Diffusion MRI is unique in
its ability to derive microstructural tissue information. However, since
structure is inferred from measurements of diffusion, validating DWI findings
with other modalities is important for a complete understanding of
diffusion MRI and its relationship to the true
underlying tissue microstructure. This session will provide an overview of methods to validate and quantify the relationship between diffusion MRI findings and the true underlying biology.Highlights
- Interpretation of diffusion MRI with respect to
the true underlying tissue microstructure remains a challenge.
- Validating diffusion MRI models and findings with
quantitative metrics is paramount to drawing strong conclusions.
- Histological staining and other optical
microscopy methods are emerging as powerful tools for validation.
- Validation in injury and disease is a
significant challenge due to the co-existence of multiple pathologies.
Target Audience
Scientists and clinicians interested in understanding
the link between diffusion MRI findings and true tissue microstructures in the
normal and pathological states.
The audience will develop a better understanding of
the relationship between diffusion MRI and tissue microstructure. This will enable the development of better
model or acquisition methods to refine diffusion MRI, as well as more accurate
insight into injury and disease states.
Diffusion MRI captures the molecular motion
of water molecules within their biological environment. It is unique in
its ability to derive noninvasively microstructural tissue information at a
macroscopic scale. However, since
structure is inferred from measurements of diffusion, validating DWI findings
with other modalities is important for a complete understanding of
diffusion MRI and its relationship to the true
underlying tissue microstructure.
Whereas diffusion tractography
typically relies on injectable tracers as the “gold-standard” for measures of
brain connectivity, no single standard has emerged with which to validate local
tissue microstructure. However, many
validation approaches have been developed and used, and the approach generally is
determined by the desired goal, which can be loosely classified into measures
to quantify local fiber orientation, physical tissues metrics, and pathological
alterations. An important feature of any
validation technique includes derivation of quantitative and objective
measures, but automation and ease-of-use are also desirable.
Local Fiber
Orientation Distributions
For diffusion tractrography or
connectivity applications, models of the diffusion MRI signal attempt to
resolve the underlying fiber distributions based on the measured diffusion MRI
signal behavior. Consequently, measures
of the true fiber orientations can be derived from other modalities and
compared to their diffusion MRI counterparts.
Typically, these include histological sectioning and subsequent analysis
of digital microscopy images using many different methods to quantify the
orientations, including manual tracing (Leergaard et al., 2010), automated
analysis of stained cells (Bock et al., 2010 and Jespersen et al., 2012), spatially
registering histological and DTI images (Flint et al., 2010 and Hansen et al., 2011), and texture-based
methods (Budde et al., 2011 and Choe et al., 2012) and
others. Thick sections stained with a
lipophilic dye and imaged with 3D microscopy have recently been shown to be
useful in relating directly to diffusion MRI fiber distributions (Khan et al.
2015, Schilling et al. 2016). Other
microscopy techniques rely on the inherent birefringence of tissues,
particularly myelin, that enable 3D imaging of large tissue specimens (Axer et
al. 2011; Wang et al. 2016).
Collectively across many studies, these validation efforts have
demonstrated a relatively high correspondence between diffusion MRI estimates
and the true fiber structure, particularly in coherent white matter fiber
tracts. However, in regions containing
multiple fibers intersecting one another, or so-called “crossing-fibers”, it is
evident that simple models such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) are
incomplete. More advanced models show
considerable improvement in their accuracy to resolve multiple fibers. Relatively few studies have performed
large-scale comparisons between histological specimens and diffusion MRI
advanced models. This remains an active
area of interest, and recent efforts to map the micro-connectome are likely to
yield important insights as high resolution datasets and technologies become
more widely available.
Microstructural Features
goal of certain diffusion MRI models is to capture the microscopic physical
parameters of tissues, such as cell densities, sizes, and other features. Again, while the specific approach is dictated
by the intended goal, these approaches are relatively straightforward if the
derived diffusion MRI parameters reflect a physical property that can also be
directly measured. For instance, quantitative
measures of cell counts or density (Wang et al., 2011), cell
sizes or diameters (Barazany et al., 2009), and other
various features of the tissue derived from histological measurements have been
directly compared to the same parameters derived from diffusion MRI. In more complex tissues however, such as the
cerebral gray matter, the diffusion signal behavior become more ambiguous with
respect to the underlying tissues. The
presence of cell bodies, dendritic fibers, and subcellular structures such as
mitochondria give rise to complex diffusion features that are only beginning to
be realized.
Pathology in
Disease or Injury
The diffusion MRI signal behavior is most ambiguous following injury or
disease, since the underlying pathology can affect the measures in unique and
sometime conflicting ways. Often, the
goal is to determine which pathology is being captured by a specific diffusion
metric. For instance, fractional
anisotropy, a parameter derived from DTI, is altered from a wide variety of
different causes, including neurodegeneration, demyelination, inflammation, and
edema, all of which cause FA to decrease.
In animal models, induction of a primary pathology such as a
demyelinating disease can lead to predictable changes in FA and other
parameters. In coherent white matter
tracts, a number of studies demonstrated that demyelination is most associated
with and increase in diffusion perpendicular to fibers (radial or transverse
(Song et al. 2003). On the other hand, axonal
degeneration is most associated with a decrease in diffusion parallel to fibers
(axial or longitudinal diffusivity)
(Budde et al. 2009; Zhang et al. 2009).
However, there are many caveats to these relationships that are critical
to their interpretation and application outside of these models. First, the relationships are evident in
coherent fiber tracts may not hold in complex fiber configurations, since
crossing-fibers introduce ambiguity in the underlying tissue organization and
model. Second, it should be noted that
any neurological injury or disease involves many co-existing pathologies, and a
single pathological feature is unlikely to exist in isolation. For instance, whereas axonal injury decreases
axial diffusivity, edema can increase and either confound or mask the expected
results. Third, while a specific
pathological feature can cause a predictable change in diffusion MRI measures,
the inverse relationships are not necessarily true. For example, while demyelination causes an
increase in radial diffusivity, an observed increase in radial diffusivity, without
corroborating evidence, does not necessarily imply that demyelination is the
underlying pathology. Consequently,
relating a specific pathology to a specific diffusion MRI alteration is
unlikely to hold true across all situations, and even moreso with simple
diffusion MRI signal models. Again,
advanced models have provided greater detail and better interpretability. However, it should be remembered that all
models have their own limitations and assumptions, direct corroborating
evidence is needed to make strong conclusions.
No acknowledgement found.References
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