Excitation is a necessary process for MRI in
order to create observable magnetization to image. In this work, we
develop the basic principles of excitation using the Bloch Equations, written for the rotating
frame, which makes it easier to visualize the effects of applied rotating
magnetic field used for excitation. The
small tip angle approximation is shown to be useful for understanding slice
profile and multidimensional excitation.
Large tip-angles requires different approaches, such as the
Shinnar-LeRoux algorithm. Lastly, excitation k-space, similar to k-space for
image acquisition, is a concept that can be used to design complicated patterns
of excitation.Introduction
is a necessary process for all MRI in order to create observable magnetization
to image. The simplest RF pulses (hard
pulses) excite all spins in an object, however, carefully designed RF pulses are
necessary in order to select slices, invert or rephase (as in a spin-echo) spin
within a slice, pre-saturate fat or specific spatial locations, etc. This presentation will describe the basic
principles for the excitation process and methods for the design of RF pulses for use in MRI.
Theory and Methods
The Bloch Equations. The Bloch equations govern the behavior of the net
magnetization in the presence of applied magnetic fields. The Bloch equations provide the “classical”
description of motion of the magnetization vector and does not easily account
for some quantum mechanical behavior seen in, for example, coupled spin
systems. While simple concepts such as
on-resonant energy absorption can help to explain the excitation of a plane of
on-resonance spins in slice selection and more detailed analysis is necessary
for describing the slice profile and multidimensional excitation. Thus, we start with the Bloch equations, which neglecting
relaxation, is: dMdt=M×γB, where M=[mxmymz]′ is the magnetization and B=[BxByBz]′ is the applied magnetic fields. This vector equation, while complicated, merely dictates that the magnetization M will precess around any B field at frequency ω=γ|B|.
Frame of Reference. One of the
more useful tools in simplifying MRI concepts is the rotating frame of
reference. Here we consider that our
coordinate system for observation of the magnetization is rotating at a
frequency, ω0=γB0. In particular, the coordinate system is
rotating about the z-axis in the same direction that M rotates about B. The z coordinate does not change, but we now
must define a new x and y coordinate system.
The “laboratory” frame of reference is the usual frame of reference with
coordinates (x, y, z). The “rotating” frame of reference has coordinates (x’,
y’, z). If we have magnetization
precessing at ω0, it will
appear to be stationary in the rotating frame as shown in Figure 1. More precisely, the magnetization precessing in the transverse plane, mxy=mx+imy=m0exp(−iω0t), will appear stationary in the rotating frame: mxy,rot=mx,rot+imy,rot=m0. Conceptually,
we can think of this as being similar to riding on a carousel. If we are on the carousel, other objects on
the carousel appear stationary, but to someone on the ground, the objects are
spinning by at ωcarousel (ω0). The z-component of the magnetization is the
same in both frames of reference: mz,rot=mz.
the rotating frame of reference, the magnetization is not precessing. Thus, the apparent or effective B in
the rotating frame is Beff=0. More generally, the rotating frame has an
effective z magnetic field that is ωframe/γ less than the applied magnetic field: Bz,eff=Bz−ωframe/γ
. Thus, assuming ωframe=ω0, we can relate the rotating and lab frame
magnetization and applied fields using:
along with the Bloch equations in the rotating frame:
For signal reception, it is interesting to note that the receiver
allows you to see magnetization in the rotating frame defined by the frequency
of the receive demodulator and thus, we can define the MRI signal equation
using mxy,rot(t).
Excitation. Recall, we
said that the Bloch equation, which describes the motion of M
in the presence of a B field, dictates that
the magnetization will precess around the B field at frequency γB. Here, we have two applied field, B0 and B1, and
determining the motion of M in this case can be
quite tricky with the Bloch equations.
But fortunately, we have a tool to make this analysis easier: the
rotating frame.
consider the magnetization starting in its equilibrium position aligned to B0 (z
axis). RF excitation (B1) that is
applied at ω0 in the lab
frame will appear as a stationary B1,eff is
aligned to the x’ axis in the rotating frame. In the rotating frame, B0 disappears
and one only has to consider B1,eff and we see that Mrot
will precess around x’ (B1,eff) at frequency
ω1=γ|B1|, as shown in Figure 2.
Slice Selective Excitation. The most common excitation pulse used in MRI is
the slice selective RF pulse, which is done by applying an frequency selective
RF pulse in the presence of a slice selection gradient (commonly
z-gradient). Here the resonance
frequency varies in the z-direction and the bandpass RF pulse excites only
those spins whose resonant frequency lies within the band. We will examine the Bloch equations for this
specific case. We will let B1(t) be a time-varying, real-valued magnetic field
rotating at ω0, then B1,eff(t)=B1(t)i′, where i′ is the unit vector along the x' axis. A
z-gradient is applied, so the component in the z-direction is Bz=(B0+Gz⋅z)k and Bz,eff=(Gz⋅z)k where k is the unit vector along the z axis in both rotating and lab frames. The total applied magnetic field in the rotating frame is then:
The Bloch equation in the rotating frame for this case reduces to the
we would like to know is how the magnetization, Mrot(t), varies as a function of z position following
the application of the specified B1(t) field. This is, in general, a very
difficult equation to solve because it is non-linear.
Small Tip Angle
Approximation. One particularly useful approach to the solution
to the above Bloch equation is to use the “small tip angle approximation.” Here, we assume that B1(t) produces a small net rotation angle, say, 30 degrees or less. In
this case, we can assume the z component of the magnetization, mz, is approximately equal to m0 during the entire RF
pulse. Essentially, we are saying that cos(α(t))≈1 where α(t) is the instantaneous flip angle at any point in the RF pulse. If this is the case, then we can assume that dmz/dt=0 and mz(t)=m0 during the RF pulse. The Bloch equation in the rotating frame is now:
This nicely decouples mxy,rot from mz and allows us to write a simple differential equation in mxy,rot. Note that we are now examining this expression as a function of the slice direction, z, that is mxy,rot(z,t)=mx,rot(z,t)+imy,rot(z,t)=. We then have:
that γGzz is a constant with respect to time and thus we
have a first order differential equation with a driving function iγB1(t)m0. For initial condition, mxy,rot(z,t)=0, the solution to this differential equation at the end of the RF pulse (T) can
be shown be:
now make a variable substitution t′=t−T/2. We can also assume
that the RF pulse that is symmetrical (even) around T/2 and that it is zero outside of the interval
[0,T]. The magnetization can now be described as:
which we we can observe is:
is the well know Fourier relationship between the RF pulse (B1(t)) and the slice profile.
The leading phase term (−iγGzzT2) must be compensated for by using a rephaser
gradient after the RF pulse. So, we now see that designing a slice selective pulse for small tip angle is a matter of defining an RF pulse that has a particular spectrum (Fourier transform) and recognizing that the spectrum and spatial profile are related via ω=γGzz.
More complicated RF pulse designs, for example, for the so-called multiband RF pulses [Larson 2008, Moeller 2010], one can create RF pulses that are the sum of RF subpulses, each exciting a specific spectral band corresponding to a particular slice. The Fourier relationship is linear, which means that the sum of responses of the subpulses. This works when the small-tip angle approximate is valid - as a practical matter, most small tip RF pulses work well up to 90 degrees.
Large Tip Angle Pulse Design. The above approach for RF
pulse design approaches is based on the small tip angle approximation, but the
design of large tip-angle pulses is more complicated. There are many approaches for the design of
1D RF pulses for large tip angles, e.g. for slice selective inversions or
spin-echo pulses. One of the more
commonly used approaches is the so-call Shinnar-LeRoux (SLR) algorithm popularized by
Pauly et al. [Pauly 1991] and there are many other approaches as well. Figure 3 shows how a Fourier-designed pulse (windowed sinc pulse) and a SLR pulse of equal length have similar shapes and similar slice profiles for a 90 degree RF pulse. This shows how small-tip pulses behave well at least up to 90 degrees. On the other hand, Figure 4 shows the results from an inversion pulse resulting from scaling a Fourier-designed pulse scaled up to 180 degrees and compares to an SLR-designed inversion pulse. Clearly, the small-tip assumptions that go into the Fourier approach are no longer valid for 180 degree pulses and other approaches are necessary.
Multidimensional Excitation and Excitation k-space. We can construct a more general case where the applied gradient
fields are along multiple directions and possibly time-varying, that is, Gzz is replaced with the net effect of all gradients G(t)⋅x, and the applied RF fields B1(t) can be complex valued, as well. Here the small tip approximation again leads to a differential equation:
which, for an initial condition
with m0 in the z-axis, has a solution:
a manner similar to image k-space, we can define excitation k-space [Pauly 1998a] as:
and then
that excitation k-space is a time reversed integral of the gradient waveforms,
and this forms the pathway upon which the RF energy is deposited in k-space by B1(t). Note also that since
k-space is a time-varying function, there is also in implicit weighting by the
inverse of the velocity of through excitation k-space – a slow pathway deposits
more B1 than a fast
pathway. Thus, the resultant excitation
pattern as two components: 1) a k-space sampling pattern and 2) the excitation
weighting defined by the RF waveform (B1(t)) as modified the k-space velocity. More specifically, the sampling pathway can be defined as s(k)=∫T0δ3(k(t)−k)∣˙k(t)∣dt, where δ3 is an impulse function in 3 dimensions that defines the k-space
path. The RF weighting term is defined
as W(k)=b1(t)/∣γG(t)∣,
which is defined only on the k-space pathway.
We can then recast the excitation pattern (shown in the previous
equation in a time integral) in the k-domain as:
for a fully sampled, non-crossing excitation k-trajectory (e.g. an Archimedean
spiral) and a desired excitation pattern, d(x)
one can define the RF waveform as:
In Figure 5, we demonstrate the design of an RF waveform for a spiral excitation k-space
trajectory with a Gaussian 2D target profile and the resultant small-tip
excitation pattern.
Iterative Methods for Multidimensional RF Pulse Design. The above approach provides an analytical
expression for multidimensional RF pulses for a particular k-trajectory and desired
pattern, however, this approach has some limitations with respect to the kinds
of trajectories that can be easily employed, accounting for magnetic field
inhomogeneity, enforcing power constraints, or exploiting spatially limited
objects. Here, we describe an iterative
pulse design approach developed by Yip et al. [Yip 2005], which is based on a
discretization of the above time domain integral:
which can be
rewritten as a simple matrix equation:
where m is
the resultant magnetization (stacked up into a vector), b is
the RF pulse vector, and A is
a system matrix with elements:
where xi are
voxel locations in the object. It is also possible to include the magnetic field inhomogeneity into the aij terms [Yip 2005].
this formalism, we can easily design an RF pulse as a statistical estimation
(minimization) problem:
where d is
the desired spatial excitation pattern and R(⋅) is a regularization term that can penalize,
for example, the sum of the squared RF pulse, which is related to power
deposition (SAR). With this form, constraints can be incorporated
to limit the peak or local RF power. The first
term in the argument is a W-weighted 2-norm, where the weighting function can be
used to ignore voxels outside of the body, e.g. “don’t care” regions. The formalism can handle arbitrary excitation
k-trajectories, including variable density and crossing trajectories.
Large Tip Angle Extensions. Again, the multidimensional RF
pulse design approaches are based on the small tip angle approximation, but the
design of large tip-angle pulses is more complicated. For the
design of large-tip angle, multidimensional pulses, Pauly also described an
approach that can be used for a series of self-refocused k-trajectories [Pauly
1989b]. A variety of other approaches have
been developed to handle the large-tip angle case for multidimensional
excitation [Pruessmann 2000, Xu 2007, Xu 2008, Sesompop 2008, Grissom 2008,
Grissom 2009], which include methods for incremental correction to small-tip
designs and full non-linear design approaches.
the above sections, we described the Bloch equations in the rotating frame and
how this simplifies analysis of excitation pulses. We then described a very powerful
approximation – the small tip angle approximation, which allows the use of a
Fourier interpretation. We described how larger tip-angle pulse are different and require a different set of tools. We then extended the small-tip angle approximation to multiple spatial dimensions, where the Fourier interpretation leads to the concept of
excitation k-space and to direct and iterative RF pulse design approaches.
SLR pulses were designed using John Pauly's software at
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