In this talk, we will discuss the following aspects
regarding ASL – Data acquisition.
A. Basic principles
B. Labeling schemes
a) STAR and variants
b) FAIR and variants
selective ASL
C. Background suppression
D. Readout options
E. Advanced methods to combine ASL with
other measurements
ASL: Data Acquisition
Jun Hua, Ph.D.
F.M. Kirby Research
Center for Functional Brain Imaging, Kennedy Krieger Institute
Department of Radiology,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Arterial spin labeling (ASL) uses the
magnetization of water protons in the arterial blood stream as an endogenous
tracer for perfusion measurements (Detre
et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1992). Any perturbation to the magnetization of the arterial blood
that feeds the tissue can serve as a magnetic tracer. The perturbation is
typically introduced by an RF pulse at a location proximal (i.e., upstream) to
the tissue of interest. After a time delay that allows the magnetically labeled
arterial blood to reach the tissue capillary bed, the labeled water molecules
exchange with the water molecules in the tissue, causing a change in the MR
signal. At this point, a pulse sequence (readout) is played to acquire an image
at a location distal (i.e., downstream) to the labeling position. The spatially
resolved signal change is measured by subtracting this labeled image with a second image acquired without labeling (the control image). The difference signal between
the labeled and control images is fitted to a quantitative model, from which
maps of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and vascular transit times can be obtained.
Various approaches have been developed
for labeling arterial blood spins. In general, they can be categorized into the
following groups:
In pulsed
ASL (PASL), an RF inversion pulse is applied to produce a bolus of labeled
magnetization at a labeling location. The bolus travels from the artery to the
capillary bed and exchanges the labeled magnetization with the unlabeled
magnetization of the tissue water. Pulsed ASL is a family of pulse sequences,
all sharing the same basic principles, but differing from one another in the
strategies by which the labeled and control images are acquired.
The echo planar imaging and signal
targeting with alternating radiofrequency (EPISTAR) approach (Edelman
et al., 1994) is one of the first ASL sequences
developed in this category. The
labeling pulse sequence begins with a 90° slice-selective saturation pulse
applied at the location where the perfusion measurement is sought. This pulse
saturates the spins in the imaging slice, providing some immunity to any perturbation
that can be caused by the subsequent labeling pulse. Following the saturation
pulse, a spoiler gradient is typically used to dephase the magnetization. Next,
a spatially selective inversion pulse (the labeling pulse) inverts spins within
a thick slab proximal to the imaging slice. At the end of the labeling pulse, a
long delay time is introduced to allow the inverted arterial spins to travel
from the labeled slab to the imaging plane and to perfuse into the tissue.
Because the labeled arterial blood carries inverted magnetization, it causes a
signal reduction in tissue. The reduced magnetization is imaged using an EPI
readout. The control
image without arterial labeling can be acquired by simply repeating the
sequence without the labeling pulse. However, the labeling pulse is an
off-resonance irradiation with respect to the imaging slice, resulting in a
magnetization transfer (MT) effect in the labeled image that masks the subtle signal
change due to perfusion. To balance the MT effect, an inversion pulse identical
to that in the labeling sequence is also played prior to the acquisition of the
control image, except that its carrier frequency is chosen to place the
labeling slab distal to the imaging plane by an equal distance.
Several variants of this approach have
also been developed. For instance, the STAR-HASTE method (Chen
et al., 1997) uses a RARE readout instead of EPI.
Proximal inversion with a
control for off-resonance effects (PICORE) (Wong
et al., 1997) is another variation of EPISTAR. The labeling
sequence is the same as that in EPISTAR, but an off-resonance inversion pulse
in the control sequence is played without an accompanying slab-selection
gradient. The carrier frequency of the inversion pulse is the same between the
control and the labeling pulse sequences, so the MT effect can be subtracted out.
The magnetization of the imaging slice is virtually unperturbed due to the
large resonance offset. Compared to EPISTAR, the difference signal in PICORE rejects
the inflow from the distal side of the imaging slice, whereas the inflow causes
a reduction of the difference signal in EPISTAR. Another advantage is that
asymmetry in MT effects is compensated in PICORE, but not in EPISTAR. A
disadvantage of PICORE is, however, that it is less robust against eddy-current
effects than EPISTAR because the control sequence uses a different gradient
waveform from the labeling sequence. Other variants in this group include QUIPSS
et al., 1998), TILT (Golay
et al., 1999), DIPLOMA (Jahng
et al., 2003), PULSAR (Golay
et al., 2005), QUASAR (Petersen
et al., 2006) and others.
The flow-sensitive
alternating inversion recovery (FAIR) (Kim,
1995; Kwong et al., 1995) ASL sequence employs a frequency-selective inversion
pulse with and without an accompanying slice-selection gradient to produce the labeled
and the control images, respectively. Unlike EPISTAR, the inversion pulses for
the control and labeled images have the same carrier frequency. When the pulse
is played with the slice-selection gradient, it inverts the spins within the
imaging slice while leaving spins elsewhere virtually unaffected. After the
pulse, an optional spoiler gradient can be applied, followed by a delay time,
just as in EPISTAR. Finally, a single-shot EPI readout is played to produce the
labeled image. To acquire the control image, the slice-selection gradient can
be either played with zero amplitude or played at a different time away from
the slice-selection gradient. The latter approach uses the slice-selection
gradient as a spoiler (Kwong
et al., 1995). By keeping the same gradient
waveform, it also allows better cancelation of eddy-current effects between the
labeled and the control images. In the absence of an accompanying slice-selection gradient, the
inversion pulse inverts spins in the entire volume of the transmitting RF coil.
Because both the arterial blood and the tissue experience similar inversion
recovery, and the T1 of arterial blood is only slightly longer than that of
gray matter, there is virtually no sensitivity to arterial inflow in the
control image. FAIR is
more robust against the MT effect because no off-resonance irradiation is
applied with respect to the imaging slice. This facilitates multi-slice imaging.
Another advantage of FAIR over EPISTAR is that arterial blood feeding the
tissue from both proximal and distal sides of the imaging slice is labeled.
When the flow direction is unknown or when the feeding arteries have tortuous
paths, FAIR reduces underestimation of perfusion, because inflows from both
directions are registered and contribute to the difference signal.
variations of the FAIR pulse sequence have been developed. In a technique
called uninverted flow-sensitive alternating inversion recovery (UNFAIR) (Helpern
et al., 1997; Tanabe et al., 1999) or extraslice spin tagging (EST) (Berr
and Mai, 1999), two consecutive inversion pulses
with the same carrier frequency are used in the pulse sequence. To acquire the labeled
image, one of the inversion pulses is played with a slice-selection gradient to
selectively invert the magnetization of the imaging slice while the other inversion
pulse is nonselective (or very slightly selective with a much broader spatial
profile than that of the selective inversion pulse) to invert all spins. As a
consequence, the magnetization of the imaging slice experiences a 360° rotation
and ends at a positive z axis. The inflow magnetization is affected by only one
inversion pulse and thus is inverted. To acquire the control image, both
inversion pulses are nonselective (or very slightly selective with the same
spatial profiles), resulting in
an uninverted image. Compared to FAIR, UNFAIR does not invert the control
image. Therefore, it is insensitive to the inversion time or the difference
between blood and tissue T1s. This property also makes UNFAIR less sensitive to
errors due to radiation damping (Zhou
et al., 1998). BASE is another variation of FAIR (Schwarzbauer
and Heinke, 1998). This technique acquires a basis
image (i.e., a control) without any spin preparation and a labeled image with a
selective inversion pulse applied at the imaging slice location. Because the
nonselective inversion pulse is not used in the control image, BASE is more
robust against a mismatch between the inversion profile and the imaging slice
profile than FAIR. Another variation of FAIR is known as flow-sensitive
alternating inversion recovery with an extra radiofrequency pulse (FAIRER) (Mai et
al., 1999). As the name implies, FAIRER employs a slice-selective
saturation pulse delivered to the imaging location immediately after the inversion
pulse of a FAIR sequence. This technique was developed to reduce the TI
sensitivity of the subtracted image and improve the robustness against TI
values that are close to the nulling point of specific tissues. Another
technique, also called FAIRER (FAIR excluding radiation damping), addresses the
problem of radiation damping (Zhou
et al., 1998). In the presence of radiation
damping, FAIR is subject to errors in perfusion quantification. In this FAIRER
technique, the effect of radiation damping is suppressed by employing a very
weak gradient during the delays in the pulse sequence.
ASL (CASL) was developed before pulsed ASL (Detre
et al., 1992; Williams et al., 1992). Unlike pulsed ASL, adiabatic inversion in continuous ASL
relies on the flow-induced (also known as flow-driven or velocity-driven) fast
adiabatic passage principle (Dixon
et al., 1986) to provide a continuous supply of
inverted arterial spins to the imaging location. Similar to pulsed ASL, a continuous ASL pulse sequence
also acquires at least two images, a labeled and a control image. The pulse
sequence to acquire the labeled image begins with a flow-induced adiabatic
inversion pulse and an accompanying gradient G along the direction of arterial
flow. Although a rectangular RF pulse can be used, the extremely long pulse duration
(e.g., several seconds) needed to achieve a continuous arterial spin inversion
often exceeds the RF amplifier capability or regulatory limits on power
deposition in human subjects. Therefore, in practice, a rectangular pulse is
approximated by a series of shorter hard pulses separated by a time delay.
Following the long labeling pulse, a spoiler gradient is often played out to dephase
any transverse magnetization that might be produced by imperfections of the
inversion pulse. After this inversion module and a time delay, an imaging pulse
sequence (readout) is executed to acquire a labeled image at the imaging slice
location. During the next TR, this pulse sequence repeats itself with the
frequency of the labeling pulse changed to the opposite sign, or with a
negative labeling gradient –G to obtain a control image. The former approach
ensures that the control and labeled images have the same eddy-current effects
induced by the labeling gradient, whereas the latter method compensates for the
MT effect more effectively. For multiple averages, the labeled and control
images are almost always interleaved to improve robustness against patient bulk
motion and system instability.
An improved implementation of CASL,
known as pseudocontinuous ASL (PCASL), has been recently developed (Dai et
al., 2008). In PCASL, the continuous RF is replaced by a long train
of slice-selective RF pulses applied at the labeling location, along with a
train of gradient pulses that have a small but non-zero mean value. The mean
value of both RF and gradient pulses over time are similar to those used in
CASL, and the mechanism of inversion is the same. PCASL provides superior
labeling efficiency and is compatible with modern body coil RF transmission hardware
that is now ubiquitous on clinical MRI scanners. Therefore, it is recommended as
the workhorse labeling approach for ASL in most cases (Alsop
et al., 2014).
In this type of labeling method, a
velocity selective pulse train is first applied to saturate blood flowing above
a chosen cutoff velocity. After a post-labeling delay, a second velocity
selective pulse module with the same cutoff velocity is applied either within or
prior to the imaging pulse sequence (readout). Thus, only signals from spins
that have decelerated from above the cutoff velocity to below the cutoff
velocity are measured in the final image, which provides selectivity for
arterial delivery, as blood on the venous side of the circulation generally accelerates
with time (Wong,
2007; Wong et al., 2006). One advantage of this method is that the velocity
selective saturation is usually spatially non-selective, and can even be within
the imaging volume. Therefore, velocity selective labeling is not sensitive to
vascular transit time variations in the brain.
One main challenge in ASL MRI is its
relatively low SNR, as the difference between label and control images is
typically <1% of the overall MR signal measured. On the other hand, subject motion,
which is typically the dominant noise source in ASL, produces signal
fluctuations that are proportional to the signal intensity in the unsubtracted images.
Therefore, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in ASL can be improved substantially
if the signal intensity of the unsubtracted images can be reduced without
affecting the ASL difference signal. This can be achieved by a combination of
spatially selective saturation and inversion pulses, usually referred to as background
suppression (BS) (Ye et
al., 2000). A typical BS module in ASL consists of an initial
saturation pulse selective to the imaging region, followed by carefully timed
inversion pulses, which results in the longitudinal magnetization of static
tissue passing near or through zero at the time of image acquisition. The blood
that is to be labeled by the labeling pulses does not experience the initial
saturation, but does experience the inversion pulses. For perfect inversion
pulses, each inversion changes the sign of the ASL label/control magnetization
difference, but nominally does not affect the magnitude of this difference. Thus,
the ASL difference signal is preserved, while the static tissue signal is
nearly eliminated. Details about the implementation and optimization of BS for
ASL can be found in (Dai et
al., 2008; Garcia et al., 2005; Maleki et al., 2012).
A number of pulse sequences can be
used as the imaging pulse sequence (readout) for ASL following the labeling
module. Single-shot EPI is a common choice in the early days due to its superior
acquisition efficiency. Currently, segmented 3D sequences are the preferred methodology.
Commonly used 3D segmented methods include 3D multiecho (RARE) stack of spirals
et al., 2013; Ye et al., 2000) and 3D GRASE (Fernandez-Seara
et al., 2005; Gunther et al., 2005). These methods provide nearly optimal SNR for
measurement of the magnetization prepared by the labeling pulses, and they are
relatively insensitive to field inhomogeneity. They strike a balance between
the T2* insensitivity of pure RARE methods, and the time efficiency of pure EPI
or spiral acquisitions, enjoying most of the benefits of both. Compared with 2D
multi-slice readouts, these methods allow for significantly better BS. BS is
only optimal at one time point, and because segmented 3D readouts only require one
excitation per TR period, the excitation can be timed to provide a very high
degree of BS. Single-shot 3D readout may be a promising choice in the future.
Multi-slice single-shot 2D (EPI) or spiral readout are also widely used, mainly
because of their availability on all modern MRI scanners and the immunity to
motion artifacts from the inconsistency between excitations that can affect
multi-shot methods. However, for 2D imaging, BS will only be optimal for one or
a few slices, and the acquisition time is usually longer in 2D imaging.
ASL MRI can be combined with other
approaches to measure CBF, CBV, and BOLD signals, from which the oxygen
extraction fraction (OEF), and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) can be
determined. Such measures are typically performed consecutively, which is not
time efficient for clinical use. More importantly, the physiology may be
slightly different between scans. By incorporating FAIR ASL and the
vascular-space-occupancy (VASO) approach, CBF and CBV changes can be measured in
one single scan (Cheng
et al., 2014). Furthermore, CBF, CBV and BOLD signal changes can be
detected simultaneously by hybrid sequences combining ASL, VASO, and BOLD MRI (Yang
et al., 2004). This was first implemented in
single-slice version (Gu et
al., 2005; Krieger et al., 2015), and more recently expanded with 3D whole-brain
acquisition (Cheng
et al., 2015).
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