Microstructural Features Accessible from Diffusion MRI
Sune Jespersen


Diffusing spins probe length scales on the order of 2–10 µm during typical diffusion weighted MRI experiments, and their trajectories are therefore shaped by the tissue structure on this scale. The exciting prospect is that diffusion MRI can provide detailed quantitative information of microstructural properties, surpassing the nominal image resolution by orders of magnitude. Achieving this goal depends on biophysical modelling and subsequent validation. The purpose of this lecture is to give the audience an understanding of the principles underlying the quantification of microstructural tissue features from diffusion MRI, as well as the potential and the pitfalls.


-extraction of microstructural features from diffusion MRI relies mainly on biophysical modelling

-biophysical modelling and mathematical representations are two different things

-biophysical models must be validated

-accessible microstructural features include aspects of fiber orientation distributions, compartment shape and dimensions, permeabilities, tortuosity of the extracellular space, volume fractions and intrinsic diffusivities.

Target audience

Scientists and clinicians interested in modelling and measuring tissue microstructure


The purpose of this lecture is to give the audience an understanding of the principles underlying the quantification of microstructural tissue features from diffusion MRI. These principles most often involve biophysical modelling of tissue and subsequent validation. I will critically review some current models, their assumptions, and the state of validation.


Diffusing spins probe length scales on the order of 2 to 10 µm during the typical diffusion weighted MRI experiments, and their trajectories are therefore highly shaped by the tissue structure on this scale. This sensitivity is reflected in the diffusion signal, which basically measures statistics of spin trajectories. The exciting prospect of this is, of course, that with the right approach, diffusion MRI can provide detailed quantitative information of microstructural properties of tissue, surpassing the nominal image resolution by orders of magnitude. Achieving this goal is highly dependent on adequate biophysical modelling and subsequent validation. Biophysical modelling involves applying the principles of physics to identify the relevant features of tissue structure, aiming to reduce the vast complexity of real tissue microstructure to a few tractable degrees of freedom. Such modelling depends on having a clear picture of tissue microstructure. Subsequent validation, for example using histology, is crucial, as model fitting quality is an insufficient indicator of model appropriateness. These considerations are particularly acute in diffusion MRI, where a plethora of models claiming to measure axonal diameter distributions, dispersion, neurite density, intra-and extracellular diffusivities etc., have been put forward. On the experimental side, most approaches are still based on the classical Stejskal-Tanner (1) pulse sequence, its stimulated echo counterpart (2), or variations thereof. Combined with biophysical modelling, this sequence has been proposed to be sensitive to compartment dimensions such as surface to volume fraction(3), axon diameters(4-6), neurite dispersion and density (7-10), neurite beading(11), and membrane permeability (12-14). Ideally, such measurements sample the Fourier transform of the average propagator (15), describing the distribution of spin translational displacements. Microstructural features are subsequently estimated from the best fit of the predicted signal to the observed data. Hence, modelling amounts to studying the form of the diffusion propagator and its relation to tissue microstructure. Often, the diffusion propagator has been obtained using known exact solutions of the diffusion equation as building blocks, such as cylinders and spheres, taken to represent neurites (axons and dendrites) and cell bodies respectively. In contrast, the seminal result by Mitra et al. (3) demonstrating the short time diffusivity to depend on the surface to volume ratio does not depend on a particular geometry, but rather is a more fundamental result of having pores or compartments with reflecting walls. Recently, significant progress has been made to by the use of so-called effective medium theory(16,17), which again does not rely on a particular geometric view of tissue structure, but describes it as a disordered medium from the point of view of the diffusing spins. This approach identifies properties such as membrane permeability and disorder class (e.g. statistics of fiber packing) as relevant degrees of freedom obtainable by diffusion MRI. Recently, novel pulse sequences using generalized diffusion gradient waveforms have been developed and applied, including oscillating gradients (18,19), multiple diffusion encoding (20-23), and (24-26). Their motivation lies in practicalities for probing e.g. the short diffusion time regimes, or their ability to assess novel microstructural facets such as pore anisotropy (20-22,27-32) or pore shape (33) in a model independent way. Another example is the long-narrow gradient approach by Laun et al. (33,34), pores are imaged directly without the use of modelling. The basic idea is to convert the diffusion experiment to an imaging experiment with the second pulsed gradient acting as an imaging gradient, while using the first pulsed gradient to translate all pores to a common centre of mass frame. Validation is currently based primarily on computer simulations and histology. Computer simulations can be used to verify that one has identified the appropriate degrees of freedom, given that the input picture of microstructure is correct — this by itself of course cannot be validated with computer simulations. Histology on the other hand is used to compare the obtained microstructural features from diffusion MRI to independent measurements, and is typically based on standard optical microscopy (including confocal and fluorescence), electron microscopy, and polarized light imaging. The methods range from qualitative analysis such as visual comparison, quantitative but indirect approaches such as for example optical staining density (7), structure tensor analysis(35-37), Fourier analysis(38), to quantitive and direct approaches typically based on stereology (7). In most cases, the employed histological approach strictly speaking cannot be considered model validation, but rather correlation of model parameters to histological parameters. This by itself can be very useful, but the correlations can be coincidental and a consequence of the diffusion signal having sensitivity to the given histological feature. Another, perhaps more powerful, means of validating is based on examining the functional dependency of diffusion measurements, such as Mitra’s $$$\sqrt{t}$$$ prediction for the time-dependent diffusion coefficient (3,12,39). Such an approach is common e.g. in physics, where direct validation is frequently not possible, but is so far less widespread in diffusion MRI. On the other hand, maximum likelihood and other measures of fitness quality is not validation, and have shortcomings even in identifying the correct microstructural model among candidates that include the known ground truth.


Below is an incomplete list of examples of microstructural features potentially accessible from diffusion MRI
- Axon diameters. This is most often achieved by modelling axons as cylinders and fitting the diffusion signal. The main limitation is diffusion gradient strength (40,41) and possibly subdominance of the diffusion signal from axons at clinically relevant diffusion times (42). Comparison with histology shows a general overestimation of axonal radii.
- Neurite orientation distribution. There is relatively good evidence from histology that diffusion MRI can capture at least basic aspects of the orientation distributions of neurites(36,37,43).
- Neurite beading. Although neurite beading has not been quantified from diffusion-weighted MRI yet, it has been shown to affect the diffusion signal (11)(possibly along with axonal varicosities(17)) and could possibly explain the celebrated decrease in diffusivity observed in stroke.
- Permeability. Measurements of permeability have been reported using modelling to the Stejskal-Tanner pulse sequence, or using the filtered exchange paradigm (44-46). Permeability is difficult to validate independently, except from blood cells, where good agreement has been found with diffusion derived estimates(12).
- Disorder class. Computer simulations verify that the nature of the disorder (disorder class) determines the time dependence of the diffusivity (17). This was validated with phantoms in (42)
- Pore shape. Computer simulations and phantom experiments using Xenon (34,47) have shown good agreement with pore shape imaging. Main limitations for use in biological tissue are the assumption of identical pores shapes and orientations, gradient strength and SNR.
- Microscopic diffusion anisotropy (compartment anisotropy). Validated/evaluated in phantoms (48), in a yeast cell model system (20) and with histology of human brain tumors (49).


The potential for diffusion MRI to extract and quantify tissue microstructure noninvasively is exciting. Nevertheless, several challenges remain, especially concerning the validation of proposed models and their parameters, which is still quite limited. Hardware limitations, especially gradient strength, is a severe practical constraint when assessing small compartment dimensions.


The author wishes to acknowledge discussions with colleagues, in particular with Valerij Kiselev and Dmitry Novikov: Some of the content presented here is part of a common work in progress. Financial support from the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation’s University Investment Grant (MINDLab), the Lundbeck Foundation R83-A7548 and Simon Fougner Hartmans Familiefond.


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Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 24 (2016)