multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI, which includes functional MRI, diffusion tensor
imaging, etc.) has become popular for brain imaging, it is still difficult to
apply these techniques to the spine because of complex issues related to
acquisition and processing of the data. In this review we will examine several key
aspects of mpMRI in the spine, namely: hardware, pulse sequences and image
processing techniques – discussing their present status, unresolved issues, and
future directions. Introduction
Pathologies of the spine and spinal cord can result from neurodegenerative and vascular diseases, trauma, and cancer, all of which can induce severe functional disability and neuropathic pain. While precise diagnosis is required to determine the optimal intervention for treating patients, clinicians lack objective tools to assess the microstructural damage to the tissue. For example, what is the extent of the lesion and what are the types of axons that are damaged/spared? These factors can have a dramatic impact on the functional recovery of the patient and knowing them would guide the choice of interventional therapy. Moreover, in order to test the efficacy of new treatments, it is essential for researchers/practitioners to know the actual effect of the treatments on the tissue (regeneration and/or remyelination?). While conventional MRI cannot specifically identify the type of axonal damage, recent developments in multi-parametric MRI (mpMRI) have shown a strong potential for characterizing tissue microstructure [1]. Although mpMRI techniques have been used successfully for the brain, their application to the spine remains challenging. Reasons include the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), susceptibility artifacts inducing image distortion and signal drop-out and high level of physiological noise (particularly problematic for functional MRI studies).
In this review we will go through different aspects of mpMRI in the spine and spinal cord, including hardware, pulse sequences and images processing techniques. Each section aims to present the state-of-the-art mpMRI techniques, also touching on their pros and cons. The goal of this review is to give an overview of the field with some of the current developments. For more detailed information about the “how-to” of spinal cord mpMRI see [2]. While this review focuses on the spinal cord, most of these techniques are also applicable to the spine and plexus.
RF coils
Typically, signal transmission is done via the
single-channel body coil integrated into the MRI system, to achieve good
homogeneity, while signal reception is done via multi-channel coils close to
the imaged structure, to achieve good sensitivity (i.e., signal-to-noise ratio,
SNR). More sensitive and highly-parallelized radiofrequency (RF) receive coils have
the potential to provide better image quality in fMRI. Higher sensitivity
brings more SNR and thus better temporal SNR, which is directly related to the
statistical power in fMRI. Highly-parallelized coils (i.e., high number of
channels) enable higher acceleration factors for parallel imaging, which
directly translate to reduction in susceptibility distortions (see section 4).
While standard commercial coils for the neck only have 2-4 channels, advanced
coil designs have been proposed that cover the neck region with more coils and
smaller coil elements (see Figure 1).
As mentioned in the introduction, one challenge of
spinal cord fMRI is the presence of susceptibility artifacts, which appear as
image distortions in ultra-fast imaging sequences (echo planar imaging)
typically used in fMRI and diffusion-weighted imaging acquisitions.
The main cause of these artifacts are large inhomogeneities in the main
magnetic field (B0), because of the presence of structures with different
susceptibilities: the bony vertebral structure, the intervertebral disks and
the air-filled lung, giving raise to small-scale and large-scale variations
in the field (see Figure 2).
These inhomogeneities hamper MR imaging and spectroscopy of the spinal cord,
e.g. by causing geometric distortions in echo-planar imaging, yielding signal
dropouts and echo time shifts in T2*-weighted acquisitions, and
broadening lines in MR spectroscopy. Thus, it is essential to perform a shim[1]
of the magnetic field to minimize such inhomogeneities in the acquisition
volume. However, even with a careful adjustment of the standard shim procedure,
the image or spectrum quality may be insufficient because not all
inhomogeneities can be compensated.
[1] Active shimming is performed for every
acquisition, and employs dedicated coils in the magnet through which current is
passed to generate an extra corrective magnetic field to improve the B0
homogeneity. The standard shimming procedure consists in modelling
the magnetic field with spherical harmonic functions of up to the 2nd
or 3rd order (based on field maps), then injecting the associated
current into each shim coil during acquisition.
Another problem that limits the quality
of the shim in the spine region is the variation of B0 with time. The respiratory cycle
induces field fluctuations through motion of the chest and therefore
fluctuations in local oxygen concentration. The associated MR frequency changes
then lead to temporal signal fluctuations, inducing image artifacts such as
ghosting and blurring. These variations are of course
critical when imaging close to the thoracic region, given that their impact is
already substantial in the brain at 7T [4]. The
typical signature of these respiratory-induced variations of B0 is a
time-dependent voxel shift along the phase-encoding direction with EPI
acquisition. The amount of voxel shifts—which can be more than 10 mm—not only
varies with time, but also spatially along the spine because it depends on position
relative to the lungs [5]. Hence, these displacements are extremely
difficult to correct a posteriori,
rendering difficult the interpretation of DTI and fMRI data. Respiration-induced
change in B0 is one of the main reasons very few people dare to venture
into fMRI experiments below the cervical level.
There are, however, solutions to static
and dynamic field inhomogeneities. Very-high order external shimming systems
have been proposed that can better compensate spatially small-scale variations,
thereby producing higher quality spectra in MR spectroscopy [6] and less
susceptibility artifacts in EPI data. Such technology has recently been applied
to the spine, demonstrating an improvement in field homogeneity in the thoracic
spine by more than 30 % [7]. Moreover, since these additional shim coils are controlled
independently from the scanner, it is possible to synchronize the current
delivered to the shim coil with the respiration of the subject in order to
compensate the dynamic variations [4].
Another technology uses RF coils as shim coils, enabling
higher order shimming by virtue of the smaller elements and their placement
nearer the region of interest as compared to the built-in shim coils of the
scanner. Promising results were demonstrated in the brain at 3T [8].
For more information about shimming in the spinal cord see [9].
Ultra high field
Ultra-high field MRI (7T and above, as commonly defined in 2016) is gaining popularity among researchers for its capability to probe even finer details of the anatomy and function. The increased field strength provides a nearly proportional boost in SNR as well as an increased susceptibility contrast that can be exploited for fMRI studies [10] and for susceptibility-based structural imaging such as susceptibility-weighted imaging or susceptibility tensor imaging [11].
Despite the attendant difficulties of ultra-high field systems (greater inhomogeneity, higher specific absorption rate), the first studies of 7T MRI of the spinal cord were quite encouraging. The higher resolution showed finer details of the anatomy, notably exquisite details of the gray matter [12]. Clinical applications of 7T MRI of the spinal cord anatomy include spinal cord injury [13], amyotrophic lateral sclerosis [14] and multiple sclerosis [15]. Recently, 7T has been applied for investigating resting state networks in the spinal cord [16] and more studies are expected to follow from this group and other groups equipped with a 7T system. A review on ultra-high field MRI of the spinal cord is available in [17].
Pulse sequences
Reduced field-of-view
As mentioned previously, the difficulty in
obtaining a homogeneous B0 field directly translates to image distortions
along the phase-encoding direction in EPI data. Since the amount of image
distortion (i.e., pixel displacement) is directly proportional to the time
spent filling the k-space, one strategy is to fill the k-space faster. A
straightforward approach is to reduce matrix size (or number of phase-encoding
lines) although this comes at the cost of reduced spatial resolution. Another
strategy is to decrease the echo spacing (time between two phase lines), which
is done by increasing the bandwidth. In addition to these strategies, one can
also reduce the field-of-view (FOV) in the image domain, which corresponds to
under-sampling the k-space along the phase-encoding direction and therefore image
faster (reduction of 2x or more, depending on the acceleration factor). This
approach is particularly well-adapted to imaging the spine given its thin and elongated
structure, hence yielding the possibility to reduce the FOV along the
right-left or antero-posterior directions. However, reconstructing
under-sampled k-space data will induce aliasing artifacts on the image. To
avoid these, several techniques exist that are discussed below.
Outer volume suppression is one technique
for suppressing the region that falls outside the reduced FOV in the
phase-encoding direction. This can be achieved by placing saturation bands
anteriorly and posteriorly to the FOV; however the cons of this method are that
it comes at a cost of higher specific absorption rate (SAR), higher TR and imperfect
saturation (slight aliasing can sometimes be seen on images). Another strategy,
only applicable to spin echo sequences, is to rotate the 90° excitation plane
with respect to the refocusing plane (180° flip angle), so that only spins that
fall at the intersection of both planes will produce a spin echo. This
technique, called ZOOM (or CO-ZOOM if contiguous slices are used), has shown
promises for spinal cord diffusion imaging [18, 19]. An
advantage of this technique is that it provides efficient outer volume
suppression when combined with additional saturation bands. Cons are that (i) it
only works for spin echo sequences, (ii) the profile is not perfectly sharp due
to the parallelogram effect at the edge, hence requiring additional saturation
bands and reordering of adjacent slices with sufficiently high TR to avoid T1
saturation effects and (iii) it is currently not a product sequence for all
popular manufacturers.
2D-RF excitation is a somewhat more
direct approach to reduced FOV techniques, where instead of exciting the whole
slice only spins that fall within the FOV are excited. Hence, this method does
not require additional outer volume suppression. Encouraging results of 2D-RF
EPI sequences were demonstrated in the spinal cord for fMRI and DTI studies.
Pros are that (i) contiguous slices can be acquired (in comparison with the
CO-ZOOM technique), (ii) no signal is visible outside the FOV, hence no
aliasing. Cons are that (i) this sequence is currently not widely available in
most vendors, and (ii) the excitation pulse needs to be longer than the regular
sinc pulse, yielding longer TE. It should be noted however that the
introduction of parallel transmit systems in recent clinical product lines will
solve the problem of a longer pulse.
Parallel imaging is another technique
that consists in using the shared information across receiving coil channels to
remove the aliasing. Two popular methods are GRAPPA [20], which reconstructs missing k-space lines, and SENSE [21], which reconstructs the un-aliased image using the prior that each
pixel is a linear combination of all coils, weighted by their sensitivity
profile. Two notable pros to this approach are that it is available with most
MRI systems and compatible with other approaches (e.g., minimize echo spacing,
reduce matrix size, etc.). However acceleration factor needs to be carefully
chosen based on the receive coil to be used and region to be imaged. More
information is available in [3].
Segmented EPI is another technique that
consists in acquiring several chunks of sub-sampled k-space and then recombine
it before Fourier transform. This technique is not “reduced FOV” per se although it uses the same
principles to address susceptibility artifacts by decreasing the effective echo
spacing of the acquired k-space. A notable challenge of this technique is to
make sure that motion did not occur between chunks (or if so, correct for it
using e.g. navigator echoes). This technique has shown promising results with
segmentation performed along the phase [22] and readout [23] direction.
More information can be found in [24].
Multi-resolution MRI
There is a desire to image brain and
spinal cord function simultaneously. Applications include the study of the pain
matrix and motor learning. However, optimal sequence parameters are different
for both organs. The brain asks for full brain coverage, with isotropic voxel
resolution (typically 2x2x2mm3), while the spinal cord asks for
highly anisotropic resolution (1x1x5mm3) with axial orientation and
small FOV (in order to minimize susceptibility distortions). To overcome this
issue, a sequence was developed that allows the user to prescribe two different
sets of imaging slices: one for the brain and one for the spinal cord [25]. Promising results were obtained for the study of pain processing with
fMRI [26].
Dynamic shimming
As discussed previously in the “Hardware”
section, shimming is another way of avoiding susceptibility artifact by directly
minimizing B0 inhomogeneities in the first place. While it is
difficult to obtain a perfectly homogeneous B0 over a large region
using standard 2nd or 3rd order shimming
systems—especially when using a large FOV, such as in brain-spine protocols—it
is possible to assign specific shim coefficients for each imaging slice. This
technique is called dynamic shimming and has shown promising applications in
the brain at 7T [27]. Because most fMRI acquisitions of the spinal cord are done axially
with thick slices (typically, 3-5 mm), Finsterbusch et al. proposed to only
update the z-gradient as a way to compensate for intravoxel dephasing [28] and showed promising results for simultaneous brain-spine fMRI
studies [26]. Figure 3 shows
an example of image quality improvement when using this approach on T2*-weighted
EPI of the spinal cord. Note that dynamic shimming is different than real-time
shimming, where shimming coefficient are updated continuously and independently
from imaging slices.
Data processing
Not only is it
difficult to acquire good quality mpMRI data for the reasons discussed earlier,
but it is also challenging to process them. In contrast to the brain, fewer
efforts have been tailored towards image processing software for the spinal
cord [29]. Unlike popular software packages for brain
neuroimaging (e.g., FSL, SPM, BrainVoyager, FreeSurfer, AFNI, MINC Toolkit),
spinal cord researchers have only been developing specific tools (e.g., spinal
cord segmentation algorithm) without providing an integrative framework that is
compatible with most applications (i.e., adapted to a large variety of mpMRI
protocols) and that can reach the community at large (i.e., open source, license-free
scripting environment, extensive documentation, support forum, continuous
integration service for integrity testing). At the same time, brain software
packages are often not suited for spinal cord images because (i) the spine is
an articulated structure, therefore standard motion-correction algorithms
assuming rigid or affine transformation are inadequate, (ii) brain extraction
and segmentation tools are not adapted to the spinal cord because of different
shape, contrast-to-noise ratio, etc., (iii) common brain MRI templates [30] and atlases [31] are de
facto not usable for spinal cord imaging, (iv) useful features are missing,
such as spinal cord cross-sectional area (CSA) measurement. The lack of a
standard processing platform has had negative impacts on the spinal cord
neuroimaging community and has limited the ability of researchers to compare
and reproduce published results, as well as to conduct collaborative and
multi-center studies.
To address this
problem, the Spinal Cord Toolbox
(SCT) [32] has been developed, which is a software
package specifically designed to process spinal cord mpMRI data and to perform
atlas-based analysis. SCT includes most of the state-of-the-art tools that have
already been validated and published (see list of publications below). It is
generic (i.e., works for any scanner brand, sequences parameters, modalities or
contrasts), ensures cross-platform compatibility, and it is license-free and
open source. The primary objective of SCT is to provide a common pre-processing
platform, which supplements what is missing from the common brain software
package. Hence, the goal of SCT is not to replace entirely what other software
already offers (e.g., first- and second-level analysis of fMRI data), but to
provide the necessary tools to pre-process mpMRI data, to perform group
analysis within standard space, and/or to perform cord-specific quantification
such as quantification of cross-sectional area across vertebral levels. The main
features of SCT include: Automatic segmentation of the spinal cord [33], automatic segmentation of the spinal canal [34], automatic segmentation of the white and gray
matter using multi-atlas algorithm [35], automatic vertebral labeling [36], MRI template of the human spinal cord [37], probabilistic template of white and gray
matter [38], atlas of white matter pathways [39], probabilistic map of spinal levels [40], pipeline for registering data with the
template [37] and robust motion correction methods for
diffusion and functional MRI time series [41]. Figure 4 illustrates the existing templates and atlases
available in SCT. SCT can be downloaded at:
Figure 5 illustrates a typical user-case example.
First, the spinal cord is segmented on the anatomical image, then registered to
the template. DTI data are then registered to the template using information
from the anatomical scan (for greater robustness). Gray matter segmentation
could also be performed, provided image contrast and resolution are sufficient.
Following registration, several metrics can be calculated, such as the
fractional anisotropy in the white matter (or in specific tracts),
cross-sectional area, white/gray matter ratio, etc. All these metrics can be
automatically calculated at specific vertebral levels, e.g., between C2 to C5 levels,
and are corrected for partial volume effect using maximum a posteriori
estimation [39].
In this syllabus we reviewed the main
challenges associated with spine and spinal cord MRI and presented some of the current
strategies to tackle them. While no mention of the plexus was done in the
current review, most of these techniques could be equally applied to this
region (except for the image processing techniques which are specific to the
spinal cord).
Regarding hardware, RF coil arrays are
critical for improving sensitivity (higher SNR) and higher acceleration factors
(less distortions). Shimming is another exciting avenue for hardware
development, with room for improvement in terms of adapted design for the
spine, higher order shimming and real-time shimming capabilities. It is hoped
that MR vendors will continue setting priority on these hardware aspects. While
ultra-high field MRI has lots of potential for fMRI through an increase in SNR
and susceptibility contrast, it is also a less “turn-and-key” system compared
to lower fields, notably because of the increased SAR, inhomogeneous excitation
profile and increased susceptibility artifacts.
Regarding pulse sequences, the techniques
that are most useful for imaging the spine include reduced field-of-view approaches
(2D RF excitation, outer-volume suppression methods, parallel imaging) and
z-shimming. Small additional features can also be mentioned: phase
stabilization methods (based on navigator echoes), advanced shimming techniques
(e.g., prescribing a shim box inside the spine, FASTMAP), respiratory and
cardiac gating, advanced fat saturation methods, etc.
With the emergence of international initiatives
for setting up multi-center imaging studies, there is an increasing need for
standardizing hardware, acquisition protocols, and image processing methods.
Each of these steps is critical and can make a difference between two sites in
terms of accuracy and precision. It is hoped that the community will continue
working together with manufacturers to converge towards more efficient shimming,
RF reception, and mpMRI sequences for the spine and plexus, while ensuring
cross-compatibility across vendors.
The author wishes
to acknowledge Ryan Topfer for proof-reading this manuscript. Studies were funded by the Canada Research Chair in
Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (JCA), the Canadian Institute of Health
Research [CIHR FDN-143263], the Canada Foundation for Innovation [32454], the
Fonds de Recherche du Québec - Santé [28826], the Fonds de Recherche du Québec
- Nature et Technologies [2015-PR-182754], the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council of Canada [435897-2013] and the Quebec BioImaging Network.References
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