MRI-guided interventions use a continuous stream
of images to perform an invasive procedure on the patient inside the MRI
scanner bore. Interventional MRI demands
rapid image acquisition, rapid image reconstruction and rapid image processing
to achieve this task. Furthermore, MR-guided interventions require simultaneous
visualization of interventional devices and interactive control of imaging. Here,
the real-time imaging methods used for MR-guided procedures will be described. Highlights
· Fast image acquisition and fast image reconstruction
can be used to provide a continuous stream of images (~10frames/s) for procedural
guidance in the MRI scanner
· Visualization of devices alongside tissue is
essential for procedural guidance.
· Interactive control of image contrast and slice
geometry is useful in the interventional MRI environment
Target Audience
Scientists and clinicians interested in guiding invasive
procedures using real-time MRI.
The flexibility of MRI contrast makes it appealing for image-guided
diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Standard MRI sequences can provide
anatomical, functional and physiological information valuable for
pre-procedural planning and intra-procedural imaging. Furthermore, a rapid
stream of MR images can be used to guide an invasive procedure in a patient
inside of the MRI scanner.
The technical demands of interventional MRI differ from
those of diagnostic MRI. To generate images during an interventional procedure,
we require fast image acquisition, reconstruction and processing. Moreover, MRI
procedural guidance necessitates interactive control of image orientation and
image contrast, as well as simultaneous visualization of tissue and
interventional devices [1].
Real-time MRI guidance can be used to perform a number of
clinical procedures, including tissue biopsy, brain stimulator lead placement, brachytherapy
seed delivery, high intensity focused ultrasound ablation and endovascular
procedures. This presentation will outline the technology requirements to achieve
this real-time MR imaging.
Real-time imaging sequences
The frame-rate used for MRI-guidance
depends on the needs of the procedure. For example, endovascular interventions
typically require 5-10 frames/s for safe device navigation, whereas MRI-guided
biopsies may use an image every few seconds. MRI must compete with traditional
image guidance by X-Ray fluoroscopy or ultrasonography providing upwards of 20 frames/s.
The necessary image weighting and signal-to-noise must be
achieved rapidly. For very high frame-rate applications, balanced steady-state
free precession (bSSFP) imaging provides the optimal image quality [2], however different image weighting may be preferred for specific applications.
Fully sampled Cartesian bSSFP can generate approximately 3 frames/s (eg. TE/TR
= 1.27/2.54 ms, matrix = 192x 144). Parallel imaging using GRAPPA or SENSE are
commonly used to improve frame rates. Alternatively, EPI and spiral imaging are also
appealing to achieve higher frame rates, but require real-time distortion
correction [3].
Real-time imaging for procedural guidance is not gated or breath-held.
Entire images are acquired as quickly as possible and imaging is run
continuously with multiple slices updating in rapid succession (Figure 1).
Magnetization preparations can be toggled on/off to alter
image contrast interactively throughout procedure. Commonly, non-selective saturation pulses are
added to improve visualization of gadolinium-containing devices [4].
Flow-sensitive preparations can eliminate blood signal while maintaining tissue
and gadolinium signal during endovascular procedures [5]
(Figure 2). Inversion pulses can be added to provide T1 weighting and improve targeting
of pathology [6].
More advanced techniques for cardiovascular procedures include volume selective
pulses for MRI angiography [7]
and interactive color flow [8].
Rapid image reconstruction
For interventional MRI, fast image acquisition is only
valuable if it is paired with fast image reconstruction. Very little latency
between image acquisition and display is acceptable in this setting. Vendor-provided
reconstruction software is capable of processing standard Cartesian imaging in
real-time, however additional reconstruction tools may be required for non-standard
imaging (eg. non-Cartesian imaging, complex parallel imaging schemes).
Coil array compression can be used to reduce the computation
burden of reconstruction [9].
Graphics processing unit (GPU) accelerated computing can generate significant
improvements in reconstruction time [10],
but require additional hardware. External reconstruction computers outfitted
with necessary hardware can be used for real-time inline reconstruction using
open-source software (eg. Gadgetron [11]).
Furthermore, cluster or cloud computing can assist with fast reconstruction [12].
Device visualization
Real-time visualization of interventional devices is also
essential for MRI-guided procedures. Device visualization in broadly divided
into passive and active visualization. Passive visualization relies on native
device properties creating contrast in MRI images. For example, gadolinium
filling can be used for catheter visualization [13, 4].
Metallic devices, such as biopsy needles, can be visualized using the signal
void in images, emphasized in gradient echo imaging with lengthened TE, or positive
contrast methods [14-16].
Active visualization uses embedded receiver electronics to
generate a unique device signal that can be separated from the rest of the
receiver array. The active device signal can
be overlaid in color on MR images, and projection images can be used for
accurate device localization when devices move out-of-plane [17].
Point source microcoils require only 3 orthogonal echoes for localization enabling
very fast device tracking overlaid on a roadmap images [18].
Interactive imaging environments
Typically, MRI-guided procedures require real-time modification
of acceleration factor, slice-thickness, image contrast (eg. pulse sequence type, magnetization preparation), as well as graphical slice re-positioning,
multislice display, 3D display and color visualization (eg. device tracking,
MR-thermometry) [19].
Each vendor offers a real-time imaging environment, or third-party alternatives
are available. The typical infrastructure for data acquisition, reconstruction
and visualization is shown in Figure 3.
A wide variety of pulse sequences and imaging methods are
used during interventional MRI, but all applications requires fast image acquisition, fast
reconstruction and interactive control of imaging. The imaging technology is available
to make MRI guidance achievable in a clinical environment.
Thanks to Anthony Z Faranesh, Robert J Lederman and Michael S Hansen for their contributions to this work. References
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