Imaging of Oxygenation in the Kidney
Pottumarthi Prasad


Unlike most organs, in the kidneys, oxygen consumption changes with blood flow and increased blood flow doesn't necessary lead to increased oxygen delivery. This leads to a need for independent measures of perfusion and oxygentation BOLD MRI is the only non-invasive method to evaluate renal oxygenation. It is most useful for detecting acute changes following pharmacologic/physiologic maneuvers. Based on evidence from pre-clinical models, translation to the clinic is being pursued. Limitations in conventional ROI analysis have been identified, creating an interest in alternative methods, including whole kidney analysis. Alternate methods to measure oxygenation include electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorine-19 MRI, both involving exogenous materials to be used.


1. Kidneys are unique in that the regional tissue oxygenation is not flow limited and hence there is an inherent need to independently evaluate renal oxygenation.

2. BOLD MRI is the only known non-invasive method that allows for evaluation of intra-renal oxygenation in humans. Most useful for detecting acute changes following pharmacologic/physiologic maneuvers.

3. T2* or R2* can be used as a quantitative parameter but their direct relationship to oxygenation is not simple. A recent study has attempted to validate that relationship.

4. Clinical applications to date include reno-vascular hypertension, renal transplants, ureteral obstruction, and diabetic nephropathy/chronic kidney disease. Pre-clinical data applied to iodinated contrast induced acute kidney injury are promising.

5. Alternate methods to measure oxygenation include electron paramagnetic resonance and fluorine-19 MRI, both involving exogenous materials to be used.


Radiologists, nephrologists, physicists, MR scientists, and MR technologists who are interested in clinical and/or research studies of the kidney.


Attendees will gain an appreciation for the significance of renal oxygenation independent of renal blood flow. They will learn how to evaluate relative oxygenation status of the kidney using MRI and see examples of both pre-clinical and clinical applications being pursued. Advantages, perspectives and limitations of MRI methods in the evaluation of intra-renal oxygenation will also be discussed.


In most organs oxygenation is tightly linked to blood flow, in which case perfusion imaging may be sufficient to understanding regional oxygenation. In the kidneys, especially in the medulla, oxygen consumption could change along with or independent of flow (Figure 1). So there is a need to evaluate renal oxygenation apart from perfusion. Kidneys have the lowest difference in pO2 difference between the renal artery and vein [1], suggesting that they may be well oxygenated. However, kidneys actually have regions that can be characterized to be hypoxic [2]. Only when spatially resolved measurements are used do the gradients in tissue oxygenation become apparent. Early measurements were made using microelectrodes inserted into rat kidneys [3]. With the availability of non-invasive imaging, translation of these invasive studies to humans became possible [4]. Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) MRI has been the most widely used technique to evaluate renal oxygenation to-date.


BOLD MRI is inherently sensitive to the oxygenation status of blood. If one assumes that blood oxygenation is in a dynamic equilibrium with the surrounding tissue oxygenation, BOLD MRI can be used to evaluate changes in tissue oxygenation. Early studies with BOLD MRI in humans [4] duplicated results using microelectrodes in rat kidneys. While the early studies used EPI based acquisitions, R2* mapping through mGRE is now common, resulting in higher quality images and a quantitative analysis.[5]. Combined with breath-holding, a single slice acquisition can be performed in about 10 to 15 s (Figure 2).


mGRE sequence is now a standard on all major vendor platforms and all of them offer inline mapping options, making BOLD MRI readily available for renal oxygenation studies. This in turn has afforded an opportunity to duplicate the initial findings independently by several investigators throughout the world.

To-date, BOLD MRI has been applied in the clinic to evaluate renal vascular hypertension [6], renal transplants [7, 8], ureteral obstruction [9] and diabetic nephropathy/chronic kidney disease [10, 11]. Renal medullary hypoxia has an inherent relevance to acute kidney injury and pre-clinical data lend a strong support [12, 13]. However, clinical translation is lacking primarily due to logistical issues rather than technical feasibility.


Renal BOLD MRI is feasible and independently verified in healthy human subjects and in pre-clinical models. However, applications to the clinic are not without certain practical limitations. We may need consensus on the preparation of subjects prior to the study and in analytical methods. Traditional regions of interest (ROI) analysis is inherently subjective and whole kidney methods offer one alternative (e.g. Figure 3) [14-16]. In pre-clinical setting, pre-defined ROIs have been proposed (Figure 4) [17]. While R2*/T2* can be used as a quantitative marker, translation to absolute pO2 has remained elusive. A recent study has shown the feasibility that R2’ (= R2*-R2) can be calibrated to blood pO2 and, with further modeling, can be potentially related to tissue pO2 [18].

Feasibility has been demonstrated with electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) [19] and Fluorine-19 MRI [20] to measure renal pO2. However, EPR requires implantation of Lithium phthalocyanine (LiPc) crystals and F-19 MRI requires administration of exogenous substance.


No acknowledgement found.


1. Leonhardt, K.O. and R.R. Landes, Oxygen tension of the urine and renal structures. Preliminary report of clinical findings. N Engl J Med, 1963. 269: p. 115-21.

2. Brezis, M. and S. Rosen, Hypoxia of the renal medulla--its implications for disease. N Engl J Med, 1995. 332(10): p. 647-55.

3. Aukland, K. and J. Krog, Renal oxygen tension. Nature, 1960. 188: p. 671.

4. Prasad, P.V., R.R. Edelman, and F.H. Epstein, Noninvasive evaluation of intrarenal oxygenation with BOLD MRI. Circulation, 1996. 94(12): p. 3271-3275.

5. Prasad, P.V., et al., Breath-hold R2* mapping with a multiple gradient-recalled echo sequence: Application to the evaluation of intrarenal oxygenation. Jmri-Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 1997. 7(6): p. 1163-1165.

6. Gloviczki, M.L., L.O. Lerman, and S.C. Textor, Blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) MRI in renovascular hypertension. Curr Hypertens Rep, 2011. 13(5): p. 370-7.

7. Han, F., et al., The significance of BOLD MRI in differentiation between renal transplant rejection and acute tubular necrosis. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2008. 23(8): p. 2666-72.

8. Djamali, A., et al., BOLD-MRI assessment of intrarenal oxygenation and oxidative stress in patients with chronic kidney allograft dysfunction. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2007. 292(2): p. F513-22.

9. Thoeny, H.C., et al., Renal oxygenation changes during acute unilateral ureteral obstruction: assessment with blood oxygen level-dependent mr imaging--initial experience. Radiology, 2008. 247(3): p. 754-61.

10. Inoue, T., et al., Noninvasive evaluation of kidney hypoxia and fibrosis using magnetic resonance imaging. J Am Soc Nephrol, 2011. 22(8): p. 1429-34.

11. Prasad, P.V., et al., Multi-Parametric Evaluation of Chronic Kidney Disease by MRI: A Preliminary Cross-Sectional Study. PLoS One, 2015. 10(10): p. e0139661.

12. Li, L.P., et al., Evaluation of intrarenal oxygenation in iodinated contrast-induced acute kidney injury-susceptible rats by blood oxygen level-dependent magnetic resonance imaging. Invest Radiol, 2014. 49(6): p. 403-10.

13. Li, L.P., et al., Efficacy of preventive interventions for iodinated contrast-induced acute kidney injury evaluated by intrarenal oxygenation as an early marker. Invest Radiol, 2014. 49(10): p. 647-52.

14. Ebrahimi, B., et al., Compartmental analysis of renal BOLD MRI data: introduction and validation. Invest Radiol, 2012. 47(3): p. 175-82.

15. Piskunowicz, M., et al., A new technique with high reproducibility to estimate renal oxygenation using BOLD-MRI in chronic kidney disease. Magn Reson Imaging, 2015. 33(3): p. 253-61.

16. Thacker, J.M., et al., Renal Blood Oxygenation Level-Dependent Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Sensitive and Objective Analysis. Invest Radiol, 2015. 50(12): p. 821-7.

17. Pohlmann, A., et al., High temporal resolution parametric MRI monitoring of the initial ischemia/reperfusion phase in experimental acute kidney injury. PLoS One, 2013. 8(2): p. e57411.

18. Zhang, J.L., et al., Measurement of renal tissue oxygenation with blood oxygen level-dependent MRI and oxygen transit modeling. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol, 2014. 306(6): p. F579-87.

19. James, P.E., et al., Endotoxin-induced changes in intrarenal pO2, measured by in vivo electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry and magnetic resonance imaging. Free Radic Biol Med, 1996. 21(1): p. 25-34.

20. Hu, L., et al., Assessing intrarenal nonperfusion and vascular leakage in acute kidney injury with multinuclear (1) H/(19) F MRI and perfluorocarbon nanoparticles. Magn Reson Med, 2014. 71(6): p. 2186-96.

21. Brezis, M., Y. Agmon, and F.H. Epstein, Determinants of intrarenal oxygenation. I. Effects of diuretics. Am J Physiol, 1994. 267(6 Pt 2): p. F1059-62.


Figure 1 [21]: Temporal changes in renal medullary pO2 and blood flow measured with invasive microprobes. Note that even though blood flow reduces following administration of furosemide, the pO2 increases. This is due to the fact that furosemide inhibits sodium reabsorption and hence oxygen consumption.

Figure 2: (A) T1 weighted image showing the anatomy of the. (B) Calculated R2* Map of kidneys in a healthy subject overlaid on the anatomy showing high contrast between cortex and medulla. Lighter shades reflect more hypoxia. This contrast is lost post administration of furosemide (C), consistent with Figure 1.

Figure 3 [16]: The GRE image is used as an anatomical template for defining ROIs. The mean R2* of each region is shown in the plots. Variation between the repeated measures is quite large for the small regions, whereas the larger ones are less immune to the exact placement.

Figure 4 [17]: Standardized segmentation model of the rat kidney that is used to place regions-of-interest (ROI) in the cortex (C1,C2,C3), the outer medulla (O1,O2,O3) and the inner medulla (I1,I2,I3).

Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)