Introduction to the uses of EPI as
an acquisition ‘engine’ in advanced structural and functional pulse sequences
· Overview of
the principles of functional MRI, arterial spin labelling, diffusion imaging
and chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging.
· Description
of the pulse sequence modules required to achieve these image contrasts.
· Summary
of the different flavours of each method, and the tricks required to minimize
confounding artifacts.OUTCOMES/OBJECTIVES:
Appreciation of the use of EPI
in fMRI, dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging, arterial spin labelling,
diffusion imaging and chemical exchange saturation transfer imaging.
Understanding of the different
approaches that can be used for each method, and the best ways to minimize
confounding artifacts.
MR physicists, plus
technologists and physicians with an interest in understanding the underlying MR
Echo planar imaging has become
an important component of many MRI methods that require rapid and efficient
image readout, either because a dynamic time course is required (e.g.
functional MRI or dynamic susceptibility contrast imaging), or because a moving
organ is being imaged (e.g. cardiac imaging or foetal imaging), or because a
large amount of data with different image contrasts are needed to obtain a
final image (e.g. diffusion imaging or CEST). This lecture will introduce some
of these topics and will highlight how EPI plays a role in these sequences.
One of the areas in which EPI
made a critical contribution is in the area of functional MRI [1, 2, 3].
Although fMRI is possible using more conventional gradient-echo sequences, EPI
offers a robust and reliable acquisition option that avoids many of the phase
artifacts that can result from slower line-by-line k-space acquisition
sequences. Both gradient echo and spin-echo EPI have been used to perform fMRI,
with echo times (TEs) set to the local T2* or T2 for maximum blood
oxygenation-level dependent (BOLD) sensitivity. It is also possible to use BOLD
weighted sequences to probe other physiological parameters such as oxygen
extraction fraction and oxygen metabolism. This can be achieved either by
quantitative fitting to a model of BOLD contrast [4, 5],
or by using additional inspired gas challenges to ‘calibrate’ the BOLD signal [6-9].
A final widely used dynamic application of EPI in the brain is its use in
dynamic susceptibility contrast (DSC) imaging [10].
For DSC a bolus of extravascular contrast agent (usually Gd-DTPA) is injected,
which is then imaged as it passes through the tissue bed. Using such data the regional
blood volume can be calculated and, theoretically, the blood flow. DSC has
found wide use in the diagnosis and acute treatment planning of stroke, where
the time-to-peak of the DSC R2* map is used as a surrogate for blood flow.
A variety of preparation modules exist
with the intention of labelling blood. In some cases these preparation modules
have the intention of crushing the blood signal (e.g., vascular space occupancy
– VASO – imaging). In other cases the preparation modules intend to selectively
excite the blood signal, for use in perfusion mapping or angiography. This
latter class of labelling approaches is that of ‘arterial spin labelling’.
Arterial Spin Labeling
The technique of arterial spin
labelling (ASL) was first described by Detre and colleagues in 1992 [11],
and relies on the subtraction of two images, one that is prepared with the
blood in a fully relaxed state (the ‘control’ image) and one that is prepared
with the blood in an inverted (or saturated) state (the ‘tagged’ or ‘labelled’
image). The difference between these two images is proportional to the amount
of blood that has arrived in the voxel between the time of the labelling and
the time of the readout.
There are a number of ways in which the
ASL preparation can be effected in practice. The earliest form described by
Detre involved continuous labelling of the arterial blood (CASL) using a long
(continuous or as near continuous as the hardware will allow) RF pulse in the
presence of a field gradient. The motion of arterial blood through the
labelling ‘plane’ leads to a flow-driven adiabatic inversion of the moving
spins, which then travel to the tissue region of interest (relaxing as they go,
thus limiting the ultimate lifetime of the ‘tag’). The control pulse for a CASL
preparation, as well as not perturbing the blood spins, needs to mirror the
effects of magnetization transfer, so that those effects cancel along with the
static tissue signal and do not lead to a confound. In early publications the
control pulse consisted of a ‘label’ placed distally above the slice of
interest by the same distance as the proximal ‘tagging’ pulse. However, this
approach limits CASL acquisition to a single-slice readout, since MT effects are
only cancelled when the proximal and distal distances match. However, an
alternative control pulse approach was proposed by Alsop [12]
that enables multi-slice CASL data to be collected.
Another class of ASL preparations
are the pulsed-ASL (PASL) approaches. In these preparations a volume of tissue
is inverted using a short 180º pulse that labels the proximal arterial blood,
and this is contrasted with a control pulse that does not label the blood. The
first such description was the EPI Signal Targeting by Alternating RF (EPISTAR)
preparation [13], in which a proximal
slab was inverted and contrasted with an image in which no inversion pulse was
used (in both cases the preparation was preceded by a saturation pulse in the
location of the imaging slice to minimize effects from an imperfect inversion
profile). The EPISTAR sequence was sufficiently insensitive to MT effects that
no RF was used for the control pulse, but accurate quantification was
problematic for this reason. The later method of Flow Alternating Inversion
Recovery (FAIR) allowed a better degree of perfusion quantification [14].
The FAIR method contrasts a global (or large slab) inversion pulse with a slice
selective inversion (both centred on the slice(s) of interest). In the case of
the global inversion pulse, blood outside the slice of interest is inverted and
begins to move into it. In the case of the slice-selective inversion pulse, non-inverted
blood moves into the slice to provide contrast. In both cases the static tissue
in the slice of interest is inverted and therefore cancels as it has the same magnetization
recovery history.
The most widely used PASL methods
are those based on the PICORE preparation [15],
in which a proximal inversion slab is used for labelling, and an off-resonance
MT-matched RF pulse is used for control. The PICORE variants of QUIPSS, QUIPSS
II, and Q2TIPS further refine the principle and allow differing degrees of perfusion
quantification and slice coverage.
An increasingly prominent ASL
method, however, is yet another approach known as pseudo-continuous ASL
(pCASL). Rather than using CASL’s lengthy high duty-cycle hard pulses the pCASL
approach uses trains of low flip angle selective pulses to induce a flow-driven
adiabatic inversion [16].
The theory behind pCASL is derived from SSFP sequences, in which
off-resonance-dependent magnetization profiles result from a train of RF
pulses. In this case an appropriately shaped Mz transition is
arranged to occur about the centre frequency, and the position of the centre
frequency of the selective pulses is located at the desired ‘labelling’ plane. Blood
flowing through this plane will then experience the imposed Mz
transition and will be inverted as it passes through it. The beauty of the pCASL
approach is that a perfectly MT-matched control pulse can be applied simply by
phase cycling the RF pulses to shift the transition band outside the ‘tuned’
labelling position.
A final major class of ASL
preparation is the velocity-selective (VS-ASL) approach [17].
This preparation seeks to label the magnetization on the basis of its velocity
profile, rather than its spatial position. If this can be done at velocities
that are sufficiently low (ideally spins decelerating into the capillary bed)
then it should be possible to minimize the need to include an arterial arrival
delay between the labelling preparation and the imaging readout. If successful
VS-ASL can be achieved then it may allow discrimination between absent flow,
and flow that is simply delayed in its arrival to the tissue bed (and hence blood
that is losing its T1-time-constant label) either due to slow flow or due to
circuitous flow.
Vessel-Encoded ASL
Returning to pseudo-continuous ASL,
a further feature of this approach is its easy extension to encode the
labelling from different feeding vessels. This is possible by adding transverse
field gradients between the RF pulses in the pCASL pulse train such that the
phase accumulation between successive RF pulses can be adjusted at different
spatial locations within the labelling plane to be in either a control state
(net phase accumulation 180º between pulses) or a tag state (net phase
accumulation 0º between pulses). The locations of the ‘tag’ and ‘control’
locations can then be moved around at will, and the perfusion territories [18]
or vascular branches [19]
from the feeding vessels can be decoded in post processing. By adding the
concept of a variable delay time between labelling and readout it is possible
to achieve full vessel-selective quantification via a fit to some form of
kinetic model [20], yielding both absolute
perfusion as well as arterial transit delay (also known as bolus arrival time).
Although other CASL and PASL approaches have also been used to achieve
selective vessel encoding, the pCASL approach seems to be the most robust and
SNR efficient approach.
Another related use of ASL-like principles is in
the study of blood volume changes using the method of vascular space occupancy
(VASO) [21].
This method uses inversion pulses to invert the signal from arterial blood,
much like conventional ASL, but times the readout of the image to occur at the
T1null of the inversion-recovery curve. As such, blood signal from
the arterioles and capillary bed is absent, allowing observed signal changes to
be ascribed to the tissue compartment, whose signal actually decreases with
blood volume increases during activation. In this way VASO can be used as an
alternative fMRI approach, and may offer better localization of the fMRI signal
changes to the grey matter tissue.
MRI has been used to measure the
self-diffusion of water or other substances for many decades. Borrowing from
the early work of Stejskal and Tanner [22],
who showed how a pair of gradient pulses could be used to measure the diffusion
coefficient of a sample, LeBihan was the first to incorporate diffusion
measurement into an imaging experiment in the 1980s [23].
The essential experiment has remained unchanged, in that a large gradient pulse
is applied that causes phase accrual to occur in the excited spins, that is
then reversed using a second balanced gradient pulse. In the absence of
diffusion the full signal (albeit T2-weighted) is recovered. However, in the
presence of diffusion there is additional phase misalignment and hence signal
cancellation caused by random movement of the spins in the direction of the
field gradients. By careful control of the strength of the diffusion encoding
gradients a quantitative measure of the diffusion coefficient can be achieved.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
A further extension to diffusion
imaging, also pioneered by LeBihan, is the ability of diffusion images to
encode diffusion along different physical directions. By measuring a minimum of
6 different directions (e.g., x, y, z,
xy, xz and yz) it is possible
to characterise the diffusion tensor associated with each voxel [24].
This allows the principal diffusion direction to be determined and hence allows
tractography to be accomplished. In order to help differentiate higher order
fibre bundles (such as crossing fibres) it is necessary to extend the
acquisition to more diffusion directions and even to multiple diffusion b values [25].
Readout Trains
Single-shot EPI is the most common
readout sequence used for diffusion imaging, since it offers great robustness
to phase errors associated with small motions during the diffusion encoding
process. However, single-shot EPI sequences are sensitive to eddy current
effects that can differ between different diffusion encoding directions. This
has led to the need to develop correction strategies to deal with the resulting
subtle mis-registrations between the different directions [26, 27].
An additional tactic to minimize eddy current problems is to use diffusion
gradient patterns that are inherently eddy-current compensated [28].
If higher spatial resolutions are desired than are
possible with single-shot EPI then multi-shot methods must be used. These
require ‘navigator’ information to report on and facilitate correction of any
phase errors arising from subject motion. An example of such a sequence is the
readout-segmented EPI sequence [29],
in which segments of k-space are built up over several TR periods, and a
navigator acquisition is acquired alongside every segment.
Magnetization transfer contrast (MTC)
in a biological context was first described by Wolff and Balaban in 1989 [30]
and involves the exchange of magnetization from slow moving macromolecular
spins to fast-moving free water spins. This is accomplished by partially
saturating the macromolecular spins using off-resonance RF pulses. Because the macromolecular
spins have a broad NMR spectrum they will be affected by off-resonance
saturation, which would not normally directly affect the free water pool.
However, because there is close contact between the free water pool and the
macromolecular pool the saturated macromolecular magnetization will transfer
its influence into the free water pool and will result in a lower free water
signal. Hence, MTC weighted images can report on the macromolecular content of
a voxel, and have applications in the assessment of tissue integrity (e.g., in
the assessment of white matter integrity in multiple sclerosis).
A more recent extension of the MTC concept is the
method of chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) contrast, also first
described by Balaban’s lab [31].
It is closely related to MTC and also relies on off-resonance excitation and
magnetization exchange, this time between more mobile solute species and water
spins. CEST has various potential applications ranging from stroke, to cancer
to musculoskeletal MRI.
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