Single Atlas- And CT-Based Attenuation Correction
Multi Parametric MRI Evaluation of Skeletal Muscle Growth and Myopathies in Mice
Multi Voxel Pattern Analysis (MVPA) Classification Reveals Distributed Neural Presentations of Specific Finger Movement Sequences in the Human Striatum: A Task-Based Functional MRI Study.
Multiband and Multishot EPI Using Hadamard Encoding for Functional MRI at 7T
Multiband DREAM: Multi-Slice B1+ Mapping in a Single Shot
Multiband Echo-Shifted EPI (MESH) FMRI
Multi-Band EPI Applications to FMRI
Multiband Excitation Enables Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Brain Stem and Cervical Spinal Cord in Clinically Feasible Scan Times at 3T
Multiband Integrated-SSFP for Functional Imaging at 7T with Reduced Susceptibility Artifacts
Multi-Band MRSI at 7T Using 3D B1 Shimming Based Outer Volume Suppression
Multi-Band Slice-Selective and 2D-Selective RF Excitations with Band-Specific Dephasing Moments for Tailored Z-Shimming
Multiband Spectral-Spatial RF Excitation for Hyperpolarized [2-13C]Dihydroxyacetone 13C-MR Metabolism Studies
Multiband TSE Imaging of the Fetal Brain at 3T
Multi-Blade Acquisition of Split Turbo Spin Echoes: A Robust and Fast Diffusion Imaging Technique
Multi-Center And Multi-Vendor Study of Long-TE 1H MRS at 3T for Detection of 2-Hydroxyglutarate in Brain Tumors In Vivo
Multi-Center Study of Whole-Heart Dynamic 3-Dimensional Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Perfusion Imaging for the Detection of Coronary Artery Disease – Analysis of Diagnostic Performance in Women
Multi-Center Validation of an Acetone-D2O Quantitative Diffusion Phantom
A Multi-Channel Gradient Driver System for Matrix Gradient Coils
Multi-Channel Helical-Antenna Inner-Volume RF Coils for Ultra-High-Field MR Scanners
A Multi-Channel Real-Time Power Monitoring System for SAR Estimation Using FPGA in High Field MRI
Multi-Coil B0 Shimming of the Human Heart: A Theoretical Assessment
Multi-Compartment Microscopic Diffusion Anisotropy Imaging Brought Into Clinical Practice
Multi-Contrast Joint Intra- And Extracranial Artery Wall Imaging – a Feasibility Study
Multi-Contrast Late Enhancement Out-Performs Conventional Late Gadolinium Enhancement for Myocardial RFA Lesion Characterization
Multidimensional Diffusion and Relaxation Data Acquisition for Improved Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Analysis
Multi-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping: A New and Efficient Linear Algebraic Formulation Using Weighted Least-Squares
Multi-Dimensional Reduced Field-Of-View Excitation by Integrated RF Pulse and DYNAMITE B0 Field Design
Multi-Echo Parametric VARiation Saturation (MePaVARS) Enabling More Specific Endogeneous CEST Imaging
Multi-Echo Pseudo-Golden Angle Stack of Stars Thermometry With High Spatial and Temporal Resolution
Multifrequency MR Elastography for Assessing Hepatic Fibrosis in Pediatric Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Multi-Frequency Reconstruction for Frequency-Modulated Stack-Of-Stars BSSFP
Multi-Institution Liver Mass Evaluation at 1.5 and 3 T Using Free Breathing, Through-Time Spiral GRAPPA and Quantitative Perfusion
Multi-Inversion EPI-Based Imaging of T1 Distribution Within Individual Voxels
Multi-Layered Atlas Registrations for Multi-Atlas Segmentation of Brain MRI
Multilevel Classification of Alzheimer’s and Mild Cognitive Impairment Patients by Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging Data
Multi-Modal and Multi-Scale Measurement of Metabolism in Breast Cancer Cells Both in Vitro and in Vivo
Multimodal Characterization of Grey Matter Alterations in Neuromyelitis Optica
Multimodal Elucidation of Rat Brain Function Using BOLD-FMRI and CMRO2 [15O]O2-PET
A Multimodal MR Approach to Evaluate Complex Muscle Degeneration Processes in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
Multi-Modal MRI Parametric Maps Combined with Receptor Information to Optimize Prediction of Pathologic Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer
Multimodal MRI Protocol for Characterization of Fat Quantity and Composition as Well as Cardiac Parameters in Patients with Long-Chain Fatty Acid Oxidation Defects (LCFAOD)
Multimodality Functional Imaging in Radiation Therapy During Treatment: Relationship Between DW-MRI and 18F FDG PET in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Multi-Modality Imaging in an MRI Scanner: Simultaneous Imaging & Therapy - Making the Systems Compatible
Multimodality Multiparametric 18F-Fluciclovine PET/MRI for Computer-Assisted Detection of Primary Prostate Cancer: Is There a Role for SUV?
Multi-Node Directed Cortical Network for Speech Processing Revealed by Multivariate Granger Causality Analysis
Multinuclear, Sodium & Fluorine
Multi-Parameter Mapping, Fat/water Separation and Functional Imaging with a Two-Sequence Brain Morphometry Protocol
Multiparameter MRI Response Assessment in A Phase I Trial of Hypofractionated Stereotactic Irradiation with Pembrolizumab and Bevacizumab in Patients with Recurrent High Grade Gliomas
Multiparametric "Molecular" MR Imaging
Multi-Parametric Assessment of Thigh Muscles in Patients with Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophies (LGMD): Preliminary Results.
Multi-Parametric Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for Prediction of Cardiac Complications in Thalassemia Intermedia: A Prospective Multicenter Study
Multiparametric Classification of Tumors
Multi-Parametric Estimation of Brain Hemodynamics with Fingerprinting ASL
Multiparametric Functional MR Imaging for Evaluation of Hepatic Warm Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rabbit Models
Multi-Parametric Imaging Assessment of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology
Multiparametric MR Imaging of Oxygen Metabolism and Angiogenesis for Detection of Recurrence or Grade Increase in Glioma Patients
Multiparametric MR Neurographic Orthopantomogram of the Mandibular Bone and Nerve Using Ultra-Short Echo-Time Imaging, Simultaneous Multi-Slice Readout-Segmented Echo Planar Imaging and 3D Reversed Fast Imaging with Steady State Free Procession
Multi-Parametric MRI at 3.0 Tesla for the Prediction of Treatment Response in Rectal Cancer
Multi-Parametric MRI Characterization of a Polymer Gel Dosimetry Phantom for Non-Invasive 3D Visualization of Radiation Deposition in Gamma Knife Therapy
Multiparametric MRI Characterization of Magnetic Viral Complexes
Multi-Parametric MRI for Predicting Disease Recurrence or Death in Breast Cancer Patients Following Neo-Adjuvant Chemotherapy.
Multiparametric MRI of a Transgenic Mouse Model of Neuroblastoma Using an Asymmetric High Resolution 3-Channel/3-Animal RF Coil on a Clinical 3T Platform
Multiparametric MRI Therapy Response in Bone
Multiparametric Quantitative MRI of Cartilage Composition and Bone Blood Perfusion Applied in a Case-Control Study of Patellofemoral Pain.
Multiparametric Quantitative MRI of Meningiomas (H2O, T1, T2*, Kurtosis) for Microscopic Tissue Characterization
Multiparametric Voxel-Based Analysis of Standardized Uptake Values and Apparent Diffusion Coefficients in Soft-Tissue Tumors with a Positron Emission Tomography-Magnetic Resonance System: Application for Evaluation of Treatment Effect
Multiparametric Whole-Body MRI Vs 18FCH-PET-CT in the Primary Staging of Intermediate and High-Risk Prostate Cancer
Multiphase PCASL for Imaging Blood Flow in Rodent Brains
A Multiple Comparison Between 3T Intracranial Vessel Wall Sequences
Multiple Linear Regression for Predicting Fibrosis in the Kidney Using T1 Mapping and ‘RESOLVE’ Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Multiple Sclerosis: Assessment of Normal-Appearing White Matter Hypoperfusion with DCE MRI
Multiplexed Multiband EPI for Increased Efficiency in Fetal FMRI and DMRI
The Multi-Pole Antenna Array
Multiresolution Imaging Using Golden Angle Stack-Of-Stars and Compressed Sensing
Multi-Resolution Registration and Segmentation for Cardiac BOLD MRI
A Multisegment Detunable HEM-Mode Dielectric Resonator for Increased Patient Comfort at 7 T
Multi-Sequence Non-Contrast MRI Characterization of Deep Vein Thrombosis in Man
Multi-Shot Cartesian TSE DWI with Inherent 2D Phase Correction
Multi-Shot Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Using Saturation Recovery Preparation Pulse
Multi-Shot Sensitivity Encoded Diffusion Data Recovery Using Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion (MUSSELS)
A Multishot, Hadamard-Encoded Autocalibration Scan for Multiband EPI at 7T
Multisite Feasibility Study of Spinal Cord Gray Matter and Total Cord Areas Measurements on 2D Phase Sensitive Inversion Recovery Images
Multi-Site, Multi-Vendor Comparison of T1 Measurement Using ISMRM/NIST System Phantom
Multi-Slice Functional FID Based Spectroscopic Imaging on Mice Using Dynamic Shimming at 9.4T
Multi-Slice Spiral Imaging Trajectory Mapping Using High Density 25-Channel Field Probe Array
Multispectral Body Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Multi-Step Joint-Blade SENSE Reconstruction for Simultaneous Multislice PROPELLER
Multi-Tuned Coils
Multivariate Assessment of Brain Glioma Using Hybrid IVIM and DK MRI
Muscle Functional Oxidative Capacity Varies Along the Length of Healthy Tibialis Anterior
Muscle Quality and Function
Musculoskeletal Applications of Diffusion MRI
Music-Based Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting to Improve Patient Comfort During MRI Examinations
Myelin Water Fraction with Bipolar Multiecho Sequences Using K-Space Shift Correction
Myelin Water Imaging in Multiple Sclerosis Post-Mortem Spinal Cord
Myelin Water Imaging Using 3D Radial Multi-Echo GRE Acquisition
Myocardial ASL Perfusion Imaging Using MOLLI
Myocardial Effective Transverse Relaxation Time at 7.0 T Correlates with Left Ventricular Wall Thickness
Myocardial Energetics in Patients with Degenerative Mitral Regurgitation Studied by 31P MRS
Myocardial Extracellular Volume Fraction (ECV) Quantified by T1 Mapping Can Detect Diffuse Myocardial Fibrosis in Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM): Comparison with Histological Collagen Volume Fraction by Endomyocardial Biopsy (EMB)
Myocardial Extracellular Volume Measurements Using a Shorter Post-Contrast T1 Mapping Delay Time for Diagnosis of Cardiac Amyloidosis in 3.0T Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Myocardial Local Frequency Shift Mapping
Myocardial Perfusion Using Radial MS-CAIPIRINHA
Myocardial Strain Analysis with CMR in Breast Cancer Patients with Iatrogenic Cardiotoxicity Using Heart Deformation Analysis: Comparison to DENSE
Myocardial T1- And ECV- Mapping at 3 Tesla Using the Saturation-Recovery Techniques SASHA and SAPPHIRE
Myocardial T1-Map-Derived Extracellular Volume Fraction (ECV) Measurement Can Represent the Disease Severity and Prognostic Information in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Myoinositol as a Predictive Baseline Biomarker for Overall Survival of Patients with Recurrent Glioblastoma Treated with Bevacizumab: A 1H-Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study.
N-Acetyl Aspartate Predicts Disease Severity in an Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Nanocrystal Loaded Polymeric Microbubbles for Multimodal Imaging
Nanodiamond Imaging with Room Temperature Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
Native Myocardial T1 Correlates with Right Ventricular Mass and Invasive Catheter Measurement in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension
Navigator-Free Motion Correction for Cartesian FSE
The Negative Residuals of Diffusion Kurtosis Model: A Study on Rat Brain Imaging
Neonate: The Neonatologist's Perspective "Preterm Newborns: How Imaging Contributes to the Understanding of the Preterm Infants Neurodevelopmental Outcome"
Neonate: The Physicist's Perspective
Nested Support Vector Machine Applied to Structural and Diffusion MR Features for Alzheimer's Disease Prediction
Network Analysis
Network Centrality Insights Into the Effects of Dexamethasone on Brain Function in Healthy Subjects
Network Integration and Segregation Differentiate Between Alzheimer Disease and Vascular Dementia
Network-Sensitive Structural and Functional MR Imaging Methods
Network-Wide Longitudinal Atrophic Covariance After Ischaemic Stroke
Neural Basis of the Association Between Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in Unmedicated Major Depressive Disorder Patients
The Neural Basis of Visual Field Asymmetry in Human Visual System by Functional MRI
Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) in Young Onset Alzheimer's Disease and Its Syndromic Variants
Neuro Applications
Neuroanatomical Abnormalities in a PAX6 Deficient Mouse Model Studied by Voxel Based Morphometry
Neurobiological Quantification of Stress-Induced Sleep-Perturbation in Rats Using in Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy and in Vitro Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
Neurochemical Alterations Detected in Irritable Bowel Syndrome Using 2D L-COSY
Neurochemical Changes in Thalamus and Midbrain of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Using Accelerated Echo Planer J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging
Neurochemical Profiles of the Rat Forepaw Cortex During Electrical and Laser Light Stimulations Measured with Proton MR Spectroscopy
Neurodegeneration Simulation in the Connectome: A Heuristic Approach to Unfold the Key White Matter Pathways in Alzheimer’s Disease
Neurofeedback Impact Onto the Brain Networks Interaction: FMRI Study
Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Predicting Treatment Response in Schizophrenia Based on Alteration Patterns of the Whole Brain White Matter Tracts
Neuroimaging of Acute Ebola Virus Disease in a Non-Human Primate Model
Neuroimaging of Nipah Virus in a Syrian Hamster Model of Infection
Neuroimaging: Fast Brain MR Imaging
The Neuroinflammatory Component of Gray Matter Pathology in Multiple Sclerosis by in Vivo Combined 11C-PBR28 MR-PET and 7T Imaging
Neurophysiological Effects and Dose Response Curve of TDCS Stimulation Assessed by Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Neuroplasticity Changes in Rat Brain Following Targeted Irradiation Assessed by Diffusion MRI Tractography Validated by Histology and Behavioral Tests
Neuroprotective Effects of Acetyl-L-Carnitine on Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia Induced Brain Injury in Rats
Neuropsychological Measures of Parietal Lobe Thickness
Neurotoxic Side Effects of Immunosuppressive in Patients After Liver Transplantation: Preliminary Results of a Brain 31P-MRS Study
Neurovascular Imaging Techniques
Neurovascular Reactivity in Smokers and Nonsmokers Measured by High-Speed MR Flow Mapping During Volitional Apnea
Neurovascular Uncoupling in Resting State FMRI Demonstrated in Patients with Primary Brain Gliomas
A New Approach for Flexible Spatial Encoding Strategy in a Low-Field MRI System
A New Biomarker for Neuroinflammation in Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
A New CF-Specific MRI-Score: Can It Predict Loss of Lung Function?
New Decoupling Method for Receiver Arrays with Small Coils
A New Framework for the Optimisation of Multi-Shell Diffusion Weighting MRI Settings Using a Parameterised Cramér-Rao Lower-Bound
A New High-Resolution 3D GagCEST Imaging Method for in Vivo Human Knee Cartilage at 7T
A New High-Resolution Perfusion-Weighted Imaging Technique Without Exogenous Tracer and Its Quantitative Model
A New Hybrid Approach for Quantitative Multi-Slice Myocardial DCE Perfusion
New Imaging Techniques for Spine & Plexus
New Insight in Perivenular Lesion Formation in Multiple Sclerosis on Weekly Susceptibility Weighted Images
A New Method for Accurate Detection of Cartilage Lesions in Femoroacetabular Impingement Using Quantitative T
Mapping: Preliminary Validation Against Arthroscopic Findings at 3 T
A New Method to Construct and Validate an Optic Radiation Template Using Probabilistic Tractography
A New Monopole Intravascular Coil with Three Parasitic Elements Optimized for MRI 1.5 T
New Mr Parameters to Assess and Monitor Tendon Xanthomas
A New NOE-Mediated MT Signal at -1.6 Ppm for Detecting Ischemic Stroke in Rat Brain
A New Paradigm to Assess Brain Cell Microstructure by Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Proof of Concept and Initial Results in the Macaque Brain
New Perspectives in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI Using Multiband and Quiet Pulse Sequences
A New Way of Looking at Brain Connectivity. PH FMRI: Myth or Reality?
NIBIB New Horizons Lecture: a New Generation of Accelerated Imaging: Optimised Encoding in the Quest for Speed
NiftyWeb: Web Based Platform for Image Processing on the Cloud
Nigral Iron Distribution in Brain of Parkinson’s Disease: A Combined Structural Voxel-Wise and ROI-Based Study with Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
NMR Metabolomics of Biofluids for Early Diagnosis of Brain Metastasis
NMR-Based Fecal Metabolomics Fingerprinting as Predictors of Earlier Diagnosis in Patients with Colorectal Cancer
NMR-Based Metabolomic Study of Serum in Diabetic Retinopathy
NODDI and AxCaliber Diffusion-Weighted Imaging at Ultrahigh Field for Microstructural Imaging of the Mouse Spinal Cord
Noise Amplification Vs. Resolution Tradeoff in the SLIDER Technique
A Noise Correction Model Incorporating Weighted Neighborhood Information for Liver R2* Mapping
Noise Propagation of Variable Flip Angle T1 Mapping with Emphasis on the Precision of RF Transmit Field Mapping
"Noise" in Diffusion Tractography Connectomes Is Not Additive
Noise-Corrected Exponential DWI Using Multi-Acquisition MRI Facilitates Quantitative Evaluation of Whole-Body Skeletal Tumour Burden in Patients with Metastatic Prostate Cancer.
Noise-Robust Multifrequency Wave Number Inversion for High-Resolution MR Elastography in the Abdomen
Non-Balanced Spin-Echo SSFP Sequence in the Hepatobiliary Phase of Gd-EOB-MRI for the Differential Diagnosis of Liver Hemangiomas and Metastatic Liver Tumors
Non-Cartesian Methods (Radial, Spiral) & Considerations
Non-Cartesian SENSE Reconstruction of 3D UTE Cones for Fast MR Lung Imaging
Non-Contrast Cardiac 4D Flow with Bright Blood and Improved Robustness Using Multiple Thin Slab Acquisition and Variable Density Radial Sampling
Non-Contrast Enhanced 4D Intracranial MR Angiography Based on Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labelling (PCASL) with the Keyhole Technique
Non-Contrast Enhanced MR Angiography of Lower Extremities: Initial Experience of Using Motion-Sensitized Driven Equilibrium (MSDE or IMSDE) Prepared Balance Steady-State Free Precession (BSSFP) in Patients with Diabetes
Non-Contrast Gate-Free Aortic MR Angiography with Robust Fat Suppression
Non-Contrast Hybrid Arterial Spin Labeled (NoHASL) Imaging of the Intracranial Arteries
Non-Contrast MR Angiography with Arterial Spin Labeling: Initial Experience in Pediatric Patients with a 3D Spiral PCASL and CINEMA Protocol
Non-Contrast Pulmonary Perfusion at 3T Using FAIR with Inflow Saturation and Background Suppression
Non-Contrast Vasodilatory Response Assessment in a Porcine Model of Acute Myocardial Infarction Using Arterial Spin Labeled CMR
Non-Contrast, Flow-Independent, Relaxation-Enhanced Subclavian MR Angiography Using Inversion Recovery and T2 Prepared 3D Gradient-Echo DIXON Sequence
Non-Contrast-Enhanced MRA Using Velocity-Sensitised, Acceleration-Sensitised and Combined Sensitisation with Fast-Spin-Echo Readout
Non-Contrast-Enhanced Perfusion and Ventilation Assessment of the Human Lung by Means of Wavelet Decomposition in Proton MRI
Nonenhanced Hybridized Arterial Spin-Labeled Magnetic Resonance Angiography of the Extracranial Carotid Arteries at 3 Tesla Using a Fast Low-Angle Shot Readout
Non-Enhanced Hypercellular Volume in Glioblastoma Identified by High B-Value Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Non-Gaussian Diffusion Weighted Imaging in the Head and Neck; How We Can Improve the Clinical Diagnostic Accuracy Beyond ADC
Non-Gaussian Measurements of Water Diffusion in Glioma as a Tool for Probing Tumor Heterogeneity and Grade.
Noninvasive Assessment of IDH Mutational Status in Glioma Using MR Elastography
Noninvasive Assessment of Renal Fibrosis Using Magnetization Transfer MRI in Murine Renal Artery Stenosis
Non-Invasive Assessments of Biomechanical and Biochemical Properties in Animal and Human Eyes Using Multi-Modal MRI
Noninvasive Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Hepatic Ischemia Reperfusion Injury: A Real-Time in Vivo Hyperpolarized 13C MRS and IVIM-DWI
Non-Invasive Cardiac Stimulation with MR Guided HIFU: A Rapid, Cardiac Triggered, MR-ARFI Method for Direct Visualization of Stimulation Site and Assessment of Tissue Stiffness.
Non-Invasive Characterization of BI-RADS 4/5 X-Ray Mammography Findings Using Unenhanced Breast MRI with Fusion of Diffusion Weighted and Morphological T2-Weighted Images
Non-Invasive Estimation of Arterial Input Function for Imaging of Cerebral Blood Flow on a PET/MR Scanner
Noninvasive Evaluation of Foot Oxygen Extraction Fraction with Multi-Shot Asymmetric Spin Echo Method
Noninvasive Imaging of Oxygen Extraction Fraction in Adults with Sickle Cell Anemia
Noninvasive in Vivo Assessment of Cytosolic Redox-State in Rat Liver Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]alanine
Noninvasive Measurement of Single Renal Oxygen Extraction Fraction Using Focused Asymmetric Spin Echo Approach - A Feasibility Study
Non-Invasive Postprandial Fatty Acid Tracking with 1H-[13C] Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in the Human Liver
Non-Invasive Quantification and Characterisation of Liver Fat in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) Using Automated Analysis of MRS Correlated with Histology
Non-Invasive Quantification of Prostate Cancer Using AMICO Framework for VERDICT MRI
Non-Invasive Vascular Resistance Assessment of the Main Branch of the Cerebral Venous Tree Using 3D Phase-Contrast MR Angiography
Noninvasive MR diffusion and perfusion analysis of liver fibrosis using comprehensive parameters
Non-Iterative Motion-Error Regularized Reconstruction for Efficient Respiratory Gating with Auto-Calibrating Parallel Imaging
Non-Linear Distortion Correction in Human Optic Nerve Diffusion Imaging
Nonlinear Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis (KCCA) in FMRI
Nonlinear Registered Seed Selection in Resting State FMRI
Nonlinear RF Spatial Encoding with Multiple Transmit Coils Based on Bloch-Siegert Shift
Non-Muscle-Invasive and Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: Image Quality and Clinical Value Compared Between Reduced Field-Of-View DWI and Single-Shot Echo-Planar-Imaging DWI
Non-Parametric Acute Ischemic Stroke Penumbra Delineation from Dynamic DSC-MRI Data with Convex Source Separation
Non-Rigid Motion Correction Using Localized PROPELLER and Low-Rank Minimization
A Nonrigid-Motion-Correction Method for Coronary Magnetic Resonance Angiography Using 3D Image-Based Navigators
Non-Uniform Noise Correction in Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Reveals Superiority of the Two Compartmental Exchange Model Over the Extended Tofts and the Adiabatic Approximation to the Tissue Homogeneity Models in Glioma Patients
Non-Uniformity Correction of Gd-EOB-DTPA-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Liver at 3T
Normal Aging Effect on Commissure Fibers Assessed with Template-Based Tractography
Normalization of Multi-Contrast MRI and Prediction of Tumor Phenotypes
A Novel 8-Channel Transceive Open Knee Coil for Dynamic Musculoskeletal Imaging at 7 Tesla
A Novel and Cost-Effective IVIM MRI Quality Assurance Method
The Novel Anisotropic Filtering Method for Noise Reduction in FMRI Utilizing Phase Information
Novel Approach in Detection of Bone Marrow Changes Related to Osteoporosis, Using a Stray Field NMR Scanner
A Novel Concept for Motion Suppression Applied to Free-Breathing 3D Whole-Heart Coronary MRA: Respiratory Motion-Resolved Reconstruction
Novel Correction Method of Reception Radiofrequency Field Inhomogeneities for Noise Corrupted Sodium MR Images at 3 T Using Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition
Novel Diffusion Markers for Tract-Based Spatial Statistics and Bundle-Specific Analysis – Feasibility Study in Patients with Schizophrenia
A Novel Diffusion Tensor Imaging Phantom That Simulates Complex Neuro-Architecture for Potential Validation of DTI Processing
A Novel Diffusion Tensor Imaging Strategy for Delineating The Neuroanatomical Boundaries of the Amygdala
Novel Diffusion-Kurtosis-Informed Template to Reduce Partial Volume Effects in the Atlas-Based Analysis
A Novel Framework for Global Comparison of Tract-Topology Between Subjects Reveals Callosum Shape Variations in First Episode Psychosis
Novel Half Fourier Reconstruction Recovering Signal Loss from Off-Resonance
Novel Imaging Tracers for Rapid and Noninvasive Assessment of Bacterial Infections
A Novel Iterative Approach to Reap the Benefits of Multi-Tissue CSD from Just Single-Shell (+b=0) Diffusion MRI Data
A Novel Method for Background Field Removal in Abdominal QSM
A Novel Method for Contact-Free Cardiac Synchronization Using the Pilot Tone Navigator
A Novel Method for Developing Clinical Grade Active Devices Dedicated to Interventional MRI Procedures
A Novel Model-Based Segmentation Approach for Improved Activation Detection in FMRI Studies
A Novel Phase Unwrapping Method Based on Pixel Clustering and Local Surface Fitting with Application to Water-Fat Separation
A Novel Prostate DCE-MRI Flow Phantom for the Quantitative Evaluation of Pharmacokinetic Parameters
A Novel Reconstruction Method for High-Resolution DWI in Zoomed FOV Imaging with Parallel Acquisitions at 1.5T
A Novel Sparse Partial Correlation Method for Simultaneous Estimation of Functional Networks in Group Comparisons
Novel Strategy for Quantitative Analysis of IVIM Diffusion MRI in Ewing’s Sarcoma Family of Tumours
A Novel Test Bed for Non-BOLD Functional MRI
Novel Triple-Refocusing
H MRS at 3T for Detection of GABA in Human Brain
in Vivo
A Novel, Single Scanning Session Approach to Image Rat Brain Activity Applying Simultaneous [18F]FDG-PET and BOLD-FMRI
NOVIFAST: A Fast Non-Linear Least Squares Method for Accurate and Precise Estimation of T1 from SPGR Signals
N-Path Frequency Mixers for Ultra-High Density Receive Arrays
Nuclear Overhauser Enhancement (NOE) Mediated Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Imaging in Glioma with Different Progression at 7T
Nuisance Regression of High-Frequency FMRI Data: De-Noising Can Be Noisy
Numerical Comparison of Stacked and Planar Coil Reception Arrays for Prostate MRI at 3 T
Numerical Evaluation of the Optimal Coupling Scheme of a Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator Operating at 600 MHz (14T)
Numerical Phantoms
Numerical Simulations Comparing Pore Imaging Methods Based on Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging
Objective Response Following Interventional Oncology Treatments: A Practical Approach to Apply Response Criteria Through MR Imaging
Observation of 31P magnetization Transfer at 3 Tesla Using Asymmetric Adiabatic Inversion and Two Different Fitting Strategies.
Observation of in Vivo Lactate Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle Using Hyperpolarized 13C MRS
Observation of the Correlation Between Electrical Conductivity and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Values
Obtaining Geometrical Information from the Time-Dependent Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
Off-Resonance Map Extrapolation Using Image Inpainting
Off-Resonance Map Refinement Using Autofocusing for Spiral Water-Fat Imaging
Olfactory Sensory Lateralization in the Human Brain
On Demand Reprogramming of MR Sequence Parameters Using MatMRI
On Peripheral Nerve Stimulation of a Compact, Asymmetric Head-Only Gradient Coil: Head Orientation Dependence
On Resonance VDMP Technique for Improved GlucoCEST Detection in Brain Tumors
On the Composition of Glx in MEGA-PRESS Measurements at 3T, Is It Glutamate?
On the Feasibility of Data-Driven Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters for IVIM Modelling of Abdominal DW-MRI: Insights Into Which Parameters Can Be Reliably Estimated from Clinical Data
On the Feasibility of Quantitative Dynamic Whole Body PET/MR Imaging
On the Feasibility of Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for Trabecular Bone Volume Density Mapping at 3 T
On the Relationship Between Cellular and Hemodynamic Properties of the Human Brain Cortex Over Adult Lifespan
On the Robustness and Reproducibility of Spatially Selective Excitation Using Parallel Transmission at 7T – a Multicenter Study
Oncological PET/MRI: Where Will It Replace PET/CT?
Oncology & Biopsies : A Story in Prostate Cancer
On-Demand Dynamic Updating of the Temporal Resolution of Interleaved PRFS and T2 Temperature Mapping Methods for MR-HIFU
One-Class Classifiers Detect a Specific Endophenotype in Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
One-Second 3-D-Imaging of the Vocal Tract to Measure Dynamic Articulator Modifications
Online Radial Multiband Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
On-Resonance Variable Delay Multi Pulse Scheme for Imaging of Fast-Exchanging Protons and Semi-Solid Macromolecules
On-Resonant Balanced Steady-State Free Precession Imaging at 9.4T
On-Scanner Sparse Sampling for High Resolution Structural Imaging of the Human Brain at 7T
Open MRI of FAI: Reader Agreement of a New Method for Quantifying Femoroacetabular Clearance for Hips in an Impingement Posture
Open Source Imaging Initiative
Open-Source, Low-Cost, Flexible, Current Feedback-Controlled Driver Circuit for Local B0 Shim Coils and Other Applications
The Optimal Condition for Maintaining Uniform K-Space Coverage After Retrospective Respiratory Gating in 3D Radial-Acquisition Imaging
Optimal Control Design of Turbo Spin-Echo Sequences with Applications to Parallel-Transmit Systems
Optimal Data Acquisition for Application to the Continuous Time Random Walk Diffusion Model
Optimal Slice Planning of the Fetal Brain Using Interactive Real-Time MRI
Optimal Time-Window and Perfusion Protocol for MRI in Early Assessment of High Grade Glioma Treatment Response
Optimisation of Post-Processing Correction of Transmit Field Inhomogeneity in R1 Maps by Relaxometry Modelling
Optimising Image Quality of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Thyroid at 3.0 Tesla by Using IShim Sequence with IShim On
Optimising SWI in Neonates
Optimization and Application of Bipolar Gradient for Flow-Suppressed Hyperpolarized 13C CSI in Mouse Liver at 9.4T
Optimization of 3 Dimensional (3D), High Resolution T2 Weighted SPACE for Carotid Vessel Wall Imaging on a 7T Whole-Body Clinical Scanner
Optimization of a Switching Circuit for a Matrix Gradient Coil
Optimization of Acquisition Parameters for Diffusion MRI Using Chemical Tracing
Optimization of Asymmetric Spin Echo Pulse Sequences in Functional MRI
Optimization of B-Value Sampling Using Error Propagation Methods for Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Imaging for Various Organs
Optimization of Direct-Coronal Diffusion-Weighted Whole Body Imaging with Background Suppression (DWIBS) Using Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo (TSE) at 3T MRI.
Optimization of DWI Sequences Using a Dynamic Consumption Energy Simulation Model for Large Bore Actively Shielded Gradient Coil
Optimization of EPI Protocols for Maximum BOLD Sensitivity Through Numerical Simulations
Optimization of Geometry for Combined RF/shim Coil Arrays for the Spinal Cord
Optimization of Glioma Biopsy Targeting Applying T1-DCE MRI Parameter Maps – a Double-Blinded Prospective Study
Optimization of High Resolution Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography Via Modulation Transfer Function Analysis
Optimization of High-Resolution Slice-Accelerated Inversion Recovery T1 Mapping at 7T
Optimization of Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging with Parallel Imaging in Healthy Pancreas
Optimization of the Antenna-Subject Spacing for Transceive Surface Arrays of Dipole Antennas at 7T
Optimization of the KT-Points Placement Under Explicit SAR and Power Constraints in the Large Flip Angle Regime
Optimization of the Tagging Region Profile in Super Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Optimization of the Transceiver Phased Array for Human Brain Imaging at 9.4 T: Loop Overlapping Rediscovered.
The Optimization of Zoomed Field of View DWI (IZOOM) with Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) Sequence Excited by a Two Dimensional Radiofrequency Pulse (2D RF) on Prostate at 3.0 T
Optimize Your MRI Sequences for Abdomen & Pelvis Examinations
Optimized 4D Flow MRI Processing for Evaluation of Abdominal Blood Flow
Optimized Acquisition for Joint T2 and ADC Mapping in the Heart
Optimized Amplitude Modulated Multiband RF Pulses
Optimized B1-Robust Outer Volume Suppression for MR Spectroscopy
Optimized Cardiac CEST MRI for Assessment of Metabolic Activity in the Heart
Optimized CS-Wave Imaging with Tailored Sampling and Efficient Reconstruction
Optimized Four Channel Phased Array Coil for Mice Lung Imaging at 11.7 T
Optimized ICE-Decoupled Monopole Array for Human Head Imaging at 7T
Optimized Image Reconstruction for High Resolution Cerebral Blood Volume Mapping with Ferumoxytol
Optimized Inversion-Time Schedules for High-Resolution Multi-Inversion EPI Quantitative Measurements of T1
Optimized MRI RF Body Coil for Integration with In-Bore Therapy or Biopsy System
Optimized Parametric Variable Radius Sampling Scheme for 3D Cartesian K-Space Undersampling Pattern Design
An Optimized Slice Acquisition Order in HASTE Imaging with a Short TR
Optimizing Dynamic MRI of the Orbit During Eye Movement for Clinical Use: Patient Aptitude Considerations.
Optimizing Flip Angles for Metabolic Rate Estimation in Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI
Optimizing High Permittivity Materials for SAR Minimization in Transmit Arrays: Influence of the Phase Distribution of the Excitation Profile
Optimizing Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MPRAGE) for Brain Tumor Detection
Optimizing MRI Contrast with Optimal Control Theory
Optimizing SMS-BOLD Image Reconstruction for Resting State Analysis and Reconstruction Time
Optimizing the Parameter Space for Functional-MRI in Rodents
Optimizing Unanesthetized Cerebral Oxygen Consumption Measures: Comparison of MRI and Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) Approaches in Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease
Optogenetic FMRI Reveals Differences Between Paralemniscal and Lemniscal Somatosensory Thalamocortical Circuit
Oral Citicoline Treatment Improves Visuomotor Response and White Matter Integrity in the Visual Pathway After Chronic Intraocular Pressure Elevation
Orbital Fat Volumetry and Fat Fraction Measurement Using Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least-Squares Estimation-Fast Spin Echo (Ideal -Fse)
Orientation Anisotropy of Quantitative Rotating and Laboratory Frame Relaxation Parameters in Articular Cartilage
Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo Diffusion Tensor MRI of the Brain in Multiple Sclerosis Patients
Oscillatory Shear Strain Impacts Metastatic Cancer Cell Spread
Osteochondral Lesion Depth on MRI Can Help Predict the Need for a Sandwich Procedure
Outer and Inner Cortical MTR Abnormalities Observed in Clinically Isolated Syndromes
Outer Volume Suppression Improves Motion Tracking and Image Quality in Self-Navigated Whole Heart Cardiac MRI: Results from a Moving Phantom and Healthy Volunteers
Ovarian Edema and Lymphatic Obstruction: Increased Incidence in Patients with Large Fibroid Uterus
An Overcomplete and Efficient ICA for BOLD-FMRI.
Overdiagnosis & Over Treatment
Overdiscrete Reconstruction in Echo-Planar Spectroscopic Imaging with Auto Calibrated B0 Field Map Estimation
Overestimation of CSF Fraction in NODDI: Possible Correction Techniques and the Effect on Neurite Density and Orientation Dispersion Measures
Overhead Athlete
Oxygen-Enhanced T2* Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cardiomyopathy
Pairwise Metabolite-Metabolite Correlation Analysis (MMCA) of HR-MAS 1H NMR Spectra from 407 Human Brain Tumours
Pancreatic Cancer Stromal Characterization Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Collagen 1 Fibers in Xenograft Model
Pancreatic Disease in Obesity: Observations on Fat Content, Diffusion, T2* Relaxometric and Mechanical Properties in the Rat Ex Vivo
Paradigm Design
Paradoxical Narrowing of the Spectroscopy Water Peak in the Presence of Iron Overload
Para-Hydrogen Induced Polarization: Advances in Amino Acid Polarization and Hyperpolarization in Heterogeneous Phase
Parallel Imaging
Parallel Imaging & Multi-Coil Image Reconstruction
Parallel Imaging Reconstruction from Undersampled K-Space Data Via Iterative Feature Refinement
Parallel Transmit (PTx) Capability of Various RF Transmit Elements and Arrays at 7T UHF MRI
A Parallel Transmit VERSE RF Pulse Design Method Using Dynamic Field Monitoring
Parameter Dependency in Modular MR Sequences Using Directed Graphs
Parameter Optimization for Reproducible Cardiac 1H-MR Spectroscopy at 3 T
Parameter Selection in Total Generalized Variation Based Reconstruction Problems.
Parameterization of Measured Macromolecular Background in Ultra-Short Acquisition Delay
H MRSI in the Brain at 7T
Parcellation of Neonatal Brain MRI Into 107 Regions Using Atlas Propagation Through Intermediate Time Points in Childhood.
Parcellation of Nigrostriatal and Mesolimbic Midbrain Components in Adults ADHD: Relationship to Waiting Impulsivity and Motivation
Parcellation-Based Connectome Assessment by Using Structural and Functional Connectivity
Parental Education and Childhood Brain and Behavioral Development
Parkinson’s Disease Laterality Impact Onto the Default Mode Network Deactivation by the Audio-Motor Transformation
Partial Fourier fMRI Acquisition Pipeline for Optimal Half K-Space Coverage
Partial Volume Correction of Quantitative Susceptibility Maps for Oxygen Extraction Fraction Measurements.
Partial Volume Effects Correction for QUASAR ASL: A Spatially Regularised Approach
The Partial Volume Problem in MR Fingerprinting from a Bayesian Perspective
Path Based Phase Estimation for Fat Suppression Near Metal Implants
Pathological Glutamatergic Neurotransmission in Gilles De La Tourette Syndrome
Patient Factors and Electrode Placement Factors That Cause 3T-CMR to Poorly Synchronize with Waveforms of Vectorcardiography – Examination of Factors Worsening R/T-Wave Amplitude Ratio –
Patient Preparation by Oral Fluid Intake for Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Based MR Thermometry in the Pancreas
A Patient-Adjustable MRI Coil for Implant-Friendly Imaging of Deep Brain Stimulation: Design, Construction, and Patient-Specific Numerical Simulations
Pattern Classification Reveals Functional Connectivity Differences in Expert and Novice Meditators
Patterns of Bold Signal Responses to Progressive Hypercapnia Enhance the Interpretation of Underlying Cerebrovascular Pathologies
Patterns of Gray Matter Alterations in First Episode Manic Adolescents
Patterns of Regional Gray Matter and White Matter Atrophy Progression Contributing to Clinical Deterioration in MS: A 5-Year Tensor-Based Morphometry Study
PCA-Aided Improvements on FID-Based Motion Tracking Calibrated on Resting-State EPI Data Without Intentional Motion
PCA-T1? Voxel-Based Relaxometry of the Articular Cartilage: A Comparison of Biochemical Pattern Changes in Knees with Osteoarthritis and ACL Injury
Peak Filling Rates Assessed by Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Indicate Diastolic Dysfunction from Myocardial Iron Toxicity
Pediatric Brain
Pediatric Imaging
Pediatric PET/MRI
Pediatric QSM
Pediatric TBI and Sports-Related Concussion: Common Data Elements (CDEs) to Inform Diagnosis, Neuroimaging, and Outcome Metrics.
Pediatric: Tumours
Pelvic Floor Muscles Contraction Assessed by FMRI
Percentage of Change in the Calculated SAR Values in Human Head During 3T MRI of Patients with Deep Brain Stimulation Implants: A Computational Study of Realistic Vs. Simplified Lead Trajectories
The Performance of MRI Screening in the Detection of Breast Cancer in an Intermediate and High Risk Screening Program
Performance of Self-Calibrated Phase Contrast Correction in Pediatric and Congenital Cardiovascular MRI
Performance of Spin-Echo MRE Sequences in Patients with Signal-Related Failure of Standard GRE MRE
Performance of 7 Tesla Normal Metal and Superconducting Cryo-Coils for MRI of Rat Brain
The Performances Evaluation of 32-Channel Coil System for Extracranial and Intracranial Artery Wall Imaging at 3T
Perfusion and Diffusion in the Extremely Preterm Young Adult Thalamus
Perfusion and Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Rectal Cancer: How Is the Correlation Between Multiple Methods?
Perfusion Map Derived from Resting State FMRI
Perfusion MRI as the Predictive/prognostic and Pharmacodynamic Biomarkers in Recurrent Malignant Glioma Treated with Bevacizumab: A Systematic Review and a Time-To-Event Meta-Analysis
A Perfusion Phantom for Arterial Spin Labeled MRI
Perfusion Quantification
Perfusion-Free Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Brain Tumors
Perils in the Use of Cross-Validation for Performance Estimation in Neuroimaging-Based Diagnostic Classification
Perinatal Brain Injury & Mimics
Perioperative Assessment of Aortic Tissue at Risk for Dysfunction in Patients Undergoing Valve And/or Aortic Replacement Using 4D Flow MRI
Peripheral MR Angiography Using Velocity-Sensitive Gradient-Echo Technique
Peripheral Nerve Imaging Using 2-Point Dixon 3D Fast Spine Echo (CUBE-FLEX) with Flow-Saturation Preparation (FSP): Initial Feasibility Study
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Thresholds of a High Performance Insertable Head Gradient Coil
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation, Implants & Devices: Safe Use & Considerations for MRI
Perivascular Space Analysis in Non-Lesional Epilepsy: Exploring a Biomarker for Epilepsy
Periventricular Longitudinal Neural Tracts Are Implicated in Postural Instability Gait Disorder
PET Radiopharmacy 101
PET/MR Attenuation Correction Using Zero Echo Time Imaging in 15O-Water Study
PET/MR Versus PET/CT in the Initial Staging of Head and Neck Cancer
PET/MRI in Pancreatic and Periampullary Cancer: Correlating Diffusion-Weighted Imaging, MR Spectroscopy, and Glucose Metabolic Activity with Clinical Stage
PET/MRI Molecular Imaging in Sports Medicine: Assessment of ACL Graft Viability with Combined 18F-FDG and 3T MR Imaging
PET/MRI Scanner Overview
PETRA Lung MRI: Towards Robust Lung Imaging with Patient Comfort and with Improved Contrast
PETRA Quiet MRA: Improved Robustness with 3D Elastic Cross-Registration
pH Dependent Kinetics of the Decarboxylation of Pyruvate for PH Mapping Experiments
Phantom Pose Detection with Spherical Navigator Echoes for Calibration of Optical Tracking Systems in MRI
Pharmacokinetic Modeling Driven Rapid Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Resolution for Accelerated (RASTRA) DCE-MRI
Pharmacological Modulation of Static and Dynamic Functional Connectivity: A Simultaneous PET/MRI Study
Pharmacological MRI Combined with DREADD-Technology Enables Detection of Induced Brain Activity in Projections Relevant for Feeding Behavior
Phase Artifact Correction for Improved ARFI Displacement Mapping Using a Short FID Navigator
Phase Correction in the Presence of Gradient Delays for 3D Radial Data
Phase Correction of a Bipolar Gradient-Echo Acquisition for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Phase Drift Effect Correction for MR Thermometry Using Magnetic Field Monitoring
Phase Imaging with Multiple Phase-Cycled Pass-Band Balanced Steady-State Free Precession at 9.4T
Phase Modulated Array Coil Image Reconstruction: A Means to Correct B1+/- Signal Modulations for Sodium Tx/Rx Array Coil at 3T
Phase of Quasi-Periodic Patterns in the Brain Predicts Performance on Psychomotor Vigilance Task in Humans
Phase-Correcting Non-Local Means Denoising for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Phase-Cycled Simultaneous Multi-Slice Balanced SSFP Imaging with CAIPIRINHA for Efficient Banding Reduction
Phase-Encode Ghosting Detection Using Multi-Channel Coil Arrays
Phaseless Encoding
Phosphorus MR Spectroscopy as a Biomarker of Improved Tissue Metabolism After Aerobic Exercise in Multiple Sclerosis at 7T
Physical Hardware Phantoms for the Validation of Diffusion MRI
A Physically-Constrained Model for Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Physics in Motion: Diffusion Weighted Imaging - An Illustrated Review
The Physiological Basis of the FMRI Signal
Physiological Fluctuations in the White Matter of Children with Sickle Cell Disease
Physiological Insights Into Medial Gastrocnemius Function During Eccentric Contraction in Normal and in Acute Atrophy – Quantification of 2D Strain Rate Indices from Velocity Encoded Phase Contrast MR Imaging.
The Physiological Noise Contribution to Temporal Signal-To-Noise Increases with Decreasing Resolution and Acceleration in Quantitative CMR
Physiological Parameters Measurements of Normal and Infarcted Myocardium with Ultrasound and MR Imaging
The Physiology of Perfusion & Permeability
Physiology Recording with NMR Field Probe: Application to De-Noising of FMRI Time-Series at 7 Tesla
Pilot Study of Rapid MR Pancreas Screening for Patients with BRCA Mutation Undergoing Screening Breast MRI – Preliminary Data
A Pilot Validation of Compressed Sensing Four Dimensional Multi-Echo Based Echo-Planar J-Resolved Spectroscopic Imaging in Human Brain
Pinpointing the Rat Cerebellar and Medullary Noxious Networks with FMRI Based FcMRI
Placebo Modulation of Brain Activity Associated with Orthodontic Pain: A Single-Blind FMRI Study
Placental Vascularization Quantification Using Ex-Vivo Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Planar-Type Multi-Circular Shimming for a 1.0 T Permanent Magnet
Plastic-Adaptive Changes After Articulatory Training in the Elderly: An FMRI Study
Platform-Independent, Rapid Prototyping of MR Sequences Without Code Compilation
The Pointwise Encoding Time Reduction with Radial Acquisition (PETRA) Sequence: Visualization of Intracranial Arteries and Facial Nerve Canals
PolyFT: A Freely-Available Optimized MATLAB Implementation of the Polyhedral Fourier Transform for Analytical Simulations in MRI
Pool Size Effects in Experiments with Hyperpolarized [
Porcine Imaging in a 10.5T Whole-Body Human MRI
Poroelastic Mechanical Properties of Brain Tumors Using Intrinsic Actuation MR Elastography
Portable Imaging with Rotating Inhomogeneous Magnetic Fields
Portable Magnet Design Optimization for Brain Imaging Without Gradient Coils
Portosystemic Shunts in C57BL/6J Mice Are Associated with High Levels of Hepatic Lipids and Glucose Intolerance
Positioning to Decrease Hot Spots Caused by an Intramedullary Rod Implanted in a Forearm
Positive Visualization of Interventional Devices with Susceptibility Mapping Using the Turbo Spin Echo Sequence
Positive-Contrast Cellular MRI of Embryonic Stem Cells for Tissue Regeneration Using a Highly Efficient T1 MRI Contrast Agent
Post Acquisition Frequency Correction in GABA Editing
Post Treatment Wrist
Post-Contrast T1w Black Blood Images of Atherosclerotic Plaque Using 3D DANTE Prepared Stack of Stars (3D DANTE-SOS) Sequence and Ciné Reconstruction Method Using Retrospective Ordering and Compressed Sensing (Ciné-ROCS)
Post-Mortem Diffusion MRI of Cervical Spine and Nerves Roots
Post-Mortem Inference of the Inner Connectivity of the Human Hippocampus Using Ultra-High Field Diffusion MRI at 11.7T
Post-Mortem Reperfusion of the Vascular System and Examination in MRI: Temperature-Dependent Characterisation of Perfusates and Contrast Simulations
Postoperative Ankle
Postoperative Hip: FAI & Dysplasia
Postoperative Knee: Ligaments
Postoperative Knee: Menisci
Postoperative Knee: Total Knee Replacement
Postoperative Spinal Imaging Metal Artefact Reduction Using Ultrashort Echo Time MRI: A Feasibility Study
Potential Application of Tissue Phase Mapping in Early Detection of Heart Function Deficiency in Fabry Disease with Cardiac Manifestation
Potential Effects of MR-Induced Temperature Increase on PET Signal During MR/PET: Simulations of a Worst-Case Scenario
The Potential for Eddy Current Induced Peripheral Nerve Stimulation from an Active Implanted Device Canister
A Potential Global Brain Network Identified Using Resting State Arterial Spin Labeling
Potential Image Artifacts in Ultrashort Echo-Time Imaging
Potential Improvement in Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) Measurement by Respiratory Correlated Four Dimensional Diffusion-Weighted MRI (4D-DWI): Initial Investigation on Digital Phantoms and Human Subjects
The Potential of 256 Channel High Density Receive Arrays in Combination with 2DCAIPIRINHA at 7T
Potential of 3T FMRS to Detect Dynamic Changes of Glutamate Related to Activation in Visual Cortex
The Potential of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient in Differentiating Various Sub-Types of Breast Tumors and Its Association with Hormonal Status
The Potential of Arterial Spin Labeling with Full Labeling Duty Cycle (FDC-ASL) to Measure Blood Flow and Transit Delay Simultaneously with Substantially Improved Sensitivity and Efficiency
Potential of NMR Metabonomics of Small Intestinal Mucosa in Assessing Marsh Grade in Patients with Celiac Disease
Potential Source of MRI Signal Change During Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
Potentially Hazardous Materials Left Behind After an MRI Installation
Power Deposition Into a Metallic Hip Prosthesis Exposed to Switched Gradient Fields
Power Spectrum Detects Corpus Callosum Directionality Using T2-Weighted MRI in Secondary Progressive MS Patients and Controls
PowerGrid: A Open Source Library for Accelerated Iterative Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction
A Practical Approach to MRI of Female Pelvic Masses
Practical Challenges of MRA & Flow
Practical Improvements in the Design of High Permittivity Pads for Dielectric Shimming in 7T Neuroimaging
Precise Inference of Cellular and Axonal Structural Organization (PICASO) Using Diffusion MRI
Precise Staging of Preoperative 3.0-T MR Imaging for Esophageal Carcinoma by Using Ex Vivo MR Imaging-Matched Pathologic Findings as the Reference Standard
Precision and Accuracy of Multi-Echo Based T
Mapping: Fitted Vs Measured B
Preclinical Study of MRgFUS Ablation of the Lumbar Medial Branch Nerve: Functional Outcomes and Histology
Preconditioned QSM to Determine a Large Range of Susceptibility Over the Entire Field of View from Total Field
Predicting Overall Survival in Glioblastoma Patients from DTI, DCE and DSC MRI Data Acquired Prior to Surgery and Post-Chemoradiotherapy
Predicting Re-Tear After Repair of Full-Thickness Rotator Cuff Tear: 2-Point Dixon MR Quantification of Fatty Muscle Degeneration – Initial Experience with 1-Year Follow-Up
Predicting TP53 Mutational Status of Breast Cancers on Clinical DCE MRI Using Directional-Gradient Based Radiogenomic Descriptors
Prediction of Longitudinal FEV1 Decline in Smokers with Hybrid Hyperpolarized 3He MRI
Prediction of Medulloblastoma Survival Using the Water Proton Resonance Frequency
Prediction of Response by DCE-MRI and DW-MRI for Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinomas Treated with Locoregional and Systemic Chemotherapy: A Preliminary Analysis
Prediction of the Development of Distant Metastases from Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Prediction of Treatment Response with Multi-Modality MRI in First-Episode Antipsychotic-Naive Schizophrenia
Predictive Bolus Tailoring of Gd-Based Contrast Agents for Optimized Contrast-Enhanced MRA
Predictive Equations for Abdominal Fat Depot Volumes with MRI as Reference in a Multi-Ethnic Cohort of 4.5 Year Old Asian Children
Predictive Patient Assessment Via T2 Mapping of the Lumbar Intervertebral Disc at 3T: Correlation of T2 Values with Clinical Reports, Morphological Grading, RMDQ, and VAS at a 5-Year Follow-Up in Patients with Low Back Pain
Preliminary Application of Arterial Spin Labeling and Intravoxel Incoherent Motion in Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis
Preliminary Evaluation of Altered Brain Microstructural in the Emotion-Cognitive Region of Children with Hemophilia A: A Diffusional Kurtosis Imaging Study
Preliminary Evaluation of R2*-Based Temperature Mapping for Predicting the Kill Zone in MRI-Guided Renal Cryoablation
Preliminary Evaluation of Respiratory Self Navigated Whole-Heart Angiography in Combination with Ultra-Small Super-Paramagnetic Iron Oxide Particles
Preliminary Experience Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting in Multiple Sclerosis
Preliminary Investigation: Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Diffusion Method in Diagnostic Differentiation of Prostate Cancer from Prostatic Hyperplasia
Preliminary Results: Cardiac Cine “Watermark” MRI Provides Both Anatomical Function Via Magnitude Cine and 2D Myocardial Strain Via Spatially Modulated Phase
A Preliminary Study of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR for Quantitative Evaluation of Myocardial Perfusion in Diabetes And/or Hypertension
A Preliminary Study of Major Depressive Disorder Using Simultaneous PET/fMRI with Two MID Tasks in a Single Scan
A Preliminary Study on Brown Adipose Tissue Detection Using PET/MR
A Preliminary Study on MR Amide Proton Imaging in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Prenatal Exposure to Common Insecticide Malathion Selectively Alters Micro-Structural Architecture in Male Guinea Pigs
Pre-Processing of FMRI Data
A Pre-Processing Pipeline for Bias Field Correction and Rigid and Elastic Motion Compensation in Placental-Fetal BOLD MRI
Prescan: Transmit/Receive Gain Settings, Frequency Calibration
Preserving Vessel Conspicuity and Contrast in Local Frequency Maps by Processing Channel Phase Images Prior to Combination
Pressure Gradient Measurement in the Coronary Artery Using Phase Contrast (PC)-MRI: Initial Patient Results Towards Noninvasive Quantification of Fractional Flow Reserve
Presurgical Brain Mapping in Epilepsy Using Simultaneous EEG and Functional MRI at Ultra-High Field: Feasibility and First Results
Pre-Treatment DCE-MRI Based Tumour Heterogeneity Is Associated with Traditional Prognostic Parameters and Provides an Insight Into Early Recurrence Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Pretreatment Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Predicting the Response of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer to Neoadjuvant Chemoradiation Therapy
PRF Thermometry for Monitoring Small Temperature Changes During Very Long Thermal Therapies: Field Drift Compensation Using FID Navigators
Principal Component Analysis Applied to Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Data in Prostate
Printed Receive Coil Arrays with High SNR
Prior Image Based Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Magnetic Resonance Guided HIFU
Prior Knowledge Fitting (ProFit) of Non-Uniformly Sampled 5D Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Data : Effect of Acceleration on Concentrations and Cramer Rao Lower Bounds
Priors-Guided Adaptive Outlier Cleaning for Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion MRI
A Probabilistic Atlas Based on 168 Subjects for Labeling of Brain Arteries
A Probabilistic Framework to Learn Average Shaped Tissue Templates and Its Application to Spinal Cord Image Segmentation
Probing Microstructure with Diffusion MRI
Probing the Effects of Elevated Glucose Level on the Integrity of White Matter in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
Probing the Myelin Water Compartment with Saturation Recovery, Multi-Echo GE Imaging at 7T
Probing White Matter Abnormalities in Preclinical and Early Alzheimer’s Disease
Probiotics as Possible Treatment in Chronic Liver Disease-Induced Hepatic Encephalopathy, an in Vivo Longitudinal
H MRS Study in a Rat Model
Pro-B-Type Natriuretic Peptide Is Associated with Regional Left Ventricular Function and Dyssynchrony Measured by MRI: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA)
Profiling Patterns of White Matter Injury in Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus Pre- And Post-Intervention Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Progress Toward a Portable MRI System for Human Brain Imaging
Progress Towards Robust Spiral MRI for Rapid Brain Exams
Progressing Bevacizumab Induced Diffusion Restriction Is Associated with Coagulative Necrosis Surrounded by Viable Tumor and Decreased Overall Survival in Recurrent Glioblastoma Patients
Projected Fast Iterative Soft-Thresholding Algorithm for Tight Frames in Compressed Sensing Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Promoting Incoherence of Radial X-F Point Spread Functions Using Randomly Perturbed Golden Angles
Propionate as a Probe for Myocardial Metabolism – a Biochemical and Hyperpolarized MR Study
Proposal of a Novel Co-Registration and 3D Visualization Method for Comparing Prostate Tumors on Pre-Treatment MRI and Ablation Cavities on Post-Treatment DCE as a Measure of Treatment Efficacy
Prospect of SNR and SAR Improvement on a Whole-Body Human 10.5T Scanner Using High Dielectric Material
Prospective Acceleration and CS Reconstruction for 3D Isotropic High-Resolution Carotid Imaging
Prospective Comparison of a Contrast-Enhanced MRI Protocol with Contrast-Enhanced CT for the Primary Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Prospective Frequency Correction for TE-Averaged Semi-LASER
Prospective Image Alignment for Time-Resolved Renal BOLD MRI
A Prospective Longitudinal Study in Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy Using Quantitative Microstructural MRI with Tract-Specific Metrics
Prospective Motion Correction for MRI Using EEG-Equipment
Prospective Motion Correction for Ultra-High Resolution Time of Flight Angiography at 7T Under SAR Constraints
Prospective Motion Correction in Brain Imaging Using a Passive Magnetic Sensor
Prospective Motion Correction in Diffusion Tensor Imaging Using Intermediate Pseudo-Trace-Weighted Images
Prospective Motion Correction Using External Tracking and Intrinsic Motion Information
Prospective Motion Correction with NMR Markers Using Only Native Sequence Elements
Prospective Observational Post-Marketing Study on the Safety of Gadoterate Meglumine - Final Results in the Pediatric Cohort of Over 1,600 Children
A Prospective Study Comparing R2* Derived Liver Iron Concentration(LIC) with Noise-Corrected Post Processing of Data Against FerriScan Reported LIC in Patients with Liver Iron Overload.
Prospects for "bloodless FMRI"
Prostate Cancer Detection and Gleason Upgrading on 3T In-Bore MRI-Guided Prostate Biopsy Compared to TRUS Prostate Biopsy in Men with Elevated PSA
Prostate Cancer Detection Using Accelerated 5D EPJRESI - SLASER Combined with DWI
Prostate Cancer Detection with Multi-Parametric MRI : PI-RADS Version 1 Versus Version 2
Prostate Cancer: Correlation of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Parameters with Gleason Score
Prostate Cancer: DCE-MRI Parameter Changes During Radiotherapy
Prostate DWI: Comparison of a Shorter Diagonal Acquisition to Standard 3-Scan-Trace Acquisition
Prostate Focal Prostate Laser Ablation Under MRI Guidance
Prostate MRI at 7.0 Tesla Using an Actively-Tuned Endorectal Coil
Prostate MRSI with Reduced Acquisition Time and Improved Multichannel Spectral Processing
Prostate Tissue Microstructure: Complementary Assessment Using Multifrequency MR Elastography and Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Ex Vivo Human Prostate Tissue.
Prostate Tumor Growth in Patients on Active Surveillance: Is a Change in the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient an Indicator of an Accelerated Growth Rate?
Proton Density Water Fraction as a Measurement of Breast Fibroglandular Tissue Volume and Concentration
Proton HR-MAS NMR Tissue Metabolomic Studies of Non-Muscle Invasive Urinary Bladder Carcinoma
Proton Imaging at 4.7 T Using a Piezoelectric-Based Automation System for Impedance Matching of Monolithic Transmission Line Resonators
Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1-H MRS) of Sputum and Exhaled Breath Condensate: A Non-Invasive Tool for Lung Cancer Screening
A Proton Magnetic Resonance Study to Investigate Dietary Influences on Blood Plasma of Patients with Celiac Disease
Proton MR Metabolic Profiling in Bodyfluids for Differentiation of Meningitis in Adults
Proton MR Spectroscopy Identifies Neuronal Damage Consistent with Gray/white Matter Interface Involvement in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Proton MRS Monitoring of Atkins-Based Dietary Therapy in Patients with Glioma
Proton MR Metabolic Profiling in Combination with Serum Procalcitonin Levels as Rapid Indicators for Differentiation of Urosepsis
Proton-Density Fat Fraction Measurement: A Viable Quantitative Biomarker for Differentiating Adrenal Adenomas from Nonadenomas
Proton-Density Fat-Fraction Quantification of the Liver in the Presence of Ferumoxytol at 1.5T and 3T
A Proton-Free Birdcage Coil to Enable Zero-Echo-Time MRI Without Background Signal
A Prototype Image Quality Assurance System for Accelerated Quantitative Breast DCE-MRI
A Prototype Low Field Dental MRI System
Pseudo Steady State Free Precession for MR-Fingerprinting
Pseudocontinuous Spin-Labeled Quiescent-Interval Slice-Selective (QISS) Magnetic Resonance Angiography
Psychiatric Disease: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Pulmonary Fourier Decomposition MRI Compared to Multiple Breath Washout and Spirometry: A Preliminary Study in Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia
Pulmonary Imaging Biomarkers of COPD for Personalized Treatment and Better Outcomes
Pulmonary Magnetic Resonance Angiography: The Direct and Indirect Findings of Pulmonary Embolism and Their Mimics
Pulmonary MRA
Pulmonary Perfusion Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Pulmonary Phase Imaging Using Self-Gated Fourier Decomposition MRI in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis
Pulmonary Thin-Section MRI with Ultrashort TE: Capability for Lung Nodule Screening and Subtype Classification as Compared with Low- And Standard-Dose CTs
Pulse Sequence Check: Reality Vs. Ideal
A Pulse Sequence for T1rho Imaging of Liver in Human Subjects
Pushing the Limits of Speed and Accuracy for 7T GABA MR Spectroscopy to Reveal GABA Level Fluctuations in Resting Brain
Putamen-Related Regional and Network Functional Deficits in First-Episode Schizophrenia with Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
QSM and T2* Mapping in a Six Month Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial of the Iron Chelator Deferiprone in Parkinson’s Disease
QSM at 3T: Comparison of Acquisition Methodologies
QSM Is Sensitive to Myelin Changes Just Beyond the Boundaries of Conventional T2 Lesion Detection
QSM: Fast Selection of Optimal Regularization Weights
q-Space: What Is It?
A Q-Switch System for an MRI RF Coil Operating at 2.5 MHz.
Quadra-FSE: A Multi-Platform Pulse Sequence for Multispectral QMRI (PD, T1, T2)
P and Single
H Dual-Tune Coil for Cardiac
P-MRS at 7T
Quadruple Inversion-Recovery High-Resolution Contrast-Enhanced MR for Vulnerable Carotid Plaque Imaging
A Qualitative and Quantitative Comparision of Virtual Template Based Registration Methods to Control Motion in DCE-MRI
Qualitative and Quantitative Diagnosis of Meniscal Tears Using SWI Compared with T2mapping at 3-Tesla MRI
Quality Assessment of a Semi-Automated Spinal Disc Volume Segmentation Method
Quality Assurance Methodology for Multicenter Clinical Trials Using MRI – Experiences from the NCI National Clinical Trial Network (NCTN) Imaging and Radiation Oncology Core (IROC) Service
Quality Control Measures for Constrained Spherical Deconvolution MR Diffusion Tractography in Clinical Use.
Quality Evaluation Scheme for No-Reference MR Images Using Pre-Scanned MR Big Data
Quantification and Artifact Reduction from Simple Modeling of DESS Signals
Quantification and Normalization of Cerebral Blood Flow in Rat Brain Using Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling with Phase-Contrast-Based Flow Measurement at 7 Tesla.
Quantification and Visualization of CSF Flow in the Cervical Spine Using 4D Spiral Flow MRI
Quantification of Anisotropy and Directionality in Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Images and Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Injured Rat Brain
Quantification of Blood Volume Fraction Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Skeletal Swine Muscle
Quantification of Breast Stiffness Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography at 3T: A Reproducibility Study
Quantification of Cartilage Loss of Knee Joints Using Automated Segmentation in Patients with Osteoarthritis and Meniscus Tears: A Primary Study
Quantification of Demyelination and Remyelination with Diffusion MRI: Specific in Vivo White Matter Tract Integrity Metrics Agree with Electron Microscopy-Derived Features
Quantification of Lipid Contents Using PRESS and STEAM Sequences on Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at 9.4 T
Quantification of Liver Iron Concentration Using the Apparent Susceptibility of Vessels
Quantification of Liver Metabolites in a Rat Model of High-Fat-Diet-Induced Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease with 1H MRS Using Internal Standard Method
Quantification of Lung Parenchyma Perfusion in Small Animal Imaging with Flow-Sensitive Alternating Inversion Recovery (FAIR) 2D UTE
Quantification of Macrophage Recruitment in Double and Single Hit Head and Neck Cancer Using Fluorine-19 MRI
Quantification of Magnetization Transfer Parameters in Across Different Muscle Groups
Quantification of Myelin by Solid-State MRI of the Lipid Matrix Protons
Quantification of Residual Motion in Diffusion-Weighted Cardiac MR (DW-CMR): objective Quality Metrics and Validation Using 3 Diffusion Encoding Schemes Under Free Breathing Conditions.
Quantification of the Effect of Head-Down Tilt Posture on Intracranial Condition Using MRI
The Quantification of the Iron Contents in the Ovarian Endometrial Cyst; R2 Measurement in Vivo and Vitro
Quantification of Transverse Relaxation Time Changes in Rectal Tissue During Fixation at Ultra-High Field MRI
Quantification of Vertebral Bone Marrow Fat Fraction Using Time-Interleaved Multi-Echo Gradient-Echo Water-Fat MRI: Preliminary Experience in Children
Quantifying Bone Marrow Inflammatory Edema in Psoriatic Arthritis Using Pixel-Based Morphometry
Quantifying Cerebral Blood Flow with Distortion-Corrected Pseudo-Continuous Arterial Spin Labeling
Quantifying Chemical Exchange Contributions in Mixtures Using Spin-Lock MRI
Quantifying Differences in the Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF) Between Controls, Professional Boxers and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) Fighters Using Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) MRI
Quantifying Exchange in Host-Guest Systems for Hyperpolarized Xenon
Quantifying Pathologies and Improving Tractography in Brain Tumor Using Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging
Quantifying the Effects of Age and the Apolipoprotein E e4 Allele on Alzheimer’s Disease Progression
Quantifying White Matter Microstructure with a Unified Spatio-Temporal Diffusion Weighted MRI Continuous Representation
Quantitating Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Neonates with Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury
Quantitative 1H Mr Tissue Oximetry (Qmro)
Quantitative Aerosol Deposition in Mechanically-Ventilated Healthy and Asthmatic Rats Using UTE-MRI
Quantitative Analysis of Arterial Phase Transient Respiratory Motions Induced by Two Contrast Agents for Dynamic Liver MR Imaging
Quantitative Analysis of Diagnosing Pancreatic Fibrosis Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
Quantitative Analysis of the Evolution of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Lesion MT and NOE Pool Concentrations Using CEST Analysis Via MR Fingerprinting
Quantitative Analysis of the Volume and Lipid Content of Liver and Spleen Using Dual-Echo mDixon Sequence and T2WI-STIR Sequences in Child and Adolescent Patients with Gaucher Disease
Quantitative and Functional Assessment of Red and Yellow Bone Marrow Using PET-MR Imaging
Quantitative Arterial Spin Labeled (ASL) Perfusion and Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma: Correlation with Heterogeneous Tumor Vascularity and Cellularity at Histopathology
Quantitative Assessment and Follow-Up of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Rat Livers Using Clinical 3T MRI.
Quantitative Assessment of Functional Variability with Real-Time MRI
Quantitative Assessment of Lumbar Disc Degeneration by Non-Gaussian Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
Quantitative Assessment of Microstructure Properties of Human Corpus Callosum and Distinct Connectivity to Projected Cortices Using Parametric T1 Imaging and Diffusion Tractography
Quantitative Assessment of Muscle Fat in Sarcopenia Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Spectroscopy (MRS)
Quantitative Assessment of Muscle Metabolism and Dynamics of Oxygen Consumption with VPIVOT
Quantitative Assessment of Pulmonary Blood Flow in Infants with Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia by CINE Phase Contrast MRI
Quantitative Comparison of MP2RAGE Skull-Stripping Strategies
Quantitative Comparison of SNR Between High and Low Resolution of 3D Chemical Shift Imaging (CSI)
Quantitative DCE and DWI Characterization of the Index Lesion in Multiparametric MRI of Prostate Cancer Patients
Quantitative DCE-MRI as Predictors of Immediate Ablation Efficiency in MR-HIFU Treatment of Uterine Fibroids Based on Reference Region Model and Entire-Tumor Histogram Analysis
Quantitative DCE-MRI for Differentiating High Grade Glioma Recurrence from Treatment-Related Changes: Effect of T1 Mapping Method
Quantitative Determination of Pediatric Myelination Using Fast Bound-Pool Fraction Imaging
Quantitative Diffusion MRI of Hematopoietic Acute Radiation Syndrome Using a Minipig Model
Quantitative DTI-FA Mapping in Prediction of Meningioma Fibrous Content, Consistency and Grade.
Quantitative Estimates of Myelin Volume Fraction from T2 and Magnetization Transfer
Quantitative Estimation of Renal Blood PO2 Using BOLD MRI in Rat Kidneys.
Quantitative Evaluation of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) from Two DWI Sequences – Echo Planar Spin Echo (EPSE) and Read-Out Segmented Echo Planar (RESOLVE) Imaging
Quantitative Evaluation of Eddy-Current and Motion Correction Techniques for Diffusion-Weighted MRI
Quantitative Evaluation of Mapping of Magnetic Distortion Due to Metallic Materials
A Quantitative Evaluation of Normal Appearing White Matter in Multiple Sclerosis: ViSTa MWI and SE MWI.
Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect of Bone on Pelvic Lesion Uptake for MR-Based Attenuation Correction on an Integrated Time-Of-Flight PET/MRI System
Quantitative Evaluation of Tumour Associated Macrophages in Breast Cancer: Fluorine-19 Versus Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
Quantitative Evaluations of Placental Function Using Half-Fourier Acquisition Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Comparing with T2-Relaxation Time.
Quantitative Gas Exchange Using Hyperpolarized
Xe MRI in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis
Quantitative Hepatic Lesion Analysis Using Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Quantitative Image Analysis Based on Image Registration of Brain MR and SPECT for Dopamine Transporter Imaging
The Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance (QIBA)
Quantitative Imaging of ATP Production Rates and Their Functional Changes in Healthy Human Brain
Quantitative Imaging of Metastatic Kidney Cancer
Quantitative in Vivo MRI Study of Dahl and Sprague-Dawley Rat Brains in Response to Salt Loading
A Quantitative Investigation of the Fatty Degeneration of the Supraspinatus Muscle After Rotator Cuff Tear: SPLASH-MRI, Model-Based T$$$_1$$$ Mapping and Shear Wave Ultrasound
Quantitative Knee Cartilage T2 Mapping with in Situ Mechanical Loading Using Prospective Motion Correction
Quantitative Liver Function Analysis Using Volumetric T1 Mapping with Fast Multi-Slice B1 Correction on Hepatocyte-Specific Contrast Enhanced Liver Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Lymphatic Function Before and After Manual Lymphatic Drainage in Patients with Breast Cancer Treatment-Related Lymphedema
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Renal Steatosis in Obesity and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging Made Easy with QMTLab: Software for Data Simulation, Analysis and Visualisation
Quantitative Magnetization Transfer MRI of In-Situ and Ex-Situ Meniscus
A Quantitative Measurement of the Cell Membrane Water Permeability of Expression-Controlled AQP4 Cells with Diffusion Weighted MRI
Quantitative Measurements of the Spinal Cord Blood Flow of an Animal Model of Relapsing-Remitting MS.
Quantitative Measures of Brain Changes in Children Who Do Judo on Mri
Quantitative Measures of Right Ventricular Shape Abnormalities in ARVC Patients from CMR
Quantitative MR Evaluation of Fatty Infiltration and Edema-Like Processes in Skeletal Muscles of Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1
Quantitative MR Imaging of Vertebral Disc and Bone Marrow in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Rat Model Study
Quantitative MR Relaxometry Reveals Subcortical T1 Differences in Very Preterm Children and Adolescents
Quantitative MRI and Optoacoustic Imaging Tracks Treatment Response in Tumor
Quantitative MRI Explorations of the Hyaluronan-Based Extracellular Matrix in Brain Tissues
Quantitative MRI of Renal Function in a Mouse Model of Unilateral Ureteral Obstruction
Quantitative MRI-Driven Deep Learning for Detection of Clinical Significant Prostate Cancer
Quantitative Muscle Perfusion with DCE-MRI Shows Distinct Load-Dependent Exercise-Stimulated Muscle Perfusion Patterns
Quantitative Off-Resonance-Based Metallosis Assessment Near Total Hip Replacements: Correlating an Imaging Biomarker with Histology
Quantitative Perfusion, Oxygenation, and CMRO2 Imaging in Post-Acetazolamide Moyamoya Disease Patients
Quantitative PH Using Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer and Phosphorous Spectroscopy
Quantitative Prediction of Symptom Progression in Drug-Naive Individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Using Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The Quantitative Research of the Vertebral Microvascular Permeability and Fat Fraction in Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Rabbits
Quantitative Single Breath-Hold Renal ASL Perfusion Imaging at 7T
Quantitative Sodium MRI in Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Pilot Study
Quantitative Spectroscopic Imaging in Metachromatic Leukodystrophy: Value in Prognosis and Treatment Monitoring.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping – Comparison of Silent and Conventional Acquisitions
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) as a Means to Monitor Cerebral Hematoma Treatment
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Based Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) Mapping: Eliminating Blood Flow Challenge with Minimal Local Variance (MLV)
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Based Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (CMRO2) Mapping: Improve Robustness with Preconditioning and Physiological Constraints
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Basics
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) Detects Iron Deposition and Demyelination in Mouse Model of Huntington Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) in Patients with Clinically Isolated Syndrome (CIS) and Multiple Sclerosis (MS) - A Large Cohort Study
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping for the Evaluation of Subcortical Iron Abnormality in Parkinson’s Disease with Dementia
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Alzheimer’s Disease Using Joint Background-Field Removal and Segmentation-Enhanced Dipole Inversion
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in the Body
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Including a White Matter Lorenzian Correction
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Atherosclerosis in Carotid Arteries
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Kidney Injury in a Model of Ischemia Reperfusion
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of Prostate Cancer Xenografts
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the “Swallow Tail” in Parkinson Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Liver and Spleen in Subjects with Ferumoxytol Injection
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Lungs with Multi-Echo Radial MRI: Sensitivity to Pulmonary Oxygen Content
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Rat Brain After Traumatic Brain Injury
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Substantia Nigra in Parkinson’s Disease
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping to Interrogate Colorectal Metastases in Mouse Liver During Normoxia and Hyperoxia
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Using Adaptive Edge-Preserving Filtering: Comparison with COSMOS in Human Brain
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with Discrete Wavelet Transform at 7T & 3T MRI
Quantitative Susceptibility mapping of Magnetic Quadrupole Moments
Quantitative T2 and Atrophy in Multiple Sclerosis: A Retrospective 7-Year Study Using Standard Clinical Brain Images
Quantitative T2 Mapping Detects Pathology in Normal-Appearing Brain Regions of Relapsing-Remitting MS Patients
Quantitative T2 Mapping Using a Modified BIR-4 T2 Preparation in the Presence of Large B0 Offsets
Quantitative Temperature Imaging in Chemically Designed Phantoms
Quantitative Tissue Specific R2* Measurements Detect MTBI Related Damage in Brain Areas Without Evident Anatomical Changes
quantitative UTE Imaging of the Achilles Tendon Enthesis of PsA Patients and Healthy Volunteers
Quantitative Vascular Imaging with QUTE-CE MRI
Quantitative, Time-Efficient, Heart-Rate Independent Myocardial BOLD MRI with Whole-Heart Coverage at 3T in a Canine Model of Coronary Stenosis with Simultaneous 13N-Ammonia PET Validation
QUASAR: In Vivo Quantification of Magnetic Susceptibility in Rodents
Quasi-Periodic Pattern of FMRI Contributes to Functional Connectivity and Explores Difference Between Major Depressive Disorder and Control
QuickBundlesX: Sequential Clustering of Millions of Streamlines in Multiple Levels of Detail at Record Execution Time
Quiet EPI (QuEPI) for Single-Shot Spin and Gradient Echo EPI Sequences for Efficient Fetal Imaging
R1 Relaxation Mapping of Manganese Uptake and Wash-Out in a Non-Human Primate Model of Chronic Mn Exposure
R2* Estimation with CSI: A Pilot and Feasibility Study
R2* of Liver Fat and Water Compared to Proton Density Fat Fraction Estimated by 1H MRS
R2’ Is the Best Transverse Relaxation Rate for Oxygenation Mapping: Experience in Moyamoya Disease with Acetazolamide Challenge
Rabi Modulated Continuous Wave Imaging
Racial Differences in Visceral Fat and Hepatic Fat Fraction in Men with HIV, Hepatitis C, or HIV/Hepatitis C Co-Infection
Radial MOLLI Sequence for Fast, Precise and Accurate Myocardium T1 Mapping
Radial Volumetric Interpolated Breath-Hold Examination of the Liver: Clinical Impact of Self-Gated 3D Isotropic Contrast-Enhanced Late-Phase MR Imaging
Radiation Induced Sub-Acute, Early Delayed and Late Delayed Changes in Hippocampus: A Successive MRS, DTI and Behavioral Evaluation After Whole Body Radiation
Radiation Safety & Procedures
Radiation-Induced Early Temporal Changes of IVIM-Based Diffusion and Perfusion Patterns of Bone Marrow Predict the Likelihood of Hematological Toxicity
Radiation-Induced Inflammatory Response in Tumor-Bearing Immune-Compromised Mice by SPIO-Enhanced T2-MRI
Radiogenomic Analysis of Glioblastoma Using Protein-Based Amide Proton Transfer (APT) Imaging and Message RNA Expression: A Novel Correlation in Molecular Imaging and Gene Characteristics
Radiogenomic Mapping of Dysregulated Angiogenesis in Glioblastoma.
Radiogenomics by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy: Integrative Analysis of Metabolites and Genome-Wide Expression in Glioblastomas
Radiomic Features from the Necrotic Region on Post-Treatment Gadolinium T1w MRI Appear to Differentiate Pseudo-Progression from True Tumor Progression in Primary Brain Tumors
Radiomic Features on Diagnostic Magnetic Resonance Enterography Appear to Predict Patient Outcome Following Treatment of Crohn’s Disease: Preliminary Results
Radiomic Features on Multi-Parametric MRI Can Help Risk Categorization of Prostate Cancer Patients on Active Surveillance
Radiomic Features on T2w MRI to Predict Tumor Invasiveness for Pre-Operative Planning in Colorectal Cancer: Preliminary Results
Radiomics the New Buzzword
RADIOMICS of Advanced Multiparmetric MRI in Posterior Fossa Tumors Is Supreme to the Domain Wizards! a Pilot Study
Rad-Path Correlation and Machine Learning Generate Epithelium Density Maps Predictive of Pathologically Confirmed Prostate Cancer
RAFF4 MRI in Detection of Demyelinating Lesions Induced by Lysophosphatidyl Choline Injections in Rat
Random Under-Sampling and Spectra Reconstruction for in Vivo 13C Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
A Randomized Controlled Trial on the Efficacy of Cognitive Training in MS Reveals Functional Connectivity Changes
Rapid 3D Spiral CEST
Rapid 3D-MSK Imaging: Techniques & Challenges
Rapid and Continuous Respiratory Motion-Resolved Abdominal MRI Using 3D Golden-Angle Spiral Projection Acquisition
Rapid and Distortion-Free Diffusion Tensor Imaging for Evaluation of Lumbar Nerve Roots Using Direct Coronal Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion Sequence
Rapid and Simultaneous Measurements for Reaction Kinetics and Metabolite Pool Size Ratios Using 31P Magnetization Saturation Transfer Spectroscopy
Rapid Cartesian Versus Radial Acquisition: Comparison of Two Sequences for Hepatobiliary Phase MRI at 3 Tesla
Rapid Decarboxylation of Hyperpolarized [13C]ketobutyrate in Mouse Liver in Vivo
Rapid Device Localization for Prospective Stereotaxy: Using Computation Instead of Imaging
Rapid Eddy Currents Insensitive Field Map Estimation for Accurate B0 Shimming
Rapid Estimation of IVIM Pseudo-Diffusion Fraction with Correction of TE Dependence
Rapid Estimation of Spinal Cord Injury Severity in Rats Using Double Diffusion Encoded Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Rapid HIFU Refocusing Based on MR-ARFI
Rapid High Resolution 3D Musculoskeletal Imaging at 7T: Contrast Optimization and Comparison of DESS, Phase-Cycled BSSFP, and 3D SPACE
Rapid High-Resolution Sodium Relaxometry in Human Breast
Rapid High-Resolution T1 Mapping Using Highly Accelerated Radial Steady-State Free-Precession Acquisition
Rapid Liver Strain Assessment in a Single Breath-Hold Using MR Tagging and FastHARP
Rapid MRI Protocols & Acquisitions for Emergency Patients
Rapid Multi-Echo Ultrashort Time Echo Imaging for MR-Based Attenuation Correction in PET/MR
Rapid Multislice T1 Mapping of Contrast-Enhanced Mouse Tumor Using Saturation Recovery Look-Locker Method with Spiral Readout
Rapid Myelin Water Imaging in Human Cervical Spinal Cord
Rapid Pre-Biopsy MRI in Patients with a Clinical Suspicion of Prostate Cancer: Results of a Controlled Prospective Registered IMPROD-Trial
Rapid Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping with Simultaneous Multi-Band Imaging
Rapid Registration of DCE-MRI for Improved ROI-Based Analysis
Rapid Simultaneous Detection of Multiple Contrast Agents Using Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Rapid T1 and T2 Measurements of Breast Tissue at 3T Using Multi-TR, Multi-TE Spectroscopy
Rapid T1-Mapping of Mouse Hearts Using Real-Time MRI
Rapid T2 Relaxometry of the Meniscus, Tendons, and Ligaments with an Ultrashort Echo-Time Double-Echo Steady State Sequence
Rapid Three-Dimensional Fast Spin-Echo Knee Imaging Using Compressed Sensing
Rapid Two-Step QSM Without a Priori Information
Rapid Water-Fat Separation Using 3D VFA GRASE with Phase-Independent Reconstruction
Rapid Whole Body B1 Mapping Using Continuously Moving Table Imaging at 3 Tesla
Rapid, High-Resolution 3D 1H-MRSI of the Brain Based on FID Acquisitions
A Ratiometric Bioresponsive MRI Contrast Agent for Rapid Monitoring of Biological Processes
Readout Segmentation for Increased Spectral Bandwidth in High Spatial and Spectral Resolution (HiSS) MRI
Readout-Segmented Echo-Planar Imaging Improves the Image Quality of Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in Rectal Cancer
Real Time Detection of Pancreatic Cancer-Induced Cachexia Using a Fluorescent Myoblast Reporter and 1H MRS Metabolic Analysis
Real Time MRI Motion Correction with Markerless Tracking
Real Time Shimming Over Multiple Regions Across the DTI Volume with Motion Correction Using a Multislab Navigated DTI Sequence
Real Time Tracking in the Fringe Field of a MRI Scanner: A Solution for More Accurate MR Guided Breast Biopsies
Real Valued Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Decorrelated Phase Filtering
A Realistic Aortic Phantom with a Kinking of the Aorta: One to One Replica of a Patient and Comparison Using PC-MRI and Cardiac Catheterization
Realistic Patient-Based E-Phantoms and Simulation of PET-MR Neuroimage Data
Real-Time Chest MRI Within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
Real-Time Diaphragm Navigation Using Reflected Power Measurements from a Multiple Channel Transmit RF Coil on a Human 7T
Real-Time Dynamic Fluorinated Gas MRI in Free Breathing for Mapping of Regional Lung Ventilation in Patients with COPD and Healthy Volunteers Using a 16 Channel Receive Coil at 1.5T
Real-Time Field Control Using Full 3rd-Order Matrix Pre-Emphasis
Real-Time FMRI Neurofeedback with Simultaneous EEG in Combat-Related PTSD: Frontal EEG Asymmetry Variations as Measure of Treatment Response
Real-Time Golden Angle Radial ISSFP for Interventional MRI
Real-Time Hemodynamic Monitoring During MR Imaging and Interventional Procedures Derived from Induced Magnetohydrodynamic Voltages
Real-Time ICA-Based Artifact Correction of EEG Data Recorded During Functional MRI
Real-Time Image Guidance
Real-Time Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Induced Inertial Cavitation on Microbubbles by Using Gradient Echo MRI: In Vitro and in Vivo Experiments
Real-Time MRI of Speech at Very High Temporal Resolution
Real-Time MRI-Guided Interventions Using Rolling-Diaphragm Hydrostatic Actuators
Real-Time Multi-Slice MRI During CPAP Reveals Dynamic Changes in Upper Airway in Response to Pressure Change
Real-Time SENSE Reconstruction Using Pre-Scan and E-Maps Sensitivities
Real-Time Speech MRI: What Is the Optimal Temporal Resolution for Clinical Velopharyngeal Closure Assessment?
A Reasoned Approach to Explore Single Shot FSE Acquisition for Fetal MRI
Receive Arrays & Circuitry
Reciprocity Based Metabolite Quantification at 3T
Reconstructing All Physical Quantities from Time-Domain Data of a Very Short Sequence
Reconstruction and Validation of T2-Weighted 4D Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning
Reconstruction of Asymmetrically Undersampled High-Resolution 23Na-MRI Data After Homodyne Processing
Reconstruction of Complex Images Using Under-Sampled Signal at Equal Interval in Phase Scrambling Fourier Transform Imaging
Reconstruction of Multiband MRI Data Using Regularized Nonlinear Inversion
Reconstruction of Non-Cartesian K-Space Data
Reconstruction of Simultaneous Multi-Slice EPI Data Using Dual-Polarity GRAPPA Kernels.
Reconstruction of Under-Sampled Propeller Gradient-Echo Image Using Projection Onto Convex Sets Based Multiplexed Sensitivity-Encoding (POCSMUSE)
Reconstruction Using Compressed Sensing with Edge Preservation for High Resolution MR Characterization of Myocardial Infarction: In-Vivo Preclinical Validation
Recovery of Lost Connectivities in the Human Brain Connectome as Enabled by Ultra High Spatial Resolution Diffusion MRI
Recruitment of Distinct Cortical and Subcortical Activations by Layer and Frequency Specific Optogenetic Stimulation in Primary Visual Cortex
Rectal CA Staging
Rectal Cancer: Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value and Clinical-Pathologic Factors Associated with Local Recurrence or Distant Metastases
Rectal Cancer: Clinical Implications of the MRI Phenotype in Oncology
Redox Dysregulations in Schizophrenia Revealed by in Vivo NAD+/NADH Measurement
Reduce Multislice Excitation RF Power by ROI Optimization Method
Reduced Amygdala and Hippocampal Fractional Anisotrophy in Methamphatamine Use with Psychosis
Reduced Clustering Co-Efficient in Structural Connectivity of Schizophrenia Patients Analyzed Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Reduced Cortical and Thalamic Cerebral Blood Flow in Adolescents with Chronic Post-Concussive Symptoms
Reduced Creatine Concentrations in Severe Short-Sleep Insomnia Disorder
Reduced Distortion Artifact Whole Brain CBF Mapping Using Blip-Reversed Non-Segmented 3D Echo Planar Imaging
Reduced Field of View Multi-Spectral Imaging Through Coupled Coil and Frequency Bin Encoding
Reduced Field-Of-View 3D Stack-Of-Spirals Perfusion Imaging with High Spatiotemporal Resolution
Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Optic Nerve in Retinitis Pigmentosa at 3T
Reduced Field-Of-View Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Lumbosacral Enlargement: A Pilot in Vivo Study of the Healthy Spinal Cord Using a Clinical 3T MR System
Reduced FOV Arterial Spin Labeling Based Perfusion on Prostate Cancer
Reduced Functional Segregation Between the Default Mode Network and the Executive Control Network in Healthy Older Adults: A Longitudinal Study
Reduced GABA Levels and Altered Sensory Function in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Reduced Gamma-Amino Butyric Acid and Elevated Glu/Gln Complex in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of Medicated Schizophrenic Patients
Reduced Low Frequency Band Power in Resting State Activity Predicts Symptom Severity in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI)
Reduced Peak Power in Paired Excitation and Refocusing Multiband Pulses by Quadratic Phase Modulation in the Spatial Domain
Reduced Susceptibility Anisotropy in Ischemia Reperfusion Kidneys: Evidence of Cellular Organization as a Source of Contrast
Reduced White Matter Integrity in Cognitively Normal HFE Mutation Carriers
Reducing Acquisition Time for Axon Diameter Mapping Using Global Optimization in the Spatial-Angular-Microstructure Space
Reducing Bias Due to B0 Inhomogeneity in Abdominal T2* Mapping
Reducing Brain MRI Artifacts Caused by Ferromagnetic Orthodontic Appliances Using Permanent Magnets
Reducing Time Samples Needed for MR Elastography
Reduction of Ghosting Due to Respiration Induced B0 Variation in Double Echo Steady State (DESS) Imaging in the Breast with a DC Navigator and Image Entropy Metric
Reduction of Image Artifacts in Non-Contrast-Enhanced Velocity-Selective Peripheral MRA at 3T
Reduction of Motion Artefacts in Multi-Shot 3D GRASE Arterial Spin Labelling Using Autofocus
Reduction of RF Pulse Duration Using Dephased Transition
Reduction of Run-To-Run Variability of Temporal SNR in Accelerated EPI Time-Series Data Through FLEET-Based Robust Autocalibration
Reduction of the E Field at the Tip of Implanted Wires Generated by PTx Coils Using RF Current Measurements
Reduction of Through-Plane Flow Artifacts in Contrast-Enhanced Liver MRI Using Motion-Sensitized Driven-Equilibrium (MSDE): Comparison of MSDE Types
Reference-Free Nyquist Ghost Removal in Single-Shot SPEN MRI Using Phase-Corrected Partial Fourier Reconstruction
Reference-Free Unwarping of Multicoil Single-Shot GE-EPI Human Brain Data at 3T
Reference-Guided CS-MRI with Gradient Orientation Priors
Referenceless High Order EPI Calibration Based on Multiplexed SENSE
Regeneration of Olfactory Performance After Sinus Surgery Correlates with White Matter Changes in Cingulum Bundle
Regional Analysis of Diffusion MRI (DKI/DTI) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Correlation with Cognitive Function and Clinical Measures
Regional and Global Assessment on Relaxometric Quantitative MRI in Patients with Previous Administration of a Linear Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agent
Regional Brain Iron Mapping in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
Regional Brain Motion Varies with Subject Positioning: A Study Using Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes (DENSE)
Regional Brain Myelin Mapping in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Regional Brain Tissue Entropy Assessment in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Regional Cardiac Mechanical Activation Times Using Cine DENSE Strain Imaging Strongly Predict Electrical Activation Times in Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Regional CBF and Cognition in Longitudinal ADNI Disease Groups
Regional Differences in Absolute Metabolite Level Couplings in a Longitudinal Study of Children
Regional Iron Accumulation Is Associated with Motor Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease as Measured by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Regional Measures of Water Diffusion Associated with Impairment in Chronic SCI
Regional Optimization of Physiological Noise Models Improves Functional Connectivity Measurements in Resting-State FMRI at 7T
Regional Specificity of Obesity-Induced Neurochemical Modifications Measured in Vivo by Proton MRS at 14.1 T
Regional Uptake and Clearance of Gd(III) DTPA in the Healthy Adult Mouse Brain
Regional Variation of Total Sodium Concentration in the Healthy Human Brain
Region-Specific Neurochemical Profile Differences in Juvenile Rat Model for ADHD and Control Strain: A 1H MRS Study @ 11.7T
Regulatory Issues for Radiotracers Around the World
Relations Between the Stretched Exponential DWI Model and Tumor Malignancy Related Microstructural Changes
Relationship Between Cerebrovascular Reserve and Brain Temperature Following Acetazolamide Challenge in Patients with Chronic Steno-Occlusive Disease
Relationship Between Hippocampal Volume, White Matter and Cognition in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Relationship Between Neuropsychological Stress and Inflammation: A PET and MRI Study.
Relationship Between the Position of the Plaque Signal Intensity Identified by 3D-FSE T1W MR Plaque Imaging and Development of Microembolic Signals on Transcranial Doppler During Exposure Procedure of Carotid Arteries in Endarterectomy
Relationship Between Transient Severe Motion of the Liver in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Arterial Phase Imaging and Changes of Arterial Oxygen Saturation
The Relationship Between White Matter Hyperintensities Volume and Cognition in Normal Ageing Women
The Relationship Between White Matter Structure and Clinical Behavior in Different APOE Genotypes: A Preliminary Study in Cognitively Intact Elderly.
Relationship of Invivo MR Parameters to Molecular Characteristics of Non-Enhancing Lower-Grade Gliomas
Relationships Between Intratumoral Heterogeneity Parameters Using Diffusion, Perfusion MRI, and FDG PET in Head and Neck Cancer
The Relationships Between Microstructure and the Diffusion Tensor in Simulated Skeletal Muscle
Relative Enhanced Diffusivity in Terms of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion
Relative Latency and Temporal Variability of BOLD FMRI Signal Within Human Visual Cortex
Relaxation Based Conductivity Weighted Imaging (RCWI)
Relaxation Based Contrast Agents
Relaxation Mechanisms in Collagen Rich MSK Systems
Relaxation Properties of Human Umbilical Cord Blood at 1.5 Tesla
Relaxation-Normalized Fast Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging for Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Acute Stroke Lesion
Reliability of DCE Pharmacokinetic Parameter Values for Quantitative Longitudinal Assessment of Brain Tumors
Reliability of Fat Content Measurement of Lumbar Vertebrae Marrow and Lumbar Paraspinal Muscle Using 3D DIXON Fat Fraction Quantification
Reliability of MR Quantification of Rotator Cuff Muscle Fatty Degeneration Using a 2-Point Dixon Technique in Comparison with the Qualitative Modified-Goutallier Classification
Reliable Estimation of Diffusional Kurtosis in the Skeletal Muscle Needs Perfusion Correction.
Remodeling of Energy Metabolism Revealed by 31P Magnetization Transfer in a Transgenic Rat Model of Huntington’s Disease
Removal of Nuisance Signal from Sparsely Sampled 1H-MRSI Data Using Physics-Based Spectral Bases
Removing Gradient Induced Voltages from 12-Lead ECGs Acquired During DW-EPI and FMRI Brain Imaging
Removing Silicone Artifacts in Diffusion-Weighted Breast MRI by Means of Shift-Resolved Spatiotemporally Encoding
Renal [1-13C]-Acetate Turnover Mapping with Hyperpolarized MRI
Renal Cell Carcinoma
Renal Ischemia and Reperfusion Assessment with 3D Hyperpolarized 13C Urea
Renal Ischemia/Reperfusion Necrosis Monitoring with Hyperpolarized Fumarate
Renal Segmentation from Non-Contrast T1-Weighted MR Images
Repeatability and Accuracy of a Novel, MRI-Based, Semi-Automated Analysis Method for Quantifying Abdominal Adipose Tissue and Thigh Muscle Volumes
Repeatability and Reproducibility of in Vivo Magnetic Resonance T1rho Relaxation Time Measurements of Hip Cartilage at 3T
Repeatability and Sample Size Estimations for Myelin Water Imaging
Repeatability of Diffusion MRI Measurements
The Repeatability of IVIM with Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm in Liver Imaging
Repeatability of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting on T1 and T2 Quantification with the NIST/ISMRM Standardized Relaxation Phantom
Repeatability of MRI and MRS Pancreatic Proton Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) Quantification Methods
Repeatability of R1?, R2, and R2* in Knee Cartilage
Repeatability on Diffusion MRI Measurements on the Different Numbers of B Values and Excitations of the Breast and Its Comparison with Lactating Breasts
Reperfusion Beyond 6 Hours Impacts Tissue Fate of Moderate Ischemia
Replicability of Cerebral Perfusion with Different Arterial Spin Labelling Methods
Reproducibility & Standardisation of MR Biomarkers
Reproducibility and Gender-Related Effects on Macromolecule Suppressed GABA and Glx Metabolites
Reproducibility and Regional Variations of an Optimized GagCEST Protocol for the in Vivo Evaluation of Knee Cartilage at 7 Tesla
The Reproducibility and Statistical Power of Brain T2 Mapping at 7 Tesla in Naïve Rats in Vivo
Reproducibility and Variability of a Look-Locker FAIR ASL Sequence for Quantitative Measurement of Myocardial Blood Flow in Healthy Human Volunteers at 3T
Reproducibility of Abdominal Perfusion Imaging Using Velocity Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Reproducibility of Brown Adipose Tissue Assessment in Healthy Volunteers Based on Time-Resolved Dixon MRI
Reproducibility of Cerebral Blood Flow Measurements Across MR Systems: A Matter of Magnet Geometry
Reproducibility of Cerebral Sensorimotor Activation in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Isoflurane-Anesthetized Rats : A Test-Retest Effect
Reproducibility of Fast Three-Dimensional Macromolecular Proton Fraction Mapping of the Human Brain: Global Tissue Characterization and Volume Measurements
Reproducibility of Low Frequency Components in Scan-Rescan Resting State FMRI Data
Reproducibility of Low-Frequency MR Elastography of the Human Brain
Reproducibility of Quantitative Magnetization Transfer Imaging of the Healthy Breast at 3T
Reproducibility of Seed-Based Rs-FMRI Measures at 7 Tesla
Reproducibility of Whole Body ADC in a Non-Optimized Multi-Centre Trial: Effectiveness of Normalisation Method
Resectability Assessment of Head and Neck Cancer – PET/MR Versus PET/CT
Resolving Ambiguity in T1 Mapping Using Complex MRI Data
Resolving Choline from Taurine in In-Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectra at 9.4 T
Resolving Microscopic Fractional Anisotropy in the Heart
Resolving Phase Ambiguity in Two-Point Dixon Imaging Using a Projected Power Method
Resolving Uncertainties of IDEAL Fat-Water Imaging Using Magnetization Transfer Effect
Resource-Efficient Architecture of FPGA-Based 2D FFT Processors
Respiratory and Cardiac Dual Soft-Gated 4D Cardiovascular MRI
Respiratory Motion Compensation for Simultaneous PET/MR Using Strongly Undersampled MR Data
Respiratory Motion Corrected 3D Patch Based Reconstruction of Under-Sampled Data for Liver 4D DCE-MRI
Respiratory Resolved Attenuation Correction Maps for Motion Compensated PET-MR Using Dixon-GRPE
Respiratory Self-Gating in 3D UTE Lung Acquisition in Small Animal Imaging
Response Assessment to Tumor Treating Fields in Patients with Glioblastoma Using Physiologic and Metabolic MR Imaging
Response of Degarelix Treatment in Human Prostate Cancer Monitored by HR-MAS 1H NMR Spectroscopy
Response of MR Contrast Parameters in Tissues and Tissue Mimicking Phantoms to Histotripsy
Responsive Contrast Agents
Resting State and Stimulus Evoked FMRI in Awake, Head-Posted and Habituated Rats.
The Resting State FMRI Global Signal Is Negatively Correlated with Time-Varying EEG Vigilance
Resting State FMRI of Spinal Cord Is Keeping Synchronistic with Brain
Resting State Functional Connectivity Is Sensitive to Layer-Specific Connectional Architecture in Cortical Columns
Resting-State BOLD Local Synchrony as a Strong Proxy of Glucose Uptake and as a Biomarker of Aging Using Functionally-Driven Gray Matter Parcelization
Resting-State FMRI as a Tool for Evaluating Level of Anesthesia and BOLD FMRI Response in Anesthetized Rats
Resting-State FMRI Fails to Detect Disease Progression in a Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial of Alzheimer's Disease
Resting-State Functional Activity and Brain Network Abnormalities in Betel Nut Chewers
Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression
Resting-State Functional Connectivity Reveals Age-Related Difference in Valproate-Induced Rat Autism Model
Restriction Spectrum Imaging Based Tumor Cellularity Performs Better Than ADC in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiforme
Restriction Spectrum Imaging Improves MRI-Based Prostate Cancer Detection
Restriction Spectrum Imaging in Breast Cancer
Rethinking Macro-Vascular Artifacts from Single Post-Label Delay ASL: Can We Extract a "free-Lunch" Arterial Transit Time Metric?
Retrospective Reconstruction Using Recorded Cardiac and Respiration Data of 3D Radial Acquisition of a Human Torso
Retrospective Self-Gated 3D UTE MRI in the Mouse Lung
A Retrospective, Multicenter, Intra-Individual Study Based on LI-RADS 2014: Unenhanced Combined Contrast-Enhanced MRI Elevates the HCC Probability Category Compared with Multiphasic CT in Patients with Cirrhosis Induced by HBV Infection
Revised Transmit/Receive Loop Coil for 7T Usage
Revisited Multislice Distributed Inversion Recovery Towards an Efficient Neonatal MR Examination.
Revisiting Adaptive Regularization for Self-Calibrated, Dynamic Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
RF Coil Configurations for a RF-Penetrable PET Insert for Simultaneous PET/MR
RF Coil Design for Multi-Nuclear Lung MRI of 19F Fluorinated Gases and 1H Using MEMS
RF Coil Design Using Circulant and Block Circulant Matrix Algebra
RF Field Penetrability Study of an Electrically Floating PET Insert for Simultaneous PET/MRI
RF Heating Studies on Anesthetized Pigs by Using Fractionated Dipole Antennas at 7T
RF Induced Heating of Overlapped Stents
RF Modelling
RF Pulse Design
RF Receivers: Signal Detection Chain, Digitization, System Noise Figures - From MRI Signal to Bits
RF Safety Assessment of a 7 Tesla Breast Coil: SAR Versus Tissue Temperature Limits
RF Shimming for High Field MRI Using Multi-Channel Receive-Signals
RF Transmit: Power Delivery, Decoupling, & Duty Cycle
RF-Encoding for Simultaneous Multi Slab Imaging
Right Ventricular Myofiber Architecture
Right-Handedness Is Associated with Myelination Asymmetry of the Motor Tracts in the Human Spinal Cord
Robust Abdominal Imaging with Uniform Fat Suppression Using Dixon Based Single Shot Turbo Spin Echo
Robust and Efficient Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimation: Application to Prostate DCE-MRI
Robust and Flexible Real-Time MRI-Guided Interventions Using CoRASOR-Mediated passive Device tracking
A Robust Anesthesia Regime for FMRI in Rodents
Robust Assessment of the Brain's Sheet Structure Using Normalized Convolution
Robust DKI Parameter Estimation in Case of CSF Partial Volume Effects
Robust Fiber Crossing Invariant Analysis of White Matter Microstructure in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Robust Free-Breathing Hepatic MRI Using Respiratory-Gated 3D Stack-Of-Stars Sequence
Robust Global and Widespread Local White Matter Abnormalities in a Longitudinal Study of Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (CLN3)
Robust GRAPPA Calibration in Phase Cycled BSSFP
Robust Harmonic Estimation for MR Elastography: Application to Brain
Robust in Vivo DTI by Spatiotemporal Encoding
Robust Large-Volume Fat Suppression in Whole-Heart Free-Breathing Self-Navigated Coronary MR Angiography at 3T Using Lipid Insensitive Binomial Off-Resonant Excitation (LIBRE) Pulses
A Robust Motion Correction Tool for Cardiac Extracellular Volume Mapping
Robust MR Eye Scanning: Blink Detection and Correction Using Field Probes
Robust Nyquist Ghost Correction by Incorporating Phase Errors Correction in SENSE
Robust PET Attenuation Correction for PET/MR Using Joint Estimation with MR-Based Priors: Application to Whole-Body Clinical TOF PET/MR Data
A Robust Phase Unwrapping Method for Low-SNR Multi-Echo MR Images Based on Complex Signal Modeling
Robust Prospective Motion Correction Using Virtual Marker Tracking
A Robust Reconstruction Method for High Resolution Multishot DWI: SPIRiT-Based SYMPHONY
Robust Self-Gated Free-Breathing 3D Cardiac MRI Using DC Signals and Virtual Coils
Robust Simulation of MRI Gradient Field-Induced Vibration of an Implantable Medical Device
A Robust T1?-Mapping Method for In-Vivo Glucose Detection at 7T Whole-Body Scanners
Robust, Quantitative Methods Applied to Clinical Hyperpolarized C-13 MR of Prostate Cancer Patients
The Role of Brain Viscoelasticity in Chronically Shunted Hydrocephalus Using Magnetic Resonance Elastography
The Role of Finite Difference Schemes in Morphology Enabled Dipole Inversion (MEDI) for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM)
The Role of Heterogeneity Analysis for Differential Diagnosis in Diffusion-Weighted Images of Meningioma Brain Tumors
Role of MR Cerebrospinal Fluid Flow Study in Assessment of Ventriculomegaly in The Elderly
The Role of Oxygen in Brain Tissue Function
Role of PET/MRI in Brain Tumors
Role of the Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) Imaging in the Pre-Treatment Prediction and Early Response Monitoring for Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Locally Advanced Breast Cancer
Rosette Spectroscopic Imaging (RSI) of Human Brain at 7T
Rotating Frame MRI in Human Subjects with Multiple Sclerosis
Rotation and Translation Estimation from Simple 1D MR Navigators
Rotation Optimization for Semi-LASER Implementation Under the Constraint of Maximum Gradient Strength
Run and Done: Calibrationless Multichannel Continuously Moving Table Whole Body MRI with Immediate Reconstruction
Safety and Diagnostic Efficacy of Dotarem® (Gadoteric Acid) for MR Mammography: Diagnosis Vs. Cytological Findings
Safety of MR Imaging of Patients with Cardiac Implanted Devices
SAFT: Split-Algorithm for Fast T2 Mapping
Sample Entropy (SampEn) Differentiate Patients with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) from Healthy Controls and Explores Mechanism of MDD
Sampling Hyperpolarized Substrates Using a 1 Tesla Permanent Magnet.
SAR and Patient Orientation for 3 T 2-Channel Parallel Transmit Pelvis Imaging
SAR Comparison Between CASL and PCASL at High Magnetic Field (9.4T). Evaluation of the Benefit of a Separate labeling Coil.
SAR/B1+ Calibration Workflow for Safe, High Duty-Cycle Parallel Transmission Imaging at Ultra-High Field
Saturation Recovery Fast Spin Echo Method for Rapid T1 Mapping of Mouse Kidney
Scalable, In-Bore Array Receiver Platform for MRI
Scannerless Real-Time MRI
Scanner-Specific Verification of Transmit RF Body Coil B1-Field to Inform Clinical Triage of Patients with Implanted Devices
SCRUB: A Structural Correlation and Empirical Robust Bayesian Method for ASL Data
Second-Order Motion-Compensated PRESS for Cardiac Spectroscopy
Second-Order Motion-Compensated Spin Echo Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the in Vivo Human Heart – Considerations on Gradient Performance Requirements
Segmentation of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Wall and Intraluminal Thrombus Using 3D Black Blood MRI with Registration Based Geometric Active Contour Model
Segmentation of the Fetal Brain Cortical Plate Using Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Cues
Segmentation of the Right Ventricle in 4-Chamber Cine Cardiac MR Images
A Segmentation Pipeline for Measuring Pulmonary Ventilation Suitable for Clinical Workflows and Decision-Making
Segmented Dipole: A Remotely Reconfigurable Near-Field Dipole Antenna Transmitter for Optimized 7 T Spine Imaging
Selective Amide- And NOE-CEST- MRI in Prostate at 7T Using a Multi-Transmit System
Selective Arterial Spin Labeling in Conjunction with Phase-Encoded Information for the Simultaneous Visualization of Morphology, Flow Direction and Velocity of Individual Arteries in the Cerebrovascular System
Selective Combination of MRI Phase Images
Selective Hepatic Artery Imaging Using Beam IR Pulse
Selective in Vivo Bone Imaging with Long-T2 Suppressed PETRA MRI
Selective Reacquisition for Motion Artifact Reduction in Quantitative T2 Mapping of Carotid Artery Vessel Wall
Self-Calibrated K-Space Phase Correction Method for Multi-Shot Diffusion Imaging
Self-Calibrated Off-Resonance Correction Method for Linogram MRI
Self-Calibrated Phase-Correction for Superresolution of RASER at 7 T
Self-Navigated Cardiac T1 Mapping Using an Ultra Short Echo Time (UTE) Inversion Recovery Acquisition
Self-Navigated Real-Time Motion Tracking of the Abdomen In free-Breathing Single-Shot EPI Data Using the Extended Kalman Filter.
Semi-Automatic Comparison of Myocardial Tissue Injury Using a Non-Rigid Registration Method in Patients with Non-Ischemic Disease
A Semi-Automatic Method to Segment Multiple Sclerosis Lesions on Dual-Echo Magnetic Resonance Images
Semi-Automatic Multi-Feature Bone Segmentation in the Pelvic Region Using Dixon MRI Images Acquired in 2 Minutes: A Preliminary Result
Semi-Automatic Segmentation of Medulloblastoma Using Active Contour Method
A Semi-Automatic Workflow of Constructing Printable 3D Models for Cerebrovascular Surgical Planning Based on MR Angiography and CT Data
Semi-Quantitative MRI Assessment of Anti-PD1 Immunotherapy Response in Recurrent Glioblastoma
A Semi-Quantitative Overview of Tumor CEST MRI
Semi-Quantitative Stress Perfusion CMR for Assessing Complications in the Transplant Heart
SENSE-LORAKS: Phase-Constrained Parallel MRI Without Phase Calibration
SENSing-SPICE: Integrating Parallel Imaging with Subspace-Based 3D 1H-MRSI
Sensitive Detection of Hemodynamic Responses to TMS Pulse at Human Sensorimotor Cortex
Sensitive Non-Contrast CMR Index for Quantifying Myocardial Fibrosis
Sensitivity and Specificity of Susceptibility Weighted Imaging to Cerebral Microbleeds: A Radiologic-Neuropathologic Correlation Study
Sensitivity Comparison of Ultrahigh-Field Oxygen-17 MRS Imaging Between 7T and 10.5T Using a Human Head Size Phantom and Quadrature Surface Coil
Sensitivity of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Fluid Shifts Induced by an External Leg Compression Device
Sensitivity of Diffusion Metrics in Complex White Matter Configurations
The Sensitivity of Diffusion MRI in Direct Detection Neuronal Activity: An In-Vitro Assessment
Sensitivity of MT and T1 VBM to Subcortical Morphometric Alterations in Adult ADHD
Sensitivity of Volumetric MRI and MRS to Onset and Progression of Neurodegeneration
Separation of Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue (SAT) and Visceral Adipose Tissue (VAT) Based on Wheel-Template in MRI
Separation of Intracellular and Extracellular Z-Spectra by DiffusionCEST
Sequences and Simulations
Serial 3D H-1 MRSI of Patients with Newly Diagnosed GBM Being Treated with Radiation, Temozolomide, Erlotinib and Bevacizumab
SERIAL Excitation with Parallel Reception Allows Human Brain Imaging at 9.4 Tesla at Low Power and with Acceptable Image Uniformity Across the Full Field of View
A Serial Microcompartment-Specific T2* Relaxation Study of White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis at 7T
Serial Quantification of Brain Oxygenation Using Streamlined-QBOLD in Acute Stroke Patients
Severity Evaluation in Cystic Fibrosis Using Oxygen-Enhanced MRI: Comparison to Hyperpolarized Helium-3 MRI
Shimming: Superconducting & Passive Shims; Higher Order Shims & Application to Imaging
SHINKEI Quant: Simultaneous Acquisition of MR Neurography and T2 Mapping for Quantitative Evaluation of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy
A Shinnar Le-Roux Transform for T1, T2 and Frequency Selective Pulses
Short Term Repeatability of Microstructural (VERDICT) MRI Vs. ADC in Prostate Cancer
Short-Breath Hold Cine DENSE
Shortened Fatty Acid Chains in Cervical Cancer Using 1H MRSI at 7T
Shortening Nonlinear Phase Multiband Refocusing Pulses with VERSE
Short-Lived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Accelerate Healing of Acid Skin Burns – an MRI Cell Tracking Study Using Iron Oxide, Fluorine and Bioluminescence Imaging
Short-T2 Specific Excitation by a 'back-And-Forth' Composite RF Pulse
Short-Term Cerebral Blood Flow Reduction Induced “apparent” Brain Tissue Density Reduction
Short-Term Evolution of Renal Metabolic Rate of Oxygen (RMRO2) in an Animal Model of Acute Intra-Renal Ischemia Using QBOLD and ASL MRI
Short-Term Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training Increases Tract Integrity in Right Auditory Radiation and Anterior and Posterior Commissures
Short-Term Reproducibility of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Parameters and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient of Large Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Shot-Coil Compression for Accelerated K-Space Reconstruction in Interleaved EPI DWI
Should Volumetric, Slice-Wise or Non-Linear Registration Be Used for Motion Correction of FMRI Data?
Signal-Domain Optimization Metrics for MPRAGE RF Pulse Design in Parallel Transmission at 7 Tesla
Significant Improvement of Survival by T2* MRI in Thalassemia Major
Sildenafil Improves Vascular and Metabolic Function in Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
Silent Magnetic Resonance Angiography with Hybrid Arterial Spin Labeling Techniques
Silent Navigator with Whole Volume Excitation
Silent, Free-Breathing B1+ Mapping Using DREAM
Silicone, Fat, and Water Separation Using a Single-Pass 3D Dixon Acquisition
Silicone-Specific Imaging Using a Unipolar Flexible Fast Triple Echo Dixon Technique
Similarity Based Fusion of Multiple Regions of Interests for MR Sequence Evaluation
Similarity in Structural and Functional Network Connectivity Evolution Over Duration of TLE
Similarity of
In Vivo
Lactate T
and T
Relaxation Times in Different Preclinical Cancer Models Facilitates Absolute Quantification of Lactate
A Simple and Fast Approach for Spinal Cord Imaging at 3T with High In-Plane Resolution and Good Contrast
A Simple and Low Cost Dynamic Contrast Enhancement MRI Perfusion Phantom
A Simple and Reliable Perfusion Phantom to Measure Precise and Repeatable Arterial Spin Labeled Quantitative Perfusion
Simple and Robust Cardiac Diffusion Weighted Imaging Using Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo with Peripheral Pulse Gating
A Simple Digital MRI System Using a Digital Oscilloscope
Simple Improvement Method of Uniformity of MR Elastography on Liver
A Simple Method for Myelin Mapping Using T1-Weighted, T2-Weighted and PD-Weighted Images
A Simple Method to Scale the Macromolecular Pool Size Ratio for Computing the G-Ratio in Vivo
A Simple Scanner Control Technique for Device Localization During MRI-Guided Percutaneous Procedures
A Simplified Method to Determine Tissue-Water T2 from CPMG Image Data in Fat Infiltrated Skeletal Muscle: Application in the Forearm in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
A Simplified Spin and Gradient Echo (SAGE) DSC-MRI Approach for the Simultaneous Assessment of Brain Tumor Perfusion, Permeability, and Cellularity
Simulated Phase of Driving Voltage for Travelling Wave MRI with a Parallel-Plate Waveguide at 7 T
Simulating Axon Packing for Investigating White Matter Tissue Characteristics with Diffusion MRI
Simulation and Experimental Measurements of Flow Effects on Radio Frequency Induced Heating of a Stent
A Simulation Study and Application of UTE-?R2-?R2* Combined MR Whole Brain Angiogram Using Dual Contrast Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles.
Simulation Study Investigating the Effect of Diffusion, Susceptibility, and Vessel Topology in Characterizing Normal and Tumorous Vasculature Using R2*
Simulation, Measurement, and Optimization of a Microcoil Design for MR Microscopy at 9.4 T
Simultaneous 3D Velocity and Temperature Mapping in Fluid Flow Using MRI
Simultaneous Absolute Quantitation of Glutamate and GABA on Highly Resolved 2D Constant Time PRESS Spectra Using 2D FT with Shared Time Domain Data
Simultaneous Acquisition of Acoustic Radiation Force Imaging and Proton Resonance Frequency Shift Thermometry Using Interleaved Acquisition with Temporally Constrained Reconstruction for Increased Temporal Resolution
Simultaneous Assessment of Abnormal Glycolysis and Oxidative Metabolisms in Brain Tumor Using in Vivo Deuterium MRS Imaging
Simultaneous Assessment of Cardiac Metabolism and Perfusion Using Co-Polarized [1-13C]pyruvate and 13C-Urea
Simultaneous Assessment of Cerebral Iron Load, as Estimated by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping, and Amyloid-ß Plaque Density, as Measured by 18F-Flutametamol, in Super-Agers
Simultaneous Brain and Spinal-Cord FMRI Using Slice-Based Shimming and a Reduced FOV
Simultaneous DESS Imaging and T2 Mapping, for Knee Osteoarthritis Studies
Simultaneous Determination of Metabolite Concentrations, Longitudinal and Transverse Relaxation Times
Simultaneous Electrical Stimulation of DBS Electrodes and FMRI in Movement Disorders.
Simultaneous Estimation of Auto-Calibration Data and Gradient Delays in Non-Cartesian Parallel MRI Using Low-Rank Constraints
Simultaneous Estimation of Proton Densities and Receiver Coil Sensitivities Using Optimized Basis Functions
Simultaneous Estimation of Reversible and Irreversible Transverse Relaxation Rates in the Basal Ganglia at 7T: Implications for Brain Iron Deposition Studies
Simultaneous Evaluation of Hemodynamic and Functional Connectivity in Patients with Chronic Steno-Occlusive Disease of the Cerebrovascular System: A Study Using BOLD with Acetazolamide
Simultaneous Extraction of ADC and T2: Validation of Quantified DESS Sequence at 3T and 7T
A Simultaneous FMRI-EEG Acquisition to Minimize the MR Gradient Artifact on Human Auditory System
Simultaneous Imaging and 1H Spectroscopy of Small Volume (1 µl) Intracerebral Microdialysate in Healthy and Glioblastoma-Bearing Rats Using Highly Sensitive Micro-Coils
Simultaneous In-Vivo Respiratory and Cardiac Motion Correction System for PET/MR
Simultaneous Measurement of Short and Long T2* Components Using Hybrid Encoding
Simultaneous MEGA-PRESS Editing of Valine and Lactate
Simultaneous Modeling of Spectra and Apparent Diffusion Coefficients.
Simultaneous Multi-Angular Relaxometry of Tissue with Magnetic Resonance Imaging (SMART MRI)
Simultaneous Multi-Modality/multi-Contrast Image Reconstruction with Nuclear-Norm TGV
Simultaneous Multislice Accelerated Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of the Liver: Comparison of Different Breathing Schemes with Standard Sequences as Reference
Simultaneous Multislice AcquisitioN G-Noise Reduction & Reshifted CAIPI in Angiography (SANGRIA)
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Acquisition with Multi-Contrast Segmented EPI for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Imaging
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Carotid Vessel Wall MRI with DIR-FSE
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging with ESPIRiT
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Inverse Imaging for High Temporal Resolution FMRI
Simultaneous Multi-Slice MRF with Controlled Aliasing Enabled by Temporal Data Sharing
Simultaneous Multi-Slice Spiral-CEST Encoding with Hankel Subspace Learning: Ultrafast Whole-Brain Z-Spectrum Acquisition
Simultaneous Perfusion and Permeability Assessments Using Multi-Band Multi-Echo EPI (M2-EPI)
Simultaneous PET/MR/EEG to Study Brain Connectivity on Different Physiological and Temporal Scales in Epilepsy Patients
Simultaneous PRFS and T1 Quantification Using BSSFP for Temperature Monitoring
Simultaneous Quantification of Blood Vessel Caliber and Oxygenation Via Multi-Voxel Joint Utilization of Magnitude and Phase (MV-JUMP)
Simultaneous Quantification of Intragastric Secretion and Fat Distribution
Simultaneous Quantification of T1, T2 and Diffusion with Diffusion-Weighted Drive-Equilibrium Prepared Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Simultaneous Quantitative Susceptibility, PDFF and Transversal Relaxation Time Mapping in Dystrophic Skeletal Muscle
Simultaneous Real-Time FMRI and EEG Neurofeedback for Emotion Regulation Training in Depressed Patients
Simultaneous Reconstruction of Activity and Attenuation Involving MRI Information as a Prior
Simultaneous Spin Echo and Gradient Echo Imaging with Controlled Aliasing and Parallel Imaging Reconstruction
Simultaneous T2, T2' and PDFF Mapping in the Spine Using an Adiabatic T2-Prepared Time-Interleaved Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Acquisition
Simultaneous Time-Encoding for Bi-Polar (STEP) MRA Combining Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) and Phase-Sensitive Inversion Recovery Black-Blood (PSIR-BB)
Simultaneous Water Content, Electrical Conductivity and Susceptibility Mapping in Meningiomas on a 3T MR-PET Scanner
Simultaneous, Trimodal MR-PET-EEG at 3T in Humans: Glutamate Drives Energy Consumption in the Default Mode Network
Simultaneously Multi-Slice (SMS) Accelerated Interleaved EPI DWI Using 3D K-Space Reconstruction
Simultaneously Trace Blood Perfusion and Glymphatic Passage by Analyzing Deuterium Oxide Perfusion Imaging with a Two-Compartment Parallel Model
Single Acquisition Multiple Contrast Spine MRI Using Accelerated Quantitative Mapping
Single Breath Washout Imaging – Regional Phase III Slope Mapping with Rapid Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Single Center Experience with a Prototype Self-Navigated 3D SSFP Whole Heart Sequence in Assessing Coronary Artery Origin AUTHORS (LAST NAME
Single Compartment Model Estimates of Acinar Duct Measurements from Inhaled Noble Gas MRI: Proof of Concept in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency Emphysema
Single MR Spectral Peak Diffusion Phantom with Wide ADC Range Based on Acetone, H2O and Manganese Chloride
Single Point Based Techniques for Rapid and Robust Gradient Measurement
Single Point Imaging with Broadband Excitations and Ultra-Short Echo Times for Imaging Near Metallic Implants
Single Shot Spiral Imaging at Ultra-High Field
Single Volume Localization Without RF Refocusing for Dynamic Hyperpolarized 13C MR Spectroscopy
Single Vs Multi Echo EPI: A Head-To-Head, Within-Session Cross-Over Comparison for Task Evoked and Seed Based Connectivity Analysis
Single-Shot Diffusion Mapping Through Overlapping-Echo Detachment Planar Imaging Technique
Single-Shot T2 Mapping Through Overlapping-Echo Detachment Planar Imaging (OLED) Sequence
Single-Shot, Navigator-Based Approach to Retrospective 4D MRI: Balanced-SSFP Vs. Single-Shot Fast Spin Echo
Single-Subject Level Inference for Volumetry Features in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Using Machine Learning Methods
Six Month Clinical Outcomes Following Pulmonary Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography for the Primary Workup of Pulmonary Embolism
Size-Adaptable “Trellis” Receive Array Concept for Knee Imaging
A Size-Adaptable Electric Dipole Array for 7T Body Imaging
Slab Thickness Calibration for Selective 3D-MSI
Slice Accelerated Double-Inversion Radial Fast-Spin-Echo for Myocardial Black-Blood MRI with T2 Mapping
Slice Profile Correction in 2D Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF)
Slice Profile Effects on Non-CPMG SS-FSE Acquisitions
Slice-Acceleration Related Biases in Multiband-EPI Resting State Functional Connectivity
Slice-Based Motion Metrics Show Stronger Relationship Than Volume-Based Metrics to Visual Rating of Motion Artifact
Slice-Selective Relaxation-Matched Half-Pulses for Cortical Bone Imaging
Sliding-Window Reconstruction Strategy for Accelerating the Acquisition of MR Fingerprinting
Slip Interface Imaging: A Novel MR-Elastography Based Imaging Method for Assessing the Surgical Plane of Cleavage in Meningiomas
A Slot Antenna Concept for High Fidelity Body Imaging at Ultra High Field
Slotted-Tube-Resonator Design for Whole-Body MR Imaging at 14T
Smart Averaging: SNR Improvement by Retrospective Filtering
SMS-HSL: Simultaneous Multi-Slice Aliasing Separation Exploiting Hankel Subspace Learning
SNR and Banding Artifact Reduction Analysis of Phase-Cycled Elliptical Signal Model BSSFP
SNR Optimization in ZTE Imaging
SNR Simulations Including Coupled Preamplifier Noise
Sodium MRI for Evaluation of Sodium Ion Homeostasis in Epilepsy: Clinical Implementation and Initial Impressions
Soft-Gating and Motion Resolved Reconstructions for Free-Breathing Pulmonary Imaging
A Software as a Service Cloud-Based Platform for Integrated Analysis of T1-Based Segmentation and Structure-Based Resting-State FMRI Processing
Software Development for Evaluating Hepatic Heterogeneity and Its Application in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Sparse Estimation of Quasi-Periodic Spatiotemporal Components in Resting-State FMRI
Sparse Parameter Global Signal Correction for Resting State FMRI Analysis
Sparse Re-Parametrization of Continuous Fibre Orientation Distributions Using Spherical Harmonic Delta Functions
Spatial and Temporal Characterization of Blood Brain Barrier Permeability with Disease Progression in the NOD-EAE Mouse Model Using MRI and Histology
Spatial and Temporal Modulation of Brain Dynamics in Response to Task Execution
Spatial Fuzzy C-Means Thresholding for Semi-Automated Calculation of Percentage Lung Ventilated Volume from Hyperpolarised Gas and
Spatial Heterogeneity Mapping of Brain Tumors from 3.0 T Diffusion MR: Quantitative Results Versus Histological Tumour Grade
Spatial Overlapping Between the Subvolumes with Elevated CBV and with Hypercellularity in Glioblastoma
Spatial Registration Improves Parametric Mapping of Abdominal MRI and May Allow Assessment of Extent of Fibrosis in Intestinal Lesions of Patients with Crohn’s Disease
Spatially Inhomogeneous CBV-CBF Relationship Across Human Visual Cortex
Spatially-Segmented Undersampled Temperature Map Reconstruction for Transcranial MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
Spatiotemporal Dynamics and Patterns of Cortical Mean Kurtosis and Fractional Anisotropy in the Preterm Brains
Spatiotemporal-Atlas-Based High-Resolution Dynamic Speech MRI
Spatiotemporally Encoded Anatomical Shape In-Plane Excitation with Reduced Profile Distortion from Field Inhomogeneity
Specificity and Sensitivity of Early Predictive Urinary Metabolic Biomarker of Radiation Injury: A 1H NMR Based Metabolomic Study
Spectral Analysis Enhances the Detectability of Rotary Saturation Contrast
Spectral Quantification of MRSI Data Using Spatiospectral Constraints
Spectrally Selective 3D Dynamic BSSFP for Hyperpolarized C-13 Metabolic Imaging at 14.1T
Spherical Deconvolution of High-Resolution 7T Whole-Head Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Images Shows Reduced Radial Anisotropic Diffusion in Human Primary Somatosensory Cortex
Spherical Droplet Design and Adiabatic Excitation for Enhanced Performance and Flip Angle Control of NMR Field Probes
Spin Echo Dynamics as Codes for Quantitative Imaging
Spin Echo Imaging
Spin Gymnastics
Spinal Perimedullary Vein Enlargement Sign: An Added Value for the Differentiation Between Intradural-Extramedullary and Intramedullary Tumors on MR Imaging
SPINS Excitation Versus DSC Dynamic RF Shimming for Homogenising High Field Strength TSE Imaging
SPIO-Enhanced MRI as a Nondestructive in Vivo Method to Assess Vascularization of a 3D Matricel Collagen Scaffold Planted on the Chorioallantoic Membrane of the Chick Embryo in Ovo
Spiral Acquisition for High-Speed Anatomical Imaging at 7T
Spiral Deblurring Using B0 Maps with B0 Drift Correction
Spiral MRF at 7T with Simultaneous B1 Estimation
Spiral SPIRIT Tissue Phase Mapping Enables the Acquisition of Myocardial Motion with High Temporal and Spatial Resolution During Breath-Hold
Spiral Time of Flight MRA with Dixon Water and Fat Separation
Spiral Trajectories for 2D Parallel Excitation of Limited Slice Profiles
SPOT: SPIRiT Image Reconstruction with Custom Kernel Geometry
Spotlight on GagCEST Imaging in Human Menisci with MR-Microimaging on Ultra-High Field 7T - A Pilot Study
Staging Alzheimer’s Disease Risk by Sequencing Brain Function and Structure, Cerebrospinal Fluid, and Cognition Biomarkers
Staging Deep Vein Thrombosis Using Quantitative Magnetization Transfer
Standardisation and Quantification of 23Na-MRI: Repeatability and Reproducibility of Sodium Imaging Across Two Independent Sites
A Standardised Clinical Multicentric Whole Brain T2* Mapping Protocol at 3T
Standardized Approach for Region-Of-Interest-Based Measurements of Proton-Density Fat-Fraction and R2* in the Liver
State of the Art Clinical Fetal MRI
Statistical Assessment of a Model Combining IVIM and T2 Decay for Multi-B-Value, Multi-Echo-Time DW-MRI in Abdominal Organs
Statistical Clustering of Parametric Maps from Quantitative Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI and an Associated Decision Tree Model for Non-Invasive Tumor Grading of Solid Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Statistical Comparison of Commonly Used Kinetic Models for Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Rheumatoid Arthritis in the Wrist
Statistical Equivalence Test Protocol for RF Performance of AIMD Systems
Statistical Evaluation of Bi-Exponential IVIM Effect in Healthy Human Liver and Its Dependence on the Cut-Off B-Value for Segmented Biexponemtial Fit
Steady-State Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
A Step Towards Developing MR Elastography and Diffusion Tensor Imaging as Complementary MR Tools to Improve the Management of Hydrocephalus.
STEREO-MC for Connected Spatiotemporal Excitation
Stochastic Excitation Scheme for Estimating Longitudinal Relaxation and Radiofrequency Transmit Inhomogeneity in Single Voxel Spectroscopy
Stratification of Graded Acute Stroke Metabolic Injury with Magnetization Transfer and Relaxation-Normalized Amide Proton Transfer (MRAPT) PH-Weighted MRI
Stress Fractures in the Lower Extremity
Stroke Triage: The Neurologist's Perspective
Stroke Triage: The Physicist's Perspective
Stroke Triage: The Radiologist's Perspective
Stroke Volume Evolution Following Endovascular Therapy on DWI and FLAIR
Structural and Biomechanical Properties of Hypertrophic Articular Cartilage Using Microscopic Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Structural and Functional Brain Alterations in Uremic Restless Legs Syndrome Patients: A Voxel-Based Morphometry and Functional Connectivity Study
Structural and Functional Evaluation (SaFE)-MRI of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Using 3D Double-Echo Steady-State and Time-Resolved Velocimetry
Structural and Functional Reorganization of the Rat Brain in the 6-OHDA Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Structural and Hemodynamical Contributions to Brain T2* Relaxation in Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Siblings
The Structural Basis for Supporting Functional Connectivity in Mice
Structural Brain Connectome and Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease
Structural Changes of the Superior Longitudinal Fasciculus and Cingulate Gyrus in Post Stroke Depression
Structural Connectivity Analysis at the Voxel Level
Structural Connectivity Changes in Refractory Childhood Absence Epilepsy
Structural Connectivity in Multiple Sclerosis and Simulation of Disconnection
Structural Fingerprinting of the Human Brain: How Unique Is Tract Shape to the Individual?
Structural Neuroimages Revealed Limited Parental Care Affect Development of Gray Matter Rather Than White Matter in Left-Behind Children
Structural Variability in the Human Brain Reflects Functional Architecture
Study of Hemodynamics in Human Calf Muscle During Low-Intensity Exercise Using Single-Subject Independent Component Analysis
Study of MS Tissue Injury and Repair with in Vivo MR Spectroscopy of Lipids and Proteins - First Results
The Study of Quench Propagation for a MgB
1.5 T MRI Magnet Design at Different Operating Temperatures
Study of Spatial Function in the Human Placenta with Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Study of the Mutated Isocitrate Dehydrogenase 1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia Using Hyperpolarized [1-13C]a-Ketoglutaric Acid
Study of the Transfer Functions of Hippocampal Subfields During a Spatial Memory Task Using High-Resolution FMRI
The Study of Vertebral Marrow Microstructure in Healthy Young Adults with Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
A Study on CrCEST Mapping in Human Brain at 7T MRI
Subacute In-Vivo RF Heating of an Active Medical Implantable Device Under MRI Using Temperature Sensor Implant
Subcortical Brainstem Changes in the Motor System in Patients with Chronic Spinal Cord Injury Revealed by Quantitative MRI Protocols
Subcutaneous Fat Unsaturation Is Negatively Associated with Liver Fat Fraction
Subject-Specific SAR Prediction in Adults and Children at 7.0T
Submillimeter Resolution FMRI in the Midbrain: Measuring T2* Changes to a Stop-Task
Submillimeter Spatial and 1 Second Temporal Resolution in FMRI Using 3D-EPI-CAIPI with Cylindrical Excitation
Subregion-Specific Resting-State Amygdala Connectivity in Chronic Knee Osteoarthritis Pain: Towards a Brain Network Signature of OA Pain
A Subspace-Based Approach to High-Resolution 31P-MRSI
Subtractionless MR Angiography of the Neck Using Dixon-Based MRI
Sub-Volume Motion Detection to Speed Up Image-Based Navigators and Prospective Motion Correction
Sugar Free Tissue-Mimicking MRI Phantoms for Improved Signal-To-Noise Ratio
Suitable Reference Tissues for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping of the Brain
Super Slice Interpolation (SSI) from Parallel MRI Data
Superfast CEST Spectral Imaging (SCSI)
Superior Sensitivity to Focal Cortical Dysplasia Obtained by a Multivariate Analysis of MRI and PET Image Features
The Superiority of High B Value IZOOM with a Two Dimensional Radiofrequency Pulse (2D RF) Echo Planner Imaging (EPI) Sequence in Prostate Compared with Regular Ss-EPI DWI at 3.0 T
Superquadric Glyphs for Visualizing Myocardial Motion In 3D
Super-Resolution Magnetic Resonance Elastography (SR-MRE) of Exercise Induced Muscle Damage (EIMD)
Super-Resolution MR Imaging of Ex-Vivo Eye-Globe Structures at 7T
Super-Resolution Track Density Imaging of 1.4 Mm Isotropic 7T Whole-Brain Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Images
Susceptibility & Quantitative Mapping - Clinical Potential & Relevance
Susceptibility & Quantitative Mapping – Description, Overview and Method
Susceptibility Changes in Dentate Nucleus on Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping due to Serial GBCAs Administration.
Susceptibility MRI Outside the Brain
Susceptibility Properties of Tissue
Susceptibility Underestimation in a High Susceptibility Phantom: Dependence on Imaging Resolution, Magnitude Contrast and Sample Orientation
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI)
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in Different Regions of Human Brain at 7T
Susceptibility Weighted Imaging in the Early Stages of Hypoxia
Susceptibility-Driven Oscillations in Multi-Gradient-Echo MRI Reflect Axonal Microstructures
Sustained GABA Reduction Induced by Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (TDCS) in Motor Cortex: A Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study
SUV-Quantification in Physiological Lung Tissue in an Integrated PET/MR-System: Impact of Lung Density and Bone Tissue.
Synchronization of Longitudinal Multi Time-Point Breast DCE Data Using a Group-Wise Registration Approach
Synchronous Aberrant Cerebellar and Opercular Development in Fetuses and Neonates with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD)
Synchronous Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Muscle Contraction Induced by Electrical Stimulation
Synopsis of the PI-RADS V2 Guidelines for Multiparametric Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Recommendations for Use*
Synthesis and SAR Assessment of Multi-Slice PINS SLR RF Pulses for Wideband MRI: A Simulation Study
Synthesized Versus Acquired High B-Value (1200 S/mm2) Diffusion-Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Detection of Peripheral Zone Lesions in the Prostate Using PI-RADS Version 2
Synthetic MRI
Synthetic MRI: An Old Concept Becomes Practical
Synthetic Quantitative MRI Through Relaxometry Modelling for Improved Brain Segmentation
A Systematic Comparative Study of DTI and Higher Order Diffusion Models in Brain Fixed Tissue
A Systematic Investigation on the BOLD Contrast in S1- And S2-SSFP FMRI
Systems Calibrations (Bo, B1, Flip Angle Mapping, Shimming)
Systolic Function
Systolic Myocardial T1- And ECV-Mapping Using Saturation-Recovery at 3 Tesla
A T1 and DTI Fused 3D Corpus Callosum Analysis in MCI Subjects with High and Low Cardiovascular Risk Profile
T1 Bi-Component Analysis across Whole articular Cartilage Depth - from Calcified Cartilage to Superficial Cartilage
Is a Biomarker of Therapy-Induced Cell Death in the Th-
Genetically-Engineered Murine Model of Neuroblastoma.
T1 Relaxation Time in Lungs of Asymptomatic Smokers
T1 Relaxometry Indicate Cerebral Gadolinium Retention After Multiple Administration of a Macrocyclic Gd-Based Contrast Agent: A Retrospective Study in 27 Patients with Glioblastoma Multiforme
T1 Weighted 3D Cube with Dixon Water-Fat Separation for Imaging of the Orbits
T1 Weighted, Black Blood Variable Flip Angle Spin Echo Imaging Utilizing Variable Density, Distributed Spirals and a Low Rank Reconstruction
T1 Mapping Through Bayesian Analysis with Spatial Information Collaboration (BASIC) Using Steady-State-Based Imaging Data
T1D-W IhMT: Dipolar Relaxation Time Weighted Imaging Using Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer
T1-Enhanced Segmentation and Selection of Linear Attenuation Coefficients for PET/MRI Attenuation Correction in Head/neck Applications
T1-Weighted Signal Increase in the Rat Brain After Multiple, High-Dose Administrations of Gadolinium Based Contrast Agents: Comparison of Linear and Macrocyclic Agents
T1? Dispersion in Human Calf Muscle
T1? Imaging in Hip Cartilage: A Comparative Study in Hips with and Without Cam Type Deformity
T1? MRI Demonstrates Increased Contrast-To-Noise-Ratio in MS Lesions Compared to T2
T2 and T1rho Values of Grade 1 Early Degenerative Cartilage in the Distal Femur Using Angle/layer Dependent Approach
T2 Mapping for Non-Invasive Assessment of Acute Cardiac Allograft Rejection in a Mouse Model of Heterotopic Heart Transplantation
T2 Mapping of Ventricular Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) at 7 Tesla with Comparison to 3T
T2 Measurements During Hyperoxia in the Lateral Ventricles and Peripheral CSF
T2 of Cerebrospinal Fluid Depends on Glucose Concentration
T2 Relaxation of Human Blood at 3T Revisited: In Vivo and in Vitro Meaurement Using TRUST MRI
T2* and T1 Assessment of Abdominal Tissue Response to Graded Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Using a Controlled Gas Mixing Circuit for Small Animals
T2* Based MRI Temperature Contrast
T2* Mapping of Lower Leg Muscles Following Single Brief Contractions at 3 T
T2* Quantitation with Chemical Shift and Multi-Echo Spiral Imaging
T2*-Weighted Imaging and DCE-MRI as Complementary Tools to Characterize the Continuous Process of Radionecrosis and Neovascularization
T2*-Weighted Imaging with a Distributed Spiral In-Out Trajectory
T2-Based Temperature Monitoring in Bone Marrow for MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
T2-Mapping as a Predictor for Non-Perfused Volume in MRgFUS Treatments of Desmoid Tumors
T2-Weighted Imaging of Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta Shows Increased Iron Deposition in Ventral Lateral Tier
T2-Weighted Multispectral Imaging for Postoperative Imaging of Patients with Lumbar Spinal Fusion
Tailored Spiral In-Out Spectral-Spatial Saturation Pulses for Short and Effective Water Suppression in High Resolution MRSI
A Targeted Host-Guest MRI Contrast Agent for Breast Cancer Molecular Imaging
TArgeted Motion Estimation and Reduction (TAMER): Data Consistency Based Motion Mitigation Using a Reduced Model Joint Optimization
Targeted MRI Contrast Guided Drug Delivery: Magnevist and Doxorubicin Encapsulated Into Liposomes for Detection and Treatment of Glioma
Task-Driven Functional Connectivity of White Matter in Projection Pathways of the Human Brain
Task-Related Dynamic Functional Connectivity in Fast FMRI
TBI: Diffusion Tensor Imaging
TBI: Resting-State Functional MRI
“TBI: Susceptibility-Weighted Imaging”
TBM and DTI Reveal Structural Changes by Memantine Treatment in YAC128 Mouse Model of Huntington Disease
TDP43 Correlates of Amygdala Volume in Aging with Ex-Vivo MRI
Teaching MRI Using Tuning Forks and Speakers
Technical Aspects for Performing Small Animal MRI
Technical Aspects for Performing Small Animal MRS & MRSI
Technologies for Pediatric Neuroimaging
Temperature Dependence of R1, R2* and Magnetic Susceptibility of Ferritin at 7T
Temperature Effects in Post Mortem Structural MRI of Human Brain in Situ
Temporal Changes in Calculated Values of Longitudinal and Transverse Magnetisation Time Constant Values, T1 and T2*, for Fetal and Adult Simulated Subdural Haematoma
Temporal Dynamics and Sampling Rate Effects for Background Phase Estimates in 4D Flow MRI
Temporal Evolution of Diffusion Indices in White Matter and Grey Matter of Macaque Brains with Ischemic Stroke
Temporal Homogeneity in BOLD Time-Series: An Application to Rolandic Epilepsy
Temporal Point Spread Function Interpretation of Low Rank, Dictionary Learning Models in Dynamic MRI
Temporal Resolution Improvement of Calibration-Free Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI with Compressed Sensing Optimized Turbo Spin Echo: The Effects of Replacing Turbo Factor with Compressed Sensing Accelerations
Temporal Weighted Sliding Window SPIRiT with Golden Angle Radial Sampling for Real Time MR Temperature Imaging
Temporally Flexible Artifact Suppression High Field SSFP Images Using Golden Angle Incremented Linear Combination Steady-State Free Precession (LCSSFP) in DESPOT1/2 Images
Term Newborns: How Imaging Contributes to the Understanding of the Development of Brain Injury After Birth Asphyxia
Testing of a Compact Ultrasound Scanner for Use Inside Clinical Interventional MRI Suite
Testing the Efficacy of GdDO3NI: A Novel Hypoxia-Targeting T1 Contrast Agent
The Test-Retest Reliability of Fat-Water Ratio MRI Derived Breast Density Measurements and Automated Breast Segmentation
Test-Retest Stability of MTT Insensitive CBV Leakage Correction in DSC-MRI
Textural Analysis of Multiparametric MRI Detects Transition Zone Prostate Cancer
Texture Analysis of Equivocal Likert Scored 3/5 Peripheral Zone Prostate Lesions on MpMRI
Texture Analysis of Hepatocellular Carcinomas in Contrast-Enhanced MR Images for Malignant Differentiation
Texture Analysis of T2 Relaxation Time Maps Reveals Degenerative Changes in Articular Cartilage: Oulu Knee Osteoarthritis Study
Texture Feature Analysis of Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative DCE-MRI Metrics for Early Prediction of Breast Cancer Therapy Response
Texture-Based Classification of Advanced Carotid Atherosclerotic Lesions on Multi-Contrast Black-Blood MRI at 3.0 Tesla: A Pilot Study
TGV-Regularized Single-Step Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Thalamic Nuclei-Specific Deposits of Iron and Calcium in the Epileptogenic Rat Brain Revealed by Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Thalamic-Auditory Cortical-Hippocampal Dysconnectivity in First-Episode Schizophrenia Patients with Auditory Verbal Hallucinations
Thalamocortical Network Alteration in Children and Adolescents with Idiopathic Generalized Epilepsy
The Origins of GlucoCEST Signal: Effect Inhibiting Glucose Transport in Brain Tumors
The Diagnostic Value of QISS MRA in Lower-Extremity Arteriosclerosis: A Comparison with CT Angiography
The Feasibility Study of Liver Cirrhosis Stage Using Quantitative 3D Whole-Liver T1? Mapping at 3.0T
The potentiality of MR T1rho as a biomarker for liver fibrosis evaluation
The study of vascular disrupting agent A64 combined with bevacizumab in the treatment of NSCLC using Multiple b-Value DWI
Theoretical and Experimental Optimization of a 3D Steady-State Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT) Gradient Echo Sequence: Boosting the IhMT Sensitivity with Sparse Energy Deposition
Theoretical and Simulation Verification of SNR Enhancement in Traveling Wave MRI Using Free Local Resonators
A Theoretical Comparison of Multi-Delay Arterial Spin Labeling Methods
A Theoretical Framework for Sampling and Reconstructing Ensemble Average Propagators in Diffusion MRI
Theoretical Investigation of Gradient Pulse Alterations for Acoustic Noise Reduction in an MRI-LINAC System
Theoretical Underpinnings of Building a Validation Framework of Diffusion Experiments
Theranostics: Delivering Drug & Contrast Agent Simultaneously
Therapeutic Modulation of Somatosensory Evoked Response in Pain-Related Cortex on Chronic Lumbago.
Therapeutic Potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells After Transplantation in Traumatic Brain Injury Mice: An in Vivo 1H MRS and Behavioural Study
Thermo-Acoustic Ultrasound Detection of RF Tip Heating in MRI
Thinking Outside the Voxel: A Joint Spatial-Angular Basis for Sparse Whole Brain HARDI Reconstruction
THOMAS: Thalamus Optimized Multi-Atlas Segmentation at 3T
Three Dimensional Inversion Recovery Dual-Echo Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging with K-Space Reordering for Effective Suppression of Longer T2 Species in Lung Parenchyma Imaging
Three Dimensional Retrospective Motion Correction Using Spherical Navigator Echoes
Three Dimensional T1 and T2* Mapping of Human Lung Parenchyma Using Interleaved Saturation Recovery and Dual Echo Ultrashort Echo Time Imaging
Three Minute Whole-Heart Magnetic Resonance Angiography with Prospective Heart Tracking and Compressed Sensing Parallel Image Reconstruction
Three-Dimensional Lung Tumour Motion Tracking Using an Advanced Template Matching Technique: Texture Reformatted Angle Correlation (TRAC)
Three-Dimensional Modelling of the Fetal Vasculature from Prenatal MRI Using Motion-Corrected Slice-To-Volume Registration
Three-Dimensional Placental Perfusion Imaging Using Velocity-Selective Arterial Spin Labeling
Three-Time Point Method of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI in Discrimination of ACTH-Producing and Non-Functional Pituitary Adenomas Based on Whole-Tumor Quantification
Threshold Functional Imaging Maps Depict Intra-Tumour Heterogeneity of Response to Radiotherapy in Retroperitoneal Sarcomas
Thresholding to Improve the Specificity of High Spatial and Angular Resolution in Vivo Diffusion-Weighted Tractography to Estimate Brain Stem Connectivity.
Time Dependence of Diffusion and Kurtosis Parameters in the Rat Spinal Cord
Time Efficient ASL Imaging with Segmented Multiband-Acquisition (TEAISM)
Time Varying Velocity Labeling Efficiency Correction in Arterial Spin Labeling
Time-Course Metabolic Changes in High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity in Rats: Hyperpolarized 13C MRS
Time-Dependent Diffusion for Assessment of Treatment Response in GL261 Murine Glioma Model
Time-Dependent Diffusion on in Vivo Human Brain Data from the Connectom Scanner
A Time-Efficient Acquisition Protocol for Multi-Purpose Diffusion-Weighted Microstructural Imaging at 7T
Time-Efficient Reduced-Distortion Prostate Diffusion MRI Using Reduced Field-Of-View Readout-Segmented EPI
Time-Of-Flight Unlimited: Novel Self-Gated Unenhanced Peripheral MR Angiography with Continuous Table Movement in Less Than 7 Minutes
Time-Of-Flight: Do We Need It in PET/MRI?
Time-Resolved 23-Na Imaging for Monitoring of Thermochemical Ablation Injections
Time-Resolved Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography with Static Tissue Suppression Using Velocity-Selective Pulse Trains
Time-Shift Functional Connectivity MRI Based on Specific Regional-Of-Interest for Mapping Acute Ischemic Stroke
Time-Signal Curves Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging Used in Differential Diagnosis of Pituitary Lesions.
Tissue Anisotropy Mapping
Tissue Anisotropy Origin (Brain, Heart, Muscle)
Tissue Characterisation: Heart
Tissue Characterization with Fast High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HRMAS) CEST Spectroscopy
Tissue Characterization: Brain
Tissue Correction Strategy Impacts GABA Quantification: A Study in Healthy Aging
Tissue Partial Volume Correction of Perfusion Maps in Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast MRI
Tissue Phase Mapping & More: New Insights Into Regional Cardiac Function
Tissue Positional Repeatability in Head and Neck Revealed by a Dedicated MR Simulator: Is Positioning Verification Using Bony Landmarks Adequate in Radiotherapy Treatment?
Title: Breath-Hold Peripheral Pulse-Gated Black-Blood T2-Weighted Lung Magnetic Resonance Imaging with the Variable Refocusing Flip Angle Technique
Title: Distinctive Relationships Between Functional and Structural Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder Across Different Networks— a Combined Resting-State Functional MRI and Diffusion Spectrum Imaging Study
TMS Positioning in MRI Using NMR Probes
To Assess Stretched-Exponential and Monoexponential Models for Diffusion-Weighted Imaging in Prostate Magnetic Resonance Imaging
To Be Dispersed or Not to Be Dispersed: A Study Using HCP Data
To Evaluate Renal Dysfunction Using Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Intra-Voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) and a Mono-Exponential Model – a Comparison Study
To Evaluate the Damage of Renal Function in CIAKI Rats at 3T: Using ASL and BOLD MRI
To Investigate the Regional Functional Connectivity of DMN Alterations in Hypercapnia
To Smell or Not to Smell: Does the Newborn Habituate to Sustained Odorant Stimulation?
Tobacco Smoke Shortens T1 in a Mouse Model of COPD
TOFI – Thin Outside, Fat Inside – Identifying Non-Obese Subjects at High Risk for Metabolic Diseases Based on MRI and MRS
TOLD MRI Validation of Reversal of Tumor Hypoxia in Glioblastoma with a Novel Oxygen Therapeutic
Toolbox for Automatic Localization of Volume of Interest in MRS (ALLVOI)
Toward a 7T MRI Protocol for the Evaluation of Early Osteoarthritis in Knee Cartilage
Toward a Voxel-Based Analysis (VBA) of Quantitative Magnetic Susceptibility Maps (QSM): Strategies for Creating Brain Susceptibility Templates
Toward Iron Distribution Mapping Using Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM): A Comparison of Histological Iron Concentration Maps with Magnetic Susceptibility Maps
Toward Routine Assessment of Cerebral Blood Flow in Neonates and Infants: A Phase-Contrast MRI Study
Toward Spectroscopically Selective Imaging of Hyperpolarized Pyruvate and Its Metabolites Using Binomial Pulses in Balanced Steady-State Free Precession
Towards “non-Invasive Histology” of the Brain by Diffusion-Weighted MR Spectroscopy in Vivo: Comparison Between Diffusion-Extracted Synthetic Cells and Real Histology in the Mouse and Primate Brain
Towards a Neurochemical Profile of the Amygdala Using SPECIAL at 3 Tesla
Towards a Parameter-Free ESPIRiT: Soft-Weighting for Robust Coil Sensitivity Estimation
Towards a Quantitative MRI-Based Measure of Disease Burden in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
Towards Accurate Spinal Cord Morphometry with in Situ Grid Phantom Calibrated Gradient Non-Linearity Correction
Towards Direct Detection of Natural Abundance Glycogen C2-C6 Resonances by Localized 13C MRS at 7T.
Towards DWI Guidance of Percutaneous Biopsies Using Dual Echo Steady State Sequence: Qualitative Assessment in Liver
Towards Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancers by Active Feedback MR Molecular Imaging
Towards Fast and Highly Localized Spectroscopy Using Miniaturized Coils in a 14.1T Animal Scanner
Towards Fast and Robust Bilateral Brachial Plexus Imaging
Towards Fast Diffusion-Sensitized MR Imaging of the Eye and Orbit with High Anatomic Fidelity: Combining a Segmented RARE Variant with Inner Volume Imaging
Towards High Resolution Chemical Shift Imaging of the Lungs Using Hyperpolarized Carbon-13
Towards High Temporal Resolution Creatine Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (Cr-CEST) During Plantar Flexion Exercise: Preliminary Results at 7T
Towards Higher Spatial Resolution Echo-Planar-Imaging with a Compact Head 3T System
Towards Imaging the Body at 10.5 Tesla Using a Fractionated Dipole Antenna Array
Towards Judging the Encoding Capability of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Sequences
Towards Low Power EPR Imaging Using Frank Poly-Phase Pulse Sequence
Towards Markerless Optical Tracking for Prospective Motion Correction in Brain Imaging
Towards Optimized Experiment Design for Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting
Towards Plaque and Thrombus Imaging with Hybrid of Opposite-Contrast (HOP) MR Angiography at 7T
Towards Quantitation of Nerve Trauma Using SHINKEI Based MR Neurography of Brachial Plexus at 1.5T
Towards Quantitative Renal MR Blood Oximetry by Combined Monitoring of T2*, T2 and Blood Volume Fraction
Towards Real-Time in Vivo Volumetric MR Thermometry
Towards Reliable Non-Contrast Enhanced MR-Based Myocardial Perfusion Imaging: Myocardial BOLD MRI Using Late Effects of Regadenoson with Simultaneous 13N-Ammonia PET Validation in a Whole-Body Hybrid PET/MR System
Towards Robust C-Spine Imaging with Cartesian Sampling
Towards Robust Diffusion Tensor Imaging of Skeletal Muscles Via an Automatic Artifact Removal Tool.
Towards Stable Non-Invasive Estimation of Interstitial Fluid Pressure Incorporating Diffusion Weighted Data
Towards Tissue Characterization of the Spinal Cord: High-Resolution T1 Relaxometry with Precise B1+-Mapping of the Spinal Cord at 3T
Tracer-Kinetic Analysis
Tracking of a Robotic Device by Controlling the Visibility of Markers from the Robot Control
Tracking Transplanted Cells with Paramagnetic Fluorinated Nanoemulsions
Track-Weighted Dynamic Functional Connectivity (TWdFC): A New Method to Study Dynamic Connectivity
Tract Orientation and Angular Dispersion Deviation Indicator (TOADDI): A Framework for Single-Subject Analysis in Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Tract-Based Longitudinal Analysis of Microstructural Diffusion Changes of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Sports
Tract-Based Spatial Statistics of DTI Metrics in Parkinson's Disease
Tract-Based Spatial Statistics to Assess the Effect of Histologic Chorioamnionitis on White Matter Development in Preterm Infants
Tractography Study of Brain Asymmetries in a Genetic Mouse Model
Tract-Profiling and Bundle Statistics: A Test-Retest Validation Study
Tract-Specific Analysis of White Matter Fasciculi in a Large Cohort of Preterm Infants
Traffic and Cargo on the Venous Highway: Distribution of Venous Flow and Oxygenation in the Human Brain.
Training Induced Olfactory Network Changes in Master Sommeliers: Connectivity Analysis Using Granger Causality and Graph-Theoretical Approach.
Trajectory Design of Optimized Repeating Linear and Nonlinear Gradient Encoding Using a K-Space Point Spread Function Metric
Transceive Surface Array of Dipole Antennas for Multi-Transmit Imaging at 3T
Transcranial MRI-Guided High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound for Treatment of ?Essential Tremor: Initial Clinical Experience and Correlation of Clinical Outcome with Lesion Size, Localization, and Dose
Transient Changes in White Matter Microstructure During Anesthesia
Transient Oxygen Extraction Fraction as a Measure of Cerebrovascular Reserve
Transient Severe Motion (TSM) at Gadoxetate Disodium-Enhanced MRI – Comparison of Different Contrast Agent Application Protocols
Transit Time Mapping in the Mouse Brain Using Time-Encoded PCASL
Translating State-Of-The-Art Spinal Cord MRI Techniques to Clinical Use: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies Utilizing DTI, MT, MWF, MRS, and FMRI
Translation of 2-Hydroxyglutarate MR Spectroscopy Into Clinics
Translation of High-Field Fluorine-19 Cell Tracking Techniques Into the Clinical Realm
Translation of QSM to the Clinic - Fast Single Orientation Methods
Transmission Line Resonator Segmented with Series Capacitors
Transmit Arrays & Circuitry
Transmit SENSE on a Whole-Body 10.5 Tesla System Using 16 RF Channels: Initial Results
Transmural Heterogeneity of In-Vivo Whole Heart Diffusion Parameters: Architecture, Physiology or Artifact?
Transverse Relaxometry with B1+ Constrained Stimulated Echo Correction
Traumatic Muscle Injuries
The Traveling Heads: Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of Multicenter Brain Imaging at 7 Tesla
Traveling Internal Plane-Wave Synthesis for Uniform B1(+) in High Field MRI
Traveling Wave MR Using an Array of Regular RF Resonators
Traveling Wave MRI at 7T Using Dielectric Wave-Guide
Treatment of Osteoid Osteoma Using Mr Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: Preliminary Results After Four Patients
Treatment of Small Vascular Malformations Using Mr Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound: Preliminary Results After Four Patients
Treatment Response Assessment of Malignant Cancer Cells to Alpha-Lipoic Acid and a 213Bi-Anti-EGFR-MAb with Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-Pyruvate
The Trellis Coil: A Morphing, Size Adaptable Array Coil
Triexponential Diffusion Analysis in Breast Cancer
A Trimodal Non-Gaussian Diffusion Model for the Full Spectrum of Multi-B Diffusion MRI in Brain Tissue
trueFLASH: Model-Based Iterative T1 Mapping Using Variable-Flip-Angle Fast Low-Angle Shot
Tumor Associated Inflammation: Biology & Imaging
Tumor Classification Using Blood Arrival Histogram Obtained by Resting-State FMRI
Tumor Diagnosis with Diffusion
Tumor Diagnosis with MR Spectroscopy.
Tumor Progression, Regression, and Recurrence Monitoring Using Hyperpolarized [1-
C]Pyruvate Metabolic Imaging in a Murine Breast Cancer Model
Tumor Tutorial: The Neuro-Oncologist's Perspective
Tumor Tutorial: The Physicist's Perspective
Tumor Tutorial: The Radiologist's Perspective
Tumour Heterogeneity Assessment Using Histogram Analysis of IVIM-Based Diffusion and Perfusion Characteristics of Cervical Cancer
Tumour Microenvironment
Tumour Recurrance & Pseudo-Progression in Glioma
Tunable Defected Ground Structure for Decoupling Monopole Antenna Transmit/Receive Arrays in 7T MRI
Tuning Microstrip Coil Field Patterns Using Capacitor-Segmented Ground Planes
Turbulent Wall Shear Stress Assessment Using 4D Flow MRI
Two NSA or Not Two NSA: Does Perforator Artery Detection in White Matter Benefit from Signal Averaging?
Two-Dimensional Respiratory-Motion Characterization for Continuous MR Measurements Using Pilot Tone Navigation
Two-Point Fat Water Separation Using Safest Path Region Growing with Self-Feeding Phasor Estimation Algorithm
A Two-Stage RF Shimming Method for 7T Human First-Pass Myocardial Perfusion
Two-Step Adaptive Reconstruction of Multichannel Phase Images
Two-Step Generic Referenceless Phase Combination (GRPC) for Accurate Phase Image Reconstruction from Multiple Receiver Coils
U-Fiber Quantification in Non-Lesional Epilepsy
UK Biobank: Brain Imaging Protocols and First Data Release
Ultimate Hyperthermia: Computation of the Best Achievable Radio-Frequency Hyperthermia Treatments in Non-Uniform Body Models
Ultra-Fast FMRI of Task & Rest
Ultra-Fast Gradient Echo EPI with Controlled Aliasing at 3T: Simultaneous Multi-Slice Vs. 3D-EPI
Ultrafast Imaging
Ultra-Fast MRI Based Transfer Function Determination for the Assessment of Implant Safety.
Ultrafast Multi-Slice MRI with Segmented Spatiotemporal Encoding
Ultrafast Volumetric Cine MRI (VC-MRI) for Real-Time 3D Target Localization in Radiation Therapy
Ultra-High Field MRI Enables the in Vivo Quantification of the Efficacy of Candidate Promyelinating Molecules in the Cuprizone Mouse Model
Ultra-High Resolution MRSI of Multiple Sclerosis at 7T
Ultra-High-Dimensional Flow Imaging (N-D Flow)
Ultrahigh-Field (9.4T and 17.6T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Retinoblastoma: Ex Vivo Evaluation of Microstructural Anatomy and Disease Extent
Ultrahigh-Resolution Metabolic Imaging at 9.4 Tesla
Ultra-High-Resolution Postmortem Imaging of Marmoset EAE Spinal Cords
Ultra-Low-Field Spin Manipulation for Precise Flip-Angle and T$$$_1$$$-Determination
Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging and Modeling – Magic Angle Independent Biomarkers of Tissue Properties
Ultrashort Echo Time Magnetization Transfer (UTE-MT) Imaging: Two-Pool Vs Three-Pool Modeling
Ultra-Short Echo Time Sequence for Electrode Locations in Simultaneous EEG-FMRI
Ultrashort TE 3D Spectroscopic Imaging for High SNR Imaging and Bi-Exponential Signal Decay Characterization of Sodium
An Ultrasound Compatible Rat RF Array for MRI Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound
Unattended Processing of 4D Flow MRI in the Aorta: Assessment of Aortic Dimension, Blood Flow, and Demographics in 782 Subjects
Uncertainty of RF Induced Heating Tests of a Generic Orthopedic Implant in Different Phantoms
Uncover of Fiber Reorientation in the Medial Human Cortex in Vivo
Uncovering Hidden Activation Using Model-Free Analysis
Under-Sampled Multi-Shot Diffusion Data Recovery Using Total Variation Regularized Structured Low-Rank Matrix Completion
Ungated, Free-Breathing Native T1 Mapping in Multiple Cardiac Phases in Under One Minute: A Proof of Concept
Uniting Reconstruction Software for Native Use in GPI
Universal Iterative Denoising of Complex-Valued Volumetric MR Image Data Using Supplementary Information
Universal Pulses: A New Concept for Calibration-Free Parallel Transmission
Unsupervised Motion Correction for Real-Time Free-Breathing Flow Acquisitions: High SNR, Single Heart-Beat, Pseudo-Breathheld Flow Images Easy to Quantify
Unsupervised Multi-Tissue Decomposition of Single-Shell Diffusion-Weighted Imaging by Generalization To multi-Modal Data
Unveiling the Dispersion Kernel in DSC-MRI by Means of Dispersion-Compliant Bases and Control Point Interpolation Techniques
Update on Imaging Techniques for Evaluation of Bone
Update on MR Techniques for Assessment of Skeletal Muscle : Illustration of a Potential Application in Neuromuscular Disorders
Update on MRI Techniques for Assesment of the Wrist
Update on Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis: Should We Stop Screening?
Update on Parallel Imaging & Body MRI
Use Envelope Bounding to Improve the Stability of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion Modeling
Use of a Radial Convolution Kernel in the Non-Uniform Fourier Transform
Use of Adding T2 Mapping Sequence to a Routine MR Imaging Protocol to Evaluate of the Articular Cartilage Changes of the Knee and Ankle Joint with Hemophilia in Children
Use of Comprehensive MRI to Assess Cartilage Composition in Patients with Acute Cartilage Injury
Use of Intravoxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) in Evaluation of Histological Differentiation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Patients with Hepatitis B Virus Infection
Use of Iron Contrast Agents to Detect Brain Tumor Treatment Response Based on Stimulating the Innate Immune System
Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess the Effects of Corticotrophin Releasing Factor on Fructose Malabsorption
Use of MRI to Monitor Drug Delivery in Combination with Focused Ultrasound
The Use of Quantitative Susceptibility Imaging for the Evaluation of Acute MS Lesion Formation
Use of T2-Weighted 3D Acquisition for Correction of EPI-Induced Distortion in FMRI
Use of the Ultimate Signal-To-Noise Ratio to Assess the Impact of Coil Coverage for Brain Imaging
Use of Yb-HPDO3A Probe for CEST-MRI PH Mapping in Glioblastoma Mouse Models
Useful Metrics to Facilitate Clinical Application of Resting-State FMRI
Usefulness of Short Breath Hold High Resolution Technique (CAIPIRINHA) in Gadoxetic Acid-Enhanced Liver MRI: To Overcome Degraded Arterial Phase
Usefulness of Solid Type Stimulator in MR Sialography-Comparison with Liquid Type Stimulator
Usefulness of Thin-Slice 3D MR Imaging Using 3D FSE Sequence with Variable Flip-Angle Refocusing RF Pulses for Assessing the Popliteomeniscal Fascicles of the Lateral Meniscus in Knee MR Imaging at 3T
Using 3D ASL to Assess the Change of Cerebral Blood Flow at High Altitude: A Longitudinal Study
Using a Hyperspherical Harmonic Basis for Sparse Multi-Voxel Modeling of Diffusion MRI
Using a Low Rank Plus Sparse Reconstruction Approach to Accelerate 3D Dynamic BSSFP Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MR Imaging
Using Cellular Automata to Represent MRI Signal Progression
Using Diffusion MRI to Study Demyelination in Cortex and Deep Gray Matter in Animal Model of Multiple Sclerosis
Using Frequency Difference Mapping to Assess White Matter Microstructure in the Human Corpus Callosum
Using Hyperpolarised 13C-MRS to Explore Murine Skeletal Muscle Metabolism During Exercise
Using Intravoxel Incoherent Motion MR Imaging to Measure Renal Diffusion and Perfusion in Contrast-Induced Acute Kidney Injury
Using Intrinsic Cardiac Shear Waves to Measure Myocardial Stiffness: Initial Results on a Patient Cohort with Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction
Using Low Dose Prostate Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Data to Verify Newly Developed Eight-Parameter Mathematical Form of Arterial Input Function
Using Mathematical Model to Analyzing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI to Distinguish Between Stromal Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer
Using MR Phase: Temperature Mapping & Phase-Sensitive Reconstruction
Using MRI to Assess Changes in Distribution and Leakage of Contrast Media in Murine Mammary Ducts After Intra-Ductal Injection: Intact Ducts Vs. Ducts with in Situ Cancer
Using MRI to Observe Increased Venous Flow Collateralization in Subjects with Anomalous Jugular Veins
Using Numerical Simulations to Compare and Evaluate Different Mathematical Models for Analyzing Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI Data
Using Partially Suppressed Water Signal to Improve J-Edited Proton MRS
Using Proton MR Spectroscopy and Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping (QSM) at 7 Tesla to Decipher Mitochondrial Membrane Protein–Associated Neurodegeneration (MPAN)
Using Simultaneous Multi-Slice Imaging for PRFS Thermometry
Using T1 and Quantitative Magnetization Transfer to Monitor Tissue Myelin Content in the Lysolecithin Model of Multiple Sclerosis
The USPIO GEH121333 as a Dual R1 and R2 Contrast Agent for Imaging Response to Anti-Angiogenic Therapy
Uterus: Benign Disease
Uterus: Malignant Disease
UTE-T2* Detects Matrix Changes in Achilles Tendon After Tendon Allograft Reconstruction for Old Achilles Tendon Rupture and the Correlation with Clinical Score: A Preliminary Study
Utility of Computed Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Predicting Aggressiveness of Prostate Cancer
Utility of Histogram Analysis of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Value for Distinguishing Pituitary Atypical Adenomas from Typical Adenomas
Utility of Non-Contrast-Enhanced MR Angiography for the Aneurysmal Follow-Up and Prediction of Endoleaks Status Post Endovascular Aortic Repair
Utility of Pet-Mri in Initial Staging, Treatment Planning and Follow Up of Gynecologic Cancers
Utility of Semi-Quantitative Analysis of Initial Enhancement Using TWIST-VIBE in the Diagnosis of Breast Lesions
Utilization of Simultaneous Multi-Slice Accelerated Turbo Spin Echo in Pediatric Epilepsy
Utilizing the Improved Receive Sensitivity from High Permittivity Materials for SNR-Challenged Applications of Ultrahigh B-Factor Diffusion-Weighted Spectroscopy at 7 Tesla
Validating Myelin Water Imaging with Electron Microscopy in Rat Spinal Cord
Validating Tractography of High Resolution Post-Mortem Human Brain at 7T with Polarized Light Imaging
Validation and Comparison of Diffusion MR Methods Measuring Transcytolemmal Water Exchange Rate
Validation and Optimization of Calibrated FMRI from Oxygen-Sensitive Two-Photon Microscopy of the Mouse Brain
Validation of "WaVelocity" Image Analysis Toolbox for Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Pulse Wave Velocity Measurements
Validation of a 4D-MRI Motion Framework Using an MRI-Compatible Motion Phantom
Validation of a Novel Technique to Extract Cine Cardiac Cycle Without Respiratory Motion from Real-Time Free-Breathing Images with Unsupervised Motion Correction
Validation of a Semi-Automatic Coregistration of MRI Scans in Brain Tumor Patients During Treatment Follow-Up
Validation of A diagnostic Transition Zone Prostate cancer Model Trained In a 1.5T MRI Scanner On an Independent Cohort of Patients Scanned on a 3T MRI Scaner.
Validation of Compressed Sensing Accelerated 2D Flow MRI in the Common Carotid Arteries
Validation of Diffusion Tensor MRI with Structure Tensor Synchrotron Imaging
Validation of Inferences About Tissue Microstructure
Validation of Interstitial Volume Fraction Quantification Performed with Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Skeletal Swine Muscle
Validation of MD Map Calculation from DWI Acquired on a 0.35T MRI Scanner in Malawi for Acute Cerebral Malaria
Validation of MR Mapping of Direct Current in a Phantom Model
Validation of MRI-Based Assessment of Mechanical Competence of Distal Tibia Using Cadaveric Human Bone.
Validation of Provotorov Theory of RF Saturation to Describe Inhomogeneous Magnetization Transfer (IhMT)
Validation of Quantitative MRI Metrics Using Full Slice Histology with Automatic Axon Segmentation
Validation of Surface-To-Volume Ratio Derived from Oscillating Gradient Spin Echo on a Clinical Scanner Using Anisotropic Fiber Phantoms
Validation of White-Matter Pathways Reconstructed with Diffusion Tractography
A Validation Study of Real-Time Phase Contrast MRI with Low-Rank Modeling
Validation Study of Water-Content-Assisted Electrical Properties Tomography (WEPT) with an Electrolyte Protein Phantom and B1 Inhomogeneity Consideration
The Value of BOLD-MRI in Early Diagnosis of Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head in Patients with Steroid Treatment
The Value of CBF Combined with Temporal Information in Grading High-Grade Astrocytomas: A Multi-Inversion-Time Arterial-Spin-Labeling Magnetic Resonance Study
The Value of Combining Conventional, Diffusion-Weighted and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Imaging for the Diagnosis of Parotid Gland Tumors
The Value of DTI and DTT in Evaluating the Protective Effect of Neuregulin-1 on Spinal Cord Transection Models of Sprague–Dawley Rats.
The Value of DWI with ADC Mapping for Assessing Synovitis and Bone Erosion in Early Stage of RA
The Value of Functional MRI on Predicting Therapeutic Outcome of TACE on Hepatocellular Carcinoma
The Value of MRI in Traumatic Brain Injury: Experiences in the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI Study
Value of Whole-Liver Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Histogram Analysis for Quantification of Liver Fibrosis Stages
Variability of Flow Parameters When Subjected to Changes of MR Acquisitions Parameters in 4D Flow MRI Using a Realistic Thoracic Aortic Phantom.
Variable Angle GLCM Analysis for T2 Maps of Osteoarthritic Knee Cartilage with Endpoint Analysis: Oulu Knee Osteoarthritis Study
Variable Density Compressed Sensing Single Shot Fast Spin Echo
Variable Density Magnetization Transfer (VdMT) Imaging for 7 T MR Imaging
Variable Density Spiral Sampling and Reconstruction for Spatiotemporally Encoded Single-Shot MRI
Variable Refocusing Flip Angle Single Shot Imaging for Anesthesia-Free Brain MRI
Variable TR and Variable Refocusing Flip Angle Fresh Blood Imaging for Non-Contrast MRA at 3T: A 7-Minute Iliac to Calf Station Run-Offs Scan
A Variable-TE Stack-Of-Spirals Sequence for 3D UTE Imaging
Variation in Strain Characteristics for Multiscale Multi-Physics Models of a 1.5T Conduction Cooled MRI System Based on a 36 Filament MgB
Composite Wire
Vascular Injury Triggers a Systemic Response That Promotes Atherosclerosis Progression at a Remote Site of Injury.
Vascular MR at 7T
Vascular-Targeted Magnetic Nanoparticles for Image-Guided Cancer Therapy
Velocity Selective Adiabatic Pulses for Arterial Spin Labeling
Velocity Transfer Function from Phase Contrast MRI - a Non-Invasive Method for Assessing Pulmonary Arterial Stiffness and Impedance
Velocity-Selective Tip-Back Excitation for Hyperpolarized [13C] Urea Cardiac Perfusion Imaging
The Venous Contribution to Sodium (23Na) MRI Signals in Human Brain
Venous Metrics in a Large Cohort of Healthy Elderly Individuals from Susceptibility-Weighted Images and Quantitative Susceptibility Maps
Ventilation Estimates in Severe Uncontrolled Asthma Using 3D Single Breath-Hold Ultra-Short Echo Time MRI
Ventilation Imaging with Sulfur Hexafluoride in Free-Breathing Mice: Initial Experience
Vertebral Bone Marrow Fat Quantification and Its Relationship with Bone Mineral Density: Using Multi-Echo MRS and Multi-Echo Dxion
Very High Order B0 Shimming of the Human Brain at 9.4 T Considering Real B0 Shim Fields
Very Low Field MRI Setup for Brain Imaging
Very-High Order Shimming in the Human Spinal Cord Using a Dedicated 24-Channel Array Coil
Vessel Wall Thickness Measurements of the Circle of Willis Using 7.0T MRI
Vessel-Selective Time-Resolved Cerebral Angiograms in Less Than One Minute
Vessel-Size Dependent Response of Human Cerebral Arteries to Hyperoxia
Vibroacoustic Noise Reduction in High Performance Head Gradient Coils Using Ceramic Inserts
Virtual Coil Reconstruction for 3D Diffusion-Weighted Multi-Shot MRI Using a Single Reference Shot.
Visceral Adiposity, Inflammation and Cortical Thickness in Midlife
Visibility Improvement Of Cerebral Blood Vessels by High Resolution Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Visual Cortical Responses to Auditory Stimulation During Deep Isoflurane Anesthesia: An FMRI Study
Visual Networks Impairments in Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy Using Resting-State FMRI
Visual Quality Assessment of 3D High Resolution Late Gadolinium Enhancement with Compressed-Sensing in a Clinical Setting: The Impact of Patient Factors
Visual Stimulation Altered Human Visual Cortical Functional Connectivity
Visualization and Localization of Implanted Devices with Parallel Transmit Array Using Reversed RF Polarization
Visualization of Auditory Ossicles and Facial Nerve Canal: Comparison Between Ultrashort TE MR and CT.
Visualization of Interventional Devices by Transient, Local Magnetic Field Alterations Using BSSFP Sequences
Visualization of the Pituitary Gland Region’s Perforating Branch Artery Before Transsphenoidal Surgery Using a High-Spatial-Resolution Three-Dimensional Fast Spin Echo Sequence
Visualizing Adaptation of the Central Serotonin Circuit in the Living Brain
Visualizing Lactate in the Ischemic Hindleg of Mice Using Localized Proton 2D Correlation Spectroscopy (UHf-P-COSY) at Ultrahigh Field.
Volume & Surface Coils
Volume Differences on Quantitative Susceptibility Map and T2-Weighted Image of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions at Different Disease Stages and Indication for Iron Activity
Volume-Parcellated Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping
Volumetric Analysis of Structural Brain Changes in Acute and Sub-Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury
Volumetric Assessment of Kinetic Energy and Vorticity in the Pulmonary Artery: Alteration of Flow Hemodynamics in Patients with Repaired Tetralogy of Fallot Using 4D Flow MRI
Volumetric Brachial Plexus Imaging at 3T with Dual-Echo Dixon TSE: Comparison Against 3D STIR and 3D SPAIR
Volumetric Dynamic MR-Defecography
Volumetric Navigated MEGA-SPECIAL for Real-Time Zero- And First-Order Shim and Motion Corrected GABA MRS
Vortex-Ring Mixing as a Measure of Diastolic Function of the Human Heart: Phantom Validation and Initial Observations in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Heart Failure
A Voxel by Voxel Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Correlation Tensor Derived from the Resting-State FMRI and Diffusion Tensor Derived from Diffusion Weighted Images on the Human Brain Using the Multiband EPI Sequences
Voxel Level Comparison of Two Anomalous Diffusion Models: Continuous-Time Random-Walk Model Versus Fractional Motion Model
Voxel Level Radiologic-Pathologic Validation of Restriction Spectrum Imaging Cellularity Index with Gleason Grade in Prostate Cancer
Voxel-Based Analysis of Cerebral Perfusion in Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease Dementia: A Multi-Parametric Multi-TI Arterial-Spin-Labeling Study
Water Content Changes in New Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Have Minimal Effect on Myelin Water Fraction
Water Diffusion Characteristics of Tumors
Water-Fat MRI Detects Increased Brown Adipose Tissue Volume in Anticipation of Hibernation in Ground Squirrels
Wavelet Variance Analysis of Brain Resting State Temporal Dynamics Reveals Role of Precuneus to Reach and Sustain Abnormal Default-Mode Network Activity in Major Depressive Disorder
What Dominates the Diffusivity Time Dependence Transverse to Axons: Intra- Or Extra-Axonal Water?
What Is the Best Method for Robust Statistical Inference on Connectomic Graph Metrics?
What Is the Relationship Between Vascular Disease Distribution in PAD and Exercise-Induced Hyperemia Pattern in Calf Muscle?
What Makes for a Clinically Useful MR Exam?
When Mint Smells Blue and Diagonal: An FMRI Study on Olfactory Synesthesias
Which Is More Favorable Surrogate Marker to Predict Liver Fibrosis on Gd-EOB-DTPA Enhanced MRI at 1.5T, ADC Value on Diffusion Weighted Imaging or Quantitative Enhancement Ratio?
Which Is the Best Predictor for Histological Grade of Glioma: DWI, MRS, 11C-Methionine -, and 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose -PET
White Matter Alterations in Young Adults Born Extremely Preterm: A Microstructural Point of View.
White Matter Asymmetry During Development Using Diffusion Kurtosis Imaging
White Matter Changes Across the Lifespan: Aging
White Matter Changes Across the Lifespan: Development & Maturation
White Matter Changes in Elderly Patients Suffer from Post-Operative Cognition Disorders : Evidence from Diffusion Kurtosis Magnetic Resonance Imaging
White Matter Connectome in Patients with Genetic Dystonia
White Matter Imaging: Emerging Techniques
White Matter Imaging: Established Techniques
White Matter Integrity in Acute Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Diffusion Kurtosis MRI Study
White Matter Lesion Volume Does Not Affect the Relationship Between CSF Aß42 and Cerebral Amyloid Deposition Assessed with PET
White Matter Lesions Highly Influence Group Comparison of Diffusion Tensor Imaging Metrics
White Matter Microstructural Deficits in Schizophrenia Using Generalized Kurtosis
White Matter Microstructure Among Perinatally HIV-Infected Youth: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Study
White Matter Microstructure Is Associated with Auditory and Tactile Processing in Children with and Without Sensory Processing Disorder
White Matter Parcellation on the Basis of Probabilistic Fiber Pathway Reconstructions
White Matter Structural Alternations in Children with HIV Infection and Exposure
White Matter Structural Integrity and Cerebral Arterial Pathology in Normal Aging
White Matter Swelling Masked Axonal Loss Detected by Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI)
White Matter Water Content in Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica
White-Matter-Nulled MP-RAGE Predicts Clinical Outcome of Focused Ultrasound Thalamic Ablation for Essential Tremor
Who Will Develop Alzheimer’s Disease? New Insights from Multimodal Neuroimaging
Whole Body Broadband and Uniform
P MRSI with Sub-Second Power Calibration at 7T.
Whole Body Skeletal Imaging Using Zero TE
Whole Brain (Organ) MRSI Analysis
Whole Brain Adiabatic T1rho and Relaxation Along a Fictitious Field Imaging in Healthy Volunteers: Feasibility and Initial Findings
Whole Brain In-Vivo G-Ratio Mapping Using Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI) and GRE Myelin Water Imaging (GRE-MWI)
Whole Brain Measurements of the Hemodynamic Response Function Variability During a Finger Tapping Task at 7T Show Regional Differences in Hrf Profiles.
Whole Brain Volumetric Perfusion Imaging with High Spatial Resolution Using Simultaneous Multi-Slab (SMSB) 3D GRASE PCASL
Whole Heart Coverage in a Single Breath Hold Using Compressed Sensing Combined with Parallel Imaging.
Whole Human Brain Diffusion MRI at 450µm Post Mortem with DwSSFP and a Specialized 9.4T RF-Coil
Whole Lung Morphometry with Hyperpolarised 3He Gas Diffusion MRI - 3D Multiple B-Value Acquisition and Compressed Sensing
Whole-Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Multiple Myeloma: Temporal Changes of Gaussian and Non-Gaussian Diffusion Parameters Following Treatment. Initial Experience at 3.0T
Whole-Body Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping in Healthy Subjects and in Patients with Iron Overload
Whole-Brain CBF and BAT Template Measured by Multi-TI Arterial Spin-Labeling Technique and Its Application in Cerebellar Infarction
Whole-Brain Echo Planar Spectroscopic Imaging Distinguishes Recurrent Tumor Versus Pseudoprogression in Glioblastoma Patients
Whole-Brain Ex-Vivo Imaging of Demyelination in the Cuprizone Mouse with McDESPOT and DTI
Whole-Brain Gray Matter Imaging Exploiting Single-Slab 3D Dual-Echo TSE with Relaxation Modulation: Comparison with Double Inversion Recovery Gray Matter Imaging
Whole-Brain Quantitative Diffusion MRI at 660 µm Resolution in 25 Minutes Using GSlider-SMS and SNR-Enhancing Joint Reconstruction
Whole-Brain Volume Alteration and Its Correlation with Anxiety Severity in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Why a Clinical Sign Does Not Always Correlate with Lesion Location?
Wideband Adiabatic Inversion with a Hyperbolic Secant 4 (HS4) Pulse for Late Gadolinium Enhancement MRI of Patients with Implanted Cardiac Devices
Wideband Cardiac MR Perfusion Pulse Sequence for Imaging Patients with Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator
“Windowed” Composite Reconstruction Improves Rotating Short-Axis High-Resolution DWI (RSA-DWI) in Both Simulation and Human Data
A Wireless MRI System Using Mm-Wave Transmission
Wireless Powering Using MRI Pulse Sequences
Wireless Probe Detection for Auxiliary Control Syncing
Withdrawn - Value of Amide Proton Transfer Imaging in Correlation with Histopathological Grades of Adult Diffuse Gliomas : Comparison and Incremental Value with Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast-Enhanced MRI and Diffusion Weighted Imaging
Wrist MRI - Inflammatory
xSPEN: Single-Shot Magnetic Resonance Imaging with Exceptional Resilience to Field Heterogeneities
Zero Echo Time Imaging of Ocular Tumours at 7T
Zero TE Based MR Thermometry
Zero TE Continuous ASL MRA in the Characterization of Cerebral Aneurysm: A Feasibility Study
Zeroth-Order Resonator with Stepped Impedance for 7T Magnetic Resonance RF Coil
Zigzag-Aligned-Projections in Echo-Planar Imaging
Zinc Nanoparticles Enhance Brain Connectivity in the Canine Olfactory Network: Evidence from an FMRI Study in Fully Unrestrained Conscious Dogs
A Zinc-Sensitive MRI Contrast Agent Differentiates Healthy from Cancerous Prostate in a Transgenic Prostate Cancer model
Zoomed EPI-DWI of the Kidney Using Two-Dimensional Spatially-Selective Radiofrequency Excitation Pulses
Z-Shim with Parallel-Transmit Methods (PTX) in MR Neuro Applications
ZT-AC: Zero TE Based PET/MR Attenuation Correction
ZTE Imaging of Joints: Unmasking the Bone
Zymonic Acid - A Novel 13C Enriched Biosensor for in Vivo PH-Imaging
?-Aminobutyric Acid Spectroscopy of the Thalamus in Diabetic Neuropathy
?ADC in Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus After Shunt Surgery
YANG, Feng
A. Chappell, Michael
A. G. Teixeira, Rui Pedro
A. Tsaftaris, Sotirios
A.E. Edden, Richard
Aarabi, Bizhan
Aarabi, MohammadHadi
Aarts, Ronald
Aartsma-Rus, Annemieke
Abaci Turk, Esra
Abad, Nastaren
Abaei, Alireza
Abaei, Maryam
Abascal, Juan
Abaza, Ronney
Abbas, Anzar
Abbasi, Mahdi
Abbasi, Nooshin
Abbott, David
Abbott, Rick
Abd-Elmoniem, Khaled
Abdeddaïm, Redha
Abdel-Latif, Ahmed
Abdelmoula, Walid M.
Abdolalizadeh, AmirHussein
Abdoli, Abas
Abdollahi, Amir
Abdul-Wahid, Aws
Abdullah, Afnizanfaizal
Abdullah, Osama
Abe, Kayoko
Abe, Osamu
Abe, Takashi
Abe, Toshi
Abe, Yoshifumi
Abe, Youichiro
Abe, Yutaka
Abeyakoon, Oshaani
Abgral, Ronan
Abidov, Aiden
Abo Seada, Samy
Abou-Khalil, Bassel
Abouassaly, Robert
Aboulwafa, Mohammad
Abramson, Richard
Abramson, Steven
Abramson, Vandana
Abreu, Rodolfo
Abudu, Boya
Achawal, Shailendra
Achten, Eric
Achten, Rik
Acikel, Volkan
Ackerman, Jerome
Ackerman, Joseph
Ackerstaff, Ellen
Acosta-Cabronero, Julio
Adachi, Yasuo
Adalid Lopez, Victor
Adalsteinsson, Elfar
Adam, Gerhard
Adam-Darqué, Alexandra
Adams, Ayodeji
Adams, Dennis
Adams, Stephen
Adamson, Christopher
Adamson, Erin
Adan, Fatah
Adan, Roger
Adany, Peter
Adanyeguh, Isaac
Addley, Helen
Addy, N Okai
Addy, Nii
Addy, Nii Okai
Ades-Aron, Benjamin
Adler, Caleb
Adluru, Ganesh
Adluru, Genesh
Adluru, Nagesh
Adriany, Gregor
Aelterman, Jan
Afacan, Onur
Afridi, Muhammad Jamal
Afzail, Aqeela
Afzal, Aneela
Agarwal, Harsh
Agarwal, Harsh K
Agarwal, Khushbu
Agarwal, Sheela
Agarwal, Shruti
Agarwal, Shubhangi
Agarwal, Yash
Agazaryan, Nzhde
Aggarwal, Kamal
Aggarwal, Manisha
Aggarwal, Niti
Aggarwal, Rahul
Agger, Peter
Agha, Bishr
Aghaeifar, Ali
Agildere, Ahmet
Agildere, Muhtesem
Agliardi, Giulia
Agni, Rashmi
Agosta, Federica
Agostini, Andrea
Agrawal, Sanjay
Agris, Jacob
Agzarian, Marc
Ahlgren, André
Ahlström, Håkan
Ahmad, Rizwan
Ahmadi, Emad
Ahmadian, Rouzbeh
Ahmed, Hashim
Ahmed, Naseer
Ahmed, Rayhnuma
Ahmed, Zaki
Ahmed, Zeshan
Ahn, Chang-Beom
Ahn, Kyu-Youn
Ahn, Myeong Im
Ahn, Sangtae
Ahn, Sinyeob
Ahn, Su Joa
Ahn, Sung Soo
Ahrens, Eric
Ahuja, Anil
Ai, Leo
Ai, Qi Yong
Ai, Tao
Aida, Noriko
Aiello, Marco
Aigner, Christoph
Aigrot, Marie-Stéphane
Aigrot, Marie-Stephane
Aihara, HIroshi
ailian, Chen
ailian, liu
Aime, Silvio
Ainsworth, Nicola
Airan, Raag
Aithal, Guru
Aithal, Guruprasad
Aizenstein, Orna
Aja-Fernandez, Santiago
Akbari, Alireza
Akbari, Erfan
Akcakaya, Mehmet
Akhadov, Tolibjon
Akinnagbe-Zusterzeel, Esther
Akinyi, Teckla
Akiyama, Yuji
Akkus, Ozan
Akram, Md Shahadat Hossain
Aksoy, Murat
Akulov, Andrey
Al Dandan, Sadeq
Al Hasani, Sulaiman
Al-Abasse, Yosef
Al-Dabbagh, Eva
Al-Dandan, Sadeq
Al-Ebraheem, Alia
Al-Gizawiy, Mona
Al-Qahtani, Khalid
Al-Rawi, Farah
Aladahalli, Chandan
Alahmadi, Adnan
Alameda, Luis
Alamgharibi, Rasha
Alamidi, Daniel
Alamo, Leonor
Alamolhoda, Marzieh
Alampally, Jayendra
Alastruey, Jordi
Albaugh, Daniel
Alberola-Lopez, Carlos
Albers, Franziska
Albers, Greg
Albert, Marilyn
Albert, Marissa
Albert, Mitchell
Albertine, Kurt
Albi, Angela
Albisinni, Ugo
Alborahal, Cezar
Albors, Aloma
Albuquerque, Edson
Aldeborgh, Hannah
Aldenkamp, Albert
Aldrich, Charlene
Alejski, Andrew
Aleksanderek, Izabela
Alessandrini, Franco
Aletras, Anthony
Alexander, Andrew
Alexander, Caroline
Alexander, Daniel
Alexander, Emma
Alexander, Henry
Alexander, Matthew
Alexandre, Coimbra
Alexopoulos, Andreas
Alfaro Almagro, Fidel
Alghamdi, Ahmad
Alghamdi, Sami
Algin, Oktay
Algohary, Ahmad
Alhamud, A
Alhamud, Ali
Alhulail, Ahmad
Ali, Mobeen
Alilou, Mehdi
Aliotta, Eric
Alipour, Akbar
Alizadeh, Mahdi
Aljabar, Paul
Aljondi, Rowa
Alkadhi, Hatem
Alkins, Ryan
Allegretti, Andrew
Allen, Bradley
Allen, Brian
Allen, Clare
Allen, Danny
Allen, Marek
Allen, Matthew
Allen, Richard
Allen, Steven
Alley, Marcus
Allsop, Joanna
Allsop, Joanne
Almeida, Gilberto
Almer, Gunter
Almquist, Scott
Almudaimeegh, Lama
Alomran, Reem
Alon, Leeor
Alper, Judy
Alperin, Noam
Alpert, Nathaniel
Alrashed, Abdullah
Alsabban, Khalid
AlShawkeer, Wafa
Alsop, David
Altbach, Maria
Altes, Talissa
Alvares, Rohan
Alvarez, Julio
Alves Da Mota, Patricia
Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, ADNI
Amabebe, Emmanuel
Amad, Ali
Amadon, Alexis
Amaki, Makoto
Aman, Raja Rizal Azman Raja
Amann, Michael
Amano, Keiko
Amano, Tomoyasu
Amaral, Joao
Amati, Francesca
Ambady, Prakash
Ambale-Venkatesh, Bharath
Ambarki, Khalid
Amédée Vilamitjana, Joëlle
Amend, Mario
Ameri, Ahmad
Ames, David
Ameta, Deepak
Ameta, Keerti
Amin, Abdullah
Amini, Amir
Amirbekian, Bagrat
Amiri, Houshang
Ammini, Ariachery
Amrahli, Maral
Amrami, Kimberly
Amthor, Thomas
An, He
An, Hedi
An, Hongyu
An, Jing
An, Junmo
An, Li
An, Ningyu
An, Weimin
An, Zhongxu
Anaby, Debbie
Anand Sadananthan, Suresh
Anastasopoulos, Constantin
Anastasopoulos, Constantinos
Anblagan, Devasuda
Anders, Jens
Andersen, Kasper
Andersen, Mads
Anderson, Aaron
Anderson, Adam
Anderson, Ashley
Anderson, Casey
Anderson, Christopher
Anderson, Jeffery
Anderson, Kevan
Anderson, Scott
Anderson, Valerie
Anderson III, Ashley
Andersson, Jesper
Andersson, Jonathan
Andia, Marcelo
Andica, Christina
Andrassy, Joachim
Andre, Jalal
Andreasen, Nancy
Andreisek, Gustav
Andres, Aline
Andres, Kristin
Andrews, Melissa L
Andrews, Trevor
Andreychenko, Anna
Andrieux, Annie
Andronesi, Ovidiu
Ang, Bertrand
Ang, Windell
Angel, Nathan
Angeles, Jorge
Angelone, Leonardo
Angelovski, Goran
anliang, chen
Ann, Joon Hyung
Annapragada, Ananth
Annoni, Jean-Marie
Anqi, Qiu
Ansari, Sameer
Ansorge, Olaf
Antelmi, Luigi
Anthony, Daniel
Antic, Tatjana
Antonacci, Michael
Antunes, Jacob
Antuono, Piero
Anumba, Dilly
Anwander, Alfred
Anwander, Helen
Anzalone, Nicoletta
Aoki, Ichio
Aoki, Shigeki
Aoki, Takako
Aoyagi, Kota
Apkarian, Vania
Apollonio, Francesca
Applebee, Angela
Appleby, Dina
Arai, Andrew
Arai, Nobuyuki
Arakelyan, Karen
Araki, Mirai
Araki, Rikita
Araki, Yoichi
Aramburu Nuñez, David
Aramburu Nunez, David
Aramburu-Nunez, David
Aramrattana, Apinun
Arango, Nick
Arani, Arvin
Aranovitch, Alexander
Araoz, Philip
Arase, Yasuji
Arasu, Vignesh
Arbab, Ali
Arcak, Murat
Archipovas, Saulius
Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Jan
Ardenkjaer-Larsen, Jan Henrik
Ardenkjær-Larsen, Jan H.
Ardeshna, Kirit
Arena, Claudio
Arfanakis, Konstantinos
Arheden, Hakan
Arheden, Håkan
Arias, Ana
Arias, Everardo
Aribisala, Benjamin
Arichi, Tomoki
Arisawa, Atsuko
Aristova, Maria
Arita, Hideyuki
Ariturk, Gokhan
Ariyurek, Cemre
Arlinghaus, Lori
ARM, Jameen
Armbruster, Marco
Armspach, Jean-Paul
Armstrong, Rachel
Armstrong, Tess
Arnett, Anne
Arnold, Antje
Arnold, Douglas
Arnold, Galen
Arnoux, Pierre-Jean
Arolt, Volker
Aron, Adam
Aronen, Hannu
Arpinar, Volkan
Arpinar, Volkan Emre
Arrigoni, Filippo
Arrington, John
Arroyo, Jorge
Arsenault, John
Artal, Pablo
Arteaga, Daniel
Arteaga de Castro, Catalina
Artemov, Dmitri
Artz, Nathan
Artzi, Moran
Arunachalam, Shivaram
Arunan, Vaitha
Arús, Carles
Arvidsson, Per
Arvin, Forghanian-Arani
Arvold, Nils
Aryal, Madhava
Asano, Eishi
Asano, Tomohiko
Asayama, Yoshiki
Ashburner, John
Asher, Lisa
Ashwal, Stephen
Asiri, Abdullah
Aslam, Ibtisam
Aslam, Taquwa
Asllani, Iris
Aso, Toshihiko
Asp, Anders
Aspelin, Peter
Assaf, Yaniv
Asselin, Marie-Claude
Assländer, Jakob
Astafiev, Serguei
Asten, Jack
Asvadi, Nazanin
Atalar, Ergin
Atanasova, Iliyana
Atassi, Nazem
Atchia, Yaaseen
Atefi, Reza
Athalye, Pranav
Atkinson, David
Atkinson, Ian
Attarian, Sharham
Attenberger, Ulrike
Attia, Amalina
Attili, Anil
Attygalle, Ayoma
Auboiroux, Vincent
Audoin, Bertrand
Auer, Dorothee
Auerbach, Eddie
Auerbach, Edward
Aufhauser, David
Auger, Daniel
Aul, Ritu
Auranen, Toni
Auria, Anna
Aussenhofer, Sebastian
Austin, Andrew
Autti, Taina
Avdievich, Nikolai
Avedian, Raffi
Avery, Ryan
Avram, Alexandru
Awai, Kazuo
Awan, Musaddiq
Awasthi, Ashish
Axer, Markus
Axerio-Cilies, John
Ayata, Cenk
AYDE, Reina
Aykut, Zaliha Gamze
Aysola, Ravi
Azadbakht, Hojjatollah
Azam, Aishah
Aziz, Amany
Azman, Raja
Azzara, Anthony
Azzarito, Tommaso
Baatout, Sarah
Babaie, Maryam
Babb, James
Babic, Adele
Babin, Danilo
Babourina-Brooks, Ben
Babyn, Paul
Bach Cuadra, Meritxell
Bachert, Peter
Bachl, Norbert
Bachoo, Robert
Backes, Walter
Bacq, Alexandre
Badar, Farid
Bade, Aditya
Bader, Michael
Badger, Thomas
Bado, André
Badve, Chaitra
Bae, Kyongtae
Bae, Won
Baecke, Sebastian
Baehr, Oliver
Baek, Hyeon-Man
Baek, Jihye
Baek, Sun-Yong
Baete, Steven
Baez Yanez, Mario
Baffour, Francis
Bagadiya, Neeti
Bagchi, Amit
Bagga, Puneet
Bagher-Ebadian, Hassan
Baglio, Francesca
Bagrov, Alexei
Bagui, Tanmoy
Bai, Feng
Bai, Renyuan
Bai, Ruiliang
Bai, Yan
Bai, Ye
Baidya Kayal, Esha
Baig, Tanvir
Bailey, Colleen
Bailey, Dale
Bailey, Stephen
Bainbridge, Alan
Bains, Lauren
Bairey Merz, Noel
Bairwa, Devender
Bakeberg, Jason
Baker, Charles
Baker, Chris
Baker, Jennifer
Bakermans, Adrianus
Bakhru, Akshay
Bakhshi, Sameer
Bakker, J.F.
Bakshi, Vikas
Balaban, Robert
Balasubramanian, Mukund
Balasundaram, Ghayathri
Balchandani, Priti
Baldwin, Andrew
Baledent, Olivier
Balédent, Olivier
Baligand, Celine
Balk, Marja
Ball, Gareth
Ball, Vicky
Bally, Lia
Balu, Niranjan
Balvay, Daniel
Balz, Johanna
Bamber, Jeff
Bamber, Jeffrey
Bammer, Roland
Bancroft, Leah
Bancroft, Liz
Bancroft, MD, Laura
Bandettini, Peter
Bane, Octavia
Banerjee, Suchandrima
Banerjee, Susana
Banerji, Anita
Banerji, Nilanjana
Banerji, Shantanu
Bangerter, Neal
Banks, Sarah
Bankson, James
Bannas, Peter
Banwait, Rawinder
Banzer, Winfried
Bao, Hongjing
Bao, Ji
Bao, Lijun
Bao, Shanshan
Baral, Elexis
Baram, Tallie
Barani, Igor
Barbé, Laurent
Barber, Morgan
Barbier, Emmanuel
Barbieri, John
Barbieri, Riccardo
Barboriak, Daniel
Barbosa, Felipe
Barch, Deanna
Bardinet, Eric
Bardo, Dianna
Barentsz, Jelle
Bargallo, Nuria
Bargalló, Núria
Barghoorn, Antonia
Bargon, Joachim
Barhoum, Suliman
Barker, Alex
Barker, Alex J.
Barker, Gareth
Barker, Peter
Barkhof, Frederik
Barkovich, Anthony
Barlaz, Marissa
Barlow, Michael
Barmet, Christoph
Barnes, Anna
Barnes, Craig
Barnes, David
Barnes, Samuel
Barnett, Alan
Barnett, Michael
Barnhill, E.
Barnhill, Eric
Barnholtz-Sloan, Jill
Baron, Corey
Baron, Maria
Barr, Mark
Barratt, Dean
Barreto, Felipe
Barrett, Thomas
Barrick, Thomas
Barry, Jennifer
Barry, Robert
Bartels, Lambertus
Bartels, Lambertus W.
Barth, Markus
Bartholomew, Amelia
Bartlett, Delwyn
Bartnik-Olson, Brenda
Barton, Desmond
Barton, Michael
Bartrés-Faz, David
Bartsch, Andreas
Bartsch, Hauke
Barwick, Tara
Basaia, Silvia
Baselli, Giuseppe
Basha, Tamer
Bashir, Mustafa
Basiri, Reza
Basser, Peter
Bassett, Elwin
Bastawrous, Sarah
Bastiaansen, Jessica
Bastiaansen, Jessica A. M.
Bastiani, Matteo
Bastin, Mark
Bastkowski, Rene
Batchelor, Tracy
Batesole, Joshua
Bathen, Tone
Bathen, Tone Frost
Batova, Svetlana
Battapady, Harsha
Battistella, Giovanni
Battiston, Marco
Baud, Olivier
Bauer, Jochen
Bauer, Samantha
Bauer, Thomas
Bauer, Wolfgang
Baum, Thomas
Bauman, Grzegorz
Baumann, Philipp
Baumberger, Werner
Baumgartner, Christian
Bauml, Julie
Baune, Bernhard
Bause, Jonas
Bawden, Stephen
Baxan, Nicoleta
Baxter, John
Baxter, Mark
Bayir, Hulya
Bayley, Andrew
Bayram, Ersin
Baysoy, Engin
Bazin, Pierre-Louis
Bazin, Pierre-Louise
Bazzocchi, Alberto
Beadnall, Heidi
Beal, Kathryn
Beall, Erik
Beaujoin, Justine
Beaulé, Paul
Beaulieu, Christian
Beaumont, Helen
Beaumont, Marine
Beaver, John
Becerra, Ricardo
Beck, Gabriele
Beck, Michael
Beck, Thomas
Becker, Kirsten
Beckett, Alex
Beckett, Alexander
Beckmann, Joanne
Bedair, Reem
Bednarik, Peter
Bednarik, Petr
Bednarík, Petr
Bednarz, Bryan
Beech, John
Beeman, Scott
Beenakker, Jan-Willem
Beenakker, Jan-Willem M.
Beer, Meinrad
Beery, Luke
Beg, Muhammad
Behar, Kevin
Behari, Madhuri
Behera, Deepak
Behl, Nicolas
Behling, Cynthia
Behrens, Timothy
Beigi, Manijeh
Beisteiner, Roland
Bekkers, Joris
Bel, Arjan
Beld, Ellis
Belderbos, José
Belegu, Visar
Belevich, Ilya
Bell, Jimmy D.
Bellay, Tim
Bellucci, Alexandre
Beloueche-Babari, Mounia
Beltrachini, Leandro
Beltramello, Alberto
Belur, Lalitha
Ben Bashat, Dafna
Ben-Aharon, Uriel
Ben-Eliezer, Noam
Benbassat, Emilio
Bencardino, Jenny
Bencikova, Diana
Bendahan, David
Bender, Yi-Na
Bendszus, Martin
Bendtsen, Thomas
Benger, Matthew
Benigno, Salvatore
Benítez, Ania
Benjaminsen, Claus
Benkert, Thomas
Benkhedah, Nadia
Benlloch, Jose
Benner, Thomas
Bennett, Christopher
Bennett, David
Bennett, Genevieve
Bennett, Kevin
Bennett, Oscar
Bennett, Richard
Benoist, David
Benoit-Cattin, Hugues
Benotmane, Mohammed
Benzinger, Tammie
Benzoic, Adriana
Beqiri, Arian
Beque, Dirk
Bera, Geraldine
Berchier, Gregoire
Berendsen, Floris
Berg, Andreas
Berg, Sophie
Berger, François
Berger, Isabelle
Berger, Mitchel
Berger, Moritz
Berger, Moritz C.
Bergeron, Christopher
Berglund, Johan
Bergman, Elad
Bergmann, Ørjan
Bergsland, Niels
Bergsten, Peter
Berkovic, Samuel
Berman, Avery
Berman, Benjamin
Berman, Daniel
Berman, Jeffrey
Berman, Karen
Bernard, Jeremy
Bernard, Jérémy
Bernarding, Johannes
Bernardo, Marcelino
Bernhardt, Peter
Bernick, Charles
Bernier, Michaël
Bernier, Pierre-Michel
Bernstein, Adam
Bernstein, Matt
Bernus, Olivier
Berriel Diaz, Mauricio
Berrington, Adam
Berry, David
Berry, Eleanor
Berset, Corina
Bert, Robert
Bertelsen, Lotte
Bertero, Alice
Berthel, Dominik
Berthold, Kiefer
Berthonneche, Corinne
Bertilsson, Helena
Bertleff, Marco
Bertoldo, Alessandra
Bertolino, Nicola
Bérubé-Lauzière, Yves
Besa, Cecilia
Besch, Lisa
Besseling, René
Besson, Pierre
Best, Leah
Best, Shaun
Betancur, Martha
Bettini, Luca
Bettoni, Jérémie
Beuf, Olivier
Beveridge, Samantha
Bewsky, Calvin
Beyer, Thomas
Beyers, Ronald
Bezabeh, Tedros
Bezrukov, Ilja
Bhagavatula, Indira
Bhakoo, Kishore
Bhalerao, Abhir
Bharath, Rose
Bharti, Santosh
Bharti, Santosh Kumar
Bhasin, Manoj
Bhat, Himanshu
Bhatia, Kunwar
Bhatt, Rupal
Bhattacharjee, Rupsa
Bhattacharya, Ipshita
Bhattacharyya, Pallab
Bhatti, Lubna
Bhavane, Rohan
Bhave, Sampada
Bhayana, Rajesh
Bhayana, Saakshi
Bhogal, Alex
Bhujwalla, Zaver
Bhujwalla, Zaver M.
Bi, Guoqiang
Bi, Wuzhong
Bi, Xiaoming
Biagi, Laura
Bian, Wei
Bian, Yitong
Bianchi, Andrea
Bianchini, Diletta
Bianciardi, Marta
Biasiolli, Luca
Biassou, Nadia
Bibb, James
Bibbo, Carolina
Bickelhaupt, Sebastian
Bidar, Abdel
Bidhult, Sebastian
Biegun, Aleksandra
Biemond, Bart
Bier, Elianna
Bieri, Oliver
Bierma-Zeinstra, Sita MA
Bierwagen, Alessandra
Biessels, Geert Jan
Bifone, Angelo
Bigler, Erin
Bijttebier, Patricia
Bilchick, Kenneth
Bilgic, Berkin
Bilgin, Ali
Bilgin, Keserci
Bilginer, Burcak
Billey, Roxane
Billiet, Thibo
Billington, Karen
Bilston, Lynne
Bin, Victor X
Bin, Wang
Binderman, Itzhak
Binderup, Tina
Bingham, Brian
Binkofski, Ferdinand
Binter, Christian
Binzel, Katherine
Biondetti, Emma
Birbeck, Gretchen
Birch, Malcolm
Bird, Christopher
Birkl, Christoph
Birr, Patric
Bischof, John
Bisges, John
Bishop, Courtney
Bisnaz, Bryan
Biswal, Bharat
Biswal, Sandip
Biswas, Anirban
Biswas, Labonny
Biswas, Reni
Bito, Yoshitaka
Biton, Inbal
Bitter, Thomas
Bitton, Rachelle
Bitz, Andreas
Bizeau, Alexandre
Bizino, Maurice
Bizzi, Alberto
Bjornerud, Atle
Bjornson, Bruce
Björk, Marcus
Bjørnerud, Atle
Blackledge, Matthew
Blaiotta, Claudia
Blair, Lindsay
Blair, Nicholas
Blakeley, Jaishri
Blamire, Andrew
Blanken, Niels
Blasberg, Ronald G.
Blazejewska, Anna
Blazhenets, Ganna
Blennow, Kaj
Blesa, Manuel
Blevins, Gregg
Blew, Diego
Bley, Thorsten
Blin, Oliver
Blitz, Ari
Bloch, Nicolas
Block, Jake
Block, Kai
Block, KAI Tobias
Block, Tobias
Block, Wally
Block, Walter
Blockley, Nicholas
Bluem, Patrick
Bluemke, David
Blumenthal, Deborah
Blumhagen, Jan Ole
Bluml, Stefan
Blunck, Yasmin
Blümler, Peter
Bo, Binshi
Boada, Fernando
Boardman, James
Boas, David
Bobilev, Anastasia
Bobulescu, Ion
Bock, Michael
Bock, Nicholas
Bockhorst, Kurt
Bockisch, Christopher
Bocti, Christian
Bode, Christoph
Bode, Julia
Bodini, Benedetta
Bodis, Kálmán
Bodurka, Jerzy
Boehmert, Laura
Boeker, Heinz
Boelmans, Kai
Boer, Vincent
Boernert, Peter
Boers, Frank
Boesch, Chris
Boesecke, Christoph
Boeykens, Gilles
Bogachkov, Abraham
Bogaert, Stephanie
Bogner, Péter
Bogner, Wolfgang
Bogorodzki, Piotr
Bogun, Frank
Bohn, Anja
Bohnet, Barry
Bohte, Anneloes
Boillat, Yohan
Boivin, Andrew
Bok, Robert
Bokstein, Felix
Bolan, Patrick
Bolar, Div
Bolar, Divya
Boldt, Brian
Bolger, Ann
Bollache, Emilie
Bolledula, Srisha
Bollenbeck, Jan
Bolliger, Christine
Bollmann, Steffen
Bolo, Nicolas
Bolster, Bradley
Bolster, Jr., Bradley
Bolton, Thomas
Bombois, Stephanie
Bomers, Joyce
Bommerich, Ute
Bonanno, Gabriele
Bondesson, David
Bonekamp, David
Bones, Phil
Bonet-Carne, Elisenda
Bonetti, Federico
Bongers, Andre
Bongers, Malte
Bonilha, Leonardo
Bonington, Suzanne
Bonmassar, Giorgio
Bonnet, Cecilia
Bonnier, Guillaume
Bonny, Jean-Marie
Bonod, Nicolas
Bonvento, Gilles
Bonzach, Arieli
Bookwalter, Candice
Boonzaier, Julia
Boonzaier, Natalie
Borbath, Tamas
Borchert, Patrick
Bordeau, Bill
Borden, Zachary
Bordet, Régis
Bordet, Regis
Borella, Angela
Boretius, Susann
Borga, Magnus
Borges, Ana
Borges, Giordanno
Borges, Kelly
Borghi, Martina
Borgna-Pignatti, Caterina
Borgonovi, Arthur Felipe Nisti Grigoletto
Borgquist, Rasmus
Borin, James
Borisch, Eric
Borlinhas, Filipa
Borman, Pim
Bormans, Guy
Boros, Eszter
Borowiak, Robert
Borowsky, Beth
Borradori-Tolsa, Cristina
Borrelli, Pasquale
Borrello, Joseph
Borri, Marco
Borromeo, Susana
Borroni, Barbara
Borthakur, Arijitt
Borys, Constanze
Borzì, Alfio
Borzi, Alfio
Bos, Clemens
Bosca, Ryan
Bosch, Beatriz
Boscolo Galazzo, Ilaria
Boska, Michael
Boskamp, Eddy
Boss, Andreas
Boss, Michael
Bosshard, John
Boström, Peter
Botelho, Marcos
Botnar, R.
Botnar, René
Botnar, Rene
Bottauscio, Oriano
Botterill, Elissa
Bottomley, Paul
Bouchard, Louis-Serge
Bouchaud, Véronique
Bouchaud, Veronique
Boucher, Richard
Boucher, Taryn
Bouchlaka, Myriam
Bouckaert, Filip
Boucneau, Tanguy
Boudreau, Mathieu
Bouhrara, Mustapha
Bouix, Sylvain
Boulan, Benoit
Boulant, Nicolas
Boulouis, Gregoire
Boult, Jessica
Boulter, Daniel
Boumezbeur, Fawzi
Bour, Pierre
Bourdette, Dennis
Bourgeat, Pierrick
Bourne, Roger
Boussin, François
Boutelier, Timothé
Bouts, Mark
Bouwman, Arthur
Bouwman, Job
Bouyagoub, Samira
Bovet, Marc
Bovi, Joseph
Bowtell, Richard
Boxerman, Jerrold L.
Boyacioglu, Rasim
Boyd, Austin
Boyd, Lara
Boyd, Roslyn
Bozinov, Oliver
Bozzali, Marco
Brace, Christopher
Bradley, Chris
Bradley, Kristin
Bradley, Luke
Bradley, William
Bradstreet, Thomas
Brady, Justin
Braesen, Jan Hinrich
Braig, Moritz
Braissant, Olivier
Brakowski, Janis
Braman, Nathaniel
Bramati, Ivanei
Branca, Rosa
Branca, Rosa Tamara
Brand, Robert
Brandacher, Gerald
Brandal, Petter
Brandão, Sofia
Brandejsky, Vaclav
Brandes-Aitken, Anne
Brandner, Sebastian
Brandts, Anne
Branzoli, Francesca
Brasic, James
Bratasz, Anna
Brau, Anja
Braun, J.
Braun, Jürgen
Braun, Kees
Braun, Michael
Braxton, Vaughn
Bray, Signe
Bray, Timothy
Braškute, Ieva
Breckwoldt, Michael
Bredies, Kristian
Breen-Norris, James
Breighner, Ryan
Breit, Hanns-Christian
Brem, Steven
Bremerich, Jens
Brenner, Daniel
Brereton, Ian
Breton, Elodie
Breukels, Vincent
Breutigam, Nora-Josefin
Brew, Bruce
Brierley, James
Bright, Molly
Brindle, Kevin
Brink, Wyger
Brinkhof, Sander
Brisset, Jean-Christophe
Bristow, Robert
Brittain, Jean
Brittin, James
Brix, Lau
Brizmohun Appayya, Mrishta
Broad, Rebecca
Brocard, Jacques
Broche, Lionel
Brodsky, Ethan
Brodtmann, Amy
Bron, Esther
Bron, Esther E
Brookeman, James
Brookes, Matthew
Broskey, Nicholas
Brostow, Gabriel
Brouillet, Emmanuel
Brown, Alec
Brown, Anna
Brown, C.
Brown, Greg
Brown, Gregory
Brown, J
Brown, Justin
Brown, Mark A.
Brown, Matthew
Brown, Ryan
Brown, Stephen
Browne, Jacinta E.
Brownlee, Wallace
Bruce, Iain
Bruce, Richard
Bruchertseifer, Frank
Bruchhage, Muriel
Bruegger, Mike
Brugarolas, James
Bruls, Yvonne
Brun, Gilles
Brunheim, Sascha
Brunner, David
Bruno, Mary
Bruns, Andreas
Bruse, Jan
Brusini, Lorenza
Brühl, Rüdiger
Brynildsen, Julie
Bshouty, Zoheir
Bucerius, Jan
Buch, Karen
Buch, Sagar
Buchan, Lawrence
Buchanan, Charlotte
Buchenberg, Waltraud
Buchfelder, Michael
Buchmann, Andreas
Buck, Alfred
Buck, Amanda
Buck, Florian
Buck, Jessica
Buckley, Craig
Buckley, David
Bucknor, Matthew
Buclin, Thierry
Budde, Matthew
Budde, Thomas
Budinger, Eike
Budinger, Thomas
Budjan, Johannes
Buechert, Martin
Buehler, Philipp
Buehler, Tania
Buhk, Jan-Hendrik
Buhler, Philip
Bui, Alex
Bui, Francis
Bukhari, Qasim
Bulas, Dorothy
Bulk, Marjolein
Bulte, Daniel
Bulte, Jeff
Buonincontri, Guido
Burakiewicz, Jedrek
Burant, Alex
Burdette, Everette
Burdumy, Michael
Burge, Alissa
Burger, Irene A
Burger, Thomas
Burgess, Shawn
Burgos, Ninon
Burkhardt, Jan-Karl
Burschka, Darius
Burton, Philip
Busacca, Maurizio
Buscemi, Lara
Busch, Julia
Buschle, Lukas
Buschmann, Johanna
Bush, Adam
Bush, Ashley
Bush, Jan
Bushara, Khalaf
Bushnik, Tamara
Busse, Harald
Busse, Monica
Bustin, Aurelien
Butler, Benjamin
Butler, John
Butler, Russell
Butman, John
Butts Pauly, Kim
Butts-Pauly, Kim
Buur, Pieter
Buxton, Richard
Buydens, Lutgarde
By, Samantha
Bydder, Graeme
Bühlmann, David
Bührer, Martin
Byron, Kelly
Börnert, Peter
Böttcher, Joachim
Børresen-Dale, Anne-Lise
C, Dharmendra Kumar
Caan, Matthan
Caballero-Gaudes, César
Cabana, Jean-François
Cabella, Claudia
Cabot, Eugenia
Cackowski, Sylvia
Cadeddu, Jeffrey
Cadman, Robert
Cadotte, David
Cadoux-Hudson, Tom
Cai, Chuangjian
Cai, Cindy
Cai, Congbo
Cai, Jian-Feng
Cai, Jing
Cai, Kejia
Cai, Larry
Cai, Shuhui
Cai, Song-Qi
Cai, Xiaoying
Cai, Yue
Caimo, Alberto
Cain, Charles
Cakir, Ahmet
Calamante, Fernando
Calandra-Buonaura, Giovanna
Calcagni, Maurizio
Calcagno, Claudia
Caldarazzo Ienco, Elena
Caldarelli, Guido
Caldeira, Liliana
Calderoni, Sara
Calhoun, Vince
Caligiuri, Maria Eugenia
Callaghan, Martina
Callahan, Michael
Calle, Daniel
Callegari Piccinin, Camila
Callot, Virginie
Calvert, Sarah
Calzado, Alfonso
Camacho, Juan
Camarda, Roman
Cameron, Donnie
Cameron, Ian
Cameron, Jess
Camley, Robert
Camp, Sophie
Campbell, James
Campbell, Jamie
Campbell, Jennifer
Campbell-Washburn, Adrienne
Campo, Camilo
Campos, Guilherme
Camps Herrero, Julia
Can, Emine
Canales-Rodriguez, Erick
Canaple, Laurence
Canese, Rossella
Canoll, Peter
Cantow, Kathleen
Cantrell, Charles
Cantrell, Donald
Canu, Elisa
Cao, Jian
Cao, Kai
Cao, Minsong
Cao, Peng
Cao, Wen
Cao, Xiaozhi
Cao, Xuefeng
Cao, Xueming
Cao, Yan
Cao, Yue
Cao, Zhipeng
Capaldi, Dante
Caparelli, Elisabeth
Capener, David
Capitini, Christian
Capobianco, Daniela
Caporale, Alessandra
Caprioli, Daniele
Capstick, Myles
Capuani, Silvia
Carano, Richard
Carassiti, Daniele
Caravan, Peter
Carballido-Gamio, Julio
Cárdenas-Rodríguez, Julio
Cardoso, Jorge
Cardoso, M
Cardoso, M. Jorge
Cardoso, Manuel
Cardoso, Manuel Jorge
Cardoso, Pedro
Carillo-de Sauvage, Maria-Angeles
Cario, Holger
Carl, Michael
Carl, Micheal
Carlblom, Lina
Carlhäll, Carl-Johan
Carlier, Pierre
Carlsson, Marcus
Carlston, Kristi
Carluccio, Giuseppe
Carmichael, David
Carney, Olivia
Carney, Patrick
Carney, Paul
Caroline, Köhler
Carollo, Gabriella
Carone, Davide
Carpenter, Adam
Carpenter, Catherine
Carpenter, T Adrian
Carpinelli, Giulia
Carr, Andrew
Carr, James
Carr, James C.
Carr, John
Carr, Maria
Carr-White, Gerald
Carrillo-de Sauvage, Maria-Angeles
Carrington, Bernadette
carrino, John
Carroll, Ian
Carroll, Timothy
Carruthers, Clarissa
Carson, Robert
Carvajal, Lucas
Carvalho, Joao
Cash, David
Cash, Diana
Casiraghi, Letizia
Caso, Francesca
Caspers, Svenja
Cassano, Tommaso
Cassara, Antonino
Cassidy, Sophie
Cassill, Carolyn
Castelijns, Jonas
Castellani, Umberto
Castellano, Christian-Alexandre
Castellazzi, Gloria
CASTETS, Charles
Castillo, Ximena
Castillo-Effen, Mauricio
Casula, Victor
Catalano, Carlo
Catana, Ciprian
Cattin, Philippe
Catton, Charles
Cauley, Stephen
Cauley, Steven
Caulo, Massimo
Cavaliere, Carlo
Cavazos, Jose
Caverzasi, Eduardo
Cavin, Jean-Baptiste
Cavusoglu, Mustafa
Cawley, Niamh
Cebulla, Jana
Cecil, Kim
Celik, A. Avdo
Celik, Hasan
Celik, Haydar
Celinski, Zbigniew
Celli, Monica
Centelles, Miguel
Centeno, Maria
CENTER-TBI participants and investigators, On behalf of
Cercek, Andrea
Cercignani, Mara
Cerdán, Sebastián
Cereda, Maurizio
Ceritoglu, Can
Cerjanic, Alex
Cernasov, Paul
Cervantes, Barbara
Cesaretti, Claudia
Cesarovic, Nikola
Cetingul, Hasan
Cha, Eun Ju
Cha, Jang Gyu
Cha, Ji Hoon
Cha, Soonme
Cha, Soonmee
Chacon-Caldera, Jorge
Chacón-Caldera, Jorge
Chad, Jordan
Chadzynski, Grzegorz
Chae, Sun Young
Chai, Chao
Chai, Jyh-Wen
Chai, Na
Chai, Yuhui
Chakraborty, Chandan
Chakraborty, Santanu
Chakravarthy, A. Bapsi
Chalak, Lina
Chalian, Hamid
Challacombe, Ben
Cham, Rakie
Chamberland, Maxime
Chambers, Ann
Chamuleau, Steven
Chan, Anthony
Chan, Cheeling
Chan, Helen
Chan, Ho-Fung
Chan, K. T.
Chan, Kannie
Chan, Kannie WY
Chan, Kevin
Chan, Kimberly
Chan, Ling
Chan, Queenie
Chan, Raymond Chor Kiu
Chan, Russell
Chan, Russell W.
Chan, Suk-Tak
Chan, Y
Chandarana, Hearsh
Chandarana, Hersh
Chandra, Ashish
Chandramouli, Gadisetti
Chandran, Vimal
Chandrasekharan, Prashant
Chanet, Nicolas
Chang, Chen
Chang, Chen-Ming
Chang, De Hua
Chang, Eric
Chang, Gene-Yuan
Chang, Greg
Chang, Gregory
Chang, Hing-Chiu
Chang, Hyuk-Jae
Chang, John
Chang, Kimberley
Chang, Kiyuk
Chang, Meng-Chu
Chang, Ming-Chu
Chang, Na
Chang, Paul
Chang, Pei-Ching
Chang, Raymond Chuen Chung
Chang, Silvia
Chang, Stephanie
Chang, Susan
Chang, Ti-chiun
Chang, Wei-Tang
Chang, Yeun-Chung
Chang, Yi-Shin
Chang, Yu-Chuan
Chang, Yu-Ling
Chang, Yu-Ting
Chang, Yulin
Chang, Yung-Chieh
Chang, Zheng
Chao, Hse-Huang
Chao, I Ieng
Chao, Kun-I
Chao, Steven
Chao, Tzu-Cheng
Chao, Yi-Ping
Chapelin, Fanny
Chapman, Margaret
Chapman, Martin
Chappell, Michael
Chaptinel, Jerome
Chard, Declan
Charles, H.
Charles, Ned
Charlson, Robert
Charnchaowanish, Panida
Charney, Dennis
Charney, Molly
Charoensak, Suwit
Charon, Nicolas
Charquero-Ballester, Marina
Chary, Karthik
Chatnuntawech, Itthi
Chatterjee, Sudhanya
Chatterji, Tanushri
Chaudhari, Akshay
Chaudhary, Shefali
Chaudhry, Ammar
Chauffert, Nicolas
Chauhan, Munish
Chaumeil, Arnaud
Chaumeil, Myriam
Chaumoître, Kathia
Chavez, Sofia
Chavez, Thomas
Chawalparit, Orasa
Chawla, Sanjeev
Chazel, Edouard
Chazot, Alban
Che, Jing
Che, Shunan
Che, Xuejiao
Chebrolu, Venkata
Chebrolu, Venkata Veerendranadh
Chee, Carolyn
Chee, Michael
Chee, Michael W. L.
Chee, Michael W.L.
Chee Kian, Tham
Chekmenev, Eduard
Chelliah, Anjali
Chemineau, Philippe
Chen, Ai-Chi
Chen, Albert
Chen, Allen
Chen, Bailiang
Chen, Bang-Bin
Chen, Bimin
Chen, Bin
Chen, Bingyao
Chen, Bixia
Chen, Chang-Le
Chen, Charles
Chen, Cheng
Chen, Cheng-Yu
Chen, Chenyang
Chen, Chi-Jen
Chen, Chi-Jeng
Chen, Chiao-Chi
Chen, Chiao-Ning
Chen, Chien-Chung
Chen, Christopher Li-Hsian
Chen, Clayton
Chen, ClaytonChi-Chang
Chen, David
Chen, David Yen-Ting
Chen, Evan
Chen, Feiyu
Chen, Gang
Chen, Geng
Chen, Guangyu
Chen, Hanwei
Chen, Hegang
Chen, Henry
Chen, Hongbo
Chen, Howard
Chen, Hsi-Mu
Chen, Hsin-Yu
Chen, Hsiu-Ling
Chen, Hua-Jun
Chen, Huaihou
Chen, Huijun
Chen, Hung-Chieh
Chen, J. Jean
Chen, Jacqueline
Chen, Jean
Chen, Jeon Hor
Chen, Jeon-Hor
Chen, Jeou-Yuan
Chen, Ji
Chen, Jie
Chen, Jieli
Chen, Jingbiao
Chen, Jingyuan
Chen, Jingyun
Chen, Juan
CHEN, jun
Chen, Jyh-Horng
Chen, Karen
Chen, Li Min
Chen, Li-Hua
Chen, Lihong
Chen, Lihua
Chen, Lin
Chen, Liyong
Chen, Lizhou
Chen, Luguang
Chen, Meining
Chen, Meng-Hsiang
Chen, Miaomiao
Chen, Min
Chen, Nan
Chen, Nan-Kuei
Chen, Pei-Chin
Chen, Pin-Chen
Chen, Pin-Yu
Chen, Po-Han
Chen, Qin
Chen, Qingfeng
Chen, Quan
Chen, Queenie
Chen, Rongjun
Chen, Ruiying
Chen, SH Annabel
Chen, Sheau-Chiann
Chen, Shen-Hsing
Chen, Shi-yue
Chen, Shiyang
Chen, Shizhen
Chen, Shuang
Chen, Shuo
Chen, Song
Chen, Tai Yuan
Chen, Ting
Chen, Tongxin
Chen, Vincent Chin-Hung
Chen, Way Cherng
Chen, Way-Cherng
Chen, Wei
Chen, Wei-Chen
Chen, Weibo
Chen, Weitian
Chen, Weiyi
Chen, Wen-Chau
Chen, Wen-Shiang
Chen, Wenbo
Chen, Wufan
Chen, Xi
Chen, Xiangchuan
Chen, Xiao
Chen, Xiaolong
Chen, Xin
Chen, Xin-Jia
Chen, Xuhui
Chen, Xuming
Chen, Ya-Fang
Chen, Yang
Chen, Yanjun
Chen, Yanqiong
Chen, Yanzi
Chen, Yasheng
Chen, Yi
Chen, Yi-Wen
Chen, Yicheng
Chen, Ying
Chen, Yiyi
Chen, Yong
Chen, You-Yin
Chen, Yu-Jen
Chen, Yu-Ting
Chen, Yuanxin
Chen, Yuanyuan
Chen, Yucheng
Chen, Yue
Chen, Yufen
Chen, Yuhua
Chen, Yuhui
Chen, Yukun
Chen, Yunbin
Chen, Yuxin
Chen, Zhaolin
Chen, Zhensen
Chen, Zhi
Chen, Zhifeng
Chen, Zhong
Chen, Zhongwei
Chen, Ziqi
Chen, Zixin
Chen-Hua, Wu
Chenevert, Thomas
Chenevert, Tom
Cheng, Cheng-Chieh
Cheng, Chuanli
Cheng, Hai-Ling
Cheng, Henry
Cheng, Hu
Cheng, Hua
Cheng, Jing
Cheng, Jingliang
Cheng, Joseph
Cheng, Junying
Cheng, K.F.
Cheng, Kang
Cheng, Leo
Cheng, Lin
Cheng, Lishui
Cheng, Mei-Fang
Cheng, Menglin
Cheng, Qihua
Cheng, Shaokoon
Cheng, Wei
Cheng, Xiaoguang
Cheng, Yamei
Cheng, You-Chia
cheng, yue
Cheng, Zhenyu
Cheng, Ziliang
Cheng-Wen, Ko
Cheong, Benjamin Y
Cheong, Dennis
Cherix, Antoine
Cherix, Antonie
Cheriyan, Manoj
Cherubini, Andrea
Cherukuri, Murali
Cheshier, Samuel
Chesler, Louis
Chesler, Naomi
Chess, Mitchell
Cheung, Eric Fuk Chi
Cheung, K.Y.
Cheung, Kenneth
Cheung, Polly
Cheung, Sue
Chhabra, Avneesh
Chhabra, Shalini
Chhour, Peter
Chi, T.
Chia, Johnathan
Chia, Jonathan
Chia, MS, Jonathan
Chia, Yaqoing
Chiampi, Mario
Chiang, Chia-Wen
Chiang, Shih-Wei
Chiavazza, Enrico
Chiblak, Sara
Chic-Kuang, Yeh
Chidambaram, Vijay
Chien, Cheng-Ping
Chien, Hsiang-Yun
Chiew, Edwynn Kean-Hui
Chiew, Mark
Chikop, Shivaprasad
Childers, Michael
Chin, Cynthia
Chin, Fred
Chin, Frederick
Chin, Karen
Chin-Ian Tay, Tony
Chiodi, Elisabetta
Chiou, Jeng-Min
Chiou, Jr-Yuan
Chirayil, Sara
Chitiboi, Teodora
Chittiboina, Prashant
Chiu, Feng Mao
Chiu, Feng-Mao
Chiu, Hsin-Hui
Chiu, Pui Wai
Chmelik, Marek
Chmelík, Marek
Chmielewski, Aneta
Chnafa, Christophe
Chng, Yeang
Cho, Gene
Cho, HyungJoon
Cho, Iksung
Cho, JaeJin
Cho, Junghun
Cho, Nariya
Cho, Steve
Cho, Zang-Hee
Choe, Ann
Choe, Bo-Young
Choe, Yeon Hyeon
Choi, Bup Kyung
Choi, Byoung Wook
Choi, Byoung-Wook
Choi, Byung Se
Choi, Chang-Hoon
Choi, Changho
Choi, Choong Gon
Choi, Eun
Choi, Eun Soo
Choi, Haesun
Choi, Hyun Seok
Choi, Hyun-Seok
Choi, In-Young
Choi, Ji Soo
Choi, Jin Woo
Choi, Jin Wook
Choi, Joon Yul
Choi, Sang Hyun
Choi, Seongjin
Choi, Seung Hong
Choi, Seung-Hong
Choi, Yoon Jung
Choi, Yoon Seong
Choi, Yoonseok
Choi, Young-suk
Chokye, Peter
Chong, Joanna Su Xian
Chong, Le Roy
Chong, Mei Sian
Chong, Yap Seng
Choo, Bok
Chopp, Michael
Chou, Austin
Chou, Chia-Chu
Chou, Kun-Hsien
Chou, Ming-Chung
Chou, Yi
Chou, Yu-Syuan
Choudhury, Ananya
Chouhan, Manil
Chow, Kelvin
Chow, Patrick
Chowdhury, Muhammad
Chowdhury, Shahryar
Choyke, Peter
Christen, Thomas
Christensen, Soren
Christiaens, Daan
Christodoulou, Anthony
Christoforou, Eftychios
Christoph, Barmet
Chronaiou, Ioanna
Chronik, Blaine
Chrysochou, Constantina
Chtioui, Haithem
Chu, Constance
Chu, Jianguo
Chu, Leung Wing
Chu, Mei-Lan
Chu, Shu-Wei
Chu, William
Chu, Winnie
Chu, Ying-Hua
Chu, Zhi-Qiang
Chu, Zhiqiang
Chua, Siew-eng
Chua, Sue
Chuang, Kai Hsiang
Chuang, Kai-Hsiang
Chuang, Tzu-chao
Chuen, Jason
Chugani, Harry
Chuhutin, Andery
Chuhutin, Andrey
Chui, Helena
Chui, Stephen
Chun, Se Young
Chung, Caroline
Chung, Christine
Chung, Hsiao-Wen
Chung, I-Ling
Chung, Jun-Young
Chung, Mu-Ch
Chung, Peter
Chung, Seockhoon
Chung, Sohae
Chung, Wai Ki
Chung, Yiu
Chung, Yiu-Cho
Chung, Youngran
Chunwu, Zhou
Chupin, Marie
Church, Colin
Church, Ephraim
Church, Joseph
Churchill, Grant
Cibere, Jolanda
Cibis, Merih
Ciccarelli, Olga
Cima, Michael
Ciobanu, Luisa
Cioni, Giovanni
Ciris, Pelin
Ciuciu, Philippe
Civale, John
Claes, Lene
Claiborne, Theodore
Clancy, John
Clare, Stuart
Claridge, Timothy
Clark, Chris
Clark, Chris A.
Clark, Christopher
Clark, David
Clark, Haley
Clark, Kristi
Clark, Toshimasa
Clarke, Alexander
Clarke, Kieran
Clarke, William
Clason, Christian
Claussen, Claus
Clavel, Julia
Clavijo Jordan, Veronica
Clayton, David
Clément, Jérémie
Cleve, Marianne
Cleveland, Zackary
Clifford, Bryan
Cline, Christopher
Cloonan, Lisa
Cloos, Martijn
Clough, Rachel
Cluesmann, H.
Clymer, Bradley
Coakley, Fergus
Coates, Thomas
Cochet, Hubert
Cochlin, Lowri
Cochran, Elizabeth
Cochrane, Edward
Cocozza, Sirio
Codreanu, Andrei
Coello, Eduardo
Coffey, Aaron
Coffey, Barbara
Coggan, Andrew
Cogswell, Petrice
Cohen, Abigail
Cohen, Alexander
Cohen, Benjamin
Cohen, Bruce
Cohen, Jeffrey
Cohen, Ouri
Cohen, Ronald
Cohen, Wendy
Cohen, Yoram
Cohen-Adad, Julien
Cohn, H. Matthew
Coimbra, Alexandre
Cokic, Ivan
Cole, Mark
Coleman, Lee
Colgan, Niall
Colgan, Timothy
Colley, Paul
Collier, Guilhem
Collier, Quinten
Collini, Paul
Collins, Christopher
Collins, David
Collins, Emily
Collins, Jeremy
Collins, Jeremy D.
Collins, Louis
Collins, Rebecca
Collins, Rory
Collisson, Eric
Collomb, Nora
Coloigner, Julie
Colombo, Bruno
Colon-Perez, Luis
Colotti, Roberto
Colucci, Lina
Combes, Anna
Comi, Giancarlo
Comment, Arnaud
Conceição, Raquel
Condie, John
Conen, David
Confort-Gouny, Sylviane
Conforto, Silvia
Cong, Fei
Cong, Yu
Conklin, Chris
Conlin, Christopher
Conlin, Christopher C.
Connell, Ian
Connell, John
Connelly, Alan
Connelly, Jennifer
Connelly, Kim
Conner, Ian
Connolly, Colm
Connor, James
Conrad, Benjamin
Constable, R.
Constable, Robert
Constanciel, Elodie
Constans, Jean-Marc
Constantinidis, Manos
Constantino, Tiago
Constanzo, Julie
Conte, Gene
Conte, Giorgio
Conti, Allegra
Contreras, Johanna
Conus, Philippe
Convill, Derek
Conzen, Suzanne
Cook, Douglas
Cook, Gary
Cook, Stuart
Coolen, Bram
Coolens, Catherine
Cooley, Clarissa
Coombs, Anna
Cooper, Annette
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Jeffery
Cooper, Timothy
Copen, William
Coppa, Bertrand
Coppo, Simone
Corapi, Kristin
Corbetta, Maurizio
Corbin, Nadège
Corbin, Zachary
Corcoba, Alberto
Córcoles, Juan
Corcuera-Solano, Idoia
Cordero Grande, Lucilio
Cordero-Grande, Lucilio
Cordes, Christian
Cordes, Cristoffer
Cordes, Dietmar
Cordon, Sally
Corea, Joe
Corea, Joseph
Coristine, Andrew
Cormode, David
Cornejo, Patricia
Cornelissen, Bart
Correa, Vanessa
Correia, Marta
Correia, T.
Corson, Neal
Cortelli, Pietro
Cortese, Rosa
Cortijo, Lucia
Cortino, Julia
Cosi, Veronica
Cosottini, Mirco
Costa, Daniel
Costagli, Mauro
Costantini, Isa
Coste, Arthur
Costigan, Carolyn
Côté, Marc-Alexandre
Cotic, Patricia
Cottaar, Michiel
Cottam, William
Cotton, François
Cotton, Mark
Cotton, Ross
Cougo-Pinto, Pedro
Counsell, Serena
Couret, Michelle
Courtier, Jesse
Cousineau, Martin
Coutinho, Gabriel
Coutinho de Souza, Patricia
Coutu, Jean-Philippe
Couvelard, Anne
Covarrubias, Yesenia
Cover, Keith
Cowan, Brett
Cowen, Phil
Cowen, Philip
Cowin, Gary
Cox, Ben
Cox, Benjamin
Cox, Daniel
Cox, Eleanor
Cox, Kelly
Coxson, Harvey
Cozzini, Cristina
Cozzone, Patrick
Crane, Jason
Crawford, Robert
Crawford, Robin
Crawley, Adrian
Cray, Nealey
Crema, Michel
Crémillieux, Yannick
Cremillieux, Yannick
Crescenzi, Rachelle
Crespo-Valero, Pedro
Cressman, Erik
Cribben, Ivor
Cribbs, David
Crijns, Sjoerd
Criminisi, Antonio
Crisman, Joseph
Cristinacce, Penny
Cristobal-Huerta, Alexandra
Critchley, Hugo
Crocetti, Deana
Croisille, Pierre
Cron, Greg
Cronin, Matthew
Cross, Anne
Cross, Donna
Cross, Justin
Croteau, Étienne
Crowe, Lindsey
CROWE, Lindsey Alexandra
Crozier, Stuart
Cruttenden, Corey
Cruz, G.
Cruz, Gastao
Cruz, Tiana
Cruz, Tomás
Csapo, Robert
Cudalbu, Cristina
Cudemus-Deseda, Gaston
Cudkowicz, Merit
Cuenod, Charles
Cui, Can
Cui, Chen
Cui, Chengcheng
Cui, Danting
Cui, Di
Cui, GuangBin
Cui, Honggang
Cui, Long-Biao
Cui, Lumeng
Cui, Sophia
Cui, Yanfen
Çukur, Tolga
Cullum, Emily
Cummings, Bernard
Cummings, Craig
Cunnane, Stephen
Cunningham, Charles
Cunningham, David
Cunnington, Ross
Curcic, Jelena
Curran, Tim
Curt, Armin
Curtis, Andrew
Curtis, M. Kate
Curwood, Evan
Cushing, Cameron
Cusick, Mattew
Cutting, Laurie
Cysique, Lucette
Czaja, Wojciech
Czarnota, Gregory
Czisch, Michael
Czito, Brian
Czosnyka, Marek
Czosnyka, Zofia
D'Ambrosio, Alessandro
D'Angelo, Egidio
D'Angelo, Maria Grazia
D'Aquilla, Kevin
D'arcy, James
D'Dlima, Darryl
D'Esposito, Angela
D'Hooghe, Rudi
D'Lima, Daryl
D'Rozario, Angela
D'souza, Maria
D/O Ranjit Singh, Kavita Kaur
da Silva, Nuno Andre
Daar, Eric
Dabaghayan, Mikayel
Dabir, Darius
Dacko, Michael
Dadakova, Tetiana
Daducci, Alessandro
Daemen, Mat
Daeubler, Bernd
Dafalla, Randa
Daffner, Molly
Daghriri, Ali
Dahdah, Jean
Dahl, MarJanna
Dahlqvist Leinhard, Olof
Dai, Erpeng
Dai, Weiying
Dai, Yongming
Dai, Yuanyuan
Dai, Zhuozhi
Dakpé, Stéphanie
Dal-Bianco, Assunta
Dalboni da Rocha, Josué
Daldrup-Link, Heike
Dale, Anders
Dale, Brian
Dalley, Jeffrey
Dalsgaard, Niels
Damaraju, Eswar
Damen, Frederick
Damen, Mariska
Damen, Nicholas
Damiano, Mario
Dammann, Philipp
Damon, Bruce
Dan, Yock Young
Danckaerts, Marina
dandan, Zheng
Dang, Jingxia
Dang, Xuefei
Daniel, Bruce
Daniel, Heidi
Daniel, Luca
Daniel, Roy
Daniel Nunes, Sandro
Daniel Robinson, Simon
Danielson, Laura
Dannlowski, Udo
Dao, Kim
Daouk, Joel
Daoust, Alexia
Dappa, Evelyn
Darkazali, Ali
Darkner, Sune
Darnell, Dean
Darrasse, Luc
Darrow, Robert
Dary, Hugo
Das, Bimal
Das, Devashish
Das, Manasmita
Das, Prasenjit
Das, Sandhitsu
Das, Tilak
Dashevsky, Brittany
Dastmalchian, Sara
Datta, Anjali
Datta, Esha
Datta, Keshav
Datta, Sushmita
Daugherty, Ana
Davagnanam, Indran
Davarani, Siamak
Davatzikos, Christos
Dave, Maneesh
Davenport, Matthew
David, Anna
David, Anthony
David, Gergely
David, Szabolcs
Davidoiu, Valentina
Davidovitch, Roy
Davids, Mathias
Davidson, Richard
Davidson, Susan
Davidson Ward, Sally
Davies, Andrew
Davies, Nathan
Davies, Nigel
Davis, Karyll
Davis, L Taylor
Davis, Taylor
Davitz, Matthew
Davoodi-Bojd, Esmaeil
Dawe, Robert
Dawkins, James
Dayal, Manisha
De Angelis, Floriana
De Belder, Frank
De Berardinis, Ivan
de Bever, Joshua
de Blank, Peter
de Bliek, Hubrecht
de Bono, Johann
de Bourguignon, Charles
de Bresser, Jeroen
de Bruin, Paul
de Celis Alonso, Benito
De Ciantis, Alessio
de Crespigny, Alex
de Crespigny, Alexander
de Galan, Bastiaan
de Galiza Barbosa, Felipe
de Graaf, Larry
de Graaf, Pim
de Graaf, Robin
de Greef, Martijn
De Groof, Geert
de Haas, Miko
de Heer, Paul
de Hollander, Gilles
De Jesus, Keren
de Jong, Marcus
de Jong, Pim
de Jonge, Catharina
de Kort, Gerárd
De La Pena, Diana
de la Pena, Mar
de Lanerolle, Nihal
De Leener, Benjamin
de Leeuw, Astrid
De Luca, Alberto
de Luis-Garcia, Rodrigo
De Marchi, Daniele
de Mathelin, Michel
De Meo, Ermelinda
de Pennington, Nick
de Reus, Marcel
De Rinaldis, Andrea
De Rochefort, Ludovic
de Roos, Albert
de Ruiter, Michiel
De Ruysscher, Dirk
De Santis, Silvia
de Senneville, Baudouin Denis
de Silva, Ranil
de Souza, Nandita
De Stefano, Nicola
de Vega, Vincente
de Vis, Jill
de Visser, Marianne
De Vita, Enrico
De Vivo, Darryl
de Vrijer, Barbra
de Weerdt, Elwin
De Winter, Francois-Laurent
de Zwart, Jacco
Dean, Christopher
Dean, Douglas
Dean, Justin
Dean III, Douglas
Dearnaley, David
Deary, Ian
Deasy, Joseph
deB Frederick, Blaise
Debbins, Josef
Debnath, Ayan
DeBrosse, Catherine
Debus, Charlotte
Debus, Jürgen
DeCant, Brian
deCarvalho, Ana
Dechent, Peter
Decker, Kyle
Decot, Heather
Deelchand, Dinesh
Deelchand, Dinesh K
Dees, Debra
DeFor, Todd
Degan, Simone
Degani, Hadassa
Dege, Tassilo
Deger, Muge
DeGirolamo, Lauren
Degnan, Andrew
Deh, Kofi
Dehghani M., Masoumeh
Dehkharghani, Seena
Dehkordi, Azimeh
Dehnavi, Reza
Deichmann, Ralf
Deiner, Stacie
Deissler, Robert
Deistung, Andreas
Dekaban, Gregory
Del Gratta, Cosimo
Del Guerra, Alberto
Del Vecchio, Giovanni
Dela Haije, Tom
DelaBarre, Lance
Delacoste, Jean
Delaney, Conor
DelBello, Melissa
delCastillo, Sylvia
Delgadillo, José
Delgado, Eladio
Deligianni, Xeni
Dell' Acqua, Flavio
Dell'Acqua, Flavio
Della Penna, Stefania
Delling, Francesca
Dell’Acqua, Flavio
Delmaire, Christine
Delman, Bradley
DeLorenzo, Christine
Delorme, Stefan
Delos Santos, Justin
Delos Santos, Romelyn
Deloulme, Jean Christophe
Delrieux, Claudio
Delso, Gaspar
DeMarco, Vincent
Demberg, Kerstin
Demehri, Shadpour
Demetriou, Eleni
Demir, Hilmi Volkan
Demir, Taner
Demirakca, Traute
den Boer, Jacques
den Dekker, Arnold
den Dekker, Arnold J.
Denarier, Eric
Denaro, Federica
Deng, Kexin
Deng, Min
Deng, Ming
Deng, Wei
Deng, Weiran
Deng, Xiaofeng
Deng, Yanjia
Deng, Yingshi
Deng, Zixin
Dengel, Donald
Denis de Senneville, Baudoin
Denis de Senneville, Baudouin
Deniz, Cem
Denney, Douglas
Denney, Rebecca
Denney, Thomas
DeNoble, Phillip
Denswil, Nerissa
Denvir, Martin
Deoni, Sean
Deprez, Sabine
Derakhshan, Jamal
Derakshan, Jamal
Derby, Carol
Derbyshire, J.
Derbyshire, J. Andrew
Derbyshire, Stuart
Deriche, Rachid
des Rieux, Anne
DeSa, Travis
Desai, Aditi
Desai, Arati
Desai, Jaydev
Desai, Roshni
Desai, Shivani
Deschauer, Marcus
Desco, Manuel
Descoteaux, Maxime
Deshmane, Anagha
Deshpande, Gopikrishna
Desiderio, Lisa
Desikan, Rahul
Desjardins, Benoit
Deslauriers-Gauthier, Samuel
Desmond, Kimberly
Desmond, Patricia
Desogere, Pauline
deSouza, Nandita
Destiche, Daniel
Detre, John
Detterich, Jon
Deumelandt, Katrin
Deutschmann, Hannes
Devasahayam, Nallathamby
Devauchelle, Bernard
DeVience, Stephen
Deville, Jaime
Devinsky, Orrin
DeVito, Elise
Devor, Anna
Devos, Daniel
Devous Sr., Michael
Dewal, Rahul
Dewdney, Andrew
Dewey, Helen
Dexter, David
Dey, Damini
Dezortová, Monika
Dhaliwal, Raveena
Dharmadhikari, Shalmali
Dharmakumar, Rohan
Dheer, Yadvendra
Dhital, Bibek
Dhollander, Thijs
Di, Jia
Di Gregorio, Enza
Di Marco, Lucy
Di Perri, Carol
Di Stefano, Anna Luisa
Diakite, Mahamadou
Dias, Afonso
Diaz, Andrew
Diaz, Sandra
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Dibb, Russell
Dibbs, Russell
DiBella, Ed
DiBella, Edward
Dick, David
Dick, Frederic
Dickens, Alex
Dickey, Michael
Dickie, Ben
Dickie, David
Didic, Mira
Didier, Laurent
Dieckmeyer, Michael
Diederich, Chris
Diederichs, Gerd
Diefenbach, Maximilian
Diehl, Beate
Dieleman, Nikki
Diepers, Michael
Dieringer, Matthias
Dierks, Alexander
Dies-Suarez, Pilar
Dietrich, Benjamin
Dietrich, Olaf
Dietz, Katharina
DiFranco, Matthew
Dighe, Manjiri
Digialleonardo, Valentina
Dijkhuizen, Rick
Dijkstra, Jouke
Dikaios, Nikolaos
Dikaios, Nikolas
Dikaios, Nikos
Dikranian, Krikor
Dillman, Jonathan
DiMauro, Savalatore
Dimitrakopoulou-Strauss, Antonia
Dimitrov, Ivan
Dimov, Alexey
Ding, Abby
Ding, Guangliang
Ding, Haiyan
Ding, Jie
Ding, Jiule
Ding, Qiuping
Ding, Xiao-Qi
Ding, Yao
Ding, Ying
Ding, Yu
Ding, Yu-Shin
Ding, Zhaohua
Dinkel, Julien
Dinse, Juliane
DiNuzzo, Mauro
Dionisio Parra, Beatriz
Dipasquale, Ottavia
Diprimio, Matthew
Dirks, Holly
Diserens, Gaëlle
Dispenza, Nadine
Dittmann, Florian
Division, HSS Adult Reconstruction & Joint Replacement
Diwoky, Clemens
Dixit, Neerav
Dixon, Emma
Dizon, Maria
Djoukhadar, Ibrahim
Do, Hung
Do, Huy
Do, Kim
Do, Loi
Do, Minh
Do, Richard
Doai, Mariko
Dobbels, Els
Dobberthien, Brennen
Doblas, Sabrina
Dobrota, Dušan
Dobrotwir, Andrew
Dobryakova, Ekaterina
Dobson, Matthew
Dodd, Michael
Dodd, Stephen
Doecke, James
Doerig, Nadja
Doering, André
Doerner, Jonas
Does, Mark
Dogan, Basak
Dohm, Katharina
Dokumaci, Ayse
Doll, David
Dolui, Sudipto
Domachevski, Liran
Domayer, Stefan
Domayer, Stephan
Dominguez-Viqueira, William
Dominik, Nickel
Domsch, Sebastian
Domschke, Katharina
Donadieu, Maxime
Donahue, Manus
Donahue, Paula
Donaldson, Scott
Donatelli, Graziella
Donati, Guillaume
Donell, Simon
Doneva, Mariya
Dong, Barbara
Dong, Bin
Dong, Celia
Dong, Haibo
Dong, Huaiyu
Dong, Huiqing
Dong, Jingdong
Dong, Jinghui
Dong, Li
dong, ying
Dong, Yuhao
Dong, Zhengchao
Dong, Zijing
Donmez Keklikoglu, Hava
Doorenweerd, Nathalie
Doran, Simon
Dore-Savard, Louis
Dorez, Hugo
Dornberger, Barbara
Dortch, Richard
Dorthe, Erik
dos Santos Perquito, Joao
Doshi, Ankur
Dou, Weiqiang
Douaud, Gwenaelle
Dougherty, Robert
Douglas, David
Dovancescu, Silviu
Dovey, Oliver
Dowe, David
Dowell, Nicholas
Dowell, Nick
Dowling, Jason
Downey, Kate
Dowson, Nicholas
Doyère, Valérie
Doyle, Anthony
Doyle, Eamon
Doyle, MS, Eamon
Drabek, Marianne
Drachman, Nicholas
Dragonu, Iulius
Drake, James
Drakesmith, Mark
Drangova, Maria
Draper, Stephen
Dregely, Isabel
Drenthen, Gerhard
Dresler, Thomas
Dretsch, Michael
Drevelegas, Antonios
Driehuys, Bastiaan
Drießle, Toni
Driscoll, Brandon
Driver, Ian
Drobnjak, Ivana
Drobný, Miloslav
Droby, Amgad
Drottar, Marie
Drulovic, Jelena
Du, Fei
Du, Haixiao
Du, Hongwen
Du, Huarui
Du, Jiang
Du, Meimei
Du, Yiping
Du, Yonghao
Du Pasquier, Renaud
Du Plessis, Adre
du Plessis, Lindie
Duan, Chong
Duan, Jie
Duan, Qi
Duan, Wenzhen
Duan, Yan-ping
Duan, Yunyun
Duan Mu, Yangyang
Duarte, Joao
Duarte, João
Dubec, Michael
Dubowitz, David
Dubuisson, Rose-Marie
Duchesnay, Edouard
Duck, Isaiah
Dueck, Andrew
Duensing, Randy
Duerst, Yolanda
Duff, Eugene
Duffin, James
Dufort, Paul
Duggento, Andrea
Duhamel, Guillaume
Duijndam, Adri
Duits, Remco
Dula, Adrienne
Dulio, Paolo
Dumont, Erik
Dumont, Matthieu
Dumoulin, Charles
Duncan, Elizabeth
Duncan, Ian
Duncan, John
Duncan, Mark
Dunham, Noreen
Dunn, Jeff
Dunn, Walter
Dunås, Tora
Dupont, Sara
Durelle, Janis
Durgerian, Sally
Durst, Markus
Dury, Richard
Duryea, Jeffrey
Dusek, Petr
Dutt, D
Dutta, Joyita
Duval, Tanguy
Duvaldt, Maria
Duvernoy, Claire
Duvillaret, Lionel
Duyn, Jeff
Dvorak, Marcel
Dweck, Marc
Dwivedi, S
Dwork, Nicholas
Dwyer, Michael
Dydak, Ulrike
Dührsen, Lasse
Dyke, Johnathan
Dyke, Jonathan
Dylke, Elizabeth
Dymerska, Barbara
Dyrby, Tim
Düring, Klaus
Dyverfeldt, Petter
Dyvorne, Hadrien
Düwel, Stephan
Dziedzic, Jennifer
Dzien*, Piotr
Dzyubak, Bogdan
Dörfler, Arnd
Döring, André
D’Andrea, Samantha
Eagle, Sonja
Earley, Christopher
Easson, Kaitlyn
Eastham, James
Eaton-Rosen, Zach
Ebbers, Tino
Ebbini, Emad
Eberbeck, Dietmar
Eberhart, Charles
Eberlein, Eva
Eberly, Lynn
Ebmeier, Klaus
Ebrahimi, Behzad
Echternach, Matthias
Edden, Richard
Edden, Richard A
Eddowes, Peter
Eddy, Rachel
Edelhoff, Daniel
Edelman, Robert
Edling, Andrea
Edlow, Brian
Edmonson, Heidi
Edmonson, Jonathan
Edwards, A
Edwards, A.
Edwards, A. David
Edwards, Luke
Edwards, Michael
Edwards, Nancy
Eeles, Ros
Eftimov, Filip
Egan, Gary
Egea, Juan
Egger, Karl
Eggers, Holger
Ehman, Richard
Ehman, Richard L
Ehman, Richard L.
Ehses, Philipp
Ehses, Phillip
Eiber, Matthias
Eibofner, Frank
Eichhorn, Claudia
Eichner, Cornelius
Eickel, Klaus
Eickhoff, Simon
Eigenbrodt, Edwin
Eikman, Edward
Eippert, Falk
Eisenberg, Howard
Eisenbrey, John
Ekinci, Elif
Ekinci, Melek
Eklund, Anders
El Fakhri, Georges
El Massioui, Nicole
El Sheikh, Mona
El-Arabi, Ahmad
El-Rewaidy, Hossam
Elanchezhian, Vijayasarathy
Eldeghaidy, Sally
Eldeniz, Cihat
Eldib, Mootaz
Eldirdiri, Abubakr
Elens, Iris
Elgilani, Faysal
Elias, Saba
Elias, W.
Eliceiri, Kevin
Elkhaled, Adam
Ella, Arsene
Ellingson, Benjamin
Elliott, Mark
Ellis, Lauren
ElNekiedy, AbdelAziz
Els, Antje
Elsayed, Hassaan
Elschot, Mattijs
Else, Antje
Elshahabi, Adham
ElSheikh, Mona
Elsner, Karolina
Elverfeldt, Dominik
Emberton, Mark
Emblem, Kyrre
Emery, Derek
Emir, Uzay
Emoto, Miho
Emsell, Louise
Enci, Mary
Ende, Gabriele
Endmayr, Verena
Endozo, Raymond
Eng-Juh Yeoh, Allen
Engblom, Henrik
Engebraaten, Olav
Engebråten, Olav
Engel, Jasper
Engel, Maria
Engelbach, John
Engelke, Klaus
Engelmann, Jörn
Engelstadt, Kristin
Engeroff, Tobias
Engler, Steven
Englund, Erin
Engvig, Andreas
Enmi, Jun-ichiro
Ennis, Daniel
Enoch, Stefan
Enomoto, Ayano
Enriquez Navas, Pedro
Enzinger, Christian
Eo, Taejoon
Epp, Sabrina
Epperson, Neill
Eppersson, Kevin
Epstein, Frederick
Erb, Michael
Ercan, Ece
Erdem, Zeliha Soran
Erdmenger, Julio
Erem, Burak
Erez, Ayelet
Ergun, Arif
Eriksson, Jonatan
Erni, Daniel
Ernst, Jutta
Ernst, Thomas
Eroglu, Hasan
Ersoz, Ali
Ertan, Niyazi
Ertas, Yavuz
Ertl-Wagner, Birgit
Erturk, Arcan
Erturk, M. Arcan
Eryaman, Yigitcan
Escartin, Carole
Eschelbach, Martin
Esdaile, John
Eskandar, Emad
Eskreis-Winkler, Sarah
Eslinger, Paul
Espie, Colin
Esposito, Christina
Esposito, Fabrizio
Ess, Kevin
Essbaiheen, Fahad
Esserman, Laura
Estes, Steve
Estkowski, Lloyd
Estrada, Marvin
Etchell, Emily
Etherton, Mark
Ethofer, Thomas
Etienne, Olivier
Ettala, Otto
Euceda, Leslie
Euchner, Frederike
Evangelisti, Stefania
Evangelou, Nikos
Evanoff, Nicholas
Evans, C. John
Evans, George
Evans, John
Evans, Margaret
Evans, Matthew
Evans, Simon
Evelhoch, Jeffrey
Evia, Arnold
Evsyukova, Irina
Ewing, James
Eykyn, Thomas
Eyüboglu, Murat
Faber, Cornelius
Fabian, Yap
Fabrega-Foster, Kelly
Fabritius, Marie
Facchetti, Luca
Factor, Stewart
Fadeeva, Ludmila
Fagan, Andrew J.
Fagan, Anne
Fages, Anne
Fages*, Anne
Fahmy, Ahmed
Fahrenholtz, Samuel
Fain, Sean
Fair, Merlin
Fairbanks, Carolyn
Fairney, James
Faizy, Tobias
Fakhri, Georges
Falah, Yasser
Falahpour, Maryam
Falautano, Monica
Falcon, Carles
Falfan-Melgoza, Claudia
Falini, Andrea
Falkner, Florian
Falkovskiy, Pavel
Fall, Sidy
Fallatah, Sameeha
Fallgatter, Andreas
Fallowfield, Jonathan
Fam, Johnson
Fan, Audrey
Fan, Isaac
Fan, Linlin
Fan, Qi
Fan, Qiuyun
Fan, Wenliang
Fan, Xiaobing
Fan, Yang
Fan, Yong
Fan, Zhanming
Fan, Zhaoyang
fang, dong
Fang, J
Fang, Jiliang
Fang, Jing
Fang, Quan
Fang, Sheng
Fang, Shih-Chin
Fang, Wenxing
fang, xiaokun
Fang, Xu
Fantacci, Maria
Faraco, Carlos
Faraggi, Maya
Faraji, Farshid
Faraji-Dana, Zahra
Faranesh, Anthony
Faria, Aida
Faria, Andreia
Farid, Nikdokht
Farida, Grinberg
Faro, Scott
Farooq, Sarah
Farquharson, Michael
Farquharson, Shawna
Farr, Navid
Farrell, Peter
Farrher, Ezequiel
Farrow, Mark
Fartaria, Mário
Fartaria de Oliveira, Mário
Fassbender, Klaus
Fatahi, Mahsa
Fathi Kazerooni, Anahita
Fattahi, Nikoo
Favazza, Christopher
Favrat, Bernard
Fawcett, Delrae
Fay, Francois
Fay, Michael
Fayad, Zahi
Fazal, Zahra
Fazekas, Franz
Fazli, Ladan
Fazlollahi, Amir
Featherstone, Adam
Febo, Marcelo
Fechner, Mandy
Fedak, Paul
Federau, Christian
Federico, Paolo
Fedorov, Andriy
Fedorova, Olga
Fehlings, Michael
Fehlner, Andreas
Fehr, Duc
Feinberg, David
Feiweier, Thorsten
Fekete, Eva
Felblinger, Jacques
Felder, Jörg
Feldman, Rebecca
Feldner, Matthew
Feleppa, Ernest
Felmlee, Joel
Fenchel, Matthias
Fenchel, Mattias
Feng, Baotong
Feng, Feng
Feng, Jianghua
Feng, Lei
Feng, Li
Feng, Qianjin
Feng, Shi
Feng, Xiang
Feng, Xiaoyuan
Feng, Xue
Feng, Yang
Feng, Yangqiu
Feng, Yanqiu
Feng, Yesu
Feng, Yuanbo
Feng, Zhaoyan
Fennema, Megan
Fennessy, Fiona
Fenster, Aaron
Ferenci, Michele
Ferguson, Christopher
Ferizi, Uran
Fermon, Claude
Fernandes, Adriana
Fernandes, Carolina
Fernandez, Brice
Fernandez, Luis
Fernandez, Moises
Fernández, Tomás
Fernandez-Seara, Maria
Ferradal, Silvina
Ferrand, Guillaume
Ferrari, Carina
Ferrari, Stefano
Ferrari, Victor
Ferraris Araneta, Maria
Ferrauto, Giuseppe
Ferrazzi, Giulio
Ferreira, Hugo
Ferreira, Hugo Alexandre
Ferreira, Pedro
Ferreira, Teresa
Ferrer, Cyril
Ferretti, Antonio
Ferrier, Cyrille
Ferriero, Donna
Ferris, Craig
Ferris, Nicholas
Ferrone, Marcus
Ferrucci, Luigi
Ferry, Pauline
Fessler, Jeffrey
Feuerecker, Benedikt
Feuerherm, Astrid
Fichtner, Nicole
Fick, Rutger
Fidan, Emin
Fidler, Florian
Fiedler, Thomas
Fiedler, Ute
Fiehler, Jens
Fiel, M. Isabel
Field, Aaron
Fielden, Sam
Fielden, Samuel
Fields, Kara
Fields, Madeline
Fieremans, Els
Fierro, Davide
Fierstra, Jorn
Figueiredo, Patrícia
Filippi, Christopher
Filippi, Christopher G
Filippi, Massimo
Filippini, Nicola
Filli, Lukas
Fillmer, Ariane
Filnov, Nazar
Filss, C.
Filss, Christian
Findeklee, Christian
Finger, Elizabeth
Finger, René
Fink, Corby
Fink, James
Finn, J.
Finn, Paul
Finn, Peter
Finnerty, Eoin
Finnerty, Matthew
Finotelli, Paolo
Finsterbusch, Juergen
Finsterbusch, Jürgen
Fiori, Simona
Fiorito, Marco
Firmin, David
Fischer, André
Fischer, Elmar
Fischer, Gregory
Fischer, Roland
Fischer, Thomas
Fischi-Gomez, Elda
Fischman, Aaron
Fischmeister, Florian
Fishbein, Kenneth
Fisher, Edward
Fisher, Elizabeth
Fisher, Joseph
Fisher, Marissa
Fisher, Mark
Fisher, Michael
Fishman, Paul
Fiskum, Gary
Fissell, Catherine
Fitt, Greg
Fitzgerald, David
Fitzgibbons, Mariko
Fiveland, Eric
Fjell, Anders
Flaig, Thomas
Flament, Julien
Flanagan, Steven
Flandin, Guillaume
Flanigan, David
Flannery, Michael
Flashman, Laura A.
Flatberg, Vanja
Flavell, Robert
Fleckenstein, Johannes
Fleischer, Candace
Fleischer, Sabrina
Fleischmann, Dominik
Flemming, Bert
Fletcher, Joel
Fletcher, P.T.
Fleysher, Lazar
Fleysher, Roman
Flintham, Robert
Floca, Ralf
Floca, Ralf O.
Floeser, Martina
Florack, Luc
Floridi, Piero
Flouri, Dimitra
Floyd, Thomas
Flynn, Anita
Flyvbjerg, Allan
Flöel, Agnes
Flögel, Ulrich
Flöser, Martina
Focke, Niels
Foerster, Stefan
Fogassi, Leonardo
Fok, Mable
Foley, Lesley
Foltz, Warren
Fong, Michael
Foniok, Tadeusz
Fonk, Lorna
Fonov, Vladimir
Fontana, Marianna
Fontana, Nunzia
Foo, Thomas
Foo, Thomas KF
Ford, Andria
Ford, Candice
Ford, Rebecca
Forkert, Nils
Forman, Christoph
Fornari, Eleonora
Fornwalt, Brandon
Forouzan, Omid
Forsberg, Markus
Forslund, Anders
Forster, Bruce
Forstmann, Birte
Forsythe, Rachael
Forsythe, Rachel
Fortier, Marielle
Fortin, David
Fortuin, Ansje
Foster, Catherine
Foster, Paula
Fouillet, Arnaud
Foulkes, Alexander
Fountain, Daniel
Fouquet, Jérémie
Fournet, Gabrielle
Fournier, Laure
Fournier, Margot
Fovet, Claire-Maëlle
Fox, Matthew
Fox, Nick
Fox, Robert
Foxley, Sean
Fracasso, Alessio
Fradet, Léo
Frahm, Jens
Fraioli, Francesco
Franc, Benjamin
Francel, Thea
Francelle, Laetitia
Francis, Susan
Franco, Oscar
François, Chantal
François, Christopher
Francois, Christopher
Francois, Christopher J
FRANCONI, Jean-Michel
Frangi, Alejandro
Frank, August
Frank, Jonathan
Frank, Joseph
Frank, Lawrence
Frank, Luba
Frank, Michelle
Frank, Steven
Franke, Jochen
Franklin, Tammy
Franz, Daniela
Frayne, Richard
Frederick, Barbara
Frederick, Blaise
Frederiksen, Kristian
Freed, Ben
Freed, Rachel
Freeman, Abigail
Freeman, Alex
Freeman, Alexandra
Freeman, Carolyn
Freeman, Susan
Fregnani, José
Freiman, Moti
Freise, Julia
Freitag, Martin
Freitag, Martin T.
Freitas, Andreia
Frenzel, Thomas
Freschi, Fabio
Freund, Patrick
Frias, Antonio
Friebe, Bjoern
Friedberger, Andreas
Friedlich, Philippe
Friesen-Waldner, Lanette
Frigo, Lou
Frijns, Catharina
Friman, Olli
Frisk, Anna-Lena
Friske, Joachim
Frisoni, Giovanni
Friston, Karl
Fritsche, Andreas
Fritzschi, Simone
Froehlich, Harald
Froeling, Martijn
Froemming, Adam
Froidevaux, Romain
Frollo, Ivan
Fromageau, Jeremie
Fronheiser, Matthew
Frost, Robert
Frost, Samuel
Frost, Susan
Frueh, Dominique
Fruhwirth, Gilbert
Fry, Andrew
Frydman, Lucio
Fryer, Robert
Frölich, Andreas
Fu, Caixia
Fu, Guochun
Fu, Maojing
Fu, Shikuo
Fu, Xiaorong
Fu, Xuemei
Fu, Yuchuan
Fuentes, David
Fuetterer, Maximilian
Fujii, Hirotada
Fujii, Kaoru
Fujii, Tomoki
Fujii, Yasuhisa
Fujikawa, Akihiko
Fujimaki, Takuya
Fujimoto, Kiminori
Fujimoto, Koji
Fujimoto, Masahiro
Fujimoto, Yasunori
Fujinaga, Yasunari
Fujinami, Robert
Fujisaki, Kenji
Fujisaki, Takuro
Fujita, Hiroshi
Fujita, Hiroyuki
Fujita, Nobuhiro
Fujiwara, Shunrou
Fujiwara, Takeo
Fujiwara, Yasuhiro
Fukuba, Takashi
Fukukura, Yoshihiko
Fukuma, Yukiko
Fukunaga, Masaki
Fukushima, Hiroshi
Fukushima, Kenji
Fukuyama, Hidenao
Fulbright, Robert
Fuller, Clifton
Funatsu, Ryohei
Fung, Maggie
Funk, Luke
Furman-Haran, Edna
Furrer, Lukas
Furth, Susan
Furudate, Naoyuki
Furukawa, Noriyuki
Furukawa, Yuki
Fushimi, Yasutaka
Fuss, Taylor
Fuster, Andrea
Fuster, Daniel
Fuster, Valentin
Futterer, Jurgen
Fütterer, Jurgen
Füzéki, Eszter
Föll, Daniela
Förster, Stefan
G Norris, David
Gaass, Thomas
Gabata, Toshifumi
Gabbay, Vilma
Gabel, Matt
Gabel, Matthew
Gabellini, Anna
Gaborit, Gwenaël
Gabr, Refaat
Gabrielli, Andrea
Gadda, Giacomo
Gadde, Judith
Gaddipati, Ajeet
Gadmar, Øystein
Gaebel, Torsten
Gaeta, Stephen
Gagiyev, Mussa
Gagnon, Louis
Gagoski, Borjan
Gai, Neville
Gaillard, Sophie
Gajawelli, Niharika
Gajdošík, Martin
Gajjar, Amar
Galantucci, Sebastiano
Galbán, Craig
Galbusera, Alberto
Gale, Eric
Galiana, Gigi
Galimberti, Daniela
Galinsky, Vitaly
Galisova, Andrea
Gallager, Ferdia
Gallagher, David
Gallagher, Ferdia
Gallagher, Thomas
Gallant, Pamela
Gallichan, Dan
Gallichan, Daniel
Gallinat, Jürgen
Gallo, Antonio
Galloway, Graham
Galons, Jean-Philippe
Gamberini, Maria Rita
Gambhir, Sanjiv
Gamst, Anthony
Gan, Jie
Ganbold, Mungunbagana
Gandhi, Dheeraj
Gandhi, Sonia
Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
Gandini Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
Ganepola, Tara
Ganesh, Tameshwar
Ganeshan, Balaji
Gangenahalli, Gurudutta
Ganji, Sandeep
Ganjoo, Kristen
Gano, Dawn
Gantenbein, Andreas
Ganter, Carl
Ganzer, Roman
Gao, Fabao
Gao, Fei
gao, ge
Gao, Haijun
Gao, Jia-Hong
Gao, Jiahong
Gao, Jie
Gao, Patrick
Gao, Patrick P.
GAO, Patrick Peng
Gao, Shan
Gao, Wei
gao, Weiqing
Gao, Xiang
Gao, Xin
Gao, Yang
gao, yanjun
Gao, Yi
Gao, Yiming
Gao, Yu
Gao, Yurui
Gaojie, Zhu
Garbow, Joel
Garcia, Amanda
Garcia, Jazmine
Garcia, Julio
Garcia, Meritxell
Garcia, Reineiry
Garcia Alvarez, Roberto
Garcia Lorenzo, Daniel
Garcia-Garcia, Isabel
Garcia-Lorenzo, Daniel
García-Lorenzo, Daniel
Garcia-Miralles, Marta
Garcia-Rodriguez, Sylvana
García-Rodríguez, Sylvana
Garde, Ellen
Gardner, Kelly
Gareis, Daniel
Garg, Bharti
Garg, Ravindra
Gariépy, Jean
Garimall, Sidyarth
Garnov, Nikita
Garpebring, Anders
Garratt, Douglas
Garratt, Steve
Garry, Sarah
Garteiser, Philippe
Garwood, Michael
Garyfallidis, Eleftherios
Garzotto, Mark
Gaspar, Andreia
Gass, Peter
Gasser, Rodolfo
Gatehouse, Peter
Gatenby, Robert
Gatens, Heather
Gatidis, Sergios
Gau, Susan
Gau, Susan Shur-Fen
Gaudet, Jeff
Gaudet, Jeffrey
Gaughan, John
Gaur, Pooja
Gauthier, Claudine
Gauthier, Susan
Gay, David
Gazdzinski, Andrzej
Gazdzinski, Stefan
Ge, Jianqiao
Ge, Liang
Ge, Qiu
Ge, Xiaoxue
Ge, Yulin
Geades, Nicolas
Gear, Jonathan
Gebhardt, Pierre
Gebker, Rolf
Gedroyc, Wladyslaw
Geerts-Ossevoort, Liesbeth
Geeslin, Matthew
Geethanath, Sairam
Geha, Sameh
Gelderblom, Mathias
Gelderen, Peter
Gemert, Jeroen
Gempt, Jens
Gendelman, Howard
Genders, Stijn
Genet, Martin
Geng, John
Gennaro, Lucas
Gennatas, Efstathios
Genze, Felicitas
George, Armia
George, Noble
George, Sharad
George-Durrett, Kristen
Georget, Elodie
Georgi, Jakob
Geppert, Christian
Geraghty, Benjamin
Geraghty, Patrick
Gerasch, Sarah
Gerber, Johannes
Gerhard, Adam
Gerischer, Lea
Germain, Grégoire
German National Cohort MRI Study Investigators, the
Germuska, Michael
Gerrits, Robin
Gersch, Malte
Gerstenmayer, Matthieu
Gerstner, Elizabeth
Gerych, David
Getzmann, Nicole
Geurts, Jeroen
Geurts, Lennart
Geva, Tal
Geyer, Stefan
Ghaghada, Ketan
Ghai, Sangeet
Ghanem, Ahmed
Ghanouni, Pejman
Gharagouzloo, Codi
Gharib, Ahmed
Ghasemiesfe, Ahmadreza
Ghatak, Somenath
Ghavami, Parvin
Ghedin, Piero
Ghezzi, Angelo
Gho, Sung-Min
Ghodasara, Satyam
Ghose, Soumya
Ghosh, Aurobrata
Ghugre, Nilesh
Ghumman, Sukhmanjit
Giacino, Joseph
Giacomini, Eric
Giannì, Costanza
Giapitzakis, Ioannis
Giapitzakis, Ioannis Angelos
Giaquinto, Randy
Gibbons, Eric
Gibbs, Jessica
Gibbs, Peter
Gidwani, Umesh
Gielen, Gerrit
Giese, Daniel
Gieseke, Juergen
Gieseke, Jürgen
Gietl, Anton
Giezendanner, Jonathan
Gifford, Aliya
Gijsen, Frank
Gil, Rita
Gilbert, Fabian
Gilbert, Fiona
Gilbert, Guillaume
Gilchrist, Stuart
Giles, Sharon
Gili, Tommaso
Gill, David
Gill, Ritu
Gill, Simrandip
Gillard, Jonathan
Gillen, Joseph
Gilles, Benjamin
Gillette, Thomas
Gillies, Robert
Gilmore, Hannah
Gimenez, Ulysse
Ginami, Giulia
Gindville, Melissa
Ginefri, Jean-christophe
Ginsberg, Howard
Ginty, Fiona
Giovanoli, Pietro
Giove, Federico
Girard, Gabriel
Girard, Oliver M.
Girard, Olivier
Girard, Olivier M.
Giraudeau, Céline
Giraudo, Chiara
Giri, Shivraman
Giroud, Christian
Girvin, Francis
Giselbrecht, Stefan
Giskeødegård, Guro
Gispert, Juan Domingo
Giuliani, Fabrizio
Giuliano, Alessia
Giuliano, Pietro
Giulietti, Giovanni
Giunta, Nicola
Giura, Francesca
Giza, Stephanie
Gjesdal, Kjell-Inge
Glaser, Christian
Glaser, Kevin
Glaser, Kevin J.
Glaser, Steffen
Glasier, Charles
Glass, Hannah
Glass, John
Glazer, Daniel
Gleason, Tyler
Gleich, Bernhard
Glenn, David
Glenn, Russell
Glickson, Jerry
Gloor, Monika
Glorioso, Jaime
Glover, Gary
Glover, Paul
Gluch, Laurence
Gluckman, Peter
Glunde, Kristine
Glybovski, S.B.
Glyn-Jones, Sion
Glyn-Jones, Siôn
Gläser, Tilo
Glöggler, Stefan
Gmeiner, Timotheus
Gnahm, Christine
Go, Vay-Liang
Goa, Pål
Gochberg, Daniel
Goddu, Beth
Godenschweger, Frank
Godfrey, Keith
Godlewska, Beata
Goebel, Juliane
Goebel, Rainer
Goedecke, Yasar
Goel, Apul
Goense, Jozien
Goense, Lucas
Goerke, Steffen
Goerke, Ute
Goettler, Jens
Goetz, Michael
Goga, Andrei
Goggi, Julian
Goh, Byeong Ho
Goh, Julian
Goh, Vicky
Gohel, Suril
Goji, Aya
Gokan, Takehiko
Golay, Xavier
Golby, Alexandra
Gold, Garry
Goldberg, Ari
Goldblatt, Alison
Goldenberg, Larry
Goldfarb, James
Goldfine, Allison
Goldfine, Andrew
Goldhaber, David
Goldhahn, Joerg
Goldman, Howard
Goldman, Jennifer
Goldsmith, Christian
Golenstani-Rad, Laleh
Golestani, Ali
Golestanirad, Laleh
Golland, Polina
Gollub, Marc
Golsari, Amir
Goluch, Sigrun
Gomes, Ana
Gomez, Arnold
Gomez, Christopher
Gómez, Pedro
Gonçalves, Luís
Gonçalves, Sónia
Gonçalves, Sonia
Gonen, Mithat
Gonen, Oded
Gong, Enhao
Gong, Liang
Gong, Nan-Jie
Gong, Qiyong
Gong, Tao
Gong, Tong
Gong, Wei
Gonyea, Jay
Gonzalez, Antonio
Gonzalez, Jorge
Gonzalez Castillo, Javier
Gonzalez-Castillo, Javier
Goo, Jin Mo
Goodburn, Rosie
Goodrich, James
Goodson, Boyd
Goodwin, Mark
Goodyear, Brad
Gooneratne, Dinesh
Gootee, Bryan
Gopalakrishnan, Karthik
Gopalan, Venkatesh
Gopinath, Anand
Goralski, Jennifer
Gordon, Christopher
Gordon, David
Gordon, Evan
Gordon, Isky
Gordon, Jeremy
Gordon, Kristiana
Gore, John
Gori, Ilaria
Gorman, Andrew
Gorno-Tempini, Maria Luisa
Gorny, Krzysztof
Gorthi, Subrahmanyam
Gory-Fauré, Sylvie
Goryawala, Mohammed
Goshima, Satoshi
Gospodarowicz, Mary
Gosselaar, Peter
Gosselink, Mark
Gotlib, Ian
Goto, Mariko
Goto, Takao
Goto, Yasuhiro
Goto, Yoshitaka
Gotschy, Alexander
Gottwald, Eric
Gottwald, Lukas
Goubergrits, Leonid
Goubran, Maged
Gould, Elaine
Gourine, Alexander
Gousios, Georgios
Govaerts, Kristof
Govindarajan, Sindhuja
Govindarajan, Sindhuja T
Gowland, Penny
Goyal, Vinay
Gozzi, Alessandro
Grabau, Jonathan
Grabher, Patrick
Grabner, Günther
Graedel, Nadine
Graessl, Andreas
Graessner, Joachim
Graf, Hansjörg
Graf, Rolf
Grafendorfer, Thomas
Graff, Caroline
Graham, Mark
Graham, Simon
Granberg, Tobias
Grande, Joseph
Grandjean, Joanes
Graner, John
Granke, Mathilde
Granlund, Kristin
Grant, Aaron
Grant, Alexander
Grant, Ellen
Grant, Gerry
Grant, Kathleen
Grant, P.
Grant, P. Ellen
Grant, Patricia
Grant, Samuel
Granziera, Cristina
Grapentin, Christoph
Grapperon, Aude-Marie
Gras, Vincent
Grassedonio, Emanuele
Gratacos, Eduard
Gratiot, Mathilde
Gratz, Marcel
Grau, Vicente
Gravelle, Kayla
Graves, Martin
Graves, Stephen
Gray, Calum
Gray-Edwards, Heather
Graziani, Dominic
Grech-Sollars, Matthew
Greco, Erin
Green, Michael
Greenberg, Jacob
Greenberg, Joel
Greenhaff, Paul
Greer, David
Greer, Joshua
Greer, Mason
Gregori, Johannes
Gregory, T. Stan
Greig, Marni
Greiser, Andreas
Grenier, Denis
Grenier, Thomas
Gretsch, Frédéric
Griffanti, Ludovica
Griffin, Kim
Griffith, James
Griffiths, John
Griffiths, Paul
Grigis, Antoine
Grigorova, Yulia
Grimes, David
Grimm, Alexandra
Grimm, Robert
Grimm, Roger
Grimm, Simone
Grinberg, Farida
Grinstead, John
Grippo, Paul
Grisot, Giorgia
Grissom, William
Grist, James
Grist, Thomas
Griswold, Mark
Grizales, Ana
Grodzki, David
Groegler, Anne
Groot, Paul
Groote, Inge
Groote, Inge Rasmus
Gros-Dagnac, Hélène
Gross, David
Gross, Simon
Grosse, Jocelin
Grosse, Jocelyn
Grosse, Regine
Grossman, Robert
Grotegerd, Dominik
Grouiller, Frédéric
Groves, Adrian
Groves, Ashley
Gruber, Bernhard
Gruber, Stephan
Gruetter, Rolf
Grundmann, Sven
Gruner, Renate
Grunfeld, Alex
Grunstein, Ronald
Gruschke, Oliver
Grussu, Francesco
Grüll, Holger
Gröhn, Olli
Grøvik, Endre
Gu, Meng
Gu, Quanquan
Gu, Yajia
Gu, Ye
Gu, Yi-Ping
Gua, Hua
Guadilla, Irene
Guan, Charles
Guan, Feng
Guan, Jitian
Guan, Li
Guan, Steven
Guan, Xiaojun
Guan, Yuzhou
Guarino, Maria
Gubern-Merida, Albert
Gubian, Danilo
Guccione, Julius
Guclu, Fatih
Gucuk Ipek, Esra
Gudinchet, François
Gudino, Natalia
Guehl, Nicolas
Gueler, Faikah
Guenster, Stephan
Guenther, Matthias
Guérin, Bastien
Guerin, Bastien
Guermazi, Ali
Guerreri, Michele
Guerrero, Angel Luis
Guerrero, Jose
Guerrero, Mario
Guerrini, Renzo
Guerrisi, Maria
Guest, Deborah
Guglielmetti, Caroline
Guha, I
Guha, Indra
Gui, Dawei
Guidi, Maria
Guidon, Arnaud
Guidotti, Roberto
Guilarte, Tomas
Guillermier, Martine
Guillot, Geneviève
Gulaka, Praveen
Gulani, Vikas
Gulati, Amitabh
Gullapalli, Rao
Gunamony, Shajan
Guneyli, Serkan
Gunn, Alistair
Guntinas-Lichius, Orlando
Guo, Di
Guo, Fan
Guo, Fumin
Guo, Gang
Guo, Hua
Guo, Janet
Guo, Jia
Guo, Jianxin
Guo, Jinbang
Guo, Jing
Guo, Junyu
Guo, Li
Guo, Linying
Guo, Liping
Guo, Qi-yong
Guo, Qianni
guo, qiyong
Guo, Rong
Guo, Rui
Guo, Tan
Guo, Wensha
Guo, Xirang
Guo, Xiuhai
Guo, YanWei
Guo, Yi
Guo, Yihao
Guo, Yingkun
Guo, Yong
Guo, Yu
Guo, Yunbo
Guoxi, Xie
Gupta, Aditi
Gupta, Ajay
Gupta, Ankur
Gupta, Arun
Gupta, Ashish
Gupta, Gopal
Gupta, Himanshu
Gupta, Lalit
Gupta, Mamta
Gupta, Pradeep
Gupta, Rajiv
Gupta, Rakesh
Gupta, Sandeep
Gupta, Siddharth
Gur, Raquel
Gur, Ruben
Gurler, Necip
Gurley, Susan
Gurney-Champion, Oliver
Guruprakash, Deepti
Gussew, Alexander
Gustafsson, Oscar
Gutberlet, Marcel
Gutierrez, Benjamin
Gutjahr, Fabian
Gutman, Boris
Gutte, Henrik
Guttmann, Charles
Guy, Joseph
Guye, Maxime
Guzzardi, David
Guzzetta, Andrea
Güllmar, Daniel
Gündogdu, Umut
Gündüz, Serhat
Günther, Matthias
Göricke, Sophia
Göttler, Jens
Götz, Michael
H, Duyn
Ha, Yonghyun
Ha-Kyu, Jeong
Ha-Vinh Leuchter, Russia
Haacke, E Mark
Haacke, E.
Haacke, E. Mark
Haacke, Ewart
Haakma, Wieke
Haapea, Marianne
Haas, Carola
Haase, Axel
Habara, Hideta
Haber, Harry
Haber, Suzanne
Haberal, Kemal
Haberkorn, Sebastian
Habib, Charbel
Habibi, Mohammadali
Hachiman, Yuki
Hackenbroch, Matthias
Hadas, Ron
HADAYA, Karine
Haddar, Houssem
Hadizadeh, Dariusch
Hadjilucas, Lucas
Hadley, J
Hadley, J. Rock
Hadraba, Daniel
Haeberlin, Maximilian
Haedicke, Inga
Haemer, Gillian
Haeuser, Christina
Hafalir, Fatih
Hafftka, Ariel
Hagan, Nellwyn
Hagberg, Gisela
Hagemeier, Jesper
Hager, Benedikt
Hager, Brandon
Hager, Oliver
Haggerty, Christopher
Haghnejad, A.A.
Haghnejad, Aidin
Hagiwara, Akifumi
Hagmann, Cornelia
Hahn, Andrew
Hahn, Theodore
Hai, Luo
Hai, Yong
Haider, Masoom
Haider, Thomas
Haikun, Qi
Haimburger, Evelin
Hainline, Allison
Hairong, Zheng
Hajek, Milan
Haji-Valizadeh, Hassan
Hajnal, Jo
Hajnal, Joseph
Hajnal, Joseph V.
Hakamada, Hiroto
Hakkarainen, Antti
Hakkarainen, Hanne
Hakumäki, Juhana
Haldar, Justin
Hale, Andrew
Hales, Patrick
Haley, Andreana
Haley, Barbara
Halilbasic, Emina
Hall, Emma
Hall, Matt
Hall, Mikayla
Hall, Timothy
Hall, William
Hall-Craggs, Margaret
Haller, Hermann
Haller, Sven
Hallett, Mark
Halligan, Steve
Hallis, Brian
Hallman, Mitchell
Hallstroem, Seth
Hallsworth, Albert
Halpern, Casey
Ham, Su Jung
Hamada, Sandra
Hamaide, Julie
Hamasaki, Nozomi
Hamedani, Azita
Hamedani, Hooman
Hametner, Simon
Hamilton, Gavin
Hamilton, Iona
Hamilton, Jesse
Hamilton, Paul
Hamilton-Craig, Christian
Hamlet, Sean
Hamm, Bernd
Hammar, Mats
Hammernik, Kerstin
Hammers, Alexander
Hammerton, Charlotte
Hammoud, Dima
Hamou, Marie-France
Han, Bong Soo
Han, Dongyeob
Han, Fei
Han, Haopeng
Han, Hongbin
Han, Joon Koo
Han, May
Han, Miran
Han, Misung
Han, Ouyang
Han, Paul Kyu
Han, Pei
Han, Seol-Heui
Han, Shuo
Han, SoHyun
Han, Yeji
Han, Yeqing
Han, Yiying
Han, Yu
Han, Zhe
Han, Zheng
Han, Zhihong
Hancu, Ileana
Hand, Jeffrey
Handler, William
Handwerker, Daniel
Handwerker, Jonas
Hane, Francis
Haneder, Stefan
Hang, Marie-France
Hangel, Gilbert
Hangiandreou, Nicholas
Hankiewicz, Janusz
Hankov, Georges
Hanna, Lucy
Hannes, Wahl
Hanni, Matti
Hanrahan, Christopher
Hansen, Adam
Hansen, Brian
Hansen, Esben
Hansen, Flemming
Hansen, Kasper
Hansen, Michael
Hansen, Mikkel
Hanson, Gavin
Hanson, Lars
Hanspach, Jannis
Hansson, Oskar
Hansson, Stefan
Hantraye, Philippe
Hao, Hui
Hao, Huming
Hao, Peipei
Hao, Qing
Hapuarachchige, Sudath
Hara, Takeshi
Hara, Yuko
Harada, Kuniaki
Harada, Masafumi
Harada, Taisuke
Harada, Taiyou
Harada, Toshiko
Haraldsson, Henrik
Harbaugh, Robert
Hardcastle, Cheshire
Harden, Bradley
Harden, Susan
Hardy, Chris
Hardy, Christopher
Hardy, Peter
Hare, Hannah
Hargrave, Darren
Hargreaves, Brian
Hari, Smriti
Haridas, Seenu
Hariharan, Hari
Hariprasad, Gururao
Haris, Kostas
Haris, Mohammad
Harkema, Susan
Harkins, Kevin
Harman, David
Harmelin, Alon
Harmon, Mark
Harms, Robbert
Harnish, Roy
Haroon, Hamied
Harper, Jamie
Harper, Ronald
Harreld, Julie
Harri, Peter
Harringa, John
Harris, Ashley
Harris, Chad
Harris, Julia
Harris, Lisa
Harris, Lyndsay
Harris, Neil
Harris, Wendy
Harrison, Crystal
Harrison, Ian
Harrison, Neil
Harrison, Olakunbi
Harrison Halpern, Casey
Harry Hu, Houchun
Harston, George
Hart, Corey
Harteveld, Anita
Hartl, Dominik
Hartono, Septian
Hartung, Dagmar
Hartung, Erum
Harvey, Hugh
Harvey, Paul
Has, Arzu
Hasebe, Terumitsu
Hashemi Rad, Roya
Hashimoto, Tasuku
Hashizume, Rintaro
Haskell, Melissa
Hass, Mathew
Hassan, Islam
Hassanzadeh, Elmira
Hasselbalch, Steen
Hasselwander, Christopher
Hastings, Mary
Hata, Hirofumi
Hata, Nobuhiko
Hatakenaka, Masamitsu
Hatano, Taku
Hathout, Leith
Hatt, Alice
Hattingen, Elke
Hatzoglou, Vaios
Haueisen, Jens
Haufe, William
Hauffe, William
Haugaa, Kristina
Haukaas, Tonje
Hauner, Hans
Hausmann, Daniel
Haverstock, Daniel
Havlícek, Martin
Havlicek, Martin
Havrilla, Emilyrose
Hawkes, David
HAWKES, Rebecca
Hawkett, Brian
Hawkins-Daarud, Andrea
Hawley, MD, Jeffrey
Hayashi, Hiroaki
Hayashi, Naokazu
Hayashida, Minoru
Hayes, Andrew
Hayes, Judy
Hayes, Wendy
Hayward, Larry
Hazle, John
Haztglou, Vaois
He, Bin
He, Bingjun
He, Cancan
He, Dianning
He, Hongjian
He, Jian
He, Le
He, Lili
He, Mu
He, Naying
He, Qiong
He, Qun
He, Renjie
He, Xiang
He, Xueping
He, Yi
He, Yong
He, Yong-Lan
He, Zhuonan
Heacock, Laura
Healey, Robert
Heather, Conklin
Hebel, John
Heberlein, Keith
Hebestreit, Helge
Hecher, Kurt
Hecht, Elizabeth
Heckmann, Thomas
Heckova, Eva
Hectors, Stefanie
Hedehus, Maj
Hedjazi Moghari, Mehdi
Hedlund, Gary
Hedstrom, Erik
Heemskerk, Anneriet
Heerschap, Arend
Heethuis, Sophie
Heffter, Tamas
Hegde, Shashank
Hegi, Monika
Hehn, Nicolas
Heiberg, Einar
Heid, Oliver
Heidemann, Robin
Heidenreich, Michael
Heidt, Timo
Heijman, Edwin
Heijmink, Stijn
Heil, Alexander
Heiland, Dieter
Heiland, Sabine
Heimbigner, Jared
Hein, Christian
Heindel, Walter
Heindl, Andreas
Heinen, Ulrich
Heinrichs, Markus
Heinz, Gertraud
Hekkala, Joonas
Hekmatyar, Khan
Helbich, Thomas
Helle, Michael
Hellenbrand, Ron
Heller, Juergen
Heller, Samantha
Helluy, Xavier
Helm, Emma
Helmchen, Fritjof
Helme, Daniel
Helms, Gunther
Helpern, Joseph
Hemmy, Laura
Henderson, Christopher
Henderson, Daniel
Henderson, Jaimie
Hendrike, Jeroen
Hendriks, Arjan
Hendrikse, Jeroen
Hendriksen, Jos
Henin, Bassem
Henje Blom, Eva
Hennedige, Tiffany
Hennel, Franciszek
Hennel, Franek
Hennemuth, Anja
Hennig, Juergen
Hennig, Jürgen
Henning, Anke
Henningsson, Markus
Henriksen, Otto
Henry, Christiani Jeyakumar
Henry, Roland
Hensley, Lisa
Hentschel, Jan
Henze Bancroft, Leah
Heo, Dong-Woon
Heo, Hye-Young
heqing, wang
Herberich, Sina
Herbert, Cornelia
Herbert, Joseph
Herbin, Marc
Herbst, Michael
Herisson, Fanny
Hernandez, Carolyn
Hernandez, Daniel
Hernandez, Maria-Clemencia
Hernandez, Nora
Hernandez-Garcia, Luis
Hernandez-Tamames, Juan
Hernandez-Torres, Enedino
Hernando, Diego
Herold, Ingeborg
Herold, Thomas
Herold, Volker
Herranz, Elena
Herrera, Angelica
Herrmann, Karl-Heinz
Herrmann, Tim
Hersman, F.
Hersman, William
Hervella, Lucia
Herzen, Julia
Herzig, Stephan
Herzka, Daniel
Herzog, Hans
Heskamp, Linda
Hesketh, Richard
Hess, Aaron
Hess, Andreas
Hess, Christopher
Hesselink, Matthijs
Hetherington, Hoby
Hetzel, Scott
Hetzer, Stefan
Heufelder, Jens
Heule, Rahel
Heussel, Claus
Heußer, Thorsten
Hey, Matthew
Hey, Silke
Heydemann, Ahlke
Heye, Tobias
Heyer, Christoph
Hezel, Fabian
Hidalgo Tobon, Silvia
Higano, Nara
Higashi, Masahiro
Higgins, David
Higuchi, Toshihiro
Hilal, Saima
Hilbert, Fabian
Hilbert, Tom
Hilborne, Sarah
Hildebolt, Charles
Hilgenfeld, Tim
Hill, Amber
Hill, Annlia
Hill, Christopher
Hill, Deborah
Hill, Donal
Hill, Lindsay
Hill, Susanna
Hill, Zachary
Hille, Georg
Hillel, Inbar
Hillenbrand, Claudia
HILLIARD, Nicholas
Himmelbach, Marc
Himmelreich, Uwe
Himoto, Yuki
Hindel, Stefan
Hindman, Nicole
Hines, Catherine
Hingerl, Lukas
Hingorani, Sunil
Hinks, Scott
Hinoda, Takuya
Hinojosa, Jeremy
Hinrichs, Jan
Hipko, Scott
Hippe, Dan
Hippe, Daniel
Hipwell, John
Hirai, Yuki
Hirano, Shigeru
Hirata, Keiya
Hiratsuka, Shinnosuke
Hiratsuka, Yoshiyasu
Hirayama, Akihiro
Hirose, Masanori
Hirsch, Jochen
Hirsch, Sebastian
Hirschfield, Gideon
Hirschler, Lydiane
Hirschmann, Anna
Hirt, Lorenz
Hirvonen, Jussi
Hiscox, Lucy
Hitchens, T
Hitchner, Elizabeth
Hiththetiya, Kanishka
Hiwatashi, Akio
Hlaing, Khin Thu Zar
Hlavacek, Anthony
Hnilicová, Petra
Ho, Benny
Ho, Bridget
Ho, Cheng-Tao
Ho, Chris Jun Hui
Ho, Eugenia
Ho, Hao-Chung
Ho, Hui-Feng
Ho, Jamie
Ho, Kung-Chu
Ho, Leon
Ho, Michael
Ho, Ming-Chou
Ho, Rainbow
Ho, Shu Leong
Ho, Tiffany
Ho, Yi-Ching Lynn
Hoad, Caroline
Hoang, D Minh
Hoang, Dung
Hoch, Sarah
Hock, Andreas
Hock, Christoph
Hocke, Lia
Hockings, Paul
Hodder, Ella
Hodgkin, Charlotte
Hodgson, Kyler
Hodneland, Erlend
Hodson, Ken
Hoehne, Aileen
Hoehne, Marko
Hoelzl, Marlies
Hoerl, Gerd
Hoesl, Michaela
Hofer, Sabine
Hoff, Michael
Hoffman, Carson
Hoffman, Jared
Hoffman, Steven
Hoffmann, Angelika
Hoffmann, Jens
Hoffmann, Katharina
Hoffmann, Malte
Hoffmann, Werner
Hofman, Paul
Hofstetter, Shir
Hoge, W.
Hohenwalter, Mark
Hohlfeld, Reinhard
Hohoff, Christa
Hoinkiss, Daniel
Holbrook, Michael
Holdsworth, Samantha
Holland, Dominic
Holland, Naomi
Holland, Steven
Holler, Martin
Holley, Dawn
Hollingsworth, Kieren
Holloway, Lois
Holmedal, Stein
Holmes, Avram
Holmes, Holly
Holmes, James
Holmes, Martha
Holmes, Nathan
Holodny, Andrei
Holshouser, Barbara
Holtforth, Martin
Holtmann, Gerald
Holtorf, Megan
Holtrop, Joseph
Holub, Ondrej
Homsi, Rami
Honarmand, Amir
Honda, Hiroshi
Honda, Sokichi
Honeyfield, Lesley
Hong, Alex
Hong, Bo
Hong, Donghyun
Hong, Gu
Hong, Jennifer
Hong, Kwan Soo
Hong, KyungPyo
Hong, L. Elliot
Hong, Nan
Hong, Seong-Dae
Hong, Sungtak
Hong, Taehwa
Hong, Xin
Hongyan, Ni
Honigberg, Lee
Honko, Anna
Honnedevasthana, Arush
Honroth, Thorsten
Hoogduin, Hans
Hoogendam, Jacob
Hooijmans, Melissa
Hooker, Catherine
Hooker, Jacob M
Hooker, Jonathan
Hooper, Stephen
Hope, Michael
Hope, Thomas
Hopftgartner, Andreas
Hopson, Ryan
Horbinski, Craig
Horch, R. Adam
Horgan, Santiago
Hori, Masaaki
Hori, Masashi
Horie, Tomohiko
Horino, Yukari
Horiuchi, Saya
Horn, Felix
Horn, Lars-Christian
Horn, Sarah
Hornakova, Lenka
Hornegger, Joachim
Horner, Marc
Horng, Debra
Hornsey, Emma
Horovitz, Silvina
Horsfield, Mark
Hort, Joanne
Horvath, Andrea
Horváth, Andrea
Horwood, Laura
Hoshikawa, Takeshi
Hossein-Zadeh, Gholam-Ali
Hosseini, Zahra
Hosseini-Nik, Hooman
Hosseinnezadian, Sajad
Hostetler, Eric
Hottinger, Andreas
Hou, Bo
Hou, Meirong
Hou, Ping
Hou, Wen-Jing
hou, wenjing
Houde, Jean-Christophe
Houghton, Andrea
Housden, Charlotte
Houston, Gavin
Houthuizen, Patrick
Hovsepian, David
Howe, Franklyn
Howell, Forrest
Howell, Leonard
Howell, Michael
Hoy, Luke
Hricak, Hedvig
Hruby, Martin
Hsia, Connie
Hsia, Tain-Yen
Hsieh, Kevin, Li-Chun
Hsieh, Li-Chun
Hsieh, Tsyh-Jyi
Hsu, Chaohsiung
Hsu, Edward
Hsu, Fei-Ting
Hsu, Li-Ming
Hsu, Willam
Hsu, Yi-Cheng
Hsu, Yi-Chih
Hsu, Yi-Hua
Hsu, Yu-Chun
Hsu, Yu-Juei
Hsu, Yun-Chin
Hsu, Yung-Chin
Hsu-Hsia, Peng
Hu, Bob
Hu, Daoyu
Hu, De-en
Hu, Di
Hu, Fang
Hu, Houchun
Hu, Jiani
Hu, Jisu
Hu, Jun
HU, Lei
Hu, Nan
Hu, Peng
Hu, Ruomin
Hu, Teresa
Hu, Wei
Hu, Xi
Hu, Xiaoping
Hu, Xiaoqing
Hu, Xin-tao
Hu, Xingyu
Hu, Xinxing
Hu, Xinyu
Hu, Xuemei
Hu, Yajie
Hu, Yao
Hu, Yiqi
Hu, YuChuan
Hua, Jun
Hua, Le Hanh
Hua, Yinghui
Huang, Alan
Huang, Chu-Chung
Huang, Chuan
Huang, Daisy
Huang, Dandan
Huang, Dongjie
Huang, Dongya
Huang, Feng
Huang, Gang
Huang, Guo-Shu
Huang, Hao
Huang, Hsiao-Hui
Huang, Hung-Chieh
Huang, Jianpan
Huang, Jie
Huang, Jing-Ying
Huang, Jingwen
Huang, Jinhong
Huang, Li
Huang, Li-xiang
Huang, Ling
Huang, Minghua
Huang, Mingqian
Huang, Peiyu
Huang, Qiuting
Huang, Raymond
Huang, Ruiwang
Huang, Shao Ying
Huang, Shaoying
Huang, Sheng-Min
Huang, Shuying
Huang, Susie
Huang, Teng-Yi
Huang, Tzung-Jeng
Huang, Wei
Huang, William
Huang, Xiaoqi
Huang, Xin
Huang, Yao
Huang, Yawen
Huang, Yu
Huang, Yuexi
Huang, Yufeng
Huang, Yung-Cheng
Hubbard Cristinacce, Penny
Huber, Adrian
Huber, Eveline
Huber, Gerhard
Huber, Kendra
Huber, Laurentius
Huber, Reto
Huber, Steffen
Huber, Thomas
Hucker, Patrick
Huddleston, Daniel
Hudert, Christian
Hudson, Sarah
Huellebrand, Markus
Huellner, Martin
Huelnhagen, Till
Huen, Isaac
Hueper, Katja
Huethe, Frank
Hughes, Abbey
Hughes, Emer
Hughes, Joshua
Hughes, Julie
Hughes, Paul
Huh, Gi Yeong
Huh, Jimi
Huhdanpa, Hannu
Hui, Edward
Hui, Edward S
Hui, Edward Sai Kam
Hui, Steve
Huijbers, Willem
Hulsey, Keith
Hulsker, Margriet
Hun, Jung
Hundshammer, Christian
Hung, Chien-Fu
Hung, Karen Shee Yueng
Hung, Shih-Han
Hunot, Stéphane
Hunter, A.
Hunter, Kuniko
Hurd, Ralph
Hurley, Samuel
Hurrell, Sarah
Hurshkainen, A.A.
Hurtado, Daniel
Husain, Nuzhat
Huss, Diane
Hussain, Hero
Hussain, Tarique
Huston, John
Huston III, John
Hut, Rolf
Hutcheson, Kate
Hutchins, Gary
Hutchins, Gary D.
Hutchinson, Charles
Hutchinson, Elizabeth
Hutchison, R
Hutchison, R.
Hutter, Diane
Hutter, Jana
Hutter, Jana M.
Hutton, Brian
Huttunen, Joanna
Huuse, Else Marie
Huuse-Røneid, Else-Marie
Huynh, Minh Tung
Hwang, Dosik
Hwang, Eo-Jin
Hwang, Eojin
Hwang, Fay
Hwang, Joo Ha
Hwang, Ken-Pin
Hwang, Moonjung
Hwang, Tzung-Jeng
Hwang, Yoon Ho
Hwu, Hai-Gwo
Hyacinthe, Jean-Noël
Hübscher, Stefan
Hyde, James
Hye Yin, Kwon
Hylton, Nola
Hynes, Shannon
Hynynen, Kullervo
Hyodo, Naoko
Hüppi, Petra
Hütel, Michael
Hyun, Jung
Hyun, Jung Won
Hyun, JungWon
Håkansson, Irene
Häring, Hans-Ulrich
Häussler, Ute
Höltke, Carsten
I-Chih, Tan
Iacono, Maria
Iacono, Maria Ida
Ianni, Julianna
Ianniello, Carlotta
Ianu?, Andrada
Ianus, Andrada
Ibanez, Porfirio
Ibrahim, El-Sayed
Ibrahim, Wael
Ibs, Inga
Ichihara, Takashi
Ichijo, Katsutoshi
Ichikawa, Kazuhiro
Ichikawa, Shintaro
Ichikawa, Yasutaka
Iczkowski, Kenneth
Ide, Tomomi
Ider, Yusuf
Ider, Yusuf Ziya
Idiyatullin, Djaudat
Ielacqua, Giovanna
Ielacqua, Giovanna Diletta
Iezzi, Manuela
Igarashi, Takahiro
Iglesias, Juan
Ihalainen, Jouni
Iida, Hidehiro
Iikura, Atsushi
Iima, Mami
Ijare, Omkar
IJff, Dominique
Ikedo, Masato
Ikeno, Hiroyasu
Ikizler, T.
Ikoma, Yoko
Ikram, Mohammad Kamran
Ilg, Martin
Ilic, Milan
Im, Geun Ho
Im, Hyung-Jun
Imai, Hirohiko
Imai, Hiroshi
Imai, Yutaka
Immer, Christopher
Immonen, Riikka
Imray, Christopher
In, Myung-Ho
in 't Zandt, René
Inamura, Kazutoshi
Inaoka, Tsutomu
Indahlastari, Aprinda
Indino, Elena
Infante-Duarte, Carmen
Inge, Landon
Ingle, R
Ingle, R Reeve
Ingle, R.
Inglese, Matilde
Ingo, Carson
Ingrisch, Michael
Inhuber, Stephanie
Inman, David
Ino, Kenji
Inoue, Kaiji
Inoue, Yusuke
Insausti, Ricardo
Intachai, Nuttawadee
Inui-Yamamoto, Chizuko
Ion-Margineanu, Adrian
Iordachita, Iulian
Iordanishvili, E.
Iordanova, Bistra
Iorio, Egidio
Iorio, Mariangela
Ipek, Özlem
Iqbal, Zohaib
Iraji, Armin
Irarrazaval, Pablo
Irarrázaval, Pablo
Irfanoglu, M
Irfanoglu, M.
Irfanoglu, M. Okan
Irfanoglu, Mustafa
Irie, Ryusuke
Irrarazaval, Pablo
Irtenkauf, Susan
Ishida, Masaki
Ishida, Shota
Ishigame, Keiichi
Ishigami, Kousei
Ishihara, Makiko
Ishii, Masaru
Ishii, Yosuke
Ishikawa, Rumiko
Ishimatsu, Keisuke
Ishimori, Yoshiyuki
Ishimura, Rieko
Ishino, Seigo
Ishioka, Junichiro
Ishiyama, Atsushi
Ishkanian, Fazilat
Isiksacan Ozen, Ozlem
Islam, Haisam
Ismail, Ozama
ISODA, Haruo
Ispiryan, Michael
Issa, Bashar
Issac, Aled
Itabashi, Noriko
Itagaki, Hiroyuki
Italiaander, Michel
Ith, Ma
Ito, Katsuyoshi
Ito, Kosuke
ITO, Satoshi
Ito, Yohei
Itoh, Yohei
Ittermann, Bernd
Ittrich, Harald
Iv, Michael
Ivanishev, Alexander
Ivanov, Dimo
Ivkov, Robert
Ivy, Autumn
Iwabuchi, Takuya
Iwadate, Yuji
Iwanaga, Takashi
Iwasaki, Kenyu
Iyer, Siddharth
Izadpanah, Kaywan
Izquierdo-Garcia, Jose
Izzo, Giana
J.W. van der Kouwe, André
Jablawi, F.
Jablonowski, Lauren
Jablonska, Anna
Jack, Clifford
Jackowski, Marcel
Jackson, Alan
Jackson, Chad
Jackson, Edward
Jackson, Graeme
Jackson, Laurence
Jackson, Pamela
Jacksson, Sonya
Jacob, Desmond
Jacob, Mathews
Jacobs, Damien
Jacobs, Joseph
Jacobs, Joshua
Jacobs, Monica
Jacobs, Russell
Jacobsen, Garth
Jacobsohn, Kenneth
Jacobson, Alan
Jacobson, Garth
Jacobson, Steve
Jacobson, Steven
Jacoby, Christoph
Jacola, Lisa
Jafar, Maysam
Jafari, Ramin
Jafari-Khouzani, Kourosh
Jaffe, Tracy
Jaffray, David
Jagadeesan, Bharathidasan
Jagadeesan, Jayender
Jagannathan, N. R.
Jagannathan, Naranamangalam
Jager, Rolf
Jahanian, Hesamoddin
Jahng, Geon-Ho
Jahnke, Cosima
Jahrling, Peter
Jaime, Saul
Jain, Sanjay
Jais, Pierre
Jaïs, Pierre
Jajamovich, Guido
Jakary, Angela
Jakob, Peter
Jalbert, Llewellyn
Jambor, Ivan
James, Martin
Jamin, Yann
Jan, Ning-juan
Janardhanan, Anuradha
Janetzki, Lisa
Jang, Albert
Jang, Hyungseok
Jang, Jinhee
Jang, Jinseong
Jang, Mi-Sun
Jang, Taichang
Jangraw, David
Janich, Martin
Janiczek, Robert
Janik, Rafal
Janke, Andrew
Jankiewicz, Marcin
Jann, Kay
Janowski, Miroslaw
Jansen, Andreas
Jansen, Gerard
Jansen, Jacobus
Jansen, Jacobus F.A.
Jansen, Kees
Jansen, Olav
Jansma, Henk
Janssen, Barbara
Januzzi, James
Janve, Vaibhav
Janz, Philipp
Jao, Terrence
Jara, Hernan
Jardon, Meghan
Jarnagin, William
Jarvis, Kelly
Jaster, Adam
Jauhiainen, Alexandra
Javadzadeh, Homa
Javed, Yousif
Jawad, Abbas
Jayasekera, Geeshath
Jayasundar, Rama
Jayatilake, Mohan
Jbabdi, Saad
Jech, Robert
Jeffery, Justin
Jeffree, Rosalind
Jeffries, Lindsie
Jego, Pierrick
Jeha, Sima
Jehna, Margit
Jelen, Karel
Jelescu, Ileana
Jeljeli, Sami
Jen, Mu-Lan
Jeneson, Jeroen
Jenkins, Jeffrey
Jenkins, Kimble
Jenkinson, Mark
Jenni, Raoul
Jenniskens, Sjoerd
Jensen, Jens
Jensen, Leif
Jensen, Patricia
Jensen, Rasmus
Jensen, Samuel
Jeon, Tina
Jeon, Yeong-Jae
Jeong, Chang-Won
Jeong, Eun Kee
Jeong, Gwang-Woo
Jeong, Ha-kyu
Jeong, Hongbae
Jeong, Hye Jin
Jeong, In Hye
Jeong, Jeong-Won
Jeong, Ji Yun
Jeong, Woo Chul
Jeong, Yong
Jernigan, Terry
Jerome, Neil
Jerosch-Herold, Michael
Jesmanowicz, Andrzej
Jespersen, Sune
Jeudy, Jean
Jeukens, Cécile
Jeurissen, Ben
Jezzard, Peter
Jhaveri, Kartik
Ji, Bing
Ji, Fang
Ji, Jia-Fu
Ji, jim
Ji, Qian
Ji, Qing
Ji, Xiaodong
Ji, Xunming
Ji, Yunhua
Jia, Feng
Jia, Guang
Jia, Lu
Jia, Yanbin
Jia, Yanlong
Jia, Zhiyun
Jiaerken, Yerfan
Jiang, Andy
Jiang, Guihua
Jiang, Hangyi
Jiang, Jing
Jiang, Jingjing
Jiang, Kai
Jiang, Ke
Jiang, L
Jiang, Lee
Jiang, Lei
Jiang, Li
Jiang, Limiao
Jiang, Lu
Jiang, Quan
Jiang, Rifeng
Jiang, Shanshan
Jiang, Tao
Jiang, Weina
Jiang, Weiping
Jiang, Wenwen
jiang, xiaoyu
Jiang, Xu
Jiang, Yuanliang
Jiang, Yun
Jiang, Zhen
Jiang, Zhenxing
Jiang, Zhiguo
Jiao, Yun
Jikaria, Neekita
Jimenez, Jorge
Jiménez-González, María
Jin, Allan
Jin, Chao
Jin, Jiaoting
Jin, Kyong Hwan
Jin, Lixin
Jin, LX
Jin, Mingwu
Jin, Ning
Jin, SeokHa
Jin, Tao
Jin, Wook
Jin, You
Jin, Zhengyu
Jing, Jing
Jing, Linyuan
Jing, Wang
Jinnah, Hyder
Jinzaki, Masahiro
Jirak, Daniel
Jiratova, Marketa
Jo, Minju
Jo, Young-Seung
Jodoin, Pierre-Marc
Joe, Bonnie
Joe, Eunhae
Joe Zhou, Xiaohong
Joel, Suresh
Joëls, Marian
Joers, James
Joers, James M
Jog, Mayank
Johannesen, Helle
Johansen, Berit
Johansen, Håkon
Johansen-Berg, Heidi
Johansson, Lars
Johns, Christopher
Johnson, Christopher
Johnson, Curtis
Johnson, Errin
Johnson, Ethan
Johnson, G. Allan
Johnson, Glyn
Johnson, Jacob
Johnson, Ken
Johnson, Kenji
Johnson, Kevin
Johnson, Martin
Johnson, Patricia
Johnson, Ross
Johnson, Sterling
Johnsrude, Ingrid
Johnston, Ed
Johnston, Edward
Johnston, Leigh
Johst, Soeren
Johst, Sören
Jokitalo, Eija
Jokivarsi, Kimmo
Jones, Blaise
Jones, Craig
Jones, Derek
Jones, Edward
Jones, Ella
Jones, Simon
Jones, Stephen
Jones, Warren
Jonsson, Tomas
Joo, Ijin
Joos, Alexander
Jordan, Ben
Jordan, Lori
Jorge, Joao
Jorge, João
Josan, Sonal
Joseph, Arun
Josephs, Oliver
Joshi, Kiran
Joshua, Kuperman
Jost, Gregor
Jou, Tiffany
Joubert, Ilse
Jourdain, Laurène
Jovicich, Jorge
Joyner, Alexandra
Ju, Shenghong
Ju, Ye
Juchem, Christoph
Judé, Sébastien
Judith, Eisele
Jue, Thomas
Jugé, Lauriane
Juhasz, Csaba
Julià-Sapé, Margarida
Juliano, Sharon
Jun, Hong-Young
June, Carl
Jung, Bernd
Jung, HoeSu
Jung, Jennifer
Jung, Joon-Yong
Jung, Kwan-Jin
Jung, Seung Chai
Jung, Sungmi
Jung, Won Beom
Jung, Woojin
Junge, Sven
Jupp, Bianca
Juras, Vladimir
Just, Nathalie
Juttukonda, Meher
Juul, Sandra
Jürgenliemk-Schulz, Ina
Jäger, Anja
Jäger, Carsten
Jäger, Rolf
Jöhnk, Maria Louise
Jørgensen, Hans
K, Devasenathipathy
K.V., Rajagopal
Kaacke, Ewart
Kaaouana, Takoua
Kabanagh, Brian
Kabasawa, Hiroyuki
Kachelrieß, Marc
Kaczmarowski, Amy
Kaczmarz, Stephan
Kaden, Enrico
Kadlecek, Stephen
Kadobianskyi, Mykola
Kadoya, Masumi
Kaeding, Christopher
Kafali, Sevgi
Kagadis, George
Kagawa, Naoki
Kaggie, Josh
Kaggie, Joshua
Kahn, David
Kahn, Martin
Kahn, Thomas
Kai, Yu-Chieh
Kaichi, Yoko
Kaine, Joshua
Kainz, Bernhard
Kainz, Wolfgang
Kaireit, Till
Kaiser, Stefan
Kajabi, Abdul Wahed
Kaji, Tatsumi
Kajita, Kimihiro
Kajiwara, Hidenori
Kakegawa, Takashi
Kakkad, Samata
Kakkar, Lebina
Kalasthry, Jagadish
Kali, Avinash
Kalimeri, Maria
Kalin, Ned
Kalis, Inge
Kallajoki, Markku
Kallioniemi, Elisa
Kalpathy-Cramer, Jayashree
Kalra, Philip
Kalra, Prateek
Kalsi-Ryan, Sukhvinder
Kaltsas, Theodoros
Kamagata, Koji
Kamali, Arash
Kameda, Hiroyuki
Kamei, Ryotaro
Kamel, Ihab
Kames, Christian
Kameyama, Kyoko
Kamimura, Kiyohisa
Kamitani, Takeshi
Kamiya, Kouhei
Kamiya, Mika
Kammerman, Jeffery
Kampf, Thomas
Kampondeni, Samuel
Kamrava, Mitchell
Kan, Hermien
Kan, Hiroto
Kanaan, Ahmad Seif
Kanamoto, Masayuki
Kanao, Shotaro
Kanao, Syotaro
Kanazawa, Yuki
Kane, Chris
Kane, Christopher
Kaneda, Takahiko
Kaneko, Yasuhito
Kaneko, Yukio
Kanemura, Yonehiro
Kanesan, Jeevan
Kaneshiro, Kayleigh
Kang, Chang-Ki
Kang, Daniel
Kang, Guoxin
Kang, Hakmook
Kang, Heoung-Keun
Kang, Huiying
Kang, Hyunkoo
Kang, Jianyun
Kang, Jongeun
Kang, Koung Mi
Kang, Liyi
Kang, Shih-Tsung
Kang, Sung-Chan
kang, Weimin
Kang, Yu
Kang, Yuanyuan
Kang, Zhuang
Kanki, Akihiko
Kannengiesser, Stephan
Kanski, Mikael
Kantasis, George
Kantrowitz, Joshua
Kanwar, Ratnesh
Kanwischer, Adriana
Kao, Evan
Kao, Hung-Wen
Kao, Te-Wei
Kao, Yu-Chieh
Kaori, Togashi
Kaprio, Jaakko
Kapur, Payal
Karaban, Iryna
Karahanoglu, Fikret
Karakatsanis, Nicolas
Karaman, Muge
Karampinos, Dimitrios
Karch, Jan P.
Karczmar, Gregory
Kargar, Soudabeh
Karis, John
Karli Oguz, Kader
Karow, David
Karsa, Anita
Karssemeijer, Nico
Karthik, Shiva
Karumbaiah, Lohitash
Karunanayaka, Prasanna
Karunanithy, Gogulan
Kasahara, Akihiro
Kasai, Harumasa
Kasai, Kiyoto
Kashyap, Sriranga
Kasinadhuni, Aditya Kumar
Kasmai, Bahman
Kasper, Lars
Kassai, Yoshimori
Kassim, Adetola
Kassner, Andrea
Kassner, Nora
Kassubek, Jan
Kasuya, Shusuke
Kasza, Ildiko
Katada, Kazuhiro
Katafuchi, Tetsuro
Katahira, Kazuhiro
Kataoka, Masako
Katatbeh, Qutaibeh
Katchmar, Natalie
Katja, Hueper
Kato, Yoshiaki
Katoch, Nitish
Katscher, Ulrich
Katsumata, Yasutomo
Katsura, Masaki
Katz, Jeffrey
Katz, Laurence
Katz, Stuart D.
Kaufman, Audrey
Kaufmann, Joern
Kaufmann, Sascha
Kauko, Tommi
Kaupp, Annika
Kaur, Prabhjot
Kaur, Sonya
Kaur, Tanzeer
Kaushik, S
Kaushik, S.
Kaushik, Sandeep
Kaushik, Shiv
Kaushik, Suryanarayanan
Kavanaugh, Arthur
Kaviani, Mehri
Kawada, Hiroshi
Kawade, Masanori
Kawaguchi, Hiroshi
Kawai, Hisashi
Kawai, Makiko
Kawai, Nobuyuki
Kawai, Yuko
Kawaji, Keigo
Kawajiri, Sho
Kawanami, Satoshi
Kawasaki, Hideo
Kawashima, Akira
Kawashima, Hiroko
Kawashima, Masahiro
Kawauchi, Nobuo
kawel, Nadine
Kayal, Esha
Kaye, Elena
Kaza, Evangelia
Kazakia, Galateia
Kazama, Toshiki
Kazan, Samira
Ke, Zan
Keall, Paul
Kean, Michael
Kean-Hui Chiew, Edwin
Kearney, Hugh
Kecskemeti, Steven
Kee, Youngwook
Keelara, Darshan
Keeling, Stephen
Keely, Patricia
Keenan, Kathryn
Keerthivasan, Mahesh
Keevil, Stephen
Kefayati, Sarah
Keil, Boris
Keil, Julian
Keil, Vera
Keilberg, Petra
Keilholz, Shella
Keith, Graeme
Kelenjeridze, Mikheil
Kellar, Derek
Kelle, Sebastian
Kellenberger, Christian
Kellendonk, Christoph
Keller, Eric
Keller, Margaret
Keller, Matthieu
Keller, Sarah
Keller, Simon
Keller, Tim
Kelley, Doug
Kelley, Douglas
Kellman, Peter
Kellner, Elias
Kelly, Christopher
Kelly, Kevin
Kelm, Marcus
Kelm, Nathaniel
Kelsen, David
Kemeny, Nancy
Kemmer, Kathleen
Kemmler, Wolfgang
Kemp, Andrew
Kemper, Valentin
Kempf, Doty
Kendall, Giles
Kendall, Tim
Kendrick, Michael
Kennan, Richard
Kennea, Nigel
Kennedy, Erin
Kennedy, James
Kennedy, Matthew
Kennedy, Oran
Kennedy, P.
Kennedy, Thomas
Kenning, Lawrence
Keong, Nicole
Kerins, Fergal
Kerr, Adam
Kersemans, Veerle
Kershaw, Jeff
Kershaw, Lucy
Keserci, Bilgin
Keshari, Kayvan
Keshavan, Matcheri
Kessler, Elizabeth
Kettinger, Ádám
Kettunen, Mikko
Keupp, Jochen
khabele, dineo
Khabipova, Diana
Khajehim, Mahdi
Khalighi, Mehdi
Khalighi, Mohammad
Khalighi, Mohammad Mehdi
Khalique, Zohya
Khan, Ahmad
Khan, Khurum
khan, mahwish
Khan, Monika
Khan, Rihan
Khan, Sameer
Khan, Talha
Khanna, Sameer
Khare, Kedar
Khatamian, Yasha
Khatri, Gaurav
Khegai, Oleksandr
Khemtong, Chalermchai
Khlebnikov, Vitaliy
Khmelinskii, Artem
Khodanovich, Marina
Kholmovski, Eugene
Khong, Pek-Lan
Khoo, Chin Meng
Khoo, James Boon Kheng
Khoo, Michael
Khot, Sharmila
Khrapitchev, Alexandre
Khurana, Aman
Khushnood, Abbas
Khushu, Subash
Kiat, Ong Wee
Kichikawa, Kimihiko
Kickingereder, Philipp
Kida, Ikuhiro
Kido, Aki
Kido, Ayumu
Kiefer, Berthold
Kiely, David
Kiguchi, Kayo
Kihara, Kazunori
Kijowski, Richard
Kikuchi, Akihiro
Kikuchi, Kazufumi
Kikuchi, Keiichi
Kikuchi, Yu
Kilbreath, Sharon
Kilian, Wolfgang
Killgore, Scott
Kilner, Philip
Kim, Bumsoo
Kim, Byung
Kim, Byungjai
Kim, Charles
Kim, Daeun
Kim, Dahan
Kim, Daniel
Kim, Dong Eun
Kim, Dong Kyu
Kim, Dong Youn
Kim, Dong-Hyun
Kim, Dongchan
Kim, Eugene
Kim, Eun Ju
Kim, Eun-Joo
Kim, Eun-Kyung
Kim, Eung Yeop
Kim, Eung-yeop
Kim, Gwang-Won
Kim, Hahnsung
Kim, Han-Joong
Kim, Ho Jin
Kim, Ho Sung
Kim, Hosung
Kim, Hyug-Gi
Kim, Hyun Cheol
Kim, Hyun Su
Kim, Hyung Joong
Kim, In Seong
Kim, Jae-Hun
Kim, Jae-Woong
Kim, Jeehun
Kim, Jeong-Hee
Kim, Jeong-Kon
Kim, Ji-Hoon
Kim, Jinna
Kim, Jinsuh
Kim, Jiwon
Kim, Jong-Min
Kim, Jong-Won
Kim, Joo
Kim, Joo-won
Kim, Joo-Yeon
Kim, Joong
Kim, Jun-Hyeong
Kim, Jung-Hwan
Kim, Jung-Sun
Kim, Junmo
Kim, Ki Soo
Kim, Kyung Won
Kim, Kyungwon
Kim, Mi Young
Kim, Michelle
Kim, Min Jung
Kim, Min-Oh
Kim, Nathanael
Kim, Panki
Kim, Ronald
Kim, Sang Won
Kim, Sang-Tae
Kim, Sang-Woo
Kim, Sang-Young
Kim, Seong-Eun
Kim, Seong-Gi
Kim, Seung Il
Kim, Soo Chin
Kim, Sooyeon
Kim, Su Jung
Kim, Sugil
Kim, Suhkmann
Kim, Sun
Kim, Sung Mok
Kim, Sungheon
Kim, Sungheon Gene
Kim, Tae
Kim, Tae Hyung
Kim, Tae-Hoon
Kim, Yeo Ju
Kim, Yoon-Chul
Kim, Young Yeon
Kim, Young-Bo
Kim, Young-Jin
Kim, Young-Jo
Kim, Yu Jeong
Kim, Yun-Hyeon
Kimbrell, Vera
Kimura, Hirohiko
Kimura, Kazunari
Kimura, Tokunori
Kimura, Tomoya
Kinchesh, Paul
Kindvall, Simon
King, Andrew
King, Ann
King, Kevin
King, Laura
King, Michael
King, Sarah
King, Scott
King, Tricia
Kinger, Nikhar
Kingma, Paul
Kinkel, Revere
Kinkel, Revere P.
Kinner, Sonja
Kinney-Lang, Eli
Kinoshita, Manabu
Kirby, Karyn
Kirby, Miranda
Kircher, Tilo
Kirilina, Evgeniya
Kirkham, Alex
Kirov, Ivan
Kirsch, Richard
Kirsch, Thorsten
Kirschke, Jan
Kirschner, Janbernd
Kirschner, Matthias
Kiruluta, Andrew
Kiselev, Valerij
Kishida, Yuji
Kishimoto, Riwa
Kishimoto, Shun
Kishore, Sirish
Kislukhin, Alexander
Kissinger, Kraig
Kister, Ilya
Kitagawa, Kakuya
Kitama, Masataka
Kitamura, Morimasa
Kitamura, Noriko
Kitchin, Doug
Kitoh, Yoshihiro
Kitto, Kelley
Kitzler, Hagen
Kivimäki, Mika
Kiviniemi, Aida
Kiviniemi, Vesa
Kivrak Pfiffner, Fatma
Kiyama, Sachiko
Kizildag, Eren
Kjær, Andreas
Kjørstad, Åsmund
Klaassen, Remy
Kladeck, Mathias
Klamer, Silke
Klasen, Tim
Klaus, Andreas
Klauser, Antoine
Klawiter, Eric
Klawiter, Eric C
Kleban, Elena
Klein, Charlotte
Klein, Christina
Klein, Detlef
Klein, Stefan
Kleinnijenhuis, Michiel
Kleppestø, Magne
Klimova, Aleksandra
Klin, Ami
Kline, Timothy
Klistorner, Alexander
Klix, Sabrina
Klomp, D.W.
Klomp, Dennis
Klosowski, Jakob
Kluge, Anne
Klunk, Mariah
Klupp, Elisabeth
Klusmann, Maria
KN, Bhanu Prakash
Knapp, Janine
Knappe-Grüneberg, Silvia
Knebel, Jean-Francois
Knecht, Sven
Knecht, Urspeter
Knechtges, Paul
Kneepkens, Esther
Knight, Robert
Knight, Silvin P.
Knoll, Florian
Knopp, Melanie
Knopp, Michael
Knopp, Tobias
Knowles, Ben
Knowles, Benjamin
Knowlton, Robert
Knust, Henner
Knutson, Brian
Knutsson, Linda
Ko, Cheng-Wen
Ko, Ching Chung
Ko, Li-Wei
Ko, Nerissa
Koay, Cheng
Koay, Cheng Guan
Kobalia, Nino
Kobashigawa, Jon
Kobayashi, Hiroshi
Kobayashi, Hisataka
Kobayashi, Masakazu
Kobayashi, Naoharu
Kobayashi, Ryoma
Kobayashi, Satoshi
Kobayashi, Yasushi
Kobe, Elizabeth
Kober, Tobias
Kobus, Thiele
Kocatürk, Ozgur
Koch, Kevin
Kochanek, Patrick
Kociuba, Mary
Kodama, Nao
Kodibagkar, Vikram
Kodiweera, Chandana
Koehler, Christina
Koehler, Sascha
Koellisch, Ulrich
Koelsch, Bertram
Koenig, Katherine
Koenigsberger, Andrea
Koerner-Rettberg, Cordula
Koers, Alexander
Koesters, Thomas
Koetz, Kristin
Koff, Matthew
Koga, Fumitaka
Kogan, Feliks
Kogelman, Bauke
Koh, Dow
Koh, Dow-Mu
Koh, Katrianne
Koh, Katrianne Bethia
Koh, Tong San
Koh, Vicky
Kohama, Steven
Kohanbash, Gary
Kohe, Sarah
Kohn, Orly
Kohn, Sarah
Kohno, Shohei
Koike, Shinsuke
Koizumi, Yumi
Kok, Lisanne
Kok, Trina
Kokabi, Nima
Koken, Peter
Kokorin, Denis
Koktzoglou, Ioannis
Kolber, Pierre
Kolbitsch, Christoph
Kolind, Shannon
Kolinsky, Michael
Kolipaka, Arunark
Kolipaka, PhD, Arunark
Kollias, Spyros
Kollmeier, Jost
Komai, Yutaka
Komatsu, Daisuke
Komi, Masanori
Komi, Shotaro
Komlosh, Michal
Komori, Yoshiaki
Kompan, Ina
Konar, Amaresh
Konar, Amaresha
Kondabatni, Kishore
Kong, Hanjing
Kong, Lingyan
Kong, Ru
Kong, Xiangxing
Kong, Yazhuo
Koniordou, Markella
Konishi, Ikuo
Konrad, Kerstin
Konstandin, Simon
Koo, Ja Seung
Kooi, Eline
Kooijman, Hendrick
Kooijman, Hendrik
Koopmans, Peter
Kopanoglu, Emre
Kopec, Anna
Kopec, Jacek
Korbin, Seth
Korchak, Sergey
Korchinski, Daniel
Kording, Fabian
Korenchan, David
Korenic, Stephanie
Koretsky, Alan
Korf, Patrick
Korn, Natalie
Kornak, John
Korosec, Frank
Korsgren, Olle
Korsten, Hendrikus
Korte, James
Korvink, Jan
Korzowski, Andreas
Kosaka, Brenda
Kosaka, Nobuyuki
Koschorke, Ada
Koschutnig, Karl
Kose, Katsumi
Kose, Kivanc
Kose, Ryoichi
Koshino, Kazuhiro
Koshiyama, Daisuke
Koshkina, Olga
Koshlap, Karl
Kossowski, Bartosz
Kostakoglu, Lale
Kostic, Vladimir
Kostis, William
Kota, Nithyanand
Kothary, Nishita
Kotrotsou, Aikaterini
Kou, Zhifeng
Koundal, Sunil
Koutcher, Jason A.
Koutraki, Yolanda Georgia
Kouwenhoven, Marc
Kovacic, Jason
Kovács, Sándor
Kovacs, Zsofia
Kox, Stefanie
Koyama, Hisanobu
Koyama, Naomi
Koyano, Takumi
Koyasu, Sho
Kozaka, Kazuto
Kozarsky, Karen
Kozerke, Sebastian
Koziol, Paulina
Kozlov, Mikhail
Kozlowski, Piotr
Kozlowski, Troy
Kraff, Oliver
Krafft, Axel
Krahn, Philippa
Kraitchman, Dara
Kramer, Christopher
Kramer, Harald
Kramer, John
Kramer, Stine
Kramer, Ulrich
Kramme, Johanna
Krasnokutsky, Svetlana
Krause, Dieter
Krause-Utz, Annegret
Krautwald, Stefan
Krawiecki, Jacqueline
Krebs, Michael
Krediet, C.T.
Kreilkamp, Barbara
Kreis, Roland
Kreitz, Silke
Kresojevic, Nikola
Krestin, Gabriel P
Kretzler, Madison
Kriegl, Roberta
Krikken, Erwin
Krisa, Laura
Krisanachinda, Anchali
Krishna, Murali
Krishna, Rolla
Krishnamachary, Balaji
Krishnamoorthy, Guruprasad
Krishnan, AnithaPriya
Krishnan, Anuradha
Krishnan, Balu
Kristensen, Annemarie
Kroboth, Stefan
Kroenke, Chris
Kroenke, Christopher
Krokos, Georgios
Krombach, Gabriele
Kromrey, Marie-Luise
Kronnerwetter, Claudia
Krook-Magnuson, Esther
Kroon, Petra
Krssak, Martin
Kruck, Stephan
Krueger, Frank
Krueger, Gunnar
Krueger, Sascha
Krug, Axel
Krug, Roland
Kruger, Marlena
Kruger, Stanley
Krukowski, Pawel
Krych, Aaron
Krüger-Stokke, Brage
Krämer, Martin
Krššák, Martin
Ku, Min-Chi
Kuang, Weihong
Kubala, Eugen
Kubicki, Marek
Kubisiak, Kristine
Kubo, Takatoshi
Kubovy, Petr
Kucharczyk, Walter
Kuchiki, Megumi
Kuder, Tristan
Kudo, Hideyasu
Kudo, Kohsuke
Kuehl, Kerry
Kuehn, Bernd
Kuehne, Andre
Kuestner, Thomas
Kuetting, Daniel
Kugel, Harald
Kuhl, Christiane
Kuhn, Felix
Kuhn, Ryan
Kui, Huang
Kuijf, Hugo
Kuklisova Murgasova, Maria
Kukral, Daniel
Kukuk, Markus
Kulam, Magdoom
Kulesa, Jeramy
Kulik, Laura
Kulkarni, Praveen
Kullberg, Joel
Kullmann, Walter
Kumagae, Yuichi
Kumagai, Hiroshi
Kumamaru, Kanako
Kuman, C.K.
Kumar, Anand
Kumar, Anjali
Kumar, Ashok
Kumar, B S Hemanth
Kumar, Deepak
Kumar, Dushyant
Kumar, Jyothika
Kumar, Manoj
Kumar, Mukesh
Kumar, Pawan
Kumar, Rajesh
Kumar, Shivani
Kumar, Suchit
Kumar, Virendra
Kumaran, Senthil
Kumari, Sadhana
Kumazawa, Seiji
Kumazawa, Takao
Kumnoor, Ashwini
Kundu, Prantik
Kunimatsu, Akira
Kunimi, Masako
Kuno, Hirofumi
Kunz, Andreas
Kunz, Nicolas
Kunze, Karl
Kunze, Reiner
Kuo, Li-Wei
Kuo, Michael
Kuo, Ting-Chun
Kuo, Wen-Jui
Kuo, Yen-Shu
Kuo, Yu Ting
Kuperman, Josh
Kuperman, Joshua
Kupersmith, MD, Mark
Kuramoto, Tatsuya
Kurata, Yasuhisa
Kuratani, Atsushi
Kurhanewicz, John
Kurihara, Yasuyuki
Kurio, Gregory
Kurki, Timo
Kurniawan, Nyoman
Kuroda, Kagayaki
Kuroda, Tatsunori
Kurokawa, Tetsuji
Kurpad, Shekar
Kurucay, Saban
Kurugol, Sila
Kurusu, Tsutomu
Kurz, Felix
Kurz, Kathinka
Kurzhunov, Dmitry
Kusanagi, Shunsuke
Kuster, Lidy
Kuster, Niels
Kuzniecky, Ruben
Kwak, Tiffany
Kweon, Jin
Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz
Kwinta, Jonathan
Kwok, Fu Yu
Kwok, Wingchi
Kwon, Deukwoo
Kwon, Dongjin
Kwon, Kinam
Kwon, Oh In
Kyathanahally, Sreenath
Kyathanahally, Sreenath P
Kybic, Jan
Kühn, Jens-Peter
Kühn, Simone
Kühne, Michael
Kühne, Titus
Kyle, Simon
Kyme, Andre
Kümpfel, Tania
Künnecke, Basil
Kyotani, Katsusuke
Küstner, Thomas
Kähkönen, Esa
Kögler, Carsten
Köhler, Max
Köhler, Sascha
Köhn, Alexander
Könönen, Mervi
Körting, Clara
Körzdörfer, Gregor
Köstler, Herbert
L. Wald, Lawrence
la Fougère, Christian
Labadie, Christian
LaBelle, Genevieve
Lacerda, Luis
Lacerda, Sara
Lacotte, Stephanie
Ladd, Mark
Ladd, Mark E.
Ladd, Mark Edward
LaFaver, Kathrin
Laffrat, Elodie
Lafontaine, Marisa
Laforce Jr, Robert
Lagae, Lieven
Laganà, Maria
Lagemaat, Miriam
Lagendijk, Jan
Lagendijk, Jan J.W.
Lagerstrand, Kerstin
Laghi, Andrea
Lago-Fernández, Luis
Lagore, Russell
Lagore, Russell L
Lagos Fritz, Francisco
Lahrech, Hana
Lahrman, Justin
Lai, Andrew
Lai, Chi-Ju
Lai, Hollie
Lai, Hong-Shiee
Lai, Hsin-Yi
Lai, Hsin-Yu
Lai, Marta
Lai, Peng
Lai, Ping-Hong
Lai, Stephan
Lai, Wenli
Lai, Wyman
Lai, Yongchuan
Lainhart, Janet
Laistler, Elmar
Lakatta, Edward
Lake, Allison
Lake, David
Lakhman, Yulia
Lakshmanan, Karthik
Lal, Bachchu
Laleg, Taous Meriem
Lalush, David
Lam, Ching
Lam, Fan
Lam, Janet
Lam, Marnix
Lamalle, Laurent
Lamb, Damon
Lamb, Hildo
Lamb, James
Lamb, Peter
Lambert, Jonathan
Lambert, Justine
Lambert, Simon
Lammentausta, Eveliina
Lampe, Leonie
Lampinen, Björn
Lamprianou, Smaragada
Lanagan, Michael
Lancaster, Melissa
Lancaster, Tucker
Landes, Vanessa
Landman, Bennett
Landwehrmeyer, Bernhard
Laney, Nina
Lanfermann, Heinrich
Lang, Ning
Lang, Roberto
Lang, Zhijin
Langdon, Dawn
Lange, Nicholas
Lange, Thomas
Langen, K.J.
Langen, Karl Josef
Langen, Karl-Josef
Langham, Michael
Langkammer, Christian
Langley, Jason
Langseth, Karina
Lanham, Diane
Lanka, Pradyumna
Lankford, Christopher
Lanners, Diana
Lansberg, Maarten
Lansbergen, Marieke
Lantz, Jonas
Lanz, Bernard
Lanz, Titus
Lao, Yi
LaPierre, Cristen
Lardenoije, Susanne
Larkin, James
Larkin, Sarah
Larkin, Timothy
Larner, James
Larrat, Benoît
Larrat, Benoit
Larsen, Majbrit
Larsen, Naomi
Larsen, Ryan
Larsen, Thomas
Larson, Erin
Larson, Paul
Larson, Peder
Larsson, Christopher
Lascialfari, Alessandro
Lasic, Samo
Laskaris, Evangelos
Laske, Christoph
Lassmann, Hans
Laszik, Zoltan
Latal, Beatrice
Laterra, John
Lathrop, Kira
Latifoltojar, Arash
Latourette, Matthew
Lattanzi, Riccardo
Latzin, Philipp
Lau, Angus
Lau, CS
Lau, Justin
Lau, Kui-Kai
Lau, Peter
Laub, Gerhard
Lauderdale, James
Laudone, Vincent
Laue, Hendrik
Lauer, Arne
Lauer, Lars
Laughton, Barbara
Laule, Cornelia
Laumann, Timothy
Laun, Frederik
Laurens, Evelyn
Laurent, Didier
Lauridsen, Henrik
Lauro, Peter
Lausch, Anthony
Laustsen, Christoffer
Lauze, Francois
Lauzon, M Louis
Lavin, Begoña
Lavin Plaza, Begona
LaViolette, Peter
Law, Benjamin King Hong
Law, Christine
Law, Ian
Law, Max
Law, Meng
Lawan, Joshua
Lawrence, Theodore
Lawrenz, Marco
Lawson, Robert
Lawson, Rod
Lawton, Michael
Layec, Gwenael
Laymon, Charles
Layton, Kelvin
Lazaro, Len
Lazebnik, Mariya
Lazeyras, François
Lazik, Andrea
Lazik-Palm, Andrea
Le, Yuan
Le Bihan, Denis
Le Douce, Juliette
Le Fur, Yann
Le Gall, Maude
Le Troter, Arnaud
Leach, James
Leach, Joe
Leach, Martin
Leach, Martion
Leal, Alberto
Leary, Del
Leavitt, Blair
Leback, Brent
Lebares, Carter
Lebedeva, Irina
Lebel, Catherine
Lebel, Marc
Lebel, R. Marc
Lebel, Réjean
Lebon, Vincent
Lechea, N.
Lechene, Balthazar
Lechene, Pierre
Lechner-Greite, Silke
Lechner-Scott, Jeanette
Lederer, Wolfgang
Lederman, Robert
Ledoux, Jean-Baptiste
Lee, Adrienne
Lee, Brian
Lee, Byeong-Yeul
Lee, Calvin
Lee, Casey
Lee, Cathy
Lee, Chan-Hee
Lee, Chang Kyung
Lee, Chang-Hee
Lee, Chang-Hyun
Lee, Chanhee
Lee, Chu-Yu
Lee, Chulhyun
Lee, Chung-Wei
Lee, Dan
Lee, Do-Wan
Lee, Dong Ho
Lee, Dong-Hoon
Lee, Dong-Wook
Lee, Donghoon
Lee, DongKyu
Lee, Dongwook
Lee, Elaine
Lee, Eun Sun
Lee, Grace
Lee, Han Sang
Lee, Hansol
Lee, Ho Yun
Lee, Ho-Joon
Lee, Hong-Hsi
Lee, Hongpyo
Lee, Honpyo
Lee, Hoonjae
Lee, Hsin-Ju
Lee, Hyo
Lee, Hyun-Soo
Lee, Hyunyeol
Lee, Ja Youn
Lee, Jack
Lee, Jae Sung
Lee, Jae-Hyeok
Lee, Jar-Chi
Lee, Jeong
Lee, Jeong Min
Lee, JeongTaek
Lee, Ji
Lee, Ji Hyun
Lee, Jin Seong
Lee, Jin-Moo
Lee, Jingu
Lee, John
Lee, Jong Hwan
Lee, Jong Yeon
Lee, Jongho
Lee, Joonsung
Lee, Jung Hee
Lee, Junki
Lee, Juyoung
Lee, Kendall
Lee, Kuan Jin
Lee, Kyung Mi
Lee, Kyung Soo
Lee, Li-Yin
Lee, Lik Chuan
Lee, Mark
Lee, Marsha
Lee, Min-Hee
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Percy
Lee, Phil
Lee, Philip
Lee, Richard
Lee, Sangeun
Lee, Sangwoo
Lee, Seul
Lee, Seung-Koo
Lee, Seung-Kyun
Lee, SeungWook
Lee, Si-Chen
Lee, Song
Lee, Soo
Lee, Soo Chin
Lee, Soo Yeol
Lee, Su Jin
Lee, Sung Ho
Lee, Sung-Ho
Lee, Swee Shean
Lee, Tatia
Lee, Teck Hock Philip
Lee, Thomas
Lee, Vince
Lee, Vincent
Lee, Vivian
Lee, Vivian S.
Lee, Wei-Cheng
Lee, Yoojin
Lee, Yu Chang
Lee, Yueh
Lee, Yung Seng
Leek, Francesca
Leemans, Alexander
Leenders, William
Leeper, Dennis
Lefeuvre, Jennifer
Lefranc, Sandrine
Lefrançois, William
Leh, Sandra
LEHERICY, Stéphane
Lehericy, Stephane
Lehéricy, Stéphane
Lehman, Julia
Lehr, Heinrich
Lehto, Lauri
Lei, Du
Lei, Hao
Lei, Hongxia
Lei, Jiang
Lei, Jing
Lei, Xinwei
Lei, Zi-Min
Leibovitch, Emily
Leigh, P Nigel
Leigh, Peter
Leikas, Juuso
Leiner, Tim
Leinhard, Olaf
Leinhard, Olof
Leinonen, Ville
LeKaye, H. Carl
Lemasson, Benjamin
Lemberskiy, Gregory
Lemiere, Jurgen
Lemieux, Louis
Lemke, Clark
Leng, Shuang
Lenglet, Christophe
Lenhard, Diana
Lenkinski, Robert
Lens, Eelco
Lenting, Krissie
Lentz, Margaret
Leong, Alex
Leong, Alex T. L.
Leong, Baoru
Leong, Ruth
Leow, Melvin
Lepage, Martin
Lepetit coiffe, Matthieu
Lepetit-Coiffe, Matthieu
Leping, Zha
Lepore, Mario
Lepore, Natasha
Leporq, Benjamin
Leppert, Ilana
Lerch, Jason
Lerche, Christoph
Lerche, Holger
Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz
Lerman, Cécile
Lerman, Lilach
Leroi, Lisa
Lesage, Frederic
Lesch, Andreas
Lesnic, Daniel
Lessard, Eric
Lesser, Thomas
Letourneur, Didier
Leuchs, Laura
Leung, Christopher
Leung, Jackie
Leung, Steve
Leung, Thomas
Leupold, Jochen
Leurgans, Sue
Leussler, Christoph
Leutmezer, Fritz
Lev, Michael
LeVan, Pierre
Levendovszky, Swati
Levenson, Cathy
Levesque, Ives
Levesque, Nadja
Levesque, Vincent
Levin, Craig
Levin, Craig S.
Levine, Evan
Levine, Matthew
Levonen, Anna-Liisa
Lewin, Alana
Lewine, Jeffrey
LeWinn, Kaja
Lewis, Laura
Lewis, Sara
Leynes, Andrew
Li, Andrew
Li, Anqin
Li, Baojuan
Li, Bian
Li, Bo
Li, Chen
Li, Cheng
Li, Cheng-He
Li, Cheng-Jui
Li, Chengxu
Li, Chenxia
Li, Chuan-Ming
Li, Chun-Xia
Li, Chunmei
Li, Danyan
Li, Darrell Ting Hung
Li, David
Li, Debiao
Li, Dongxiao
Li, Elizabeth
Li, Fei
li, feiyu
Li, Feng
Li, Gaiying
Li, Gang
Li, Guang
Li, Guobin
Li, Hai-Min
Li, Hailiang
Li, Haining
Li, Hang
Li, Haojie
Li, Hengtong
li, hua
Li, Huan
Li, Huanjie
Li, HuiHua
Li, Huixia
Li, Huiyan
Li, Jian
Li, Jianqi
Li, Jiaqi
Li, Jin
Li, Jing
Li, Jing Rebecca
Li, Jing-Rebecca
Li, Jingao
Li, Jun
Li, Junbo
Li, Kaiming
Li, Kimberly
Li, Kuncheng
Li, Lei
Li, Lian
Li, Liang
Li, Limin
Li, Lin
Li, Linqing
Li, Longchuan
Li, Longhui
Li, Lu-Ping
Li, Lyu
Li, Matthew
Li, Meng
Li, Mengying
Li, Ming
Li, Muwei
Li, Ningzhi
Li, Qi
Li, Qiang
li, qing
Li, Qingjiang
Li, Qiong
Li, Ronghui
Li, Rou
Li, Rui
Li, Rupeng
Li, Sha
Li, Shan
Li, Shaolin
Li, Shaowu
Li, Shen
Li, Shi-Jiang
LI, Shiguang
Li, Shizhe
Li, Shuai
Li, Shumei
Li, Shunshan
Li, Siyi
Li, Tao
Li, Tie-Qiang
Li, Ting
Li, Wei
LI, Wei-Guo
Li, Weiguo
Li, Wen
Li, Wen-Hong
Li, Wenbo
Li, Wenfei
Li, Wenjin
Li, Wuchao
Li, X.
Li, Xia
Li, Xiang
Li, Xianjun
Li, Xiao-Ting
Li, Xiaojuan
Li, Xiaolu
Li, Xiaoming
Li, Xiaozhen
Li, Xin
Li, Xinchun
Li, Xiufeng
Li, Xu
Li, Xuehua
Li, Xuesong
Li, Yadi
Li, Yajuan
Li, Yan
Li, Yang
Li, Yanjun
Li, Yanyan
Li, Ye
Li, Yi
Li, Yi-Tien
Li, Yimei
Li, Yu
Li, Yue
Li, Yuguo
Li, Yuhua
Li, Yunduo
Li, Yunqing
Li, Zhao
Li, Zhaopeng
Li, Zhen
Li, Zhen-Hui
Li, Zhengjun
Li, Zhenlin
Li, Zhihao
Li, Zhijun
Li, Zhiqiang
Li, Zhitao
Li, Zhiyong
Li, Zhoujian
Li, Zhuhao
Li, Zi-Ran
Li, Zi-Yu
Liachenko, Serguei
Liang, Biling
Liang, Changhong
Liang, Dong
Liang, Heyue
Liang, Hsiang-Kuang?
Liang, Jianke
Liang, Li
Liang, Lili
Liang, Lisong
Liang, Long
Liang, Peipeng
Liang, Sisi
Liang, Ting
Liang, Xiaoyun
Liang, Ying
Liang, Zhi-Pei
Liao, Congyu
Liao, Huijun
Liao, Lun-De
Liao, Meng-Chieh
Liao, Naishun
Liao, Pen-Yuan
Liao, YP
Liao, Yupeng
Libbey, Jane
Liberman, Gilad
Liberti, Micaela
Licenik, Radim
Lickliter, Jason
Liddle, Elizabeth
Liddle, Peter
Liebig, Patrick
Liechti, Martina
Lienerth, Bianca
Lietzmann, Florian
Liew, Charlene
Ligneul, Clémence
Ligneul, Clemence
lihua, chen
Liimatainen, Timo
Likhite, Devavrat
Liljenbäck, Heidi
Lim, CC Tchoyoson
Lim, Eun Ji
Lim, Jeremy
Lim, Kelvin
Lim, Michael
Lim, Ruth
Lim, Song-I
Lim, Sujeong
Lim, Tony Kiat Hon
Lima, Joao
Lima Cardoso, Pedro
Limperopoulos, Catherine
Lin, Ai-Ling
Lin, Ailing
Lin, Alex
Lin, Alexander
Lin, Bingying
Lin, Chao-Chun
Lin, Chen
Lin, Chia-Wei
Lin, Chien-yuan
Lin, Ching-Po
Lin, Deborah Xiu-Ning
Lin, Doris
Lin, Fa-Hsuan
Lin, Gigin
Lin, Hao
Lin, Herbert
Lin, Hua-Wei
LIN, hui
Lin, Hui-Ching
Lin, Huimin
Lin, Hung-Yu
Lin, Jian
Lin, Jiang
Lin, Jo-Fu
Lin, Jyh-Miin
Lin, Kai
Lin, Liangjie
Lin, Lu
Lin, Ma
Lin, Meng
Lin, Ming-Huang
Lin, Mu
Lin, Pan
Lin, Shih-Yen
Lin, Sue-Jin
Lin, Tsen-Hsuan
Lin, Tsu-Kung
Lin, Wei-Che
Lin, Wei-Chen
Lin, Weili
Lin, Xue
Lin, Ya-Ling
Lin, Yan
Lin, Yanqin
Lin, Yi-Hui
Lin, Yi-Ru
Lin, Ying-Chia
Lin, Yu-Chun
LIN, Yuan
Lin, Yung-Ya
Lin, Zixuan
Lina, Jean-Marc
Lind, Emelie
Lindblom, Hanna
Lindeblad, Matthew
Lindeboom, Lucas
Lindemann, Maike
Lindemeyer, J.
Linden, David
Lindén, Mika
Lindenholz, Arjen
Linder, Nicolas
Lindh-Åstrand, Lotta
Lindholm, Christopher
Lindley, Marc
Lindner, David
Lindner, Thomas
Lindsey, Kimberly
Liney, Gary
Ling, Lieng H.
Ling, Long
Ling, Xueying
Lingala, Sajan Goud
Lingaya, Melanie
Lingvay, Ildiko
Link, Thomas
Linklater, James
Linn, Jennifer
Linnik, Inna
Linsen, Lars
Lipiski, Miriam
Lips, Irene
Lipton, Michael
Lipton, Richard
Liptrot, Matthew
Liska, Adam
Liss, Michael
Litt, Jonathan
Littin, Sebastian
Little, Francesca
Little, Ross
Litwiller, Daniel
Liu, Ai-lian
Liu, Ai-shi
Liu, Ailian
Liu, Aiping
Liu, Biaoshui
Liu, Bing
Liu, Bo
LIU, Chang sheng
LIU, Chang-sheng
Liu, Changchun
Liu, Chih-Min
Liu, Chih-Ming
Liu, Chunlei
Liu, Dan
Liu, Dexiang
Liu, Dian
Liu, Fang
Liu, Fawang
Liu, Feng
Liu, Garry
Liu, Guanshu
Liu, Guiyong
Liu, Guoxiang
Liu, Haining
Liu, Hanwen
Liu, Hao
Liu, Hao-Li
Liu, Hau-Li
Liu, HengShuang
Liu, Ho-Ling
Liu, Hong-Huei
Liu, Hongbing
Liu, Hongjun
Liu, Hua-Shan
Liu, Huanling
Liu, Hui
Liu, Ji Xin
Liu, Jia
Liu, Jiaen
Liu, Jianjun
Liu, Jianyu
Liu, Jie
Liu, Jieke
Liu, Jin
Liu, jing
LIU, Jing-hong
Liu, Jinghong
Liu, Junmin
Liu, Kai
Liu, Kecheng
Liu, Kiang
Liu, Lei
Liu, Li
Liu, Lianhua
liu, lin
Liu, Lu
Liu, Meng
Liu, Mengyuan
Liu, Pei-Yu
Liu, Peiying
Liu, Peng
Liu, Qi
Liu, Qiegen
Liu, Rui
Liu, Ruiying
Liu, Saifeng
Liu, Shie-Chau
Liu, Shu
Liu, Shufang
Liu, Shuwei
Liu, Siwei
Liu, Song
Liu, Taiyuan
Liu, Thomas
Liu, Tian
Liu, Wei
Liu, Wei-na
Liu, Weiping
Liu, Wenjia
Liu, Winston
Liu, Xia
Liu, Xiang
Liu, Xiangyi
Liu, Xiaohang
Liu, Xiaohu
Liu, Xiaoli
LIU, Xiaoqin
Liu, Xiaosheng
Liu, Xiaoyan
Liu, Xiaoyun
Liu, Xin
Liu, Xiping
Liu, Xiufen
Liu, Xu-Feng
Liu, Xueqing
Liu, Yanan
Liu, Yaou
Liu, Yewei
Liu, Yi-Chun
Liu, Yi-Jui
Liu, Yijun
Liu, Yilin
Liu, Yilong
liu, yin-chun
Liu, Ying
Liu, Yingchao
Liu, Yong
Liu, Yuan
Liu, Yuanyuan
Liu, Yuchi
Liu, Yue
Liu, Yun
Liu, Yunsong
Liu, Yutong
Liu, Zaiyi
Liu, Zhe
Liu, Zhenyu
Liu, ZhiCheng
Livingstone, Margaret
Lizarbe, Blanca
lizhi, xie
Ljungberg, Emil
Ljungberg, Maria
Lloyd, Ashley
LLoyd, Dafydd
Lloyd, David
Lloyd, Tom
Lo, Eng
Lo, Gladys
Lo, Jamie
Lo, June
Lo, June C.
Lo, Pechin
Lo, Su-Tang
Lo, Wei-Ching
Lo, Yu-Chun
Loai, Sadi
Lobatto, Mark
Lobo, Khadjia
Lock, Lye Lin
Lockhart, Andrew
Lockwood Estrin, Georgia
Lodi, Raffaele
Loecher, Michael
Loeffler, Ralf
Loening, Andreas
Loew, Wolfgang
Logan, Jean
Loggia, Marco L
Logothetis, Nikos
Loh Kwok Seng, Thomas
Lohezic, Maelene
Lohrke, Jessica
Lohse, Ansgar
Lok, Ka Hei
Loke, Yng Miin
Loktyushin, Alexander
LOMAS, David
Lombaert, Herve
Lommen, Jonathan
Long, Christopher
Long, Jeffrey
Long, Joseph
Long, Qin
Long, Zaiyang
Longpré, Jean-Michel
Loomba, Rohit
Lopes, Filipa
Lopes, Renaud
lopez, christopher
Lopez Kolkovsky, Alfredo
Lopez Medina, Antonio
Lopez Rios, Nibardo
López-Larrubia, Pilar
Lorenzi, Marco
Lorrio, Silvia
Lorrio Gonzalez, Silvia
Lother, Steffen
Lou, Xin
Louapre, Céline
Louapre, Celine
Loução, Ricardo
Loughnan, Robert
Loughran, Thomas
Louie, Sara
Louis, Elan
Louka, Polymnia
Loureiro, Joana
Loureiro de Sousa, Paulo
Louw, Anton
Lovblad, Karl-Olof
Lovell-Smith, Cris
Lovett, David
Low, Andrea
Low, Daniel
Low, Jeffrey
Low, Samantha
Low, Walter
Lowe, Mark
Lowry, Martin
Lowry, Ruth
Loya, Ana
Lozupone, Francesco
Loßnitzer, Dirk
Lu, Aiming
Lu, Baolan
Lu, Cheng
Lu, Cheng-Hsien
Lu, Chia-Feng
Lu, Chien-Hung
Lu, Chin-Tien
Lu, Chun-Qiang
Lu, David
Lu, Fang
Lu, Guangming
Lu, Hai
Lu, Hanbing
Lu, Hanzhang
Lu, Hua
Lu, Jia
Lu, Jiaming
Lu, Jianping
Lu, Jie
LU, jing
Lu, Jonathan
Lu, Kun
Lu, Lu
Lu, Min
Lu, Ming
Lu, Mingming
Lu, Qing
Lu, Shilong
Lu, Tim
Lu, Wenwen
Lu, Xiaodan
Lu, Xiaoguang
Lu, Xin
Lu, Yonggang
Lu, Zheng-Rong
Lu, Zhentai
Lu, Zhong-Lin
Lu, Ziang
Lucano, Elena
Lucchesi, FR
Luchtmann, Michael
Luciano, Nick
Ludolph, Andrea G.
Ludwig, Kai
Luechinger, Roger
Luetkens, Julian
Lugauer, Felix
Lui, Sai-yu
Lui, Su
Lui, Yvonne
Luijendijk, Mieneke
Luijten, P.R.
Luijten, Peter
Lukas, Mathias
Lukas, Scott
Luker, Gary
Luks, Tracy
Lund, Gunnar
Lundberg, Peter
Lundbom, Jesper
Lundbom, Nina
Lundell, Henrik
Lundorf, Erik
Lundström, Elin
Lungren, Matthew
Lungu, Codrin
Luo, Dehong
Luo, Feng
Luo, Hai
Luo, Hailong
Luo, Jianwen
Luo, Jie
Luo, Jieying
LUO, Liang-Ping
Luo, Qing
Luo, Qingfei
Luo, Rong
Luo, Tianrui
Luo, Tim
Luo, Wan
Luo, Wei
Luo, Xianfu
Luo, Xiao
Luong, Michel
Lupo, Janine
Luque Laguna, Pedro
Lurie, David
Lustig, Michael
Lustig, Robert
Lutti, Antoine
Luttje, Mariska
Lutz, Amelie
Lux, François
Luyendyk, James
Luyten, Gregorius
Lv, Qian
Lv, Yan
Lv, Yanqiu
Ly, Linda
Lyashchenko, Serge
Lüdemann, Lutz
Lyden, Patrick
Lyn, Mengye
Lynch, Kirsten
Lynch, Sharon
Lynch, Stephen
Lynch, Ted
Lüsebrink, Falk
Lysenko, Marina
Lysiak, Darius
Lythgoe, Mark
Lüttjohann, Annika
Lyttle, Bailey
Lützkendorf, Ralf
lyu, Bingjiang
Lyu, Jingyuan
Lyu, Mengye
Lyu, Tianmeng
Lyubimov, Aleksander
Lyubimova, Elena
Lätt, Jimmy
Lönnqvist, Tuula
Löring, Joost
Löwa, Norbert
M. Silveira, Luís
Ma, Brigette
Ma, Brigette B.Y.
Ma, Changchun
Ma, Chao
Ma, Chi
Ma, Chuangxi
Ma, Da
Ma, Dan
Ma, Feng-Hua
Ma, Gen-shan
Ma, Heather
Ma, Heather T.
Ma, Jingbo
Ma, Jingfei
Ma, Jun
Ma, Kui
Ma, Liliana
Ma, Lin
Ma, Lingceng
Ma, Lu
Ma, Qing
Ma, Qingfeng
Ma, Ruoyun
Ma, Samantha
Ma, Xiaodong
Ma, Xilun
Ma, Xue Ying
Ma, Yajun
Ma, Yanying
Ma, Yimin
Ma, Yixin
Ma, Yuhan
Ma, Zu-Hui
Maarouf, Adil
Maas, Andrew
Maas, Mario
Maas, Marnix
Maaß, Marc
Mabray, Marc
Macaluso, Emiliano
MacCannell, Amanda
MacDonald, Alison
Macdonald, Ian
Macdonald, Jacob
MacDonald, M. Ethan
MacDonald, Matthew
Macdonald, Peter
Macey, Paul
MacGillivray, Tom
Macgowan, Chris
Macgowan, Christopher
Machado, Andre
Machann, Jürgen
Machhada, Asif
Machii, Yutaka
MacIntosh, Bradley
MacKay, Alex
Mackay, Clare
MacKay, James
MacKenzie, John
MacKewn, Jane
Mackey, Sean
Maclaren, Julian
MacLellan, Christopher
MacMillan, Erin
Macnaught, Gillian
MacPherson, Lesley
Macq, Benoit
Macura, Slobodan
Madabhushi, Anant
Madai, Vince
Madankan, Reza
Madelin, Guillaume
Mader, Irina
Maderwald, Stefan
Madhankumar, A.
Madhavan, Radhika
Madhu, Basetti
Madhuranthakam, Ananth
Madore, Bruno
Madsen, Joseph
Madsen, Kristoffer
Madörin, Philipp
Maeder, Philippe
Maedler, Burkhard
Maehara, Taketoshi
Maeng, Hyunkyung
Maes, Frederik
Magat, Julie
Magee, Derek
Magenes, Giovanni
Mageswaran, Prasath
Magill, Arthur
Magill, Arthur W.
Magland, Jeremy
Maglaveras, Nicos
Magnani, Giuseppe
Magnin, Rémi
Magnitsky, Sergey
Magnotta, Vince
Magnotta, Vincent
Magnuson, David
Magnussen, Robert
Magrath, Patrick
Maguire, Anne
Maguire, Mahon
Mahan, Mark
Mahdi, Abbas
Maher, Elizabeth
Maher, Jacquelyn
Maher, Suzanne
Mahmood, Abda
Mahr, Nina
Maidens, John
Maier, Andreas
Maier, Florian
Maier, Stephan
Maier-Hein, Klaus
Mailhe, Boris
Maillart, Elisabeth
Maiman, Dennis
Mainero, Caterina
Mainprize, Todd
Maintz, David
Mair, Ross
Maitra, Anirban
Maitra, Ranjan
Maître, Xavier
Majeed, Amara
Majeed, Waqas
Majid, Adnan
Majigsuren, Mungunkhuyag
Majka, Piotr
Majoie, Charles
Majoie, Marian
Major, Giles
Majumdar, Sharmila
Majumdar, Sharmilla
Mak, Henry
Mak, Henry Ka Fung
Makarchuk, Mykola
Makela, Ashley
Makharia, Govind
Maki, Jeffrey
Makki, Malek
Makowski, Marcus
Makris, Gregory
Maksym, Geoffrey
Malaisrie, S. Chris
Malamas, Anthony
Malamateniou, Christina
Malaspina, Dolores
Malavé, Mario
Malayeri, Ashkan
Malekian, Vahid
Malhi, Harmeet
Malhotra, Hardeep
Malik, Shaihan
Malis, Vadim
Mall, Jean-Frédéric
Mallett, Christiane
Mallien, Anne
Malloy, Craig
Malloy, Craig R.
Malm, Jan
Malmberg, Filip
Malone, Hani
Malone, Harold
Maloney, Eileen
Malpas, Charles
Malpica, Norberto
Maly Sundgren, Pia
Malyarenko, Dariya
Malycha, Peter
Malzacher, Matthias
Mamah, Daniel
Mamidipalli, Adrija
Manasseh, Gibran
Manavaki, Roie
Mancini, Laura
Mancini, Matteo
Manda, Kailash
Mandal, Soumyajit
Mandava, Sagar
Mandelli, Maria
Mandelli, Maria Luisa
Mandelstam, Simone
Mandeville, Emiri
Mandeville, Joseph
Mandhani, Anil
Mandija, Stefano
Mandry, Damien
Manduca, Armando
Mangeat, Gabriel
Mangge, Harald
Mangia, Silvia
Mangin, Jean François
Mangin, Jean-François
Manglano, David
Manhard, Mary Kate
Manhard, Mary Katherine
Mani, Laila
Mani, Merry
Mani, Venkatesh
Manivannan, Niranchana
Manka, Robert
Mankad, Kshitij
Mankoff, David
Mann, Edward
Mann, Louis
Mann, Ritse
Mannelli, Lorenzo
Mannem, Rajeev
Mannerkoski, Minna
Manners, David
Manninen, Eppu
Manning, Alan
Manning, Paul
Manning, Warren
Manogaran, Praveena
Manoliu, Andrei
Manouchehri, Beckie
Mansell, Peter
Mansuy, Isabelle
Manzanedo, Eva
Manzhurtsev, Andrei
Manzoor, Muhammad
Mao, Deng
Mao, Fan
Mao, Hui
Mao, Jian
Mao, Shennen
Mao, Shuai
Mao, Tingyu
Mao, Xiangling
Mao, Xinpei
Maragakis, Nicholas
Maras, Pamela
Marbán, Eduardo
Marban, Eduardo
Marchesseau, Stephanie
Marciani, Luca
Marco, Elysa
Marco-Rius, Irene
Marcon, Magda
Marconi, Daniel
Marcotrigiano, Michael
Marcuse, Lara
Marcuse, Laura
Maréchal, Bénédicte
Mareci, Thomas
Marenco, Stefano
Marescaux, Jacques
Margolis, Daniel
Margolis, DJA
Margulis, Vitaly
Mariappan, Yogesh
Marik, Radharani
Marincola, Francesco
Marinelli, Luca
Marino, Marco
Marizzoni, Moira
Marjanovic, Josip
Marjanska, Malgorzata
Mark, Clarisse
Mark, Lowe
Markiewicz, Erica
Markl, Michael
Markoe, Arnold
Marks, Frances
Marks, Robert
Markuerkiaga, Irati
Marletta, Massimo
Marlovits, Stefan
Marlow, Neil
Marom, Assaf
Maroules, Christopher
Marquering, Henk
Marques, José
Marques, José P.
Marquet, Fabrice
Marra, Camillo
Marra, Marco
Marras, William
Marrett, Sean
Marron, Marilyn
Marrouche, Nassir
Marschar, Anja
Marschner, Henrik
Marshall, Helen
Marshall, Nathaniel
Marshall, Olga
Marsman, Anouk
Marszalkowski, Cathy
Martarello, Laurent
Martel, Anne
Martens, Michael
Marti, Hugo
Marticorena, Stephan
Martin, Adrian
Martin, Alastair
Martin, Allan
Martin, Diego
Martin, Douglas
Martin, Emily
MARTIN, Pierre-Yves
Martin, Rodrigo
Martin, Thomas
Martin-Bastida, Antonio
Martinelli, Vittorio
Martinez, Gary
Martinez-Lage, Maria
Martínez-Maestro, Miguel
Martire, Daniel
Martirosian, Petros
Marty, Benjamin
Marugami, Nagaaki
Maruyama, Hirotoshi
Maruyama, Katsuya
Marx, Christian
Marx, Michael
Marx, Nikolaus
Masaki, Charles
Mascali, Daniele
Mascarinas, Emman
Masci, Pier Giorgio
Mase, Mitsuhito
Masellis, Mario
Mashaly, Hazem
Mashimo, Tomoyuki
Mason, Ralph
Maspero, Matteo
Massaband, Payam
Masselli, Gabriele
Massire, Aurélien
Masson-Côté, Laurence
Masters, Colin
Masters, Megan
Mastrogiacomo, Simone
Mastromarino, Paola
Masutani, Yoshitaka
Mata, Jaime
Mateo, Joaquin
Mathew, Praveen
Mathiak, Klaus
Mathieu, Jean-Baptiste
Mathur, Sandeep
Matijevich, Emily
Matoba, Hiroki
Matos, Alana
Matsubayashi, Jun
Matsuda, Keiji
Matsuda, Tetsuya
Matsuda, Tsuyoshi
Matsumae, Mitsunori
Matsumoto, Koji
Matsumoto, Shingo
Matsumoto, Yoshihiro
Matsumoto, Yuki
Matsumura, Akira
Matsunaga, Keiji
Matsuo, Chisato
Matsuo, Kayako
Matsuo, Masayuki
Matsuoka, Yoh
Matsusako, Masaki
Matsushita, Akira
Matsuura, Yukihiro
Matsuzaki, Kenji
Matt, Eva
Mattar, Wolfram
Mattern, Hendrik
Matthews, Julian
Matthews, Lucy
Matthews, Paul
Matthieu Lepetit-Coiffé, Matthieu
Mattis, Aras
Mattler, Uwe
Mattrey, Robert
Mattsson, Niklas
Matuda, Tsuyoshi
Matura, Silke
Matwiy, Jarod
Matyas, John
Matys, Tomasz
Mauconduit, Franck
Maudsley, Andrew
Maudsley, Andrew A.
Mauer, Amy
Mauler, Jörg
Maunder, Adam
Maurin, Anne
Maus, Jens
Maus, Marcela
Maximiano, Ricardo
Maximov, Ivan
Maximov, Ivan I.
Maybody, Majid
Mayeli, Ahmad
Mayer, Dirk
Mayerhoefer, Marius
Mazerolle, Erin
Mazilu, Dimitru
Mazumder, Ria
Mazurkewitz, Peter
Mazzoli, Valentina
McAdams, H.
McAdams, Holman
McAllister, Thomas W.
McAlonan, Grainne
McAndrew, Debra
Mcbride, Olivia
McCabe, Laura
McCallister, Andrew
McCallum, Michelle
McCammack, Kevin
McCarten, J. Riley
McCarthy, Brian
McCarthy, Brian P.
McCarthy, Patrick
McClymont, Darryl
McConathy, Jonathan
McConville, Partick
McConville, Patrick
McCormack, David
McCormick, Jeff
McCormick, Patrick
McCrea, Michael
McCreary, Cheryl
Mccullagh, James
McDaniel, Patrick
McDannold, Nathan
McDonald, Carrie
McDonald, Elizabeth
McDonald, Fiona
McDonald, Natasha
McDougall, Mary
McDowell, Amy
McElcheran, Clare
McErlean, Ciara
McEvoy, Andrew
McEvoy, Doug
McGann, Chris
McGarry, Matthew
McGarry, Sean
McGee, Kiaran
McGinley, Gary
McGinnity, Colm
McGivney, Debra
Mcgonigle, John
McGrath, Deirdre
McGuffin, Merrylee
McGuire, Sean
McHargue, Cody
Mchinda, Samira
McHugh, Damien
Mcinerney, James
McIntyre, Christopher
McIvor, R
McKay, Jessica
McKenna, Lucy
McKenna, Mary
McKenzie, Charles
McKeown, Martin
McKinley, Richard
McKinney, Brett
McKinney, Ron
McKinnon, Graeme
McKinstry, Robert
McKnight, Tracy
McLean, Claire
McLean, D Adam
McLean, Mary
Mcleod, Kristin
McLin, Valérie
McMahon, Michael
McMains, Stephanie
McMillan, Alan
McMullan, Katrina
McMullen, Katrina
McMurray, Rebecca
McNab, Jennifer
McNair, Helen
McNally, J
McNally, J Scott
McNally, Scott
McNulty, Jason
McPartlin, Andrew
McPhee, Kelly
McRobbie, Donald
McVicars, Heather
McWalter, Emily
Mead, Simon
Meadowcroft, Mark
Meakin, James
Meaney, James F.
Meani, Alessandro
Meckel, Stephan
Meda, Paolo
Medved, Milica
Meesters, Stephan
Meeus, Emma
Mehndiratta, Amit
Mehrabian, Hatef
Mehrad, Borna
Mehta, Bhairav
Mehta, Hershel
Mei, Chang-Sheng
Mei, Yingjie
Meier, Martin
Meier-Schroers, Michael
Meijer, Gert
Meijerman, Antoine
Meineke, Jakob
Meintjes, Ernesta
Meintjes, Ernesta M.
Meiri, Avital
Meisel, Karl
Meiselman, Herbert
Meislin, Robert
Meissner, Jan-Eric
Meissnitzer, Matthias
meiyu, sun
Mekkaoui, Choukri
Mekkaoui, Imen
Mekle, Ralf
Melamed, Jonathan
Melbourne, Andrew
Melchakova, I.V.
Melemenidis, Stavros
Melero, Helena
Melhem, Elias
Meliadò, Ettore
Melkus, Gerd
Mellinghoff, Ingo
Meloni, Antonella
Melsaether, Amy
Meltzer, Sebastian
Men, Weiwei
Menaker, Jay
Menard, Caroline
Ménard, Cynthia
Menard, Cynthia
Mendel, Ehud
Mendes, Ana Carina
Mendes, Jason
Mendonça, Alexandre
Mendoza, Gonzalo
Menegaz, Gloria
Menezes, Ravi
Meng, Jinli
Meng, Tongbai
Meng, Xiangjun
Meng, Xiaoyan
Meng, Yao
Meng, Yuguang
Meng, Ziyang
Mengsu, Zeng
Menini, Anne
Menon, David
Menon, Rajiv
Menon, Ravi
Menshchikov, Petr
Menza, Marius
Menze, Bjoern
Menzel, Marion
Mera Iglesias, Moises
Merboldt, Klaus-Dietmar
Merchant, Milton
Merhar, Stephanie
Meriaudeau, Fabrice
Mériaux, Sébastien
Merisaari, Harri
Merkitch, Douglas
Merkle, Hellmut
Merola, Alberto
Meropol, Neal
Merrem, Andreas
Merrill, Marsha
Merritt, Matthew
Merritt, Michael
Mersereau, Bryant
Mervaala, Esa
Mesaros, Sarlota
Mesri, Hamed
Messina, Roberta
Messiou, Christina
Mestre, Tiago
Metcalf, Stephen
Metcalfe, Peter
Metere, Riccardo
Metwalli, Nader
Metz, Luanne
Metzemaekers, Karl
Metzger, Greg
Metzger, Gregory
Metzger, Gregory J.
Meulenbroek, Olga
Meuli, Reto
Mewar, Sujeet
Meyer, Cord
Meyer, Craig
Meyer, Dan
Meyer, Emma
Meyer, Esther
Meyer, Fredric
Meyer, Heiko
Meyer, Joel
Meyer, Matthew
Meyer, Rafael
Meyerhoff, Dieter
Meyers, Amy
Meyers, Sandra
Meyerspeer, Martin
Meßner, Nadja
Mi, Donghua
Mi, Yue
Miah, Aisha
Miao, Peifang
Miao, Xinyuan
miao, yanwei
Miaomiao, Chen
Michael, Navin
Michaeli, Shalom
Michaelis, Thomas
Michailovich, Oleg
Michal, Carl
Michalik, David
Michel, Christoph
Michel, Eric
Michels, Lars
Micieli, Giuseppe
Mickey, Bruce
Middione, Matthew
Middleton, Devon
Middleton, Michael
Mielke, Jeannine
mieville, Pascal
Mikaiel, Samantha
Mikheev, Artem
Mikkelsen, Emmeli
Mikkelsen, Irene
Mikkelsen, Mark
Mikulis, David
Milbach, Nelson
Milder, Maaike
Millane, Rick
Miller, Andrew
Miller, Christopher
Miller, David
Miller, G
Miller, G.
Miller, Grady
Miller, Jack
Miller, Jeffrey
Miller, Karla
Miller, Matthew
Miller, Michael
Miller, Owen
Miller, Patti
Miller, Renee
Miller, Wilson
Millet, Grégoire
Mills, Andrew
Millward, Jason
Milovic, Carlos
Milshteyn, Eugene
Min, Areum
Min, Paul
Min, Xiangde
Min, Zhigang
Minalga, Emilee
Minamiguchi, Sachiko
Minati, Ludovico
Ming, Dong
Minn, Heikki
Minoshima, Satoshi
Minthon, Lennart
Mintz, Akiva
Mintzopoulos, Dionyssios
Miquel, Marc
Miralles, Marta
Miranda, Mauro
MIRAUX, Sylvain
Mirkes, Christian
Mironchik, Yelena
Mirsadraee, Saeed
Mirza, Asfand
Mirzaalian, Hengameh
Mirzaee, Hanieh
Mirzaei, Zahra
Misaki, Masaya
Mischi, Massimo
Miserocchi, Anna
Mishkovsky, Mor
Mishra, Arabinda
Mishra, Nishant
Mishra, Prassana
Mishra, Pravin
Mishra, Sushanta
Mishra, Virendra
Miskimen, Kristy
Missere, Massimiliano
Mitchell, Drew
Mitchell, James
Mitchell, Lex
Mitrea, Bogdan
Mitschang, Lorenz
Mittal, Pardeep
Mittelstaedt, Daniel
Miu, Haiwei
Miura, Motohiro
Mivelaz, Yvan
Miyamoto, Nanako
Miyasaka, Toshiteru
Miyatake, Hiroki
Miyati, Toshiaki
Miyati, Tosiaki
Miyazaki, Hiroshi
Miyazaki, Mitsue
Miyazaki, Shigeo
Miyoshi, Mitsuharu
Mlynarik, Vadimir
Mlynarik, Vladimir
Mlynárik, Vladimír
Mlynash, Michael
Mo, Xiaokui
Mo, Yin
Moberg, Paul
Moccaldi, Melanie
Moche, Michael
Mochizuki, Teruhito
Mocioiu, Victor
Modat, Marc
Modica, Claire
Moeller, Harald
Moeller, Steen
Moerland, Marinus
Moerman, Kevin
Moestue, Siver
Moffat, Brad
Mogatadakala, Kishore
Moghadam, Shiva
Moghaddam, Abbas
Moghdam, Shiva
Moghekar, Abhay
Mohajer, Bahram
Mohamed, Abdallah
Mohamed, Feroze
Mohamed, Mona
Mohamed, Tamer
Mohamedbhai, Sajir
Mohammadi, Elham
Mohammadi, Mohammad
Mohammadi, Siawoosh
Mohammadian, Mehrbod
mohammadzadeh, mohammad
Mohammed, Azharuddin
Mohan, Suyash
Moheet, Amir
Mohler, David
Mohler, Emile
Mohler, III, Emile
Moiola, Lucia
Mojahed, Ed
Mojsejenko, Dimitri
Mok, MY
Molenaar, Remco
Molenkamp, Barbara
Molet, Jenny
Molina Romero, Miguel
Molina-Romero, Miguel
Molinaro, Annette
Molinuevo, Jose Luis
Molitoris, Bruce
Molitoris, Bruce A
Moll, Annette
Moll, Fernanda
MOLL, Solange
Mollink, Jeroen
Moloney, Brendan
Mondal, Apoorva
Monette, Sebastien
Monney, Pierre
Monsour, Meredith
Montalba, Cristián
Montalba, Cristian
Montaldi, Daniela
Monte-Rubio, Gemma
Montelius, Mikael
Monti, Serena
Montoya, Ileana
Monu, Uchechukwuka
Mooiweer, Ronald
Mookerjee, Rajeshwar
Moon, Chan Hong
Moon, Chung-Man
Moon, Won-Jin
Moon, Yeon Sil
Moonen, Chrit
Moonen, Chrit T.W.
Moonen, Rik
Moons, Lieve
Moore, Anna
Moore, Caroline
Moore, Ryan
Moore, Stephen
Moosvi, Firas
Moradi, Hamed
Moran, Catherine
Moran, Sally
Morawski, Markus
Morel, Olivier
Moreno, Courtney
Moreno, Karlos
Morgan, Veronica
Morgan, Victoria
Morgenstern, Alfred
Mori, Harushi
Mori, Naoko
Mori, Norio
Mori, Susumu
Mori, Yuki
Moribata, Yusaku
Morich, Michael
Morisaki, Naho
Morita, Kentaro
Morita, Kosuke
Morita, Satoru
Morita, Yoshiaki
Moritani, Toshio
Morley, William
Mormino, Elizabeth C.
Moroz, Ekaterina
Morozov, Darya
Morre Pedersen, Erik
Morrell, Christopher
Morrell, Glen
Morris, David
Morris, Elizabeth
Morris, H.
Morris, John
Morris, Peter
Morrison, Courtney
Morrison, Edward
Morriss, Michael
Morrissette, Jennifer
Morrow, Jasper
Morsani, Fabio
Morse, David
Mortimer, Peter
Morton, A Jennifer
Morze, Cornelius
Moseley, Michael
Moser, Amy
Moser, Ewald
Moses, Daniel
Moshkar, Amin
Mosley, R
Mossa-Basha, Mahmud
Mossop, Helen
Mostofsky, Stewart
Motaal, Abdallah
Motosugi, Utaroh
Mott, Andrew
Mott, Katherine
Motyka, Stano
Mou, Anna
Mouchawar, Gabriel
Mougenot, Charles
Mougin, Olivier
Moulin, Kévin
Mounajjed, Taofic
Mountford, Carolyn
Mountz, James
Mouridsen, Kim
Mousa, Doaa
Moussata, Driffa
Moussavi, Amir
Movahedi, Parisa
Moy, Linda
Mozes, Ferenc
Mrak, Lara
Muangpaisan, Weerasak
Muccigrosso, David
Mucha, Simone
Muckley, Matthew
Mueggler, Thomas
Mueller, Karsten
Mueller, Michael
Mueller, Michelle
Mueller, Sabine
Mufti, Sarah
Muftuler, L
Muftuler, L Tugan
Muftuler, L.
Muftuler, L. Tugan
Muftuler, Tugan
Mughal, Hamza
Mugler, III, John
Mugler, John
Mugler III, John
Muhammad, Ghulam
Mukherjee, Pratik
Mukherjee, Rashmi
Mukhopadhyaya, Ashok
Mulcahey, M
Mulcahey, MJ
Mulcahy, Claire
Mulder, Gert
Mulder, Willem
Mulkern, Robert
Mullen, Michael
Muller, Jennifer
Muller, Matthew
Mullick, Rakesh
Mullinger, Karen
Mullins, Roger
Mulukutla, Raghav dutt
Mummy, David
Munasinghe, Jeeva
Munder, Tonia
Munechika, Jiro
Munoz, Camila
Muñoz, Victor
Muñoz Álvarez, Kim
Munoz Maniega, Susana
Muñoz-Moreno, Emma
Munting, Leon
Muntoni, Francesco
Muradyan, Iga
Muranaka, Yoshiyuki
Murase, Takenori
Murase, Tomokazu
Murata, Katsutoshi
Murata, Sho
Murata, Shou
Murata, Syo
Muratori, Filippo
Murayama, Daichi
Murayama, Kazuhiro
Murayi, Roger
Mure, Simon
Murgasova, Maria
Murken, Douglas
Muro, Isao
Murphy, Ian
Murphy, Kevin
Murphy, Matthew
Murray, Anne
Murray, Kathryn
Murray, Philip
Murray, Tracey
Murrell, Donna
Murrough, James
Muschelli, John
Musen, Gail
Mussard, Emilie
Mustafa, Mona
Mustafi, Devkumar
Mustafi, Sourajit
Muthukumaraswamy, Suresh
Muthupillai, Raja
Muthurangu, Vivek
Mutlu, Senol
Mutsaerts, Henk
Mutsaerts, Henk-Jan
Mutsaerts, Henri
Mutter, Didier
Muzi, Mark
Myers, Renelle
Mühl, Aline
Mühlberg, Fabian
Myint, Esther
Mykhaylyk, Olga
Müller, Bernhard
Müller, Hajo
Müller-Vahl, Kirsten
Mynderse, Lance
Månsson, Sven
Mädler, Burkhard
Mælandsmo, Gunhild
Möllenhoff, Klaus
Möller, Harald
Mörchel, Philipp
Nabil, Mahnaz
Nabuurs, Christine
Nadar, Mariappan
Naehle, Claas
Nael, Kambiz
Naganawa, Shinji
Naganuma, Tatsuya
Nagao, Michinobu
Nagao, Toshitaka
Nagaraj, Suthambhara
Nagaraja, Tavarekere
Nagarajan, Rajakumar
Nagasaka, Tatsuo
Nagashima, Kaz
Nagata, Motonori
Nagata, Shuji
Nagatomo, Hideki
Nagaya, Tadanobu
Nagel, Armin
Nagel, Armin M.
Nagle, Scott
Nagornaya, Natalya
Nagy, Zoltán
Nagy, Zoltan
Naha, Pratap
Nahab, Fadi
Nahrendorf, Matthias
Naik, Arpana
Nair, Govind
Nair, Prashant
Nair, Shalini
Naish, Josephine
Naismith, Robert
Nait-Oumesmar, Brahim
Naito, Akira
Naito, Hiroaki
Najac, Chloe
Najac, Chloé
Najeeb, Faisal
Naji, Ali
Naji, Joseph
Naji, Nashwan
Nakagawa, Koichi
Nakagawa, Toshiaki
Nakai, Kei
Nakai, Toshiharu
Nakai, Yudai
Nakajima, Ai
Nakajo, Masanori
Nakamoto, Dean
Nakamoto, Ryusuke
Nakamoto, Yuji
Nakamura, Hajime
Nakamura, Kunio
Nakamura, Tomoya
Nakamura, Yuko
Nakane, Toshiki
Nakanishi, Atsushi
Nakanishi, Katsuyuki
Nakanishi, Mitsuhiro
Nakanishi, Yasukazu
Nakarmi, Ukash
Nakata, Etsushi
Nakatsuka, Tomoya
Nakatsukasa, Katsuhiko
Nakazawa, Hiroyuki
Nakazawa, Misaki
Nalci, Alican
Nallapareddy, Naren
Nam, Yoon Ho
Nam, Yoon-Ho
Nam, Yoonho
Namimoto, Tomohiro
Nandwana, Sadhana
Nandwana, Sadhna
Nanga, Ravi
Nanga, Ravi Prakash
Nanga, Ravi Prakash Reddy
Nanz, Daniel
Napoli, Alessandro
Naqvi, Haider
Narayana, Ponnada
Narayanan, Ananth
Narayanan, Shrikanth
Narayanan, Sridar
Nardo, Lorenzo
Nariai, Tadashi
Narisinh, Kazim
Narsinh, Kazim
Narsude, Mayur
Narula, Jagat
Narumi, Shinsuke
Nash, Martyn
Nashiki, Kazutaka
Nasiraei Moghaddam, Abbas
Nasrallah, Fatima
Nasseef, Md
Nassenstein, Kai
Nassirpour, Sahar
Nasu, Hatsuko
Nath, Kavindra
Nathanson, David
Natsuaki, Yutaka
Natsuko, Onishi
Natsume, Takahiro
Naulin, Jérôme
Naumova, Anna
Nava Rodrigues, Daniel
Navarro, Miguel
Navest, Robin
Navon, Gil
Nayak, Amritha
Nayak, Krishna
Nayak, PhD, Krishna
Nayaka, Amritha
Nazarian, Saman
Nazeri, Arash
Neal, David
Near, Jamie
Nederveen, Aart
Neely, Elizabeth
Neeman, Michal
Neff, K
Negahdar, MJ
Neggers, Sebastiaan
Negussie, Ayele
Negård, Anne
Neher, Peter
Nehrke, Kay
Neil, Jeffrey
Neill, Evan
Neiman, David
Nejatbakhsh, Yousef
Neji, Radhouene
Nekolla, Stephan
Nelissen, Jules
Nelson, David
Nelson, Marvin
Nelson, Michael
Nelson, Sarah
Nemeth, Angéline
Nencka, Andrew
Neri, Maria Giovanna
Nery, Fábio
Nery, Fabio
NessAiver, Eliana
Nesteruk, Krzysztof
Nestrasil, Igor
Neto Henriques, Rafael
Neto-Henriques, Rafael
Neubauer, Andreas
Neubauer, Henning
Neubauer, Stefan
Neuberger, Thomas
Neuberger, Ulf
Neufeld, Ethan
Neugebauer, Mathias
Neuloh, G
Neumaier, Michael
Neumann, Kiel
Neumann, Verena
Neumann, Wiebke
Neumayer, Bernhard
Neuner, Irene
Neuwelt, Edward
Nevo, Uri
New, Lee
Newbould, Rexford
Newby, David
Newell Jr, John
Newitt, David
Newman, Benjamin
Newman, Sharlene
Newsome, Philip
Newton, Kimberley
Nezafat, Maryam
Nezafat, Reza
Ng, Amanda
Ng, Chin
Ng, Johnny
Ng, Joseph
Ng, Kwun Kei
Ng, Meei
Ng, Sue-Ann
Ng, Thian
Ng, Thomas
Ng'andwe, Eddie
Ngamsombat, Chanon
Ngo, Giang Chau
Ngo, Raymond
Nguyen, Bich
Nguyen, Binh
Nguyen, Christopher
Nguyen, Christopher T.
Nguyen, Damien
Nguyen, Ha Son
Nguyen, Hien
Nguyen, Huu
Nguyen, Huu Phuc
Nguyen, Huyen
Nguyen, Kim-Lien
Nguyen, Minh Phuong
Nguyen, Quyen
Nguyen, Thanh
Nguyen, Xuan
Ngwako, Mmua
Ni, Hongyan
Ni, Jianming
Ni, Wendy
Ni, Yicheng
Ni Mhurchu, Elaine
Nichols, Thomas
Nicholson, Duane
Nickel, Dominik
Nickerson, Joshua
Nickerson, Lisa
Nickles, R.
Nickmanesh, Reza
Nicolaij, Klaas
Nicolay, Klaas
Nie, Ke
Nie, Tingting
Nielles-Vallespin, Sonia
Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik
Nielsen, Nathalie
Nielsen, Per
Nielsen, Peter
Nielsen, Tim
Nielsen-Saines, Karin
Nielssen, Jon-Fredrik
Nieminen, Miika
Niendorf, Thoralf
Nies, Cordula
Niesporek, Sebastian
Niessen, Wiro
Nieuwstadt, Harm
Niforatos-Andescavage, Nickie
Niitsu, Mamoru
Nikolaou, Konstanin
Nikolaou, Konstantin
Nikolaou, Panayiotis
Nikoubashman, O.
Nikoubashman, Omid
Niks, Erik
Niles, David
Nilsson, Kent
Nilsson, Markus
Ning, Lipeng
Ning, Ming Ming
Ning, Ning
Ning, Qiang
Ninomiya, Ayako
Niogi, Sumit
Nippashi, Yasumasa
Niranjan, Arun
Nischwitz, Volker
Nishi, Yuri
Nishie, Akihiro
Nishihara, Takashi
Nishikido, Fumihiko
Nishimura, Dwight
Nishimura, Hiroshi
Nishina, Yu
Nishiyama, Kouya
Nissan, Noam
Nissi, Mikko
Nitsch, Roger
Nitta, Shuhei
Nittka, Mathias
Nitzel, Cory
Niu, Chen
Niu, Gang
Niu, Guang-ming
Niu, Jinliang
Niu, Tianye
NIwa, Tetsu
Nix, Linda
Nixon, Terrance
Nizak, Razmara
Nketiah, Gabriel
Nobashi, Tomomi
Nobili, Flavio
Nobles, Jason
Nocerino, Elisabetta
Noda, Seiichiro
Noda, Yoshifumi
Noeske, Ralf
Noeske, Ralph
Noguchi, So
Noguchi, Teruo
Nogueira, Luísa
Noh, Young
Nojiri, Ryuji
Noll, Douglas
Nomura, Shunji
Norddin, Narina
Nordio, Andrea
Nordmeyer, Sarah
Nordsletten, David
Noriko, Salamon
Normandin, Marc
Norquay, Graham
Norris, David
Norris, David G.
Norsigian, Christopher
North, Diggory
Northington, Frances
Nose, Kiichi
Noseworthy, Michael
Nosinger, Sarah
Notaros, Branislav
Notohamiprodjo, Mike
Nougaret, Stephanie
Nouls, John
Nour, Sherif
Noureddine, Yacine
Novak, Jan
Novikov, Dmitry
Noworolski, Susan
Nozaki, Atsushi
Nozaki, Taiki
Nugent, Zoann
Numao, Noboru
Nummenmaa, Aapo
Nunes, Daniel
Nunes, Rita
Nunes, Sandro
Nunokawa, Yoshinobu
Nurmi, Antti
Nussbaum, Jennifer
Nutandev, Bikkemane
Nutt, David
Nutting, Arni
Nwosu, Emmanuel
Nyberg, Scott
Nyengaard, Jens
Nyilas, Sylvia
Nyman, Jeffry
Nystrom, Michelle
Nägga, Katarina
Nörenberg, Dominik
Nørlinger, Thomas
Nørregaard, Rikke
O'Brian, Kieran
O'Brien, Beth
O'Brien, David
O'Brien, Kendall
O'Brien, Kieran
O'Brien, Tim
O'Callaghan, James
O'Connell, Caitlin
O'Connor, James
O'Connor, Robert
O'Daly, Owen
O'Flynn, Elizabeth
O'Gorman, Ruth
O'Halloran, Rafael
O'Hare, Patricia
O'Malley, Padraic
O'Muircheartaigh, Jonathan
O'Neil, Brian
O'Neill, David
O'Neill, Kevin
O'Neill, Michael
O'Neill, Richard
O'Reilly, Thomas
Oakden, Wendy
Oakes, Terrence
Oakley, David
Obando Andrade, Alexa
Obara, Makoto
Obata, Takayuki
Obata, Tkayuki
Obel, Anne
Obenaus, Andre
Oberacker, Eva
Oberndorfer, Stefan
Obertino, Silvia
Oberwelland, Eileen
Oborski, Matthew
Obregon, Manuel
Ochi, Hisaaki
Ochi, Junko
Ochi, Shigehiro
Ockert, Ben
Oda, Atsuko
Odashima, Masayuki
Odéen, Henrik
Odille, Freddy
Odry, Benjamin
Oehmigen, Mark
Oei, Edwin
Oei, Edwin HG
Oesingmann, Niels
Oezerdem, Celal
Ogasawara, Gou
Ogasawara, Kuniaki
Ogasawara, Yasushi
Ogawa, Akira
Ogbole, Godwin
Ogg, Robert
Ogier, Stephen
Ogino, Tetsuo
OH, Bernice
Oh, Byoung Chol
Oh, Chang-Hyun
Oh, Janghoon
Oh, Karen
Oh, Sangwon
Oh, Se-Hong
Oh, Sehong
Ohashi, Akane
Ohgiya, Yoshimitsu
Ohike, Nobuyuki
Ohkubo, Yuji
Ohliger, Michael
Ohmoto-Sekine, Yuki
Ohno, Hiromi
Ohno, Masako
Ohno, Naoki
Ohno, Yoshiharu
Ohri, Shaunak
Ohrmann, Patricia
Ohtani, Yuriko
Ohtomo, Kuni
Ohue, Shiro
Ohyu, Shigeharu
Ohyu, Shigeru
Oikonomidou, Olga
Oishi, Kenichi
Oishi, Naoki
Ojeda-Fournier, Haydee
Oka, Donna
Oka, Kuniharu
Okada, Hideho
Okada, Ken-ichi
Okada, Naohiro
Okada, Tomohisa
Okada, Tsutomu
Okamoto, Daisuke
Okell, Thomas
Oksuz, Ilkay
Oku, Tomokazu
Okuaki, Tomoyuki
Okuchi, Sachi
Okuda, Shigeo
Okuyama, Go
Okuzumi, Ayami
Olafsson, Valur
Olatunde, Abiola
Oldani, Graziano
Olde Rikkert, Marcel
Oler, Jonathan
Olesen, Oline
Oleson, Stephanie
Olgica, Zaric
Oliva, Piernicola
Oliveira, Andre
Oliveira, Andre de
Oliveira, Andre-de
Oliveira Gaspar, Andreia
Oliver, Ruth
Olivero, William
Olivo, Malini
Ollinger, John
Olmstead, Craig
Olsen, Miles
Olson, Daniel
Olson, Katherine
Olson, Marram
Olsson, Lars
Olsson, Marita
Olubiyi, Olutayo
Omatsu, Tokuhiko
Omelchenko, Oleksii
Omer, Hammad
Omidvarnia, Amir
Omoumi, Patrick
Ong, Eugene
Ong, Frank
Ong, Ju Lynn
Ong, Melissa
Ong, Yi Xiong
Ongur, Dost
Onishi, Hiroshi
Onishi, Natsuko
Ono, Hiromi
Onodera, Koichi
Ontaneda, Daniel
Ooi, Melvyn
Ooishi, Naoki
Oomens, Cees
Ootani, Yasumi
Opasanont, Borirak
Opel, Nils
Openshaw, Hannah
Opriessnig, Peter
Oral, Hakan
Oran, Omer
Orasanu, Eliza
Orci, Lorenzo
Ordidge, Katherine
Ordidge, Roger
Ordonez, Alvaro
Oriundo Verastegui, Marco
Orlandi, Daniele
Orooji, Mahdi
Oros-Peusquens, A.-M.
Oros-Peusquens, A.M.
Oros-Peusquens, Ana
Oros-Peusquens, Ana-Maria
Orton, Matthew
Orzada, Stephan
Orzel, Jaroslaw
Osawa, Iichiro
Osawa, Tomoshi
Oshinomi, Kazuya
Oshinski, John
Oshio, Koichi
Osmond, Mark
Osswald, Stefan
Ostrem, Jill
Oswood, Mark
Ota, Hideki
Ota, Kanako
Otazo, Ricardo
Othman, Ahmed
Oto, Aytekin
Oto, Cagdas
Ott, Beate
Ott, Martin
Otte, Willem
Otto, Josephin
Otto, Markus
Ou, Jao
Ou, Xiawei
Oudard, Stephane
Oudeman, Jos
Ouellette, Russell
Ould Ismail, Abdol Aziz
Ouriadov, Alexei
Ourselin, Sebastian
Ourselin, Sebastien
Ourselin, Sébastien
Ouwerkerk, Ronald
Ouyang, Austin
Ouyang, Han
Ouyang, Jinsong
Ouyang, Minhui
Ouyang, Yen-Chieh
Overall, William
Overduin, Christiaan
Owen, Julia
Owenier, Christoph
Owens, Erma
Oyarzabal, Esteban
Oyen, Raymond
Oz, Gulin
Oz, Orhan
Ozarslan, Evren
Ozawa, Yuriko
Ozdemir, Safa
Ozen, Ali Caglar
Ozenne, Valéry
Ozenne, Valery
Ozhinsky, Eugene
Ozturk, Ozge
O’Brien, Kieran
O’Callaghan, James
O’Loughlin, Lauren
O’Rourke, Donald
O’Sullivan, Finbarr
P Marques, Jose
Paasonen, Jaakko
Pacey, Allan
Paci, James
Padgett, Douglass
Padhani, Anwar
Padormo, Francesco
Paetsch, Ingo
Pagani, Elisabetta
Pagani, Marco
Pagé, Gwenaël
Page, Gwenael
Pagnozzi, Alex
Pahikkala, Tapio
Pahwa, Shivani
Pai, Akshay
Paik, Jong-Woo
Pais Roldán, Patricia
Paiz, Melissa
Pajevic, Sinisa
Palace, Jacqueline
Palanisamy, Arvind
Palaniyappan, Lena
Palaniyappan, Naaventhan
Palesi, Fulvia
Paley, Martyn
Pallebage Gamarallage, Menuka
Palm, Frederik
Palm, Fredrik
Palma, Giuseppe
Palmer, Antony
Palmqvist, Sebastian
Palombelli, Gianmauro
Palombo, Marco
Palta, Manisha
Pampel, André
Pan, Edward
Pan, Jianji
Pan, Jullie
Pan, Xinlei
Panagiotaki, Eleftheria
Panda, Rajanikant
Panda, Swayamparva
Panda, Vijayaraghavan
Pandey, Abhishek
Pandey, Chandra
Pandey, R. M.
Pandya, Aniket
Pandya, Hament
Pandya, Sneha
Panebianco, Valeria
Panek, Rafal
Panenka, William
Pang, Haopeng
Pang, Jianing
Pang, Jun
Pang, Yuxi
Pangalu, Athina
Panicker, Mahesh
Panigrahy, Ashok
Pannetier, Nicolas
Pansini, Michele
Pantel, Johannes
Panwar, Puja
Panych, Lawrence
Panzeri, Stefano
Paoletti, Matteo
Papadaki, Anastasia
Papadakis, George
Papadakis, Georgios
Papadakis, Nicolas
Papadimitroulas, Panagiotis
Papaevangelou, Efthymia
Papavassiliu, Theano
Pape, Louise
Papinutto, Nico
Papoutsaki, Marianthi-Vasiliki
Paquette, Benoit
Paquette, Lisa
Paquette, Michael
Paquin, Raphaël
Parasoglou, Prodromos
Parazzini, Cecilia
Pardini, Matteo
Parekh, Mansi
Parent, Spencer
Paret, Christian
Parikh, Ishita
Parikh, Nehal
Paritmongkol, Watcharaphol
Parizel, Paul
Park, Bumhee
park, Bumwoo
Park, Cheol Min
Park, Cheongsoo
Park, Daniel
Park, Denise
Park, Eun-Hye
Park, Hyun-Joo
Park, HyunWook
Park, Ilwoo
Park, Jaeseok
Park, Jang-Yeon
Park, Jinha
Park, Jinho
Park, Jinil
Park, Jisuk
Park, John
Park, Joshua
Park, Joshua Haekyun
Park, Ju Yeon
Park, Jun
Park, Jun-Hyung
Park, Mi-Suk
Park, Sang-Eon
Park, Seong Ho
Park, Soonchan
Park, Suhyung
Park, Sun-Won
Park, Sung-Hong
Park, Sung-Ji
Park, Sunghong
Park, Vivian Youngjean
Park, Yong Jong
Park, Young Woo
Park, Young-Seok
Parker, Chris
Parker, Dennis
Parker, Dennis L.
Parker, Geoff
Parker, Geoffrey
Parker, Greg
Parker, Helen
Parker, Jennifer
Parker, Nicole
Parker, Scott
Parkes, Harold
Parkes, Laura
Parmar, Hemant
Parnetti, Lucilla
Parney, Ian
Parra, Nestor
Parra-Robles, Juan
Parraga, Grace
Parrish, Todd
Parsey, Ramin
Parshad, Rajinder
Parsons, Caron
Parsons, J
Parsons, J Kellogg
Partanen, Ari
Partridge, Savannah
Parvathaneni, Prasanna
Paschke, Nadia
Pasha, Evan
Paska, Jan
Paspulati, Rajmohan
Pasqualetti, Massimo
Passamonti, Luca
Pasternak, Ofer
Pastor, Géraldine
Pataki, Rozalia
Pataky, Rozalia
Patanaik, Amiya
Patay, Zoltan
Patel, Aleema
Patel, Amit
Patel, Anant
Patel, Chandresh
Patel, Dominic
Patel, Harshal
Patel, Jay
Patel, Mita
Patel, Mital
Patel, Mittun
Patel, Nirav
Patel, Vishal
Paterson, Ross
Pathak, Arvind
Pathak, Ryan
Pathak, Sudhir
Patil, Bhushan
Patil, Uday
Patino, Rodrigo
Patir, Rana
Patterson, Shannon
Patz, Samuel
Paudyal, Ramesh
Paul, Erin
Paul, Jan
Paul, Joe
Paul, Katharina
Paul, Robert
Paulsen, Jeffrey
Paulsen, Keith
Pauly, John
Pauly, Kim
Pauly, Kim Butts
Pautler, Robia
Pavía-Jiménez, Andrea
Pavlides, Michael
Pavlin, Tina
Pavlova, Marina
Pawate, Siddharama
Pawela, Christopher
Payne, Geoffrey
Payne, Nicholas
Payoux, Pierre
Paz-Alonso, Pedro
Peacock, Andrew
Pearce, Chris
Pearce, David
Pearce, Patrice
Pearson, Aimee
Pearson, Jack
Pecheva, Diliana
Pedersen, Erik
Pedersen, Mangor
Pedersen, Michael
Pednekar, Amol
Pedoia, Valentina
Pedrosa, Ivan
Pedrosa de Barros, Nuno Miguel
Peehl, Donna
Peereboom, Sophie
Peet, Andrew
Peeters, Ron
Peeters, Ronald
Peeters, Tom
Pegoretti, Kelly
Pegoretti Baruteau, Kelly
Peh, Wilfred
Pei, Mengchao
Pekar, James
Pelizzari, Laura
Pellegrin, Maxime
Pellicano, Antonello
Pena, Adrienne
Pena, Alonso
Pendse, Mihir
Penet, Marie-France
Peng, Dantao
Peng, Hsu-Hsia
Peng, Jingqiang
Peng, Patrick
Peng, Peng
Peng, Po-Yu
Peng, Qi
Peng, Shin-Lei
Peng, Wei
Peng, Weijun
Peng, Wenjia
Peng, Xi
Peng, Yi-Jen
Peng, Yun
Pennell, Dudley
Pepe, Alessia
Peper, Eva
Peperhove, Matti
Pépin, Jérémy
Pepin, Kay
Perchyonok, Yuliya
Pereira, Edna
Perera, Francisco
Pérès, Elodie
Pérez Rodas, Marlon
Perez-Lopez, Raquel
Perez-Medina, Carlos
Perez-Rossello, Jeanette
Perez-Torres, Carlos
Periquito, Joao dos Santos
Perkuhn, Michael
Perlbarg, Vincent
Perraud, Blanche
Perrier, Anne-Laure
Perrins, M.
Perrins, Michael
Perrone, Daniele
Perrucci, Mauro Gianni
Perry, Arie
Perry, Avital
Perry, James
Persson, Anders
Perucho, Jose Angelo
Peruzzo, Denis
Pesola, Marko
Petchprapa, Catherine
Peter, Jonas
Peter, Karlheinz
Peters, Carl
Peters, Dana
Peters, Katherine
Peters, Rob
Peters, Robert
Peters, Terry
Petersen, Esben
Petersen, Olav
Peterson, David
Peterson, Eric
Peterson, Michael
Peterson, Pernilla
Petibon, Yoann
Petiet, Alexandra
Petitclerc, Leonie
Petr, Jan
Petrey, Derick
Petridou, Natalia
Petrone, Thomas
Petros, Firas
Petrov, Andrii
Petrov, Petar
Petrova, Natalia
Pettersson-Yeo, William
Petty, Christopher
Peuna, Arttu
Pfannenberg, Christina
Pfeffer, Anna
Pfefferbaum, Adolf
Pfeifer, Dietmar
Pfeiffer, Harald
Pfeuffer, Josef
Pflanz, Chris
Pflugrad, Henning
Pfrommer, Andreas
Pham, Dzung
Pham, Mirko
Pham, Trang
PharmaCog Consortium, on behalf of the
Philippe, Anne-Charlotte
Philippens, Marielle
Philips, Bart
Philips, Wilfried
Phillips, Elizabeth
Phillips, James
Phillips, Joanna
Phillips, Jonathan
Phillips, Micheal
Phillips, Raquel
Phinikaridou, Alkystis
Phua Hwee, Tang
Pialat, Jean-Baptiste
Piazza, Martin
Piccini, Davide
Piccirelli, Marco
Picco, Agnese
Pichardo, Samuel
Pichler, Bernd
Pichumani, Kumar
Pickard, John
Pickhardt, Perry
Pickles, Martin
Picone, Dario
Pieber, Karin
Pieper, Russell
Pierpaoli, Carlo
Pierre, Eric
Pierzchala, Katarzyna
Pietiläinen, Kirsi
Pietrzyk, Uwe
Pietsch, Hubertus
Piguet, Françoise
Pike, Bruce
Pike, G
Pike, G. Bruce
Pilania, Arun
Pilatus, Ulrich
Pillai, Jay
Pilutti, David
Pinaud, Noël
Pinaud, Noel
Pinder, Sarah
Pine, Kerrin
Pinho, Marco
Pini, Lauriane
Pinker-Domenig, Katja
Pinney, Kevin
Pintea, Bogdan
Pinto, Joana
Pinto, Jose
Pinto, Peter
Pipe, James
Pipitone, Jon
Piraino, Basilia
Pirpamer, Lukas
Pirttimäki, Tiina
Pisner, Derek
Pitkänen, Asla
Pitt, David
Pittau, Francesca
Pivik, R.T.
Piyasena, Chinthika
Pizzini, Francesca Benedetta
Pizzolato, Marco
Plaha, Puneet
Plantone, Domenico
Plata, Juan
Platt, Tanja
Platten, Michael
Plaumann, Markus
Plaza, Begoña
Plaza-García, Sandra
Plecha, Donna
Plenz, Dietmar
Plesa, Gabriela
Pletnikov, Mikhail
Plishker, William
Pluim, Josien
Po, Chrystelle
Po-Hong, Hsu
Poblador, Esau
Poblador Rodriguez, Esaú
Poblador Rodriguez, Esau
Pochert, Alexander
Pock, Thomas
Podlipska, Jana
Podlipská, Jana
Pogosbekyan, Eduard
Pohida, Thomas
Pohlmann, Andreas
Pohmann, Rolf
Poigai Arunachalam, Shivaram
Poirier-Quinot, Marie
Poirion, Emilie
Pokkali, Supriya
Pokorney, Amber
Polak, Paul
Polders, Daniel
Polimeni, Jonathan
Polimeridis, Athanasios
Polivchuk, Mark
Polzehl, Joerg
Pong, Alice
Poni, Redi
Ponkanist, Kanokvalee
Ponsky, Lee
poojar, Pavan
Poole, Charles
Poon, Ada
Poon, Evon
Poot, Alex
Poot, Dirk
Poot, Dirk HJ
Pop, Mihaela
Pop-Busui, Rodica
Popel, Aleksander
Popeo, Mariagrazia
Popovic, Zoya
Poptani, Harish
Porcari, Paola
Porceddu, Sandro
Porges, Eric
Porkorney, Amber
Port, Allison
Port, Andreas
Porta, Nuria
Portegies, Jorg
Porter, David
Porter, John
Porter, Marie-Claire
Porter, Shaun
Portnoy, Sharon
Porto, Miguel
Pos, Floris
Poser, Benedikt
Poser, Benedikt A
Positano, Vincenzo
Posnansky, Oleg
Pospisilova, Aneta
Postma, Geert
Potchen, Michael
Potter, Hollis
Potter, Lee
Potter, MD, Hollis
Potters, Wouter
Poublanc, Julien
POULADI, Mahmoud
Pouladi, Mahmoud A.
Pouliot, Philippe
Poupon, Cyril
Poupon, Fabrice
Pouratian, Nader
Pourfathi, Mehrdad
Pourquié, Olivier
Pousin, Jérôme
Poutanen, Matti
Pouwels, Petra
Pouymayou, Bertrand
Povazan, Michal
Považan, Michal
Powell, Andrew
Powell, David
Powell, Kimerly
Powell, MD, Andrew
Powell, Nicholas
Powell, Nick
Powell, Tracy
Power, Carl
Powers, William
Poynton, Clare
Pozo, Karine
Prabhakaran, Karthik
Prabhakaran, Shyam
Prabhu, Sanjay
Pracht, Eberhard
Pradella, Maurce
Pradhan, Subechhya
Prado, Pablo
Prados, Ferran
Prager, Marcel
Prah, Melissa
Prakash, Jaya
Pramanik, Priyanka
Prasad, Pottumarthi
Prasad, Sanjay
Prasanna, Prateek
Prato, Frank
Pratt, Ron
Pratt, Ronald
Pravatà, Emanuele
Preda, Marilena
Preibisch, Christine
Preihs, Christian
Preiswerk, Frank
Preti, Maria
Prevedello, Luciano
Prevost, Valentin
Preziosa, Paolo
Preziosi, Paolo
Prezzi, Davide
Price, Anthony
Price, Anthony N.
Price, Catherine
Price, Stephen
Price, William
PRIEST, Andrew
Prieto, C.
Prieto, Claudia
Prigge, Molly
Prince, Martin
Prinsen, Hetty
Pritchard, Susan
Privat, Anne-Laure
Probst, Clemens
Procissi, Daniele
Proctor, Evelyn
Proctor, Julie
Profka, Harrilla
Prola Netto, Joao
Prompers, Jeanine
Pronin, Igor
Prosser, R. Scott
Prothmann, Marcel
Protti, Andrea
Provencher, David
Provenzano, Paolo
Prsa, Milan
Prudente, Cecília
Pruessmann, Klaas
Pruthi, Sumit
Pruzan, Alison
Pryhuber, Gloria
Prüssmann, Klaas
Puccio, Hélène
Pui, Ching-Hon
Pulini, Stefano
Pullens, Pim
Pumphrey, Ashley
Pun, Pamela
Pun Boon Li, Pamela
Puntmann, Valentina
Punwani, Shonit
Pupa, Serenella
Purnell, Carson
Pursley, Randall
Pursnani, Amit
Purvis, Lucian
Pushparajah, Kuberan
Puspitasari, Fiftarina
Pusterla, Orso
Pustovyy, Oleg
Puts, Nicholaas
Puts, Nicolaas
Pyka, Thomas
Qi, Haikun
Qi, Haiyun
Qi, Linlin
Qi, Shun
Qi, Xiuling
Qi, Yi
Qi, Ying
Qian, Chunqi
Qian, Liwen
Qian, Long
Qian, Tian-yi
Qian, Tianyi
Qian, Wei
Qian, Yongxian
Qiang, Jin-Wei
Qiao, Ju
Qiao, Min
Qiao, Peng-fei
Qiao, Ruirui
Qiao, Yang
Qiao, Ye
Qidwai, Siddiq
Qimiao, Ye
Qin, Hecong
Qin, Huamin
Qin, Jianjun
Qin, Kuang
Qin, Lei
Qin, Qin
Qin, Shanlin
Qing, Kun
Qing Long, Gu
qingwei, song
Qiu, Anqi
Qiu, Bensheng
Qiu, Deqiang
Qiu, Lihua
Qiu, Maolin
Qiu, Yingwei
Qu, Huifang
Qu, Jianxun
QU, Jin
Qu, Jinrong
Qu, Tingting
Qu, Xiaobo
Quadrelli, Scott
Quarles, C.
Quarles, C. Chad
Quarles, Chad
Quarmley, Megan
Quattrone, Aldo
Quesson, Bruno
Quest, Rebecca
Quevenco, Frances
Quevenco, Frances-Catherine
Quick, Harald
Quick, Harald H.
Quinones-Hinojosa, Alfredo
Quirouet, Adrienne
Quiroz, Ryan
Quist, Brady
Quittek, Simon
Quon, Andrew
Quresh, Muhammad
R. Polimeni, Jonathan
Raabe, Eric
Raaijmakers, A.J.E.
Raaijmakers, Alexander
Raatschen, Hans-Juergen
Raaymakers, Bas
Rabin, Neil
Rabiner, Eugenii
Rabyk, Maria
Rackayova, Veronika
Rackley, Craig
Rad, Roland
Radaelli, Marta
Radbruch, Alexander
Radcliffe, Jerilynn
Radda, George
Radjenovic, Aleksandra
Radl, Isabella
Radomski, Kryslaine
Radue, Ernst-Wilhelm
Rae, Caroline
Raeside, Mitchell
Raffard, Gerard
Raffard, Gérard
Raffelt, David
Raffone, Antonino
Rafiq, Isma
Ragavan, Mukundan
Raghavan, Prashant
Raghunand, Natarajan
raghuraman, Sairamesh
Ragin, Ann
Ragot, Don Marcial
Rahimi, Mahdi
Rahman, Farzana
Rahmani, Farzaneh
Rahmanuddin, Syed
Rahmer, Jürgen
Rahmim, Arman
Rahsepar, Amir
Rahsepar, Amir Ali
Rai, Robba
Rai, Vertika
Raithel, Esther
Raizer, Jeffery
Raj, Saloni
Raja, Shanker
Rajagopalan, Sanjay
Rajagopalan, Vidya
Rajagovindan, Rajasimhan
Rajamani, Deepa
Rajamani, Rajesh
Rajamohamed Sait, Hameetha
RajaMohamed Sait, Wajitha
Rajan, Sunder
Rajapakse, Chamith
Rajaram, Smitha
Rajaraman, Chittoor
Rajaratnam, Anjali
Rajavi, Yashar
Rajendran, Reshmi
Rajesparan, Kannan
Rajkumar, Ravichandran
Rajnala, Niharika
Rakhra, Kawan
Rakow-Penner, Rebecca
Rallapalli, Harikrishna
Ram, Ishwar
Ramachandran, Hari
Ramachandran, Navin
Ramachandran, Sarayu
Ramadan, Saadallah
Ramaiahgari, Bhavitha
Ramakrishna, Bharath
Ramakrishnaiah, Raghu
Ramamonjisoa, Nirilanto
Raman, Steven
Ramanan, Venkat
Ramanna, Sudhir
Ramasamy, Boominathan
Ramasawmy, Rajiv
ramawat, Surabhi
Ramb, Rebecca
Rami, Lorena
Ramjas, Greg
Rammelsberg, Peter
Ramos, Isabel
Ramos, Nadine
Ramos-Llordén, Gabriel
Ramos-Murguialday, Ander
Rana, Mohit
Rana, Poonam
Rana, Shreya
Ranatunga, Dinesh
Rand, Scott
Randle, Ashley
Randolph V, Allison
Rane, Swati
Rangaprakash, D
Rangarajan, Janaki Raman
Rangghran, Parisa
Rangwala, Novena
Rani, Komal
Raniga, Parnesh
Ranjan, Ravi
Ranjeva, Jean-Philippe
Ranjzad, Parisa
Rank, Christopher
Ranta, Kaili
Rao, Bhaskar
Rao, Gullapalli
Rao, Jianghong
Rao, Madhwesha
Rao, Pramod
Rao, Rashmi
Rao, Roshni
Rao, Shengxiang
Rao, Stephen
Rao, Ya-Min
Rapacchi, Stanislas
Rapp, Peter
Rapuano, Amedeo
Rasche, Volker
Rashid, Fasial
Rashid, Shams
Rashid, Waqar
Rasoanandrianina, Henitsoa
Rastegar, Neda
Rastinehad, Ardeshir
Rata, Mihaela
Ratai, Eva-Maria
Raterman, Brian
Rathi, Yogesh
Ratib, Osman
Ratiney, Hélène
Rattan, Mantosh
Ratti, Elena
Ratz, Valentin
Ratzlaff, Charles
Rau, Christoph
Raudner, Marcus
Rauh, Susanne
Rauhut, Sebastian
Rauscher, Alexander
Rautiainen, Jari
Ravi, Harshan
Ravishankar, Adarsh
Ravishankar, Hariharan
Ray, Kevin
Raya, Jose
Raz, Naftali
Razavi, Reza
Read, Paul
Ream, Justin
Reardon, David
Rebec, George
Reber, Jonas
Rebours, Vinciane
Rebsamen, Susan
Recht, Hannah
Recht, Lawrence
Recht, Michael
Reckziegel, Diane
Reda, Ihab
Redalen, Kathrine
Reddick, Wilbrun
Reddick, Wilburn
Reddick, Willburn
Reddig, Annika
Reddy, Damodara
Reddy, Harsith
Reddy, Kasireddy
Reddy, Rashmi
Reddy, Ravinder
Reddy, Rishika
Reding, Theresia
Redlich, Ronny
Ree, Anne
Reece, Christine
Reed, Galen
Reeder, Scott
Reese, Timothy
Reese, Torsten
Reetz, Kathrin
Refai, Hazem
Rega, Marilena
Regan, Brigid
Regatte, Ravinder
Regatte, Ravinder R.
Regli, Luca
Regner, Benjamin
Rehman, Sumra
Rehner, Robert
Rehnitz, Christoph
Reibetanz, Joachim
Reich, Daniel
Reichardt, Wilfried
Reichenbach, Juergen
Reichenbach, Jürgen
Reichert, Andreas
Reichlin, Tobias
Reid, Lee
Reid, Scott
Reid, William
Reilly, David
Reilly, Katelyn
Reimann, Henning
Reimold, Matthias
Reiner, Caecilia
Reiner, Thomas
Reinhold, Dirk
Reinsberg, Stefan
Reiser, Maximilian
Reisert, Marco
Reishofer, Gernot
Reiss, Simon
Reiter, David
Reiter, Robert
Reitman, Aaron
Rej, Ewa
Remis, Rob
Ren, Clement
Ren, Daokun
Ren, Fuxin
Ren, Jimin
Ren, Lei
Ren, Lijie
Ren, Tao
Ren, Wang
Ren, Yan
Ren, Yanan
Renaud, Pierre
Reneman, Liesbeth
Renhua, Wu
Renne, Stefania
Renteria, Carlos
Renvall, Ville
Repetto, Maurizio
Repplinger, Michael
Rescigno, Pasquale
Resmer, Frank
Ressel, Volker
Restaino, Gennaro
Restivo, Matthew
Retico, Alessandra
Rettmann, Dan
Reutens, David
Reuter, Martin
Revstedt, Johan
Rey, Ramón
Reyes, Mauricio
Reyes Aguirre, Mauricio
Reynaud, Olivier
Reynolds, Steven
Reza, Ahmed Wasif
Rheault, François
Rhee, Hak Young
Riascos-Castaneda, Roy
Riaz, Nadeem
Riazy, Leili
Ribbons, Karen
Ribe, Lars
Ribeiro, André
RIBOT, Emeline
Ricci, Justin
Riccitelli, Gianna
Rice, Scott
Rich, Adam
Rich, Keith
Richard, Edo
Richard, Ehman
Richard, Marie Anne
Richards, Arthur Mark
Richards, Todd
Richardson, Mark
Richardson, Russell
Richardson, Simon
Richardson, William
Richmond, Lewys
Richter, Bernhard
Rico, Audrey
Ricotti, Valeria
Rideau Batista Novais, Aline
Riedel, Marissa
Riederer, Franz
Riederer, Stephen
Riedy, Gerard
Rieger, Jan
Riegler, Johannes
Rieke, Viola
Riemenschneider, Bruno
Riemer, Frank
Rieppo, Lassi
Ries, Mario
Riesterer, Oliver
Rietsch, Stefan
Riffel, Philipp
Righini, Andrea
Rigsby, Cynthia
Rijpma, Anne
Riley, Amanda
Riley, Amanda A.
Riley, Paul
Rimola, Jordi
Ring, Hattie
Ringe, Kristina
Ringel, Florian
Ringgaard, Steffen
Ringleb, Rainer
Rink, Kristian
Ripley, Beth
Ripoll Fuster, Maite Alaitz
Rischpler, Christoph
Risérius, Ulf
Rispoli, Joseph
Rispoli, Vinicius
Rissanen, Aila
Ritchie, Craig
Ritchie, Stuart
Rivens, Ian
Rivera, Mariano
Rivera-Rivera, Leonardo
Rivka, Colen
Rizi, Rahim
Rizwan, Asif
Rizzitelli, Silvia
Rizzo, Francesca
Rjosk, Viola
Roa Romero, Yadira
Roach, Dale
Roalf, David
Robb, Fraser
Robbins, Jessica
Robbins, Peter
Robe, Pierre
Robert, Manka
Roberts, Drucilla
Roberts, John
Roberts, Nate
Roberts, Neil
Roberts, Timothy
Roberts, Tom
Roberts, Victoria
Robertson, Andrew
Robertson, Frances
Robertson, Nicola
Robertson, Scott
Robin, Thomas
Robinson, Gene
Robinson, Jennifer
Robinson, Joshua
Robinson, Julian
Robinson, Samuel
Robinson, Simon
Robison, Ryan
Robson, Jennifer
Robson, Matthew
Robson, Philip
Robson, Phillip
Robson, Siân
Roby, Diona
Rocca, Maria
Roccatagliata, Luca
Roche, Alexis
Roche, Pierre-Hugues
Rochford, James
Rockall, Andrea
Rockel, Conrad
Rockne, Russell
Rodegher, Mariaemma
Roden, Michael
Rodeo, Scott
Rodgers, Christopher
Rodgers, Christopher T.
Rodgers, Zachary
Rodkong, Artit
Rodrigue, Karen
Rodrigues, Daniel
Rodriguez, Alfonso
Rodriguez, Alfredo
Rodriguez, Jeffrey
Rodriguez-Justo, Manuel
Roe, Denise
Roebroeck, Alard
Roeloffs, Volkert
Roelofs, Tessa
Roes, Stijntje
Roest, Arno
Rofsky, Neil
Rogers, Kem
Roggenbuck, Dirk
Rogozhyn, Volodymyr
Roh, Keuntak
Rohani Rankouhi, Seyedmorteza
Rohling, Mala
Rohren, Eric
Rohrer, Jonathan
Roifman, Idan
Roine, Timo
Roine, Ulrika
Roivainen, Anne
Rojas, Oscar
Roland Hill, Chris
Roldán-Alzate, Alejandro
Roldan-Alzate, Alejandro
Rolinski, Michal
Rolland, Anne-Sophie
Rollins, Nancy
Romani, Gian Luca
Romano, Anthony
Romanzetti, Sandro
Romascano, David
Romashchenko, Alexandr
Rombouts, Serge
Romeo, Maria Antonietta
Rommel, Nathalie
Romu, Thobias
Ronald, John
Roncaroli, Federico
Ronellenfitsch, Michael
Ronen, Itamar
Ronen, Sabrina
Rong, Dongdong
Rong, Song
Rooijackers, Hanne
Rooney, William
Roos, Raymund
Roosa, Heidi
Ropele, Stefan
Ropella, Kathleen
Rosa, Natacha
Rosado-Toro, Jose
Rosas, Diana
Rosas, Humberto
Rose, Andrew
Rose, Chris
Rose, Michael
Rose, Stephen
Rosen, Allyson
Rosen, Bruce
Rosen, Matthew
Rosenberg, Anthony
Rosenberg, Jarrett
Rosenberg, Jens
Rosenkrantz, Andrew
Rosenthal, Eric
Rosenzweig, Sebastian
Rosi, Susanna
Rosqvist, Fredrik
Ross, Alfred
Ross, Arun
Ross, Brian
Ross, Christopher
Ross, Thomas
Rossi, Cristina
Rossi, Ignacio
Rossini, Paolo
Rossini, Rodrigo
Rossman, Phillip
Rossor, Martin
Rost, Natalia
Rostamie, Mahsa
Rostrup, Egill
Rota Kops, Elena
Rotenberg, David
Roth, Amir
Roth, Noam
Rothman, Douglas
Rotile, Nicholas
Rottbauer, Wolfgang
Rotzinger, David
Rouhl, Rob
Roujol, Sébastien
Rousseau, François
Roussel, Tangi
Roux, Marion
Rowe, Christopher
Rowe, Daniel
Rowe, James
Rowland, Benjamin
Rowland, Laura
Rowley, Howard
Roy, Bhaswati
Roy, Nicole
Roy, Prof. Raja
Roy, Raja
Roy, Ritu
Roy, Sharmili
Roy, Trisha
Royle, Natalie
Roys, Steve
Rozhkova, Zinayida
Rua, Catarina
Ruan, Daniel
Ruan, lingxiang
Ruan, Weiwei
Ruben, Jeremy
Ruby, Jeannine
Ruda, Trina
Rude, Temitope
Rudick, Richard
Rudin, Markus
Rueckert, Daniel
Ruf, Matthias
Ruhm, Wolfgang
Ruijsink, Bram
Ruitenberg, Marc
Ruiz, Epifanio
Ruiz, Sergio
Rukin Gold, Deborah
Rummeny, Ernst
Rumpel, Helmut
Rund, Armin
Rundek, Tatjana
Runge, Jurgen
Runner, Gabriel
Runze, Yang
Ruotsalainen, Anna-Kaisa
Ruparel, Kosha
Rupert, Petra
Ruppert, Kai
Rupprecht, Sebastian
Rupprecht, Sebastien
Ruprecht, Christian
Ruschke, Stefan
Ruset, Iulian
Rushforth, David
Rusinek, Henry
Russek, Stephen
Russell, Colin
Russell, Greg
Russell, Stewart
Russell-Schulz, Bretta
Russo, Scott
Rusted, Jennifer
Rusu, Mirabela
Rutherford, Mary
Ruthven, Matthieu
Rutland, Jack
Rutledge, Omar
Rutt, Brian
Rutz, Tobias
Ruurda, Jelle
Ruytenberg, Thomas
Ružicka, Evžen
Ryan, Thomas
Rydén, Henric
Rysavy, Joseph
Rysä, Jaana
Ryu, Chang-Woo
Ryu, JaeKyun
Ryu, Jong-Hyun
Ryu, Seong-Yoon
Ryu, Yeun Chul
Rösler, Manuela
Rössler, Karl
S, Sendhil Velan
Saab, Bechara
Saam, Tobias
Saarakkala, Simo
Saba, Kamal
Sabandal, Carola
Sabate, Juan
Saberniak, Jørg
Sablong, Raphaël
Saborowska, Alexandra
Sabouri, Shirin
Sabouroux, Pierre
Sabrina, Paganoni
Sabuncu, Mert R.
Sacchet, Matthew
Sacchini, Virgilio
Sacher, Alex
Sachse, Frank
Sack, I.
Sack, Ingolf
Sack, Markus
Sacktor, Ned
Sadananthan, Suresh Anand
Sadeghi, Neda
Sadeghian, Farnoosh
Sadighi, Mehdi
Sadleir, Rosalind
Sadougi, Nima
Sadowski, Elizabeth
Sadowsky, Cristina
Saeed, Maythem
Saekho, Suwit
Safabakhsh, Hamidreza
Safari, Mojtaba
Sagaon Rojas, Guadalupe
Sagiroglu, Zahid
Sagiyama, Koji
Sagoo, Ravjit
Sah, Rani
Saha, Debabrata
Saha, Indrajit
Saha, Prakash
Saha, Saikat
Sahai, Abhimanyu
Sahakian, Barbara
Sahebjam, Solmaz
Sahgal, Arjun
Sahib, Ashish Kaul
Sahoo, Prativa
Saida, Yukihisa
Sail, Deepak
Sailasuta, Napapon
Saindane, Amit
Saini, Jitender
Sainokami, Yuma
Saint, Fabien
Saint-Jalmes, Hervé
Sair, Haris
Saito, Haruo
Saito, Kazuhiro
Saito, Kazutaka
Saito, Keita
Saito, Tomonori
Saiviroonporn, Pairash
Sajib, Saurav
Sajja, Sujith
Sakadzic, Sava
Sakaguchi, Rena
Sakahara, Harumi
Sakai, Koji
Sakai, Mio
Sakai, Osamu
Sakai, Shuji
Sakai, Takayuki
Sakaie, Ken
Sakashita, Naotaka
Sakashita, Naotakata
Saksena, Sona
Sakuma, Hajime
Sakurai, Kota
Salajeghe, Somaie
Salameh, Najat
Salamon, Noriko
Salat, David
Sale, Martin
Saleh, Muhammad
Saleh, Tarek
Salehian, Sepand
Salem, Riad
Salerno, Michael
Salgaonkar, Vasant
Salibi, Nouha
Saligheh Rad, Hamidreza
SalighehRad, Hamidreza
Salim, Maryam
Salinas, Cristian
Salluzzi, Marina
Salma, Jabbour
Salmon, Carlos
Salo, Raimo
Salomir, Rares
Saloner, David
Salort-Campana, Emmanuelle
Salvado, Olivier
Salvador Gomez, Francisco
Salvatore, Marco
Salvo, Vincenzo
Salzwedel, Andrew
Samaraweera, Amal
Samavati, Navid
Sambasivan, Abhinav
Sambati, Luisa
Sammet, Christina
Sammet, Steffen
Sammi, Manoj
Sammut, Eva
Samoyeau, Thomas
Samsin, Danica
Samson, Rebecca
Samsonov, Alexey
San Sebastian, Luis
Sanchez, Angela
Sanchez, Stéphane
Sanchez, Stephane
Sanchez Lopez, Hector
Sánchez-Heredia, Juan D.
Sánchez-Montañés, Manuel
Sandager, Puk
Sander, Christin
Sanders, Stephen
Sandi, Carmen
Sandler, Adam
Sandor, Peter
Sandsmark, Elise
Saneie Taheri, Morteza
Sang Min, Kim
Sanghani, Parita
Sanguinetti, Gonzalo
Saniour, Isabelle
Sankai, Yoshiyuki
Sankhwar, Satya
Sano, Hiromi
Sanson, Marc
Santamaria, Gorane
Santangelo, Roberto
Santelli, Claudio
Santin, Mathieu
Santini, Francesco
Santini, Veronica
Santini, Veronika
Santos, Juan
Santos Diaz, Alejandro
Santos Ribeiro, André
Santos-Ribeiro, André
Sanz-Cortes, Magdalena
Saotome, Kousaku
Saporito, Salvatore
Sappo, Charlotte
Sarabdjitsingh, R.
Saranathan, Manojkumar
Sarasso, Elisabetta
Sarda, Yifat
Saremi, Farhood
Saris, Daniel
Saritas, Emine
Sarkar, Susobhan
Sarma, Manoj
Sarntinoranont, Malisa
Sarode, Venetia
Sarracanie, Mathieu
Sarraf, Michel
Sarret, Philippe
Sartorius, Alexander
Sarty, Gordon
Sasaki, Makoto
Sasaki, Masashi
Sasamori, Hiroto
Sathian, Krish
Sathornsumetee, Sith
Sati, Pascal
Sato, Haruka
Sato, Hiroshi
Sato, Jiro
Sato, Kanako
Sato, Kazuhide
Sato, Ryota
Sato, Shingo
Sato, Shuji
Sato, Tomohiro
Sato, Yuiko
Sato-Akaba, Hideo
Satomura, Yoshihiro
Satterthwaite, Theodore
Saucedo, Andres
Sauer, Alexander
Sauer, Michael
Saunders, Laura
Sauppe, Sebastian
Sav, Aydin
Savadjiev, Peter
Savarderkar, Amey
Savdie, Richard
Savic, Dragana
Savic, Tanja
Savini, Giovanni
Savitz, Jonathan
Savolainen, Katja
Savoldi, Filippo
Sawa, Akira
Sawada, Kingo
Sawiak, Stephen
Saybasili, Haris
Saygi, Serap
Sbrizzi, Alessandro
Scaccianoce, Elisa
Scalzo, Fabien
Scandling, Benjamin
Scarpetta, Maia
Schabel, Matthias
Schad, Lothar
Schaefer, Alexander
Schaefer, Alexandre
Schaefer, Juergen
Schaefer, Lena
Schaefers, Gregor
Schaefferkoetter, Josh
Schaefferkoetter, Joshua
Schaeffter, Tobias
Schagen, Sanne
Schahill, Rachel
Schaible, Thomas
Schakel, Tim
Schalken, Jack
Schaller, Benoit
Schar, Michael
Schatzki-McClain, Chenoa
Schaudinn, Alexander
Scheenen, T.W.J.
Scheenen, Tom
Scheer, Ianina
Scheffer, Ingrid
Scheffler, Klaus
Scheinost, Dustin
Scheins, Jürgen
Schenck, John
Schenker-Ahmed, Natalie
Schepkin, Victor
Scherman Rydhög, Anna
Scherrer, Benoit
Schiano, Thomas
Schiavi, Simona
Schick, Fritz
Schiebler, Mark
Schievano, Silvia
Schievink, Wouter
Schiff, Steven
Schiffler, Patrick
Schild, Hans
Schillak, Scott
Schilling, Franz
Schilling, Kurt
Schiltz, Nicholas
Schindele, Andreas
Schirda, Claudiu
Schirmer, Timo
Schlaeger, Regina
Schlamann, Marc
Schlegel, Felix
Schleicher, Katharina
Schlein, Alexandra
Schlein, Alexandria
Schleker, Phillipp
Schlemmer, Heinz-Peter
Schluchter, Mark
Schluep, Myriam
Schlögl, Matthias
Schmacht, Luisa
Schmahl, Christian
Schmainda, Kathleen
Schmeel, Frederic
Schmeel, Leonard
Schmid, Albrecht
Schmid, Florian
Schmid, Thomas
Schmidt, Alexander
Schmidt, Ehud
Schmidt, Holger
Schmidt, Johannes
Schmidt, Maria
Schmidt, Michaela
Schmidt, Nikolaj
Schmidt, Nils-Ole
Schmidt, Regine
Schmidt, Rita
Schmidt, Robert
Schmidt, Stefan
Schmidt-Trucksäss, Arno
Schmierer, Klaus
Schmit, Brian
Schmithorst, Vincent
Schmitt, Benjamin
Schmitt, Peter
Schmitter, Sebastian
Schmitz, Achim
Schmitz, Birte
Schnackenburg, Bernhard
Schnall, Mitchell
Schneider, Johannes T.
Schneider, Julie
Schneider, Jurgen
Schneider, Jürgen
Schneider, Moritz
Schneider, Rainer
Schneider, Susanne
Schneider, Till
Schneider, Torben
Schneider, Walt
Schnell, Susanne
Schoemberg, Tobias
Schoenberg, Stefan
Schoeneman, Samantha
Schoennagel, Bjoern
Schoerner, Stephanie
Schofield, Christopher
Scholz, Jan
Schonknecht, Peter
Schooling, C.
Schoormans, Jasper
Schott, Jonathan
Schrader, Jürgen
Schrag, Deborah
Schraml, Christina
Schramm, Christoph
Schrank, Geoffry
Schrantee, Anouk
Schrauben, Eric
Schrauwen, Patrick
Schrauwen-Hinderling, Vera
Schreck, Karisa
Schreiber, Laura
Schreiber, Renate
Schreiner, Christina
Schreiner, Markus
Schreiner, Simon
Schretlen, David
Schreurs, Tom
Schroeder, Frederick
Schroeder, Lea
Schroeder, Marie
Schroeder, Samuel
Schroeter, Aileen
Schroeter, Matthias
Schröder, Leif
Schröter, Aileen
Schubert, Florian
Schubert, Harald
Schubert, Rolf
Schubert, Tilman
Schuch, Christian
Schuchardt, Dennis
Schuenke, Patrick
Schulte, Rolf
Schulz, Jenni
Schulz, Jennifer
Schulz, Volkmar
Schulz-Menger, Jeanette
Schulz-Schaeffer, Walter
Schumacher, John
Schuman, Joel
Schumann, Christian
Schutt, Charles
Schwab, Evan
Schwaderlapp, Niels
Schwaiger, Markus
Schwalm, Miriam
Schwan, Stefan
Schwark, Thorsten
Schwartz, Daniel
Schwartz, Dean
Schwartz, Lawrence
Schwartz, Martin
Schwarz, Sina
Schwarze-Zander, Carolynne
Schwarzkopf, Ran
Schwarzwald, Ralf
Schweitzer, Mark
Schwenzer, Nina
Schwenzer, Nina F.
Schwerin, Susan
Schweser, Ferdinand
Schwid, Madeline
Schwiedrzik, Caspar
Schwieren, Juliane
Schwimmer, Jeffrey
Schwindling, Sebastian
Schwirtz, Ansgar
Schwitter, Juerg
Schüler, Dorothee
Schär, Michael
Schölkopf, Bernhard
Schönberg, Stefan
Sciarra, Alessandro
Sciolino, Natale
Scmidt, Achim
Scoffings, Daniel
Scott, Allison
Scott, Andrew
Scott, Connor
Scott, Greig
Scotti, Alessandro
Scuderi, Caterina
Scurr, Erica
Sdika, Michaël
Seah, Jas-mine
Seah, Stanley
Seah, Tina
Seal, Marc
Seaquist, Elizabeth
Sebastiani, Giada
Sébille, Sophie
Sebrié, Catherine
Sedelaar, Michiel
Sedlacik, Jan
See, William
Seed, Mike
Seeliger, Erdmann
Seenu, Vurthaluru
Seethamraju, Ravi
Seevinck, Peter
Segerer, Florian
Segers, Patrick
Seginer, Amir
Seguro, Florent
Seiberlich, Nicole
Seidel, Thomas
Seidl, Christof
Seidman, Jade
Seif, Maryam
Seifabadi, Reza
Seifert, Alan
Seifert, Frank
Seifritz, Erich
Seiler, Stephen
Sein, Julien
Seith, Ferdinand
Sekar, Sakthivel
Sekhar, Aarti
Sekhri, Tarun
Seki, Shinichiro
Seki, Yusuke
Sekine, Tetsuro
Sekizawa, Toshihiro
Selby, Nicholas
Seleznik, Gitta
Sellenger, Michael
Selnæs, Kirsten
Selvarajah, Dinesh
Semaan, Edouard
Semenkow, Samantha
Semenova, Natalia
Semmelroch, Mira
Semmineh, Natenael B.
Semple, Scott
Sen, Dr. Manodeep
Sen, Manodeep
Sena-Esteves, Miguel
Sénégas, Julien
Senekowitsch-Schmidtke, Reingard
Sengupta, Saikat
Sengupta, Shubharthi
Senkowski, Daniel
Senoo, Atsushi
Senoo, Atushi
Seo, Hyung Suk
Seo, Hyunseok
Seo, Youngho
Seo, Youngseob
Sepehrband, Farshid
Sepulveda, Pradyumna
Sepúlveda, Pradyumna
Serafim da Silveira, Juliana
Serag, Ahmed
Serai, Suraj
Seramani, Sankar
Serano, Peter
Sereno, Martin
Serés Roig, Eulalia
Serganova, Inna S.
Serguera, Ché
Serkova, Natalie
Seroussi, Inbar
Serra, Laura
Serradas Duarte, Teresa
Serrai, Hacene
Serralles, Jose
Serventi, Matthew
SET, Pat
Sethi, Arjun
Sethi, Rishi
Setkowicz, Zuzanna
Setompop, Kawin
Setsompop, Kawin
Seungkyun, Lee
Seuwen, Aline
Sevao, Amy
Severence, Lauren
Sevinsky, Christopher
Sevy, Amandine
Sexton, Kyle
Sezer, Taner
Sgandurra, Giuseppina
Sha, Miao
Shabaik, Ahmed
Shabbir, Shaila
Shaffer, Jean
Shafique, Abubakr
Shah, Abhay
Shah, Ajay
Shah, Amee
Shah, Chandan
Shah, Dipan
Shah, N.
Shah, N. Jon
Shah, N.J.
Shah, N.Jon.
Shah, Nadim
Shah, Nadim Jon
Shah, Neal
Shah, Pallav
Shah, Parina
Shah, Rutwik
Shah, Sameer
Shah, Tariq
Shah, Vijay
Shah, Zarine
Shahid, Ali
Shahinfard, Elham
Shahrampour, Shiva
Shahzad, Rahil
Shaibani, Ali
Shaik, Imam
Shaikh, Noor
Shajan, G
Shajan, G.
Shajan, Gunamony
Shalikar, Shahriar
Sham, Elyssa
Sham, Pak Chung
Shamonin, Dennis
Shamra, Vijay Kumar
Shan, Fei
Shan, Qungang
Shan, Yi
Shanbhag, Dattesh
Shang, Hong
Shang, Jin
Shang, Song'an
Shang, Xueqian
Shangaris, Panicos
Shankar, Rohini
Shankaranarayanan, Ajit
Shankhawar, S
Shanmuganathan, Kathirkamanathan
Shao, Hanyu
Shao, Hongda
Shao, Jiaxin
Shao, Ling
Shao, Qi
Shao, Sai
Shao, Tingting
Shao, Xingfeng
Shao, Yunwen
Shapiro, Erik
Shapiro, Kevin
Sharif, Behzad
Sharland, Gurleen
Sharma, Abhishek
Sharma, Abhishiek
Sharma, Arundhati
Sharma, Puneet
Sharma, Raju
Sharma, S. K.
Sharma, Samir
Sharma, Shrushrita
Sharma, Uma
Sharpley, Ann
Shatillo, Artem
Shaw, Greg
Shaw, Jaime
Shaw, Peter
Shazeeb, Mohammed Salman
Shcherbakova, Yulia
She, Huajun
Shea, Steven
Shean, Lee
Sheikh, Khadija
Sheikh, Mohammed
Shek, Lynette
Shemesh, Noam
Shen, Bin
Shen, Chao-Yu
Shen, Dinggang
Shen, Hsin-Wei
Shen, Jun
Shen, Lin
Shen, Nan
Shen, Nanxi
Shen, Peter
Shen, Shiwen
Shen, Wen
Shen, Wenwen
Shen, Wu-Chung
Shen, Yaqi
Shen, Yelong
Shen, Yuanyu
Shen, Zhiwei
Sheng, Jingwei
Sheng, Ke
Sheng, Min
Sheng, Ruofan
Shenton, Martha
Shenton, Martha E.
Shepherd, Timothy
Shereen, Duke
Sheriff, Sulaiman
Shermer, Sophie
Sherry, A. Dean
Sherry, Dean
Sherwood, Victoria
Sheth, Vipul
Shetty, Teena
Shevelev, Oleg
shi, caiyun
Shi, Chang-Zheng
Shi, Changzheng
Shi, Da
Shi, Da-Peng
Shi, Dapeng
Shi, Guangming
Shi, HaiBin
shi, huimin
Shi, Jingjing
Shi, Kai-ning
Shi, Kaining
Shi, Lei
Shi, Liming
Shi, Lin
Shi, Peng
Shi, Qinglei
Shi, Tuo
Shi, Xinwei
Shi, Yu
Shi, Yuan
Shi, Yuhang
Shi, Zhuo
Shibamoto, Yuta
Shibasaki, Jun
Shibata, Dean
Shibata, Sayaka
Shibukawa, Shuhei
Shigetomi, Hiroshi
Shih, George
Shih, I-Lun
Shih, Tiffany Ting-Fang
Shih, Tzu-Ching
Shih, Yao-Chia
Shih, Yen-Yu
Shih, Yen-Yu (Ian)
Shih, Yen-Yu Ian
Shiina, Atsushi
Shillo, Pillai
Shim, Michael
Shim, Woo Hyun
Shim, Y.
Shim, Young Mog
Shimakawa, Ann
Shimao, Daisuke
Shimizu, Eiji
Shimizu, Kazuhiro
Shimoji, Keigo
Shimokawa, Hiroaki
Shimony, Joshua
Shin, Hyeong Geol
Shin, Jaewook
Shin, Lisa
Shin, Peter
Shin, Seon Young
Shin, Sooyoung
Shin, Taehoon
Shin, Wanyong
Shin, Wonchul
Shindo, Toshikazu
Shing Leow, Melvin Khee
Shinmoto, Hiroshi
Shinoda, Kensuke
Shinohara, Russell
Shintani, Yuji
Shiobara, Aya
Shiodera, Taichiro
Shiota, Saori
Shirai, Tetsurou
Shirai, Toru
Shiraishi, Shinya
Shirakawa, Tamami
Shirato, Hiroki
Shiratori, Shuichi
Shirazi, alireza
Shirzadi, Zahra
Shishegar, Rosita
Shitano, Fuki
Shmueli, Karin
Shojaee Moghadam, Mohsen
Shojaee Moghdam, Mohsen
Shojaei, Ahmad
Shooshtary, Samaneh
Shosted, Ryan
Shriram, K S
Shriram, KS
Shrivastava, Raj
Shu, Hao
Shu, Kuo-Hsiung
Shu, Yunhong
Shubayev, Oleg
Shukla-Dave, Amita
Shultz, Sarah
Shum-Siu, Alice
Shungu, Dikoma
Shyr, Yu
Sia, David
Sibson, Nicola
Sica, Christopher
Siciliano, Gabriele
Sidabras, Jason
Siddiqui, Muhammad Faisal
Siddiqui, Sarmad
Sidhu, Harbir
Sidhu, Jasmeen
Sieber, Martin
Siebert, Danielle
Siebner, Hartwig
Siegelman, Evan
Siemonsen, Susanne
Sienaert, Pascal
Siero, Jeroen
Sierra, Alejandra
Sierra Lopez, Alejandra
Sigal, Ian
Sigmund, Eric
Signoretti, Sabina
Sigurdsson, Einar
Sijben, John
Sijbers, Jan
Silcock, Judith
Silemek, Berk
Silk, Tim
Silva, Afonso
Silva Vieira, Miguel
Silver, Jonathan
Silver, Michael
Silwal-Pandit, Laxmi
Sim, Fang Yang
Sima, Diana
Simard, Manon
Simard, Mikaël
Simchick, Gregory
Simeone, Alyssa
Simeonov, Anna
Simmet, Thomas
Simmons, Camilla
Simmons, Craig
Simmons, Lucy
Simmons, Lucy ,
Simoes, Rui
Simon, Birgit
Simon, Matthias
Simonelli, James
Simonetti, Orlando
Simonnetto, Douglas
Simonsick, Eleanor
Simonson, Donald
Simonson, Michael
Simpson, John
Sinclair, Christopher
Sinclair, Kevin
Sinforiani, Elena
Singh, Aditya
Singh, Alka
Singh, Alok
Singh, Anup
Singh, Arun
Singh, Dr. Ajai
Singh, Dr. Suruchi
Singh, Gagandeep
Singh, Jolene
Singh, Kavita
Singh, Krish
Singh, Krishna
Singh, Nisha
Singh, Prachi
Singh, Rajeev
Singh, Salendra
Singh, Saurabh
Singh, Sheldon
Singh, Suruchi
Singh-Manoux, Archana
Sinha, Dhiraj
Sinha, Sanjeev
Sinha, Shantanu
Sinha, Usha
Sinke, Michel
Sinko, Rebecca
Sinkus, Ralph
Sinoway, Lawrence
Sintupat, Kamolrawee
Siow, Bernard
Siqueira, Ivan
Sirirojn, Bangorn
Sirlin, Claude
Sirrs, Sandra
Sison, Shiloh
Sitaram, Ranganatha
Sitter, Beathe
Siu, Michelle
Sivesgaard, Kim
Sizonenko, Stéphane
Sjoholm, Anna Therese
Sjoholm, Therese
Skibbe, Henrik
Skinner, Jack
Skinner, Martha
Skinner, Nathan
Skolasky, Richard
Skolnik, Aaron
Skorpil, Mikael
Skovgaard Larsen, Lars Peter
Skowronska, Marta
Skurk, Thomas
Slade, Jill
Slattery, Catherine
Slavens, Zac
Slavens, Zachary
Slawig, Anne
Sled, John
Sleph, Paul
Sleurs, Charlotte
Slinger, Michelle
Slits, Florence
Sloan, Andrew
Sloane, Jacob
Sloane, Jacob A
Slomka, Piotr
Slotboom, Johannes
Smailagic, Amir
Smart, Sean
Smelianskaia, Olga
Smink, Jouke
Smith, Alberto
Smith, Alex
Smith, David
Smith, David S
Smith, David S.
Smith, Jacqueline
Smith, Julie
Smith, Kenneth
Smith, Lorna
Smith, Marcus
Smith, Mark
Smith, Matt
Smith, Matthew
Smith, Nathaniel
Smith, Paul
Smith, Robert
Smith, Seth
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Steve
Smith, Victoria
Smith-Ryan, Abbie
Smuck, Matthew
Smylie, Peter
Smyth, Penny
Sneag, Darryl
Snoussi, Karim
Snyder, Alan
So, Po-Wah
So, Seohee
Soares, Ana
Soares, Ana Francisca
Soares, James
Sobczak, Filip
Sobczak-Edmans, Monika
Sobczyk, Olivia
Sobol, Nanna
Socha, Julie
Sochen, Nir
Sodickson, Daniel
Soemarwoto, Karina
Sofat, Nidhi
Soga, Shigeyoshi
Soher, Brian
Sohn, Chul-Ho
Sohn, Sung-min
Sokolska, Magdalena
Solamen, Ligin
Solana, Ana Beatriz
Solanky, Bhavana
Solbach, Klaus
Solberg, Arne
Soldan, Anja
Solecki, Gergely
Soliman, Hany
Solis, Sergio
Sollmann, Nico
Solodkin, Ana
Solomon, Chloe
Solomon, Eddy
Solomon, Jeffery
Solomon, Stephen
Soltanian-Zadeh, Hamid
Soman, Salil
Somanesan, S.
Sommer, Karsten
Sommer, Stefan
Sommers, Daniel
Son, Jong Bum
Son, Yohan
Song, Allen
Song, Bin
Song, Ganjun
Song, Guodong
Song, Hao
Song, Hee-Kwon
Song, Ho-Taek
Song, Jae
Song, Jae Eun
Song, JungHyun
Song, Kyu-Ho
Song, Liyuan
Song, Qing-wei
Song, Qingwei
Song, Ruitian
Song, Sen
Song, Shaoli
Song, Sheng-Kwei
Song, Shlee
Song, Tianbing
Song, Wen
Song, Xiao-Li
Song, Xiaolei
Song, Xiaopeng
Song, Xubo
Song, Yi-Qiao
Song, YoungKyu
Song, Yunlong
Sonkar, Abhinav
Sonnay, Sarah
Sonoda, Masaru
Sood, Surabhi
Sorbi, Sandro
Sorensen, Gregory
Soricelli, Andrea
Sorkness, Ronald
Sorrell, Vincent
Sosa, Ramon
Sosnovik, David
Sotelo, Julio
Sotero, Roberto C.
Sotiras, Aristeidis
Sotiropoulos, Stamatios
Soto, Jorge
Soulier, Elisabeth
Sourbron, Steven
Sourbron, Steven P
Sousa, David
Soustelle, Lucas
Soutome, Yoshihisa
Souza, Raissa
Spain, Rebecca
Spallek, Johanna
Spalletta, Gianfranco
Spano, Barbara
Sparks, Rachel
Sparrow, Sarah
Spear, John
Spear, Tyler
Speck, Oliver
Speier, Peter
Spelman, Tim
Spencer, Glyn
Spencer, Richard
Spengler, Nils
Sperl, Jonatahn
Sperl, Jonathan
Sperling, Reisa A.
Spetz Holm, Anna-Clara
Spica, Vladana
Spicher, Nicolai
Spiekerkoetter, Ute
Spielman, Daniel
Spijkerman, Jolanda
Spiller, Robin
Spincemaille, Pascal
Spinelli, Simona
Spinner, Georg
Spitzer, Daniel
Spliet, Wim
Spoormaker, Victor
Sporns, Olaf
Sporrer, Benjamin
Spottiswoode, Bruce
Sprague, Stuart
Sprenger, Till
Sprenger, Tim
Sprengers, Andre
Springer, Caroline
Springer, Charles
Springer, Jr, Charles
Springer, Jr., Charles
Sprinkart, Alois
Squire, Scott
Squires, Alexander
Sreekumari, Arathi
Sreenivasan, Karthik
Sridhar, Srinivas
Srinivas, Mangala
Srinivasan, Subashini
Sriram, Renuka
Srivastava, Achal
Srivastava, Amit
Srivastava, Deepark
Srivastava, Dr. J.K
Srivastava, Rajeshwar
Srour, Hussein
St-Jean, Samuel
St. John, Ashley
Staals, Julie
Stables, Lara
Stacey, Richard
Stachs, Oliver
Stadlbauer, Andreas
Stadler, Joerg
Staedtke, Verena
Stafford, Graham
Stafford, R.
Stafford, R.J.
Stahl, Vanessa
Stait-Gardner, Timothy
Stalder, Aurelien
Stam, Cornelis
Stamp, Gordon
Stanculovic, Sebastian
Standards in Quantitative MR, Ad Hoc Committee for
Stang, Pascal
Stanisz, Greg
Stankoff, Bruno
Stankovic, Iva
Staples, James
Stara, Riccardo
Starck, Göran
Starewicz, Piotr
Starkey, Jay
Starosolski, Zbigniew
Starr, Frank
Starr, Philip
Staruch, Robert
Staszewski, Ori
Statum, Sheronda
Stausbøl-Grøn, Brian
Stautner, Wolfgang
Staver, Tara
Steardo, Luca
Stearns, Duncan
Steckner, Michael
Steele, Christopher
Steele, Scott
Steensma, Bart
Steenweg, Marjan
Steenwijk, Martijn
Stefan, Norbert
Stefan, Wolfgang
Stefani, Niccolo
Stefanova, Elka
Stehning, Christian
Stehouwer, Bertine
Steidl, Eike
Steidle, Günter
Stein, Elliot
Stein, Matthew
Stein, Robert
Steinbach, Joachim
Steiner, Barbara
Steinert, Simone
Steingoetter, Andreas
Steinhauser, Jonas
Steininger, Stefanie
Steinman, David
Steinmetz, Michael
Steketee, Michael
Stelzeneder, David
Stemkens, Bjorn
Stemmer, Alto
Stenger, V
Stenger, V Andrew
Stenger, V.
Stenger, V. Andrew
Stenroos, Matti
Stephan, Klaas
Stephens, Francis
Stephens, Kimberly
Stephenson, Mary
Stephenson, Mary C
Stepniewska, Iwona
Stern, Robert
Stern, Victoria
Stern, William
Stettler, Christoph
Stettner, Noa
Steven, Kleopoulos
Stevens, Kathryn
Stevens, Nicola
Stevens, Robert
Steventon, Jessica
Steward, Chris
Stewart, Craig
Stewart, Neil
Sticherling, Christian
Stieb, Sonja
Stieltjes, Bram
Stier, Noah
Stifelman, Michael
Stikov, Nikola
Stilla, Randall
Stiller, Detlef
Stimmer, Lev
Stinson, Eric
Stippich, Christoph
Stirling, James
Stirnberg, Rüdiger
Stobbe, Robert
Stockbower, Grace
Stockmann, Jason
Stoeck, Christian
Stoecker, Tony
Stoffels, G.
Stoffels, Gabriele
Stojadinovic, Strahinja
Stojanovska, Jadranka
Stojkovic, Tanja
Stoker, Jaap
Stokes, Ashley
Stollberger, Rudolf
Stolzenburg, Jens-Uwe
Stolzmann, Paul
Stomrud, Erik
Stone, Alan
Stone, Lael
Stopeck, Alison
Storelli, Loredana
Storey, Elsdon
Storey, Pippa
Storti, Silvia Francesca
Storås, Tryggve
Stout, Jeffrey
Stoyanova, Radka
Straka, Matus
Strand, Robin
Strasser, Bernhard
Stratmann, Philipp
Straub, Sina
Straub, Volker
Straubb, Sina
Strauss, Bradley
Strauss, Dirk
Strauss, Sandra
STREAMLINE investigators, On behalf of
Strid, Jennie
Strigel, Roberta
Strijkers, Gustav
Stringfield, Olya
Stroehlein, Christopher
Stroes, Erik
Stroh, Albrecht
Stroiney, Amanda
Stromberg, LeRoy
Stromillo, Maria
Stromp, Tori
Strother, Megan
Strother, Stephen
Strouse, John
Strowd, Roy
Strumia, Maddalena
Stuart, Martin
Stubbs, Brianna
Stuber, Garret
Stuber, Matthias
Stucht, Daniel
Stuckey, Daniel
Studholme, Colin
study, The Swedish BioFINDER
Stueber, Carsten
Stufflebeam, Steven
Stumpf, Christopher
Stupic, Karl
Stupin, Igor
Stursa, Pavel
Stuyvers, Bruno
Ståhlberg, Freddy
Stäb, Daniel
Stämpfli, Philipp
Stöcker, Tony
Stötzner, Arthur
Stødkilde Jørgensen, Hans
Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Hans
Størkersen, Øystein
Su, Changliang
su, fan
Su, Hao
Su, Hsien-Te
Su, Jason
Su, Jiasheng
Su, Mao-Yuan
Su, Min-Ying
Su, Pan
su, shi
Su, Wengu
Su, Xiao Di
Su, Xiaodi
Su, Yi
Su, Ying
Su, Zhenghang
Su, Zihua
Subgang, Anne
Subramanian, Karthikeyan
Subramanian, Preethi
Subramanian, Sankaran
Sudini, Apoorva
Sudyn, Michelle
Suetens, Paul
Suever, Jonathan
Suga, Mikio
Sugihara, Fuminori
Sugii, Shigeki
Sugimoto, Naozo
Sugimura, Kazuro
Sugimura, Koichiro
Suginami, Ko
Sugiura, Takamasa
Sugiyama, Eiji
Sugiyama, Masataka
Sugny, Dominique
Sui, He
Sui, Yi
Suidgeest, Ernst
Suksaranjit, Promporn
Sukstanskii, Alexander
Sukumar, Subramaniam
Sulaiman, Shahida
Suleiman, Shaheda
Sullivan, Daniel
Sullivan, Edith
Sun, Aiqi
Sun, Beibei
SUN, Changyu
Sun, Hao
Sun, Hongfu
Sun, Hongliang
Sun, Hongxia
Sun, Hongzan
Sun, Huaiqiang
Sun, Hye Young
Sun, Jianzhong
Sun, Jiayu
Sun, Jie
Sun, Kaibao
Sun, Kun
Sun, Lihua
Sun, Louisa
Sun, Man
Sun, Mei-yu
Sun, Peng
Sun, Philip Zhe
Sun, Phillip
Sun, Phillip Zhe
Sun, Qian
Sun, Qinli
Sun, Wenli
Sun, Xianping
Sun, Xiaonan
Sun, Xiaoyu
Sun, Yan
Sun, Yao
Sun, Yawen
Sun, Ying-Shi
Sun, YingZhi
Sun, Yu
Sunaert, Stefan
Sundar, Bharath
Sundgren, Pia
Sundman, Mark
Sung, Kyung
Sung, Kyunghyun
Sung, Young Hee
Sunohara, Saeko
Sunwoo, Leonard
Suo, Shiteng
Sure, Ulrich
Suslow, Thomas
Sussman, Marshall
Suter, Dieter
Sutherland, Edward
Sutton, Brad
Sutton, Bradley
Sutton, Elizabeth
Sutton, Jonathan
Sutton, Richard
Suyama, Yoshio
Suzuki, Atsunobu
Suzuki, Hideo
Suzuki, Makoto
Suzuki, Michimasa
Suzuki, Takeshi
Suzuki, Yuichi
Suzuki, Yuriko
Svatkova, Alena
Svedin, Bryant
Sveinsson, Bragi
Svenningsen, Sarah
Svetel, Marina
Svärd, Daniel
Swanson, Kristin
Swanson, Scott
Swedin, Linda
Sweeney, John
Swenson, Rolf
Swift, Andrew
Swift, Andy
Swink, Jonathan
Swinnen, Johannes
Sykes, Jane
Symms, Mark
Symonds-Tayler, Richard
Sümser, Kemal
Sündermann, Simon
Syrovets, Tatiana
Syvänen, Kari
Szczepankiewicz, Filip
Szeverenyi, Nickolas
Szeverenyi, Nikolaus
Szevrenyi, Nikolaus
Szkolar-Sienkiewicz, Laura
Szocska Hansen, Esben Søvsø
Szoeke, Cassandra
Szomolanyi, Pavol
Szulczewski, Joseph
Sämann, Phillip
Särkkä, Simo
Söderlind, Gustaf
Söhner, Anika
Søballe, Kjeld
Sørensen, Michael
Sørensen, Thomas
Taal, Maarten
Tabarnero, Juan
Tabelow, Karsten
Tabet, Naji
Tabrizi, Sarah
Tachibana, Osamu
Tachibana, Yasuhiko
Tachrount, Mohamed
Tack, Cees
Tadanki, Sasidhar
Tadenuma, Hitoshi
Taejaroenkul, Sineenart
Tagare, Hemant
Tager, Andrew
Tagge, Ian
Taghivand, Mazhareddin
Tagliabue, Elda
Tagliani, Elia
Tagliavini, Fabrizio
Taguchi, Yasunori
Tahayori, Bahman
Taheri, Sawson
Tai, Ming Hong
Tailor, MSE, MD, PhD, Dharmesh
Taimen, Pekka
Tain, Rong-Wen
Takahama, Junko
Takahara, Taro
Takahashi, Atsushi
Takahashi, Daisuke
Takahashi, Hiroto
Takahashi, Junji
Takahashi, Kenji
Takahashi, Mamoru
Takahashi, Masaru
Takahashi, Masaya
Takahashi, Tetsuhiko
Takahashi, Yuji
Takahashi, Yuko
Takai, Hiroshi
Takai, Yuki
Takamura, Tomohiro
Takano, Nao
Takase, Kei
Takashima, Ichiro
Takasu, Miyuki
Takato, Yuki
Takatsuji, Marina
Takaya, Nobuhiro
Takayama, Yukihisa
Takeda, Mitsuhiro
Takeda, Yuta
Takeguchi, Tomoyuki
Takehara, Yasuo
Takemura, Atsushi
Takenaka, Daisuke
Takeuchi, Mayumi
Takeyama, Mamoru
Takezawa, Kayu
Takizawa, Masahiro
Takoi, Seishi
Takumi, Koji
Tal, Assaf
Talbott, Jason
Talley, Nicholas
Tam, Fred
Tam, Roger
Tamada, Tsutomu
Tamaki, Keisuke
Tambyah, Paul Anantharajah
Tamir, Jonathan
Tamnes, Christian
Tamura, Hajime
Tamura, Takayuki
Tan, Boon Yeow
Tan, Cher Heng
Tan, Ek
Tan, Ek Tsoon
Tan, Hong Chang
Tan, Huan
Tan, hui
Tan, I-Li
Tan, Jeremy
Tan, Kristy
Tan, Liang Juin
Tan, Liang-Juin
Tan, Nelly
Tan, Ru San
Tan, Shawn
Tan, Xiangliang
Tan, Yee-Leng
Tan, Yuefa
Tan, Zhengguo
Tanaka, Hirofumi
Tanaka, Hiroshi
Tanaka, Hisashi
Tanaka, Junji
Tanaka, Keiji
Tanaka, Yasuhisa
Tanaka, Yoji
Tandi, Jesisca
Taneja, Samir
Tanenbaum, Lawrence
Tang, An
Tang, Cheuk Ying
Tang, Da-Lun
Tang, Fangfang
Tang, Haiying
Tang, Hui
Tang, Johann
Tang, Lei
Tang, Minghui
Tang, Richard
Tang, Shiyu
Tang, Shuyu
Tang, Tian-Yun
Tang, Wei
Tang, Xiangyong
Tang, Xiaolu
Tang, Xing
Tanganyika-de Winter, Christa
Tani, Chihiro
Tanifum, Eric
Taniguchi, Yo
Tanikawa, Yukari
Tanimoto, Daigo
Tanitame, Keizo
Tanji, Hajime
Tanner, Felix
Tanner, S
Tano, Masakatsu
Tanskanen, Topi
Tao, Bo
Tao, Fengfeng
Tao, Hongyue
Tao, Qian
Tao, Shengzhen
Tao, Shumin
Tao, Xianfeng
Tao, Xiaofeng
TAO, Xiaojuan
Tao, Yuehui
Taoka, Toshiaki
Taouli, Bachir
Taquet, Maxime
Taracila, Victor
Tarasek, Matthew
Tarducci, Roberto
Tariq, Umar
Tarmohamed, Zenovia
Taron, Jana
Tasaki, Atsushi
Taso, Manuel
Tateishi, Emi
Tateya, Ichiro
Tavares, Manuela
Tavares de Sousa, Manuele
Taviani, Valentina
Tawakol, Ahmed
Tawara, Noriyuki
Tax, Chantal
Tay, Hui Chien
Tay, Hui-Chien
Tay, Keng Yeow
Tay, Kiat Hong
Tay, Laura
Tayal, Upasana
Tayeb, Gérard
Taylor, Andrew
Taylor, Austin
Taylor, Ben
Taylor, Jennifer
Taylor, Meredith
Taylor, Michael
Taylor, Paul
Taylor, Roy
Taylor, Stuart
Taylor, Tom
Taylor, Valerie
Tebaldi, Elisa
Tedeschi, Enrico
Tedeschi, Gioacchino
Tee, Sui-Seng
Teeuwisse, Wouter
Tefera, Getaneh
Teh, Irvin
Teh, James
Teillac, Achille
Teiner, Susanne
Teixeira, Rui
Tejos, Cristian
Tejos, Cristián
Tekelenburg, Daniël
Telford, Emma
Telischak, Kristen
Tellmann, Lutz
Temma, Takashi
Temme, Fabian
Temme, Sebastian
Tempany, Clare
Tempany-Afdhal, Clare
ten Hove, Eibert
Tenberge, Jan-Gerd
Tendler, Benjamin
Teng, Ivan
Teng, Zhongzhao
Tenovuo, Olli
Teo, Melissa
Teo, Xing Qi
Teo Ai Ling, Melissa
ter Haar, Gail
ter Voert, Edwin
Terada, Hitoshi
Terada, Yasuhiko
Teraphongphom, Nutte
Terasaka, Shunsuke
Terasawa, Hiroaki
Terayama, Yasuo
Terekhov, Maxim
Terpstra, Melissa
Territo, Paul
Territo, Paul R.
Teruel, Jose
Tesch, Michael
Teschler, Marc
Tesdorff, Jana
Tesfaye, Solomon
Tesiram, Yasvir
Tesky, Valentina
Tessem, May-Britt
Tessier, Anthony
Testa, Claudia
Testelin, Sylvie
Testud, Frederik
Tetreault, Lindsay
Tetzlaff, Wolfram
Teufel, Matthias
Tewari, Ashutosh
Tewes, Susanne
Tews, Björn
Tezcan, Sehnaz
Tezer, Irsel
Tha, Khin
Thacker, Jon
Thacker, Neil
Thai, Tydus
Thakur, Sunitha
Thalman, Scott
Thanou, Maya
Thavornprasit, Daralak
Thayil, Neil
Théberge, Jean
Thelwall, Peter
Thiam, Abdou
Thibault, Guillaume
Thielcke, André
Thielcke, Andre
Thielen, Jan-Willem
Thielscher, Axel
Thien, Ady
Thiran, Jean-Philippe
Thiruvenkadam, Sheshadri
Thng, Choon Hua
Thoeni, Alain
Thoman, William
Thomas, Adam
Thomas, Andrew
Thomas, Benjamin
Thomas, Cibu
Thomas, Daniel
Thomas, David
Thomas, David L.
Thomas, E. Louise
Thomas, M.
Thomas, M. Albert
Thomas, M.Albert
Thomas, Mark
Thomas, MD, Bejoy
Thomason, Lynsie
Thomasson, David
Thomen, Robert
Thompson, Chris
Thompson, Garth
Thompson, Gerard
Thompson, Patricia
Thompson, Paul
Thomsen, Andreas
Thomsen, Ruth
Thomson, Cynthia
Thomson, Mekkla
Thornhill, Rebecca
Thornton, John
Thornton, Lindsay
Thulborn, Keith
Thurley, Peter
Thway, Khin
Tian, Bing
Tian, Cong
Tian, Hongwei
Tian, Jinfeng
Tian, Ping
Tian, Qiyuan
Tian, Shifeng
tian, shiyun
Tian, Tian
Tian, Xin
Tian, Yanqing
Tian, Yinghua
Tianyi, Qian
Tiberi, Gianluigi
Tibiletti, Marta
Tie, Changjun
Tien, Phyllis
Tien, Yu-Wen
Tietze, Anna
Tihan, Tarik
Tijssen, Rob
Tikoo, Sankalp
Tillander, Matti
Tillement, Olivier
Tillinghast, Kyle
Timms, Liam
Ting, Eric
Tint, Mya Thway
Tintera, Jaroslav
Tiret, Brice
Tisdall, M.
Tisdall, M. Dylan
Tisdall, Matthew
Tisell, Anders
Titchenal, Matthew
Titelbaum, Nicholas
Titze, Jens
Tivarus, Madalina
Tiwari, Pallavi
Tiwari, Sarbesh
Tiwari, Vivek
Tkác, Ivan
Tkac, Ivan
Tkach, Jean
To, Xuan Vinh
Tobia, Michael
Todd, Nick
Todiras, Mihail
Toga, Arthur
Togao, Osamu
Togashi, Kaori
Tohme, Michel
Toi, Masakazu
Toivonen, Jussi
Tokaya, Janot
Tokola, Anna
Tokuda, Junichi
Tokuuye, Koichi
Tola-Arribas, Miguel Angel
Tolcos, Mary
Tolppanen, Laura
Tomassini, Valentina
Tomei, Krystal
Tomic, Alexandra
Tomida, Saeko
Tomimatsu, Hideto
Tomita, Hiroko
Tomiyama, Noriyuki
Tomiyasu, Moyoko
Tomlinson, Brian
Tommasin, Silvia
Tommerdahl, Mark
Toms, Andoni
Tomsic, Michael
Tonami, Hisao
Tonan, Tatsuyuki
Tong, Frank
Tong, Karen
Tong, Qiqi
Tong, Yunjie
Tonon, Caterina
Tonoyan, Aram
Tony, Chin-Ian
Tonyshkin, Alexey
Toosy, Ahmed
Tooyama, Norihiro
Topfer, Ryan
Topgaard, Daniel
Toro, Roberto
Torrado-Carvajal, Angel
Torrealdea, Francisco
Torrealdea, Franscisco
Torres, Ivan
Torres, Joel
Tosaka, Taizo
Toschi, Nicola
Tosetti, Michela
Toso, Christian
Totman, John
Totman, John J
Tottman, John
Tougaard, Rasmus
Toupin, Solenn
Tourais, Joao
Tourdias, Thomas
Tournier, Clément
Tournier, J-Donald
Tournier, Jacques-Donald
Toussaint, Nicolas
Toutios, Asterios
Towey, David
Townsend, David
Toyama, Hiroshi
Toyoda, Hiroshi
Toyonari, Nobuyuki
Toyoshima, Katsuaki
Toyota, Ichirou
Tozer, Gillian
Traa, Willeke
Traboulsee, Anthony
Tracey, Irene
Tradup, Donald
Trajcevska, Elena
Trampel, Robert
Trample, Robert
Tran, Betty
Tran-Gia, Johannes
Trantzschel, Thomas
Tranvinh, Eric
Trapp, Bruce
Trattnig, Siegfrid
Trattnig, Siegfried
Trauner, Michael
Travers, Brittany
Travis, Simon
Trawick, Mary Lynn
Traxler, Hannes
Traynor, Dawn
Treaba, Constantina
Treaba, Constantina Andrada
Trefler, Aaron
Treimam, Gerald
Treiman, Gerald
Tremblay, Luc
Tretter, Jenelle
Treyer, Valerie
Triantafyllou, Christina
Trinh, Lena
Triplett, William
Triulzi, Fabio
Trivedi, Richa
Trivieri, Maria Giovanna
Troadec, Thibaud
Troester, Gerhard
Tromp, Do
Tropp, James
Trotier, Aurelien
Trotier, Aurélien
Trouard, Theodore
Trout, Andrew
Troxell, Megan
Trudeau, Maureen
Truong, Trong-Kha
Tryc, Anita
Tryggestad, Erik
Trzasko, Joshua
Träber, Frank
Tsaftaris, Sotirios
Tsai, Jenny
Tsai, Kevin
Tsai, Kevin W.-K.
Tsai, Leo
Tsai, Nai-Wen
Tsai, Ping-Huei
Tsai, Shang-Yueh
Tsai, Tzu-Hsun
Tsai, Yi-Hsin
Tsang, Adrian
Tsao, Connie
Tsao, Sinchai
Tsao, Tsu-Chin
Tschan, Harald
Tschechne, Martin
Tschiesche, Kevin
Tse, Desmond
Tse, Desmond H Y
Tse, Zion
Tse, Zion Tsz Ho
Tsekos, Nikolaos
Tseng, Chih-Hsien
Tseng, Han-Min
Tseng, Wen-Yih
Tseng, Wen-Yih Isaac
Tseng, Ying-Chi
Tsia, Kevin
Tsia, Kevin K.
Tsien, Christina
Tsien, Roger
Tsiflikas, Ilias
Tsiouris, John
Tsolaki, Magda
Tsuchiya, Hiroaki
Tsuchiya, Hiroki
Tsuchiya, Naoko
Tsuda, Makoto
Tsuji, Hiroshi
Tsuneki, Takashi
Tsurugizawa, Tomokazu
Tsurushima, Yasuaki
Tsuruta, Kouhei
Tu, Tsang-Wei
Tucci, Sara
Tucholka, Alan
Tudisca, Chiara
Tudorica, Alina
Tuite, Paul
Tuli, Richard
Tummala, Sudhakar
Tunariu, Nina
Tuncali, Kemal
Tung, Hsin
Tunnicliffe, Elizabeth
Tunon, Patrik
Tuor, Ursula
Tur, Carmen
Turer, Aslan
Turetsky, Bruce
Turley, Dallas
Turnaoglu, Hale
Turnbull, Daniel
Turner, Ian
Turski, Patrick
Tustison, Nicholas
Tušek Jelenc, Marjeta
Tušková, Radka
Twieg, Michael
Tyagi, Ritu
Tyan, Yeu-Sheng
Tybulewicz, Victor
Tyler, Damian
Tymofiyeva, Olga
Tzeng, Yu-Shiang
Tzschätzsch, Heiko
Töger, Johannes
Ublinskii, Maxim
Uchikoshi, Masato
Uchiyama, Daiji
Udayasankar, Unni
Uddin, Md. Nasir
Uden, Mark J.
Uder, Michael
Uecker, Martin
Ueda, Hiroshi
Ueda, Kazuhiko
Ueda, Ryo
Ueda, Taisei
Ueda, Takahiro
Ueguchi, Takashi
Ueno, Tomohiro
Ugurbil, Kâmil
Ugurbil, Kamil
Uhrenholt, Lars
Ukropcová, Barbara
Ukropec, Jozef
Ulas, Cagdas
Uldbjerg, Niels
Ullmann, Jeremy
Ulrich, Xialing
Uludag, Kamil
Uludag, Kâmil
Ulus, B
Ulyanova, Anna
Umapathy, Lavanya
Umathum, Reiner
Umeda, Masaaki
Umeda, Masahiro
Umemoto, Yuya
Umesh Rudrapatna, Suryanarayana
Umutlu, Lale
Underhill, David
Underhill, Hunter
Ung, Timothy
Unger, Evan
Ungethuem, Udo
Uno, Mio
Unschuld, Paul
Untenberger, Markus
Upadhyay, Deepti
Uppuganti, Sasidhar
Upton, Louise
Uranga Solchaga, Javier
Uranga Solchanga, Javier
Urayama, Shin-ichi
Urbach, Horst
Urben, Sebastien
Urbina, Jesús
Urbina, Jesus
Uribe, Sergio
Urriola, Javier
Urrutia, Victor
Urushibata, Yuta
Urvoy, Matthieu
Ushijima, Yasuhiro
Ushimi, Takashi
Ushio, Takasuke
Uslaner, Jason
Usman, Ammara
Usman, Muhammad
Usuda, Katsuo
Utecht, Lynn
Utriainen, David
Utsumi, Hideo
Uttarwar, Lalita
Uttawichai, Kanok
Uwano, Ikuko
Uyeda, Jennifer
Uyttebroeck, Anne
Vacchi, Laura
Václavu, Lena
Vaclavu, Lena
Vadapalli, abhinav sriiram
vadapalli, rammohan
Vaidya, Manushka
Vaidya, Vivek
Vaillant, Fanny
Vaishya, Sandeep
Vajuvalli, Nithin
Vakil, Parmede
Vakulin, Andrew
valabregue, romain
Valabrègue, Romain
Valasek, Mark
Valavanis, Antonio
Valcour, Victor
Valdés Hernández, Maria
Valdez, Jeffrey
Valenza, Gaetano
Valenzuela, Felipe
Valenzuela, Waldo
Valeri, Gianluca
Valette, Julien
Valkonen-Korhonen, Minna
Valkovic, Ladislav
Vallee, Emmanuel
Vallée, Jean-Paul
VALLEE, Jean-Paul
Vallines, Ignacio
Vallone, Antonino
Valsasina, Paola
Valverde, Israel
Valverde Salzmann, Matthias
Van, Anh
van Amerom, Joshua
van Assen, Hans
Van Audekerke, Johan
van Bavel, Ed
van Beek, E.
Van Beers, Bernard
van Bergen, Jiri
van Breugel, Johanna
van Buchem, Mark A.
van Buuren, Laurens
van Cappellen van Walsum, Anne-Marie
Van Cauter, Sofie
Van Cauteren, Marc
Van Criekinge, Mark
van Dalen, Jan-Willem
van de Looij, Yohan
Van de Moortele, Pierre-Francois
van de Ven, Kim
Van De Ville, Dimitri
van De-Mortelle, Pierre-Francois
van den Berg, Bart-Jan
van den Berg, C.A.T.
van den Berg, Cornelis
van den Berg, Cornelis A.T.
van den Berg, Nico
Van Den Berge, Nathalie
Van den Bergh, Bea
van den Bosch, Harrie
van den Bosch, Maurice
van den Broek, Thijs
van den Heuvel, Martijn
van den Hoff, Jörg
van der Bel, René
van der Geest, Rob
van der Graaf, Linda M.
van der Graaf, Marinette
van der Heide, Uulke
van der Heijden, Rianne
van der Hoorn, Anouk
van der Horst, Astrid
van der Kemp, Wybe
van der Kleij, Lisa
van der Knaap, Marjo
van der Kolk, Anja
van der Kouwe, Andre
van der Kouwe, André
van der Kouwe, André J.W.
van der Kwast, Theodorus
Van der Linden, Annemie
van der Lugt, Aad
van der Meij, Suzan
van der Merwe, Yolandi
van der Palen, Roel
van der Toorn, Annette
van der Valk, Paul
van der Veen, Jan Willem
van der Velden, Tijl
van der Weerd, Louise
van der Weide, Daniel
van der Werf, Abe
van der Worp, H.
van der Zwaag, Wietske
van Eijk, Julia
van Eijsden, Pieter
van Engelen, Arna
van Engelen, Baziel
Van Epps, Christopher
Van Essen, David
van Ewijk, Petronella
van Gelderen, Peter
van Gemert, Jeroen
Van Gompel, Jamie
Van Gool, Stefaan
van Gorp, Jetse
van Hecke, Wim
van Heeswijk, Ruud
van Heijningen, Caroline
van Heijster, Frits
van Herk, Marcel
van Hespen, Kees
van Hillegersberg, Richard
Van Houten, Elijah
van Houtum, Quincy
Van Huffel, Sabine
van Kalleveen, Irene
van Kesteren, Zdenko
van Laarhoven, Hanneke
van Leeuwen, Maarten
van Lier, Astrid
van Lith, Sanne
van Loon, Lars
van Meel, Marius
van Middelkoop, Marienke
Van Moer, Mark
van Niekerk, Adam
van Niftrik, Christiaan
van Nimwegen, Marlies
van Ooij, Pim
van Oorschot, Joep
Van Oort, Johannes
van Oostenbrugge, Robert J.
van Osch, Matthias
van Osch, Matthias J.
van Putten, Maaike
van Rappard, Diane
Van Reeth, Eric
van Rijssel, Michael
van Rooij, Arno
van Rossum, Peter
van Schaik, Ivo
van Schijndel, Ronald
van Slochteren, Frebus
Van Steenkiste, Gwendolyn
van Stralen, Marijn
Van Swieten, John
van Tiel, Jasper
van Tilborg, Geralda
van Triest, Baukelien
van Uden, Mark
van Veenendaal, Tamar
van Veldhoven, Peter LJ
van Vliet, Gerard
van Vulpen, Marco
van Westen, Danielle
van Zijl, Peter
van't Klooster, Ronald
VanBrocklin, Henry
Vandekar, Simon
Vandenbulcke, Mathieu
Vanderbilt, Douglas
Vandsburger, Moriel
Vanduffel, Wim
Vanegas-Arroyave, Nora
Vangel, Mark
Vannesjo, Johanna
Vannesjo, S.
Vannesjo, Signe
Vannesjo, Signe Johanna
Vanninen, Ritva
Vano, Yann
Vappou, Jonathan
Vaqas, Babar
Varadan, Vinay
Varadarajan, Divya
Varadharajan, Shriram
Várallyay, Csanád
Varallyay, Csanad
Vardal, Jonas
Vareth, Maryam
Varga-Szemes, Amos
Vargas, Hebert
Vargas, Hebert Alberto
Vargas, Maria
Vargas, Patricia
Varma, Gopal
Vasanawala, Minal
Vasanawala, Shreyas
Vasavada, Megha
Vasileiou, Georgia
Vasilevko, Vitaly
Vassiliou, George
Vasudevan, Sridhar
Vasung, Lana
Vatnehol, Svein Are
Vaughan, David
Vaughan, J.
Vaughan, J. Thomas
Vaughan, Thomas
Vaussy, Alexis
Vavasour, Irene
Vazquez, Fabian
Veeraiah, Pandichelvam
Veeraraghavan, Harini
Veersema, Tim
Vegh, Viktor
Veit-Haibach, Patrick
Velan, S Sendhil
Velan, S. Sendhil
Veldhoen, Simon
Veldhuis, Wouter
Veldsman, Michele
Velikina, Julia
Veltien, Andor
Vemireddy, Vamsidhara
Vemuri, Chandu
Vendelbo, Olga
Venigalla, Praveen
Venkataraman, Archana
Venkatasubramanian, Palamadai
Venkatesan, Ramesh
Venkatesh, Ambale Bharath
Venkatesh, Sudhakar
Venkatesh, Vimala
Venkateshan, Ramesh
Venkateswaran, Madhav
Venkatraghavan, Lashmi
Venketasubramanian, Narayanaswamy
Venugopal, Niranjan
Venugopal, Prem
Veraart, Jelle
Verbree, Jasper
Vercruysse, Dorothée
Verdonschot, Nico
Vergoossen, Laura
Verhaar, Jan AN
Verhamme, Camiel
Verheyden, Jan
Verhoye, Marleen
Verley, Derek
Verly, Marjolein
Verma, Gaurav
Verma, Hema
Verma, Ragini
Verma, Sadhna
Verma, Sanjay
Verma, Sanjay Kumar
Vermathen, Martina
Vermathen, Peter
Vermilyea, Mark
Vernickel, Peter
Vernikouskaya, Ina
Vernon, Anthony
Vernooij, Meike
Verreet, Tine
Verschueren, Annie
Verschuuren, Jan
Vershuuren, Jan
Versluis, Maarten
Vester, Markus
Vettukattil, Riyas
Vial, Yvan
Viallon, Magalie
Viart, Ludovic
Vicari, Marco
Victoria, Teresa
Vidal, Rene
Vidarsson, Logi
Vidic, Igor
Vidorreta, Marta
Vidya Shankar, Rohini
Vidyasagar, Rishma
Viergever, Max
Viessmann, Olivia
Vig, Ruchi
Vigen, Karl
Vignaud, Alexandre
Vigneault, Davis
Vigneron, Dan
Vigneron, Daniel
Viinamäki, Heimo
Vijayakumar, Sathya
Vijayalaxmi, Vijayalaxmi
Vilela, Pedro
Vilgrain, Valerie
Vilhais-Neto, Gonçalo
Villanueva, Jeanette
Villemagne, Victor
Villena, Jorge
Villien, Marjorie
Vinckenbosch, Elise
Vinet, Laurent
Vingerhoets, G.
Vink, Aryan
VInod, Shalini
Vinogradov, Elena
Vionnet, Laetitia
Viout, Patrick
Virgincar, Rohan
Virji-Babul, Naznin
Virtanen, Helena
Visser, Fredy
Visser, Pieter
Viswanath, Pavithra
Viswanath, Satish
Viswanathan, Srikrishnan
Vitali, Paolo
Vitaliano, Gordana
VK, Sundararaman
Vlachodimitropoulou Koumoutsea, Evangelia
Vlooswijk, Marielle
Vo, Katie
Vo Chieu, Van Dai
Vodyanoy, Vitaly
Voelker, Maximilian
Voellmin, Gian
Voets, Natalie
Vogel-Claussen, Jens
Vogele, Michael
Vogelgesang, Anna
Vogt, Bruno
Vogt, Christian
Vogt, Lutz
Voigt, Jens
Voineskos, Aristotle
Voiron, Jérome
Voit, Dirk
Volkova, Eugenia
Volz, Steffen
von Deuster, Constantin
von Elverfeldt, Dominik
von Falck, Christian
von Kienlin, Markus
von Knobelsdorff-Brenkenhoff, Florian
von Morze, Cornelius
von Samson-Himmelstjerna, Federico
Von Schulthess, Gustav
von zur Mühlen, Constantin
Vondrácková, Lenka
Voogt, I.J.
Voogt, Ingmar
Voon, Valerie
Voormolen, Eduard
Voorn, Pieter
Vora, Shivangi
Vorobeychik, Galina
Vos, Sjoerd
Voskrebenzev, Andreas
Voss, Taylor
Votava-Smith, Jodie
Vreemann, Suzan
Vrenken, Hugo
Vu, An
VUISSOZ, Pierre-André
Vulliémoz, Serge
Vuong, Manh-Tung
Vyas, Surabhi
Vykhodtseva, Natalia
Völker, Maximilian
Vöö, Stefan
Wach, Benoit
Wachsmuth, Lydia
Wacker, Frank
Waddell, Jaylyn
Waddington, David
Wade, Trevor
Wadghiri, Youssef
Wage, Ricardo
Waggoner, Paul
Waggoner, R. Allen
Wagner, Mathilde
Wagner, Philipp
Wagner, Shawn
Wagshul, Mark
Wahl, Daniel
Waiczies, Helmar
Waiczies, Sonia
Waites, Loyd
Wakabayashi, Shinichi
Wakayama, Tetsuya
Wake, Nicole
Wakefield, Jennifer
Walboomers, X. Frank
Walbridge, Stuart
Walczak, Piotr
Walczyk, Jerzy
Wald, Larry
Wald, Lawrence
Waldman, Adam
Walhovd, Kristine
Walker, Christopher
Walker, David
Walker, Matthew
Walker-Samuel, Simon
Walkup, Laura
Wall, Samuel
Wallace, Tess
Walot, Irwin
Walsworth, Ronald
Walter, Benjamin
Walter, Thula
Walters, Shannon
Walzer, Sonja
Wan, Mingxi
Wan, Suiren
Wan, Tao
Wan, Yuqing
WANG, Anna M.
Wang, Bert
Wang, Bin
Wang, Bo
Wang, Caihong
Wang, Changqing
Wang, Chao
Wang, Chao-Ying
Wang, Chaohong
Wang, Chaoyue
Wang, Charlie
Wang, Chencai
Wang, Chengjia
Wang, Chengyan
Wang, Chenhao
Wang, Chenyu
Wang, Chiun-Chieh
Wang, Chunhao
Wang, Chunhong
Wang, CY
Wang, D
Wang, Da
Wang, Dah-Jyuu
Wang, Dan
Wang, Danny
Wang, Danny J.J.
Wang, Danny JJ
Wang, Defeng
Wang, Dengbin
Wang, Dinghui
Wang, Dingxin
Wang, Ena
Wang, Eunkyung
Wang, Fang
Wang, Feng
Wang, Fu-Nien
Wang, Fuyixue
Wang, Gaoyan
Wang, Guan
Wang, Guangbin
Wang, Guangyi
Wang, Guilong
Wang, Guoying
Wang, H
Wang, Haifeng
Wang, Haonan
Wang, He
Wang, Hong
Wang, Hongchen
Wang, Hongsheng
Wang, Hongwei
Wang, Huan
Wang, Hui
Wang, Hui-Yu
Wang, Hung-Chen
Wang, Irene
Wang, Jennifer
Wang, Jerry
Wang, Jian
Wang, Jian-Li
Wang, Jianli
WANG, Jiao
Wang, Jiawei
Wang, Jiazheng
Wang, Jiesen
Wang, Jihong
Wang, Jin
Wang, Jing
Wang, Jinghua
Wang, Jinhui
Wang, Jinnan
Wang, Juan
Wang, Jun
Wang, Junjing
Wang, Junling
Wang, Kai
Wang, Kaixin
Wang, Kang
Wang, Ke
Wang, Kenneth
Wang, Li
Wang, Liang
WANG, Lihui
Wang, Lin
Wang, Ling
Wang, Lingzhi
Wang, Liping
Wang, Liya
Wang, Luonan
Wang, Maode
Wang, Meiyun
Wang, Miaomiao
Wang, Nian
Wang, Peipei
Wang, Peng
Wang, Penghui
Wang, Ping
wang, pingzhong
Wang, Qi
Wang, Qidong
Wang, Qin
Wang, Qing
Wang, Qingjun
Wang, Qiu
Wang, R
Wang, Ren-Horng
Wang, Rong
Wang, Rui
Wang, Ruisi
Wang, Ruxi
Wang, Shanshan
Wang, Shi
Wang, Shiyang
Wang, Shumin
Wang, Silun
Wang, Simeng
Wang, Sumei
Wang, Tao
Wang, Teh-Chen
Wang, Ting-Chih
Wang, Tingting
Wang, Vicky
Wang, Victoria
Wang, Wei
Wang, Weiwei
Wang, Wen
Wang, Wenzhou
Wang, Wu
Wang, Xianlong
Wang, Xiao
Wang, Xiaohai
Wang, Xiaojie
Wang, Xiaoke
Wang, Xiaoling
Wang, Xiaoming
Wang, Xiaoqing
Wang, Xiaowei
Wang, Xiaoyi
Wang, Xiaoying
Wang, Xingyu
Wang, Xinrui
Wang, Xinzeng
Wang, Xuan
Wang, Xun-Heng
Wang, Xunda
Wang, Xuxia
Wang, XY
Wang, Yafei
Wang, Yak-Nam
Wang, Yalin
Wang, Yan
Wang, Yanchun
Wang, Yang
Wang, Yanlu
Wang, Yaohui
Wang, Yi
WANG, Yi-min
Wang, Yi-Xiang
Wang, Yicun
Wang, Ying
Wang, Yining
Wang, Yinyan
Wang, Yishi
Wang, Yixiang
Wang, Yong
Wang, YT
Wang, Yu
Wang, Yueren
Wang, YuLin
Wang, Yun
Wang, Ze
Wang, Zhaoqi
Wang, Zhe
Wang, Zhen
Wang, Zheng
Wang, Zhening
Wang, Zhensong
Wang, Zhiwei
Wang, Zhixing
Wang, Zhiyue
Wang, Zhonglin
Wang, Ziyi
Wani, Tariq
Wank, Isabel
Wantuch, Slawomir
Ward, B. Douglas
Ward, Barney
Ward, Christopher
Ward, Jay
Ward, Noreen
Ward, Phillip
Ward, Rebecca
Ward, Richard
Ward, Sally
Ward, Samuel
Warde, Padraig
Wardlaw, Joanna
Warfield, Simon
Warner Thorup Boel, Lene
Warnert, Esther
Warnking, Jan
Warnock, Geoffrey
Warntjes, Marcel
Wartelle-Bladou, Claire
Waschkies, Conny
Waseda, Yuma
Wasmuth, Jan- Christian
Waspe, Adam
Wasserman, Bruce
Wassermann, Demian
Wassermann, Florian
Wastling, Stephen
Waszak, Maryna
Watabe, Tadashi
Watanabe, Atsuya
Watanabe, Haruo
Watanabe, Hidehiro
Watanabe, Takashi
Watanabe, Yasuharu
Watanabe, Yasushi
Watanabe, Yoshiyuki
Watanabe, Yuji
Watari, Chihiro
Waterton, John
Watkins, Ronald
Watson, Charles
Watson, Geoffrey
Watson, Liam
Watson, Robert
Watson, Yvonne
Watts, Richard
Watve, Apurva
Wawrzyn, Krzysztof
Waxmann, Patrick
Wayte, Sarah
Weale, Peter
Weaver, John
Weavers, Paul
Webb, Andrew
Webb, Andrew G.
Webb, Becky
Webb, Bridgette
Webb, Jessica
Webber, Hannah
Weber, Alexander
Weber, Andreas
Weber, Bernd
Weber, Christian
Weber, Ewald
Weber, Hans
Weber, Marc-André
Weber, Wade
Weber-Fahr, Wolfgang
Webley, Hannah
Wech, Tobias
Wecker, Didier
Wedan, Steve
Wedeen, Van
Weghuber, Daniel
Wehkamp, Niklas
Wehner, Gregory
Wehrl, Hans
Wehrle, Flavia
Wehrli, Felix
Wehrli, Suzanne
Wei, Hongjiang
Wei, Hu
Wei, Huimin
Wei, Juan
Wei, Long
Wei, Ning
Wei, Pang Wei
Wei, Qi
Wei, Qiang
Wei, Shujun
Wei, Wei-Che
Wei, Wenbo
Wei, Xin
Wei, Xing
Wei, Yi
Wei, Zhiliang
Wei, Zijun
Weibrecht, Martin
Weidemann, Gerd
Weidlich, Dominik
Weiduschat, Nora
Weigel, Matthias
Weiger, Markus
Weil, Tanja
Weiland, Elisabeth
Weiland, Elizabeth
Weinberger, Oliver
Weingartner, Sebastian
Weingärtner, Sebastian
Weinsaft, Jonathan
Weinstock-Guttman, Bianca
Weis, Jan
Weis, Meike
Weiskopf, Nikolaus
Weiss, C.
Weiss, Jakob
Weiss, Kilian
Weiss, Markus
Weiss, Pierre
Weiss, Steffen
Weiß Lucas, Carolin
Weißenborn, Karin
Welch, E
Welch, Edward Brian
Welch, Robert
Weller, Alex
Weller, Daniel
Weller, Michael
Wells, Jack
Wells, Shane
Welsh, Chris
Welte, Tobias
Wen, Cheng long
Wen, Cheng-Long
Wen, Chenglong
Wen, Jie
Wen, Lingyi
Wen, Patrick
Wen, Qiuting
Wen, Tzung-Kuen
Wen, Xue
Wen, Yan
Wen, Yang
Wen, Zhibo
Wenderoth, Nicole
Weng, Andreas
Weng, Cindy
Weng, Dehe
Weng, Jun-Cheng
Weng, Ling
Weng, Pengfei
Weng, Xuchu
Weng Hang, Wong
Wengler, Kenneth
Wenqi, Qiu
Wentzel, Jolanda
Wenzel, Fabian
Wergeland, Stig
Werner, Beat
Werner, Franziska
Werring, Ralf
Wespi, Patrick
Wessel, Chang Ho
Wessels, Frank
West, Catharine
West, Janne
West, Kathryn
Westenberg, Jos
Westin, Carl Fredrik
Westin, Carl-Fredrik
Westlye, Lars
Wetjen, Nicholas
Wetscherek, Andreas
Wetzl, Jens
Wey, Hsiao-Ying
Weyerbrock, Astrid
Weygandt, Martin
Wezel, Joep
Whalley, Matthew
Wheatley, Margaret
Wheeler-Kingshott, Claudia
While, Peter
Whisenant, Jennifer
Whitaker, Steven
Whitby, Elspeth
Whitcher, Brandon
White, Hilary
White, Jacob
White, Leah
White, Mark
White, Nathan
White, Richard
Whitley, Chester
Whitlow, Christopher
Whittaker, Joseph
Whittingstall, Kevin
Whittington, Hannah
Whitton, Greg
Wiaux, Yves
Wiborg, Ove
Wichtmann, Barbara
Wick, Antje
Wick, Markus
Wick, Wolfgang
Widek, Thomas
Wieben, Oliver
Wiegers, Evita
Wielpütz, Mark
Wiens, Curtis
Wiesinger, Florian
Wiesmann, M.
Wiesner, Hannes
Wiest, Roland
Wiethoff, Andrea
Wiggermann, Vanessa
Wiggins, Chris
Wiggins, Christopher
Wiggins, Christopher J
Wiggins, Graham
Wighton, Paul
Wijnen, Jannie
Wijsmuller, Arthur
Wijtenburg, S.
Wijtenburg, S. Andrea
Wilbert, Frederike
Wild, Jim
Wildberger, Joachim
Wildes, Flonne
Wildey, Chester
Wilkinson, Alaistir
Wilkinson, Alastair
Wilkinson, Iain
Willhite, Andrea
Williams, Ashley
Williams, Aurelia
Williams, Kaye
Williams, Rebecca
Williams, Steve
Williams, Steven
Williamson, John
Williamson, Richard
Willinek, Winfried
Willis, Joseph
Willoquet, Georges
Wilm, Bertram
Wilman, Alan
Wilmes, Lisa
Wilmink, Johanna
Wilson, Brent
Wilson, David
Wilson, Eugene
Wilson, Gregory
Wilson, Martin
Wilson, Neil
Wiltfang, Jens
Windhager, Reinhard
Windischberger, Christian
Windschuh, Johannes
Winfield, Jessica
Wingrove, Jed
Winkler, Anderson
Winkler, Frank
Winkler, Simone
Winkler, Simone Angela
Winnard Jr, Paul
Winslow, Emily
Winter, Lukas
Winter, Patrick
Wintermark, Max
Wintermark, Pia
Winters, Kerryanne
Wintersperger, Bernd
Wintzheimer, Stefan
Wirestam, Ronnie
Wirth, Clemens
Wirth, Wolfgang
Wise, Richard
Wiseman, Frances
Wiseman, Natalie
Wismans, Carrie
Wisnowski, Jessica
Wissmann, Lukas
Wissmann, Ralph
Withey, Stephanie
Witschey, Walter
Witthiwej, Theerapol
Witting, Tabea
Witzel, Thomas
Wodka, Ericka
Wojcinski, Alexandre
Wolf, Daniel
Wolf, Nicole
Wolf, Ronald
Wolfe, John
Wolff, Steven
Wolfgang, Kilian
Wolfram, Frank
Wolfson, Tanya
Wolk, David
Wollmer, Per
Wollrab, Astrid
Wollstein, Gadi
Wolohan, Stephanie
Woltjer, Randy
Wolzt, Michael
Womack, Kyle
Wong, Alan
Wong, Alexandra
Wong, Boon Seng
Wong, Chi Wah
Wong, Chun Kit
Wong, Chung Ki
Wong, Chung-Ki
Wong, Dean
Wong, Eric
Wong, Eugene
Wong, Hubert
Wong, Karen
Wong, Keith
Wong, Lok Yiu Sheila
Wong, Nichol
Wong, Oi Lei
Wong, Oilei
Wong, Sau May
Wong, Scott
Wong, Ting Ting
Woo, Ah Rhm
Woo, Chul-Woong
Woo, Dong-Cheol
Woo, Eung Je
Woo, Jonghye
Woo, Mary
Woo, Myung Kyun
Wood, Bradford
Wood, John
Wood, John N
Wood, MD, PhD, John
Wood, Nigel
Wood, Sarah
Wood, Tobias
Woodrum, David
Woods, Adam
Woods, Jason
Woods, Joseph
Woods, Robyn
Woodward, William
Woolf, Adrian
Worters, Pauline
Wosik, Jarek
Wottschel, Viktor
Woulfe, John
Wrede, Arne
Wrede, Karsten
Wright, Alan
Wright, Alan J
Wright, Graham
Wright, Katherine
Wright, Michael
Wright, Peter
Wright, Steve
Wright, Steven
Wright, Thaddeus
Wright, Timothy
Wrobel, Jon
Wszalek, Tracey
Wu, Allan
Wu, Bin
Wu, Bing
Wu, Can
Wu, Chao
Wu, Chen-Hua
Wu, Chih-Horng
Wu, Dan
Wu, Ed
Wu, Ed X
Wu, Ed X.
Wu, Ed. X.
Wu, Ed.X.
Wu, Edzer
Wu, Fu-Hsing
Wu, Gang
Wu, Guangyu
Wu, Han-Fang
Wu, Holden
Wu, Hua
Wu, Jingsong
Wu, Jingtao
Wu, Jingwen
Wu, Jingyun
Wu, Jinjian
Wu, Juerong
Wu, Jun
Wu, Junjie
Wu, Lianbo
Wu, Lifang
Wu, Min
Wu, Ming-Ting
Wu, Mingming
Wu, Minjie
Wu, Ning
Wu, Ona
Wu, Peng
Wu, Pu-Yeh
Wu, Renhua
Wu, Runhui
Wu, Sen
Wu, Tai-Wei
Wu, TC
Wu, Tsung-Han
Wu, Tung-Lin
Wu, Wen-Chau
Wu, Wenchuan
Wu, Wenqi
Wu, William
Wu, Xi
Wu, Xiaodong
Wu, Xiaoping
Wu, Xiaoyan
Wu, Xiushuang
Wu, Yafeng
Wu, Yaotang
Wu, Yi-Ting
Wu, Yi-Ying
Wu, Yijen
Wu, Yin
Wu, Ying
Wu, Yingjuan
Wu, Yingwei
Wu, Yu-Chien
Wu, Yu-zhou
Wu, Yuankui
Wu, Zhe
Wu, Zhe-Wei
Wu, Zhigang
Wu, Ziying
Wu, Ziyue
Wuerfel, Jens
Wuerslin, Christian
Wunderlich, Arthur
Wundrak, Stefan
Wurfel, Brent
Wurl, Anika
Wylezinska-Arridge, Marzena
Wynn, Tracy
Würslin, Christian
Wyrwicz, Alice
Wyss, Michael
Wåhlin, Anders
Xandry, Jael
Xanthis, Christos
Xechiashvili, Tamo
Xi, Jiandong
Xi, Yi-Bin
Xi, Yin
Xia, Chunchao
Xia, Ding
Xia, Liming
Xia, Ling
Xia, Mingrui
Xia, Shuang
Xia, Yang
Xian, Junfang
Xianfeng, Tian
Xiang, Jianwei
Xiang, Lei
Xiang, Qing-San
Xiang, Zhenzhen
Xiang, Zhou
Xianghui, Hu
Xiangyong, Tang
Xiao, Fan
Xiao, Gang
Xiao, Shuhan
Xiao, Xiang
Xiao, Xiaojuan
Xiao, Youping
Xiao, Yuan
Xiaohong, Ma
Xiaokui, Mo
Xiaoqi, Zhang
Xiaoyong, Zhang
Xie, Bin
Xie, Chunming
Xie, Guoxi
Xie, jingping
Xie, Li-zhi
Xie, Lizhi
Xie, Long
Xie, Luke
Xie, Shuang-shuang
xie, shuangshuang
Xie, Victor
Xie, Yibin
Xie, Youqiu
Xilun, Ma
Xin, Hong
Xin, Jun
Xin, Lijing
Xin, Liu
Xin, Yang
Xin, Yi
XING, Dong
Xing, Haoyang
Xing, Shu
Xing, Wei
Xinming, Zhao
Xiong, Hairui
Xiong, Jinhu
Xiong, Wei
Xiong, Yuhui
Xu, Bin
Xu, Chen
Xu, Dan
Xu, Duan
Xu, Edward
Xu, Feng
Xu, Fuqiang
Xu, Haibo
Xu, Hongyan
Xu, Hu
Xu, Jia
Xu, Jiadi
Xu, Jianrong
Xu, Juan
Xu, Jun
Xu, Junqian
xu, junzhong
Xu, Kaipin
Xu, Kangjie
Xu, Lingyi
Xu, Lisheng
Xu, Man
Xu, Maosheng
Xu, Minfeng
Xu, Mingze
xu, qiang
Xu, Robert
Xu, Sheng
Xu, Stephon
Xu, Su
Xu, TianYong
Xu, Tianyou
Xu, Wen-rui
Xu, Xian
Xu, Xiang
xu, xiao
Xu, Xiaojun
Xu, Xiaopei
Xu, Xin
Xu, Yafang
Xu, Yanyan
Xu, Yikai
Xu, Yilan
xu, zhongbiao
Xuan, Min
Xue, Huadan
Xue, Hui
Xue, Rong
Xue, Yanjie
Yablonskiy, Dmitriy
Yabut, Jocelyn
Yabuuchi, Hidetake
Yacoub, Essa
Yacoub, Joseph
Yadav, Nibhay
Yadav, Nirbhay
Yadav, Santosh
Yagi, Naomi
Yahya, Atiyah
Yahyavi-Firouz-Abadi, Noushin
Yak, Nicolas
Yakupov, Renat
Yalavarthy, Phaneendra
Yaligar, Jadegoud
Yallampalli, Chandrasekhar
Yamada, Akimasa
Yamada, Akira
Yamada, Kei
Yamada, Kentaro
Yamada, Naoaki
Yamada, Ryota
YAMADA, Yoshifumi
Yamagata, Hitoshi
Yamaguchi, Shigeru
Yamakawa, Akira
Yamaki, Tomoya
Yamamori, Ryoko
Yamamoto, Akira
Yamamoto, Akiyoshi
Yamamoto, Asuka
Yamamoto, Takayuki
Yamamoto, Tatsuya
Yamamoto, Toru
Yamamura, Jin
Yamanouchi, Torahiko
Yamasaki, Fumiyuki
Yamasaki, Yuzo
Yamashita, Fumio
Yamashita, Koji
Yamashita, Shuhei
Yamashita, Yasuyuki
Yamaya, Taiga
Yamin, Ghiam
Yan, Chaogan
Yan, Chenggong
Yan, Fei
Yan, Fu-Hua
Yan, Fuhua
Yan, Gen
Yan, Jiewen
Yan, Jiun-Lin
Yan, LinFeng
Yan, Lirong
Yan, Shuang
Yan, Tao
Yan, Wenjing
Yan, Xinqiang
Yan, Xu
Yan, Yet Yen
Yan, Yumei
Yan, Zhihan
Yanagawa, Noriyuki
Yang, Benson
Yang, Bin
Yang, Cynthia
Yang, Dal Mo
Yang, Dal-Mo
Yang, Di
yang, gongxin
Yang, Hou-Ting
Yang, Hsin-Jung
Yang, Huan
Yang, Jaewon
Yang, Jiafei
Yang, Jian
Yang, Jin
Yang, Jing
Yang, Junle
Yang, Li
Yang, Lili
Yang, Lixin
Yang, Ming
Yang, Pinchen
Yang, Ping
Yang, Qi
Yang, Qianqian
Yang, Qihua
Yang, Qing
Yang, Qingsong
Yang, Ru
Yang, Rui
Yang, Seungwook
Yang, Shaolin
Yang, Shengjun
Yang, Shih-Hung
Yang, Shuang
Yang, Shuangfeng
Yang, Shuiqing
Yang, Shuohui
Yang, Tony
Yang, Wensha
Yang, Xi
Yang, Xiangyu
Yang, Xiao-Ling
Yang, Xiaoling
Yang, Xiaoyu
Yang, Xin
Yang, Xinyue
yang, xuedong
Yang, Ya-Fang
Yang, Yanchun
Yang, Yang
Yang, Yanhong
Yang, Yihong
Yang, Yingli
Yang, Young Joong
Yang, Yu Xin
Yang, Yujiao
Yang, Yuqi
Yang, Zhangyan
Yang, Zhaoxia
Yang, Zhengshi
Yankeelov, Thomas
Yano, Keiichi
Yanzi, Chen
Yao, Aiping
Yao, Bing
Yao, Chengjun
Yao, Li
Yao, Nai-Wei
Yao, Nailin
Yao, Yihao
Yao, Zhenwei
Yap, Pew-Thian
Yarach, Uten
Yarnykh, Vasily
YASAKA, Shungo
Yasmin, Amna
Yasokawa, Kazuya
Yassine, Inas
Yasui, Masato
Yates, Denise
Yatsushiro, Satoshi
Yazdani, Saami
Ye, Chaohui
Ye, Chenfei
Ye, Huihui
Ye, Jin
Ye, Jong Chul
ye, li
Ye, Meiping
Ye, Qing
Ye, Qiong
Ye, Shaojing
Ye, Weiguo
Ye, Zihan
Yee, Brendon
Yeh, Benjamin
Yeh, Chien-Lin
Yeh, Chih-Kuang
Yeh, Chun-Hung
Yeh, Dah-Cherng
Yeh, Jhy-Neng
Yeh, Ping-Hong
Yeip, Gavin
Yellayi, Srikanth
Yen, Chen-Tung
Yen, Kathrin
Yendiki, Anastasia
Yengul, Sanjay
Yeo, Audrey
Yeo, B.T.
Yeo, B.T. Thomas
Yeo, Benjamin Chaik Meng
Yeo, Desmond
Yeo, Julie
Yeo, Thomas
Yeo Su Li, Julie
Yeoh, Allen Eng-Juh
Yeom, Kristen
Yeow, Ling Yun
Yeow, Ling-Yun
Yerly, Jérôme
Yerly, Jerome
Yetisir, Filiz
Yeung, David
Yeung, David Ka Wai
Yeung, David Ka-Wai
Yeung, Pui-sze
Yew, Suzanne
Yi, Yan
Yiannakas, Marios
Yildirim, Korel
Yin, Dazhi
Yin, Fang-Fang
Yin, Guang
Yin, Guangheng
Yin, Hang
Yin, Hong
Yin, Meng
Yin, Tianyu
Yin, Ting
Yin, Yayan
Yin, Yingying
Yin, Ziying
Ying, Kui
Ying, Leslie
Ying, Xiaoyou
Ylihautala, Mika
Yohan, Son
Yokoo, Takeshi
Yokosawa, Suguru
Yokoyama, Minato
Yoneda, Tetsuya
Yoneyama, Masami
Yong, Kwee
Yong, V
Yong, V. Wee
Yoo, Chi-Hyeon
Yoo, Hyun Ju
Yoo, Jiyeoun
Yoo, Roh-Eul
Yoo, Youngjin
Yoon, Andrew
Yoon, Daehyun
Yoon, Dahye
Yoon, Jeong
Yoon, Jeong Hee
Yoon, Jong-Hyun
Yoon, Kwon-Ha
Yoon, Sea-Young
Yoon, Soon Ho
Yoon, Won Sung
Yoon, Young Cheol
Yoruk, Umit
Yoshida, Eiji
Yoshida, Kenji
Yoshida, Mariko
Yoshida, Morikatsu
Yoshida, Seigo
Yoshida, Soichiro
Yoshida, Takashi
Yoshida, Takashige
Yoshida, Takegawa
Yoshida, Yoshio
Yoshihara, Chiharu
Yoshihara, Hikari
Yoshihara, Hikari A. I.
Yoshikawa, Takeshi
Yoshimine, Toshiki
Yoshimoto, Akio
Yoshimoto, Chiharu
Yoshinaga, Sosuke
Yoshioka, Eri
Yoshioka, Hiroshi
Yoshioka, Yoshichika
Yoshiura, Takashi
Yoshizawa, Nobuko
You, Yan
Youhe, Chen
Youm, Thomas
Youn, Inyoung
Younes, Laurent
Young, Alistair
Young, Geoffrey
Young, Luciana
Young, Philippe
Young, Phillip
Young, Robert
Young, Simon
Yousry, Tarek
Yovel, Yossi
Yu, Aihong
Yu, Alice
Yu, Bing
Yu, Gaohang
Yu, Gina
Yu, Hao
Yu, Hon
Yu, Huijun
Yu, Jiaxi
Yu, Jie
Yu, John-Paul
Yu, Junxiao
Yu, Meng
yu, qiang
Yu, Qiaowen
Yu, Ronghao
Yu, Shenping
Yu, Siu Ki
Yu, Songlin
Yu, Taihui
Yu, Wei
Yu, Wilson
Yu, Xiaoduo
Yu, Xin
Yu, Xinfeng
Yu, Ying
Yu, Yu
Yu, Yudong
Yu, Zhefeng
Yu, Zidan
Yuan, Chun
Yuan, Fei
Yuan, Huishu
Yuan, Jianmin
Yuan, Jing
Yuan, Liya
Yuan, Qing
Yuan, Yinyin
Yuan, Yonggui
Yuanyu, Shen
Yuda, Kohei
Yuda, Kouhei
Yue, Ning
Yue, Qiuyuan
Yuen, Conrad
Yui, Masao
Yuksel, Cagri
Yulan, Lin
Yun, Seong Dae
Yun, Tae Jin
Yung, Andrew
Yung, W
Yunus, Madiha
Yushmanov, Victor
Yusuke, Uchiyama
Yuzuriha, Naoya
Zaaraoui, Wafaa
Zabor, Emily
Zaccagna, Fulvio
Zachiu, Cornel
Zafeiriou, Zafeiris
Zafeiropoulos, Nick
Zaghloul, Kareem
Zaharchuk, Greg
Zahedi, Leila
Zahn, Katrin
Zahneisen, Benjamin
Zahr, Natalie
Zaidi, Moosa
Zaidi, Shane
Zaim Wadghiri, Youssef
Zainul, Ihsan
Zaiss, Moritz
Zaitsev, Maxim
Zakhari, Nader
Zakian, Kristen
Zakian, Kristen L.
Zalaudek, Martin
Zalc, Boris
Zalesky, Andrew
Zaman, Marjan
Zamora, Marta
Zampa, Virna
Zampetoulas, Vasileios
Zane, Ariel
Zanella, Friedhelm
Zanette, Brandon
Zanette, Irene
ZAnganeh, Soorena
Zanigni, Stefano
Zaremba, Dario
Zarghamravanbakhsh, Parnian
Zaric, Olgica
Zarinabad, Niloufar
Zariwala, Hatim
Zarrinkoob, Laleh
Zastrow, Earl
Zauber, Elizabath
Zaw, Jay Jay Thaung
Zayed, Nourhan
Zbyn, Stefan
Zdora, Marie-Christine
Zebo, Rachel
Zechner, Rudolf
Zeidman, Peter
Zeimpekis, Konstantinos
Zeineh, Michael
Zelaya, Fernando
Zeljic, Kristina
Zeng, David
Zeng, Haifeng
zeng, hong
Zeng, Mengsu
Zeng, Mu
Zeng, Qingbin
Zeng, Zhen
Zenge, Michael
Zerbi, Valerio
Zetterberg, Henrik
zha, fei
Zha, Leping
Zha, Wei
ZHA, Yun fei
ZHA, YUN-fei
Zha, Yunfei
Zhai, Peng
Zhai, Zhiyong
ZHAN, Ying
Zhan, Zhifan
Zhang, Aiying
Zhang, Bei
Zhang, Bida
Zhang, Bin
Zhang, Bing
Zhang, Bo
Zhang, C. Eleana
Zhang, Changle
Zhang, Chaoyang
Zhang, Chaoyi
Zhang, Chen
Zhang, Chenxin
Zhang, Chun-Li
Zhang, Dong
Zhang, Gary
Zhang, Gary Hui
Zhang, Guo-Fu
Zhang, Guoqiang
Zhang, Hong
Zhang, Honglin
Zhang, Hongxing
Zhang, Hualei
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, Huiliang
Zhang, J
Zhang, Jeff
Zhang, Jeff L
Zhang, Jeff L.
Zhang, Jiajun
Zhang, Jianbing
Zhang, Jiangyang
Zhang, Jiaying
Zhang, Jiayu
Zhang, Jiming
Zhang, Jin
Zhang, Jing
Zhang, Jingfeng
Zhang, Jingwei
Zhang, Jingxin
Zhang, Jinjin
Zhang, Jinsong
Zhang, Jishui
Zhang, Jiuquan
Zhang, Ju
Zhang, Jue
Zhang, Jun
Zhang, Junhai
Zhang, Kerry
Zhang, Kevin
Zhang, Le
Zhang, Lei
Zhang, Li
ZHANG, liang
Zhang, Lianqing
Zhang, Lijuan
Zhang, Lin
Zhang, Lina
zhang, meng-chao
Zhang, Mengchao
Zhang, Mengjie
Zhang, Miao
Zhang, Ming
Zhang, Minming
Zhang, Nan
Zhang, Ningning
Zhang, Patrick
Zhang, Peng
Zhang, Qiang
Zhang, Qinglei
Zhang, Qinwei
Zhang, Qiong
Zhang, Qiuli
Zhang, Quan
Zhang, R
Zhang, Rui
Zhang, Ruibin
Zhang, Shanrong
Zhang, Shelley
Zhang, Shelley HuaLei
Zhang, Shu
Zhang, Shuheng
Zhang, shuixing
Zhang, Shun
Zhang, Shuo
Zhang, Tao
Zhang, Teng
Zhang, Tianhao
Zhang, Tianhui
Zhang, Tianjing
Zhang, Tijiang
Zhang, Ting
Zhang, Tingting
Zhang, Tong
Zhang, Vera
Zhang, Wei-hong
Zhang, Weiguo
Zhang, Weihong
Zhang, Weijun
Zhang, Weishan
Zhang, Weisheng
Zhang, Wenjie
Zhang, Wenjing
Zhang, XD
Zhang, Xianchang
Zhang, Xiao-an
Zhang, Xiao-Yan
Zhang, Xiaodi
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaolei
Zhang, Xiaoliang
ZHANG, Xiaoling
Zhang, Xiaoqi
Zhang, Xiaotong
Zhang, Xiaoxiao
Zhang, Xiaoyong
Zhang, Xin
Zhang, Xingxing
Zhang, Xinyuan
Zhang, Xiong
Zhang, Xiuming
Zhang, Xue
Zhang, Xue-wei
Zhang, Xuefeng
Zhang, Xuewei
Zhang, Yajing
Zhang, Yan
Zhang, Yang
Zhang, Yanqiu
Zhang, Yaoyu
Zhang, Yi
Zhang, Yilu
Zhang, Yingkui
Zhang, Yong
Zhang, Yongzhi
Zhang, You
Zhang, Yu
Zhang, Yu-Feng
Zhang, Yuchen
Zhang, Yudong
Zhang, Yue
Zhang, Yumiao
Zhang, Yunyan
Zhang, Yuqing
Zhang, Yuxin
Zhang, Yuyao
Zhang, Zhang
Zhang, Zhaohuan
Zhang, Zhe
Zhang, Zheng
Zhang, Zhenhua
Zhang, Zhigang
Zhang, Zhijun
zhang, zhiqiang
Zhang, Zhiyan
Zhang, Zhiyong
Zhang, Zhongping
Zhang, Zhongwei
Zhang, Zhuoli
Zhang, Zhuwei
Zhang, Zihao
Zhao, Bin
Zhao, Bo
zhao, chenglin
Zhao, Chenguang
Zhao, Dawen
Zhao, Fuqiang
Zhao, Huilin
Zhao, Jun
Zhao, K
Zhao, Kai
Zhao, Lei
Zhao, Li
Zhao, Lianping
Zhao, Ling
Zhao, Moss
Zhao, Peng
zhao, ping
Zhao, Qun
Zhao, Sinan
Zhao, Tiejun
Zhao, Wei
Zhao, Xia
Zhao, Xiaodan
Zhao, Xihai
Zhao, Xin
Zhao, Xinming
Zhao, Xinxin
Zhao, Xinyu
Zhao, Xixi
Zhao, Xuna
Zhao, Yanfeng
Zhao, Yangyang
Zhao, Yanping
Zhao, Yansong
Zhao, Yinxia
Zhao, Ylin
Zhao, Youfan
Zhao, Youjin
zhao, yu
Zhao, Yue
Zhao, Yujiao
Zhao, Zhilian
Zhaoyang, Fan
Zhe Han, Toh
Zhe Sun, Phillip
Zhendre, Vanessa
Zheng, Bingwen
Zheng, Dahai
Zheng, Dan
Zheng, Dan-Dan
Zheng, Dandan
Zheng, Dechun
Zheng, Hairong
Zheng, Huisheng
Zheng, Jie
Zheng, Lei
Zheng, Li
Zheng, Rong
Zheng, Tsinghua
Zheng, Xiang
Zheng, Yang
Zheng, Yuan
Zheng, Zeyu
Zhiliang, Wei
Zhiwei, Shen
Zhiyan, Zhang
Zhong, Chen
Zhong, Jianghui
Zhong, Jianhui
Zhong, Jianping
Zhong, Liang
Zhong, Miao
Zhong, Shuming
Zhong, Xiaodong
Zhong, Xinran
Zhong, Zheng
Zhongzhou, Chen
Zhou, Alicia
Zhou, Changwu
Zhou, Chunwu
Zhou, Dong
Zhou, Heling
Zhou, Hongmei
Zhou, Hua
Zhou, Iris
Zhou, Jiliu
Zhou, Jinyuan
Zhou, Juan
Zhou, Kun
Zhou, Lei
Zhou, Liangping
Zhou, Lily
Zhou, Min
Zhou, Minxiong
Zhou, Peng
Zhou, Qian
Zhou, Quanzhong
Zhou, Rong
Zhou, Shuqin
Zhou, Wei
Zhou, Wenhua
Zhou, Wu
Zhou, X.
Zhou, Xiang
Zhou, Xiangzhi
Zhou, Xiaodong
Zhou, Xiaohong
Zhou, Xiaohong Joe
Zhou, Xiaopeng
Zhou, Xin
Zhou, Yan
Zhou, Yihang
Zhou, Ying
Zhou, Yongxia
Zhou, Yu
Zhou, Yun
Zhou, Yuxiang
Zhou, Zechen
Zhou, Zhengwei
Zhou, Zhengyang
Zhou, Zhenyu
Zhou, Zhifeng
Zhou, Zhuang
Zhou, Zhuxian
Zhou, Ziwu
Zhu, Alyssa
Zhu, Bin
Zhu, Chengcheng
Zhu, Dan
Zhu, David
Zhu, Gaojie
Zhu, Henry
Zhu, Hongfa
Zhu, Hongtu
Zhu, Huaiqiu
Zhu, Jay-Jiguang
Zhu, Kangrong
Zhu, Liuhong
Zhu, Meng Yuan
Zhu, Mingming
Zhu, Qingyong
Zhu, Shao-Cheng
zhu, wenjing
Zhu, Wenzhen
Zhu, Xiao-Hong
Zhu, Xucheng
Zhu, Yan
Zhu, Yanchun
Zhu, Yaxin
Zhu, Yinghua
ZHU, Yuemin
Zhu, Zihan
Zhuang, Jiancheng
Zhuang, Xiaowei
Zhuang, Yuchuan
Zhuo, Jiachen
Zhuo, Yan
Zhuo, zhizheng
Zhuozhi, Dai
Zhurbenko, Vitaliy
Zia, Mohammad
Zidere, Vita
Ziegler, Magnus
Zielinski, Brandon
Ziemlewicz, Tim
Ziemssen, Tjalf
Ziener, Christian
Zijlstra, Frank
Zikic, Darko
Zilberti, Luca
Zilles, Karl
Zimmer, Claus
Zimmermann, Astrid
Zimmermann, M.
Zimmermann, Max
Zink, Inge
Zink, Stephan
Zinker, Bradley
Zinn, Kristina
Zipp, Frauke
Zivadinov, Robert
Zivkovic, Irena
Zoccatelli, Giada
Zoelch, Niklaus
Zola, Stuart
Zollei, Lilla
Zomet, Omri
Zong, Xiaopeng
Zong, Xiopeng
Zotev, Vadim
Zou, Changyan
Zou, Chao
Zou, Qiao
Zou, Tianyu
Zsoldos, Eniko
Zu, Zhongliang
Zubkov, Mikhail
Zucchelli, Mauro
Zuluaga, Maria
Zun, Zungho
Zuo, Chao
Zuo, Pan-Li
Zuo, Panli
Zuo, Xi-Nian
Zuo, Xinian
Zuo, Zhentao
Zuo, Zhi
Zur, Yuval
Zurek, Magdalena
Zwanenburg, Jaco
Zwannenberg, Jaco
Zwart, Nicholas
Zweemer, Ronald
Zwiers, Marcel
Zwitserlood, Pienie
Zynger, Debra
Zöllner, Frank
Öz, Gülin
Özbay, Pinar
Özen, Ali
Özsoy, Çagla
Šedivý, Petr
Østergaard, Jakob
Combined Educational & Scientific Session
Educational Course
Electronic Poster
Electronic Power Pitch Poster
Focused Discussion Session
Plenary Session
Sunrise Session
Traditional Poster
Weekend Course
Monday, May 9, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Thursday, May 12, 2016
Friday, May 13, 2016
Sunday, May 8, 2016
Saturday, May 7, 2016
Abdominal Technique & Pulse Sequences
Addressing Clinical Challenges in the Body with MRI: Contrast Agents
Addressing Clinical Challenges in the Body with MRI: Incidental Cystic Lesions
Addressing Clinical Challenges in the Body with MRI: Maternal & Fetal Evaluation
Advanced Cartilage Imaging
Advanced fMRI: Techniques & Applications
Advanced MR Spectroscopy in Operation
Advanced Quantitative MSK Imaging Techniques
Advanced Tumour Tutorial
Advances in Pulse Sequences for Body MRI
Advancing the Understanding, Diagnosis & Treatment of Cancer
The Aging Brain
All About Bones
Alzheimer's Dementia
Alzheimer's Disease
Artefacts in Cardiovascular MR
Artefacts: System Imperfections & Implants
Arterial Spin Labeling
At the Cutting-Edge of Cancer Imaging
Atherosclerosis Imaging
Automating & Speeding Algorithms
B0 Shimming
The Basics of Perfusion & Permeability Imaging
Beyond Traditional Brain Quantitative Metrics
Body Diffusion
Body MRI
Body MRI Applications in the Emergency Department
Bone & Soft Tissue
Brain Connectivity with fMRI
Brain Metabolism
Brain Motion Correction
Brain Tumours: Pre-Clinical & Clinical Applications
Breast Cancer
Breast Disease & Cancer
Cancer Metabolism & Metabolomics
Cardiac & Muscle MRS
Cardiac MRI: Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathies
Cardiovascular Image Processing
Cardiovascular MRI: The Basic Principles & Applications
Cardiovascular MRI: Vascular Flow & Angiography
Cartilage & Joints
CEST Imaging: Techniques & Challenges
CEST: Agents & Methods
Challenges in Imaging the Musculoskeletal System After Treatment
Characterizing Field Environment in the MR Scanner: B0, B1 & Gradients
Clinical Cancer Investigations & Methods
Clinical Cancer MRI: Case-Based: Addressing Clinical Needs
Clinical Cancer MRI: Case-Based: Guidelines & Reporting Standards
Clinical Cancer MRI: Case-Based: New Horizons
Clinical Cancer MRI: Case-Based: Tumour Microenvironment
Clinical Implications of the MRI Phenotype in Oncology
Clinical MRI of Solid Tumour
CMR Perfusion & Function
Contrast Mechanisms & Artefacts: System Imperfections & Implants
Contrast Mechanisms: Electromagnetic Based & Others
Contrast Mechanisms: Novel Imaging Biomarkers
Contrast Mechanisms: Novel Ways of Imaging
Contrast Mechanisms: Relaxation Based
Controversies in Diffusion & Functional MRI
Controversies in fMRI
Cool Studies Using Animal Models
CV Innovations
CV Novel Techniques
Dementia: Alzheimer's Disease
Demyelinating Diseases
Device Development & Safety
Diffusion & Perfusion: What Do You Know?
Diffusion Acquisition
Diffusion Analysis & Tractography
Diffusion Applications
Diffusion at the Cutting Edge
Diffusion MRI Applied
Diffusion MRI Light
Diffusion Tractography
Diffusion Validation Using Phantoms & Histology
Diffusion Weighted Image Analysis
Diffusion: Acquisition
Diffusion: Analysis
Diffusion: Analysis & Tractography
Diffusion: Body
Diffusion: Clinical Applications
Diffusion: Making Use of Microstructure Information
Diffusion: Microstructure
Diffusion: Other
Diffusion: Probing Microstructure
Dipoles & Dielectrics
DWI & MRS in Cancer
Educational E-Poster
Electromagnetic Property Based Contrast
Endogenous CEST & MT
Fat/Water Imaging
Female Pelvis/Fetal
Fetal & Placental MRI
Fetal, Neonatal & Pediatric Imaging
Fields, Fields & More Fields
fMRI Analysis: Post-Processing
fMRI Basic Neuroscience, Including Optogenetics
fMRI Connectivity: The Applications
fMRI Connectivity: The Methods
fMRI in Disease
fMRI Multimodal
fMRI Physiology
fMRI: Acquisition
fMRI: Acquisition, Contrast, Artefacts
fMRI: Analysis & Models
fMRI: Application
fMRI: Applications
fMRI: Methods
fMRI: The Cutting Edge in Connectivity
Focus Session: Gd in the Brain
Focused Discussion Session: Frontiers of Diffusion
Game Show: What Artefacts-lah?
Gradients & Systems, MR Electronics, MR/PET
Head & Neck
Hepatobiliary 1: Liver Perfusion/Flow & Function
Hepatobiliary 1: Quantitative
Hepatobiliary 2
Hepatobiliary 2: Pancreasbiliary
Hepatobilliary & Pancreas
Heteronuclear MRS
High-Throughput: The 5 Minute MR Scan
Human Brain Tumours 1: Diagnosis & Response to Therapy
Human Brain Tumours 2: Response to Treatment
Human Brain Tumours: Diagnosis & Response to Therapy
Hyperpolarisation & MR Applications
Hyperpolarisation: Past, Present & Future
Hyperpolarised C-13 & Other Nuclei
Hyperpolarised MR & Metabolism
Hyperpolarized MR (non-gaseous)
Image Acquisition & Reconstruction
Image Processing & Analysis
Image Reconstruction: Post-Cartesian
Imaging Drug Delivery & Drug Function
Imaging Metabolism: What Can We Detect & How?
Imaging of Joint Health & Disease
Imaging of Metabolism & Metabolic Diseases
Imaging of Osseous Structure & Function
Imaging of Pediatric Neuropathology
Interventional 1
Interventional 2
Interventional MRI: Devices & Cardiovascular Applications
Interventional MRI: Oncology & Neuro
Interventional MRI: Technology
Introduction to Functional MRI
ISMRM/SMRT Joint Forum: Update on MRI Contrast Agents - Recent Controversies
Lauterbur Lecture
Lung, Hyperpolarised, Mediastinum
Magnetic Susceptibility
Magnetic Susceptibility Imaging
Mansfield Lecture
Mapping & Manipulating Fields
Metabolic Profiling
Metabolism & Others
Metal Related Artefacts: Imaging Techniques & Challenges
Microstructure in Health & Disease
A Mixed Bag: Sequence Simulations & Analyses / Dynamic Imaging
Molecular & Cellular Imaging
Molecular & Metabolic Imaging: Basic Concepts of Molecular Imaging
Molecular & Metabolic Imaging: Initial Clinical Experience with Molecular Imaging
Molecular Imaging & Contrast Agents
Molecular Imaging & Metabolomics
Molecular Imaging of Inflammation & Infection
Molecular Probes, DNP & Hyperpolarisation
Motion Correction
Motion Correction: No Brainer
MR Angiography
MR Engineering Beyond RF Coils
MR Engineering, Safety & Interventional
MR Physics & Techniques for Clinicians
MR Safety
MR Systems Engineering
MR-Guided Focused Ultrasound
MR-Guided Interventions
MRI Biomarkers: Paradigm Shift or Contradiction in Terms?
MRS Applications
MRS Methods
MRS Methods & Applications
MRS Methods: What's New?
MRSI & Non-Proton Imaging
MRSI: What's New?
MSK: The Most Powerful Hour
Multiparametric Assessment of Cancer
Multiparametric MR for Cancer
Multiple Sclerosis: General
Multiple Sclerosis: Novel Techniques & Studies
Multiple Sclerosis: Studies
Multiple Sclerosis: Techniques
Muscle & Functional Imaging
Muscle Diseases
Myelin Measurement
Myocardial Perfusion & Function
Myocardial Tissue Characterisation
Myocardial Viability & Clinical Studies
Neuro 1: Head & Neck
Neuro 1: Neonate
Neuro 1: Stroke Triage
Neuro 1: Tumor Tutorial
Neuro 2: Pediatric
Neuro 2: CNS Infections
Neuro 2: Psychiatric Disease
Neuro 2: Spine & Plexus
Neuro: Clinical Studies
Neurodegeneration: Alzheimer's
Neurodegeneration: Non AD
Neurodevelopmental Imaging
Neuroimaging Animal Models
Neuroimaging: Novel Findings
Neuroimaging: Novel Findings & Techniques
Neuroimaging: Novel Techniques
Neuromuscular Disease & Stroke
Neurovascular Disease & Stroke
Neurovascular: Hemorrhage
New Frontiers in Image Reconstruction
New Techniques for CEST & MT
New Techniques: Evaluations & Applications
New Techniques: It's Time to See How it Works!
NIBIB New Horizons Lecture
Non-Cartesian Imaging
Normal Brain
Normal Brain Methods 2
Normal Brain Physiology
Normal Brain: Measurement & Characterisation
Normal Brain: Methods 1
Novel Acquisitions & Reconstruction Strategies
Novel Cardiovascular Techniques
Novel Concepts in MR Technology
Novel MR Applications in Cancer
Novel Reconstruction Methods
Overuse Injuries: Too Much of a Good Thing
Parallel Imaging
Pediatric & Neonatal MRI
Perfusion & Permeability
Perfusion & Permeability Contrast Agent Methods
Perfusion & Permeability: Contrast Agent Methods
Perfusion in Health & Disease
PET-MRI: Devices, Radiotracers & Applications
Physics for Physicists
Portable MRI
Preclinical Cancer MR
Preclinical Imaging
Prostate Cancer
Proving Where MRI has Value
Psychiatric Disorders: General
Psychiatric Disorders: Major Depression
Psychiatric Disorders: Psychosis
Psychiatric Disorders: Translational Approaches
Pulmonary, Mediastinum & Hyperpolarized Gas MRI
Pulse Sequences
Quantitative Biomarkers in Renal MRI: Adding Physiologic Information to the Morphologic Assessment
Quantitative Biomarkers of Chest Disease: Role of MRI in a Multimodality Practice?
Quantitative Biomarkers of Diffuse Liver Disease
Quantitative Imaging of Cancer
Quantitative MSK Imaging
Quantitative Physiology: Imaging Oxygenation
Radiogenomics & Radiomics
Rapid Three-Dimensional (3D) MSK Imaging
Regional Function & Cardiac Tissue Characterisation
Relaxation Applications
Relaxation Based Contrast
Renal, Male & Female Pelvis & Fetal
Renal/Adrenal/Male Pelvis
Renal/Female Pelvis/Fetal
RF Coil Arrays
RF Coils & Arrays
RF Engineering: Coils
RF Pulse Design
RF Pulses
Simultaneous Multi-Slice
The Singapore Flyer of Vascular Imaging
Sparse & Low-Rank MRI: Theory & Applications
The Sparse Road to Quantitative Imaging
Spinal Cord: Clinical Applications
Spine Imaging
Spine Imaging: Normal Structure/Novel Methods
Spine, MRA & Other Clinical Neuro Applications
Structural & Functional Imaging of Muscle
Structural/Functional Connectomics
Susceptibility Quantitative Mapping
TBI: Neurometabolic Consequences
Techniques for Imaging White Matter
Tissue Characterisation: Brain, Heart & Body
Top CV's
Traumatic Brain Injury
Tumour Diffusion, Perfusion & Vessel Imaging
Tumour Response to Therapy
UHF Applications
UHF Applications & Modeling
Ultra-High Field Cardiovascular MRI
Ultrastructural & Functional Bone & Muscle Imaging
An Update on Body MRI Protocols & Applications: Diagnostic Approach to Focal Liver Lesions
An Update on Body MRI Protocols & Applications: Gastrointestinal
An Update on Body MRI Protocols & Applications: Genitourinary MRI
An Update on Body MRI Protocols & Applications: Pelvis MRI
An Update on Body MRI Protocols & Applications: Setting Up Your Body MRI Practice
Updates From Big Data Initiatives
Validation of Structural Measurements with Diffusion MRI
Velocity & Flow Quantification
The VIP Cancer MR Session
White Matter Changes Across the Lifespan
Whole Body & Male Pelvis
Whole Body/PET/MRI
Wrist Imaging
Young Investigator Awards
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