aim of surgery in Neurooncology is to achieve maximal tumor cytoreduction while
avoiding postoperative neurological deficits. In order to achieve this goal it
is mandatory not only to preserve eloquent cortex but also to safeguard indispensable
white matter pathways. Intraoperative direct subcortical ESM is the method of
choice to map functional boundaries of the resection cavity and it has
significantly improved the survival rate of patients undergoing resection of
low-grade gliomas(1).
MR tractography has recently emerged as a valuable clinical tool for
presurgical planning(2-4) and
intraoperative imaging-guided navigation in the operating room(5). Diffusion MR
tractography has the potential to provide unique information about connectional
anatomy and pathology-induced changes. This information has not been available
before and it can be acquired with clinical 1.5 and 3 tesla MR units. Despite
several challenges and limitations inherent to current diffusion imaging
methods(6), the
information provided by tractography is good enough to be used in the clinic.
Currently tractography is a user-dependent method. The challenges, limitations
and pitfalls(7) must be
understood carefully before interpreting the results of tractography for
presurgical planning. Useful imperfect and user-dependent tests are used in the
clinic everyday all the time.
Diffusion MR
imaging provides unique insights into both macrostructure and microstructure.
Water molecules move preferentially along the bundle of parallel axon and
diffusion imaging reveals the dominant orientation of these bundles. In
the proximity of a tumor, white matter bundles can be displaced, infiltrated,
diluted by vasogenic edema, or destroyed(32). Diffusion
anisotropy is typically reduced in areas of tumor infiltration and/or vasogenic
edema. Preliminary validation studies of DTI MR tractography with
intraoperative ESM have shown that false negative results may be found in the
proximity of infiltrating low-grade glioma(33-35).
It is important to remark that tractograms are virtual
estimation (streamlines) of the orientation of white matter bundles. The
estimate depends on the microstructural properties of the tissue. The degree of
uncertainty of the estimate is reduced in anatomical and pathological
conditions: in voxels with more than one bundle (such as in the deep
fronto-parieto-temporal white matter at the crossroad between the corticospinal
tract, corpus callosum and SLF) and in voxels with increased free water content
secondary to tumor infiltration or edema leading to apparent reduced
anisotropy. The former type of challenge can be overcome with advanced
diffusion methods such as high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI)(36) and constrained
spherical deconvolution (cSD)(37) which have the
ability to extract multiple orientations of fibers in voxels containing more
than one bundle. The latter type of challenge can be overcome with advanced
imaging methods able to separating diffusion properties of the bundles from
surrounding free water. Implementation of new advance methods such as Noddi(38), CHARMED(39), AxCaliber(40) and ActiveX(41) should offer a
new class of microstructural tissue parameters, such as mean axonal diameter,
that may give a more specific estimation of regional changes than measures
derived from DTI. In the future implementation of the new methods in the
clinics may have the potential to generate more reproducible, less user-defined
tract reconstruction in patients with glioma.
Several important issues are the focus of current basic
and clinical research: function, importance, vulnerability and indispensability
of each pathway in reference to network functionality. Gliomas infiltrating the
perisylvian region on the dominant hemisphere offer a unique opportunity to
identify gray and white matter structures that are essential for speech
production. In a study on 19 right-handed patients it was shown that gliomas
growing in the ventrolateral aspect of the left frontal lobe may cause mild to
moderate speech deficits. Gliomas growing in the left VPCG were much more
likely to cause speech deficits than gliomas infiltrating the IFG, including
Broca area. MR DTI tractography was valuable to demonstrate that lesion
extension to the AF was a requisite for the appearance of aphasia in brain
tumor patients(42). Patients with
glioma infiltrating either the IFG or the VPCG without involvement of the
AF-direct segment did not show conduction aphasia.
A prominent role for the insula in speech production has
been suggested by an MRI study in 25 stroke patients with a deficit in motor
planning of articulatory movements(27). All patients
with the deficit had lesions that included a discrete region of the dominant
precentral gyrus of the insula, but not all had a lesion in pars opercularis.
This area was completely spared in other 19 stroke patients without these
articulation deficit. fMRI studies have confirmed the important role of the
insula for motor planning of speech. However, patients with diffuse LGG
infiltrating the insula, the temporal stem and the anterior temporal region
have normal scores on language tests despite large tumor size.
In conclusion, fMRI and DTI provide unique information
that has been changing presurgical evaluation of patients with brain gliomas,
and in particular when the mass is located nearby eloquent areas. Virtual
dissection of the major white matter tracts should be used only as a road map
for presurgical planning and as guidance for intraoperative subcortical ESM.
Clinical studies with MR
diffusion tractography are showing that lesion extention to the white matter
pathways (i.e. AF and IFOF) connecting frontal to parietal and temporal speech regions
is an important mechanism for the appearance of aphasia.
More advanced diffusion imaging methods such as Noddi and
Spherical Deconvolution are being implemented to meet the challenges of
presurgical planning in patients with a brain tumor.
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